diff options
21 files changed, 13 insertions, 116873 deletions
diff --git a/db/constants.conf b/db/constants.conf
index 5d040c0a..c306e31b 100644
--- a/db/constants.conf
+++ b/db/constants.conf
@@ -5132,6 +5132,13 @@ constants_db: {
+ comment__: "Language constants"
+ LANG_EN: 0
+ LANG_FR: 1
+ LANG_ES: 2
+ LANG_DE: 3
comment__: "Misc settings"
CHEST_WAITTIME: 900 // 15 minutes
diff --git a/langs/lang_ca.old b/langs/lang_ca.old
deleted file mode 100644
index ac296d62..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_ca.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island!
-"Això", com tu li dius, es un @@. N'està ple en aquesta illa!
-- 2 @@
-- 2 @@
-... And 1 @@.
-... I 1 @@.
-@@ is helping me.
-@@ m'està ajudant.
-A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.
-Una gran ciutat, ara la capital d'aquestes illes, anomenada Esperia, construïda en l'única illa, Aurora, on tothom viu.
-About this Esperia's Warrior Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Sobre aquest Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia, no n'estic gaire segur d'ell, francament.
-Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
-Aemil és un magnífic món desconegut per a tots nosaltres.
-All I can do is tell you that...
-Tot el que puc fer es dir-te...
-Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's a friend or a foe...#0
-D'acord, vaig a la seva habitació, vigila-la, encara no sabem si és un amic o un enemic...#0
-And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?
-I que hem dones a canvi d'aquesta informació?
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Sigues pacient una mica mes, en els pròxims dies arribarem al port d'Artis...
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Chef Gado
-Xef Gado
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Clica en els NPC del teu voltant per continuar la introducció.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0
-Sap! Estàs espantant la nostra invitada amb les teves històries.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
-Sap! Estàs espantant el nostre invitat amb les teves històries.#1
-Cookie Master
-Mestre de les Galetes
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Et puc preguntar quin es el teu idioma natiu? Un mariner m'ha dit que es rus, però un altre m'ha dit que es francès... Estic una mica perduda. Desprès ho registraré a la llista d'embarcament. #0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Et puc preguntar quin es el teu idioma natiu? Un mariner m'ha dit que es rus, però un altre m'ha dit que es francès... Estic una mica perduda. Desprès ho registraré a la llista d'embarcament. #1
-Did you say reward? I want it!
-Has dit recompensa? La vull!
-Don't mock me, my work is admirable.
-No t'en enfotis, el meu treball es admirable.
-Don't say it too loud, other people could hear us.
-No ho diguis tant fort, algú altre ens podria sentir.
-Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.
-A cada un dels grups els va ser ordenat navegar cap a diferents direccions per trobar un bon lloc per viure.
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.
-L'Elmo m'ha informat sobre alguns problemes entre el meu nou i l'antic tinent. Segurament ja hauràs conegut la Julia i en Gado, el chef.
-Elven Voice
-Veu d'elf
-Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.
-Encara quan no havien escoltat rés sobre altres grups, van decidir començar una nova vida en aquesta illa, plena d'animals nocius.
-Fine, tell me, who are these mysterious aliens?
-D'acord, dis-me, qui son aquests misteriosos aliens?
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
-Escolta'm *hic* bé, loquemai tu*hic* has dit de... eeh... de que?! T'he vist allà, el Gremi Guerrer d'Esèria no deixarà que es faci públic.
-Hey Max, it's @@!
-Ei Max, ell es @@!
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about this again...
-Com has pogut... Vam dir que no parlaríem més sobre això...
-How was the cookie? Tasty, wasn't it?
-Com estava la galeta? Gustosa, no?
-However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
-No obstant això, la sequera va arribar amb l'estiu i els hiverns es van fer més freds que mai.
-I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
-No estic preocupat per les recompenses. Només vull a ajudar.
-I can't help you to be on my list, nor can I give you a cookie for free.
-Jo no et puc ajudar a estar a la llista i tampoc et puc donar una galeta de gratis.
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-No tinc res de bo per a tu avui.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Ara mateix no necessito la teva ajuda, torna més tard.
-I don't see anything else than... water?
-No veig res més que... aigua?
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ and...
-Només necessito 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ i...
-I speak Dutch.
-Jo parlo Holandès.
-I speak English.
-Jo parlo Anglès.
-I speak Flemish.
-Jo parlo Flamenc.
-I speak French.
-Jo parlo Francès.
-I speak German.
-Jo parlo Alemany.
-I speak Italian.
-Jo parlo Italià.
-I speak Polish.
-Jo parlo Polonès.
-I speak Portuguese.
-Jo parlo Portuguès.
-I speak Russian.
-Jo parlo Rus.
-I speak Spanish.
-Jo parlo Espanyol.
-I think that my wine has a great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Crec que el meu vi te una molt bona qualitat! Es la meva segona ampolla i... De que estàvem parlant?
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!
-No soc tant insensible eeh *hic* el que has desco... *hic*... bert allà. el Gremi Guerrer no m'atraparà!
-If you see weird things, or things that shouldn't be here, or even things that you would like to see there...
-Si veus coses estranyes o coses que no haurien de ser aquí, o fins i tot que t'agradaria veure...
-If you want another one, you know what to do!
-Si en vols una altra, ja saps que has de fer!
-It is them who tell me to whom I can give cookies.
-Són ells qui hem diuen a qui puc donar galetes.
-It looks like madam is curious, am I right?
-Sembla que la senyoreta es curiosa, o no?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#0
-Sembla que siguis una experta en la vida dins de "La Johanne". Saps algun secret amagat que ningú més sàpiga?#0
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#1
-Sembla que siguis un expert en la vida dins de "La Johanne". Saps algun secret amagat que ningú més sàpiga?#1
-It seems mister is curious, are you not?
-Sembla que el senyor es curiós, o no?
-Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.
-Els seus habitants no coneixien cap tipus d'horror i en pau vivien ja que la terra els donava donar tot el que necessitaven per viure.
-Max and Sapartan for example?
-En Max i l'Spartan per exemple?
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!#1
-Potser ell era un dels que es van perdre el mes passat? Els yoiis d'Esperia que tenien una missió secreta del Gremi Guerrer!#1
-My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-Amic meu, no he sigut un mariner sempre, saps. Una vega vaig ser algú important!#1
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0
-No i *hic*... No, tu ni el teu estuid...*burp* estupid *hic* gremi!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1
-No i *hic*... No, tu ni el teu estuid...*burp* estupid *hic* gremi!#1
-No problem, I can help you anyway.
-Cap problema, et puc ajudar de totes maneres.
-No, sorry.
-No, ho sento.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Ara ves a fora i parla amb en Gugli, ell et dirà que necessitem.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#0
-Es clar que si! Només escolta atentament les meves paraules estimada.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#1
-Es clar que si! Només escolta atentament les meves paraules estimada.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
-Oh no, però m'he adonat d'una estranya llum a l'altra punta de l'illa, hem pregunto que pot ser...
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Oh bé. També et donaré un d'aquests barrets de la caixa prop teu, però únicament després de que finalitzis les teves tasques.
-Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
-Oh, i l'Olga de la plaça del mercat també.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Si, estic preparat pel treball!#0
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-D'acord, estic preparat per treballar!#1
-Orc Voice
-Veu d'orc
-People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.
-La gent va començar a robar als altres per sobreviure. A mesura que les ciutats van créixer les necessitats també. I van començar les guerres per les terres fèrtils.
-Simply contact them, help them and be kind. They might surely add you to my cookie list!
-Simplement contacta'ls, ajuda'ls i siguis amable. Així segurament t'afegiran a la llista!
-So you're under the control of dictators, that's... reassuring.
-Així que estàs sota les ordres dels dictadors, això es... tranquil·litzant.
-So, do you still want a cookie now?
-Així que, encara vols una galeta?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?#1
-Així que, quin propòsit t'ha portat aquí? Estaves en aquell rai per a conèixer la meva Julia? O volies veure les boniques cambreres d'Artis?#1
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
-Ho sento, no estic d'humor per una altra batalla amb aquests rattos
-Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later.
-Ho sento, ara mateix no requereixo ajuda. Torna d'aquí una estona.
-Sure, there is a reward for your task.
-Es clar, hi ha recompensa per el teu treball.
-Thank you sir for you nice words. I am feeling better now.
-Gracies senyor per les teves bones paraules. Ara hem sento millor.
-Thanks for helping me!
-Gràcies per ajudar-me!
-The adventure begins!
-L'aventura comença!
-The best, the wonderful, the best cookie between all others, the...
-La millor, la esplèndida, la millor galeta de totes, la...
-The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.
-El gran poble de Aemil es va dividir en tres grups en arribar a la costa.
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Encara queden alguns rattos! Bols avortar la missió?
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...
-Aquests crocotrees estan plens de yaying @@, però també son durs de colpejar...
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I don't feel my arms anymore!
-Aquestes caixes tan pesants m'estan matant. No hem sento els braços!
-They are so tasty when cooked together with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-Son molt gustosos cuinats junts amb una mica de @@. No en llancis cap!
-This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-Es un bon lloc... Hi ha bones noies.
-This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!
-I això es tot, el final de la Segona Beta d'Evol Online!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will take your flesh as the main ingredient for my cookie recipe.
-Aquesta es l'última. Si la malgastes un altre cop, faré servir la teva carn com a ingredient principal de la meva pròxima recepta de galetes.
-This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Te sentit. Creus que hauriem d'informar al capità sobre això?
-This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.
-Aquest nou continent, en realitat un arxipèlag, va ser anomenat Andorra.
-Too bad I'm not hungry enough right now for these... cookies. I'll maybe come back later.
-Llàstima no estic prou afamat per aquestes... galetes. Potser torno d'aquí una estona.
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-UAJAJAJAJAAJ! Soc el cuiner d'aquesta colla d'ases i puc ser tant grosser com vulgui des d'aquest manaire capità fins aquella dona-harpia!
-Wait... That's not the place for a chef, what are you doing here?
-Espera... Aquest no es lloc per a un xef, que estàs fent aquí?
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#0
-Esperem que t'hagi agradat aquesta mostra i que et puguem veure en futures versions!#0
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#1
-Esperem que t'hagi agradat aquesta mostra i que et puguem veure en futures versions!#1
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Warrior Guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Hauriem d'estar allà en pocs dies, una vegada arribem, advertiré al Gremi Guerrer sobre lo que ha passat, estic segur que ens podran ajudar.
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#0
-Bé, si bols ser una dels que poden tenir galetes...#0
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#1
-Bé, si bols ser un dels que poden tenir galetes...#1
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Bé... Benvinguda a bord, monada!#0
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#1
-Bé... Benvinguda a bord, monada!#1
-What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.
-Venc mercaderies de totes parts d'aquest arxipèlag.
-What if I give you 1000 Esperin for that job, is it ok?
-Que passa si et dono 1000 Esperin per aquest treball, està bé?
-What? It's not a good reward?
-Que? No es una bona recompensa?
-What? This reward is too small!
-Que? Aquesta recompensa es massa petita!
-What? Why? They aren't sexier than me, why do you want to see them?
-Que? Per què? No són més sexis que jo, per què els vols veure?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they use to do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-Mentre es suportin l'un a l'altre, com acostumen a fer al vaixell. L'última vegada que els he vist, estaven a prop del gran llac, al nord.
-Yes, why not.
-Si, per que no?
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, es el logotip de Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia! Hem pregunto què estava fent aquest yoiis tant lluny de la costa.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, es el logotip de Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia! Hem pregunto què estava fent aquesta yoiis tant lluny de la costa.#1
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Yeye, encara no has agafat la teva roba!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-Yeye, encara no has agafat la teva roba!#1
-You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
-Ja has agafat un mocador, per favor deixa aquest una altra vegada a la caixa.
-You open the treasure chest.
-Obres el cofre del tresor.
-You see, my cookies are restricted to a certain type of people...
-Ja ho veus, les meves galetes estan restringides a un tipus de gent...
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-Has estat yaying dormint una mica de temps, la nostra tinent, la Julia, estava aquí amb tu, ha fet tot el que va poder per curar-te les ferides.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-Has estat yaying dormint una mica de temps, la nostra tinent, la Julia, estava aquí amb tu, ha fet tot el que va poder per curar-te les ferides.#1
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Ja veuràs, els ciutadans són educats i encara pots demanar ajuda al Gremi Guerrer. Et poden ajudar a trobar feina o ajudar-te a esbrinar el que et va passar al mar!
diff --git a/langs/lang_ca.txt b/langs/lang_ca.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8394e80a..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_ca.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14980 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Evol Online
- BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)
- Party: '%s' | Guild: '%s'
- Users: %d/%d | Password: %s | Public: %s
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>).
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>).
- @send <packet hex number> {<value>}*
- @send len <packet hex number>
- Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"
- - Available in shops only.
--Disponible només en botigues.
- - Common mobs with highest drop chance (only max %d are listed):
- - Item is not dropped by any mobs.
- - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%%
- - Monsters don't drop this item.
- -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d --
- -- Player %s has rejected the duel --
- -- Player %s invites %s to duel --
- -> (card(s):
- -> (crafted item, creator id: %u, star crumbs %d, element %d)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, named)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, unnamed)
- -> (produced item, creator id: %u)
- -> Player %s has accepted the duel --
- <- Player %s has left the duel --
- ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- ATK:%d~%d MATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d
- Drops:
- Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d
- MVP Bonus EXP:%u
- MVP Items:
- and %d second
- and %d seconds
- | equipped:
-"@@", I like this name!
-"@alootid reset" will clear your autolootitem list.
-"Mister Piou, good day to you.
-"My good Sir,
-##BWARNING:##b you are about to permanently empty the quote database.
-% 10s
-% 5d
-%d - void
-%d GMs found.
-%d commands found.
-%d day
-%d dia
-%d days
-%d dies
-%d hour
-%d hora
-%d hours
-%d hores
-%d item(s) found in %d %s slots.
-%d item(s) removed by a GM.
-%d item(s) removed from the player.
-%d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items.
-%d items are dropped!
-%d items have been refined.
-%d minute
-%d minut
-%d minutes
-%d minuts
-%d monster(s) summoned!
-%d players found in map '%s'.
-%d players found.
-%d results found.
-%d: Accessory (Left)
-%d: Accessory (Right)
-%d: Body Armor
-%d: Costume Garment
-%d: Costume Headgear (Low)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Top)
-%d: Garment
-%d: Hand (Left)
-%d: Hand (Right)
-%d: Headgear (Low)
-%d: Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Headgear (Top)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Costume)
-%d: Refine All Equip (General)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Shadow)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Left)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Right)
-%d: Shadow Armor
-%d: Shadow Shield
-%d: Shadow Shoes
-%d: Shadow Weapon
-%d: Shoes
-%s %d %s
-%s %s %s
-%s %s allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
-%s :Main: %s
-%s People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you.
-%s allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere.
-%s and %s will show this informative and absurdely big tutorial book.
-%s clears the text box.
-%s data type is not supported :%u
-%s determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison.
-%s displays amount of currently connected players.
-%s drains his mug in one long sip, then hesitates.
-%s explains how to use all client commands.
-%s failed
-%s failed.
-%s failed. Player not found.
-%s has bought your item(s).
-%s helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow.
-%s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes
-%s is Unknown Command.
-%s is empty
-%s is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it.
-%s lists even more advanced commands, but some of them can only be used by admins or GM's.
-%s recalled!
-%s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts)
-%s shows the name of the map you are in.
-%s shows the number of people in the neighbourhood.
-%s spawns in:
-%s takes a sip.
-%s value is now :%d
-%s value is now :%s
-%s will help when the client starts lagging. If you see an attack but no monsters, that's the cause.
-%s will tell you all the rules once again.
-%s: %d
-%s??? What a ripoff!
-'%s' Channel is password protected (usage: %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-'%s' and his/her partner are now divorced.
-'%s' channel color updated to '%s'
-'%s' is not a known channel option
-'%s' is not a known costume
-'%s' is not a known permission.
-'%s' is not married.
-'%s' skill and stat points have been reset.
-'%s' skill points reset.
-'%s' stats points reset.
-'%s' stats:
-'Hey anyone there?'
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty on this island!
-(@request): %s
-(All items must be placed exactly in this order for cooking work.)
-(Click on us to continue the introduction.)
-(You hear a faint sound in distance, but can't say what sound it was.)
-* :%s %s: *
-* @@ @@
-* Skill ID: @@
-*Bang bang*
-*Imitate a thunder's sound.*
-*Imitar el soroll d'un tro.*
-*Uff*, *Argh*, why don't you give me some help?
-*Uff*, *Argh*, per què no m'ajudes una mica?
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*Uff*... El n
-*sniff sniff*
-- #%s ( %d users )
-- %s
-- %s (%d)
-- 2 @@es
-- Ale
-- Ale
-- Astapolos
-- Astapolos
-- Available Costumes
-- Gulukan
-- Gulukan
-- I currently need your help with @@.
-- Jalad
-- Jalad
-- Q'Muller
-- Q'Muller
-- Tibbo
-- Tibbo
-- adds or removes <option name> with <option value> to <channel name> channel
-- bans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- binds your global chat to <channel name>, making anything you type in global be sent to the channel
-- changes <channel name> color to <color name>
-- creates a new channel
-- leaves <channel name>
-- lists all banned characters from <channel name> channel
-- lists colors available to select for custom channels
-- lists public channels
-- unbans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- unbans everyone from <channel name>
-- unbinds your global chat from its attached channel (if bound)
--- %s
--- %s ban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s banlist <channel name>
--- %s bindto <channel name>
--- %s create <channel name> <channel password>
--- %s leave <channel name>
--- %s list
--- %s list colors
--- %s setcolor <channel name> <color name>
--- %s setopt <channel name> <option name> <option value>
--- %s unban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s unbanall <channel name>
--- %s unbind
--- '%s' ban list
--- Available options
--- Continues on Volume II --
--- Continues on Volume III --
--- Continues on Volume IV --
--- Displaying first %d partial matches
--- Permission List
--- Public Channels
--- User '%s' Permissions
---- Available options:
------ Chats in Map -----
------ NPCs in Map -----
------ Players in Map -----
------- %s items list of '%s' ------
------- Map Flags ------
------- Map Info ------
-... and 1 @@.
-... i 1 @@.
-...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks.
-...I mean log! Made of log!
-...It'll most likely attack you, instead.
- might be because of Don... he is the master blacksmith of this place and a model to me!
-...who knows if there isn't a secret in that?
-/q [Player Name]
-1 GM found.
-1 item has been refined.
-1 player found in map '%s'.
-1 player found.
-1. ##BDo not bot##b, this means you are not allowed to perform any AFK (away from keyboard) activity, apart from standing idle.
-1: The type of item yoiis want to dye.
-1x @@, 3x @@, 2x @@, and the ingredient of your choice.
-2. ##BDo not use offensive/rude language##b in the chats or in your character(s) name(s).
-2: What material it is made from.
-3. ##BDo not spam/flood other players.##b This includes chat spam and spam by trade requests.
-3: Which colorants can dye it.
-4. ##BSpeak only English in public areas.##b You can speak whatever language you want through whispers or whenever everyone in the area can speak said language.
-4: How many cards your item can contain.
-5 Piberries Infusions
-5 boxes... Alright, @@ are my speciality!
-5. ##BDo not beg others##b for money, items or favours of any kind. If you want to ask for something, do it politely and only once. Try not to annoy other players.
-6. ##BFollow the [@@|ESC@@]##b (Evol Social Convention).
-7. ##BDo not multibox.##b You are not allowed to engage in combat while controlling more than one character at a time.
-???: Hey! Is someone there? Please, help, it's so dark down here!
-@@ @@ @@
-@@ and @@ just got married!
-@@ divorced!
-@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!
-@@ registered for marriage. Waiting for partner...
-@@ skillfully cuts the bread in half, throws the ingredients in air, and they land in the sandwich!
-@@/@@ pages used.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-@@? Benvingut amor meu!#0
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-@@? Benvingut amor meu!#1
-@discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings.
-@request sent.
-@resyncall is the more powerful version of @resync. It'll reload everything, even the clouds if needed.
-@toevent will warp you to event island, if an event is happening, of course.
-@ucp allows you to manage your account, eg. recover lost email.
-A GM has discharged you from jail.
-A band of adventurers formed in Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families. They visited the three permanent human settlements: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-A cookie!
-Una galeta!
-A critical hit deals added damage and disregards defense. A critical always hit, although it can be blocked just fine.
-A few minutes passed, and suddenly I was practically surrounded by a dozen or more of these living trees!
-A great city, eventually to become larger than the cities of Ancea, rose on the coast of Aemil. This city was named Esperia.
-A headache hits you and you lose your concentration.
-A large tree was found in a deep cave underneath the island of Candor. Despise the darkness of the cave and absence of leaves, the tree grew strong. It gave light off itself and its energy empowered the wizards.
-A rabbit!
-A small lie is really just a fib, and I could really use some cash...
-A stat card works on different pieces of equipment.
-A strange voice seems to be calling out your name.
-A sunny and hot day,
-Un dia calorós i solejat,
-A week ago, I was going to chop down one of those twigleaf trees in the forest to the southwest.
-A young apprentice called Chelios might be waiting outside, speak to him, and return the package to me.
-A-hoy matey!
-ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d
-Able to write a poem
-Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.
-Els mariners a bord estan tractant de comunicar-se amb tu.
-About the Legion of Aemil, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Accepted the quest
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#0
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#1
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#0
-De fet, he vingut aquí per a treballar.#0
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#1
-De fet, he vingut aquí per a treballar.#1
-Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life.
-Actualment, tinc un profund coneixement d'aquest tipus de vida.
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Actually, it's been a long day.
-Actually, you just took a bounty, right?
-Add a new line
-Aemil was once a magnificent land unknown to us all.
-Aemilean Era. Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis held power of their surrounding lands, except for the Land Of Fire and Keshlam City.
-After I chopped off a few branches, the whole tree started to move!
-After I shook it off and struck the tree again with my axe, another branch hit me!
-After a tiring, yet fast, travel by Koga, you arrive at @@.
-After all this time, it was still there!
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#0
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#1
-After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.
-Després de triar la teva arma, també has de saber com utilitzar-la.
-After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert!
-After the Mana War, the Ancea continent was mostly destroyed. It would take years to nature start repairing the damage of the event.
-After this small overview of Artis, what do you think of our city?
-After this war, the Raijin race was born. A race born of Magic. Humans encapsulated in a Mana storm and altered forever.
-After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading.
-Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead.
-Agi: %d (%d~%d)
-Agility greatly increases your attack speed and the chances of you dodging enemy hits.
-Ah, I didn't have much sleep, it's possible.
-Ah, seagulls. We are arriving.
-Ah, the locals like keeping them as pets.
-Ah, well, never mind.
-Ah, whom did you bring here?
-Ah... Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation.
-Ah... En Gugli... Es massa jove per entendre la nostra conversa.
-Ah... Sorry, I forgot, again.
-Ahoy, @@!
-Alan asks to find wood
-Alan bends the log over his knee.
-Alan tries as hard as he can but the log won't bend.
-Alan wants to ask Jack
-Alchemical studies are prohibited in every city of the Archipelagos, do not dare to practice it in a public zone!
-Alchemist's Laboratory
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-L'Ale i en Tibbo hauria de portar dos caixes de @@s, l'Astapolos i en Gulukan 2 més de @@s i finalment en Jalad i en Q'Muller estan encarregats de les caixes de @@s.
-Alige asks for food
-Alizarin Herb
-Alizarin Plant
-All I need is %d %s.
-All characters recalled!
-All dropped items have been cleaned up.
-All items have been repaired.
-All items stored.
-All monsters killed!
-All monsters summoned!
-All of a sudden, you hear voices from above.
-All of my money.
-All of your items have been removed.
-All online characters of the %s guild have been recalled to your position.
-All online characters of the %s party have been recalled to your position.
-All players have been kicked!
-All races were in peace until the Humans set forth to discover the Source of Magic, based on Ukar scholars studies.
-All skills have been added to your skill tree.
-All stats changed!
-All this seems unimportant to you right now.
-All you have to do is to select a bed in the upper level anytime after your reservation.
-All you need is a bit more exercise and fresh fruit in your diet!
-All your... Fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked.
-Tots els teus... Frescos ingredients estan preparats per ser cuinats.
-Alliances cannot be broken during Guild Wars!
-Alliances cannot be made during Guild Wars!
-AllowKS |
-Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the '###keyPickup;' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item.
-Almost got it!
-Already using this font.
-Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good.
-Ben fet! Yoyuna caixa més i ja estarà bé.
-Alright, I'll take one.
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's friend or foe...#0
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's friend or foe...#1
-Alright, but... You only have @@ @@, and I need @@ to do the status reset for you!
-Alright, take your time we are not in a hurry.
-Alright, well...
-Alright, you will need this shovel.
-Alright. I will go looking for them now.
-D'acord. Els aniré a buscar ara.
-Alright... Bye.
-Molt bé... Adéu.
-Also note that if you are in overweight, your natural regen will halt. 90% in weight, and you won't be able to attack.
-Also, build a reputation with the Legion. Talk to everyone. Help everyone. Prove me your worth!
-Also, most monsters get enraged and will attack whoever is closest to them, regardless of anything else.
-Also, status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
-També hem agafat la teva roba, ja que estava... Yeyeye... En males condicions. Ves a mirar el cofre al costat del teu llit, n'hi ha d'altra a dintre.#0
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
-També hem agafat la teva roba, ja que estava... Yeyeye... En males condicions. Ves a mirar el cofre al costat del teu llit, n'hi ha d'altra a dintre.#1
-Also, you'll get more experience by killing monsters stronger than you, and less experience by killing monsters weaker than you.
-Alternative clouds appeared.
-Alternative clouds have disappeared.
-Although the more powerful you are, the more plushrooms you will need.
-Although, if you want to visit a place nearby, we could take you there.
-Altough you can't get rid of the feeling someone is listening on the other side, you don't get any replies
-Amethyst Shard
-Amethyst Vein
-An explorer left behind some incomplete manuscripts about the people and dangers in the land of Kaizei.
-An invalid number was specified.
-And I bet you don't know who is in charge of monitoring the security of this place?
-And I have no mention of a so called "@@" on it!
-And by last, to speak to everyone online, besides whoever might be idling on IRC, select the '#irc' tab.
-And by the way. I know nothing about this book. And I don't know how to get more pages either.
-And get out of here, I'm not a map!
-And now I want to see you run!
-I ara et vull veure córrer!
-And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
-I ara soc mariner, com pots veure!
-And only the best logs of living wood are good enough for them.
-And rhyming is not too
-And so far, the Merchant Guild helped me find this appartment so I can't complain!
-And sure enough I ask the witch, and she has a look at it.
-And then she turns to me!
-And then what happened?
-I després que va passar?
-And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
-And tried to attract him thus.
-And what would you give me in exchange for that information?
-And when we have enough money for ourselves without needing anybody else.
-And where can I find these potions?
-And with my piou. That's wonderful. I can only imagine how hard that little bugger was to catch!
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#0
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#1
-And you, how are you doing?
-I tu, com et va?
-And you? How's it going on your side?
-I tu? Com va al teu cantó?
-And you? How's it yaying on your side?
-I tu? Com et yaying va al teu canto?
-Animals Protection Agency of Aemil
-Any boss which was previously unhittable, can be hit with appropriate number of attackers.
-Any clue on where Astapolos may be hidden?
-Alguna pista d'on pot estar l'Astapolos?
-Any contribution to the game (translations, graphics creation/edition, concepts, coding/scripting, etc...) is rewarded!
-Qualsevol contribució al joc (traducció, creació/edició de gràfics, conceptes, programar fer scripts, etc...) està recompensat!
-Any ideas on who might have taken it?
-Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.
-Anything else you want me to do?
-Anything else?
-Anyway I am glad I can give you some of these yoyoxs.
-De totes maneres estic satisfet de que et puga donar algunes d'aquestes yoyocapses.
-Anyway, can I help you in any way?
-De totes maneres, et puc ajudar d'algun mode?
-Anyway, he forgot his permit when he left the building.
-Anyway, here, have a cookie!
-De totes maneres, agafa, una galeta!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#0
-De totes maneres, si mai t'interessa, només et cal mirar la meva bossa!#0
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#1
-De totes maneres, si mai t'interessa, només et cal mirar la meva bossa!#1
-Anyway, let me know if you change your mind.
-Anyway, the guild creation is perfect for both!
-Anyway, the last time I stole something I was almost caught.
-Anyway, to make a sandwich, you'll need to place, in this order:
-Appearance Debug
-Appearance Debug - Barber
-Appearance Debug - Race
-Appearance Debug - Sex Change
-Appearance changed.
-Applying some strong-smelling liquid, he tans them to a darker hue.
-Aquada Box
-Caixa d'Aquada
-Arch Bishop
-Arch Bishop T
-Are the fish biting today?
-Are you a good blacksmith?
-Are you a native from Artis?
-Are you blind? Do you really think these boxes are light and soft as a piou's feather?!
-Estàs cec? Creus realment que aquestes caixes són lleugers i suaus com una ploma de piou!
-Are you crazy?
-Are you going to stand here all day long? Do the dishes or go away.
-T'estaràs quiet com un estaquirot tot el dia? Renta els plats o ves-te'n.
-Are you in need of some flowers?
-Are you mad?!
-Estàs enfadat?!
-Are you ok?
-Estàs be?
-Are you sure about this?#0
-Are you sure about this?#1
-Are you sure one of your troupe members didn't hide it and commit those robberies?
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#0
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#1
-Are you sure?#0
-Are you sure?#1
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#0
-Estas yayant aquí per explorar l'illa?#0
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#1
-Estas yayant aquí per explorar l'illa?#1
-Arpan gave money
-Arpan is waiting for you
-Arpan told you to open the chest
-Artis Backsword
-Artis Tank Top
-Artis is a very nice place. There are some hot chicks...
-Artis legion progress
-Artis of course!
-Artis és clar!
-As captain of this ship, I officially name this newly discovered land the ##BDrasil Island##b!
-As on anvil strikes the hammer
-As promised, here's my old scythe.
-As you may know, we are explorers on a long distance voyage, and our swashbuckling mariners need to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-As you want!
-Ask other merchants, they might know where he is.
-Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away.
-Pregunta als mariners de per aquí, no deuen d'estar gaire lluny.
-Assassin Cross
-Astapolos... That guy is shy like a piou!
-Astapolos... Aquest noi es tímid com un piou!
-At first, I thought it fell down or the wind blew it, but it hurt!
-At that time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-Ara mateix, la nostra tripulació està ocupada recol·lectant @@s, @@s, i @@s
-Atropos Mixture
-Auction is disabled
-Auldsbel discretly stuffs a book on your backpack.
-Auto loot item are disabled on this map.
-Autoloot is now off.
-Autolooting item type: '%s'
-Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' {%d}
-Autolooting items with drop rates of %0.02f%% and below.
-Autorejected alliance request from %s.
-Autorejected friend request from %s.
-Autorejected guild invite from %s.
-Autorejected opposition request from %s.
-Autorejected party invite from %s.
-Autorejected trade request from %s.
-Autorejecting is activated.
-Autorejecting is deactivated.
-Autotrade Disabled
-Autotrade Enabled
-Autotrade is not allowed in this map.
-Available Flags:
-Available aliases:
-Available commands:
-Aw, what will I do now?
-Awesome! I will wait for you here.
-Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group!
-Awesome. How many of those do you want to give me?
-Axe Hat
-Ayouyouch! My head...
-Aiaiau! El meu cap...
-Baby Acolyte
-Baby Alchemist
-Baby Arch Bishop
-Baby Archer
-Baby Assassin
-Baby Bard
-Baby Blacksmith
-Baby Crusader
-Baby Dancer
-Baby Genetic
-Baby Guillotine Cross
-Baby Hunter
-Baby Knight
-Baby Magician
-Baby Mechanic
-Baby Merchant
-Baby Minstrel
-Baby Monk
-Baby Novice
-Baby Priest
-Baby Ranger
-Baby Rogue
-Baby Royal Guard
-Baby Rune Knight
-Baby Sage
-Baby Shadow Chaser
-Baby Sorcerer
-Baby Sura
-Baby Swordsman
-Baby Thief
-Baby Wanderer
-Baby Warlock
-Baby Wizard
-Bad Bee
-Ban failed, it is not possible to ban this user.
-Bandit Boots
-Bandit Gloves
-Bandit Hood
-Bandit Lord
-Bandit Shawl
-Bandit Trousers
-Banking is disabled
-Bare Hands
-Mans nues
-Base Level: %d (%.3f%%) | Job Level: %d (%.3f%%)
-Base level can't go any higher.
-Base level can't go any lower.
-Base level lowered.
-Base level raised.
-Bat Teeth
-Dents de muricec
-Battle configuration has been reloaded.
-Battlegrounds ON
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#0
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#1
-Because I am a Kralog I can't read such things? That's rubbish.
-Because of the dense foliage, you need to go up close to the trees so you don't miss him.
-Because the voices of death sing a sweet song
-Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled.
-Becoming a Sorcerer? I want that too!
-Beer is life!
-Before I joined Nard, I used to be a thief.
-Before the end of the Mana War, a band of adventurers formed in the Ancean region of Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Abans d'anar-te'n, deixam dir-te com aconseguir @@s, perquè no sembles gaire llest.
-Behind me? It's the Blacksmith House, the most renowned throughout Aemil.
-Bent trees whistling with the beat of the drum
-Bernard sent me to get %d %s from the %s in the fields, but they scare me so bad!
-Bernard wants maggot slime
-Bernard wants roasted maggot
-Besides this, there is Seasons. You know, summer, autumn, winter and spring.
-Besides, I need to be here to watch out for thieves while La Johanne is docked.
-Better stay away from my basement, you may end up like the poor guys down there.
-Better take it back to Q'Onan.
-Beware of falling stones from the cliff!
-Beware you have a limited number of pages. Do not let the Legion or the Brotherhood find out you have one.
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Black Cotton Dye
-Black Scorpion
-Black iron... That is a very specific request that you have for me!
-Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) --
-Blue Coral
-Corall Blau
-Blue Cotton Dye
-Blue Gray Cotton Dye
-Blue Rose
-Blue Tulip
-Boss Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Bottle of Water
-Bowler Hat
-Break the door.
-Trenca la porta.
-Brimmed Feather Hat
-Barret d'ala ampla amb plomes
-Brimmed Flower Hat
-Barret d'ala ampla amb flors
-Brimmed Hat
-Barret d'ala ampla
-Bring it to me, and you will get your reward.
-Bring me a %s.
-Bring me some of these plushrooms and I will show you how it works!
-Bring them to me, and I'll give you something nice.
-Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!
-Porta-li aquesta capsa a en Gugli. Estarà molt content!
-Brown Cotton Dye
-Brown Trousers
-Pantalons marrons
-Bug Leg
-But I can't leave to catch it, so I'm asking you.
-But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry.
-Però no et puc dir res sobre això, ho sento.
-But I didn't give up!
-But I got an old scythe laying around.
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#0
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#1
-But I need to go, see you!
-Me n'he d'anar, a rebeure!
-But I still have some spikes left in my foot.
-But I swear that one day... Oh... My tasty revenge! Hhm, actually I wonder if... Maybe...
-Però et juro que un dia... Oh... La meva venjança! Hhm, hem pregunto si... Potser...
-But I wasn't there that night.
-But I'll no longer chop those twigleafs, I'll tell you that.
-But I'm almost out of @@...
-But all she says is, “had you stayed inside, you wouldn't be wet now”.
-But anyway, take the road which goes to the north to find everybody.
-Però de totes maneres, agafa el camí que va cap al nord per trobar-los a tots.
-But be careful: do not scream by using a lot of capital letters, do not repeat yourself over and over, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized.
-But discovering new territories is probably the best thing that can happen to sailors, don't you think?
-But don't you worry! I don't know how to get you back your memories, but we can work on your muscles for now!
-But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.
-Però per ara, et pots relaxar al vaixell, o visitar l'illa on hem atracat! És una petita illa, però un bon lloc per estirar les cames una mica.
-But he just told me to leave him alone.
-But he never returned.
-But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-But how I got there is kind of scary...
-But if you and other players surrounds the monster instead, they'll suffer the same penalties!
-But if you fail, you will have to get them from the alchemist.
-But if you need to deal with more burocratic stuff, go talk to Q'Anon. He is the boss here.
-But if you really want to accomplish something, you should consider joining us.
-But if you tell my sister, that you didn't find me, I can stay here all day, eating apples and enjoying the view.
-But in the future I might be able to help you create some of your own.
-But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods.
-Però parlem sobre aquesta illa. Hem atracat aquí per a trobar vens de bona qualitat.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
-Però més important, ella es qui et va cuidar quan estaves inconscient.#0
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
-Però més important, ella es qui et va cuidar quan estaves inconscient.#1
-But my luck left me, because as soon as I left his house, the guards started chasing me.
-But rare are those that receive grants from the Legion itself. For anybody else only a hard work can pay your bills!
-But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.
-Però recorda qua avui en dia no estàs segur a tot arreu. Fins i tot les blanques platges per on camines poden amagar criatures perilloses.
-But since it's not dummies that will go after you out there, this training won't be enough.
-But something like “Nanaj princino”, I think.
-But still, you open your eyes and see a large ship before you!
-But thank you anyway! I can refund him now!
-But the last time I asked him for a new delivery he said that he would never again get any for me.
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#0
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#1
-But there is no skill to be learnt from this boss.
-But they are too fast.
-But we are quite lucky here, outside of some tipsy travelers there are no big problems around here, it's not like the capital, Esperia.
-But who am I?
-Però qui soc?
-But you are out of the boss level range.
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#0
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#1
-But you do not have enough Magic Ink. (You need: @@ @@)
-But you ran out of empty pages on this book.
-But you should've seen that gaze!
-But you won't *hic* me this time...
-Però aquesta vegada no m'... *hic*
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. At least not yet.#1
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. At least not yet.#0
-But... something is missing to make the soup creamy.
-By the way, I'm Lozerk. Lieutenant Lozerk.
-By the way, did you ever talk with Don?
-By the way, stay sharp! I may call upon you again.
-Bye for now.
-Bye then!
-C'mon, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-Camel Cotton Dye
-Can I be of any help?
-Can I craft them myself?
-Can I read the rules again?
-Can I read these rules again?
-Puc llegir les normes un altra vegada?
-Can create guild
-Can create party
-Can do the quest
-Can you do something with my color?
-Can you make me a really good bow?
-Can you please go away?
-Can you please go there and find him? He is probably hiding in one of those trees, like always.
-Can you reset my stats please?
-Can you verify that with his wife?
-Can't create chat rooms in this area.
-Can't show boss mobs!
-Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty.
-Can't talk right now.
-Can't walk without stopping after every step
-Can't you remember anything at all? Or do you have some memories of your past?
-Can't you see I am reading? If you need something, tell me the secret password.
-Can't you see I am reading? Please go, please.
-Can't you see I'm busy?
-Can't you see I'm working?!
-No pots veure que estic treballant?!
-Candle Helmet
-Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself.
-Cannot create bound pet eggs or pet armors.
-Cannot do the quest
-Cannot mount while in disguise.
-Cannot send mails too fast!!
-Cannot transform into monster while in disguise.
-Captain Nard
-Capità Nard
-Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
-El Capità Nard està a l'habitació de la teva dreta.
-Carp Sandwich
-Cart Added.
-Cash Shop is disabled in this map
-Cat got your tongue?
-Catching a piou
-Cave Maggot
-Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus
-Ch 1 — How to make money.
-Ch 10 — How I see my items?
-Ch 11 — How trade with other players?
-Ch 12 — How hunt monsters?
-Ch 13 — How talk with someone?
-Ch 14 — Change your appearing.
-Ch 15 — Commands.
-Ch 16 — Shortcuts.
-Ch 2 — Baits
-Ch 2 — Everything about monsters.
-Ch 3 — Location
-Ch 3 — Quests.
-Ch 4 — Casting
-Ch 4 — Status.
-Ch 5 — NPC's.
-Ch 5 — Reeling
-Ch 6 — Magic.
-Ch 7 — Rules.
-Ch 8 — Weather & Seasons.
-Ch 9 — Experience.
-Change my appearance
-Change my level
-Change my quests
-Change my skills
-Change my stats
-Changed your mind, uh?#0
-Changed your mind, uh?#1
-Channel '%s' has no banned players
-Channel '%s' is not available
-Channel length must be between 3 and %d
-Channel name must start with a '#'
-Channel password may not contain spaces
-Char-server has been asked to %s the character '%.*s'.
-Character cannot be disguised while in monster form.
-Character cannot be disguised while mounted.
-Character does not have the specified item.
-Character killed.
-Character not found.
-No s'ha trobat el personatge.
-Charcommand failed (usage: %c<command> <char name> <parameters>).
-Chat: %s | Player: %s | Location: %d %d
-Check out this one.
-Chef Gado
-Xef Gado
-Chef Gado#Artis
-Chef? He is Don's apprentice, he works on his hammering skill day and night.
-Chelios asked me to get it.
-Chelios asks to visit Lloyd
-Chelios made sword
-Chelios managed to do excellent work.
-Chelios was stubborn in his youth, he never stopped annoying me with his questions while I was working at the forge.
-Chelios, his apprentice, practices outside, mostly.
-Chelios... He is part of the Blacksmith House, is he not?
-Cherry Cake
-Cherry tree leaves have begun to fall.
-Cherry tree leaves no longer fall.
-Chest opened.
-Children play there and can be badly hurt if they get too close to a Fluffy's nest.
-Chill out I won't say anything.
-Chocolate Cashmere Dye
-Choose desired quest state:
-Chorus of the Woods
-Christopher is surrounded by the sunlight from the window.
-City Hall
-Click here for instructions on how to use the test server.
-Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction.
-Clone spawned.
-Clotho Liquor
-Clouds appeared.
-Clouds have disappeared.
-Clouds |
-Clouds2 |
-Clover Patch
-Coal Vein
-Cobalt Herb
-Cobalt Plant
-Coin Bag
-Colorant is not the yeying color. Some wear out from light, others look great but inflict itai-itai, and others become spotty or wash-away.
-Come after a little while.
-Come back later if you changed your mind!
-Come back later!
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#0
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#1
-Come back later.
-Come back later.#0
-Come back later.#1
-Come back soon, and bring @@s!
-Come back when you do.
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#0
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#1
-Come closer dear, I can't hear you.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring her with your stories.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring him with your stories.#1
-Come on, don't be a coward!
-Come, come and see!
-Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while.
-Commands are disabled in this map.
-Common Carp
-Communication Theory
-Complete Quest
-Completed Gugli's task
-Completed, Gado wins
-Completed, Julia wins
-Completed, Julia wins (returned poison)
-Completed, got reward
-Concentration Potion
-Confused Tree
-Congrats, you are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are %u !!
-Contacted by Sopiahalla
-Cookie Master
-Mestre de les Galetes
-Cookies are a source of life.
-Les galetes són una font de vida.
-Cookies are awesome, so am I.
-Les galetes són extraordinàries, com jo.
-Cookies provide you strength, health and cuteness.
-Les galetes et proporcionen força, vida i bellesa.
-Cooking is an art. You need to know how to cook something. You can use my stove to prepare.
-Copper Armbands
-Copper Necklace
-Costume '%s' removed.
-Cotton Boots
-Cotton Gloves
-Cotton Skirt
-Cotton, cashmere, leather, ...
-Could I ask a favor of you?
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1
-Could I lodge here for a while?
-Could you bleach my clothes?
-Could you bring it to him?
-Could you do a small favor for me?
-Could you explain to me where I am?
-Hem podries explicar on soc?
-Could you interrogate him for me?
-Could you please bring me 2 new knives?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a berry, and I'm not big on vegetables either. I need proteins!
-Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Hem podries dir on soc?#0
-Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Hem podries dir on soc?#1
-Couwan asks to deliver box
-Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.
-En Couwan m'ha donat aquesta capsa, és per a tu.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.
-En Couwan et lliura una caixa plena de peix.
-Creased Shirt
-Camisa Arrugada
-Creased Shorts
-Pantalons curts arrugats
-Create items
-Crea objectes
-Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice!
-Crimson Cashmere Dye
-Croc Claw
-Urpa de Croc
-Croconut Box
-Caixa de Croconuts
-Crude Amethyst
-Crude Diamond
-Crude Emerald
-Crude Ruby
-Crude Sapphire
-Crude Topaz
-Curious Hole
-Current amount of zeny changed.
-Current exp rate is set to @@% (default value).
-Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-CvC ON |
-CvC is already Off.
-CvC is already On.
-CvC: Off
-CvC: On
-Daddy asked me to give you some money as a thank you for looking out for me.
-Daddy finally came back home! He grabbed a snack and said he would be returning to the sewers.
-Daddy never came back home... He said that he would be back for lunch but it has already been two days!
-Damn @@.
-Maleït @@.
-Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter.
-En Dan acaba la conversació i segueix escrivint la carta.
-Dan keeps silent since your last question.
-El Dan fa silenci des de l'última pregunta.
-Dance for me
-Dang, I scared it! More patience, @@, more patience.
-Dark Collector
-Dark Red Cotton Dye
-Database erased.
-Day Mode Activated.
-Day Mode is activated
-Day mode is already enabled.
-Deal, I offer you @@ E!
-Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
-Dear sister,
-Death Knight
-Debug - Change level
-Debug - Change stats
-Debug - Reset
-Debug Forest Bow
-Debug Gado quest
-Debug Gugli quest
-Debug Nard quest
-Debug Narrator
-Debug Wooden Shield
-Defeated by
-Delicious Cookie
-Galeta Deliciosa
-Delivered box, got reward
-Dex: %d (%d~%d)
-Dexterity increases your bow damage and your accuracy.
-Diamond Shard
-Diamond Vein
-Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?
-Did you ask him why?
-Did you bring me any wood?
-Did you bring me the %d %s I need?
-Did you brought me 2 new knives?
-Did you fight it?
-Did you fight them too?
-Did you find my brother?
-Did you hear about the Bandit's attacks? They must have a hideout somewhere outside Hurnscald.
-Did you look over the basement?
-Did you run away?
-Did you see Don the blacksmith? He might know how you could improve your metal equipment.
-Did you see anyone in a mask come by here at night?
-Did you see anyone with a large satchel come by here at night?
-Did you see my daughter Rossy, by chance?
-Different ways, each part of your equipment can be generally upgraded.
-Disconnecting to perform change-sex request...
-Disguise applied.
-Disguise removed.
-Displaying first %d out of %d matches
-Displays Night |
-Divorce error!
-Do I look like a tree? I feel like one.
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Jenna
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-No li donis la contrasenya de la teva habitació a ningú! Guarda-la en secret i no provis d'utilitzar la mateixa contrasenya en cap altre lloc en el futur.
-Do not learn
-Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever.
-Do note that Job Level gives you skill points, and the status bonuses are really minor.
-Do nothing
-Do we have a deal?
-Do you feel too weak even to do damage to this areas wishy-washy wildlife?
-Do you have @@s for me?
-Do you have any other questions for me?
-Tens alguna altra cosa per preguntar-me?
-Do you have anything else for me?
-Tens alguna altra cosa per a mi?
-Do you have anything for me today?
-Tens alguna cosa per a mi avui?
-Do you have the %d %s and %s E for the shield?
-Do you have this commendatory letter?
-Do you know anything about the recent robberies?
-Do you know how to speak with people around you?
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#0
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#1
-Do you know where can I find Gulukan?
-Saps on podria trobar en Gulukan?
-Do you know where the graveyard is?
-Do you know where the hill is?
-Do you live here alone?
-Do you need any other information?
-Necessites alguna altra informació?
-Do you need help with something?
-Do you need your pickaxe or your shovel fixed? Then I am your man.
-Do you still need help?
-Do you still want to lodge here?
-Do you take apprentices?
-Do you think this is fair? They sent me down here alone, far away from everyone.
-Creus que això es just? M'han enviat aquí abaix, lluny de tothom.
-Do you want a drink?
-Do you want me to go see her instead of you?
-Vols que vagi a veure-la en lloc teu?
-Do you want to continue?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Vols tallar això @@?
-Do you want to enter in sewer?
-Do you want to go back to Artis? You really should be afraid of the Legion there, now that you have been here in Woodland. They somehow smell the odor of the Brotherhood.
-Do you want to go somewhere?
-Do you want to leave it alone?
-Do you want to leave the boat?
-Do you want to marry @@?
-Do you want to read it?
-Do you want to throw something inside?
-Do you want to try again?
-Do you want to try?
-Vols provar?
-Do you want to use this place as save point?
-Do you wish to try again?
-Do? I don't do them.
-Docks Warehouse
-Does anyone know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Does not have the quest
-Does the guild has any work for me right now?
-Does your mind go all fuzzy or does it feel like your head is going to explode??
-Doesn't he like the way I'm taking care of his ship? Everything is clean and tidy with me, rightful lieutenant of La Johanne.
-No lo agrada la manera de la que cuido aquest vaixell? Tot està net i ordenat, amb mi, tinent legítim de la Johanne.
-Don gave me some black iron... after I asked him nearly ten times.
-Don is a renowned blacksmith throughout Andorra, it's crazy that you never heard of him.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land for his blacksmith skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land of Aemil for his blacksmithing skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don't be shy, you are nice
-Don't belittle me, my work is deserving of the highest esteem.
-Don't distract me, I have to stay alert.
-Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!
-No et fages eeel... *hic* amb mi eh!
-Don't fall!
-Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots!
-Don't get too excited about it...#0
-Don't get too excited about it...#1
-Don't let those monsters get to you.
-Don't say I didn't warn you!
-Don't say it so loudly, other people could hear us.
-Don't tell anyone about this. Once you kill you a boss, you can try to learn the boss skill by using the book.
-Don't tell me more, I know what you want...
-No hem diguis res més, sé el que bols...
-Don't try to fool me!
-Don't try to poison me! I know what that does!
-No provis d'enverinar-me! Se lo que això fa!
-Don't worry sister, I didn't forget you.
-Don't worry, I'm sure you will help them soon enough!
-No et preocupis, estic segur que els ajudaràs aviat!
-Don't you like the smoke, when there is a nice fire beneath a cauldron?
-Don't you recognize the great city of Artis?
-Don't you try to cheat an old merchant! You don't have enough money, you need @@ E.
-Done. Here, take it! Now, here is the plan. Go talk to her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Fet. Aquí, agafa-ho! Ara, aquest es el pla. Ves a parlar amb ella i ofereix-li part de la seva arrogància!
-Dont you know something about fertility? I heard rumors.
-Drag and drop an item from your inventory.
-Drag and drop the items from your inventory in the frames.
-Drasil Island.
-Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents.
-Due to neglect with day-to-day administration, which she delegated to her council, and uncontrolled expenses, the kingdom faced its first economic crisis.
-Duel| Can't use %s in duel.
-Duel| Can't use this item in duel.
-Duel| Invalid value.
-Duel| Invitation has been sent.
-Duel| Player name not found.
-Duel| The Player is in the duel already.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been accepted.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been rejected.
-Duel| The limit of players has been reached.
-Duel| You can take part in duel once per %d minutes.
-Duel| You can't invite %s because he/she isn't in the same map.
-Duel| You can't use @accept without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You can't use @duel without @reject.
-Duel| You can't use @invite. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @leave. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @reject without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You've left the duel.
-During night, the monsters usually respawn faster. That can be a problem with aggressive monsters.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, dude.#1
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, honey.#0
-Each big city hosts a Legion building, Artis' building is located in the north-west.
-Each card improves your gear by a ratio or a fixed number on a predefined stat.
-Each level up will buff your base stats, and give you stats points to allocate.
-Each piece of equipment has a predefined slot number.
-Each season unlocks a set of quests and drops which can only be obtained on the season.
-Earlier today there was this young seller named Fexil that passed by here.
-Easter Egg
-Easy to make? Could you make one for me?
-Easy to make? Could you teach me how to make them?
-Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.
-Eeekkk another one.
-Ehm... He was really upset because of some past stories.
-Ehm... Ell estava molt molest per algunes històries del passat.
-Eight Castles
-Eighteen Castles
-Eleven Castles
-Elixir Of Life
-Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats!
-L'Elmo i en Gugli m'han dit tot el que has fet allà fora, felicitats!
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Chef Gado.
-Elmo told about money
-Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats!
-L'Elmo m'ha comunicat lo que el Nard ha dit, felicitats!
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#0
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#1
-Emerald Shard
-Emerald Vein
-Empty Bottle
-Empty Mug
-Empty the quote DB
-Enabled Mapflags in this map:
-Enabled: @@
-Enjoy the fraternity and excitement of your future guild!
-Enjoy your new shield!
-Enjoy your new style.
-Enora asks to kill fluffies
-Enora asks to visit Chelios
-Enora asks to visit Q'Pid
-Enora asks to visit Resa
-Enora is carefully inspecting the sword.
-Enora needs them.
-Enora sent me here.#0
-Enora sent me here.#1
-Enora wants her potions.
-Enora, from the Legion of Aemil, has been warned that you were aboard.
-Enough of this island?
-Enter desired skill level:
-Enter line number:
-Enter new line:
-Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories.
-Error reading atcommand.conf, reload failed.
-Error reading groups.conf, reload failed.
-Eugene needs tentacles
-Even a simple sandwich will be ruined if you place lettuce above the cheese!
-Even after all that though, I still can't believe what happened next.
-Even with your Hercules strength, this lid is hopelessly struck.
-Event Management
-Event management
-Every 1 hour
-Every 12 hours
-Every 24 hours
-Every 3 hours
-Every 5 hours
-Every 6 hours
-Evil clone spawned.
-Exactly! Can I have one now?
-Exactament! Me'n pots donar una ara?
-Exactly. Even our task is ridiculous. Why should we collect food down here if we have plenty of those tasty and soft rattos inside our ship, waiting just to be hunted and cooked?
-Exacte. Fins i tot la nostra feina es ridícula. Per què hem d'estar recol·lectant menjar aquí si tenim munts d'aquells tendres i gustosos rattos al nostre vaixell, esperant per ser cuinats?
-Excuse me that was a mistake.
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
-Disculpa'm, saps qui soc?#0
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Disculpa'm, saps qui soc?#1
-Exemple for yoiis:
-Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value).
-Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@.
-Expanded Super Baby
-Expanded Super Novice
-Experience can be gained by completing quests and killing monsters. When you accumulate enough experience, you'll level up!
-Experience rates: Base %.2fx / Job %.2fx
-Fairy Hat
-Fake name enabled.
-Fake name must be at least two characters.
-Fancy Hat
-Fancy Hat
-Fates Potion
-Feel free to come visit me another time.
-Fertility Potion
-Fexil needs help
-Fexil wants to buy fur
-Fifteen Castles
-File not found.
-File unloaded. Be aware that mapflags and monsters spawned directly are not removed.
-Finally, he hands the shield to you.
-Find an order with them
-Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water.
-Fine Dress
-Fine, I'll just hold on to this log should you ever change your mind.
-Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?
-Bé, podries dir-me on puc trobar els mariners d'en Gugli?
-Fine, let's see his work...
-Fine, take these potions, I will replenish them in the next couple hours anyway.
-Fine, tell me, who are these all important friends of yours?
-Fine... I was just going to give you some help...
-Bé... Només et volia oferir una mica d'ajuda...
-Finished training
-Finished battle
-Fireworks are launched.
-Fireworks have ended.
-Fireworks |
-First encounter
-First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game.
-First thing she asked was if I'm a farmer.
-Fish Box
-Caixa de peix
-Fish is good for the brain!
-Fish, come and see my fish!
-Fishing Guide Vol. I
-Fishing Rod
-Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there.
-Five Castles
-Fluffy Fur
-Fog hangs over.
-Fog |
-Follow mode OFF.
-Follow mode ON.
-Follow the canal to the north-east and you will find it.
-Follow the up-stream and cross the canal twice using the two bridges north from here.
-Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.
-Seguint aquestes línies són alguns altres escrits sobre aquest paper.
-Font changed.
-Fool! Just come back here when you'll be done with our little... 'Secret mission'.
-Ximple! Torna aquí només quan hagis acabat amb la nostra petita... "Missió secreta".
-For '%s' you need the amount of seconds (from 0 to 10)
-For a chef? Who said I was a... Oh right, I am.
-Per a un xef? Qui t'ha dit que jo fossa un... Oh veritat, ho soc.
-For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, magic use is very restricted nowadays.
-For starters, you should probably do some stretching and practice on some dummies in our training room.
-For what kind of tissue?
-Forest Armor
-Forest Bow
-Forest Maggot
-Forest bow
-Found @@, got exp
-Found anything new?
-Found bobo, didn't tell Katja
-Found perfect wood
-Found the chest
-Four Castles
-Fourteen Castles
-Free Mana travels in many directions, and this search took several years before the expedition finally found the right direction to follow.
-Fresh from the sea and cheap!
-Friend already exists.
-Friend removed.
-From what I heard, my brother Gugli needs the help of as many people as possible in order to collect a lot of neat things that can be found on this island.
-From your mind, break the ice
-Frost held the title of Lord Prince of the Republic for eighteen months, when the council deposed him and declared itself head of the state.
-Fur Boots
-Furthermore, unless you are planning to stick it out, you should also not even think about gaining experience by messing with those icky pink land jellies. The pink could stick on you, imagine the horror!
-Fuschia Cotton Dye
-GM command configuration has been reloaded.
-Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again!
-En Gado! Aquest covard viu al passat, li diré al Capità Nard que el castigui, una altra vega!
-Gained %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Gained %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Gained exp is now shown.
-Gained exp will not be shown.
-Gained zeny is now shown.
-Gained zeny will not be shown.
-Gamboge Herb
-Gamboge Plant
-Game Balance
-Game introduction
-Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in daylight for %s.
-Game time: The game is in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in permanent daylight.
-Game time: The game is in permanent night.
-Gave @@ to Rumly
-Gave tentacles, got reward
-Gave to Q'Onan, got reward
-Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc.
-Genetic T
-Get a Recipe Book
-Get money
-Aconsegueix diners
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0
-Torna'm el plat, podrida mentidera!#0
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#1
-Torna'm el plat, podrit mentider!#1
-Give me some space.
-Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help with your hunting the creatures of this island.
-Ves i agafa'n un. Un bon ganivet t'ajudarà a caçar criatures de l'illa.
-Go away, I have to think about new evil doings.
-Go away.
-Go back
-Go clean up your inventory and come back.
-Go fly a kite
-Go fly a kite.
-Go have a look at that shelf to my right, would you?
-Go meet him, and take the package to me, it's an easy task.
-Go north from here until you find the dock warehouse, cross the bridge to the west side of the canal, continue north until you reach another bridge then cross it to the east side of the canal.
-Go on the upper level if you want to change your room or to use it.
-Go on.
-Go pester someone else.
-Go to Kfahr, and listen to his stories.
-Gold Nuggets
-Gold Vein
-Good day miss.
-Good day mister.
-Good day sir.#1
-Good day to you!
-Good day to you.
-Good day!
-Good day, my friend, come closer, come closer!
-Good evening sir.#1
-Good job!
-Ben fet!
-Good look.
-Good luck hunting those tree monsters – you'll need it.
-Good luck!
-Good luck! And remember to visit Peter and our little furry friends whenever you return back onboard!
-Good night milady.#0
-Good then.
-Good to hear from you!
-Good to hear!
-Està bé escoltar això!
-Good to know, thanks.
-Good to know.
-Es bo de saber-ho.
-Good to see you again.
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#0
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#1
-Good, good... Hey, could you help me please? I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Bé, bé... Ei, hem podries ajudar? T'ho prego, si us plau, per favor...
-Good, take a look in the bag next to me then!
-Gorgeous woman, but when she looked at me, the scares went scuttling down my spine...
-Got a cookie
-Got poison from Gado
-Got reward from gugli
-Got the bow
-Got the knife
-Got the package
-Got the quest
-Got the shield
-Grabbing one of two leftover pieces, he begins to carve it into a round shape, then repeats this with the second piece – shield handles from what you can tell.
-Grass Carp
-Grass Snake
-Great to see you! What can I do for you today?
-Agradable de veure't! Que puc fer paer a tu avui?
-Great! Can't wait for some tasty mushrooms!
-Great, and as I promised, I give you a 90% discount on the @@ of your choice.
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#0
-Perfecte, quin menjar tens per a mi avui?#0
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
-Perfecte, quin menjar tens per a mi avui?#1
-Greater %s allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks.
-Green Cotton Dye
-Green Slime
-Greetings traveler.#0
-Salutacions viatgera.#0
-Greetings traveler.#1
-Salutacions viatger.#1
-Group changed successfully.
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Grr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Grr, no hem donis més baies! No les vull, estúpides baies, estúpides... Estúpides... Estúpides!
-Gugli (main quest)
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#0
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#1
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#0
-En gugli m'ha demanat que t'ajuda a carregar una d'aquestes capses que estàs omplint.#0
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#1
-En gugli m'ha demanat que t'ajuda a carregar una d'aquestes capses que estàs omplint.#1
-Gugli asks to collect packages
-Gugli mentioned six sailors. What about the others?
-En Gugli ha mencionat sis mariners. Que passa amb els altres?
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#0
-En Gugli m'ha enviat aquí baix per ajudar-te.#0
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#1
-En Gugli m'ha enviat aquí baix per ajudar-te.#1
-Gugli? Oh I see. Yes, Gugli yeye pretty used to shout orders to everybody down here.
-En Gugli? O ja veig. Si, acostumava a donar-nos ordres aquí baix.
-Guild Certification
-Guild level change failed.
-Guild level changed.
-Guild modification is disabled in this map.
-Guild storage opened.
-GuildLock |
-Guillotine Cross
-Guillotine Cross T
-GvG Castle |
-GvG Dungeon |
-GvG Flags:
-GvG ON |
-GvG Off.
-GvG On.
-GvG is already Off.
-GvG is already On.
-HP and SP have already been recovered.
-HP or/and SP modified.
-HP, SP recovered.
-HP: %d/%d - SP: %d/%d
-Ha! I'll drink muuuch mo.. more than you! Im not ooone biiit dr...dr..unk!
-Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has.
-Hahaha! All sailors aboard this ship are always drunk... Well... Except... Wait, what?! Nard told you?!
-Jajaja! Els mariners d'aquest vaixell estan sovint borratxos... Excepte... Espera, que?! En Nard t'ho ha dit?!
-Hair color
-Hair style
-Half Croconut
-Mig Croconut
-Half Eggshell
-Mitja closca d'ou
-Hard Spike
-Hard work always pays off!
-Has a bubblehead
-Has met its demise
-Have a good day!
-Have a good time fishing!
-Have a seat.
-Have fun, but always remember to pick your stats with good care.
-Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too?
-Has aconseguit tots els ingredients per la recepta? L'especial també?
-Have you got the %d antennae?
-Have you met Kfahr yet?
-Have you seen Fexil?
-Have you seen anything dangerous?
-Has vist alguna cosa perillosa?
-Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?
-Have you seen anything strange in town? Anything that might have to do with the robberies?
-Have you seen anything strange lately?
-Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?
-Have you seen anything that might be connected to the recent robberies in town?
-Have you talked with the old man yet?
-He asked to lend some money and a place to open his store, I think that he asked for a place on the merchant squares on the south-west of the city...
-He did not change while growing up, I repeatedly asked him to leave the forge but in the end he installed himself in front of it...
-He has a guns!
-He has never been the same since mommy went away...
-He is a regular at the inn, located in the north-west part of town.
-He is eating an apple, thoroughly enjoying it.
-He is in a small house between the dock's warehouse and the dojo.
-He is mature and he rarely ask questions so I am fine. I can not stand the sight of a whiner anyway.
-He is probably hiding up one of the trees. Go close to each tree and look up, otherwise you won't notice him.
-He is the greatest hero that ever walked the land of Hurnscald!
-He is usually in his office on the 3rd floor.
-He is very lucky that Don took him under his wing, but being the student of such a teacher is not easy every day!
-He likes to eat sandwiches. A good thing they are so easy to make!
-He likes to hide near the little lake in the north-west side of the island.
-Li agrada amagar-se a prop del petit llac al nord-oest de l'illa.
-He looks up and into your face.
-He may not have all of his wits but keep in mind one thing:
-He needs more food.
-Necessita més menjar.
-He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
-He proceeds to further scrutinize the log.
-He said he is going to climb the highest hill in Artis, which is not far from here.
-He said that he would check why weird noises were coming from the manhole next to the house.
-He takes another sip.
-He told me nothing about that.
-No m'ha dit res sobre això.
-He was heading north.
-He's funny, it's not a problem.
-Ell es divertit, això no es un problema.
-He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Legion of Aemil won't let it get public.
-Heard conversation
-Hearing these words the Piou felt great joy,
-Heh, did you saw me at the port? No?
-Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a fox like you would love to meet a catch like me!#0
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a noob like you would like to meet an idol like me.#1
-Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
-Jaja, de vegades te el cap als núvols, hauries d'anar a parlar amb ell sobre això.
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there.
-Jeje... D'acord, estic anant a informar el capità.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!
-Jejeje, està una mica nerviós, perdona'l, no tenim un nou membre a la tripulació cada dia!
-Hel... What?! Wait!
-Merd... Que?! Espera!
-Hello Miss.#1
-Hello Sir.#0
-Hello dear!#0
-Hola amor!#0
-Hello dear!#1
-Hola amor!#1
-Hello deary.
-Hello madam.
-Hello there!
-Hello traveler, welcome to Hurnscald.
-Hello yeye.
-Hola yeye.
-Hello, I am Macgowan, apprentice to Nicholas.
-Hello, a rowboat is on his way to the beach. Please wait for a while for it to arrive.
-Hello, can I help you?
-Hello, there!
-Hello, yes I have met him.
-Hello, young lady.#0
-Hello, young man.#1
-Hello... Do I know you?
-Hola... Et conec?
-Help for command %c%s:
-Help me out~ Please~ T_T
-Help me!
-Helped Hinnak
-Her shop is on the west side of the city, between the Legion building and the library.
-Her sword... I'm having some trouble finishing it.
-Hercules %d-bit for %s
-Here is another one.
-Here is your reward.
-Here it is, a fashionable @@.
-Here it is, clean like a whistle!
-Here it is.
-Here they are.
-Aquí estan
-Here you are.
-Here you go - have fun with it.
-Here you go, everything is fixed.
-Here you go.
-Here's your reward!
-Aquí tens la teva recompensa!
-Here, have some %s as reward.
-Here, have some %s for your troubles.
-Here, let me heal you.
-Here, take a look!
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#0
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#1
-Here, take this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Hey @@!
-Hey Frenchy!#0
-He gavatx!#0
-Hey Frenchy!#1
-He gavatx!#1
-Hey Maxe, it's @@!
-Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go!
-Ei Silvio, es el teu torn per carregar el paquet, ves!
-Hey there, are you Bobo, Katja's brother?
-Hey you!
-Ei tu!
-Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?
-Ei tu! Ens pots sentir? Estàs bé?
-Hey you, do you have any @@s?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly. I needed to speak with the captain about the food reserves. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#0
-Ei! Aventurera! Estàs gaudint la teva vida en Aemil?#0
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#1
-Ei! Aventurer! Estàs gaudint la teva vida en Aemil?#1
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Ei! Ves en compte, no pots romandre en aquest soterrani tanta estona, acabaràs malalt. Vine a fora i fes un descans, pots tornar-ho a provar més tard.
-Hey! Stop breaking my stuff!
-Hey! There's a reward for you in the box next to me!
-Ei! Hi ha una recompensa per a tu a la capsa del meu costat!
-Hey! You must be @@.
-Hey, I remember you, we were on the same boat, you are the castaway.
-Hey, I'm not a Keebler Elvis! You won't have another one by stalking me like that!
-Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today.
-Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?
-Ei, si us plau podries yeye portar la meva capsa de peix cap a en Gugli?
-Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out.
-Ei, no et preocupis d'ell, es un dels primers dies en molt temps que pot desconnectar.
-Hey, girl!#0
-Hey, how was the...
-Hey, man!#1
-Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
-Ei, psst! Tu no ets un mariner, correcte?
-Hey. ppst. I have something important to tell you.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Hola @@, he sentit que el capità t'ha enviat aquí baix, uh?#0
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Hola @@, he sentit que el capità t'ha enviat aquí baix, uh?#1
-Hi @@.
-Hola @@.
-Hi Sir.
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#0
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#1
-Hi there, need something?
-Hi there.
-Hi! I can finally see you under the sunlight!
-Ei! Finalment et puc veure sota la llum del sol!
-Hi! No, I haven't seen him yet.
-Hi, I am Simon.
-Hi, can I help you at all?
-Hi, can I help you somehow?
-Hi, how is it going?
-Hi, my name is Blossom.
-Hi, my name is Moon. This morning I went for a walk on the beach.
-Hi, my name is Oscar.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Ei, encantat de veure't!
-Hi, sweetie! Want a fresh beer for 90 Florin?
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#0
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#1
-Hi. I am Trozz, and I am the chief of legion training in Artis.
-Hidden Person
-Persona Amagada
-High Acolyte
-High Archer
-High Magician
-High Merchant
-High Novice
-High Priest
-High Swordsman
-High Thief
-High Wizard
-Highest hill in Artis you say? Sounds dangerous, I might fall off.
-Hill & Cliff
-Hinnak asked for help
-Hinnak wasted all my good kitchen knives trying to get rid of his accursed Pinkies.
-His eyes grow wide
-Hm, it seems another player is trying to catch the piou, I shouldn't interfere.
-Hm... Shhhh...
-Hm... an old man?
-Hm... then it couldn't be him.
-Hmm, I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Hmm, why don't you go train a little more? We have several training rooms here.
-Hmm... Let's see, take this one.
-Hmmm... Deixa'm mirar, agafa aquest!
-Hmm... what to do.
-Hmm... where did I put it again?
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*
-Hmmm,hm... *cof*,*cof*,*burp*,*cof*. Que... Que es això?!...*cof*,*burp*... Maleït Gado... *cof*
-Hmmm... looks ok, but is it strong enough?
-Holding a cheese in his beak.
-Homunculus growth stats (Lv %d %s):
-Homunculus reached its maximum level of '%d'
-Homunculus stats altered.
-Homunculus stats:
-Honestly, it's quite far-fetched according to me.
-Honestament, per a mi es massa exagerat.
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#0
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#1
-How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats.
-I que tal si et demano que ajudis una mica d'ajuda a la tripulació? Això vol dir que series un de nosaltres i que tindries dret a agafar un d'aquests barrets.
-How are things going?
-Com està anant tot?
-How are you doing, cutie?#0
-How are you doing, dude?#1
-How are you feeling, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-How can I get one of these cookies?
-Com puc aconseguir una d'aquestes galetes?
-How can I help you?
-How can I improve my equipment?
-How can we serve you today?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about that again!
-How do these dyes work?
-How do you do your potions?
-How do you know?
-How is *hic* it possible?
-Com es *hic* possible?
-How is the hunt going?
-How long will you stay here?
-How many Fluffies did I kill on the hill?
-How many? What kind? I can produce two dozen boxes per day.
-How much do you want to deposit?
-How much do you want to withdraw?
-How much is this worth to you?
-How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?
-Que groller! Quina es la raó darrere d'aquesta malícia?
-Howdy, partner in crime?
-However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease.
-No obstant això...
-Human Voice
-Hungry: %d - Intimacy: %u
-Hurry up!
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check its teeth!
-Hush now and hear the chorus of the woods
-I @#$% hate them!
-I @#$% hate these @#$% pinkies!
-Estava aquí quan et van rescatar!
-I actually could use a status reset!
-I already know everything. Bye.
-Ja ho sé tot. Adéu.
-I also hear fisherman likes to fish at night. They say the catch is bigger, if you understand me.
-I also heard you lost all your memories? That's a shame.
-I am %s Super Novice~
-I am Wyaras apprentice, helping her with selling her potions.
-I am absolutely positive.
-I am an alchemist, I bear the name of Ivan.
-I am broken?! Please report! Debug data: @@ (@@)
-I am new in this town, just like you.
-I am not an expert of the first kind, but I know what I am talking about when it comes to improving equipment.
-I am only doing special requests.
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-I am sure he got his reasons.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#0
-Estic segura que puc corre amb un d'ells a les espatlles.#0
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#1
-Estic segur que puc corre amb un d'ells a les espatlles.#1
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#0
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#1
-I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders and rules. Julia they call her!
-Estic segur que la coneixes. Ben vestida, llarg somriure i un flux constant d'ordes i regles. L'anomenen Julia!
-I am surprised someone has been sent here to help. It is quite... unusual.
-Estic sorprès de que hagin enviat algú a ajudar. Es una mica... inusual.
-I am the bartender here, can I provide you with some delicious beverage?
-I am!
-I am, who are you?#0
-Ho soc, qui ets tu?#0
-I am, who are you?#1
-Ho soc, qui ets tu?#1
-I appreciate your help, @@.
-I asked Calypsan to dye this tank top, now it has an unique look!
-I asked Don our blacksmith to prepare a black iron sword for morning, he should be done by now.
-I asked Hinnak, but he wants at least a beer in exchange for his scythe.
-I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do!
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#0
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#1
-I barely destroyed one of those beasts.
-I better go now. Bye.
-I borrowed it from the library, you should try to cultivate yourself more instead of insinuate things about people you don't know!
-I buried the chest somewhere on that hill. It was dark, so I don't remember where to dig exactly.
-I came here, looking for a better life.
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#0
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#1
-I can finally pay off my debts.
-I can get back to Bernard now!
-I can make you a really nice forest bow out of this.
-I can prepare them in an hour or so!
-I can still drink more! Better give up you... you... teelotaler! MORE BEER MELINDA!
-I can walk again!
-I can't catch them.
-I can't give you a cookie for free. But I can give you this hint for how you may be added to my list.
-I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning...
-Realment no et puc ajudar a trobar-les ja que he estat revisant el... Hmm... Paisatge, aquest matí...
-I can't remember anything.#0
-No puc recordar res.#0
-I can't remember anything.#1
-No puc recordar res.#1
-I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do.
-I can't wait all day!
-I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your hard work.
-I changed my mind.
-I chopped away at it, branch after branch, and in the end I chopped off its roots, and it fell to the ground, motionless.
-I cleaned up the hill.
-I couldn't afford the bow, though...
-I did see an old man hang out near the theater after our last show.
-I didn't mention it before, but I also put beer in my soup.
-I didn't notice that a Pikpik was in my way, and when I stepped on it, my foot was full of spikes.
-I do feel better!
-Hem sento millor!
-I do know a recipe with this!
-I do not like to brag about it but you won't find a better blacksmith on the whole island.
-I do not want to go pointing my finger at someone. I want to be honorable and fair, and I sense the same quality in you, so I put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this troubling situation.
-I do not.
-I don't feel like talking to you.
-I don't feel so well, I might be sick.
-I don't have any.
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#0
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#1
-I don't have much time right now.
-I don't have the time now.
-I don't have the time sorry.
-I don't have the time.
-I don't know if I trust her eyesight or memory.
-I don't know the password
-I don't know what to say...
-No se que dir...
-I don't know.
-I don't need your help right now, but maybe tomorrow, who knows?
-I don't really have time to go chasing pious, let me just buy one at the regular price (30000 E).
-I don't see anything else other than... water?
-I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this...
-Crec que no estem al lloc adequat per parlar d'això....
-I don't want to be part of this joke.
-I don't want to buy a piou right now.
-I don't want to change my language, sorry.
-No vull canviar el meu idioma, ho sento.
-I don't want you! I want daddy!
-I feel ok.#0
-Hem sento bé.#0
-I feel ok.#1
-Hem sento bé.#1
-I fought it, of course!
-I give tasks to every single sailor, all day long. That should make him happy!
-Dono feina a cada mariner, tot el dia. Això l'hauria de fer content!
-I give you this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Et dono aquesta clau, obre totes les portes del vaixell.
-I got angry and started to chop off all the low-hanging branches so this couldn't happen anymore.
-I grew up and lived a good while in Esperia, the capital city.
-I guess so. What's in it for me?
-I guess so... I will leave you alone.
-Suposo que sí... Et deixaré sol.
-I had a great childhood in Esperia!
-I had a long day, come back tomorrow.
-I had this patch of ground that was really clumpy; lots of clay, you see.
-I hate them!
-I have a lot of work here, so I don't even have time to go to the town.
-I have an idea.
-I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.
-He comprat un regal per al teu delicat paladar.
-I have collected all the boxes you needed.
-He recol·lectat totes les caixes que necessitaves.
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#0
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#1
-I have one more task for you. Trozz, another member of the Legion, sent me a letter earlier today.
-I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price!
-Tinc roba i d'altres coses per a tu a bon preu!
-I have some food for you.
-Tinc una mica de menjar per tu.
-I have some fur for you.
-I have some spare one, take them, and tell Enora that any fees are paid!
-I have to go, sorry.#0
-I have to go, sorry.#1
-I have your black iron.
-I have your package.
-I have your pass from the Merchant Guild.
-I haven't seen anything strange.
-I heard rumors about some old hostilities between you and Gado. Are they true?
-He escoltat rumors de certes hostilitats entre tu i en Gado. Són veritat?
-I heard something too. A girl named Galimatia seems to need help. If only those lazy developers could tell her what she needs.
-I heard you aren't delivering any more living wood. Why not?
-I highly recommend you seek him out!
-I hope that answers your question.
-Crec que això respon la teva pregunta.
-I hope that my shield will serve you well!
-I hope they know what they are doing. So, come on board. I am looking forward to go back to Woodland, haven't been there for a while.
-I hope to see you soon.
-I hope you are satisfied with your forest bow.
-I hope you catch that naughty person!
-I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Espero que no t'importi que utilitzéssim el teu rai per construir aquesta rampa.
-I hope you like beer as much as I do, because, you see...
-I hope you like this color.
-I informed Julia about your monstrous plan.
-He informat a la Julia del teu monstruós pla.
-I just can't remember what. But come talk to me later once devs becomes less lazy.
-I just dont know what to do. Perhaps all gets better when I stay here, whining and waiting. Please, leave me alone.
-I just need %s E for material and work time.
-I just realized I am lacking some common things, and one key ingredient, to prepare a... A special recipe.
-I just want to live my life in peace.
-I knew it!
-I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.
-Sé que et comences ara a sentir millor, però m'agradaria donar-te una tasca especial.
-I know the bow master wants some twigleaf wood, but I don't care.
-I know you didn't kill them yourself!
-I like money! Consider it done.
-I love flowers! What do you have for sale?
-I love hanging out here!
-I love peace and quiet, that's a good choice.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-He comés un error, m'agradaria canviar el meu idioma.#0
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-He comés un error, m'agradaria canviar el meu idioma.#1
-I mean, I am very tired to move all of these books!
-I mean, you forgot... Well.
-I miss the good old days.
-I must leave to get more.
-I need %d %s for that.
-I need @@ @@.
-I need a %s for my soup.
-I need more Croc Claws.
-I need more information first.
-I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1
-I need to go, sorry.
-He de marxar, ho sento.
-I need to rest.
-I need to think about it...#0
-I need to think about it...#1
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Només necessito 2 @@, 2@@s, 1@@...
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
-Només recordo ser rescatat per tu.#0
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
-Només recordo ser rescatat per tu.#1
-I ran away as fast as I could, and lucky for me the monsters aren't that fast on their tiny root legs, Ha!
-I recall seeing Gulukan, Astapolos and Q'Muller.
-Recordo haver vist en Gulukan, l'Astapolos i en Q'Muller.
-I recommend that you train your agility a great deal, since most monsters out there aren't really amazing at hitting you.
-I recommend you to take a nap on the inferior level, we will soon leave this place.
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#0
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#1
-I remember I saw a few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get a head start on today's work.
-I remember when I created my first party, we were amazed to share some experience with a small group of adventurer...
-I robbed a nobleman, took a chest full of coins.
-I saw someone sneaking around town wearing a theater mask.
-I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Veig que no es tan fàcil mantenir a ratlla aquests rattos. Vols intentar-ho de nou?
-I see.
-I see. Bye!
-Ja veig. Adéu!
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Legion of Aemil, then he's also our friend and ally.#1
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Legion of Aemil, then she's also our friend and ally.#0
-I sent someone to kill me some maggots and they have yet to return.
-I should know, I've not been a member for a while, too. But then I joined the Legion and look what a shining example of a great fighter I became!
-I should put more effort into this.
-I show her what the problem is, and she tells me to go inside and wait.
-I still didn't find my brother...
-I still do; it's my job.
-I swear, I do not eat so much.
-Ho juro, no menjo gaire.
-I think I am sick!
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#0
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#1
-I think I should report you to the crew members.
-Crec que hauria d'informar sobre tu als membres de la tripulació.
-I think I'll be done soon, since I almost have a box full of @@s!
-I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?
-Crec que per ara ja he acabat. Tens alguna pregunta?
-I think that I am now both...
-I think that I'm still a bit sick.
-Crec que encara estic una mica malalt.
-I think that I've seen this weakling wandering around the beach south from here this morning.
-I think that my wine is of great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-I think that we will stay in port for a great time.
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Penso que aquest yeye's aviat estarà enllestit. Yeye aviat tindrà una capsa plena de @@s!
-I think that you already understood, you are asleep.
-I thought that she would never come to pick it up!
-I took my axe and attacked the beast!
-I used a card to improve my clothes.
-I used to be a farmer, but my magic attempts were banned by the gouvernment.
-I used to get these logs from Jack, the handsome lumberjack.
-I usually would not care, but it is not every day a complete stranger arrives at Artis.
-I value my life, that's why!
-I want to be the first merchant of this square to sell clothes made from @@s!
-I want to divorce.
-I want to make my own dyes.
-I want to register for marriage.
-I was afraid to get busted, so I decided to get rid of the evidence.
-I was an actor when I was younger.
-I was an archer of the Legion and shouldn't be scared of a few maggots, but everyone has fears, right?!
-I was going to ask you if you would need any help.
-Et volia preguntar si necessitaries una mica d'ajuda.
-I was in no shape to fight again!
-I was just chopping away with my axe, and guess what happened?
-I was sent here with a task. I can give you a perfect, wonderful, magnificent, superbly well shaped... Cookie!
-He sigut enviat aquí amb una missió. Et puc donar una perfecta, meravellosa, magníficament ben feta... Galeta!
-I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible.
-I was supposed to act as storagekeeper, but I forgot my key.
-I will buy all of the fur that you will bring me at a good price, let's say, 15 E piece.
-I will close an eye for once, but only because it's your first time asking for something!
-I will find him, don't worry!
-I will give you my pocket money if you do.
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#0
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#1
-I will not lie to a little girl! And your mother needs your help.
-I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors!
-No t'explicaré tots els detalls, però després d'un mes, ella estava governant el vaixell i jo vaig ser enviat aquí baix, per a cuinar per aquests traïdors!
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#0
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#1
-I will send you this letter as soon as I arrive.
-I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes?
-El visitaré, es clar. Necessites alguna ajuda amb les teves caixes?
-I will take care of the other ones don't worry.
-Tindré cura dels altres no et preocupis.
-I will take it! Thank you captain!
-Ho agafaré! Gràcies capità!
-I will take the @@ Bounty.
-I will tell my dad!
-I will yaying do.
-Ho yaying faré.
-I will.
-Ho faré.
-I wish I could remember something...
-I wish I helped your friends, because I'd really, really like a cookie.
-Desitjaria ajudar als teus amics, perquè realment, realment m'encantaria aconseguir una galeta.
-I wish you a beautiful day.
-I wish you a good time in town.
-I won't forget it, I swear on my precious plushrooms!
-I won't go there ever again.
-I won't need it, thank you.#0
-I won't need it, thank you.#1
-I won't risk MY life for a few gold pieces!
-I won't. I promise.
-I wonder too...
-Hem pregunto si...
-I wonder what took him so long?
-I wonder who is in delarium now...
-I work under the protection and the supervision of the Legion of Aemil.
-I would go myself, but for some reason I'm a non-walking NPC.
-I would go myself, but the developers were too lazy to make me walk.
-I would like to come back home when the days are better.
-I would like to create a guild.
-I would like to create a party.
-I would like to perform money transactions.
-I would like to stay here a bit more.
-I would like to store some items.
-I would prefer becoming a real Sorcerer one time. *sighs*
-I wrote your name on the book, you are now free to use the storage and bank services.
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-HEM DIC, @@!
-I'd been trying to break it up for a while, but that kind of work is a pain.
-I'd like to buy a piou.
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they fly away when I try.
-I'd like to get a different style.
-I'd like you to ask the villagers about the recent string of robberies.
-I'd love one!
-I'll ask Melinda later
-I'll be back in no time.
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#0
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#1
-I'll be waiting for you, then!
-I'll come back later.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.#0
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.#1
-Li donaré tot el que necessiti, no et preocupis.#1
-I'll give you @@ GP for this job.
-I'll give you something if you do.
-I'll keep that in mind.
-I'll keep track of this, while you return the mask to the troupe.
-I'll return the plushroom to you, but please, do not waste my time.
-I'll share my berries with you if you help me.
-Compartiré les meves baies si m'ajudes.
-I'll wait for you here.
-I'll wait until you do.
-I'm a barber, you see. I can change your hairstyle or hair color to your current taste.
-I'm a bit sick...#0
-Estic una mica malalta...#0
-I'm a bit sick...#1
-Estic una mica malalt...#1
-I'm a little busy right now.
-I'm a melee warrior, I don't need bows.
-I'm afraid to go there myself, but if you take the risk, you can have half of the loot.
-I'm an expert blacksmith.
-I'm back from battle!#0
-I'm back from battle!#1
-I'm barely in when it starts raining outside, pouring cats and mouboos!
-I'm busy, leave me alone.
-I'm done with my training.#0
-I'm done with my training.#1
-I'm done.
-I'm fine for now, thank you.
-I'm fine, thanks.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#0
-M'alegra veure que estàs bé.#0
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#1
-M'alegra veure que estàs bé.#1
-I'm glad you're on my side.
-M'alegra que estiguis de la meva part.
-I'm just a merchant, I trade and make deals, yes "excuse" me if I'm not as skilled as that stupid alchemist.
-I'm looking for Gugli, where is he?
-Estic buscant en Gugli, on es?
-I'm looking for some black iron ingots.
-I'm looking for somebody named Fexil.
-I'm losing my mind here, I need something else to eat!
-M'estic tornant boig aquí, necessito alguna cosa més per menjar!
-I'm lost, where should I go?#0
-I'm lost, where should I go?#1
-I'm not a pawn of the Legion, I don't have to obey you!
-I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry.
-I'm not proud of it, but I had to steal money from others to keep on living.
-I'm not suited for this kind of work!
-No vaig preparat per aquest tipus de feina!
-I'm not sure where to go from here, maybe you can find something else.
-I'm not sure. They probably left the ship early this morning. I was not awake yet.
-No n'estic segur. Segurament han deixat el vaixell aquest matí. Encara no estava despert.
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Legion of Aemil won't get me!
-I'm on my way! I will bring it back to you.
-I'm out of here.
-I'm proud of you – to dare to fight those trunks is admirable indeed.
-I'm really excited, this place reminds me of an ancient mythical tree, you might know what I'm talking about...
-I'm someone who respects those speaking the truth.
-I'm sorry but I can't see your name anywhere.
-Ho sento però no veig el teu nom enlloc.
-I'm sorry but I have no time to chat with you.
-Ho sento però no tinc temps per xerrar amb tu.
-I'm sorry but I'm here only to help young people.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#0
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#1
-I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
-I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.
-Ho sento. Ara mateix no tinc temps.
-I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything.
-I'm sorry, but I'm busy looking into this string of robberies.
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#0
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#1
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#0
-Encara soc una mica dèbil per ara. Potser hauriem de parlar d'aquí una mica.#0
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#1
-Encara soc una mica dèbil per ara. Potser hauriem de parlar d'aquí una mica.#1
-I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors.
-Encara estic enfeinat, necessito trobar altres mariners.
-I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you!
-Encara estic en coma, però el meu fantasma t'està turmentant!
-I'm supposed to be helping Bernard from the Inn but...
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Estic segur que en Tibbo està sol a la cantonada sud-oest de l'illa. Està convençut que es el millor lloc per recol·lectar @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#1
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#0
-I'm sure that you already knew the answer, didn't you?
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-Estic segur que tens algunes preguntes per mi, no dubtis a preguntar, però primer t'he de dir les regles per a una conducta social adequada a bord.
-I'm sure you would have some interesting stories to tell!
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#0
-N'estic segur que apreciaràs els seus efectes, però vigila, aquestes galetes són rares, i necessitaràs ajuda de la comunitat abans d'aconseguir-ne una altra.#0
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#1
-N'estic segur que apreciaràs els seus efectes, però vigila, aquestes galetes són rares, i necessitaràs ajuda de la comunitat abans d'aconseguir-ne una altra.#1
-I'm talking about the cookie inside which I put all my love!
-I'm the cook's assistant of the ship. I help Gado, La Johanne's Chef, in his daily work.
-Soc l'assistent del cuiner. Ajudo a en Gado, el xef de La Johanne, en la seva feina diària.
-I'm the leader of a traveling theater troupe.
-I'm too busy here to observe the town.
-I'm yearning for maggot soup!
-I've remembered something else.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around.
-L'he vist a la part de baix de l'illa, revisa per allà.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around.
-L'he vist a la part inferior de l'illa, ves a revisar-ho.
-I've seen him at the northern part of the island.
-I've seen him at the southern part of the island, check around.
-I've seen him at the top of the island.
-L'he vist a la part superior de l'illa.
-I've seen him down around the southern area of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-I... I just like to eat the purple and delightful... And natural, and...
-Ianus is from the Legion of Aemil, don't compare me to this brigand.
-If Enora thinks this is the right place for you, then she's probably be right. Did you know she's a lieutenant of the Legion?
-If Enora wants her sword now, I need to ask for your help.
-If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you!
-Si hagués *hic* vist qui eres... *hic* No t'hagués ajudat!
-If it's no trouble, could you get me a %s?
-If my memory serves me right, you were just defeated. Why don't you go out to buy better equipment?
-If not, how could CrazyKatiektch
-If only someone could help me to make my flowers bloom again.
-If so, I hope that he didn't give you any hard time, sometimes he can get up on the wrong side of the bed he becomes an embittered and grumpy old man...
-If so, please take some courage and help me!
-If the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished.
-If words beat in rhythm
-If yoiis wants to see a different use for the cards he can yeye for Resa at the light armor shop for a description of the styling cards.
-If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this!
-If you are lucky he might tell you a story about his adventures.
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#0
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#1
-If you catch the escaped piou and bring it back, I will give you a 90% discount on a piou.
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#0
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#1
-If you continue there will be none left!
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#0
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#1
-If you don't like to
-If you ever find the time, pass by Esperia, it's the greatest city in all of Gasaron!
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#0
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#1
-If you feel bored or like running around in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks to do.
-If you find the correct answer, I will give you these potions...
-If you get me some Coal and Iron Ingots, I could make you a very valuable shield or helmet.
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#0
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#1
-If you kill some of these tree monsters and bring me their wood I could take a look at them.
-If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default
-If you need some firewood, just let me know.
-If you need somebody to craft a weapon or a plate from diagrams I am the one that you need.
-If you need something in the future, do not hesitate to pass by here, our stock is full of boxes collecting dust.
-If you really want to, just go to the southwest, but I can't help you.
-If you search for him you should look in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the left bridge, you can't miss it!
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#0
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#1
-If you see weird things here and there, or things that just shouldn't be, or even in your minds eye, things that you would like to see...
-If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats:
-If you visit the sewers again... You'll find secret passages...
-If you wake up at the inn after a harsh battle, you will find yourself revitalized in an instant unlike other places where you can rest.
-If you want another cookie, you know what to do!
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#0
-Si bols ser recompensada, ajuda'ns a fer d'aquest món un lloc millor.#0
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#1
-Si bols ser recompensat, ajuda'ns a fer d'aquest món un lloc millor.#1
-If you want to challenge someone for a friendly match, you are at the right place.
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#0
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#1
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#0
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#1
-If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-Si vols llegir aquesta pagina un altre cop, n'hi ha una còpia a la paret de la esquerra.
-If you want to say something to a specific player, you can type "/query Playername" or "/whisper Playername message", this will create a new tab on your chat window.
-If you wish to reset your stats:
-If you're looking for us there, most of us will be at the tavern of the Red Plush, at the bar counter, for Silvio's case...
-Impossible to increase the number/value.
-Impossible to resync: You are dead.
-In Artis they really do mythologize people when they die.
-In a couple of days, we will finally reach Artis.
-In case you don't have a commendatory letter from you-know-whom, I am just sitting here and observe the whales.
-In fact, everything seems to work perfectly under your guidance. Nard has made the right choice.
-En efecte, tot sembla anar perfectament sota el teu mandat. En Nard ha fet una bona tria.
-In fact... Oh, the things that I could tell... But ran out of space on this... Just be reasonable and go home.
-En efecte... Les coses que podria explicar... Però ens hem quedat sense espai... Siguis raonable i bes a casa.
-In hopes of one day reconnect with the people of Ancea and establish a trade between the two continents, The City of Artis was founded. The Aemil Continent has then grown without contact with the people of Ancea.
-In order to enter a message press the '###keyChat;' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press '###keyChat;' again to send your speech.
-In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online.
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified party is online.
-Indeed! Goodbye.
-I tant! Adéu.
-Indeed, I am not.#0
-En efecte, no ho soc.#0
-Indeed, I am not.#1
-En efecte, no ho soc.#1
-Indefinite Traning
-Infantry Helmet
-Information sent to login-server via char-server.
-Inside is a theater mask and a note that you cannot even begin to read.
-Instance ID: @@
-Instance variables may not be used with @set.
-Int: %d (%d~%d)
-Intelligence raises your maximum mana points (good for mages) and your mind abilities. Please note: Magic system has not yet been implemented in this world.
-Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then!
-Interessant...Deixaré que vagis fent les teves tasques llavors!
-Interval: (none, only sent on login)
-Interval: every @@ hour(s)
-Introduce yourself instead of poking me around. I almost fell from the lader, savage...
-Invalid Homunculus ID.
-Invalid Monster/NPC name/ID specified.
-Invalid bound type. Valid types are - 1:Account 2:Guild 3:Party 4:Character
-Invalid color.
-Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
-Invalid e-mail. If your email hasn't been set, use
-Invalid flag name or flag.
-Invalid font. Use a value from 0 to 9.
-Invalid item ID or name.
-Invalid location number, or name.
-Invalid mob ID %s!
-Invalid mob id %s!
-Invalid mob name %s!
-Invalid monster ID or name.
-Invalid name.
-Invalid new e-mail. Please enter a real e-mail address.
-Invalid packet
-Invalid time for ban command.
-Invalid time for jail command.
-Invisible: Off
-Invisible: On
-Iron Armbands
-Iron Ore
-Iron Potion
-Iron Shovel
-Iron Vein
-Is it possible to go back to Drasil Island?
-Is it truly a hard choice to make?
-Is not properly shaded
-Is that all you had to say?
-Is that okay?
-Is there a reward?
-Hi ha recompensa?
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#0
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#1
-Is this some kind of joke?!
-Isn't my husband Hinnak so hardworking?
-Isn't this place pretty?
-Isn't this place pretty? I love hanging out here!
-Isnt that the one Nard found on a float in the sea, with the sign of the Legion on his chest?
-It doesn't look like you have them all...
-It doesn't reply.
-It escaped!
-It has been some days now since I asked her for a box of @@s, but she hasn't delivered anything yet.
-It has started to snow.
-It hit me here *points at a bruise on his shoulder*, here *lifts his trouser leg to show another bruise*, and here *lifts his shirt and reveals even worse bruises*.
-It hurts so bad!
-It is a bit cumbersome but its strikes are deadly.
-It is a sunny day, don't you think?
-It is either a huge monster, some cultists, or someone throwing strange stuff into sewers.
-It is one of my best works.
-It is possible to yeye your cloth with my beautiful dyes.
-It is them, after all, who have the ultimate decision as to those I can give my cookies to.
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#0
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#1
-It is.
-It looked like one of the masks used by the troupe that was in town recently.
-It looks like the sweet lady is curious, am I right?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?
-It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.
-Sembla que no pots portar res més per ara.
-It needs so much training, but Wyara only leaves me here, standing and selling something instead of teaching me.
-It really hurts, please hurry!
-It seems I got them all!
-It seems that the boy would like to say more, but seems too terrified at the moment.
-It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-It seems that you have no status points to reset!
-It seems that you need a key to open this door.
-Sembla que necessites una clau per obrir aquesta porta.
-It seems the gentleman is curious, am I right sweetie?
-It seems you can't carry it right now...
-It seems you can't carry the %s.
-It seems you can't carry the bow right now.
-It seems you don't have room for my reward.
-It seems you have no wood left.
-It seems you still have some work to do.
-Sembla que encara tens feina a fer.
-It tends to be too dark to see a mask.
-It was at night, so I could barely escape. I ran to Artis hill.
-It was heard about some adventurers whom obtained and use advanced magic, but that is still seen with bad eyes.
-It was something like a long nap.
-Era una cosa així com una llarga migdiada.
-It was wonderful.
-It will make an excellent bow!
-It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-Seria bo per tu que fages una mica d'exercici, el vaixell no es prou gran per això.
-It would have been easy for me to handle it but if you do it, you can earn some respect by killing Fluffies instead of their natural predators!
-It's @@ @@.
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#0
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#1
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember me telling you that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-It's a dangerous place out here. Beware of the mischievous creatures living here!
-It's a good place to earn money, it can also help you to travel throughout the land!
-It's a great honor for us, at the Legion, to hold the security of his business!
-It's a kind of mushroom that tastes like a marshmallow and looks like a plush! @@, get it?
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!
-Es un tipus de bolet. L'anomenem així pel seu gust, igual al d'un núvol de sucre. També deu el nom a la seva aparença, sembla un peluix!
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!
-Es un tipus de bolet. L'anomenem així degut al seu gust, semblant als núvols de sucre.També s'anomena així degut a la seva aparença. Sembla un peluix!
-It's a poem, about poems... Why are you asking that?
-It's a very good place if you want to make some more money.
-It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok.
-Està bé! Només una caixa més i acabem.
-It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one!
-It's been a while, boy!#1
-It's been a while, girl!#0
-It's better than running around in circles doing nothing.
-It's better to deal with the Merchant Guild than the old man, Don has this ability to hammer down your enthusiasm in sparkling fury!
-It's currently day, but when night falls, Candor will become darker.
-It's currently night, that's why Candor is dark.
-It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working...
-Està bé, bé... Tinc una amiga que encara està en coma, però no puc estar amb ella sense treballar...
-It's interesting and exciting at the same time!
-Es interessant i emocionant a la vegada!
-It's like your memories are locked away in your head! Cool!
-It's nearly as good as one from Esperia, have you ever been there?
-It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful.
-It's ok.
-Està bé.
-It's probably full of coins, but no matter how hard you try to open it, you can't.
-It's so exciting to meet somebody with amnesia!
-It's so hard to find the motivation...
-Es molt dur trobar la motivació...
-It's still too young to fly too far away, so it just circles nearby.
-It's the big building in northern Artis, at the top of a small hill.
-It's the good one and, ahem!
-It's to the west, on your left side. Just go through this door before the stairs and turn left afterwards. Can't miss it!
-It's true!
-És veritat!
-It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception.
-Es on cada un dels vaixells mercants acaben el seu viatge i nosaltres no volem ser una excepció.
-Item cannot be opened when inventory is full
-Item created.
-Item database has been reloaded.
-Item not found.
-Item type not found.
-Item types on your autoloottype list:
-Item: '%s'/'%s'[%d] (%d) Type: %s | Extra Effect: %s
-Item: '%s'[%d]
-Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once.
-Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.
-Els objectes tenen diferents efectes. Alguns et curaran, altres poden ser utilitzats com a arma o armadura, i d'altres poden ser venuts per aconseguir diners.
-Items on your autolootitem list:
-Its roots tore out of the earth, all the branches started to wave around, and a face appeared on the trunk.
-Ivan gave package
-Ivan grumbles and resumes his work.
-Ivan is the one you should look for now.
-Jack explained problem
-Jack places them next to each other, adds a frame, and nails everything together.
-Jack proposes shield
-Jack saws the logs into pieces and then sands them until they are smooth to the touch.
-Jeans Chaps
-Job Level and certain equips can affect your status. You'll see the modifiers with a + sign.
-Job level can't go any higher.
-Job level can't go any lower.
-Job level lowered.
-Job level raised.
-Johanne Key
-Judgement has passed.
-Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.
-La Julia està al nivell superior del vaixell, utilitza les tecles amb fletxes per caminar cap a les escales o clica a les escales a la part superior, a la dreta de la teva pantalla
-Julia made an appeal to the Legion of Aemil to get in touch with you, exit the ship and you should see your escort!
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#0
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#1
-Jump to %d %d
-Jump to %s
-Just call me when you changed your mind.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Només colpeja el bagul, i et yeye un @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Just look at my goods for sale! Fresh fruits and vegetables were shipped only this morning. And for reasonable price, of course.
-Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there.
-Just say something sparkling
-Katja asked for help
-Katja gave reward
-Keep moving boy.#1
-Keep moving girl.#0
-Keep moving.
-Keep the sword and the jacket, you deserved them!
-Keshlam expanded rapidly under the rule of King Janeb the Founder, and soon annexed the whole Ancea continent - excluding solely the Land Of Fire - to its domains, creating the Platinum Kingdom.
-Khaki Cotton Dye
-Kill at least %d pinkies and come back.
-Killed mob bitmask: @@
-Killer state reset.
-Know that every flatterer,
-Known Recipes: @@
-Kralog Voice
-Lachesis Brew
-Large Healing Potion
-Large Mana Potion
-Last seen:
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#0
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#1
-Lazy Brother
-Leadership transferred.
-Lean for example?
-En Lean per exemple?
-Learn Skill
-Learn all recipes
-Leather Gloves
-Leather Shield
-Leather Trousers
-Leave it.
-Leave me alone.
-Leaves have stopped falling.
-Leaves started falling.
-Leaves |
-Left Crafty Wing
-Legion of Aemil
-Legion's Copper Armor
-Legion's Training Shirt
-Let me check in my inventory book...
-Let me check into it...
-Let me check my cookie list...
-Deixa'm comprovar la meva llista...
-Let me explain to you what the Merchant Guild is for.
-Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
-Deixa que hem presenta, soc en Nard, el capità d'aquest baixell.
-Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ @@s to reset your stats.
-Let me open it with my key.
-Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!
-Deixa'm veure... Potes cruixents, líquids putrefactes... Comencem!
-Let's begin
-Let's go to Artis.
-Let's make a trade.
-Let's not keep her waiting.
-Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and never drunk.
-S'ha de dir que la persona que m'ha dit això es respectada i no s'emborratxa mai.
-Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!
-Let's set sail then!
-Let's trade.
-Lettuce Leaf
-Fulla d'enciam
-Light Armor Shop
-Like I promised, here is your share.
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#0
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#1
-Like, a defensive mythril card can be used on any mythril equipment, and it will improve the defense by 5% of the latter.
-Lime Cotton Dye
-Line @@ has been removed.
-List of known cooking recipes:
-List of known master skills:
-List the commands
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#0
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#1
-Little Blub
-Blub Petit
-Little Green Slime
-Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
-Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.
-Viure en un vaixell està bé, però de vegades necessitem una mica d'aire lliure.
-Lloyd gave package
-Lloyd gave pass
-Lloyd is searching something in his book.
-Lloyd still owes me, but beware of those money-grabbers, or they might sell your own teeth to you!
-Lloyd the Banker
-Log Head
-Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
-Login-server has been asked to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Login-server is offline. Impossible to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?
-Look for the hideout, but tell no one about this. Then, say the password again.
-Look how splendid this @@ is!
-Look how splendid this landscape is!
-Mira quin paisatge més esplèndid!
-Look who is back...
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#0
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#1
-Look, here he is!
-Mira, aquí està!
-Look, there he is!
-Mira, allí està!
-Look, we finally meet.
-Looking over closely, you find a book that is upside down.
-Looks much better now, doesn't it?
-Lord Knight
-Lost the riddle
-Lousy Moccasins
-Lousy Moccasins
-Lovely day, isn't it?
-Lower this skill
-Lozerk told me to talk to you and join the legion.
-Luck helps you do critical hits and dodge the ones dealt by enemies.
-La sort t'ajuda a fer cops crítics i evitar els propinats per l'enemic.
-Luckily the beach is nearby, and somehow I made my way home.
-Luk: %d (%d~%d)
-M... Maybe?
-MOTD Config
-MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Made any progress yet?
-Maggot Slime
-Maggot soup
-Magic Arpan
-Magic Arpan
-Magic Arpan#sailors
-Magic Feather
-Magic was banned for lore reasons? Seriously, after the mana war, only small tricks are allowed.
-Make me proud, boy.#1
-Make me proud, girl.#0
-Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though!
-Make sure to tip her, it will brighten up her day.
-Makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Mana Bug
-Mana Ghost
-Mana Torch
-Manana Sandwich
-Manana Tree
-Manually trigger the current broadcast
-Many thanks. I can now do sandwiches again!
-Map not found.
-Map or anchor not found: %s
-Map: %s (Zone:%s) | Players: %d | NPCs: %d | Chats: %d | Vendings: %d
-Market Place
-Marriage failed.
-Master Book
-Master Fluffy was attracted by the odour,
-Master Piou sat on a tree,
-Mauve Cotton Dye
-Mauve Herb
-Mauve Plant
-Max HP: %d (%d~%d)
-Max SP: %d (%d~%d)
-Maxe and Sapartan for example?
-May this be a lesson for you.
-Pot ser una lliçó per a tu.
-Maybe he over did it with the bottle today to celebrate that!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? He could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#1
-Maybe later.
-Maybe next time.
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month. She could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#0
-Maybe you can catch some of them.
-Maybe you can come down to talk?
-Podries baixar per parlar?
-Maybe you can do his job?
-Maybe you can use it as a weapon.
-Maybe you could ask him what's wrong?
-Maybe you have more luck with something else?
-Maybe you meant:
-Maybe you should help someone else first, so that he sees your intentions are good.
-Maybe you should try this phrase?
-Maybe you too you could help me?
-Maybe you will find a piece of wood that is strong enough to become one of my forest bows.
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#0
-Pot ser... Però prefereixo tenir gent ven entrenada al meu costat quan es tracta de lluitar contra criatures perilloses. Ja et sents prou preparada per lluitar contra enemics?#0
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#1
-Pot ser... Però prefereixo tenir gent ven entrenada al meu costat quan es tracta de lluitar contra criatures perilloses. Ja et sents prou preparat per lluitar contra enemics?#1
-Me and the wife were at home all night.
-Me too.
-Meanwhile, the sun has dried the other pieces.
-Mechanic T
-Medium Healing Potion
-Medium Mana Potion
-Merchant Guild
-Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment.
-Mercy has been granted.
-Mercy has been shown.
-Mh, I don't care for heroes.
-Mh, or perhaps honor is dead in you; for you to be so slow to comprehend the good that his exploits have wrought for us.
-Mikhail needs maggot slime
-Minstrel T
-Mint Cashmere Dye
-Mob Search... %s %s
-Mob is doing its daily noise, nature is singing its sumptuous melody, none is alone.
-Modify another line
-Modify this line
-Modify, move, or remove a line
-Mommy doesn't want me to talk to strangers.
-Mommy sent me to find my brother Bobo.
-Mona's dad
-Mona's dad is missing
-Mona's dad was rescued
-Mona's father is right behind you. You have five minutes to bring him out of sewers!
-Monster NoTeleport |
-Monster database has been reloaded.
-Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of.
-Moon needs @@
-Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@.
-Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them.
-Mostly manuals and tutorials but you won't find out until you open one!
-Move this line down
-Move this line up
-Mundane ran away, he did not trust the path you chose.
-Mundane ran straight home. He must be missing his daughter.
-Mushroom Spores
-Espores de fong
-My Mouboos, my beloved Mouboos!
-My beauty. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#0
-My breath smells bad.
-My daughter is probably worried about me. Could you perhaps lead me out of here?
-My forestbows are not made of regular wood, you know.
-My friend. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-My friends are... Well, you know... The creators.
-Els meus amics son... Bé, ja saps... Els creadors.
-My help, Mikhail, finally returned with the slimes I needed.
-My men have found all of the stolen items.
-My name is @@...
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. All I have to eat are these berries... berries... berries...
-Hem dic Alige, m'he estat amagant aquí unes setmanes, Tot el que menjo es aquestes baies... baies... baies...
-My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-Hem dic Astapolos. Q'Muller i jo ens vam unir a la tripulació d'en Nard fa uns quants anys quan encara era un petit vaixell mercant.
-My name is General Store, they still call me this although I left the army a few years ago.
-My name is Jack Lumber, the enemy of all trees.
-My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.
-Hem dic Julia, soc jo mateixa qui et va cuidar després que et trobéssim al mar.
-My name is Lloyd, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-My name is Q'Onan, I'm a member of Nard's crew.
-My stats are too good, I won't need it.
-NOTICE: If you crash with mount your LUA is outdated.
-NPC %d: %s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC %d: %s::%s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC Buy:%dz, Sell:%dz | Weight: %.1f
-NPC Disabled.
-NPC Enabled.
-NPC is not in this map.
-NPC moved.
-NPC stylists will cut your hair!
-NPC variables may not be used with @set.
-NPC's or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help.
-Nah, I don't feel like chatting.
-Nah, maybe later.
-Name not found in list.
-Name: %s
-Name: %s (GM)
-Name: %s (GM:%d) | Location: %s %d %d
-Nard and his crew are taking us to the city of Artis.
-Nard asks to help crew
-Nard asks to solve conflict
-Nard looks surprised and stops you.
-En Nard sembla sorprès i t'atura.
-Navy Blue Cotton Dye
-Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger.
-Never (only on login)
-Never since that day have I strayed near them, and yet there you are, cutting them down one by one.
-Nevertheless, you can craft some cards that you can then attach to your equipment.
-Nevertheless, you can talk with another adventurer by pressing the [Enter] key and then type what you want to say!
-New e-mail must be a real e-mail address.
-New e-mail must be different from the current e-mail address.
-New quest available: %s (level %d+)
-New warp NPC '%s' created.
-Next broadcast: (never)
-Next broadcast: @@
-Nice day to you.
-Night Mode Activated.
-Night Mode is activated
-Night mode is already enabled.
-NightmareDrop |
-Nine Castles
-Nineteen Castles
-No Exp Penalty: %s | No Zeny Penalty: %s
-No GM found.
-No Save (Return to last Save Point)
-No Save, Save Point: %s,%d,%d
-No Save, Save Point: %s,Random
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1
-No cookie for you!
-No hi ha galeta per tu!
-No item found in this player's %s.
-No item has been refined.
-No item need to be repaired.
-No longer spying on the %s guild.
-No longer spying on the %s party.
-No matter how many times I come here, I can't find the reason for the strange sounds...
-No matter the grammar
-No matter the spelling
-No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
-No more pain, thanks to you.
-No one who has met him would say such silly things.
-No player found in map '%s'.
-No player found.
-No problem, come back later if you changed your mind!
-No problem, do you have any other questions for me?
-Cap problema, tens alguna altra pregunta per a mi?
-No problem, see you next time.
-No thank you, I'm fine. I'll come back later.
-No gràcies, estic bé. Tornaré d'aquí una estona.
-No thanks, not at the moment.
-No gràcies, no en aquest moment.
-No thanks.
-No you don't have to go. I need your help, so you have to stay.
-No! No, no, my precious plushrooms! Don’t take me to them, they wants my precious.
-No, I can't. I won't! All I wanted was to travel across the seas for fun, growl... sniff. And in this hole in the floor, as you can see, I have lots of fun.
-No, I don't, but I would like to know more about that.
-No, jo no, però m'agradaria saber més sobre això.
-No, I feel fine.
-No, I haven't seen anything.
-No, I'm fine.
-No, I'm still looking.
-No, and I gotta go, see you.
-No, i me n'he d'anar, a rebeure.
-No, none.
-No, cap.
-No, sorry.
-No, ho sento.
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-No, són massa perillosos per a mi!
-No. Sorry.
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#0
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#1
-NoAutoloot |
-NoBaseEXP |
-NoBranch |
-NoCalcRank |
-NoCommand |
-NoDrop |
-NoGuild |
-NoIcewall |
-NoJobEXP |
-NoMVPLoot |
-NoMemo |
-NoMobLoot |
-NoParty |
-NoReturn |
-NoSkill |
-NoTeleport |
-NoTrade |
-NoVending |
-NoViewID |
-NoWarp |
-NoWarpTo |
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians.
-Ningú coneixerà sobre l'existència dels Mercurians.
-Nobody! *burp*
-Ningú! *burp*
-Noh Mask
-None Taken
-None of my troupe have left the city since we got here.
-None of the raindrops touched her, as if they were afraid!
-None of them?
-Cap d'ells?
-Nope, there are no secrets hidden within the ship's hull. Some sailors swear they have seen stowaways hidden somewhere. The bow or the stern? Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Normal Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Normally, collaborative monsters behave like neutral monsters. Unless someone of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor.
-North East
-North West
-Not a hexadecimal digit:
-Not a string:
-Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running after a player and you stand in the way...
-Not content to stay buried in their burrows in the sand, Crocs can be quite a nuisance, infesting this whole island. Tender Feet and Newbies are advised: Avoid touching these crawling red devils. They have huge, deadly claws that can make mincemeat of you! You can recognize them easily by their crabby personalities. Be careful younglings.
-Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!
-No tothom es amable. Els estafadors poden estar per tot arreu, fins i tot entre nosaltres!
-Not in the mood to chat.
-Not my problem.#0
-Not my problem.#1
-Not now, thank you.
-Not now.
-Not now. You see, I am also afraid of Slimes and Rattos!
-Not really. All I got was a headache...
-Not resync'ing to prevent flood.
-Not so good actually... I would feel better on Nard's ship.
-No tan bo en realitat ... Em sentiria millor en la nau d'en Nard.
-Not so weird, perhaps, except that it was been bright and sunny just a second before!
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!#1
-Not yet, I'll be back.#0
-Not yet, I'll be back.#1
-Not yet, but I am working on it.
-Not yet.
-Not yet. I will be back soon.
-Encara no. Tornaré aviat.
-Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. %s
-Nothing like a well-deserved %s after a long day of tending the crops!
-Nothing, just hanging around.
-Res, simplement fent un tom.
-Nothing, sorry.
-Res, ho sento.
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#0
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#1
-Now go outside and talk to Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what provisions we need.
-Now it is junk.
-Now let's see...
-Now listen to and ponder my words...
-Now move!
-Ara mou-te!
-Now stand still... It should not take much time...
-Now that I think about it, I have another task for you. I asked Resa from the light armor shop to craft me some new clothes, she is a bit far from here, I can't go there because I need to watch the dock.
-Now that I think about it, they are the only shops that are independent in Artis...
-Now that you bring up that topic, that reminds me of something...
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1
-Now, leave me alone...
-Ara deixam sol...
-Now, lets get back to business.
-Now, move!
-Nowhere, I'm fine here.
-Number of skill points changed.
-Number of status points changed.
-OK, I'll ask him.
-OK, let's trade.
-OK, thanks.
-Of course there is a reward for your task.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#1
-Of course!
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-Per descomptat! Digues-me quin idioma parles i canviaré les notes de la llista del vaixell.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list.
-Of course! What do you need?
-Of course, I'll go get them for you.
-Of course, as a fully-fledged crew member you can decide of the destination of La Johanne directly with Nard.
-Of course, so why do I still see open sea from the porthole?
-Of course, the Legion of Aemil can easily provide you with such training, even if you're not a member. Just great, isn't it?
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.
-Es clar, estan al mur de l'esquerra, ves a fer-hi un cop d'ull.
-Of course, they are on the left wall. Go have a look at them.
-Of course, you can select a bed somewhere else after your reservation, but you won't get your HP recovery until you choose to get some rest in the inn.
-Of the two of them, who has 'good' on their side?
-Official crew member
-Oh I see... Sailors are not able to do their job anymore, is it like that?!
-Oh, ja veig... Els mariners no son capaços de fer la seva feina, no?
-Oh alright, nevermind then.
-Oh d'acord, no importa llavors.
-Oh and guess what! I'm almost out of potions anyway.
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#0
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#1
-Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
-Oh que bé! T'ha tornat els diners també?
-Oh hey *hicks*
-Oh hey!
-Oh look, there's a piou behind you!
-Oh mira, un piou al teu darrere!
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#0
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other part of this island, I wonder what it could be...
-Oh no, the piou escaped!
-Oh no, you still have @@ Fluffies to kill.
-Oh noes!
-Oh noes! You found my secret backdoor!
-Oh oh... I see, your party became so big that you want to create an even larger structure?
-Oh really? How could I forget something as important as that?!
-Què, en serio? Com he pogut oblidar una cosa tant important com això?!
-Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then.
-En serio? Posaré més menjar a la pròxima capsa llavors.
-Oh right, I totally forgot about that, here you go.
-Oh sure I remember you.
-Oh thank you so much!
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
-Oh bé, et vam rescatar quan estaves yayin a la deriva.#0
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
-Oh bé, et vam rescatar quan estaves yayin a la deriva.#1
-Oh yes, I have one last errand for you, Q'Pid in the market sells potions.
-Oh yeye did, his store is just beside me!
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
-Oh yeyeye... Si no son comestibles. Potser podries provar d'equipar-te'ls?#0
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
-Oh yeyeye... Si no son comestibles. Potser podries provar d'equipar-te'ls?#1
-Oh! And in one of the rooms of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh! And our party chat was really entertaining, I do highly recommend you to share this fun as well.
-Oh! I like that sort of answer!
-Oh! M'agrada aquest tipus de resposta!
-Oh! You saved me, I was too afraid to unpack my stuff without this pass.
-Oh, I can't be sure...
-Oh, I hope you stayed and listened to his stories about his adventures.
-Oh, I see. That's right. Why should someone come here to see me, seriously?
-Oh, ja veig. Es correcte. Per què hauria de venir algú a veure'm, en serio?
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Oh, et volia demanar si podies ajudar a al tripulació a trobar una mica de menjar i explorar l'illa.
-Oh, a traveller. Welcome.
-Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.
-Oh, i casi me'n oblido! No li donis la contrasenya de la teva habitació a ningú! Soc l'únic que te l'altra clau i no et demanaré mai la teva, així que guarda-la en secret i no provis d'utilitzar la mateixa contrasenya en cap altre lloc.
-Oh, and I'll also need %s E for other materials.
-Oh, and Olga from the marketplace as well!
-Oh, and a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! But stay alert to pick up your drops.
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#0
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#1
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, one of the four main guilds of Gasaron. Does that help you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing.
-Oh, but I'll still need the book. Even if all pages are white.
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#0
-Oh, però no has vingut fins aquí per parlar d'això, no?#0
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#1
-Oh, però no has vingut fins aquí per parlar d'això, no?#1
-Oh, he is not far away from here. Just take the road through the crocojungle north from here.
-Oh, no esta lluny d'aquí. Només agafa el camí a traves de la croco-jungla al nord.
-Oh, he's still alive!#1
-Oh, hi, isn't it cool to live among all those Mouboos? I don't understand how some people can eat Mouboo steak.
-Oh, hi.
-Oh, it is simple. I have on this book the names of every citizen of Artis and its surroundings.
-Oh, it's you.
-Oh, ets tu.
-Oh, it's you. I think it's better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something.
-Oh, ets tu. Crec que és millor que no parlem en un temps. Comencen a sospitar.
-Oh, nooooo... If I go home now, my mum will give me chores.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, ok. Come back later if you need something.
-Oh, please hurry and bring me a %s.
-Oh, she's still alive!#0
-Oh, encara està viva!#0
-Oh, that's really bad news.
-Oh, the little...
-Oh, too bad.
-Oh, wait a second...
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#0
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#1
-Oh, you look more interested in magic.. the brotherhood did forbid most of the interesting paths of magic, but boring baby spells are still allowed.
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#0
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#1
-Oh... Awesome!
-Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
-Oh... Err, si ho vaig fer, o, bé, passa un bon dia!
-Oh... Ok, I will be around here if you change your mind.
-Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best.
-Oh... Bé, només acabo de començar a intercanviar... Així que la meva tècnica pot no ser la millor.
-Oh... You should have started with this!
-Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes.
-Oh... menjar rattos. Sona... Eeh... Deliciós, si.
-Oh... um... actually... all I wanted was to get to Artis. Err... but I didn't, uhm... have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Oh? And do you think you have what it takes to be a proud Legion Member?
-Ok I add your name... @@...
-Ok I stay here with my paperwork if you need my help.
-Ok fine, you have up to 3 tries, here is the riddle:
-Ok then.
-Ok we stay docked here if you need our help.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.#1
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.#0
-Ok, I will bring it to him.
-Ok, I will leave him alone.
-D'acord, el deixaré sol.
-Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-D'acord, siguis pacient una mica més, en els pròxims dies arribarem al port d'Artis...
-Ok, done.
-D'acord, fet.
-Ok, let me see...
-Ok, see you then!
-D'acord, ens veurem!
-Ok, sorry. Back to our fluffies.
-Okay, I'll be here, if you change your mind.
-Okay, but there won't be any explosions.
-Okay, you can start!
-D'acord, pots començar!
-Okay... Tell my sister I'll go home soon.
-Old Book
-Llibre antic
-Old Man
-Old Woman
-Old line:
-On March 213CCE, Chancellor Benjamin Frost, with support of the council, proclaimed the Republic of Ancea. This event would become known as the Blue Revolution.
-On a side note, more defense is always good, but the damage won't decrease on the same rate that defense raises.
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but you attack from a safer position. On the other hand, depending on the level of the weapon, melee ones potentially can yeild quicker kills.
-On the year 206CCE, after a long crisis of succession, a minor noble only known as Queen Platyna the Red came to inherit the Platinum Crown.
-Once the monster is dead, click on the dropped items to add them to your inventory. You can also use the 'Z' key to claim the drops.
-Una vegada que el monstre es mort, clica en els objectes deixats anar per afegir-los al teu inventari. També pots utilitzar la tecla "Z" i si estàs a prop els agafarà.
-Once used, they will disappear from your inventory.
-One Castle
-One advice: Don't take the things those drinkers say too serious. They are sitting here and drinking all day.
-One last thing to keep in mind... If you are surrounded, you'll suffer an agility and defense penalty.
-One of its branches hit me!
-One of these little boogers started flying early, and escaped from me.
-Only Don and the Merchant Guild have that kind of material in stock. It's called black iron.
-Only after you prove yourself, you may join our ranks as a proud member! Hahah!
-Only one more Fluffy to kill and it's done!
-Oooh, perfect! It's perfect!
-Oooh, these wounds! They hurt so much!
-Open your inventory window (###keyWindowInventory; key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button.
-Opened treasure chest
-Options changed.
-Or almost like me, at the very least.
-Or do you want to keep your friendships and adventures in different groups?
-Or you can take seat and ask Melinda if you need something.
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#0
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#1
-Orange Cotton Dye
-Other Drop Rates: MvP %.2fx / Card-Based %.2fx / Treasure %.2fx
-Other Flags:
-Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea.
-A part d'això, no sé molt sobre el que està passant, així que preguntar directament al Capità sobre el tema, podria ser una bona idea.
-Other things are written but are not legible anymore.
-També hi ha altres coses escrites però son il·legibles.
-Ouch... These boxes are so heavy!
-Au... Aquestes capses pesen massa!
-Our building here is also the finest place in the town. Just go and see for yourself!
-Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family!
-La nostra tripulació es com una família, i si accedeixes a ajudar-nos, m'agradaria invitar-t'hi!
-Our main responsibility in the city is to protect the Merchant Guild.
-Our mommy doesn't allow us to go there, because it's dangerous. But he doesn't listen!
-Our only wish to eat a plush, so juicy sweet...
-Out of creativity already? Don't worry, I don't judge! Hehe.
-Over lovers under a starry night
-Packet 0x%x length: %d
-Partner not ready.
-Party modification is disabled in this map.
-PartyLock |
-People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck.
-Perfect! I will wait for you here.
-Perhaps, and only perhaps, if you bring me the latter, I can bring you to a ship that will perhaps, and only perhaps, be able to bring you to Woodland.
-Pet hunger changed.
-Pet hunger is already at maximum.
-Pet intimacy changed.
-Pet intimacy is already at maximum.
-Peter needs help
-Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Pff... Nickel nurser!
-Piberries Infusion
-Pile Of Ash
-Pink Antennae
-Pink Blobime
-Blobime Rosa
-Pink Cotton Dye
-Pink Flower
-Pink Petal
-Pinkie Hat
-Piou Feathers
-Plomes de Piou
-Piou Legs
-Potes de piou
-Piou Slayer
-Assassí de Piou
-Piou and The Fluffy
-Piou egg
-Ou de piou
-Piouleg Sandwich
-Pious must keep a strict diet composed of Piberries.
-Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d
-Player '%s' has now been banned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' has now been unbanned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' is already banned from this channel
-Player '%s' is not banned from this channel
-Player '%s' was not found
-Player database has been reloaded.
-Player has been nuked!
-Player is not muted.
-Player is using %s skill tree (%d basic points).
-Player requires level %d of skill %s.
-Player unjailed.
-Player unmuted.
-Player warped to jail.
-Please bring it to me!
-Please bring me @@s so I can pull out these spikes from my foot.
-Please choose the desired gender:
-Please come again with at least 10 INT and 20 DEX. Stat Bonuses aren't counted.
-Please come back anytime!
-Please come talk to me, I'll help you get dressed.
-Please continue talking to the villagers.
-Please do hurry and bring me %d %s, so I can finish my soup!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, or get my hair mussed!
-Please don't touch my stove without my authorization.
-Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only.
-Per favor, no toquis aquests barrets, son sols i únicament per als membres de la tripulació.
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguise <name/ID>).
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguiseall <name/ID>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @enablenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @hidenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @npcoff <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @tonpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a clothes color (usage: @dye/@ccolor <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a guild name (usage: @guild <guild_name>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildrecall <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildspy <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a hair color (usage: @haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a hair style (usage: @hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a homunculus ID (usage: @makehomun <homunculus id>).
-Please enter a hunger value (usage: @homhungry <hunger value [0-100]>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @homlevel <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a map (usage: @warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @broadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @homtalk <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @kami <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @localbroadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @me <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @pettalk <message>).
-Please enter a mob name/ID and guild name/ID (usage: @disguiseguild <mob name/ID>, <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter a mob name/id (usage: @showmobs <mob name/id>)
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @mobsearch <monster name>).
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @summon <monster name> {duration}).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @whereis <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster/egg name/ID (usage: @makeegg <pet>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @skpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @stpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a party name (usage: @party <party_name>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyrecall <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyspy <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @block <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jail <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @kick <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @nuke <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @recall <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @trade <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unban <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unblock <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unjail/@discharge <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unmute <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @where <char name>).
-Please enter a position bitmask and an amount (usage: @refine <equip position> <+/- amount>).
-Please enter a quest skill ID.
-Please enter a script file name (usage: @loadnpc <file name>).
-Please enter a skill name to look up (usage: @skillid <skill name>).
-Please enter a sound filename (usage: @sound <filename>).
-Please enter a speed value (usage: @speed <%d-%d>).
-Please enter a status type/flag (usage: @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}).
-Please enter a time in minutes (usage: @mutearea/@stfu <time in minutes>).
-Please enter a valid amount.
-Please enter a valid level (usage: @guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels>).
-Please enter a valid number (usage: @pethungry <0-100>).
-Please enter a valid position (usage: @memo <memo_position:%d-%d>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @petfriendly <0-1000>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @str/@agi/@vit/@int/@dex/@luk <+/-adjustment>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
-Please enter an amount (usage: @spiritball <number: 0-%d>).
-Please enter an amount (usage: @zeny <amount>).
-Please enter an amount.
-Please enter an effect number (usage: @effect <effect number>).
-Please enter an intimacy value (usage: @homfriendly <intimacy value [0-1000]>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @itembound <item name/ID> <quantity> <bound_type>).
-Please enter an item name/ID (usage: @ii/@iteminfo <item name/ID>).
-Please enter an item name/ID, a quantity, and a player name (usage: #delitem <player> <item_name_or_ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter at least one item name/ID (usage: @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of very's>).
-Please enter at least one option.
-Please enter at least one valid list number (usage: @mapinfo <0-3> <map>).
-Please enter at least one value (usage: @model <hair ID: %d-%d> <hair color: %d-%d> <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter ban time and a player name (usage: @ban <time> <char name>).
-Please enter color and message (usage: @kamic <color> <message>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @sizeguild <size> <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @undisguiseguild <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter item name/ID (usage: @whodrops <item name/ID>).
-Please enter part of an item name (usage: @idsearch <part_of_item_name>).
-Please enter the combat zone on the left.
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalk <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalkc <color> <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the desired color
-Please enter the desired race
-Please enter the desired style
-Please enter the message:
-Please enter the new line.
-Please enter two e-mail addresses (usage: @email <current@email> <new@email>).
-Please find daddy...
-Please find my daddy...
-Please find the small chest, buried somewhere on Artis hill.
-Please go talk to the leader of the traveling troupe about the theater mask.
-Please go talk to their leader about this.
-Please guide me.
-Please return the mask to the traveling troupe.
-Please select a category:
-Please select a chapter:
-Please select a quest:
-Please select an option:
-Please select the interval:
-Please specify a display name or monster name/id.
-Please take this @@ for your help.
-Please try to figure out what went wrong with this order and bring me those potions.
-Please write the following sentence:
-Please, have a seat.
-Please, leave me alone. I have to pixel potions.
-Pleasure to meet you. I am @@.
-Plushroom Box
-Capsa de Plushrooms
-Plushroom Field
-Camp de plushrooms
-Plushrooms you say?
-Poem about Poems
-Poem is making the words dance
-Poison Skull
-Poisoned Dish
-Plat Enverinat
-Poisoned Julia
-Poor Chelios, I don't envy him...
-Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe 8:Body
-Potions? That sounds useful. What do you have?
-Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior.
-Press the '###keyTrade;' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations.
-Previous Inn reservation will be lost!
-Princess Slayer
-PrivateAirshipEndable |
-PrivateAirshipStartable |
-Protect me, please...
-Pumpkin Hat
-Barret de carbassa
-Pumpkin Juice
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Llavors de carbassa
-Purple Blobime
-Purple Cotton Dye
-Put on your thinking cap and be propelled into high adventure!
-PvP Flags:
-PvP Off.
-PvP On.
-PvP is already Off.
-PvP is already On.
-Pvp ON |
-Q'Onan asks to find chest
-Quest complete
-Quest database has been reloaded.
-Quest debug
-Quest state: @@
-Quest state: @@, @@
-Raijin Voice
-Veu de raijin
-Raise this skill
-Raises your Int by 50
-Raises your base level by 50
-Raises your job level by 50
-Ranger T
-Rate management
-Ratto Tail
-Cua de Ratto
-Ratto Teeth
-Dents de Ratto
-Raw Log
-Read it.
-Really? That's kind of you, I accept your help!
-De debò? Molt amable de la teva part, accepto la teva ajuda!
-Recipe Book
-Red Cotton Dye
-Red Plush Wine
-Red Rose
-Red Tulip
-Reduces your Int by 50
-Reduces your base level by 50
-Reduces your job level by 50
-Refinery UI is not available
-Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork.
-Related quests:
-Remember that some equipment sets will give you hidden stat bonuses! So dress yourself in a fashion way, if possible!
-Remember to stay sharp. I might need your help on another case.
-Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own.
-Remember, you have to find my brother on the hill east of here.
-Remind me, what should I do?
-Remove this line
-Remove this skill
-Removed %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Removed %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Removed all bans from the '%s' channel
-Removed item type: '%s' from your autoloottype list.
-Removed item: '%s'/'%s' {%d} from your autolootitem list.
-Repeat how many times?
-Repeat: @@ times
-Report back to me once you've had enough!
-Requires logout
-Resa gave package
-Reset 'Feeling' maps.
-Reset Quest
-Reset all recipes
-Reset done!
-Reset stats, skills, level
-Reset subquests
-Reset |
-Return to Artis?
-Return to Debug menu
-Return to Super Menu
-Return to main menu
-Return to skill debug menu
-Returned piou to Salem
-Returned to normal state.
-Returned to real name.
-Returning to normal font.
-Right Crafty Wing
-Right over there.
-Right! Ours is an earthsea realm. You see, sailors are swift at their tasks when out of sight of land, but docked by this verdant jewel, they have it so good, they are just taking too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Roasted Maggot
-Robin Bandit
-Royal Guard
-Royal Guard T
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Ruby Shard
-Ruby Vein
-Rumly is hiding behind the tree.
-Rumly needs your help
-Rumly wants @@
-Rune Knight
-Rune Knight T
-Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
-Sagratha is great.
-Sagratha is great. Why does the strange woman near the Legion building always say that to daddy...?
-Said her friend had told her that I needed help.
-Sakura |
-Salem asks to catch piou
-Sapphire Shard
-Sapphire Vein
-Say her love to glamourous Gliktch?
-Scared me, those seven-branched little stumps did!
-Scary... I am afraid of all these Slimes, Rattos and Maggots... And worse, I am lost...
-Scheduled broadcasts
-Scheduled broadcasts - Create new
-Script could not be loaded.
-Script loaded.
-Scripts have been reloaded.
-Sea Drops
-Gotes de mar
-Sea water?! I will not help you with your evil plan!
-Aigua de mar?! No t'ajudaré amb el teu malvat pla!
-Search results for '%s' (name: id):
-Searched the bookcase
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-See if someone else knows anything.
-See you aboard.
-Ens veiem a bord.
-See you later!
-Fins després!
-See you next time!
-See you soon!
-See you!
-A reveure!
-See you! And come back with the plushrooms!
-See you.
-A rebeure.
-Seeing her gaze, for a moment there I thought she would turn me into a pinkie, for sure...
-Seek a colorant for that material:
-Seems I've helped everyone here. I don't know what to do now!
-Sembla que ja he ajudat tothom aquí. Ara no se que fer!
-Seems yummy! Let me taste it!
-Sembla deliciós! Deixam provar-ho!
-Send 10 times
-Send 2 times
-Send 20 times
-Send 3 times
-Send 5 times
-Send indefinitely
-Send only once
-Send this message also on login?
-Sending request to login server...
-Sent on login: @@
-Sent on login: yes
-Sent packet 0x%x (%d)
-Sent to Q'Anon
-Sent to battle
-Sent to training
-Sent: @@ times out of @@
-Seriously? It's just a cookie you know... Tell me what I should do to get one.
-En serio? Es només una galeta saps... Dis-me que he de fer per aconseguir-ne una.
-En serio?!
-Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds.
-Server is jammed due to overpopulation.
-Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X.
-Set a new broadcast
-Set battle_config as requested.
-Set state manually
-Set subquests as completed
-Set the level manually
-Seven Castles
-Seventeen Castles
-Shadow Chaser
-Shadow Chaser T
-Share your mind is your mission
-She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
-Ella es una bona amiga meva... Ens volíem casar unes setmanes després de que tingues l'accident, però...
-She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.
-Ella es l'infermera i tinent d'aquest vaixell.
-She is very skilled when it comes to weaving an ordinary piece of cloth into a wonderful work of art!
-She is waiting for you on the dock.
-She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Ella ha dit que m'acceptarà quant els pious tinguin dents. Es només qüestió de temps, veus?
-She told me that you had some tasks for me.
-She wants? What if I don't want?
-She wasn't at home for two days now. I worry about her!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1
-Shhht, don't say it that loud...
-Shhht, no ho diguis tant fort...
-Shht shht!
-Shht shht!
-Shop is out of stock! Come again later!
-Short Bow
-Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail.
-Silk Cocoon
-Silk Pants
-Pantalons de Seda
-Silk Robe
-Silver Cotton Dye
-Silvio for example?
-En Silvio per exemple?
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave, letting him have a private conversation.
-Simply contact them, by forum or wispers or irc. When you are helpful and kind, they respond in kind. And in time they may surely add you to my cookie list!
-Since Don settled in Artis he and his band refused to register to the Merchant Guild.
-Sincerely yours, Dan.
-Six Castles
-Sixteen Castles
-Size change applied.
-Skill Debug
-Skill Debug - Modify Skill
-Skill database has been reloaded.
-Skill delay failures are now shown.
-Skill delay failures will not be shown.
-Skills have been disabled in this map.
-Skills have been enabled in this map.
-Slave clone spawned.
-Slay some of them and bring me %d of their antennae.
-Sleep well my angel but don't follow along
-Small Healing Potion
-Small Mana Potion
-Small Tentacles
-Petits Tentacles
-Snow has stopped falling.
-Snow |
-So I go inside.
-So I rush out, my wife telling me to leave the witch alone, and I see her standing there in the middle of the rain...
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#0
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#1
-So be nice and help people along the way!
-So close!
-So finally someone has came to visit me?
-Així que finalment algú ha vingut a veure'm?
-So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing.
-So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day!
-Així que sembla que tinc una altra boca per alimentar. Aquests desgraciats no tenen respecte per a qui els alimenta cada punyeter dia!
-So my wife said that I should go and see the witch, just in case she knows something.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.#1
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.#0
-So the next day another witch shows up.
-So you beat the monster? Then why are you so scared?
-So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1
-So you're under the control of a dictatorship? That's... reassuring!
-So, I guess you aren't chopping down trees anymore?
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#0
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#1
-So, do you have anything for me today?
-Així que, tens alguna cosa per mi avui?
-So, do you still want a cookie?
-So, everything went fine?
-So, finally, we are here.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now.
-Així que, com et trobes? Bec que la Julia ha fet un treball meravellós! Sembla que estàs bastant bé.
-So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
-Així que, com va? Has conegut algun altre membre de la tripulació ja?
-So, search for answers.
-So, what can I do for you?
-Així, que, què puc fer per tu?
-So, what do you say?
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats in Artis?#0
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitresses of Artis?#1
-So, what was I saying?
-Així que, què estava dient?
-So, where is my piou? You should not keep an old man waiting. Go and catch it like you said you would.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#0
-Així que, finalment t'has despertat? Pensàvem que estaves en... Ja saps, un d'aquells llargs comes.#0
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#1
-Així que, finalment t'has despertat? Pensàvem que estaves en... Ja saps, un d'aquells llargs comes.#1
-So? You haven't exploded yet! Are you getting anything?
-Solved conflict
-Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box.
-Hi ha algunes Bandanas i Barrets de Mariner dins la caixa.
-Some citizens are worried about the growing number of Fluffies on the hill of Artis.
-Some food.
-Una mica de menjar.
-Some of the crew are looking for goods we can trade with at our next destination.
-Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop.
-Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that.
-Some people prefer to catch fish using magic, but calling that "fishing" would be an insult to this traditional sport.
-Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@.
-Some special items cannot be traded, discarded, nor sold. With a right click, you can also protect normal items as if they were special ones.
-Some tasks will help you become aquainted with Artis. Trust me.
-Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit.
-Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning when you try to sell them.
-Somebody is probably training, better wait for him to finish.
-Somebody is waiting for you outside!
-Somebody took your place on this spot!
-Somebody tried to stroke the word "fish" and tried to replace it with "sharkes".
-Somehow you don't feel good about your deed.
-Someone in a theater mask, eh?
-Something else?
-Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit.
-Sometimes a good merchant needs to reach out first. It's on the house, give Chelios my regards!
-Sometimes, I wish someone would be sent here to help us.
-Sorcerer T
-Sorry I didn't mean to bother you.
-Sorry buddy, you can't pass by this way, we're moving some furniture.
-Sorry but I have no time for this.
-Ho sento però no tinc temps per això.
-Sorry i can't help you. Go away!
-Sorry to disturb you.
-Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Ho sento! M'he oblidat de presentar-me. Hem dic Arpan, però els altres mariners hem diuen Magic Arpan perquè hem sé un o dos yaing encanteris.
-Sorry, I am not making these anymore.
-Sorry, I don't know any recipe with this.
-Sorry, I have to go.
-Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations.
-Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment.
-Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Ho sento, però no et puc dir res sobre això.
-Sorry, but you don't have what I need.
-Sorry, but you have no pet.
-Sorry, my eyesight is a bit poor nowadays. Where are the ingredients?
-Sorry, no.
-Sorry, this log was too weak for one of my forest bows.
-Sorry, we are sold out for today.
-Sorry, you look like a pinkie.
-Sorry. I can't make a sandwich with that.
-Sorry... here you are.
-Soul Linker
-Soul Menhir#hurnscald
-Sounds good!
-Sounds like a good deal to me. I'll do it.
-South East
-South West
-Southwest you say? OK, thank you.
-Specified group does not exist.
-Speed changed.
-Speed returned to normal.
-Spend it wisely this time.
-Spiky Mushroom
-Spying on the %s guild.
-Spying on the %s party.
-Squichy Claws
-Urpes de Squichy
-Star Gladiator
-Start broadcasting
-Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now
-Start over
-Stat changed.
-Stats: Str %d / Agi %d / Vit %d / Int %d / Dex %d / Luk %d
-Status database has been reloaded.
-Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Stay clear.
-Stay here, I will be back as soon as I have some.
-Steel Shield
-Stop broadcasting
-Stop disturbing me, I already re-read that part twice because of you!
-Stop heckling her, Silvio, or I'll tell her how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#0
-Stop heckling him, Silvio, or I'll tell him how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#1
-Stop it!
-Stop wasting my time.
-Storage has been not loaded yet.
-Storage opened.
-Str: %d (%d~%d)
-Strange, it seems I became younger lately.
-Strangely enough, this lid can only be open from inside.
-Strength multiplies the damage of your hits, especially melee ones. You will also be able to carry heavier stuff.
-Stupid yeye...
-Carallot yeye...
-Styling Shop
-Suddenly you remember the strange phrase Mona overheard Sophialla saying
-Super Baby
-Super Menu
-Super Novice
-Sura T
-Sure I did.
-Sure! [Don't tip]
-Sure! [Tip 10 Florin]
-Sure! [Tip 5 Florin]
-Sure, I'll go get one. Bye!
-Sure, any time!
-Sure, but what will I get in exchange?
-Es clar, però que rebré a canvi?
-Sure, but what will you give me in exchange?
-Sure, cap'tain.
-Segur, capità.
-Sure, here they are!
-Sure, here you go!
-Sure, here you go.
-Sure, why not?
-Segur, per què no?
-Surely you do not appreciate what a hero he is!
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Es clar. Agafa aquesta caixa plena de @@s.
-Surprise me!
-Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be
-Take a Bandana.
-Agafa un mocador.
-Take a cup of tea until something happens here.
-Take an @@ and a @@, yeye obtains a @@.
-Take care!
-Take the east road that goes to the north and follow it until you are on top of the cliff.
-Take the sword, and say hi to Enora for me!
-Take these coins in exchange and be careful.
-Agafa aquestes monedes a canvi i ves en compte.
-Take this money as a reward for your nice words.
-Agafa aquests diners com a recompensa de les teves boniques paraules.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. The open sea has been merciful with you once... Do not further tempt the fates!
-Take your reward from the box next to my desk!
-Agafa la teva recompensa de la capsa a prop del meu escriptori!
-Talk to Hector and he'll show you the ropes.
-Talk to you later!
-Talk to you soon!
-Talk with Lloyd the Banker in the Merchant Guild, it's a big building in the northern side of Artis, at the top of the small hill.
-Talked to Inspector (1)
-Talked to Inspector (2)
-Talked to Inspector (3)
-Talked to Inspector (4)
-Talked to Inspector (5)
-Talked to Inspector (6)
-Talked to Janus
-Talked to Malek
-Talked to Old Man
-Talked to Old Woman (1)
-Talked to Old Woman (2)
-Talked to Old Woman (3)
-Talked to Old Woman (4)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (1)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (2)
-Talked to narrator
-Target character must be online and be a guild member.
-Target character must be online and in your current party.
-Task is done.
-Tasca completa.
-Teal Cotton Dye
-Teleport Flags:
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the requisitions.
-Tell me, where are we right now?
-Ten Castles
-Test MOTD
-Thank you again for your help!
-Thank you and be careful with that box. I have worked really hard to fill it!
-Gràcies tingues en compte amb aquesta capsa. He treballat molt dur per aconseguir-la.
-Thank you for finding the mask.
-Thank you for this commission, Chelios is as good as Don when it comes to forging metal.
-Thank you for this!
-Thank you for your help.
-Gràcies per la teva ajuda.
-Thank you for your tricks. I am going to try them now!
-Gràcies pels teus trucs. Els posaré en pràctica ara mateix.
-Thank you my friend.#0
-Gràcies amiga meva.#0
-Thank you my friend.#1
-Gràcies amic meu.#1
-Thank you so much!
-Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries.
-Moltes gràcies! Aquí tens algunes de les meves baies.
-Thank you very much
-Thank you very much!
-Thank you!
-Thank you, I'll take them and put them on.
-Gràcies, els agafaré i m'els ficaré!
-Thank you, sir, for your kind words. I am feeling better now.
-Thank you, sweetie! Want to hear a secret?
-Thank you.
-Thank you. I'll wait here.
-Thanks again for helping me with the pinkies!
-Thanks again for helping me!
-Thanks for finding daddy... I wish he spent more time with me...
-Thanks for helping my husband Hinnak.
-Thanks for the help!
-Gràcies per l'ajuda!
-Thanks for the tip!
-Thanks for your help with the pinkies.
-Thanks, sir Q'Anon.
-Thanks, that was very kind of you!
-That better be a trophy on your head.
-That doesn't looks edible to me!
-That is a really fine piece of wood you brought me.
-That looks too exotic for me to eat!
-That makes everybody
-That part of the town is called the Gilded Hill, it's also where the Merchant Guild has its headquarters.
-That poor one is doing his best to fly... But his last meal and the gravity is not helping him so far!
-That will be @@ E to set your respawn point
-That will pay them a lesson.
-That would be great!
-That's a nice sword you have there.
-That's exactly what I needed!
-That's good to hear!
-Està bé escoltar això!
-That's not the question
-That's perfect, yoiis.#0
-Això es perfecte, yoiis.#0
-That's perfect, yoiis.#1
-Això es perfecte, yoiis.#1
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#0
-Això es una mica sorprenent... No sembles de massa ajuda.#0
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#1
-Això es una mica sorprenent... No sembles de massa ajuda.#1
-That's right, we have our very own training room. The Legion is always well prepared!
-That's too bad... Although I think you're lying.
-Thats your problem, really.
-The @@ is a one time item, you can use it as many times as you want, but you can only have one!
-The Book of Laws
-The Fluffy seized it and said:
-The Legion needs some potions.
-The Legion of Aemil is the greatest organization on all continent! A town cannot be safer than when it's under our protection.
-The Legion of Gasaron are a group of warriors who vowed to protect and serve their neighbours.
-The Legion of Gasaron is in charge of the security of the intramural part of our cities.
-The Legion?
-The Mana Tree was lost, the caves entrances destroyed, and the Wizard Order was split in two: One part was on Candor, and other at the Magic Tower.
-The Piou, embarrassed and confused,
-The Platinum Kingdom grew and prospered, and drew most of the human population to the safety of the walls of Keshlam, Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-The Raijin from the library flirted with me a while ago, so has Enora from the Legion.
-The Republic of Ancea ceased to exist officially in August 216CCE, when the cities of Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis installed their own independent governments.
-The Ukar Historical Association on Aemil
-The answer is a single word, without conjugation.
-The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account.
-The best, the wonderful, the most choice cookie among all others, the...
-The book has been hollowed out.
-The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-El capità ha bloquejat la porta, hauries d'anar a veure'l.
-The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-El capità t'està esperant! Donat manya!
-The captain wants:
-El capità vol:
-The collection of four books entitled “World Story For Dummies” is based on the uncessable work from the Ukar scholars, thanks to whom this wouldn't be possible.
-The control and administration of the cities passes hands sometimes. You may find the Mana Order or the Brotherhood in charge instead of us at some point!
-The council, however, neglected day-to-day administration duties, and focused their efforts in regaining control of the rest of Ancea.
-The detail and craftsmanship that went into this sword can only be accomplished by the most practiced of blacksmiths.
-The doctor examines you briefly.
-The door to the legion building is temporarily closed.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing. Thus much is lost to time, including the author's name.
-The farmer glares at your hat.
-The farmer lunges at you with a farming implement.
-The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time...
-La por de veure-la dormint en aquest tranquil i solitari llit s'està convertint més i més insuportable, crec que aquest cop no reuniré suficient cordura per veure-la...
-The fee is of @@ E. So, do you want to register?
-The fields are crawling with maggots.
-The first human settlement to develop an advanced political structure and to become a city-state was Keshlam.
-The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land.
-The first thing you should do is to evaluate your enemy.
-La primera cosa que has de fer es avaluar l'enemic.
-The first village build was named Esperia. Aurora region was very fertile, and for this reason they moved towards countryside and built farms.
-The fog has gone.
-The further you go, the more experience you will get, so here's a small description of all the stats you can upgrade with time. But note that these will probably change in the future and have more complex effects.
-The giant boogeyman!
-El gegant boogeyman!
-The girl looks desperate.
-The group found the support of Tulimshar's merchant lords and was given ships to sail east.
-The guild is in charge of the commerce regularization throughout Artis and its surroundings.
-The hill is located on the north-east of Artis.
-The holy messenger has given judgement.
-The inspector sent me here to investigate.
-The item (%d: '%s') is not equippable.
-The item is not equippable.
-The leader of the troupe said you hung around them a lot while they were in town.
-The lid is sealed shut, and you are too weak to open it.
-The light armor shop is ran by Resa, she is part of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-The little piou is flying nearby, all you need is to catch it and bring back to me.
-The log breaks with a loud crack.
-The mapserver has spy command support disabled.
-The market is located in the south-east of Artis, it is known as Merchant Guild's exhibit.
-The master bowyer in this village used to construct exceptional bows. When you want one you should go and ask him.
-The message cannot be empty
-The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have.
-The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist.
-The music of the trees floats through the breeze
-The name of the book is "%s".
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again.
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again. They found a continent, present on legends of explorers who never came back.
-The next and final battle happened at Candor. Wizards attacks from both sides near the Mana Tree provoked a Mana Storm. A Great Quake shook the earth of Ancea and the land began to split. Geography changed, and Keshlan vanished from the map.
-The next page begins to list the complex trading laws of the City of Esperia
-The night the troupe left, I saw someone with a theater mask take a large satchel out of town.
-The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
-El llibre antic sembla explicar la llegenda d'Aemil. T'agradaria llegir-lo?
-The old man seemed to be senile.
-The other part of this sign has been crushed by a rock.
-The piou costs @@ E.
-The player '%.*s' doesn't exist.
-The player cannot use that skill.
-The player meets all the requirements for that skill.
-The problem is that I am short of material.
-The rank of lieutenant is granted only to people with proper control of their skill and good judgment, like Enora. Or me, of course.
-The recipes, of course, you must collect yourself. Even sandwiches are not so simple as to simply put ingredients and hope for the best.
-The resulting shield looks usable already, but Jack applies another liquid to it and leaves it to dry for a few moments.
-The room is to the east, on your right side. Just go through the door before the stairs and then turn right. It's like the mirror image of our training room.
-The sailor chugs his beer.
-El mariner esbufega la seva cervesa.
-The sailor turns his back to you.
-El mariner et dona l'esquena.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship.
-Els mariners et porten a bord de la seva nau.
-The ship, La Johanne, has left Drasil Island, finally.
-The stowaway doesn't answer.
-The taste of maggots in soup is... unforgettable.
-The travel was fine for you? It was terrible for me, I was sea-sick.
-The tree was entitled The Mana Tree, and the Wizard Order took control over Candor Island. They learnt to control the mana flow, and limited its use, claiming Magic to be too dangerous for public use.
-The two cannot wed because one is either a baby or already married.
-The usurper has been punished! This is a great day! Take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!
-L'usurpador ha set castigat! Es un gran dia! Agafa aquesta recompensa per la teva lleialtat al antic comandant!
-The whole tree CAME TO LIFE! It was mad!
-The zone is already set to '%s'.
-The “Ancean Era” is a term used to defined the time period between the beginning of recorded history and the events at the Mana Tree, and thanks to Ukar scholars, this is widely accepted as year 1 on all Gasaron.
-Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive.
-Els seus líders van arribar a la conclusió que una aliança era l'única manera de poder sobreviure.
-Their price is usually high, but you know what? I have a bargain offer for you.
-Then I can give you some tips about fighting.
-Llavors et puc donar alguns consells sobre la lluita.
-Then I would ask you to leave.
-Then concentrate your anger upon the trees hereabouts, you will gain experience whilst leveling your sword skill on them.
-Then go north and investigate!
-Then it seems I have to apologize.
-Després encara sembla que he de demanar disculpes.
-Then leave me alone.
-Then please stop wasting my precious time.
-Then she yells out some gobbledygook word, and out of the ground there comes a swarm of maggots, crawling and digging and climbing over each other's backs...
-Then you should better see the doctor.
-There are 6 sailors who will need your help. They are all around the island.
-There are a lot of things you must be wondering about.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-HI ha diversos grups d'aquests @@s pels voltants de l'illa. Només escull-ne alguns i intenta-ho.
-There are many key combinations, press F1 to see a short list of them!
-There are no items to appraise.
-There are no tasks for you right now.
-There are people in the world who need help!
-There are people who really need our help.
-There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us.
-Hi ha rumors de que han fet algunes coses monstruoses i que s'estan amagant de nosaltres.
-There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Hi ha alguns peluixos grocs al teu voltant. Son anomenats pious. Aconseguir la cuixa rostida d'un d'ells seria perfecte.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Hi ha diversos grups d'aquests @@s pels voltants de l'illa. Només escull-ne alguns i intenta-ho.
-There are some knives on the table. Would you like to take one?
-There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats.
-There are still some monsters left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-There are three kind of monsters which frequently or seldomly attacks our fair vessel.
-There are three types of items.
-There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative.
-There are two different kinds of cards, the first changes the style of your clothes, the second changes their stats.
-There are two kinds of dialogue, the ones with regular citizens, and the ones with other adventurers.
-There are two shops inside, they are independent from the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-There is a paper with some rules written on it.
-Hi ha un paper amb algunes regles escrites en ell.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or helping Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-There is an unknown side effect to these plushrooms, they can free you from your past mistakes.
-There is no day/night, weather, or season cycle in TMW yet.
-There is no help for %c%s.
-There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent.
-There was a traveling theater troupe in town recently, but they've moved on to Tulimshar.
-There you go, like new.
-There you go. Please enjoy yourself! ^.^
-There's also a job level, which produces green sparkles when you level it.
-There's also weather, meaning it can rain, snow, or even happen a sandstorm. They are usually cosmetic, but...
-There's been no change in the setting.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.#0
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.#1
-There, they gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find a new land on which to live.
-These @#$% beasts are jumping around in my fields destroying all my harvest.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@s, but they are so hard to hit...
-These funny fungi are mushrooming all around this island. Just pick some @@s and have a try.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I can't feel my arms anymore!
-These little pious here can't fly. At least that's what I thought.
-These purple mushrooms are called @@s. There are plenty of 'em on this island!
-These twigleafs are the trees that give me the living wood you speak of.
-These yeye boxes are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship.
-Aquestes yeye capses pesen massa per ser carretejades per un sol al vaixell.
-They are all around the island.
-Estan pers voltants de l'illa.
-They are each valued individuals and I need them both. In the past, I probably made my share of mistakes. I regret good management is so difficult. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-They are fresh!
-They are fresh, they are good!
-They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula.
-They are made of special living wood.
-They are married... wish them well.
-They are so tasty when cooked with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features.
-They eventually found a new land after much hardship and named it Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find new lands to live in. Tulimshar's merchant lords gave them ships to sail east.
-They named this continent as Aemil, in honour of one of such explorers. The area they docked in was called Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They sailed from Hurnscald to Tulimshar and then Nivalis, the last permanent settlements of humans.
-They sailed past the Clear Sea and towards the Long Ocean which nobody had explored before.
-They shouldn't be too far from each other.
-No haurien de ser lluny l'un de l'altre.
-They taste simply divine!
-They were all in the mining camp.
-They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first.
-They're perfect, just perfect!
-They've been destroying my fields, and I guess I got a bit worked up.
-Thief Slime
-Think on Season Quests as a yearly quest which you have three months to do.
-Thirteen Castles
-Thirty Castles
-Thirty-One Castles
-Thirty-Three Castles
-Thirty-Two Castles
-This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world.
-Aquest Mestre de les Galetes recompensa la gent que contribueix i desenvolupa aquest món.
-This NPC doesn't exist.
-This action can't be performed at the moment. Please try again later.
-This action was met with widespread opposition from all races, and a war broke. The tritans led the offensive, in attempts to keep the tree untouched and mana available for all.
-This book contains everything you should know about it, take it!
-This book contains the knowledge collected by ukars about how the world works.
-This book outlines the laws of every city and holding in Gasaron.
-This bound item cannot be stored there.
-This bound item cannot be traded to that character.
-This character has been banned until
-This door is locked.
-This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest.
-This fishing spot is already being used!
-This floor is reserved for quiet reading, don't speak too loud.
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?#0
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?#1
-Aquest noi te sort de que l'hagem trobat abans que un tauró. No tinc ni idea d'on bé. De totes maneres, has vist el logotip del seu rai?#1
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
-This is Drasil Island, I named it after an ancient mythical tree.
-This is a harsh word to use, you are never alone in the beautiful place of Artis.
-This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt."
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Això es un @@, una lleugera fruita de mar. Estan molt buscades a l'arxipèlag.
-This is for my own use.
-This is how good we Legion Members are. I was informed of your arrival way before you left Drasil Island.
-This is how you do it! HAAH!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will use your soft moist parts in the concoction of my next cookie batch.
-This is where the bravest of warriors come together to put their skills to a good use, for a good cause.
-This is your first time asking for something, you won't pay this time, take it as a sign of good faith!
-This item cannot be dropped.
-This item cannot be stored.
-This item cannot be traded.
-This item cannot be used as bait here.
-This item cannot be used within this area.
-This job has no alternate body styles.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on her.#0
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on him.#1
-This led Keshlam into rapid decline and its citizen began to emigrate to the other Cities. By the end of the Ancean Era, Keshlam City was a quarter of the original size.
-This menu allows you to change your skills.
-This menu allows you to customize your appearance.
-This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools.
-This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in.
-This menu allows you to modify your account data.
-This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval.
-This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges.
-This menu gives access to all quest debug menus.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quest subquests.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests.
-This monster does not spawn normally.
-This monster has no MVP prizes.
-This monster has no drops.
-This needn't be high quality wood; pretty much any log you can find should work.
-This note was left by somebody.
-This one is useless! Give me another @@.
-This panel looks in rather good shape, as though some people take care of it regularly. Maybe it has important information.
-This place is surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums...
-This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and tried to trade %d of them.
-This player has been banned for %d minute(s).
-This player has been definitively blocked.
-This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled).
-This player is not in jail.
-This player is now
-This skill cannot be used within this area.
-This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill.
-This skill number doesn't exist.
-This waitress *hicks* is great, she never stops to bring beer *hicks.
-This will remain your respawn point until set elsewhere.
-Those for consumption, equipment and generics.
-Three Castles
-Three cities developed on the eastern side of Ancea: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-Tibbo went to the south-east of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000
-To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +<item name or ID>". To remove an item, use "@alootid -<item name or ID>".
-To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!
-To be honest, no, never.
-To change your base level, use this command:
-To change your job level, use this command:
-To change your stats, use these commands:
-To de-trust a player:
-To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A.
-To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold.
-To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the '###keyWindowChat;' key.
-To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone.
-To focus on a creature, press the '###keyTargetMonster;' key. To focus on another citizen, press the '###keyTargetPlayer;' key. To attack the focused target press the '###keyAttack;' key or click the primary button on the creature.
-To focus on an NPC, press the '###keyTargetNPC;' key. To talk to him press the '###keyTalk;' key.
-To get a quote:
-To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait.
-To get the current rate:
-To grab a quote:
-To ignore a player:
-To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function.
-To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
-Per obrir el teu inventari, utilitza la tecla F3 o utilitza el teu ratolí per seleccionar-lo al menú superior del client.
-To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying.
-To remove a quote:
-To reset back to normal:
-To set the exp rate:
-To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen.
-To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '%s' and press '###keyChat;'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it.
-To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option.
-To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges.
-To thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
-To trust a player:
-To unignore a player:
-Toggle Croc Bounty
-Toggle Ratto Bounty
-Toggle Tortuga Bounty
-Told bobo to go home
-Too bad, try again.
-Too bad.
-Too bad. I'm not hungry enough for these cookies of yours. Maybe I'll come back later.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some nice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Too lazy.
-Too risky, I might end up in jail. Do it yourself.
-Top Hat
-Topaz Shard
-Topaz Vein
-Toppy Blub
-Toppy Blub
-Tortuga Shell
-Closca de Tortuga
-Tortuga Shell Fragment
-Fragment de closca de Tortuga
-Tortuga Tongue
-Llengua de Tortuga
-Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it.
-Total Domination
-Town Map
-Training Arrow
-Training Wand
-Transforming into monster is not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Travel to woodlands?
-Treasure Chest
-Tree Control Panel
-Tritan Voice
-Veu de tritó
-Troupe Leader
-True be or not true be
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?#1
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?#0
-Try doing that now!
-Try talking to everyone again.
-Twelve Castles
-Twenty Castles
-Twenty-Eight Castles
-Twenty-Five Castles
-Twenty-Four Castles
-Twenty-Nine Castles
-Twenty-One Castles
-Twenty-Seven Castles
-Twenty-Six Castles
-Twenty-Three Castles
-Twenty-Two Castles
-Two Castles
-Type "@mapflag available" to list the available mapflags.
-Type List: (default) all = -1, healing = 0, usable = 2, etc = 3, weapon = 4, armor = 5, card = 6, petegg = 7, petarmor = 8, ammo = 10, delayed-consumable = 11, cash = 18
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys, and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-Uh? Hi! I'm sorry, but I have no time for chatting.
-Uh? Hola! Ho sento però no tinc temps per enraonar amb tu.
-Uhm, bye.
-Uhm, adéu.
-Uhm... Your story seems...
-Hm... La teva història sembla...
-Unable to Teleport in this area
-Unable to decrease the number/value.
-Unable to spawn clone.
-Unable to spawn evil clone.
-Unable to spawn slave clone.
-Unable to win, the tritans attacked Hurnscald. While human troops moved in attempts to avoid its fall, the Kralog and Ukar joined the tritans and they took the city.
-Understood, I will help you.
-Entès, t'ajudaré.
-Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard.
-Malauradament, encara requerim la teva ajuda. Aquesta vegada en una tasca delicada, aquí a bord.
-Unknown Cart (usage: %s <0-%d>).
-Unknown Channel '%s' (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Channel (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Job
-Unknown battle_config flag.
-Unknown color '%s'
-Unknown map '%s'.
-Unknown packet: 0x%x
-Unknown type of value in:
-Unless you are interested in a status reset?
-Unlike other respawn points, an inn can fully restore your HP.
-Urchin Meat
-Usage: "@mapflag monster_noteleport 1" (0=Off | 1=On)
-Usage: %s <permission_name>
-Usage: @accinfo/@accountinfo <account_id/char name>
-Usage: @addwarp <mapname> <X> <Y> <npc name>
-Usage: @adjgroup <group_id>
-Usage: @changegm <guild_member_name>
-Usage: @changeleader <party_member_name>
-Usage: @changelook {<position>} <view id>
-Usage: @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}
-Usage: @dropall {<type>}
-Usage: @jailfor <time> <character name>
-Usage: @marry <char name>
-Usage: @mute <time> <char name>
-Usage: @noks <self|party|guild>
-Usage: @npcmove <X> <Y> <npc_name>
-Usage: @partyoption <pickup share: yes/no> <item distribution: yes/no>
-Usage: @request <petition/message to online GMs>.
-Usage: @set <variable name> <value>
-Usage: @setbattleflag <flag> <value>
-Usage: @setzone <zone name>
-Usage: @skilltree <skill ID> <target>
-Usage: @unloadnpcfile <file name>
-Usage: @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVar 50"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$ Super Duper String"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$" outputs its value, Super Duper String.
-Use 0 or no parameter to return to normal font.
-Use @font <1-9> to change your message font.
-Use arrow keys to walk around and leave this room.
-Use the key.
-Utilitza la clau.
-Used %d Kafra points and %d cash points. %d Kafra and %d cash points remaining.
-User '%s' already possesses the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' doesn't possess the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' permissions updated successfully. The changes are temporary.
-Usually I don't allow anyone to touch my boxes but...
-En general, no permeto que ningú toqui les meves caixes però...
-Usually, they'll have an exclamation mark over their heads. But some quests are hidden, so talk to people and have fun!
-V-neck Jumper
-Very good.
-Very nice, indeed!
-Molt bonic, de veritat!
-Visited Artis at least once
-Vit: %d (%d~%d)
-Vitality raises your maximum health points and defense.
-Wait a minute, where's the cookie I gave you?
-Espera un minut, on és la galeta que et vaig donar?
-Wait for the bait to sink underwater.
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1
-Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!
-Espera, sembla que algú està bloquejant la paret des de l'altre cantó!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish with you?!
-Wait, you never came here before?
-Wait... That's not a proper place for a chef, what are you doing there?
-Wait... Where are we going?
-Espera... On estem anant?
-Wait... You are that @@ from earlier, aren't you?
-Waiting for @@...
-Walk up the stairs, go through the door on either side, and the only other door in the room, few steps to the south, will lead you right to him.
-Walking around a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one, I bet. Impale one of them for me please.
-Walking barefoot, feeling the hot sand with my feet, daydreaming... I like such things, you know.
-Wanderer T
-Want me to help you?
-War of Emperium SE has been ended.
-War of Emperium SE has been initiated.
-War of Emperium SE is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium SE is currently not in progress.
-War of Emperium has been ended.
-War of Emperium has been initiated.
-War of Emperium is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium is currently not in progress.
-Warlock T
-Warlord Helmet
-Warlord Plate
-Warning! Dangerous fish, do not fall into the lake!
-Warping to save point.
-Was your husband with you at home all night the last night that the troupe was in town?
-Watch out for these flowers. They don't like to be messed with.
-Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise!
-Aigua, sal, herbes i carn farcida amb la meva sorpresa especial!
-We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members.
-We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join the crew!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#0
-Estem contents que el capità Nard t'hagi deixat unir-te a nosaltres aquí baix!#0
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#1
-Estem contents que el capità Nard t'hagi deixat unir-te a nosaltres aquí baix!#1
-We are very lucky, my friend.#0
-We are very lucky, my friend.#1
-We arrived in Artis today.
-We arrived this morning at the port of Artis, I already warned the Legion of Aemil concerning your issue.
-We don't need it anymore.
-We follow north hemisphere seasons in case you're wondering.
-We have a special room for this purpose, too. You may test your skills against all kinds of dreadful monsters in there.
-We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Artis.
-We haven't met, right?
-We hold various training sessions, and also have a task board with a heap of things to do for the city and its surroundings.
-We just returned from a long journey and Artis is a good city to rest and to conclude our exchange.
-We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food.
-Necessitem tothom que sigui possible per explorar l'illa, i aconseguir més menjar.
-We need manpower on the island.#1
-Necessitem ma d'obra a l'illa.#1
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.#0
-We need to get out of here soon. I'm scared of the Slimes!
-We offer a room for travelers passing by Artis, our beds are comfy and you can be guaranteed to be right as rain after a night here!
-We offer party and guild certifications and we can also teach you how to use some basic communication skills.
-We refuse service to anyone who:
-We sell a brimmed hat, you can craft a feather card and attach it to this hat to obtain an enhanced version of it!
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Legion of Aemil about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-We still don't know who did it.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#0
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#1
-We thought we heard someone go down to the basement, but we checked the whole place over and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#0
-Hem provat de rentar-la, però l'aigua de mar l'a destruït en gran part.Es per això que t'hem donat aquesta roba. No es gaire bonica, però es tot el que et podem oferir.#0
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1
-Hem provat de rentar-la, però l'aigua de mar l'a destruït en gran part.Es per això que t'hem donat aquesta roba. No es gaire bonica, però es tot el que et podem oferir.#1
-We usually dock around these small isles because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-Normalment atraquem a aquests petits trossos de terra, ja que ens proveeixen d'alguns del millors menjars de tot l'arxipèlag.
-We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the captain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map!
-Normalment no ens aturem en aquests meravellosos llocs, però el capità ens deixa estar aquí mentre escriu la localització d'aquesta nova illa al mapa!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
-Nosaltres estarem yaying allí en uns quants dies, així que et deixarem allí.
-We will talk about it later.
-We'll be staying here in Tulimshar for a while.
-We're doing different shows here.
-We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine.
-Weather Flags:
-Weather effects will disappear after teleporting or refreshing.
-Welcome miss.#0
-Welcome to Red Plush.
-Welcome to my office.
-Welcome to our inn!
-Welcome to the Legion of Aemil's building in Artis!
-Welcome to the Merchant Guild of Artis!
-Welcome to the Red Plush inn!
-Welcome to the Rusty Pick.
-Well I'm working too! Don't you want me to carry one of these boxes back to Gugli?
-Bé, estic treballant també! O vols que porta jo mateix les caixes cap a en Gugli?
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#0
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#1
-Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again!
-Perfecte! El vaixell està ara preparat per navegar una altra vegada!
-Well if you are whining like that all the time, then I think there is a reason behind their choice.
-Home si estàs ploriquejant com ara tot el dia, llavors crec que que hi ha una raó darrere de la seva elecció.
-Well in fact...
-Bé, de fet...
-Well then... Take this one!
-Bé llavors... Agafa això!
-Well, I can't offer you much.
-Well, I was exhausted and had to rest.
-Well, I was in fact looking for them. Where are they now?
-Bé, estava en efecte buscant-los. Saps on son?
-Well, I'm done for the day, and I'm quite old enough to decide when I can have a %s, thank you!
-Well, cooking is an art, and thus, you need intelligence and dexterity to learn.
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, son!#1
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#0
-Bé, tot i que has estat rescatada per nosaltres, això no et fa una experta navegant, d'acord?#0
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#1
-Bé, tot i que has estat rescatat per nosaltres, això no et fa un expert mariner, d'acord?#1
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#0
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#1
-Well, is there anything I can do here to help?
-Bé, hi ha alguna cosa que pugui fer per ajudar?
-Well, it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.
-Bé, no està malament sentir alguna cosa sota els meus peus per fi.
-Well, of course, I can show you how to cook sandwiches. But you'll need to bring ingredients for practice.
-Well, of course. First of all, you need a @@. You can have mine, if you want.
-Well, thanks for the box. But... He was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Bé, gràcies per la capsa. Però... Es suposava que me l'havia de portar ell mateix. No li he dit en cap moment que te la dones a tu!
-Well... I don't think it is the best way to rule a ship. Think about it.
-Bé ... No crec que sigui la millor manera de portar un vaixell. Pensa-hi.
-Well... I've only killed some little pious in the ship, that's all.
-Bé... Només he matat alguns petits pious del vaixell, això és tot.
-Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen.
-Bé... No esperem, tinc una cosa per tu però no te l'hauries de menjar... Ho estic portant una altra vegada cap a la cuina.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron. From Esperia to the Land of Fire!
-What a pity! You've died.
-What a relief.
-What a strange note.
-What about Chelios?
-What about Q'Muller? Where is he?
-I que passa amb en Q'Muller? On és?
-What about my story?
-Què passa amb la meva història?
-What about those pious? They look so cute.
-What am I supposed to say?
-Que representa que ha de dir?
-What an unexpected pleasure, your help is always welcome!
-What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
-Que estàs fent a la meva cuina?! Marxa, no es un lloc per a nens!
-What are you going to do?
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
-Que esteu dient nois? Es un Yoiis!#0
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1
-Que esteu dient nois? Es un Yoiis!#1
-What are you looking at?
-Que estàs mirant?
-What are you looking for?
-Que estàs buscant?
-What are you reading?
-What are you talking about? What guild?
-Sobre que estàs parlant? Quin gremi?
-What are your needs?
-Quines són les teves necessitats?
-What beverages do you have?
-What brings you here today?
-What can I do for you?
-What can I do now?
-What can you tell me about the legion?
-What counts in a book is like so many things, not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside.
-What danger?! Where?!
-Quin perill?! On?!
-What did Gugli say about the box? Was it ok?
-What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?
-Que ha yeyedit en Gugli sobre la caixa? Estava bé?
-What do you mean?
-What do you need?
-Que necessites?
-What do you think?
-Que en penses?
-What do you want to access?
-What do you want to change?
-What do you want to do with it?
-What do you want to do with your money?
-What do you want to do?
-Que vols fer?
-What do you want to reset?
-What do you want today?
-Que desitges avui?
-What do you wish to do?
-Que desitges fer?
-What does yoiis want today?
-What else do you need?
-What exactly is your real job?
-Quina és exactament la teva feina?
-What happened to me?
-Que m'ha passat?
-What happened?
-What happens when you try to think about it?
-What is Artis?
-Que és Artis?
-What is a card?
-What is growing and shrinking at the same time?
-What is it, darling?
-What is my current hairstyle and hair color?
-What is taking them so long?
-What is this "legion"?
-What is this building?
-What is this guild for?
-What is this place?
-What is your tipiou trying to do?
-What item would you like to bleach?
-What kind of help do you need?
-What kind of help?
-Quin tipus d'ajuda?
-What kinds of books are there here?
-What service do you offer?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
-Que hauria de fer després d'agafar aquesta roba?#0
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
-Que hauria de fer després d'agafar aquesta roba?#1
-What should I do, again?
-What was that gobbledygook word?
-What was your riddle?
-What will be the bait for the fish?
-What would you like me to do?
-What would you like to bury?
-What would you like today?
-What would you say about a new shield?
-What yeye could I do for you today?
-Que yeye puc fer per tu avui?
-What yoiis should know:
-What're you looking at?!
-What's that food?
-Que és aquest menjar?
-What's that?
-Que es això?
-What's wrong with your clothes?
-What's your story again?
-What? Is there someone?
-What? It's not good enough?
-What? Why not?
-What? Why? They aren't more attractive than me, why do you want to see them?
-What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!
-Que? Aquest tritó es el pitjor gandul amb qui m'he topat mai!
-Whatever inside can be
-Whatever your idea
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#0
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#1
-When cooking, the order of ingredients matter.
-When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you.
-When you go near villagers, you can see a speech bubble above them, you can then talk to them by pressing the [T] key.
-When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Trade' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Trade' button.
-When you intimacy is high, it'll increase your stats and who knows, might even help you in combat!
-When you see something that looks more like a bug than a feature, report it on or try to contact a game contributor.
-Quan beguis alguna cosa que sembla més un bug que del joc, reporta-ho a o intenta contactar un contribuïdor del joc.
-When you want to buy something then please speak to my apprentice.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Quan el teu inventari està obert, pots equipar un objecte seleccionant-lo i pitjant "Equipar". Pots fer el mateix per treure'l pitjant "Des-equipar".
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Quan el teu inventari està obert, pots equipar un objecte seleccionant-lo i pitjant "Equipar". Pots fer el mateix per treure'l pitjant "Des-equipar".
-Where are my old clothes?
-On estan les meves robes velles?
-Where are the ingredients?
-Where can I find Julia?#0
-On puc trobar la Julia?#0
-Where can I find Julia?#1
-On puc trobar la Julia?#1
-Where can I find a half croconut?
-On puc aconseguir mig croconut?
-Where can I find him?
-Where can I find some Croc Claws?
-Where can I find some food?
-On puc trobar alguna cosa per menjar?
-Where can I find your crew?
-On puc trobar a la teva tripulació?
-Where is Mikhail?
-Where is the Merchant Guild?
-Where is the damn salt?! Give me the salt, I know you have it!
-On esta la maleïda sal?! Dóna'm la sal, sé que la tens!
-Where is the hill?
-Where is the light armor shop?
-Where is the market?
-Where should I go?
-Where would you like to go now?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Quina de les teves armes vols utilitzar per tallar aquest @@?
-Which skill do you wish to change?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they usually do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-White Rose
-White Tulip
-Who are these friends?
-Qui són aquests amics?
-Who are yeye looking for?
-Que estàs yeye buscant?
-Who are you looking for?
-Qui estàs buscant?
-Who are you?
-Qui ets tu?
-Who is Don?
-Who is she?
-Qui és ella?
-Who is the blacksmith outside?
-Who should I search for?
-A qui he de buscar?
-Who's this Julia?
-Qui es la Julia?
-Whoa, what are you doing?
-Whoah, scary...
-Whose eyes listen under Moonlight
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
-Per que gavatx? És Rus!#0
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
-Per que gavatx? És Rus!#1
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#0
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#1
-Why are you hiding?
-Per què t'estàs amagant?
-Why do you hate them?
-Why don't you come down to talk?
-Per què no baixes a parlar?
-Why don't you come out?
-Per què no vens a fora?
-Why don't you show me a main ingredient, and I'll tell you what can be done?
-Why don't you take a break? Breath in some fresh air. The basement is pretty damp.
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Perquè no, necessito entrenar de totes maneres.
-Why not, I've got plenty of free time.
-Per què no, tinc molt temps lliure.
-Why not, but who are you, and what kind of help do you need?
-Per què no, però qui ets, i quin tipus d'ajuda necessites?
-Why not, this might get interesting.
-Per què no, es podria posar interessant.
-Why not?!
-Why would the Legion request my help for only 5 potions?
-Per què?
-Why? And who should you bring it back to?
-Per què? I qui li has de tornar a portar?
-Wicked Mushroom
-Wind and grass is nice and cool, so juicy sweet...
-With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions, you have the disturbing realization that you can't remember anything of your former life or identity.
-With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters.
-With no choir master nor voice to be sung
-With proper training, a piou can become a good friend and faithful companion in your adventures.
-With script
-With the growth of the Kingdom halted, slow maintenance, and two great famines which killed over half the human population, the council decided to seize power and depose Platyna the Red.
-With the help of the town hall and the Legion of Aemil we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses.
-Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm.
-Wooden Bow
-Wooden Shield
-Wooden Sword
-Wooden shield
-Words become music and glance
-World Story For Dummies, Vol I - Ancean Era: From Keshlam to an Empire
-World Story For Dummies, Vol II - Ancean Era: Revolutions and Independence
-World Story For Dummies, Vol III - Aemilean Era: The Mana Tree and The Mana War
-World Story For Dummies, Vol IV - Aemilean Era: The Fleet of Ancea
-Would you go get them for me?
-Would you help me kill some?
-Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!
-Wow, sembla que tothom sap el meu nom!
-Yay, it worked! I removed a spike.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
-Yaya, hauries d'anar a veure-la! Estarà contenta de veure't.#0
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
-Yaya, hauries d'anar a veure-la! Estarà contenta de veure't.#1
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse than us!
-Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Si, tu ets com tots *hic* igual que en Esperia, però no m'atraparàs! *burp*
-Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
-Si, però m'agradaria assegurar que tindré una recompensa.
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Si, però quina recompensa aconseguiré?
-Yeah, funny now...
-Yeah, we did hear a commotion.
-Yeah, well what's the difference?
-Si, bé quina és la diferència?
-Yeah, yeah, of course you don't...
-Si, si, per descomptat tu no...
-Yeah, you could say that...
-Yellow Cotton Dye
-Yellow Rose
-Yellow Tulip
-Yes I am and you are going to face justice!
-Yes I am.
-Yes I do.
-Yes he did.
-Si, ho va fer.
-Yes what do you need?
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Si! @@ està escrit a la meva llista.
-Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
-Si, l'Arpan m'ha donat aquesta roba.
-Yes, I am authorizing you to use them as you deem fit, until you get stronger.
-Yes, I am sure.#0
-Yes, I am sure.#1
-Yes, I did. He said that the trees turned into dangerous monsters.
-Yes, I do.
-Si, correcte.
-Yes, I feel strong enough for dangerous combats!
-SI, hem sento suficientment fort per a combats perillosos.
-Yes, I have some! "5x Black Iron Ingots"
-Yes, I hung around the theater a lot.
-Yes, I saw someone with a large sack on their back go to the mining camp.
-Yes, I've got the Forest bow now.
-Yes, a mask was stolen from us the last night we were in Hurnscald.
-Yes, and he promised to be home soon.
-Yes, but I'm only talking to the inspector himself!
-Yes, follow me!
-Yes, here they are.
-Yes, in fact, you can take them now.
-Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anything else.
-Si, en efecte. Prefereixo explorar els llocs on no he estat mai, abans de fer res.
-Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors!
-Si, es veritat! No estàs preparat del tot. En Nard ha estat esperant el menjar massa estona. Doneu-vos resa mariners dropos!
-Yes, it's me. It's such a fine view from here!
-Yes, please!
-Yes, sure thing.
-Yes, that would be nice.
-Yes, we were both at home all night.
-Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon!
-Si, si ja veig... Una llàstima llavors. Ja ens veurem!
-Yes, you look quite fast.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too little. Take this box and stop talking.
-Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the crocs.
-Yeye vigila amb les criatures salvatges per menjar, algunes d'elles són perilloses, especialment els corcs.
-Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!
-Ja li has donat la meva caixa al Gugli? Bé, bé yeye!
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...
-Yeye fas bona cara i sembla que t'has recuperat correctament de les teves ferides...
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Yeye he vist a aquest yoiis a la part de baix de l'illa, revisa per allà.
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island.
-Yeye he vist a aquest yoiis a la part superior de l'illa.
-Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!
-Yeye encara tens la meva caixa? No descansis tant i treballa més. Ves i dona-li al Gugli!
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#0
-Yeye segur? Llavors yayeré una mica més de menjar en la pròxima caixa.#0
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#1
-Yeye segur? Llavors yayeré una mica més de menjar en la pròxima caixa.#1
-Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place.
-El teu cervell està yeye ple d'aigua de mar encara, si no pots veure la bellesa d'aquest lloc.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
-Yeye, realment estàs de sort de seguir viva. Estàs prou bé per fins hi tot caminar, recordes que et va passar?#0
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
-Yeye, realment estàs de sort de seguir viu. Estàs prou bé per fins hi tot caminar, recordes que et va passar?#1
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#1
-Yoiis envies a rainbow in the sky?
-Yoiis is not yet ready to make his own dyes.
-Yoiis should look there.
-You already are at your destination!
-You already did enough for us, do you want to follow Nard's advice and get some rest?
-You already did enough for us, follow Nard's advice and get some rest.
-You already have a homunculus
-You already have a pet.
-You already have this quest skill.
-You already looked here.
-You already registered. Waiting for your partner...
-You already took a @@, please put this one back in the box.
-You are a handsome and good looking bird!
-You are already mounting something else
-You are already registered here.#0
-You are already registered here.#1
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#0
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#1
-You are full of wine, my friend...
-Estàs ple de vi, amic meu...
-You are honest, I like it.
-You are in the Blacksmith's house, by Jove!
-You are just sitting on the shadow of your store.
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#0
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#1
-You are new around here, right?#0
-You are new around here, right?#1
-You are no longer killable.
-You are no longer the Guild Master.
-You are not allowed to reduce the length of a ban.
-You are not authorized to warp from your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp this player from their map.
-You are not authorized to warp to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp to your save map.
-You are not in a guild.
-You are not in jail.
-You are now
-You are now divorced!
-You are now immune to attacks.
-You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Ja estàs oficialment a la meva tripulació! Gràcies una altra vega per la teva ajuda.
-You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here!
-Ara ets part de la nostra tripulació... Almenys per a nosaltres aquí baix!
-You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
-Estàs en un rai, a la deriva.
-You are on the human resource wing of the Town Hall.
-You are the Phoenix of this forest."
-You are unable to change your job.
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1
-You bored me, see you later.
-You broke the target's weapon.
-You brought me my %s!
-You brought me the %d %s!
-You buried @@ @@.
-You can allocate point on those attributes every time you level up.
-You can already rename your pet.
-You can also answer in your native language or in English.
-You can also attack an enemy from your keyboard pressing the 'A' key to select it, and the 'Ctrl' key to attack it, this of course works if you didn't change your keyboard keys yet.
-També pots atacar un enemic pressionant la tecla "A" per seleccionar-lo, i després la tecla "Ctrl" per atacar-lo, això per descomptat només funciona si no has canviat l'assignació de les tecles.
-You can also improve your equipment in a totally different way with the use of cards.
-You can also make money %s. Nobody pays better than people in need of help.
-You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default
-You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules.
-You can also simply talk to any citizen around you by clicking on them.
-You can also use your room to get some rest after a long battle. That will consume your reservation but your HP will be fully restored.
-You can attack a monster by clicking directly on it. Once selected, you may notice a bar near your target showing you how much health it has left.
-Pots atacar un monstre clicant directament en ell. Una vegada seleccionat, hauries de veure una barra a prop d'ell mostrant-te quanta vida li queda.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it, or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Pots atacar un monstre clicant-hi al damunt, o amb la tecla "A" per seleccionar-lo seguit de la tecla "Ctrl" per atacar.
-You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory.
-You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface.
-You can easily see if a monster is easy to kill or just impossible to defeat. Do not try against creatures that are way more powerful than you... You'd be risking your life for nothing.
-Podràs veure fàcilment si un monstre es fàcil de matar o simplement impossible de derrotar. No provis de lluitar contra criatures més poderoses que tu... Estaries posant en perill la teva vida per a res.
-You can execute commands by typing them in the chat window. They start with a '/' or '@' followed by the name of the command.
-You can find novels and poems on this floor.
-You can find out the monster strength by using "@monsterinfo <English Monster Name>". Check the level in it!
-You can find some Crocs on the beach, you could look up at the one after the gate, on top of this city.
-You can find the building of the Legion of Gasaron there, like in any other city, but Esperia is important for us as our headquarters are there.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now.
-Els pots trobar a l'oceà, a prop dels coralls i d'altres criatures del mar. Però el mar està inquiet avui, no hauries de provar a navegar per ara.
-You can get some rest at the inn near here.
-You can go upstairs and choose a different room if you want.
-You can have %d items on your autolootitem list.
-You can keep your current party as it is, while leading or being part of a guild in order to talk and share different items with all of its members!
-You can not change to this job by command.
-You can now attack and kill players freely.
-You can now be attacked and killed by players.
-You can now rename your pet.
-You can now stay with your new friends and enjoy the warm sand of this little island.
-Ara et pots quedar amb els amics i gaudir de la comfortable arena d'aquesta petita platja.
-You can read some lines that are nicely carved into the soft wooden planks.
-You can read the book that I gave you earlier at the library if you lost it.
-You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key.
-You can select a specific person with the [N] key, and then, press the [T] key when you are surrounded by more than one person.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff off toward the west, busy collecting @@s.
-You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that.
-Pots intentar parlar amb altres mariners per aconseguir alguna informació sobre això.
-You can try, but your chance of success is lesser than a well trained smith and master craftsman.
-You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you see what I mean...
-You can use many diverse items to lure fishes.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Pots yeye aconseguir alguns @@s colpejant aquests crocotrees.
-You can't add a guild bound item to a character without guild!
-You can't add a party bound item to a character without party!
-You can't carry another @@? What a shame.
-You can't clean a cart while vending!
-You can't create chat rooms in this map
-You can't drop items in this map
-You can't go there!
-No pots anar allà!
-You can't have met him.
-You can't join in a clan if you're in a guild.
-You can't leave battleground guilds.
-You can't open a shop in this map
-You can't open a shop on this cell.
-You can't return your pet because your inventory is full.
-You can't trade in this map
-You can't use commands while dead.
-You can't use the shovel here.
-You can't withdraw that much money
-You can, however, use '###keyTargetAttack;' to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press '###keyPickup;' to be sure.
-You cannot autotrade when dead.
-You cannot bury this item!
-You cannot bury under a NPC!
-You cannot change guild leaders in this map.
-You cannot change party leaders in this map.
-You cannot decrease that stat anymore.
-You cannot drop this item!
-You cannot increase that stat anymore.
-You cannot join the '%s' channel because you've been banned from it
-You cannot send a message to this channel for another %d seconds.
-You cannot use this command when dead.
-You cannot use this item while sitting
-You cannot use this item while your storage is open
-You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it.
-You caught a @@!
-You caught the piou, but it's trying to escape from you. You'd better hurry back to Salem.
-You clearly need to be more public-spirited.
-You concentrate and try to summon old memories from within your mind.
-You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew.
-Així podries conèixer alguns altres mariners, i... Aconseguint aquest barret, per descomptat, serà una senyal que ets de la nostra tripulació.
-You could start by talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help!
-You currently cannot open your storage.
-You currently have @@ Esperin on your bank account.
-You did not defeat the boss, you can't learn any skills.
-You did such a good job, you should keep it.
-You do not give me a lot of options.
-You do not have a cart to be cleaned.
-You do not have a homunculus.
-You do not have enough Esperin on your bank account.
-You do not have enough Esperin on yourself.
-You do not have the item!
-You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu.
-You do not possess a cart to be removed
-You do not seem to have enough money, come back later!
-You don't expect me to eat that, do you? Give me something else!
-No et pensaràs que hem puc menjar això, no? Donam una altra cosa!
-You don't have a scythe, by chance? I am too old to mew this field all alone.
-You don't have any @@, are you mocking me?
-You don't have any @@.
-You don't have enough @@s on you.
-You don't have enough money, bring @@ E.
-You don't have enough room in your backpack for a @@. Go stow some of your junk and come back.
-You don't have everything I have asked for.
-You don't have room for a beer!
-You don't have this quest skill.
-You don't know how to make a sandwich with that.
-You don't seem to be from the Legion, let's do a game.
-You failed!
-You feel a strong magic aura. You want to sit near it and meditate.
-You feel numb and everything around you looks foggy, but you can recall the feeling of the cold hard wood of your raft on a stormy night.
-You fell asleep.#0
-You fell asleep.#1
-You found a small chest, surprisingly heavy for it's size.
-You found him!
-You found something!
-You give up.
-You got married to @@!
-You hand him another log.
-You have %d new emails (%d unread)
-You have a level for each of your gear, by default when you buy or craft a piece, the level is set to 1.
-You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first.
-You have already opened your storage. Close it first.
-You have an awful case of amnesia.
-You have become the Guild Master!
-You have been jailed by a GM.
-You have been jailed for an unknown amount of time.
-You have been jailed indefinitely.
-You have been recovered!
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#0
-Has sigut molt bona gent amb mi. Així que si us plau, agafa'n un.#0
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#1
-Has sigut molt bona gent amb mi. Així que si us plau, agafa'n un.#1
-You have forgotten the skill.
-You have learned the skill.
-You have learnt the skill.
-You have mounted a Peco Peco.
-You have mounted your Dragon.
-You have mounted your Mado Gear.
-You have mounted your Warg.
-You have mounted.
-You have put your finger on it, I am not.
-You have released your Dragon.
-You have released your Mado Gear.
-You have released your Peco Peco.
-You have released your Warg.
-You have released your mount.
-You have talent and the best place to utilize it is in the Legion! You can either pursue your goals with us or without us, but trust me, with us it's much better.
-You have to find him, or else I will tell him that you did not help me.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of those damn sailors brought that 'nice' lady here.
-You have: @@/@@ @@
-You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
-Sens un fort soroll, deu ser el grinyol de la porta de fusta...
-You hear some creeping and crawling sounds from the murkiness below.
-You hear some sound behind the door.
-You hide your shovel.
-You hit the nail on the head, it's the Legion of Gasaron!
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-L'has pegat massa fort amb el teu puny, has destruït el teu @@.
-You hold the shovel in your hands.
-You honor me, my beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!#0
-You just defeated the following boss: @@ (Lv. @@)
-You just have to select the card, then you choose which piece of equipment you want to use it on, and you are done.
-You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait.
-You killed @@ Fluffies.
-You know, I had the strangest thing happen to me.
-You know, the life of the merchant is hard. I really hope that Artis and the Merchant Guild will help me to succeed.
-You know, yeyes love to chat while working.
-Ja ho saps, yeyes agrada de xerrar mentre treballa.
-You lack some very basic skills...
-You learned how to cook @@.
-You left your fishing spot!
-You lie in the bed.
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you downstairs to the hold, where you will find a furry meal!
-You like these hats, right?
-T'agraden aquests barrets, correcte?
-You look broke. Don't think that you can dine and dash here!
-You look capable, will you help me solve these robberies?
-You look confident. I will give you my old gear as reward and acknowledgment for your time... and take these potions as well!
-You look fine and dandy to me.
-You look like a nice person.
-You look nice, do you want to help me?
-You made a cash deposit of @@ E.
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#1
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#1
-You may search partial name by making use of '%' in the search, ex. "@accinfo %Mario%" lists all characters whose name contains "Mario".
-You mean like one of my legendary forest bows?
-You mentioned the quality of your wine.
-Has mencionat la qualitat del teu vi.
-You missunderstood, it's 5 potions.
-You must "add" the items you plan on selling, and then press "sell" to confirm. You'll have this time to review.
-You must enter a name.
-You must enter a player name or ID.
-You must find someone willing to buy, they usually will buy almost anything you have, even items which cannot be replaced, so be careful.
-You need %s to mount!
-You need some anger control therapy.
-You need to be a Guild Master to use this command.
-You need to be a member of the Merchant Guild to have a chance there.
-You need to be a party leader to use this command.
-You need to cross the crocojungle heading north.
-Has de creuar la croco-jungla dirigint-te al nord.
-You need to input a option
-You need to type the answer of this riddle in the NPC window.
-You need to wait @@ more before equipping this again.
-You no doubt remember how I struggled with those beasts, fighting for my life.
-You notice a young boy sitting on one of the highest branches of the tree.
-You now also have access to the Legion building. Good job, you earned it.
-You open a book named "%s".
-You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.
-Obres el llibre, però sembla que l'aigua i el temps l'han danyat severament. Algunes pàgines son il·legibles. Altres simplement no hi són.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-Has obert el @@ en dos parts, però n'has xafat una.
-You opened the chest
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Talles perfectament el @@ en dos parts comestibles.
-You pick up the package.
-You probably don't have much business in this city as you don't remember who you are.
-You pulled too late and lost the bait...
-You pulled too soon and lost the bait.
-You receive @@ E!
-Reps @@ E!
-You receive a @@!
-Reps un @@!
-You received @@ EXP and @@ E.
-You request has been rejected by autoreject option.
-You scare the piou, but let it go.
-You search the tree but don't find anybody.
-You see a curious hole behind some rocks
-You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
-You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
-You see a suspicious greenish flag. It reminds you of something you seem to have forgotten.
-You see a tree.
-You see a young elven girl, with a strong sense of pain in her face.
-You see an ordinary bookcase.
-You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
-You see these pious around us?
-Veus aquests pious al voltant nostre?
-You see, Enora asked me to do a black iron sword, unfortunately I ran out of the material needed, and...
-You see, folks around here that get my cookies have the distinction of being...
-You see? I'm working here!
-Veus? Estic treballant aquí!
-You seem a bit tired sir.
-You seem more cultivated than you look.
-You seem pathetically weak. What is such boneless jelly like you doing around here?
-You should arrive at a park with a hill nearby.
-You should ask Maxe. He's an early riser.
-You should ask my old woman.
-You should check on the highest part of the cliff, I was hiding there.
-You should come back when you have some free space.
-You should definitely go talk to Q'Anon, our boss. You'll find him upstairs.
-You should discuss with Don and Calypsan if you want to learn more about it, they are masters on this area!
-You should go and get some sleep.
-Hauries d'anar i dormir una mica.
-You should go see him. He is one of the most experienced sailors we have.
-Hauries d'anar a veure'l. Es un dels millors mariners que tenim.
-You should go see them.
-Hauries d'anar a veure'ls.
-You should go talk to Alan again.
-You should have a shop open in order to use @autotrade.
-You should inform Nard of the progress made in loading food and supplies on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Hauries d'informar en Nard sobre el progrés de càrrega de subministraments als vaixell. Estarà content de sentir bones notícies!
-You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached.
-You should look for a seller named Fexil around the merchant square.
-You should look for them when we arrive at the port. You won't regret it! Ehehe...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-You should walk to the north to find him.
-Hauries de caminar cap al nord per trobar-lo.
-You should walk to the north.
-Hauries de caminar cap al nord.
-You shouldn't believe every tale drunken sailors tell you.
-You shouldn't drink while working!
-You step on something, a panel half overgrown by moss, it has writing on it...
-You step on something, a panel with a bitten corner and clear inscriptions on it...
-You step on something, a shaky and fragile panel with barely visible inscriptions on it...
-You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-Encara tens uns dies abans de que arribem a port, potser pots aprendre alguna cosa d'ells.
-You still have a 90% discount on one piou.
-You still haven't completed your tasks.
-Encara no has acabat les teves tasques.
-You still need to give me boxes from:
-Encara m'has de donar les caixes de:
-You stupid, he's English, look at the shape of his head.#1
-You stupid, she's English, look at the shape of her head.#0
-You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-You take good care of your piou. Remember to feed it every day.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-You take your fishing rod and leave.
-You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie?
-Dis-me. Mereixo una galeta?
-You told me that you 'were' important.
-M'has dit que "eres" important.
-You tried to embarrass me, am I right?!
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...
-Intentes desfer-te de mi, eeh? Però sorpresa! Encara estic aquí...*hic* O allí...
-You waited too long and lost the bait...
-You were gone so I thought you let me down.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
-Estaves en males condicions, hauries d'estar contenta de que et vam trobar abans de que el mar el matés.#0
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
-Estaves en males condicions, hauries d'estar content de que et vam trobar abans de que el mar el matés.#1
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-You will be able to find Don's house in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the bridge on the left, you can't miss it!
-You will be able to find her in the market in the south-west of Artis.
-You will be amased by all the colors of hair dye they have.
-You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left.
-Trobaràs una senyal de fusta a prop de la cruïlla. Ell està a unes poques passes després.
-You will lose experience if you are defeated.
-You will remain
-You will respawn at this place if defeated in combat.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Legion of Aemil. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-You wipe off enough of the sand to manage to read the message written on this crude piece of wood.
-You withdrew a total of @@ E.
-You yoiis should walk to the north.
-Tu yoiis hauries de caminar cap al nord.
-You'll first need to help my friends.
-Primer hauràs d'ajudar als meus amics.
-You'll need to bring me @@ @@ and @@ @@ for the recipe.
-You'll think I'm insane if I tell you...
-You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid.
-You're already autolooting this item type.
-You're already autolooting this item.
-You're already in the '%s' channel
-You're already with a '%s' costume, type '@costume' to remove it.
-You're as strong as if you were my own child!
-You're confusing me with someone else.
-You're currently not autolooting this item type.
-You're currently not autolooting this item.
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew, I can't trust you!
-Tu ets com la resta d'aquesta fastigosa tripulació, no es pot confiar en tu!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#0
-Ets com la resta d'aquesta fastigosa tripulació. El teu nom està a la llista de traïdors!#0
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#1
-Ets com la resta d'aquesta fastigosa tripulació. El teu nom està a la llista de traïdors!#1
-You're lucky that I'm a generous person, here's another one.
-You're lying, aren't you? I heard nothing from you-know-whom!
-You're not allowed to talk on this channel
-You're not dead.
-You're not disguised.
-You're not in a guild.
-You're not in that channel, type '@join <#channel_name>'
-You're not part of the '%s' channel
-You're not the master of your guild.
-You're not the owner of channel '%s'
-You're now in the '#%s' channel for '%s'
-You're now in the '%s' channel
-You're on La Johanne, a merchant ship.
-You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Estàs en un vaixell, estem de camí cap a la capital comercial d'Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
-Estàs en el nostre vaixell, hem fet parada en una petita illa i actualment estem yeyeacavant el nostre llarg viatge mercant amb destí a la ciutat d'Artis.#0
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
-Estàs en el nostre vaixell, hem fet parada en una petita illa i actualment estem yeyeacavant el nostre llarg viatge mercant amb destí a la ciutat d'Artis.#1
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!#1
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!#0
-You're right, it's about Julia.#1
-You're right, it's about you.#0
-You're too close to a NPC, you must be at least %d cells away from any NPC.
-You're welcome to stay here as long as you wish. Just don't do anything stupid, like a riot, for example.
-You're welcome. Bye!
-You're welcome. If you can't remember something, just come back here!
-Ets benvingut. Si no recordes alguna cosa, torna aquí!
-You've become the party leader.
-You've been revived!
-You've died.
-You've finally found that perfect piece of living wood that Alan needs to make a Forest Bow, haven't you?
-You've left the '%s' channel
-You've reached the highest natural place of Artis, enjoy the view.
-You've reached your slave clones limit.
-You... You eat... rattos? I think you're just a fool.
-Tu... Menges... rattos? Crec que ets un ximple.
-You? Here?
-Tu? Aquí?
-Your %s determines several small things, including critical attacks, but DOES NOT affect drop rates.
-Your %s determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action on the specified player.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action.
-Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version.
-Your account has an 'Incorrect Password'...
-Your account has been banished until
-Your account has been blocked by the GM Team.
-Your account has been prohibited to log in.
-Your account has been rejected from server.
-Your account has been totally erased.
-Your account has expired.
-Your account is 'Unregistered'.
-Your account is no longer authorized.
-Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.
-Your autolootitem list has been reset.
-Your autolootitem list is empty.
-Your autolootitem list is full. Remove some items first with @autolootid -<item name or ID>.
-Your autoloottype list has been reset.
-Your autoloottype list is empty.
-Your body aches, even your hair hurts, and the bright daylight is painful.
-Your brain liquified to match the level of a piou! It's the Legion of Gasaron.
-Your cart was cleaned.
-Your class can't mount!
-Your current memo positions are:
-Your dad ran away from you!
-Your effect has changed.
-Your global chat is no longer bound to the '#%s' channel
-Your global chat is not bound to any channel
-Your global chat is now bound to the '%s' channel
-Your group has been changed.
-Your guild storage was cleaned.
-Your guild's storage has already been opened by another member, try again later.
-Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Les teves mans són massa dèbils, no te'n sortiràs d'obrir aquest @@.
-Your head is suddently heavy, your eyes are closing...
-Your heart quickens as your gaze focuses upon a small wooden panel, partly obscured under a layer of wind-blown sand.
-Your homunculus doesn't evolve.
-Your job has been changed.
-Your level is already higher than %d.
-Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process.
-Your name is Ianus or Janus?
-Your position has been saved.
-Your save point has been changed.
-Your sex has been changed (disconnection required to complete the process)...
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#0
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#1
-Your storage was cleaned.
-Zinc-Titanium Oxide, Phthalocyanides, Cadmiums, Lazulite...
-Zone not found. Keep in mind that the names are CaSe SenSitiVe.
-Zone successfully changed from '%s' to '%s'.
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Guild ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Party ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Self ]
-[ K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Active ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ ^EE0000%s^000000 ]
-[%d] seconds left until you can use
-a ground!
-a quiet place,
-un lloc tranquil,
-both hands,
-brought maggot
-brought maggot slime
-by doing quests
-change the sex of
-data %s %s %s data
-data @@ @@ @@ data
-foo %2$s bar %1$s baz
-left accessory,
-left hand,
-line @@: @@
-lower head,
-lower/mid head,
-lower/mid/top head,
-lower/top head,
-mid head,
-no active MOTD
-no active broadcast
-option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0'
-option '%s' is not enabled on channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now disabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s' with %d seconds
-right accessory,
-right hand,
-skill %d: %s (%s)
-test %s
-test @@
-test1 %s#0
-test1 @@#0
-test2 %s#1
-test2 @@#1
-top head,
-tricked thus again.
-usage @camerainfo range rotation latitude
-value '%d' for option '%s' is out of range (limit is 0-%d)
-| Guild: '%s'
-| Location: %s %d %d
-| Lv:%d/%d | Job: %s
-| Party: '%s'
-“Nothing I can do”, she says, “but I can ask a friend”.
-← Exit
-↑ Legion
-↓ Market Place
diff --git a/langs/lang_it.old b/langs/lang_it.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 00bedfb6..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_it.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2160 +0,0 @@
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island!
-'Questa cosa', come dici tu, e' un @@. L'isola ne e' piena!
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*uff*... E un'altra cassa di @@ per i nostri colleghi affamati e' pronta.
-*uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*uff*... E un'altra cassa di @@ per i nostri colleghi affamati e' pronta.
-- 2 @@
-- 2 @@
-- QMuller
-- QMuller
-... And 1 @@.
-... E 1 @@.
-... and 1 @@.
-... e 1 @@.
-1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still)
-1. Non usare i Bot. I Bot sono programmi che fanno compiere azioni in automatico ai personaggi, (inclusi trucchi da tastiera). Qualsiasi azione venga compiuta lontano dalla tastiera in automatico è considerata botting.
-1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still.
-1. Niente bots. Non sei autorizzato ad utilizzare nessun programma automatico o trucchi da tastiera. Qualunque azione non eseguita direttamente dal giocatore sarà considerata botting.
-2, Do not spam (includes trade spam)
-2. Non spammare (anche con richieste di scambio)
-2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam.
-2. Non spammare. Questo include anche lo spam a fini di commercio.
-3, Do not multibox, this mean that you cannot have more than one active character logged in or any other active clients used for attacking in group.
-3, Non effettuare il Multibox. Per Multibox si intende avere più personaggi collegati online nello stesso client o usare più client attivi per attachi di gruppo.
-3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups.
-3. Non usare più di un personaggio alla volta. E' inoltre proibito usare piu' di un client per attaccare in gruppo.
-4, Don't trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name and in the chat, at the exception of roleplay purposes.
-4. Non insultare,infastidire o elemosinare nella chat, ad eccezione di specifiche condizioni di roleplay.
-4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes.
-4. Non usare linguaggio esplicito o volgare e non elemosinare soldi o oggetti da altri.
-5, Don't speak any other language other than English in the public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats and when alone with groups of friends.
-5, Non parlare una lingua diversa da quella ufficiale, l'Inglese, quando ti trovi in pubblico. Sei comunque libero di usare qualsiasi lingua quando parli in privato e quando ti trovi con un gruppo di amici isolato.
-5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.
-5. Non parlare lingue diverse dall'inglese in publico. In chat privata puoi usare invece la lingua che preferisci.
-5. Do not speak any other language than English in public. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.
-5. Non parlare lingue diverse dall'inglese in publico. In chat privata puoi usare invece la lingua che preferisci.
-6, Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855.
-6. Segui la convenzione sociale RFC1855.
-6. Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855 article.
-6. Segui la convenzione sociale listata nell'articolo RFC1855.
-@@ is helping me.
-@@ mi sta aiutando.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-@@? Benvenuta mia cara!
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-@@? Benvenuto mio caro!
-A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin.
-Pochi momenti fa, ho sentito la tua conversazione con Darlin.
-A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.
-Esperia, una grande citta', ad oggi la capitale di tutto l'arcipelago, rosa nell'isola solitaria di Aurora, dove tutti vivono.
-Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you.
-A bordo dei marinai sono in piedi cercando di parlarti.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Per quanto riguarda la Gilda di Esperia..mi domando se posso parlarne liberamente. Girano voci su alcune cose monstruose che hanno fatto in passato e che tutt'ora nascondono a noi nostri occhi.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-A proposito della Gilda di Esperia.. Detto fra noi non sono sicuro sul loro conto.
-About this Esperia's Warrior Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Per quanto riguarda la Gilda dei Guerrieri di Esperia, non e' che mi fidi particolarmente di loro.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.
-In realta' Gugli mi ha chiesto se posso aiutarti portandogli una delle tue casse.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.#0
-In realta' Gugli mi ha chiesto se posso aiutarti portandogli una delle tue casse.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.#1
-In realta' Gugli mi ha chiesto se posso aiutarti portandogli una delle tue casse.
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.
-A dir la verita', sono venuto qui per un compito specifico.
-Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
-Aemil e' una terra magnifica a noi tutti sconosciuta.
-Ah... Gugli Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation
-Ah, Gugli, Gugli... è troppo giovane per capire la nostra conversazione.
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Ale e Tibbo dovrebbero portare 2 casse di @@s, Astapolos e Gulukan 2 di @@s e Jalad e Q'Muller le casse di @@s.
-All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
-Tutti quello che ho da mangiare sono queste bacche... Stupide bacche... bacche...bacche...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Va bene, andro' nella sua stanza, teniamo gli occhi aperti, ancora non sappiamo se sia una minaccia...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Va bene, andro' nella sua stanza, teniamo gli occhi aperti, ancora non sappiamo se possa essere una minaccia o no...
-Alright, bye!
-Bene, ciao!
-Also, there was this inscription on your raft, one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world, does that make you remember something?
-C'era anche un'iscrizione sulla tua zattera, una
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#0
-Abbiamo preso i tuoi vestiti yayati perché erano... yayaya in cattive condizioni, vai a vedere la scatola vicino al tuo letto, ce ne sono di nuovi dentro.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#1
-Abbiamo preso i tuoi vestiti yayati perché erano... yayaya in cattive condizioni, vai a vedere la scatola vicino al tuo letto, ce ne sono di nuovi dentro.
-An unexpected help is always welcome!
-Un aiuto inaspettato e' sempre benvenuto!
-And please, no berries.
-E per favore, niente bacche.
-And please, no berries. No more!
-E per favore, basta bacche. Basta!
-And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?
-E cosa mi darai in cambio per queste informazioni?
-And what kind of help do you need?
-Che tipo di aiuto ti serve?
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!
-Comunque se in futuro qualcosa ti interessa, dai pure un'occhiata nella mia sacca.
-Aquada Box
-Cassa di Aquada
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
-Aargh! Non darmi altre bacche! Stupide, stupide bacche...stupide... stupide... stupide!
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Aargh! Non darmi altre bacche! Stupide, stupide bacche... Stupide... Stupide... Stupide!
-As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land.
-Quando si imbarcarono percorrendo Oceania, la grande distesa marina di Aemil, uno degli equipaggi approdo' sulla terra ferma.
-As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-Come forse tu saprai, noi viaggiamo su lunghe distanze e il nostro equipaggio ha bisogno di immagazzinare nelle stive abbastanza cibo per sopravvivere. Non hai idea di quanto la vita di mare possa essere pericolosa.
-As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship.
-Appena apri gli occhi e ti guardi intorno vedi una grande barca.
-As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you.
-Non appena apri gli occhi, vedi una grossa imbarcazione dietro di te.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-Al momento, la nostra ciurma e' occupata a raccogliere @@, @@ e @@.
-At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-A quest'ora vendevamo cibo per granchi nella nostra vecchia isola.
-At this time, we were selling crab's food on our old mushroom island.
-Ad oggi, venderemmo chele di croc sulla nostra vecchia isola dei funghi.
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Sii paziente ancora per un po', nei prossimi giorni arriveremo al porto di Artis.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Prima che te ne vada, lascia che ti dica come prendere questi @@.
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-But I can't, I need to keep an eye on the sea, to warn the crew if there happen to be some pirates around!!
-Ma non posso, devo tenere d'occhio il mare, per avvertire l'equipaggio se ci sono dei pirati!
-But I need to go, bye!
-Ma devo andare, ciao!
-But you won't *hick* me this time...
-Ma non mi *hick* questa volta...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Ma, se ha un'amnesia come ha detto Julia... Non dovremmo preoccuparci di lui.
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Ma... Se ha un'amnesia come ha detto Julia... Non ci dovremmo preoccupare di lei.
-But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Ma, se ha un'amnesia come ha detto Julia... non dobbiamo preoccuparci di lui.
-But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Ma, se ha un'amnesia come ha detto Julia... non dobbiamo preoccuparci di lei.
-Ti saluto.
-Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
-Potresti portarmi qualcosa che non sia frutta o verdura?
-Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-Il capitano ha chiuso la porta, dovresti andare a vederlo.
-Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-Il capitano sta aspettando! Sbrigati!
-Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0
-Certi oggetti hanno diversi effetti. Alcuni ti curano, altri possono essere usati come armi o difese, altri ancora possono essere venduti.
-Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1
-Certi oggetti hanno diversi effetti. Alcuni ti curano, altri possono essere usati come armi o difese, altri ancora possono essere venduti.
-Chef Gado
-Chef Gado
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Clicca gli NPC intorno a te per continuare l'introduzione.
-Come on Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0
-Suvvia Sap! Stai spaventando la nostra ospite con le tue storie.
-Come on Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
-Suvvia Sap! Stai spaventando il nostro ospite con le tue storie.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0
-Suvvia Sap! Stai spaventando la nostra ospite con le tue storie.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
-Suvvia Sap! Stai spaventando il nostro ospite con le tue storie.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Posso chiederti da dove vieni? Un marinaio mi ha detto che sei russo ma un altro ancora mi ha detto che sei francese... sono un po' confusa. Ti registro sulla lista della nave così.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Posso chiederti da dove vieni? Un marinaio mi ha detto che sei russo ma un altro ancora mi ha detto che sei francese... sono un po' confusa. Ti registro sulla lista della nave così.
-Could you help me please?
-Puoi aiutarmi per favore?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a vegetable? And I beg you, no berries!
-Potresti portarmi qualcosa che non sia frutta o verdura? E ti prego che non siano bacche!
-Croc Claw
-Chela di Croc
-Croconut Box
-Cassa di Croconut
-Damn @@.
-Dannato @@.
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0
-Maledetta! Non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1
-Maledetto! Non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto!
-Damn you! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Maledetta! Non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto!
-Damn you! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Maledetto! Non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto!
-Dan closes the conversation and he continues to write his letter.
-Dan smette di parlare e continua a scrivere la sua lettera.
-Delicious Cookie
-Biscotto Delizioso
-Did you find out what the light is?!
-Hai scoperto cos'è quella luce?!
-Did you say reward? I want it!
-Hai detto ricompensa? La voglio!
-Do you have an other question for me?
-Hai altre domande per me?
-Do you hear me??
-Mi senti??
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Vuoi tagliare questo @@??
-Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Qualcuno conosce un buon posto ad Esperia per uscire ? - M. Arpan
-Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Qualcuno conosce un buon posto ad Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Don't bother her Silvio, or I'll to tell her that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.
-Lasciala stare Silvio, o le raccontero' come scoppi a piangere la notte quando senti i tuoni.
-Don't bother him Silvio, or I'll to tell him that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.
-Lasciala stare Silvio, o le raccontero' come scoppi a piangere la notte quando senti i tuoni.
-Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
-Non faaaare iiil... *hick* con me eh!
-Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-Non dare la password della tua stanza a nessuno! Tienila nascosta e non usare la stessa in altri posti in futuro. - Julia
-Don't mock me, my work is admirable.
-Non prendermi in giro, il mio lavoro è rispettabile.
-Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Fatto. Prendi! Ora questi sono i piani. Vai a parlare con la nostra bella fanciulla e offrile un assaggio della sua arroganza!
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude.
-Il lavoro mi chiama, *hic*, ci vediamo dopo amico.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey.
-Il lavoro mi richiama, *hic*, ci vediamo dopo tesoro.
-Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude.
-Il dovere mi chiama, *hic*, chi vediamo amico.
-Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later honey.
-Il dovere mi chiama, *hic*, ci vediamo bellezza.
-Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.
-A ognuno degli equipaggi fu ordinato di seguire una rotta diversa per trovare una terra vergine su cui poter vivere.
-Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.
-Elmo mi ha riferito di alcuni dissapori fra il precedente e il nuovo luogotente. Probabilmente hai gia' conosciuto Julia e Gado lo Chef.
-Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there.
-Elmo mi ha detto che sull'isola ora sei considerato uno di noi. Apprezzo molto quello che hai fatto laggiu'.
-Elven Voice
-Voce di Elfo
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I don't have the money to pay for the ferry!
-Ehm, seriamente, volevo solo raggiungere Artis, ma non ho i soldi per pagare il traghetto!
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry!
-Err, davvero, volevo solo andare ad Artis, e non ho i soldi per pagare il battello!
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, but I didn't have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Ehm, seriamente, volevo solo raggiungere Artis, ma non ho i soldi per pagare il traghetto!
-Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.
-Anche se non ricevettero nessuna notizia degli altri gruppi, decisero di iniziare una nuova vita in quella terra, piena di animali pericolosi.
-Excuse me, but what did you say?? Speak louder!!
-Scusa, cos'hai detto?? Parla più forte!
-Fine, bye!!
-Bene, ciao!!
-From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island.
-Da quello che so, mio fratello Gugli ha bisogno d'aiuto da più persone possibile per raccogliere tutte le cose trovate sull'isola.
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Dammi un bacio prima di salutarmi!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help you hunting the creatures of this island.
-Vai a prenderne uno. Un buon pugnale ti aiutera' ad affrontare le creature di quest'isola.
-Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need.
-Esci fuori e parla con Gugli, ti saprà dire cosa abbiamo bisogno.
-Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Esci fuori e parla con Gugli. Ti saprà dire cosa abbiamo bisogno.
-Good luck! And don't forget to visit Peter and our little friends when you will be back onboard!
-Buona fortuna! E non dimenticarti di andare a trovare Peter e i nostri piccoli amici quando sarai tornato a bordo!
-Good, good!
-Bene, bene.
-Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?#0
-Gugli mi ha chiesto di aiutare i marinai con la raccolta delle provviste. Sai dirmi dove potrei trovarli?
-Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?#1
-Gugli mi ha chiesto di aiutare i marinai con la raccolta delle provviste. Sai dirmi dove potrei trovarli?
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.
-Gugli mi ha chiesto di aiutarti a portare una di queste casse che stai riempiendo.
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.
-Gugli mi ha mandato qui per aiutarti.
-HEY @@!
-HEY @@!
-Half Croconut
-Mezzo Croconut
-He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain.
-Hehe... Ok, andrò di sopra ad informare il capitano.
-He is right in the bottom of the ship, you can't miss him!!
-È sul fondo della nave, non puoi non vederlo!
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
-Stammi *hic* bene a sentire, qualunque cosa tu *hic* dica s... uhm... su cosa?! Su quello che hai visto li', la Gilda di Esperia fara' in modo di non renderlo pubblico.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
-Stammi *hic* bene a sentire, qualunque cosa tu *hic* dica s... uhm... su cosa?! Su quello che hai visto li', la Gilda di Esperia fara' in modo di non renderlo pubblico.
-Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
-Ascoltami...qualunque cosa.....qualunquechiunquequandunque cosa tu abbia sent...uh eh wha?? Tu abbia visto la Gilda di Esperia non lo farà andare in pubblico!!!
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.
-Hehe, no. Ma sono sicuro un ragazzo come te avrebbe piacere a incontrare un gentiluomo come me.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!
-Hehe, no. Ma sono sicuro una ragazza come te adorerebbe incontrare una persona affascinante come me!
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.
-Hehe, no. Ma sono sicuro che un ragazzo come te avrà piacere di conoscere un gentiluomo come me.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!
-Hehe, no. Ma sono sicuro che una ragazza come te adorerebbe incontrare un uomo affascinante come me!
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the captain up there.
-Hehe... Va bene, andro' su ad informare il capitano.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we get a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, è un po' nervoso, scusalo, non capita tutti i giorni di avere un nuovo membro sulla nave.
-Hello sir!
-Buongiorno, signore!
-Hello... Should I know you?
-Ciao... Ci conosciamo?
-Hey Max, it's @@!
-Hey Max, e' @@!
-Hey hey
-Hey hey
-Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay?
-Hey tu! Riesci a sentirci? Stai bene?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... Speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey tu, scusa per aver lasciato la tua stanza così velocemente, avevo bisogno di... parlare col capitano su... sulla scorta. Sai, adesso che abbiamo un'altra bocca da sfamare dovremmo controllare meglio quel che ci rimane nella stiva.
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth in the crew we need to check it!
-Hey tu, mi spiace di aver lasciato la tua stanza così in fretta, dovevo... parlare con il capitano della... scorta.. eh, sai, adesso che abbiamo una nuova bocca da sfamare...!
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we got a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey tu, scusa per aver lasciato la tua stanza così velocemente, avevo bisogno di... parlare col capitano su... sulla scorta. Sai, adesso che abbiamo un'altra bocca da sfamare dovremmo controllare meglio quel che ci rimane.
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Stai attento. Non puoi stare in questo piano troppo a lungo, starai male. Vieni fuori e fai una pausa, magari puoi riprovare piú tardi.
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, how do you know my name?
-Hey, come fai a sapere il mio nome?
-Hey, man!
-Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room.
-Hey, non puoi dormire qui, è la mia stanza!
-Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
-Hey, dovresti vedere Julia per farti registrare sulla nave.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Ciao @@, ho sentito che il capitano ti ha mandata quaggiu', eh?
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Ciao @@, ho sentito che il capitano ti ha mandato quaggiu', eh?
-Hi @@.
-Ciao @@.
-Hi, nice to see you!#0
-Ciao! Benvenuta!
-Hidden person
-Persona nascosta
-How are you doing, cutie?
-Come va, bellezza?
-How are you doing, dude?
-Come va?
-How are you feeying, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-Come ti senti ora a camminare sulla terra ferma? Meglio?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about this again...
-Come osi... Abbiamo detto che non ne avremmo piu' parlato...
-How do you know my name?
-Come sai il mio nome?
-How is *hick* possible??
-Com'è *hick* possibile?
-How is it going cutie?
-Come va bellezza?
-How is it going dude?
-Come va amico?
-How was the cookie? Tasty, wasn't it?
-Com'era il biscotto? Buono, eh?
-However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
-Tuttavia, durante l'estate arrivava la siccita' e gli inverni divennero piu' freddi del solito.
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth!
-Veloci, veloci! Dobbiamo controllargli i denti!
-I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
-Non mi interessano le ricompense. Voglio solo aiutare.
-I am surprised someone has been sent here for help. It is quite... unusual.
-Sono sorpreso qualcuno sia stato mandato qui per aiutarci. E' abbastanza, direi... raro.
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Ti prego, per favore, per favoreeee.....
-I can't help you to be on my list, nor can I give you a cookie for free.
-Non posso aiutarti a finire sulla lista e non posso darti un biscotto se non sei sulla lista.
-I do not want to point my finger on someone. I just put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this annoying problem.
-Non voglio puntare il dito su qualcuno. Mi limito a fidarmi del tuo parere. Sono sicuro sarai capace di giudicare correttamente e di risolvere questo problema fastidioso.
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-Non ho niente di buono per te oggi.
-I don't need any help right now, come back later.
-Non mi serve aiuto ora, torna più tardi.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Non mi serve il tuo aiuto adesso, torna più tardi.
-I don't see anything else than... water?
-Non vedo altro che... acqua?
-I don't understand!!
-Non capisco!
-I don't want this, give me something else.
-Non lo voglio, dammi qualcos'altro!
-I feel better!
-Mi sento meglio!
-I forgot where it was.
-Ho dimenticato dov'era.
-I forgot where it was...
-Ho dimenticato dov'era.
-I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship.
-Questa chiave apre qualsiasi porta della nave, prendi.
-I hope that you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Spero non ti dispiaccia, abbiamo usato la tua zattera per costruire questa rampa.
-I just realized I needed delicious ingredients to prepare a... A special recipe.
-Stavo proprio pensando che avrei bisogno di alcuni ingredienti deliziosi per preparare... Una ricetta speciale.
-I like this answer!
-Mi piace questa risposta!
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#0
-Ho bisogno di aiuto per ripulire il fondo della nave, ma al momento non sei forte abbastanza.
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#1
-Ho bisogno di aiuto per ripulire il fondo della nave, ma al momento non sei forte abbastanza.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#0
-Mi serve aiuto per pulire la prua della nave, ma non sei abbastanza forte per aiutarmi.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#1
-Mi serve aiuto per pulire la prua della nave, ma non sei abbastanza forte per aiutarmi.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me?
-Ho bisogno di qualcuno che possa ripulire il piano di sotto da questi Ratto, mi puoi aiutare?
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-Ho bisogno di qualcuno per ripulire il fondo della nave da questi Ratto, mi puoi aiutare?
-I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and...
-Ho solo bisogno di 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ e...
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Ho solo bisogno di 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@...
-I remember I saw few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get to work.
-Mi ricordo di aver visto qualcuno di loro lasciare la nave stamattina presto per andare a lavorare.
-I said see you later!!
-Ho detto ci vediamo!!
-I said... Why don't you come down to talk??
-Ho detto... Perchè non vieni giù a parlare??
-I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Vedo che non è facile eliminare questi rattos. Vuoi riprovare?
-I see it's not easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Vedo che non è facile liberarsi di questi ratti. Vuoi riprovarci?
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
-Vedo, avverti gli altri. Ma se è parte della Gilda dei Guerrieri, allora è anche con noi.
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
-Vedo, avvisa gli altri marinai di questo. Ma se è parte della gilda dei guerrieri allora è nostra amica.
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our ally.
-Vedo. Avverti gli altri marinai. Ma se è della Warrior Guild, allora é dalla nostra parte.
-I speak Dutch.
-Parlo olandese.
-I speak English
-Parlo inglese
-I speak English.
-Parlo Inglese.
-I speak Flemish
-Parlo fiammingo
-I speak Flemish.
-Parlo Belga.
-I speak French
-Parlo francese
-I speak French.
-Parlo Francese.
-I speak German
-Parlo tedesco
-I speak German.
-Parlo tedesco.
-I speak Italian.
-Parlo Italiano.
-I speak Polish
-Sono polacco
-I speak Polish.
-Parlo Polacco.
-I speak Portuguese
-Sono portoghese.
-I speak Portuguese.
-Parlo Portoghese.
-I speak Russian
-Parlo Russo
-I speak Russian.
-Parlo Russo.
-I speak Spanish
-Parlo spagnolo
-I speak Spanish.
-Parlo spagnolo.
-I think that I'm done, do you have a question now?
-Penso abbia finito, hai domande?
-I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s!
-Penso che fra un po' avro' finito visto che ho quasi riempito di @@ questa cassa!
-I think that my wine has a great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Penso che il mio sia un vino di qualita'! Sono appena alla seconda bottiglia e sono gia'...\nDi cos'e' che stavamo parlando?
-I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Penso che il mio vino sia di ottima qualità! Sono alla seconda bottiglia e sono già... Aspetta, di cosa stavamo parlando?
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Credo che Yeye avra' presto finito. Yeye avere presto una cassa piena di @@!
-I was here when they rescued you!!
-Ero qua quando ti hanno salvato!
-I will give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Le darò tutto quello che le serve, non preoccuparti.
-I will give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Gli darò tutto quello che gli serve, non preoccuparti.
-I will give you @@ GP.
-Ti daro' @@ GP.
-I will give you @@GP.
-Ti daro' @@GP.
-I will give you @@gp.
-Ti darò @@gp
-I would love to!!
-Mi piacerebbe!
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
-Vorrei acchiapparne qualcuno ma volano via quando ci provo.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Le darò tutto quello che ha bisogno, non ti preoccupare.
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Gli darò tutto quello di cui ha bisogno, non ti preoccupare.
-I'll look at it.
-Ci darò un'occhiata.
-I'll share my berries with you, if you help me.
-Dividerò le mie bacche con te se mi aiuti.
-I'm a bit sick.#0
-Mi sento un po' male.
-I'm a bit sick.#1
-Mi sento un po' male.
-I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
-Mi chiamo Alige, e sono rimasto nascosto qui per qualche settimana.
-I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
-Sto diventando matto mi serve qualcos'altro da mangiare!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!
-Non sono cosi' stordito eeh *hic* qalunque cosa tu abbia sco... *hips* ...perto laggiu', la Gilda dei Guerrieri non mi avra'!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me!
-Non sono così stupido eeh *hick* qualunque cosa tu abbia *hick* scoperto la eeeeeeh, la Gilda dei Guerrieri non mi prenderà! *hick*
-I'm not.#0
-Non lo sono.
-I'm not.#1
-Non lo sono.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate you with another sailor sometime.
-Mi spiace per la tua situazione. Ogni tanto dovrebbero alternarti con altri marinai.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should change with another sailor from times to times.#0
-Mi spiace per la tua situazione. Ogni tanto dovrebbero alternarti con altri marinai.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should change with another sailor from times to times.#1
-Mi spiace per la tua situazione. Ogni tanto dovrebbero alternarti con altri marinai.
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Sono sicuro Tibbo sia da solo nell'angolo Sud-Ovest dell'isola. Crede sia il posto migliore per raccogliere @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.
-Sono sicuro ben presto sara' in grado di affontare creature ben piu' pericolose di un Tortuga.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight creatures living here a way more dangerous than tortugas do
-Sono sicuro presto sara' in grado di affrontare nemici ben piu' pericolosi di queste Tortuga
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.
-Sono sicuro ben presto sara' in grado di affontare creature ben piu' pericolose di un Tortuga.
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-Sono sicura che hai diverse domande da pormi e sarò felice di risponderti, ma prima ho il dovere di comunicarti le regole per una condotta sociale idonea alla vita di bordo.
-I'm very happy to see you're okay now!
-Sono davvero felice di sapere che finalmente stai bene!
-I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-L'ho visto nella parte Sud dell'isola, chiedi a Jalad dovrebbe saperne di piu'.
-If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
-Se avessi visto che*hick* chi eeeeeriiii.... avrei *hips* aiutato
-If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case.
-Se stai cercando la nostra gente qui, puoi trovarci in gran parte al ristorante di Pedro e per quanto riguarda Silvio alla Locanda.
-If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks.
-Se ti stai annoiando o giri senza meta, ti suggerisco di andare a parlare con gli altri marinai qua attorno per altre missioni.
-If you see weird things, or things that shouldn't be here, or even things that you would like to see there...
-Se vedi delle cose strane, o delle cose che non ti sembrano molto a posto, o anche cose che ti piacerebbe vedere...
-If you wish to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-Se vuoi leggere questa pagina di nuovo c'è una copia sul muro a sinistra.
-If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0
-Per accedere all'inventario usa il tasto F3, oppure il mouse per aprirlo dal menù in alto.
-If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1
-Per accedere all'inventario usa il tasto F3, oppure il mouse per aprirlo dal menù in alto.
-If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case...
-Se ci cercherai laggiu', troverai la maggior parte di noi al ristorante di Pedro e per quanto riguarda Silvio generalmente lo trovi alla Taverna...
-In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
-Come vedi, in questo antro mi diverto tantissimo.
-In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun.
-Vedi, in questo buco mi diverto tantissimo.
-Ti puo' interessare?
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-E' bello vedere tu ti sia risvegliata in ottime condizioni. Elmo e' venuto a comunicarmi la bella notizia!
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-E' bello vedere tu ti sia risvegliato in ottime condizioni. Elmo e' venuto a comunicarmi la bella notizia!
-It is them who tell me to whom I can give cookies.
-Sono loro che mi dicono a chi dare i biscotti.
-It looks like madam is curious, am I right?
-Sembra che tu sia curiosa, eh?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#0
-Sembra tu sia un esperto della vita a bordo de 'La Johanne'. Conosci qualche segreto nascosto?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#1
-Sembra tu sia un esperto della vita a bordo de 'La Johanne'. Conosci qualche segreto nascosto?
-It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Ha senso. Pensi che dovrei parlarne al capitano?
-It seems mister is curious, are you not?
-Sembra che tu sia curioso, eh?
-It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-Sembra siamo vicini ad un'isola, dovremmo andare sul ponte a dare un'occhiata.
-It'll be a good time for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-Sarà un buon momento per fare un po' di esercizio, la nave non è abbastanza grande.
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry!
-E' il porto commerciale di Andorra, strano che tu non ne abbia mai sentito parlare. E' una delle città più famose al mondo. Ma comunque, tornando a noi... Ho fame!
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry!
-E' un porto commerciale di Andorra, è strano che tu non lo conosca, è una delle più famose città del mondo... Ma, tornando al nostro discorso: ho fame!
-It's a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-È un bel posto... ci sono delle ragazze interessanti...
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-E' bello vedere che ti sei svegliata e stai bene, Elmo è venuto qui per darmi la buona notizia!
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-E' bello vedere che ti sei svegliato e stai bene, Elmo è venuto qui per darmi la buona notizia!
-It's ok, crew tasks are much more important than curiosity!!
-Va bene, il lavoro viene prima della curiosità!
-It's where every merchant ship ends their travel and we won't be an exception.
-E' dove ogni mercantile attracca alla fine del suo viaggio. E noi non faremo eccezione.
-Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0
-Oggetti diversi possono avere vari effetti. Alcuni ti guariscono, alcuni possono essere usati come armi o armature, altri invece possono essere venduti per ricavare qualche soldo.
-Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#1
-Oggetti diversi possono avere vari effetti. Alcuni ti guariscono, alcuni possono essere usati come armi o armature, altri invece possono essere venduti per ricavare qualche soldo.
-Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.
-La gente era ignara di qualsiasi orrore o pericolo e viveva in pace fintantoche' che la terra forniva tutto quello gli abitanti avevano bisogno.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Colpisci il tronco e yeyerai un @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Lasciami da solo.
-Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#0
-L'ultima volta che ti ho vista eri dispersa sulla tua zattera in mezzo all'oceano.
-Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#1
-L'ultima volta che ti ho visto eri disperso sulla tua zattera in mezzo all'oceano.
-Porta a sinistra
-Lettuce Leaf
-Foglia di Lattuga
-Max and Sapartan for example?
-Max e Sapartan per esempio?
-Maybe he abused too much his bottle today to celebrate that!
-Probabilmente per festeggiare ha abusato della sua bottiglia più del necessario!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!
-Forse era fra i dispersi dello scorso mese? Gli yoiis di Esperia a cui la Gilda dei Guerrieri aveva affidato quella missione segreta!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Magari è uno di quelli che si sono persi il mese scorso? Lo yoiis di Esperia con una missione segreta per la Gilda dei Guerrieri!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!
-Forse era fra i dispersi dello scorso mese? Gli yoiis di Esperia a cui la Gilda dei Guerrieri aveva affidato quella missione segreta!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Magari è una di quelli che si sono persi il mese scorso? La yoiis di Esperia che ha una missione segreta per la Gilda dei Guerrieri!
-Maybe you can look at this??
-Magari puoi darci un'occhiata?
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?
-Forse... Ma preferisco avere gente ben addestrata attorno a me quando si tratta di combattere creature pericolose. Ti senti gia' abbastanza allenato al combattimento?
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?#0
-Forse... Ma preferisco avere gente ben addestrata attorno a me quando si tratta di combattere creature pericolose. Ti senti gia' abbastanza allenata al combattimento?
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?#1
-Forse... Ma preferisco avere gente ben addestrata attorno a me quando si tratta di combattere creature pericolose. Ti senti gia' abbastanza allenato al combattimento?
-My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Bellezza, non sono sempre stato un marinaio, sai, un tempo ero una persona importante!
-My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Amico, non sono
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks.
-Mi chiamo Alige, sono settimane che mi nascondo qua sotto.
-My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-Il mio nome è Astapolos Q'Muller, faccio parte dell'equipaggio di Nard da qualche anno, quando era ancora una piccola nave mercantile.
-My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea.
-Mi chiamo Julia, sono io che mi sono presa cura di te quando ti abbiamo trovato in mare.
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
-No e *hick* no, tu e tu e la tua...*burp* stupid*hick* Gilda!
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
-No *hick*e no*hick*, tu.. tu e la tua*hick* stupida Gilda!
-New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed.
-Le nuove tecnologie anziche' essere adoperate per consolidare la pace contribuirono alle stragi. Ad un certo punto i popoli si riunirono in due fazioni avverse.
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0
-No e *hic*... No, tu e tu e la tua... *burp* stupi*hic* gilda!
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1
-No e *hic*... No, tu e tu e la tua... *burp* stupi*hic* gilda!
-No problem, I can help you anyway.
-Mmh, nessun problema, posso aiutarti comunque.
-No there are no secrets hidden below the ship's wood. Some sailors swear they have seen people hidden somewhere near the stow. Just stories sailors love to tell...
-No non ci sono segreti tra le assi della nave. Qualche marinaio giura di aver visto qualcuno nascosto da qualche parte vicino la stiva. Solo storie che i marinai amano raccontare...
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
-No, non posso, volevo solo viaggiare per mare per divertimento.
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
-No non posso. Volevo solo viaggiare per mare in cerca di divertimento. Non vedi come mi diverto?
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?
-No, infatti. Ero qui per aiutarti con quelle casse. Posso portarne una a Gugli se vuoi?
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-No, infatti. Ero qui per aiutarti con quelle casse. Posso portarne una a Gugli se vuoi?
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-No, infatti. Ero qui per aiutarti con quelle casse. Posso portarne una a Gugli se vuoi?
-No, sorry.
-No, scusa.
-No, thanks.
-No, grazie.
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians
-Nessuno saprà dell'esistenza dei Mercuriani
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!
-Non per distruggere i tuoi sogni, ma... Julia è mia!
-Nothing, I need to go!
-Niente, devo andare!
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Adesso vai pure qua fuori e parla con Gugli, ti dira' cosa abbiamo bisogno.
-OH, OK!
-OH, OK!
-OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
-Ok, penso che si stia svegliando, vai a vederlo.
-OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
-Ok, penso che si stia svegliando, vai a vedere.
-Of course, there is a reward for your task.
-Certo, c'è una ricompensa.
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go get a look at them.
-Certo, sono sul muro a sinistra, vai a dargli un occhiata.
-Oh look there!!
-Oh, guarda lì!
-Oh look, there is a piou behind you.
-Oh, guarda, c'è un piou dietro di te.
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
-Oh no, ma ho notato una strana luce sull'altro lato dell'isola, chissà cos'è...
-Oh ok, I said nothing then.
-Oh ok, non ho detto niente allora.
-Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that?
-Oh davvero? Come ho potuto dimenticarmi una cosa così importante?
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task!
-Oh bene. Ti darò anche uno dei berretti di questa cesta, ma solo quando avrai completato la tua missione!
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Bene. Ti darò anche uno dei berretti di questa cesta, ma solo quando avrai completato la tua missione!
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0
-Oh, yeyeye, non essendo commestibili, prova ad indossarli!
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1
-Oh yeyeye, non essendo commestibili, puoi provare ad indossarli!
-Oh! And in one of the room of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh, dimenticavo! In una delle stanze del secondo ponte Gado nasconde i suoi coltelli migliori, i piu' affilati... Non li usa certo per tagliare le carote...
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you want to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Oh, stavo per chiederti se volevi aiutarci a trovare del cibo ed esplorare l'isola.
-Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
-Oh, e anche Olga, del mercato.
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Ah, dalle anche dei vestiti, poverina, quelli che aveva erano messi peggio dei nostri!
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh e dalle qualche vestito, poveraccia, quelli che indossava erano addirittura in condizioni peggiori dei nostri!
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh e dalle qualche vestito pulito, povera ragazza, quelli che aveva indosso erano conciati peggio dei nostri!
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Ah, e dagli dei vestiti, il povero ragazzo, quelli che aveva erano peggio dei nostri!
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh e dagli qualche vestito, poveraccio, quelli che indossava erano addirittura in condizioni peggiori dei nostri!
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh e dagli qualche vestito, poveraccio, quelli che indossava erano addirittura in condizioni peggiori dei nostri!
-Oh, and it's not written there but don't give the password of your room to anybody, I'm the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours, so keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future.
-Oh, e lì non c'è scritto ma non dare la password della tua stanza a nessuno. Sono l'unico che qui possiede tutte le altre chiavi e non ti chiederò mai della tua, quindi, tienila al sicuro e cerca di non usare la stessa password in altri posti in futuro.
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, e c'era questa insegna sulla tua zattera. Essa rappresenta una delle Gilde dei Guerrieri di Esperia, la piu' grande e conosciuta gilda del nuovo mondo. Questo ti fa ritornare in mente qualcosa?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Warrior Guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, e c'era questa insegna sulla tua zattera. Essa rappresenta una delle Gilde dei Guerrieri di Esperia, la piu' grande e conosciuta gilda del nuovo mondo. Questo ti fa ritornare in mente qualcosa?
-Oh, but you were not here to talk about that I guess.
-Oh, ma immagino tu non sia qui per parlare di questo.
-Oh, he's still alive!
-Oh, è ancora vivo!
-Oh, hey you.
-Oh, hey tu.
-Oh, it was nothing important!
-Oh, niente di importante!
-Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation.
-Oh, non tutto, non preoccuparti, ma il tuo nome è venuto fuori due volte nella conversazione.
-Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up twice in the conversation.
-Oh, non tutto, non preoccuparti, ma il tuo nome è venuto fuori due volte nella conversazione.
-Oh, nothing important.
-Oh, niente di importante.
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, ora che mi ricordo, abbiamo anche trovato dei soldi nelle tue tasche, eccoli!
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, ora che mi ricordo, abbiamo anche trovato dei soldi nelle tue tasche, eccoli!
-Oh, she's still alive!
-Oh, è ancora viva!
-Ok, Done.
-Ok, fatto.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.
-Va bene, penso si stia alzando, vallo a trovare.
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.
-Ok, penso si stia svegliando ora, vai a trovarla.
-Ok, I'll help you.
-Ok, ti aiuterò.
-Ok, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Ok, vado da lei, tienila d'occhio, non sappiamo ancora se è con noi o è un nemico...
-Ok, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Ok, sto andando da lui, tienilo d'occhio, ancora non sappiamo se sia un nemico o meno.
-Ok, but Gugli needs my help first.
-Ok, ma Gugli ha bisogno del mio aiuto prima.
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok ok, torna se cambi idea.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Ok, sono pronta a lavorare!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Ok, sono pronto a lavorare!
-Okay, but what can you offer me?
-Ok, ma cosa puoi offrirmi tu?
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but it obviously depends on the level of the weapon. On the other hand, you attack from a safer position.
-Da una parte le armi da distanza sono generalmente piu' deboli di quelle da combattimento ravvicinato, ma ovviamente questo dipende dal livello dell'arma. Dall'altra parte attacchi da una posizione piu' sicura.
-On the edge of this island!!
-Al limite di quest'isola!!
-Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well.
-Una volta che il nemico muore, clicca col mouse sugli oggetti che ha lasciato cadere per aggiungerli al tuo inventario. Puoi anche usare il tasto 'Z' della tastiera per raccogliere gli oggetti vicini.
-Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0
-Una volta aperto l'inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo col mouse e cliccando il tasto 'Equipaggia'. Puoi anche riporlo nuovamente nell'inventario cliccando il tasto 'Rimuovi'.
-Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1
-Una volta aperto l'inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo col mouse e cliccando il tasto 'Equipaggia'. Puoi anche riporlo nuovamente nell'inventario cliccando il tasto 'Rimuovi'.
-Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s.
-O, se proprio ne desideri uno e ti ritieni capace, puoi provare ad combattere i Tortugas o i Crocos. Sono certo possano dari uno o due @@.
-Orc Voice
-Voce di Orco
-Other things are written down but are not legible.
-Ci sono scritte altre cose ma non sono leggibili.
-People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.
-Le persone cominciarono a derubarsi fra loro per sopravvivere. Con l'ingradirsi dei villaggi le risorse necessarie aumentarono di conseguenza. Le guerre iniziarano a fertilizzare la terra.
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0
-Perfetto, cosa mi hai portato oggi?
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#1
-Perfetto, cosa mi hai portato oggi?
-Pink Blobime
-Blobime Rosa
-Piou Legs
-Cosce di Piou
-Piou Slayer
-Flagello dei Piou
-Pious legs
-Coscie di Piou
-Please don't tell people that you've seen me. I don't want to be thrown in the sea as food for sharks or decapitated. At least not again!
-Per favore non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto. Non voglio essere buttato in mare come cibo per squali o decapitato. Almeno non un'altra volta!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, at least not again!
-Per favore non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto. Non voglio essere decapitato o essere buttato in mare come cibo per squali. Almeno non un'altra volta!
-Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again!
-Per favore, non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto qui, non voglio essere buttato in mare come cibo per gli squali o decapitato, non di nuovo!
-Plushroom Box
-Cassa di Plushroom
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Semi di Zucca
-Purple Blobime
-Blobime Viola
-Right! Sailors are pretty quick with their job. They just take too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Giusto! I ragazzi sono molto veloci nel lavoro! E' solo che ci mettono troppo tempo a portare indietro le scorte alla nave. Forse potresti aiutarli.
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long.
-Iniziarono ad essere scritte regole al fine di avere una società giusta e pacifica. Tuttavia questo non duro' a lungo.
-Sea Drop
-Goccia d'Acqua Marina
-Sea Drops
-Goccia d'Acqua marina
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, some others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-Successivamente, scegli saggiamente l'arma che piu' ti si addice. Alcuni preferiscono affrontare i nemici da vicino con un'ascia pesante, altri preferiscono attaccare da lontano con l'arco.
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-È al piano di sopra, yeye non puoi mancarla. È l'unica ragaza dell'equipaggio, bhe, a parte te ora, yeyeye!
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew.
-E' al livello superiore, yeye non puoi non riconoscerla. E' l'unica ragazza nella ciurma.
-She said that she will accept my application when Piou have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Ha detto che accetterà la mia iscrizione quando i piou avranno i denti. È solo questione di tempo, vedi?
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Lei è di sopra, non puoi non vederla. E' l'unica donna della ciurma... oh bè.. a parte te ora!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.
-Lei è di sopra, non puoi non vederla. E' l'unica donna della ciurma... oh bè.. a parte te ora!
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation.
-Silvio inizia a parlare con la bottiglia, abbandoni la conversazione.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
-Ecco perché abbiamo voluto avvertirti, magari viene da quella gilda, quel simbolo era sulla sua zattera.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
-Ecco perchè volevamo avvertirti, magari viene da quella gilda, c'era quel simbolo sulla sua zattera.
-So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination.
-Stiamo cercando nuove cose che potremmo vendere alla nuova destinazione.
-So what's up?? What are you doing??
-Che succede? Cosa fai?
-So you finally woke up? We all thought that you were in something like... You know, one of those long comas.
-Ti sei svegliato allora. Pensavamo che fossi... come dire... uno di quei lunghi sonni.
-So you're under the control of dictators, that's... reassuring.
-Quindi sei controllata da dei dittatori... niente di allarmante...
-So, do you still want a cookie now?
-Allora, vuoi ancora quel biscotto?
-So, what's your name??
-Quindi, qual'è il tuo nome??
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or because you've heard of my feats on Artis?
-Quindi qual buon vento ti porta quaggiù? Eri sulla zattera per incontrarmi? O perchè eri venuto a sapere delle mie imprese ad Artis?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats on Artis?
-Quindi qual buon vento ti porta qui? Eri sulla zattera per incontrarmi? O perche' avevi sentito dei miei famosi banchetti ad Artis?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?
-Quindi qual buon vento ti porta quaggiù? Eri sulla zattera per incontrare la mia Julia? O perchè volevi conoscere le belle locandiere della città di Artis?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?
-Quindi, qual buon vento ti porta quaggiu'? Sei venuto con la zattera per incontrare la mia Julia? O perche' volevi conoscere le belle cameriere di Artis?
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.
-Quindi finalmente ti sei svegliato? Tutti noi pensavamo tu fossi in un qualcosa simile a un... Hai presente, un lungo coma.
-Some more things are written down but it's not legible.
-Ci sono scritte altre cose ma non è leggibile.
-Some other strings are added to this page.
-Ci sono scritte altre cose sulla pagina.
-Some sailors are looking for goods we could trade in our next destination.
-Stiamo cercando merce da poter rivendere nella nostra prossima destinazione.
-Some sailors are trying to talk to you..
-Dei marinai stanno provando a parlarti...
-Sometimes, I wish somebody is sent here to help us.
-Qualche volta spero mandino qui qualcuno ad aiutarci.
-Sorry but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Scusa ma non posso dirti niente.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
-Scusa, ora non me la sento di affrontare nuovamente questi Rattos.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those rattos.
-Scusa, ora non me la sento.
-Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later.
-Scusa, non ho bisogno di alcun aiuto al momento. Torna piu' tardi.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
-Improvvisamente senti una voce dal cielo.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice up in the sky.
-All'improvviso senti una voce provenire dall'alto.
-Sure, Cap'tain.
-Certo, Capitano.
-Sure, but Gugli needs my help first.
-Certo, ma Gugli ha bisogno di me adesso.
-Sure, but what can you give me in exchange?
-Certo, ma cosa puoi darmi in cambio?
-Sure, there is a reward for your task.
-Certo, c'e' una ricompensa per la tua missione.
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Certamente. Prendi questa cassa piena di @@.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed, you're weak my poor boy.
-Prendi un @@ e prova ad aprirlo usando qualcosa di affilato! Dubito ce la farai, sei cosi' debole, povero ragazzo.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed, you're weak my poor girl.
-Prendi un @@ e prova ad aprirlo usando qualcosa di affilato! Dubito ce la farai, sei cosi' debole, povera fanciulla.
-Take a Bandana
-Prendi una Bandana
-Take a nap
-Fatti un pisolino
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more!
-Prendi queste monete per la tua saggia decisione. Ma non provarci una seconda volta. L'acqua e' stata pietosa con te gia' una volta... Non tentare la fortuna una volta di troppo!
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food.
-Digli che andato tutto bene e che ho quasi finito col cibo.
-Thank you my friend.
-Grazie amico mio.
-Thank you sir for you nice words. I am feeling better now.
-Grazie per le gentili parole. Ora mi sento meglio.
-Thank you so much! Here, have some berries...
-Grazie mille! Ecco, un po' di bacche...
-Thank you, I'll take them.
-Grazie, li prendo.
-Thanks again for helping me. But these rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Grazie ancora del tuo aiuto, ma questi Rattos sono un problema permanente, il tuo aiuto è sempre gradito. L'unico problema è che posso ricompensarti una volta sola.
-Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Grazie ancora per l'aiuto. Ma quei Ratto sono ancora un problema e il tuo aiuto è sempre gradito. L'unico problema è che posso ricompensarti solo una volta.
-Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Grazie ancora del tuo aiuto, ma questi rattos sono un problema permanente, il tuo aiuto è sempre gradito. L'unico problema è che posso ricompensarti una volta sola.
-Thanks for helping me!
-Grazie dell'aiuto!
-That's a nice name!!
-È un bel nome!!
-That's right.
-That's where you go as well, right?
-E' dove stai andando anche tu, giusto?
-The adventure begins!
-Che abbia inizio l'avventura!
-The door is closed.
-La porta è chiusa.
-The door is locked.
-La porta e' chiusa a chiave.
-The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the Warrior Guild.
-Gli elfi della libreria mi hanno preso di mira tempo fa, come pure Enora della gilda dei guerrieri.
-The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the warrior guild.
-Gli elfi della libreria mi hanno preso di mira tempo fa, come pure Enora della gilda dei guerrieri.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing thus you don't know the author's name.
-La fine della storia e' cancellata, probabilmente a causa dell'acqua del mare. Qualche pagina e' mancante quindi l'autore rimane sconosciuto.
-The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.
-La grande popolazione di Aemil, una volta raggiunta la costa, si divise in tre gruppi.
-The hidden person doesn't answer.
-L'individuo nascosto non risponde.
-The sailor is turning his back to you.
-Il marinaio ti da le spalle.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
-I marinai ti caricano a bordo della nave per aiutarti.
-Then I can give you some tips about fights.
-Alloro posso darti qualche consiglio utile sul combattimento.
-Then just leave me alone.
-Allora lasciami in pace.
-Then leave me alone.
-Allora lasciami solo.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Ci sono diversi gruppi di @@ nell'isola. Scegline uno e provaci.
-There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Si sentono in giro voci di cose mostruose che hanno fatto in passato e di altre che tutt'ora ci nascondono.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Ci sono diversi gruppi di @@ nell'isola. Scegline uno e provaci.
-There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-Ci sono dei coltelli sul tavolo ne vuoi prendere uno?
-There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one?
-Ci sono dei coltelli sul tavolo. Ne vuoi prendere uno?
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Ci sono ancora dei Ratto in giro! Vuoi terminare comunque la missione?
-There is a nice place to stay beside you.
-C'è un bel posto per starti vicino.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or help Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-C'e' sempre qualcosa da fare qui, come ad esempio combattere qualche Tortuga o aiutare Peter a ripulire la nave dai Rattos.
-There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Ci sono dei pulcini che svolazzano in giro, si chiamano Piou. Una loro coscia arrostita sarebbe perfetta!
-There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island.
-Ci sono sei marinai che avranno bisogno del tuo aiuto. Sono in giro per l'isola.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.
-Non c'è nulla da aggiungere, non si preoccupi.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.
-Non c'è nulla da dire, non si preoccupi signore.
-Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil.
-Infine la fame si abbatte' sul popolo di Aemil.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship.
-Queste casse yeye essere troppo pesanti per essere trasportate a bordo da una sola persona.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...
-Questi Alberi da Croco essere pieni di yayi @@, ma essere anche difficili da colpire...
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I don't feel my arms anymore!
-Queste casse sono cosi' pesanti che non mi sento piu' le braccia!
-They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-Sono entrambi dei validi marinai e ho bisogno di loro. In passato, forse ho fatto qualche sbaglio di cui ora mi pento. Stavo pensando se tu possa investigare e... Sistemare la situazione.
-They are so tasty when cooked together with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-Sono deliziosi se preparati insieme a @@. Non farne cadere neanche uno!
-This box is locked
-La scatola è chiusa.
-This box is locked.
-La scatola è chiusa.
-This door seems locked.
-La porta sembra chiusa.
-This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Questa ragazza è fortunata che l'abbiamo trovata prima degli squali. Non so da dove venga. Comunque, hai visto il logo sulla sua zattera?
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-La ragazza è stata fortunata, l'abbiamo trovata prima che lo facessero gli squali. Non ho idea da dove venga. A proposito, hai notato lo stemma sulla zattera?
-This girl needs help, let's rescue her!
-Questa ragazza ha bisogno d'aiuto, salviamola!
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!
-Questa ragazza ha bisogno di aiuto, dobbiamo andarla a recuperare!
-This guy is lucky that we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Questo ragazzo è fortunato che lo abbiamo trovato prima degli squali. Comunque, hai visto il logo sulla sua zattera?
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Il ragazzo e' stato fortunato, l'abbiamo trovato prima che lo facessero gli squali. Non ho idea da dove provenga. A proposito hai notato lo stemma sulla sua zattera?
-This guy needs help, let's rescue him!
-Questo ragazzo ha bisogno d'aiuto, salviamolo!
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!
-Questo ragazzo ha bisogno di aiuto, dobbiamo andarlo a recuperare!
-This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-E' un gran bel posto... Ci sono certe fanciulle splendide...
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Questo e' un @@, un frutto di mare azzurro. Sono ricercatissimi in tutto l'arcipelago.
-This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!
-Fine della Seconda Beta Release di Evol Online!
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
-Questo linguaggio dovrebbe essere punito, ma sono d'accordo che non piacc
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
-Questo tipo di linguaggio andrebbe punito, ma sono d'accordo. Non piacciono nemmeno a me, tieni gli occhi aperti.
-This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Questo chiarisce tutto. Pensi dovremmo informare il capitano?
-This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.
-Questo nuovo continente, difatto un arcipelago, fu chiamato Andorra.
-Tibbo went to the east-south of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Tibbo e' andato a Sud-Est dell'isola, altri verso Nord. Credo che Gulukan invece non sia molto lontano da qui.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#0
-Per aprire l'Inventario, premi il tasto F3 oppure selezionalo dal menu' principale.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#1
-Per aprire l'Inventario, premi il tasto F3 oppure selezionalo dal menu' principale.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some fine food for me.
-Male... Ritorna quando avrai trovato del cibo idoneo.
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?
-Vero ma al momento mi sembra si sia rimesso in salute! Non e' cosi'?
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?
-Vero ma al momento mi sembra si sia rimessa in salute! Non e' cosi'?
-Try to ask Max. He's an early riser.
-Prova a chiedere a Max. E' un tipo mattiniero.
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-UAHAHAHAAH! Sono il cuoco di questa marmaglia di asini, posso essere maleducato con chi voglio dal capitano pronto a dare ordini a quell'arpia travestita da donna!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish on you?!
-Aspetta, hai ancora il piatto con te?
-Wait? Why do you still have the dish with you?
-Cosa? Perche' hai ancora quel piatto?
-Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please.
-Cammina un pò, sarà facile per te incontrarne uno. Impalane uno anche per me.
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!
-Speriamo che il capitolo iniziale ti sia piaciuto e speriamo di rivederti presto in quelli successivi!
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#0
-Speriamo che il capitolo iniziale ti sia piaciuto e speriamo di rivederti presto in quelli successivi!
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#1
-Speriamo che il capitolo iniziale ti sia piaciuto e speriamo di rivederti presto in quelli successivi!
-We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis.
-Abbiamo fatto scalo in un'isoletta prima di approdare al porto di Artis.
-We need manpower on the island.
-Abbiamo bisogno di forza lavoro sull'isola.
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.
-Abbiamo bisogno di forzalavoro sull'isola... Anche le donne sono ovviamente benvenute.
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Warrior Guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Dovremmo essere li in qualche giorno, avvertiro' la Gilda dei Guerrieri su quanto e' accaduto. Sono sicuro saranno di aiuto.
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the warrior guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Dovremmo essere lì in qualche giorno. Una volta arrivati informerò la gilda dei guerrieri sull'accaduto. Sono sicuro saranno d'aiuto.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-Pensavamo che potessi aiutarci tu a capirlo. Sappiamo solo che eri naufrago in mezzo al mare
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0
-Abbiamo provato a pulirli ma l'acqua del mare li ha quasi distrutti. Ti abbiamo dato questi vestiti, non sono molto buoni ma è tutto quello che abbiamo.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1
-Abbiamo provato a pulirli ma l'acqua del mare li ha quasi distrutti. Infatti ti abbiamo preso questi vestiti nuovi, non sono perfetti ma è tutto ciò che abbiamo.
-We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-Generalmente facciamo scalo su questi lembi di terra poiche' ricchi delle miglior specialita' di cibo di tutto l'arcipelago.
-We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map!
-Generalmente non ci fermiamo in questi posti, ma questa volta il capitano ci ha lasciato sbarcare mentre traccia la posizione di quest'isola sulla sua mappa!
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship!
-Ben fatto! Trova tutti gli ingredienti necessari e torna indietro da me. Quando capiranno chi e' che comanda veramente questa bagnarola verrai ricompensato!
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?
-Il fatto che ti abbiamo salvato dalla furia del mare non fa di te un marinaio esperto, dico bene?
-Well, it it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.
-E' una bella sensazione avere finalmente qualcosa sotto i piedi.
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-... Benvenuta a bordo bellezza!
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#1
-... Benvenuto a bordo, ragazzo!
-What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.
-Vendo merce proveniente da ogni angolo dell'arcipelago.
-What am I suposed to say?
-Che cosa dovrei dire?
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#0
-Cosa state dicendo, è una yoiis!
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#1
-Cosa state dicendo, è uno yoiis!
-What are you talking about? Which guild?
-Di cosa stai parlando? Quale Gilda?
-What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok?
-Cos'ha detto Gugli sulla cassa? Era tutto a posto?
-What did you say??
-Cos'hai detto?
-What's the deal with these Aquada?
-Cosa c'è di importante con queste Aquada?
-What? It's not a good reward?
-Cosa? Non è un'ottima ricompensa?
-What? This reward is too small!
-Cosa? Questa ricompensa è troppo piccola!
-What? Why? They aren't sexier than me, why do you want to see them?
-Cosa? Chi? Non sono certo piu' affascinanti di me, perche' dovresti volere andare la'?
-When your inventory will be opened, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'Unequip' to remove it.#0
-Una volta aperto l'Inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo e cliccando su 'Equipaggia'. Allo stesso modo puoi riporre un oggetto selezionando il pulsante 'Riponi'.
-When your inventory will be opened, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'Unequip' to remove it.#1
-Una volta aperto l'Inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo e cliccando su 'Equipaggia'. Allo stesso modo puoi riporre un oggetto selezionando il pulsante 'Riponi'.
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Quale arma vuoi usare per tagliare @@?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they use to do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-Mentre invece a Jalad ed Ale piace lavorare insieme come sono soliti fare sulla nave. L'ultima volta che li ho visti erano vicini al grande lago a Nord di qui.
-Who is this Julia?
-Chi è questa Julia?
-Who of them two has the 'good' on his side?
-Chi di loro due e' dalla parte del 'giusto'?
-Why don't you go outside?
-Perchè non vai un po' fuori?
-Why not, but who are you?
-Perchè no, ma tu chi saresti?
-Why not... but, who are you?
-Perché no... ma, chi sei tu?
-Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Yayayaya, per la prima volta qualcuno è vestito peggio di noi!
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Yayayaya, e' la prima volta qualcuno vestire peggio di noi!
-Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Già, siete tutti *hic* così ad Esperia, ma non mi prenderete mai! *burp*
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Sì! @@ è nella mia lista dei biscotti.
-Yes, it's a chest!
-Sì, è un baule!
-Yes, it's a chest.
-Sì, è uno scrigno.
-Yes, please!
-Sì, per favore!
-Yes, why not.
-Si', perche' no.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.
-Yeye chiede troppo e lavora poco. Prendere questa cassa e smettere di parlare.
-Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the blubs.
-Yeye stare attento con il cibo di animali selvaggi, alcuni sono pericolosi, specialmente i Blobs.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, è il logo della Gilda dei Guerrieri di Esperia! Mi chiedo cosa questa yoiis stesse facendo così lontano dalla costa.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, è il logo della gilda dei guerrieri di Esperia, mi chiede cosa questo yoiis stesse facendo così lontano dalla costa.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, è il logo della gilda dei guerrieri di Esperia, mi chiede cosa questa yoiis stesse facendo così lontano dalla costa.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, è il logo della gilda dei guerrieri di Esperia, mi chiede cosa questo yoiis stesse facendo così lontano dalla costa.
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Yeye, non hai ancora preso i tuoi vestiti!
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-Yeye, non hai ancora preso i tuoi nuovi vestiti!
-You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
-Hai già preso una Bandana, per favore rimetti questa nella cesta.
-You already took a Bandana, put this one back please.
-Hai già preso una bandana, metti via questa per favore.
-You are now part of the crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Sei parte dell'equipaggio! Grazie dell'aiuto.
-You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Adesso fai parte della ciurma. Grazie ancora per il tuo aiuto.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Puoi attaccare un nemico cliccandoci sopra oppure puoi usare la tastiera premendo il tasto 'A' per selezionarlo e il tasto 'Ctrl' per attaccarlo.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Puoi attaccare un nemico cliccandoci sopra oppure puoi usare la tastiera premendo il tasto 'A' per selezionarlo e il tasto 'Ctrl' per attaccarlo.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff on the west busy collecting @@s.
-Puoi avvistare Q'Muller da lontano. Si trova sopra un colle ad Ovest indaffarato a raccogliere @@s.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Puoi yeyere alcuni @@ colpendo forte questi Crocotree.
-You close your eyes a few seconds...
-Chiudi gli occhi per qualche secondo...
-You could start talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help
-Puoi ad esempio parlare con Gugli. Lui ha sempre delle missioni per gente desiderosa di aiutare.
-You dirty liar. I will add your name on the traitors list.#0
-Tu sporca bugiarda! Aggiungero' il tuo nome nella lista dei traditori.
-You dirty liar. I will add your name on the traitors list.#1
-Tu sporco bugiardo! Aggiungero' il tuo nome nella lista dei traditori.
-You don't remember anything before this.
-Non ricordi nulla prima di questo.
-You have an awful amnesia.
-Hai una terribile amnesia.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that 'nice' lady.
-Devi sapere che un tempo ero il luogotenente incontrastato di questo equipaggio. Un giorno uno di quei dannati fece salire a bordo quella 'graziosa' signora.
-You have very bad amnesia.
-Hai una terribile amnesia.
-You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door...
-Senti uno stridio, deve provenire dalla porta di legno...
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-Hai tirato un pugno troppo forte, distruggendo il @@.
-You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@.
-Hai tirato un pugno troppo forte, distruggendo il @@.
-You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!
-Sei incantevole, ma sono già preso da Julia!
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you to downstairs where you will find our furry meal!
-Ti piacciono non e' vero? Allora parlane con Peter. Si trova sul secondo ponte della nave. Ti mandera' di sotto dove potrai trovare il nostro pasto peloso!
-You mentioned the quality of your wine
-Hai parlato della qualità del tuo vino
-You need to walk north!!
-Devi camminare verso nord!!
-You open the treasure chest.
-Hai aperto la cassa del tesoro.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-Hai aperto il @@ in due parti, ma solo una e' rimasta integra.
-You opened the @@, but only one side is edible.
-Hai aperto il @@, ma solo una parte e' commestibile.
-You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts.
-Tagli il tuo @@ in due parti commestibili.
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Hai tagliato perfettamente il @@ in due parti integre pronte da mangiare.
-You realize you can't remember anything.
-Ti rendi conto di non ricordare niente.
-You receive 10 GP!
-Hai ricevuto 10 GP!
-You receive 200 GP!
-Hai ricevuto 200 GP!
-You receive 25 GP!
-Hai ricevuto 25 GP!
-You receive 25GP!
-Ricevi 25GP
-You receive 40 GP!
-Hai ricevuto 40GP!
-You receive 50 GP!
-Hai ricevuto 50 GP!
-You receive 5GP!
-Hai ricevuto 5GP!
-You receive 60 GP!
-Hai ricevuto 60 GP!
-You receive 60GP!
-Hai ricevuto 60GP!
-You see some items in the box. Take them out?
-Ci sono degli oggetti nella scatola. Vuoi prenderli?
-You see these Pious around?
-Li vedi questi Piou qua attorno?
-You see, my cookies are restricted to a certain type of people...
-Vedi, I miei biscotti sono riservati per un certo tipo di persone...
-You should come back when you'll have some free space.
-Torna quando hai dello spazio libero.
-You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Dovresti informare Nard sui progressi nel carico della merce. Sara' soddisfatto di sentire una buona notizia.
-You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Dovresti informare Nard sui progressi nel carico della merce. Sara' soddisfatto di sentire una buona notizia.
-You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news.
-Dovresti informare Nard sui progressi nel carico della merce. Sara' soddisfatto di sentire una buona notizia.
-You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, eheh.
-Dovresti darci uno sguardo quando arriviamo al porto, ne vale la pena, hehe.
-You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe...
-Dovresti darci un'occhiata quando arriveremo nel porto, vale la pena, hehe...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-Dovresti parlare con
-You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough.
-Dovresti provare ad uccidere qualche Tortuga, o Croc se sei abbastanza forte.
-You shouldn't believe all of the stories drunk sailors tell you.
-Non dovresti dare ascolto alle storie dei marinai ubriachi.
-You still haven't completed your task.
-Ancora non hai completato la missione.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head.
-Idiota, è inglese, guarda la forma della testa.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Idiota, è inglese, guarda la forma della testa.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head.
-Idiota, è inglese, guarda la forma della testa.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Idiota, è inglese, guarda la forma della testa.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Hai preso i vestiti dal baule.
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-Hai provato ad eliminarmi, eeh?? Ma sorpresa! Sono ancora qui... *hick* O lì...
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-Hai continuato a sbadigliare dormendo per diversi giorni. La nostra ufficiale di scialuppa, Julia, è stata con te tutto il tempo. Ha fatto di tutto per guarire le tue ferite.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-Hai continuato a sbadigliare dormendo per diversi giorni. La nostra infermiera di bordo, Julia, è stata con te tutto il tempo. Ha fatto di tutto per guarire le tue ferite.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Vedrai, i cittadini sono gentili e puoi sempre chiedere aiuto alla Gilda dei Guerrieri. Possono aiutarti a trovare un lavoro o magari aiutarti a capire cosa ti è successo in mare!
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Vedrai, i cittadini sono gentili e puoi chiedere aiuto alla gilda dei guerrieri. Possono aiutarti a trovare un lavoro o magari aiutarti a capire cosa ti è successo in mare!
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!
-Ora sei davvero uno di noi! Ero sicuro tu fossi la persona giusta appena ti ho visto!
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!
-Ora sei davvero una di noi! Ero sicuro tu fossi la persona giusta appena ti ho visto!
-You're right, it's about Julia.
-Infatti, riguarda Julia.
-You're right, it's about you.
-Infatti, riguarda te.
-You?? Here??
-Tu??? Qui??
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Le tue mani sono troppo deboli, non hai aperto il @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you didn't open the @@.
-Le tue mani sono troppo deboli, non hai aperto il @@.
-Your position has been saved.
-La tua posizione è stata salvata.
-Your position is saved.
-La tua posizione è stata salvata.
diff --git a/langs/lang_it.txt b/langs/lang_it.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6296dc15..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_it.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14980 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online
- BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)
- Party: '%s' | Guild: '%s'
- Users: %d/%d | Password: %s | Public: %s
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>).
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>).
- @send <packet hex number> {<value>}*
- @send len <packet hex number>
- Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"
- - Available in shops only.
-- Acquistabile esclusivamente nei negozi.
- - Common mobs with highest drop chance (only max %d are listed):
- - Item is not dropped by any mobs.
-- L'oggetto non è droppato da nessun mob.
- - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%%
- - Monsters don't drop this item.
- - I mostri non droppano questo oggetto.
- -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) --
--- Un duello è stato creato (Usa @invite/@leave) --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d --
- -- Player %s has rejected the duel --
--- Il giocatore %s ha rifiutato di battersi in duello --
- -- Player %s invites %s to duel --
--- Il giocatore %s sfida %s a duello --
- -> (card(s):
--> (carta(e):
- -> (crafted item, creator id: %u, star crumbs %d, element %d)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, named)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, unnamed)
- -> (produced item, creator id: %u)
- -> Player %s has accepted the duel --
--> Il giocatore %s ha accettato la sfida a duello --
- <- Player %s has left the duel --
-<- Il giocatore %s ha abbandonato il duello --
- ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- ATK:%d~%d MATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d
- Drops:
- Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d
- MVP Bonus EXP:%u
- MVP Items:
- and %d second
- and %d seconds
- | equipped:
-Ho equipaggiato:
-"@@", I like this name!
-"@alootid reset" will clear your autolootitem list.
-"Mister Piou, good day to you.
-"My good Sir,
-##BWARNING:##b you are about to permanently empty the quote database.
-% 10s
-% 10s
-% 5d
-% 5d
-%d - void
-%d GMs found.
-%dGM trovato(i).
-%d commands found.
-%d comandi trovati.
-%d day
-%d giorno
-%d days
-%d giorni
-%d hour
-%d ora
-%d hours
-%d ore
-%d item(s) found in %d %s slots.
-%doggetti trovati negli slot %d %s.
-%d item(s) removed by a GM.
-%doggetto rimosso da un GM.
-%d item(s) removed from the player.
-%doggetto rimosso dal giocatore.
-%d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items.
-%doggetto rimosso. Il giocatore ha solo %dsu %doggetti.
-%d items are dropped!
-%d items have been refined.
-%doggetti sono stati migliorati.
-%d minute
-%d minuto
-%d minutes
-%d minuti
-%d monster(s) summoned!
-% mostro/i evocato/i !
-%d players found in map '%s'.
-%d giocatori trovati nella mappa '%s'.
-%d players found.
-%d giocatori trovati.
-%d results found.
-% risultati trovati.
-%d: Accessory (Left)
-%d: Accessory (Right)
-%d: Body Armor
-%d: Armatura
-%d: Costume Garment
-%d: Costume Headgear (Low)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Top)
-%d: Garment
-%d: Indumento
-%d: Hand (Left)
-%d: Hand (Right)
-%d: Headgear (Low)
-%d: Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Headgear (Top)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Costume)
-%d: Refine All Equip (General)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Shadow)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Left)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Right)
-%d: Shadow Armor
-%d: Shadow Shield
-%d: Shadow Shoes
-%d: Shadow Weapon
-%d: Shoes
-%d: Calzature
-%s %d %s
-%s %d %s
-%s %s %s
-%s %s %s
-%s %s allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
-%s :Main: %s
-%s: Principale: %s
-%s People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you.
-%s allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere.
-%s and %s will show this informative and absurdely big tutorial book.
-%s clears the text box.
-%s data type is not supported :%u
-Il tipo %s non è supportato: %u
-%s determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison.
-%s displays amount of currently connected players.
-%s drains his mug in one long sip, then hesitates.
-%s svuota il suo boccale in un lungo, unico sorso, quindi si ferma.
-%s explains how to use all client commands.
-%s failed
-%s fallito
-%s failed.
-%s fallito.
-%s failed. Player not found.
-%s fallito. Giocatore non trovato.
-%s has bought your item(s).
-%s ha comprato la tua merce.
-%s helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow.
-%s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes
-%s imprigionato per %d anni, %d mesi, %d giorni, %d ore e %d minuti
-%s is Unknown Command.
-%s è un Comando Sconosciuto.
-%s is empty
-%s è vuoto
-%s is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it.
-%s lists even more advanced commands, but some of them can only be used by admins or GM's.
-%s recalled!
-%s richiamato!
-%s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts)
-%s shows the name of the map you are in.
-%s shows the number of people in the neighbourhood.
-%s spawns in:
-%s comparirà in:
-%s takes a sip.
-%s fa un sorso.
-%s value is now :%d
-il valore %sè ora: %d
-%s value is now :%s
-Il valore %s è ora: %s
-%s will help when the client starts lagging. If you see an attack but no monsters, that's the cause.
-%s will tell you all the rules once again.
-%s: %d
-%s??? What a ripoff!
-%s??? Che fregatura!
-'%s' Channel is password protected (usage: %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-Il canale '%s' è protetto da password (digita %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-'%s' and his/her partner are now divorced.
-'%s' e il/la suo/a partner sono ora divorziati.
-'%s' channel color updated to '%s'
-il colore del canale '%s' è stato cambiato in '%s'
-'%s' is not a known channel option
-'%s' non è una opzione per il canale conosciuta
-'%s' is not a known costume
-'%s' non è un cotume conosciuto
-'%s' is not a known permission.
-'%s' non è un permesso conosciuto.
-'%s' is not married.
-'%s' non è sposato.
-'%s' skill and stat points have been reset.
-Le abilità e i punti statistica di '%s' sono stati resettati.
-'%s' skill points reset.
-'%s' stats points reset.
-'%s' stats:
-'Hey anyone there?'
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty on this island!
-'Questa cosa', come dici tu, e' un @@. L'isola ne e' piena!
-(@request): %s
-(All items must be placed exactly in this order for cooking work.)
-(Click on us to continue the introduction.)
-(You hear a faint sound in distance, but can't say what sound it was.)
-* :%s %s: *
-* @@ @@
-* Skill ID: @@
-*Bang bang*
-*Bang bang*
-*Imitate a thunder's sound.*
-*Imita il rombo di un tuono.*
-*Uff*, *Argh*, why don't you give me some help?
-*Uff*, *Argh*, perche' non mi dai una mano?
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*uff*... E un'altra cassa di @@ per i nostri colleghi affamati e' pronta.
-*sniff sniff*
-- #%s ( %d users )
-- %s
-- %s (%d)
-- 2 @@es
-- 2 @@es
-- Ale
-- Ale
-- Astapolos
-- Astapolos
-- Available Costumes
-Costumi Disponibili
-- Gulukan
-- Gulukan
-- I currently need your help with @@.
-- Jalad
-- Jalad
-- Q'Muller
-- Q'Muller
-- Tibbo
-- Tibbo
-- adds or removes <option name> with <option value> to <channel name> channel
-- aggiunge o rimuove <option name> con <option value> al canale <channel name>
-- bans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- banna <character name> dal canale <channel name>
-- binds your global chat to <channel name>, making anything you type in global be sent to the channel
-- collega la tua chat globale al canale , inviando tutto ciò che scrivi nella chat globale al canale <channel name>
-- changes <channel name> color to <color name>
-- cambia il colore del canale <channel name> in <color name>
-- creates a new channel
-- crea un nuovo canale
-- leaves <channel name>
-- abbandona il canale <channel name>
-- lists all banned characters from <channel name> channel
-- elenca tutti i personaggi bannati dal canale <channel name>
-- lists colors available to select for custom channels
-- elenca i colori disponibili per i canali personalizzati
-- lists public channels
-- elenca i canali pubblici
-- unbans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- rimuove il ban a <character name> per il canale <channel name>
-- unbans everyone from <channel name>
-- rimuove a tutti il ban per il canale <channel name>
-- unbinds your global chat from its attached channel (if bound)
--- %s
--- %s
--- %s ban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s banlist <channel name>
--- %s bindto <channel name>
--- %s create <channel name> <channel password>
--- %s leave <channel name>
--- %s list
--- %s list colors
--- %s setcolor <channel name> <color name>
--- %s setopt <channel name> <option name> <option value>
--- %s unban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s unbanall <channel name>
--- %s unbind
--- '%s' ban list
--- Available options
--- Opzioni disponibili
--- Continues on Volume II --
--- Continua nel Volume II --
--- Continues on Volume III --
--- Continua nel Volume III --
--- Continues on Volume IV --
--- Continua nel Volume IV --
--- Displaying first %d partial matches
--- Mostra i primi %d risultati parziali
--- Permission List
--- Lista dei Permessi
--- Public Channels
--- Canali Pubblici
--- User '%s' Permissions
--- Permessi dell'utente '%s'
---- Available options:
--- Opzioni Disponibili:
------ Chats in Map -----
------ Chats nella Mappa -----
------ NPCs in Map -----
------ NPCs nella Mappa -----
------ Players in Map -----
------ Giocatori nella Mappa -----
------- %s items list of '%s' ------
------- Map Flags ------
------- Flag nella Mappa ------
------- Map Info ------
------- Info sulla Mappa------
-... and 1 @@.
-... e 1 @@.
-...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks.
-... e se stai ancora provando a controllare le statistiche del tuo animaletto, passaci sopra con il puntatore del mouse. Grazie.
-...I mean log! Made of log!
-...Intendo tronco! Fatto con un tronco!
-...It'll most likely attack you, instead.
- might be because of Don... he is the master blacksmith of this place and a model to me!
-...può essere a causa di Don... È il fabbro più esperto nei paraggi ed è a lui che mi ispiro!
-...who knows if there isn't a secret in that?
-/q [Player Name]
-1 GM found.
-1 GM trovato.
-1 item has been refined.
-1 oggetto è stato migliorato.
-1 player found in map '%s'.
-1 giocatore trovato nella mappa '%s'.
-1 player found.
-1 giocatore trovato.
-1. ##BDo not bot##b, this means you are not allowed to perform any AFK (away from keyboard) activity, apart from standing idle.
-1. ##BDo not bot##b, Non sei autorizzato ad utilizzare nessun programma automatico o trucchi da tastiera. Qualunque azione non eseguita direttamente dal giocatore sarà considerata botting.
-1: The type of item yoiis want to dye.
-1: Il tipo di oggetto che Yoiis vuole tingere.
-1x @@, 3x @@, 2x @@, and the ingredient of your choice.
-2. ##BDo not use offensive/rude language##b in the chats or in your character(s) name(s).
-2. ##BNon usare un linguaggio offensivo o scortese##b nelle chat o nel nome dei tuoi personaggi.
-2: What material it is made from.
-2: Il materiale di cui è fatto.
-3. ##BDo not spam/flood other players.##b This includes chat spam and spam by trade requests.
-3. ##BNon fare spam o flood nei confronti degli altri giocatori##b Questa regola si applica alla chat e alle richieste di scambio/compravendita.
-3: Which colorants can dye it.
-3: Quale colorante può tingerlo.
-4. ##BSpeak only English in public areas.##b You can speak whatever language you want through whispers or whenever everyone in the area can speak said language.
-4. ##BParla esclusivamente in Inglese nelle aree pubbliche.##b Puoi parlare qualsiasi lingua tu voglia nei sussurri o quando tutti nell'area possono parlare quella lingua.
-4: How many cards your item can contain.
-4: Quante carte il tuooggetto può contenere.
-5 Piberries Infusions
-5 Infusi di Pibacche
-5 boxes... Alright, @@ are my speciality!
-5 scatole... Perfetto, @@ sono le mie specialità!
-5. ##BDo not beg others##b for money, items or favours of any kind. If you want to ask for something, do it politely and only once. Try not to annoy other players.
-5. ##BNon fare richieste pressanti##b di soldi, oggetti o favori agli altri giocatori. Se vuoi chiedere qualcosa, fallo educatamente ed una volta sola. Cerca di non infastidire gli altri giocatori.
-6. ##BFollow the [@@|ESC@@]##b (Evol Social Convention).
-6. ##BSegui [@@|ESC@@]##b (Convenzioni Sociali di Evol).
-7. ##BDo not multibox.##b You are not allowed to engage in combat while controlling more than one character at a time.
-7. ##BNon ricorrere al multiboxing##b Non sei autorizzato a combattere mentre controlli più di un personaggio contemporaneamente.
-???: Hey! Is someone there? Please, help, it's so dark down here!
-@@ @@ @@
-@@ @@ @@
-@@ and @@ just got married!
-@@ e @@ si sono appena sposati!
-@@ divorced!
-@@ hanno divorziato!
-@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!
-@@ si è registrato per il matrimonio e ha accettato @@ come partner!
-@@ registered for marriage. Waiting for partner...
-@@ si è registrato per il matrimonio. In attesa del partner...
-@@ skillfully cuts the bread in half, throws the ingredients in air, and they land in the sandwich!
-@@/@@ pages used.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-@@? Benvenuta mia cara!
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-@@? Benvenuto mio caro!
-@discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings.
-@request sent.
-@richiesta inviata.
-@resyncall is the more powerful version of @resync. It'll reload everything, even the clouds if needed.
-@toevent will warp you to event island, if an event is happening, of course.
-@ucp allows you to manage your account, eg. recover lost email.
-A GM has discharged you from jail.
-Un GM ti ha liberato dal carcere.
-A band of adventurers formed in Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families. They visited the three permanent human settlements: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-Una banda di avventurieri formata ad Argaes da coloro che hanno perso casa e famiglia. Hanno raggiunto i tre luoghi in cui gli umani si sono stabiliti permanentemente: Tulimshar, Hurnscald e Nivalis.
-A cookie!
-Un biscotto!
-A critical hit deals added damage and disregards defense. A critical always hit, although it can be blocked just fine.
-A few minutes passed, and suddenly I was practically surrounded by a dozen or more of these living trees!
-Passarono pochi minuti e all'improvviso mi ritrovai praticamente circondato da una dozzina, o anche più, di quegli alberi viventi!
-A great city, eventually to become larger than the cities of Ancea, rose on the coast of Aemil. This city was named Esperia.
-Una grande città, col tempo destinta a diventare più grande delle città di Ancea, cresciuta sulla costa di Aemil. Il nome di questa città è Esperia.
-A headache hits you and you lose your concentration.
-Il mal di testa ti colpisce e perdi la concentrazione.
-A large tree was found in a deep cave underneath the island of Candor. Despise the darkness of the cave and absence of leaves, the tree grew strong. It gave light off itself and its energy empowered the wizards.
-Un enorme albero si trovava in una profonda caverna nel sottosuolo dell'isola di Candor. A dispetto dell'oscurità della caverna e dell'assenza di foglie, l'albero cresceva forte. Emetteva luce da sè e la sua energia dava potenza ai maghi.
-A rabbit!
-Un coniglio!
-A small lie is really just a fib, and I could really use some cash...
-In fondo è solo una piccola bugia, e un po'di soldi mi farebbero comodo...
-A stat card works on different pieces of equipment.
-Una carta statistica ha effetto su diversi componenti dell'equipaggiamento.
-A strange voice seems to be calling out your name.
-A sunny and hot day,
-Una giornata calda e assolata,
-A week ago, I was going to chop down one of those twigleaf trees in the forest to the southwest.
-Una settimana fa, stavo per tagliare uno di quegli alberi di ramofoglia nel sud-ovest della foresta.
-A young apprentice called Chelios might be waiting outside, speak to him, and return the package to me.
-Un giovane apprendista chiamato Chelios dovrebbe essere fuori ad aspettare, parlagli e riportami il pacco.
-A-hoy matey!
-A-hoy compagno!
-ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d
-Able to write a poem
-Capace di scrivere un poema
-Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.
-A bordo dei marinai sono in piedi. Cercano di parlarti.
-About the Legion of Aemil, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-A proposito della Legione di Aemil... detto fra noi non sono sicuro sul loro conto.
-Accepted the quest
-Quest accettata
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#0
-In realta' Gugli mi ha chiesto se posso aiutarti portandogli una delle tue casse.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#1
-In realta' Gugli mi ha chiesto se posso aiutarti portandogli una delle tue casse.
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#0
-A dir la verita', sono venuto qui per un compito specifico.
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#1
-A dir la verita', sono venuta qui per un compito specifico.
-Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life.
-In realta' ne so abbastanza a riguardo.
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-No, infatti. Ero qui per aiutarti con quelle casse. Posso portarne una a Gugli se vuoi?
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-No, infatti. Ero qui per aiutarti con quelle casse. Posso portarne una a Gugli se vuoi?
-Actually, it's been a long day.
-In realtà è stata una lunga giornata.
-Actually, you just took a bounty, right?
-Add a new line
-Aggiungi una nuova riga
-Aemil was once a magnificent land unknown to us all.
-Aemil è stata una terra magnifica a noi tutti sconosciuta.
-Aemilean Era. Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis held power of their surrounding lands, except for the Land Of Fire and Keshlam City.
-Era Aemiliana. Tulimshar, Hurnscald e Nivalis detenevano il potere sulle terre circostanti, fatta eccezione per la Terra del Fuoco e Keshlam City.
-After I chopped off a few branches, the whole tree started to move!
-Dopo aver tagliato qualche ramo, l'intero albero ha iniziato a muoversi!
-After I shook it off and struck the tree again with my axe, another branch hit me!
-Dopo essermelo scrollato di dosse e aver colpito di nuovo l'albero con la mia ascia, sono stato colpito da un altro ramo!
-After a tiring, yet fast, travel by Koga, you arrive at @@.
-After all this time, it was still there!
-Dopo tutto questo tempo era ancora qui!
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#0
-Dopo tutto questa è la Legione di Aemil! Vuoi diventare un grande guerriero? Qui potrai diventarlo!
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#1
-Dopo tutto questa è la Legione di Aemil! Vuoi diventare una grande guerriera? Qui potrai diventarlo!
-After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.
-Dopo aver scelto la tua arma, e' bene tu sappia anche come usarla.
-After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert!
-Dopo questo, stai fermo e sii paziente, ma anche all'erta!
-After the Mana War, the Ancea continent was mostly destroyed. It would take years to nature start repairing the damage of the event.
-Dopo la Guerra del Mana, il continente di Ancea si ritrovò quasi completamente in rovina. La natura avrebbe impiegato anni per riparare i danni conseguenti a quella catastrofe.
-After this small overview of Artis, what do you think of our city?
-Dopo questa piccola panoramica di Artis, cosa ne pensi della nostra città?
-After this war, the Raijin race was born. A race born of Magic. Humans encapsulated in a Mana storm and altered forever.
-Dopo la guerra, nacque la razza dei Raijin. Una razza nata dalla magia. Umani rinchiusi in una tempesta di Mana e cambiati per sempre.
-After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading.
-Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead.
-Agi: %d (%d~%d)
-Agility greatly increases your attack speed and the chances of you dodging enemy hits.
-L'agilità accresce di molto la tua velocità di attacco e le possibilità di schivare i colpi dei nemici.
-Ah, I didn't have much sleep, it's possible.
-Ah, non ho dormito abbastanza, È possibile.
-Ah, seagulls. We are arriving.
-Ah, gabbiani. Stiamo Arrivando.
-Ah, the locals like keeping them as pets.
-Ah, gli abitanti del posto adorano averli come animali domestici.
-Ah, well, never mind.
-Ah, whom did you bring here?
-Ah... Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation.
-Ah... Gugli... E' troppo giovane per capire questa conversazione.
-Ah... Sorry, I forgot, again.
-Ah...Scusa, l'ho dimenticato di nuovo.
-Ahoy, @@!
-Ahoy, @@!
-Alan asks to find wood
-Alan bends the log over his knee.
-Alan tries as hard as he can but the log won't bend.
-Alan wants to ask Jack
-Alchemical studies are prohibited in every city of the Archipelagos, do not dare to practice it in a public zone!
-L'alchimia è vietata in tutte le città dell'Arcipelago, non azzardarti a praticarla in una zona pubblica!
-Alchemist's Laboratory
-Laboratorio dell'Alchimista
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Ale e Tibbo dovrebbero portare 2 casse di @@s, Astapolos e Gulukan 2 di @@s e Jalad e Q'Muller le casse di @@s.
-Alige asks for food
-Alige chiede del cibo
-Alizarin Herb
-Alizarin Plant
-All I need is %d %s.
-All characters recalled!
-Tutti i personaggi richiamati!
-All dropped items have been cleaned up.
-Tutti gli oggetti lasciati sono stati rimossi.
-All items have been repaired.
-Tutti gli oggetti sono stati riparati.
-All items stored.
-Tutti gli oggetti sono stati stivati.
-All monsters killed!
-Tutti i mostri sono stati uccisi!
-All monsters summoned!
-Tutti i mostri sono stati evocati!
-All of a sudden, you hear voices from above.
-D'improvviso, senti delle voci dall'alto.
-All of my money.
-Tutti i miei denari!
-All of your items have been removed.
-Tutti i tuoi oggetti sono stati rimossi.
-All online characters of the %s guild have been recalled to your position.
-Tutti i personaggi online della gilda %s sono stati richiamati alla tua posizione.
-All online characters of the %s party have been recalled to your position.
-Tutti i personaggi online del party %s sono stati richiamati alla tua posizione.
-All players have been kicked!
-Tutti i giocatori sono stati espulsi!
-All races were in peace until the Humans set forth to discover the Source of Magic, based on Ukar scholars studies.
-Tutte le razze vivevano in pace, fino a quando gli Umani non decisero di scoprire la Fonte della Magia, basata sugli studi dei dotti Ukar.
-All skills have been added to your skill tree.
-Tutte le abilità sono state aggiunte al tuo albero delle abilità.
-All stats changed!
-Tutte le statistiche sono state modificate!
-All this seems unimportant to you right now.
-Tutto ciò ti sembra poco importante in questo momento.
-All you have to do is to select a bed in the upper level anytime after your reservation.
-Tutto ciò che devi fare dopo aver prenotato è scegliere in qualsiasi momento un letto al piano superiore.
-All you need is a bit more exercise and fresh fruit in your diet!
-All your... Fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked.
-Tutti i tuoi... freschi ingredienti sono pronti per essere cucinati.
-Alliances cannot be broken during Guild Wars!
-Le alleanze non possono essere infrante durante la Guerra delle Gilde!
-Alliances cannot be made during Guild Wars!
-Le alleanze non possono essere strette durante la Guerra delle Gilde!
-AllowKS |
-Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the '###keyPickup;' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item.
-Almost got it!
-Already using this font.
-Font già in uso.
-Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good.
-Bene! Yoyun'altra cassa e avere finito.
-Alright, I'll take one.
-Perfetto, ne prenderò uno.
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's friend or foe...#0
-Va bene, andrò nella sua camera e la terrò d'occhio, non sappiamo ancora se possa essere una minaccia o no...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's friend or foe...#1
-Va bene, andrò nella sua camera e lo terrò d'occhio, non sappiamo ancora se possa essere una minaccia o no...
-Alright, but... You only have @@ @@, and I need @@ to do the status reset for you!
-Alright, take your time we are not in a hurry.
-Va bene, fai con calma, non abbiamo fretta.
-Alright, well...
-Alright, you will need this shovel.
-Va bene, avrai bisogno di questa vanga.
-Alright. I will go looking for them now.
-Va bene. Allora anro' a cercarli.
-Alright... Bye.
-Va bene... Ciao.
-Also note that if you are in overweight, your natural regen will halt. 90% in weight, and you won't be able to attack.
-Also, build a reputation with the Legion. Talk to everyone. Help everyone. Prove me your worth!
-Also, most monsters get enraged and will attack whoever is closest to them, regardless of anything else.
-Also, status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
-Abbiamo anche yeyato via tuoi vestiti dato che erano... Yeyeye... brutto, brutto. Vai a controllare il baule vicino al tuo letto, dovrebbero esserci dei vestiti puliti.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
-Abbiamo anche yeyato via tuoi vestiti dato che erano... Yeyeye... brutto, brutto. Vai a controllare il baule vicino al tuo letto, dovrebbero esserci dei vestiti puliti.
-Also, you'll get more experience by killing monsters stronger than you, and less experience by killing monsters weaker than you.
-Alternative clouds appeared.
-Alternative clouds have disappeared.
-Although the more powerful you are, the more plushrooms you will need.
-Considera che più sei potente, più plushroom saranno necessari.
-Although, if you want to visit a place nearby, we could take you there.
-Comunque, se vuoi visitare un posto nei paraggi, potremmo portartici.
-Altough you can't get rid of the feeling someone is listening on the other side, you don't get any replies
-Amethyst Shard
-Amethyst Vein
-An explorer left behind some incomplete manuscripts about the people and dangers in the land of Kaizei.
-Un esploratore ha abbandonato alcuni manoscritti incompleti che descrivono la gente e i pericoli della terra di Kaizei.
-An invalid number was specified.
-È stato specificato un numero non valido.
-And I bet you don't know who is in charge of monitoring the security of this place?
-E scommetto che non sai chi è incaricato di garantire la sicurezza in questo posto?
-And I have no mention of a so called "@@" on it!
-And by last, to speak to everyone online, besides whoever might be idling on IRC, select the '#irc' tab.
-And by the way. I know nothing about this book. And I don't know how to get more pages either.
-And get out of here, I'm not a map!
-E fuori di qui, non sono una mappa!
-And now I want to see you run!
-E adesso voglio vederti correre!
-And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
-E ora sono un marinaio, come vedi.
-And only the best logs of living wood are good enough for them.
-And rhyming is not too
-E neanche fare rime lo è.
-And so far, the Merchant Guild helped me find this appartment so I can't complain!
-E finora, la Gilda dei Mercanti mi ha aiutato a trovare questo alloggio quindi non posso lamentarmi!
-And sure enough I ask the witch, and she has a look at it.
-And then she turns to me!
-And then what happened?
-E dopo cos'e' successo?
-And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
-E mettere in mostra la sua bella voce.
-And tried to attract him thus.
-E provò quindi ad attaccarlo.
-And what would you give me in exchange for that information?
-E cosa mi darai in cambio per queste informazioni?
-And when we have enough money for ourselves without needing anybody else.
-E quando avremo abbastanza sodi per noi senza aver bisogno di nessun altro.
-And where can I find these potions?
-E dove posso trovare queste pozioni?
-And with my piou. That's wonderful. I can only imagine how hard that little bugger was to catch!
-E con il mio Piou. È fantastico. Posso solo immaginare quanto sia stato difficile acchiappare quella piccola peste!
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#0
-E hai vinto! Questo vuol dire che d'ora in poi dovresti esere in grado di cavartela da solo in battaglia.
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#1
-E hai vinto! Questo vuol dire che d'ora in poi dovresti esere in grado di cavartela da solo in battaglia.
-And you, how are you doing?
-E tu come stai?
-And you? How's it going on your side?
-E tu? Come va?
-And you? How's it yaying on your side?
-E tu? Come andare?
-Animals Protection Agency of Aemil
-Agenzia Protezione Animali di Aemil
-Any boss which was previously unhittable, can be hit with appropriate number of attackers.
-Any clue on where Astapolos may be hidden?
-Qualche idea su dove possa essere Astapolos?
-Any contribution to the game (translations, graphics creation/edition, concepts, coding/scripting, etc...) is rewarded!
-Qualsiasi contributo al gioco (traduzioni, creazioni/modifiche grafiche, idee, codice/programmazione etc...) verrà ricompensato!
-Any ideas on who might have taken it?
-Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.
-Anything else you want me to do?
-Anything else?
-Anyway I am glad I can give you some of these yoyoxs.
-Comunque sono contento di poterti dare qualcuna di queste yoyasse.
-Anyway, can I help you in any way?
-Comuque, posso aiutarti in qualche maniera?
-Anyway, he forgot his permit when he left the building.
-Comunque, ha dimenticato il suo permesso quando ha lasciato il palazzo.
-Anyway, here, have a cookie!
-Comunque, qui, abbiamo un biscotto!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#0
-In ogni caso, se fossi interessato, puoi semplicemente guardare nella mia borsa!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#1
-In ogni caso, se fossi interessato, puoi semplicemente guardare nella mia borsa!
-Anyway, let me know if you change your mind.
-In ogni caso, fammi sapere se cambi idea.
-Anyway, the guild creation is perfect for both!
-In ogni caso, la creazione della gilda è perfetta per entrambi!
-Anyway, the last time I stole something I was almost caught.
-Comunque, l'ultima volta che ho rubato qualcosa sono stato quasi preso.
-Anyway, to make a sandwich, you'll need to place, in this order:
-Appearance Debug
-Appearance Debug - Barber
-Appearance Debug - Race
-Appearance Debug - Sex Change
-Appearance changed.
-Sembianze cambiate.
-Applying some strong-smelling liquid, he tans them to a darker hue.
-Aquada Box
-Cassa di Aquada
-Arch Bishop
-Arch Bishop T
-Arcivescovo T
-Are the fish biting today?
-Abboccano oggi?
-Are you a good blacksmith?
-Sei un bravo fabbro?
-Are you a native from Artis?
-Sei nato ad Artis?
-Are you blind? Do you really think these boxes are light and soft as a piou's feather?!
-Sei forse cieco? Davvero credi queste casse siano leggere e morbide come piume di Piou?!
-Are you crazy?
-Are you going to stand here all day long? Do the dishes or go away.
-Vuoi restare li' impalato per tutto il giorno? Fai i piatti o vattene.
-Are you in need of some flowers?
-Are you mad?!
-Cos'e' questa pazzia?!
-Are you ok?
-Stai bene?
-Are you sure about this?#0
-Sei sicuro di questo?
-Are you sure about this?#1
-Sei sicuro di questo?
-Are you sure one of your troupe members didn't hide it and commit those robberies?
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#0
-Sei sicuro che queste siano le mie pozioni?
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#1
-Sei sicuro che queste siano le mie pozioni?
-Are you sure?#0
-Sei sicuro?
-Are you sure?#1
-Sei sicuro?
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#0
-Sei qui per esployaaaye l'isola?
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#1
-Sei qui per esployaaaye l'isola?
-Arpan gave money
-Arpan is waiting for you
-Arpan ti sta aspettando
-Arpan told you to open the chest
-Arpan ti ha detto di aprire lo scrigno
-Artis Backsword
-Artis Tank Top
-Artis is a very nice place. There are some hot chicks...
-Artis è veramente un bel posto. Ci sono delle belle pollastrelle...
-Artis legion progress
-Artis of course!
-Artis ovviamente!
-As captain of this ship, I officially name this newly discovered land the ##BDrasil Island##b!
-Come capitano di questa nave, nomino ufficialmente questa terra appena scoperta ##BDrasil Island##b!
-As on anvil strikes the hammer
-Come sull'incudine batte il martello.
-As promised, here's my old scythe.
-As you may know, we are explorers on a long distance voyage, and our swashbuckling mariners need to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-Come saprai, siamo esploratori impegnati in un lungo viaggio ed i nostri marinai sempre pronti all'arrembaggio hanno bisogno di conservare abbastanza cibo per poter sopravvivere. Non hai idea di quanto posa essere pericolosa la vita sul mare.
-As you want!
-Come desideri!
-Ask other merchants, they might know where he is.
-Chiedi agli altri mercanti, potrebbero sapere dove si trova.
-Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away.
-Chiedi ai marinai qui attorno, non dovrebbero essere troppo lontani.
-Assassin Cross
-Astapolos... That guy is shy like a piou!
-Astapolos... Quel ragazzo e' timido come un Piou!
-At first, I thought it fell down or the wind blew it, but it hurt!
-At that time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-A quei tempi vendevamo cibo per granchi sulla nostra vecchia isola fungo.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-Al momento, la nostra ciurma e' occupata a raccogliere @@, @@ e @@.
-Atropos Mixture
-Miscuglio di Atropo
-Auction is disabled
-L'asta è disbilitata
-Auldsbel discretly stuffs a book on your backpack.
-Auto loot item are disabled on this map.
-Autoloot is now off.
-La raccolta automatica è disabilitata.
-Autolooting item type: '%s'
-Raccogli automaticamente gli oggetti del tipo '%s'
-Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' {%d}
-Autolooting items with drop rates of %0.02f%% and below.
-Raccogli automaticamente gli oggetti che hanno un drop rate pari a %0.02f%% o inferiore.
-Autorejected alliance request from %s.
-Richiesta di alleanza da parte di %s rifiutata automaticamente.
-Autorejected friend request from %s.
-Richiesta di amicizia da parte di %s rifiutata automaticamente.
-Autorejected guild invite from %s.
-Invito alla gilda da parte di %s rifiutato automaticamente .
-Autorejected opposition request from %s.
-Richiesta di opposizione da parte di %s rifiutata automaticamente.
-Autorejected party invite from %s.
-Invito al gruppo da parte di %s rifiutato automaticamente .
-Autorejected trade request from %s.
-Richiesta di scambio da parte di %s rifiutata automaticamente.
-Autorejecting is activated.
-Il rifiuto automatico è attivato.
-Autorejecting is deactivated.
-Il rifiuto automatico è disattivato.
-Autotrade Disabled
-Scambio automatico disattivato
-Autotrade Enabled
-Scambio automatico attivato
-Autotrade is not allowed in this map.
-Gli scambi automatici non sono permessi in questa mappa.
-Available Flags:
-Flag disponibili:
-Available aliases:
-Alias Disponibili:
-Available commands:
-Comandi disponibili:
-Aw, what will I do now?
-Aw, cosa farò ora?
-Awesome! I will wait for you here.
-Grandioso! Ti aspetterò qui!
-Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group!
-Grandioso, torna se vorrai creare un gruppo più grande!
-Awesome. How many of those do you want to give me?
-Grandioso. Quanti me ne vuoi dare?
-Axe Hat
-Ayouyouch! My head...
-Ayayayaouch! La mia testa...
-Baby Acolyte
-Baby Accolito
-Baby Alchemist
-Baby Alchimista
-Baby Arch Bishop
-Baby Arcivescovo
-Baby Archer
-Baby Arciere
-Baby Assassin
-Baby Assassino
-Baby Bard
-Baby Bardo
-Baby Blacksmith
-Baby Fabbro
-Baby Crusader
-Baby Crociato
-Baby Dancer
-Baby Ballerino
-Baby Genetic
-Baby Guillotine Cross
-Baby Hunter
-Baby Cacciatore
-Baby Knight
-Baby Cavaliere
-Baby Magician
-Baby Mago
-Baby Mechanic
-Baby Meccanico
-Baby Merchant
-Baby Mercante
-Baby Minstrel
-Baby Menestrello
-Baby Monk
-Baby Monaco
-Baby Novice
-Baby Novizio
-Baby Priest
-Baby Prelato
-Baby Ranger
-Baby Ranger
-Baby Rogue
-Baby Rogue
-Baby Royal Guard
-Baby Guardia Reale
-Baby Rune Knight
-Baby Cavaliere della Runa
-Baby Sage
-Baby Sapiente
-Baby Shadow Chaser
-Baby Cacciatore di Ombre
-Baby Sorcerer
-Baby Stregone
-Baby Sura
-Baby Swordsman
-Baby Spadaccino
-Baby Thief
-Baby Ladro
-Baby Wanderer
-Baby Nomade
-Baby Warlock
-Baby Stregone
-Baby Wizard
-Baby Mago
-Bad Bee
-Ban failed, it is not possible to ban this user.
-Ban fallito, non è posibile bannare questo utente.
-Bandit Boots
-Bandit Gloves
-Bandit Hood
-Bandit Lord
-Bandit Shawl
-Bandit Trousers
-Banking is disabled
-La banca è disabilitata.
-Bare Hands
-Mani nude
-Base Level: %d (%.3f%%) | Job Level: %d (%.3f%%)
-Livello Base: %d (%.3f %%) | livello Lavoro: %d (%.3f %%)
-Base level can't go any higher.
-Il livello base non può salire ulteriormente.
-Base level can't go any lower.
-Il livello base non può scendere ulteriormente.
-Base level lowered.
-Livello base diminuito.
-Base level raised.
-Livello base aumentato.
-Bat Teeth
-Denti di Bat
-Battle configuration has been reloaded.
-La configurazione di battaglia è stata ricaricata.
-Battlegrounds ON
-Campi di battaglia ATTIVATI
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0
-Dimostrati un amico e portami @@ @@.
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1
-Dimostrati un amico e portami @@ @@.
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#0
-Sii paziente ancora per un po', nei prossimi giorni arriveremo nel porto di Artis...
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#1
-Sii paziente ancora per un po', nei prossimi giorni arriveremo nel porto di Artis...
-Because I am a Kralog I can't read such things? That's rubbish.
-Siccome sono un Kralog non posso leggere queste cose? È una stupidaggine!
-Because of the dense foliage, you need to go up close to the trees so you don't miss him.
-Quegli alberi sono pieni di foglie! Devi avvicinarti molto altrimenti non riuscirai a vederlo!
-Because the voices of death sing a sweet song
-Perchè le voci di morte cantano una dolce canzone
-Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled.
-Dato che non sei autorizzato a teletrasportarti da alcune mappe, il giocatore %dnon è stato richiamato.
-Becoming a Sorcerer? I want that too!
-Beer is life!
-Before I joined Nard, I used to be a thief.
-Prima di unirmi a Nard ero un ladro.
-Before the end of the Mana War, a band of adventurers formed in the Ancean region of Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families.
-Prima della fine della Guerra dei Mana, una banda di avventurieri, composta da coloro che avevano perso le loro case e famiglie, si formò ad Argaes, nella regione Ancea.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Prima che te ne vada, lascia che ti dica come prendere questi @@.
-Behind me? It's the Blacksmith House, the most renowned throughout Aemil.
-Dietro di me? È la Fucina del Fabbro, la più rinomata di tutta Aemil.
-Bent trees whistling with the beat of the drum
-Alberi curvi che fischiano sul battere del tamburo
-Bernard sent me to get %d %s from the %s in the fields, but they scare me so bad!
-Bernard wants maggot slime
-Bernard wants roasted maggot
-Besides this, there is Seasons. You know, summer, autumn, winter and spring.
-Besides, I need to be here to watch out for thieves while La Johanne is docked.
-Oltretutto, devo rimanere qui per tenere alla larga i ladri mentre La Johanne è ormeggiata.
-Better stay away from my basement, you may end up like the poor guys down there.
-Better take it back to Q'Onan.
-Meglio riportarlo a Q'Onan.
-Beware of falling stones from the cliff!
-Attento ai massi che cadono dalla scogliera!
-Beware you have a limited number of pages. Do not let the Legion or the Brotherhood find out you have one.
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Black Cotton Dye
-Tinta Nera Per Cotone
-Black Scorpion
-Black iron... That is a very specific request that you have for me!
-Ferro Nero... È una richiesta molto particolare!
-Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) --
-Blue -- Il giocatore %s ti invita ad un duello PVP (Usa @accept/@reject) --
-Blue Coral
-Corallo Blu
-Blue Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Colore Blue
-Blue Gray Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Grigio-Blu
-Blue Rose
-Blue Tulip
-Boss Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Bottle of Water
-Bowler Hat
-Break the door.
-Sfonda la porta.
-Brimmed Feather Hat
-Cappello a falde larghe con Piuma
-Brimmed Flower Hat
-Cappello a falde larghe con Fiore
-Brimmed Hat
-Cappello a falde larghe
-Bring it to me, and you will get your reward.
-Portamelo e avrai la tua ricompensa.
-Bring me a %s.
-Bring me some of these plushrooms and I will show you how it works!
-Portami alcuni di quei PiumaFunghi e ti mostrerò come funziona!
-Bring them to me, and I'll give you something nice.
-Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!
-Porta questa cassa a Gugli. Ne sara' felice!
-Brown Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Marrone
-Brown Trousers
-Pantaloni Marroni
-Bug Leg
-But I can't leave to catch it, so I'm asking you.
-Ma non posso muovermi per prenderlo, perciò lo chiedo a te.
-But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry.
-Ma non posso dirti niente, mi dispiace.
-But I didn't give up!
-But I got an old scythe laying around.
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#0
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#1
-But I need to go, see you!
-Ma ora devo andare, ci vediamo!
-But I still have some spikes left in my foot.
-Ma sono rimaste ancora delle spine nel mio piede.
-But I swear that one day... Oh... My tasty revenge! Hhm, actually I wonder if... Maybe...
-Ma giuro che un giorno... Oh la mia gustosa vendetta. Hhmm, in realta' stavo pensando che se... Forse...
-But I wasn't there that night.
-But I'll no longer chop those twigleafs, I'll tell you that.
-Ma non taglierò più quei ramifoglia, puoi giurarci.
-But I'm almost out of @@...
-Ma ho quasi finito le mie scorte di @@...
-But all she says is, “had you stayed inside, you wouldn't be wet now”.
-But anyway, take the road which goes to the north to find everybody.
-Comunque, prendi la strada che va a Nord e troverai tutti.
-But be careful: do not scream by using a lot of capital letters, do not repeat yourself over and over, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized.
-But discovering new territories is probably the best thing that can happen to sailors, don't you think?
-Ma scoprire nuove terre è probabilmente la miglior cosa che possa capitare ad un marinaio, non pensi?
-But don't you worry! I don't know how to get you back your memories, but we can work on your muscles for now!
-Ma non preoccuparti! Non so come renderti la memoria, ma possiamo lavorare sui tuoi muscoli perora!
-But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.
-Ma per ora, puoi rilassarti sulla nave, o visitare l'isola la fuori! È una piccola isola, ma un buon posto per fare esercizio e sgranchirti le gambe.
-But he just told me to leave him alone.
-But he never returned.
-Ma non è mai più tornato.
-But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-Ma hey, torna qui. Ricordi che stavo dicendo di essere affamaaaaaatooooo!
-But how I got there is kind of scary...
-But if you and other players surrounds the monster instead, they'll suffer the same penalties!
-But if you fail, you will have to get them from the alchemist.
-Ma se fallisci, dovrai procurarteli dall'alchimista.
-But if you need to deal with more burocratic stuff, go talk to Q'Anon. He is the boss here.
-But if you really want to accomplish something, you should consider joining us.
-Ma se davvero vuoi conlcudere qualcosa, dovresti prendere in considerazione l'idea di unirti a noi.
-But if you tell my sister, that you didn't find me, I can stay here all day, eating apples and enjoying the view.
-Ma se dici a mia sorella che non mi hai trovato, posso stare qui tutto il giorno a mangiare mele e godermi il panorama.
-But in the future I might be able to help you create some of your own.
-Ma in futuro potrei aiutarti a crearne di tuoi.
-But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods.
-Ma parliamo piuttosto di quest'isola. Siamo approdati qui per fare scorta di cibo genuino.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
-Ma, cosa piu' importante, e' stata lei a prendersi cura di te quando eri incoscente.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
-Ma, cosa piu' importante, e' stata lei a prendersi cura di te quando eri incoscente.
-But my luck left me, because as soon as I left his house, the guards started chasing me.
-Ma la fortuna mi ha abbandonato, perchè non appena lasciata questa casa, i gendarmi hanno iniziato a braccarmi.
-But rare are those that receive grants from the Legion itself. For anybody else only a hard work can pay your bills!
-Ma sono rari coloro che ricevono denari dalla Legione stessa. Tutti gli altri devono ricorrere al duro lavoro per sopravvivere!
-But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.
-Ma ricordati che non tutti i posti di questa terra sono sicuri al giorno d'oggi. Anche le bianche spiagge su cui ti trovi possono celare creature pericolose.
-But since it's not dummies that will go after you out there, this training won't be enough.
-Ma dato che non saranno dei manichini a braccart lì fuori, questo allenamento non sarà sufficiente.
-But something like “Nanaj princino”, I think.
-But still, you open your eyes and see a large ship before you!
-Tuttavia apri gli occhi, e vedi una grande nave davanti a te!
-But thank you anyway! I can refund him now!
-Ma grazie comunque! Posso rimborsarlo ora!
-But the last time I asked him for a new delivery he said that he would never again get any for me.
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#0
-Ma i plushroom che mi hai portato erano veramente eccezionali sai.
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#1
-Ma i plushroom che mi hai portato erano veramente eccezionali sai.
-But there is no skill to be learnt from this boss.
-But they are too fast.
-But we are quite lucky here, outside of some tipsy travelers there are no big problems around here, it's not like the capital, Esperia.
-Tutto sommato siamo abbastanza forunati, ad eccezione di alcuni viandanti un po'brilli non abbiamo grandi problemi da queste parti, non è come nella capitale Esperia.
-But who am I?
-Ma chi sono io?
-But you are out of the boss level range.
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#0
-Ma puoi resettare le tue caratteristiche di nuovo se mi porti altri plushroom!
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#1
-Ma puoi resettare le tue caratteristiche di nuovo se mi porti altri plushroom!
-But you do not have enough Magic Ink. (You need: @@ @@)
-But you ran out of empty pages on this book.
-But you should've seen that gaze!
-But you won't *hic* me this time...
-Ma tu non mi *hic* questa volta...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. At least not yet.#1
-Ma, se ha un'amnesia come ha detto Julia... Non dovremmo preoccuparci di lui. Perlomeno non ancora.
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. At least not yet.#0
-Ma, se ha un'amnesia come ha detto Julia... Non dovremmo preoccuparci di lei. Perlomeno non ancora.
-But... something is missing to make the soup creamy.
-By the way, I'm Lozerk. Lieutenant Lozerk.
-A proposito, sono Lozerk. Il Luogotenente Lozerk.
-By the way, did you ever talk with Don?
-A proposito, hai mai parlato con Don?
-By the way, stay sharp! I may call upon you again.
-Bye for now.
-Addio per ora.
-Bye then!
-Ciao allora!
-Ti saluto.
-C'mon, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-Camel Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Cammello
-Can I be of any help?
-Posso esserti d'aiuto?
-Can I craft them myself?
-Posso farli da solo?
-Can I read the rules again?
-Posso leggere di nuovo il regolamento?
-Can I read these rules again?
-Posso leggere il regolamento nuovamente?
-Can create guild
-Can create party
-Can do the quest
-Can you do something with my color?
-Can you make me a really good bow?
-Can you please go away?
-Can you please go there and find him? He is probably hiding in one of those trees, like always.
-Ti prego potresti andare lì e cercarlo? Probabilmente si sta nascondendo in uno di quegli alberi, come al solito
-Can you reset my stats please?
-Can you verify that with his wife?
-Can't create chat rooms in this area.
-Can't show boss mobs!
-Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty.
-Can't talk right now.
-Can't walk without stopping after every step
-Can't you remember anything at all? Or do you have some memories of your past?
-Can't you see I am reading? If you need something, tell me the secret password.
-Can't you see I am reading? Please go, please.
-Can't you see I'm busy?
-Can't you see I'm working?!
-Non vedi che sto lavorando?!
-Candle Helmet
-Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself.
-Cannot create bound pet eggs or pet armors.
-Cannot do the quest
-Cannot mount while in disguise.
-Cannot send mails too fast!!
-Cannot transform into monster while in disguise.
-Captain Nard
-Capitano Nard
-Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
-Il Capitano Nard è nella stanza alla tua destra.
-Carp Sandwich
-Cart Added.
-Cash Shop is disabled in this map
-Cat got your tongue?
-Catching a piou
-Cave Maggot
-Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus
-Cap. 1 — Sistema di pesca
-Ch 1 — How to make money.
-Ch 10 — How I see my items?
-Ch 11 — How trade with other players?
-Ch 12 — How hunt monsters?
-Ch 13 — How talk with someone?
-Ch 14 — Change your appearing.
-Ch 15 — Commands.
-Ch 16 — Shortcuts.
-Ch 2 — Baits
-Cap. 2 — Esche
-Ch 2 — Everything about monsters.
-Ch 3 — Location
-Cap. 3 — Luoghi
-Ch 3 — Quests.
-Ch 4 — Casting
-Cap. 4 — Lancio
-Ch 4 — Status.
-Ch 5 — NPC's.
-Ch 5 — Reeling
-Cap. 5 — Recupero
-Ch 6 — Magic.
-Ch 7 — Rules.
-Ch 8 — Weather & Seasons.
-Ch 9 — Experience.
-Change my appearance
-Change my level
-Change my quests
-Change my skills
-Change my stats
-Changed your mind, uh?#0
-Changed your mind, uh?#1
-Ci hai ripensato eh?
-Channel '%s' has no banned players
-Channel '%s' is not available
-Channel length must be between 3 and %d
-Channel name must start with a '#'
-Channel password may not contain spaces
-Char-server has been asked to %s the character '%.*s'.
-Character cannot be disguised while in monster form.
-Character cannot be disguised while mounted.
-Character does not have the specified item.
-Character killed.
-Character not found.
-Charcommand failed (usage: %c<command> <char name> <parameters>).
-Chat: %s | Player: %s | Location: %d %d
-Check out this one.
-Chef Gado
-Chef Gado
-Chef Gado#Artis
-Chef? He is Don's apprentice, he works on his hammering skill day and night.
-Chelios asked me to get it.
-Chelos mi ha chiesto di prenderlo!
-Chelios asks to visit Lloyd
-Chelios made sword
-Chelios managed to do excellent work.
-Chelios was stubborn in his youth, he never stopped annoying me with his questions while I was working at the forge.
-Chelios, his apprentice, practices outside, mostly.
-Chelios... He is part of the Blacksmith House, is he not?
-Chelios... Fa parte della Fucina del Fabbro, giusto?
-Cherry Cake
-Cherry tree leaves have begun to fall.
-Cherry tree leaves no longer fall.
-Chest opened.
-Children play there and can be badly hurt if they get too close to a Fluffy's nest.
-Chill out I won't say anything.
-Chocolate Cashmere Dye
-Tinta per Cashmere Color Cioccolato
-Choose desired quest state:
-Chorus of the Woods
-Coro dei Boschi
-Christopher is surrounded by the sunlight from the window.
-City Hall
-Click here for instructions on how to use the test server.
-Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction.
-Clicca sugli NPC (personaggi non giocanti) vicino a te per proseguire con l'introduzione.
-Clone spawned.
-Clotho Liquor
-Succo di Clòto
-Clouds appeared.
-Clouds have disappeared.
-Clouds |
-Clouds2 |
-Clover Patch
-Coal Vein
-Cobalt Herb
-Cobalt Plant
-Coin Bag
-Colorant is not the yeying color. Some wear out from light, others look great but inflict itai-itai, and others become spotty or wash-away.
-Come after a little while.
-Come back later if you changed your mind!
-Come back later!
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#0
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#1
-Come back later.
-Come back later.#0
-Come back later.#1
-Come back soon, and bring @@s!
-Come back when you do.
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#0
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#1
-Come closer dear, I can't hear you.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring her with your stories.#0
-Andiamo, stupido! La stai spaventanfdo con le tue storie.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring him with your stories.#1
-Andiamo, stupido! Lo stai spaventanfdo con le tue storie.
-Come on, don't be a coward!
-Come, come and see!
-Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while.
-Un'impugnatura confortevole è importante specialmente per i neofiti, dato che dovranno tenre in mano la canna per diverso tempo.
-Commands are disabled in this map.
-Common Carp
-Carpa Comune
-Communication Theory
-Teoria della Comunicazione
-Complete Quest
-Completed Gugli's task
-Completed, Gado wins
-Completed, Julia wins
-Completed, Julia wins (returned poison)
-Completed, got reward
-Concentration Potion
-Confused Tree
-Congrats, you are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are %u !!
-Contacted by Sopiahalla
-Cookie Master
-Cookies are a source of life.
-Cookies are awesome, so am I.
-I biscotti sono fantastici, proprio come me!
-Cookies provide you strength, health and cuteness.
-I biscotti ti danno forza, salute e bellezza.
-Cooking is an art. You need to know how to cook something. You can use my stove to prepare.
-Copper Armbands
-Copper Necklace
-Costume '%s' removed.
-Cotton Boots
-Cotton Gloves
-Cotton Skirt
-Cotton, cashmere, leather, ...
-Could I ask a favor of you?
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#0
-Posso chiederti qual è la tua lingua madre? Un marinaio mi ha detto che sei russa, ma un altro mi ha detto che sei francese... sono un po'confusa. Ne ho bisogno per registrarti sulla lista dei passeggeri.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1
-Posso chiederti qual è la tua lingua madre? Un marinaio mi ha detto che sei russo, ma un altro mi ha detto che sei francese... sono un po'confusa. Ne ho bisogno per registrarti sulla lista dei passeggeri.
-Could I lodge here for a while?
-Could you bleach my clothes?
-Could you bring it to him?
-Potresti portarglielo?
-Could you do a small favor for me?
-Could you explain to me where I am?
-Puoi spiegarmi dove sono?
-Could you interrogate him for me?
-Could you please bring me 2 new knives?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a berry, and I'm not big on vegetables either. I need proteins!
-Potresti portarmi qualcosa che non sia una bacca? E non mi piacciono tanto neanche le verdure. Ho bisogno di proteine!
-Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Puoi dirmi dove mi trovo?
-Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Puoi dirmi dove mi trovo?
-Couwan asks to deliver box
-Couwan chiede di consegnare la cassa
-Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.
-Couwan mi ha dato questa cassa, e' per te.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.
-Couwan ti porge una cassa piena di pesce.
-Creased Shirt
-Camicia sgualcita.
-Creased Shorts
-Pantaloni sgualcita.
-Create items
-Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice!
-Crimson Cashmere Dye
-Croc Claw
-Chela di Croc
-Croconut Box
-Cassa di Croconut
-Crude Amethyst
-Crude Diamond
-Crude Emerald
-Crude Ruby
-Crude Sapphire
-Crude Topaz
-Curious Hole
-Current amount of zeny changed.
-Current exp rate is set to @@% (default value).
-Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-CvC ON |
-CvC is already Off.
-CvC is already On.
-CvC: Off
-CvC: On
-Daddy asked me to give you some money as a thank you for looking out for me.
-Daddy finally came back home! He grabbed a snack and said he would be returning to the sewers.
-Daddy never came back home... He said that he would be back for lunch but it has already been two days!
-Damn @@.
-Dannato @@.
-Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter.
-Dan smette di parlare e torna a scrivere la sua lettera.
-Dan keeps silent since your last question.
-Dan rimane in silenzio dopo la tua domanda.
-Dance for me
-Dang, I scared it! More patience, @@, more patience.
-Dark Collector
-Dark Red Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Colore Rosso Scuro
-Database erased.
-Day Mode Activated.
-Day Mode is activated
-Day mode is already enabled.
-Deal, I offer you @@ E!
-Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
-Dear sister,
-Death Knight
-Debug - Change level
-Debug - Change stats
-Debug - Reset
-Debug Forest Bow
-Debug Gado quest
-Debug Gado quest
-Debug Gugli quest
-Debug Nard quest
-Debug Nard quest
-Debug Narrator
-Debug Narrator
-Debug Wooden Shield
-Defeated by
-Delicious Cookie
-Delizioso Biscotto
-Delivered box, got reward
-Cassa consegnata, ottieni una ricompensa
-Dex: %d (%d~%d)
-Dexterity increases your bow damage and your accuracy.
-La destrezza aumenta la tua accuratezza ed i danni inflitti con l'arco.
-Diamond Shard
-Diamond Vein
-Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?
-Did you ask him why?
-Did you bring me any wood?
-Did you bring me the %d %s I need?
-Did you brought me 2 new knives?
-Did you fight it?
-Did you fight them too?
-Did you find my brother?
-Hai trovato mio fratello?
-Did you hear about the Bandit's attacks? They must have a hideout somewhere outside Hurnscald.
-Did you look over the basement?
-Did you run away?
-Did you see Don the blacksmith? He might know how you could improve your metal equipment.
-Did you see anyone in a mask come by here at night?
-Did you see anyone with a large satchel come by here at night?
-Did you see my daughter Rossy, by chance?
-Different ways, each part of your equipment can be generally upgraded.
-Disconnecting to perform change-sex request...
-Disguise applied.
-Disguise removed.
-Displaying first %d out of %d matches
-Displays Night |
-Divorce error!
-Do I look like a tree? I feel like one.
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Jenna
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-Non dare la chiave di accesso della tua stanza a nessuno! Tienila segreta e non usare la stessa per altre stanze in futuro. - Julia
-Do not learn
-Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever.
-Non lasciare che la confidenza e la fame raggiungano il livello zero, perchè in questo caso ti abbandonerebbe per sempre.
-Do note that Job Level gives you skill points, and the status bonuses are really minor.
-Do nothing
-Do we have a deal?
-Do you feel too weak even to do damage to this areas wishy-washy wildlife?
-Do you have @@s for me?
-Do you have any other questions for me?
-Hai altre domande per me?
-Do you have anything else for me?
-Hai qualcosaltro per me?
-Do you have anything for me today?
-Hai qualcosa per me?
-Do you have the %d %s and %s E for the shield?
-Do you have this commendatory letter?
-Do you know anything about the recent robberies?
-Do you know how to speak with people around you?
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#0
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#1
-Do you know where can I find Gulukan?
-Sai dove posso trovare Gulukan?
-Do you know where the graveyard is?
-Do you know where the hill is?
-Do you live here alone?
-Do you need any other information?
-Hai bisogno di altre informazioni?
-Do you need help with something?
-Hai bisogno di aiuto per qualcosa?
-Do you need your pickaxe or your shovel fixed? Then I am your man.
-Do you still need help?
-Do you still want to lodge here?
-Do you take apprentices?
-Do you think this is fair? They sent me down here alone, far away from everyone.
-Ritieni che sia giusto? Mi hanno mandato quaggiu' da solo, lontano da tutti.
-Do you want a drink?
-Do you want me to go see her instead of you?
-Vuoi che la vada a trovare io?
-Do you want to continue?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Vuoi tagliare questo @@??
-Do you want to enter in sewer?
-Do you want to go back to Artis? You really should be afraid of the Legion there, now that you have been here in Woodland. They somehow smell the odor of the Brotherhood.
-Do you want to go somewhere?
-Vuoi andare in qualche posto?
-Do you want to leave it alone?
-Do you want to leave the boat?
-Do you want to marry @@?
-Do you want to read it?
-Do you want to throw something inside?
-Do you want to try again?
-Do you want to try?
-Vuoi provarci?
-Do you want to use this place as save point?
-Do you wish to try again?
-Do? I don't do them.
-Docks Warehouse
-Does anyone know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Does not have the quest
-Does the guild has any work for me right now?
-LA gilda ha qualche lavoro per me in questo momento?
-Does your mind go all fuzzy or does it feel like your head is going to explode??
-Doesn't he like the way I'm taking care of his ship? Everything is clean and tidy with me, rightful lieutenant of La Johanne.
-Non e' soddisfatto di come mi prendo cura della nave? Tutto e' sempre pulito e ordinato da quando ci sono io qua.
-Don gave me some black iron... after I asked him nearly ten times.
-Don mi ha dato del ferro nero... dopo averglielo chiesto una decina di volte
-Don is a renowned blacksmith throughout Andorra, it's crazy that you never heard of him.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land for his blacksmith skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land of Aemil for his blacksmithing skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don't be shy, you are nice
-Non essere timido, sei carino
-Don't belittle me, my work is deserving of the highest esteem.
-Don't distract me, I have to stay alert.
-Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!
-Non fare loo... *hic* con me!
-Don't fall!
-Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots!
-Non dimenticare di avvicinarti quanto più possibile a quei punti!
-Don't get too excited about it...#0
-Don't get too excited about it...#1
-Don't let those monsters get to you.
-Don't say I didn't warn you!
-Don't say it so loudly, other people could hear us.
-Don't tell anyone about this. Once you kill you a boss, you can try to learn the boss skill by using the book.
-Don't tell me more, I know what you want...
-Non dirmi di più, so cosa vuoi...
-Don't try to fool me!
-Don't try to poison me! I know what that does!
-Non cercare di avvelenarmi! So cosa fa quello!
-Don't worry sister, I didn't forget you.
-Don't worry, I'm sure you will help them soon enough!
-Non preoccuparti, sono sicura che riuscirai ad aiutarli prima o poi!
-Don't you like the smoke, when there is a nice fire beneath a cauldron?
-Don't you recognize the great city of Artis?
-Non riconosci la grande città di Artis?
-Don't you try to cheat an old merchant! You don't have enough money, you need @@ E.
-Non provare ad imbrogliare un vecchio mercante! Non hai abbastanza denaro, ti servono @@ E.
-Done. Here, take it! Now, here is the plan. Go talk to her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Fatto. Prendi! Ora questi sono i piani. Vai a parlare con la nostra bella fanciulla e offrile un assaggio della sua arroganza!
-Dont you know something about fertility? I heard rumors.
-Drag and drop an item from your inventory.
-Drag and drop the items from your inventory in the frames.
-Drasil Island.
-Drasil Island.
-Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents.
-Due to neglect with day-to-day administration, which she delegated to her council, and uncontrolled expenses, the kingdom faced its first economic crisis.
-A causa dell'incapacità di amministrare l'ordinario, cosa che aveva delegato al suo consiglio, e delle spese incontrollate, il regno si trovò a dover affrontare la sua prima crisi economica.
-Duel| Can't use %s in duel.
-Duel| Can't use this item in duel.
-Duel| Invalid value.
-Duel| Invitation has been sent.
-Duel| Player name not found.
-Duel| The Player is in the duel already.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been accepted.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been rejected.
-Duel| The limit of players has been reached.
-Duel| You can take part in duel once per %d minutes.
-Duel| You can't invite %s because he/she isn't in the same map.
-Duel| You can't use @accept without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You can't use @duel without @reject.
-Duel| You can't use @invite. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @leave. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @reject without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You've left the duel.
-During night, the monsters usually respawn faster. That can be a problem with aggressive monsters.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, dude.#1
-Il dovere mi chiama, *hic*, chi vediamo amico.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, honey.#0
-Il dovere mi chiama, *hic*, ci vediamo bellezza.
-Each big city hosts a Legion building, Artis' building is located in the north-west.
-Each card improves your gear by a ratio or a fixed number on a predefined stat.
-Each level up will buff your base stats, and give you stats points to allocate.
-Each piece of equipment has a predefined slot number.
-Each season unlocks a set of quests and drops which can only be obtained on the season.
-Earlier today there was this young seller named Fexil that passed by here.
-Qualche ora fa è passato da queste parti un giovane venditore chiamato Fexil.
-Easter Egg
-Uovo di Pasqua
-Easy to make? Could you make one for me?
-Easy to make? Could you teach me how to make them?
-Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.
-Eeekkk another one.
-Ehm... He was really upset because of some past stories.
-Ehm... Era molto arrabbiato per alcune storie passate.
-Eight Castles
-Eighteen Castles
-Eleven Castles
-Elixir Of Life
-Elisir della Vita
-Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats!
-Elmo e Gugli mi hanno detto che hai portato a termine tutte le missioni la' fuori. Congratulazioni!
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Chef Gado.
-Elmo mi ha riferito di alcuni dissapori fra il precedente e il nuovo luogotente. Probabilmente hai gia' conosciuto Julia e Gado lo Chef.
-Elmo told about money
-Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats!
-Elmo mi ha riferito cosa ti ha detto Nard. Congratulazioni!
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#0
-Elmo mi ha detto che sull'isola ora sei considerato uno di noi. Apprezzo molto quello che hai fatto laggiu'.
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#1
-Elmo mi ha detto che sull'isola ora sei considerato uno di noi. Apprezzo molto quello che hai fatto laggiu'.
-Emerald Shard
-Emerald Vein
-Empty Bottle
-Empty Mug
-Empty the quote DB
-Enabled Mapflags in this map:
-Enabled: @@
-Enjoy the fraternity and excitement of your future guild!
-Enjoy your new shield!
-Enjoy your new style.
-Enora asks to kill fluffies
-Enora asks to visit Chelios
-Enora asks to visit Q'Pid
-Enora asks to visit Resa
-Enora is carefully inspecting the sword.
-Enora needs them.
-Enora sent me here.#0
-Enora sent me here.#1
-Enora wants her potions.
-Enora, from the Legion of Aemil, has been warned that you were aboard.
-Enora, della Legione di Aemil è stato avvisata che sei a bordo.
-Enough of this island?
-Ne hai abbastanza di quest'isola?
-Enter desired skill level:
-Enter line number:
-Enter new line:
-Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories.
-Error reading atcommand.conf, reload failed.
-Error reading groups.conf, reload failed.
-Eugene needs tentacles
-Even a simple sandwich will be ruined if you place lettuce above the cheese!
-Even after all that though, I still can't believe what happened next.
-Even with your Hercules strength, this lid is hopelessly struck.
-Event Management
-Event management
-Every 1 hour
-Every 12 hours
-Every 24 hours
-Every 3 hours
-Every 5 hours
-Every 6 hours
-Evil clone spawned.
-Exactly! Can I have one now?
-Exactly. Even our task is ridiculous. Why should we collect food down here if we have plenty of those tasty and soft rattos inside our ship, waiting just to be hunted and cooked?
-Esatto. Perfino il nostro compito e' ridicolo. Perche' dovremmo stare qui a fare provviste se abbiamo il fondo della nave pieno di morbidi e gustosi Rattos, che sono li' ad aspettare che qualcuno li cucini?
-Excuse me that was a mistake.
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
-Scusa, sai chi sono?
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Scusa? Sai chi sono io?
-Exemple for yoiis:
-Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value).
-Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@.
-Expanded Super Baby
-Expanded Super Novice
-Experience can be gained by completing quests and killing monsters. When you accumulate enough experience, you'll level up!
-Experience rates: Base %.2fx / Job %.2fx
-Fairy Hat
-Fake name enabled.
-Fake name must be at least two characters.
-Fancy Hat
-Cappello Pregiato
-Fates Potion
-Feel free to come visit me another time.
-Fertility Potion
-Fexil needs help
-Fexil ha bisogno di aiuto
-Fexil wants to buy fur
-Fexil vuole comprare delle pellicce
-Fifteen Castles
-File not found.
-File unloaded. Be aware that mapflags and monsters spawned directly are not removed.
-Finally, he hands the shield to you.
-Find an order with them
-Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water.
-Trova un bel posto asciutto sulla riva da dove puoi facilmente raggiungere l'acqua profonda.
-Fine Dress
-Fine, I'll just hold on to this log should you ever change your mind.
-Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?
-Bene, potresi dirmi dove trovo i marinai di Gugli?
-Fine, let's see his work...
-Fine, take these potions, I will replenish them in the next couple hours anyway.
-Fine, tell me, who are these all important friends of yours?
-Fine... I was just going to give you some help...
-E va bene... Stavo giusto per chiederti se avessi bisogno di aiuto...
-Finished training
-Finished battle
-Fireworks are launched.
-Fireworks have ended.
-Fireworks |
-First encounter
-First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game.
-First thing she asked was if I'm a farmer.
-Fish Box
-Cassa di Pesce
-Fish is good for the brain!
-Fish, come and see my fish!
-Fishing Guide Vol. I
-Guida alla Pesca Vol. I
-Fishing Rod
-Canna da Pesca
-Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there.
-Pescare nei pressi delle acque basse non darà buoni risultati, in quanto raramente vi si trovano pesci.
-Five Castles
-Fluffy Fur
-Pelliccia morbida.
-Fog hangs over.
-Fog |
-Follow mode OFF.
-Follow mode ON.
-Follow the canal to the north-east and you will find it.
-Follow the up-stream and cross the canal twice using the two bridges north from here.
-Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.
-Oltre queste righe ci sono altre scritte in fondo.
-Font changed.
-Fool! Just come back here when you'll be done with our little... 'Secret mission'.
-Pazzo! Fatti vedere qui solo quando avrai compiuto la nostra piccola... 'Missione segreta'.
-For '%s' you need the amount of seconds (from 0 to 10)
-For a chef? Who said I was a... Oh right, I am.
-For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, magic use is very restricted nowadays.
-For starters, you should probably do some stretching and practice on some dummies in our training room.
-For what kind of tissue?
-Forest Armor
-Forest Bow
-Forest Maggot
-Forest bow
-Found @@, got exp
-Found anything new?
-Found bobo, didn't tell Katja
-Found perfect wood
-Found the chest
-Four Castles
-Fourteen Castles
-Free Mana travels in many directions, and this search took several years before the expedition finally found the right direction to follow.
-Fresh from the sea and cheap!
-Friend already exists.
-Friend removed.
-From what I heard, my brother Gugli needs the help of as many people as possible in order to collect a lot of neat things that can be found on this island.
-Da quello che so, mio fratello Gugli ha bisogno d'aiuto da quante più persone possibile per raccogliere un bel po'delle cose eccezionali che si trovano sull'isola.
-From your mind, break the ice
-Frost held the title of Lord Prince of the Republic for eighteen months, when the council deposed him and declared itself head of the state.
-Fur Boots
-Furthermore, unless you are planning to stick it out, you should also not even think about gaining experience by messing with those icky pink land jellies. The pink could stick on you, imagine the horror!
-Inoltre, a meno che tu non abbia in programma di rimanere invischiato, non dovresti neanche pensare di acquisire esperienza cercando guai con quelle schifose gelatine di terra rosa. Il rosa potrebbe attaccartisi addosso, immmagina che orrore!
-Fuschia Cotton Dye
-GM command configuration has been reloaded.
-Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again!
-Gado! Quel codardo vive ancora nel passato, ha bisogno di un'altra punizione. Parlero' con Nard.
-Gained %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Gained %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Gained exp is now shown.
-Gained exp will not be shown.
-Gained zeny is now shown.
-Gained zeny will not be shown.
-Gamboge Herb
-Gamboge Plant
-Game Balance
-Game introduction
-Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in daylight for %s.
-Game time: The game is in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in permanent daylight.
-Game time: The game is in permanent night.
-Gave @@ to Rumly
-Gave tentacles, got reward
-Gave to Q'Onan, got reward
-Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc.
-Genetic T
-Get a Recipe Book
-Get money
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Dammi un bacio prima di salutarmi!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0
-Ridammi subito quel piatto lurida traditrice!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#1
-Ridammi subito quel piatto lurido traditore!
-Give me some space.
-Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help with your hunting the creatures of this island.
-Go away, I have to think about new evil doings.
-Go away.
-Vai via.
-Go back
-Go clean up your inventory and come back.
-Go fly a kite
-Go fly a kite.
-Go have a look at that shelf to my right, would you?
-Go meet him, and take the package to me, it's an easy task.
-Go north from here until you find the dock warehouse, cross the bridge to the west side of the canal, continue north until you reach another bridge then cross it to the east side of the canal.
-Go on the upper level if you want to change your room or to use it.
-Vai al piano superiore se vuoi cambiare al tua camera o usarla.
-Go on.
-Go pester someone else.
-Go to Kfahr, and listen to his stories.
-Gold Nuggets
-Gold Vein
-Good day miss.
-Buona giornata signorina.
-Good day mister.
-Buongiorno signore.
-Good day sir.#1
-Good day to you!
-Buongiorno a te!
-Good day to you.
-Good day!
-Good day, my friend, come closer, come closer!
-Buongiorno amico mio, avvicinati, avvicinati!
-Good evening sir.#1
-Good job!
-Ottimo lavoro!
-Good look.
-Good luck hunting those tree monsters – you'll need it.
-Good luck!
-Buona fortuna!
-Good luck! And remember to visit Peter and our little furry friends whenever you return back onboard!
-Buona fortuna! E non dimenticarti di andare a trovare Peter e i nostri piccoli amici pelosi quando sarai tornato a bordo!
-Good night milady.#0
-Good then.
-Good to hear from you!
-Good to hear!
-Ottima notizia!
-Good to know, thanks.
-Good to know.
-Buono a sapersi.
-Good to see you again.
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#0
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#1
-Good, good... Hey, could you help me please? I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Bene, bene... Hei, potresti aiutarmi? Ti supplico, per favore, ti preego...
-Good, take a look in the bag next to me then!
-Bene, dai un'occhiata all borsa a fianco a me allora!
-Gorgeous woman, but when she looked at me, the scares went scuttling down my spine...
-Got a cookie
-Got poison from Gado
-Got reward from gugli
-Got the bow
-Got the knife
-Got the package
-Got the quest
-Got the shield
-Grabbing one of two leftover pieces, he begins to carve it into a round shape, then repeats this with the second piece – shield handles from what you can tell.
-Grass Carp
-Carpa Erbivora
-Grass Snake
-Great to see you! What can I do for you today?
-Abbiamo provato a ripulirli ma l'acqua marina li ha praticamente distrutti. Ecco perchè ti abbiamo fornito dei nuovi vestiti. Non sono particolarmente accattivanti, ma e' tutto quello che ti possiamo dare.
-Great! Can't wait for some tasty mushrooms!
-Great, and as I promised, I give you a 90% discount on the @@ of your choice.
-Fantastico, e come promesso, avrai @@ con uno sconto del 90%.
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#0
-Ottimo! Cosa mi hai portato di buono oggi?
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
-Ottimo! Cosa mi hai portato di buono oggi?
-Greater %s allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks.
-Green Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Verde
-Green Slime
-Greetings traveler.#0
-Piacere viaggiatrice.
-Greetings traveler.#1
-Salve, viaggiatore.
-Group changed successfully.
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Growl, sniff, grr! Sarà meglio che tu non dica a nessuno che mi hai visto!
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Growl, sniff, grr! Sarà meglio che tu non dica a nessuno che mi hai visto!
-Grr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Aargh! Non darmi altre bacche! Stupide, stupide bacche... Stupide... Stupide... Stupide!
-Gugli (main quest)
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#0
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#1
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#0
-Gugli mi ha chiesto di aiutarti a portare una di queste casse che stai riempiendo.
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#1
-Gugli mi ha chiesto di aiutarti a portare una di queste casse che stai riempiendo.
-Gugli asks to collect packages
-Gugli mentioned six sailors. What about the others?
-Gugli parlava di sei marinai. Dove sono gli altri?
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#0
-Gugli mi ha mandata qui per aiutarti.
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#1
-Gugli mi ha mandato qui per aiutarti.
-Gugli? Oh I see. Yes, Gugli yeye pretty used to shout orders to everybody down here.
-Gugli? Oh capisco. Si' lui è abituato a urlare ordini alle persone.
-Guild Certification
-Guild level change failed.
-Guild level changed.
-Guild modification is disabled in this map.
-Guild storage opened.
-GuildLock |
-Guillotine Cross
-Guillotine Cross T
-GvG Castle |
-GvG Dungeon |
-GvG Flags:
-GvG ON |
-GvG Off.
-GvG On.
-GvG is already Off.
-GvG is already On.
-HP and SP have already been recovered.
-HP or/and SP modified.
-HP, SP recovered.
-HP: %d/%d - SP: %d/%d
-Ha! I'll drink muuuch mo.. more than you! Im not ooone biiit dr...dr..unk!
-Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has.
-Hahaha! All sailors aboard this ship are always drunk... Well... Except... Wait, what?! Nard told you?!
-Hahaha! Tutti i marinai a bordo sono sempre ubriachi fradici... Tutti... Tutti a parte... Cosa?! E' stato Nard a dirtelo?!
-Hair color
-Colore dei capelli
-Hair style
-Half Croconut
-Mezzo Croconut
-Half Eggshell
-Mezzo Eggshell
-Hard Spike
-Hard work always pays off!
-Il duro lavoro ripaga sempre!
-Una Donna-Arpia?
-Has a bubblehead
-Has met its demise
-Have a good day!
-Buona giornata!
-Have a good time fishing!
-Buona pesca!
-Have a seat.
-Have fun, but always remember to pick your stats with good care.
-Divertiti, ma ricorda sempre di scegliere le tue statistiche con grande attenzione.
-Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too?
-Hai con te tutti gli ingredienti neccessari per la mia ricetta? Anche quello speciale?
-Have you got the %d antennae?
-Have you met Kfahr yet?
-Have you seen Fexil?
-Hai visto Fexil?
-Have you seen anything dangerous?
-Hai visto niente di pericoloso?
-Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?
-Have you seen anything strange in town? Anything that might have to do with the robberies?
-Have you seen anything strange lately?
-Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?
-Have you seen anything that might be connected to the recent robberies in town?
-Have you talked with the old man yet?
-He asked to lend some money and a place to open his store, I think that he asked for a place on the merchant squares on the south-west of the city...
-Ha chiesto del denaro in prestito e un posto per aprire il suo negozio, penso abbia chiesto un locale nella piazza dei mercanti, a sud-ovest della città...
-He did not change while growing up, I repeatedly asked him to leave the forge but in the end he installed himself in front of it...
-He has a guns!
-He has never been the same since mommy went away...
-He is a regular at the inn, located in the north-west part of town.
-He is eating an apple, thoroughly enjoying it.
-He is in a small house between the dock's warehouse and the dojo.
-He is mature and he rarely ask questions so I am fine. I can not stand the sight of a whiner anyway.
-He is probably hiding up one of the trees. Go close to each tree and look up, otherwise you won't notice him.
-Probabilmente si sta nascondendo in cima a qualcuno di quegli alberi. Avvicinati ad ogni albero e cercalo in cima altrimenti potresti non notarlo.
-He is the greatest hero that ever walked the land of Hurnscald!
-He is usually in his office on the 3rd floor.
-He is very lucky that Don took him under his wing, but being the student of such a teacher is not easy every day!
-He likes to eat sandwiches. A good thing they are so easy to make!
-He likes to hide near the little lake in the north-west side of the island.
-Gli piace nascondersi vicino ad un piccolo laghetto nel versante Nord-Ovest dell'isola.
-He looks up and into your face.
-He may not have all of his wits but keep in mind one thing:
-He needs more food.
-Ha bisogno di piu' cibo.
-He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
-He proceeds to further scrutinize the log.
-He said he is going to climb the highest hill in Artis, which is not far from here.
-Ha detto che sarebbe andato ad arrampicarsi sulla collina più alta di Artis, che non è lontana da qui.
-He said that he would check why weird noises were coming from the manhole next to the house.
-He takes another sip.
-He told me nothing about that.
-Non mi ha detto niente.
-He was heading north.
-He's funny, it's not a problem.
-È divertente, non è un problema.
-He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea.
-Regge una canna da pesca, mentre scruta il mare.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Legion of Aemil won't let it get public.
-Stammi *hic* bene a sentire, qualunque cosa tu *hic* dica s... uhm... su cosa?! Su quello che hai visto li', la Legion of Aemil fara' in modo di non renderlo pubblico.
-Heard conversation
-Hearing these words the Piou felt great joy,
-Heh, did you saw me at the port? No?
-Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind.
-Hehe, hehe. In ogni caso torna se cambi idea.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a fox like you would love to meet a catch like me!#0
-Hehe, no. Ma sono sicuro una ragazza come te adorerebbe incontrare una persona affascinante come me!
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a noob like you would like to meet an idol like me.#1
-Hehe, no. Ma sono sicuro un pivello come te avrebbe piacere a incontrare un mito come me.
-Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
-Hehe, a volte ha la testa tra le nuvole. Dovresti chiedere a lui.
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there.
-Hehe... Va bene, andro' su ad informare il capitano.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, e' un po' nervoso, ti prego di perdonarlo, non abbiamo nuovi membri dell'equipaggio ogni giorno!
-Hel... What?! Wait!
-Aiut... Cosa?! No aspetta!
-Hello Miss.#1
-Hello Sir.#0
-Hello dear!#0
-Ciao cara!
-Hello dear!#1
-Ciao caro!
-Hello deary.
-Hello madam.
-Hello there!
-Hello traveler, welcome to Hurnscald.
-Hello yeye.
-Ciao yeye.
-Hello, I am Macgowan, apprentice to Nicholas.
-Hello, a rowboat is on his way to the beach. Please wait for a while for it to arrive.
-Hello, can I help you?
-Hello, there!
-Hello, yes I have met him.
-Hello, young lady.#0
-Hello, young man.#1
-Hello... Do I know you?
-Ciao... Ci conosciamo?
-Help for command %c%s:
-Help me out~ Please~ T_T
-Help me!
-Helped Hinnak
-Her shop is on the west side of the city, between the Legion building and the library.
-Her sword... I'm having some trouble finishing it.
-La sua spada... sto avendo dei problemi a completarla.
-Hercules %d-bit for %s
-Here is another one.
-Here is your reward.
-Here it is, a fashionable @@.
-Here it is, clean like a whistle!
-Here it is.
-Here they are.
-Here you are.
-Here you go - have fun with it.
-Here you go, everything is fixed.
-Ecco qui, tutto è sistemato.
-Here you go.
-Here's your reward!
-Ecco il tuo premio!
-Here, have some %s as reward.
-Here, have some %s for your troubles.
-Here, let me heal you.
-Here, take a look!
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#0
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#1
-Here, take this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Prendi questa chiave. Apre tutte le porte della nave.
-Hey @@!
-HEY @@!
-Hey Frenchy!#0
-Hey Frenchy!
-Hey Frenchy!#1
-Hey Frenchy!
-Hey Maxe, it's @@!
-Hey Max, e' @@!
-Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go!
-Hey Silvio, è il tuo turno per portare il pacco, vai!
-Hey there, are you Bobo, Katja's brother?
-Hey you!
-Hey tu!
-Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?
-Hey tu! Riesci a sentirci? Tutto bene?
-Hey you, do you have any @@s?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly. I needed to speak with the captain about the food reserves. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#0
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#1
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Hey! Sii prudente. Non puoi stare qui per troppo a lungo, ti ammaleresti. Vai pure fuori e prenditi un pò di riposo, magari puoi riporvarci più tardi.
-Hey! Stop breaking my stuff!
-Hey! There's a reward for you in the box next to me!
-Hey! C'e' una ricompensa per te nella cassa vicino al mio tavolo!
-Hey! You must be @@.
-Hey, I remember you, we were on the same boat, you are the castaway.
-Hey, I'm not a Keebler Elvis! You won't have another one by stalking me like that!
-Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today.
-Hey, guarda la mia nuova canna da pesca. L'ho comprata proprio oggi.
-Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?
-Hey, Yeyo puo' portare questa cassa piena di pesce a Gugli?
-Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out.
-Hey, non ti preoccupare per lui, è il primo giorno dopo tanto tempo che possiamo rilassarci.
-Hey, girl!#0
-Hey, how was the...
-Hey, man!#1
-Hey, tu!
-Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
-Hey, psst! Non sei un marinaio, vero?
-Hey. ppst. I have something important to tell you.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Ciao @@, ho sentito che il capitano ti ha mandata quaggiu', eh?
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Ciao @@, ho sentito che il capitano ti ha mandato quaggiu', eh?
-Hi @@.
-Ciao @@.
-Hi Sir.
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#0
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#1
-Hi there, need something?
-Hi there.
-Hi! I can finally see you under the sunlight!
-Ciao! Finalmente posso vederti alla luce del sole!
-Hi! No, I haven't seen him yet.
-Hi, I am Simon.
-Hi, can I help you at all?
-Hi, can I help you somehow?
-Hi, how is it going?
-Ciao, come va?
-Hi, my name is Blossom.
-Hi, my name is Moon. This morning I went for a walk on the beach.
-Hi, my name is Oscar.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Ciao, e' un piacere vederti!
-Hi, sweetie! Want a fresh beer for 90 Florin?
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#0
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#1
-Hi. I am Trozz, and I am the chief of legion training in Artis.
-Hidden Person
-Individuo Nascosto
-High Acolyte
-High Archer
-High Magician
-High Merchant
-High Novice
-High Priest
-High Swordsman
-High Thief
-High Wizard
-Highest hill in Artis you say? Sounds dangerous, I might fall off.
-La collina più alta di Artis dici? Sembra pericoloso, potrei cadere.
-Hill & Cliff
-Hinnak asked for help
-Hinnak wasted all my good kitchen knives trying to get rid of his accursed Pinkies.
-His eyes grow wide
-Hm, it seems another player is trying to catch the piou, I shouldn't interfere.
-Hm... Shhhh...
-Hm... an old man?
-Hm... then it couldn't be him.
-Hmm, I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Bene. Ti darò anche uno dei berretti di questa cesta, ma solo quando avrai completato i tuoi compiti!
-Hmm, why don't you go train a little more? We have several training rooms here.
-Hmm... Let's see, take this one.
-Hmm... Vediamo, prendi questo.
-Hmm... what to do.
-Hmm... where did I put it again?
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. Cosa... Che succede?!... *cough*, *burp*... Maledetto Gado... *cough*
-Hmmm... looks ok, but is it strong enough?
-Holding a cheese in his beak.
-Homunculus growth stats (Lv %d %s):
-Homunculus reached its maximum level of '%d'
-Homunculus stats altered.
-Homunculus stats:
-Honestly, it's quite far-fetched according to me.
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#0
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#1
-How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats.
-Cosa ne penseresti di aiutare la mia ciurma? Sarebbe come se fossi dei nostri, e potresti ottenere uno di questi berretti.
-How are things going?
-Come va?
-How are you doing, cutie?#0
-Come va, bellezza?
-How are you doing, dude?#1
-Come va amico?
-How are you feeling, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-Come ti senti ora a camminare sulla terra ferma? Meglio?
-How can I get one of these cookies?
-How can I help you?
-How can I improve my equipment?
-How can we serve you today?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about that again!
-Come osi... Abbiamo detto che non ne avremmo piu' parlato...
-How do these dyes work?
-How do you do your potions?
-How do you know?
-Come fai a saperlo?
-How is *hic* it possible?
-Com'e' *hic*hic* possibile?
-How is the hunt going?
-How long will you stay here?
-Quanto alungo ti tratterrai?
-How many Fluffies did I kill on the hill?
-How many? What kind? I can produce two dozen boxes per day.
-How much do you want to deposit?
-How much do you want to withdraw?
-How much is this worth to you?
-How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?
-Che maleducazione. Qual è il motivo di tutto questo astio?
-Howdy, partner in crime?
-However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease.
-Human Voice
-Voce Umana
-Hungry: %d - Intimacy: %u
-Hurry up!
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check its teeth!
-Veloci, veloci! Dobbiamo controllargli i denti!
-Hush now and hear the chorus of the woods
-I @#$% hate them!
-I @#$% hate these @#$% pinkies!
-I actually could use a status reset!
-I already know everything. Bye.
-So gia' tutto a riguardo. Ciao.
-I also hear fisherman likes to fish at night. They say the catch is bigger, if you understand me.
-I also heard you lost all your memories? That's a shame.
-I am %s Super Novice~
-I am Wyaras apprentice, helping her with selling her potions.
-I am absolutely positive.
-I am an alchemist, I bear the name of Ivan.
-I am broken?! Please report! Debug data: @@ (@@)
-I am new in this town, just like you.
-I am not an expert of the first kind, but I know what I am talking about when it comes to improving equipment.
-I am only doing special requests.
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-E' bello vedere tu ti sia risvegliata in ottime condizioni. Elmo e' venuto a comunicarmi la bella notizia!
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-E' bello vedere tu ti sia risvegliato in ottime condizioni. Elmo e' venuto a comunicarmi la bella notizia!
-I am sure he got his reasons.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#0
-Sono sicuro posso correre con una di quelle sulle spalle.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#1
-Sono sicuro posso correre con una di quelle sulle spalle.
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#0
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#1
-I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders and rules. Julia they call her!
-Sono sicura la conosci. Bel vestito, un bel sorriso largo e un flusso costante di ordini e regole. La chiamano Julia!
-I am surprised someone has been sent here to help. It is quite... unusual.
-Sono sorpreso qualcuno sia stato mandato qui per aiutarci. E' abbastanza, direi... raro.
-I am the bartender here, can I provide you with some delicious beverage?
-I am!
-I am, who are you?#0
-Sono io, tu chi sei?
-I am, who are you?#1
-Sono io, tu chi sei?
-I appreciate your help, @@.
-I asked Calypsan to dye this tank top, now it has an unique look!
-I asked Don our blacksmith to prepare a black iron sword for morning, he should be done by now.
-I asked Hinnak, but he wants at least a beer in exchange for his scythe.
-I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do!
-Ti avevo chiesto del cibo, ma... *hips* Ah, andrà bene!
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#0
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#1
-I barely destroyed one of those beasts.
-I better go now. Bye.
-I borrowed it from the library, you should try to cultivate yourself more instead of insinuate things about people you don't know!
-I buried the chest somewhere on that hill. It was dark, so I don't remember where to dig exactly.
-I came here, looking for a better life.
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#0
-Sono venuta per ritirare un pacco destinato ad Enora.
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#1
-Sono venuto per ritirare un pacco destinato ad Enora.
-I can finally pay off my debts.
-I can get back to Bernard now!
-I can make you a really nice forest bow out of this.
-I can prepare them in an hour or so!
-I can still drink more! Better give up you... you... teelotaler! MORE BEER MELINDA!
-I can walk again!
-I can't catch them.
-I can't give you a cookie for free. But I can give you this hint for how you may be added to my list.
-I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning...
-Non posso davvero aiutarti a cercarli visto che e' da stamattina che devo controllare... Hmm... il paesaggio...
-I can't remember anything.#0
-Non riesco a ricordarmi nulla.
-I can't remember anything.#1
-Non riesco a ricordarmi nulla.
-I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do.
-I can't wait all day!
-I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your hard work.
-I changed my mind.
-Ho cambiato idea.
-I chopped away at it, branch after branch, and in the end I chopped off its roots, and it fell to the ground, motionless.
-I cleaned up the hill.
-I couldn't afford the bow, though...
-I did see an old man hang out near the theater after our last show.
-I didn't mention it before, but I also put beer in my soup.
-I didn't notice that a Pikpik was in my way, and when I stepped on it, my foot was full of spikes.
-I do feel better!
-Mi sento meglio!
-I do know a recipe with this!
-I do not like to brag about it but you won't find a better blacksmith on the whole island.
-I do not want to go pointing my finger at someone. I want to be honorable and fair, and I sense the same quality in you, so I put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this troubling situation.
-Non voglio puntare il dito su qualcuno. Voglio essere corretto giusto. Noto in te le stesse qualità quindi voglio fidarmi di te. Sono sicuro sarai capace di giudicare correttamente e di risolvere questo problema fastidioso.
-I do not.
-I don't feel like talking to you.
-I don't feel so well, I might be sick.
-I don't have any.
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#0
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#1
-I don't have much time right now.
-Non ho molto tempo ora.
-I don't have the time now.
-Non ho tempo ora.
-I don't have the time sorry.
-I don't have the time.
-Non ho tempo.
-I don't know if I trust her eyesight or memory.
-I don't know the password
-I don't know what to say...
-Non so cosa dire...
-I don't know.
-I don't need your help right now, but maybe tomorrow, who knows?
-I don't really have time to go chasing pious, let me just buy one at the regular price (30000 E).
-Ora proprio non ho tempo per cacciare i piou, vendimene uno al prezzo corrente. (30000 E)
-I don't see anything else other than... water?
-Non vedo nient'altro che... acqua?
-I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this...
-Non penso che siamo in un buon posto per parlare di questo...
-I don't want to be part of this joke.
-I don't want to buy a piou right now.
-Al momento non voglio comprare un piou.
-I don't want to change my language, sorry.
-Non voglio cambiare lingua, scusa.
-I don't want you! I want daddy!
-I feel ok.#0
-Sto bene.
-I feel ok.#1
-Sto bene.
-I fought it, of course!
-I give tasks to every single sailor, all day long. That should make him happy!
-Impartisco ordini tutto il giorno ad ogni singolo marinaio. Dovrebbe essere contento!
-I give you this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-I got angry and started to chop off all the low-hanging branches so this couldn't happen anymore.
-I grew up and lived a good while in Esperia, the capital city.
-Sono cresciuto e vissuto per un bel po' a Esperia, la capitale.
-I guess so. What's in it for me?
-I guess so... I will leave you alone.
-Immagino... Ti lascio da solo.
-I had a great childhood in Esperia!
-Ho avuta un'infanzia fantastica ad Esperia.
-I had a long day, come back tomorrow.
-I had this patch of ground that was really clumpy; lots of clay, you see.
-I hate them!
-I have a lot of work here, so I don't even have time to go to the town.
-I have an idea.
-I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.
-Ti ho portato una gustosa sorpresa per la tua bocca delicata.
-I have collected all the boxes you needed.
-Ho preso tutte le casse di cui avevi bisogno.
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#0
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#1
-I have one more task for you. Trozz, another member of the Legion, sent me a letter earlier today.
-I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price!
-Ho qualche vestito e altre cose che potrebbero interessarti ad un prezzo non eccessivo!
-I have some food for you.
-Ho del cibo per te.
-I have some fur for you.
-I have some spare one, take them, and tell Enora that any fees are paid!
-I have to go, sorry.#0
-I have to go, sorry.#1
-I have your black iron.
-Ho il tuo ferro nero.
-I have your package.
-I have your pass from the Merchant Guild.
-I haven't seen anything strange.
-I heard rumors about some old hostilities between you and Gado. Are they true?
-Sono a conoscenza di alcune voci riguardo certe ostilita' fra te e Gado in passato. Sono vere?
-I heard something too. A girl named Galimatia seems to need help. If only those lazy developers could tell her what she needs.
-I heard you aren't delivering any more living wood. Why not?
-I highly recommend you seek him out!
-I hope that answers your question.
-Spero che questo risponda alla tua domanda.
-I hope that my shield will serve you well!
-I hope they know what they are doing. So, come on board. I am looking forward to go back to Woodland, haven't been there for a while.
-I hope to see you soon.
-I hope you are satisfied with your forest bow.
-I hope you catch that naughty person!
-I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Abbiamo usato la tua zattera per costruire la rampa per salire a bordo, spero non ti dispiaccia.
-I hope you like beer as much as I do, because, you see...
-I hope you like this color.
-I informed Julia about your monstrous plan.
-Ho raccontato a Julia il tuo piano mostruoso.
-I just can't remember what. But come talk to me later once devs becomes less lazy.
-I just dont know what to do. Perhaps all gets better when I stay here, whining and waiting. Please, leave me alone.
-I just need %s E for material and work time.
-I just realized I am lacking some common things, and one key ingredient, to prepare a... A special recipe.
-I just want to live my life in peace.
-I knew it!
-Lo sapevo!
-I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.
-So che ti stai ancora riprendendo dal naufragio, ma mi piacerebbe affidarti un compito speciale.
-I know the bow master wants some twigleaf wood, but I don't care.
-So che il mastro arciere vuole del legno di ramofoglia, ma non mi interessa.
-I know you didn't kill them yourself!
-I like money! Consider it done.
-I love flowers! What do you have for sale?
-I love hanging out here!
-I love peace and quiet, that's a good choice.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-Ho sbagliato, vorrei cambiare lingua.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-Ho sbagliato, vorrei cambiare lingua.
-I mean, I am very tired to move all of these books!
-I mean, you forgot... Well.
-I miss the good old days.
-I must leave to get more.
-I need %d %s for that.
-I need @@ @@.
-Ho bisogno di @@ @@.
-I need a %s for my soup.
-I need more Croc Claws.
-I need more information first.
-Prima ho bisogno di altre informazioni.
-I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-Ho bisogno di qualcuno per ripulire il fondo della nave da questi Ratto, mi puoi aiutare?
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1
-I need to go, sorry.
-Devo andare, mi spiace.
-I need to rest.
-I need to think about it...#0
-I need to think about it...#1
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Ho solo bisogno di 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@...
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
-Mi ricordo soltanto di essere stata salvata da voi!
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
-Mi ricordo soltanto di essere stato salvato da voi!
-I ran away as fast as I could, and lucky for me the monsters aren't that fast on their tiny root legs, Ha!
-I recall seeing Gulukan, Astapolos and Q'Muller.
-Mi ricordo di aver visto Gulukan, Astapolos e Q'Muller.
-I recommend that you train your agility a great deal, since most monsters out there aren't really amazing at hitting you.
-I recommend you to take a nap on the inferior level, we will soon leave this place.
-Ti consiglio di fare un riposino al livello inferiore, presto lasceremo questo posto.
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#0
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#1
-I remember I saw a few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get a head start on today's work.
-I remember when I created my first party, we were amazed to share some experience with a small group of adventurer...
-I robbed a nobleman, took a chest full of coins.
-I saw someone sneaking around town wearing a theater mask.
-I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Vedo che non è facile liberarsi di questi ratti. Vuoi riprovarci?
-I see.
-I see. Bye!
-Capisco. Ciao!
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Legion of Aemil, then he's also our friend and ally.#1
-Ho capito. Avvisa di questo gli altri marinai. Ma se è un membro della Legione di Aemil, è anche nostro amico ed alleato.
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Legion of Aemil, then she's also our friend and ally.#0
-Ho capito. Avvisa di questo gli altri marinai. Ma se è un membro della Legione di Aemil, è anche nostra amica ed alleata.
-I sent someone to kill me some maggots and they have yet to return.
-I should know, I've not been a member for a while, too. But then I joined the Legion and look what a shining example of a great fighter I became!
-I should put more effort into this.
-I show her what the problem is, and she tells me to go inside and wait.
-I still didn't find my brother...
-Non ho ancora trovato mio fratello...
-I still do; it's my job.
-I swear, I do not eat so much.
-Giuro, non mangio cosi' tanto.
-I think I am sick!
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#0
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#1
-I think I should report you to the crew members.
-Penso di doverti segnalare ai marinai.
-I think I'll be done soon, since I almost have a box full of @@s!
-I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?
-Per ora penso basti cosi'. Hai domande?
-I think that I am now both...
-I think that I'm still a bit sick.
-Sto ancora abbastanza male.
-I think that I've seen this weakling wandering around the beach south from here this morning.
-I think that my wine is of great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Penso che il mio sia un vino di qualita'! Sono appena alla seconda bottiglia e sono gia'... Di cos'e' che stavamo parlando?
-I think that we will stay in port for a great time.
-Credo che rimarremo in porto per molto tempo.
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Credo che Yeye avra' presto finito. Yeye avere presto una cassa piena di @@!
-I think that you already understood, you are asleep.
-Credo che avessi già capito, sei addormentato.
-I thought that she would never come to pick it up!
-I took my axe and attacked the beast!
-I used a card to improve my clothes.
-I used to be a farmer, but my magic attempts were banned by the gouvernment.
-I used to get these logs from Jack, the handsome lumberjack.
-I usually would not care, but it is not every day a complete stranger arrives at Artis.
-I value my life, that's why!
-I want to be the first merchant of this square to sell clothes made from @@s!
-I want to divorce.
-I want to make my own dyes.
-I want to register for marriage.
-I was afraid to get busted, so I decided to get rid of the evidence.
-I was an actor when I was younger.
-I was an archer of the Legion and shouldn't be scared of a few maggots, but everyone has fears, right?!
-I was going to ask you if you would need any help.
-Stavo per chiederti se avevi bisogno di aiuto.
-I was in no shape to fight again!
-I was just chopping away with my axe, and guess what happened?
-I was sent here with a task. I can give you a perfect, wonderful, magnificent, superbly well shaped... Cookie!
-I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible.
-Non stavo più nella pelle e ho voluto provarla il prima possibile.
-I was supposed to act as storagekeeper, but I forgot my key.
-I will buy all of the fur that you will bring me at a good price, let's say, 15 E piece.
-I will close an eye for once, but only because it's your first time asking for something!
-Chiuderò un occhio per questa volta, ma solo perchè è la prima volta che chiedi qualcosa!
-I will find him, don't worry!
-Lo troverò, non preoccuparti!
-I will give you my pocket money if you do.
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#0
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#1
-I will not lie to a little girl! And your mother needs your help.
-I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors!
-Non staro' qua a descriverti tutti i dettagli, ma ti basti sapere che dopo circa un mese lei governava la nave e io fui mandato quaggiù a cucinare per quei traditori!
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#0
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#1
-I will send you this letter as soon as I arrive.
-I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes?
-Lo andro' sicuramente a trovare. Ti serve aiuto con le tue casse?
-I will take care of the other ones don't worry.
-Mi occupero' degli altri non ti preoccupare.
-I will take it! Thank you captain!
-La prendero'! Grazie capitano!
-I will take the @@ Bounty.
-I will tell my dad!
-I will yaying do.
-Yaya lo farò.
-I will.
-Lo farò.
-I wish I could remember something...
-I wish I helped your friends, because I'd really, really like a cookie.
-Mi piacerebbe aver aiutato i tuoi amici, perché mi piacerebbe davvero avere un biscotto.
-I wish you a beautiful day.
-I wish you a good time in town.
-I won't forget it, I swear on my precious plushrooms!
-I won't go there ever again.
-I won't need it, thank you.#0
-I won't need it, thank you.#1
-I won't risk MY life for a few gold pieces!
-I won't. I promise.
-I wonder too...
-Me lo chiedo anch'io...
-I wonder what took him so long?
-I wonder who is in delarium now...
-Mi chiedo chi ci sia a delarium ora...
-I work under the protection and the supervision of the Legion of Aemil.
-I would go myself, but for some reason I'm a non-walking NPC.
-I would go myself, but the developers were too lazy to make me walk.
-I would like to come back home when the days are better.
-I would like to create a guild.
-I would like to create a party.
-I would like to perform money transactions.
-Vorrei scambiare del denaro.
-I would like to stay here a bit more.
-Mi piacerebbe rimanere qui un altro po'.
-I would like to store some items.
-Vorrei depositare degli oggetti.
-I would prefer becoming a real Sorcerer one time. *sighs*
-I wrote your name on the book, you are now free to use the storage and bank services.
-Ti ho inscritto nel libro, sei ora libero di utilizzare il magazzino ed i servizi bancari.
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd been trying to break it up for a while, but that kind of work is a pain.
-I'd like to buy a piou.
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they fly away when I try.
-Vorrei acchiapparne qualcuno ma volano via quando ci provo.
-I'd like to get a different style.
-I'd like you to ask the villagers about the recent string of robberies.
-I'd love one!
-Mi piacerebbe!
-I'll ask Melinda later
-I'll be back in no time.
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#0
-Mi troverai qui, torna quando sarai pronta.
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#1
-Mi troverai qui, torna quando sarai pronto.
-I'll be waiting for you, then!
-I'll come back later.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.#0
-Le darò tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno, non ti preoccupare.
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.#1
-Gli darò tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno, non ti preoccupare.
-I'll give you @@ GP for this job.
-I'll give you something if you do.
-I'll keep that in mind.
-I'll keep track of this, while you return the mask to the troupe.
-I'll return the plushroom to you, but please, do not waste my time.
-I'll share my berries with you if you help me.
-Se mi aiuterai ti darò alcune delle mie bacche.
-I'll wait for you here.
-I'll wait until you do.
-I'm a barber, you see. I can change your hairstyle or hair color to your current taste.
-I'm a bit sick...#0
-Sono un po' malata...
-I'm a bit sick...#1
-Sono un po' malato...
-I'm a little busy right now.
-I'm a melee warrior, I don't need bows.
-I'm afraid to go there myself, but if you take the risk, you can have half of the loot.
-I'm an expert blacksmith.
-I'm back from battle!#0
-I'm back from battle!#1
-I'm barely in when it starts raining outside, pouring cats and mouboos!
-I'm busy, leave me alone.
-I'm done with my training.#0
-I'm done with my training.#1
-I'm done.
-I'm fine for now, thank you.
-I'm fine, thanks.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#0
-Sono felice di vedere che ti sei ripresa.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#1
-Sono felice di vedere che ti sei ripreso.
-I'm glad you're on my side.
-Sono felice tu sia dalla mia parte.
-I'm just a merchant, I trade and make deals, yes "excuse" me if I'm not as skilled as that stupid alchemist.
-I'm looking for Gugli, where is he?
-Sto cercando Gugli, dov'è?
-I'm looking for some black iron ingots.
-Sto cercando dei lingotti di ferro nero.
-I'm looking for somebody named Fexil.
-Sto cercando un uomo di nome Fexil.
-I'm losing my mind here, I need something else to eat!
-Sto perdendo la testa quaggiu', ho bisogno di mangiare qualcosa di diverso!
-I'm lost, where should I go?#0
-Mi sono persa, dove dovrei andare?
-I'm lost, where should I go?#1
-Mi sono perso, dove dovrei andare?
-I'm not a pawn of the Legion, I don't have to obey you!
-I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry.
-I'm not proud of it, but I had to steal money from others to keep on living.
-I'm not suited for this kind of work!
-Non sono adatto per questo tipo di lavoro.
-I'm not sure where to go from here, maybe you can find something else.
-I'm not sure. They probably left the ship early this morning. I was not awake yet.
-Non ne sono sicuro. Probabilmente hanno lasciato la nave stamattina presto. Non ero ancora sveglio.
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Legion of Aemil won't get me!
-Non sono cosi' stordito eeh *hic* qalunque cosa tu abbia sco... *hips* ...perto laggiu', la Legion of Aemil non mi avra'!
-I'm on my way! I will bring it back to you.
-I'm out of here.
-I'm proud of you – to dare to fight those trunks is admirable indeed.
-I'm really excited, this place reminds me of an ancient mythical tree, you might know what I'm talking about...
-Sono veramente elettrizzato, questo posto mi ricorda di un antico e mitico albero, tu dovresti sapere di cosa sto parlando...
-I'm someone who respects those speaking the truth.
-I'm sorry but I can't see your name anywhere.
-Mi dispiace, ma non riesco a vedere il tuo nome da nessuna parte.
-I'm sorry but I have no time to chat with you.
-Scusa ma non ho tempo per parlare con te.
-I'm sorry but I'm here only to help young people.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#0
-Mi spiace per la tua situazione. Ogni tanto dovrebbero alternarti con altri marinai.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#1
-Mi spiace per la tua situazione. Ogni tanto dovrebbero alternarti con altri marinai.
-I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
-I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.
-Mi spiace, non ho tempo al momento.
-I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything.
-I'm sorry, but I'm busy looking into this string of robberies.
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#0
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#1
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#0
-Sono ancora piuttosto debole. Meglio se ne riparliamo piu' tardi.
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#1
-Sono ancora piuttosto debole. Meglio se ne riparliamo piu' tardi.
-I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors.
-Sono ancora occupato, devo trovare gli altri marinai.
-I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you!
-Sono ancora in coma, ma il mio spirito ti sta ancora dando la caccia!
-I'm supposed to be helping Bernard from the Inn but...
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Sono sicuro Tibbo sia da solo nell'angolo Sud-Ovest dell'isola. Crede sia il posto migliore per raccogliere @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#1
-Sono sicuro che ben presto sara' in grado di affontare senza problemi tutte le crature che vivono qui.
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#0
-Sono sicuro che ben presto sara' in grado di affontare senza problemi tutte le crature che vivono qui.
-I'm sure that you already knew the answer, didn't you?
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-Sono sicura che hai delle domande da porgermi, sentiti libero di chiedermi ciò che desideri, ma prima devo illustrarti le regole di comportamento in vigore a bordo.
-I'm sure you would have some interesting stories to tell!
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#0
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#1
-I'm talking about the cookie inside which I put all my love!
-I'm the cook's assistant of the ship. I help Gado, La Johanne's Chef, in his daily work.
-Sono l'aiuto cuoco della nave. Aiuto Gado, lo chef de "La Johanne", nel lavoro di ogni giorno.
-I'm the leader of a traveling theater troupe.
-I'm too busy here to observe the town.
-I'm yearning for maggot soup!
-I've remembered something else.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around.
-L'ho visto nella parte bassa dell'isola, dai un'occhiata in giro.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around.
-L'ho visto nella parte a sud dell'isola, dai un'occhiata in giro.
-I've seen him at the northern part of the island.
-L'ho visto nella parte più a nord dell'isola.
-I've seen him at the southern part of the island, check around.
-L'ho visto nella parte più a sud dell'isola, cerca in quei paraggi.
-I've seen him at the top of the island.
-L'ho visto nella parte piu' alta dell'isola.
-I've seen him down around the southern area of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-I... I just like to eat the purple and delightful... And natural, and...
-Ianus is from the Legion of Aemil, don't compare me to this brigand.
-If Enora thinks this is the right place for you, then she's probably be right. Did you know she's a lieutenant of the Legion?
-If Enora wants her sword now, I need to ask for your help.
-Se Enora vuole la sua spada ora, avrò bisogno del tuo aiuto.
-If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you!
-Se avessi visto chi *hick* chi eeeeeriiii... Non ti avrei *hic* aiutato!
-If it's no trouble, could you get me a %s?
-If my memory serves me right, you were just defeated. Why don't you go out to buy better equipment?
-If not, how could CrazyKatiektch
-If only someone could help me to make my flowers bloom again.
-If so, I hope that he didn't give you any hard time, sometimes he can get up on the wrong side of the bed he becomes an embittered and grumpy old man...
-If so, please take some courage and help me!
-If the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished.
-If words beat in rhythm
-If yoiis wants to see a different use for the cards he can yeye for Resa at the light armor shop for a description of the styling cards.
-If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this!
-If you are lucky he might tell you a story about his adventures.
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#0
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#1
-If you catch the escaped piou and bring it back, I will give you a 90% discount on a piou.
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#0
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#1
-If you continue there will be none left!
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#0
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#1
-If you don't like to
-If you ever find the time, pass by Esperia, it's the greatest city in all of Gasaron!
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#0
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#1
-If you feel bored or like running around in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks to do.
-If you find the correct answer, I will give you these potions...
-If you get me some Coal and Iron Ingots, I could make you a very valuable shield or helmet.
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#0
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#1
-If you kill some of these tree monsters and bring me their wood I could take a look at them.
-If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default
-If you need some firewood, just let me know.
-If you need somebody to craft a weapon or a plate from diagrams I am the one that you need.
-If you need something in the future, do not hesitate to pass by here, our stock is full of boxes collecting dust.
-Se in futuro avrai bisogno di qualcosa, non esitare a passare di qui, i nostri magazzini sono pieni di scatole lasciate a prendere polvere.
-If you really want to, just go to the southwest, but I can't help you.
-If you search for him you should look in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the left bridge, you can't miss it!
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#0
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#1
-If you see weird things here and there, or things that just shouldn't be, or even in your minds eye, things that you would like to see...
-If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats:
-If you visit the sewers again... You'll find secret passages...
-If you wake up at the inn after a harsh battle, you will find yourself revitalized in an instant unlike other places where you can rest.
-If you want another cookie, you know what to do!
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#0
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#1
-If you want to challenge someone for a friendly match, you are at the right place.
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#0
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#1
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#0
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#1
-If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-Se vuoi leggere nuovamente questo foglio, c'e' una copia appesa sul muro qua a fianco.
-If you want to say something to a specific player, you can type "/query Playername" or "/whisper Playername message", this will create a new tab on your chat window.
-If you wish to reset your stats:
-If you're looking for us there, most of us will be at the tavern of the Red Plush, at the bar counter, for Silvio's case...
-Impossible to increase the number/value.
-Impossible to resync: You are dead.
-In Artis they really do mythologize people when they die.
-In a couple of days, we will finally reach Artis.
-In case you don't have a commendatory letter from you-know-whom, I am just sitting here and observe the whales.
-In fact, everything seems to work perfectly under your guidance. Nard has made the right choice.
-Vero, tutto sembra funzionare a dovere sotto la tua guida esperta. Nard ha scelto la persona giusta.
-In fact... Oh, the things that I could tell... But ran out of space on this... Just be reasonable and go home.
-Infatti... Oh, le cose che potrei dire... Ma lo spazio è finito... Sii semplicemente ragionevole e torna a casa.
-In hopes of one day reconnect with the people of Ancea and establish a trade between the two continents, The City of Artis was founded. The Aemil Continent has then grown without contact with the people of Ancea.
-In order to enter a message press the '###keyChat;' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press '###keyChat;' again to send your speech.
-In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online.
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified party is online.
-Indeed! Goodbye.
-E va bene! Addio.
-Indeed, I am not.#0
-Infatti, non lo sono.
-Indeed, I am not.#1
-Infatti, non lo sono.
-Indefinite Traning
-Infantry Helmet
-Information sent to login-server via char-server.
-Inside is a theater mask and a note that you cannot even begin to read.
-Instance ID: @@
-Instance variables may not be used with @set.
-Int: %d (%d~%d)
-Intelligence raises your maximum mana points (good for mages) and your mind abilities. Please note: Magic system has not yet been implemented in this world.
-L'intelligenza aumenta il mana che puoi accumulare (utile per i maghi) e le tue abilità mentali. Prendi nota: il sistema di Magia non è stato ancora implementato in questo mondo.
-Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then!
-Interessante...ti lascio al tuo lavoro allora!
-Interval: (none, only sent on login)
-Interval: every @@ hour(s)
-Introduce yourself instead of poking me around. I almost fell from the lader, savage...
-Invalid Homunculus ID.
-Invalid Monster/NPC name/ID specified.
-Invalid bound type. Valid types are - 1:Account 2:Guild 3:Party 4:Character
-Invalid color.
-Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
-Invalid e-mail. If your email hasn't been set, use
-Invalid flag name or flag.
-Invalid font. Use a value from 0 to 9.
-Invalid item ID or name.
-Invalid location number, or name.
-Invalid mob ID %s!
-Invalid mob id %s!
-Invalid mob name %s!
-Invalid monster ID or name.
-Invalid name.
-Nome non valido.
-Invalid new e-mail. Please enter a real e-mail address.
-Invalid packet
-Invalid time for ban command.
-Invalid time for jail command.
-Invisible: Off
-Invisible: On
-Iron Armbands
-Iron Ore
-Iron Potion
-Iron Shovel
-Badile di Ferro
-Iron Vein
-Is it possible to go back to Drasil Island?
-È possibile tornare a Drasil Island?
-Is it truly a hard choice to make?
-Is not properly shaded
-Is that all you had to say?
-Is that okay?
-Is there a reward?
-C'è una ricompensa?
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#0
-È per te o per qualcun altro? Te lo chiedo perchè devi essere registrato per ottenere questi materiali.
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#1
-È per te o per qualcun altro? Te lo chiedo perchè devi essere registrata per ottenere questi materiali.
-Is this some kind of joke?!
-Isn't my husband Hinnak so hardworking?
-Isn't this place pretty?
-Isn't this place pretty? I love hanging out here!
-Isnt that the one Nard found on a float in the sea, with the sign of the Legion on his chest?
-It doesn't look like you have them all...
-It doesn't reply.
-It escaped!
-It has been some days now since I asked her for a box of @@s, but she hasn't delivered anything yet.
-It has started to snow.
-It hit me here *points at a bruise on his shoulder*, here *lifts his trouser leg to show another bruise*, and here *lifts his shirt and reveals even worse bruises*.
-It hurts so bad!
-It is a bit cumbersome but its strikes are deadly.
-It is a sunny day, don't you think?
-It is either a huge monster, some cultists, or someone throwing strange stuff into sewers.
-It is one of my best works.
-It is possible to yeye your cloth with my beautiful dyes.
-It is them, after all, who have the ultimate decision as to those I can give my cookies to.
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#0
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#1
-It is.
-It looked like one of the masks used by the troupe that was in town recently.
-It looks like the sweet lady is curious, am I right?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?
-Sembra tu sia un esperto della vita a bordo de 'La Johanne'. Conosci qualche segreto nascosto?
-It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.
-Al momento non puoi trasportare altro.
-It needs so much training, but Wyara only leaves me here, standing and selling something instead of teaching me.
-It really hurts, please hurry!
-It seems I got them all!
-It seems that the boy would like to say more, but seems too terrified at the moment.
-It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-Sembra siamo vicini ad un'isola, dovremmo andare sul ponte a dare un'occhiata.
-It seems that you have no status points to reset!
-It seems that you need a key to open this door.
-Sembra ti serva una chiave per aprire questa porta.
-It seems the gentleman is curious, am I right sweetie?
-It seems you can't carry it right now...
-It seems you can't carry the %s.
-It seems you can't carry the bow right now.
-It seems you don't have room for my reward.
-It seems you have no wood left.
-It seems you still have some work to do.
-Sembra tu abbia ancora del lavoro da svolgere.
-It tends to be too dark to see a mask.
-It was at night, so I could barely escape. I ran to Artis hill.
-It was heard about some adventurers whom obtained and use advanced magic, but that is still seen with bad eyes.
-It was something like a long nap.
-E' stato come un lungo riposo.
-It was wonderful.
-È stato fantastico.
-It will make an excellent bow!
-It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-Sarebbe meglio se ti allennassi, la nave non è grande abbastanza.
-It would have been easy for me to handle it but if you do it, you can earn some respect by killing Fluffies instead of their natural predators!
-It's @@ @@.
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#0
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#1
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember me telling you that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-E' il porto commerciale di Andorra, strano che tu non ne abbia mai sentito parlare. E' una delle città più famose al mondo. Ma comunque, tornando a noi... Ho fame!
-It's a dangerous place out here. Beware of the mischievous creatures living here!
-È pericoloso qui fuori. Attento alle creature malvagie che vivono qui!
-It's a good place to earn money, it can also help you to travel throughout the land!
-It's a great honor for us, at the Legion, to hold the security of his business!
-It's a kind of mushroom that tastes like a marshmallow and looks like a plush! @@, get it?
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!
-E' un tipo di fungo. Lo chiamiamo cosi' per via del suo sapore, simile al marshmallow. Il suo nome deriva anche dal suo aspetto cosi' simile ad un morbido tessuto.
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!
-E' un tipo di fungo. Lo chiamiamo cosi' per via del suo sapore, simile al marshmallow. Il suo nome deriva anche dal suo aspetto cosi' simile ad un morbido tessuto.
-It's a poem, about poems... Why are you asking that?
-It's a very good place if you want to make some more money.
-It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok.
-Perfetto! Manca giusto un'altra cassa.
-It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one!
-It's been a while, boy!#1
-It's been a while, girl!#0
-It's better than running around in circles doing nothing.
-It's better to deal with the Merchant Guild than the old man, Don has this ability to hammer down your enthusiasm in sparkling fury!
-È meglio avere a che fare con la Gilda dei Mercanti che con il vecchio, Don ha l'abilità di distruggere a martellate il tuo entusiasmo in una pioggia di scintille!
-It's currently day, but when night falls, Candor will become darker.
-It's currently night, that's why Candor is dark.
-It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working...
-Bene, bene... Ho un amica che è ancora in coma, ma non posso stare con lei e non avorare...
-It's interesting and exciting at the same time!
-È interessante ed eccitante allo stesso tempo!
-It's like your memories are locked away in your head! Cool!
-It's nearly as good as one from Esperia, have you ever been there?
-It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful.
-Non è buona come questa nuova, ma può essere ancora molto utile.
-It's ok.
-Va bene.
-It's probably full of coins, but no matter how hard you try to open it, you can't.
-It's so exciting to meet somebody with amnesia!
-It's so hard to find the motivation...
-È difficile trovare la motivazione...
-It's still too young to fly too far away, so it just circles nearby.
-It's the big building in northern Artis, at the top of a small hill.
-È il grande edificio a nord di Artis, in cima ad una collinetta.
-It's the good one and, ahem!
-It's to the west, on your left side. Just go through this door before the stairs and turn left afterwards. Can't miss it!
-It's true!
-È vero!
-It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception.
-E' dove tutti i mercantili terminano la loro rotta e noi non faremo eccezione.
-Item cannot be opened when inventory is full
-Item created.
-Item database has been reloaded.
-Item not found.
-Item type not found.
-Item types on your autoloottype list:
-Item: '%s'/'%s'[%d] (%d) Type: %s | Extra Effect: %s
-Item: '%s'[%d]
-Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once.
-Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.
-Gli oggetti possono avere effetti diversi gli uni dagli altri. Alcuni possono curarti, altri possono essere usati come armi o armature, altri infine possono essere venduti per ricavarne qualche moneta.
-Items on your autolootitem list:
-Its roots tore out of the earth, all the branches started to wave around, and a face appeared on the trunk.
-Ivan gave package
-Ivan grumbles and resumes his work.
-Ivan is the one you should look for now.
-Jack explained problem
-Jack places them next to each other, adds a frame, and nails everything together.
-Jack proposes shield
-Jack saws the logs into pieces and then sands them until they are smooth to the touch.
-Jeans Chaps
-Job Level and certain equips can affect your status. You'll see the modifiers with a + sign.
-Job level can't go any higher.
-Job level can't go any lower.
-Job level lowered.
-Job level raised.
-Johanne Key
-Judgement has passed.
-Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.
-Julia è sul livello superiore della nave, usa i tasti freccia o clicca sulle scale sulla destra per raggiungerle.
-Julia made an appeal to the Legion of Aemil to get in touch with you, exit the ship and you should see your escort!
-Julia ha richiesto alla Legione di Aemil di contattarti, esci dalla nave edovresti vedere la tua scorta!
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#0
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#1
-Jump to %d %d
-Jump to %s
-Just call me when you changed your mind.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Colpisci il tronco e yeyerai un @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Lasciami da solo.
-Just look at my goods for sale! Fresh fruits and vegetables were shipped only this morning. And for reasonable price, of course.
-Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there.
-Dai un'occhiata lì in acqua! È pieno zeppo di pesci lì giù!
-Just say something sparkling
-Katja asked for help
-Katja gave reward
-Keep moving boy.#1
-Keep moving girl.#0
-Keep moving.
-Keep the sword and the jacket, you deserved them!
-Keshlam expanded rapidly under the rule of King Janeb the Founder, and soon annexed the whole Ancea continent - excluding solely the Land Of Fire - to its domains, creating the Platinum Kingdom.
-Khaki Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Khaki
-Kill at least %d pinkies and come back.
-Killed mob bitmask: @@
-Killer state reset.
-Know that every flatterer,
-Known Recipes: @@
-Kralog Voice
-Voce Kralog
-Lachesis Brew
-Infuso di Lachesi
-Large Healing Potion
-Large Mana Potion
-Last seen:
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#0
-L'ultima volta che ti ho vista eri dispersa sulla tua zattera in mezzo all'oceano.
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#1
-L'ultima volta che ti ho visto eri disperso sulla tua zattera in mezzo all'oceano.
-Lazy Brother
-Leadership transferred.
-Lean for example?
-Ad esempio Lean?
-Learn Skill
-Learn all recipes
-Leather Gloves
-Leather Shield
-Scudo di Pelle
-Leather Trousers
-Leave it.
-Leave me alone.
-Leaves have stopped falling.
-Leaves started falling.
-Leaves |
-Left Crafty Wing
-Porta a sinistra
-Legion of Aemil
-Legion's Copper Armor
-Legion's Training Shirt
-Let me check in my inventory book...
-Fammi controllare il mio inventario...
-Let me check into it...
-Fammi controllare...
-Let me check my cookie list...
-Fammi controllare la mia lista dei biscotti...
-Let me explain to you what the Merchant Guild is for.
-Lascia che ti spieghi cosa sia la Gilda dei Mercanti.
-Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
-Lascia che mi presenti, sono Nard, capitano di questa nave.
-Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ @@s to reset your stats.
-Let me open it with my key.
-Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!
-Fammi vedere... Cosciotte croccanti, liquidi disgustosi... Benissimo possiamo iniziare!
-Let's begin
-Let's go to Artis.
-Andiamo ad Artis.
-Let's make a trade.
-Let's not keep her waiting.
-Non facciamola aspettare.
-Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and never drunk.
-Diciamo che la persona che mi ha riferito queste cose e' ben rispettata su questa nave e certamente non ubriaca.
-Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!
-Let's set sail then!
-Salpiamo allora!
-Let's trade.
-Lettuce Leaf
-Foglia di Lattuga
-Light Armor Shop
-Like I promised, here is your share.
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#0
-Come il resto dell'equipaggio, sei libera di venire e rimanere qui quando vuoi durante il tuo viaggio ad Artis
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#1
-Come il resto dell'equipaggio, sei libero di venire e rimanere qui quando vuoi durante il tuo viaggio ad Artis
-Like, a defensive mythril card can be used on any mythril equipment, and it will improve the defense by 5% of the latter.
-Lime Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Lime
-Line @@ has been removed.
-List of known cooking recipes:
-List of known master skills:
-List the commands
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#0
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#1
-Little Blub
-Blub Minore
-Little Green Slime
-Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
-Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.
-La vita a bordo e' un'esperienza unica, ma ogni tanto abbiamo bisogno di aria fresca.
-Lloyd gave package
-Lloyd gave pass
-Lloyd is searching something in his book.
-Lloyd sta cercando qualcosa nel suo libro.
-Lloyd still owes me, but beware of those money-grabbers, or they might sell your own teeth to you!
-Lloyd mi deve ancora un favore, ma attento a quei succhiasoldi, sarebbero capaci di venderti i denti che hai già in bocca!
-Lloyd the Banker
-LLoyd il Banchiere
-Log Head
-Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
-La logica è l'inizio della saggezza, non la fine.
-Login-server has been asked to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Login-server is offline. Impossible to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?
-Look for the hideout, but tell no one about this. Then, say the password again.
-Look how splendid this @@ is!
-Look how splendid this landscape is!
-Guarda che splendido panorama si vede da qui!
-Look who is back...
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#0
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#1
-Look, here he is!
-Guarda sta arrivando.
-Look, there he is!
-Guarda, e' qui!
-Look, we finally meet.
-Guarda, finalmente ci incontriamo.
-Looking over closely, you find a book that is upside down.
-Looks much better now, doesn't it?
-Lord Knight
-Lost the riddle
-Lousy Moccasins
-Mocassini Rovinati
-Lovely day, isn't it?
-Lower this skill
-Lozerk told me to talk to you and join the legion.
-Luck helps you do critical hits and dodge the ones dealt by enemies.
-La fortuna ti aiuta a mettere a segno colpi critici e ad evitare quelli inferti dal nemico.
-Luckily the beach is nearby, and somehow I made my way home.
-Luk: %d (%d~%d)
-M... Maybe?
-F... Forse?
-MOTD Config
-MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Made any progress yet?
-Maggot Slime
-Maggot soup
-Magic Arpan
-Magico Arpan
-Magic Arpan#sailors
-Magic Feather
-Magic was banned for lore reasons? Seriously, after the mana war, only small tricks are allowed.
-Make me proud, boy.#1
-Make me proud, girl.#0
-Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though!
-Tuttavia assicurati di mettere l'esca dopo aver cliccato!
-Make sure to tip her, it will brighten up her day.
-Makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Questo chiarisce tutto. Pensi dovremmo informare il capitano?
-Mana Bug
-Mana Ghost
-Mana Torch
-Manana Sandwich
-Manana Tree
-Manually trigger the current broadcast
-Many thanks. I can now do sandwiches again!
-Map not found.
-Map or anchor not found: %s
-Map: %s (Zone:%s) | Players: %d | NPCs: %d | Chats: %d | Vendings: %d
-Market Place
-Marriage failed.
-Master Book
-Master Fluffy was attracted by the odour,
-Master Piou sat on a tree,
-Mauve Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Malva
-Mauve Herb
-Mauve Plant
-Max HP: %d (%d~%d)
-Max SP: %d (%d~%d)
-Maxe and Sapartan for example?
-Maxe e Sapartan per esempio?
-May this be a lesson for you.
-Possa servirti da lezione.
-Maybe he over did it with the bottle today to celebrate that!
-Probabilmente per festeggiare ha abusato della sua bottiglia più del necessario!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? He could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#1
-Forse era fra i dispersi dello scorso mese? Gli yoiis di Esperia a cui la Gilda dei Guerrieri aveva affidato quella missione segreta!
-Maybe later.
-Maybe next time.
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month. She could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#0
-Forse era fra i dispersi dello scorso mese? Gli yoiis di Esperia a cui la Gilda dei Guerrieri aveva affidato quella missione segreta!
-Maybe you can catch some of them.
-Maybe you can come down to talk?
-Magari puoi venire giù a parlare?
-Maybe you can do his job?
-Maybe you can use it as a weapon.
-Maybe you could ask him what's wrong?
-Maybe you have more luck with something else?
-Maybe you meant:
-Maybe you should help someone else first, so that he sees your intentions are good.
-Maybe you should try this phrase?
-Maybe you too you could help me?
-Maybe you will find a piece of wood that is strong enough to become one of my forest bows.
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#0
-Forse... Ma preferisco avere gente ben addestrata attorno a me quando si tratta di combattere creature pericolose. Ti senti gia' abbastanza allenata al combattimento?
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#1
-Forse... Ma preferisco avere gente ben addestrata attorno a me quando si tratta di combattere creature pericolose. Ti senti gia' abbastanza allenato al combattimento?
-Me and the wife were at home all night.
-Me too.
-Meanwhile, the sun has dried the other pieces.
-Mechanic T
-Medium Healing Potion
-Medium Mana Potion
-Merchant Guild
-Gilda dei Mercanti
-Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment.
-Mercy has been granted.
-Mercy has been shown.
-Mh, I don't care for heroes.
-Mh, or perhaps honor is dead in you; for you to be so slow to comprehend the good that his exploits have wrought for us.
-Mikhail needs maggot slime
-Minstrel T
-Mint Cashmere Dye
-Tinta per Cashmere Color Menta
-Mob Search... %s %s
-Mob is doing its daily noise, nature is singing its sumptuous melody, none is alone.
-Modify another line
-Modify this line
-Modify, move, or remove a line
-Mommy doesn't want me to talk to strangers.
-Mommy sent me to find my brother Bobo.
-La mamma mi ha mandato a cercare mio fratello Bobo.
-Mona's dad
-Mona's dad is missing
-Mona's dad was rescued
-Mona's father is right behind you. You have five minutes to bring him out of sewers!
-Monster NoTeleport |
-Monster database has been reloaded.
-Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of.
-Moon needs @@
-Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@.
-I pìu comuni e diffusi nel regno dei pesci sono @@ e i pezzi di @@.
-Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them.
-Mostly manuals and tutorials but you won't find out until you open one!
-Move this line down
-Move this line up
-Mundane ran away, he did not trust the path you chose.
-Mundane ran straight home. He must be missing his daughter.
-Mushroom Spores
-Spore di Fungo
-My Mouboos, my beloved Mouboos!
-My beauty. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#0
-Bellezza, non sono sempre stato un marinaio, sai, un tempo ero una persona importante!
-My breath smells bad.
-My daughter is probably worried about me. Could you perhaps lead me out of here?
-My forestbows are not made of regular wood, you know.
-My friend. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-Amico, non sono sempre stato un marinaio, sai, un tempo ero una persona importante! 
-My friends are... Well, you know... The creators.
-I miei amici sono... beh, come dire... i creatori.
-My help, Mikhail, finally returned with the slimes I needed.
-My men have found all of the stolen items.
-My name is @@...
-Il mio nome è @@...
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. All I have to eat are these berries... berries... berries...
-Mi chiamo Alige, sono settimane che mi nascondo qua sotto. Tutto quello che ho da mangiare sono queste bacche. Bacche, bacche e ancora bacche.
-My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-Mi chiamo Astapolos. Q'Muller ed io abbiamo raggiunto Nard e il suo equipaggio qualche anno fa, quando la nave era ancora un piccolo mercantile.
-My name is General Store, they still call me this although I left the army a few years ago.
-My name is Jack Lumber, the enemy of all trees.
-My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.
-Mi chiamo Julia, sono stata io a prendermi cura di te, dopo che ti abbiamo trovato in mare.
-My name is Lloyd, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-Il mio nome è Lloyd, sono un agente della Gilda dei Mercanti di Artis.
-My name is Q'Onan, I'm a member of Nard's crew.
-My stats are too good, I won't need it.
-NOTICE: If you crash with mount your LUA is outdated.
-NPC %d: %s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC %d: %s::%s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC Buy:%dz, Sell:%dz | Weight: %.1f
-NPC Disabled.
-NPC Enabled.
-NPC is not in this map.
-NPC moved.
-NPC stylists will cut your hair!
-NPC variables may not be used with @set.
-NPC's or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help.
-Nah, I don't feel like chatting.
-Nah, maybe later.
-Name not found in list.
-Name: %s
-Name: %s (GM)
-Name: %s (GM:%d) | Location: %s %d %d
-Nard and his crew are taking us to the city of Artis.
-Nard e la sua ciurma ci stanno portando verso la città di Artis
-Nard asks to help crew
-Nard chiede di aiutare l'equipaggio
-Nard asks to solve conflict
-Nard chiede di risolvere il conflitto
-Nard looks surprised and stops you.
-Nard sembra sorpreso e ti interrompe.
-Navy Blue Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Colore Blue Navy
-Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger.
-Never (only on login)
-Never since that day have I strayed near them, and yet there you are, cutting them down one by one.
-Nevertheless, you can craft some cards that you can then attach to your equipment.
-Nevertheless, you can talk with another adventurer by pressing the [Enter] key and then type what you want to say!
-Comunque, puoi parlare con un altro avventuriero premendo il tasto [Invio] e scrivendo ciò che vuoi dire!
-New e-mail must be a real e-mail address.
-New e-mail must be different from the current e-mail address.
-New quest available: %s (level %d+)
-New warp NPC '%s' created.
-Next broadcast: (never)
-Next broadcast: @@
-Nice day to you.
-Night Mode Activated.
-Night Mode is activated
-Night mode is already enabled.
-NightmareDrop |
-Nine Castles
-Nineteen Castles
-No Exp Penalty: %s | No Zeny Penalty: %s
-No GM found.
-No Save (Return to last Save Point)
-No Save, Save Point: %s,%d,%d
-No Save, Save Point: %s,Random
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0
-No e *hic*... No, tu e tu e la tua... *burp* stupi*hic* gilda!
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1
-No e *hic*... No, tu e tu e la tua... *burp* stupi*hic* gilda!
-No cookie for you!
-Nessun biscotto per te!
-No item found in this player's %s.
-No item has been refined.
-No item need to be repaired.
-No longer spying on the %s guild.
-No longer spying on the %s party.
-No matter how many times I come here, I can't find the reason for the strange sounds...
-No matter the grammar
-No matter the spelling
-No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
-No more pain, thanks to you.
-No one who has met him would say such silly things.
-No player found in map '%s'.
-No player found.
-No problem, come back later if you changed your mind!
-Nessun problema, tornapiù tardi se cambi idea!
-No problem, do you have any other questions for me?
-Nessun problema, hai altre domande?
-No problem, see you next time.
-No thank you, I'm fine. I'll come back later.
-No grazie, sto bene. Tornerò più tardi.
-No thanks, not at the moment.
-No grazie, non al momento.
-No thanks.
-No you don't have to go. I need your help, so you have to stay.
-No! No, no, my precious plushrooms! Don’t take me to them, they wants my precious.
-No, I can't. I won't! All I wanted was to travel across the seas for fun, growl... sniff. And in this hole in the floor, as you can see, I have lots of fun.
-No non posso. Volevo solo viaggiare per mare in cerca di divertimento. Ed in questo buco nel pavimento, come puoi ben vedere, mi diverto un mondo.
-No, I don't, but I would like to know more about that.
-No, ma vorrei saperne di piu'.
-No, I feel fine.
-No, I haven't seen anything.
-No, I'm fine.
-No, I'm still looking.
-No, and I gotta go, see you.
-No, e devo andare, ci vediamo.
-No, none.
-No, nessuna.
-No, sorry.
-No, scusa.
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-No, sono troppo pericolosi per me!
-No. Sorry.
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#0
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#1
-NoAutoloot |
-NoBaseEXP |
-NoBranch |
-NoCalcRank |
-NoCommand |
-NoDrop |
-NoGuild |
-NoIcewall |
-NoJobEXP |
-NoMVPLoot |
-NoMemo |
-NoMobLoot |
-NoParty |
-NoReturn |
-NoSkill |
-NoTeleport |
-NoTrade |
-NoVending |
-NoViewID |
-NoWarp |
-NoWarpTo |
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians.
-Nessuno sapra' niente dell'esistenza dei Mercuriani.
-Nobody! *burp*
-Nessuno! *burp*
-Noh Mask
-None Taken
-None of my troupe have left the city since we got here.
-None of the raindrops touched her, as if they were afraid!
-None of them?
-Nessuno di loro?
-Nope, there are no secrets hidden within the ship's hull. Some sailors swear they have seen stowaways hidden somewhere. The bow or the stern? Just stories sailors love to tell...
-No non ci sono segreti tra le assi della nave. Qualche marinaio giura di aver visto qualcuno nascosto da qualche parte vicino la stiva. Solo storie che i marinai amano raccontare...
-Normal Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Normally, collaborative monsters behave like neutral monsters. Unless someone of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor.
-North East
-North West
-Not a hexadecimal digit:
-Not a string:
-Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running after a player and you stand in the way...
-Not content to stay buried in their burrows in the sand, Crocs can be quite a nuisance, infesting this whole island. Tender Feet and Newbies are advised: Avoid touching these crawling red devils. They have huge, deadly claws that can make mincemeat of you! You can recognize them easily by their crabby personalities. Be careful younglings.
-Non essendo soddisfatti nel rimanere sepolti nei loro rifugi otto la sabbia, i Crocs possono diventare una seccatura, poichè infestano l'intera isola. I pivelli e i novellini sono avvisati: evitatre di toccare questi rosi diavoli striscianti! Hanno enormi chele mortali che possono ridurvi in poltiglia! Li potete riconoscere facilmente dalla loro personalità scontrosa. Siate attenti giovanotti!
-Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!
-Non tutte le persone sono per bene. Gli imbroglioni si trovano ovunque, anche fra noi!
-Not in the mood to chat.
-Not my problem.#0
-Not my problem.#1
-Not now, thank you.
-Not now.
-Non ora.
-Not now. You see, I am also afraid of Slimes and Rattos!
-Not really. All I got was a headache...
-Not resync'ing to prevent flood.
-Not so good actually... I would feel better on Nard's ship.
-Non bene. Mi sentivo meglio sulla nave.
-Not so weird, perhaps, except that it was been bright and sunny just a second before!
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!#1
-Non per distruggere i tuoi sogni, ma... Julia è mia!
-Not yet, I'll be back.#0
-Not yet, I'll be back.#1
-Not yet, but I am working on it.
-Not yet.
-Not yet. I will be back soon.
-Non ancora, presto saro' di ritorno.
-Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. %s
-Nothing like a well-deserved %s after a long day of tending the crops!
-Nothing, just hanging around.
-Niente, sto solo guardando in giro.
-Nothing, sorry.
-Niente, scusa.
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#0
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#1
-Now go outside and talk to Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Adesso vai pure qua fuori e parla con Gugli, ti dira' cosa abbiamo bisogno.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what provisions we need.
-Now it is junk.
-Now let's see...
-Now listen to and ponder my words...
-Now move!
-Adesso muoviti!
-Now stand still... It should not take much time...
-Now that I think about it, I have another task for you. I asked Resa from the light armor shop to craft me some new clothes, she is a bit far from here, I can't go there because I need to watch the dock.
-Now that I think about it, they are the only shops that are independent in Artis...
-Ora che ci penso, sono i soli negozi indipendenti di Artis...
-Now that you bring up that topic, that reminds me of something...
-Ora che hai rispolverato l'argomento, mi viene in mente una cosa...
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1
-Now, leave me alone...
-Ora, lasciami in pace...
-Now, lets get back to business.
-Ora, torniamo agli affari.
-Now, move!
-Nowhere, I'm fine here.
-Da nessuna parte, sto bene qui.
-Number of skill points changed.
-Number of status points changed.
-OK, I'll ask him.
-OK, let's trade.
-OK, thanks.
-Of course there is a reward for your task.
-Ovviamente c'è una ricompensa per il tuo impegno.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#1
-Of course!
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-Certo! Dimmi che lingua parli e cambierò la lista.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list.
-Ma certo! Dimmi quale lingua parli e cambierò l'annotazione sulla lista passeggeri.
-Of course! What do you need?
-Of course, I'll go get them for you.
-Of course, as a fully-fledged crew member you can decide of the destination of La Johanne directly with Nard.
-Ovviamente, in qualità di membro effettivo dell'equipaggio puoi decidere la destinazione de La Joanne direttamente con Nard.
-Of course, so why do I still see open sea from the porthole?
-Of course, the Legion of Aemil can easily provide you with such training, even if you're not a member. Just great, isn't it?
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.
-Ma certo le trovi sul muro qua a fianco, vai a darci un'occhiata.
-Of course, they are on the left wall. Go have a look at them.
-Certamente, sono sul muro si sinistra, Vai a daargli un'occhiata.
-Of course, you can select a bed somewhere else after your reservation, but you won't get your HP recovery until you choose to get some rest in the inn.
-Of the two of them, who has 'good' on their side?
-Chi di loro due e' dalla parte del 'giusto'?
-Official crew member
-Membro ufficiale dell'equipaggio
-Oh I see... Sailors are not able to do their job anymore, is it like that?!
-Oh capisco... Quindi ora i marinai non sono piu' in grado di fare il proprio lavoro. E' cosi'?
-Oh alright, nevermind then.
-Oh, allora fa niente.
-Oh and guess what! I'm almost out of potions anyway.
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#0
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#1
-Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
-Ah bene, ti ha anche ridato i soldi?
-Oh hey *hicks*
-Oh hey!
-Oh look, there's a piou behind you!
-Oh guarda, c'e' un Piou dietro di te!
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#0
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other part of this island, I wonder what it could be...
-Oh no, ma ho notato una strana luce sull'altro lato dell'isola, chissà cos'è...
-Oh no, the piou escaped!
-Oh no, you still have @@ Fluffies to kill.
-Oh noes!
-Oh noes! You found my secret backdoor!
-Oh oh... I see, your party became so big that you want to create an even larger structure?
-Oh really? How could I forget something as important as that?!
-Oh davvero? Come ho potuto dimenticarmi una cosa così importante?
-Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then.
-Oh davvero? Allora mettero' piu' cibo nella prossima cassa.
-Oh right, I totally forgot about that, here you go.
-Oh sure I remember you.
-Oh thank you so much!
-Oh ti ringrazio così tanto!
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
-Oh bhè, ti abbiamo salvato mentre stavi yayaya naufragando in mare.
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
-Oh, bhè, ti abbiamo salvato mentre stavi yeye naufragando.
-Oh yes, I have one last errand for you, Q'Pid in the market sells potions.
-Oh yeye did, his store is just beside me!
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
-Oh yeyeye... Visto che non sono commestibili, forse puoi provare ad equipaggiarli?
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
-Oh yeyeye... Visto che non sono commestibili, forse puoi provare ad equipaggiarli?
-Oh! And in one of the rooms of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh, dimenticavo! In una delle stanze del secondo ponte Gado nasconde i suoi coltelli migliori, i piu' affilati... Non li usa certo per tagliare le carote...
-Oh! And our party chat was really entertaining, I do highly recommend you to share this fun as well.
-Oh! I like that sort of answer!
-Oh! Adoro questa risposta!
-Oh! You saved me, I was too afraid to unpack my stuff without this pass.
-Oh, I can't be sure...
-Oh, I hope you stayed and listened to his stories about his adventures.
-Oh, I see. That's right. Why should someone come here to see me, seriously?
-Ah capisco. Era ovvio. Perche' qualcuno dovrebbe venire quaggiu' a trovarmi?
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Oh, stavo per chiederti se ti andava di aiutare la ciurma nel cercar cibo ed esplorare l'isola qui fuori.
-Oh, a traveller. Welcome.
-Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.
-Oh, prima che mi dimentichi! Non dare il codice d'accesso della tua stanza a nessuno. Sono l'unica che qui possiede tutte le altre chiavi e non ti chiederò mai la tua. Quindi tienila al sicuro e cerca di non usarla per altre stanze.
-Oh, and I'll also need %s E for other materials.
-Oh, and Olga from the marketplace as well!
-Oh, e anche Olga, del mercato.
-Oh, and a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! But stay alert to pick up your drops.
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#0
-Oh e dalle qualche vestito pulito, povera ragazza, quelli che aveva indosso erano conciati peggio dei nostri!
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#1
-Oh e dagli qualche vestito, poveraccio, quelli che indossava erano addirittura in condizioni peggiori dei nostri!
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, one of the four main guilds of Gasaron. Does that help you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, e c'era una inscrizione sulla tua zattera. Rappresenta la Legione di Aemil, una delle quattro principali gilde di Gasaron. Ti aiuta a ricordare qualcosa?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, e c'era una inscrizione sulla tua zattera. Rappresenta la Legione di Aemil, una delle quattro principali gilde di Gasaron. Ti aiuta a ricordare qualcosa?
-Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing.
-Oh, e avrai bosogno anche di questo libro, ti aiuterà ad imparare le basi della pesca.
-Oh, but I'll still need the book. Even if all pages are white.
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#0
-Oh, ma immagino tu non sia qui per parlare di questo.
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#1
-Oh, ma immagino tu non sia qui per parlare di questo.
-Oh, he is not far away from here. Just take the road through the crocojungle north from here.
-Oh non e' molto lontano da qui. Prendi la strada a Nord attraverso la giungla di Crochi.
-Oh, he's still alive!#1
-Oh, è ancora vivo!
-Oh, hi, isn't it cool to live among all those Mouboos? I don't understand how some people can eat Mouboo steak.
-Oh, hi.
-Oh, it is simple. I have on this book the names of every citizen of Artis and its surroundings.
-Oh, è semplice, in questo libro sono registrati i nomi di tutti i cittadini di Artis edintorni.
-Oh, it's you.
-Ah, sei tu.
-Oh, it's you. I think it's better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something.
-Oh, sei tu. Penso sia meglio non ci parliamo per un po'. Sospettano qualcosa.
-Oh, nooooo... If I go home now, my mum will give me chores.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, ora che mi ricordo, abbiamo anche trovato dei soldi nelle tue tasche, eccoli!
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, ora che mi ricordo, abbiamo anche trovato dei soldi nelle tue tasche, eccoli!
-Oh, ok. Come back later if you need something.
-Oh, please hurry and bring me a %s.
-Oh, she's still alive!#0
-Oh, è ancora viva!
-Oh, that's really bad news.
-Oh, the little...
-Oh, too bad.
-Oh, wait a second...
-Oh, aspetta un secondo...
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#0
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#1
-Oh, you look more interested in magic.. the brotherhood did forbid most of the interesting paths of magic, but boring baby spells are still allowed.
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#0
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#1
-Oh... Awesome!
-Oh... Fantastico!
-Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
-Err... sì, o... bhè... buona giornata!
-Oh... Ok, I will be around here if you change your mind.
-Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best.
-Oh... Be' ho appena iniziato col commercio... Quindi la mia tecnica potrebbe non essere delle migliori.
-Oh... You should have started with this!
-Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes.
-Oh... Rattos come cibo. Suona... Ehm... Delizioso.
-Oh... um... actually... all I wanted was to get to Artis. Err... but I didn't, uhm... have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Ehm, realtà..., volevo solo raggiungere Artis. Ma... non ho abbastanza denaro per pagare il traghetto!
-Oh? And do you think you have what it takes to be a proud Legion Member?
-Ok I add your name... @@...
-Ok I stay here with my paperwork if you need my help.
-Ok io sono qui con le mie scartoffie se hai bisogno di aiuto.
-Ok fine, you have up to 3 tries, here is the riddle:
-Ok then.
-Ok we stay docked here if you need our help.
-Ok se avrai bidogno del nostro aiuto noi siamo ormeggiati qui.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.#1
-Oh, penso si stia svegliando. Vai a vedere.
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.#0
-Ok, penso si stia svegliando, vai a vedere.
-Ok, I will bring it to him.
-Ok, glielo porterò.
-Ok, I will leave him alone.
-Ok, lo lascio da solo.
-Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Ok, sii paziente ancora un po', nei prossimi giorni arriveremo al porto di Artis...
-Ok, done.
-Ok, let me see...
-Ok, see you then!
-Ok, ci vediamo allora!
-Ok, sorry. Back to our fluffies.
-Okay, I'll be here, if you change your mind.
-Okay, sono qui se cambi idea.
-Okay, but there won't be any explosions.
-Okay, you can start!
-Okay, puoi partire!
-Okay... Tell my sister I'll go home soon.
-Old Book
-Vecchio Libro
-Old Man
-Old Woman
-Old line:
-On March 213CCE, Chancellor Benjamin Frost, with support of the council, proclaimed the Republic of Ancea. This event would become known as the Blue Revolution.
-On a side note, more defense is always good, but the damage won't decrease on the same rate that defense raises.
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but you attack from a safer position. On the other hand, depending on the level of the weapon, melee ones potentially can yeild quicker kills.
-Da una parte le armi a distanza sono generalmente piu' deboli di quelle da corpo a corpo, ma puoi attaccare da una distanza di sicurezza. D'altro canto le armi corpo a corpo, a seconda del loro livello, possono portare a una vittoria più rapida.
-On the year 206CCE, after a long crisis of succession, a minor noble only known as Queen Platyna the Red came to inherit the Platinum Crown.
-Once the monster is dead, click on the dropped items to add them to your inventory. You can also use the 'Z' key to claim the drops.
-Una volta che il nemico muore, clicca col mouse sugli oggetti che ha lasciato cadere per aggiungerli al tuo inventario. Puoi anche usare il tasto 'Z' della tastiera per raccoglierli piu' velocemente.
-Once used, they will disappear from your inventory.
-One Castle
-One advice: Don't take the things those drinkers say too serious. They are sitting here and drinking all day.
-One last thing to keep in mind... If you are surrounded, you'll suffer an agility and defense penalty.
-One of its branches hit me!
-One of these little boogers started flying early, and escaped from me.
-Only Don and the Merchant Guild have that kind of material in stock. It's called black iron.
-Solo Don e la Gilda dei Mercanti hanno la disponibilità di quel tipo di materiale. Lo chiamano ferro nero.
-Only after you prove yourself, you may join our ranks as a proud member! Hahah!
-Only one more Fluffy to kill and it's done!
-Oooh, perfect! It's perfect!
-Oooh, these wounds! They hurt so much!
-Open your inventory window (###keyWindowInventory; key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button.
-Opened treasure chest
-Options changed.
-Or almost like me, at the very least.
-Or do you want to keep your friendships and adventures in different groups?
-Or you can take seat and ask Melinda if you need something.
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#0
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#1
-Orange Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Arancio
-Other Drop Rates: MvP %.2fx / Card-Based %.2fx / Treasure %.2fx
-Other Flags:
-Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea.
-Oltre a quello, non so bene cos'altro stia succedendo, chiedere direttamente al Capitano sarebbe una buona idea.
-Other things are written but are not legible anymore.
-Ci sono scritte altre cose ma oramai non sono piu' leggibili.
-Ouch... These boxes are so heavy!
-Ouch... Queste casse sono cosi' pesanti!
-Our building here is also the finest place in the town. Just go and see for yourself!
-Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family!
-La nostra ciurma è come una famiglia, se sei d'accordo ad aiutarci, mi piacerebbe invitarti nella nostra famiglia!
-Our main responsibility in the city is to protect the Merchant Guild.
-Our mommy doesn't allow us to go there, because it's dangerous. But he doesn't listen!
-La mamma non ci permette di andare lì, perché è pericoloso. Ma lui non ascolta!
-Our only wish to eat a plush, so juicy sweet...
-Out of creativity already? Don't worry, I don't judge! Hehe.
-Over lovers under a starry night
-Packet 0x%x length: %d
-Partner not ready.
-Party modification is disabled in this map.
-PartyLock |
-People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck.
-Perfect! I will wait for you here.
-Perhaps, and only perhaps, if you bring me the latter, I can bring you to a ship that will perhaps, and only perhaps, be able to bring you to Woodland.
-Pet hunger changed.
-Pet hunger is already at maximum.
-Pet intimacy changed.
-Pet intimacy is already at maximum.
-Peter needs help
-Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Pff... Nickel nurser!
-Piberries Infusion
-Infuso di Pibacche
-Pile Of Ash
-Pink Antennae
-Pink Blobime
-Blobime Rosa
-Pink Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Colore Rosa
-Pink Flower
-Pink Petal
-Pinkie Hat
-Piou Feathers
-Piume di Piou
-Piou Legs
-Cosce di Piou
-Piou Slayer
-Flagello dei Piou
-Piou and The Fluffy
-Piou egg
-Uova di Piou
-Piouleg Sandwich
-Pious must keep a strict diet composed of Piberries.
-Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d
-Player '%s' has now been banned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' has now been unbanned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' is already banned from this channel
-Player '%s' is not banned from this channel
-Player '%s' was not found
-Player database has been reloaded.
-Player has been nuked!
-Player is not muted.
-Player is using %s skill tree (%d basic points).
-Player requires level %d of skill %s.
-Player unjailed.
-Player unmuted.
-Player warped to jail.
-Please bring it to me!
-Please bring me @@s so I can pull out these spikes from my foot.
-Please choose the desired gender:
-Please come again with at least 10 INT and 20 DEX. Stat Bonuses aren't counted.
-Please come back anytime!
-Please come talk to me, I'll help you get dressed.
-Please continue talking to the villagers.
-Please do hurry and bring me %d %s, so I can finish my soup!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, or get my hair mussed!
-Per favore non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto. Non voglio essere decapitato o essere buttato in mare come cibo per squali o ritrovarmi coi capelli scompigliati!
-Please don't touch my stove without my authorization.
-Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only.
-Per favore non toccare i cappelli, sono solo per i membri dell'equipaggio.
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguise <name/ID>).
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguiseall <name/ID>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @enablenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @hidenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @npcoff <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @tonpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a clothes color (usage: @dye/@ccolor <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a guild name (usage: @guild <guild_name>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildrecall <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildspy <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a hair color (usage: @haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a hair style (usage: @hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a homunculus ID (usage: @makehomun <homunculus id>).
-Please enter a hunger value (usage: @homhungry <hunger value [0-100]>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @homlevel <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a map (usage: @warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @broadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @homtalk <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @kami <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @localbroadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @me <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @pettalk <message>).
-Please enter a mob name/ID and guild name/ID (usage: @disguiseguild <mob name/ID>, <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter a mob name/id (usage: @showmobs <mob name/id>)
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @mobsearch <monster name>).
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @summon <monster name> {duration}).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @whereis <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster/egg name/ID (usage: @makeegg <pet>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @skpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @stpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a party name (usage: @party <party_name>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyrecall <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyspy <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @block <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jail <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @kick <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @nuke <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @recall <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @trade <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unban <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unblock <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unjail/@discharge <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unmute <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @where <char name>).
-Please enter a position bitmask and an amount (usage: @refine <equip position> <+/- amount>).
-Please enter a quest skill ID.
-Please enter a script file name (usage: @loadnpc <file name>).
-Please enter a skill name to look up (usage: @skillid <skill name>).
-Please enter a sound filename (usage: @sound <filename>).
-Please enter a speed value (usage: @speed <%d-%d>).
-Please enter a status type/flag (usage: @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}).
-Please enter a time in minutes (usage: @mutearea/@stfu <time in minutes>).
-Please enter a valid amount.
-Please enter a valid level (usage: @guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels>).
-Please enter a valid number (usage: @pethungry <0-100>).
-Please enter a valid position (usage: @memo <memo_position:%d-%d>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @petfriendly <0-1000>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @str/@agi/@vit/@int/@dex/@luk <+/-adjustment>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
-Please enter an amount (usage: @spiritball <number: 0-%d>).
-Please enter an amount (usage: @zeny <amount>).
-Please enter an amount.
-Please enter an effect number (usage: @effect <effect number>).
-Please enter an intimacy value (usage: @homfriendly <intimacy value [0-1000]>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @itembound <item name/ID> <quantity> <bound_type>).
-Please enter an item name/ID (usage: @ii/@iteminfo <item name/ID>).
-Please enter an item name/ID, a quantity, and a player name (usage: #delitem <player> <item_name_or_ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter at least one item name/ID (usage: @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of very's>).
-Please enter at least one option.
-Please enter at least one valid list number (usage: @mapinfo <0-3> <map>).
-Please enter at least one value (usage: @model <hair ID: %d-%d> <hair color: %d-%d> <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter ban time and a player name (usage: @ban <time> <char name>).
-Please enter color and message (usage: @kamic <color> <message>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @sizeguild <size> <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @undisguiseguild <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter item name/ID (usage: @whodrops <item name/ID>).
-Please enter part of an item name (usage: @idsearch <part_of_item_name>).
-Please enter the combat zone on the left.
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalk <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalkc <color> <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the desired color
-Please enter the desired race
-Please enter the desired style
-Please enter the message:
-Please enter the new line.
-Please enter two e-mail addresses (usage: @email <current@email> <new@email>).
-Please find daddy...
-Please find my daddy...
-Please find the small chest, buried somewhere on Artis hill.
-Please go talk to the leader of the traveling troupe about the theater mask.
-Please go talk to their leader about this.
-Please guide me.
-Please return the mask to the traveling troupe.
-Please select a category:
-Please select a chapter:
-Per favore seleziona un capitolo:
-Please select a quest:
-Please select an option:
-Please select the interval:
-Please specify a display name or monster name/id.
-Please take this @@ for your help.
-Ti prego prendi questi @@ come ringraziamento per il tuo aiuto.
-Please try to figure out what went wrong with this order and bring me those potions.
-Please write the following sentence:
-Please, have a seat.
-Please, leave me alone. I have to pixel potions.
-Pleasure to meet you. I am @@.
-Plushroom Box
-Cassa di Plushroom
-Plushroom Field
-Plushroom Field
-Plushrooms you say?
-Poem about Poems
-Poema dei Poemi
-Poem is making the words dance
-Poison Skull
-Poisoned Dish
-Piatto Avvelenato
-Poisoned Julia
-Poor Chelios, I don't envy him...
-Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe 8:Body
-Potions? That sounds useful. What do you have?
-Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior.
-Press the '###keyTrade;' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations.
-Previous Inn reservation will be lost!
-Princess Slayer
-Flagello delle Principesse
-PrivateAirshipEndable |
-PrivateAirshipStartable |
-Protect me, please...
-Proteggimi, ti prego...
-Pumpkin Hat
-Testa di Zucca
-Pumpkin Juice
-Succo di Zucca
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Semi di Zucca
-Purple Blobime
-Blobime Viola
-Purple Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Colore Viola
-Put on your thinking cap and be propelled into high adventure!
-PvP Flags:
-PvP Off.
-PvP On.
-PvP is already Off.
-PvP is already On.
-Pvp ON |
-Q'Onan asks to find chest
-Quest complete
-Quest database has been reloaded.
-Quest debug
-Quest debug
-Quest state: @@
-Quest state: @@
-Quest state: @@, @@
-Raijin Voice
-Voce di Raijin
-Raise this skill
-Raises your Int by 50
-Raises your base level by 50
-Raises your job level by 50
-Ranger T
-Rate management
-Ratto Tail
-Coda di Ratto
-Ratto Teeth
-Denti di Ratto
-Raw Log
-Read it.
-Really? That's kind of you, I accept your help!
-Davvero? Sei molto gentile, accetto il tuo aiuto!
-Recipe Book
-Red Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Rosso
-Red Plush Wine
-Red Rose
-Red Tulip
-Reduces your Int by 50
-Reduces your base level by 50
-Reduces your job level by 50
-Refinery UI is not available
-Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork.
-La registrazione è aperta a tutti, ma i nuovi arrivati devono pagare una tassa per tutti i documenti.
-Related quests:
-Quest collegate:
-Remember that some equipment sets will give you hidden stat bonuses! So dress yourself in a fashion way, if possible!
-Remember to stay sharp. I might need your help on another case.
-Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own.
-Remember, you have to find my brother on the hill east of here.
-Ricorda, devi trovare mio fratello sulla collina ad est di qui.
-Remind me, what should I do?
-Ricordami, cosa dovrei fare?
-Remove this line
-Remove this skill
-Removed %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Removed %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Removed all bans from the '%s' channel
-Removed item type: '%s' from your autoloottype list.
-Removed item: '%s'/'%s' {%d} from your autolootitem list.
-Repeat how many times?
-Repeat: @@ times
-Report back to me once you've had enough!
-Requires logout
-Resa gave package
-Reset 'Feeling' maps.
-Reset Quest
-Reset all recipes
-Reset done!
-Reset stats, skills, level
-Reset subquests
-Reset |
-Return to Artis?
-Return to Debug menu
-Return to Super Menu
-Return to main menu
-Return to skill debug menu
-Returned piou to Salem
-Returned to normal state.
-Returned to real name.
-Returning to normal font.
-Right Crafty Wing
-Right over there.
-Right! Ours is an earthsea realm. You see, sailors are swift at their tasks when out of sight of land, but docked by this verdant jewel, they have it so good, they are just taking too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Ottima risposta! Il nostro è un regno terracqueo. Vedi, i marinai sono rapidissimi nei loro compiti quando la terra è fuori dalla vista, ma una volta approdati in questo paradiso terrestre, se la stanno passando così bene che ci stanno mettendo un'eternità a riportare il cibo raccolto sulla nave. Magari pui dar loro una mano.
-Roasted Maggot
-Robin Bandit
-Royal Guard
-Royal Guard T
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Ruby Shard
-Ruby Vein
-Rumly is hiding behind the tree.
-Rumly needs your help
-Rumly wants @@
-Rune Knight
-Rune Knight T
-Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
-Sagratha is great.
-Sagratha is great. Why does the strange woman near the Legion building always say that to daddy...?
-Said her friend had told her that I needed help.
-Sakura |
-Salem asks to catch piou
-Sapphire Shard
-Sapphire Vein
-Say her love to glamourous Gliktch?
-Scared me, those seven-branched little stumps did!
-Scary... I am afraid of all these Slimes, Rattos and Maggots... And worse, I am lost...
-Scheduled broadcasts
-Scheduled broadcasts - Create new
-Script could not be loaded.
-Script loaded.
-Scripts have been reloaded.
-Sea Drops
-Goccia d'Acqua marina
-Sea water?! I will not help you with your evil plan!
-Acqua marina?! Mi rifiuto di aiutarti nel tuo piano malvagio!
-Search results for '%s' (name: id):
-Searched the bookcase
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-La seconda, è scegliere saggiamente l'arma che piu' ti si addice. Alcuni preferiscono affrontare i nemici da vicino con un'ascia pesante, altri preferiscono attaccare da lontano con l'arco.
-See if someone else knows anything.
-See you aboard.
-Ci vediamo a bordo.
-See you later!
-Ci vediamo!
-See you next time!
-See you soon!
-See you!
-A presto!
-See you! And come back with the plushrooms!
-See you.
-Ci vediamo.
-Seeing her gaze, for a moment there I thought she would turn me into a pinkie, for sure...
-Seek a colorant for that material:
-Seems I've helped everyone here. I don't know what to do now!
-Sembra che abbia aiutato tutti quaggiu'. Ora pero' non so cosa fare!
-Seems yummy! Let me taste it!
-Sembra delizioso! Fammi assaggiare!
-Send 10 times
-Send 2 times
-Send 20 times
-Send 3 times
-Send 5 times
-Send indefinitely
-Send only once
-Send this message also on login?
-Sending request to login server...
-Sent on login: @@
-Sent on login: yes
-Sent packet 0x%x (%d)
-Sent to Q'Anon
-Sent to battle
-Sent to training
-Sent: @@ times out of @@
-Seriously? It's just a cookie you know... Tell me what I should do to get one.
-Davvero? È solo un biscotto, sai... Dimmi cosa dovrei fare per averne uno.
-Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds.
-Server is jammed due to overpopulation.
-Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X.
-Set a new broadcast
-Set battle_config as requested.
-Set state manually
-Set subquests as completed
-Set the level manually
-Seven Castles
-Seventeen Castles
-Shadow Chaser
-Shadow Chaser T
-Share your mind is your mission
-She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
-È una mia buona... amica... Volevamo sposarci poche settimane prima del suo incidente ma...
-She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.
-Lei e' l'infermiera e la custode di questa nave.
-She is very skilled when it comes to weaving an ordinary piece of cloth into a wonderful work of art!
-She is waiting for you on the dock.
-Ti sta aspettando sul molo.
-She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Lei dice che mi accettera' quando i Piou avranno i denti. Vedi? E' solo questione di tempo.
-She told me that you had some tasks for me.
-She wants? What if I don't want?
-She wasn't at home for two days now. I worry about her!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0
-Lei è di sopra, non puoi non vederla. E' l'unica donna della ciurma... oh bè.. a parteyeye te ora!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1
-Lei è di sopra, non puoyeyei non vederla. E' l'unica donna della ciurma.
-Shhht, don't say it that loud...
-Shhht, non dirlo ad alta voce...
-Shht shht!
-Shht shht!
-Shop is out of stock! Come again later!
-Short Bow
-Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail.
-Qualora dovessi essere eccessivamente rapido o qualora dovessi aspettare troppo, andresti incontro quasi sicuramente ad un fallimento.
-Silk Cocoon
-Silk Pants
-Silk Robe
-Silver Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Argento
-Silvio for example?
-Ad esempio Silvio?
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave, letting him have a private conversation.
-Silvio inizia a parlare con la sua bottiglia, preferisci abbandonare la conversazione.
-Simply contact them, by forum or wispers or irc. When you are helpful and kind, they respond in kind. And in time they may surely add you to my cookie list!
-Since Don settled in Artis he and his band refused to register to the Merchant Guild.
-Da quando Don si è stabilito ad Artis, lui e la sua banda si sono rifiutati di registrarsi alla Gilda dei Mercanti.
-Sincerely yours, Dan.
-Six Castles
-Sixteen Castles
-Size change applied.
-Skill Debug
-Skill Debug - Modify Skill
-Skill database has been reloaded.
-Skill delay failures are now shown.
-Skill delay failures will not be shown.
-Skills have been disabled in this map.
-Skills have been enabled in this map.
-Slave clone spawned.
-Slay some of them and bring me %d of their antennae.
-Sleep well my angel but don't follow along
-Small Healing Potion
-Small Mana Potion
-Small Tentacles
-Snow has stopped falling.
-Snow |
-So I go inside.
-So I rush out, my wife telling me to leave the witch alone, and I see her standing there in the middle of the rain...
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#0
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#1
-So be nice and help people along the way!
-So close!
-So finally someone has came to visit me?
-Finalmente qualcuno e' venuto a trovarmi?
-So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing.
-Così nella fretta ho dimenticato di prendere abbastanza esche!
-So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day!
-Cosi' sembra che abbiamo un altro stomaco da riempire. Questi bastardi non hanno rispetto per chi gli da' da mangiare ogni gorno.
-So my wife said that I should go and see the witch, just in case she knows something.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.#1
-Ecco perché abbiamo voluto avvertirti, magari viene da quella gilda, quel simbolo era sulla sua zattera.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.#0
-Ecco perchè volevamo avvertirti, magari viene da quella gilda, c'era quel simbolo sulla sua zattera.
-So the next day another witch shows up.
-So you beat the monster? Then why are you so scared?
-So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1
-So you're under the control of a dictatorship? That's... reassuring!
-So, I guess you aren't chopping down trees anymore?
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#0
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#1
-So, do you have anything for me today?
-Allora, hai qualcosa per me oggi?
-So, do you still want a cookie?
-So, everything went fine?
-So, finally, we are here.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now.
-Quindi, come ti senti? Vedo che Julia ha fatto un lavoro fantastico! Sembri quasi in buona salute.
-So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
-Allora, come va? Hai incontrato altri membri dell'equipaggio?
-So, search for answers.
-Perciò, cerca le risposte.
-So, what can I do for you?
-Quindi, cosa posso fare per te?
-So, what do you say?
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats in Artis?#0
-Quindi qual buon vento ti porta qui? Eri sulla zattera per incontrarmi? O perche' avevi sentito dei miei famosi banchetti ad Artis?
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitresses of Artis?#1
-Quindi, qual buon vento ti porta quaggiu'? Sei venuto con la zattera per incontrare la mia Julia? O perche' volevi conoscere le belle cameriere di Artis?
-So, what was I saying?
-Quindi, cosa stavo dicendo?
-So, where is my piou? You should not keep an old man waiting. Go and catch it like you said you would.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#0
-Quindi finalmente ti sei svegliata? Tutti pensavamo tu fossi in un qualcosa simile a un... Hai presente, un lungo coma.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#1
-Quindi finalmente ti sei svegliato? Tutti noi pensavamo tu fossi in un qualcosa simile a un... Hai presente, un lungo coma.
-So? You haven't exploded yet! Are you getting anything?
-Solved conflict
-Conflitto risolto
-Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box.
-Ci sono bandane e cappelli da marinaio qui.
-Some citizens are worried about the growing number of Fluffies on the hill of Artis.
-Some food.
-Un po' di cibo.
-Some of the crew are looking for goods we can trade with at our next destination.
-Alcuni membri dell'equipaggio stanno cercando merce da poter rivendere nella nostra prossima destinazione.
-Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop.
-Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that.
-Some people prefer to catch fish using magic, but calling that "fishing" would be an insult to this traditional sport.
-Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@.
-Alcuni, tuttavia, preferiscono pescare con esche meno ortodosse, come @@ oppure @@.
-Some special items cannot be traded, discarded, nor sold. With a right click, you can also protect normal items as if they were special ones.
-Some tasks will help you become aquainted with Artis. Trust me.
-Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit.
-Alcuni pesci gradiscono anche @@.
-Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning when you try to sell them.
-Somebody is probably training, better wait for him to finish.
-Somebody is waiting for you outside!
-Qualcuno lì fuori ti sta aspettando!
-Somebody took your place on this spot!
-Somebody tried to stroke the word "fish" and tried to replace it with "sharkes".
-Somehow you don't feel good about your deed.
-Someone in a theater mask, eh?
-Something else?
-Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit.
-Qualcosa in me non funziona, non posso sorridere nè sedermi.
-Sometimes a good merchant needs to reach out first. It's on the house, give Chelios my regards!
-Delle volte un buon mercante deve essere in grado di tendere la mano per primo. È nella casa, porta a Chelios i miei saluti!
-Sometimes, I wish someone would be sent here to help us.
-Qualche volta spero mandino qui qualcuno ad aiutarci.
-Sorcerer T
-Sorry I didn't mean to bother you.
-Sorry buddy, you can't pass by this way, we're moving some furniture.
-Sorry but I have no time for this.
-Scusa ma non ho tempo.
-Sorry i can't help you. Go away!
-Sorry to disturb you.
-Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Scusa! Ho dimenticato di presentarmi. Mi chiamo Arpan, ma marinai gli altri mi chiamano Magic Arpan perché conosco un paio di yay incantesimi.
-Sorry, I am not making these anymore.
-Sorry, I don't know any recipe with this.
-Sorry, I have to go.
-Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations.
-Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment.
-Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Scusa, ma non posso rivelarti nulla a tal proposito.
-Sorry, but you don't have what I need.
-Mi dispiace, ma non hai ciò di cui ho bisogno.
-Sorry, but you have no pet.
-Sorry, my eyesight is a bit poor nowadays. Where are the ingredients?
-Sorry, no.
-Sorry, this log was too weak for one of my forest bows.
-Sorry, we are sold out for today.
-Sorry, you look like a pinkie.
-Sorry. I can't make a sandwich with that.
-Sorry... here you are.
-Soul Linker
-Soul Menhir#hurnscald
-Sounds good!
-Sounds like a good deal to me. I'll do it.
-South East
-South West
-Southwest you say? OK, thank you.
-Specified group does not exist.
-Speed changed.
-Speed returned to normal.
-Spend it wisely this time.
-Spiky Mushroom
-Spying on the %s guild.
-Spying on the %s party.
-Squichy Claws
-Artigli di Squichy
-Star Gladiator
-Start broadcasting
-Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now
-Start over
-Stat changed.
-Stats: Str %d / Agi %d / Vit %d / Int %d / Dex %d / Luk %d
-Status database has been reloaded.
-Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Stay clear.
-Stay here, I will be back as soon as I have some.
-Steel Shield
-Stop broadcasting
-Stop disturbing me, I already re-read that part twice because of you!
-Stop heckling her, Silvio, or I'll tell her how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#0
-Lasciala stare Silvio, o le raccontero' come scoppi a piangere come un bambino durante i temporali.
-Stop heckling him, Silvio, or I'll tell him how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#1
-Lascialo stare Silvio, o gli raccontero' come scoppi a piangere come un bambino durante i temporali.
-Stop it!
-Stop wasting my time.
-Storage has been not loaded yet.
-Storage opened.
-Str: %d (%d~%d)
-Strange, it seems I became younger lately.
-Strangely enough, this lid can only be open from inside.
-Strength multiplies the damage of your hits, especially melee ones. You will also be able to carry heavier stuff.
-La forza moltiplica il danno che infliggono i tuoi colpi, specialmente quelli portati con armi corpo a corpo. Aiuta inoltre a portare un carico più pesante.
-Stupid yeye...
-Stupido yeye...
-Styling Shop
-Suddenly you remember the strange phrase Mona overheard Sophialla saying
-Super Baby
-Super Menu
-Super Novice
-Sura T
-Sure I did.
-Sure! [Don't tip]
-Sure! [Tip 10 Florin]
-Sure! [Tip 5 Florin]
-Sure, I'll go get one. Bye!
-Sure, any time!
-Sure, but what will I get in exchange?
-Certo, ma cosa ottengo in cambio?
-Sure, but what will you give me in exchange?
-D'accordo, ma cosa mi darai in cambio?
-Sure, cap'tain.
-Certo, capitano.
-Sure, here they are!
-Sure, here you go!
-Sure, here you go.
-Sure, why not?
-Certo, perche' no?
-Surely you do not appreciate what a hero he is!
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Certamente. Prendi questa cassa piena di @@.
-Surprise me!
-Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be
-Take a Bandana.
-Prendi una Bandana.
-Take a cup of tea until something happens here.
-Take an @@ and a @@, yeye obtains a @@.
-Take care!
-Take the east road that goes to the north and follow it until you are on top of the cliff.
-Prendi ad est la strada che si dirige a nord e seguila finché non arrivi in cima alla collina.
-Take the sword, and say hi to Enora for me!
-Prendi la spada e saluta Enora da parte mia!
-Take these coins in exchange and be careful.
-Prendi in cambio queste monete e stai attento.
-Take this money as a reward for your nice words.
-Prendi queste monete come ricompensa per le tue graziose parole.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. The open sea has been merciful with you once... Do not further tempt the fates!
-Prendi questo denaro per la ta saggia scelta, Ma non provarci di nuovo. L'oceano ti ha risparmiato già una volta... Non sfidare di nuovo il destino!
-Take your reward from the box next to my desk!
-Prendi la tua ricompensa dalla cassa accanto al mio tavolo!
-Talk to Hector and he'll show you the ropes.
-Talk to you later!
-Talk to you soon!
-Talk with Lloyd the Banker in the Merchant Guild, it's a big building in the northern side of Artis, at the top of the small hill.
-Parla con Lloyd il Banchiere nella Gilda dei Mercanti, è il grande edificio nella zona nord di Artis, in cima ad una collinetta.
-Talked to Inspector (1)
-Talked to Inspector (2)
-Talked to Inspector (3)
-Talked to Inspector (4)
-Talked to Inspector (5)
-Talked to Inspector (6)
-Talked to Janus
-Talked to Malek
-Talked to Old Man
-Talked to Old Woman (1)
-Talked to Old Woman (2)
-Talked to Old Woman (3)
-Talked to Old Woman (4)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (1)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (2)
-Talked to narrator
-Target character must be online and be a guild member.
-Target character must be online and in your current party.
-Task is done.
-Missione compiuta.
-Teal Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Color Foglia di Tè
-Teleport Flags:
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the requisitions.
-Tell me, where are we right now?
-Dimmi, dove siamo in questo momento?
-Ten Castles
-Test MOTD
-Thank you again for your help!
-Ancora grazie per il tuo aiuto!
-Thank you and be careful with that box. I have worked really hard to fill it!
-Grazie e presta attenzione a quella cassa. Ho lavorato per ore per riempirla!
-Thank you for finding the mask.
-Thank you for this commission, Chelios is as good as Don when it comes to forging metal.
-Thank you for this!
-Grazie per questo!
-Thank you for your help.
-Grazie per il prezioso aiuto.
-Thank you for your tricks. I am going to try them now!
-Grazie per i consigli. Li utilizzero' subito!
-Thank you my friend.#0
-Grazie amica mia.
-Thank you my friend.#1
-Grazie amico mio.
-Thank you so much!
-Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries.
-Grazie mille! Tieni, prendi alcune delle mie bacche.
-Thank you very much
-Thank you very much!
-Grazie tante!
-Thank you!
-Thank you, I'll take them and put them on.
-Grazie, li vado a prendere e me li metto addosso.
-Thank you, sir, for your kind words. I am feeling better now.
-Grazie per le gentili parole. Ora mi sento meglio.
-Thank you, sweetie! Want to hear a secret?
-Thank you.
-Thank you. I'll wait here.
-Thanks again for helping me with the pinkies!
-Thanks again for helping me!
-Thanks for finding daddy... I wish he spent more time with me...
-Thanks for helping my husband Hinnak.
-Thanks for the help!
-Grazie per l'aiuto!
-Thanks for the tip!
-Thanks for your help with the pinkies.
-Thanks, sir Q'Anon.
-Thanks, that was very kind of you!
-That better be a trophy on your head.
-That doesn't looks edible to me!
-That is a really fine piece of wood you brought me.
-That looks too exotic for me to eat!
-That makes everybody
-That part of the town is called the Gilded Hill, it's also where the Merchant Guild has its headquarters.
-Quella parte della città è chiamata la Collina Dorata, ed è esattamente dove la Gilda dei Mercanti ha il proprio quartier generale.
-That poor one is doing his best to fly... But his last meal and the gravity is not helping him so far!
-That will be @@ E to set your respawn point
-That will pay them a lesson.
-That would be great!
-That's a nice sword you have there.
-That's exactly what I needed!
-È proprio quello di cui avevo bisogno!
-That's good to hear!
-Questa e' un'ottima notizia!
-That's not the question
-That's perfect, yoiis.#0
-Perfetto, yoiss.
-That's perfect, yoiis.#1
-Perfetto, yoiss.
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#0
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#1
-That's right, we have our very own training room. The Legion is always well prepared!
-That's too bad... Although I think you're lying.
-Thats your problem, really.
-The @@ is a one time item, you can use it as many times as you want, but you can only have one!
-The Book of Laws
-Il Libro delle Leggi
-The Fluffy seized it and said:
-The Legion needs some potions.
-The Legion of Aemil is the greatest organization on all continent! A town cannot be safer than when it's under our protection.
-The Legion of Gasaron are a group of warriors who vowed to protect and serve their neighbours.
-The Legion of Gasaron is in charge of the security of the intramural part of our cities.
-The Legion?
-The Mana Tree was lost, the caves entrances destroyed, and the Wizard Order was split in two: One part was on Candor, and other at the Magic Tower.
-The Piou, embarrassed and confused,
-The Platinum Kingdom grew and prospered, and drew most of the human population to the safety of the walls of Keshlam, Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-The Raijin from the library flirted with me a while ago, so has Enora from the Legion.
-I Raijin della biblioteca hanno cercato di sedurmi tempo fa, come pure Enora della Legione.
-The Republic of Ancea ceased to exist officially in August 216CCE, when the cities of Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis installed their own independent governments.
-The Ukar Historical Association on Aemil
-The answer is a single word, without conjugation.
-The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account.
-La banca e il deposito degli oggetti è condiviso tra i personaggi dello stesso account.
-The best, the wonderful, the most choice cookie among all others, the...
-The book has been hollowed out.
-The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-Il capitano ha chiuso la porta a chiave, dovresti andare a trovarlo.
-The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-Il capitano ti sta aspettando! Sbrigati.
-The captain wants:
-Il capitano vuole:
-The collection of four books entitled “World Story For Dummies” is based on the uncessable work from the Ukar scholars, thanks to whom this wouldn't be possible.
-The control and administration of the cities passes hands sometimes. You may find the Mana Order or the Brotherhood in charge instead of us at some point!
-The council, however, neglected day-to-day administration duties, and focused their efforts in regaining control of the rest of Ancea.
-The detail and craftsmanship that went into this sword can only be accomplished by the most practiced of blacksmiths.
-The doctor examines you briefly.
-The door to the legion building is temporarily closed.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing. Thus much is lost to time, including the author's name.
-La fine della storia è cancellata, probabilmente a causa dell'acqua del mare. Qualche pagina e' mancante e quindi molte cose sono smarrite nel tempo, incluso il nome dell'autore.
-The farmer glares at your hat.
-The farmer lunges at you with a farming implement.
-The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time...
-La paura di vederla dormire in questo letto qui in silenzio sta diventando sempre più insopportabile. Penso che non avrò più il coraggio di vederla questa volta.
-The fee is of @@ E. So, do you want to register?
-La tassa è di @@E. Vuoi registrarti?
-The fields are crawling with maggots.
-The first human settlement to develop an advanced political structure and to become a city-state was Keshlam.
-The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land.
-The first thing you should do is to evaluate your enemy.
-La prima cosa che devi imparare e' valutare chi ti trovi davanti.
-The first village build was named Esperia. Aurora region was very fertile, and for this reason they moved towards countryside and built farms.
-The fog has gone.
-The further you go, the more experience you will get, so here's a small description of all the stats you can upgrade with time. But note that these will probably change in the future and have more complex effects.
-Più andrai avanti, più accumulerai esperienza, quindi ecco una sommaria descrizione delle caratteristiche che potrai migliorare nel tempo. Nota tuttavia che probabilmente esse varieranno in futuro e avranno effetti più complessi.
-The giant boogeyman!
-L'uomo nero!
-The girl looks desperate.
-The group found the support of Tulimshar's merchant lords and was given ships to sail east.
-Il gruppo trovò il supporto dei più ricchi ed influenti mercanti di Tulimshar ed ottenne delle navi per salpare verso est.
-The guild is in charge of the commerce regularization throughout Artis and its surroundings.
-La Gilda si occupa di regolamentare i commerci che si svolgono ad Artis e dintorni.
-The hill is located on the north-east of Artis.
-The holy messenger has given judgement.
-The inspector sent me here to investigate.
-The item (%d: '%s') is not equippable.
-The item is not equippable.
-The leader of the troupe said you hung around them a lot while they were in town.
-The lid is sealed shut, and you are too weak to open it.
-The light armor shop is ran by Resa, she is part of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-The little piou is flying nearby, all you need is to catch it and bring back to me.
-The log breaks with a loud crack.
-The mapserver has spy command support disabled.
-The market is located in the south-east of Artis, it is known as Merchant Guild's exhibit.
-The master bowyer in this village used to construct exceptional bows. When you want one you should go and ask him.
-The message cannot be empty
-The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have.
-Il miracolo è questo: più condividiamo, più abbiamo.
-The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist.
-The music of the trees floats through the breeze
-The name of the book is "%s".
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again.
-L'appena fondata Flotta di Ancea viaggiò così lontano che non se ne ebbe più notizia.
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again. They found a continent, present on legends of explorers who never came back.
-The next and final battle happened at Candor. Wizards attacks from both sides near the Mana Tree provoked a Mana Storm. A Great Quake shook the earth of Ancea and the land began to split. Geography changed, and Keshlan vanished from the map.
-The next page begins to list the complex trading laws of the City of Esperia
-The night the troupe left, I saw someone with a theater mask take a large satchel out of town.
-The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
-Il vecchio libro sembra contenere vecchie legende di Aemil. Vorresti leggerle?
-The old man seemed to be senile.
-The other part of this sign has been crushed by a rock.
-The piou costs @@ E.
-The player '%.*s' doesn't exist.
-The player cannot use that skill.
-The player meets all the requirements for that skill.
-The problem is that I am short of material.
-The rank of lieutenant is granted only to people with proper control of their skill and good judgment, like Enora. Or me, of course.
-The recipes, of course, you must collect yourself. Even sandwiches are not so simple as to simply put ingredients and hope for the best.
-The resulting shield looks usable already, but Jack applies another liquid to it and leaves it to dry for a few moments.
-The room is to the east, on your right side. Just go through the door before the stairs and then turn right. It's like the mirror image of our training room.
-The sailor chugs his beer.
-Il marinaio beve in un sol sorso la sua birra.
-The sailor turns his back to you.
-Il marinaio si volta dandoti le spalle.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship.
-I marinai ti portano a bordo della nave.
-The ship, La Johanne, has left Drasil Island, finally.
-La nave, La Johanne, è finalmente salpata da Drasil Island.
-The stowaway doesn't answer.
-Il clandestino non risponde.
-The taste of maggots in soup is... unforgettable.
-The travel was fine for you? It was terrible for me, I was sea-sick.
-The tree was entitled The Mana Tree, and the Wizard Order took control over Candor Island. They learnt to control the mana flow, and limited its use, claiming Magic to be too dangerous for public use.
-The two cannot wed because one is either a baby or already married.
-The usurper has been punished! This is a great day! Take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!
-L'usurpatrice e' stata punita! Questo e' un gran giorno, prendi questa ricompensa come prezzo per la tua lealta' al vecchio comandante!
-The whole tree CAME TO LIFE! It was mad!
-The zone is already set to '%s'.
-The “Ancean Era” is a term used to defined the time period between the beginning of recorded history and the events at the Mana Tree, and thanks to Ukar scholars, this is widely accepted as year 1 on all Gasaron.
-Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive.
-I loro comandanti infine vennero alla conclusione che un'alleanza era l'unica via affinche' i popoli sopravvivessero.
-Their price is usually high, but you know what? I have a bargain offer for you.
-Then I can give you some tips about fighting.
-Allora posso darti qualche consiglio utile sul combattimento.
-Then I would ask you to leave.
-Then concentrate your anger upon the trees hereabouts, you will gain experience whilst leveling your sword skill on them.
-Then go north and investigate!
-Then it seems I have to apologize.
-Allora sembra che ti debba delle scuse.
-Then leave me alone.
-Allora lasciami solo.
-Then please stop wasting my precious time.
-Then she yells out some gobbledygook word, and out of the ground there comes a swarm of maggots, crawling and digging and climbing over each other's backs...
-Then you should better see the doctor.
-There are 6 sailors who will need your help. They are all around the island.
-Ci sono sei marinai che avranno bisogno del tuo aiuto. Sono in giro per l'isola.
-There are a lot of things you must be wondering about.
-Ci devono essere un mucchio di cose che ti stai chiedendo.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Ci sono diversi gruppi di @@ nell'isola. Scegline uno e provaci.
-There are many key combinations, press F1 to see a short list of them!
-There are no items to appraise.
-There are no tasks for you right now.
-Non ci sono compiti per te al momento.
-There are people in the world who need help!
-There are people who really need our help.
-There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us.
-Girano voci su di loro, di cose mostruse fatte in passato e di tante altre che ci nascondono.
-There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Ci sono alcuni animaletti piumeggianti tutt'attorno. Si chiamano Piou. Se riesci ad avere una loro coscetta arrostita sarebbe perfetto.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Ci sono diversi gruppi di @@ nell'isola. Scegline uno e provaci.
-There are some knives on the table. Would you like to take one?
-Ci sono dei coltelli sul tavolo. Ne vuoi prendere uno?
-There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats.
-There are still some monsters left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-There are three kind of monsters which frequently or seldomly attacks our fair vessel.
-There are three types of items.
-There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative.
-There are two different kinds of cards, the first changes the style of your clothes, the second changes their stats.
-There are two kinds of dialogue, the ones with regular citizens, and the ones with other adventurers.
-Ci sono due tipi di dialogo, quello con i cittadini regolari e quello con gli altri avventurieri.
-There are two shops inside, they are independent from the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-All'interno ci sono due negozio che sono indipendenti dalla Gilda dei Mercanti di Artis.
-There is a paper with some rules written on it.
-C'è un foglio di carta con scritta qualche regola.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or helping Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-There is an unknown side effect to these plushrooms, they can free you from your past mistakes.
-There is no day/night, weather, or season cycle in TMW yet.
-There is no help for %c%s.
-There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent.
-There was a traveling theater troupe in town recently, but they've moved on to Tulimshar.
-There you go, like new.
-There you go. Please enjoy yourself! ^.^
-There's also a job level, which produces green sparkles when you level it.
-There's also weather, meaning it can rain, snow, or even happen a sandstorm. They are usually cosmetic, but...
-There's been no change in the setting.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.#0
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.#1
-There, they gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find a new land on which to live.
-Lì, raccolsero mercanti e guerrieri che si unirono al loro viaggio alla ricerca di una nuova terra sulla quale vivere.
-These @#$% beasts are jumping around in my fields destroying all my harvest.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship.
-Queste casse sono troppo pesanti per essere trasportate a bordo da una sola persona.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@s, but they are so hard to hit...
-These funny fungi are mushrooming all around this island. Just pick some @@s and have a try.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I can't feel my arms anymore!
-These little pious here can't fly. At least that's what I thought.
-These purple mushrooms are called @@s. There are plenty of 'em on this island!
-These twigleafs are the trees that give me the living wood you speak of.
-Quei ramifoglia sono gli alberi che mi forniscono il legno vivente di cui parli.
-These yeye boxes are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship.
-Queste casse yeye essere troppo pesanti per essere trasportate da una sola persona.
-They are all around the island.
-Sono in giro per l'isola.
-They are each valued individuals and I need them both. In the past, I probably made my share of mistakes. I regret good management is so difficult. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-They are fresh!
-They are fresh, they are good!
-They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula.
-They are made of special living wood.
-They are married... wish them well.
-They are so tasty when cooked with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-Sono deliziosi se preparati insieme a qualche @@. Non farne cadere neanche uno!
-They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features.
-They eventually found a new land after much hardship and named it Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-Infine, dopo infinite avversità, trovarono una nuova terra e, incantati dal sorgere del sole, la chiamarono Aurora.
-They gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find new lands to live in. Tulimshar's merchant lords gave them ships to sail east.
-They named this continent as Aemil, in honour of one of such explorers. The area they docked in was called Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They sailed from Hurnscald to Tulimshar and then Nivalis, the last permanent settlements of humans.
-Partirono da Hurnscald alla volta di Tulimshar e quindi arrivarono a Nivalis, l'ultimo insediamento stabile degli umani.
-They sailed past the Clear Sea and towards the Long Ocean which nobody had explored before.
-Navigarono oltre il Mare Limpido ed attraverso l'Oceano Infinito, fino a quel momento ancora inesplorati.
-They shouldn't be too far from each other.
-Non dovrebbero essere troppo distanti l'uno dall'altro,
-They taste simply divine!
-They were all in the mining camp.
-They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first.
-They're perfect, just perfect!
-They've been destroying my fields, and I guess I got a bit worked up.
-Thief Slime
-Think on Season Quests as a yearly quest which you have three months to do.
-Thirteen Castles
-Thirty Castles
-Thirty-One Castles
-Thirty-Three Castles
-Thirty-Two Castles
-This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world.
-This NPC doesn't exist.
-This action can't be performed at the moment. Please try again later.
-This action was met with widespread opposition from all races, and a war broke. The tritans led the offensive, in attempts to keep the tree untouched and mana available for all.
-This book contains everything you should know about it, take it!
-This book contains the knowledge collected by ukars about how the world works.
-This book outlines the laws of every city and holding in Gasaron.
-This bound item cannot be stored there.
-This bound item cannot be traded to that character.
-This character has been banned until
-This door is locked.
-This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest.
-This fishing spot is already being used!
-This floor is reserved for quiet reading, don't speak too loud.
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?#0
-La ragazza è stata fortunata, l'abbiamo trovata prima che lo facessero gli squali. Non ho idea da dove venga. A proposito, hai notato lo stemma sulla zattera?
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0
-Questa ragazza ha bisogno di aiuto, dobbiamo andarla a recuperare!#0
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?#1
-Il ragazzo e' stato fortunato, l'abbiamo trovato prima che lo facessero gli squali. Non ho idea da dove provenga. A proposito hai notato lo stemma sulla sua zattera?
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
-Questo ragazzo ha bisogno di aiuto, dobbiamo andarlo a recuperare!#1
-This is Drasil Island, I named it after an ancient mythical tree.
-This is a harsh word to use, you are never alone in the beautiful place of Artis.
-This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt."
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Questo e' un @@, un frutto di mare azzurro. Sono ricercatissimi in tutto l'arcipelago.
-This is for my own use.
-Questo è per il mio uso privato.
-This is how good we Legion Members are. I was informed of your arrival way before you left Drasil Island.
-This is how you do it! HAAH!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will use your soft moist parts in the concoction of my next cookie batch.
-This is where the bravest of warriors come together to put their skills to a good use, for a good cause.
-This is your first time asking for something, you won't pay this time, take it as a sign of good faith!
-Data che è la prima volta che chiedi qualcosa, per stavolta non pagherai. Consideralo un segno di fiducia!
-This item cannot be dropped.
-This item cannot be stored.
-This item cannot be traded.
-This item cannot be used as bait here.
-This item cannot be used within this area.
-This job has no alternate body styles.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on her.#0
-Questo tipo di linguaggio andrebbe punito, ma sono d'accordo. Non piacciono nemmeno a me, tieni gli occhi aperti.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on him.#1
-Questo tipo di linguaggio andrebbe punito, ma sono d'accordo. Non piacciono nemmeno a me, tieni gli occhi aperti.
-This led Keshlam into rapid decline and its citizen began to emigrate to the other Cities. By the end of the Ancean Era, Keshlam City was a quarter of the original size.
-This menu allows you to change your skills.
-This menu allows you to customize your appearance.
-This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools.
-This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in.
-This menu allows you to modify your account data.
-This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval.
-This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges.
-This menu gives access to all quest debug menus.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quest subquests.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests.
-This monster does not spawn normally.
-This monster has no MVP prizes.
-This monster has no drops.
-This needn't be high quality wood; pretty much any log you can find should work.
-This note was left by somebody.
-This one is useless! Give me another @@.
-This panel looks in rather good shape, as though some people take care of it regularly. Maybe it has important information.
-Questo cartello sembra in buone condizioni, come se qualcuno se ne prendesse cura regolarmente. Probabilmente riporta delle informazioni importanti.
-This place is surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums...
-This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and tried to trade %d of them.
-This player has been banned for %d minute(s).
-This player has been definitively blocked.
-This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled).
-This player is not in jail.
-This player is now
-This skill cannot be used within this area.
-This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill.
-This skill number doesn't exist.
-This waitress *hicks* is great, she never stops to bring beer *hicks.
-This will remain your respawn point until set elsewhere.
-Those for consumption, equipment and generics.
-Three Castles
-Three cities developed on the eastern side of Ancea: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-Tibbo went to the south-east of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Tibbo e' andato a Sud-Est dell'isola, altri verso Nord. Credo che Gulukan invece non sia molto lontano da qui.
-Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000
-To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +<item name or ID>". To remove an item, use "@alootid -<item name or ID>".
-To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!
-To be honest, no, never.
-To change your base level, use this command:
-To change your job level, use this command:
-To change your stats, use these commands:
-To de-trust a player:
-To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A.
-To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold.
-To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the '###keyWindowChat;' key.
-To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone.
-To focus on a creature, press the '###keyTargetMonster;' key. To focus on another citizen, press the '###keyTargetPlayer;' key. To attack the focused target press the '###keyAttack;' key or click the primary button on the creature.
-To focus on an NPC, press the '###keyTargetNPC;' key. To talk to him press the '###keyTalk;' key.
-To get a quote:
-To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait.
-Per iniziare a pescare, avrai bisogno di due cose: una canna da pesca e un'esca.
-To get the current rate:
-To grab a quote:
-To ignore a player:
-To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function.
-Per scambiare tra personaggi di account diversi devi usare la funzione Commercia.
-To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
-Per aprire l'Inventario, premi il tasto F3 oppure selezionalo dal menu' principale.
-To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying.
-To remove a quote:
-To reset back to normal:
-To set the exp rate:
-To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen.
-To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '%s' and press '###keyChat;'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it.
-To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option.
-To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges.
-Per catturare un pesce, non appena l'amo si immergerà, dovrai tirarlo su cliccandoci.
-To thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
-Come ringraziamento, accetta la mia vecchia canna da pesca.
-To trust a player:
-To unignore a player:
-Toggle Croc Bounty
-Toggle Ratto Bounty
-Toggle Tortuga Bounty
-Told bobo to go home
-Too bad, try again.
-Too bad.
-Too bad. I'm not hungry enough for these cookies of yours. Maybe I'll come back later.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some nice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Peccato... Torna quando avrai del buon cibo per me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Too lazy.
-Too risky, I might end up in jail. Do it yourself.
-Top Hat
-Topaz Shard
-Topaz Vein
-Toppy Blub
-Tortuga Shell
-Guscio di Tortuga
-Tortuga Shell Fragment
-Frammento di guscio di Tortuga
-Tortuga Tongue
-Lingua di Tortuga
-Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it.
-Lancia l'amo nell'acqua profonda cliccando nel punto in cui vuoi che arrivi.
-Total Domination
-Town Map
-Training Arrow
-Freccia da Addestramento
-Training Wand
-Transforming into monster is not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Travel to woodlands?
-Treasure Chest
-Tree Control Panel
-Tritan Voice
-Voce di Tritan
-Troupe Leader
-True be or not true be
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?#1
-Vero ma al momento mi sembra si sia rimesso in salute! Non e' cosi'?
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?#0
-Vero ma al momento mi sembra si sia rimessa in salute! Non e' cosi'?
-Try doing that now!
-Try talking to everyone again.
-Twelve Castles
-Twenty Castles
-Twenty-Eight Castles
-Twenty-Five Castles
-Twenty-Four Castles
-Twenty-Nine Castles
-Twenty-One Castles
-Twenty-Seven Castles
-Twenty-Six Castles
-Twenty-Three Castles
-Twenty-Two Castles
-Two Castles
-Type "@mapflag available" to list the available mapflags.
-Type List: (default) all = -1, healing = 0, usable = 2, etc = 3, weapon = 4, armor = 5, card = 6, petegg = 7, petarmor = 8, ammo = 10, delayed-consumable = 11, cash = 18
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys, and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-Uh? Hi! I'm sorry, but I have no time for chatting.
-Uh? Ciao! Scusa ma ora non ho tempo per chiacchierare.
-Uhm, bye.
-Mmmh, ciao.
-Uhm... Your story seems...
-Unable to Teleport in this area
-Unable to decrease the number/value.
-Unable to spawn clone.
-Unable to spawn evil clone.
-Unable to spawn slave clone.
-Unable to win, the tritans attacked Hurnscald. While human troops moved in attempts to avoid its fall, the Kralog and Ukar joined the tritans and they took the city.
-Understood, I will help you.
-Capito, ti aiuterò.
-Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard.
-Purtroppo, abbiamo ancora bisogno del tuo aiuto. Questa volta e' un compito interno alla nave, un compito delicato.
-Unknown Cart (usage: %s <0-%d>).
-Unknown Channel '%s' (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Channel (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Job
-Unknown battle_config flag.
-Unknown color '%s'
-Unknown map '%s'.
-Unknown packet: 0x%x
-Unknown type of value in:
-Unless you are interested in a status reset?
-Unlike other respawn points, an inn can fully restore your HP.
-Urchin Meat
-Polpa di Riccio di Mare
-Usage: "@mapflag monster_noteleport 1" (0=Off | 1=On)
-Usage: %s <permission_name>
-Usage: @accinfo/@accountinfo <account_id/char name>
-Usage: @addwarp <mapname> <X> <Y> <npc name>
-Usage: @adjgroup <group_id>
-Usage: @changegm <guild_member_name>
-Usage: @changeleader <party_member_name>
-Usage: @changelook {<position>} <view id>
-Usage: @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}
-Usage: @dropall {<type>}
-Usage: @jailfor <time> <character name>
-Usage: @marry <char name>
-Usage: @mute <time> <char name>
-Usage: @noks <self|party|guild>
-Usage: @npcmove <X> <Y> <npc_name>
-Usage: @partyoption <pickup share: yes/no> <item distribution: yes/no>
-Usage: @request <petition/message to online GMs>.
-Usage: @set <variable name> <value>
-Usage: @setbattleflag <flag> <value>
-Usage: @setzone <zone name>
-Usage: @skilltree <skill ID> <target>
-Usage: @unloadnpcfile <file name>
-Usage: @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVar 50"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$ Super Duper String"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$" outputs its value, Super Duper String.
-Use 0 or no parameter to return to normal font.
-Use @font <1-9> to change your message font.
-Use arrow keys to walk around and leave this room.
-Use the key.
-Usa la chiave.
-Used %d Kafra points and %d cash points. %d Kafra and %d cash points remaining.
-User '%s' already possesses the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' doesn't possess the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' permissions updated successfully. The changes are temporary.
-Usually I don't allow anyone to touch my boxes but...
-Generalmente non permetto a nessuno di toccare le mie casse ma...
-Usually, they'll have an exclamation mark over their heads. But some quests are hidden, so talk to people and have fun!
-V-neck Jumper
-Very good.
-Very nice, indeed!
-Sì, davvero bello!
-Visited Artis at least once
-Vit: %d (%d~%d)
-Vitality raises your maximum health points and defense.
-La vitalità aumenta i tuoi punti salute e la difesa.
-Wait a minute, where's the cookie I gave you?
-Wait for the bait to sink underwater.
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1
-Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!
-Aspetta. Sembra che qualcuno stia bloccando la porta dall'altra parte!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish with you?!
-Wait, you never came here before?
-Wait... That's not a proper place for a chef, what are you doing there?
-Wait... Where are we going?
-Aspetta... Dove siamo diretti?
-Wait... You are that @@ from earlier, aren't you?
-Waiting for @@...
-Walk up the stairs, go through the door on either side, and the only other door in the room, few steps to the south, will lead you right to him.
-Walking around a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one, I bet. Impale one of them for me please.
-Gironzolando un po', sarà facile per te catturarne uno, ci scommetto. Infilzane uno per me per piacere.
-Walking barefoot, feeling the hot sand with my feet, daydreaming... I like such things, you know.
-Wanderer T
-Want me to help you?
-War of Emperium SE has been ended.
-War of Emperium SE has been initiated.
-War of Emperium SE is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium SE is currently not in progress.
-War of Emperium has been ended.
-War of Emperium has been initiated.
-War of Emperium is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium is currently not in progress.
-Warlock T
-Warlord Helmet
-Warlord Plate
-Warning! Dangerous fish, do not fall into the lake!
-Warping to save point.
-Was your husband with you at home all night the last night that the troupe was in town?
-Watch out for these flowers. They don't like to be messed with.
-Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise!
-Acqua, sale, spezie e carne ripiena della mia sorpresa speciale!
-We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members.
-Offriamo anche dei servizi bancari e di magazzino per i membri.
-We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there!
-Siamo a mezza giornata dalla nostra destinazione finale; per quando ti sveglierai sono sicuro che saremo lì!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join the crew!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#0
-Siamo felici Nard ti abbia lasciato venire quaggiu' da noi!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#1
-Siamo felici Nard ti abbia lasciato venire quaggiu' da noi!
-We are very lucky, my friend.#0
-We are very lucky, my friend.#1
-We arrived in Artis today.
-We arrived this morning at the port of Artis, I already warned the Legion of Aemil concerning your issue.
-Siamo arrivati stamattina nel porto di Artis, ho già avvisato la Legione di Aemil della tua situazione.
-We don't need it anymore.
-We follow north hemisphere seasons in case you're wondering.
-We have a special room for this purpose, too. You may test your skills against all kinds of dreadful monsters in there.
-We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Artis.
-Abbiamo fatto scalo in un'isoletta prima di approdare al porto di Artis.
-We haven't met, right?
-We hold various training sessions, and also have a task board with a heap of things to do for the city and its surroundings.
-We just returned from a long journey and Artis is a good city to rest and to conclude our exchange.
-We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food.
-Ci servono più mani possibile per esplorare l'isola, e trovare del cibo.
-We need manpower on the island.#1
-Abbiamo bisogno di forza lavoro sull'isola.
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.#0
-Abbiamo bisogno di forzalavoro sull'isola... Anche le donne sono ovviamente benvenute.
-We need to get out of here soon. I'm scared of the Slimes!
-We offer a room for travelers passing by Artis, our beds are comfy and you can be guaranteed to be right as rain after a night here!
-We offer party and guild certifications and we can also teach you how to use some basic communication skills.
-We refuse service to anyone who:
-We sell a brimmed hat, you can craft a feather card and attach it to this hat to obtain an enhanced version of it!
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Legion of Aemil about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Dovremmo essere lì in qualche giorno, avviserò la Legione di Aemil su ciò che è successo, sono sicuro che potrà essere d'aiuto.
-We still don't know who did it.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-Abbiamo pensato che tu avresti potuto aiutarci a capire, tutto ciò che sappiamo è che ti abbiamo trovato disperso in mare, alla deriva nella tua zattera.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#0
-Abbiamo pensato che tu avresti potuto aiutarci a capire, tutto ciò che sappiamo è che ti abbiamo trovata disperso in mare, alla deriva nella tua zattera.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#1
-Abbiamo pensato che tu avresti potuto aiutarci a capire, tutto ciò che sappiamo è che ti abbiamo trovato disperso in mare, alla deriva nella tua zattera.
-We thought we heard someone go down to the basement, but we checked the whole place over and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#0
-Abbiamo provato a ripulirli ma l'acqua marina li ha rovinati irreparabilmente. Ecco perche' ti abbiamo rifornito di nuovi vestiti puliti. Non sono certo eleganti, ma e' tutto quello che abbiamo da darti.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1
-Abbiamo provato a ripulirli ma l'acqua marina li ha praticamente distrutti. Ecco perchè ti abbiamo fornito dei nuovi vestiti. Non sono particolarmente accattivanti, ma e' tutto quello che ti possiamo dare.
-We usually dock around these small isles because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-Generalmente facciamo scalo su queste isolette perchè ci offrono alcuni dei migliori cibi di tutto l'arcipelago.
-We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the captain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map!
-Generalmente non ci fermiamo in questi posti, ma questa volta il capitano ci ha lasciato sbarcare mentre traccia la posizione di quest'isola sulla sua mappa!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
-Yayeremo li in pochi giorni e ti lascietemo lí.
-We will talk about it later.
-We'll be staying here in Tulimshar for a while.
-We're doing different shows here.
-We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine.
-Weather Flags:
-Weather effects will disappear after teleporting or refreshing.
-Welcome miss.#0
-Welcome to Red Plush.
-Welcome to my office.
-Welcome to our inn!
-Welcome to the Legion of Aemil's building in Artis!
-Welcome to the Merchant Guild of Artis!
-Benvenuto nella Gilda dei Mercanti di Artis!
-Welcome to the Red Plush inn!
-Welcome to the Rusty Pick.
-Well I'm working too! Don't you want me to carry one of these boxes back to Gugli?
-Anch'io sto lavorando! Non vorresti che portassi una delle tue casse a Gugli al posto tuo?
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#0
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#1
-Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again!
-Ben fatto! La nave è ora pronta per salpare di nuovo!
-Well if you are whining like that all the time, then I think there is a reason behind their choice.
-Se sei sempre cosi' lamentoso allora chredo che ci sia un motivo sietro la loro scelta.
-Well in fact...
-Well then... Take this one!
-Va bene allora... Prendi questa cassa!
-Well, I can't offer you much.
-Well, I was exhausted and had to rest.
-Well, I was in fact looking for them. Where are they now?
-A dir la verita' li stavo proprio cercando. Sai dove sono ora?
-Well, I'm done for the day, and I'm quite old enough to decide when I can have a %s, thank you!
-Well, cooking is an art, and thus, you need intelligence and dexterity to learn.
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, son!#1
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#0
-Il fatto che ti abbiamo salvato dalla furia del mare non fa di te una marinaia esperta, dico bene?
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#1
-Il fatto che ti abbiamo salvato dalla furia del mare non fa di te un marinaio esperto, dico bene?
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#0
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#1
-Well, is there anything I can do here to help?
-Bene, c'e' qualcosa che posso fare per aiutare?
-Well, it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.
-E' una bella sensazione avere finalmente qualcosa sotto i piedi.
-Well, of course, I can show you how to cook sandwiches. But you'll need to bring ingredients for practice.
-Well, of course. First of all, you need a @@. You can have mine, if you want.
-Well, thanks for the box. But... He was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Be', grazie per la cassa. Ma... doveva essere lui a riportarmela. Non gli ho mai chiesto di darla a te!
-Well... I don't think it is the best way to rule a ship. Think about it.
-Be... Non credo sia il modo migliore per governare una nave.
-Well... I've only killed some little pious in the ship, that's all.
-Be'... Ho solo combattoto con i Piou della nave. Tutto qui.
-Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen.
-No aspetta! Ho qualcosa per te ma e' meglio che non la mangi... La riporto in cucina.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron.
-Le mie merci provengono da ogni angolo di Gasaron.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron. From Esperia to the Land of Fire!
-Le mie merci provengono da ogni angolo di Gasaron. Da Esperia alla Terra del Fuoco!
-What a pity! You've died.
-What a relief.
-What a strange note.
-What about Chelios?
-What about Q'Muller? Where is he?
-Sai invece dove possa essere Q'Muller?
-What about my story?
-What about those pious? They look so cute.
-What am I supposed to say?
-Non saprei cosa rispondere.
-What an unexpected pleasure, your help is always welcome!
-Che piacere inaspettato, il tuo aiuto è sempre ben accetto!
-What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
-Che ci fai nelle mie cucine?! Va via non e' un posto per ragazzini!
-What are you going to do?
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
-Ma cosa state dicendo? E' una Yoyese!
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1
-Ma cosa state dicendo? E' uno Yoyese!
-What are you looking at?
-Cosa stai guardando?
-What are you looking for?
-Cosa stai cercando?
-What are you reading?
-What are you talking about? What guild?
-Di cosa stai parlando? Quale gilda?
-What are your needs?
-Di cosa hai bisogno?
-What beverages do you have?
-What brings you here today?
-What can I do for you?
-What can I do now?
-Cosa posso fare ora?
-What can you tell me about the legion?
-What counts in a book is like so many things, not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside.
-What danger?! Where?!
-Pericolo?! Dove?!
-What did Gugli say about the box? Was it ok?
-What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?
-Che cosa yayare Gugli sulla cassa? Essere a posto?
-What do you mean?
-What do you need?
-Di cosa hai bisogno?
-What do you think?
-Cosa ne pensi?
-What do you want to access?
-What do you want to change?
-What do you want to do with it?
-What do you want to do with your money?
-What do you want to do?
-Cosa vuoi fare?
-What do you want to reset?
-What do you want today?
-Cosa ti serve oggi?
-What do you wish to do?
-Cosa vorresti fare?
-What does yoiis want today?
-What else do you need?
-What exactly is your real job?
-Qual e' esattamente il tuo lavoro?
-What happened to me?
-Cosa mi è successo?
-What happened?
-What happens when you try to think about it?
-What is Artis?
-Cos'è Artis?
-What is a card?
-What is growing and shrinking at the same time?
-What is it, darling?
-What is my current hairstyle and hair color?
-What is taking them so long?
-What is this "legion"?
-What is this building?
-Cos'è quell'edificio?
-What is this guild for?
-Quali sono i compiti della Gilda?
-What is this place?
-What is your tipiou trying to do?
-What item would you like to bleach?
-What kind of help do you need?
-Di che aiuto hai bisogno?
-What kind of help?
-Che tipo di aiuto?
-What kinds of books are there here?
-What service do you offer?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
-Cosa dovrei fare dopo aver preso questi vestiti?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
-Cosa dovrei fare dopo aver preso questi vestiti?
-What should I do, again?
-What was that gobbledygook word?
-What was your riddle?
-What will be the bait for the fish?
-What would you like me to do?
-What would you like to bury?
-What would you like today?
-What would you say about a new shield?
-What yeye could I do for you today?
-Cosa posso yeyeye fare per te?
-What yoiis should know:
-What're you looking at?!
-What's that food?
-Che cos'e' questo cibo?
-What's that?
-Che cos'e'?
-What's wrong with your clothes?
-What's your story again?
-What? Is there someone?
-What? It's not good enough?
-What? Why not?
-What? Why? They aren't more attractive than me, why do you want to see them?
-Cosa? Chi? Non sono certo piu' affascinanti di me, perche' dovresti volere andare a vederli?
-What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!
-Cosa? Quel tritan è il peggiore scansafatiche abbia mai conosciuto.
-Whatever inside can be
-Whatever your idea
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#0
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#1
-When cooking, the order of ingredients matter.
-When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you.
-When you go near villagers, you can see a speech bubble above them, you can then talk to them by pressing the [T] key.
-Quando ti avvicini agli abitanti dei villaggi e una nuvoletta compare sopra di loro, puoi parlargli premendo il tasto [T]
-When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Trade' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Trade' button.
-When you intimacy is high, it'll increase your stats and who knows, might even help you in combat!
-When you see something that looks more like a bug than a feature, report it on or try to contact a game contributor.
-When you want to buy something then please speak to my apprentice.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Una volta aperto l'inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo col mouse e cliccando il tasto 'Equipaggia'. Puoi anche riporlo nuovamente nell'inventario cliccando il tasto 'Rimuovi'.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Una volta aperto l'inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo col mouse e cliccando il tasto 'Equipaggia'. Puoi anche riporlo nuovamente nell'inventario cliccando il tasto 'Rimuovi'.
-Where are my old clothes?
-Dove sono i miei vecchi vestiti?
-Where are the ingredients?
-Where can I find Julia?#0
-Dove posso trovare Julia?
-Where can I find Julia?#1
-Dove posso trovare Julia?
-Where can I find a half croconut?
-Where can I find him?
-Where can I find some Croc Claws?
-Where can I find some food?
-Dove posso trovare del cibo?
-Where can I find your crew?
-Dove posso trovare la tua ciurma?
-Where is Mikhail?
-Where is the Merchant Guild?
-Dov'è la Gilda dei Mercanti?
-Where is the damn salt?! Give me the salt, I know you have it!
-Maledizione dov'e' il sale?! Dammi il sale. So che ce l'hai tu!
-Where is the hill?
-Where is the light armor shop?
-Where is the market?
-Where should I go?
-Dove dovrei andare?
-Where would you like to go now?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Quale arma vuoi usare per tagliare @@?
-Which skill do you wish to change?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they usually do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-Mentre invece a Jalad ed Ale piace lavorare insieme come sono soliti fare sulla nave. L'ultima volta che li ho visti erano vicini al grande lago a nord di qui.
-White Rose
-White Tulip
-Who are these friends?
-Who are yeye looking for?
-Chi stai cercando?
-Who are you looking for?
-Chi stai cercando?
-Who are you?
-Chi sei tu?
-Who is Don?
-Who is she?
-Chi è lei?
-Who is the blacksmith outside?
-Who should I search for?
-Chi dovrei cercare?
-Who's this Julia?
-Chi è Julia?
-Whoa, what are you doing?
-Whoah, scary...
-Whose eyes listen under Moonlight
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
-Perchè Frenchy? E' russa!
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
-Perchè Frenchy? E' russo!
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#0
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#1
-Why are you hiding?
-Perchè ti nascondi?
-Why do you hate them?
-Why don't you come down to talk?
-Pechè non vieni giù a parlare?
-Why don't you come out?
-Perchè non vieni fuori?
-Why don't you show me a main ingredient, and I'll tell you what can be done?
-Why don't you take a break? Breath in some fresh air. The basement is pretty damp.
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Perchè no? Devo allenarmi comunque.
-Why not, I've got plenty of free time.
-Perchè no, ho un sacco di tempo libero.
-Why not, but who are you, and what kind of help do you need?
-Perche' no, ma chi saresti, e che genere di aiuto hai bisogno?
-Why not, this might get interesting.
-Perché no, potrebbe essere interessante.
-Why not?!
-Why would the Legion request my help for only 5 potions?
-Why? And who should you bring it back to?
-Perche'? E a chi la dovresti portare indietro?
-Wicked Mushroom
-Wind and grass is nice and cool, so juicy sweet...
-With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions, you have the disturbing realization that you can't remember anything of your former life or identity.
-Mentre hai la fame, la sete ed il sonno come unici compagni, realizzi con terrore che non ricordi nulla nè della tua precedente vita, nè della tua identità.
-With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters.
-Così puoi spostare oggetti e denaro tra i tuoi personaggi in tutta sicurezza.
-With no choir master nor voice to be sung
-With proper training, a piou can become a good friend and faithful companion in your adventures.
-With script
-With the growth of the Kingdom halted, slow maintenance, and two great famines which killed over half the human population, the council decided to seize power and depose Platyna the Red.
-With the help of the town hall and the Legion of Aemil we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses.
-Con l'aiuto del Municipio e della legione di Aemil organizziamo delle aste e diamo una mano ai mercanti locali nell'avviare la loro attività.
-Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm.
-Wooden Bow
-Arco di Legno
-Wooden Shield
-Wooden Sword
-Spada di Legno
-Wooden shield
-Words become music and glance
-World Story For Dummies, Vol I - Ancean Era: From Keshlam to an Empire
-World Story For Dummies, Vol II - Ancean Era: Revolutions and Independence
-World Story For Dummies, Vol III - Aemilean Era: The Mana Tree and The Mana War
-World Story For Dummies, Vol IV - Aemilean Era: The Fleet of Ancea
-Would you go get them for me?
-Would you help me kill some?
-Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!
-Wow, sembra che tutti conoscano il mio nome!
-Yay, it worked! I removed a spike.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
-Sì sì, dovresti andare a visitarla! Sarebbe contenta di vederti.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
-Sì sì, dovresti andare a visitarla! Sarebbe contenta di vederti.
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse than us!
-Yayayaya, per la prima volta qualcuno è vestito peggio di noi!
-Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-E' sempre cosi' *hic* in Esperia, ma non mi avrete mai! *burp*
-Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
-Sì, ma vorrei sapere se avrò una ricompensa.
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Sì, ma cosa avrò in cambio?
-Yeah, funny now...
-Yeah, we did hear a commotion.
-Yeah, well what's the difference?
-Si', be' qual e' la differenza?
-Yeah, yeah, of course you don't...
-Certo, certo, immaginavo...
-Yeah, you could say that...
-Yellow Cotton Dye
-Tinta per Cotone Colore Giallo
-Yellow Rose
-Yellow Tulip
-Yes I am and you are going to face justice!
-Yes I am.
-Yes I do.
-Yes he did.
-Yes what do you need?
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Sì! @@ è nella mia lista dei biscotti.
-Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
-Sì, Arpan mi ha dato questi vestiti.
-Yes, I am authorizing you to use them as you deem fit, until you get stronger.
-Yes, I am sure.#0
-Yes, I am sure.#1
-Yes, I did. He said that the trees turned into dangerous monsters.
-Yes, I do.
-Yes, I feel strong enough for dangerous combats!
-Si', mi sento abbastanza forte per affrontare combattimenti all'ultimo sangue!
-Yes, I have some! "5x Black Iron Ingots"
-Yes, I hung around the theater a lot.
-Yes, I saw someone with a large sack on their back go to the mining camp.
-Yes, I've got the Forest bow now.
-Yes, a mask was stolen from us the last night we were in Hurnscald.
-Yes, and he promised to be home soon.
-Sì, ed aveva promesso di essere a casa presto.
-Yes, but I'm only talking to the inspector himself!
-Yes, follow me!
-Yes, here they are.
-Yes, in fact, you can take them now.
-Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anything else.
-Si' infatti. Prima di tutto preferisco esplorare i posti che vedo per la prima volta.
-Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors!
-E' proprio cosi'! Non siete per niente capaci. E' da ormai troppo tempo che sta aspettando le vostre provviste. Muovetevi, fannulloni!
-Yes, it's me. It's such a fine view from here!
-Yes, please!
-Sì, per favore!
-Yes, sure thing.
-Yes, that would be nice.
-Yes, we were both at home all night.
-Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon!
-Sì, lo so... Peccato. Ci vediamo!
-Yes, you look quite fast.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too little. Take this box and stop talking.
-Yeye chiede troppo e lavora poco. Prendere questa cassa e smettere di parlare.
-Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the crocs.
-Yeye stare all'erta con il cibo di animali selvaggi, alcuni sono pericolosi, specialmente i Crocs.
-Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!
-Yeye ha dato mia cassa a Gugli? Bello, bello yeye!
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...
-Yeyo avere occhi buoni e sembrare essere completamente guarito...
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Yeye avere visto quel yoyoraio nella parte bassa dell'isola.
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island.
-Yeye avere visto quel yoyoraio nella parte alta dell'isola.
-Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!
-Yeye avere ancora la mia cassa? Perdere tempo meno lavorare di piu'. Vai a dare a Gugli!
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#0
-Yeya e' sicura? Io mettere piu' cibo nella prossima cassa allora.
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#1
-Yeyo e' sicuro? Io mettere piu' cibo nella prossima cassa allora.
-Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place.
-Cervello di Yeye e' ancora pieno di acqua marina se Yeye non riesce a capire la bellezza di questo posto.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, è il logo della Gilda dei Guerrieri di Esperia! Mi chiedo cosa questa yoiis stesse facendo così lontano dalla costa.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, è il logo della gilda dei guerrieri di Esperia, mi chiede cosa questo yoiis stesse facendo così lontano dalla costa.
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
-Yeye, sei molto fortunato di essere viva. Sei in buona forma per camminare, ti ricordi cos'è successo?
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
-Yeye, sei molto fortunato di essere vivo. Sei in buona forma per camminare, ti ricordi cos'è successo?
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#1
-Yoiis envies a rainbow in the sky?
-Yoiis is not yet ready to make his own dyes.
-Yoiis should look there.
-You already are at your destination!
-You already did enough for us, do you want to follow Nard's advice and get some rest?
-You already did enough for us, follow Nard's advice and get some rest.
-Hai già fatto abbastanza per noi, segui il consiglio di Nard e riposatiun po'.
-You already have a homunculus
-You already have a pet.
-You already have this quest skill.
-You already looked here.
-You already registered. Waiting for your partner...
-You already took a @@, please put this one back in the box.
-You are a handsome and good looking bird!
-You are already mounting something else
-You are already registered here.#0
-You are already registered here.#1
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#0
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#1
-You are full of wine, my friend...
-Sei pieno di vino, amico...
-You are honest, I like it.
-You are in the Blacksmith's house, by Jove!
-You are just sitting on the shadow of your store.
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#0
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#1
-You are new around here, right?#0
-Sei nuova di queste parti vero?
-You are new around here, right?#1
-Sei nuovo di queste parti vero?
-You are no longer killable.
-You are no longer the Guild Master.
-You are not allowed to reduce the length of a ban.
-You are not authorized to warp from your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp this player from their map.
-You are not authorized to warp to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp to your save map.
-You are not in a guild.
-You are not in jail.
-You are now
-You are now divorced!
-You are now immune to attacks.
-You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Ora fai ufficialmente parte della mia ciurma! Grazie ancora per il tuo aiuto.
-You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here!
-Ora sei parte della ciurma... Almeno per noi di quaggiu'!
-You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
-Sei su una zattera. In mezzo al mare.
-You are on the human resource wing of the Town Hall.
-You are the Phoenix of this forest."
-You are unable to change your job.
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1
-You bored me, see you later.
-You broke the target's weapon.
-You brought me my %s!
-You brought me the %d %s!
-You buried @@ @@.
-You can allocate point on those attributes every time you level up.
-You can already rename your pet.
-You can also answer in your native language or in English.
-You can also attack an enemy from your keyboard pressing the 'A' key to select it, and the 'Ctrl' key to attack it, this of course works if you didn't change your keyboard keys yet.
-Puoi anche attaccare un nemico usando la tastiera premendo il tasto 'A' per selezionarlo, e il tasto 'Ctrl' per attaccarlo.
-You can also improve your equipment in a totally different way with the use of cards.
-You can also make money %s. Nobody pays better than people in need of help.
-You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default
-You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules.
-Puoi anche leggere il Libro delle Leggi quando vuoi per consultare le regole.
-You can also simply talk to any citizen around you by clicking on them.
-Puoi anche parlare con qualsiasi cittadino, semplicemente cliccando su di lui.
-You can also use your room to get some rest after a long battle. That will consume your reservation but your HP will be fully restored.
-You can attack a monster by clicking directly on it. Once selected, you may notice a bar near your target showing you how much health it has left.
-Puoi attaccare un mostro cliccandoci sopra. Una volta selezionato, noterai una barra vicino al tuo bersaglio che ti rivela quanta vita gli rimane.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it, or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Puoi attaccare un nemico cliccandoci sopra oppure puoi usare la tastiera premendo il tasto 'A' per selezionarlo e il tasto 'Ctrl' per attaccarlo.
-You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory.
-You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface.
-Puoi individuare facilmente i punti in cui pescare grazie alle bollicine e ai pesci che sono visibili sul pelo dell'acqua.
-You can easily see if a monster is easy to kill or just impossible to defeat. Do not try against creatures that are way more powerful than you... You'd be risking your life for nothing.
-Puoi capire subito se un avversario e' facile da uccidere o impossibile da sconfiggere. Non provare a combattere creature troppo potenti per te. Rischieresti la vita per niente.
-You can execute commands by typing them in the chat window. They start with a '/' or '@' followed by the name of the command.
-You can find novels and poems on this floor.
-You can find out the monster strength by using "@monsterinfo <English Monster Name>". Check the level in it!
-You can find some Crocs on the beach, you could look up at the one after the gate, on top of this city.
-You can find the building of the Legion of Gasaron there, like in any other city, but Esperia is important for us as our headquarters are there.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now.
-Li puoi trovare nell'oceano, fra i coralli e altre creature marine. Ma oggi è meglio che eviti di tuffarti in acqua, il mare e' troppo agitato.
-You can get some rest at the inn near here.
-You can go upstairs and choose a different room if you want.
-You can have %d items on your autolootitem list.
-You can keep your current party as it is, while leading or being part of a guild in order to talk and share different items with all of its members!
-You can not change to this job by command.
-You can now attack and kill players freely.
-You can now be attacked and killed by players.
-You can now rename your pet.
-You can now stay with your new friends and enjoy the warm sand of this little island.
-Adesso puoi stare coi tuoi nuovi amici e goderti la calda sabbia di quest'isoletta.
-You can read some lines that are nicely carved into the soft wooden planks.
-Puoi leggere alcune righe ben intagliate nelle assi in legno soffice.
-You can read the book that I gave you earlier at the library if you lost it.
-You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key.
-You can select a specific person with the [N] key, and then, press the [T] key when you are surrounded by more than one person.
-Puoi selezionare una specifica persona con il tasto [N] e poi, premere il tasto [T] quando intorno a te ci sono più persone.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff off toward the west, busy collecting @@s.
-You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that.
-Puoi provare a parlare con qualche altro marinaio per avere maggior informazioni.
-You can try, but your chance of success is lesser than a well trained smith and master craftsman.
-You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you see what I mean...
-You can use many diverse items to lure fishes.
-Puoi usare molti oggetti differenti per attrarre i pesci.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Puoi yeyere alcuni @@ colpendo forte questi Crocotree.
-You can't add a guild bound item to a character without guild!
-You can't add a party bound item to a character without party!
-You can't carry another @@? What a shame.
-You can't clean a cart while vending!
-You can't create chat rooms in this map
-You can't drop items in this map
-You can't go there!
-Non puoi andare la!
-You can't have met him.
-You can't join in a clan if you're in a guild.
-You can't leave battleground guilds.
-You can't open a shop in this map
-You can't open a shop on this cell.
-You can't return your pet because your inventory is full.
-You can't trade in this map
-You can't use commands while dead.
-You can't use the shovel here.
-You can't withdraw that much money
-You can, however, use '###keyTargetAttack;' to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press '###keyPickup;' to be sure.
-You cannot autotrade when dead.
-You cannot bury this item!
-You cannot bury under a NPC!
-You cannot change guild leaders in this map.
-You cannot change party leaders in this map.
-You cannot decrease that stat anymore.
-You cannot drop this item!
-You cannot increase that stat anymore.
-You cannot join the '%s' channel because you've been banned from it
-You cannot send a message to this channel for another %d seconds.
-You cannot use this command when dead.
-You cannot use this item while sitting
-You cannot use this item while your storage is open
-You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it.
-You caught a @@!
-You caught the piou, but it's trying to escape from you. You'd better hurry back to Salem.
-You clearly need to be more public-spirited.
-You concentrate and try to summon old memories from within your mind.
-You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew.
-In questa maniera potrai conoscere altri marinai e... Questo berretto ovviamente verrà riconosciuto come un segno di appartenenza alla nostra ciurma.
-You could start by talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help!
-Puoi ad esempio parlare con Gugli. Lui ha sempre delle missioni per gente desiderosa di aiutare.
-You currently cannot open your storage.
-You currently have @@ Esperin on your bank account.
-You did not defeat the boss, you can't learn any skills.
-You did such a good job, you should keep it.
-You do not give me a lot of options.
-You do not have a cart to be cleaned.
-You do not have a homunculus.
-You do not have enough Esperin on your bank account.
-You do not have enough Esperin on yourself.
-You do not have the item!
-You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu.
-You do not possess a cart to be removed
-You do not seem to have enough money, come back later!
-Non sembri avere abbastanza denaro, torna quando ne avrai!
-You don't expect me to eat that, do you? Give me something else!
-Non ti aspetterai mica che lo mangi, vero? Dammi qualcosa di diverso!
-You don't have a scythe, by chance? I am too old to mew this field all alone.
-You don't have any @@, are you mocking me?
-You don't have any @@.
-You don't have enough @@s on you.
-You don't have enough money, bring @@ E.
-You don't have enough room in your backpack for a @@. Go stow some of your junk and come back.
-You don't have everything I have asked for.
-You don't have room for a beer!
-You don't have this quest skill.
-You don't know how to make a sandwich with that.
-You don't seem to be from the Legion, let's do a game.
-You failed!
-You feel a strong magic aura. You want to sit near it and meditate.
-You feel numb and everything around you looks foggy, but you can recall the feeling of the cold hard wood of your raft on a stormy night.
-You fell asleep.#0
-You fell asleep.#1
-You found a small chest, surprisingly heavy for it's size.
-You found him!
-You found something!
-You give up.
-You got married to @@!
-You hand him another log.
-You have %d new emails (%d unread)
-You have a level for each of your gear, by default when you buy or craft a piece, the level is set to 1.
-You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first.
-You have already opened your storage. Close it first.
-You have an awful case of amnesia.
-You have become the Guild Master!
-You have been jailed by a GM.
-You have been jailed for an unknown amount of time.
-You have been jailed indefinitely.
-You have been recovered!
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#0
-Sei stata comprensiva con me. Quindi, per favore, prendine pure una.
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#1
-Sei stato comprensivo con me. Quindi, per favore, prendine pure una.
-You have forgotten the skill.
-You have learned the skill.
-You have learnt the skill.
-You have mounted a Peco Peco.
-You have mounted your Dragon.
-You have mounted your Mado Gear.
-You have mounted your Warg.
-You have mounted.
-You have put your finger on it, I am not.
-You have released your Dragon.
-You have released your Mado Gear.
-You have released your Peco Peco.
-You have released your Warg.
-You have released your mount.
-You have talent and the best place to utilize it is in the Legion! You can either pursue your goals with us or without us, but trust me, with us it's much better.
-You have to find him, or else I will tell him that you did not help me.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of those damn sailors brought that 'nice' lady here.
-You have: @@/@@ @@
-You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
-You hear some creeping and crawling sounds from the murkiness below.
-You hear some sound behind the door.
-You hide your shovel.
-You hit the nail on the head, it's the Legion of Gasaron!
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-Hai tirato un pugno troppo forte, distruggendo il @@.
-You hold the shovel in your hands.
-You honor me, my beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!#0
-Mi onori bellezza, ma sono già di Julia!
-You just defeated the following boss: @@ (Lv. @@)
-You just have to select the card, then you choose which piece of equipment you want to use it on, and you are done.
-You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait.
-Hai bisogno di una sola canna da pesca, ma necessiterai di più di un'esca.
-You killed @@ Fluffies.
-You know, I had the strangest thing happen to me.
-You know, the life of the merchant is hard. I really hope that Artis and the Merchant Guild will help me to succeed.
-You know, yeyes love to chat while working.
-Sai, ai marinai piace parlare mentre lavorano.
-You lack some very basic skills...
-You learned how to cook @@.
-You left your fishing spot!
-You lie in the bed.
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you downstairs to the hold, where you will find a furry meal!
-Ti piacciono non e' vero? Allora parlane con Peter. Si trova sul secondo ponte della nave. Ti mandera' di sotto dove potrai trovare un buon pasto peloso!
-You like these hats, right?
-Ti piacciono quei cappeli, vero?
-You look broke. Don't think that you can dine and dash here!
-You look capable, will you help me solve these robberies?
-You look confident. I will give you my old gear as reward and acknowledgment for your time... and take these potions as well!
-You look fine and dandy to me.
-You look like a nice person.
-You look nice, do you want to help me?
-Mi sembri una persona gentile, vuoi aiutarmi?
-You made a cash deposit of @@ E.
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#1
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#1
-You may search partial name by making use of '%' in the search, ex. "@accinfo %Mario%" lists all characters whose name contains "Mario".
-You mean like one of my legendary forest bows?
-You mentioned the quality of your wine.
-Parlavi della qualità del tuo vino
-You missunderstood, it's 5 potions.
-You must "add" the items you plan on selling, and then press "sell" to confirm. You'll have this time to review.
-You must enter a name.
-You must enter a player name or ID.
-You must find someone willing to buy, they usually will buy almost anything you have, even items which cannot be replaced, so be careful.
-You need %s to mount!
-You need some anger control therapy.
-You need to be a Guild Master to use this command.
-You need to be a member of the Merchant Guild to have a chance there.
-You need to be a party leader to use this command.
-You need to cross the crocojungle heading north.
-Devi attraversare la giungla di palme da croco che va verso Nord.
-You need to input a option
-You need to type the answer of this riddle in the NPC window.
-You need to wait @@ more before equipping this again.
-You no doubt remember how I struggled with those beasts, fighting for my life.
-You notice a young boy sitting on one of the highest branches of the tree.
-You now also have access to the Legion building. Good job, you earned it.
-You open a book named "%s".
-You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.
-Aprendo il libro, sembra che l'acqua del mare l'abbia danneggiato irreparabilmente. Alcune pagine non sono piu' leggibili. Altre, semplicemente, sono andate perdute.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-Hai aperto il @@ in due parti, ma solo una e' rimasta integra.
-You opened the chest
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Hai tagliato perfettamente il @@ in due parti integre pronte da mangiare.
-You pick up the package.
-You probably don't have much business in this city as you don't remember who you are.
-You pulled too late and lost the bait...
-You pulled too soon and lost the bait.
-You receive @@ E!
-Ricevi @@ E!
-You receive a @@!
-You received @@ EXP and @@ E.
-You request has been rejected by autoreject option.
-You scare the piou, but let it go.
-You search the tree but don't find anybody.
-You see a curious hole behind some rocks
-You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
-You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
-Noti un ragazzo raijin, seduto sul bordo del molo.
-You see a suspicious greenish flag. It reminds you of something you seem to have forgotten.
-You see a tree.
-You see a young elven girl, with a strong sense of pain in her face.
-You see an ordinary bookcase.
-You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
-You see these pious around us?
-Li vedi questi Piou tutt'attorno?
-You see, Enora asked me to do a black iron sword, unfortunately I ran out of the material needed, and...
-Vedi, Enora mi ha chiesto di forgiarle una spada di ferro nero, sfortunatamente ho finito il materiale necessario e...
-You see, folks around here that get my cookies have the distinction of being...
-You see? I'm working here!
-Non vedi? Sto lavorando!
-You seem a bit tired sir.
-You seem more cultivated than you look.
-You seem pathetically weak. What is such boneless jelly like you doing around here?
-You should arrive at a park with a hill nearby.
-You should ask Maxe. He's an early riser.
-You should ask my old woman.
-You should check on the highest part of the cliff, I was hiding there.
-You should come back when you have some free space.
-You should definitely go talk to Q'Anon, our boss. You'll find him upstairs.
-You should discuss with Don and Calypsan if you want to learn more about it, they are masters on this area!
-You should go and get some sleep.
-Dovresti andare a riposare.
-You should go see him. He is one of the most experienced sailors we have.
-Dovresti andare a trovarlo. E' uno dei marinai piu' esperti che abbiamo.
-You should go see them.
-Dovresti andare da loro.
-You should go talk to Alan again.
-You should have a shop open in order to use @autotrade.
-You should inform Nard of the progress made in loading food and supplies on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Dovresti informare Nard sui progressi nel carico della merce. Sara' soddisfatto di sentire una buona notizia.
-You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached.
-You should look for a seller named Fexil around the merchant square.
-Dovresti cercare un venditore chiamato Fexil nei pressi della piazza del mercato.
-You should look for them when we arrive at the port. You won't regret it! Ehehe...
-Dovresti darci un'occhiata quando arriveremo nel porto. Non te ne pentirai! Eheh...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-Dovresti parlare con
-You should walk to the north to find him.
-Per trovarlo dirigiti a nord.
-You should walk to the north.
-Dovresti dirigerti a nord.
-You shouldn't believe every tale drunken sailors tell you.
-Non dovresti credere ad ogni storia che i marinai ubruachi ti raccontano.
-You shouldn't drink while working!
-You step on something, a panel half overgrown by moss, it has writing on it...
-Inciampi su qualcosa, un cartello parzialmentre ricoperto dalla vegetazione, che riporta delle scritte...
-You step on something, a panel with a bitten corner and clear inscriptions on it...
-Inciampi su qualcosa, un cartello con un angolo spuntato ed una inscrizione nitida...
-You step on something, a shaky and fragile panel with barely visible inscriptions on it...
-Inciampi su qualcosa, un cartello fragile e instabile, con delle inscrizioni appena visibili...
-You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-Hai ancora qualche giorno prima che arriviamo al porto, magari puoi imparare qualcosa da loro?
-You still have a 90% discount on one piou.
-You still haven't completed your tasks.
-Non hai ancora portato a termine il tuo compito.
-You still need to give me boxes from:
-Devi ancora portarmi le casse di:
-You stupid, he's English, look at the shape of his head.#1
-È inglese, razza di stupido! Guarda la forma della sua testa!#1
-You stupid, she's English, look at the shape of her head.#0
-È inglese, razza di stupido! Guarda la forma della sua testa!#0
-You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-You take good care of your piou. Remember to feed it every day.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Hai preso i vestiti dal baule.
-You take your fishing rod and leave.
-You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie?
-You told me that you 'were' important.
-Mi avevi detto che eri una persona importante.
-You tried to embarrass me, am I right?!
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...
-Hai provato a sbarazzarti di me, eeh? Ma, sorpresa! Sono ancora qui... *hic* O li'...
-You waited too long and lost the bait...
-You were gone so I thought you let me down.
-Eri andato via e ho pensato che mi avessi scaricato!
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
-Eri in una brutta situazione, dovresti essere felice che ti abbiamo trovato prima che il mare ti uccidesse.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
-Eri in una brutta situazione, dovresti essere felice che ti abbiamo trovato prima che il mare ti uccidesse.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-Sei rimayayasta qui a dormire per un bel po'. La custode della nostra nave, Julia è stata qui con te, ed ha fatto del suo meglio per guarire le tue ferite.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-Sei rimayayasto qui a dormire per un bel po'. La custode della nostra nave, Julia è stata qui con te, ed ha fatto del suo meglio per guarire le tue ferite.
-You will be able to find Don's house in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the bridge on the left, you can't miss it!
-You will be able to find her in the market in the south-west of Artis.
-You will be amased by all the colors of hair dye they have.
-You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left.
-Troverai un incrocio con un'insegna in legno. Lui e' sulla sinistra.
-You will lose experience if you are defeated.
-You will remain
-You will respawn at this place if defeated in combat.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Legion of Aemil. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Vedrai, i cittadini sono gentili e puoi sempre chiedere aiuto alla Legione di Aemil. Possono aiutarti a trovare un lavoro o magari aiutarti a capire cosa ti è successo in mare!
-You wipe off enough of the sand to manage to read the message written on this crude piece of wood.
-Rimuovi abbastanza sabbia da riuscire a leggere il messaggio scritto su questo pezzo di legno grezzo.
-You withdrew a total of @@ E.
-You yoiis should walk to the north.
-Yoyu dovrebbe camminare verso nord.
-You'll first need to help my friends.
-Prima devi aiutare i miei amici.
-You'll need to bring me @@ @@ and @@ @@ for the recipe.
-You'll think I'm insane if I tell you...
-You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid.
-La tua canna da pesca dovrà essere flessibile ma resistente.
-You're already autolooting this item type.
-You're already autolooting this item.
-You're already in the '%s' channel
-You're already with a '%s' costume, type '@costume' to remove it.
-You're as strong as if you were my own child!
-You're confusing me with someone else.
-You're currently not autolooting this item type.
-You're currently not autolooting this item.
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew, I can't trust you!
-Sei come tutto il resto di questa sudicia ciurma, non posso fidarmi di te!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#0
-Sei come tutto il resto di questa sudicia ciuma. Il tuo nome e' gia' nella lista dei traditori.
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#1
-Sei come tutto il resto di questa sudicia ciuma. Il tuo nome e' gia' nella lista dei traditori.
-You're lucky that I'm a generous person, here's another one.
-You're lying, aren't you? I heard nothing from you-know-whom!
-You're not allowed to talk on this channel
-You're not dead.
-You're not disguised.
-You're not in a guild.
-You're not in that channel, type '@join <#channel_name>'
-You're not part of the '%s' channel
-You're not the master of your guild.
-You're not the owner of channel '%s'
-You're now in the '#%s' channel for '%s'
-You're now in the '%s' channel
-You're on La Johanne, a merchant ship.
-Sei a bordo de La Johanne, una nave mercantile.
-You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Sei su una nave, siamo sulla strada per la capitale commerciale di Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
-Sei sulla nostra nave, abbiamo fatto tappa su un'isoletta e siamo prossimi a finire la nostra lunga avventura commerciale nella città di Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
-Sei sulla nostra nave, abbiamo fatto tappa su un'isoletta e siamo prossimi a finire la nostra lunga avventura commerciale nella città di Artis.
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!#1
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!#0
-You're right, it's about Julia.#1
-Infatti, riguarda Julia.
-You're right, it's about you.#0
-Infatti, riguarda te.
-You're too close to a NPC, you must be at least %d cells away from any NPC.
-You're welcome to stay here as long as you wish. Just don't do anything stupid, like a riot, for example.
-You're welcome. Bye!
-You're welcome. If you can't remember something, just come back here!
-Prego. Se non ti ricordi qualcosa torna pure qui!
-You've become the party leader.
-You've been revived!
-You've died.
-You've finally found that perfect piece of living wood that Alan needs to make a Forest Bow, haven't you?
-You've left the '%s' channel
-You've reached the highest natural place of Artis, enjoy the view.
-You've reached your slave clones limit.
-You... You eat... rattos? I think you're just a fool.
-Tu... Tu mangi... carne di Ratto? Credo tu sia solo un folle.
-You? Here?
-Tu? Qui?
-Your %s determines several small things, including critical attacks, but DOES NOT affect drop rates.
-Your %s determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action on the specified player.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action.
-Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version.
-Your account has an 'Incorrect Password'...
-Your account has been banished until
-Your account has been blocked by the GM Team.
-Your account has been prohibited to log in.
-Your account has been rejected from server.
-Your account has been totally erased.
-Your account has expired.
-Your account is 'Unregistered'.
-Your account is no longer authorized.
-Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.
-Your autolootitem list has been reset.
-Your autolootitem list is empty.
-Your autolootitem list is full. Remove some items first with @autolootid -<item name or ID>.
-Your autoloottype list has been reset.
-Your autoloottype list is empty.
-Your body aches, even your hair hurts, and the bright daylight is painful.
-Tutto il tuo corpo è preda del dolore, perfino i capelli ti tormentano, e lo splendore della luce del giorno ti acceca.
-Your brain liquified to match the level of a piou! It's the Legion of Gasaron.
-Your cart was cleaned.
-Your class can't mount!
-Your current memo positions are:
-Your dad ran away from you!
-Your effect has changed.
-Your global chat is no longer bound to the '#%s' channel
-Your global chat is not bound to any channel
-Your global chat is now bound to the '%s' channel
-Your group has been changed.
-Your guild storage was cleaned.
-Your guild's storage has already been opened by another member, try again later.
-Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Le tue mani sono troppo deboli, non hai aperto il @@.
-Your head is suddently heavy, your eyes are closing...
-Your heart quickens as your gaze focuses upon a small wooden panel, partly obscured under a layer of wind-blown sand.
-Il tuo cuore accelera non appena il tuo sguardo cade su un piccolo cartello di legno, parzialmente ricoperto sotto uno strato di sabbia portata dal vento.
-Your homunculus doesn't evolve.
-Your job has been changed.
-Your level is already higher than %d.
-Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process.
-Your name is Ianus or Janus?
-Your position has been saved.
-La tua posizione è stata salvata.
-Your save point has been changed.
-Your sex has been changed (disconnection required to complete the process)...
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#0
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#1
-Your storage was cleaned.
-Zinc-Titanium Oxide, Phthalocyanides, Cadmiums, Lazulite...
-Zone not found. Keep in mind that the names are CaSe SenSitiVe.
-Zone successfully changed from '%s' to '%s'.
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Guild ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Party ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Self ]
-[ K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Active ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ ^EE0000%s^000000 ]
-[%d] seconds left until you can use
-a ground!
-a quiet place,
-un posto tranquillo,
-both hands,
-brought maggot
-brought maggot slime
-by doing quests
-change the sex of
-data %s %s %s data
-data @@ @@ @@ data
-foo %2$s bar %1$s baz
-left accessory,
-left hand,
-line @@: @@
-lower head,
-lower/mid head,
-lower/mid/top head,
-lower/top head,
-mid head,
-no active MOTD
-no active broadcast
-option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0'
-option '%s' is not enabled on channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now disabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s' with %d seconds
-right accessory,
-right hand,
-skill %d: %s (%s)
-test %s
-test @@
-test1 %s#0
-test1 @@#0
-test2 %s#1
-test2 @@#1
-top head,
-tricked thus again.
-usage @camerainfo range rotation latitude
-value '%d' for option '%s' is out of range (limit is 0-%d)
-| Guild: '%s'
-| Location: %s %d %d
-| Lv:%d/%d | Job: %s
-| Party: '%s'
-“Nothing I can do”, she says, “but I can ask a friend”.
-← Exit
-← Uscita
-↑ Legion
-↑ Legione
-↓ Market Place
diff --git a/langs/lang_nl.old b/langs/lang_nl.old
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_nl.old
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/langs/lang_nl.txt b/langs/lang_nl.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c17cbf12..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_nl.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,844 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online
-@@ is helping me.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
-Alright, bye!
-Also, there was this inscription on your raft, one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world, does that make you remember something?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#0
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#1
-And please, no berries. No more!
-And what kind of help do you need?
-Are you ok?
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
-As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!!
-As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship.
-But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in coma.
-But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway.
-But who am I?
-But you won't *hick* me this time...
-But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him.
-But... if she is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about her.
-Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Could you explain to me where I am?
-Could you help me please?
-Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!
-Do you have an other question for me?
-Do you have anything for me today?
-Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry!
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Good job!
-Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis.
-Good, good!
-He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain.
-He told me nothing about that.
-Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
-Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we got a new member in the crew!
-Hello, Let me just present myself, I'm Captain Nard, it's me who's leader of this ship.
-Hello, boy!
-Hello, girl!
-Here's your reward!
-Hey Frenchy!#0
-Hey Frenchy!#1
-Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth in the crew we need to check it!
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, man!
-Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
-Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Hidden person
-Hidden person doesn't answer
-How is *hick* possible??
-I am, who are you?
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-I can't remember anything.#0
-I can't remember anything.#1
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-I don't want this, give me something else.
-I don't want to change my language, sorry.
-I feel ok.#0
-I feel ok.#1
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#0
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#1
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me?
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
-I speak Dutch
-I speak English
-I speak Flemish
-I speak French
-I speak German
-I speak Italian
-I speak Russian
-I speak Spanish
-I think I should report you to the crew members.
-I will give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-I will give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-I will give you @@gp.
-I will yaying do.
-I will.
-I wonder too...
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
-I'll share my berries with you, if you help me.
-I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
-I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you some days ago, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
-I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me!
-I'm not.
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#0
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1
-If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
-In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun.
-It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-It'll be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that.
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry!
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-Knifes on the table
-Let me see your work...
-Magic Arpan
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
-No problem, do you have an other question for me?
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
-No, thanks.
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians
-Nobody! *burp*
-Nothing, sorry.
-OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
-OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, he's still alive!
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#0
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#1
-Oh, she's still alive!
-Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
-Ok, Done. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them!
-Ok, I'll help you.
-Ok, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Ok, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Okay, but what can you offer me?
-Okay, you can start!
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#1
-Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again!
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew.
-She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook!
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look in good health now.
-So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
-Some sailors are trying to talk to you..
-Sorry but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Sorry but I have no time for this.
-Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#0
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1
-Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
-Sure, Cap'tain.
-Thank you so much! Here, have some berries...
-Thank you, I'll take them.
-Thanks for helping me!
-That's a good idea, go rest a bit and I'll see you tomorow!
-The giant bogeyman!
-The sailor chugs his beer
-The sailor is turning his back to you.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-This box is locked.
-This door seems locked
-This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-This girl needs help, let's rescue her!
-This guy is lucky that we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-This guy needs help, let's rescue him!
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
-Too bad that you do not want to help me.
-We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#1
-What am I suposed to say?
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#0
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#1
-What are you talking about? Which guild?
-What do you want today?
-What happened to me?
-What is Artis?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
-What yeye could I do for you today?
-What? This reward is too small!
-Where are my old clothes?
-Where can I find Julia?#0
-Where can I find Julia?#1
-Where can I find some food?
-Who are you?
-Who is this Julia?
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
-Why are you hiding?
-Why don't you go outside?
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Why not... but, who are you?
-Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0
-Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1
-Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Yes he did.
-Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
-Yes, please!
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-You are full of wine, my friend...
-You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#0
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#1
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#0
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#1
-You can't go there!
-You don't remember anything before this.
-You really are quite amnesic.
-You see some items in the box. Take them out?
-You should go and get some sleep.
-You should go see them.
-You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form.
-You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#1
-You?? Here??
diff --git a/langs/lang_nl_BE.old b/langs/lang_nl_BE.old
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ad64f9..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1074 +0,0 @@
-1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still.
-1. Maak geen gebruik van 'bots'. Deze worden meestal omschreven als programmas die het spelverloop en verdiensten automatiseren. Elke spel-activiteit die niet direct bestuurd wordt door een speler word als 'het gebruik van bots' beschouwd.
-2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam.
-2. Maak geen gebruik van 'spam'. Dit is het herhaaldelijk sturen van gelijkaardige boodschappen, berichten en/of mededelingen. Ook in verband met handel wordt 'spam' niet getolereerd!
-3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups.
-3. Maak geen gebruik van meerdere clients. Je mag ten alle tijden slechts één actief personage aangemeld hebben. Met jezelf een groep vormen is namelijk erg zielig.
-4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes.
-4. Let op je taal in zowel 'chat' als in de naam van je personage. Ongepast en onbeschoft taalgebruik is niet toegestaan.
-4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes.
-4. Let op je taal in zowel 'chat' als in de naam van je personage. Ongepast en onbeschoft taalgebruik is niet toegestaan.
-5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.
-5. In publieke ruimtes mag enkel Engels gesproken worden. In prive gesprekken, groepen, enz. mag je wel de taal naar keuze gebruiken, maar houd het proper.
-5. Do not speak any other language than English in public. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.
-5. In publieke ruimtes mag enkel Engels gesproken worden. In prive gesprekken, groepen, enz. mag je wel de taal naar keuze gebruiken, maar houd het proper.
-6. Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855 article.
-6. Volg ten alle tijden de afspraken terug te vinden in de 'social convention' in het 'RFC1855' artikel.
-@@ is helping me.
-@@ helpt me.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-Welkom, schatje
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-Hallo schat!
-A @@? There're plenty on this island!
-Een @@? Er zijn hier genoeg van op het eiland!
-A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin.
-Een tijdje terug hoorde ik je gesprek met Darlin.
-A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.
-Een geweldige stad, nu de hoofdstad van deze eilanden, Esperia genaamd,
-Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you.
-Aan boord staan een groep zeelui. Ze proberen met je te praten.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Over deze Asperiaanse gilde, ik vraag me wat af, als ik openlijk mag spreken. Er doen verhalen de ronde dat ze iets monsterlijks hebben gedaan en dat ze redelijk veel voor ons verborgen willen houden.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Over deze Esperiaanse gilde, ik ben niet zo zeker van ze, om eerlijk te zijn.
-Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
-Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
-Ah... Gugli Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation
-Ah... Gugli Gugli ... He's too young to understand our conversation.
-All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
-Alles dat ik had om te eten waren deze bessen... Bessen... Bessen...
-Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good.
-Oké! Nog maar een doos te gaan en het zal wel voldoende wezen.
-Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Oké, ik ga naar haar kamer om haar in het oog te houden. We weten nog steeds niet of ze vriend of vijand is...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Oké, ik ga naar zijn kamer kajuit. Houd om hem in het oog te houden. We weten nog steeds niet of hij vriend of vijand is...
-And please, no berries.
-En geen besse, alstublieft.
-And what kind of help do you need?
-Wat voor hulp heb je nodig?
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag.
-Hoe dan ook, als je ooit geïntresseerd bent, klik je gewoon op mijn zak.
-Aquada Box
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
-Arrr, geef me geen bessen meer! Ik wil ze niet, stomme bessen, stomme ... stomme ... stomme!
-As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land.
-Terwijl ze vaarden over Oceanië, de grote wateren van Aemil, één van de groepen stuitte op land.
-As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you.
-Terwijl je je ogen opent, zie je een groot schip voor je.
-At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-Round deze tijd verkopen we krabvoeding op ons oude paddenstoeleiland.
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Wees nog even geduldig. Nog een paar dagen en we komen aan in de haven van Artis...
-But you won't *hick* me this time...
-Maar je zal mij ditmaal *hik* niet...
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Maar... als ze geheugenverlies heeft zoals julia zei... . We hoeven ons over haar geen zorgen maken.
-But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Maar... als hij geheugenverlies heeft zoals julia zei... We moeten ons over hem geen zorgen maken.
-But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Maar... als ze geheugenverlies heeft zoals julia zei... . We moeten ons over haar geen zorgen maken.
-Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
-Kan je me iets wat geen groente is brengen?
-Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0
-Sommige voorwerpen hebben verschillende effecten. Somige kunnen je helen, anderen kunnen worden gedragen als harnas of wapen, en nog anderen kunnen enkel worden verkocht voor wat extra goud.
-Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1
-Sommige voorwerpen hebben verschillende effecten. Somige kunnen je helen, anderen kunnen worden gedragen als harnas of wapen, en nog anderen kunnen enkel worden verkocht voor wat extra goud.
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Klik op de NPCs om je heen om de introductie verder te zetten.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Mag ik je vragen wat je moedertaal is? Eén zeeman zei me dat je Russisch bent, een andere zei me dat je Frans bent... Ik ben het helemaal kwijt. Ik zal je hierna registreren op de aanwezeigheidslijst van het schip.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Mag ik je vragen wat je moedertaal is? Eén zeeman zei me dat je Russisch bent, een andere zei me dat je Frans bent... Ik ben het helemaal kwijt. Ik zal je hierna registreren op de aanwezeigheidslijst van het schip.
-Could you help me please?
-Kan je me helpen, alstublieft?
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#0
-Couwan geeft je een doos vol met vis.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#1
-Couwan geeft je een doos vol met vis.
-Croc Claw
-Croc Klauw
-Croconut Box
-Damn @@.
-Verdorie @@
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0
-Wees vervloekt! Je kan maar beter niemand vertellen dat ik hier zit!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1
-Wees vervloekt! Je kan maar beter niemand vertellen dat ik hier zit!
-Did you say reward? I want it!
-Zei je 'beloning'? Ik wil ze!
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Wil je deze @@ snijden?
-Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Weet iemand een goede hangplek in Esperia? - M. Arpen
-Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
-Doe doe d... *hik* niet met mij, eh!
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude.
-De plicht roept *hik*, Ik spreek je later, gast.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey.
-De plicht roept, ik spreek je later, schatje.
-Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.
-Ieder van de groepen was bevolen elk een andere richting uit te varen om zo nieuwe bewoonbare landen te ontdekken.
-Elven Voice
-Elfen Stem
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I don't have the money to pay for the ferry!
-Uhm, serieus nu, ik wilde in Artis geraken, maar ik heb geen geld om de reis te betalen!
-Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.
-Ook al hadden ze niets gehoord van de andere groepen, besloten ze opnieuw te beginnen op dit eiland, vol met gevaarlijke dieren.
-From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island.
-Zover ik weet heeft, Gugli, mijn broer, al de hulp die hij kan krijgen nodig om alle nieuwe dingen die op die eiland terug te vinden zijn te verzamelen.
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye!
-Geef me een kus voor je afscheid neemt!
-Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need.
-Ga naar buiten en praat met Gugli, hij zal je vertellen wat we nodig zullen hebben.
-Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Ga naar buiten en praat met Gugli, hij zal je vertellen wat we nodig zullen hebben.
-Good, good!
-Goed, goed!
-Half Croconut
-Halve Krokosnoot
-Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
-Luister, *hik* , wat ook, watikookdeed je zal *hik* zei ove... euh.. uit wat?! Je zag daar, de gilde van Esperia zal het nooit publiekelijk maken.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.
-Haha, Maar ik ben zeker dat een jongeman zoals jij graag een 'gentleman' als ik zou ontmoeten.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!
-Haha, neen, maar ik ben zeker dat een jongedamedame zoals jij het enig zou vinden een charmeur als mij te ontmoeten.
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the captain up there.
-Haha... Oké, ik ga boven de kapitein inlichten.
-Hello yeye.#0
-Hallo jeje
-Hello yeye.#1
-Hallo jeje
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we got a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hallo daar, het spijt me dat ik je kamer zo snel verlaatte. Ik moest iets bespreken met de kapitein... . De voorraden, weet je wel. Nu we een extra mond te voeden hebben, moeten we kijken wat we nog hebben.
-Hey you.
-Hé, jij.
-Hey, girl!
-Hé, jongedame!
-Hey, man!
-Hé, jongeman!
-Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
-Hé, je moet bij Julia wezen om je aan boord te laten registreren.
-Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship.
-Hé, je zou Julia moeten opzoeken om aan boord geregistreerd te geraken.
-How are you doing, cutie?
-Hoe gaat het, schatje?
-How are you doing, dude?
-Hoe gaat het met jou, gast?
-How do you know my name?
-Hoe weet jij mijn naam?
-How is *hick* it possible?
-Hoe is *hik* het mogelijk?
-However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
-Hoe dan ook, droogte kwam met zomer en de winters werden kouden dan ooit tevoren.
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth!
-Haast je, haast je! We moeten zijn tanden nakijken!
-I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
-Ik maak me geen zorgen over beloningen. Ik wil gewoon helpen.
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Ik smeek het je, astublieft, astublieeeeeeft ...
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-Ik heb vandaag niets goed voor je.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Ik heb nu geen hulp nodig, kom later maar terug.
-I don't see anything else than... water?
-Ik zie niets ander dan... water?
-I don't want this, give me something else.
-Ik wil dit niet, geef me iets anders.
-I forgot where it was...
-Ik ben vergeten waar het was...
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#0
-Ik heb hulp nodig om de rand van het schip schoon te maken, maar je bent niet sterk genoeg om me te helpen.
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#1
-Ik heb hulp nodig om de rand van het schip schoon te maken, maar je bent niet sterk genoeg om me te helpen.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me?
-Ik heb iemand nodig die me kan helpen het onderruim van het schip te verlossen van deze Ratto. Kan jij me helpen?
-I see it's not easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Ik merk dat het niet makkelijk is om van de Rattos af te komen. Wil je nog eens proberen?
-I see it's not easy to get rid of those Rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Ik merk dat het niet makkelijk is om van de Rattos af te komen. Wil je nog eens proberen?
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
-Ach zo, waarschuw de andere zeelui hiervoor. Maar als hij lid is van de krijgersgilde, dan is hij ook onze bondgenoot.
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
-Ach zo, waarschuw de andere zeelui hiervoor. Maar alse ze deel uitmaakt van een krijgersgilde dan is zij ook onze bondgenoot.
-I speak English
-Ik spreek Engels
-I speak Flemish
-Ik spreek Vlaams
-I speak French
-Ik spreek Frans
-I speak German
-Ik spreek Duits
-I speak Polish
-Ik spreek Pools
-I speak Portuguese
-Ik spreek Portugees
-I speak Russian
-Ik spreek Russisch
-I speak Spanish
-Ik spreek Spaans
-I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s!
-Ik denk dat het niet lang gaat duren. Ik zal gauw een doos vol hebben.
-I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s!
-Ik denk dat ik gauw klaar zal zijn. Ik zal gauw een doos vol hebben.
-I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Ik denk dat mijn wijn van goede kwaliteit is! Ik zit al aan mijn tweedde fles ik ben al ... . Waarover waren we aan het praten?
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Ik denk dat jeje gauw klaar bent. Jeje zal gauw een doos vol @@ hebben.
-I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s!
-Ik denk dat jeje gauw klaar bent. Jeje zal gauw een doos vol @@ hebben.
-I will give you @@gp.
-Ik zal je @@gp geven.
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
-Ik zou er graag één vangen, maar ze vliegen weg telkens ik het probeer.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Ik geef hem alles wat ze nodig heeft, maak je maar geen zorgen.
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Ik geef hem alles wat hij nodig heeft, maak je maar geen zorgen.
-I'll look at it.
-ik zal er naar kijken.
-I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
-Ik word gek, ik moet iets anders te eten hebben!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me!
-ik ben niet dat verdomd hé *hik* wat heb je ontde *hips* ekt daar, de krijgersgilde zal me niet krijgen.
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-Ik ben zeker dat je wat vragen voor me hebt, vraag maar raak, maar eerst moet ik je vertellen over de regels van de sociale omgang hier aan boord.
-I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more info.
-Ik heb hem gezien onderaan het eiland, stel je vragen maar aan Jala als je meer informatie wenst.
-If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you!
-Als ik had *hik* gezien wieeee... *hips* je was had ik je niet geholpen!
-If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks.
-Als je je verveelt of maar rondjes zit te lopen kan je altijd met de andere zeelui praten om ze te helpen met wat taken.
-If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0
-Als je je vorraadvenster wil openen gebruik de 'F3' toets of klik met je muis op 'INV' in het menu bovenaan op je scherm.
-If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1
-Als je je vorraadvenster wil openen gebruik de 'F3' toets of klik met je muis op 'INV' in het menu bovenaan op je scherm.
-In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
-In deze grot, weet je, had ik een heleboel plezier.
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-Het is goed te zien dat je wakker en in orde bent. Elmo kwam hier om me het goede nieuws te vertellen!
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-Het is goed te zien dat je wakker en in orde bent. Elmo kwam hier om me het goede nieuws te vertellen!
-It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-Het lijkt erop dat we dicht bij een eiland zijn. We kunnen een kijkje gaan nemen op het buitendek.
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry!
-Het is een commerciële haven van Andorra, het is vreemd dat je dit niet weet. Het is één van de meest bekende steden in de wereld. Maar laat ons niet uitwijken, ik heb honger!
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!.
-Het is een soort van paddestoel. We noemen deze zo omdat ze smaakt naar een marshmallow. Ze wordt ook vernoemd naar haar uiterlijk, ze lijkt op een pluizebol.
-Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0
-Sommige voorwerpen hebben verschillende effecten. Somige kunnen je helen, anderen kunnen worden gedragen als harnas of wapen, en nog anderen kunnen enkel worden verkocht voor wat extra goud.
-Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#1
-Sommige voorwerpen hebben verschillende effecten. Somige kunnen je helen, anderen kunnen worden gedragen als harnas of wapen, en nog anderen kunnen enkel worden verkocht voor wat extra goud.
-Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.
-Haar inwoners kende geen verschrikkingen en leefde in vrede, want de aarde gaf hen alles wat nodig is te leven.
-Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them.
-Julia is op de bovenste verdieping van het schip, klik op de trap in de rechterbovenhoek van je scherm of gebruik je pijltjes toetsen om er naar toe te stappen.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Ik heb net de koffer geraakt, en het zal jeje een @@.
-Look how splendid this landscape is.
-Kijk hoe prachtig dit landschap is.
-Look, he's there!
-Kijk, daar is hij!
-Maybe he abused too much his bottle today to celebrate that!
-Misschien maakte hij teveel misbruik van zijn fles vandaag om dat te vieren!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Misschien was hij één van hen die vorige maand verloren zijn geraakt. De yoiis van Esperia met een geheime opdracht van de krijgersgilde.
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Misschien was ze één van hen die vorige maand verloren zijn geraakt. De yoiis van Esperia met een geheime opdracht van de krijgersgilde.
-My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Schoonheid, weet je, ik ben niet altijd een zeeman geweest. Eens was ik een belangrijk individu!
-My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Weet je, vriend, ik ben niet altijd een zeeman geweest. Eens was ik een belangerijk individu!
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks.
-Mijn naam is Alige, ik houd me hier al weken verstopt.
-My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-Mijn naam is Astapolos. Q'Muller en ik hebben on een paar jaar geleden bij Nard zijn bemanning gevoegd, toen hij nog maar een klein handelsschip bezat.
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
-NEEN and *hik* NEEN, jij en je... Stomm *hik* gilde!
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
-NEEN en *hik* NEEN, jij en je ... *boer* stomm... *hik* gilde!
-New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed.
-Nieuwe technologieën hieplen de slachting in plaats van het vestigen van de vrede. Op een moment werden er twee vijandige groepen gevormt.
-No problem, I can help you anyway.
-Geen probleem, ik kan je toch helpen.
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
-Neen, dat kan ik niet. Ik wou enkel voor mijn plezier over de zeeën varen.
-No, sorry.
-Neen, sorry.
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!
-Ik wil je dromen niet kapot maken, maar... Julia is van mij!
-OH, OK!
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
-Ach neen, maar een vreemd licht aan de andere kant van het eiland trok mijn aandacht, ik vraag me af wat het kan zijn ...
-Oh ok, I said nothing then.
-Oh oké, Ik heb niets gezegd.
-Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that?
-Echt waar? Hoe kan ik zo'n belangrijk onderwerp nu vergeten?
-Oh really? I'll put some more foods on the next box then.
-Oh, echt? Ik zal dan wat meer voedsel in de volgende doos steken.
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task!
-Ach ja, Ik zal je ook één van de hoeden uit de doos geven, maar enkel nadat je je taak hebt volbracht.
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Ach ja, Ik zal je ook één van de hoeden uit de doos geven, maar enkel nadat je je taak hebt volbracht!
-Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
-Oh, en Olga van de markt ook.
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, en geef ze wat basis kleding, het arme kind, de kleding die ze had is in een nog slechtere staat dan degene die we nog hebben.
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, en geef hem wat basis kleding, de arme ziel, de kleding die hij had is in een nog slechtere staat dan degene die we nog hebben.
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, en er was een incriptie op je vlot. Het vertegenwoordigt één van de krijgergildes van Esperia, de grootste guild van de hele wereld. Helpt dat je iets herrineren?
-Oh, he's still alive!
-Oh, hij leeft nog!
-Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation.
-Oh, niet alles, maak je maar geen zorgen. Maar je naam viel één of twee keer in het gesprek.
-Oh, nothing important.
-Oh, niets belangrijk.
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, nu herinner ik me dat we ook wat geld in je zakken hebben gevonden. Hier heb je het.
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, nu herinner ik me dat we ook wat geld in je zakken hebben gevonden. Hier heb je het.
-Oh, she's still alive!
-Oh, ze leeft nog!
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.
-Oké, ik denk dat hij wakker wordt. Ga naar hem toe.
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.
-Oké, ik denk dat ze wakker word, ga naar haar toe.
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Oké, oké. Kom maar terug als je je bedacht hebt.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Oké, Ik ben klaar om aan de slag te gaan!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Oké, Ik ben klaar om aan de slag te gaan!
-Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well.
-Wanneer het monster dood is, klik met je muis op de gevallen voorwerpen om ze op te rapen en weg te steken. Ook kan je de 'z' toets gebruiken om voorwerpen in de buurt van je personage op te rapen'
-Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0
-Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden.
-Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1
-Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden.
-Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s.
-Als je er echt één wenst, en je voelt je ertoe in staat, kan je proberen tortugas of kroks te jagen. Ik ben er zeker van dat ze één of two @@s zullen laten vallen.
-Orc Voice
-Orc Stem
-Orelse, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s.
-Als je er echt één wenst, en je voelt je ertoe in staat, kan je proberen tortugas of kroks te jagen. Ik ben er zeker van dat ze één of two @@s zullen laten vallen.
-People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.
-Om te overleven begonnen mensen van elkaar te stelen. Net zoals de steden, groeiden ook de noden en veldslagen voor vruchtbare gronden werden een feit.
-Pink Blobime
-Roze Blobime
-Piou Legs
-Please don't tell people that you've seen me. I don't want to be thrown in the sea as food for sharks or decapitated. At least not again!
-Vertel alstublieft niemand dat je me hier hebt gezien. Ik wil niet voor de haaien worden geworpen of worden onthoofd. Niet nog eens!
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long.
-Er werden regels opgesteld die de vrede moesten bewaren. Echter hielden ze niet lang stand.
-Sea Drops
-She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef!
-Ze is de verpleegster en schiphouder op dit schip, en ook een uitstekende kokin!
-She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Ze heeft gezegd me te accepteren wanneer pious tanden hebben. het is dus slecht een kwestie van tijd.
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Ze is op het bovendek, jeje kan ze niet missen. Ze is het enige vrouwlijk lid van de bemanning. Afgezien van jou nu, jejeje!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.
-Ze is op het bovendek, jeje kan ze niet missen. Ze is het enige vrouwlijk lid van de bemanning.
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation.
-Silvio begint tegen zijn fles te praten. Je verlaat het gesprek.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
-Dus daarom wilden we je waarschuwen, misschien komt hij van die gilde waarvan zijn vlot het symbool droeg.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
-Dus daarom wilden we je waarschuwen, misschien komt ze van die gilde aangezien hun symbool op haar vlot aanwezig was.
-So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination.
-Dus we zoeken naar wat nieuwe koopwaar die we kunnen verkopen in onze volgende bestemming.
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats on Artis?
-Dus welke goede wind blaast jou deze kant uit? Was je op je vlot op weg naar mij? Of is het omdat je gehoord hebt over mijn prestaties in Artis?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?
-Dus welke goede wind blaast jou deze kant uit? Was je op je vlot op weg naar mijn julia? Of is het om de mooiste serveerster van heel Artis te zien?
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.
-Dus je bent eindelijk wakker? We dachten allemaal dat je... je weet wel, in zo één van die lange comas lag.
-Some more things are written down but it's not legible.
-Nog meer dingen zijn neergeschreven maar het is niet leesbaar.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
-Sorry, ik ben niet in de stemming om nog eens met Rattos te vechten.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those Rattos.
-Sorry, ik ben niet in de stemming om nog eens met Rattos te vechten.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
-Plots hoor je een stem vanuit de lucht.
-Sure, Cap'tain.
-Zeker, Kapitein.
-Sure, but Gugli needs my help first.
-Natuurlijk, maar Gugli heeft mijn hulp eerst nodig.
-Sure, but what can you give me in exchange?
-Natuurlijk, maar wat krijg ik ervoor in de plaats?
-Sure, there is a reward for your task.
-Er is natuurlijk een beloning voor deze taak.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more!
-Neem dit geld voor je verstandige keuze, maar doe het niet nog eens. Het water is genadig met je geweest de eerste keer, daag het lot niet uit!
-Thank you, I'll take them.
-Dank je, ik neem ze.
-Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Nochmaals bedankt voor je hulp, maar deze Rattos zijn een permanent probleem en je hulp is altijd welkom. Het enige probleem is dat ik je maar één keer een beloning kan geven.
-Thanks for helping me!
-Bedankt voor je hulp!
-That's right.
-Dat klopt.
-That's where you go as well, right?
-Dat is waar jij ook heengaat, niet?
-The adventure begins!
-Het avontuur begint!
-The door is locked.
-De deur is op slot.
-The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the warrior guild.
-De elf van de bibliotheek heeft een tijdje geleden rond me gedraaid alsook Enora van de krijgersgilde.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing thus you don't know the author's name.
-Je opent het boek, maar het lijkt erop dat het zeewater en de tijd het boek erg heeft beschadigd. Sommige paginas zijn niet leesbaar meer. Andere ontbreken simpelweg.
-The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.
-Toen ze bij de kust aankwamen viel het grootse volk van Aemil uiteen in drie groepen.
-The hidden person doesn't answer.
-De verborgen persoon antwoord niet.
-There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Er doen verhalen de ronde dat ze iets monsterlijks hebben gedaan en dat ze redelijk veel voor ons verborgen willen houden.
-There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-Er liggen wat messen op tafel. Zal je er één nemen?
-There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one?
-Er liggen wat messen op tafel. Zal je er één nemen?
-There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Er zijn nog steeds wat Rattos over! Will je je opdracht afbreken?
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Er zijn nog steeds wat Rattos over! Will je je opdracht stopzetten?
-There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Er zijn een aantal van deze @@'s over hete hele eiland. Pluk er een paar en probeer ze maar.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.
-Er valt niets te zeggen, geen zorgen, juffrouw.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.
-Er valt niets te zeggen, maak je maar geen zorgen, meneer.
-Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil.
-Het gevolg was een hongersnood, die de mensen van Aemil trof.
-These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship.
-Deze dozen zijn veel te zwaar om alleen aan boordte worden gebracht?
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...
-Deze Krokosbomen hangen vol met jajend @@, maar ze zijn zo moeilijk te raken...
-These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship.
-Deze jeje dozen zijn veel te zwaar om alleen aan boord te worden gedragen.
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Deze meid mag van geluk spreken dat we haar gevonden hebben voor een haai dat deed. Ik heb geen idee waar ze vandaan komt. Heb je wel het logo op haar vlot gezien?
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!
-Deze jongedame heeft hulp nodig, we moeten haar redden!
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Deze jongeman mag van geluk spreken dat we hem gevonden hebben voor een haai dat deed. Ik heb geen idee waar hij vandaan komt. Heb je wel het logo op zijn vlot gezien?
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!
-Deze jongeman heeft hulp nodig, we moeten hem redden!
-This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-Dit is een fijne plek... Er zijn hier fijne kuikens...
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Dit is een @@, een lichtblauwe zeevrucht. Ze zijn enorm geliefd in de eilandengroep.
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
-Dit soort praat zou bestraft moeten worden, maar ik moet ook niet veel van hen hebben, dus houd ze maar in de gaten.
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
-Dit soort van praat zou moeten worden bestraft, maar ik ben het met je eens dat ik ze ook niet zo heel graag mag, dus houd maar een oogje in het zeil.
-This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Dit klinkt eigenlijk wel logisch. Denk je dat we de kapitein moeten waarschuwen?
-This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.
-Dit nieuwe continent, in werkelijkheid een eilandengroep, was Andorra genaamd.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#0
-Als je je vorraadvenster wil openen gebruik de 'F3' toets of klik met je muis op 'INV' in het menu bovenaan op je scherm.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#1
-Als je je vorraadvenster wil openen gebruik de 'F3' toets of klik met je muis op 'INV' in het menu bovenaan op je scherm.
-Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please.
-Wandel een beetje rond, het is voor jou makkelijk om er één te vangen. Spiets er één voor mij, alstublieft.
-We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis.
-We zijn gestopt bij een klein eilandje vooraleer we naar de haven in Artis gaan.
-We need manpower on the island.
-We hebben mankracht nodig op het eiland.
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.
-We hebben mankracht nodig op het eiland. Oh, vergeef me, vrouwen zijn ook altijd welkom natuurlijk.
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the warrior guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-We zouden er binnen een paar dagen moeten aankomen . Zodra we er zijn zal ik de krijgersgilde informeren over wat er is gebeurd, ik ben er zeker van dat ze kunnen helpen.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-We dachten dat jij ons kon helpen dit te begrijpen, alles wat wij weten is dat we je hebben gevonden op een vlot verdwaald op zee.
-We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map!
-We stoppen normaal gezien niet op zulke plekken, maar de kapitein laat ons hier een tijdje hangen terwijl hij de locatie van dit nieuwe eiland op zijn kaart zet.
-Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Erg bedankt voor de doos, maar... . Hij werd verondersteld de doos zelf bij me af te leveren. Ik heb hem nooit gevraagd ze aan jou te geven!
-What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.
-Wat ik verkoop komt van elke hoek van deze archipelago.
-What do I get in exchange?
-Wat krijg ik in de plaats?
-What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok?
-Wat heeft Gugli over de doos gezegd? Was het in orde?
-What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?
-Wat heeft Gugli over de doos gezegd? Was het in orde?
-What's this fruit?
-Wat is dit fruit?
-What? It's not a good reward?
-Wat? Is het geen goede beloning?
-What? This reward is too small!
-Wat? Deze beloning is te weinig!
-What? This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met.
-Wat? Deze Tritan is de ergste lijntrekker die ik ooit gezien heb.
-When your inventory will be opened, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'Unequip' to remove it.#0
-Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden.
-When your inventory will be opened, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'Unequip' to remove it.#1
-Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden.
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Welk wapen wil je gebruiken om deze @@ te snijden?
-Who are you searching for?
-Wie ben je aan het zoeken?
-Who are you searching?
-Wie ben je aan het zoeken?
-Who yeye is searching?
-Wie ben jeje aan het zoeken?
-Why not, but who are you?
-Waarom niet, maar wie ben je?
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Jajajajaja, het is de eerste keer dat hier iemand, slechter gekleed dan ons, rond loopt.
-Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Ja, zo zijn jullie alle *hik* maal in Esperica, maar mij krijg je niet! *boer*
-Yeah, nice indeed!
-Ja, inderdaad mooi.
-Yes, it's a chest.
-Ja, het is een kist.
-Yes, why not.
-Ja, waarom niet.
-Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#0
-Jeje vraagt teveel, maar doet te weinig. Neem deze doos en stop met praten.
-Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1
-Jeje vraagt teveel en doet te weinig. Neem deze doos en stop met praten.
-Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs.
- Jeje wees voorzichtig met wilde dieren voeding, sommige dieren zijn gevaarlijk, vooral de Blobs.
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0
-Jeje hebt goede ogen en lijkt je verwondingen te boven gekomen zijn. Kan jeje mijn doos vol vis naar Gugli brengen?
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1
-Jeje hebt goede ogen en lijkt je verwondingen te boven gekomen zijn. Kan jeje mijn doos vol vis naar Gugli brengen?
-Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then.
-Jeje bent zeker? Ik zal wat meer voedsel in de volgende doos stajaken.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Jeje, het is het logo van de Esperische krijgersgilde, Ik vraag me af wat deze Yoiische aan het doen was, zo ver van de kust.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Jeje, het is het logo van de Esperische krijgersgilde, Ik vraag me af wat deze Yoiis aan het doen was, zo ver van de kust.
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Jeje, heb je nog steeds je kleren niet?!
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-Jeje, heb je nog steeds je kleren niet gehaald?
-You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
-Je hebt al een bandana genomen, leg deze alstublieft terug in de doos.
-You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Je maakt nu deel uit van de bemanning. Nochmaals bedankt voor je hulp.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Je kan een monster aanvallen door erop te klikken. Als je liever met je toetsenbord werkt kan je het monster selecteren met de 'a' toets en vervolgens aanvallen met de 'Ctrl' toets. Als alternatief zal de 'x' toets het dichtst bijzijnde monster selecteren en aanvallen.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there.
-Je kan ze vinden in de oceaan tussen het koraal en andere zeewezens. Maar de zee is veel te wild vandaag, je zou zelfs niet moeten proberen te zwemmen.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees.
-Je kan wat @@s krajagen door deze palmbomen de raken.
-You have an awful amnesia.
-Je hebt een zwaar geval van geheugenverlies.
-You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@.
-Je sloeg te hard met je vuist, je @@ is nu oneetbaar.
-You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!
-Je vereerd me, schoonheid. Maar ik ben al bezet door Julia!
-You mentioned the quality of your wine
-Je vermelde de kwaliteit van je wijn
-You open the treasure chest.
-Je opent de schatkist.
-You opened the @@, but only one side is edible.
-Je openent the @@ maar slects één helft ziet er nog eetbaar uit.
-You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts.
-Je snijdt je @@ in twee eetbare delen.
-You realise you can't remember anything.
-Je realiseert je dat je niets kan herrineren
-You receive 25GP!
-Je hebt 25GP ontvangen!
-You see these Pious around?
-Zie je deze Piousen om ons heen?
-You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe...
-Je zou ze moeten zien zodra we in de haven aanleggen, ze zijn het waard, haha...
-You still haven't completed your task.
-Je hebt nog steeds je taak niet voltooid.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Domkop, hij is Brits, kijk naar de vorm van zijn hoofd.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Domkop, ze is Brits, kijk naar de vorm van zijn hoofd.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Je neemt de kleding uit de kist.
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there...
-Je probeerde van me af te komen, eh? Verrassing, ik ben nog steeds hier... * hik* Of daar...
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-Je was erg lang jajing aan het slapen, onze scheepshouder, Julia, was hier bij je, ze deed haar best om je verwondingen te helen.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-Je was erg lang jajing aan het slapen, onze scheepshouder, Julia, was hier bij je, ze deed haar best om je verwondingen te helen.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Je zal het zien, burgers zijn beleeft en je kan nog steeds hulp vragen in de krijgersgilde. Zij kunnen je een job aanbieden of zelfs uitzoeken wat er met jou op zee is gebeurt!
-You're right, it's about Julia.
-Je hebt gelijk, het gaat over Julia.
-You're right, it's about you.
-Je hebt gelijk, het gaat over jou.
-Your hands are too weak, you didn't open the @@.
-Je handen zijn te zwak, je kreeg de @@ niet open.
-Your position has been saved.
-Uw positie is opgeslagen.
diff --git a/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt b/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index abb92e3d..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14980 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online
- BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)
- Party: '%s' | Guild: '%s'
- Users: %d/%d | Password: %s | Public: %s
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>).
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>).
- @send <packet hex number> {<value>}*
- @send len <packet hex number>
- Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"
- - Available in shops only.
- - Common mobs with highest drop chance (only max %d are listed):
- - Item is not dropped by any mobs.
- - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%%
- - Monsters don't drop this item.
- -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d --
- -- Player %s has rejected the duel --
- -- Player %s invites %s to duel --
- -> (card(s):
- -> (crafted item, creator id: %u, star crumbs %d, element %d)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, named)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, unnamed)
- -> (produced item, creator id: %u)
- -> Player %s has accepted the duel --
- <- Player %s has left the duel --
- ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- ATK:%d~%d MATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d
- Drops:
- Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d
- MVP Bonus EXP:%u
- MVP Items:
- and %d second
- and %d seconds
- | equipped:
-"@@", I like this name!
-"@alootid reset" will clear your autolootitem list.
-"Mister Piou, good day to you.
-"My good Sir,
-##BWARNING:##b you are about to permanently empty the quote database.
-% 10s
-% 5d
-%d - void
-%d GMs found.
-%d commands found.
-%d day
-%d days
-%d dagen
-%d hour
-%d hours
-%d uren
-%d item(s) found in %d %s slots.
-%d item(s) removed by a GM.
-%d item(s) removed from the player.
-%d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items.
-%d items are dropped!
-%d items have been refined.
-%d minute
-%d minutes
-%d minuten
-%d monster(s) summoned!
-%d players found in map '%s'.
-%d players found.
-%d results found.
-%d: Accessory (Left)
-%d: Accessory (Right)
-%d: Body Armor
-%d: Costume Garment
-%d: Costume Headgear (Low)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Top)
-%d: Garment
-%d: Hand (Left)
-%d: Hand (Right)
-%d: Headgear (Low)
-%d: Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Headgear (Top)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Costume)
-%d: Refine All Equip (General)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Shadow)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Left)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Right)
-%d: Shadow Armor
-%d: Shadow Shield
-%d: Shadow Shoes
-%d: Shadow Weapon
-%d: Shoes
-%s %d %s
-%s %s %s
-%s %s allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
-%s :Main: %s
-%s People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you.
-%s allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere.
-%s and %s will show this informative and absurdely big tutorial book.
-%s clears the text box.
-%s data type is not supported :%u
-%s determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison.
-%s displays amount of currently connected players.
-%s drains his mug in one long sip, then hesitates.
-%s explains how to use all client commands.
-%s failed
-%s failed.
-%s failed. Player not found.
-%s has bought your item(s).
-%s helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow.
-%s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes
-%s is Unknown Command.
-%s is empty
-%s is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it.
-%s lists even more advanced commands, but some of them can only be used by admins or GM's.
-%s recalled!
-%s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts)
-%s shows the name of the map you are in.
-%s shows the number of people in the neighbourhood.
-%s spawns in:
-%s takes a sip.
-%s value is now :%d
-%s value is now :%s
-%s will help when the client starts lagging. If you see an attack but no monsters, that's the cause.
-%s will tell you all the rules once again.
-%s: %d
-%s??? What a ripoff!
-'%s' Channel is password protected (usage: %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-'%s' and his/her partner are now divorced.
-'%s' channel color updated to '%s'
-'%s' is not a known channel option
-'%s' is not a known costume
-'%s' is not a known permission.
-'%s' is not married.
-'%s' skill and stat points have been reset.
-'%s' skill points reset.
-'%s' stats points reset.
-'%s' stats:
-'Hey anyone there?'
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty on this island!
-(@request): %s
-(All items must be placed exactly in this order for cooking work.)
-(Click on us to continue the introduction.)
-(You hear a faint sound in distance, but can't say what sound it was.)
-* :%s %s: *
-* @@ @@
-* Skill ID: @@
-*Bang bang*
-*Imitate a thunder's sound.*
-*Uff*, *Argh*, why don't you give me some help?
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*sniff sniff*
-- #%s ( %d users )
-- %s
-- %s (%d)
-- 2 @@es
-- Ale
-- Astapolos
-- Available Costumes
-- Gulukan
-- I currently need your help with @@.
-- Jalad
-- Q'Muller
-- Tibbo
-- adds or removes <option name> with <option value> to <channel name> channel
-- bans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- binds your global chat to <channel name>, making anything you type in global be sent to the channel
-- changes <channel name> color to <color name>
-- creates a new channel
-- leaves <channel name>
-- lists all banned characters from <channel name> channel
-- lists colors available to select for custom channels
-- lists public channels
-- unbans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- unbans everyone from <channel name>
-- unbinds your global chat from its attached channel (if bound)
--- %s
--- %s ban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s banlist <channel name>
--- %s bindto <channel name>
--- %s create <channel name> <channel password>
--- %s leave <channel name>
--- %s list
--- %s list colors
--- %s setcolor <channel name> <color name>
--- %s setopt <channel name> <option name> <option value>
--- %s unban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s unbanall <channel name>
--- %s unbind
--- '%s' ban list
--- Available options
--- Continues on Volume II --
--- Continues on Volume III --
--- Continues on Volume IV --
--- Displaying first %d partial matches
--- Permission List
--- Public Channels
--- User '%s' Permissions
---- Available options:
------ Chats in Map -----
------ NPCs in Map -----
------ Players in Map -----
------- %s items list of '%s' ------
------- Map Flags ------
------- Map Info ------
-... and 1 @@.
-...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks.
-...I mean log! Made of log!
-...It'll most likely attack you, instead.
- might be because of Don... he is the master blacksmith of this place and a model to me!
-...who knows if there isn't a secret in that?
-/q [Player Name]
-1 GM found.
-1 item has been refined.
-1 player found in map '%s'.
-1 player found.
-1. ##BDo not bot##b, this means you are not allowed to perform any AFK (away from keyboard) activity, apart from standing idle.
-1: The type of item yoiis want to dye.
-1x @@, 3x @@, 2x @@, and the ingredient of your choice.
-2. ##BDo not use offensive/rude language##b in the chats or in your character(s) name(s).
-2: What material it is made from.
-3. ##BDo not spam/flood other players.##b This includes chat spam and spam by trade requests.
-3: Which colorants can dye it.
-4. ##BSpeak only English in public areas.##b You can speak whatever language you want through whispers or whenever everyone in the area can speak said language.
-4: How many cards your item can contain.
-5 Piberries Infusions
-5 boxes... Alright, @@ are my speciality!
-5. ##BDo not beg others##b for money, items or favours of any kind. If you want to ask for something, do it politely and only once. Try not to annoy other players.
-6. ##BFollow the [@@|ESC@@]##b (Evol Social Convention).
-7. ##BDo not multibox.##b You are not allowed to engage in combat while controlling more than one character at a time.
-???: Hey! Is someone there? Please, help, it's so dark down here!
-@@ @@ @@
-@@ and @@ just got married!
-@@ divorced!
-@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!
-@@ registered for marriage. Waiting for partner...
-@@ skillfully cuts the bread in half, throws the ingredients in air, and they land in the sandwich!
-@@/@@ pages used.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-Welkom, schatje
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-Hallo schat!
-@discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings.
-@request sent.
-@resyncall is the more powerful version of @resync. It'll reload everything, even the clouds if needed.
-@toevent will warp you to event island, if an event is happening, of course.
-@ucp allows you to manage your account, eg. recover lost email.
-A GM has discharged you from jail.
-A band of adventurers formed in Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families. They visited the three permanent human settlements: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-A cookie!
-A critical hit deals added damage and disregards defense. A critical always hit, although it can be blocked just fine.
-A few minutes passed, and suddenly I was practically surrounded by a dozen or more of these living trees!
-A great city, eventually to become larger than the cities of Ancea, rose on the coast of Aemil. This city was named Esperia.
-A headache hits you and you lose your concentration.
-A large tree was found in a deep cave underneath the island of Candor. Despise the darkness of the cave and absence of leaves, the tree grew strong. It gave light off itself and its energy empowered the wizards.
-A rabbit!
-A small lie is really just a fib, and I could really use some cash...
-A stat card works on different pieces of equipment.
-A strange voice seems to be calling out your name.
-A sunny and hot day,
-Een hete zonnige dag.
-A week ago, I was going to chop down one of those twigleaf trees in the forest to the southwest.
-A young apprentice called Chelios might be waiting outside, speak to him, and return the package to me.
-A-hoy matey!
-ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d
-Able to write a poem
-Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.
-Aan boord staan een groep zeelui. Ze proberen met je te praten.
-About the Legion of Aemil, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Accepted the quest
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#0
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#1
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#0
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#1
-Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life.
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Actually, it's been a long day.
-Actually, you just took a bounty, right?
-Add a new line
-Aemil was once a magnificent land unknown to us all.
-Aemilean Era. Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis held power of their surrounding lands, except for the Land Of Fire and Keshlam City.
-After I chopped off a few branches, the whole tree started to move!
-After I shook it off and struck the tree again with my axe, another branch hit me!
-After a tiring, yet fast, travel by Koga, you arrive at @@.
-After all this time, it was still there!
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#0
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#1
-After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.
-After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert!
-After the Mana War, the Ancea continent was mostly destroyed. It would take years to nature start repairing the damage of the event.
-After this small overview of Artis, what do you think of our city?
-After this war, the Raijin race was born. A race born of Magic. Humans encapsulated in a Mana storm and altered forever.
-After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading.
-Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead.
-Agi: %d (%d~%d)
-Agility greatly increases your attack speed and the chances of you dodging enemy hits.
-Ah, I didn't have much sleep, it's possible.
-Ah, seagulls. We are arriving.
-Ah, the locals like keeping them as pets.
-Ah, well, never mind.
-Ah, whom did you bring here?
-Ah... Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation.
-Ah... Sorry, I forgot, again.
-Ahoy, @@!
-Alan asks to find wood
-Alan bends the log over his knee.
-Alan tries as hard as he can but the log won't bend.
-Alan wants to ask Jack
-Alchemical studies are prohibited in every city of the Archipelagos, do not dare to practice it in a public zone!
-Alchemist's Laboratory
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Alige asks for food
-Alizarin Herb
-Alizarin Plant
-All I need is %d %s.
-All characters recalled!
-All dropped items have been cleaned up.
-All items have been repaired.
-All items stored.
-All monsters killed!
-All monsters summoned!
-All of a sudden, you hear voices from above.
-All of my money.
-All of your items have been removed.
-All online characters of the %s guild have been recalled to your position.
-All online characters of the %s party have been recalled to your position.
-All players have been kicked!
-All races were in peace until the Humans set forth to discover the Source of Magic, based on Ukar scholars studies.
-All skills have been added to your skill tree.
-All stats changed!
-All this seems unimportant to you right now.
-All you have to do is to select a bed in the upper level anytime after your reservation.
-All you need is a bit more exercise and fresh fruit in your diet!
-All your... Fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked.
-Alliances cannot be broken during Guild Wars!
-Alliances cannot be made during Guild Wars!
-AllowKS |
-Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the '###keyPickup;' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item.
-Almost got it!
-Already using this font.
-Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good.
-Alright, I'll take one.
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's friend or foe...#0
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's friend or foe...#1
-Alright, but... You only have @@ @@, and I need @@ to do the status reset for you!
-Alright, take your time we are not in a hurry.
-Alright, well...
-Alright, you will need this shovel.
-Alright. I will go looking for them now.
-Alright... Bye.
-Oké... . Daag.
-Also note that if you are in overweight, your natural regen will halt. 90% in weight, and you won't be able to attack.
-Also, build a reputation with the Legion. Talk to everyone. Help everyone. Prove me your worth!
-Also, most monsters get enraged and will attack whoever is closest to them, regardless of anything else.
-Also, status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
-Ook hebben we je jouw jajed kleren, aangezien ze ... Jejeje ... in een slechte staat. Neem een kijkje in de kist naast je bed, er zitten nog wel wat kleren in.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
-Ook hebben we je jouw jajed kleren, aangezien ze ... Jejeje ... in een slechte staat. Neem een kijkje in de kist naast je bed, er zitten nog wel wat kleren in.
-Also, you'll get more experience by killing monsters stronger than you, and less experience by killing monsters weaker than you.
-Alternative clouds appeared.
-Alternative clouds have disappeared.
-Although the more powerful you are, the more plushrooms you will need.
-Although, if you want to visit a place nearby, we could take you there.
-Altough you can't get rid of the feeling someone is listening on the other side, you don't get any replies
-Amethyst Shard
-Amethyst Vein
-An explorer left behind some incomplete manuscripts about the people and dangers in the land of Kaizei.
-An invalid number was specified.
-And I bet you don't know who is in charge of monitoring the security of this place?
-And I have no mention of a so called "@@" on it!
-And by last, to speak to everyone online, besides whoever might be idling on IRC, select the '#irc' tab.
-And by the way. I know nothing about this book. And I don't know how to get more pages either.
-And get out of here, I'm not a map!
-And now I want to see you run!
-And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
-En nu ben ik een zeeman zoals je kan zien.
-And only the best logs of living wood are good enough for them.
-And rhyming is not too
-And so far, the Merchant Guild helped me find this appartment so I can't complain!
-And sure enough I ask the witch, and she has a look at it.
-And then she turns to me!
-And then what happened?
-And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
-And tried to attract him thus.
-And what would you give me in exchange for that information?
-And when we have enough money for ourselves without needing anybody else.
-And where can I find these potions?
-And with my piou. That's wonderful. I can only imagine how hard that little bugger was to catch!
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#0
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#1
-And you, how are you doing?
-En jij, hoe gaat het met jou?
-And you? How's it going on your side?
-En jij? Hoe gajat het met jou?
-And you? How's it yaying on your side?
-En jij? Hoe gajat het met jou?
-Animals Protection Agency of Aemil
-Any boss which was previously unhittable, can be hit with appropriate number of attackers.
-Any clue on where Astapolos may be hidden?
-Any contribution to the game (translations, graphics creation/edition, concepts, coding/scripting, etc...) is rewarded!
-Any ideas on who might have taken it?
-Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.
-Anything else you want me to do?
-Anything else?
-Anyway I am glad I can give you some of these yoyoxs.
-Anyway, can I help you in any way?
-Anyway, he forgot his permit when he left the building.
-Anyway, here, have a cookie!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#0
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#1
-Anyway, let me know if you change your mind.
-Anyway, the guild creation is perfect for both!
-Anyway, the last time I stole something I was almost caught.
-Anyway, to make a sandwich, you'll need to place, in this order:
-Appearance Debug
-Appearance Debug - Barber
-Appearance Debug - Race
-Appearance Debug - Sex Change
-Appearance changed.
-Applying some strong-smelling liquid, he tans them to a darker hue.
-Aquada Box
-Arch Bishop
-Arch Bishop T
-Are the fish biting today?
-Are you a good blacksmith?
-Are you a native from Artis?
-Are you blind? Do you really think these boxes are light and soft as a piou's feather?!
-Are you crazy?
-Are you going to stand here all day long? Do the dishes or go away.
-Are you in need of some flowers?
-Are you mad?!
-Are you ok?
-Ben je in orde?
-Are you sure about this?#0
-Are you sure about this?#1
-Are you sure one of your troupe members didn't hide it and commit those robberies?
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#0
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#1
-Are you sure?#0
-Are you sure?#1
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#0
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#1
-Arpan gave money
-Arpan is waiting for you
-Arpan told you to open the chest
-Artis Backsword
-Artis Tank Top
-Artis is a very nice place. There are some hot chicks...
-Artis legion progress
-Artis of course!
-Artis natuurlijk!
-As captain of this ship, I officially name this newly discovered land the ##BDrasil Island##b!
-As on anvil strikes the hammer
-As promised, here's my old scythe.
-As you may know, we are explorers on a long distance voyage, and our swashbuckling mariners need to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-As you want!
-Ask other merchants, they might know where he is.
-Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away.
-Assassin Cross
-Astapolos... That guy is shy like a piou!
-At first, I thought it fell down or the wind blew it, but it hurt!
-At that time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-Atropos Mixture
-Auction is disabled
-Auldsbel discretly stuffs a book on your backpack.
-Auto loot item are disabled on this map.
-Autoloot is now off.
-Autolooting item type: '%s'
-Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' {%d}
-Autolooting items with drop rates of %0.02f%% and below.
-Autorejected alliance request from %s.
-Autorejected friend request from %s.
-Autorejected guild invite from %s.
-Autorejected opposition request from %s.
-Autorejected party invite from %s.
-Autorejected trade request from %s.
-Autorejecting is activated.
-Autorejecting is deactivated.
-Autotrade Disabled
-Autotrade Enabled
-Autotrade is not allowed in this map.
-Available Flags:
-Available aliases:
-Available commands:
-Aw, what will I do now?
-Awesome! I will wait for you here.
-Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group!
-Awesome. How many of those do you want to give me?
-Axe Hat
-Ayouyouch! My head...
-Awawawawauw! Mijn hoofd...
-Baby Acolyte
-Baby Alchemist
-Baby Arch Bishop
-Baby Archer
-Baby Assassin
-Baby Bard
-Baby Blacksmith
-Baby Crusader
-Baby Dancer
-Baby Genetic
-Baby Guillotine Cross
-Baby Hunter
-Baby Knight
-Baby Magician
-Baby Mechanic
-Baby Merchant
-Baby Minstrel
-Baby Monk
-Baby Novice
-Baby Priest
-Baby Ranger
-Baby Rogue
-Baby Royal Guard
-Baby Rune Knight
-Baby Sage
-Baby Shadow Chaser
-Baby Sorcerer
-Baby Sura
-Baby Swordsman
-Baby Thief
-Baby Wanderer
-Baby Warlock
-Baby Wizard
-Bad Bee
-Ban failed, it is not possible to ban this user.
-Bandit Boots
-Bandit Gloves
-Bandit Hood
-Bandit Lord
-Bandit Shawl
-Bandit Trousers
-Banking is disabled
-Bare Hands
-Blote Handen
-Base Level: %d (%.3f%%) | Job Level: %d (%.3f%%)
-Base level can't go any higher.
-Base level can't go any lower.
-Base level lowered.
-Base level raised.
-Bat Teeth
-Battle configuration has been reloaded.
-Battlegrounds ON
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#0
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#1
-Because I am a Kralog I can't read such things? That's rubbish.
-Because of the dense foliage, you need to go up close to the trees so you don't miss him.
-Because the voices of death sing a sweet song
-Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled.
-Becoming a Sorcerer? I want that too!
-Beer is life!
-Before I joined Nard, I used to be a thief.
-Before the end of the Mana War, a band of adventurers formed in the Ancean region of Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Behind me? It's the Blacksmith House, the most renowned throughout Aemil.
-Bent trees whistling with the beat of the drum
-Bernard sent me to get %d %s from the %s in the fields, but they scare me so bad!
-Bernard wants maggot slime
-Bernard wants roasted maggot
-Besides this, there is Seasons. You know, summer, autumn, winter and spring.
-Besides, I need to be here to watch out for thieves while La Johanne is docked.
-Better stay away from my basement, you may end up like the poor guys down there.
-Better take it back to Q'Onan.
-Beware of falling stones from the cliff!
-Beware you have a limited number of pages. Do not let the Legion or the Brotherhood find out you have one.
-Billy Bons
-Black Cotton Dye
-Black Scorpion
-Black iron... That is a very specific request that you have for me!
-Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) --
-Blue Coral
-Blauw Coraal
-Blue Cotton Dye
-Blue Gray Cotton Dye
-Blue Rose
-Blue Tulip
-Boss Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Bottle of Water
-Bowler Hat
-Break the door.
-Forceer de deur.
-Brimmed Feather Hat
-Brimmed Flower Hat
-Brimmed Hat
-Bring it to me, and you will get your reward.
-Bring me a %s.
-Bring me some of these plushrooms and I will show you how it works!
-Bring them to me, and I'll give you something nice.
-Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!
-Brown Cotton Dye
-Brown Trousers
-Bug Leg
-But I can't leave to catch it, so I'm asking you.
-But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry.
-Maar ik kan je er niets over zeggen, het spijt me.
-But I didn't give up!
-But I got an old scythe laying around.
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#0
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#1
-But I need to go, see you!
-ar ik moet nu gaan. Ik zie je later!
-But I still have some spikes left in my foot.
-But I swear that one day... Oh... My tasty revenge! Hhm, actually I wonder if... Maybe...
-But I wasn't there that night.
-But I'll no longer chop those twigleafs, I'll tell you that.
-But I'm almost out of @@...
-But all she says is, “had you stayed inside, you wouldn't be wet now”.
-But anyway, take the road which goes to the north to find everybody.
-But be careful: do not scream by using a lot of capital letters, do not repeat yourself over and over, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized.
-But discovering new territories is probably the best thing that can happen to sailors, don't you think?
-But don't you worry! I don't know how to get you back your memories, but we can work on your muscles for now!
-But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.
-Maar voorlopig kan je uitrusten op het schip of het eiland bezoeken waar we liggen aangemeerd! Het is een klein eiland, maar het is een goede plek om wat te kunnen bewegen en je benen te strekken.
-But he just told me to leave him alone.
-But he never returned.
-But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-But how I got there is kind of scary...
-But if you and other players surrounds the monster instead, they'll suffer the same penalties!
-But if you fail, you will have to get them from the alchemist.
-But if you need to deal with more burocratic stuff, go talk to Q'Anon. He is the boss here.
-But if you really want to accomplish something, you should consider joining us.
-But if you tell my sister, that you didn't find me, I can stay here all day, eating apples and enjoying the view.
-But in the future I might be able to help you create some of your own.
-But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
-Maar het belangrijkste is dat zij degene is die je heeft verzorgt toen je buiten bewustzijn was.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
-Maar het belangrijkste is dat zij degene is die je heeft verzorgt toen je buiten bewustzijn was.
-But my luck left me, because as soon as I left his house, the guards started chasing me.
-But rare are those that receive grants from the Legion itself. For anybody else only a hard work can pay your bills!
-But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.
-But since it's not dummies that will go after you out there, this training won't be enough.
-But something like “Nanaj princino”, I think.
-But still, you open your eyes and see a large ship before you!
-But thank you anyway! I can refund him now!
-But the last time I asked him for a new delivery he said that he would never again get any for me.
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#0
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#1
-But there is no skill to be learnt from this boss.
-But they are too fast.
-But we are quite lucky here, outside of some tipsy travelers there are no big problems around here, it's not like the capital, Esperia.
-But who am I?
-Maar wie ben ik?
-But you are out of the boss level range.
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#0
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#1
-But you do not have enough Magic Ink. (You need: @@ @@)
-But you ran out of empty pages on this book.
-But you should've seen that gaze!
-But you won't *hic* me this time...
-Maar je zal mij ditmaal *hik* niet...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. At least not yet.#1
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. At least not yet.#0
-But... something is missing to make the soup creamy.
-By the way, I'm Lozerk. Lieutenant Lozerk.
-By the way, did you ever talk with Don?
-By the way, stay sharp! I may call upon you again.
-Bye for now.
-Bye then!
-C'mon, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-Camel Cotton Dye
-Can I be of any help?
-Can I craft them myself?
-Can I read the rules again?
-Can I read these rules again?
-Mag ik het reglement nog eens doornemen?
-Can create guild
-Can create party
-Can do the quest
-Can you do something with my color?
-Can you make me a really good bow?
-Can you please go away?
-Can you please go there and find him? He is probably hiding in one of those trees, like always.
-Can you reset my stats please?
-Can you verify that with his wife?
-Can't create chat rooms in this area.
-Can't show boss mobs!
-Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty.
-Can't talk right now.
-Can't walk without stopping after every step
-Can't you remember anything at all? Or do you have some memories of your past?
-Can't you see I am reading? If you need something, tell me the secret password.
-Can't you see I am reading? Please go, please.
-Can't you see I'm busy?
-Can't you see I'm working?!
-Candle Helmet
-Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself.
-Cannot create bound pet eggs or pet armors.
-Cannot do the quest
-Cannot mount while in disguise.
-Cannot send mails too fast!!
-Cannot transform into monster while in disguise.
-Captain Nard
-Kapitein Nard
-Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
-Kapitein Nard is in de kabine aan je rechterzijde.
-Carp Sandwich
-Cart Added.
-Cash Shop is disabled in this map
-Cat got your tongue?
-Catching a piou
-Cave Maggot
-Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus
-Ch 1 — How to make money.
-Ch 10 — How I see my items?
-Ch 11 — How trade with other players?
-Ch 12 — How hunt monsters?
-Ch 13 — How talk with someone?
-Ch 14 — Change your appearing.
-Ch 15 — Commands.
-Ch 16 — Shortcuts.
-Ch 2 — Baits
-Ch 2 — Everything about monsters.
-Ch 3 — Location
-Ch 3 — Quests.
-Ch 4 — Casting
-Ch 4 — Status.
-Ch 5 — NPC's.
-Ch 5 — Reeling
-Ch 6 — Magic.
-Ch 7 — Rules.
-Ch 8 — Weather & Seasons.
-Ch 9 — Experience.
-Change my appearance
-Change my level
-Change my quests
-Change my skills
-Change my stats
-Changed your mind, uh?#0
-Changed your mind, uh?#1
-Channel '%s' has no banned players
-Channel '%s' is not available
-Channel length must be between 3 and %d
-Channel name must start with a '#'
-Channel password may not contain spaces
-Char-server has been asked to %s the character '%.*s'.
-Character cannot be disguised while in monster form.
-Character cannot be disguised while mounted.
-Character does not have the specified item.
-Character killed.
-Character not found.
-Charcommand failed (usage: %c<command> <char name> <parameters>).
-Chat: %s | Player: %s | Location: %d %d
-Check out this one.
-Chef Gado
-Chef Gado#Artis
-Chef? He is Don's apprentice, he works on his hammering skill day and night.
-Chelios asked me to get it.
-Chelios asks to visit Lloyd
-Chelios made sword
-Chelios managed to do excellent work.
-Chelios was stubborn in his youth, he never stopped annoying me with his questions while I was working at the forge.
-Chelios, his apprentice, practices outside, mostly.
-Chelios... He is part of the Blacksmith House, is he not?
-Cherry Cake
-Cherry tree leaves have begun to fall.
-Cherry tree leaves no longer fall.
-Chest opened.
-Children play there and can be badly hurt if they get too close to a Fluffy's nest.
-Chill out I won't say anything.
-Chocolate Cashmere Dye
-Choose desired quest state:
-Chorus of the Woods
-Christopher is surrounded by the sunlight from the window.
-City Hall
-Click here for instructions on how to use the test server.
-Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction.
-Clone spawned.
-Clotho Liquor
-Clouds appeared.
-Clouds have disappeared.
-Clouds |
-Clouds2 |
-Clover Patch
-Coal Vein
-Cobalt Herb
-Cobalt Plant
-Coin Bag
-Colorant is not the yeying color. Some wear out from light, others look great but inflict itai-itai, and others become spotty or wash-away.
-Come after a little while.
-Come back later if you changed your mind!
-Come back later!
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#0
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#1
-Come back later.
-Come back later.#0
-Come back later.#1
-Come back soon, and bring @@s!
-Come back when you do.
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#0
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#1
-Come closer dear, I can't hear you.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring her with your stories.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring him with your stories.#1
-Come on, don't be a coward!
-Come, come and see!
-Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while.
-Commands are disabled in this map.
-Common Carp
-Communication Theory
-Complete Quest
-Completed Gugli's task
-Completed, Gado wins
-Completed, Julia wins
-Completed, Julia wins (returned poison)
-Completed, got reward
-Concentration Potion
-Confused Tree
-Congrats, you are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are %u !!
-Contacted by Sopiahalla
-Cookie Master
-Cookies are a source of life.
-Cookies are awesome, so am I.
-Cookies provide you strength, health and cuteness.
-Cooking is an art. You need to know how to cook something. You can use my stove to prepare.
-Copper Armbands
-Copper Necklace
-Costume '%s' removed.
-Cotton Boots
-Cotton Gloves
-Cotton Skirt
-Cotton, cashmere, leather, ...
-Could I ask a favor of you?
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1
-Could I lodge here for a while?
-Could you bleach my clothes?
-Could you bring it to him?
-Could you do a small favor for me?
-Could you explain to me where I am?
- Kan je me uitleggen waar ik ben?
-Could you interrogate him for me?
-Could you please bring me 2 new knives?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a berry, and I'm not big on vegetables either. I need proteins!
-Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Kan je me zeggen waar ik ben?
-Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Kan je me zeggen waar ik ben?
-Couwan asks to deliver box
-Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.
-Couwan gaf me deze doos voor jou.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.
-Creased Shirt
-Gekreukt Overhemd
-Creased Shorts
-Gekreukte Korte Broek
-Create items
-Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice!
-Crimson Cashmere Dye
-Croc Claw
-Croc Klauw
-Croconut Box
-Crude Amethyst
-Crude Diamond
-Crude Emerald
-Crude Ruby
-Crude Sapphire
-Crude Topaz
-Curious Hole
-Current amount of zeny changed.
-Current exp rate is set to @@% (default value).
-Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-CvC ON |
-CvC is already Off.
-CvC is already On.
-CvC: Off
-CvC: On
-Daddy asked me to give you some money as a thank you for looking out for me.
-Daddy finally came back home! He grabbed a snack and said he would be returning to the sewers.
-Daddy never came back home... He said that he would be back for lunch but it has already been two days!
-Damn @@.
-Verdorie @@
-Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter.
-Dan eindigd het gesprek en schrijft verder aan zijn brief.
-Dan keeps silent since your last question.
-Dan spreekt niet meer sinds je laatste vraag.
-Dance for me
-Dang, I scared it! More patience, @@, more patience.
-Dark Collector
-Dark Red Cotton Dye
-Database erased.
-Day Mode Activated.
-Day Mode is activated
-Day mode is already enabled.
-Deal, I offer you @@ E!
-Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
-Dear sister,
-Death Knight
-Debug - Change level
-Debug - Change stats
-Debug - Reset
-Debug Forest Bow
-Debug Gado quest
-Debug Gugli quest
-Debug Nard quest
-Debug Narrator
-Debug Wooden Shield
-Defeated by
-Delicious Cookie
-Heerlijk Koekje
-Delivered box, got reward
-Dex: %d (%d~%d)
-Dexterity increases your bow damage and your accuracy.
-Diamond Shard
-Diamond Vein
-Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?
-Did you ask him why?
-Did you bring me any wood?
-Did you bring me the %d %s I need?
-Did you brought me 2 new knives?
-Did you fight it?
-Did you fight them too?
-Did you find my brother?
-Did you hear about the Bandit's attacks? They must have a hideout somewhere outside Hurnscald.
-Did you look over the basement?
-Did you run away?
-Did you see Don the blacksmith? He might know how you could improve your metal equipment.
-Did you see anyone in a mask come by here at night?
-Did you see anyone with a large satchel come by here at night?
-Did you see my daughter Rossy, by chance?
-Different ways, each part of your equipment can be generally upgraded.
-Disconnecting to perform change-sex request...
-Disguise applied.
-Disguise removed.
-Displaying first %d out of %d matches
-Displays Night |
-Divorce error!
-Do I look like a tree? I feel like one.
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Jenna
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-Geef niemand het wachtwoord van je kamer! Houd het geheim en gebruik ze ook niet voor andere kamers in de toekoemst. - Julia
-Do not learn
-Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever.
-Do note that Job Level gives you skill points, and the status bonuses are really minor.
-Do nothing
-Do we have a deal?
-Do you feel too weak even to do damage to this areas wishy-washy wildlife?
-Do you have @@s for me?
-Do you have any other questions for me?
-Heb je nog andere vragen voor me?
-Do you have anything else for me?
-Do you have anything for me today?
-Heb je vandaag iets voor me?
-Do you have the %d %s and %s E for the shield?
-Do you have this commendatory letter?
-Do you know anything about the recent robberies?
-Do you know how to speak with people around you?
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#0
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#1
-Do you know where can I find Gulukan?
-Do you know where the graveyard is?
-Do you know where the hill is?
-Do you live here alone?
-Do you need any other information?
-Do you need help with something?
-Do you need your pickaxe or your shovel fixed? Then I am your man.
-Do you still need help?
-Do you still want to lodge here?
-Do you take apprentices?
-Do you think this is fair? They sent me down here alone, far away from everyone.
-Do you want a drink?
-Do you want me to go see her instead of you?
-Wil je dat ik haar in jouw plaats ga opzoeken?
-Do you want to continue?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Wil je deze @@ snijden?
-Do you want to enter in sewer?
-Do you want to go back to Artis? You really should be afraid of the Legion there, now that you have been here in Woodland. They somehow smell the odor of the Brotherhood.
-Do you want to go somewhere?
-Do you want to leave it alone?
-Do you want to leave the boat?
-Do you want to marry @@?
-Do you want to read it?
-Do you want to throw something inside?
-Do you want to try again?
-Do you want to try?
-Wil je proberen?
-Do you want to use this place as save point?
-Do you wish to try again?
-Do? I don't do them.
-Docks Warehouse
-Does anyone know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Does not have the quest
-Does the guild has any work for me right now?
-Does your mind go all fuzzy or does it feel like your head is going to explode??
-Doesn't he like the way I'm taking care of his ship? Everything is clean and tidy with me, rightful lieutenant of La Johanne.
-Don gave me some black iron... after I asked him nearly ten times.
-Don is a renowned blacksmith throughout Andorra, it's crazy that you never heard of him.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land for his blacksmith skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land of Aemil for his blacksmithing skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don't be shy, you are nice
-Don't belittle me, my work is deserving of the highest esteem.
-Don't distract me, I have to stay alert.
-Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!
-Don't fall!
-Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots!
-Don't get too excited about it...#0
-Don't get too excited about it...#1
-Don't let those monsters get to you.
-Don't say I didn't warn you!
-Don't say it so loudly, other people could hear us.
-Don't tell anyone about this. Once you kill you a boss, you can try to learn the boss skill by using the book.
-Don't tell me more, I know what you want...
-Don't try to fool me!
-Don't try to poison me! I know what that does!
-Probeer me niet te vergiftigen! Ik weet wat het doet!
-Don't worry sister, I didn't forget you.
-Don't worry, I'm sure you will help them soon enough!
-Don't you like the smoke, when there is a nice fire beneath a cauldron?
-Don't you recognize the great city of Artis?
-Don't you try to cheat an old merchant! You don't have enough money, you need @@ E.
-Done. Here, take it! Now, here is the plan. Go talk to her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Dont you know something about fertility? I heard rumors.
-Drag and drop an item from your inventory.
-Drag and drop the items from your inventory in the frames.
-Drasil Island.
-Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents.
-Due to neglect with day-to-day administration, which she delegated to her council, and uncontrolled expenses, the kingdom faced its first economic crisis.
-Duel| Can't use %s in duel.
-Duel| Can't use this item in duel.
-Duel| Invalid value.
-Duel| Invitation has been sent.
-Duel| Player name not found.
-Duel| The Player is in the duel already.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been accepted.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been rejected.
-Duel| The limit of players has been reached.
-Duel| You can take part in duel once per %d minutes.
-Duel| You can't invite %s because he/she isn't in the same map.
-Duel| You can't use @accept without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You can't use @duel without @reject.
-Duel| You can't use @invite. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @leave. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @reject without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You've left the duel.
-During night, the monsters usually respawn faster. That can be a problem with aggressive monsters.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, dude.#1
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, honey.#0
-Each big city hosts a Legion building, Artis' building is located in the north-west.
-Each card improves your gear by a ratio or a fixed number on a predefined stat.
-Each level up will buff your base stats, and give you stats points to allocate.
-Each piece of equipment has a predefined slot number.
-Each season unlocks a set of quests and drops which can only be obtained on the season.
-Earlier today there was this young seller named Fexil that passed by here.
-Easter Egg
-Easy to make? Could you make one for me?
-Easy to make? Could you teach me how to make them?
-Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.
-Eeekkk another one.
-Ehm... He was really upset because of some past stories.
-Eight Castles
-Eighteen Castles
-Eleven Castles
-Elixir Of Life
-Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats!
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Chef Gado.
-Elmo told about money
-Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats!
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#0
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#1
-Emerald Shard
-Emerald Vein
-Empty Bottle
-Empty Mug
-Empty the quote DB
-Enabled Mapflags in this map:
-Enabled: @@
-Enjoy the fraternity and excitement of your future guild!
-Enjoy your new shield!
-Enjoy your new style.
-Enora asks to kill fluffies
-Enora asks to visit Chelios
-Enora asks to visit Q'Pid
-Enora asks to visit Resa
-Enora is carefully inspecting the sword.
-Enora needs them.
-Enora sent me here.#0
-Enora sent me here.#1
-Enora wants her potions.
-Enora, from the Legion of Aemil, has been warned that you were aboard.
-Enough of this island?
-Enter desired skill level:
-Enter line number:
-Enter new line:
-Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories.
-Error reading atcommand.conf, reload failed.
-Error reading groups.conf, reload failed.
-Eugene needs tentacles
-Even a simple sandwich will be ruined if you place lettuce above the cheese!
-Even after all that though, I still can't believe what happened next.
-Even with your Hercules strength, this lid is hopelessly struck.
-Event Management
-Event management
-Every 1 hour
-Every 12 hours
-Every 24 hours
-Every 3 hours
-Every 5 hours
-Every 6 hours
-Evil clone spawned.
-Exactly! Can I have one now?
-Exactly. Even our task is ridiculous. Why should we collect food down here if we have plenty of those tasty and soft rattos inside our ship, waiting just to be hunted and cooked?
-Excuse me that was a mistake.
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
-Excuseer me? Weet u wie ik ben?
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Excuseer me? Weet jij wie ik ben?
-Exemple for yoiis:
-Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value).
-Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@.
-Expanded Super Baby
-Expanded Super Novice
-Experience can be gained by completing quests and killing monsters. When you accumulate enough experience, you'll level up!
-Experience rates: Base %.2fx / Job %.2fx
-Fairy Hat
-Fake name enabled.
-Fake name must be at least two characters.
-Fancy Hat
-Beeldige Hoed
-Fates Potion
-Feel free to come visit me another time.
-Fertility Potion
-Fexil needs help
-Fexil wants to buy fur
-Fifteen Castles
-File not found.
-File unloaded. Be aware that mapflags and monsters spawned directly are not removed.
-Finally, he hands the shield to you.
-Find an order with them
-Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water.
-Fine Dress
-Fine, I'll just hold on to this log should you ever change your mind.
-Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?
-Fine, let's see his work...
-Fine, take these potions, I will replenish them in the next couple hours anyway.
-Fine, tell me, who are these all important friends of yours?
-Fine... I was just going to give you some help...
-Finished training
-Finished battle
-Fireworks are launched.
-Fireworks have ended.
-Fireworks |
-First encounter
-First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game.
-First thing she asked was if I'm a farmer.
-Fish Box
-Fish is good for the brain!
-Fish, come and see my fish!
-Fishing Guide Vol. I
-Fishing Rod
-Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there.
-Five Castles
-Fluffy Fur
-Fog hangs over.
-Fog |
-Follow mode OFF.
-Follow mode ON.
-Follow the canal to the north-east and you will find it.
-Follow the up-stream and cross the canal twice using the two bridges north from here.
-Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.
-Deze zinnen worden gevolgd door wat andere tekst op dit blad.
-Font changed.
-Fool! Just come back here when you'll be done with our little... 'Secret mission'.
-For '%s' you need the amount of seconds (from 0 to 10)
-For a chef? Who said I was a... Oh right, I am.
-For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, magic use is very restricted nowadays.
-For starters, you should probably do some stretching and practice on some dummies in our training room.
-For what kind of tissue?
-Forest Armor
-Forest Bow
-Forest Maggot
-Forest bow
-Found @@, got exp
-Found anything new?
-Found bobo, didn't tell Katja
-Found perfect wood
-Found the chest
-Four Castles
-Fourteen Castles
-Free Mana travels in many directions, and this search took several years before the expedition finally found the right direction to follow.
-Fresh from the sea and cheap!
-Friend already exists.
-Friend removed.
-From what I heard, my brother Gugli needs the help of as many people as possible in order to collect a lot of neat things that can be found on this island.
-From your mind, break the ice
-Frost held the title of Lord Prince of the Republic for eighteen months, when the council deposed him and declared itself head of the state.
-Fur Boots
-Furthermore, unless you are planning to stick it out, you should also not even think about gaining experience by messing with those icky pink land jellies. The pink could stick on you, imagine the horror!
-Fuschia Cotton Dye
-GM command configuration has been reloaded.
-Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again!
-Gained %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Gained %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Gained exp is now shown.
-Gained exp will not be shown.
-Gained zeny is now shown.
-Gained zeny will not be shown.
-Gamboge Herb
-Gamboge Plant
-Game Balance
-Game introduction
-Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in daylight for %s.
-Game time: The game is in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in permanent daylight.
-Game time: The game is in permanent night.
-Gave @@ to Rumly
-Gave tentacles, got reward
-Gave to Q'Onan, got reward
-Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc.
-Genetic T
-Get a Recipe Book
-Get money
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#1
-Give me some space.
-Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help with your hunting the creatures of this island.
-Go away, I have to think about new evil doings.
-Go away.
-Go back
-Go clean up your inventory and come back.
-Go fly a kite
-Go fly a kite.
-Go have a look at that shelf to my right, would you?
-Go meet him, and take the package to me, it's an easy task.
-Go north from here until you find the dock warehouse, cross the bridge to the west side of the canal, continue north until you reach another bridge then cross it to the east side of the canal.
-Go on the upper level if you want to change your room or to use it.
-Go on.
-Go pester someone else.
-Go to Kfahr, and listen to his stories.
-Gold Nuggets
-Gold Vein
-Good day miss.
-Good day mister.
-Good day sir.#1
-Good day to you!
-Good day to you.
-Good day!
-Good day, my friend, come closer, come closer!
-Good evening sir.#1
-Good job!
-Goed werk!
-Good look.
-Good luck hunting those tree monsters – you'll need it.
-Good luck!
-Good luck! And remember to visit Peter and our little furry friends whenever you return back onboard!
-Good night milady.#0
-Good then.
-Good to hear from you!
-Good to hear!
-Good to know, thanks.
-Good to know.
-Goed om te weten.
-Good to see you again.
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#0
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#1
-Good, good... Hey, could you help me please? I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Good, take a look in the bag next to me then!
-Gorgeous woman, but when she looked at me, the scares went scuttling down my spine...
-Got a cookie
-Got poison from Gado
-Got reward from gugli
-Got the bow
-Got the knife
-Got the package
-Got the quest
-Got the shield
-Grabbing one of two leftover pieces, he begins to carve it into a round shape, then repeats this with the second piece – shield handles from what you can tell.
-Grass Carp
-Grass Snake
-Great to see you! What can I do for you today?
-Geweldig jou te zien. Wat kan ik vandaag voor je betekenen?
-Great! Can't wait for some tasty mushrooms!
-Great, and as I promised, I give you a 90% discount on the @@ of your choice.
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#0
-Geweldig, wat voor eten heb je vandaag voor me?
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
-Geweldig, wat voor eten heb je vandaag voor me?
-Greater %s allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks.
-Green Cotton Dye
-Green Slime
-Greetings traveler.#0
-Gegroet reiziger.
-Greetings traveler.#1
-Gegroet reiziger.
-Group changed successfully.
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Grr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Gugli (main quest)
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#0
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#1
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#0
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#1
-Gugli asks to collect packages
-Gugli mentioned six sailors. What about the others?
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#0
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#1
-Gugli? Oh I see. Yes, Gugli yeye pretty used to shout orders to everybody down here.
-Guild Certification
-Guild level change failed.
-Guild level changed.
-Guild modification is disabled in this map.
-Guild storage opened.
-GuildLock |
-Guillotine Cross
-Guillotine Cross T
-GvG Castle |
-GvG Dungeon |
-GvG Flags:
-GvG ON |
-GvG Off.
-GvG On.
-GvG is already Off.
-GvG is already On.
-HP and SP have already been recovered.
-HP or/and SP modified.
-HP, SP recovered.
-HP: %d/%d - SP: %d/%d
-Ha! I'll drink muuuch mo.. more than you! Im not ooone biiit dr...dr..unk!
-Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has.
-Hahaha! All sailors aboard this ship are always drunk... Well... Except... Wait, what?! Nard told you?!
-Hair color
-Hair style
-Half Croconut
-Halve Krokosnoot
-Half Eggshell
-Halve eierschaal
-Hard Spike
-Hard work always pays off!
-Has a bubblehead
-Has met its demise
-Have a good day!
-Have a good time fishing!
-Have a seat.
-Have fun, but always remember to pick your stats with good care.
-Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too?
-Heb je alle ingrediënten volgens mijn recept al verzameld? Ook het 'speciale' ingrediënt'?
-Have you got the %d antennae?
-Have you met Kfahr yet?
-Have you seen Fexil?
-Have you seen anything dangerous?
-Heb je iets gevaarlijks gezien?
-Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?
-Have you seen anything strange in town? Anything that might have to do with the robberies?
-Have you seen anything strange lately?
-Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?
-Have you seen anything that might be connected to the recent robberies in town?
-Have you talked with the old man yet?
-He asked to lend some money and a place to open his store, I think that he asked for a place on the merchant squares on the south-west of the city...
-He did not change while growing up, I repeatedly asked him to leave the forge but in the end he installed himself in front of it...
-He has a guns!
-He has never been the same since mommy went away...
-He is a regular at the inn, located in the north-west part of town.
-He is eating an apple, thoroughly enjoying it.
-He is in a small house between the dock's warehouse and the dojo.
-He is mature and he rarely ask questions so I am fine. I can not stand the sight of a whiner anyway.
-He is probably hiding up one of the trees. Go close to each tree and look up, otherwise you won't notice him.
-He is the greatest hero that ever walked the land of Hurnscald!
-He is usually in his office on the 3rd floor.
-He is very lucky that Don took him under his wing, but being the student of such a teacher is not easy every day!
-He likes to eat sandwiches. A good thing they are so easy to make!
-He likes to hide near the little lake in the north-west side of the island.
-He looks up and into your face.
-He may not have all of his wits but keep in mind one thing:
-He needs more food.
-Hij heeft meer voedsel nodig.
-He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
-He proceeds to further scrutinize the log.
-He said he is going to climb the highest hill in Artis, which is not far from here.
-He said that he would check why weird noises were coming from the manhole next to the house.
-He takes another sip.
-He told me nothing about that.
-Hij heeft me daar niets over verteld.
-He was heading north.
-He's funny, it's not a problem.
-Hij is grappig, het is geen probleem.
-He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Legion of Aemil won't let it get public.
-Heard conversation
-Hearing these words the Piou felt great joy,
-Heh, did you saw me at the port? No?
-Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a fox like you would love to meet a catch like me!#0
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a noob like you would like to meet an idol like me.#1
-Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
-Haha, hij zit soms met zijn hoofd in de wolken. Je zou er bij hem achter moeten vragen.
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!
-Hahaha, hij is een beetje nerveus, vergeef hem, we krijgen niet elke dag een nieuw bemanningslid aan boord!
-Hel... What?! Wait!
-Hello Miss.#1
-Hello Sir.#0
-Hello dear!#0
-Hallo schat!
-Hello dear!#1
-Hallo schat!
-Hello deary.
-Hello madam.
-Hello there!
-Hello traveler, welcome to Hurnscald.
-Hello yeye.
-Hello, I am Macgowan, apprentice to Nicholas.
-Hello, a rowboat is on his way to the beach. Please wait for a while for it to arrive.
-Hello, can I help you?
-Hello, there!
-Hello, yes I have met him.
-Hello, young lady.#0
-Hello, young man.#1
-Hello... Do I know you?
-Hallo... . Ken ik jou?
-Help for command %c%s:
-Help me out~ Please~ T_T
-Help me!
-Helped Hinnak
-Her shop is on the west side of the city, between the Legion building and the library.
-Her sword... I'm having some trouble finishing it.
-Hercules %d-bit for %s
-Here is another one.
-Here is your reward.
-Here it is, a fashionable @@.
-Here it is, clean like a whistle!
-Here it is.
-Here they are.
-Hier zijn ze.
-Here you are.
-Here you go - have fun with it.
-Here you go, everything is fixed.
-Here you go.
-Here's your reward!
-Hier is je beloning!
-Here, have some %s as reward.
-Here, have some %s for your troubles.
-Here, let me heal you.
-Here, take a look!
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#0
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#1
-Here, take this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Hey @@!
-Hey Frenchy!#0
-Hey Fransoos!
-Hey Frenchy!#1
-Hey Fransoos!
-Hey Maxe, it's @@!
-Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go!
-Hé Silvio, het is jouw beurt om het pakketje te dragen, ga!
-Hey there, are you Bobo, Katja's brother?
-Hey you!
-Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?
-Hé, jij! Kan je ons horen? Ben je in orde?
-Hey you, do you have any @@s?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly. I needed to speak with the captain about the food reserves. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#0
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#1
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Hé! Wees voorzichtig. Als je te lang in het onderruim blijft kan je ziek worden. Kom dan maar naar boven en neem een pauze, misschien kan je het later nog eens proberen.
-Hey! Stop breaking my stuff!
-Hey! There's a reward for you in the box next to me!
-Hey! You must be @@.
-Hey, I remember you, we were on the same boat, you are the castaway.
-Hey, I'm not a Keebler Elvis! You won't have another one by stalking me like that!
-Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today.
-Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?
-Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out.
-Hé, maak je maar geen zorgen over hem. Het is één van de eerste dagen in een lange tijd dat we gewoon wat kunnen nietsen.
-Hey, girl!#0
-Hey, how was the...
-Hey, man!#1
-Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
-Hé, pssst! jij been geen zeeman, toch?
-Hey. ppst. I have something important to tell you.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Hi @@.
-Hi Sir.
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#0
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#1
-Hi there, need something?
-Hi there.
-Hi! I can finally see you under the sunlight!
-Hi! No, I haven't seen him yet.
-Hi, I am Simon.
-Hi, can I help you at all?
-Hi, can I help you somehow?
-Hi, how is it going?
-Hi, my name is Blossom.
-Hi, my name is Moon. This morning I went for a walk on the beach.
-Hi, my name is Oscar.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Hallo, leuk je te zien!
-Hi, sweetie! Want a fresh beer for 90 Florin?
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#0
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#1
-Hi. I am Trozz, and I am the chief of legion training in Artis.
-Hidden Person
-Verborgen Persoon
-High Acolyte
-High Archer
-High Magician
-High Merchant
-High Novice
-High Priest
-High Swordsman
-High Thief
-High Wizard
-Highest hill in Artis you say? Sounds dangerous, I might fall off.
-Hill & Cliff
-Hinnak asked for help
-Hinnak wasted all my good kitchen knives trying to get rid of his accursed Pinkies.
-His eyes grow wide
-Hm, it seems another player is trying to catch the piou, I shouldn't interfere.
-Hm... Shhhh...
-Hm... an old man?
-Hm... then it couldn't be him.
-Hmm, I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Hmm, why don't you go train a little more? We have several training rooms here.
-Hmm... Let's see, take this one.
-Hmm... what to do.
-Hmm... where did I put it again?
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*
-Hmmm... looks ok, but is it strong enough?
-Holding a cheese in his beak.
-Homunculus growth stats (Lv %d %s):
-Homunculus reached its maximum level of '%d'
-Homunculus stats altered.
-Homunculus stats:
-Honestly, it's quite far-fetched according to me.
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#0
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#1
-How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats.
-Wat als ik je vraag de bemanning te helpen? Het zou betekenen dat je één van ons bent en dat je de mogelijkheod hebt één van deze hoeden te bemachtigen.
-How are things going?
-Hoe gaat het hier?
-How are you doing, cutie?#0
-How are you doing, dude?#1
-How are you feeling, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-How can I get one of these cookies?
-How can I help you?
-How can I improve my equipment?
-How can we serve you today?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about that again!
-How do these dyes work?
-How do you do your potions?
-How do you know?
-How is *hic* it possible?
-How is the hunt going?
-How long will you stay here?
-How many Fluffies did I kill on the hill?
-How many? What kind? I can produce two dozen boxes per day.
-How much do you want to deposit?
-How much do you want to withdraw?
-How much is this worth to you?
-How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?
-Howdy, partner in crime?
-However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease.
-Human Voice
-Hungry: %d - Intimacy: %u
-Hurry up!
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check its teeth!
-Hush now and hear the chorus of the woods
-I @#$% hate them!
-I @#$% hate these @#$% pinkies!
-I actually could use a status reset!
-I already know everything. Bye.
-I also hear fisherman likes to fish at night. They say the catch is bigger, if you understand me.
-I also heard you lost all your memories? That's a shame.
-I am %s Super Novice~
-I am Wyaras apprentice, helping her with selling her potions.
-I am absolutely positive.
-I am an alchemist, I bear the name of Ivan.
-I am broken?! Please report! Debug data: @@ (@@)
-I am new in this town, just like you.
-I am not an expert of the first kind, but I know what I am talking about when it comes to improving equipment.
-I am only doing special requests.
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-I am sure he got his reasons.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#0
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#1
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#0
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#1
-I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders and rules. Julia they call her!
-I am surprised someone has been sent here to help. It is quite... unusual.
-I am the bartender here, can I provide you with some delicious beverage?
-I am!
-I am, who are you?#0
-Dat ben ik wel, wie ben jij?
-I am, who are you?#1
-Dat ben ik wel , wie ben jij?
-I appreciate your help, @@.
-I asked Calypsan to dye this tank top, now it has an unique look!
-I asked Don our blacksmith to prepare a black iron sword for morning, he should be done by now.
-I asked Hinnak, but he wants at least a beer in exchange for his scythe.
-I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do!
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#0
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#1
-I barely destroyed one of those beasts.
-I better go now. Bye.
-I borrowed it from the library, you should try to cultivate yourself more instead of insinuate things about people you don't know!
-I buried the chest somewhere on that hill. It was dark, so I don't remember where to dig exactly.
-I came here, looking for a better life.
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#0
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#1
-I can finally pay off my debts.
-I can get back to Bernard now!
-I can make you a really nice forest bow out of this.
-I can prepare them in an hour or so!
-I can still drink more! Better give up you... you... teelotaler! MORE BEER MELINDA!
-I can walk again!
-I can't catch them.
-I can't give you a cookie for free. But I can give you this hint for how you may be added to my list.
-I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning...
-I can't remember anything.#0
-Ik kan me niks herinneren.
-I can't remember anything.#1
-Ik kan me niks herinneren.
-I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do.
-I can't wait all day!
-I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your hard work.
-I changed my mind.
-I chopped away at it, branch after branch, and in the end I chopped off its roots, and it fell to the ground, motionless.
-I cleaned up the hill.
-I couldn't afford the bow, though...
-I did see an old man hang out near the theater after our last show.
-I didn't mention it before, but I also put beer in my soup.
-I didn't notice that a Pikpik was in my way, and when I stepped on it, my foot was full of spikes.
-I do feel better!
-Ik voel me beter!
-I do know a recipe with this!
-I do not like to brag about it but you won't find a better blacksmith on the whole island.
-I do not want to go pointing my finger at someone. I want to be honorable and fair, and I sense the same quality in you, so I put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this troubling situation.
-I do not.
-I don't feel like talking to you.
-I don't feel so well, I might be sick.
-I don't have any.
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#0
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#1
-I don't have much time right now.
-I don't have the time now.
-I don't have the time sorry.
-I don't have the time.
-I don't know if I trust her eyesight or memory.
-I don't know the password
-I don't know what to say...
-Ik weet niet wat ik zeggen moet...
-I don't know.
-I don't need your help right now, but maybe tomorrow, who knows?
-I don't really have time to go chasing pious, let me just buy one at the regular price (30000 E).
-I don't see anything else other than... water?
-I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this...
-Ik denk niet dat we op de juiste plek zijn om dit te bespreken...
-I don't want to be part of this joke.
-I don't want to buy a piou right now.
-I don't want to change my language, sorry.
-Ik wil m'n taal niet veranderen, excuseer me.
-I don't want you! I want daddy!
-I feel ok.#0
-Het gaat wel.
-I feel ok.#1
-Het gaat wel.
-I fought it, of course!
-I give tasks to every single sailor, all day long. That should make him happy!
-I give you this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-I got angry and started to chop off all the low-hanging branches so this couldn't happen anymore.
-I grew up and lived a good while in Esperia, the capital city.
-I guess so. What's in it for me?
-I guess so... I will leave you alone.
-Het zal wel... Ik zal je met rust laten.
-I had a great childhood in Esperia!
-I had a long day, come back tomorrow.
-I had this patch of ground that was really clumpy; lots of clay, you see.
-I hate them!
-I have a lot of work here, so I don't even have time to go to the town.
-I have an idea.
-I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.
-Ik breng je een heerlijk geschenk voor je tere mond.
-I have collected all the boxes you needed.
-I heb al de dozen, die je nodig hebt, verzameld.
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#0
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#1
-I have one more task for you. Trozz, another member of the Legion, sent me a letter earlier today.
-I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price!
-Ik heb wat kleren en andere dingen voor je aan een goed prijsje!
-I have some food for you.
-I have some fur for you.
-I have some spare one, take them, and tell Enora that any fees are paid!
-I have to go, sorry.#0
-I have to go, sorry.#1
-I have your black iron.
-I have your package.
-I have your pass from the Merchant Guild.
-I haven't seen anything strange.
-I heard rumors about some old hostilities between you and Gado. Are they true?
-I heard something too. A girl named Galimatia seems to need help. If only those lazy developers could tell her what she needs.
-I heard you aren't delivering any more living wood. Why not?
-I highly recommend you seek him out!
-I hope that answers your question.
-Ik hoop dat dit je vraag beantwoordt.
-I hope that my shield will serve you well!
-I hope they know what they are doing. So, come on board. I am looking forward to go back to Woodland, haven't been there for a while.
-I hope to see you soon.
-I hope you are satisfied with your forest bow.
-I hope you catch that naughty person!
-I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Ik hoop dat je niet erg vindt dat we je vlot hebben gebruikt voor deze helling.
-I hope you like beer as much as I do, because, you see...
-I hope you like this color.
-I informed Julia about your monstrous plan.
-I just can't remember what. But come talk to me later once devs becomes less lazy.
-I just dont know what to do. Perhaps all gets better when I stay here, whining and waiting. Please, leave me alone.
-I just need %s E for material and work time.
-I just realized I am lacking some common things, and one key ingredient, to prepare a... A special recipe.
-I just want to live my life in peace.
-I knew it!
-I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.
-Ik weet dat je je nog niet zo goed voelt, maar ik zou je graag een speciale opdracht geven.
-I know the bow master wants some twigleaf wood, but I don't care.
-I know you didn't kill them yourself!
-I like money! Consider it done.
-I love flowers! What do you have for sale?
-I love hanging out here!
-I love peace and quiet, that's a good choice.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-Ik heb me vergist, ik zou graag mijn taal corrigeren.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-Ik heb me vergist, ik zou graag mijn taal corrigeren.
-I mean, I am very tired to move all of these books!
-I mean, you forgot... Well.
-I miss the good old days.
-I must leave to get more.
-I need %d %s for that.
-I need @@ @@.
-I need a %s for my soup.
-I need more Croc Claws.
-I need more information first.
-I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1
-I need to go, sorry.
-Ik moet gaan, het spijt me.
-I need to rest.
-I need to think about it...#0
-I need to think about it...#1
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
-Ik kan me enkel herinneren dat ik door jou gered werd.
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
-Ik kan me enkel herinneren dat ik door jou gered werd.
-I ran away as fast as I could, and lucky for me the monsters aren't that fast on their tiny root legs, Ha!
-I recall seeing Gulukan, Astapolos and Q'Muller.
-I recommend that you train your agility a great deal, since most monsters out there aren't really amazing at hitting you.
-I recommend you to take a nap on the inferior level, we will soon leave this place.
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#0
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#1
-I remember I saw a few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get a head start on today's work.
-I remember when I created my first party, we were amazed to share some experience with a small group of adventurer...
-I robbed a nobleman, took a chest full of coins.
-I saw someone sneaking around town wearing a theater mask.
-I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-I see.
-I see. Bye!
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Legion of Aemil, then he's also our friend and ally.#1
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Legion of Aemil, then she's also our friend and ally.#0
-I sent someone to kill me some maggots and they have yet to return.
-I should know, I've not been a member for a while, too. But then I joined the Legion and look what a shining example of a great fighter I became!
-I should put more effort into this.
-I show her what the problem is, and she tells me to go inside and wait.
-I still didn't find my brother...
-I still do; it's my job.
-I swear, I do not eat so much.
-I think I am sick!
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#0
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#1
-I think I should report you to the crew members.
-Ik zou je moeten aangeven bij de bemanning.
-I think I'll be done soon, since I almost have a box full of @@s!
-I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?
-Ik denk dat er klaar mee ben. Heb je nog wat vragen?
-I think that I am now both...
-I think that I'm still a bit sick.
-Ik denk dat ik nog een beetje ziek ben.
-I think that I've seen this weakling wandering around the beach south from here this morning.
-I think that my wine is of great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-I think that we will stay in port for a great time.
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Ik denk dat jeje gauw klaar bent. Jeje zal gauw een doos vol @@ hebben.
-I think that you already understood, you are asleep.
-I thought that she would never come to pick it up!
-I took my axe and attacked the beast!
-I used a card to improve my clothes.
-I used to be a farmer, but my magic attempts were banned by the gouvernment.
-I used to get these logs from Jack, the handsome lumberjack.
-I usually would not care, but it is not every day a complete stranger arrives at Artis.
-I value my life, that's why!
-I want to be the first merchant of this square to sell clothes made from @@s!
-I want to divorce.
-I want to make my own dyes.
-I want to register for marriage.
-I was afraid to get busted, so I decided to get rid of the evidence.
-I was an actor when I was younger.
-I was an archer of the Legion and shouldn't be scared of a few maggots, but everyone has fears, right?!
-I was going to ask you if you would need any help.
-I was in no shape to fight again!
-I was just chopping away with my axe, and guess what happened?
-I was sent here with a task. I can give you a perfect, wonderful, magnificent, superbly well shaped... Cookie!
-I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible.
-I was supposed to act as storagekeeper, but I forgot my key.
-I will buy all of the fur that you will bring me at a good price, let's say, 15 E piece.
-I will close an eye for once, but only because it's your first time asking for something!
-I will find him, don't worry!
-I will give you my pocket money if you do.
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#0
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#1
-I will not lie to a little girl! And your mother needs your help.
-I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors!
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#0
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#1
-I will send you this letter as soon as I arrive.
-I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes?
-I will take care of the other ones don't worry.
-I will take it! Thank you captain!
-I will take the @@ Bounty.
-I will tell my dad!
-I will yaying do.
-Dat zal ik doen.
-I will.
-Dat zal ik doen.
-I wish I could remember something...
-I wish I helped your friends, because I'd really, really like a cookie.
-I wish you a beautiful day.
-I wish you a good time in town.
-I won't forget it, I swear on my precious plushrooms!
-I won't go there ever again.
-I won't need it, thank you.#0
-I won't need it, thank you.#1
-I won't risk MY life for a few gold pieces!
-I won't. I promise.
-I wonder too...
-Ik vraag het me ook af ...
-I wonder what took him so long?
-I wonder who is in delarium now...
-I work under the protection and the supervision of the Legion of Aemil.
-I would go myself, but for some reason I'm a non-walking NPC.
-I would go myself, but the developers were too lazy to make me walk.
-I would like to come back home when the days are better.
-I would like to create a guild.
-I would like to create a party.
-I would like to perform money transactions.
-I would like to stay here a bit more.
-I would like to store some items.
-I would prefer becoming a real Sorcerer one time. *sighs*
-I wrote your name on the book, you are now free to use the storage and bank services.
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd been trying to break it up for a while, but that kind of work is a pain.
-I'd like to buy a piou.
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they fly away when I try.
-I'd like to get a different style.
-I'd like you to ask the villagers about the recent string of robberies.
-I'd love one!
-I'll ask Melinda later
-I'll be back in no time.
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#0
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#1
-I'll be waiting for you, then!
-I'll come back later.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.#0
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.#1
-I'll give you @@ GP for this job.
-I'll give you something if you do.
-I'll keep that in mind.
-I'll keep track of this, while you return the mask to the troupe.
-I'll return the plushroom to you, but please, do not waste my time.
-I'll share my berries with you if you help me.
-Ik deel mijn bessen met je als je me helpt.
-I'll wait for you here.
-I'll wait until you do.
-I'm a barber, you see. I can change your hairstyle or hair color to your current taste.
-I'm a bit sick...#0
-Ik ben een beetje ziek...
-I'm a bit sick...#1
-Ik ben een beetje ziek...
-I'm a little busy right now.
-I'm a melee warrior, I don't need bows.
-I'm afraid to go there myself, but if you take the risk, you can have half of the loot.
-I'm an expert blacksmith.
-I'm back from battle!#0
-I'm back from battle!#1
-I'm barely in when it starts raining outside, pouring cats and mouboos!
-I'm busy, leave me alone.
-I'm done with my training.#0
-I'm done with my training.#1
-I'm done.
-I'm fine for now, thank you.
-I'm fine, thanks.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#0
-Ik ben blij dat je in orde bent.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#1
-Ik ben blij dat je in orde bent.
-I'm glad you're on my side.
-I'm just a merchant, I trade and make deals, yes "excuse" me if I'm not as skilled as that stupid alchemist.
-I'm looking for Gugli, where is he?
-Ik zoek Gugli, waar is hij?
-I'm looking for some black iron ingots.
-I'm looking for somebody named Fexil.
-I'm losing my mind here, I need something else to eat!
-I'm lost, where should I go?#0
-I'm lost, where should I go?#1
-I'm not a pawn of the Legion, I don't have to obey you!
-I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry.
-I'm not proud of it, but I had to steal money from others to keep on living.
-I'm not suited for this kind of work!
-I'm not sure where to go from here, maybe you can find something else.
-I'm not sure. They probably left the ship early this morning. I was not awake yet.
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Legion of Aemil won't get me!
-I'm on my way! I will bring it back to you.
-I'm out of here.
-I'm proud of you – to dare to fight those trunks is admirable indeed.
-I'm really excited, this place reminds me of an ancient mythical tree, you might know what I'm talking about...
-I'm someone who respects those speaking the truth.
-I'm sorry but I can't see your name anywhere.
-I'm sorry but I have no time to chat with you.
-Het spijt me, ik heb geen tijd voor een gesprek.
-I'm sorry but I'm here only to help young people.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#0
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#1
-I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
-I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.
-Sorry, ik heb nu geen tijd.
-I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything.
-I'm sorry, but I'm busy looking into this string of robberies.
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#0
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#1
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#0
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#1
-I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors.
-Ik ben nog steeds bezig, ik moet de andere zeelui vinden.
-I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you!
-Ik ben nog steeds in een coma, maar mijn geest spookt nu rond bij jou.
-I'm supposed to be helping Bernard from the Inn but...
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#1
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#0
-I'm sure that you already knew the answer, didn't you?
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-I'm sure you would have some interesting stories to tell!
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#0
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#1
-I'm talking about the cookie inside which I put all my love!
-I'm the cook's assistant of the ship. I help Gado, La Johanne's Chef, in his daily work.
-I'm the leader of a traveling theater troupe.
-I'm too busy here to observe the town.
-I'm yearning for maggot soup!
-I've remembered something else.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Ik heb hem gezien onderaan het eiland, kijk maar eens rond.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around.
-Ik heb hem gezien onderaan het eiland, kijk maar eens rond.
-I've seen him at the northern part of the island.
-I've seen him at the southern part of the island, check around.
-I've seen him at the top of the island.
-Ik heb hem gezien op de top van het eiland.
-I've seen him down around the southern area of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-I... I just like to eat the purple and delightful... And natural, and...
-Ianus is from the Legion of Aemil, don't compare me to this brigand.
-If Enora thinks this is the right place for you, then she's probably be right. Did you know she's a lieutenant of the Legion?
-If Enora wants her sword now, I need to ask for your help.
-If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you!
-Als ik had *hik* gezien wieeee... *hips* je was had ik je niet geholpen!
-If it's no trouble, could you get me a %s?
-If my memory serves me right, you were just defeated. Why don't you go out to buy better equipment?
-If not, how could CrazyKatiektch
-If only someone could help me to make my flowers bloom again.
-If so, I hope that he didn't give you any hard time, sometimes he can get up on the wrong side of the bed he becomes an embittered and grumpy old man...
-If so, please take some courage and help me!
-If the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished.
-If words beat in rhythm
-If yoiis wants to see a different use for the cards he can yeye for Resa at the light armor shop for a description of the styling cards.
-If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this!
-If you are lucky he might tell you a story about his adventures.
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#0
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#1
-If you catch the escaped piou and bring it back, I will give you a 90% discount on a piou.
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#0
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#1
-If you continue there will be none left!
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#0
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#1
-If you don't like to
-If you ever find the time, pass by Esperia, it's the greatest city in all of Gasaron!
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#0
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#1
-If you feel bored or like running around in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks to do.
-If you find the correct answer, I will give you these potions...
-If you get me some Coal and Iron Ingots, I could make you a very valuable shield or helmet.
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#0
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#1
-If you kill some of these tree monsters and bring me their wood I could take a look at them.
-If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default
-If you need some firewood, just let me know.
-If you need somebody to craft a weapon or a plate from diagrams I am the one that you need.
-If you need something in the future, do not hesitate to pass by here, our stock is full of boxes collecting dust.
-If you really want to, just go to the southwest, but I can't help you.
-If you search for him you should look in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the left bridge, you can't miss it!
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#0
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#1
-If you see weird things here and there, or things that just shouldn't be, or even in your minds eye, things that you would like to see...
-If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats:
-If you visit the sewers again... You'll find secret passages...
-If you wake up at the inn after a harsh battle, you will find yourself revitalized in an instant unlike other places where you can rest.
-If you want another cookie, you know what to do!
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#0
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#1
-If you want to challenge someone for a friendly match, you are at the right place.
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#0
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#1
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#0
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#1
-If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-Als je de pagina nog eens wil lezen, hangt er een tweede exemplaar aan de muur.
-If you want to say something to a specific player, you can type "/query Playername" or "/whisper Playername message", this will create a new tab on your chat window.
-If you wish to reset your stats:
-If you're looking for us there, most of us will be at the tavern of the Red Plush, at the bar counter, for Silvio's case...
-Impossible to increase the number/value.
-Impossible to resync: You are dead.
-In Artis they really do mythologize people when they die.
-In a couple of days, we will finally reach Artis.
-In case you don't have a commendatory letter from you-know-whom, I am just sitting here and observe the whales.
-In fact, everything seems to work perfectly under your guidance. Nard has made the right choice.
-In fact... Oh, the things that I could tell... But ran out of space on this... Just be reasonable and go home.
-In hopes of one day reconnect with the people of Ancea and establish a trade between the two continents, The City of Artis was founded. The Aemil Continent has then grown without contact with the people of Ancea.
-In order to enter a message press the '###keyChat;' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press '###keyChat;' again to send your speech.
-In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online.
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified party is online.
-Indeed! Goodbye.
-Inderdaad! Tot ziens.
-Indeed, I am not.#0
-Inderdaad, dat ben ik niet.
-Indeed, I am not.#1
-Inderdaad, dat ben ik niet.
-Indefinite Traning
-Infantry Helmet
-Information sent to login-server via char-server.
-Inside is a theater mask and a note that you cannot even begin to read.
-Instance ID: @@
-Instance variables may not be used with @set.
-Int: %d (%d~%d)
-Intelligence raises your maximum mana points (good for mages) and your mind abilities. Please note: Magic system has not yet been implemented in this world.
-Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then!
-Intressant... Ik laat je dan maar verderwerken!
-Interval: (none, only sent on login)
-Interval: every @@ hour(s)
-Introduce yourself instead of poking me around. I almost fell from the lader, savage...
-Invalid Homunculus ID.
-Invalid Monster/NPC name/ID specified.
-Invalid bound type. Valid types are - 1:Account 2:Guild 3:Party 4:Character
-Invalid color.
-Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
-Invalid e-mail. If your email hasn't been set, use
-Invalid flag name or flag.
-Invalid font. Use a value from 0 to 9.
-Invalid item ID or name.
-Invalid location number, or name.
-Invalid mob ID %s!
-Invalid mob id %s!
-Invalid mob name %s!
-Invalid monster ID or name.
-Invalid name.
-Ongeldige naam.
-Invalid new e-mail. Please enter a real e-mail address.
-Invalid packet
-Invalid time for ban command.
-Invalid time for jail command.
-Invisible: Off
-Invisible: On
-Iron Armbands
-Iron Ore
-Iron Potion
-Iron Shovel
-Iron Vein
-Is it possible to go back to Drasil Island?
-Is it truly a hard choice to make?
-Is not properly shaded
-Is that all you had to say?
-Is that okay?
-Is there a reward?
-Is er een beloning?
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#0
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#1
-Is this some kind of joke?!
-Isn't my husband Hinnak so hardworking?
-Isn't this place pretty?
-Isn't this place pretty? I love hanging out here!
-Isnt that the one Nard found on a float in the sea, with the sign of the Legion on his chest?
-It doesn't look like you have them all...
-It doesn't reply.
-It escaped!
-It has been some days now since I asked her for a box of @@s, but she hasn't delivered anything yet.
-It has started to snow.
-It hit me here *points at a bruise on his shoulder*, here *lifts his trouser leg to show another bruise*, and here *lifts his shirt and reveals even worse bruises*.
-It hurts so bad!
-It is a bit cumbersome but its strikes are deadly.
-It is a sunny day, don't you think?
-It is either a huge monster, some cultists, or someone throwing strange stuff into sewers.
-It is one of my best works.
-It is possible to yeye your cloth with my beautiful dyes.
-It is them, after all, who have the ultimate decision as to those I can give my cookies to.
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#0
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#1
-It is.
-It looked like one of the masks used by the troupe that was in town recently.
-It looks like the sweet lady is curious, am I right?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?
-It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.
-It needs so much training, but Wyara only leaves me here, standing and selling something instead of teaching me.
-It really hurts, please hurry!
-It seems I got them all!
-It seems that the boy would like to say more, but seems too terrified at the moment.
-It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-It seems that you have no status points to reset!
-It seems that you need a key to open this door.
-It seems the gentleman is curious, am I right sweetie?
-It seems you can't carry it right now...
-It seems you can't carry the %s.
-It seems you can't carry the bow right now.
-It seems you don't have room for my reward.
-It seems you have no wood left.
-It seems you still have some work to do.
-It tends to be too dark to see a mask.
-It was at night, so I could barely escape. I ran to Artis hill.
-It was heard about some adventurers whom obtained and use advanced magic, but that is still seen with bad eyes.
-It was something like a long nap.
-Het was zoiets als een lang dutje doen.
-It was wonderful.
-It will make an excellent bow!
-It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-Een beetje beweging zou je goed doen, maar het schip is daar niet groot genoeg voor.
-It would have been easy for me to handle it but if you do it, you can earn some respect by killing Fluffies instead of their natural predators!
-It's @@ @@.
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#0
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#1
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember me telling you that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-It's a dangerous place out here. Beware of the mischievous creatures living here!
-It's a good place to earn money, it can also help you to travel throughout the land!
-It's a great honor for us, at the Legion, to hold the security of his business!
-It's a kind of mushroom that tastes like a marshmallow and looks like a plush! @@, get it?
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!
-It's a poem, about poems... Why are you asking that?
-It's a very good place if you want to make some more money.
-It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok.
-Het is in orde! Nog maar één doos en het zal voldoende zijn.
-It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one!
-It's been a while, boy!#1
-It's been a while, girl!#0
-It's better than running around in circles doing nothing.
-It's better to deal with the Merchant Guild than the old man, Don has this ability to hammer down your enthusiasm in sparkling fury!
-It's currently day, but when night falls, Candor will become darker.
-It's currently night, that's why Candor is dark.
-It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working...
-Het is goed, goed... Ik heb een vriendin die nog steeds in een coma ligt, maar ik kan niet bij haar zijn zonder te werken...
-It's interesting and exciting at the same time!
-It's like your memories are locked away in your head! Cool!
-It's nearly as good as one from Esperia, have you ever been there?
-It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful.
-It's ok.
-Het is in orde.
-It's probably full of coins, but no matter how hard you try to open it, you can't.
-It's so exciting to meet somebody with amnesia!
-It's so hard to find the motivation...
-Het is moeilijk om de motivatie te vinden ...
-It's still too young to fly too far away, so it just circles nearby.
-It's the big building in northern Artis, at the top of a small hill.
-It's the good one and, ahem!
-It's to the west, on your left side. Just go through this door before the stairs and turn left afterwards. Can't miss it!
-It's true!
-Het is waar!
-It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception.
-Het is waar elk handelsschip zijn tocht eindigt en wij zullen geen uitzondering zijn.
-Item cannot be opened when inventory is full
-Item created.
-Item database has been reloaded.
-Item not found.
-Item type not found.
-Item types on your autoloottype list:
-Item: '%s'/'%s'[%d] (%d) Type: %s | Extra Effect: %s
-Item: '%s'[%d]
-Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once.
-Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.
-Voorwerpen hebben verschillende werkingen. Sommige kunnen je helen, andere kan je het best benutten als wapen of harnas en nog anderen kan je best verkopen voor goud.
-Items on your autolootitem list:
-Its roots tore out of the earth, all the branches started to wave around, and a face appeared on the trunk.
-Ivan gave package
-Ivan grumbles and resumes his work.
-Ivan is the one you should look for now.
-Jack explained problem
-Jack places them next to each other, adds a frame, and nails everything together.
-Jack proposes shield
-Jack saws the logs into pieces and then sands them until they are smooth to the touch.
-Jeans Chaps
-Job Level and certain equips can affect your status. You'll see the modifiers with a + sign.
-Job level can't go any higher.
-Job level can't go any lower.
-Job level lowered.
-Job level raised.
-Johanne Key
-Judgement has passed.
-Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.
-Julia is op de bovenste verdieping van het schip, klik op de trap in de rechterbovenhoek van je scherm of gebruik je pijltjes toetsen om er naar toe te stappen.
-Julia made an appeal to the Legion of Aemil to get in touch with you, exit the ship and you should see your escort!
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#0
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#1
-Jump to %d %d
-Jump to %s
-Just call me when you changed your mind.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Ik heb net de koffer geraakt, en het zal jeje een @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Just look at my goods for sale! Fresh fruits and vegetables were shipped only this morning. And for reasonable price, of course.
-Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there.
-Just say something sparkling
-Katja asked for help
-Katja gave reward
-Keep moving boy.#1
-Keep moving girl.#0
-Keep moving.
-Keep the sword and the jacket, you deserved them!
-Keshlam expanded rapidly under the rule of King Janeb the Founder, and soon annexed the whole Ancea continent - excluding solely the Land Of Fire - to its domains, creating the Platinum Kingdom.
-Khaki Cotton Dye
-Kill at least %d pinkies and come back.
-Killed mob bitmask: @@
-Killer state reset.
-Know that every flatterer,
-Known Recipes: @@
-Kralog Voice
-Lachesis Brew
-Large Healing Potion
-Large Mana Potion
-Last seen:
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#0
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#1
-Lazy Brother
-Leadership transferred.
-Lean for example?
-Learn Skill
-Learn all recipes
-Leather Gloves
-Leather Shield
-Leather Trousers
-Leave it.
-Leave me alone.
-Leaves have stopped falling.
-Leaves started falling.
-Leaves |
-Left Crafty Wing
-Legion of Aemil
-Legion's Copper Armor
-Legion's Training Shirt
-Let me check in my inventory book...
-Let me check into it...
-Let me check my cookie list...
-Let me explain to you what the Merchant Guild is for.
-Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
-Laat me mezelf voorstellen, ik ben Nard kapitein van dit schip.
-Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ @@s to reset your stats.
-Let me open it with my key.
-Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!
-Laat me eens kijken! Krokante Benen, Wansmakelijke Vloeistoffen... . Laten we beginnen!
-Let's begin
-Let's go to Artis.
-Let's make a trade.
-Let's not keep her waiting.
-Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and never drunk.
-Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!
-Let's set sail then!
-Let's trade.
-Lettuce Leaf
-Light Armor Shop
-Like I promised, here is your share.
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#0
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#1
-Like, a defensive mythril card can be used on any mythril equipment, and it will improve the defense by 5% of the latter.
-Lime Cotton Dye
-Line @@ has been removed.
-List of known cooking recipes:
-List of known master skills:
-List the commands
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#0
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#1
-Little Blub
-Kleine Blub
-Little Green Slime
-Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
-Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.
-Lloyd gave package
-Lloyd gave pass
-Lloyd is searching something in his book.
-Lloyd still owes me, but beware of those money-grabbers, or they might sell your own teeth to you!
-Lloyd the Banker
-Log Head
-Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
-Login-server has been asked to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Login-server is offline. Impossible to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?
-Look for the hideout, but tell no one about this. Then, say the password again.
-Look how splendid this @@ is!
-Look how splendid this landscape is!
-Look who is back...
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#0
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#1
-Look, here he is!
-Look, there he is!
-kijk, daar is hij!
-Look, we finally meet.
-Looking over closely, you find a book that is upside down.
-Looks much better now, doesn't it?
-Lord Knight
-Lost the riddle
-Lousy Moccasins
-Slechte Moccasins
-Lovely day, isn't it?
-Lower this skill
-Lozerk told me to talk to you and join the legion.
-Luck helps you do critical hits and dodge the ones dealt by enemies.
-Luckily the beach is nearby, and somehow I made my way home.
-Luk: %d (%d~%d)
-M... Maybe?
-MOTD Config
-MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Made any progress yet?
-Maggot Slime
-Maggot soup
-Magic Arpan
-Magische Arpan
-Magic Arpan#sailors
-Magic Feather
-Magic was banned for lore reasons? Seriously, after the mana war, only small tricks are allowed.
-Make me proud, boy.#1
-Make me proud, girl.#0
-Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though!
-Make sure to tip her, it will brighten up her day.
-Makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Mana Bug
-Mana Ghost
-Mana Torch
-Manana Sandwich
-Manana Tree
-Manually trigger the current broadcast
-Many thanks. I can now do sandwiches again!
-Map not found.
-Map or anchor not found: %s
-Map: %s (Zone:%s) | Players: %d | NPCs: %d | Chats: %d | Vendings: %d
-Market Place
-Marriage failed.
-Master Book
-Master Fluffy was attracted by the odour,
-Master Piou sat on a tree,
-Mauve Cotton Dye
-Mauve Herb
-Mauve Plant
-Max HP: %d (%d~%d)
-Max SP: %d (%d~%d)
-Maxe and Sapartan for example?
-May this be a lesson for you.
-Laat dit een les voor je wezen.
-Maybe he over did it with the bottle today to celebrate that!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? He could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#1
-Maybe later.
-Maybe next time.
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month. She could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#0
-Maybe you can catch some of them.
-Maybe you can come down to talk?
-Misschien kan je naar beneden komen om te praten?
-Maybe you can do his job?
-Maybe you can use it as a weapon.
-Maybe you could ask him what's wrong?
-Maybe you have more luck with something else?
-Maybe you meant:
-Maybe you should help someone else first, so that he sees your intentions are good.
-Maybe you should try this phrase?
-Maybe you too you could help me?
-Maybe you will find a piece of wood that is strong enough to become one of my forest bows.
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#0
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#1
-Me and the wife were at home all night.
-Me too.
-Meanwhile, the sun has dried the other pieces.
-Mechanic T
-Medium Healing Potion
-Medium Mana Potion
-Merchant Guild
-Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment.
-Mercy has been granted.
-Mercy has been shown.
-Mh, I don't care for heroes.
-Mh, or perhaps honor is dead in you; for you to be so slow to comprehend the good that his exploits have wrought for us.
-Mikhail needs maggot slime
-Minstrel T
-Mint Cashmere Dye
-Mob Search... %s %s
-Mob is doing its daily noise, nature is singing its sumptuous melody, none is alone.
-Modify another line
-Modify this line
-Modify, move, or remove a line
-Mommy doesn't want me to talk to strangers.
-Mommy sent me to find my brother Bobo.
-Mona's dad
-Mona's dad is missing
-Mona's dad was rescued
-Mona's father is right behind you. You have five minutes to bring him out of sewers!
-Monster NoTeleport |
-Monster database has been reloaded.
-Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of.
-Moon needs @@
-Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@.
-Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them.
-Mostly manuals and tutorials but you won't find out until you open one!
-Move this line down
-Move this line up
-Mundane ran away, he did not trust the path you chose.
-Mundane ran straight home. He must be missing his daughter.
-Mushroom Spores
-My Mouboos, my beloved Mouboos!
-My beauty. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#0
-My breath smells bad.
-My daughter is probably worried about me. Could you perhaps lead me out of here?
-My forestbows are not made of regular wood, you know.
-My friend. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-My friends are... Well, you know... The creators.
-My help, Mikhail, finally returned with the slimes I needed.
-My men have found all of the stolen items.
-My name is @@...
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. All I have to eat are these berries... berries... berries...
-My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-My name is General Store, they still call me this although I left the army a few years ago.
-My name is Jack Lumber, the enemy of all trees.
-My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.
-Mijn naam is julia, ik ben degene die je heeft verzorgd nadat we je in zee terugvonden.
-My name is Lloyd, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-My name is Q'Onan, I'm a member of Nard's crew.
-My stats are too good, I won't need it.
-NOTICE: If you crash with mount your LUA is outdated.
-NPC %d: %s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC %d: %s::%s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC Buy:%dz, Sell:%dz | Weight: %.1f
-NPC Disabled.
-NPC Enabled.
-NPC is not in this map.
-NPC moved.
-NPC stylists will cut your hair!
-NPC variables may not be used with @set.
-NPC's or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help.
-Nah, I don't feel like chatting.
-Nah, maybe later.
-Name not found in list.
-Name: %s
-Name: %s (GM)
-Name: %s (GM:%d) | Location: %s %d %d
-Nard and his crew are taking us to the city of Artis.
-Nard asks to help crew
-Nard asks to solve conflict
-Nard looks surprised and stops you.
-Nard kijkt verrast en stopt je.
-Navy Blue Cotton Dye
-Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger.
-Never (only on login)
-Never since that day have I strayed near them, and yet there you are, cutting them down one by one.
-Nevertheless, you can craft some cards that you can then attach to your equipment.
-Nevertheless, you can talk with another adventurer by pressing the [Enter] key and then type what you want to say!
-New e-mail must be a real e-mail address.
-New e-mail must be different from the current e-mail address.
-New quest available: %s (level %d+)
-New warp NPC '%s' created.
-Next broadcast: (never)
-Next broadcast: @@
-Nice day to you.
-Night Mode Activated.
-Night Mode is activated
-Night mode is already enabled.
-NightmareDrop |
-Nine Castles
-Nineteen Castles
-No Exp Penalty: %s | No Zeny Penalty: %s
-No GM found.
-No Save (Return to last Save Point)
-No Save, Save Point: %s,%d,%d
-No Save, Save Point: %s,Random
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1
-No cookie for you!
-No item found in this player's %s.
-No item has been refined.
-No item need to be repaired.
-No longer spying on the %s guild.
-No longer spying on the %s party.
-No matter how many times I come here, I can't find the reason for the strange sounds...
-No matter the grammar
-No matter the spelling
-No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
-No more pain, thanks to you.
-No one who has met him would say such silly things.
-No player found in map '%s'.
-No player found.
-No problem, come back later if you changed your mind!
-No problem, do you have any other questions for me?
-Geen probleem, heb je nog meer vragen voor me?
-No problem, see you next time.
-No thank you, I'm fine. I'll come back later.
-No thanks, not at the moment.
-No thanks.
-No you don't have to go. I need your help, so you have to stay.
-No! No, no, my precious plushrooms! Don’t take me to them, they wants my precious.
-No, I can't. I won't! All I wanted was to travel across the seas for fun, growl... sniff. And in this hole in the floor, as you can see, I have lots of fun.
-No, I don't, but I would like to know more about that.
-No, I feel fine.
-No, I haven't seen anything.
-No, I'm fine.
-No, I'm still looking.
-No, and I gotta go, see you.
-No, none.
-Neen, ik heb geen vragen meer.
-No, sorry.
-Neen, sorry.
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Neen, ze zijn veel te gevaarlijk voor mij!
-No. Sorry.
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#0
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#1
-NoAutoloot |
-NoBaseEXP |
-NoBranch |
-NoCalcRank |
-NoCommand |
-NoDrop |
-NoGuild |
-NoIcewall |
-NoJobEXP |
-NoMVPLoot |
-NoMemo |
-NoMobLoot |
-NoParty |
-NoReturn |
-NoSkill |
-NoTeleport |
-NoTrade |
-NoVending |
-NoViewID |
-NoWarp |
-NoWarpTo |
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians.
-Niemand zal weten over het bestaan van de Mercurians.
-Nobody! *burp*
-Niemand! *boer*
-Noh Mask
-None Taken
-None of my troupe have left the city since we got here.
-None of the raindrops touched her, as if they were afraid!
-None of them?
-Geen van hen?
-Nope, there are no secrets hidden within the ship's hull. Some sailors swear they have seen stowaways hidden somewhere. The bow or the stern? Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Normal Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Normally, collaborative monsters behave like neutral monsters. Unless someone of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor.
-North East
-North West
-Not a hexadecimal digit:
-Not a string:
-Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running after a player and you stand in the way...
-Not content to stay buried in their burrows in the sand, Crocs can be quite a nuisance, infesting this whole island. Tender Feet and Newbies are advised: Avoid touching these crawling red devils. They have huge, deadly claws that can make mincemeat of you! You can recognize them easily by their crabby personalities. Be careful younglings.
-Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!
-Niet iedereen heeft de beste bedoelingen. Oplichters kunnen overal opduiken. Zelfs bij ons.
-Not in the mood to chat.
-Not my problem.#0
-Not my problem.#1
-Not now, thank you.
-Not now.
-Not now. You see, I am also afraid of Slimes and Rattos!
-Not really. All I got was a headache...
-Not resync'ing to prevent flood.
-Not so good actually... I would feel better on Nard's ship.
-Not so weird, perhaps, except that it was been bright and sunny just a second before!
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!#1
-Not yet, I'll be back.#0
-Not yet, I'll be back.#1
-Not yet, but I am working on it.
-Not yet.
-Not yet. I will be back soon.
-Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. %s
-Nothing like a well-deserved %s after a long day of tending the crops!
-Nothing, just hanging around.
-Niets, gewoon aan het rondhangen.
-Nothing, sorry.
-Niets, het spijt me.
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#0
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#1
-Now go outside and talk to Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what provisions we need.
-Now it is junk.
-Now let's see...
-Now listen to and ponder my words...
-Now move!
-Now stand still... It should not take much time...
-Now that I think about it, I have another task for you. I asked Resa from the light armor shop to craft me some new clothes, she is a bit far from here, I can't go there because I need to watch the dock.
-Now that I think about it, they are the only shops that are independent in Artis...
-Now that you bring up that topic, that reminds me of something...
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1
-Now, leave me alone...
-Now, lets get back to business.
-Now, move!
-Nowhere, I'm fine here.
-Number of skill points changed.
-Number of status points changed.
-OK, I'll ask him.
-OK, let's trade.
-OK, thanks.
-Of course there is a reward for your task.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#1
-Of course!
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-Natuurlijk! Zeg me welke taal je spreekt en ik zal het aanpassen op de aanwezigheidslijst.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list.
-Of course! What do you need?
-Of course, I'll go get them for you.
-Of course, as a fully-fledged crew member you can decide of the destination of La Johanne directly with Nard.
-Of course, so why do I still see open sea from the porthole?
-Of course, the Legion of Aemil can easily provide you with such training, even if you're not a member. Just great, isn't it?
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.
-Natuurlijk, ze zijn op de rechtermuur, ga naar ze toe.
-Of course, they are on the left wall. Go have a look at them.
-Of course, you can select a bed somewhere else after your reservation, but you won't get your HP recovery until you choose to get some rest in the inn.
-Of the two of them, who has 'good' on their side?
-Official crew member
-Oh I see... Sailors are not able to do their job anymore, is it like that?!
-Oh alright, nevermind then.
-Oh and guess what! I'm almost out of potions anyway.
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#0
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#1
-Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
-Oh, goed! Heeft hij je je geld ook teruggegeven?
-Oh hey *hicks*
-Oh hey!
-Oh look, there's a piou behind you!
-Oh kijk, er staat een piou achter je!
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#0
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other part of this island, I wonder what it could be...
-Oh no, the piou escaped!
-Oh no, you still have @@ Fluffies to kill.
-Oh noes!
-Oh noes! You found my secret backdoor!
-Oh oh... I see, your party became so big that you want to create an even larger structure?
-Oh really? How could I forget something as important as that?!
-Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then.
-Oh right, I totally forgot about that, here you go.
-Oh sure I remember you.
-Oh thank you so much!
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
-Ach ja, we hebben je gered toen je aan het ronddobberen was in de zee.
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
-Ach ja, we hebben je gered toen je aan het ronddobberen was in de zee.
-Oh yes, I have one last errand for you, Q'Pid in the market sells potions.
-Oh yeye did, his store is just beside me!
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
-Oh, jejeje... Aangezien ze niet eetbaar zijn kan je misschien proberen aan te trekken?
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
-Oh, jejeje... Aangezien ze niet eetbaar zijn kan je misschien proberen aan te trekken?
-Oh! And in one of the rooms of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh! And our party chat was really entertaining, I do highly recommend you to share this fun as well.
-Oh! I like that sort of answer!
-Oh! Ik hou van dit soort antwoorden!
-Oh! You saved me, I was too afraid to unpack my stuff without this pass.
-Oh, I can't be sure...
-Oh, I hope you stayed and listened to his stories about his adventures.
-Oh, I see. That's right. Why should someone come here to see me, seriously?
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Oh, ik wou je eigenlijk vragen of je de bemanning wilde helpen om eten te zoeken en het eiland hier buiten te verkennen.
-Oh, a traveller. Welcome.
-Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.
-Oh, ik vergat het bijna! Geef aan niemand het wachtwoord van je kamer! Ik ben de enige die een andere sleutel heeft en ik zal niet naar de jouwe vragen, dus houd deze geheim en gebruik ze ook niet voor andere kamers in de toekoemst.
-Oh, and I'll also need %s E for other materials.
-Oh, and Olga from the marketplace as well!
-Oh, and a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! But stay alert to pick up your drops.
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#0
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#1
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, one of the four main guilds of Gasaron. Does that help you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing.
-Oh, but I'll still need the book. Even if all pages are white.
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#0
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#1
-Oh, he is not far away from here. Just take the road through the crocojungle north from here.
-Oh, he's still alive!#1
-Oh, hi, isn't it cool to live among all those Mouboos? I don't understand how some people can eat Mouboo steak.
-Oh, hi.
-Oh, it is simple. I have on this book the names of every citizen of Artis and its surroundings.
-Oh, it's you.
-Oh, jij bent het.
-Oh, it's you. I think it's better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something.
-Oh, nooooo... If I go home now, my mum will give me chores.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, ok. Come back later if you need something.
-Oh, please hurry and bring me a %s.
-Oh, she's still alive!#0
-Oh, that's really bad news.
-Oh, the little...
-Oh, too bad.
-Oh, wait a second...
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#0
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#1
-Oh, you look more interested in magic.. the brotherhood did forbid most of the interesting paths of magic, but boring baby spells are still allowed.
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#0
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#1
-Oh... Awesome!
-Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
-Oh... uhm, ja dat heb ik gedaan, of, wel, goedendag daar!
-Oh... Ok, I will be around here if you change your mind.
-Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best.
-Oh... ik ben maar net begonnen in de handel, dus mijnhandelswijze zal nog niet zo best zijn.
-Oh... You should have started with this!
-Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes.
-Oh... um... actually... all I wanted was to get to Artis. Err... but I didn't, uhm... have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Oh? And do you think you have what it takes to be a proud Legion Member?
-Ok I add your name... @@...
-Ok I stay here with my paperwork if you need my help.
-Ok fine, you have up to 3 tries, here is the riddle:
-Ok then.
-Ok we stay docked here if you need our help.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.#1
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.#0
-Ok, I will bring it to him.
-Ok, I will leave him alone.
-Oké, ik zal hem met rust laten.
-Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Oké, wees nog even geduldig, binnen een paar dagen komen we aan in de haven van Artis.
-Ok, done.
-Oké, klaar.
-Ok, let me see...
-Ok, see you then!
-Oké, ik zie je later.
-Ok, sorry. Back to our fluffies.
-Okay, I'll be here, if you change your mind.
-Okay, but there won't be any explosions.
-Okay, you can start!
-In orde, je kan beginnen!
-Okay... Tell my sister I'll go home soon.
-Old Book
-Oud Boek
-Old Man
-Old Woman
-Old line:
-On March 213CCE, Chancellor Benjamin Frost, with support of the council, proclaimed the Republic of Ancea. This event would become known as the Blue Revolution.
-On a side note, more defense is always good, but the damage won't decrease on the same rate that defense raises.
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but you attack from a safer position. On the other hand, depending on the level of the weapon, melee ones potentially can yeild quicker kills.
-On the year 206CCE, after a long crisis of succession, a minor noble only known as Queen Platyna the Red came to inherit the Platinum Crown.
-Once the monster is dead, click on the dropped items to add them to your inventory. You can also use the 'Z' key to claim the drops.
-Once used, they will disappear from your inventory.
-One Castle
-One advice: Don't take the things those drinkers say too serious. They are sitting here and drinking all day.
-One last thing to keep in mind... If you are surrounded, you'll suffer an agility and defense penalty.
-One of its branches hit me!
-One of these little boogers started flying early, and escaped from me.
-Only Don and the Merchant Guild have that kind of material in stock. It's called black iron.
-Only after you prove yourself, you may join our ranks as a proud member! Hahah!
-Only one more Fluffy to kill and it's done!
-Oooh, perfect! It's perfect!
-Oooh, these wounds! They hurt so much!
-Open your inventory window (###keyWindowInventory; key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button.
-Opened treasure chest
-Options changed.
-Or almost like me, at the very least.
-Or do you want to keep your friendships and adventures in different groups?
-Or you can take seat and ask Melinda if you need something.
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#0
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#1
-Orange Cotton Dye
-Other Drop Rates: MvP %.2fx / Card-Based %.2fx / Treasure %.2fx
-Other Flags:
-Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea.
-Dat buiten beschouwing gelaten, ik weet niet veel over wat er nog aan de gang is, dus de kapitein er direct over aanspreken kan een goed idee zijn.
-Other things are written but are not legible anymore.
-Ouch... These boxes are so heavy!
-Our building here is also the finest place in the town. Just go and see for yourself!
-Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family!
-Onze bemanning is als een familie, en if je akkoord gaat met ons te helpen zou ik je graag uitnodigen om deel uit te maken van onze familie!
-Our main responsibility in the city is to protect the Merchant Guild.
-Our mommy doesn't allow us to go there, because it's dangerous. But he doesn't listen!
-Our only wish to eat a plush, so juicy sweet...
-Out of creativity already? Don't worry, I don't judge! Hehe.
-Over lovers under a starry night
-Packet 0x%x length: %d
-Partner not ready.
-Party modification is disabled in this map.
-PartyLock |
-People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck.
-Perfect! I will wait for you here.
-Perhaps, and only perhaps, if you bring me the latter, I can bring you to a ship that will perhaps, and only perhaps, be able to bring you to Woodland.
-Pet hunger changed.
-Pet hunger is already at maximum.
-Pet intimacy changed.
-Pet intimacy is already at maximum.
-Peter needs help
-Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Pff... Nickel nurser!
-Piberries Infusion
-Pile Of Ash
-Pink Antennae
-Pink Blobime
-Roze Blobime
-Pink Cotton Dye
-Pink Flower
-Pink Petal
-Pinkie Hat
-Piou Feathers
-Piou Legs
-Piou Slayer
-Piou and The Fluffy
-Piou egg
-Piouleg Sandwich
-Pious must keep a strict diet composed of Piberries.
-Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d
-Player '%s' has now been banned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' has now been unbanned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' is already banned from this channel
-Player '%s' is not banned from this channel
-Player '%s' was not found
-Player database has been reloaded.
-Player has been nuked!
-Player is not muted.
-Player is using %s skill tree (%d basic points).
-Player requires level %d of skill %s.
-Player unjailed.
-Player unmuted.
-Player warped to jail.
-Please bring it to me!
-Please bring me @@s so I can pull out these spikes from my foot.
-Please choose the desired gender:
-Please come again with at least 10 INT and 20 DEX. Stat Bonuses aren't counted.
-Please come back anytime!
-Please come talk to me, I'll help you get dressed.
-Please continue talking to the villagers.
-Please do hurry and bring me %d %s, so I can finish my soup!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, or get my hair mussed!
-Please don't touch my stove without my authorization.
-Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only.
-Raak deze hoeden astublieft niet aan. Ze zijn enkel voor bemanningleden.
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguise <name/ID>).
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguiseall <name/ID>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @enablenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @hidenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @npcoff <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @tonpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a clothes color (usage: @dye/@ccolor <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a guild name (usage: @guild <guild_name>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildrecall <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildspy <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a hair color (usage: @haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a hair style (usage: @hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a homunculus ID (usage: @makehomun <homunculus id>).
-Please enter a hunger value (usage: @homhungry <hunger value [0-100]>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @homlevel <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a map (usage: @warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @broadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @homtalk <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @kami <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @localbroadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @me <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @pettalk <message>).
-Please enter a mob name/ID and guild name/ID (usage: @disguiseguild <mob name/ID>, <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter a mob name/id (usage: @showmobs <mob name/id>)
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @mobsearch <monster name>).
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @summon <monster name> {duration}).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @whereis <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster/egg name/ID (usage: @makeegg <pet>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @skpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @stpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a party name (usage: @party <party_name>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyrecall <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyspy <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @block <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jail <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @kick <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @nuke <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @recall <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @trade <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unban <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unblock <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unjail/@discharge <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unmute <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @where <char name>).
-Please enter a position bitmask and an amount (usage: @refine <equip position> <+/- amount>).
-Please enter a quest skill ID.
-Please enter a script file name (usage: @loadnpc <file name>).
-Please enter a skill name to look up (usage: @skillid <skill name>).
-Please enter a sound filename (usage: @sound <filename>).
-Please enter a speed value (usage: @speed <%d-%d>).
-Please enter a status type/flag (usage: @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}).
-Please enter a time in minutes (usage: @mutearea/@stfu <time in minutes>).
-Please enter a valid amount.
-Please enter a valid level (usage: @guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels>).
-Please enter a valid number (usage: @pethungry <0-100>).
-Please enter a valid position (usage: @memo <memo_position:%d-%d>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @petfriendly <0-1000>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @str/@agi/@vit/@int/@dex/@luk <+/-adjustment>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
-Please enter an amount (usage: @spiritball <number: 0-%d>).
-Please enter an amount (usage: @zeny <amount>).
-Please enter an amount.
-Please enter an effect number (usage: @effect <effect number>).
-Please enter an intimacy value (usage: @homfriendly <intimacy value [0-1000]>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @itembound <item name/ID> <quantity> <bound_type>).
-Please enter an item name/ID (usage: @ii/@iteminfo <item name/ID>).
-Please enter an item name/ID, a quantity, and a player name (usage: #delitem <player> <item_name_or_ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter at least one item name/ID (usage: @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of very's>).
-Please enter at least one option.
-Please enter at least one valid list number (usage: @mapinfo <0-3> <map>).
-Please enter at least one value (usage: @model <hair ID: %d-%d> <hair color: %d-%d> <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter ban time and a player name (usage: @ban <time> <char name>).
-Please enter color and message (usage: @kamic <color> <message>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @sizeguild <size> <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @undisguiseguild <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter item name/ID (usage: @whodrops <item name/ID>).
-Please enter part of an item name (usage: @idsearch <part_of_item_name>).
-Please enter the combat zone on the left.
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalk <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalkc <color> <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the desired color
-Please enter the desired race
-Please enter the desired style
-Please enter the message:
-Please enter the new line.
-Please enter two e-mail addresses (usage: @email <current@email> <new@email>).
-Please find daddy...
-Please find my daddy...
-Please find the small chest, buried somewhere on Artis hill.
-Please go talk to the leader of the traveling troupe about the theater mask.
-Please go talk to their leader about this.
-Please guide me.
-Please return the mask to the traveling troupe.
-Please select a category:
-Please select a chapter:
-Please select a quest:
-Please select an option:
-Please select the interval:
-Please specify a display name or monster name/id.
-Please take this @@ for your help.
-Please try to figure out what went wrong with this order and bring me those potions.
-Please write the following sentence:
-Please, have a seat.
-Please, leave me alone. I have to pixel potions.
-Pleasure to meet you. I am @@.
-Plushroom Box
-Plushroom Field
-Plushrooms you say?
-Poem about Poems
-Poem is making the words dance
-Poison Skull
-Poisoned Dish
-Vergiftigd Gerecht
-Poisoned Julia
-Poor Chelios, I don't envy him...
-Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe 8:Body
-Potions? That sounds useful. What do you have?
-Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior.
-Press the '###keyTrade;' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations.
-Previous Inn reservation will be lost!
-Princess Slayer
-PrivateAirshipEndable |
-PrivateAirshipStartable |
-Protect me, please...
-Pumpkin Hat
-Pumpkin Juice
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Purple Blobime
-Purple Cotton Dye
-Put on your thinking cap and be propelled into high adventure!
-PvP Flags:
-PvP Off.
-PvP On.
-PvP is already Off.
-PvP is already On.
-Pvp ON |
-Q'Onan asks to find chest
-Quest complete
-Quest database has been reloaded.
-Quest debug
-Quest state: @@
-Quest state: @@, @@
-Raijin Voice
-Raijin Stem
-Raise this skill
-Raises your Int by 50
-Raises your base level by 50
-Raises your job level by 50
-Ranger T
-Rate management
-Ratto Tail
-Ratto Teeth
-Raw Log
-Read it.
-Really? That's kind of you, I accept your help!
-Recipe Book
-Red Cotton Dye
-Red Plush Wine
-Red Rose
-Red Tulip
-Reduces your Int by 50
-Reduces your base level by 50
-Reduces your job level by 50
-Refinery UI is not available
-Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork.
-Related quests:
-Remember that some equipment sets will give you hidden stat bonuses! So dress yourself in a fashion way, if possible!
-Remember to stay sharp. I might need your help on another case.
-Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own.
-Remember, you have to find my brother on the hill east of here.
-Remind me, what should I do?
-Remove this line
-Remove this skill
-Removed %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Removed %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Removed all bans from the '%s' channel
-Removed item type: '%s' from your autoloottype list.
-Removed item: '%s'/'%s' {%d} from your autolootitem list.
-Repeat how many times?
-Repeat: @@ times
-Report back to me once you've had enough!
-Requires logout
-Resa gave package
-Reset 'Feeling' maps.
-Reset Quest
-Reset all recipes
-Reset done!
-Reset stats, skills, level
-Reset subquests
-Reset |
-Return to Artis?
-Return to Debug menu
-Return to Super Menu
-Return to main menu
-Return to skill debug menu
-Returned piou to Salem
-Returned to normal state.
-Returned to real name.
-Returning to normal font.
-Right Crafty Wing
-Right over there.
-Right! Ours is an earthsea realm. You see, sailors are swift at their tasks when out of sight of land, but docked by this verdant jewel, they have it so good, they are just taking too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Roasted Maggot
-Robin Bandit
-Royal Guard
-Royal Guard T
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Ruby Shard
-Ruby Vein
-Rumly is hiding behind the tree.
-Rumly needs your help
-Rumly wants @@
-Rune Knight
-Rune Knight T
-Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
-Sagratha is great.
-Sagratha is great. Why does the strange woman near the Legion building always say that to daddy...?
-Said her friend had told her that I needed help.
-Sakura |
-Salem asks to catch piou
-Sapphire Shard
-Sapphire Vein
-Say her love to glamourous Gliktch?
-Scared me, those seven-branched little stumps did!
-Scary... I am afraid of all these Slimes, Rattos and Maggots... And worse, I am lost...
-Scheduled broadcasts
-Scheduled broadcasts - Create new
-Script could not be loaded.
-Script loaded.
-Scripts have been reloaded.
-Sea Drops
-Sea water?! I will not help you with your evil plan!
-Search results for '%s' (name: id):
-Searched the bookcase
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-See if someone else knows anything.
-See you aboard.
-See you later!
-See you next time!
-See you soon!
-See you!
-See you! And come back with the plushrooms!
-See you.
-Seeing her gaze, for a moment there I thought she would turn me into a pinkie, for sure...
-Seek a colorant for that material:
-Seems I've helped everyone here. I don't know what to do now!
-Seems yummy! Let me taste it!
-Send 10 times
-Send 2 times
-Send 20 times
-Send 3 times
-Send 5 times
-Send indefinitely
-Send only once
-Send this message also on login?
-Sending request to login server...
-Sent on login: @@
-Sent on login: yes
-Sent packet 0x%x (%d)
-Sent to Q'Anon
-Sent to battle
-Sent to training
-Sent: @@ times out of @@
-Seriously? It's just a cookie you know... Tell me what I should do to get one.
-Echt waar?!
-Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds.
-Server is jammed due to overpopulation.
-Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X.
-Set a new broadcast
-Set battle_config as requested.
-Set state manually
-Set subquests as completed
-Set the level manually
-Seven Castles
-Seventeen Castles
-Shadow Chaser
-Shadow Chaser T
-Share your mind is your mission
-She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
-Ze is een goede vriendin van me... We zouden gaan trouwen een paar weken voor haar ongeluk, maar ...
-She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.
-Ze is de verpleegster en scheepshouder op dit schip, en ook een uitstekende kokin!
-She is very skilled when it comes to weaving an ordinary piece of cloth into a wonderful work of art!
-She is waiting for you on the dock.
-She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-She told me that you had some tasks for me.
-She wants? What if I don't want?
-She wasn't at home for two days now. I worry about her!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1
-Shhht, don't say it that loud...
-Shhht, zeg dat niet zo luid... .
-Shht shht!
-Shop is out of stock! Come again later!
-Short Bow
-Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail.
-Silk Cocoon
-Silk Pants
-Silk Robe
-Silver Cotton Dye
-Silvio for example?
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave, letting him have a private conversation.
-Simply contact them, by forum or wispers or irc. When you are helpful and kind, they respond in kind. And in time they may surely add you to my cookie list!
-Since Don settled in Artis he and his band refused to register to the Merchant Guild.
-Sincerely yours, Dan.
-Six Castles
-Sixteen Castles
-Size change applied.
-Skill Debug
-Skill Debug - Modify Skill
-Skill database has been reloaded.
-Skill delay failures are now shown.
-Skill delay failures will not be shown.
-Skills have been disabled in this map.
-Skills have been enabled in this map.
-Slave clone spawned.
-Slay some of them and bring me %d of their antennae.
-Sleep well my angel but don't follow along
-Small Healing Potion
-Small Mana Potion
-Small Tentacles
-Kleine Tentacels
-Snow has stopped falling.
-Snow |
-So I go inside.
-So I rush out, my wife telling me to leave the witch alone, and I see her standing there in the middle of the rain...
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#0
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#1
-So be nice and help people along the way!
-So close!
-So finally someone has came to visit me?
-So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing.
-So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day!
-So my wife said that I should go and see the witch, just in case she knows something.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.#1
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.#0
-So the next day another witch shows up.
-So you beat the monster? Then why are you so scared?
-So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1
-So you're under the control of a dictatorship? That's... reassuring!
-So, I guess you aren't chopping down trees anymore?
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#0
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#1
-So, do you have anything for me today?
-Dus, heb je iets voor me, vandaag?
-So, do you still want a cookie?
-So, everything went fine?
-So, finally, we are here.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now.
-Dus, hoe voel je je nu? Ik zie dat Julia prachtig werk heeft geleverd! Je ziet er een stuk beter uit nu.
-So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
-Dus hoe gaat het? Heb je al andere bemaningsleden gesproken?
-So, search for answers.
-So, what can I do for you?
-So, what do you say?
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats in Artis?#0
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitresses of Artis?#1
-So, what was I saying?
-Dus, wat was ik aan het zeggen?
-So, where is my piou? You should not keep an old man waiting. Go and catch it like you said you would.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#0
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#1
-So? You haven't exploded yet! Are you getting anything?
-Solved conflict
-Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box.
-In deze doos zitten wat Bandanas en Zeemanshoeden.
-Some citizens are worried about the growing number of Fluffies on the hill of Artis.
-Some food.
-Wat voedsel.
-Some of the crew are looking for goods we can trade with at our next destination.
-Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop.
-Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that.
-Some people prefer to catch fish using magic, but calling that "fishing" would be an insult to this traditional sport.
-Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@.
-Some special items cannot be traded, discarded, nor sold. With a right click, you can also protect normal items as if they were special ones.
-Some tasks will help you become aquainted with Artis. Trust me.
-Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit.
-Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning when you try to sell them.
-Somebody is probably training, better wait for him to finish.
-Somebody is waiting for you outside!
-Somebody took your place on this spot!
-Somebody tried to stroke the word "fish" and tried to replace it with "sharkes".
-Somehow you don't feel good about your deed.
-Someone in a theater mask, eh?
-Something else?
-Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit.
-Sometimes a good merchant needs to reach out first. It's on the house, give Chelios my regards!
-Sometimes, I wish someone would be sent here to help us.
-Sorcerer T
-Sorry I didn't mean to bother you.
-Sorry buddy, you can't pass by this way, we're moving some furniture.
-Sorry but I have no time for this.
-Het spijt me, hier heb ik geen tijd voor.
-Sorry i can't help you. Go away!
-Sorry to disturb you.
-Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Mijn excuses, ik vergat mezelf voor te stellen. Mijn naam is Arpan, maar de zeelui noemen me Magische Arpan omdat ik één of twee magische yaingspreuken ken.
-Sorry, I am not making these anymore.
-Sorry, I don't know any recipe with this.
-Sorry, I have to go.
-Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations.
-Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment.
-Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Het spijt me, daar kan ik niets mee.
-Sorry, but you don't have what I need.
-Sorry, but you have no pet.
-Sorry, my eyesight is a bit poor nowadays. Where are the ingredients?
-Sorry, no.
-Sorry, this log was too weak for one of my forest bows.
-Sorry, we are sold out for today.
-Sorry, you look like a pinkie.
-Sorry. I can't make a sandwich with that.
-Sorry... here you are.
-Soul Linker
-Soul Menhir#hurnscald
-Sounds good!
-Sounds like a good deal to me. I'll do it.
-South East
-South West
-Southwest you say? OK, thank you.
-Specified group does not exist.
-Speed changed.
-Speed returned to normal.
-Spend it wisely this time.
-Spiky Mushroom
-Spying on the %s guild.
-Spying on the %s party.
-Squichy Claws
-Squichy Klauwen
-Star Gladiator
-Start broadcasting
-Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now
-Start over
-Stat changed.
-Stats: Str %d / Agi %d / Vit %d / Int %d / Dex %d / Luk %d
-Status database has been reloaded.
-Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Stay clear.
-Stay here, I will be back as soon as I have some.
-Steel Shield
-Stop broadcasting
-Stop disturbing me, I already re-read that part twice because of you!
-Stop heckling her, Silvio, or I'll tell her how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#0
-Stop heckling him, Silvio, or I'll tell him how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#1
-Stop it!
-Stop wasting my time.
-Storage has been not loaded yet.
-Storage opened.
-Str: %d (%d~%d)
-Strange, it seems I became younger lately.
-Strangely enough, this lid can only be open from inside.
-Strength multiplies the damage of your hits, especially melee ones. You will also be able to carry heavier stuff.
-Stupid yeye...
-Stomme jeje...
-Styling Shop
-Suddenly you remember the strange phrase Mona overheard Sophialla saying
-Super Baby
-Super Menu
-Super Novice
-Sura T
-Sure I did.
-Sure! [Don't tip]
-Sure! [Tip 10 Florin]
-Sure! [Tip 5 Florin]
-Sure, I'll go get one. Bye!
-Sure, any time!
-Sure, but what will I get in exchange?
-Natuurlijk, maar wat krijg ik ervoor in de plaats?
-Sure, but what will you give me in exchange?
-Sure, cap'tain.
-Sure, here they are!
-Sure, here you go!
-Sure, here you go.
-Sure, why not?
-Surely you do not appreciate what a hero he is!
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Surprise me!
-Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be
-Take a Bandana.
-Neem een Bandana.
-Take a cup of tea until something happens here.
-Take an @@ and a @@, yeye obtains a @@.
-Take care!
-Take the east road that goes to the north and follow it until you are on top of the cliff.
-Take the sword, and say hi to Enora for me!
-Take these coins in exchange and be careful.
-Neem deze munten in ruil en wees voorzichtig.
-Take this money as a reward for your nice words.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. The open sea has been merciful with you once... Do not further tempt the fates!
-Take your reward from the box next to my desk!
-Talk to Hector and he'll show you the ropes.
-Talk to you later!
-Talk to you soon!
-Talk with Lloyd the Banker in the Merchant Guild, it's a big building in the northern side of Artis, at the top of the small hill.
-Talked to Inspector (1)
-Talked to Inspector (2)
-Talked to Inspector (3)
-Talked to Inspector (4)
-Talked to Inspector (5)
-Talked to Inspector (6)
-Talked to Janus
-Talked to Malek
-Talked to Old Man
-Talked to Old Woman (1)
-Talked to Old Woman (2)
-Talked to Old Woman (3)
-Talked to Old Woman (4)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (1)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (2)
-Talked to narrator
-Target character must be online and be a guild member.
-Target character must be online and in your current party.
-Task is done.
-Teal Cotton Dye
-Teleport Flags:
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the requisitions.
-Tell me, where are we right now?
-Ten Castles
-Test MOTD
-Thank you again for your help!
-Thank you and be careful with that box. I have worked really hard to fill it!
-Thank you for finding the mask.
-Thank you for this commission, Chelios is as good as Don when it comes to forging metal.
-Thank you for this!
-Thank you for your help.
-Thank you for your tricks. I am going to try them now!
-Thank you my friend.#0
-Thank you my friend.#1
-Thank you so much!
-Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries.
-Enorm bedankt! Hier, neem wat van mijn bessen.
-Thank you very much
-Thank you very much!
-Thank you!
-Thank you, I'll take them and put them on.
-Thank you, sir, for your kind words. I am feeling better now.
-Thank you, sweetie! Want to hear a secret?
-Thank you.
-Thank you. I'll wait here.
-Thanks again for helping me with the pinkies!
-Thanks again for helping me!
-Thanks for finding daddy... I wish he spent more time with me...
-Thanks for helping my husband Hinnak.
-Thanks for the help!
-Bedankt voor je hulp!
-Thanks for the tip!
-Thanks for your help with the pinkies.
-Thanks, sir Q'Anon.
-Thanks, that was very kind of you!
-That better be a trophy on your head.
-That doesn't looks edible to me!
-That is a really fine piece of wood you brought me.
-That looks too exotic for me to eat!
-That makes everybody
-That part of the town is called the Gilded Hill, it's also where the Merchant Guild has its headquarters.
-That poor one is doing his best to fly... But his last meal and the gravity is not helping him so far!
-That will be @@ E to set your respawn point
-That will pay them a lesson.
-That would be great!
-That's a nice sword you have there.
-That's exactly what I needed!
-That's good to hear!
-That's not the question
-That's perfect, yoiis.#0
-That's perfect, yoiis.#1
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#0
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#1
-That's right, we have our very own training room. The Legion is always well prepared!
-That's too bad... Although I think you're lying.
-Thats your problem, really.
-The @@ is a one time item, you can use it as many times as you want, but you can only have one!
-The Book of Laws
-The Fluffy seized it and said:
-The Legion needs some potions.
-The Legion of Aemil is the greatest organization on all continent! A town cannot be safer than when it's under our protection.
-The Legion of Gasaron are a group of warriors who vowed to protect and serve their neighbours.
-The Legion of Gasaron is in charge of the security of the intramural part of our cities.
-The Legion?
-The Mana Tree was lost, the caves entrances destroyed, and the Wizard Order was split in two: One part was on Candor, and other at the Magic Tower.
-The Piou, embarrassed and confused,
-The Platinum Kingdom grew and prospered, and drew most of the human population to the safety of the walls of Keshlam, Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-The Raijin from the library flirted with me a while ago, so has Enora from the Legion.
-The Republic of Ancea ceased to exist officially in August 216CCE, when the cities of Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis installed their own independent governments.
-The Ukar Historical Association on Aemil
-The answer is a single word, without conjugation.
-The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account.
-The best, the wonderful, the most choice cookie among all others, the...
-The book has been hollowed out.
-The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-De kapitein heeft de deur gesloten, je zal het hem moeten vragen.
-The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-De kapitein wacht op je! Haast je.
-The captain wants:
-The collection of four books entitled “World Story For Dummies” is based on the uncessable work from the Ukar scholars, thanks to whom this wouldn't be possible.
-The control and administration of the cities passes hands sometimes. You may find the Mana Order or the Brotherhood in charge instead of us at some point!
-The council, however, neglected day-to-day administration duties, and focused their efforts in regaining control of the rest of Ancea.
-The detail and craftsmanship that went into this sword can only be accomplished by the most practiced of blacksmiths.
-The doctor examines you briefly.
-The door to the legion building is temporarily closed.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing. Thus much is lost to time, including the author's name.
-The farmer glares at your hat.
-The farmer lunges at you with a farming implement.
-The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time...
-De angst om haar te zien slapen in dat stil een eenzaam bed wordt steeds meer ondragelijk, ik denk niet dat ik de moed heb naar haar toe te gaan deze keer
-The fee is of @@ E. So, do you want to register?
-The fields are crawling with maggots.
-The first human settlement to develop an advanced political structure and to become a city-state was Keshlam.
-The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land.
-The first thing you should do is to evaluate your enemy.
-The first village build was named Esperia. Aurora region was very fertile, and for this reason they moved towards countryside and built farms.
-The fog has gone.
-The further you go, the more experience you will get, so here's a small description of all the stats you can upgrade with time. But note that these will probably change in the future and have more complex effects.
-The giant boogeyman!
-De reusachtige boeman!
-The girl looks desperate.
-The group found the support of Tulimshar's merchant lords and was given ships to sail east.
-The guild is in charge of the commerce regularization throughout Artis and its surroundings.
-The hill is located on the north-east of Artis.
-The holy messenger has given judgement.
-The inspector sent me here to investigate.
-The item (%d: '%s') is not equippable.
-The item is not equippable.
-The leader of the troupe said you hung around them a lot while they were in town.
-The lid is sealed shut, and you are too weak to open it.
-The light armor shop is ran by Resa, she is part of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-The little piou is flying nearby, all you need is to catch it and bring back to me.
-The log breaks with a loud crack.
-The mapserver has spy command support disabled.
-The market is located in the south-east of Artis, it is known as Merchant Guild's exhibit.
-The master bowyer in this village used to construct exceptional bows. When you want one you should go and ask him.
-The message cannot be empty
-The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have.
-The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist.
-The music of the trees floats through the breeze
-The name of the book is "%s".
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again.
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again. They found a continent, present on legends of explorers who never came back.
-The next and final battle happened at Candor. Wizards attacks from both sides near the Mana Tree provoked a Mana Storm. A Great Quake shook the earth of Ancea and the land began to split. Geography changed, and Keshlan vanished from the map.
-The next page begins to list the complex trading laws of the City of Esperia
-The night the troupe left, I saw someone with a theater mask take a large satchel out of town.
-The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
-Het oude boek vertelt de legende van Aemil. Zou je het willen lezen?
-The old man seemed to be senile.
-The other part of this sign has been crushed by a rock.
-The piou costs @@ E.
-The player '%.*s' doesn't exist.
-The player cannot use that skill.
-The player meets all the requirements for that skill.
-The problem is that I am short of material.
-The rank of lieutenant is granted only to people with proper control of their skill and good judgment, like Enora. Or me, of course.
-The recipes, of course, you must collect yourself. Even sandwiches are not so simple as to simply put ingredients and hope for the best.
-The resulting shield looks usable already, but Jack applies another liquid to it and leaves it to dry for a few moments.
-The room is to the east, on your right side. Just go through the door before the stairs and then turn right. It's like the mirror image of our training room.
-The sailor chugs his beer.
-De zeeman slaat zijn pint achterover.
-The sailor turns his back to you.
-De zeeman keert je de rug toe.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship.
-De zeemannen brengen je aan boord van het schip.
-The ship, La Johanne, has left Drasil Island, finally.
-The stowaway doesn't answer.
-The taste of maggots in soup is... unforgettable.
-The travel was fine for you? It was terrible for me, I was sea-sick.
-The tree was entitled The Mana Tree, and the Wizard Order took control over Candor Island. They learnt to control the mana flow, and limited its use, claiming Magic to be too dangerous for public use.
-The two cannot wed because one is either a baby or already married.
-The usurper has been punished! This is a great day! Take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!
-The whole tree CAME TO LIFE! It was mad!
-The zone is already set to '%s'.
-The “Ancean Era” is a term used to defined the time period between the beginning of recorded history and the events at the Mana Tree, and thanks to Ukar scholars, this is widely accepted as year 1 on all Gasaron.
-Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive.
-Hun leiders kwamen tot de conclussie dat een verdrag de enige manier was om te overleven.
-Their price is usually high, but you know what? I have a bargain offer for you.
-Then I can give you some tips about fighting.
-Then I would ask you to leave.
-Then concentrate your anger upon the trees hereabouts, you will gain experience whilst leveling your sword skill on them.
-Then go north and investigate!
-Then it seems I have to apologize.
-Then leave me alone.
-Then please stop wasting my precious time.
-Then she yells out some gobbledygook word, and out of the ground there comes a swarm of maggots, crawling and digging and climbing over each other's backs...
-Then you should better see the doctor.
-There are 6 sailors who will need your help. They are all around the island.
-There are a lot of things you must be wondering about.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-There are many key combinations, press F1 to see a short list of them!
-There are no items to appraise.
-There are no tasks for you right now.
-There are people in the world who need help!
-There are people who really need our help.
-There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us.
-There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Er lopen wat gele vliegende pluizebollen om je heen. Ze noemen pious. Een geroosterde Pioupoot zou perfect zijn.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-There are some knives on the table. Would you like to take one?
-There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats.
-There are still some monsters left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-There are three kind of monsters which frequently or seldomly attacks our fair vessel.
-There are three types of items.
-There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative.
-There are two different kinds of cards, the first changes the style of your clothes, the second changes their stats.
-There are two kinds of dialogue, the ones with regular citizens, and the ones with other adventurers.
-There are two shops inside, they are independent from the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-There is a paper with some rules written on it.
-Er is een papier met wat regels opgeschreven.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or helping Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-There is an unknown side effect to these plushrooms, they can free you from your past mistakes.
-There is no day/night, weather, or season cycle in TMW yet.
-There is no help for %c%s.
-There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent.
-There was a traveling theater troupe in town recently, but they've moved on to Tulimshar.
-There you go, like new.
-There you go. Please enjoy yourself! ^.^
-There's also a job level, which produces green sparkles when you level it.
-There's also weather, meaning it can rain, snow, or even happen a sandstorm. They are usually cosmetic, but...
-There's been no change in the setting.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.#0
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.#1
-There, they gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find a new land on which to live.
-These @#$% beasts are jumping around in my fields destroying all my harvest.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@s, but they are so hard to hit...
-These funny fungi are mushrooming all around this island. Just pick some @@s and have a try.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I can't feel my arms anymore!
-These little pious here can't fly. At least that's what I thought.
-These purple mushrooms are called @@s. There are plenty of 'em on this island!
-These twigleafs are the trees that give me the living wood you speak of.
-These yeye boxes are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship.
-They are all around the island.
-They are each valued individuals and I need them both. In the past, I probably made my share of mistakes. I regret good management is so difficult. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-They are fresh!
-They are fresh, they are good!
-They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula.
-They are made of special living wood.
-They are married... wish them well.
-They are so tasty when cooked with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features.
-They eventually found a new land after much hardship and named it Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find new lands to live in. Tulimshar's merchant lords gave them ships to sail east.
-They named this continent as Aemil, in honour of one of such explorers. The area they docked in was called Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They sailed from Hurnscald to Tulimshar and then Nivalis, the last permanent settlements of humans.
-They sailed past the Clear Sea and towards the Long Ocean which nobody had explored before.
-They shouldn't be too far from each other.
-They taste simply divine!
-They were all in the mining camp.
-They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first.
-They're perfect, just perfect!
-They've been destroying my fields, and I guess I got a bit worked up.
-Thief Slime
-Think on Season Quests as a yearly quest which you have three months to do.
-Thirteen Castles
-Thirty Castles
-Thirty-One Castles
-Thirty-Three Castles
-Thirty-Two Castles
-This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world.
-This NPC doesn't exist.
-This action can't be performed at the moment. Please try again later.
-This action was met with widespread opposition from all races, and a war broke. The tritans led the offensive, in attempts to keep the tree untouched and mana available for all.
-This book contains everything you should know about it, take it!
-This book contains the knowledge collected by ukars about how the world works.
-This book outlines the laws of every city and holding in Gasaron.
-This bound item cannot be stored there.
-This bound item cannot be traded to that character.
-This character has been banned until
-This door is locked.
-This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest.
-This fishing spot is already being used!
-This floor is reserved for quiet reading, don't speak too loud.
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?#0
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?#1
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
-This is Drasil Island, I named it after an ancient mythical tree.
-This is a harsh word to use, you are never alone in the beautiful place of Artis.
-This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt."
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Dit is een @@, een lichtblauwe zeevrucht. Ze zijn enorm geliefd in de eilandengroep.
-This is for my own use.
-This is how good we Legion Members are. I was informed of your arrival way before you left Drasil Island.
-This is how you do it! HAAH!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will use your soft moist parts in the concoction of my next cookie batch.
-This is where the bravest of warriors come together to put their skills to a good use, for a good cause.
-This is your first time asking for something, you won't pay this time, take it as a sign of good faith!
-This item cannot be dropped.
-This item cannot be stored.
-This item cannot be traded.
-This item cannot be used as bait here.
-This item cannot be used within this area.
-This job has no alternate body styles.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on her.#0
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on him.#1
-This led Keshlam into rapid decline and its citizen began to emigrate to the other Cities. By the end of the Ancean Era, Keshlam City was a quarter of the original size.
-This menu allows you to change your skills.
-This menu allows you to customize your appearance.
-This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools.
-This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in.
-This menu allows you to modify your account data.
-This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval.
-This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges.
-This menu gives access to all quest debug menus.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quest subquests.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests.
-This monster does not spawn normally.
-This monster has no MVP prizes.
-This monster has no drops.
-This needn't be high quality wood; pretty much any log you can find should work.
-This note was left by somebody.
-This one is useless! Give me another @@.
-This panel looks in rather good shape, as though some people take care of it regularly. Maybe it has important information.
-This place is surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums...
-This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and tried to trade %d of them.
-This player has been banned for %d minute(s).
-This player has been definitively blocked.
-This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled).
-This player is not in jail.
-This player is now
-This skill cannot be used within this area.
-This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill.
-This skill number doesn't exist.
-This waitress *hicks* is great, she never stops to bring beer *hicks.
-This will remain your respawn point until set elsewhere.
-Those for consumption, equipment and generics.
-Three Castles
-Three cities developed on the eastern side of Ancea: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-Tibbo went to the south-east of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000
-To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +<item name or ID>". To remove an item, use "@alootid -<item name or ID>".
-To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!
-To be honest, no, never.
-To change your base level, use this command:
-To change your job level, use this command:
-To change your stats, use these commands:
-To de-trust a player:
-To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A.
-To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold.
-To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the '###keyWindowChat;' key.
-To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone.
-To focus on a creature, press the '###keyTargetMonster;' key. To focus on another citizen, press the '###keyTargetPlayer;' key. To attack the focused target press the '###keyAttack;' key or click the primary button on the creature.
-To focus on an NPC, press the '###keyTargetNPC;' key. To talk to him press the '###keyTalk;' key.
-To get a quote:
-To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait.
-To get the current rate:
-To grab a quote:
-To ignore a player:
-To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function.
-To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
-Als je je voorraadvenster wil openen gebruik de 'F3' toets of klik met je muis op 'INV' in het menu bovenaan op je scherm.
-To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying.
-To remove a quote:
-To reset back to normal:
-To set the exp rate:
-To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen.
-To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '%s' and press '###keyChat;'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it.
-To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option.
-To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges.
-To thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
-To trust a player:
-To unignore a player:
-Toggle Croc Bounty
-Toggle Ratto Bounty
-Toggle Tortuga Bounty
-Told bobo to go home
-Too bad, try again.
-Too bad.
-Too bad. I'm not hungry enough for these cookies of yours. Maybe I'll come back later.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some nice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Too lazy.
-Too risky, I might end up in jail. Do it yourself.
-Top Hat
-Topaz Shard
-Topaz Vein
-Toppy Blub
-Tortuga Shell
-Tortuga Shell Fragment
-Stuk Tortugaschaal
-Tortuga Tongue
-Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it.
-Total Domination
-Town Map
-Training Arrow
-Training Wand
-Transforming into monster is not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Travel to woodlands?
-Treasure Chest
-Tree Control Panel
-Tritan Voice
-Trtitan Stem
-Troupe Leader
-True be or not true be
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?#1
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?#0
-Try doing that now!
-Try talking to everyone again.
-Twelve Castles
-Twenty Castles
-Twenty-Eight Castles
-Twenty-Five Castles
-Twenty-Four Castles
-Twenty-Nine Castles
-Twenty-One Castles
-Twenty-Seven Castles
-Twenty-Six Castles
-Twenty-Three Castles
-Twenty-Two Castles
-Two Castles
-Type "@mapflag available" to list the available mapflags.
-Type List: (default) all = -1, healing = 0, usable = 2, etc = 3, weapon = 4, armor = 5, card = 6, petegg = 7, petarmor = 8, ammo = 10, delayed-consumable = 11, cash = 18
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys, and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-Uh? Hi! I'm sorry, but I have no time for chatting.
-Uhm, bye.
-Euh, daag.
-Uhm... Your story seems...
-Unable to Teleport in this area
-Unable to decrease the number/value.
-Unable to spawn clone.
-Unable to spawn evil clone.
-Unable to spawn slave clone.
-Unable to win, the tritans attacked Hurnscald. While human troops moved in attempts to avoid its fall, the Kralog and Ukar joined the tritans and they took the city.
-Understood, I will help you.
-Begrepen, ik zal je helpen.
-Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard.
-Jammer genoeg hebben we nog steeds je hulp nodig. Deze keer voor een gevoelige zaak, hier aan boord van het schip.
-Unknown Cart (usage: %s <0-%d>).
-Unknown Channel '%s' (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Channel (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Job
-Unknown battle_config flag.
-Unknown color '%s'
-Unknown map '%s'.
-Unknown packet: 0x%x
-Unknown type of value in:
-Unless you are interested in a status reset?
-Unlike other respawn points, an inn can fully restore your HP.
-Urchin Meat
-Usage: "@mapflag monster_noteleport 1" (0=Off | 1=On)
-Usage: %s <permission_name>
-Usage: @accinfo/@accountinfo <account_id/char name>
-Usage: @addwarp <mapname> <X> <Y> <npc name>
-Usage: @adjgroup <group_id>
-Usage: @changegm <guild_member_name>
-Usage: @changeleader <party_member_name>
-Usage: @changelook {<position>} <view id>
-Usage: @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}
-Usage: @dropall {<type>}
-Usage: @jailfor <time> <character name>
-Usage: @marry <char name>
-Usage: @mute <time> <char name>
-Usage: @noks <self|party|guild>
-Usage: @npcmove <X> <Y> <npc_name>
-Usage: @partyoption <pickup share: yes/no> <item distribution: yes/no>
-Usage: @request <petition/message to online GMs>.
-Usage: @set <variable name> <value>
-Usage: @setbattleflag <flag> <value>
-Usage: @setzone <zone name>
-Usage: @skilltree <skill ID> <target>
-Usage: @unloadnpcfile <file name>
-Usage: @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVar 50"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$ Super Duper String"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$" outputs its value, Super Duper String.
-Use 0 or no parameter to return to normal font.
-Use @font <1-9> to change your message font.
-Use arrow keys to walk around and leave this room.
-Use the key.
-Gebruik de sleutel.
-Used %d Kafra points and %d cash points. %d Kafra and %d cash points remaining.
-User '%s' already possesses the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' doesn't possess the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' permissions updated successfully. The changes are temporary.
-Usually I don't allow anyone to touch my boxes but...
-Usually, they'll have an exclamation mark over their heads. But some quests are hidden, so talk to people and have fun!
-V-neck Jumper
-Very good.
-Very nice, indeed!
-Inderdaad, heel mooi!
-Visited Artis at least once
-Vit: %d (%d~%d)
-Vitality raises your maximum health points and defense.
-Wait a minute, where's the cookie I gave you?
-Wait for the bait to sink underwater.
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1
-Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!
-Wacht, het lijkt erop dat iemand de deur van de andere kant barricadeerd!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish with you?!
-Wait, you never came here before?
-Wait... That's not a proper place for a chef, what are you doing there?
-Wait... Where are we going?
-Wacht... Waar gaan we heen?
-Wait... You are that @@ from earlier, aren't you?
-Waiting for @@...
-Walk up the stairs, go through the door on either side, and the only other door in the room, few steps to the south, will lead you right to him.
-Walking around a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one, I bet. Impale one of them for me please.
-Walking barefoot, feeling the hot sand with my feet, daydreaming... I like such things, you know.
-Wanderer T
-Want me to help you?
-War of Emperium SE has been ended.
-War of Emperium SE has been initiated.
-War of Emperium SE is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium SE is currently not in progress.
-War of Emperium has been ended.
-War of Emperium has been initiated.
-War of Emperium is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium is currently not in progress.
-Warlock T
-Warlord Helmet
-Warlord Plate
-Warning! Dangerous fish, do not fall into the lake!
-Warping to save point.
-Was your husband with you at home all night the last night that the troupe was in town?
-Watch out for these flowers. They don't like to be messed with.
-Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise!
-We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members.
-We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join the crew!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#0
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#1
-We are very lucky, my friend.#0
-We are very lucky, my friend.#1
-We arrived in Artis today.
-We arrived this morning at the port of Artis, I already warned the Legion of Aemil concerning your issue.
-We don't need it anymore.
-We follow north hemisphere seasons in case you're wondering.
-We have a special room for this purpose, too. You may test your skills against all kinds of dreadful monsters in there.
-We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Artis.
-We haven't met, right?
-We hold various training sessions, and also have a task board with a heap of things to do for the city and its surroundings.
-We just returned from a long journey and Artis is a good city to rest and to conclude our exchange.
-We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food.
-We hebben zoveel handen als maar mogelijk nodig om het eiland te verkennen en voedsel in te slaan.
-We need manpower on the island.#1
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.#0
-We need to get out of here soon. I'm scared of the Slimes!
-We offer a room for travelers passing by Artis, our beds are comfy and you can be guaranteed to be right as rain after a night here!
-We offer party and guild certifications and we can also teach you how to use some basic communication skills.
-We refuse service to anyone who:
-We sell a brimmed hat, you can craft a feather card and attach it to this hat to obtain an enhanced version of it!
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Legion of Aemil about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-We still don't know who did it.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#0
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#1
-We thought we heard someone go down to the basement, but we checked the whole place over and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#0
-We hebben geprobeerd ze te wassen, maar het zeewater heeft ze grotendeels vernield. Daarom hebben we je deze kleren gegeven. Ze zijn niet echt in de mode, maar het is alles wat we je kunnen geven.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1
-We hebben geprobeerd ze te wassen, maar het zeewater heeft ze grotendeels vernield. Daarom hebben we je deze kleren gegeven. Ze zijn niet echt in de mode, maar het is alles wat we je kunnen geven.
-We usually dock around these small isles because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the captain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
-We zullen er jajing zijn in een paar dagen. We zullen je daar afzetten.
-We will talk about it later.
-We'll be staying here in Tulimshar for a while.
-We're doing different shows here.
-We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine.
-Weather Flags:
-Weather effects will disappear after teleporting or refreshing.
-Welcome miss.#0
-Welcome to Red Plush.
-Welcome to my office.
-Welcome to our inn!
-Welcome to the Legion of Aemil's building in Artis!
-Welcome to the Merchant Guild of Artis!
-Welcome to the Red Plush inn!
-Welcome to the Rusty Pick.
-Well I'm working too! Don't you want me to carry one of these boxes back to Gugli?
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#0
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#1
-Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again!
-Well if you are whining like that all the time, then I think there is a reason behind their choice.
-Well in fact...
-Well then... Take this one!
-Well, I can't offer you much.
-Well, I was exhausted and had to rest.
-Well, I was in fact looking for them. Where are they now?
-Well, I'm done for the day, and I'm quite old enough to decide when I can have a %s, thank you!
-Well, cooking is an art, and thus, you need intelligence and dexterity to learn.
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, son!#1
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#0
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#1
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#0
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#1
-Well, is there anything I can do here to help?
-Well, it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.
-Well, of course, I can show you how to cook sandwiches. But you'll need to bring ingredients for practice.
-Well, of course. First of all, you need a @@. You can have mine, if you want.
-Well, thanks for the box. But... He was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Well... I don't think it is the best way to rule a ship. Think about it.
-Well... I've only killed some little pious in the ship, that's all.
-Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron. From Esperia to the Land of Fire!
-What a pity! You've died.
-What a relief.
-What a strange note.
-What about Chelios?
-What about Q'Muller? Where is he?
-What about my story?
-What about those pious? They look so cute.
-What am I supposed to say?
-Wat zou ik moeten zeggen?
-What an unexpected pleasure, your help is always welcome!
-What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
-What are you going to do?
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1
-Waar hebben jullie het over? Hij is een Yoiis!
-What are you looking at?
-Waar kijk jij naar?
-What are you looking for?
-Waar zoek je achter?
-What are you reading?
-What are you talking about? What guild?
-Waar heb je het over? Welke gilde?
-What are your needs?
-What beverages do you have?
-What brings you here today?
-What can I do for you?
-What can I do now?
-What can you tell me about the legion?
-What counts in a book is like so many things, not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside.
-What danger?! Where?!
-What did Gugli say about the box? Was it ok?
-What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?
-What do you mean?
-What do you need?
-Wat heb je nodig?
-What do you think?
-Wat denk je ervan?
-What do you want to access?
-What do you want to change?
-What do you want to do with it?
-What do you want to do with your money?
-What do you want to do?
-What do you want to reset?
-What do you want today?
-Wat wil je vandaag?
-What do you wish to do?
-Wat wil je doen?
-What does yoiis want today?
-What else do you need?
-What exactly is your real job?
-What happened to me?
-Wat is er met me gebeurd?
-What happened?
-What happens when you try to think about it?
-What is Artis?
-Wat is Artis?
-What is a card?
-What is growing and shrinking at the same time?
-What is it, darling?
-What is my current hairstyle and hair color?
-What is taking them so long?
-What is this "legion"?
-What is this building?
-What is this guild for?
-What is this place?
-What is your tipiou trying to do?
-What item would you like to bleach?
-What kind of help do you need?
-What kind of help?
-What kinds of books are there here?
-What service do you offer?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
-Wat moet ik doen nadat ik de kleren heb genomen?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
-Wat moet ik doen nadat ik de kleren heb genomen?
-What should I do, again?
-What was that gobbledygook word?
-What was your riddle?
-What will be the bait for the fish?
-What would you like me to do?
-What would you like to bury?
-What would you like today?
-What would you say about a new shield?
-What yeye could I do for you today?
-Wat, Jeje, kan ik vandaag voor jou betekenen?
-What yoiis should know:
-What're you looking at?!
-What's that food?
-Wat is dat voor eten?
-What's that?
-Wat is dat?
-What's wrong with your clothes?
-What's your story again?
-What? Is there someone?
-What? It's not good enough?
-What? Why not?
-What? Why? They aren't more attractive than me, why do you want to see them?
-What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!
-Whatever inside can be
-Whatever your idea
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#0
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#1
-When cooking, the order of ingredients matter.
-When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you.
-When you go near villagers, you can see a speech bubble above them, you can then talk to them by pressing the [T] key.
-When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Trade' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Trade' button.
-When you intimacy is high, it'll increase your stats and who knows, might even help you in combat!
-When you see something that looks more like a bug than a feature, report it on or try to contact a game contributor.
-When you want to buy something then please speak to my apprentice.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Where are my old clothes?
-Waar zijn mijn oud kleren?
-Where are the ingredients?
-Where can I find Julia?#0
-Waar kan ik Julia vinden?
-Where can I find Julia?#1
-Waar kan ik Julia vinden?
-Where can I find a half croconut?
-Waar kan ik een halve Krokosnoot vinden?
-Where can I find him?
-Where can I find some Croc Claws?
-Where can I find some food?
-Waar kan ik hier ergens eten vinden?
-Where can I find your crew?
-Waar kan ik je bemanning vinden?
-Where is Mikhail?
-Where is the Merchant Guild?
-Where is the damn salt?! Give me the salt, I know you have it!
-Where is the hill?
-Where is the light armor shop?
-Where is the market?
-Where should I go?
-Where would you like to go now?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Welk wapen wil je gebruiken om deze @@ te snijden?
-Which skill do you wish to change?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they usually do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-White Rose
-White Tulip
-Who are these friends?
-Who are yeye looking for?
-Who are you looking for?
-Who are you?
-Wie ben je?
-Who is Don?
-Who is she?
-Waar is ze?
-Who is the blacksmith outside?
-Who should I search for?
-Who's this Julia?
-Wie is deze Julia?
-Whoa, what are you doing?
-Whoah, scary...
-Whose eyes listen under Moonlight
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
-Waarom Fransoos? Het is een Russische!
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
-Waarom Fransoos? Het is een Rus!
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#0
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#1
-Why are you hiding?
-Waarom verberg je jezelf?
-Why do you hate them?
-Why don't you come down to talk?
-Waarom kom je niet naar beneden om te praten?
-Why don't you come out?
-Waarom kom je er niet uit?
-Why don't you show me a main ingredient, and I'll tell you what can be done?
-Why don't you take a break? Breath in some fresh air. The basement is pretty damp.
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Waarom Niet, ik moet toch nog oefenen.
-Why not, I've got plenty of free time.
-Waarom niet, ik heb niets beters te doen.
-Why not, but who are you, and what kind of help do you need?
-Why not, this might get interesting.
-Why not?!
-Why would the Legion request my help for only 5 potions?
-Why? And who should you bring it back to?
-Wicked Mushroom
-Wind and grass is nice and cool, so juicy sweet...
-With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions, you have the disturbing realization that you can't remember anything of your former life or identity.
-With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters.
-With no choir master nor voice to be sung
-With proper training, a piou can become a good friend and faithful companion in your adventures.
-With script
-With the growth of the Kingdom halted, slow maintenance, and two great famines which killed over half the human population, the council decided to seize power and depose Platyna the Red.
-With the help of the town hall and the Legion of Aemil we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses.
-Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm.
-Wooden Bow
-Wooden Shield
-Wooden Sword
-Wooden shield
-Words become music and glance
-World Story For Dummies, Vol I - Ancean Era: From Keshlam to an Empire
-World Story For Dummies, Vol II - Ancean Era: Revolutions and Independence
-World Story For Dummies, Vol III - Aemilean Era: The Mana Tree and The Mana War
-World Story For Dummies, Vol IV - Aemilean Era: The Fleet of Ancea
-Would you go get them for me?
-Would you help me kill some?
-Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!
-Yay, it worked! I removed a spike.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
-Jaja, je moet naar haar toe gaan! Ze zal blij zijn je te zien.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
-Jaja, je moet naar haar toe gaan! Ze zal blij zijn je te zien.
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse than us!
-Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Ja, zo zijn jullie alle *hik* maal in Esperica, maar mij krijg je niet! *boer*
-Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
-Ja, maar ik wil er zeker van zijn dat ik een beloning krijg.
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Ja, maar wat is mijn beloning?
-Yeah, funny now...
-Yeah, we did hear a commotion.
-Yeah, well what's the difference?
-Yeah, yeah, of course you don't...
-Yeah, you could say that...
-Yellow Cotton Dye
-Yellow Rose
-Yellow Tulip
-Yes I am and you are going to face justice!
-Yes I am.
-Yes I do.
-Yes he did.
-Ja, dat deed hij.
-Yes what do you need?
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
-Ja, Arpan gaf me deze kleren.
-Yes, I am authorizing you to use them as you deem fit, until you get stronger.
-Yes, I am sure.#0
-Yes, I am sure.#1
-Yes, I did. He said that the trees turned into dangerous monsters.
-Yes, I do.
-Ja, die heb ik.
-Yes, I feel strong enough for dangerous combats!
-Yes, I have some! "5x Black Iron Ingots"
-Yes, I hung around the theater a lot.
-Yes, I saw someone with a large sack on their back go to the mining camp.
-Yes, I've got the Forest bow now.
-Yes, a mask was stolen from us the last night we were in Hurnscald.
-Yes, and he promised to be home soon.
-Yes, but I'm only talking to the inspector himself!
-Yes, follow me!
-Yes, here they are.
-Yes, in fact, you can take them now.
-Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anything else.
-Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors!
-Yes, it's me. It's such a fine view from here!
-Yes, please!
-Yes, sure thing.
-Yes, that would be nice.
-Yes, we were both at home all night.
-Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon!
-Yes, you look quite fast.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too little. Take this box and stop talking.
-Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the crocs.
-Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!
-Jeje heb je m'n doos aan Gugli gegeven? Nice, nice jeje!
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Heb jeje de Yoiis aan de top van het eiland gezien, kijk eens rond.
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island.
-Heb jeje de Yoiis aan de top van het eiland gezien?
-Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!
-Jeje hebt mijn doos nog steeds? Kijk minder en werk meer. Geef ze aan Gugli!
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#0
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#1
-Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place.
-Jeje hoofd zit waarschijnlijk nog vol met zeewater als je de schoonheid van deze plek niet kan zien.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
-Jeje, Je hebt veel geluk gehad, dat je nu nog leeft. Je zou nu wel weer moeten kunnen lopen, weet je nog wat er gebeurd is?
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
-Jeje, Je hebt veel geluk gehad, dat je nu nog leeft. Je zou nu wel weer moeten kunnen lopen, weet je nog wat er gebeurd is?
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#1
-Yoiis envies a rainbow in the sky?
-Yoiis is not yet ready to make his own dyes.
-Yoiis should look there.
-You already are at your destination!
-You already did enough for us, do you want to follow Nard's advice and get some rest?
-You already did enough for us, follow Nard's advice and get some rest.
-You already have a homunculus
-You already have a pet.
-You already have this quest skill.
-You already looked here.
-You already registered. Waiting for your partner...
-You already took a @@, please put this one back in the box.
-You are a handsome and good looking bird!
-You are already mounting something else
-You are already registered here.#0
-You are already registered here.#1
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#0
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#1
-You are full of wine, my friend...
-Je zit vol met wijn, vriend...
-You are honest, I like it.
-You are in the Blacksmith's house, by Jove!
-You are just sitting on the shadow of your store.
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#0
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#1
-You are new around here, right?#0
-You are new around here, right?#1
-You are no longer killable.
-You are no longer the Guild Master.
-You are not allowed to reduce the length of a ban.
-You are not authorized to warp from your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp this player from their map.
-You are not authorized to warp to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp to your save map.
-You are not in a guild.
-You are not in jail.
-You are now
-You are now divorced!
-You are now immune to attacks.
-You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Je maakt nu officieel deel uit van de bemanning! Nochmaals bedankt voor je hulp.
-You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here!
-You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
-Je zit op een vlot, op drift op zee.
-You are on the human resource wing of the Town Hall.
-You are the Phoenix of this forest."
-You are unable to change your job.
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1
-You bored me, see you later.
-You broke the target's weapon.
-You brought me my %s!
-You brought me the %d %s!
-You buried @@ @@.
-You can allocate point on those attributes every time you level up.
-You can already rename your pet.
-You can also answer in your native language or in English.
-You can also attack an enemy from your keyboard pressing the 'A' key to select it, and the 'Ctrl' key to attack it, this of course works if you didn't change your keyboard keys yet.
-You can also improve your equipment in a totally different way with the use of cards.
-You can also make money %s. Nobody pays better than people in need of help.
-You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default
-You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules.
-You can also simply talk to any citizen around you by clicking on them.
-You can also use your room to get some rest after a long battle. That will consume your reservation but your HP will be fully restored.
-You can attack a monster by clicking directly on it. Once selected, you may notice a bar near your target showing you how much health it has left.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it, or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory.
-You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface.
-You can easily see if a monster is easy to kill or just impossible to defeat. Do not try against creatures that are way more powerful than you... You'd be risking your life for nothing.
-You can execute commands by typing them in the chat window. They start with a '/' or '@' followed by the name of the command.
-You can find novels and poems on this floor.
-You can find out the monster strength by using "@monsterinfo <English Monster Name>". Check the level in it!
-You can find some Crocs on the beach, you could look up at the one after the gate, on top of this city.
-You can find the building of the Legion of Gasaron there, like in any other city, but Esperia is important for us as our headquarters are there.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now.
-Je kan ze vinden in de oceaan tussen het koraal en andere zeewezens. Maar de zee is veel te wild vandaag, je zou zelfs niet moeten proberen te zwemmen.
-You can get some rest at the inn near here.
-You can go upstairs and choose a different room if you want.
-You can have %d items on your autolootitem list.
-You can keep your current party as it is, while leading or being part of a guild in order to talk and share different items with all of its members!
-You can not change to this job by command.
-You can now attack and kill players freely.
-You can now be attacked and killed by players.
-You can now rename your pet.
-You can now stay with your new friends and enjoy the warm sand of this little island.
-You can read some lines that are nicely carved into the soft wooden planks.
-You can read the book that I gave you earlier at the library if you lost it.
-You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key.
-You can select a specific person with the [N] key, and then, press the [T] key when you are surrounded by more than one person.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff off toward the west, busy collecting @@s.
-You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that.
-You can try, but your chance of success is lesser than a well trained smith and master craftsman.
-You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you see what I mean...
-You can use many diverse items to lure fishes.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-You can't add a guild bound item to a character without guild!
-You can't add a party bound item to a character without party!
-You can't carry another @@? What a shame.
-You can't clean a cart while vending!
-You can't create chat rooms in this map
-You can't drop items in this map
-You can't go there!
-Je mag daar niet komen!
-You can't have met him.
-You can't join in a clan if you're in a guild.
-You can't leave battleground guilds.
-You can't open a shop in this map
-You can't open a shop on this cell.
-You can't return your pet because your inventory is full.
-You can't trade in this map
-You can't use commands while dead.
-You can't use the shovel here.
-You can't withdraw that much money
-You can, however, use '###keyTargetAttack;' to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press '###keyPickup;' to be sure.
-You cannot autotrade when dead.
-You cannot bury this item!
-You cannot bury under a NPC!
-You cannot change guild leaders in this map.
-You cannot change party leaders in this map.
-You cannot decrease that stat anymore.
-You cannot drop this item!
-You cannot increase that stat anymore.
-You cannot join the '%s' channel because you've been banned from it
-You cannot send a message to this channel for another %d seconds.
-You cannot use this command when dead.
-You cannot use this item while sitting
-You cannot use this item while your storage is open
-You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it.
-You caught a @@!
-You caught the piou, but it's trying to escape from you. You'd better hurry back to Salem.
-You clearly need to be more public-spirited.
-You concentrate and try to summon old memories from within your mind.
-You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew.
-Zo kan je nog wat zeelui ontmoeten, en ... . Deze hoed zal natuurlijk een teken zijn dat je deel van de bemanning wordt.
-You could start by talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help!
-You currently cannot open your storage.
-You currently have @@ Esperin on your bank account.
-You did not defeat the boss, you can't learn any skills.
-You did such a good job, you should keep it.
-You do not give me a lot of options.
-You do not have a cart to be cleaned.
-You do not have a homunculus.
-You do not have enough Esperin on your bank account.
-You do not have enough Esperin on yourself.
-You do not have the item!
-You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu.
-You do not possess a cart to be removed
-You do not seem to have enough money, come back later!
-You don't expect me to eat that, do you? Give me something else!
-You don't have a scythe, by chance? I am too old to mew this field all alone.
-You don't have any @@, are you mocking me?
-You don't have any @@.
-You don't have enough @@s on you.
-You don't have enough money, bring @@ E.
-You don't have enough room in your backpack for a @@. Go stow some of your junk and come back.
-You don't have everything I have asked for.
-You don't have room for a beer!
-You don't have this quest skill.
-You don't know how to make a sandwich with that.
-You don't seem to be from the Legion, let's do a game.
-You failed!
-You feel a strong magic aura. You want to sit near it and meditate.
-You feel numb and everything around you looks foggy, but you can recall the feeling of the cold hard wood of your raft on a stormy night.
-You fell asleep.#0
-You fell asleep.#1
-You found a small chest, surprisingly heavy for it's size.
-You found him!
-You found something!
-You give up.
-You got married to @@!
-You hand him another log.
-You have %d new emails (%d unread)
-You have a level for each of your gear, by default when you buy or craft a piece, the level is set to 1.
-You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first.
-You have already opened your storage. Close it first.
-You have an awful case of amnesia.
-You have become the Guild Master!
-You have been jailed by a GM.
-You have been jailed for an unknown amount of time.
-You have been jailed indefinitely.
-You have been recovered!
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#0
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#1
-You have forgotten the skill.
-You have learned the skill.
-You have learnt the skill.
-You have mounted a Peco Peco.
-You have mounted your Dragon.
-You have mounted your Mado Gear.
-You have mounted your Warg.
-You have mounted.
-You have put your finger on it, I am not.
-You have released your Dragon.
-You have released your Mado Gear.
-You have released your Peco Peco.
-You have released your Warg.
-You have released your mount.
-You have talent and the best place to utilize it is in the Legion! You can either pursue your goals with us or without us, but trust me, with us it's much better.
-You have to find him, or else I will tell him that you did not help me.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of those damn sailors brought that 'nice' lady here.
-You have: @@/@@ @@
-You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
-You hear some creeping and crawling sounds from the murkiness below.
-You hear some sound behind the door.
-You hide your shovel.
-You hit the nail on the head, it's the Legion of Gasaron!
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-You hold the shovel in your hands.
-You honor me, my beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!#0
-You just defeated the following boss: @@ (Lv. @@)
-You just have to select the card, then you choose which piece of equipment you want to use it on, and you are done.
-You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait.
-You killed @@ Fluffies.
-You know, I had the strangest thing happen to me.
-You know, the life of the merchant is hard. I really hope that Artis and the Merchant Guild will help me to succeed.
-You know, yeyes love to chat while working.
-You lack some very basic skills...
-You learned how to cook @@.
-You left your fishing spot!
-You lie in the bed.
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you downstairs to the hold, where you will find a furry meal!
-You like these hats, right?
-Je houd wel van deze hoeden, niet?
-You look broke. Don't think that you can dine and dash here!
-You look capable, will you help me solve these robberies?
-You look confident. I will give you my old gear as reward and acknowledgment for your time... and take these potions as well!
-You look fine and dandy to me.
-You look like a nice person.
-You look nice, do you want to help me?
-You made a cash deposit of @@ E.
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#1
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#1
-You may search partial name by making use of '%' in the search, ex. "@accinfo %Mario%" lists all characters whose name contains "Mario".
-You mean like one of my legendary forest bows?
-You mentioned the quality of your wine.
-You missunderstood, it's 5 potions.
-You must "add" the items you plan on selling, and then press "sell" to confirm. You'll have this time to review.
-You must enter a name.
-You must enter a player name or ID.
-You must find someone willing to buy, they usually will buy almost anything you have, even items which cannot be replaced, so be careful.
-You need %s to mount!
-You need some anger control therapy.
-You need to be a Guild Master to use this command.
-You need to be a member of the Merchant Guild to have a chance there.
-You need to be a party leader to use this command.
-You need to cross the crocojungle heading north.
-You need to input a option
-You need to type the answer of this riddle in the NPC window.
-You need to wait @@ more before equipping this again.
-You no doubt remember how I struggled with those beasts, fighting for my life.
-You notice a young boy sitting on one of the highest branches of the tree.
-You now also have access to the Legion building. Good job, you earned it.
-You open a book named "%s".
-You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.
-Je opent het boek, maar het lijkt erop dat het zeewater en de tijd het boek erg heeft beschadigd. Sommige paginas zijn niet leesbaar meer. Andere ontbreken simpelweg.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-You opened the chest
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-You pick up the package.
-You probably don't have much business in this city as you don't remember who you are.
-You pulled too late and lost the bait...
-You pulled too soon and lost the bait.
-You receive @@ E!
-You receive a @@!
-You received @@ EXP and @@ E.
-You request has been rejected by autoreject option.
-You scare the piou, but let it go.
-You search the tree but don't find anybody.
-You see a curious hole behind some rocks
-You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
-You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
-You see a suspicious greenish flag. It reminds you of something you seem to have forgotten.
-You see a tree.
-You see a young elven girl, with a strong sense of pain in her face.
-You see an ordinary bookcase.
-You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
-You see these pious around us?
-You see, Enora asked me to do a black iron sword, unfortunately I ran out of the material needed, and...
-You see, folks around here that get my cookies have the distinction of being...
-You see? I'm working here!
-You seem a bit tired sir.
-You seem more cultivated than you look.
-You seem pathetically weak. What is such boneless jelly like you doing around here?
-You should arrive at a park with a hill nearby.
-You should ask Maxe. He's an early riser.
-You should ask my old woman.
-You should check on the highest part of the cliff, I was hiding there.
-You should come back when you have some free space.
-You should definitely go talk to Q'Anon, our boss. You'll find him upstairs.
-You should discuss with Don and Calypsan if you want to learn more about it, they are masters on this area!
-You should go and get some sleep.
-Je zou wat moeten slapen.
-You should go see him. He is one of the most experienced sailors we have.
-You should go see them.
-Je zou naar ze toe moeten gaan.
-You should go talk to Alan again.
-You should have a shop open in order to use @autotrade.
-You should inform Nard of the progress made in loading food and supplies on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached.
-You should look for a seller named Fexil around the merchant square.
-You should look for them when we arrive at the port. You won't regret it! Ehehe...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-You should walk to the north to find him.
-Je zou naar het noorden moeten gaan om hem te vinden.
-You should walk to the north.
-Je zou naar het noorden moeten gaan.
-You shouldn't believe every tale drunken sailors tell you.
-You shouldn't drink while working!
-You step on something, a panel half overgrown by moss, it has writing on it...
-You step on something, a panel with a bitten corner and clear inscriptions on it...
-You step on something, a shaky and fragile panel with barely visible inscriptions on it...
-You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-Je hebt nog steeds een aantal dagen voor we in de haven aanleggen, misschien kan je nog iets van hen leren?
-You still have a 90% discount on one piou.
-You still haven't completed your tasks.
-Je hebt nog steeds je taak niet voltooid.
-You still need to give me boxes from:
-You stupid, he's English, look at the shape of his head.#1
-You stupid, she's English, look at the shape of her head.#0
-You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-You take good care of your piou. Remember to feed it every day.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Je neemt de kleding uit de kist.
-You take your fishing rod and leave.
-You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie?
-You told me that you 'were' important.
-Je vertelde me dat je belangrijk 'was'.
-You tried to embarrass me, am I right?!
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...
-Je probeerde van me af te komen, eh? Verrassing, ik ben nog steeds hier... * hik* Of daar...
-You waited too long and lost the bait...
-You were gone so I thought you let me down.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
-Je was in een beroerde conditie. Wees blij dat we je vonden voor de zee je had gedood.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
-Je was in een beroerde conditie. Wees blij dat we je vonden voor de zee je had gedood.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-You will be able to find Don's house in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the bridge on the left, you can't miss it!
-You will be able to find her in the market in the south-west of Artis.
-You will be amased by all the colors of hair dye they have.
-You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left.
-You will lose experience if you are defeated.
-You will remain
-You will respawn at this place if defeated in combat.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Legion of Aemil. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-You wipe off enough of the sand to manage to read the message written on this crude piece of wood.
-You withdrew a total of @@ E.
-You yoiis should walk to the north.
-Jij Yoiis zou naar het noorden moeten gaan.
-You'll first need to help my friends.
-You'll need to bring me @@ @@ and @@ @@ for the recipe.
-You'll think I'm insane if I tell you...
-You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid.
-You're already autolooting this item type.
-You're already autolooting this item.
-You're already in the '%s' channel
-You're already with a '%s' costume, type '@costume' to remove it.
-You're as strong as if you were my own child!
-You're confusing me with someone else.
-You're currently not autolooting this item type.
-You're currently not autolooting this item.
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew, I can't trust you!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#0
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#1
-You're lucky that I'm a generous person, here's another one.
-You're lying, aren't you? I heard nothing from you-know-whom!
-You're not allowed to talk on this channel
-You're not dead.
-You're not disguised.
-You're not in a guild.
-You're not in that channel, type '@join <#channel_name>'
-You're not part of the '%s' channel
-You're not the master of your guild.
-You're not the owner of channel '%s'
-You're now in the '#%s' channel for '%s'
-You're now in the '%s' channel
-You're on La Johanne, a merchant ship.
-You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Je bent op een schip, we zijn onderweg naar de handelshoosfdstad van Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
-Je bent op ons schip, we hebben aangelegd een een klein eiland en we jejeindigen onze lange handelsavontuur in de stad Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
-Je bent op ons schip, we hebben aangelegd een een klein eiland en we jejeindigen onze lange handelsavontuur in de stad Artis.
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!#1
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!#0
-You're right, it's about Julia.#1
-You're right, it's about you.#0
-You're too close to a NPC, you must be at least %d cells away from any NPC.
-You're welcome to stay here as long as you wish. Just don't do anything stupid, like a riot, for example.
-You're welcome. Bye!
-You're welcome. If you can't remember something, just come back here!
-You've become the party leader.
-You've been revived!
-You've died.
-You've finally found that perfect piece of living wood that Alan needs to make a Forest Bow, haven't you?
-You've left the '%s' channel
-You've reached the highest natural place of Artis, enjoy the view.
-You've reached your slave clones limit.
-You... You eat... rattos? I think you're just a fool.
-You? Here?
-Jij? Hier?
-Your %s determines several small things, including critical attacks, but DOES NOT affect drop rates.
-Your %s determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action on the specified player.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action.
-Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version.
-Your account has an 'Incorrect Password'...
-Your account has been banished until
-Your account has been blocked by the GM Team.
-Your account has been prohibited to log in.
-Your account has been rejected from server.
-Your account has been totally erased.
-Your account has expired.
-Your account is 'Unregistered'.
-Your account is no longer authorized.
-Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.
-Your autolootitem list has been reset.
-Your autolootitem list is empty.
-Your autolootitem list is full. Remove some items first with @autolootid -<item name or ID>.
-Your autoloottype list has been reset.
-Your autoloottype list is empty.
-Your body aches, even your hair hurts, and the bright daylight is painful.
-Your brain liquified to match the level of a piou! It's the Legion of Gasaron.
-Your cart was cleaned.
-Your class can't mount!
-Your current memo positions are:
-Your dad ran away from you!
-Your effect has changed.
-Your global chat is no longer bound to the '#%s' channel
-Your global chat is not bound to any channel
-Your global chat is now bound to the '%s' channel
-Your group has been changed.
-Your guild storage was cleaned.
-Your guild's storage has already been opened by another member, try again later.
-Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Your head is suddently heavy, your eyes are closing...
-Your heart quickens as your gaze focuses upon a small wooden panel, partly obscured under a layer of wind-blown sand.
-Your homunculus doesn't evolve.
-Your job has been changed.
-Your level is already higher than %d.
-Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process.
-Your name is Ianus or Janus?
-Your position has been saved.
-Uw positie is opgeslagen.
-Your save point has been changed.
-Your sex has been changed (disconnection required to complete the process)...
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#0
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#1
-Your storage was cleaned.
-Zinc-Titanium Oxide, Phthalocyanides, Cadmiums, Lazulite...
-Zone not found. Keep in mind that the names are CaSe SenSitiVe.
-Zone successfully changed from '%s' to '%s'.
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Guild ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Party ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Self ]
-[ K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Active ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ ^EE0000%s^000000 ]
-[%d] seconds left until you can use
-a ground!
-Een aarding!
-a quiet place,
-een stille plek,
-both hands,
-brought maggot
-brought maggot slime
-by doing quests
-change the sex of
-data %s %s %s data
-data @@ @@ @@ data
-foo %2$s bar %1$s baz
-left accessory,
-left hand,
-line @@: @@
-lower head,
-lower/mid head,
-lower/mid/top head,
-lower/top head,
-mid head,
-no active MOTD
-no active broadcast
-option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0'
-option '%s' is not enabled on channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now disabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s' with %d seconds
-right accessory,
-right hand,
-skill %d: %s (%s)
-test %s
-test @@
-test1 %s#0
-test1 @@#0
-test2 %s#1
-test2 @@#1
-top head,
-tricked thus again.
-usage @camerainfo range rotation latitude
-value '%d' for option '%s' is out of range (limit is 0-%d)
-| Guild: '%s'
-| Location: %s %d %d
-| Lv:%d/%d | Job: %s
-| Party: '%s'
-“Nothing I can do”, she says, “but I can ask a friend”.
-← Exit
-↑ Legion
-↓ Market Place
diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.old b/langs/lang_pl.old
deleted file mode 100644
index f88694b6..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_pl.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2298 +0,0 @@
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island!
-'To' jak to ty nazywasz, jest @@. Sporo tego na wyspie!
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*uf*... i kolejna skrzynia @@ dla naszych wygłodniałych kolegów jest już gotowa.
-*uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*uf*... i kolejna skrzynia @@ dla naszych wygłodniałych kolegów jest już gotowa.
-- 2 @@
-- 2 @@
-... And 1 @@.
-... i 1 @@.
-... and 1 @@.
-... i 1 @@.
-1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still.
-1. Nie używaj botów. To oznacza zakaz używania jakichkolwiek programów automatyzujących grę. Każda aktywność podczas Twojej nieobecności przy komputerze, oprócz stania nieruchomo, będzie uznana za botting.
-2, Do not spam (includes trade spam)
-2, Nie spamuj (dotyczy również handlu)
-2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam.
-2. Nie spamuj. To również dotyczy handlu.
-3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups.
-3. Nie stosuj \"multi-boxu\". Oznacza to, że możesz mieć zalogowaną jednocześnie tylko jedną postać. Zabronione jest korzystanie z więcej niż jednego aktywnego klienta gry by działać w grupach.
-4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes.
-4. Nie gadaj głupot, nie wyłudzaj ani nie używaj ordynarnego języka zarówno wobec imienia swej postaci jak i w czacie, za wyjątkiem \"roleplayu\".
-5, Don't speak any other language other than English in the public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats and when alone with groups of friends.
-5, W miejscach publicznych obowiązuje język angielski. W prywatnych konwersacjach (szept) dozwolony jest każdy język, jak rownież w przypadku, kiedy znajdujesz się sam na sam z przyjaciółmi.
-5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.
-5. Nie posługuj się w miejscach publicznych żadnym innym językiem niż angielski. Możesz posługiwać się dowolnym językiem w trakcie rozmów na prywatnych kanałach (szept) lub gdy jesteś sam na sam z przyjaciółmi.
-5. Do not speak any other language than English in public. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.
-5. W miejscach publicznych obowiązuje język angielski. W prywatnych konwersacjach (szept) dozwolony jest każdy język, jak rownież w przypadku, kiedy znajdujesz się sam na sam z przyjaciółmi.
-6. Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855 article.
-6. Postępuj z wytycznymi towarzyskimi zawartymi w artykule RFC1855.
-@@ is helping me.
-@@ mi już pomaga.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-Witaj kochana!#0
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-Witaj kochany!#1
-A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin.
-Przed chwilą słyszałem twoją rozmowę z Darlinem.
-A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.
-Wielkie miasto, obecnie stolica tych wysp, zwane Esperią, powstało na jednej z nich, wtedy jedynej zamieszkanej.
-Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you.
-Na zewnątrz stoi żeglarz próbujący nawiązać z Tobą rozmowę.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Co do gildii z Esperii, szczerze mówiąc, nie jestem do nich przekonany. Chodzą pogłoski, że dopuszczają się haniebnych czynów, i ukrywają zbyt wiele przed naszymi oczami.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Jak chodzi o tą Gildię Esperii, to nie jestem pewien, co o nich sądzić, szczerze mówiąc.
-About this Esperia's Warrior Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Jeśli chodzi o tą Gildię Wojowników z Esperii, to nie jestem pewien, co o nich sądzić, szczerze mówiąc.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.
-Właściwie to Gugli poprosił mnie czy mógłbym tobie pomóc w transporcie kilku z nich.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.#0
-Właściwie to Gugli poprosił mnie czy mógłbym pomóc Ci w transporcie kilku z nich.#0
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.#1
-Właściwie to Gugli poprosił mnie czy mógłbym pomóc Ci w transporcie kilku z nich.#1
-Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
-Aemil jest cudownym nieznanym nam światem.
-Ah... Gugli Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation
-Ah... Gugli Gugli... On jest za mały żeby zrozumieć naszą rozmowę.
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Ale i Tibbo powinni przynieść 2 skrzynie @@s, Astapolos i Gulukan 2 skrzynie @@s oraz Jalad i Q'Muller skrzynie @@s.
-All I can do is tell you that...
-Wszystko co mogę zrobić to powiedzieć Ci....
-All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
-Wszystko, co miałem do jedzenia, to były te jagódki... Jagódki... Jagódki...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-W porządku, idę do jego pokoju, miej na nią oko, bo nadal nie wiemy czy jest naszym sprzymierzeńcem lub wrogiem...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-W porząku, idę do jego pokoju, pilnuj go, ciągle nie wiemy, czy jest naszym sprzymierzeńcem, czy też wrogiem...
-Alright, bye!
-Dobrze, cześć!
-Also, there was this inscription on your raft, one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world, does that make you remember something?
-Poza tym, na twojej tratwie były wyryte oznaczenia Gildii Wojowników z Esperii, największej i najpotężniejszej organizacji na znanym świecie, może to ci coś przypomina?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#0
-Poza tym, wzięliśmy twoje ubranie, bo było, bleblli... w złym stanie, sprawdź skrzynię koło twojego łóżka, w środku powinno być jakieś świeże.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#1
-Poza tym, wzięliśmy twoje ubranie, bo było, bleblli... w złym stanie, sprawdź skrzynię koło twojego łóżka, w środku powinno być jakieś świeże.
-An unexpected help is always welcome!
-Nieoczekiwana pomoc jest zawsze mile widziana!
-And please, no berries.
-I proszę, tylko nie jagódełki!
-And please, no berries. No more!
-I błagam, żadnych jagódek. Nigdy więcej jagódek!
-And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?
-A co mi dasz w zamian za te informację ?
-And what kind of help do you need?
-Jak mogę ci pomóc?
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!
-W kazdym razie, gdy będziesz chętny to sprawdź moją torbię!
-Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!!
-W każdym razie - może w trakcie poszukiwania żywności z Gugli'm będziesz miał czas aby zerknąć na to!!
-Aquada Box
-Pudło Aquady
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
-Arrr, nie, tylko nie jagódki! Nie chcę ich widzieć, złe jagódki, ZŁE ZŁE ZŁE!!!
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Arrr, nie dawaj mi już jagód! Nie chcę ich, głupie jagody, głupie... Głupie... Głupie!
-As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land.
-Gdy płynęli przez Oceanię, wielkie wody Aemilu, jedna z grup znalazła ląd.
-As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!!
-Ty możesz sobie chodzić wolno, to będzie dla ciebie łatwizna. Zamorduj parę dla mnie!
-As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-Pewnie wiesz, że jesteśmy długodystansowymi podróżnikami a nasza ekipa potrzebuje przechowywać jak najwięcej jedzenia. Niewiesz jak niebezpieczne może być życie na morzu.
-As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship.
-Twoje oczy otwierają się z trudem. Rozglądasz się. Widzisz wielki statek.
-As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you.
-Otwierasz oczy i widzisz duży okręt.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-W tym momencie nasza załoga jest zajęta zbieraniem @@s. @@s i @@s
-At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-Tego czasu sprzedawaliśmy żarcie z krabów na naszej muchomorowej wyspie.
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Trochę więcej cierpliwości, za kilka dni będziemy w porcie Artis...
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Zanim pójdziesz, powiem Ci jak zdobyć @@s, ponieważ nie wyglądasz na domyślną osobę.
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Bill Trupek
-But I can't, I need to keep an eye on the sea, to warn the crew if there happen to be some pirates around!!
-Ale nie mogę, musze wypatrywać piratów aby ostrzec załogę w razie czego!!
-But I need to go, bye!
-Ale muszę iść, żegnaj!
-But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in coma.
-Ale przede wszystkim, to ona zaopiekowała się tobą w najgorszych chwilach twojej choroby.
-But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway.
-Ale do tego czasu musisz zostać tutaj... I tak nic innego ci nie zostaje.
-But you won't *hick* me this time...
-Ale tym razem *hep* ci się nie uda...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Ale... Jeśli cierpi na amnezję, tak jak twierdzi Julia, nie musimy się o nic martwić.
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Ale... Jeżeli ma amnezję jak wspominała Julia... To nie musimy się martwić o nią.
-But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Ale... Jeśli cierpi na amnezję, tak jak twierdzi Julia, nie musimy się nim martwić.
-But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him.
-Ale... Jeśli on naprawdę cierpi na amnezję, tak jak twierdzi Julia, nie musimy się o nic martwić.
-But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Ale... Jeśli cierpi na amnezję, tak jak twierdzi Julia, nie musimy się nią martwić.
-But... if she is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about her.
-Ale... Jeśli ona naprawdę cierpi na amnezję, tak jak twierdzi Julia, nie musimy się o nic martwić.
-Do widzenia.
-Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
-Możesz mi przynieść coś, co nie jest warzywem?
-Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-Kapitan zamknął drzwi, powinieneś się z nim spotkać.
-Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-Kapitan czeka na Ciebie! Pośpiesz się.
-Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0
-Użycie przedmiotu może wywołać różne efekty. Niektore wyleczą Cię, inne moga być użyte jako broń lub zbroja, a niektore mogą być sprzedane.
-Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1
-Użycie przedmiotu może wywołać różne efekty. Niektore wyleczą Cię, inne moga być użyte jako broń lub zbroja, a niektore mogą być sprzedane.
-Chef Gado
-Szef Gado
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Kliknij NPC wokół siebie, aby kontynuować wstęp.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0
-No dalej, Sap! Tylko straszysz naszego gościa, swoimi opowieściami.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
-No dalej, Sap! Tylko straszysz naszego gościa, swoimi opowieściami.#1
-Common, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-No dalej nie bądź taki i rozluźnij się! Nie chcesz wiedzieć, kto stoi za tym wszystkim ?!
-Cookie Master
-Mistrz Ciastek
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Mogę spytać, jakiego języka używasz? Jeden z członków załogi twierdził, że to rosyjski, inny że francuski... Pogubiłam się. Zaraz po tym zarejestruję cię na statku.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Mogę spytać, jakiego języka używasz? Jeden z członków załogi twierdził, że to rosyjski, inny że francuski... Pogubiłam się. Zaraz po tym zarejestruję cię na statku.
-Could you help me please?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a vegetable? And I beg you, no berries!
-Możesz mi przynieść coś, co nie jest warzywem? I błagam cię, żadnych jagódek !
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#0
-Couwan wręcza Ci skrzynkę pełną ryb.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#1
-Couwan wręcza Ci skrzynkę pełną ryb.
-Croc Claw
-Pazur Kłapa
-Croconut Box
-Skrzynia z krokosami
-Damn @@.
-Cholerny @@.
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0
-A niech cię! Lepiej ani słówka o mnie, bo jak...!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1
-A niech cię! Lepiej ani słówka o mnie, bo jak...!
-Damn you! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-A niech cię! Lepiej ani słówka o mnie, bo jak...!#0
-Damn you! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-A niech cię! Lepiej ani słówka o mnie, bo jak...!#1
-Dan closes the conversation and he continues to write his letter.
-Dan kończy rozmowę i kontynuuje pisanie listu.
-Delicious Cookie
-Pyszne ciastko
-Did you find out what the light is?!
-Dowiedzialeś się czym jest to światło?
-Did you say reward? I want it!
-Powiedziałeś "nagroda"? Wchodzę w to!
-Do you feel better??
-Lepiej się czujesz??
-Do you have an other question for me?
-Czy masz jeszcze jakieś pytania?
-Do you hear me??
-Słyszysz mnie?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Chcesz ściąć ten @@?
-Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Czy ktoś zna przyjemne, zabawowe miejsce w Esperii? - M. Arpan
-Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Czy ktoś zna jakieś ciekawe miejsca do obejrzenia w Esperii? - M. Arpan
-Don't bother her Silvio, or I'll to tell her that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.
-Nie przeszkadzaj jej Silvio, albo jej powiem że płaczesz jak dzieciak podczas burzy w nocy.
-Don't bother him Silvio, or I'll to tell him that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.
-Nie przeszkadzaj mu Silvio, albo mu powiem że płaczesz jak dzieciak podczas burzy w nocy.
-Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
-Nawet nie próbuj *hep* ze mną!
-Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-Nie udostepniaj nikomu hasła do Twojego pokoju! Zachowaj je w tajemnicy i postaraj się nie używać go w żadnym innym pokoju. - Julia
-Don't mock me, my work is admirable.
-Nie wyśmiewaj mnie, moja praca jest godna podziwu.
-Don't say it too loud, other people could hear us.
-Nie mów za głośno, mogą nas podsłuchać.
-Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Zrobione. Masz, weź to! Oto plan. Idź pogadaj z nią i zaproponuj naszej pięknej pani kęsa jej arogancji!
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude.
-Służba wzywa, *hep*, do zobaczenia później kolego.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey.
-Służba wzywa, *hep*, do zobaczenia kochanie.
-Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude.
-Służba wzywa, *hep*, do zobaczenia później.
-Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later honey.
-Służba wzywa, *hep*, do zobaczenia później, kochanie.
-Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.
-Każda z grup otrzymała rozkaz płynięcia w innym kierunku celem znalezienia nowego terytorium do życia.
-Elfen Voice
-Głos Elfa
-Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.
-Elmo opowiedział mi o starciach pomiędzy starymi i nowymi zastępcami. Pewnie już spotkałeś Julię i Gado, szefa kuchni.
-Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there.
-Elmo powiedział mi że uznawany jesteś już jako jeden z naszych na wyspie. Ja również doceniam twe starania które wykonałeś tam na dole.
-Elven Voice
-Elfi Głos
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I don't have the money to pay for the ferry!
-Eee, tak naprawdę, to tylko chciałem popłynąć do Artis, ale nie miałem pieniędzy na opłatę za prom!
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry!
-Ech, matołku, chciałem dojechać do Artis, ale nie miałem kasy na przejazd.
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, but I didn't have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Eee, tak naprawdę, to tylko chciałem popłynąć do Artis, ale nie miałem pieniędzy na opłatę za prom!
-Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.
-Ponieważ nie było wieści o innych grupach, postanowili zacząć nowe życie na tej wyspie, pełnej groźnych zwierząt.
-Fine, bye!!
-W porządku, do widzenia!!
-Fine, tell me, who are these mysterious aliens?
-Dobrze, powiedz mi, kim są ci tajemniczy obcy ?
-From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island.
-Z tego co wiem, Gugli, mój brat, potrzebuje pomocy możliwie jak największej liczby ludzi, aby zebrać wszelkie nowe znaleziska na wyspie.
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Daj mi całusa zanim pożegnasz się ze mną!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help you hunting the creatures of this island.
-Idź i weź jeden. Dobry nóż pomoże ci w polowaniu na kreatury tej wyspy.
-Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need.
-Wyjdź na zewnątrz i porozmawiaj z Gugli, on Ci powie, czego potrzebujemy.
-Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Wyjdź na zewnątrz i porozmawiaj z Guglim, on Ci powie, czego potrzebujemy.
-Good luck! And don't forget to visit Peter and our little friends when you will be back onboard!
-Powodzenia! Nie zapomnij odwiedzić Piotra i naszych małych przyjaciół gdy będziesz w drodze powrotnej na pokład!
-Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis.
-Dobrze wiedzieć. Z tego co zaraportował mi Darlin, niedługo przepłyniemy koło małej wysepki, znajdującej się tuż przed Artis.
-Good, good!
-Dobrze, dobrze.
-Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?#0
-Gugli zapytał mnie czy pomogę marynarzom zbierać żywność. Czy wiesz gdzie mogę ich znaleźć?#0
-Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?#1
-Gugli zapytał mnie czy pomogę marynarzom zbierać żywność. Czy wiesz gdzie mogę ich znaleźć?#1
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.
-Gugli poprosił mnie bym pomógł ci w transporcie jednej z tych skrzyń, które napełniasz.
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.
-Gugli przysłał mnie tutaj by ci pomóc.
-HEY @@!
-HEJ @@!
-Half Croconut
-Pół Krokosa
-He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain.
-He he... Dobrze, pójdę na górny pokład i zawiadomię kapitana.
-He is right in the bottom of the ship, you can't miss him!!
-On jest na najniższym pokladzie, nie możesz go przegapić!!
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
-Słuchaj sso mówię *hip* no, cobyśś *hep* nie mówił... uhm... że co!? Sam widziałeś, Gildia Esperii wyciszy sprawę.
-Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
-Słuchaj mnie *hep* baaardzo uwasznie, bo cowo... cokow... cokolwiek nie powiesz to...Do diaska, Gildia Eps.. *hep* Esperii i tak nie piśnie ni słówka.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.
-Hehe, nie. Ale jestem pewien, że chłopiec taki jak Ty chciałby spotkać dżentelmena takiego jak ja.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!
-Hehe, nie. Ale jestem pewien, iż dama taka jak pani byłaby zachwycona spotkaniem takiego czarusia, jak ja!
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.
-Hehe, nie. Ale jestem pewien, że chłopiec taki jak ty chciałby spotkać dżentelmena takiego jak ja.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!
-Hehe, nie. Ale jestem pewien, iż dama taka jak pani byłaby zachwycona spotkaniem takiego czarusia, jak ja!
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the captain up there.
-Hehe... W porządku, powiadomię kapitana.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we get a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, troszkę się zdenerwował, proszę mu wybaczyć, nie co dzień mamy nowych członków załogi!
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we got a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, troszkę się zdenerwował, proszę mu wybaczyć, nie co dzień mamy nowych członków załogi!
-Hello sir!
-Witam Pana!
-Hello, Let me just present myself, I'm Captain Nard, it's me who's leader of this ship.
-Witam. Chciałbym się przedstawić; jestem kapitan Nard, dowódca tego statku.
-Hello, boy!
-Hello, girl!
-Hello... Should I know you?
-Witam... Znamy się?
-Hey Max, it's @@!
-Hej Max to jest @@!
-Hey hey
-Hej hej
-Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay?
-Ej! Ty! Słyszysz nas? Wszystko w porządku?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... Speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hej, przepraszam, że tak szybko wyszedłem z pokoju, ale musiałem... porozmawiać z kapitanem o... zapasach. Wiesz, teraz, kiedy mamy nową gębę do wyżywienia, musimy sprawdzić, co mamy.
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth in the crew we need to check it!
-Hej, przepraszam że tak szybko wyszedłem z pokoju, musiałem... pogadać z Kapitanem o... hmm... Posiłki... no wiesz, mamy teraz nową gębę do wykarmienia!
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we got a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hej, przepraszam że tak szybko wyszedłem z pokoju, musiałem... pogadać z Kapitanem o... hmm... Posiłki... no wiesz, mamy teraz nową gębę do wykarmienia!
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Hej! Uważaj. Nie możesz przebywać w tej piwnicy zbyt długo, albo się pochorujesz. Wychodź na zewnątrz i odpocznywaj, możesz później spróbować jeszcze raz.
-Hey, girl!
-Hej, panienko!
-Hey, how do you know my name?
-Hej, skąd znasz moje imię?
-Hey, man!
-Hej, chłopaczku!
-Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room.
-Hej, ale tutaj się nie rozkładaj, to mój pokój.
-Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
-Hej, lepiej zobacz się z Julią w sprawie zameldowania się na pokładzie!
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Cześć @@, słyszałem że kapitan zesłał tu Ciebie, prawda?#0
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Cześć @@, słyszałem że kapitan zesłał tu Ciebie, prawda?#1
-Hi @@.
-Cześć @@.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Hej, miło cię widzieć!
-Hi, nice to see you!#0
-Hej, miło cię widzieć!
-Hidden person
-Ukryta osoba
-Hidden person doesn't answer
-Ukryta osoba nie odpowiada.
-How are you doing, cutie?
-Jak leci ślicznotko?
-How are you doing, dude?
-Jak leci kolego?
-How are you feeying, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-Jak się teraz czujesz, mogąc chodzić po twardym gruncie? Lepiej?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about this again...
-Jak możesz... Powiedzieliśmy że nie będziemy o tym rozmawiać...
-How do you know my name?
-Skąd wiesz, jak się nazywam?
-How is *hick* possible??
-Asz jakższ to *hep* możliwe?
-How is it going cutie?
-Jak leci laluniu?
-How is it going dude?
-Jak leci chłopcze?
-How was the cookie? Tasty, wasn't it?
-I jak smakowało ciastko? Smaczne było nie ?
-However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
-Jednakże, wraz z latem nadeszła suza a zima była mroźniejsza niż kiedykolwiek.
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth!
-Szybko, szybko! Musimy sprawdzić jego ząb!
-I also watch for dangerous animals...
-Wypatruję również niebezpiecznych zwierząt...
-I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
-Nie obchodzą mnie nagrody. Chcę po porstu pomóc.
-I am surprised someone has been sent here for help. It is quite... unusual.
-Jestem zaskoczony że ktoś został przysłany do pomocy. To jest.. nietypowe.
-I am, who are you?
-Oczywiście, a ty, kim jesteś?
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Błagam... Błagam... Błaaagam...
-I can't help you to be on my list, nor can I give you a cookie for free.
-Nie mogę ci pomóc dostać się na moją listę, nie mogę dać ci też ciastka za darmo.
-I do not want to point my finger on someone. I just put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this annoying problem.
-Nie chcę wskazywać na nikogo palcami. Powierza ci swe zaufanie. Jestem pewien że będziesz w stanie osądzić i rozwiązać ten irytujący problem.
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-Nie mam dla ciebie niczego.
-I don't need any help right now, come back later.
-Nie potrzebuję pomocy w tej chwili, przyjdź później.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-W tej chili nie potrzebuję pomocy, ale możesz pytać się później.
-I don't see anything else than... water?
-Nie widzę nic poza... wodą?
-I don't understand!!
-Nie rozumiem!!!
-I don't want this, give me something else.
-Nie chcę tego świństwa, na pewno chowasz coś lepszego, nie?
-I feel better!
-Czuję się lepiej!
-I forgot where it was.
-Zapomnialem gdzie to bylo.
-I forgot where it was...
-Zapomniałem, gdzie to było...
-I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship.
-Dam ci ten klucz, otwiera on wszystkie drzwi na tym statku.
-I hope that answers your question...
-Mam nadzieję, że to wystarczy jako odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie.
-I hope that you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Mam nadzieję, że nie przeszkadza Ci, że użyliśmy twojej tratwy do budowy rampy.
-I just realized I needed delicious ingredients to prepare a... A special recipe.
-Właśnie do mnie dotarło, że potrzebuję wyśmienitych składników by urządzić... wyjątkowy przepis.
-I like this answer!
-Podoba mi się ta odpowiedź !
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#0
-Przydałby mi się ktoś do wyczyszczenia statku, ale nie wyglądasz mi na osiłka.#0
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#1
-Przydałby mi się ktoś do wyczyszczenia statku, ale nie wyglądasz mi na osiłka.#1
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#0
-Potrzebuję kogoś do szorowania klinów, ale ty na razie jesteś na to za słaba.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#1
-Potrzebuję kogoś do szorowania klinów, ale ty na razie jesteś na to za słaby.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me?
-Potrzebuję kogoś, kto by się odważył oczyścić dolny pokład od tych Szczurzydeł, pomożesz mi?
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-Potrzebuję kogoś kto oczyści dół statku z tych rattów. Czy mógłbyś mi pomóc?
-I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and...
-Potrzebuję tylko 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ i...
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ and...
-Potrzebuję tylko 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ i...
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Potrzebuję tylko 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@
-I remember I saw few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get to work.
-Pamiętam, widziałem kilku opuszczających wcześnie rano statek, do pracy.
-I said see you later!!
-Powiedzialem do zobaczenia!!
-I said... Why don't you come down to talk??
-Powiedziałem... czemu nie zejdziesz na dół, aby porozmawiać?
-I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Widzę, że pozbycie się Szczurzydeł nie jest takie łatwe... Wracasz tam?
-I see it's not easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Widzię że nie łatwo jest pozbyć się tych rattów. Chcesz spróbowac ponownie?
-I see it's not easy to get rid of those Rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Widzę, że niełatwo pozbyć się tych Szczurzydeł. Chcesz spróbować ponownie?
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
-Rozumiem, lepiej ostrzeż resztę załogi. Ale jeśli on jest członkiem Gildii Wojowników, jest także naszym sojusznikiem.
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
-Rozumiem, lepiej ostrzeż resztę załogi. Ale jeśli ona jest członkiem Gildii Wojowników, jest także naszą sojuszniczką.
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our ally.
-Rozumiem, lepiej ostrzeż resztę załogi. Ale jeśli on jest członkiem Gildii Wojowników, jest także naszym sojusznikiem.
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our ally.
-Rozumiem, lepiej ostrzeż resztę załogi. Ale jeśli ona jest członkiem Gildii Wojowników, jest także naszą sojuszniczką.
-I speak Dutch.
-Mówię po holendersku.
-I speak English
-I speak English
-I speak English.
-Mówię po angielsku.
-I speak Flemish
-'k klappe Vloams
-I speak Flemish.
-Mówię po flamandzku.
-I speak French
-Je parle Français
-I speak French.
-Mówię po francusku.
-I speak German
-Ich spreche Deutsch
-I speak German.
-Mówię po niemiecku.
-I speak Italian.
-Mówię po włosku.
-I speak Polish
-Mówię po polsku
-I speak Polish.
-Mówię po polsku.
-I speak Portuguese
-Eu falo Português
-I speak Portuguese.
-Mówię po portugalsku.
-I speak Russian
-Я говорю по-русски
-I speak Russian.
-Mówię po rosyjsku.
-I speak Spanish
-Yo hablo Español
-I speak Spanish.
-Mówię po hiszpańsku.
-I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of
-Myślę, że skończyłem, mam pudełko pełne
-I think that I'm done, do you have a question now?
-Myślę, że skonczyłem - jakieś pytania?
-I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s!
-Myślę że wkrótcę skończę, bo mam już pełną skrzynię @@!
-I think that my wine has a great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Uważam że moje wino jest wspaniałej jakości! Zacząłem drugą butelkę a już... O czym to my rozmawialiśmy?
-I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Moje wino jest doskonałej jakości! Własnie piję drugą butelke i już...\nO czym to my rozmawialiśmy?
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Myślę że będzie to szybko zrobione. Niedługo będzie skrzynka pełna @@s!
-I was here when they rescued you!!
-Bylem tu kiedy cię uratowano!!
-I will give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Zapewnię jej wszystko, co będzie potrzebne, nic się nie martw.
-I will give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Zapewnię mu wszystko, co będzie potrzebne, nic się nie martw.
-I will give you @@GP.
-Dam ci @@GP.
-I will give you @@gp.
-Dam ci @@gp.
-I would love to!!
-Z dziką rozkoszą!!
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
-Złapałbym sobie jednego, ale odlatują, gdy tylko się zbliżę...
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Zapewnię jej wszystko, co jest jej potrzebne, nie martw się.
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Zapewniam mu wszystko, czego potrzebuje, nie martw się.
-I'll look at it.
-Przyjżę się temu.
-I'll share my berries with you, if you help me.
-Podzielę się z tobą jagódkami, tylko mi pomóż!
-I'm a bit sick.#0
-Jestem troszkę chora.
-I'm a bit sick.#1
-Jestem troszkę chory.
-I'm called
-Wezwano mnie.
-I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
-Jestem Alicjusz, chowam się tu od tygodni.
-I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you some days ago, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
-Jestem Julia, to ja opiekowałam się tobą przez ostatnie dni. Bardzo się cieszę, że wyglądasz już dobrze!
-I'm doing fine!!
-Mam się dobrze!!
-I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
-Zaczynam wariować, muszę zjeść coś innego!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!
-Ja taki głupi to nieestemm... *hep* cożście tam naodkrywli, i tak mnie *hep* nie dorwiecie!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me!
-Ja taki głupi to nieestemm... *hep* cożście tam naodkrywli, i tak mnie *hep* nie dorwiecie!
-I'm not.
-I'm not.#0
-I'm not.#1
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#0
-Trochę mi słabo, wracam do łóżka.
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1
-Trochę mi słabo, wracam do łóżka.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate you with another sailor sometime.
-Przykro mi z twojego powodu. Powinni od czasu do czasu podmieniać ciebie z innym marynarzem.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should change with another sailor from times to times.#0
-Przykro mi z twojego powodu. Powinni od czasu do czasu zamieniać Cię z innym marynarzem.#0
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should change with another sailor from times to times.#1
-Przykro mi z twojego powodu. Powinni od czasu do czasu zamieniać Cię z innym marynarzem.#1
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Na pewno Tibbo jest sam w południowo-zachodnim rogu wyspy. Wierzy że to najlepsze miejsce do zbierania @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.
-Jestem pewny że będzie zdolny do walki, z każdą zwierzyną żyjącą tutaj bez żadnego problemu.
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.
-Jestem pewny że będzie zdolna do walki, z każdą zwierzyną żyjącą tutaj bez żadnego problemu.
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-Jestem pewien, że chciałbyś mi zadać jakieś pytania i chętnie na nie odpowiem, ale najpierw muszę Cię zapoznać z regułami zachowania na pokładzie.
-I'm very happy to see you're okay now!
-Cieszę się, że masz się dobrze!
-I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more info.
-Widziałem go w głębi wyspy, spytaj Jalada jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć czegoś więcej.
-I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-Widziałem go w głębi wyspy, spytaj Jalada jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć czegoś więcej.
-If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
-Jak bym się skapnął *hep* kim ty jestśśś... *hep* to wgóle śmybyśmy cię nie uratowali!
-If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case.
-Jeśli będziesz nas tam szukał, zazwyczaj będziemy w restauracji Pedra lub w hotelu w sprawie Silvia.
-If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks.
-Jeśli czujesz się znudzony, lub masz uczucie, że kręcisz się w kółko, możesz porozmawiać z innymi żeglarzami, aby znaleźć sobie jakieś zajęcie.
-If you see weird things, or things that shouldn't be here, or even things that you would like to see there...
-Jeśli widzisz te dziwne rzeczy, lub rzeczy których nie powinno tutaj być albo nawet rzeczy które chciałbyś tutaj zobaczyć...
-If you want another one, you know what to do!
-Jeśli chcesz kolejne, wiesz co robić !
-If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0
-W celu otwarcia inwentarza wciśnij F3 lub użyj myszki - kliknij w przycisk inwentarz w górnym menu.
-If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1
-W celu otwarcia inwentarza wciśnij F3 lub użyj myszki - kliknij w przycisk inwentarz w górnym menu.
-If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case...
-Jeżeli chcesz nas tam znaleźć, to większość z nas będzie w restauracji Pedro i w Zajeździe z powodo Silvio...
-In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
-Bo widzisz, w tej piwnicy doskonale się bawię.
-In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun.
-Widzisz, siedzenie w tej dziurze to zabawa, wręcz ubaw po pachy.
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-Dobrze, żeś się obudził i do tego ozdrowiał. Elmo był tu i uprzedził mnie o dobrejnowinie!#0
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-Dobrze, żeś się obudził i do tego ozdrowiał. Elmo był tu i uprzedził mnie o dobrejnowinie!#1
-It is them who tell me to whom I can give cookies.
-To oni mi powiedzą, komu mogę dać ciastka.
-It looks like madam is curious, am I right?
-Wygląda że jest pani zaciekawiona, mam rację ?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#0
-Wygląda na to, że jesteś ekspertem, w życiu na pokładzie "La Johanne". Znasz jakieś sekrety ?#0
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#1
-Wygląda na to, że jesteś ekspertem, w życiu na pokładzie "La Johanne". Znasz jakieś sekrety ?#1
-It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-To by się zgadzało, myślisz że powinniśmy powiedzieć o tym Kapitanowi?
-It seems mister is curious, are you not?
-Wygląda że jest pan zaciekawiony, mam rację ?
-It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-Zdaje się, że jesteśmy blisko wyspy, powinniśmy przyjrzeć się jej z pokładu.
-It'll be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that.
-Rozruszasz nieco kości, przyda ci się, bo na statku nie ma zbyt wiele wolnej przestrzeni.
-It'll be a good time for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-To będzie odpowiedni moment abyś poćwiczył, statek jest na to za mały.
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry!
-To największe miasto handlowe Andorry, dziwi mnie że o tym nie wiesz, przecież to jedno z najsłynniejszych miast na świecie... No, ale nie zbaczaj mi tu z tematu! JESTEM GŁODNY!
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry!
-To największe miasto handlowe Andorry, dziwi mnie że o tym nie wiesz, przecież to jedno z najsłynniejszych miast na świecie... No, ale nie zbaczaj mi tu z tematu! JESTEM GŁODNY!
-It's a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-To miłe miejsce... Są tam fajne laski...
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-Dobrze widzieć, że wyszłaś z tego cało i zdrowiejesz, Elmo już mnie zdążył uprzedzić o dobrych wieściach!
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-Dobrze widzieć, że wyszedłeś z tego cało i zdrowiejesz, Elmo już mnie zdążył uprzedzić o dobrych wieściach!
-It's where every merchant ship ends their travel and we won't be an exception.
-Tam właśnie każdy statek handlowy kończy swoją podróż i nie będziemy wyjątkiem.
-Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0
-Przedmioty posiadają różnorakie właściwości. Niektóre Cię wyleczą, inne mogą być użyte jako zbroja lub broń, lub sprzedane.
-Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#1
-Przedmioty posiadają różnorakie właściwości. Niektóre Cię wyleczą, inne mogą być użyte jako zbroja lub broń, lub sprzedane.
-Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.
-Jego mieszkańcy nie zmagali się z tego typu okropieństwami bo żyjąc pokojowo otrzymywali od Ziemii wszystko to czego potrzebowali od życia.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Palnij to, a wypluje ci @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Po prostu zostaw mnie w spokoju.
-Knifes on the table
-Noże na stole
-Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#0
-Ostatni raz jak cię widziałem, byłaś zagubiona na morzu w swojej tratwie.#0
-Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#1
-Ostatni raz jak cie widziałem, byłeś zagubiony na morzu w swojej tratwie.#1
-Lewe Drzwi
-Let me see your work...
-Lettuce Leaf
-Liść Sałaty
-Look, he's there!
-Patrz, on jest tutaj!
-Max and Sapartan for example?
-Na przykład Max i Sapartan?
-Maybe he abused too much his bottle today to celebrate that!
-Może nadużył dziś swojej butelki oblewając czapkę!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!
-Może jest jedną z osób, które zaginęły miesiąc temu? Blublaki z Esperii i ich tajna misja dla Gildii Wojowników!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Może jest jednym z tych, którzy zaginęli miesiąc temu? Blublaki z Esperii i ich tajna misja dla Gildii Wojowników!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!
-Może jest jedną z osób, które zaginęły miesiąc temu? Blublaki z Esperii i ich tajna misja dla Gildii Wojowników!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Może jest jedną z osób, które zaginęły miesiąc temu? Blublaki z Esperii i ich tajna misja dla Gildii Wojowników!
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?#0
-Może... Ale wole mieć dobrze wyszkolonych ludzi wokół mnie, kiedy dojdzie do walki z niebezpiecznymi zwierzętami.\nCzy czujesz się już ekspertem jak walczyć z wrogiem?#0
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?#1
-Może... Ale wole mieć dobrze wyszkolonych ludzi wokół mnie, kiedy dojdzie do walki z niebezpiecznymi zwierzętami.\nCzy czujesz się już ekspertem jak walczyć z wrogiem?#1
-My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Moja śliczna, nie zawsze byłem żeglarzem, bylem raz ważną personą!
-My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Przyjacielu, nie zawsze bylem marynarzem, wiesz, byłem raz ważną osobistością!
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks.
-Nazywam się Alige, ukrywałem się tu od tygodni.
-My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-Nazywam się Astapolos, Q'Muller i ja przyłączyliśmy się do załogi Narda kilka lat temu, kiedy to jeszcze był po prostu mały handlowy statek.
-My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea.
-Nazywam sie Julia, to ja zadbałam o Ciebie kiedy wyłowiliśmy Cię z morza.
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
-NIE i *hep* NIE, ty i ty, i ta twoja... *bek* głup*hep* gildia!
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
-NIE i *hep* NIE, ty... ty, i ta twoja... *bek* głup*hep* gildia!
-New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed.
-Nowe technologie dopomogły rzezi zamiast ustanowić pokój. Konflikt wyłonił dwa stronnictwa - dwóch wrogów.
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0
-Nie i *hik*... Nie, ty i ta twoja... *bek* głupi*hik* gildia!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1
-Nie i *hik*... Nie, ty i ta twoja... *bek* głupi*hik* gildia!#1
-No problem, I can help you anyway.
-Nie ma problemu, i tak ci pomogę.
-No problem, do you have an other question for me?
-Nie ma sprawy, masz jeszcze jakieś pytania?
-No there are no secrets hidden below the ship's wood. Some sailors swear they have seen people hidden somewhere near the stow. Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Nie, tutaj nie ma żadnych sekretów ukrytych pod deskami statku. Część żeglarzy przysięga że widziało ukrytych ludzi gdzieś ładowni. Tylko opowieści, żeglarze kochają opowiadać...
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
-No bo wiesz, ja tu sobie siedzę i przemierzam morza dla zabawy.
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
-Nieee, ja tu sobie siedzę i przemierzam morza dla zabawy. W tej dziurze, jak widzisz, mam dużo zabawy.
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?
-Nie, faktycznie. Byłem tu by pomóc Ci z tymi skrzyniami. Czy mogę przynieść jedną z nich Gugliemu?
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Nie, faktycznie. Byłem tu by pomóc Ci z tymi skrzyniami. Czy mogę przynieść jedną z nich Gugliemu?#0
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Nie, faktycznie. Byłem tu by pomóc Ci z tymi skrzyniami. Czy mogę przynieść jedną z nich Gugliemu?#1
-No, sorry.
-Nie, przykro mi.
-No, thanks.
-Nie, dziękuję.
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians
-Nikt nigdy się nie dowie o istnieniu członków załogi Merkurii.
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!
-Nie żebym chciał zabić twoje marzenie, ale... Julia jest moja!
-Nothing, I need to go!
-Nic, muszę iść!
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Wyjdź na zewnątrz i porozmawiaj z Guglim, powie ci czego oczekujemy.
-OH, OK!
-OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
-OK, chyba się budzi. chodźmy go zobaczyć.
-OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
-OK, chyba się budzi. chodźmy ją zobaczyć.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#0
-Oczywiście, że tak! Wystarczy uważnie słuchać tych słów, moi drodzy. # 0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#1
-Oczywiście, że tak! Wystarczy uważnie słuchać tych słów, moi drodzy. # 1
-Of course, there is a reward for your task.
-Oczywiscie jest nagroda za twoja pracę.
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go get a look at them.
-Oczywiście, są na ścianie po lewej, idź tam i zobacz.
-Oh look there!!
-Oh popatrz tam!!
-Oh look, there is a piou behind you.
-Oh popatrz, tam za tobą jest kurczak!
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
-O nie, zauważyłem dziwne światło na drugim brzegu wyspy, zastanawiam się co to może być...
-Oh ok, I said nothing then.
-No dobrze, nic nie mówiłem.
-Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that?
-Doprawdy? Jak mógłbym zapomnieć o tak ważnym temacie?
-Oh really? I'll put some more foods on the next box then.
-Doprawdy? Zatem załaduję więcej jedzenia do następnego pudła.
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task!
-No cóż. Dam Ci również jedną z czapek z tych skrzynek wokół Ciebie, ale dopiero po wykonaniu zadania!
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-A niech mi tam. Dam ci również jesden z tych kapeluszy ze skrzyni w pobliżu, ale tylko wtedy gdy wykonasz swe zadanie!
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0
-Bliiiblu, zjeść ich nie zjesz, spróbuj je założyć!
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1
-Bliiiblu, zjeść ich nie zjesz, spróbuj je założyć!
-Oh! And in one of the room of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh! I w jednym z pomieszczeń na drugim pokładzie możesz znaleźć noże Gado. Nasz szef trzyma tam najostrzejsze...\nPrawdopodobnie nie do siekania marchewki....
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you want to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Oh, właśnie miałem zapytać, czy chciałbyś pomóc załodze w poszukiwaniu pożywienia i eksploracji wyspy.
-Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
-Oh, Olga z placu targowego również!
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-A, i dajcie jej jakiekolwiek ciuchy, biedaczka była tak obszarpana, że nawet nasze szmaty jej się przydadzą!
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, dajcie jej jakieś ubranie, biedaczka, jej własne było w gorszym stanie, niż nasze!
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-A, i dajcie jej jakiekolwiek ciuchy, biedaczka była tak obszarpana, że nawet nasze szmaty jej się przydadzą!
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-A, i dajcie mu jakiekolwiek ciuchy, biedak był tak obszarpany, że nawet nasze szmaty mu się przydadzą!
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, daj mu jakieś ubranie, biedak, jego własne było w gorszym stanie, niż nasze!
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-A, i dajcie mu jakieś ciuchy, biedak był tak obszarpany, że nawet nasze szmaty mu się przydadzą!
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-O, na tratwie był jeszcze zapis. Opisywał on jednego z wojowników gildii Esperia, największej i najpotężniejszej gildii znanej całemu nowemu światu. Czy mów to coś tobie? Pamiętasz już?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Warrior Guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Poza tym, na twojej tratwie były wyryte oznaczenia Gildii Wojowników z Esperii, największej i najpotężniejszej organizacji na znanym świecie, może to ci coś przypomina?
-Oh, he's still alive!
-O, on jeszcze żyje!
-Oh, hey you.
-Oh, hej ty.
-Oh, it was nothing important!
-Och, to nie bylo nic ważnego!
-Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation.
-Oh, nie wszystko, nie martw się, ale Twoje imię wypłynęło conajmniej dwukrotnie w rozmowie.
-Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up twice in the conversation.
-Oh, nie wszystko, nie martw się, ale twoje imię wypłynęło dwa razy w konwersacji.
-Oh, nothing important.
-Oh, nic ważnego.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#0
-Och, przypomniałem sobie, znaleźliśmy nieco pieniędzy w twoich kieszeniach, łap!
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#1
-Och, przypomniałem sobie, znaleźliśmy nieco pieniędzy w twoich kieszeniach, łap!
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Ach, przypominam sobie, że znaleźliśmy pieniądze w twoich kieszeniach - oto one!#0
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Ach, przypominam sobie, że znaleźliśmy pieniądze w twoich kieszeniach - oto one!#1
-Oh, she's still alive!
-Och, jeszcze żyje!
-Ok, Done.
-W porządku, zrobione.
-Ok, Done. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them!
-Dobra. Zrobione. Pewno masz jeszcze do mnie jakieś pytania, nie krępuj się!
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.
-W porządku, myślę, że on się budzi, pójdź go zobaczyć.
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.
-Odnoszę wrażenie, że ona się budzi, pójdź ją zobaczyć.
-Ok, I'll help you.
-Dobrze, pomogę ci.
-Ok, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Dobrze, zajrzę do niej, miej na nią oko, nie wiemy jeszcze czy to przyjaciel, czy wróg...
-Ok, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Dobrze, zajrzę do niego, miej na niego oko, nie wiemy jeszcze czy to przyjaciel, czy wróg...
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Dobra dobra. Jak zmienisz zdanie, będę tutaj.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Dobrze, jestem gotowa do roboty!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Dobrze, jestem gotowy do roboty!
-Okay, but what can you offer me?
-No dobrze, ale co będę z tego mieć?
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but it obviously depends on the level of the weapon. On the other hand, you attack from a safer position.
-Generalnie bronie dystansowe są słabsze od broni do walki w zwarciu, ale oczywiście wszystko zależy od poziomu danej broni. Jednak atakowanie z dystansu jest bezpieczniejsze.
-On the edge of this island!!
-Na brzegu tej wyspy !!!
-Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well.
-Jak tylko potwór umrze, kliknij na upuszczony przez niego przedmiot lub naciśnij Z aby dodać go do inwentarza.
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0
-Otwórz swój inwentarz (F3), wybierz części ubrania jedną po drugiej i załóż je.
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1
-Otwórz swój inwentarz (F3), wybierz części ubrania jedną po drugiej i załóż je.
-Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s.
-Jeżeli chciałbyś jedno i czujesz się na siłach, spróbuj powalczyć z tortugami lub kłapaczami. Jestem pewien, że zdobędziesz jedno lub dwa @@.
-Orc Voice
-Głos Orka
-People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.
-Ludzie zaczęli się okradać nawzajem by przeżyć. Miasta się rozwijały, potrzeby rosły. Nasiliły się zatem walki o żyzne ziemie.
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0
-Wspaniale, co mi tam przyniosłaś?
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#1
-Wspaniale, co mi tam przyniosłeś?
-Pink Blobime
-Różowy Blobim
-Piou Legs
-Piuskowe Udka
-Piou Slayer
-Zabójca Piou
-Pious legs
-Piouskowe udka
-Please don't tell people that you've seen me. I don't want to be thrown in the sea as food for sharks or decapitated. At least not again!
-Proszę nie mów nikomu, że mnie widziałeś. Nie chcę znów być wrzucony do morza w charakterze żarcia dla rekinów, albo ścięty. Jeden raz wystarczy!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, at least not again!
-Proszę nie mów nikomu, że mnie widziałeś. Nie chcę znów być wrzucony do morza w charakterze żarcia dla rekinów, albo ścięty. Jeden raz wystarczy!
-Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again!
-Proooszę, nię mów nikomu że tu jestem, nie chcę być wrzucony do morza na pożarcie rekinom lub pozbawiony głowy, tylko znowu nie to!
-Plushroom Box
-Pudło Plushroom.
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Pestki Dyni
-Right! Sailors are pretty quick with their job. They just take too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Racja! Marynarze szybko się uwijają ze swoją robotą. Mimo to tracą dużo czasu na transporcie prowiantu z powrotem na statek. Może mogłbyś im pomóc.
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long.
-Reguły powstały w celu zapewnienia pokoju, ale niezbyt się to udało i nie trwało długo.
-Sea Drop
-Morska Kropla
-Sea Drops
-Morskie Krople.
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, some others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-Po drugie, wybierz która broń lepiej do ciebie pasuje. Niektórzy lubią walkę z bliska, przy użyciu ciężkiego topora, a inni wolą walkę na dystans, przy użyciu łuku.
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Jest poziom wyżej. Na pewno ją zauważysz, to jedyna dziewczyna na pokładzie. No, teraz oprócz ciebie, blololo!
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew.
-Jest poziom wyżej. Na pewno ją zauważysz, to jedyna dziewczyna na pokładzie.
-She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook!
-Jest pielęgniarką i pomocą na tym statku, a także wspaniałą kucharką!
-She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Powiedziała, że zaakceptuje mnie, jak Piuski będą miały zęby. To tylko kwestia czasu - widzisz?
-She said that she will accept my application when Piou have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Powiedziala, ze przyjmie moje podanie, jak tylko Piouskom wyrosną zęby. To tylko kwestia czasu, rozumiesz?
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Jest poziom wyżej. Na pewno ją zauważysz, to jedyna dziewczyna na pokładzie. No, teraz oprócz ciebie, blololo!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.
-Jest poziom wyżej. Na pewno ją zauważysz, to jedyna dziewczyna na pokładzie.
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation.
-Silvio zaczyna rozmowę z butelką, wyłączasz się z rozmowy.
-Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation.
-Silvio wdał się w rozmowę ze swoją butelką, wyłaczasz się z dyskusji.
-Simply contact them, help them and be kind. They might surely add you to my cookie list!
-Po prostu spotkaj się, pomóż im i bądź miły. Oni mogą na pewno dodać cie do mojej ciasteczkowej listy.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
-To dlatego chcieliśmy cię ostrzec, podejrzewamy że on pochodzi z tamtej gildii, na jego tratwie był ich znak.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
-To dlatego chcieliśmy cię ostrzec, podejrzewamy że ona pochodzi z tamtej gildii, na jej tratwie był ich znak.
-So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination.
-Tak więc szukamy towaru który moglibyśmy sprzedać w następnym porcie.
-So what's up?? What are you doing??
-Co jest?? Co robicie?
-So you finally woke up? We all thought that you were in something like... You know, one of those long comas.
-Więc w koncu się obudziłeś? Wszyscy mysleliśmy że byłeś pogrążony w... Wiesz, w jednej z tych długich śpiączek.
-So you're under the control of dictators, that's... reassuring.
-Więc jesteś pod kontrolą dyktatorów, to.. uspokajające.
-So, do you still want a cookie now?
-Więc, ciągle chcesz to ciastko?
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look in good health now.
-Więc, jak się czujesz? Julii nieźle się udało! Wyglądasz teraz o wiele lepiej.
-So, what's your name??
-Więc jak się nazywasz?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or because you've heard of my feats on Artis?
-Tak więc jaki dobry wiatr Cię tu przywiał? Płynąłeś na tratwie by mnie spotkać? A może słyszałeś o moich wyczynach w Artis?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats on Artis?
-Tak więc, jaki dobry wiatr cię tu przywiał? Celem podróży było spotkanie ze mną? A może słyszałeś o moich wyczynach w Artis?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?
-Tak więc jaki dobry wiatr Cię tu przywiał? Płynąłeś na tratwie by spotkać moją Julię? A może chciałeś zobaczyć piękną kelnerkę w Artis?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?
-Tak więc, jaki dobry wiatr Cię tu przywiał? Byłeś na tratwie by spotkać mą Julię? A może chciałeś zobaczyć piękne kelnerki w Artis?
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.
-A więc w końcu się obudziłeś? Wszyscy myśleliśmy, że jesteś w... Wiesz, jednej z tych długich śpiączek.
-Some more things are written down but it's not legible.
-Coś jeszcze jest napisane, ale nieczytelnie.
-Some sailors are looking for goods we could trade in our next destination.
-Kilkoro żeglarzy szuka dóbr które moglibyśmy sprzedać w następnym porcie.
-Some sailors are trying to talk to you..
-Paru marynarzy próbuje z Tobą rozmawiać...
-Sometimes, I wish somebody is sent here to help us.
-Czasami pragnę by kogoś przysłano nam na pomoc.
-Sorry but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Przykro mi, ale nie mogę udzielić ci takiej informacji.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
-Przykro mi, ale nie jestem w nastroju by stoczyć kolejną walkę z tymi ratto.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those Rattos.
-Przykro mi, ale nie jestem w nastroju do kolejnej walki ze Szczurzydłami.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those rattos.
-Przykro mi, nie mam siły na uganianie się za Szczurzydłami.
-Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later.
-Przepraszam, ale obecnie nie potrzebuję obecnie jakiejkolwiek pomocy. Wpadnij później.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#0
-Przykro mi, nie mam teraz czasu.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1
-Przykro mi, nie mam teraz czasu.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
-Nagle słyszysz głos rozlegający się z nieba.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice up in the sky.
-Nagle słyszysz głos rozlegający się z nieba.
-Sure, Cap'tain.
-Jasne, Kapitanie.
-Sure, but Gugli needs my help first.
-Pewnie, ale najpierw muszę pomóc Gugli.
-Sure, but what can you give me in exchange?
-Pewnie, ale co możesz dać mi w zamian?
-Sure, there is a reward for your task.
-Oczywiście wykonanie zadania będzie nagrodzone.
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Jasne. Weź tę skrzynię pełną @@.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed, you're weak my poor boy.
-Weź @@ i spróbuj otworzyć przy pomocy czegoś ostrego! Wątpię, że ci się uda, jesteś słaby, biedny chłopiec
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed, you're weak my poor girl.
-Weź @@ i spróbuj otworzyć przy pomocy czegoś ostrego! Wątpię, że ci się uda, jesteś słaba moja biedna dziewczynko.
-Take a Bandana
-Weź Bandanę
-Take a nap
-Zdrzemnij się
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more!
-Weź te pieniądze za swój mądry wybór. Nie próbuj tego ponownie. Woda była łaskawa wobec ciebie... Nie kuś już więcej losu!
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food.
-Powiedz mu że obeszło się bez problemów i prawie skończyliśmy z prowiantem.
-Thank you my friend.
-Dziękuję, przyjacielu.
-Thank you sir for you nice words. I am feeling better now.
-Dziękuję Sir za te miłe słowa. Czuję się teraz lepiej.
-Thank you so much! Here, have some berries...
-Dzięki, dzięki, dzięki! O, a tu jagódełki dla ciebie...
-Thank you, I'll take them.
-Dziękuję za pomoc, skorzystam.
-Thanks again for helping me. But these rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Dziękuję jeszcze raz za pomoc. Ratty są jednak nieprzemijającym problemem a twoja pomoc jest zawsze mile widziana. Jedynym problemem jest to, że mogę cię nagrodzić wyłącznie raz.
-Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Jeszcze raz dziękuję za pomoc. Niestety, te szkodniki prędzej czy później znowu się tam pojawią... Możesz pomagać kiedy tylko zechcesz, ale nie mam już kasy na kolejną nagrodę.
-Thanks for helping me!
-Dzięki za pomoc!
-That's a good idea, go rest a bit and I'll see you tomorow!
-To dobry pomysł, idź się przespać i zobaczymy się jutro!
-That's a nice name!!
-Ładne imię!!
-That's right.
-That's where you go as well, right?
-Ty rownież tam się udajesz, prawda?
-The adventure begins!
-Przygoda się rozpoczyna!
-The door is closed.
-Drzwi są zamknięte.
-The door is locked.
-Drzwi są zamknięte.
-The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the Warrior Guild.
-Elf z biblioteki zerkał na mnie chwilę temu, jak rownież Enora z gildii wojowników.
-The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the warrior guild.
-Elf z biblioteki zerkał na mnie chwilę temu, jak rownież na Enorę z gildii wojowników.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing thus you don't know the author's name.
-Zakończenie historii jest zamazane, prawdopodobnie z powodu morskiej wody. Niektórych stron brakuje więc nie poznasz imienia autora.
-The giant bogeyman!
-Ogromne straszydło!
-The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.
-Wielki lud Aemilu podzielił się na trzy grupy po osiągnięciu wybrzeża.
-The hidden person doesn't answer.
-Ukryta osoba nie odpowiada.
-The sailor chugs his beer
-Marynarz pociągnął z kufla.
-The sailor is turning his back to you.
-Marynarz odwrócił się do Ciebie tyłem.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
-Marynarze zabrali Cię na swój statek aby Ci pomóc.
-Then I can give you some tips about fights.
-Wtedy mogę dać CI kilka wskazówek jak walczyć.
-Then just leave me alone.
-Zostaw mnie zatem w spokoju.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Jest kilka grup @@s na całej wyspie .Wystarczy zebrać kilka, spróbuj.
-There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Krążą pogłoski, że popełnili jakieś potworności i że wiele przed nami ukrywają.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Jest kilka grup @@s na całej wyspie .Wystarczy zebrać kilka, spróbuj.
-There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-Na stole leżą noże, czy chcesz zabrać jeden z nich?
-There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one?
-Na stole leży trochę noży. Weźmiesz sobie jeden?
-There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Nie zabiłeś wszystkich Szczurzydeł! Chcesz przerwać zadanie?
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Jeszcze kilka rattów zostało przy życiu! Chcesz przerwaćzadanie?
-There is a nice place to stay beside you.
-Za tobą jest miłe miejsce, w którym można zostać.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or help Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-Tutaj zawsze możesz coś pomóc, na przykład zabijać tortugi lub pomuc Peterowi oczyścić statek z rattatów.
-There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Wokół latają te żółte puszki, to piouski. Zamordowałbym za jedno pieczone udko...
-There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-Na stole leżą noże, czy chcesz zabrać jeden z nich?
-There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island.
-6 marynarzy potrzebuje twej pomocy. Znajdziesz ich na wyspie.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.
-Nie musi pani nic mówić, proszę się nie martwić.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.
-Cóż można powiedzieć, niech się Pan nie martwi.
-Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil.
-Dlatego głód dosięgnął ludność wioski Aemil.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship.
-Te skrzynie są zbyt ciężkie, by mogłyby być wciągnięte samemu na statek.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...
-Krokodrzewa mają w bród @@, ale weź traf chociaż jedno...
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I don't feel my arms anymore!
-Te ciężkie skrzynie mnie dobijają, nie czuję już swych ramion!
-They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-Obydwa są poprawne i ich potrzebuję. W przeszłości, prawdopodobnie uczyniłem błędy których teraz żałuję. Zastanawiałem się czy nie mógłbyś się rozejrzeć i ... rozwiązać tę sytuację.
-They are so tasty when cooked together with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-Są tak smaczne gdy przyrządzi się je z odrobiną @@. Nie wyrzucaj żadnego z nich!
-This box is locked
-Pudełko jest zamknięte na klucz.
-This box is locked.
-Skrzynka jest zamknięta.
-This door seems locked
-Drzwi są zamknięte na klucz.
-This door seems locked.
-Drzwi są zamknięte na klucz.
-This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Ma szczęście, że znaleźliśmy ją zanim zrobił to rekin. Nie mam pojęcia skąd pochodzi. A w ogóle, to zauważyliście ten symbol na jej tratwie?
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Dziewczyna ma szczęście, że znaleźliśmy ją, zanim zrobiły to rekiny. Nie mam pojęcia skąd ona jest. Przy okazji - widzieliście herb na jej tratwie?
-This girl needs help, let's rescue her!
-Potrzebuje pomocy, musimy ją ratować!
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!
-Ta dziewczyna potrzebuje pomocy, powinniśmy ją uratować!
-This guy is lucky that we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Ma szczęście, że znaleźliśmy go zanim zrobił to rekin. Nie mam pojęcia skąd pochodzi. A w ogóle, to zauważyliście ten symbol na jego tratwie?
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Ten koleś ma szczęście, że znaleźliśmy go zanim zrobił to rekin. Nie mam pojęcia, skąd on może być. Przy okazji - widziałeś herb na jego tratwie?
-This guy needs help, let's rescue him!
-Potrzebuje pomocy, musimy go ratować!
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!
-Ten facet potrzebuje pomocy, musimy go uratować!
-This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-To miłe miejsce... Fajne laski...
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-To jest @@, jasnoniebieski morski owoc. Są bardzo porządane w archipelagu.
-This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!
-To jest właśnie to, zakończenie drugiego wydania wersji beta Evol Online!
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
-Wypowiedzi tego typu powinny spotkać się z karą ale... właściwie też nie pałam do nich sympatią, lepiej miejmy na nią oko.
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
-Wypowiedzi tego typu powinny spotkać się z karą ale... właściwie też nie pałam do nich sympatią, lepiej miejmy na niego oko.
-This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-To by się zgadzało, myślisz że powinniśmy powiedzieć o tym Kapitanowi?
-This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.
-Nowy kontynent, a raczej archipelag, zwał się Andorra.
-Tibbo went to the east-south of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Tibbo poszedł na południowy-wschód wyspy, reszta przepadła na północy, i myślę że Gulukan nie jest gdzieś niedaleko.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#0
-Inwentarz otwiera się klawiszem F3 lub myszką w menu klienta.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#1
-Inwentarz otwiera się klawiszem F3 lub myszką w menu klienta.
-Too bad I'm not hungry enough right now for these... cookies. I'll maybe come back later.
-Szkoda, nie jestem wystarczająco głodny teraz na te.... ciastka. Może wróć później.
-Too bad that you do not want to help me.
-Nie chcesz pomóc? Szkoda.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some fine food for me.
-Szkoda... Wróć do mnie jak będziesz miał jakieś dobre jedzenie.
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?
-Prawda, ale teraz wygląda całkiem dobrze! Mam rację ?
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?
-Prawda, ale teraz wygląda całkiem dobrze! Mam rację ?
-Try to ask Max. He's an early riser.
-Spróbuj zapytać Maxa. Jest rannym ptaszkiem.
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-AHAHAHAHA! Jestem kucharzem tej zgrai osłów i mogę być chamski wobec każdego, od gburowatego kapitana po tę harpią panienkę!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish on you?!
-Czekaj, czemu ciągle masz na sobie jedzenie ?!
-Wait... That's not the place for a chef, what are you doing here?
-Czekaj ... To nie jest miejsce dla kucharza, co ty tu robisz?
-Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please.
-Przejdź się odrobinę, łatwo złapiesz jednego. Proszę, złap też jednego dla mnie.
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!
-Mamy nadzieję że spodobało Ci się to wprowadzenie i oczekujemy ciebie również w przyszłości!
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#0
-Mamy nadzieję że spodobało Ci się to wprowadzenie i oczekujemy ciebie również w przyszłości!#0
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#1
-Mamy nadzieję że spodobało Ci się to wprowadzenie i oczekujemy ciebie również w przyszłości!#1
-We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis.
-Przed przybiciem do portu Artis zatrzymaliśmy się przy małej wyspie.
-We need manpower on the island.
-Potrzebujemy ludzi na wyspie.
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.
-Potrzebujemy mężczyzn na wyspie... Oh wybacz, kobiety też się przydadzą, oczywiście.
-We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
-Za parę dni dotrzemy do celu, a na miejscu powiadomię Gildię Wojowników o tym, co się stało. Na pewno ci pomogą.
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Warrior Guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Powinniśmy tam być za kilka dni, jak tylko przybijemy, Poinformuję gildię wojowników o tym, co się wydarzyło - jestem pewien, że mogą pomóc.
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the warrior guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Powinniśmy tam być za kilka dni, jak tylko przybijemy, poinformuję gildię wojowników o tym, co się wydażyło - jestem pewien, że mogą pomóc.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-Myśleliśmy że będziesz w stanie nam wszystko wyjaśnić, wiemy tylko że znaleźliśmy cię na morzu.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0
-Chcieliśmy je jakoś pozszywać, ale morska woda okropnie je przeżarła. Dlatego daliśmy ci te wdzianko, niezbyt gustowne, ale tylko to mamy.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1
-Chcieliśmy je jakoś pozszywać, ale morska woda okropnie je przeżarła. Dlatego daliśmy ci te wdzianko, niezbyt gustowne, ale tylko to mamy.
-We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-Przeważnie dokujemy w pobliżu tych niewielkich przestrzeni lądu gdyż zapewniają nam one najlepsze pożywienie na całym archipelagu.
-We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map!
-Zazwyczaj nie zatrzymujemy się w takich miejscach, ale kapitan zezwolił na postój do czasu zanotowania pozycji tej nowej wyspy na swojej mapie!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0
-Będziemy blablić jeszcze parę dni, a potem cię podrzucimy na ląd. Tamtejsi obywatele są bardzo mili i pomocni, w dodatku możesz liczyć na pomoc Gildii Wojowników. Na pewno znajdą dla ciebie jakieś zajęcie, no i pomogą wyjaśnić co wydarzyło się wtedy, na morzu!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#1
-Będziemy blablić jeszcze parę dni, a potem cię podrzucimy na ląd. Tamtejsi obywatele są bardzo mili i pomocni, w dodatku możesz liczyć na pomoc Gildii Wojowników. Na pewno znajdą dla ciebie jakieś zajęcie, no i pomogą wyjaśnić co wydarzyło się wtedy, na morzu!
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship!
-Świetnie! Zbierz wszystkie składniki a następnie wróć tutaj. Zostaniesz nagrodzony jak tylko zrozumieją, kto rządzi tym statkiem!
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?
-Nawet jeżeli zostałeś przez nas uratowany, nie czyni to z ciebie zaawansowanego żeglarza, mam rację?
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#0
-Więc jeśli chcesz być jednym z tych co dostaną ciastko...#0
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#1
-Więc jeśli chcesz być jednym z tych co dostaną ciastko...#1
-Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Dziękuję za skrzynkę. Ale... on miał przynieść ją osobiście. Nigdy nie prosiłem go aby dał ją tobie!
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Więc... Witaj na pokładzie, złotko!#0
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#1
-Więc... Witaj na pokładzie, złotko!#1
-What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.
-To co sprzedaję pochodzi z każdego zakątka tego archipelagu.
-What am I suposed to say?
-I co ja mam powiedzieć?
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#0
-Co wy mówicie, toż to Bublina!
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#1
-Co wy, przecież widać że to Bublak!
-What are you talking about? Which guild?
-Ale o co chodzi? Jaka gidlia?
-What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok?
-Co mówił Gugli o skrzyni? Była w porządku?
-What did you say??
-Co powiedziałeś?
-What if I give you 1000 Esperin for that job, is it ok?
-A co jeśli dam ci 1000 Esperin za tą pracę, ok ?
-What's the deal with these Aquada?
-O co chodzi z tą Aquadą?
-What's this fruit?
-Co to za owoc?
-What? It's not a good reward?
-Co? To nie jest dobra nagroda?
-What? This reward is too small!
-Coo!? Ta nagroda to jakiś żart!
-What? This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met.
-Co? Ten trytan to najgorszy nierób, jakiego znam.
-What? Why? They aren't sexier than me, why do you want to see them?
-Co? Czemu? Nie są bardziej sexy niż ja, dlaczego chcesz je zobaczyć?
-When your inventory will be opened, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'Unequip' to remove it.#0
-Ledwie co gadać potrafisz, więc słuchaj: jak tylko ujrzysz swój inwentarz, to by zarzucić na siebie cokolwiek, naciśnij 'Załóż'. Jak cię będzie uwierać, to naciśnij 'Zdejmij.#0
-When your inventory will be opened, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'Unequip' to remove it.#1
-Ledwie co gadać potrafisz, więc słuchaj: jak tylko ujrzysz swój inwentarz, to by zarzucić na siebie cokolwiek, naciśnij 'Załóż'. Jak cię będzie uwierać, to naciśnij 'Zdejmij.#1
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Której z broni chcesz użyć do rozcięcia @@a?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they use to do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-Kiedy Jalad i Ale lubią pracować razem, tak jak na statku. Ostatnim razem jak ich widziałem, byli niedaleko dużego jeziora na północ stąd.
-Who are you searching?
-Kogo szukasz?
-Who is this Julia?
-Kim jest ta Julia?
-Who of them two has the 'good' on his side?
-Kto z tych dwóch ma \"dobro\" po swojej stronie ?
-Why don't you go outside?
-Czemu nie wyjdziesz na zewnątrz?
-Why not, but who are you?
-Czemu nie... ale kim ty jesteś?
-Why not... but, who are you?
-Czemu nie... ale kim ty jesteś?
-Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Blololo, wreszcie ktoś występuje w gorszym wdzianku od nas!
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Blub blub blub, po raz pierwszy ktoś jest ubrany gorzej od nas!
-Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Ta, wy szyscy eseście *hep* w tej Esperii, ale mnie, MNIE NIE DORWIECIE! *bek*
-Yeah, nice indeed!
-Tak, w rzeczy samej ładnie!
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Tak! @@ jest napisane na mojej ciasteczkowej liście.
-Yes, it's a chest!
-Tak, to jest skrzynia!
-Yes, it's a chest.
-Tak, to jest skrzynia.
-Yes, please!
-No jasne!
-Yes, why not.
-Tak, czemu nie.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.
- Bulb gadasz wiele, a mało co robisz. Bierz to pudło i nie marudź.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Bulblu, to logo Gildii Wojowników z Esperii. Zastanawiam się, co ta bubla robiła tak daleko od wybrzeża.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Bulblu, to logo Gildii Wojowników z Esperii. Zastanawiam się, co ta bubla robiła tak daleko od wybrzeża.#1
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Bulblu, to logo Gildii Wojowników z Esperii. Zastanawiam się, co ta bubla robiła tak daleko od wybrzeża.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Bulblu, to logo Gildii Wojowników z Esperii. Zastanawiam się, co ten bublak robił tak daleko od wybrzeża.
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Bluuui, nadal się nie ubrałaś!
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-Bluuui, nadal się nie ubrałeś!
-You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
-Już wziąłeś Bandanę, prosze odłóż tą spowrotem do pudełka.
-You already took a Bandana, put this one back please.
-Już masz jedną bandanę, proszę, odłóż tą...
-You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-W tej chwili jesteś na statku, zmierzamy do portu handlowego Artis.
-You are now part of the crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Jesteś teraz członkiem załogi! Jeszcze raz dziękuję za twoją pomoc...
-You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Jesteś teraz członkiem załogi. Jeszcze raz dziękuję za pomoc.
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#0
-Wbublałaś się na nasz statek tuż pod koniec naszej wyprawy handlowej do wybrzeży miasta Artis.
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#1
-Wbublałeś się na nasz statek tuż pod koniec naszej wyprawy handlowej do wybrzeży miasta Artis.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Możesz zaatakować potwora klikając na niego, lub naciskając \"A\" w celu wybrania potwora, a następnie 'Ctrl' aby zaatakować.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Możesz zaatakować potwora klikając na niego, lub naciskając A w celu wybrania potwora, a następnie 'Ctrl' aby zaatakować.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there.
-Możesz je znaleźć w oceanie, w pobliżu korali i innych morskich stworzeń. Ale morze jest dziś zbyt wzburzone, nie powinieneś tam pływać.
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#0
-Na prawo są schody na wyższy poziom.
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#1
-Na prawo są schody na wyższy poziom.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff on the west busy collecting @@s.
-Możesz zauważyć Q'Mullera na klifie na zachód, zajętego zbieraniem @@s.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Możesz zwinąć nieco @@ uderzając o krokodrzewa
-You can't go there!
-Ej! Gdzie ty się wybierasz?
-You close your eyes a few seconds...
-Zamykasz oczy na parę sekund...
-You don't remember anything before this.
-Nie pamiętasz niczego sprzed tych wydarzeń.
-You have an awful amnesia.
-Cierpisz na straszliwą amnezję.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that 'nice' lady.
-Musisz wiedzieć że był czas bez sprzeciwu załogi wobec porucznika. Wtedy pewnego dnia jeden z przeklętych żeglarzy przyprowadził tutaj tą \"miłą\" panią.
-You have very bad amnesia.
-Cierpisz na ciężką amnezję.
-You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door...
-Słyszysz jakby krzyk, pewnie to trzeszczenie drewnianych drzwi...
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-Uderzasz za mocno i tracisz @@.
-You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@.
-Uderzasz za mocno i tracisz @@a.
-You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!
-Schlebiasz mi ślicznotko, ale moje serce należy do Julii.
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you to downstairs where you will find our furry meal!
-Lubisz je, nieprawdaż? Pogadaj więc z Piotrem. Znajduje się na drugim pokładzie statku. Pokieruje cię do miejsca, gdzie znajdziesz nasz futrzasty posiłek!
-You mentioned the quality of your wine
-Wspomniałeś o jakości twego wina
-You need to walk north!!
-Musisz iść na północ!!
-You open the treasure chest.
-Otwierasz skrzynię ze skarbem.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-Rozdzieliłeś @@, ale tylko jedna część jest jadalna.
-You opened the @@, but only one side is edible.
-Rozdzieliłeś @@, ale tylko jedna część jest jadalna.
-You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts.
-Rozciąłeś swojego @@ na dwie jadalne części.
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Idealnie przeciąłeś swojego @@ na dwie jadalne części.
-You realize you can't remember anything.
-Uświadamiasz sobie, że niczego nie pamiętasz.
-You really are quite amnesic.
-Chyba mocno ci dokucza ta amnezja...
-You really have a bad amnesia.
-Amnezja musi bardzo ci doskwierać...
-You receive 25GP!
-Otrzymujesz 25GP!
-You receive @@ E!
-Otrzymujesz @@ E!
-You receive a @@!
-Otrzymujesz @@ !
-You see some items in the box. Take them out?
-Na stole leżą noże, czy chcesz wziąć jeden?
-You see these Pious around?
-Widziałeś te Piuski tutaj?
-You see, my cookies are restricted to a certain type of people...
-Widzisz, moje ciastka są zastrzeżone dla konkretnego typu ludzi....
-You should come back when you'll have some free space.
-Powinieneś wrócić kiedy będziesz miał trochę wolnego miejsca.
-You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Powinieneś poinformować Narda o trwającym postępie załadunku na statek. Ucieszy się z dobrych nowin!
-You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Powinieneś poinformować Nard o trwającym postepie załadunku na statek. Ucieszy się z dobrych nowin!
-You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news.
-Daj cynk Nard o postępie załadunku na statek. Ucieszy się z dobrych wieści.
-You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe...
-Powinieneś im się przyjrzeć jak zawiniemy do portu, są tego warte, hehe...
-You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough.
-Powinieneś spróbowac zabic Tortugi, albo Kłapa, jeśli masz dość sił.
-You shouldn't believe all of the stories drunk sailors tell you.
-Nie powinieneś wierzyć we wszystkie pijackie historyjki, które opowiadają pijani marynarze.
-You still haven't completed your task.
-Ciągle nie wykonałeś zadania.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head.
-Przygłupie, on jest Anglikiem, spójrz na kształt jego głowy.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Przygłupie, on jest Anglikiem, spójrz na kształt jego głowy.
-You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form.
-Matołki, popatrzcie na jej buźkę, typowy Angielka...
-You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
-Matołki, popatrzcie na jego buźkę, typowy Anglik...
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head.
-Przygłupie, ona jest Angielką, spójrz na kształt jej głowy.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Przygłupie, ona jest Angielką, spójrz na kształt jej głowy.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Bierzesz ubrania ze skrzyni.
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-Chieśće się mnie pozbyć?! A to zdziwko dla was! Jessstm tu! *hep* Albo tam...
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
-Twoje położenie nie było różowe, masz szczęście że znaleźliśmy cię zanim pochłonęło cię morze.
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
-Twoje położenie nie było różowe, masz szczęście że znaleźliśmy cię zanim pochłonęło cię morze.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
-Wyblabliście spałaś przez dobrych parę dni, Julia się tobą opiekowała, nieźle się natrudziła żeby wyleczyć twoje obrażenia.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#1
-Wyblabliście spałeś przez dobrych parę dni, Julia się tobą opiekowała, nieźle się natrudziła żeby wyleczyć twoje obrażenia.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-Dosyć długo bubliłaś śpiąc, nasza pielęgniarka Julia czuwała przy Tobie - zrobiła, co mogła aby Cię wyleczyć.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-Dosyć długo bubliłeś śpiąc, nasza pielęgniarka Julia czuwała przy Tobie - zrobiła, co mogła aby Cię wyleczyć.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Zobaczysz, obywatele są mili a poza tym możesz poprosić o pomoc w gildii wojowników. Mogą pomóc Ci znaleźć pracę a być może są w stanie wyjaśnić co Ci się przydarzyło na morzu!
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Zobaczysz, obywatele są mili a poza tym możesz poprosić o pomoc w gildii wojowników. Mogą pomóc Ci znaleźć pracę a być może są w stanie wyjaśnić co Ci się przydarzyło na morzu!
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!
-Świetnie! Teraz już jesteś jednym z nas. Gdy zobaczyłem cię po raz pierwszy wiedziałem że jesteś dobrym człowiekiem!
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!
-Świetnie! Teraz już jesteś jedną z nas. Gdy zobaczyłem cię po raz pierwszy wiedziałem że jesteś dobrą kobietą!
-You're right, it's about Julia.
-Masz rację, chodzi o Julię.
-You're right, it's about you.
-Masz rację, chodzi o Ciebie.
-You?? Here??
-Ty?? Tutaj??
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Twoje ręce są zbyt słabe, nie otworzyłeś @@
-Your hands are too weak, you didn't open the @@.
-Twoje ręce są zbyt słabe, nie otworzyłeś @@
-Your position has been saved.
-Twoja pozycja została zapisana.
-Your position is saved.
-Twoja pozycja jest zapisana.
diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.txt b/langs/lang_pl.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ce16a500..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_pl.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14980 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online
- BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)
- Party: '%s' | Guild: '%s'
- Users: %d/%d | Password: %s | Public: %s
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>).
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>).
- @send <packet hex number> {<value>}*
- @send len <packet hex number>
- Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"
- - Available in shops only.
- - Common mobs with highest drop chance (only max %d are listed):
- - Item is not dropped by any mobs.
- - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%%
- - Monsters don't drop this item.
- -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d --
- -- Player %s has rejected the duel --
- -- Player %s invites %s to duel --
- -> (card(s):
- -> (crafted item, creator id: %u, star crumbs %d, element %d)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, named)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, unnamed)
- -> (produced item, creator id: %u)
- -> Player %s has accepted the duel --
- <- Player %s has left the duel --
- ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- ATK:%d~%d MATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d
- Drops:
- Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d
- MVP Bonus EXP:%u
- MVP Items:
- and %d second
- and %d seconds
- | equipped:
-"@@", I like this name!
-"@alootid reset" will clear your autolootitem list.
-"Mister Piou, good day to you.
-"My good Sir,
-##BWARNING:##b you are about to permanently empty the quote database.
-% 10s
-% 5d
-%d - void
-%d GMs found.
-%d commands found.
-%d day
-%d days
-%d dni
-%d hour
-%d hours
-%d godzin/y
-%d item(s) found in %d %s slots.
-%d item(s) removed by a GM.
-%d item(s) removed from the player.
-%d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items.
-%d items are dropped!
-%d items have been refined.
-%d minute
-%d minutes
-%d minut/y
-%d monster(s) summoned!
-%d players found in map '%s'.
-%d players found.
-%d results found.
-%d: Accessory (Left)
-%d: Accessory (Right)
-%d: Body Armor
-%d: Costume Garment
-%d: Costume Headgear (Low)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Top)
-%d: Garment
-%d: Hand (Left)
-%d: Hand (Right)
-%d: Headgear (Low)
-%d: Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Headgear (Top)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Costume)
-%d: Refine All Equip (General)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Shadow)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Left)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Right)
-%d: Shadow Armor
-%d: Shadow Shield
-%d: Shadow Shoes
-%d: Shadow Weapon
-%d: Shoes
-%s %d %s
-%s %s %s
-%s %s allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
-%s :Main: %s
-%s People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you.
-%s allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere.
-%s and %s will show this informative and absurdely big tutorial book.
-%s clears the text box.
-%s data type is not supported :%u
-%s determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison.
-%s displays amount of currently connected players.
-%s drains his mug in one long sip, then hesitates.
-%s explains how to use all client commands.
-%s failed
-%s failed.
-%s failed. Player not found.
-%s has bought your item(s).
-%s helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow.
-%s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes
-%s is Unknown Command.
-%s is empty
-%s is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it.
-%s lists even more advanced commands, but some of them can only be used by admins or GM's.
-%s recalled!
-%s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts)
-%s shows the name of the map you are in.
-%s shows the number of people in the neighbourhood.
-%s spawns in:
-%s takes a sip.
-%s value is now :%d
-%s value is now :%s
-%s will help when the client starts lagging. If you see an attack but no monsters, that's the cause.
-%s will tell you all the rules once again.
-%s: %d
-%s??? What a ripoff!
-'%s' Channel is password protected (usage: %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-'%s' and his/her partner are now divorced.
-'%s' channel color updated to '%s'
-'%s' is not a known channel option
-'%s' is not a known costume
-'%s' is not a known permission.
-'%s' is not married.
-'%s' skill and stat points have been reset.
-'%s' skill points reset.
-'%s' stats points reset.
-'%s' stats:
-'Hey anyone there?'
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty on this island!
-(@request): %s
-(All items must be placed exactly in this order for cooking work.)
-(Click on us to continue the introduction.)
-(You hear a faint sound in distance, but can't say what sound it was.)
-* :%s %s: *
-* @@ @@
-* Skill ID: @@
-*Bang bang*
-*Imitate a thunder's sound.*
-*udaje dźwięk grzmotu*
-*Uff*, *Argh*, why don't you give me some help?
-*Uf* *Heh*, nie mógłbyś mi odobinę pomóc?
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*uf*... i kolejna skrzynia @@ dla naszych wygłodniałych kolegów jest już gotowa.
-*sniff sniff*
-- #%s ( %d users )
-- %s
-- %s (%d)
-- 2 @@es
-- Ale
-- Ale
-- Astapolos
-- Available Costumes
-- Gulukan
-- Gulukan.
-- I currently need your help with @@.
-- Jalad
-- Jalad
-- Q'Muller
-- Q'Muller
-- Tibbo
-- Tibbo.
-- adds or removes <option name> with <option value> to <channel name> channel
-- bans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- binds your global chat to <channel name>, making anything you type in global be sent to the channel
-- changes <channel name> color to <color name>
-- creates a new channel
-- leaves <channel name>
-- lists all banned characters from <channel name> channel
-- lists colors available to select for custom channels
-- lists public channels
-- unbans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- unbans everyone from <channel name>
-- unbinds your global chat from its attached channel (if bound)
--- %s
--- %s ban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s banlist <channel name>
--- %s bindto <channel name>
--- %s create <channel name> <channel password>
--- %s leave <channel name>
--- %s list
--- %s list colors
--- %s setcolor <channel name> <color name>
--- %s setopt <channel name> <option name> <option value>
--- %s unban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s unbanall <channel name>
--- %s unbind
--- '%s' ban list
--- Available options
--- Continues on Volume II --
--- Continues on Volume III --
--- Continues on Volume IV --
--- Displaying first %d partial matches
--- Permission List
--- Public Channels
--- User '%s' Permissions
---- Available options:
------ Chats in Map -----
------ NPCs in Map -----
------ Players in Map -----
------- %s items list of '%s' ------
------- Map Flags ------
------- Map Info ------
-... and 1 @@.
-... i 1 @@.
-...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks.
-...I mean log! Made of log!
-...It'll most likely attack you, instead.
- might be because of Don... he is the master blacksmith of this place and a model to me!
-...who knows if there isn't a secret in that?
-/q [Player Name]
-1 GM found.
-1 item has been refined.
-1 player found in map '%s'.
-1 player found.
-1. ##BDo not bot##b, this means you are not allowed to perform any AFK (away from keyboard) activity, apart from standing idle.
-1: The type of item yoiis want to dye.
-1x @@, 3x @@, 2x @@, and the ingredient of your choice.
-2. ##BDo not use offensive/rude language##b in the chats or in your character(s) name(s).
-2: What material it is made from.
-3. ##BDo not spam/flood other players.##b This includes chat spam and spam by trade requests.
-3: Which colorants can dye it.
-4. ##BSpeak only English in public areas.##b You can speak whatever language you want through whispers or whenever everyone in the area can speak said language.
-4: How many cards your item can contain.
-5 Piberries Infusions
-5 boxes... Alright, @@ are my speciality!
-5. ##BDo not beg others##b for money, items or favours of any kind. If you want to ask for something, do it politely and only once. Try not to annoy other players.
-6. ##BFollow the [@@|ESC@@]##b (Evol Social Convention).
-7. ##BDo not multibox.##b You are not allowed to engage in combat while controlling more than one character at a time.
-???: Hey! Is someone there? Please, help, it's so dark down here!
-@@ @@ @@
-@@ and @@ just got married!
-@@ divorced!
-@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!
-@@ registered for marriage. Waiting for partner...
-@@ skillfully cuts the bread in half, throws the ingredients in air, and they land in the sandwich!
-@@/@@ pages used.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-Witaj kochana!#0
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-Witaj kochany!#1
-@discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings.
-@request sent.
-@resyncall is the more powerful version of @resync. It'll reload everything, even the clouds if needed.
-@toevent will warp you to event island, if an event is happening, of course.
-@ucp allows you to manage your account, eg. recover lost email.
-A GM has discharged you from jail.
-A band of adventurers formed in Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families. They visited the three permanent human settlements: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-A cookie!
-A critical hit deals added damage and disregards defense. A critical always hit, although it can be blocked just fine.
-A few minutes passed, and suddenly I was practically surrounded by a dozen or more of these living trees!
-A great city, eventually to become larger than the cities of Ancea, rose on the coast of Aemil. This city was named Esperia.
-A headache hits you and you lose your concentration.
-A large tree was found in a deep cave underneath the island of Candor. Despise the darkness of the cave and absence of leaves, the tree grew strong. It gave light off itself and its energy empowered the wizards.
-A rabbit!
-A small lie is really just a fib, and I could really use some cash...
-A stat card works on different pieces of equipment.
-A strange voice seems to be calling out your name.
-A sunny and hot day,
-Słoneczny i ciepły dzień,
-A week ago, I was going to chop down one of those twigleaf trees in the forest to the southwest.
-A young apprentice called Chelios might be waiting outside, speak to him, and return the package to me.
-A-hoy matey!
-ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d
-Able to write a poem
-Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.
-Żeglarze na pokładzie próbują się z tobą porozumieć.
-About the Legion of Aemil, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Accepted the quest
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#0
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#1
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#0
-Właściwie. Przyszłam tutaj popracować nad moim zadaniem.#0
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#1
-Właściwie. Przyszedłem tutaj popracować nad moim zadaniem.#1
-Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life.
-Tak się składa, że mam sporą wiedzę o takim typie życie.
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Actually, it's been a long day.
-Actually, you just took a bounty, right?
-Add a new line
-Aemil was once a magnificent land unknown to us all.
-Aemilean Era. Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis held power of their surrounding lands, except for the Land Of Fire and Keshlam City.
-After I chopped off a few branches, the whole tree started to move!
-After I shook it off and struck the tree again with my axe, another branch hit me!
-After a tiring, yet fast, travel by Koga, you arrive at @@.
-After all this time, it was still there!
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#0
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#1
-After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.
-Po wyborze broni, musisz też wiedzieć jak nią władać.
-After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert!
-After the Mana War, the Ancea continent was mostly destroyed. It would take years to nature start repairing the damage of the event.
-After this small overview of Artis, what do you think of our city?
-After this war, the Raijin race was born. A race born of Magic. Humans encapsulated in a Mana storm and altered forever.
-After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading.
-Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead.
-Agi: %d (%d~%d)
-Agility greatly increases your attack speed and the chances of you dodging enemy hits.
-Ah, I didn't have much sleep, it's possible.
-Ah, seagulls. We are arriving.
-Ah, the locals like keeping them as pets.
-Ah, well, never mind.
-Ah, whom did you bring here?
-Ah... Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation.
-A... Gugli... Jest zbyt młody by zrozumieć naszą rozmowę.
-Ah... Sorry, I forgot, again.
-Ahoy, @@!
-Alan asks to find wood
-Alan bends the log over his knee.
-Alan tries as hard as he can but the log won't bend.
-Alan wants to ask Jack
-Alchemical studies are prohibited in every city of the Archipelagos, do not dare to practice it in a public zone!
-Alchemist's Laboratory
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Ale i Tibbo powinni przynieść 2 skrzynie @@s, Astapolos i Gulukan 2 skrzynie @@s oraz Jalad i Q'Muller skrzynie @@s.
-Alige asks for food
-Alizarin Herb
-Ziele Alizaryny.
-Alizarin Plant
-Roślina Alizaryny
-All I need is %d %s.
-All characters recalled!
-All dropped items have been cleaned up.
-All items have been repaired.
-All items stored.
-All monsters killed!
-All monsters summoned!
-All of a sudden, you hear voices from above.
-All of my money.
-All of your items have been removed.
-All online characters of the %s guild have been recalled to your position.
-All online characters of the %s party have been recalled to your position.
-All players have been kicked!
-All races were in peace until the Humans set forth to discover the Source of Magic, based on Ukar scholars studies.
-All skills have been added to your skill tree.
-All stats changed!
-All this seems unimportant to you right now.
-All you have to do is to select a bed in the upper level anytime after your reservation.
-All you need is a bit more exercise and fresh fruit in your diet!
-All your... Fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked.
-Wszystkie twoje... Świeże składniki są gotowe do przyrządzenia.
-Alliances cannot be broken during Guild Wars!
-Alliances cannot be made during Guild Wars!
-AllowKS |
-Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the '###keyPickup;' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item.
-Almost got it!
-Already using this font.
-Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good.
-W porządku! Przytachaj jeszcze jedną skrzynię i będzie ok.
-Alright, I'll take one.
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's friend or foe...#0
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's friend or foe...#1
-Alright, but... You only have @@ @@, and I need @@ to do the status reset for you!
-Alright, take your time we are not in a hurry.
-Alright, well...
-Alright, you will need this shovel.
-Alright. I will go looking for them now.
-W porządku. Pójdę ich teraz poszukać.
-Alright... Bye.
-W porządku... Bywaj.
-Also note that if you are in overweight, your natural regen will halt. 90% in weight, and you won't be able to attack.
-Also, build a reputation with the Legion. Talk to everyone. Help everyone. Prove me your worth!
-Also, most monsters get enraged and will attack whoever is closest to them, regardless of anything else.
-Also, status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
-Wzięliśmy też twe wysmargane ciuchy, bo były... hehe... a właściwie ich nie było. Jak pogrzebiesz w tamtym kufrze to z pewnością coś se znajdziesz.#0
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
-Also, you'll get more experience by killing monsters stronger than you, and less experience by killing monsters weaker than you.
-Alternative clouds appeared.
-Alternative clouds have disappeared.
-Although the more powerful you are, the more plushrooms you will need.
-Although, if you want to visit a place nearby, we could take you there.
-Altough you can't get rid of the feeling someone is listening on the other side, you don't get any replies
-Amethyst Shard
-Amethyst Vein
-An explorer left behind some incomplete manuscripts about the people and dangers in the land of Kaizei.
-An invalid number was specified.
-And I bet you don't know who is in charge of monitoring the security of this place?
-And I have no mention of a so called "@@" on it!
-And by last, to speak to everyone online, besides whoever might be idling on IRC, select the '#irc' tab.
-And by the way. I know nothing about this book. And I don't know how to get more pages either.
-And get out of here, I'm not a map!
-And now I want to see you run!
-A teraz chciałbym widziec jak uciekasz!
-And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
-A teraz jestem żeglarzem, jak widzisz!
-And only the best logs of living wood are good enough for them.
-And rhyming is not too
-And so far, the Merchant Guild helped me find this appartment so I can't complain!
-And sure enough I ask the witch, and she has a look at it.
-And then she turns to me!
-And then what happened?
-I wtedy co się stało ?
-And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
-And tried to attract him thus.
-And what would you give me in exchange for that information?
-And when we have enough money for ourselves without needing anybody else.
-And where can I find these potions?
-And with my piou. That's wonderful. I can only imagine how hard that little bugger was to catch!
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#0
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#1
-And you, how are you doing?
-A ty - jak się masz?
-And you? How's it going on your side?
-A Ty? Jak tam po Twojej stronie?
-And you? How's it yaying on your side?
-A Ty? Co tam bubli po Twojej stronie?
-Animals Protection Agency of Aemil
-Any boss which was previously unhittable, can be hit with appropriate number of attackers.
-Any clue on where Astapolos may be hidden?
-Jakieś pomysły gdzie Astapolos może się ukrywać ?
-Any contribution to the game (translations, graphics creation/edition, concepts, coding/scripting, etc...) is rewarded!
-Każdy wkład do gry (tłumaczenia, grafika tworzenie / edycja, koncepcje, kodowanie / skryptów, itp. ..) jest nagradzane!
-Any ideas on who might have taken it?
-Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.
-Anything else you want me to do?
-Anything else?
-Anyway I am glad I can give you some of these yoyoxs.
-W każdym razie cieszę się że mogę ci dać część tych @@.
-Anyway, can I help you in any way?
-W każdym razie, mogę ci jakoś pomóc ?
-Anyway, he forgot his permit when he left the building.
-Anyway, here, have a cookie!
-Nieważne, tutaj, trzymaj ciastko !
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#0
-Jeśli jesteś zainteresowana, zerknij na mój worek.#0
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#1
-Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, zerknij na mój worek.#1
-Anyway, let me know if you change your mind.
-Anyway, the guild creation is perfect for both!
-Anyway, the last time I stole something I was almost caught.
-Anyway, to make a sandwich, you'll need to place, in this order:
-Appearance Debug
-Appearance Debug - Barber
-Appearance Debug - Race
-Appearance Debug - Sex Change
-Appearance changed.
-Applying some strong-smelling liquid, he tans them to a darker hue.
-Aquada Box
-Pudło Aquady
-Arch Bishop
-Arch Bishop T
-Are the fish biting today?
-Are you a good blacksmith?
-Are you a native from Artis?
-Are you blind? Do you really think these boxes are light and soft as a piou's feather?!
-Jesteś ślepy? Myślisz że te skrzynie są lekkie i miękkie jak piórka piou?
-Are you crazy?
-Are you going to stand here all day long? Do the dishes or go away.
-Będziesz tu tak stać cały dzień? Zacznij gotować albo odejdź.
-Are you in need of some flowers?
-Are you mad?!
-Jesteś wściekły ?
-Are you ok?
-Wszystko w porządku?
-Are you sure about this?#0
-Are you sure about this?#1
-Are you sure one of your troupe members didn't hide it and commit those robberies?
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#0
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#1
-Are you sure?#0
-Are you sure?#1
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#0
-Jesteś tutaj by pozwiedzać wyspę?#0
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#1
-Jesteś tutaj by pozwiedzać wyspę?#1
-Arpan gave money
-Arpan is waiting for you
-Arpan told you to open the chest
-Artis Backsword
-Artis Tank Top
-Artis is a very nice place. There are some hot chicks...
-Artis legion progress
-Artis of course!
-Artis oczywiście!
-As captain of this ship, I officially name this newly discovered land the ##BDrasil Island##b!
-As on anvil strikes the hammer
-As promised, here's my old scythe.
-As you may know, we are explorers on a long distance voyage, and our swashbuckling mariners need to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-As you want!
-Ask other merchants, they might know where he is.
-Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away.
-Zapytaj kręcących się w pobliżu żeglarzy, raczej nie oddalili się zbytnio.
-Assassin Cross
-Astapolos... That guy is shy like a piou!
-Astapolos... Ten chłopak jest wstydliwy jak piou!
-At first, I thought it fell down or the wind blew it, but it hurt!
-At that time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-W tym momencie nasza załoga jest zajęta zbieraniem @@s. @@s i @@s
-Atropos Mixture
-Auction is disabled
-Auldsbel discretly stuffs a book on your backpack.
-Auto loot item are disabled on this map.
-Autoloot is now off.
-Autolooting item type: '%s'
-Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' {%d}
-Autolooting items with drop rates of %0.02f%% and below.
-Autorejected alliance request from %s.
-Autorejected friend request from %s.
-Autorejected guild invite from %s.
-Autorejected opposition request from %s.
-Autorejected party invite from %s.
-Autorejected trade request from %s.
-Autorejecting is activated.
-Autorejecting is deactivated.
-Autotrade Disabled
-Autotrade Enabled
-Autotrade is not allowed in this map.
-Available Flags:
-Available aliases:
-Available commands:
-Aw, what will I do now?
-Awesome! I will wait for you here.
-Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group!
-Awesome. How many of those do you want to give me?
-Axe Hat
-Czapka - topór.
-Ayouyouch! My head...
-Ajajauć! Moja głowa...
-Baby Acolyte
-Baby Alchemist
-Baby Arch Bishop
-Baby Archer
-Baby Assassin
-Baby Bard
-Baby Blacksmith
-Baby Crusader
-Baby Dancer
-Baby Genetic
-Baby Guillotine Cross
-Baby Hunter
-Baby Knight
-Baby Magician
-Baby Mechanic
-Baby Merchant
-Baby Minstrel
-Baby Monk
-Baby Novice
-Baby Priest
-Baby Ranger
-Baby Rogue
-Baby Royal Guard
-Baby Rune Knight
-Baby Sage
-Baby Shadow Chaser
-Baby Sorcerer
-Baby Sura
-Baby Swordsman
-Baby Thief
-Baby Wanderer
-Baby Warlock
-Baby Wizard
-Bad Bee
-Ban failed, it is not possible to ban this user.
-Bandit Boots
-Bandit Gloves
-Bandit Hood
-Bandit Lord
-Bandit Shawl
-Bandit Trousers
-Banking is disabled
-Bare Hands
-Gołymi rękami.
-Base Level: %d (%.3f%%) | Job Level: %d (%.3f%%)
-Base level can't go any higher.
-Base level can't go any lower.
-Base level lowered.
-Base level raised.
-Bat Teeth
-Kły Nietoperza.
-Battle configuration has been reloaded.
-Battlegrounds ON
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#0
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#1
-Because I am a Kralog I can't read such things? That's rubbish.
-Because of the dense foliage, you need to go up close to the trees so you don't miss him.
-Because the voices of death sing a sweet song
-Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled.
-Becoming a Sorcerer? I want that too!
-Beer is life!
-Before I joined Nard, I used to be a thief.
-Before the end of the Mana War, a band of adventurers formed in the Ancean region of Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Zanim pójdziesz, powiem Ci jak zdobyć @@s, ponieważ nie wyglądasz na domyślną osobę.
-Behind me? It's the Blacksmith House, the most renowned throughout Aemil.
-Bent trees whistling with the beat of the drum
-Bernard sent me to get %d %s from the %s in the fields, but they scare me so bad!
-Bernard wants maggot slime
-Bernard wants roasted maggot
-Besides this, there is Seasons. You know, summer, autumn, winter and spring.
-Besides, I need to be here to watch out for thieves while La Johanne is docked.
-Better stay away from my basement, you may end up like the poor guys down there.
-Better take it back to Q'Onan.
-Beware of falling stones from the cliff!
-Beware you have a limited number of pages. Do not let the Legion or the Brotherhood find out you have one.
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Black Cotton Dye
-Black Scorpion
-Black iron... That is a very specific request that you have for me!
-Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) --
-Blue Coral
-Błękitny Koral
-Blue Cotton Dye
-Blue Gray Cotton Dye
-Blue Rose
-Blue Tulip
-Boss Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Bottle of Water
-Butelka Wody
-Bowler Hat
-Break the door.
-Wyważ drzwi.
-Brimmed Feather Hat
-Brimmed Flower Hat
-Brimmed Hat
-Bring it to me, and you will get your reward.
-Bring me a %s.
-Bring me some of these plushrooms and I will show you how it works!
-Bring them to me, and I'll give you something nice.
-Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!
-Zanieś tę skrzynię Gugliemu. Będzie niezmiernie szczęśliwy!
-Brown Cotton Dye
-Brown Trousers
-Bug Leg
-Noga robaka
-But I can't leave to catch it, so I'm asking you.
-But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry.
-Ale nie mogę Ci nic o tym powiedzieć, przykro mi.
-But I didn't give up!
-But I got an old scythe laying around.
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#0
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#1
-But I need to go, see you!
-Ale muszę już iść, do zobaczenia!
-But I still have some spikes left in my foot.
-But I swear that one day... Oh... My tasty revenge! Hhm, actually I wonder if... Maybe...
-Ale przysięgam że pewnego dnia... O... moja słodka zemsta! Hmm, zastanawiam się czy... Może...
-But I wasn't there that night.
-But I'll no longer chop those twigleafs, I'll tell you that.
-But I'm almost out of @@...
-But all she says is, “had you stayed inside, you wouldn't be wet now”.
-But anyway, take the road which goes to the north to find everybody.
-Po za tym, idź drogą która prowadzi na północ by znaleźć wszystkich.
-But be careful: do not scream by using a lot of capital letters, do not repeat yourself over and over, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized.
-But discovering new territories is probably the best thing that can happen to sailors, don't you think?
-But don't you worry! I don't know how to get you back your memories, but we can work on your muscles for now!
-But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.
-Ale teraz możesz odprężyć się na statku, lub zwiedzić wyspę, do której przybiliśmy! To mała wyspa, ale nadaje się aby poćwiczyć i rozprostować nogi.
-But he just told me to leave him alone.
-But he never returned.
-But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-But how I got there is kind of scary...
-But if you and other players surrounds the monster instead, they'll suffer the same penalties!
-But if you fail, you will have to get them from the alchemist.
-But if you need to deal with more burocratic stuff, go talk to Q'Anon. He is the boss here.
-But if you really want to accomplish something, you should consider joining us.
-But if you tell my sister, that you didn't find me, I can stay here all day, eating apples and enjoying the view.
-But in the future I might be able to help you create some of your own.
-But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods.
-Pogadajmy lepiej o tej wypsie. Cumujemy tutaj by poszukać dobrej jakości towarów.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
-Ale co najważniejsze, to ona zajmowała się Tobą, kiedy byłaś nieprzytomna.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
-Ale co najważniejsze, to ona zajmowała się Tobą, kiedy byłeś nieprzytomny.
-But my luck left me, because as soon as I left his house, the guards started chasing me.
-But rare are those that receive grants from the Legion itself. For anybody else only a hard work can pay your bills!
-But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.
-Ale pamiętaj, że nie każde miejsce na świecie jest bezpieczne. Nawet białe brzegi którymi chodzisz, mogą ukrywać niebezpieczeństwa.
-But since it's not dummies that will go after you out there, this training won't be enough.
-But something like “Nanaj princino”, I think.
-But still, you open your eyes and see a large ship before you!
-But thank you anyway! I can refund him now!
-But the last time I asked him for a new delivery he said that he would never again get any for me.
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#0
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#1
-But there is no skill to be learnt from this boss.
-But they are too fast.
-But we are quite lucky here, outside of some tipsy travelers there are no big problems around here, it's not like the capital, Esperia.
-But who am I?
-Ale kim ja jestem?
-But you are out of the boss level range.
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#0
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#1
-But you do not have enough Magic Ink. (You need: @@ @@)
-But you ran out of empty pages on this book.
-But you should've seen that gaze!
-But you won't *hic* me this time...
-Ale nie uda ci się mnie *hik* tym razem...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. At least not yet.#1
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. At least not yet.#0
-But... something is missing to make the soup creamy.
-By the way, I'm Lozerk. Lieutenant Lozerk.
-By the way, did you ever talk with Don?
-By the way, stay sharp! I may call upon you again.
-Bye for now.
-Bye then!
-Do widzenia!
-Do widzenia.
-C'mon, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-Camel Cotton Dye
-Can I be of any help?
-Can I craft them myself?
-Can I read the rules again?
-Can I read these rules again?
-Mogę jeszcze raz przeczytać regulamin?
-Can create guild
-Can create party
-Can do the quest
-Can you do something with my color?
-Can you make me a really good bow?
-Can you please go away?
-Can you please go there and find him? He is probably hiding in one of those trees, like always.
-Can you reset my stats please?
-Can you verify that with his wife?
-Can't create chat rooms in this area.
-Can't show boss mobs!
-Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty.
-Can't talk right now.
-Can't walk without stopping after every step
-Can't you remember anything at all? Or do you have some memories of your past?
-Can't you see I am reading? If you need something, tell me the secret password.
-Can't you see I am reading? Please go, please.
-Can't you see I'm busy?
-Can't you see I'm working?!
-Nie widzisz że pracuję?!
-Candle Helmet
-Hełm ze Świeczką
-Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself.
-Cannot create bound pet eggs or pet armors.
-Cannot do the quest
-Cannot mount while in disguise.
-Cannot send mails too fast!!
-Cannot transform into monster while in disguise.
-Captain Nard
-Kapitan Nard
-Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
-Kapitan Nard jest w pokoju po twojej prawej.
-Carp Sandwich
-Cart Added.
-Cash Shop is disabled in this map
-Cat got your tongue?
-Catching a piou
-Cave Maggot
-Jaskiniowa Larwa
-Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus
-Ch 1 — How to make money.
-Ch 10 — How I see my items?
-Ch 11 — How trade with other players?
-Ch 12 — How hunt monsters?
-Ch 13 — How talk with someone?
-Ch 14 — Change your appearing.
-Ch 15 — Commands.
-Ch 16 — Shortcuts.
-Ch 2 — Baits
-Ch 2 — Everything about monsters.
-Ch 3 — Location
-Ch 3 — Quests.
-Ch 4 — Casting
-Ch 4 — Status.
-Ch 5 — NPC's.
-Ch 5 — Reeling
-Ch 6 — Magic.
-Ch 7 — Rules.
-Ch 8 — Weather & Seasons.
-Ch 9 — Experience.
-Change my appearance
-Change my level
-Change my quests
-Change my skills
-Change my stats
-Changed your mind, uh?#0
-Changed your mind, uh?#1
-Channel '%s' has no banned players
-Channel '%s' is not available
-Channel length must be between 3 and %d
-Channel name must start with a '#'
-Channel password may not contain spaces
-Char-server has been asked to %s the character '%.*s'.
-Character cannot be disguised while in monster form.
-Character cannot be disguised while mounted.
-Character does not have the specified item.
-Character killed.
-Character not found.
-Charcommand failed (usage: %c<command> <char name> <parameters>).
-Chat: %s | Player: %s | Location: %d %d
-Check out this one.
-Chef Gado
-Szef Gado
-Chef Gado#Artis
-Chef? He is Don's apprentice, he works on his hammering skill day and night.
-Chelios asked me to get it.
-Chelios asks to visit Lloyd
-Chelios made sword
-Chelios managed to do excellent work.
-Chelios was stubborn in his youth, he never stopped annoying me with his questions while I was working at the forge.
-Chelios, his apprentice, practices outside, mostly.
-Chelios... He is part of the Blacksmith House, is he not?
-Cherry Cake
-Ciasto wiśniowe
-Cherry tree leaves have begun to fall.
-Cherry tree leaves no longer fall.
-Chest opened.
-Children play there and can be badly hurt if they get too close to a Fluffy's nest.
-Chill out I won't say anything.
-Chocolate Cashmere Dye
-Choose desired quest state:
-Chorus of the Woods
-Christopher is surrounded by the sunlight from the window.
-City Hall
-Click here for instructions on how to use the test server.
-Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction.
-Clone spawned.
-Clotho Liquor
-Clouds appeared.
-Clouds have disappeared.
-Clouds |
-Clouds2 |
-Clover Patch
-Grządka Koniczyn
-Coal Vein
-Cobalt Herb
-Kobaltowe Ziele.
-Cobalt Plant
-Roślina Kobaltu
-Coin Bag
-Colorant is not the yeying color. Some wear out from light, others look great but inflict itai-itai, and others become spotty or wash-away.
-Come after a little while.
-Come back later if you changed your mind!
-Come back later!
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#0
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#1
-Come back later.
-Come back later.#0
-Come back later.#1
-Come back soon, and bring @@s!
-Come back when you do.
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#0
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#1
-Come closer dear, I can't hear you.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring her with your stories.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring him with your stories.#1
-Come on, don't be a coward!
-Come, come and see!
-Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while.
-Commands are disabled in this map.
-Common Carp
-Communication Theory
-Complete Quest
-Completed Gugli's task
-Completed, Gado wins
-Completed, Julia wins
-Completed, Julia wins (returned poison)
-Completed, got reward
-Concentration Potion
-Napój Koncentracji
-Confused Tree
-Congrats, you are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are %u !!
-Contacted by Sopiahalla
-Cookie Master
-Mistrz Ciastek
-Cookies are a source of life.
-Ciastka są źródłem życia.
-Cookies are awesome, so am I.
-Ciastka są wspaniałe, tak jak i Ja.
-Cookies provide you strength, health and cuteness.
-Ciastka dają ci siłę, zdrowie i bystrość.
-Cooking is an art. You need to know how to cook something. You can use my stove to prepare.
-Copper Armbands
-Copper Necklace
-Costume '%s' removed.
-Cotton Boots
-Bawełniane Buty
-Cotton Gloves
-Bawełniane Rękawice
-Cotton Skirt
-Bawełniana Spódnica
-Cotton, cashmere, leather, ...
-Could I ask a favor of you?
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1
-Could I lodge here for a while?
-Could you bleach my clothes?
-Could you bring it to him?
-Could you do a small favor for me?
-Could you explain to me where I am?
-Możesz mi wyjaśnić gdzie ja właściwie jestem?
-Could you interrogate him for me?
-Could you please bring me 2 new knives?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a berry, and I'm not big on vegetables either. I need proteins!
-Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Mógłbyś mi powiedzieć, gdzie ja właściwie jestem?
-Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Mógłbyś mi powiedzieć, gdzie ja właściwie jestem?
-Couwan asks to deliver box
-Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.
-Couwan dał mi to pudełko, to dla Ciebie.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.
-Couwan wręcza Ci skrzynkę pełną ryb.
-Creased Shirt
-Używana koszulka
-Creased Shorts
-Używane szorty
-Create items
-Utwórz przedmioty
-Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice!
-Crimson Cashmere Dye
-Croc Claw
-Pazur Kłapa
-Croconut Box
-Skrzynia z krokosami
-Crude Amethyst
-Crude Diamond
-Crude Emerald
-Crude Ruby
-Crude Sapphire
-Crude Topaz
-Curious Hole
-Current amount of zeny changed.
-Current exp rate is set to @@% (default value).
-Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-CvC ON |
-CvC is already Off.
-CvC is already On.
-CvC: Off
-CvC: On
-Daddy asked me to give you some money as a thank you for looking out for me.
-Daddy finally came back home! He grabbed a snack and said he would be returning to the sewers.
-Daddy never came back home... He said that he would be back for lunch but it has already been two days!
-Damn @@.
-Cholerny @@.
-Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter.
-Dan konczy rozmowę i wraca do pisania listu.
-Dan keeps silent since your last question.
-Dan pozostaje cichy od czasu twego ostatniego pytania.
-Dance for me
-Dang, I scared it! More patience, @@, more patience.
-Dark Collector
-Dark Red Cotton Dye
-Database erased.
-Day Mode Activated.
-Day Mode is activated
-Day mode is already enabled.
-Deal, I offer you @@ E!
-Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
-Dear sister,
-Death Knight
-Debug - Change level
-Debug - Change stats
-Debug - Reset
-Debug Forest Bow
-Debug Gado quest
-Debug Gugli quest
-Debug Nard quest
-Debug Narrator
-Debug Wooden Shield
-Defeated by
-Delicious Cookie
-Pyszne ciastko
-Delivered box, got reward
-Dex: %d (%d~%d)
-Dexterity increases your bow damage and your accuracy.
-Diamond Shard
-Diamond Vein
-Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?
-Did you ask him why?
-Did you bring me any wood?
-Did you bring me the %d %s I need?
-Did you brought me 2 new knives?
-Did you fight it?
-Did you fight them too?
-Did you find my brother?
-Did you hear about the Bandit's attacks? They must have a hideout somewhere outside Hurnscald.
-Did you look over the basement?
-Did you run away?
-Did you see Don the blacksmith? He might know how you could improve your metal equipment.
-Did you see anyone in a mask come by here at night?
-Did you see anyone with a large satchel come by here at night?
-Did you see my daughter Rossy, by chance?
-Different ways, each part of your equipment can be generally upgraded.
-Disconnecting to perform change-sex request...
-Disguise applied.
-Disguise removed.
-Displaying first %d out of %d matches
-Displays Night |
-Divorce error!
-Do I look like a tree? I feel like one.
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Jenna
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-Nie udostepniaj nikomu hasła do Twojego pokoju! Zachowaj je w tajemnicy i postaraj się nie używać go w żadnym innym pokoju. - Julia
-Do not learn
-Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever.
-Do note that Job Level gives you skill points, and the status bonuses are really minor.
-Do nothing
-Do we have a deal?
-Do you feel too weak even to do damage to this areas wishy-washy wildlife?
-Do you have @@s for me?
-Do you have any other questions for me?
-Masz jakieś inne pytania?
-Do you have anything else for me?
-Masz dla mnie coś jeszcze ?
-Do you have anything for me today?
-Masz coś dla mnie?
-Do you have the %d %s and %s E for the shield?
-Do you have this commendatory letter?
-Do you know anything about the recent robberies?
-Do you know how to speak with people around you?
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#0
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#1
-Do you know where can I find Gulukan?
-Gdzie mogę znaleźć Gulukan?
-Do you know where the graveyard is?
-Do you know where the hill is?
-Do you live here alone?
-Do you need any other information?
-Potrzebujesz jeszcze jakichś informacji ?
-Do you need help with something?
-Do you need your pickaxe or your shovel fixed? Then I am your man.
-Do you still need help?
-Do you still want to lodge here?
-Do you take apprentices?
-Do you think this is fair? They sent me down here alone, far away from everyone.
-Myślisz że to uczciwe? Wysłali mnie tu samego, z dala od innych.
-Do you want a drink?
-Do you want me to go see her instead of you?
-Chcesz, abym poszedł ją zobaczyć?
-Do you want to continue?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Chcesz ściąć ten @@?
-Do you want to enter in sewer?
-Do you want to go back to Artis? You really should be afraid of the Legion there, now that you have been here in Woodland. They somehow smell the odor of the Brotherhood.
-Do you want to go somewhere?
-Do you want to leave it alone?
-Do you want to leave the boat?
-Do you want to marry @@?
-Do you want to read it?
-Do you want to throw something inside?
-Do you want to try again?
-Do you want to try?
-Chcesz spróbować?
-Do you want to use this place as save point?
-Do you wish to try again?
-Do? I don't do them.
-Docks Warehouse
-Does anyone know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Does not have the quest
-Does the guild has any work for me right now?
-Does your mind go all fuzzy or does it feel like your head is going to explode??
-Doesn't he like the way I'm taking care of his ship? Everything is clean and tidy with me, rightful lieutenant of La Johanne.
-Nie podoba mu się, jak opiekuję się jego statkiem ? Jestem czystym i uczciwym, prawowitym porucznikiem La Johanne.
-Don gave me some black iron... after I asked him nearly ten times.
-Don is a renowned blacksmith throughout Andorra, it's crazy that you never heard of him.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land for his blacksmith skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land of Aemil for his blacksmithing skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don't be shy, you are nice
-Don't belittle me, my work is deserving of the highest esteem.
-Don't distract me, I have to stay alert.
-Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!
-Nie zaaa.. *hik* ze mną eh!
-Don't fall!
-Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots!
-Don't get too excited about it...#0
-Don't get too excited about it...#1
-Don't let those monsters get to you.
-Don't say I didn't warn you!
-Don't say it so loudly, other people could hear us.
-Don't tell anyone about this. Once you kill you a boss, you can try to learn the boss skill by using the book.
-Don't tell me more, I know what you want...
-Nie mów mi więcej, wiem czego chcesz...
-Don't try to fool me!
-Don't try to poison me! I know what that does!
-Nawet nie próbuj mnie otruć! Dobrze wiem, jak to działa!
-Don't worry sister, I didn't forget you.
-Don't worry, I'm sure you will help them soon enough!
-Nie martw się. Jestem pewny że pomożesz im wkrótce!
-Don't you like the smoke, when there is a nice fire beneath a cauldron?
-Don't you recognize the great city of Artis?
-Don't you try to cheat an old merchant! You don't have enough money, you need @@ E.
-Done. Here, take it! Now, here is the plan. Go talk to her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Zrobione. Masz, weź to! Oto plan. Idź pogadaj z nią i zaproponuj naszej pięknej pani kęsa jej arogancji!
-Dont you know something about fertility? I heard rumors.
-Drag and drop an item from your inventory.
-Drag and drop the items from your inventory in the frames.
-Drasil Island.
-Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents.
-Due to neglect with day-to-day administration, which she delegated to her council, and uncontrolled expenses, the kingdom faced its first economic crisis.
-Duel| Can't use %s in duel.
-Duel| Can't use this item in duel.
-Duel| Invalid value.
-Duel| Invitation has been sent.
-Duel| Player name not found.
-Duel| The Player is in the duel already.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been accepted.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been rejected.
-Duel| The limit of players has been reached.
-Duel| You can take part in duel once per %d minutes.
-Duel| You can't invite %s because he/she isn't in the same map.
-Duel| You can't use @accept without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You can't use @duel without @reject.
-Duel| You can't use @invite. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @leave. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @reject without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You've left the duel.
-During night, the monsters usually respawn faster. That can be a problem with aggressive monsters.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, dude.#1
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, honey.#0
-Each big city hosts a Legion building, Artis' building is located in the north-west.
-Each card improves your gear by a ratio or a fixed number on a predefined stat.
-Each level up will buff your base stats, and give you stats points to allocate.
-Each piece of equipment has a predefined slot number.
-Each season unlocks a set of quests and drops which can only be obtained on the season.
-Earlier today there was this young seller named Fexil that passed by here.
-Easter Egg
-Easy to make? Could you make one for me?
-Easy to make? Could you teach me how to make them?
-Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.
-Eeekkk another one.
-Ehm... He was really upset because of some past stories.
-Ekhm... Był naprawdę zdenerwowany pewnymi przeszłymi wydarzeniami.
-Eight Castles
-Eighteen Castles
-Eleven Castles
-Elixir Of Life
-Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats!
-Elmo i Gugli powiedzieli mi że wykonałeś wszystkie zadania na zewnątrz, gratulacje!
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Chef Gado.
-Elmo told about money
-Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats!
-Elmo przekazał mi co powiedział Nard, gratulacje!
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#0
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#1
-Emerald Shard
-Emerald Vein
-Empty Bottle
-Pusta Butelka
-Empty Mug
-Empty the quote DB
-Enabled Mapflags in this map:
-Enabled: @@
-Enjoy the fraternity and excitement of your future guild!
-Enjoy your new shield!
-Enjoy your new style.
-Enora asks to kill fluffies
-Enora asks to visit Chelios
-Enora asks to visit Q'Pid
-Enora asks to visit Resa
-Enora is carefully inspecting the sword.
-Enora needs them.
-Enora sent me here.#0
-Enora sent me here.#1
-Enora wants her potions.
-Enora, from the Legion of Aemil, has been warned that you were aboard.
-Enough of this island?
-Enter desired skill level:
-Enter line number:
-Enter new line:
-Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories.
-Error reading atcommand.conf, reload failed.
-Error reading groups.conf, reload failed.
-Eugene needs tentacles
-Even a simple sandwich will be ruined if you place lettuce above the cheese!
-Even after all that though, I still can't believe what happened next.
-Even with your Hercules strength, this lid is hopelessly struck.
-Event Management
-Event management
-Every 1 hour
-Every 12 hours
-Every 24 hours
-Every 3 hours
-Every 5 hours
-Every 6 hours
-Evil clone spawned.
-Exactly! Can I have one now?
-Dokładnie ! Mogę dostać teraz jedno ?
-Exactly. Even our task is ridiculous. Why should we collect food down here if we have plenty of those tasty and soft rattos inside our ship, waiting just to be hunted and cooked?
-Dokładnie. Nawet nasze zadanie jest śmieszne. Czemu mamy zbierać tu jedzenie, skoro mamy mnóstwo tych smacznych, mięciutkich rattów wewnątrz naszego statku, czekających tylko na to, by być upolowanymi i przyrządzonymi?
-Excuse me that was a mistake.
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
-Co proszę? To ty wiesz, kim jestem?
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Co proszę? To ty wiesz, kim jestem?
-Exemple for yoiis:
-Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value).
-Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@.
-Expanded Super Baby
-Expanded Super Novice
-Experience can be gained by completing quests and killing monsters. When you accumulate enough experience, you'll level up!
-Experience rates: Base %.2fx / Job %.2fx
-Fairy Hat
-Czarodziejski Kapelusz
-Fake name enabled.
-Fake name must be at least two characters.
-Fancy Hat
-Fantazyjny Kapelusz
-Fates Potion
-Feel free to come visit me another time.
-Fertility Potion
-Fexil needs help
-Fexil wants to buy fur
-Fifteen Castles
-File not found.
-File unloaded. Be aware that mapflags and monsters spawned directly are not removed.
-Finally, he hands the shield to you.
-Find an order with them
-Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water.
-Fine Dress
-Piękna Suknia
-Fine, I'll just hold on to this log should you ever change your mind.
-Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?
-Ok, możesz proszę powiedzieć mi gdzie mogę znaleźć żeglarzy Gugliego ?
-Fine, let's see his work...
-Fine, take these potions, I will replenish them in the next couple hours anyway.
-Fine, tell me, who are these all important friends of yours?
-Fine... I was just going to give you some help...
-W porządku... Własnie miałem zamiar Ci nieco pomóc...
-Finished training
-Finished battle
-Fireworks are launched.
-Fireworks have ended.
-Fireworks |
-First encounter
-First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game.
-First thing she asked was if I'm a farmer.
-Fish Box
-Skrzynka ryb
-Fish is good for the brain!
-Fish, come and see my fish!
-Fishing Guide Vol. I
-Fishing Rod
-Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there.
-Five Castles
-Fluffy Fur
-Fog hangs over.
-Fog |
-Follow mode OFF.
-Follow mode ON.
-Follow the canal to the north-east and you will find it.
-Follow the up-stream and cross the canal twice using the two bridges north from here.
-Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.
-Po tych zdaniach następują też inne zapiski.
-Font changed.
-Fool! Just come back here when you'll be done with our little... 'Secret mission'.
-Głupku! Wróć kiedy ukończysz naszą małą... 'sekretną misję'.
-For '%s' you need the amount of seconds (from 0 to 10)
-For a chef? Who said I was a... Oh right, I am.
-Na szefa? Kto powiedział że ja... Ah tak, ja.
-For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, magic use is very restricted nowadays.
-For starters, you should probably do some stretching and practice on some dummies in our training room.
-For what kind of tissue?
-Forest Armor
-Leśna Zbroja
-Forest Bow
-Łuk Leśny
-Forest Maggot
-Forest bow
-Found @@, got exp
-Found anything new?
-Found bobo, didn't tell Katja
-Found perfect wood
-Found the chest
-Four Castles
-Fourteen Castles
-Free Mana travels in many directions, and this search took several years before the expedition finally found the right direction to follow.
-Fresh from the sea and cheap!
-Friend already exists.
-Friend removed.
-From what I heard, my brother Gugli needs the help of as many people as possible in order to collect a lot of neat things that can be found on this island.
-From your mind, break the ice
-Frost held the title of Lord Prince of the Republic for eighteen months, when the council deposed him and declared itself head of the state.
-Fur Boots
-Furthermore, unless you are planning to stick it out, you should also not even think about gaining experience by messing with those icky pink land jellies. The pink could stick on you, imagine the horror!
-Fuschia Cotton Dye
-GM command configuration has been reloaded.
-Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again!
-Gado! Ten tchórz żyje przeszłością, poproszę Nard, by znowu go ukarał!
-Gained %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Gained %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Gained exp is now shown.
-Gained exp will not be shown.
-Gained zeny is now shown.
-Gained zeny will not be shown.
-Gamboge Herb
-Ziele Garcinii..
-Gamboge Plant
-Roślina Garcinii.
-Game Balance
-Game introduction
-Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in daylight for %s.
-Game time: The game is in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in permanent daylight.
-Game time: The game is in permanent night.
-Gave @@ to Rumly
-Gave tentacles, got reward
-Gave to Q'Onan, got reward
-Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc.
-Genetic T
-Get a Recipe Book
-Get money
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Daj mi całusa zanim pożegnasz się ze mną!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0
-Oddawaj mi ten posiłek, ty brudna kłamczucho! #0
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#1
-Oddawaj mi ten posiłek, ty brudny kłamco! #1
-Give me some space.
-Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help with your hunting the creatures of this island.
-Go away, I have to think about new evil doings.
-Go away.
-Idź stąd.
-Go back
-Go clean up your inventory and come back.
-Go fly a kite
-Go fly a kite.
-Go have a look at that shelf to my right, would you?
-Go meet him, and take the package to me, it's an easy task.
-Go north from here until you find the dock warehouse, cross the bridge to the west side of the canal, continue north until you reach another bridge then cross it to the east side of the canal.
-Go on the upper level if you want to change your room or to use it.
-Go on.
-Go pester someone else.
-Go to Kfahr, and listen to his stories.
-Gold Nuggets
-Gold Vein
-Good day miss.
-Good day mister.
-Good day sir.#1
-Good day to you!
-Good day to you.
-Good day!
-Good day, my friend, come closer, come closer!
-Good evening sir.#1
-Good job!
-Udało się!
-Good look.
-Good luck hunting those tree monsters – you'll need it.
-Good luck!
-Good luck! And remember to visit Peter and our little furry friends whenever you return back onboard!
-Good night milady.#0
-Good then.
-Good to hear from you!
-Good to hear!
-Dobrze to słyszeć!
-Good to know, thanks.
-Good to know.
-Dobrze wiedzieć.
-Good to see you again.
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#0
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#1
-Good, good... Hey, could you help me please? I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Dobrze, dobrze... Hej, możesz mi pomóc, proszę ? Błagam cię, proszę, prooooszzzę....
-Good, take a look in the bag next to me then!
-Gorgeous woman, but when she looked at me, the scares went scuttling down my spine...
-Got a cookie
-Got poison from Gado
-Got reward from gugli
-Got the bow
-Got the knife
-Got the package
-Got the quest
-Got the shield
-Grabbing one of two leftover pieces, he begins to carve it into a round shape, then repeats this with the second piece – shield handles from what you can tell.
-Grass Carp
-Grass Snake
-Great to see you! What can I do for you today?
-Cieszę się, że Cię widzę! Co mogę dla Ciebie zrobić?
-Great! Can't wait for some tasty mushrooms!
-Great, and as I promised, I give you a 90% discount on the @@ of your choice.
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#0
-Wspaniale, jakie pożywienie masz dla mnie dzisiaj?
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
-Wspaniale, jakie pożywienie masz dla mnie dzisiaj?
-Greater %s allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks.
-Green Cotton Dye
-Green Slime
-Zielony Szlam
-Greetings traveler.#0
-Witaj wędrowniczko.
-Greetings traveler.#1
-Witaj wędrowcze.
-Group changed successfully.
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Grr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Gugli (main quest)
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#0
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#1
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#0
-Gugli poprosił mnie bym pomógł ci w transporcie jednej z tych skrzyń, które napełniasz.#0
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#1
-Gugli poprosił mnie bym pomógł ci w transporcie jednej z tych skrzyń, które napełniasz.#1
-Gugli asks to collect packages
-Gugli mentioned six sailors. What about the others?
-Gugli wspominał o sześciu żeglarzach. Co z innymi?
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#0
-Gugli przysłał mnie tutaj by ci pomóc.#0
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#1
-Gugli przysłał mnie tutaj by ci pomóc.#1
-Gugli? Oh I see. Yes, Gugli yeye pretty used to shout orders to everybody down here.
-Gugli? Ah... rozumiem. Tak, Gugli przyzwyczaił się do wykrzykiwania nam rozkazów .
-Guild Certification
-Guild level change failed.
-Guild level changed.
-Guild modification is disabled in this map.
-Guild storage opened.
-GuildLock |
-Guillotine Cross
-Guillotine Cross T
-GvG Castle |
-GvG Dungeon |
-GvG Flags:
-GvG ON |
-GvG Off.
-GvG On.
-GvG is already Off.
-GvG is already On.
-HP and SP have already been recovered.
-HP or/and SP modified.
-HP, SP recovered.
-HP: %d/%d - SP: %d/%d
-Ha! I'll drink muuuch mo.. more than you! Im not ooone biiit dr...dr..unk!
-Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has.
-Hahaha! All sailors aboard this ship are always drunk... Well... Except... Wait, what?! Nard told you?!
-Hahahaha! Wszyscy marynarze na pokładzie są zawsze pijani... No.... Po za... Czekaj, co? Nard powiedział Ci ?
-Hair color
-Hair style
-Half Croconut
-Pół Krokosa
-Half Eggshell
-Pęknięta skorupka
-Hard Spike
-Twardy Kolec
-Hard work always pays off!
-Has a bubblehead
-Has met its demise
-Have a good day!
-Have a good time fishing!
-Have a seat.
-Have fun, but always remember to pick your stats with good care.
-Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too?
-Zebrałeś już wszystkie składniki na mój przepis? Zdobyłeś też specjalny składnik?
-Have you got the %d antennae?
-Have you met Kfahr yet?
-Have you seen Fexil?
-Have you seen anything dangerous?
-Widziałeś cokolwiek niebezpiecznego?
-Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?
-Have you seen anything strange in town? Anything that might have to do with the robberies?
-Have you seen anything strange lately?
-Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?
-Have you seen anything that might be connected to the recent robberies in town?
-Have you talked with the old man yet?
-He asked to lend some money and a place to open his store, I think that he asked for a place on the merchant squares on the south-west of the city...
-He did not change while growing up, I repeatedly asked him to leave the forge but in the end he installed himself in front of it...
-He has a guns!
-He has never been the same since mommy went away...
-He is a regular at the inn, located in the north-west part of town.
-He is eating an apple, thoroughly enjoying it.
-He is in a small house between the dock's warehouse and the dojo.
-He is mature and he rarely ask questions so I am fine. I can not stand the sight of a whiner anyway.
-He is probably hiding up one of the trees. Go close to each tree and look up, otherwise you won't notice him.
-He is the greatest hero that ever walked the land of Hurnscald!
-He is usually in his office on the 3rd floor.
-He is very lucky that Don took him under his wing, but being the student of such a teacher is not easy every day!
-He likes to eat sandwiches. A good thing they are so easy to make!
-He likes to hide near the little lake in the north-west side of the island.
-Lubi się chować niedaleko małego jeziora na północny-zachód wyspy.
-He looks up and into your face.
-He may not have all of his wits but keep in mind one thing:
-He needs more food.
-On potrzebuje więcej pożywienia.
-He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
-He proceeds to further scrutinize the log.
-He said he is going to climb the highest hill in Artis, which is not far from here.
-He said that he would check why weird noises were coming from the manhole next to the house.
-He takes another sip.
-He told me nothing about that.
-O tym nic mi nie powiedział.
-He was heading north.
-He's funny, it's not a problem.
-On jest zabawny, to żaden problem.
-He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Legion of Aemil won't let it get public.
-Heard conversation
-Hearing these words the Piou felt great joy,
-Heh, did you saw me at the port? No?
-Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a fox like you would love to meet a catch like me!#0
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a noob like you would like to meet an idol like me.#1
-Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
-Hehe, czasami buja głową w chmurach... Lepiej idź się spytać o te pieniądze.
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there.
-Haha... OK. Poinformuje kapitana.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, on się troszkę denerwuje, wybacz mu, nie co dzień mamy nowego członka załogi!
-Hel... What?! Wait!
-Hel...Co?! Czekaj!
-Hello Miss.#1
-Hello Sir.#0
-Hello dear!#0
-Witaj kochana!
-Hello dear!#1
-Witaj kochany!
-Hello deary.
-Hello madam.
-Hello there!
-Hello traveler, welcome to Hurnscald.
-Hello yeye.
-Hello, I am Macgowan, apprentice to Nicholas.
-Hello, a rowboat is on his way to the beach. Please wait for a while for it to arrive.
-Hello, can I help you?
-Hello, there!
-Hello, yes I have met him.
-Hello, young lady.#0
-Hello, young man.#1
-Hello... Do I know you?
-Witam... Znamy się?
-Help for command %c%s:
-Help me out~ Please~ T_T
-Help me!
-Helped Hinnak
-Her shop is on the west side of the city, between the Legion building and the library.
-Her sword... I'm having some trouble finishing it.
-Hercules %d-bit for %s
-Here is another one.
-Here is your reward.
-Here it is, a fashionable @@.
-Here it is, clean like a whistle!
-Here it is.
-Here they are.
-Oto one.
-Here you are.
-Here you go - have fun with it.
-Here you go, everything is fixed.
-Here you go.
-Here's your reward!
-Oto twoja nagroda!
-Here, have some %s as reward.
-Here, have some %s for your troubles.
-Here, let me heal you.
-Here, take a look!
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#0
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#1
-Here, take this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Hey @@!
-Hej @@!
-Hey Frenchy!#0
-Hej, Francuzeczko!
-Hey Frenchy!#1
-Ej, Francuz!
-Hey Maxe, it's @@!
-Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go!
-Hej Silvio, teraz twoja kolej nieść paczkę, leć!
-Hey there, are you Bobo, Katja's brother?
-Hey you!
-Hej ty !
-Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?
-Hej ty! Słyszysz nas? Nic Ci nie jest?
-Hey you, do you have any @@s?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly. I needed to speak with the captain about the food reserves. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#0
-Hej! Podróżniczko ! Czy cieszysz się z pobytu w Aemil?#0
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#1
-Hej! Podróżniku ! Czy cieszysz się z pobytu w Aemil?#1
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Hej! Uważaj. Nie możesz przebywać w tej piwnicy zbyt długo, albo się pochorujesz. Wychodź na zewnątrz i odpocznywaj, możesz później spróbować jeszcze raz.
-Hey! Stop breaking my stuff!
-Hey! There's a reward for you in the box next to me!
-Hej! Jest dla Ciebie nagroda w tej skrzyni obok mnie !
-Hey! You must be @@.
-Hey, I remember you, we were on the same boat, you are the castaway.
-Hey, I'm not a Keebler Elvis! You won't have another one by stalking me like that!
-Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today.
-Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?
-Hej. Czy mógłby bulb wziąć moje skrzynie z rybami do Gugli?
-Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out.
-Hej, nie martw się o niego, to jeden z pierwszych dni od dawna kiedy możemy po prostu się odprężyć.
-Hey, girl!#0
-Hey, how was the...
-Hey, man!#1
-Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
-Ej, ciiii! Nie jesteś chyba z załogi, nie?
-Hey. ppst. I have something important to tell you.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Cześć @@, słyszałem że kapitan zesłał tu Ciebie, prawda?#0
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Cześć @@, słyszałem że kapitan zesłał tu Ciebie, prawda?#1
-Hi @@.
-Cześć @@.
-Hi Sir.
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#0
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#1
-Hi there, need something?
-Hi there.
-Hi! I can finally see you under the sunlight!
-Cześć! W końcu widzę cię na świeżym powietrzu !
-Hi! No, I haven't seen him yet.
-Hi, I am Simon.
-Hi, can I help you at all?
-Hi, can I help you somehow?
-Hi, how is it going?
-Hi, my name is Blossom.
-Hi, my name is Moon. This morning I went for a walk on the beach.
-Hi, my name is Oscar.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Miło Cię widzieć.
-Hi, sweetie! Want a fresh beer for 90 Florin?
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#0
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#1
-Hi. I am Trozz, and I am the chief of legion training in Artis.
-Hidden Person
-Ukryta Osoba
-High Acolyte
-High Archer
-High Magician
-High Merchant
-High Novice
-High Priest
-High Swordsman
-High Thief
-High Wizard
-Highest hill in Artis you say? Sounds dangerous, I might fall off.
-Hill & Cliff
-Hinnak asked for help
-Hinnak wasted all my good kitchen knives trying to get rid of his accursed Pinkies.
-His eyes grow wide
-Hm, it seems another player is trying to catch the piou, I shouldn't interfere.
-Hm... Shhhh...
-Hm... an old man?
-Hm... then it couldn't be him.
-Hmm, I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Hmm, why don't you go train a little more? We have several training rooms here.
-Hmm... Let's see, take this one.
-Hmm... zobaczmy, wezmę ten.
-Hmm... what to do.
-Hmm... where did I put it again?
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*
-Hmmmm mhh *kaszle". *kaszle*. Co... Co to jest?!... *kaszle*... Cholerny Gado... *kaszle*
-Hmmm... looks ok, but is it strong enough?
-Holding a cheese in his beak.
-Homunculus growth stats (Lv %d %s):
-Homunculus reached its maximum level of '%d'
-Homunculus stats altered.
-Homunculus stats:
-Honestly, it's quite far-fetched according to me.
-Szczerze mówiąc, to dość naciągane według mnie.
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#0
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#1
-How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats.
-A jeśli poproszę, abyś pomógł załodze? To by znaczyło, że jesteś jednym z nas i że bedziesz mógł zdobyć jedną z tych czapek.
-How are things going?
-Jak sie maja sprawy?
-How are you doing, cutie?#0
-How are you doing, dude?#1
-How are you feeling, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-How can I get one of these cookies?
-Czy mogę dostać jedno z tych ciastek ?
-How can I help you?
-How can I improve my equipment?
-How can we serve you today?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about that again!
-How do these dyes work?
-How do you do your potions?
-How do you know?
-How is *hic* it possible?
-Jak to *hip* możliwe?
-How is the hunt going?
-How long will you stay here?
-How many Fluffies did I kill on the hill?
-How many? What kind? I can produce two dozen boxes per day.
-How much do you want to deposit?
-How much do you want to withdraw?
-How much is this worth to you?
-How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?
-Co za bezczelność! Jaki powód stoi za twymi słowami?
-Howdy, partner in crime?
-However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease.
-Human Voice
-Hungry: %d - Intimacy: %u
-Hurry up!
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check its teeth!
-Hush now and hear the chorus of the woods
-I @#$% hate them!
-I @#$% hate these @#$% pinkies!
-I actually could use a status reset!
-I already know everything. Bye.
-Ja już wiem wszystko. Żegnaj.
-I also hear fisherman likes to fish at night. They say the catch is bigger, if you understand me.
-I also heard you lost all your memories? That's a shame.
-I am %s Super Novice~
-I am Wyaras apprentice, helping her with selling her potions.
-I am absolutely positive.
-I am an alchemist, I bear the name of Ivan.
-I am broken?! Please report! Debug data: @@ (@@)
-I am new in this town, just like you.
-I am not an expert of the first kind, but I know what I am talking about when it comes to improving equipment.
-I am only doing special requests.
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-I am sure he got his reasons.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#0
-Jestem pewna że mogę biegać z jednym z nich na ramieniu.#0
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#1
-Jestem pewien że mogę biegać z jednym z nich na ramieniu.#1
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#0
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#1
-I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders and rules. Julia they call her!
-Jestem pewien że znasz ją. Niezła sunkienka, szeroki uśmiech i stały napływ rozkazów i zasad. Mówią na nią Julia!
-I am surprised someone has been sent here to help. It is quite... unusual.
-I am the bartender here, can I provide you with some delicious beverage?
-I am!
-I am, who are you?#0
-Owszem, a kim ty jesteś?
-I am, who are you?#1
-Owszem, a kim ty jesteś?
-I appreciate your help, @@.
-I asked Calypsan to dye this tank top, now it has an unique look!
-I asked Don our blacksmith to prepare a black iron sword for morning, he should be done by now.
-I asked Hinnak, but he wants at least a beer in exchange for his scythe.
-I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do!
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#0
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#1
-I barely destroyed one of those beasts.
-I better go now. Bye.
-I borrowed it from the library, you should try to cultivate yourself more instead of insinuate things about people you don't know!
-I buried the chest somewhere on that hill. It was dark, so I don't remember where to dig exactly.
-I came here, looking for a better life.
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#0
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#1
-I can finally pay off my debts.
-I can get back to Bernard now!
-I can make you a really nice forest bow out of this.
-I can prepare them in an hour or so!
-I can still drink more! Better give up you... you... teelotaler! MORE BEER MELINDA!
-I can walk again!
-I can't catch them.
-I can't give you a cookie for free. But I can give you this hint for how you may be added to my list.
-I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning...
-Naprawdę nie mogę ci pomóc w ich znalezieniu odkąd zacząłem sprawdzać... Hmm... Krajobraz, począwszy od rana...
-I can't remember anything.#0
-Niczego nie pamiętam.
-I can't remember anything.#1
-Niczego nie pamiętam.
-I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do.
-I can't wait all day!
-I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your hard work.
-I changed my mind.
-I chopped away at it, branch after branch, and in the end I chopped off its roots, and it fell to the ground, motionless.
-I cleaned up the hill.
-I couldn't afford the bow, though...
-I did see an old man hang out near the theater after our last show.
-I didn't mention it before, but I also put beer in my soup.
-I didn't notice that a Pikpik was in my way, and when I stepped on it, my foot was full of spikes.
-I do feel better!
-Czuję się lepiej!
-I do know a recipe with this!
-I do not like to brag about it but you won't find a better blacksmith on the whole island.
-I do not want to go pointing my finger at someone. I want to be honorable and fair, and I sense the same quality in you, so I put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this troubling situation.
-I do not.
-I don't feel like talking to you.
-I don't feel so well, I might be sick.
-I don't have any.
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#0
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#1
-I don't have much time right now.
-I don't have the time now.
-I don't have the time sorry.
-I don't have the time.
-I don't know if I trust her eyesight or memory.
-I don't know the password
-I don't know what to say...
-Nie wiem, co powiedzieć...
-I don't know.
-I don't need your help right now, but maybe tomorrow, who knows?
-I don't really have time to go chasing pious, let me just buy one at the regular price (30000 E).
-I don't see anything else other than... water?
-I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this...
-Nie sądzę aby to miejsce nadawalo sie do rozmowy na ten temat...
-I don't want to be part of this joke.
-I don't want to buy a piou right now.
-I don't want to change my language, sorry.
-Nie chcę zmieniać języka, pomyłka.
-I don't want you! I want daddy!
-I feel ok.#0
-Czuję się dobrze.
-I feel ok.#1
-Czuję się dobrze.
-I fought it, of course!
-I give tasks to every single sailor, all day long. That should make him happy!
-Dałem zadanie każdemu marynarzowi, na cały dzień. To powinno go rozweselić!
-I give you this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-I got angry and started to chop off all the low-hanging branches so this couldn't happen anymore.
-I grew up and lived a good while in Esperia, the capital city.
-I guess so. What's in it for me?
-I guess so... I will leave you alone.
-Domyślam się, że tak... Pozostawię Cię samego.
-I had a great childhood in Esperia!
-I had a long day, come back tomorrow.
-I had this patch of ground that was really clumpy; lots of clay, you see.
-I hate them!
-I have a lot of work here, so I don't even have time to go to the town.
-I have an idea.
-I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.
-Przyniosłem smakowity prezent dla twych delikatnych ust.
-I have collected all the boxes you needed.
-Zebrałem wszystkie skrzynie o które prosiłeś.
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#0
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#1
-I have one more task for you. Trozz, another member of the Legion, sent me a letter earlier today.
-I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price!
-Mam dla Ciebie ubrania i inne rzeczy za atrakcyjną cenę!
-I have some food for you.
-Mam dla ciebie trochę jedzenia.
-I have some fur for you.
-I have some spare one, take them, and tell Enora that any fees are paid!
-I have to go, sorry.#0
-I have to go, sorry.#1
-I have your black iron.
-I have your package.
-I have your pass from the Merchant Guild.
-I haven't seen anything strange.
-I heard rumors about some old hostilities between you and Gado. Are they true?
-Słyszałem pogłoski o jakiś starych kłótniach pomiędzy tobą i Gado. Są prawdziwe ?
-I heard something too. A girl named Galimatia seems to need help. If only those lazy developers could tell her what she needs.
-I heard you aren't delivering any more living wood. Why not?
-I highly recommend you seek him out!
-I hope that answers your question.
-Mam nadzieję, że to wystarczy za odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie.
-I hope that my shield will serve you well!
-I hope they know what they are doing. So, come on board. I am looking forward to go back to Woodland, haven't been there for a while.
-I hope to see you soon.
-I hope you are satisfied with your forest bow.
-I hope you catch that naughty person!
-I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Mam nadzieję, że się nie gniewasz iż użyliśmy tratwy do budowy rampy.
-I hope you like beer as much as I do, because, you see...
-I hope you like this color.
-I informed Julia about your monstrous plan.
-Poinformowałem Julię o twoim potwornym planie.
-I just can't remember what. But come talk to me later once devs becomes less lazy.
-I just dont know what to do. Perhaps all gets better when I stay here, whining and waiting. Please, leave me alone.
-I just need %s E for material and work time.
-I just realized I am lacking some common things, and one key ingredient, to prepare a... A special recipe.
-I just want to live my life in peace.
-I knew it!
-I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.
-Wiem, że dopiero zaczynasz czuć się lepiej, ale chciałbym Ci powierzyć zadanie specjalne.
-I know the bow master wants some twigleaf wood, but I don't care.
-I know you didn't kill them yourself!
-I like money! Consider it done.
-I love flowers! What do you have for sale?
-I love hanging out here!
-I love peace and quiet, that's a good choice.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.
-I mean, I am very tired to move all of these books!
-I mean, you forgot... Well.
-I miss the good old days.
-I must leave to get more.
-I need %d %s for that.
-I need @@ @@.
-I need a %s for my soup.
-I need more Croc Claws.
-I need more information first.
-I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1
-I need to go, sorry.
-Muszę już iść, przykro mi.
-I need to rest.
-I need to think about it...#0
-I need to think about it...#1
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Potrzebuję tylko 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
-Pamiętam tylko, że mnie uratowaliście.#0
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
-Pamiętam tylko, że mnie uratowaliście.#1
-I ran away as fast as I could, and lucky for me the monsters aren't that fast on their tiny root legs, Ha!
-I recall seeing Gulukan, Astapolos and Q'Muller.
-Przypominam sobie, że widziałem Gulukana, Astapolosa i Q'Mullera.
-I recommend that you train your agility a great deal, since most monsters out there aren't really amazing at hitting you.
-I recommend you to take a nap on the inferior level, we will soon leave this place.
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#0
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#1
-I remember I saw a few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get a head start on today's work.
-I remember when I created my first party, we were amazed to share some experience with a small group of adventurer...
-I robbed a nobleman, took a chest full of coins.
-I saw someone sneaking around town wearing a theater mask.
-I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-I see.
-I see. Bye!
-Rozumiem. Cześć!
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Legion of Aemil, then he's also our friend and ally.#1
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Legion of Aemil, then she's also our friend and ally.#0
-I sent someone to kill me some maggots and they have yet to return.
-I should know, I've not been a member for a while, too. But then I joined the Legion and look what a shining example of a great fighter I became!
-I should put more effort into this.
-I show her what the problem is, and she tells me to go inside and wait.
-I still didn't find my brother...
-I still do; it's my job.
-I swear, I do not eat so much.
-Przyrzekam, nie jem tak dużo.
-I think I am sick!
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#0
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#1
-I think I should report you to the crew members.
-Chyba lepiej by cię było zgłosić załodze...
-I think I'll be done soon, since I almost have a box full of @@s!
-I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?
-Wydaje mi się że z mojej strony to już wszystko. Chcesz się o coś zapytać?
-I think that I am now both...
-I think that I'm still a bit sick.
-Myślę, że ciągle jestem nieco chory.
-I think that I've seen this weakling wandering around the beach south from here this morning.
-I think that my wine is of great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-I think that we will stay in port for a great time.
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Myślę że będzie to szybko zrobione. Niedługo będzie skrzynka pełna @@s!
-I think that you already understood, you are asleep.
-I thought that she would never come to pick it up!
-I took my axe and attacked the beast!
-I used a card to improve my clothes.
-I used to be a farmer, but my magic attempts were banned by the gouvernment.
-I used to get these logs from Jack, the handsome lumberjack.
-I usually would not care, but it is not every day a complete stranger arrives at Artis.
-I value my life, that's why!
-I want to be the first merchant of this square to sell clothes made from @@s!
-I want to divorce.
-I want to make my own dyes.
-I want to register for marriage.
-I was afraid to get busted, so I decided to get rid of the evidence.
-I was an actor when I was younger.
-I was an archer of the Legion and shouldn't be scared of a few maggots, but everyone has fears, right?!
-I was going to ask you if you would need any help.
-Miałem właśnie ciebie zapytać, czy nie potrzebowałbyś jakiejkolwiek pomocy.
-I was in no shape to fight again!
-I was just chopping away with my axe, and guess what happened?
-I was sent here with a task. I can give you a perfect, wonderful, magnificent, superbly well shaped... Cookie!
-Zostałem wysłany tutaj z zadaniem. Mogę Ci dać idealne, piękne, wspaniałe, o idealnym kształcie.... Ciastko !
-I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible.
-I was supposed to act as storagekeeper, but I forgot my key.
-I will buy all of the fur that you will bring me at a good price, let's say, 15 E piece.
-I will close an eye for once, but only because it's your first time asking for something!
-I will find him, don't worry!
-I will give you my pocket money if you do.
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#0
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#1
-I will not lie to a little girl! And your mother needs your help.
-I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors!
-Nie zdradzę ci wszystkich szczegółów, ale po miesiącu ona już rządziła statkiem, zsyłając mnie tutaj, bym gotował dla tych zdrajców!
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#0
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#1
-I will send you this letter as soon as I arrive.
-I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes?
-Z pewnością go odwiedzę. Potrzebujesz jakiejkowliek pomocy przy skrzyniach?
-I will take care of the other ones don't worry.
-Nie martw się, zajmę się innymi.
-I will take it! Thank you captain!
-Wezmę to! Dziękuję kapitanie!
-I will take the @@ Bounty.
-I will tell my dad!
-I will yaying do.
-A bliblnę.
-I will.
-Zrobię to.
-I wish I could remember something...
-I wish I helped your friends, because I'd really, really like a cookie.
-Mam nadzieję że pomogłem waszym przyjaciołom, ponieważ bardzo, bardzo chciałbym ciastko.
-I wish you a beautiful day.
-I wish you a good time in town.
-I won't forget it, I swear on my precious plushrooms!
-I won't go there ever again.
-I won't need it, thank you.#0
-I won't need it, thank you.#1
-I won't risk MY life for a few gold pieces!
-I won't. I promise.
-I wonder too...
-Też się zastanawiam...
-I wonder what took him so long?
-I wonder who is in delarium now...
-I work under the protection and the supervision of the Legion of Aemil.
-I would go myself, but for some reason I'm a non-walking NPC.
-I would go myself, but the developers were too lazy to make me walk.
-I would like to come back home when the days are better.
-I would like to create a guild.
-I would like to create a party.
-I would like to perform money transactions.
-I would like to stay here a bit more.
-I would like to store some items.
-I would prefer becoming a real Sorcerer one time. *sighs*
-I wrote your name on the book, you are now free to use the storage and bank services.
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd been trying to break it up for a while, but that kind of work is a pain.
-I'd like to buy a piou.
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they fly away when I try.
-I'd like to get a different style.
-I'd like you to ask the villagers about the recent string of robberies.
-I'd love one!
-Chciałbym jedno !
-I'll ask Melinda later
-I'll be back in no time.
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#0
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#1
-I'll be waiting for you, then!
-I'll come back later.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.#0
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.#1
-I'll give you @@ GP for this job.
-I'll give you something if you do.
-I'll keep that in mind.
-I'll keep track of this, while you return the mask to the troupe.
-I'll return the plushroom to you, but please, do not waste my time.
-I'll share my berries with you if you help me.
-Podzielę się moimi jagódkami z Tobą, jeśli mi pomożesz.
-I'll wait for you here.
-I'll wait until you do.
-I'm a barber, you see. I can change your hairstyle or hair color to your current taste.
-I'm a bit sick...#0
-Jestem nieco chora...
-I'm a bit sick...#1
-Jestem nieco chory...
-I'm a little busy right now.
-I'm a melee warrior, I don't need bows.
-I'm afraid to go there myself, but if you take the risk, you can have half of the loot.
-I'm an expert blacksmith.
-I'm back from battle!#0
-I'm back from battle!#1
-I'm barely in when it starts raining outside, pouring cats and mouboos!
-I'm busy, leave me alone.
-I'm done with my training.#0
-I'm done with my training.#1
-I'm done.
-I'm fine for now, thank you.
-I'm fine, thanks.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#0
-Cieszę się, że z tobą wszystko w porządku.#0
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#1
-Cieszę się, że z tobą wszystko w porządku.#1
-I'm glad you're on my side.
-Cieszę się że mam cię po mojej stronie.
-I'm just a merchant, I trade and make deals, yes "excuse" me if I'm not as skilled as that stupid alchemist.
-I'm looking for Gugli, where is he?
-Szukam Gugli, gdzie go mogę znaleźć?
-I'm looking for some black iron ingots.
-I'm looking for somebody named Fexil.
-I'm losing my mind here, I need something else to eat!
-Zaczynam wariować, muszę zjeść coś innego!
-I'm lost, where should I go?#0
-I'm lost, where should I go?#1
-I'm not a pawn of the Legion, I don't have to obey you!
-I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry.
-I'm not proud of it, but I had to steal money from others to keep on living.
-I'm not suited for this kind of work!
-Nie jestem przystosowany do takiej pracy!
-I'm not sure where to go from here, maybe you can find something else.
-I'm not sure. They probably left the ship early this morning. I was not awake yet.
-Nie jestem pewien. Prawdopodobnie opuścili statek wcześnie rano, kiedy jeszcze spałem.
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Legion of Aemil won't get me!
-I'm on my way! I will bring it back to you.
-I'm out of here.
-I'm proud of you – to dare to fight those trunks is admirable indeed.
-I'm really excited, this place reminds me of an ancient mythical tree, you might know what I'm talking about...
-I'm someone who respects those speaking the truth.
-I'm sorry but I can't see your name anywhere.
-Przepraszam ale nie widzę nigdzie twojego imienia.
-I'm sorry but I have no time to chat with you.
-Przepraszam, ale nie mam czasu na rozmowę z tobą.
-I'm sorry but I'm here only to help young people.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#0
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#1
-I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
-I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.
-Przykro mi, ale nie mam teraz czasu.
-I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything.
-I'm sorry, but I'm busy looking into this string of robberies.
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#0
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#1
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#0
-Ciągle jestem jeszcze trochę słaba. Powinniśmy porozmawiać później.#0
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#1
-Ciągle jestem jeszcze trochę słaby. Powinniśmy porozmawiać później.#1
-I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors.
-Ciągle jestem zajęty, muszę znaleźć innych żeglarzy.
-I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you!
-Ciągle jestem w śpiącze, ale mój duch cię będzie nawiedzać!
-I'm supposed to be helping Bernard from the Inn but...
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Na pewno Tibbo jest sam w południowo-zachodnim rogu wyspy. Wierzy że to najlepsze miejsce do zbierania @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#1
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#0
-I'm sure that you already knew the answer, didn't you?
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-I'm sure you would have some interesting stories to tell!
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#0
-Jestem pewien, że docenisz jego działanie, ale uważaj, te ciasteczka są rzadkie, i trzeba pomóc społeczności ponownie, zanim będziesz mogła otrzymać jeszcze jedno. #0
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#1
-Jestem pewien, że docenisz jego działanie, ale uważaj, te ciasteczka są rzadkie, i trzeba pomóc społeczności ponownie, zanim będziesz mógł otrzymać jeszcze jedno. #1
-I'm talking about the cookie inside which I put all my love!
-I'm the cook's assistant of the ship. I help Gado, La Johanne's Chef, in his daily work.
-Jestem pomocnikiem kucharza tego statku. Pomagam Gado, kucharzowi Johanne w jego codziennej pracy.
-I'm the leader of a traveling theater troupe.
-I'm too busy here to observe the town.
-I'm yearning for maggot soup!
-I've remembered something else.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Widziałem go w głębi wyspy, rozejrzyj się.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around.
-Widziałem go w głębi wyspy, rozejrzyj się.
-I've seen him at the northern part of the island.
-I've seen him at the southern part of the island, check around.
-I've seen him at the top of the island.
-Widziałem go w górnej części wyspy.
-I've seen him down around the southern area of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-I... I just like to eat the purple and delightful... And natural, and...
-Ianus is from the Legion of Aemil, don't compare me to this brigand.
-If Enora thinks this is the right place for you, then she's probably be right. Did you know she's a lieutenant of the Legion?
-If Enora wants her sword now, I need to ask for your help.
-If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you!
-Jeśli wiedziałbym *hik* kim byłeś... *hik* to nie pomagałbym tobie!
-If it's no trouble, could you get me a %s?
-If my memory serves me right, you were just defeated. Why don't you go out to buy better equipment?
-If not, how could CrazyKatiektch
-If only someone could help me to make my flowers bloom again.
-If so, I hope that he didn't give you any hard time, sometimes he can get up on the wrong side of the bed he becomes an embittered and grumpy old man...
-If so, please take some courage and help me!
-If the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished.
-If words beat in rhythm
-If yoiis wants to see a different use for the cards he can yeye for Resa at the light armor shop for a description of the styling cards.
-If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this!
-If you are lucky he might tell you a story about his adventures.
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#0
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#1
-If you catch the escaped piou and bring it back, I will give you a 90% discount on a piou.
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#0
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#1
-If you continue there will be none left!
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#0
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#1
-If you don't like to
-If you ever find the time, pass by Esperia, it's the greatest city in all of Gasaron!
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#0
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#1
-If you feel bored or like running around in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks to do.
-If you find the correct answer, I will give you these potions...
-If you get me some Coal and Iron Ingots, I could make you a very valuable shield or helmet.
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#0
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#1
-If you kill some of these tree monsters and bring me their wood I could take a look at them.
-If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default
-If you need some firewood, just let me know.
-If you need somebody to craft a weapon or a plate from diagrams I am the one that you need.
-If you need something in the future, do not hesitate to pass by here, our stock is full of boxes collecting dust.
-If you really want to, just go to the southwest, but I can't help you.
-If you search for him you should look in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the left bridge, you can't miss it!
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#0
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#1
-If you see weird things here and there, or things that just shouldn't be, or even in your minds eye, things that you would like to see...
-If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats:
-If you visit the sewers again... You'll find secret passages...
-If you wake up at the inn after a harsh battle, you will find yourself revitalized in an instant unlike other places where you can rest.
-If you want another cookie, you know what to do!
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#0
-Jeśli chcesz być wynagrodzony, pomóż nam w tworzeniu tego świata lepszym miejscem. # 0
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#1
-Jeśli chcesz być wynagrodzony, pomóż nam w tworzeniu tego świata lepszym miejscem. # 1
-If you want to challenge someone for a friendly match, you are at the right place.
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#0
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#1
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#0
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#1
-If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-Gdybyś chciał ponownie przeczytać tą stronę, znajdziesz kopię w gornej części lewej ściany.
-If you want to say something to a specific player, you can type "/query Playername" or "/whisper Playername message", this will create a new tab on your chat window.
-If you wish to reset your stats:
-If you're looking for us there, most of us will be at the tavern of the Red Plush, at the bar counter, for Silvio's case...
-Impossible to increase the number/value.
-Impossible to resync: You are dead.
-In Artis they really do mythologize people when they die.
-In a couple of days, we will finally reach Artis.
-In case you don't have a commendatory letter from you-know-whom, I am just sitting here and observe the whales.
-In fact, everything seems to work perfectly under your guidance. Nard has made the right choice.
-W zasadzie, wszystko działa doskonale pod Twoim przewodnictwem. Nard dokonał słusznego wyboru.
-In fact... Oh, the things that I could tell... But ran out of space on this... Just be reasonable and go home.
-In hopes of one day reconnect with the people of Ancea and establish a trade between the two continents, The City of Artis was founded. The Aemil Continent has then grown without contact with the people of Ancea.
-In order to enter a message press the '###keyChat;' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press '###keyChat;' again to send your speech.
-In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online.
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified party is online.
-Indeed! Goodbye.
-Ma się rozumieć! Do widzenia.
-Indeed, I am not.#0
-W rzeczy samej, nie jestem.
-Indeed, I am not.#1
-W rzeczy samej, nie jestem.
-Indefinite Traning
-Infantry Helmet
-Hełm Piechoty.
-Information sent to login-server via char-server.
-Inside is a theater mask and a note that you cannot even begin to read.
-Instance ID: @@
-Instance variables may not be used with @set.
-Int: %d (%d~%d)
-Intelligence raises your maximum mana points (good for mages) and your mind abilities. Please note: Magic system has not yet been implemented in this world.
-Zainteresowany ?#1
-Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then!
-Ciekawe... Pozostawię Cię zatem z twoim zadaniem!
-Interval: (none, only sent on login)
-Interval: every @@ hour(s)
-Introduce yourself instead of poking me around. I almost fell from the lader, savage...
-Invalid Homunculus ID.
-Invalid Monster/NPC name/ID specified.
-Invalid bound type. Valid types are - 1:Account 2:Guild 3:Party 4:Character
-Invalid color.
-Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
-Invalid e-mail. If your email hasn't been set, use
-Invalid flag name or flag.
-Invalid font. Use a value from 0 to 9.
-Invalid item ID or name.
-Invalid location number, or name.
-Invalid mob ID %s!
-Invalid mob id %s!
-Invalid mob name %s!
-Invalid monster ID or name.
-Invalid name.
-Błędna nazwa.
-Invalid new e-mail. Please enter a real e-mail address.
-Invalid packet
-Invalid time for ban command.
-Invalid time for jail command.
-Invisible: Off
-Invisible: On
-Iron Armbands
-Iron Ore
-Ruda Żelaza
-Iron Potion
-Żelazny Napój
-Iron Shovel
-Iron Vein
-Is it possible to go back to Drasil Island?
-Is it truly a hard choice to make?
-Is not properly shaded
-Is that all you had to say?
-Is that okay?
-Is there a reward?
-Jest jakaś nagroda?
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#0
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#1
-Is this some kind of joke?!
-Isn't my husband Hinnak so hardworking?
-Isn't this place pretty?
-Isn't this place pretty? I love hanging out here!
-Isnt that the one Nard found on a float in the sea, with the sign of the Legion on his chest?
-It doesn't look like you have them all...
-It doesn't reply.
-It escaped!
-It has been some days now since I asked her for a box of @@s, but she hasn't delivered anything yet.
-It has started to snow.
-It hit me here *points at a bruise on his shoulder*, here *lifts his trouser leg to show another bruise*, and here *lifts his shirt and reveals even worse bruises*.
-It hurts so bad!
-It is a bit cumbersome but its strikes are deadly.
-It is a sunny day, don't you think?
-It is either a huge monster, some cultists, or someone throwing strange stuff into sewers.
-It is one of my best works.
-It is possible to yeye your cloth with my beautiful dyes.
-It is them, after all, who have the ultimate decision as to those I can give my cookies to.
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#0
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#1
-It is.
-It looked like one of the masks used by the troupe that was in town recently.
-It looks like the sweet lady is curious, am I right?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?
-It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.
-Wygląda na to, że nie możesz już nic więcej nieść.
-It needs so much training, but Wyara only leaves me here, standing and selling something instead of teaching me.
-It really hurts, please hurry!
-It seems I got them all!
-It seems that the boy would like to say more, but seems too terrified at the moment.
-It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-It seems that you have no status points to reset!
-It seems that you need a key to open this door.
-Wygląda na to że potrzebujesz klucza by otworzyć te drzwi.
-It seems the gentleman is curious, am I right sweetie?
-It seems you can't carry it right now...
-It seems you can't carry the %s.
-It seems you can't carry the bow right now.
-It seems you don't have room for my reward.
-It seems you have no wood left.
-It seems you still have some work to do.
-Wygląda na to że, zostało ci jeszcze trochę pracy do wykonania.
-It tends to be too dark to see a mask.
-It was at night, so I could barely escape. I ran to Artis hill.
-It was heard about some adventurers whom obtained and use advanced magic, but that is still seen with bad eyes.
-It was something like a long nap.
-To przypominało długą drzemkę.
-It was wonderful.
-It will make an excellent bow!
-It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-Dobrze Ci zrobi, jak poćwiczysz, statek jest na to zbyt mały.
-It would have been easy for me to handle it but if you do it, you can earn some respect by killing Fluffies instead of their natural predators!
-It's @@ @@.
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#0
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#1
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember me telling you that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-It's a dangerous place out here. Beware of the mischievous creatures living here!
-It's a good place to earn money, it can also help you to travel throughout the land!
-It's a great honor for us, at the Legion, to hold the security of his business!
-It's a kind of mushroom that tastes like a marshmallow and looks like a plush! @@, get it?
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!
-Jest to rodzaj grzyba. Nazywamy go tak ze względu na smak podobny do ptasiego mleczka. Nazywa się tak również ze względu na swój wygląd. Przypomina plusz!
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!
-Jest to rodzaj grzyba. Nazywamy go tak ze względu na smak podobny do ptasiego mleczka. Nazywa się tak również ze względu na swój wygląd. Przypomina plusz!
-It's a poem, about poems... Why are you asking that?
-It's a very good place if you want to make some more money.
-It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok.
-W porządku! Jeszcze ostatnia skrzynia.
-It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one!
-It's been a while, boy!#1
-It's been a while, girl!#0
-It's better than running around in circles doing nothing.
-It's better to deal with the Merchant Guild than the old man, Don has this ability to hammer down your enthusiasm in sparkling fury!
-It's currently day, but when night falls, Candor will become darker.
-It's currently night, that's why Candor is dark.
-It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working...
-To dobrze, dobrze... Mam przyjaciółkę, ciągle jest w stanie śpiączki, ale nie mogę czuwać przy niej i zapominać o pracy...
-It's interesting and exciting at the same time!
-To interesujące i ekscytujące zarazem!
-It's like your memories are locked away in your head! Cool!
-It's nearly as good as one from Esperia, have you ever been there?
-It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful.
-It's ok.
-W porządku.
-It's probably full of coins, but no matter how hard you try to open it, you can't.
-It's so exciting to meet somebody with amnesia!
-It's so hard to find the motivation...
-Tak ciężko znaleźć motywację...
-It's still too young to fly too far away, so it just circles nearby.
-It's the big building in northern Artis, at the top of a small hill.
-It's the good one and, ahem!
-It's to the west, on your left side. Just go through this door before the stairs and turn left afterwards. Can't miss it!
-It's true!
-To prawda!
-It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception.
-To tam, gdzie każdy statek handlowy kończy swój rejs i my nie będziemy wyjątkiem.
-Item cannot be opened when inventory is full
-Item created.
-Item database has been reloaded.
-Item not found.
-Item type not found.
-Item types on your autoloottype list:
-Item: '%s'/'%s'[%d] (%d) Type: %s | Extra Effect: %s
-Item: '%s'[%d]
-Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once.
-Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.
-Przedmioty posiadają różnorakie właściwości. Niektóre Cię wyleczą, inne mogą być użyte jako zbroja lub broń, lub sprzedane.
-Items on your autolootitem list:
-Its roots tore out of the earth, all the branches started to wave around, and a face appeared on the trunk.
-Ivan gave package
-Ivan grumbles and resumes his work.
-Ivan is the one you should look for now.
-Jack explained problem
-Jack places them next to each other, adds a frame, and nails everything together.
-Jack proposes shield
-Jack saws the logs into pieces and then sands them until they are smooth to the touch.
-Jeans Chaps
-Capsy dżinsowe
-Job Level and certain equips can affect your status. You'll see the modifiers with a + sign.
-Job level can't go any higher.
-Job level can't go any lower.
-Job level lowered.
-Job level raised.
-Johanne Key
-Judgement has passed.
-Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.
-Julia przebywa na wyższym poziomie statku, uzyj strzalek, żeby wejść na schody lub kliknij na schody w prawej górnej części ekranu.
-Julia made an appeal to the Legion of Aemil to get in touch with you, exit the ship and you should see your escort!
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#0
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#1
-Jump to %d %d
-Jump to %s
-Just call me when you changed your mind.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Palnij to, a wypluje ci @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Po prostu zostaw mnie w spokoju.
-Just look at my goods for sale! Fresh fruits and vegetables were shipped only this morning. And for reasonable price, of course.
-Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there.
-Just say something sparkling
-Katja asked for help
-Katja gave reward
-Keep moving boy.#1
-Keep moving girl.#0
-Keep moving.
-Keep the sword and the jacket, you deserved them!
-Keshlam expanded rapidly under the rule of King Janeb the Founder, and soon annexed the whole Ancea continent - excluding solely the Land Of Fire - to its domains, creating the Platinum Kingdom.
-Khaki Cotton Dye
-Kill at least %d pinkies and come back.
-Killed mob bitmask: @@
-Killer state reset.
-Know that every flatterer,
-Known Recipes: @@
-Kralog Voice
-Lachesis Brew
-Large Healing Potion
-Wielki napój leczniczy.
-Large Mana Potion
-Last seen:
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#0
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#1
-Lazy Brother
-Leadership transferred.
-Lean for example?
-Na przykład Lean ?
-Learn Skill
-Learn all recipes
-Leather Gloves
-Skórzane Rękawice
-Leather Shield
-Skórzana Tarcza
-Leather Trousers
-Skórzane Spodnie
-Leave it.
-Leave me alone.
-Leaves have stopped falling.
-Leaves started falling.
-Leaves |
-Left Crafty Wing
-Lewe Drzwi
-Legion of Aemil
-Legion's Copper Armor
-Legion's Training Shirt
-Let me check in my inventory book...
-Let me check into it...
-Let me check my cookie list...
-Sprawdzę moją listę ciastek.
-Let me explain to you what the Merchant Guild is for.
-Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
-Pozwól, że się przedstawię - jestem Nard, kapitan tego okrętu.
-Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ @@s to reset your stats.
-Let me open it with my key.
-Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!
-Popatrzmy... Chrupiące nóżki...paskudne płyny...Zaczynajmy !
-Let's begin
-Let's go to Artis.
-Let's make a trade.
-Let's not keep her waiting.
-Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and never drunk.
-Powiedzmy że osoba która mi to powiedziała jest powszechnie szanowana na tym statku i nigdy nie jest pijana.
-Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!
-Let's set sail then!
-Let's trade.
-Lettuce Leaf
-Liść Sałaty
-Light Armor Shop
-Like I promised, here is your share.
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#0
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#1
-Like, a defensive mythril card can be used on any mythril equipment, and it will improve the defense by 5% of the latter.
-Lime Cotton Dye
-Line @@ has been removed.
-List of known cooking recipes:
-List of known master skills:
-List the commands
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#0
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#1
-Little Blub
-Mały Bryłek
-Little Green Slime
-Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
-Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.
-Życie na statku jest super, ale czasem potrzeba świeżego powietrza.
-Lloyd gave package
-Lloyd gave pass
-Lloyd is searching something in his book.
-Lloyd still owes me, but beware of those money-grabbers, or they might sell your own teeth to you!
-Lloyd the Banker
-Log Head
-Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
-Login-server has been asked to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Login-server is offline. Impossible to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?
-Look for the hideout, but tell no one about this. Then, say the password again.
-Look how splendid this @@ is!
-Look how splendid this landscape is!
-Rozejrzyj się jak piękny jest ten krajobraz!
-Look who is back...
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#0
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#1
-Look, here he is!
-Patrz, on jest tutaj!
-Look, there he is!
-Patrz, on jest tam!
-Look, we finally meet.
-Looking over closely, you find a book that is upside down.
-Looks much better now, doesn't it?
-Lord Knight
-Lost the riddle
-Lousy Moccasins
-Byle Jaki Mokasyn
-Lovely day, isn't it?
-Lower this skill
-Lozerk told me to talk to you and join the legion.
-Luck helps you do critical hits and dodge the ones dealt by enemies.
-Luckily the beach is nearby, and somehow I made my way home.
-Luk: %d (%d~%d)
-M... Maybe?
-M... Może?
-MOTD Config
-MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Made any progress yet?
-Maggot Slime
-Śluz larwy
-Maggot soup
-Magic Arpan
-Magiczny Arpan
-Magic Arpan#sailors
-Magic Feather
-Magic was banned for lore reasons? Seriously, after the mana war, only small tricks are allowed.
-Make me proud, boy.#1
-Make me proud, girl.#0
-Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though!
-Make sure to tip her, it will brighten up her day.
-Makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Mana Bug
-Mana Robak
-Mana Ghost
-Mana Torch
-Manana Sandwich
-Manana Tree
-Manually trigger the current broadcast
-Many thanks. I can now do sandwiches again!
-Map not found.
-Map or anchor not found: %s
-Map: %s (Zone:%s) | Players: %d | NPCs: %d | Chats: %d | Vendings: %d
-Market Place
-Marriage failed.
-Master Book
-Master Fluffy was attracted by the odour,
-Master Piou sat on a tree,
-Mauve Cotton Dye
-Mauve Herb
-Ziele Malwy
-Mauve Plant
-Roślina Malwy
-Max HP: %d (%d~%d)
-Max SP: %d (%d~%d)
-Maxe and Sapartan for example?
-May this be a lesson for you.
-Niech to będzie lekcją dla Ciebie.
-Maybe he over did it with the bottle today to celebrate that!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? He could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#1
-Maybe later.
-Maybe next time.
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month. She could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#0
-Maybe you can catch some of them.
-Maybe you can come down to talk?
-Możesz zejść na dół na rozmowę?
-Maybe you can do his job?
-Maybe you can use it as a weapon.
-Maybe you could ask him what's wrong?
-Maybe you have more luck with something else?
-Maybe you meant:
-Maybe you should help someone else first, so that he sees your intentions are good.
-Maybe you should try this phrase?
-Maybe you too you could help me?
-Maybe you will find a piece of wood that is strong enough to become one of my forest bows.
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#0
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#1
-Me and the wife were at home all night.
-Me too.
-Meanwhile, the sun has dried the other pieces.
-Mechanic T
-Medium Healing Potion
-Średni napój leczniczy.
-Medium Mana Potion
-Merchant Guild
-Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment.
-Mercy has been granted.
-Mercy has been shown.
-Mh, I don't care for heroes.
-Mh, or perhaps honor is dead in you; for you to be so slow to comprehend the good that his exploits have wrought for us.
-Mikhail needs maggot slime
-Minstrel T
-Mint Cashmere Dye
-Mob Search... %s %s
-Mob is doing its daily noise, nature is singing its sumptuous melody, none is alone.
-Modify another line
-Modify this line
-Modify, move, or remove a line
-Mommy doesn't want me to talk to strangers.
-Mommy sent me to find my brother Bobo.
-Mona's dad
-Mona's dad is missing
-Mona's dad was rescued
-Mona's father is right behind you. You have five minutes to bring him out of sewers!
-Monster NoTeleport |
-Monster database has been reloaded.
-Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of.
-Moon needs @@
-Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@.
-Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them.
-Mostly manuals and tutorials but you won't find out until you open one!
-Move this line down
-Move this line up
-Mundane ran away, he did not trust the path you chose.
-Mundane ran straight home. He must be missing his daughter.
-Mushroom Spores
-My Mouboos, my beloved Mouboos!
-My beauty. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#0
-My breath smells bad.
-My daughter is probably worried about me. Could you perhaps lead me out of here?
-My forestbows are not made of regular wood, you know.
-My friend. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-My friends are... Well, you know... The creators.
-Moi przyjaciele są.. Wiesz.... Twórcy.
-My help, Mikhail, finally returned with the slimes I needed.
-My men have found all of the stolen items.
-My name is @@...
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. All I have to eat are these berries... berries... berries...
-Nazywam się Alige, ukrywałem się tu od tygodni. Wszystko co mam do jedzenia to jagódki... jagódki.... jagódki...
-My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-Nazywam się Astapolos. K'Miller i ja dołączyliśmy do ekipy Nard kilka lat temu gdy był to mały handlowy statek.
-My name is General Store, they still call me this although I left the army a few years ago.
-My name is Jack Lumber, the enemy of all trees.
-My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.
-Nazywam się Julia, to ja zajęłam się Tobą po wylowieniu Cię z morza.
-My name is Lloyd, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-My name is Q'Onan, I'm a member of Nard's crew.
-My stats are too good, I won't need it.
-NOTICE: If you crash with mount your LUA is outdated.
-NPC %d: %s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC %d: %s::%s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC Buy:%dz, Sell:%dz | Weight: %.1f
-NPC Disabled.
-NPC Enabled.
-NPC is not in this map.
-NPC moved.
-NPC stylists will cut your hair!
-NPC variables may not be used with @set.
-NPC's or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help.
-Nah, I don't feel like chatting.
-Nah, maybe later.
-Name not found in list.
-Name: %s
-Name: %s (GM)
-Name: %s (GM:%d) | Location: %s %d %d
-Nard and his crew are taking us to the city of Artis.
-Nard asks to help crew
-Nard asks to solve conflict
-Nard looks surprised and stops you.
-Nard patrzy zdziwiony i powstrzymuje Cię.
-Navy Blue Cotton Dye
-Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger.
-Never (only on login)
-Never since that day have I strayed near them, and yet there you are, cutting them down one by one.
-Nevertheless, you can craft some cards that you can then attach to your equipment.
-Nevertheless, you can talk with another adventurer by pressing the [Enter] key and then type what you want to say!
-New e-mail must be a real e-mail address.
-New e-mail must be different from the current e-mail address.
-New quest available: %s (level %d+)
-New warp NPC '%s' created.
-Next broadcast: (never)
-Next broadcast: @@
-Nice day to you.
-Night Mode Activated.
-Night Mode is activated
-Night mode is already enabled.
-NightmareDrop |
-Nine Castles
-Nineteen Castles
-No Exp Penalty: %s | No Zeny Penalty: %s
-No GM found.
-No Save (Return to last Save Point)
-No Save, Save Point: %s,%d,%d
-No Save, Save Point: %s,Random
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1
-No cookie for you!
-Nie ma ciastka dla ciebie!
-No item found in this player's %s.
-No item has been refined.
-No item need to be repaired.
-No longer spying on the %s guild.
-No longer spying on the %s party.
-No matter how many times I come here, I can't find the reason for the strange sounds...
-No matter the grammar
-No matter the spelling
-No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
-No more pain, thanks to you.
-No one who has met him would say such silly things.
-No player found in map '%s'.
-No player found.
-No problem, come back later if you changed your mind!
-No problem, do you have any other questions for me?
-Nie ma sprawy, masz jakieś inne pytania?
-No problem, see you next time.
-No thank you, I'm fine. I'll come back later.
-Nie dziękuję, wrócę później.
-No thanks, not at the moment.
-Dzięki, ale nie teraz.
-No thanks.
-No you don't have to go. I need your help, so you have to stay.
-No! No, no, my precious plushrooms! Don’t take me to them, they wants my precious.
-No, I can't. I won't! All I wanted was to travel across the seas for fun, growl... sniff. And in this hole in the floor, as you can see, I have lots of fun.
-No, I don't, but I would like to know more about that.
-Nie, nie wiem, ale chcę się dowiedzieć.
-No, I feel fine.
-No, I haven't seen anything.
-No, I'm fine.
-No, I'm still looking.
-No, and I gotta go, see you.
-NIe, muszę iść, cześć.
-No, none.
-Nie, żaden.
-No, sorry.
-Nie, przykro mi.
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Nie, to chyba zbyt niebezpieczne...
-No. Sorry.
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#0
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#1
-NoAutoloot |
-NoBaseEXP |
-NoBranch |
-NoCalcRank |
-NoCommand |
-NoDrop |
-NoGuild |
-NoIcewall |
-NoJobEXP |
-NoMVPLoot |
-NoMemo |
-NoMobLoot |
-NoParty |
-NoReturn |
-NoSkill |
-NoTeleport |
-NoTrade |
-NoVending |
-NoViewID |
-NoWarp |
-NoWarpTo |
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians.
-Nikt się nigdy nie dowie o istnieniu Merkurian.
-Nobody! *burp*
-Nikt! *bek*
-Noh Mask
-Maska Noh.
-None Taken
-None of my troupe have left the city since we got here.
-None of the raindrops touched her, as if they were afraid!
-None of them?
-Żaden z nich?
-Nope, there are no secrets hidden within the ship's hull. Some sailors swear they have seen stowaways hidden somewhere. The bow or the stern? Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Normal Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Normally, collaborative monsters behave like neutral monsters. Unless someone of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor.
-North East
-North West
-Not a hexadecimal digit:
-Not a string:
-Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running after a player and you stand in the way...
-Not content to stay buried in their burrows in the sand, Crocs can be quite a nuisance, infesting this whole island. Tender Feet and Newbies are advised: Avoid touching these crawling red devils. They have huge, deadly claws that can make mincemeat of you! You can recognize them easily by their crabby personalities. Be careful younglings.
-Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!
-Nie wszyscy są przyjaźnie nastawieni. Oszustem może być każdy, nawet jeden z nas!
-Not in the mood to chat.
-Not my problem.#0
-Not my problem.#1
-Not now, thank you.
-Not now.
-Not now. You see, I am also afraid of Slimes and Rattos!
-Not really. All I got was a headache...
-Not resync'ing to prevent flood.
-Not so good actually... I would feel better on Nard's ship.
-Niezbyt dobrze. Czułbym się lepiej na statku Narda.
-Not so weird, perhaps, except that it was been bright and sunny just a second before!
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!#1
-Not yet, I'll be back.#0
-Not yet, I'll be back.#1
-Not yet, but I am working on it.
-Not yet.
-Not yet. I will be back soon.
-Jeszcze nie. Niedługo wrócę.
-Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. %s
-Nothing like a well-deserved %s after a long day of tending the crops!
-Nothing, just hanging around.
-Nic, pętam się.
-Nothing, sorry.
-Dziękuję, wiem już wszystko.
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#0
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#1
-Now go outside and talk to Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what provisions we need.
-Now it is junk.
-Now let's see...
-Now listen to and ponder my words...
-Now move!
-Teraz ruchy !
-Now stand still... It should not take much time...
-Now that I think about it, I have another task for you. I asked Resa from the light armor shop to craft me some new clothes, she is a bit far from here, I can't go there because I need to watch the dock.
-Now that I think about it, they are the only shops that are independent in Artis...
-Now that you bring up that topic, that reminds me of something...
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1
-Now, leave me alone...
-A teraz zostaw mnie w spokoju....
-Now, lets get back to business.
-Now, move!
-Nowhere, I'm fine here.
-Number of skill points changed.
-Number of status points changed.
-OK, I'll ask him.
-OK, let's trade.
-OK, thanks.
-Of course there is a reward for your task.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#1
-Of course!
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list.
-Of course! What do you need?
-Of course, I'll go get them for you.
-Of course, as a fully-fledged crew member you can decide of the destination of La Johanne directly with Nard.
-Of course, so why do I still see open sea from the porthole?
-Of course, the Legion of Aemil can easily provide you with such training, even if you're not a member. Just great, isn't it?
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.
-Oczywiście, są w pobliżu lewej ściany, idź i ich poszukaj.
-Of course, they are on the left wall. Go have a look at them.
-Of course, you can select a bed somewhere else after your reservation, but you won't get your HP recovery until you choose to get some rest in the inn.
-Of the two of them, who has 'good' on their side?
-Official crew member
-Oh I see... Sailors are not able to do their job anymore, is it like that?!
-Już wiem... Marynarze nie są w stanie wykonywać swoich obowiązków, prawda?!
-Oh alright, nevermind then.
-W porządku, zatem nieważne.
-Oh and guess what! I'm almost out of potions anyway.
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#0
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#1
-Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
-Och, wspaniale! A oddał też twoje pieniądze?
-Oh hey *hicks*
-Oh hey!
-Oh look, there's a piou behind you!
-Spójrz, piusek, tuż za Tobą!
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#0
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other part of this island, I wonder what it could be...
-Oh no, the piou escaped!
-Oh no, you still have @@ Fluffies to kill.
-Oh noes!
-Oh noes! You found my secret backdoor!
-Oh oh... I see, your party became so big that you want to create an even larger structure?
-Oh really? How could I forget something as important as that?!
-Naprawdę? Jak mogłem zapomnieć o czymś tak ważnym jak to?!
-Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then.
-Naprawdę? Zatem włożę do nastepnej skrzyni więcej prowiantu.
-Oh right, I totally forgot about that, here you go.
-Oh sure I remember you.
-Oh thank you so much!
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
-No cóż, uratowaliśmy cię, gdy bliblęłaś sobie po morzu.
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
-No cóż, uratowaliśmy cię, gdy bliblęłeś sobie po morzu.
-Oh yes, I have one last errand for you, Q'Pid in the market sells potions.
-Oh yeye did, his store is just beside me!
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
-Hehe... nawet jak byś chciał to ich nie zeżresz, spróbuj może je zarzucić na siebie?#0
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
-Hehe... nawet jak byś chciał to ich nie zeżresz, spróbuj może je zarzucić na siebie?#1
-Oh! And in one of the rooms of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh! And our party chat was really entertaining, I do highly recommend you to share this fun as well.
-Oh! I like that sort of answer!
-Och! Podoba mi się ten rodzaj odpowiedzi!
-Oh! You saved me, I was too afraid to unpack my stuff without this pass.
-Oh, I can't be sure...
-Oh, I hope you stayed and listened to his stories about his adventures.
-Oh, I see. That's right. Why should someone come here to see me, seriously?
-Aha, już widzę. W porządku. Tak serio, to dlaczego ktokolwiek chciałby tutaj przyjść się ze mną zobaczyć.
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Coż, miałem zamiar zapytać, czy pomożesz załodze w poszukiwaniu żywności i eksploracji wyspy.
-Oh, a traveller. Welcome.
-Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.
-Kompletnie bym zapomniał! Nie mów nikomu jakie masz hasło! Jedynie ja posiadam zapasowy klucz i nie będę się pytał o twój, więc zachowaj go dla siebie i na przyszłość zapamiętaj by nie używać tego samego hasła do innych pokoi.
-Oh, and I'll also need %s E for other materials.
-Oh, and Olga from the marketplace as well!
-Oh, and a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! But stay alert to pick up your drops.
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#0
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#1
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, one of the four main guilds of Gasaron. Does that help you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing.
-Oh, but I'll still need the book. Even if all pages are white.
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#0
-Oh, ale pewnie nie przyszłaś tutaj rozmawiać o tym, racja ?#0
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#1
-Oh, ale pewnie nie przyszedłeś tutaj rozmawiać o tym, racja ?#1
-Oh, he is not far away from here. Just take the road through the crocojungle north from here.
-Oh, on jest niedaleko. Idź drogą przez krokodżunglę na północ stąd.
-Oh, he's still alive!#1
-Oh, hi, isn't it cool to live among all those Mouboos? I don't understand how some people can eat Mouboo steak.
-Oh, hi.
-Oh, it is simple. I have on this book the names of every citizen of Artis and its surroundings.
-Oh, it's you.
-Och, to ty.
-Oh, it's you. I think it's better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something.
-A, to ty. Myslę że będzie lepiej jak przez chwilę nie bedziemy ze sobą rozmawiać. Coś podejrzewają.
-Oh, nooooo... If I go home now, my mum will give me chores.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, ok. Come back later if you need something.
-Oh, please hurry and bring me a %s.
-Oh, she's still alive!#0
-Oh, that's really bad news.
-Oh, the little...
-Oh, too bad.
-Oh, wait a second...
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#0
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#1
-Oh, you look more interested in magic.. the brotherhood did forbid most of the interesting paths of magic, but boring baby spells are still allowed.
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#0
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#1
-Oh... Awesome!
-Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
-Och... Eee.. tak, właściwie to tak, a tak w ogóle dzień dobry zapomniałem powiedzieć!
-Oh... Ok, I will be around here if you change your mind.
-Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best.
-Cóż... No, właśnie zacząłem handlować... Obawiam się, że moja technika nie należy do najlepszych.
-Oh... You should have started with this!
-Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes.
-O... jedzenie rattów. Brzmi... eh... wyśmienicie, naprawdę.
-Oh... um... actually... all I wanted was to get to Artis. Err... but I didn't, uhm... have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Oh? And do you think you have what it takes to be a proud Legion Member?
-Ok I add your name... @@...
-Ok I stay here with my paperwork if you need my help.
-Ok fine, you have up to 3 tries, here is the riddle:
-Ok then.
-Ok we stay docked here if you need our help.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.#1
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.#0
-Ok, I will bring it to him.
-Ok, I will leave him alone.
-Dobrze, zostawię go samego.
-Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Dobrze, teraz trzeba być cierpliwym, za parę dni będziemy w Artis.
-Ok, done.
-W porządku, zrobione.
-Ok, let me see...
-Ok, see you then!
-Ok, do zobaczenia!
-Ok, sorry. Back to our fluffies.
-Okay, I'll be here, if you change your mind.
-Okay, but there won't be any explosions.
-Okay, you can start!
-Dobrze, możesz zaczynać!
-Okay... Tell my sister I'll go home soon.
-Old Book
-Stara Książka
-Old Man
-Old Woman
-Old line:
-On March 213CCE, Chancellor Benjamin Frost, with support of the council, proclaimed the Republic of Ancea. This event would become known as the Blue Revolution.
-On a side note, more defense is always good, but the damage won't decrease on the same rate that defense raises.
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but you attack from a safer position. On the other hand, depending on the level of the weapon, melee ones potentially can yeild quicker kills.
-On the year 206CCE, after a long crisis of succession, a minor noble only known as Queen Platyna the Red came to inherit the Platinum Crown.
-Once the monster is dead, click on the dropped items to add them to your inventory. You can also use the 'Z' key to claim the drops.
-Jak tylko potwór umrze, kliknij na upuszczony przez niego przedmiot lub naciśnij Z aby dodać go do inwentarza.
-Once used, they will disappear from your inventory.
-One Castle
-One advice: Don't take the things those drinkers say too serious. They are sitting here and drinking all day.
-One last thing to keep in mind... If you are surrounded, you'll suffer an agility and defense penalty.
-One of its branches hit me!
-One of these little boogers started flying early, and escaped from me.
-Only Don and the Merchant Guild have that kind of material in stock. It's called black iron.
-Only after you prove yourself, you may join our ranks as a proud member! Hahah!
-Only one more Fluffy to kill and it's done!
-Oooh, perfect! It's perfect!
-Oooh, these wounds! They hurt so much!
-Open your inventory window (###keyWindowInventory; key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button.
-Opened treasure chest
-Options changed.
-Or almost like me, at the very least.
-Or do you want to keep your friendships and adventures in different groups?
-Or you can take seat and ask Melinda if you need something.
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#0
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#1
-Orange Cotton Dye
-Other Drop Rates: MvP %.2fx / Card-Based %.2fx / Treasure %.2fx
-Other Flags:
-Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea.
-Poza tym niewiele wiem, dobrym pomysłem byłoby zapytać Kapitana.
-Other things are written but are not legible anymore.
-Coś jeszcze jest napisane, ale nieczytelnie.
-Ouch... These boxes are so heavy!
-Ałć... Te skrzynie są bardzo ciężkie!
-Our building here is also the finest place in the town. Just go and see for yourself!
-Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family!
-Nasza załoga jest jak rodzina i jeśli zgadzasz się pomóc nam, chciałbym zaproponować abys się do naszej rodziny dołączył!
-Our main responsibility in the city is to protect the Merchant Guild.
-Our mommy doesn't allow us to go there, because it's dangerous. But he doesn't listen!
-Our only wish to eat a plush, so juicy sweet...
-Out of creativity already? Don't worry, I don't judge! Hehe.
-Over lovers under a starry night
-Packet 0x%x length: %d
-Partner not ready.
-Party modification is disabled in this map.
-PartyLock |
-People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck.
-Doskonale !
-Perfect! I will wait for you here.
-Perhaps, and only perhaps, if you bring me the latter, I can bring you to a ship that will perhaps, and only perhaps, be able to bring you to Woodland.
-Pet hunger changed.
-Pet hunger is already at maximum.
-Pet intimacy changed.
-Pet intimacy is already at maximum.
-Peter needs help
-Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Pff... Nickel nurser!
-Piberries Infusion
-Pile Of Ash
-Pink Antennae
-Pink Blobime
-Różowy Blobim
-Pink Cotton Dye
-Pink Flower
-Różowy Kwiat
-Pink Petal
-Różowy Płatek
-Pinkie Hat
-Czapka Różowata
-Piou Feathers
-Piuskowe Piórka
-Piou Legs
-Piuskowe Udka
-Piou Slayer
-Zabójca Piou
-Piou and The Fluffy
-Piou egg
-Piouleg Sandwich
-Pious must keep a strict diet composed of Piberries.
-Piousek w skorupce
-Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d
-Player '%s' has now been banned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' has now been unbanned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' is already banned from this channel
-Player '%s' is not banned from this channel
-Player '%s' was not found
-Player database has been reloaded.
-Player has been nuked!
-Player is not muted.
-Player is using %s skill tree (%d basic points).
-Player requires level %d of skill %s.
-Player unjailed.
-Player unmuted.
-Player warped to jail.
-Please bring it to me!
-Please bring me @@s so I can pull out these spikes from my foot.
-Please choose the desired gender:
-Please come again with at least 10 INT and 20 DEX. Stat Bonuses aren't counted.
-Please come back anytime!
-Please come talk to me, I'll help you get dressed.
-Please continue talking to the villagers.
-Please do hurry and bring me %d %s, so I can finish my soup!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, or get my hair mussed!
-Please don't touch my stove without my authorization.
-Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only.
-Proszę nie dotykaj tych czapek, są przeznaczone dla członków załogi.
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguise <name/ID>).
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguiseall <name/ID>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @enablenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @hidenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @npcoff <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @tonpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a clothes color (usage: @dye/@ccolor <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a guild name (usage: @guild <guild_name>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildrecall <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildspy <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a hair color (usage: @haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a hair style (usage: @hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a homunculus ID (usage: @makehomun <homunculus id>).
-Please enter a hunger value (usage: @homhungry <hunger value [0-100]>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @homlevel <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a map (usage: @warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @broadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @homtalk <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @kami <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @localbroadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @me <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @pettalk <message>).
-Please enter a mob name/ID and guild name/ID (usage: @disguiseguild <mob name/ID>, <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter a mob name/id (usage: @showmobs <mob name/id>)
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @mobsearch <monster name>).
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @summon <monster name> {duration}).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @whereis <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster/egg name/ID (usage: @makeegg <pet>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @skpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @stpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a party name (usage: @party <party_name>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyrecall <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyspy <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @block <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jail <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @kick <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @nuke <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @recall <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @trade <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unban <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unblock <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unjail/@discharge <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unmute <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @where <char name>).
-Please enter a position bitmask and an amount (usage: @refine <equip position> <+/- amount>).
-Please enter a quest skill ID.
-Please enter a script file name (usage: @loadnpc <file name>).
-Please enter a skill name to look up (usage: @skillid <skill name>).
-Please enter a sound filename (usage: @sound <filename>).
-Please enter a speed value (usage: @speed <%d-%d>).
-Please enter a status type/flag (usage: @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}).
-Please enter a time in minutes (usage: @mutearea/@stfu <time in minutes>).
-Please enter a valid amount.
-Please enter a valid level (usage: @guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels>).
-Please enter a valid number (usage: @pethungry <0-100>).
-Please enter a valid position (usage: @memo <memo_position:%d-%d>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @petfriendly <0-1000>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @str/@agi/@vit/@int/@dex/@luk <+/-adjustment>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
-Please enter an amount (usage: @spiritball <number: 0-%d>).
-Please enter an amount (usage: @zeny <amount>).
-Please enter an amount.
-Please enter an effect number (usage: @effect <effect number>).
-Please enter an intimacy value (usage: @homfriendly <intimacy value [0-1000]>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @itembound <item name/ID> <quantity> <bound_type>).
-Please enter an item name/ID (usage: @ii/@iteminfo <item name/ID>).
-Please enter an item name/ID, a quantity, and a player name (usage: #delitem <player> <item_name_or_ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter at least one item name/ID (usage: @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of very's>).
-Please enter at least one option.
-Please enter at least one valid list number (usage: @mapinfo <0-3> <map>).
-Please enter at least one value (usage: @model <hair ID: %d-%d> <hair color: %d-%d> <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter ban time and a player name (usage: @ban <time> <char name>).
-Please enter color and message (usage: @kamic <color> <message>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @sizeguild <size> <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @undisguiseguild <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter item name/ID (usage: @whodrops <item name/ID>).
-Please enter part of an item name (usage: @idsearch <part_of_item_name>).
-Please enter the combat zone on the left.
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalk <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalkc <color> <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the desired color
-Please enter the desired race
-Please enter the desired style
-Please enter the message:
-Please enter the new line.
-Please enter two e-mail addresses (usage: @email <current@email> <new@email>).
-Please find daddy...
-Please find my daddy...
-Please find the small chest, buried somewhere on Artis hill.
-Please go talk to the leader of the traveling troupe about the theater mask.
-Please go talk to their leader about this.
-Please guide me.
-Please return the mask to the traveling troupe.
-Please select a category:
-Please select a chapter:
-Please select a quest:
-Please select an option:
-Please select the interval:
-Please specify a display name or monster name/id.
-Please take this @@ for your help.
-Please try to figure out what went wrong with this order and bring me those potions.
-Please write the following sentence:
-Please, have a seat.
-Please, leave me alone. I have to pixel potions.
-Pleasure to meet you. I am @@.
-Plushroom Box
-Pudło Plushroom.
-Plushroom Field
-Pole Plushroom.
-Plushrooms you say?
-Poem about Poems
-Poem is making the words dance
-Poison Skull
-Trująca Czacha
-Poisoned Dish
-Zatruta Potrawa
-Poisoned Julia
-Poor Chelios, I don't envy him...
-Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe 8:Body
-Potions? That sounds useful. What do you have?
-Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior.
-Press the '###keyTrade;' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations.
-Previous Inn reservation will be lost!
-Princess Slayer
-PrivateAirshipEndable |
-PrivateAirshipStartable |
-Protect me, please...
-Pumpkin Hat
-Kapelusz z Dyni
-Pumpkin Juice
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Nasiona Dyni
-Purple Blobime
-Purple Cotton Dye
-Put on your thinking cap and be propelled into high adventure!
-PvP Flags:
-PvP Off.
-PvP On.
-PvP is already Off.
-PvP is already On.
-Pvp ON |
-Q'Onan asks to find chest
-Quest complete
-Quest database has been reloaded.
-Quest debug
-Quest state: @@
-Quest state: @@, @@
-Raijin Voice
-Głos Radzina
-Raise this skill
-Raises your Int by 50
-Raises your base level by 50
-Raises your job level by 50
-Ranger T
-Rate management
-Ratto Tail
-Ogon Szczurzydła
-Ratto Teeth
-Ząb Szczurzydła
-Raw Log
-Surowa Kłoda
-Read it.
-Really? That's kind of you, I accept your help!
-Naprawdę? To miło z twojej strony, przyjmuję twoją pomoc!
-Recipe Book
-Red Cotton Dye
-Red Plush Wine
-Red Rose
-Red Tulip
-Reduces your Int by 50
-Reduces your base level by 50
-Reduces your job level by 50
-Refinery UI is not available
-Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork.
-Related quests:
-Remember that some equipment sets will give you hidden stat bonuses! So dress yourself in a fashion way, if possible!
-Remember to stay sharp. I might need your help on another case.
-Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own.
-Remember, you have to find my brother on the hill east of here.
-Remind me, what should I do?
-Remove this line
-Remove this skill
-Removed %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Removed %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Removed all bans from the '%s' channel
-Removed item type: '%s' from your autoloottype list.
-Removed item: '%s'/'%s' {%d} from your autolootitem list.
-Repeat how many times?
-Repeat: @@ times
-Report back to me once you've had enough!
-Requires logout
-Resa gave package
-Reset 'Feeling' maps.
-Reset Quest
-Reset all recipes
-Reset done!
-Reset stats, skills, level
-Reset subquests
-Reset |
-Return to Artis?
-Return to Debug menu
-Return to Super Menu
-Return to main menu
-Return to skill debug menu
-Returned piou to Salem
-Returned to normal state.
-Returned to real name.
-Returning to normal font.
-Right Crafty Wing
-Right over there.
-Right! Ours is an earthsea realm. You see, sailors are swift at their tasks when out of sight of land, but docked by this verdant jewel, they have it so good, they are just taking too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Roasted Maggot
-Pieczona Larwa
-Robin Bandit
-Royal Guard
-Royal Guard T
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Ruby Shard
-Ruby Vein
-Rumly is hiding behind the tree.
-Rumly needs your help
-Rumly wants @@
-Rune Knight
-Rune Knight T
-Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
-Sagratha is great.
-Sagratha is great. Why does the strange woman near the Legion building always say that to daddy...?
-Said her friend had told her that I needed help.
-Sakura |
-Salem asks to catch piou
-Sapphire Shard
-Sapphire Vein
-Say her love to glamourous Gliktch?
-Scared me, those seven-branched little stumps did!
-Scary... I am afraid of all these Slimes, Rattos and Maggots... And worse, I am lost...
-Scheduled broadcasts
-Scheduled broadcasts - Create new
-Script could not be loaded.
-Script loaded.
-Scripts have been reloaded.
-Sea Drops
-Morskie Krople.
-Sea water?! I will not help you with your evil plan!
-Woda morska?! Nie pomogę tobie w twym niecnym planie!
-Search results for '%s' (name: id):
-Searched the bookcase
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-See if someone else knows anything.
-See you aboard.
-Do zobaczenia na pokładzie.
-See you later!
-Do zobaczenia!
-See you next time!
-See you soon!
-See you!
-Do zobaczenia!
-See you! And come back with the plushrooms!
-See you.
-Do zobaczenia!
-Seeing her gaze, for a moment there I thought she would turn me into a pinkie, for sure...
-Seek a colorant for that material:
-Seems I've helped everyone here. I don't know what to do now!
-Wygląda na to że już wszystkim pomogłem. Nie wiem co teraz robić.
-Seems yummy! Let me taste it!
-Wygląda smakowicie! Pozwól mi to spróbować!
-Send 10 times
-Send 2 times
-Send 20 times
-Send 3 times
-Send 5 times
-Send indefinitely
-Send only once
-Send this message also on login?
-Sending request to login server...
-Sent on login: @@
-Sent on login: yes
-Sent packet 0x%x (%d)
-Sent to Q'Anon
-Sent to battle
-Sent to training
-Sent: @@ times out of @@
-Seriously? It's just a cookie you know... Tell me what I should do to get one.
-Poważnie? To tylko ciastko wiesz o tym... Powiedz mi co mam zrobić by zdobyć jedno.
-Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds.
-Server is jammed due to overpopulation.
-Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X.
-Set a new broadcast
-Set battle_config as requested.
-Set state manually
-Set subquests as completed
-Set the level manually
-Seven Castles
-Seventeen Castles
-Shadow Chaser
-Shadow Chaser T
-Share your mind is your mission
-She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
-Jest moją dobrą przyjaciółką... Chcieliśmy się pobrać na kilka tygodni przed wypadkiem, ale...
-She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.
-Ona jest pielęgniarką i właścicielem tego statku.
-She is very skilled when it comes to weaving an ordinary piece of cloth into a wonderful work of art!
-She is waiting for you on the dock.
-She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Powiedziała że mnie zaakceptuje jak tylko wyrosną zęby piou. To kwestia czasu, widzisz?
-She told me that you had some tasks for me.
-She wants? What if I don't want?
-She wasn't at home for two days now. I worry about her!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1
-Shhht, don't say it that loud...
-Ciii, nie mów tego tak głośno...
-Shht shht!
-Shht shht!
-Shop is out of stock! Come again later!
-Short Bow
-Krótki Łuk
-Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail.
-Silk Cocoon
-Bawełniany Kokon
-Silk Pants
-Bawełniane Spodnie
-Silk Robe
-Bawełniana Szata
-Silver Cotton Dye
-Silvio for example?
-Na przykład Silvio?
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave, letting him have a private conversation.
-Simply contact them, by forum or wispers or irc. When you are helpful and kind, they respond in kind. And in time they may surely add you to my cookie list!
-Since Don settled in Artis he and his band refused to register to the Merchant Guild.
-Sincerely yours, Dan.
-Six Castles
-Sixteen Castles
-Size change applied.
-Skill Debug
-Skill Debug - Modify Skill
-Skill database has been reloaded.
-Skill delay failures are now shown.
-Skill delay failures will not be shown.
-Skills have been disabled in this map.
-Skills have been enabled in this map.
-Slave clone spawned.
-Slay some of them and bring me %d of their antennae.
-Sleep well my angel but don't follow along
-Small Healing Potion
-Mały napój leczniczy
-Small Mana Potion
-Small Tentacles
-Małe Macki
-Snow has stopped falling.
-Snow |
-So I go inside.
-So I rush out, my wife telling me to leave the witch alone, and I see her standing there in the middle of the rain...
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#0
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#1
-So be nice and help people along the way!
-So close!
-So finally someone has came to visit me?
-Więc ktoś w końcu przyszedł odwiedzić mnie?
-So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing.
-So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day!
-Wygląda na to że mam do napełnienia o jeden brzuch więcej. Ci dranie nie mają szacunku dla tego kto ich wykarmia każdego dnia!
-So my wife said that I should go and see the witch, just in case she knows something.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.#1
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.#0
-So the next day another witch shows up.
-So you beat the monster? Then why are you so scared?
-So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1
-So you're under the control of a dictatorship? That's... reassuring!
-So, I guess you aren't chopping down trees anymore?
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#0
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#1
-So, do you have anything for me today?
-A więc, masz coś dzisiaj dla mnie?
-So, do you still want a cookie?
-So, everything went fine?
-So, finally, we are here.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now.
-No i jak się czujesz? Widzę, że Julia wykonała wspaniale swoją pracę! Wyglądasz teraz na zdrowego.
-So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
-Więc, jak tam? Wszyscy członkowie załogi już cię poznali?
-So, search for answers.
-So, what can I do for you?
-Więc, co mogę dla ciebie zrobić ?
-So, what do you say?
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats in Artis?#0
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitresses of Artis?#1
-So, what was I saying?
-A więc o czym mówiłem?
-So, where is my piou? You should not keep an old man waiting. Go and catch it like you said you would.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#0
-A więc w końcu się obudziłeś? Wszyscy myśleliśmy, że jesteś w... Wiesz, jednej z tych długich śpiączek.#0
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#1
-A więc w końcu się obudziłeś? Wszyscy myśleliśmy, że jesteś w... Wiesz, jednej z tych długich śpiączek.#1
-So? You haven't exploded yet! Are you getting anything?
-Solved conflict
-Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box.
-W pudełku jest parę Bandan i Czapek Marynarza.
-Some citizens are worried about the growing number of Fluffies on the hill of Artis.
-Some food.
-Some of the crew are looking for goods we can trade with at our next destination.
-Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop.
-Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that.
-Some people prefer to catch fish using magic, but calling that "fishing" would be an insult to this traditional sport.
-Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@.
-Some special items cannot be traded, discarded, nor sold. With a right click, you can also protect normal items as if they were special ones.
-Some tasks will help you become aquainted with Artis. Trust me.
-Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit.
-Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning when you try to sell them.
-Somebody is probably training, better wait for him to finish.
-Somebody is waiting for you outside!
-Somebody took your place on this spot!
-Somebody tried to stroke the word "fish" and tried to replace it with "sharkes".
-Somehow you don't feel good about your deed.
-Someone in a theater mask, eh?
-Something else?
-Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit.
-Sometimes a good merchant needs to reach out first. It's on the house, give Chelios my regards!
-Sometimes, I wish someone would be sent here to help us.
-Sorcerer T
-Sorry I didn't mean to bother you.
-Sorry buddy, you can't pass by this way, we're moving some furniture.
-Sorry but I have no time for this.
-Przykro mi, nie mam teraz czasu.
-Sorry i can't help you. Go away!
-Sorry to disturb you.
-Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Och, przepraszam! Zapomniałem się przedstawić. Nazywam się Arpan, ale ludzie z załogi nazywają mnie Magiczny Arpan, bo znam parę wybublastych zaklęć.
-Sorry, I am not making these anymore.
-Sorry, I don't know any recipe with this.
-Sorry, I have to go.
-Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations.
-Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment.
-Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Przykro mi, ale nie mogę Ci nic powiedzieć na ten temat.
-Sorry, but you don't have what I need.
-Sorry, but you have no pet.
-Sorry, my eyesight is a bit poor nowadays. Where are the ingredients?
-Sorry, no.
-Sorry, this log was too weak for one of my forest bows.
-Sorry, we are sold out for today.
-Sorry, you look like a pinkie.
-Sorry. I can't make a sandwich with that.
-Sorry... here you are.
-Soul Linker
-Soul Menhir#hurnscald
-Sounds good!
-Sounds like a good deal to me. I'll do it.
-South East
-South West
-Southwest you say? OK, thank you.
-Specified group does not exist.
-Speed changed.
-Speed returned to normal.
-Spend it wisely this time.
-Spiky Mushroom
-Kolczasty Grzybek
-Spying on the %s guild.
-Spying on the %s party.
-Squichy Claws
-Pazurki Tulika
-Star Gladiator
-Start broadcasting
-Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now
-Start over
-Stat changed.
-Stats: Str %d / Agi %d / Vit %d / Int %d / Dex %d / Luk %d
-Status database has been reloaded.
-Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Stay clear.
-Stay here, I will be back as soon as I have some.
-Steel Shield
-Stalowa Tarcza
-Stop broadcasting
-Stop disturbing me, I already re-read that part twice because of you!
-Stop heckling her, Silvio, or I'll tell her how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#0
-Stop heckling him, Silvio, or I'll tell him how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#1
-Stop it!
-Stop wasting my time.
-Storage has been not loaded yet.
-Storage opened.
-Str: %d (%d~%d)
-Strange, it seems I became younger lately.
-Strangely enough, this lid can only be open from inside.
-Strength multiplies the damage of your hits, especially melee ones. You will also be able to carry heavier stuff.
-Stupid yeye...
-Głupi blub blub...
-Styling Shop
-Suddenly you remember the strange phrase Mona overheard Sophialla saying
-Super Baby
-Super Menu
-Super Novice
-Sura T
-Sure I did.
-Sure! [Don't tip]
-Sure! [Tip 10 Florin]
-Sure! [Tip 5 Florin]
-Sure, I'll go get one. Bye!
-Sure, any time!
-Sure, but what will I get in exchange?
-Pewnie, ale co dostanę mi w zamian?
-Sure, but what will you give me in exchange?
-Sure, cap'tain.
-Tak jest kapitanie!
-Sure, here they are!
-Sure, here you go!
-Sure, here you go.
-Sure, why not?
-Jasne, czemu nie?
-Surely you do not appreciate what a hero he is!
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Jasne. Weź tę skrzynię pełną @@.
-Surprise me!
-Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be
-Take a Bandana.
-Weź Bandanę.
-Take a cup of tea until something happens here.
-Take an @@ and a @@, yeye obtains a @@.
-Take care!
-Take the east road that goes to the north and follow it until you are on top of the cliff.
-Take the sword, and say hi to Enora for me!
-Take these coins in exchange and be careful.
-Weź te monety w zamian i uważaj na siebie.
-Take this money as a reward for your nice words.
-Weź te pieniądze, jako nagrodę, za twoje miłe słowa.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. The open sea has been merciful with you once... Do not further tempt the fates!
-Take your reward from the box next to my desk!
-Weź sobie nagrodę z kufra obok mojego biurka!
-Talk to Hector and he'll show you the ropes.
-Talk to you later!
-Talk to you soon!
-Talk with Lloyd the Banker in the Merchant Guild, it's a big building in the northern side of Artis, at the top of the small hill.
-Talked to Inspector (1)
-Talked to Inspector (2)
-Talked to Inspector (3)
-Talked to Inspector (4)
-Talked to Inspector (5)
-Talked to Inspector (6)
-Talked to Janus
-Talked to Malek
-Talked to Old Man
-Talked to Old Woman (1)
-Talked to Old Woman (2)
-Talked to Old Woman (3)
-Talked to Old Woman (4)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (1)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (2)
-Talked to narrator
-Target character must be online and be a guild member.
-Target character must be online and in your current party.
-Task is done.
-Zadanie zakończone.
-Teal Cotton Dye
-Teleport Flags:
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the requisitions.
-Tell me, where are we right now?
-Ten Castles
-Test MOTD
-Thank you again for your help!
-Thank you and be careful with that box. I have worked really hard to fill it!
-Dziękuję i bądź ostrożny z tą skrzynią. Pracowałem ciężko nad jej napełnieniem!
-Thank you for finding the mask.
-Thank you for this commission, Chelios is as good as Don when it comes to forging metal.
-Thank you for this!
-Thank you for your help.
-Dziękuję za pomoc!
-Thank you for your tricks. I am going to try them now!
-Dziękuję za wskazówki. Zaraz je wypróbuje !
-Thank you my friend.#0
-Dziękuję, przyjacielu.#0
-Thank you my friend.#1
-Dziękuję, przyjacielu.#1
-Thank you so much!
-Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries.
-Bardzo dziękuję! Weź część moich jagódełek.
-Thank you very much
-Thank you very much!
-Thank you!
-Thank you, I'll take them and put them on.
-Dzięki, wezmę je i założę.
-Thank you, sir, for your kind words. I am feeling better now.
-Thank you, sweetie! Want to hear a secret?
-Thank you.
-Thank you. I'll wait here.
-Thanks again for helping me with the pinkies!
-Thanks again for helping me!
-Thanks for finding daddy... I wish he spent more time with me...
-Thanks for helping my husband Hinnak.
-Thanks for the help!
-Dziękuję za pomoc!
-Thanks for the tip!
-Thanks for your help with the pinkies.
-Thanks, sir Q'Anon.
-Thanks, that was very kind of you!
-That better be a trophy on your head.
-That doesn't looks edible to me!
-That is a really fine piece of wood you brought me.
-That looks too exotic for me to eat!
-That makes everybody
-That part of the town is called the Gilded Hill, it's also where the Merchant Guild has its headquarters.
-That poor one is doing his best to fly... But his last meal and the gravity is not helping him so far!
-That will be @@ E to set your respawn point
-That will pay them a lesson.
-That would be great!
-That's a nice sword you have there.
-That's exactly what I needed!
-That's good to hear!
-Dobrze to słyszeć!
-That's not the question
-That's perfect, yoiis.#0
-To doskonale, yoiis.#0
-That's perfect, yoiis.#1
-To doskonale, yoiis.#1
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#0
-To dość zaskakujące ... Nie wyglądasz bardzo pomocnie. # 0
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#1
-To dość zaskakujące ... Nie wyglądasz bardzo pomocnie. # 1
-That's right, we have our very own training room. The Legion is always well prepared!
-That's too bad... Although I think you're lying.
-Thats your problem, really.
-The @@ is a one time item, you can use it as many times as you want, but you can only have one!
-The Book of Laws
-The Fluffy seized it and said:
-The Legion needs some potions.
-The Legion of Aemil is the greatest organization on all continent! A town cannot be safer than when it's under our protection.
-The Legion of Gasaron are a group of warriors who vowed to protect and serve their neighbours.
-The Legion of Gasaron is in charge of the security of the intramural part of our cities.
-The Legion?
-The Mana Tree was lost, the caves entrances destroyed, and the Wizard Order was split in two: One part was on Candor, and other at the Magic Tower.
-The Piou, embarrassed and confused,
-The Platinum Kingdom grew and prospered, and drew most of the human population to the safety of the walls of Keshlam, Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-The Raijin from the library flirted with me a while ago, so has Enora from the Legion.
-The Republic of Ancea ceased to exist officially in August 216CCE, when the cities of Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis installed their own independent governments.
-The Ukar Historical Association on Aemil
-The answer is a single word, without conjugation.
-The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account.
-The best, the wonderful, the most choice cookie among all others, the...
-The book has been hollowed out.
-The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-Kapitan zamknął drzwi, pójdź zobaczyć się z nim.
-The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-Kapitan na Ciebie czeka! Pospiesz się.
-The captain wants:
-Kapitan chce:
-The collection of four books entitled “World Story For Dummies” is based on the uncessable work from the Ukar scholars, thanks to whom this wouldn't be possible.
-The control and administration of the cities passes hands sometimes. You may find the Mana Order or the Brotherhood in charge instead of us at some point!
-The council, however, neglected day-to-day administration duties, and focused their efforts in regaining control of the rest of Ancea.
-The detail and craftsmanship that went into this sword can only be accomplished by the most practiced of blacksmiths.
-The doctor examines you briefly.
-The door to the legion building is temporarily closed.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing. Thus much is lost to time, including the author's name.
-The farmer glares at your hat.
-The farmer lunges at you with a farming implement.
-The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time...
-Strach ujrzenia jej śpiącej na tym cichym i samotnym łóżku staje się coraz trudniejszy do zniesienia. Sądzę, że zabraknie mi odwagi, aby spojrzeć na nią tym razem...
-The fee is of @@ E. So, do you want to register?
-The fields are crawling with maggots.
-The first human settlement to develop an advanced political structure and to become a city-state was Keshlam.
-The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land.
-The first thing you should do is to evaluate your enemy.
-Pierwszą rzeczą jaką powinieneś zrobić, to ocenić wroga.
-The first village build was named Esperia. Aurora region was very fertile, and for this reason they moved towards countryside and built farms.
-The fog has gone.
-The further you go, the more experience you will get, so here's a small description of all the stats you can upgrade with time. But note that these will probably change in the future and have more complex effects.
-The giant boogeyman!
-Wielki potwór !
-The girl looks desperate.
-The group found the support of Tulimshar's merchant lords and was given ships to sail east.
-The guild is in charge of the commerce regularization throughout Artis and its surroundings.
-The hill is located on the north-east of Artis.
-The holy messenger has given judgement.
-The inspector sent me here to investigate.
-The item (%d: '%s') is not equippable.
-The item is not equippable.
-The leader of the troupe said you hung around them a lot while they were in town.
-The lid is sealed shut, and you are too weak to open it.
-The light armor shop is ran by Resa, she is part of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-The little piou is flying nearby, all you need is to catch it and bring back to me.
-The log breaks with a loud crack.
-The mapserver has spy command support disabled.
-The market is located in the south-east of Artis, it is known as Merchant Guild's exhibit.
-The master bowyer in this village used to construct exceptional bows. When you want one you should go and ask him.
-The message cannot be empty
-The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have.
-The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist.
-The music of the trees floats through the breeze
-The name of the book is "%s".
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again.
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again. They found a continent, present on legends of explorers who never came back.
-The next and final battle happened at Candor. Wizards attacks from both sides near the Mana Tree provoked a Mana Storm. A Great Quake shook the earth of Ancea and the land began to split. Geography changed, and Keshlan vanished from the map.
-The next page begins to list the complex trading laws of the City of Esperia
-The night the troupe left, I saw someone with a theater mask take a large satchel out of town.
-The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
-Ta stara księga mówi o legendzie Aemilu. Chciałbyś ją przeczytać?
-The old man seemed to be senile.
-The other part of this sign has been crushed by a rock.
-The piou costs @@ E.
-The player '%.*s' doesn't exist.
-The player cannot use that skill.
-The player meets all the requirements for that skill.
-The problem is that I am short of material.
-The rank of lieutenant is granted only to people with proper control of their skill and good judgment, like Enora. Or me, of course.
-The recipes, of course, you must collect yourself. Even sandwiches are not so simple as to simply put ingredients and hope for the best.
-The resulting shield looks usable already, but Jack applies another liquid to it and leaves it to dry for a few moments.
-The room is to the east, on your right side. Just go through the door before the stairs and then turn right. It's like the mirror image of our training room.
-The sailor chugs his beer.
-Żeglarz żłopie swoje piwo.
-The sailor turns his back to you.
-Żeglarz odwraca się od Ciebie.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship.
-Żeglarz zabiera Cię poza statek.
-The ship, La Johanne, has left Drasil Island, finally.
-The stowaway doesn't answer.
-The taste of maggots in soup is... unforgettable.
-The travel was fine for you? It was terrible for me, I was sea-sick.
-The tree was entitled The Mana Tree, and the Wizard Order took control over Candor Island. They learnt to control the mana flow, and limited its use, claiming Magic to be too dangerous for public use.
-The two cannot wed because one is either a baby or already married.
-The usurper has been punished! This is a great day! Take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!
-Uzurpator został ukarany! To wielki dzień! Weź tą nagrodę jako uhonorowanie twej lojalności wobec starego dowódcy!
-The whole tree CAME TO LIFE! It was mad!
-The zone is already set to '%s'.
-The “Ancean Era” is a term used to defined the time period between the beginning of recorded history and the events at the Mana Tree, and thanks to Ukar scholars, this is widely accepted as year 1 on all Gasaron.
-Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive.
-Ich dowódcy wreszcie doszli do wniosku, że alians jest jedyną opcją zapewniającą przetrwanie.
-Their price is usually high, but you know what? I have a bargain offer for you.
-Then I can give you some tips about fighting.
-Then I would ask you to leave.
-Then concentrate your anger upon the trees hereabouts, you will gain experience whilst leveling your sword skill on them.
-Then go north and investigate!
-Then it seems I have to apologize.
-Zatem wygląda na to że muszę złożyć przeprosiny.
-Then leave me alone.
-Then please stop wasting my precious time.
-Then she yells out some gobbledygook word, and out of the ground there comes a swarm of maggots, crawling and digging and climbing over each other's backs...
-Then you should better see the doctor.
-There are 6 sailors who will need your help. They are all around the island.
-There are a lot of things you must be wondering about.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Jest kilka grup @@s na całej wyspie .Wystarczy zebrać kilka, spróbuj.
-There are many key combinations, press F1 to see a short list of them!
-There are no items to appraise.
-There are no tasks for you right now.
-There are people in the world who need help!
-There are people who really need our help.
-There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us.
-Krażą plotki że dokonali jakichś potworności i że ukrywają wiele przed nami.
-There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Wokół Ciebie latają żółte ptaszki. Nazywają się Piuski. Gdyby tak jednego pozbawić udka i usmażyć je, byloby wspaniale.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Jest kilka grup @@s na całej wyspie .Wystarczy zebrać kilka, spróbuj.
-There are some knives on the table. Would you like to take one?
-There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats.
-There are still some monsters left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-There are three kind of monsters which frequently or seldomly attacks our fair vessel.
-There are three types of items.
-There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative.
-There are two different kinds of cards, the first changes the style of your clothes, the second changes their stats.
-There are two kinds of dialogue, the ones with regular citizens, and the ones with other adventurers.
-There are two shops inside, they are independent from the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-There is a paper with some rules written on it.
-Tam jest kartka z regulaminem.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or helping Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-There is an unknown side effect to these plushrooms, they can free you from your past mistakes.
-There is no day/night, weather, or season cycle in TMW yet.
-There is no help for %c%s.
-There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent.
-There was a traveling theater troupe in town recently, but they've moved on to Tulimshar.
-There you go, like new.
-There you go. Please enjoy yourself! ^.^
-There's also a job level, which produces green sparkles when you level it.
-There's also weather, meaning it can rain, snow, or even happen a sandstorm. They are usually cosmetic, but...
-There's been no change in the setting.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.#0
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.#1
-There, they gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find a new land on which to live.
-These @#$% beasts are jumping around in my fields destroying all my harvest.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@s, but they are so hard to hit...
-These funny fungi are mushrooming all around this island. Just pick some @@s and have a try.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I can't feel my arms anymore!
-These little pious here can't fly. At least that's what I thought.
-These purple mushrooms are called @@s. There are plenty of 'em on this island!
-These twigleafs are the trees that give me the living wood you speak of.
-These yeye boxes are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship.
-Te skrzynie bulb są zbyt ciężkie, aby zanieść je w pojedynkę na statek.
-They are all around the island.
-Są wszędzie na wyspie.
-They are each valued individuals and I need them both. In the past, I probably made my share of mistakes. I regret good management is so difficult. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-They are fresh!
-They are fresh, they are good!
-They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula.
-They are made of special living wood.
-They are married... wish them well.
-They are so tasty when cooked with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features.
-They eventually found a new land after much hardship and named it Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find new lands to live in. Tulimshar's merchant lords gave them ships to sail east.
-They named this continent as Aemil, in honour of one of such explorers. The area they docked in was called Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They sailed from Hurnscald to Tulimshar and then Nivalis, the last permanent settlements of humans.
-They sailed past the Clear Sea and towards the Long Ocean which nobody had explored before.
-They shouldn't be too far from each other.
-Nie powinni być zbyt daleko od siebie.
-They taste simply divine!
-They were all in the mining camp.
-They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first.
-They're perfect, just perfect!
-They've been destroying my fields, and I guess I got a bit worked up.
-Thief Slime
-Think on Season Quests as a yearly quest which you have three months to do.
-Thirteen Castles
-Thirty Castles
-Thirty-One Castles
-Thirty-Three Castles
-Thirty-Two Castles
-This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world.
-Ten Mistrz Ciastek nagradza ludzi, którzy przyczyniają się do rozwijania tego świata.
-This NPC doesn't exist.
-This action can't be performed at the moment. Please try again later.
-This action was met with widespread opposition from all races, and a war broke. The tritans led the offensive, in attempts to keep the tree untouched and mana available for all.
-This book contains everything you should know about it, take it!
-This book contains the knowledge collected by ukars about how the world works.
-This book outlines the laws of every city and holding in Gasaron.
-This bound item cannot be stored there.
-This bound item cannot be traded to that character.
-This character has been banned until
-This door is locked.
-This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest.
-This fishing spot is already being used!
-This floor is reserved for quiet reading, don't speak too loud.
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?#0
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?#1
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
-This is Drasil Island, I named it after an ancient mythical tree.
-This is a harsh word to use, you are never alone in the beautiful place of Artis.
-This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt."
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-To jest @@, jasnoniebieski morski owoc. Są bardzo porządane w archipelagu.
-This is for my own use.
-This is how good we Legion Members are. I was informed of your arrival way before you left Drasil Island.
-This is how you do it! HAAH!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will use your soft moist parts in the concoction of my next cookie batch.
-This is where the bravest of warriors come together to put their skills to a good use, for a good cause.
-This is your first time asking for something, you won't pay this time, take it as a sign of good faith!
-This item cannot be dropped.
-This item cannot be stored.
-This item cannot be traded.
-This item cannot be used as bait here.
-This item cannot be used within this area.
-This job has no alternate body styles.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on her.#0
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on him.#1
-This led Keshlam into rapid decline and its citizen began to emigrate to the other Cities. By the end of the Ancean Era, Keshlam City was a quarter of the original size.
-This menu allows you to change your skills.
-This menu allows you to customize your appearance.
-This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools.
-This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in.
-This menu allows you to modify your account data.
-This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval.
-This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges.
-This menu gives access to all quest debug menus.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quest subquests.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests.
-This monster does not spawn normally.
-This monster has no MVP prizes.
-This monster has no drops.
-This needn't be high quality wood; pretty much any log you can find should work.
-This note was left by somebody.
-This one is useless! Give me another @@.
-This panel looks in rather good shape, as though some people take care of it regularly. Maybe it has important information.
-This place is surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums...
-This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and tried to trade %d of them.
-This player has been banned for %d minute(s).
-This player has been definitively blocked.
-This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled).
-This player is not in jail.
-This player is now
-This skill cannot be used within this area.
-This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill.
-This skill number doesn't exist.
-This waitress *hicks* is great, she never stops to bring beer *hicks.
-This will remain your respawn point until set elsewhere.
-Those for consumption, equipment and generics.
-Three Castles
-Three cities developed on the eastern side of Ancea: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-Tibbo went to the south-east of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000
-To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +<item name or ID>". To remove an item, use "@alootid -<item name or ID>".
-To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!
-To be honest, no, never.
-To change your base level, use this command:
-To change your job level, use this command:
-To change your stats, use these commands:
-To de-trust a player:
-To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A.
-To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold.
-To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the '###keyWindowChat;' key.
-To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone.
-To focus on a creature, press the '###keyTargetMonster;' key. To focus on another citizen, press the '###keyTargetPlayer;' key. To attack the focused target press the '###keyAttack;' key or click the primary button on the creature.
-To focus on an NPC, press the '###keyTargetNPC;' key. To talk to him press the '###keyTalk;' key.
-To get a quote:
-To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait.
-To get the current rate:
-To grab a quote:
-To ignore a player:
-To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function.
-To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
-Jeżeli chcesz otworzyć ekwipunek naciśnij F3 lub kursorem kliknij w powyższym menu klienta.
-To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying.
-To remove a quote:
-To reset back to normal:
-To set the exp rate:
-To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen.
-To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '%s' and press '###keyChat;'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it.
-To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option.
-To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges.
-To thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
-To trust a player:
-To unignore a player:
-Toggle Croc Bounty
-Toggle Ratto Bounty
-Toggle Tortuga Bounty
-Told bobo to go home
-Too bad, try again.
-Too bad.
-Too bad. I'm not hungry enough for these cookies of yours. Maybe I'll come back later.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some nice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Too lazy.
-Too risky, I might end up in jail. Do it yourself.
-Top Hat
-Topaz Shard
-Topaz Vein
-Toppy Blub
-Tortuga Shell
-Muszla Tortugi
-Tortuga Shell Fragment
-Fragment Muszli Tortugi
-Tortuga Tongue
-Język Tortugi
-Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it.
-Total Domination
-Town Map
-Training Arrow
-Training Wand
-Transforming into monster is not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Travel to woodlands?
-Treasure Chest
-Tree Control Panel
-Tritan Voice
-Głos Trytana
-Troupe Leader
-True be or not true be
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?#1
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?#0
-Try doing that now!
-Try talking to everyone again.
-Twelve Castles
-Twenty Castles
-Twenty-Eight Castles
-Twenty-Five Castles
-Twenty-Four Castles
-Twenty-Nine Castles
-Twenty-One Castles
-Twenty-Seven Castles
-Twenty-Six Castles
-Twenty-Three Castles
-Twenty-Two Castles
-Two Castles
-Type "@mapflag available" to list the available mapflags.
-Type List: (default) all = -1, healing = 0, usable = 2, etc = 3, weapon = 4, armor = 5, card = 6, petegg = 7, petarmor = 8, ammo = 10, delayed-consumable = 11, cash = 18
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys, and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-Uh? Hi! I'm sorry, but I have no time for chatting.
-Hę? Cześć ! Przepraszam, ale nie mam teraz czasu na rozmowę.
-Uhm, bye.
-Mmm, do zobaczenia.
-Uhm... Your story seems...
-Uhm... Twoja opowieść wydaje się....
-Unable to Teleport in this area
-Unable to decrease the number/value.
-Unable to spawn clone.
-Unable to spawn evil clone.
-Unable to spawn slave clone.
-Unable to win, the tritans attacked Hurnscald. While human troops moved in attempts to avoid its fall, the Kralog and Ukar joined the tritans and they took the city.
-Understood, I will help you.
-Zrozumiano, pomogę Ci.
-Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard.
-Niestety ciągle potrzebujemy twojej pomocy. Tym razem będzie to zadanie do wykonania tu, na pokładzie.
-Unknown Cart (usage: %s <0-%d>).
-Unknown Channel '%s' (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Channel (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Job
-Unknown battle_config flag.
-Unknown color '%s'
-Unknown map '%s'.
-Unknown packet: 0x%x
-Unknown type of value in:
-Unless you are interested in a status reset?
-Unlike other respawn points, an inn can fully restore your HP.
-Urchin Meat
-Usage: "@mapflag monster_noteleport 1" (0=Off | 1=On)
-Usage: %s <permission_name>
-Usage: @accinfo/@accountinfo <account_id/char name>
-Usage: @addwarp <mapname> <X> <Y> <npc name>
-Usage: @adjgroup <group_id>
-Usage: @changegm <guild_member_name>
-Usage: @changeleader <party_member_name>
-Usage: @changelook {<position>} <view id>
-Usage: @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}
-Usage: @dropall {<type>}
-Usage: @jailfor <time> <character name>
-Usage: @marry <char name>
-Usage: @mute <time> <char name>
-Usage: @noks <self|party|guild>
-Usage: @npcmove <X> <Y> <npc_name>
-Usage: @partyoption <pickup share: yes/no> <item distribution: yes/no>
-Usage: @request <petition/message to online GMs>.
-Usage: @set <variable name> <value>
-Usage: @setbattleflag <flag> <value>
-Usage: @setzone <zone name>
-Usage: @skilltree <skill ID> <target>
-Usage: @unloadnpcfile <file name>
-Usage: @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVar 50"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$ Super Duper String"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$" outputs its value, Super Duper String.
-Use 0 or no parameter to return to normal font.
-Use @font <1-9> to change your message font.
-Use arrow keys to walk around and leave this room.
-Use the key.
-Użyj tego klucza.
-Used %d Kafra points and %d cash points. %d Kafra and %d cash points remaining.
-User '%s' already possesses the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' doesn't possess the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' permissions updated successfully. The changes are temporary.
-Usually I don't allow anyone to touch my boxes but...
-Przeważnie nie pozwalam nikomu by ruszał moich skrzyń, ale...
-Usually, they'll have an exclamation mark over their heads. But some quests are hidden, so talk to people and have fun!
-V-neck Jumper
-Very good.
-Very nice, indeed!
-Zaiste, naprawdę niezłe!
-Visited Artis at least once
-Vit: %d (%d~%d)
-Vitality raises your maximum health points and defense.
-Wait a minute, where's the cookie I gave you?
-Wait for the bait to sink underwater.
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1
-Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!
-Poczekaj, wygląda na to, że ktoś blokuje te drzwi z drugiej strony!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish with you?!
-Wait, you never came here before?
-Wait... That's not a proper place for a chef, what are you doing there?
-Wait... Where are we going?
-Poczekaj... Dokąd idziemy?
-Wait... You are that @@ from earlier, aren't you?
-Waiting for @@...
-Walk up the stairs, go through the door on either side, and the only other door in the room, few steps to the south, will lead you right to him.
-Walking around a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one, I bet. Impale one of them for me please.
-Walking barefoot, feeling the hot sand with my feet, daydreaming... I like such things, you know.
-Wanderer T
-Want me to help you?
-War of Emperium SE has been ended.
-War of Emperium SE has been initiated.
-War of Emperium SE is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium SE is currently not in progress.
-War of Emperium has been ended.
-War of Emperium has been initiated.
-War of Emperium is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium is currently not in progress.
-Warlock T
-Warlord Helmet
-Hełm Watażki.
-Warlord Plate
-Warning! Dangerous fish, do not fall into the lake!
-Warping to save point.
-Was your husband with you at home all night the last night that the troupe was in town?
-Watch out for these flowers. They don't like to be messed with.
-Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise!
-Woda, sól, ostre przyprawy i mięso wypchane moją wyjątkową niespodzianką!
-We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members.
-We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join the crew!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#0
-Jesteśmy szczęśliwi że kapitan Nard pozwolił Ci do nas dołączyć!#0
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#1
-Jesteśmy szczęśliwi że kapitan Nard pozwolił Ci do nas dołączyć!#1
-We are very lucky, my friend.#0
-We are very lucky, my friend.#1
-We arrived in Artis today.
-We arrived this morning at the port of Artis, I already warned the Legion of Aemil concerning your issue.
-We don't need it anymore.
-We follow north hemisphere seasons in case you're wondering.
-We have a special room for this purpose, too. You may test your skills against all kinds of dreadful monsters in there.
-We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Artis.
-We haven't met, right?
-We hold various training sessions, and also have a task board with a heap of things to do for the city and its surroundings.
-We just returned from a long journey and Artis is a good city to rest and to conclude our exchange.
-We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food.
-Potrzebujemy jak najwięcej ludzi aby zbadać wyspę i zdobyć nową żywność.
-We need manpower on the island.#1
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.#0
-We need to get out of here soon. I'm scared of the Slimes!
-We offer a room for travelers passing by Artis, our beds are comfy and you can be guaranteed to be right as rain after a night here!
-We offer party and guild certifications and we can also teach you how to use some basic communication skills.
-We refuse service to anyone who:
-We sell a brimmed hat, you can craft a feather card and attach it to this hat to obtain an enhanced version of it!
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Legion of Aemil about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-We still don't know who did it.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#0
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#1
-We thought we heard someone go down to the basement, but we checked the whole place over and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#0
-Chcieliśmy je uprać, ale woda morska je poniszczyła. Żebyś się nie pochorował to dostaniesz nowe. Piękne nie są, ale podziękuj że w ogóle je dostaniesz.#0
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1
-Chcieliśmy je uprać, ale woda morska je poniszczyła. Żebyś się nie pochorował to dostaniesz nowe. Piękne nie są, ale podziękuj że w ogóle je dostaniesz.#1
-We usually dock around these small isles because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the captain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map!
-Zazwyczaj nie zatrzymujemy się w takich miejscach, ale kapitan zezwolił na postój do czasu zanotowania pozycji tej nowej wyspy na swojej mapie!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
-Dobublamy się tam za parę dni i tam Cię wysadzimy.
-We will talk about it later.
-We'll be staying here in Tulimshar for a while.
-We're doing different shows here.
-We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine.
-Weather Flags:
-Weather effects will disappear after teleporting or refreshing.
-Welcome miss.#0
-Welcome to Red Plush.
-Welcome to my office.
-Welcome to our inn!
-Welcome to the Legion of Aemil's building in Artis!
-Welcome to the Merchant Guild of Artis!
-Welcome to the Red Plush inn!
-Welcome to the Rusty Pick.
-Well I'm working too! Don't you want me to carry one of these boxes back to Gugli?
-Ja również pracuję! Nie zaniósłbyś jednej z tych skrzyń Gugliemu?
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#0
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#1
-Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again!
-Wspaniale! Statek jest gotowy do dalszej żeglugi!
-Well if you are whining like that all the time, then I think there is a reason behind their choice.
-Jeżeli narzekasz w ten sposób cały czas, to myslę że za ich decyzją stoi jednak rozsądek.
-Well in fact...
-W zasadzie...
-Well then... Take this one!
-Zatem... Weź tego!
-Well, I can't offer you much.
-Well, I was exhausted and had to rest.
-Well, I was in fact looking for them. Where are they now?
-Dobrze, w zasadzie to ich szukałem. Gdzie są teraz?
-Well, I'm done for the day, and I'm quite old enough to decide when I can have a %s, thank you!
-Well, cooking is an art, and thus, you need intelligence and dexterity to learn.
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, son!#1
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#0
-Nawet jeżeli zostałaś przez nas uratowana, nie czyni to z ciebie zaawansowanego żeglarza, mam rację?#0
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#1
-Nawet jeżeli zostałeś przez nas uratowany, nie czyni to z ciebie zaawansowanego żeglarza, mam rację?#1
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#0
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#1
-Well, is there anything I can do here to help?
-Więc, jest coś w czym mogę pomóc ?
-Well, it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.
-Cóż, nie jest źle, w końcu coś poczuć pod stopami.
-Well, of course, I can show you how to cook sandwiches. But you'll need to bring ingredients for practice.
-Well, of course. First of all, you need a @@. You can have mine, if you want.
-Well, thanks for the box. But... He was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Więc, dzięki za skrzynię. Ale ... on miał mi ją przynieść osobiście. Nie prosiłem go o to by dawał ją tobie!
-Well... I don't think it is the best way to rule a ship. Think about it.
-Więc... Nie sądzę, że to jest dobra droga do rządzenia statkiem. Pomyśl o tym.
-Well... I've only killed some little pious in the ship, that's all.
-Więc... Zabiłem tylko kilka piou na statku, to wszystko.
-Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen.
-Więc... Nie, czekaj, mam coś dla ciebie, ale nie powinieneś tego jeść... Zabieram to do kuchni.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron. From Esperia to the Land of Fire!
-What a pity! You've died.
-What a relief.
-What a strange note.
-What about Chelios?
-What about Q'Muller? Where is he?
-A co z Q'Mullerem? Gdzie on jest ?
-What about my story?
-A co z moją historią ?
-What about those pious? They look so cute.
-What am I supposed to say?
-Co powinienem powiedzieć?
-What an unexpected pleasure, your help is always welcome!
-What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
-Co robisz w mojej kuchni?! Wynocha! To nie jest miejsce dla dzieci!
-What are you going to do?
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
-Co wy, przecież widać że to Bublak!#0
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1
-Co wy, przecież widać że to Bublak!#1
-What are you looking at?
-Na co się patrzysz?
-What are you looking for?
-Czego szukasz?
-What are you reading?
-What are you talking about? What guild?
-O czym Ty mówisz? Jaka gildia?
-What are your needs?
-Czego potrzebujesz?
-What beverages do you have?
-What brings you here today?
-What can I do for you?
-What can I do now?
-What can you tell me about the legion?
-What counts in a book is like so many things, not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside.
-What danger?! Where?!
-Jakie zagrożenie?! Gdzie?!
-What did Gugli say about the box? Was it ok?
-What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?
-Co Gugli blublał o skrzynce? Była w porządku?
-What do you mean?
-What do you need?
-Czego potrzebujesz?
-What do you think?
-Jak myślisz?
-What do you want to access?
-What do you want to change?
-What do you want to do with it?
-What do you want to do with your money?
-What do you want to do?
-Co chcesz zrobić?
-What do you want to reset?
-What do you want today?
-Czego chcesz?
-What do you wish to do?
-Co zamierzasz zrobić?
-What does yoiis want today?
-What else do you need?
-What exactly is your real job?
-Jaki właściwie jest twój prawdziwy zawód?
-What happened to me?
-Co się ze mną stało?
-What happened?
-What happens when you try to think about it?
-What is Artis?
-Co to jest Artis?
-What is a card?
-What is growing and shrinking at the same time?
-What is it, darling?
-What is my current hairstyle and hair color?
-What is taking them so long?
-What is this "legion"?
-What is this building?
-What is this guild for?
-What is this place?
-What is your tipiou trying to do?
-What item would you like to bleach?
-What kind of help do you need?
-What kind of help?
-Jakiego rodzaju pomocy?
-What kinds of books are there here?
-What service do you offer?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
-A jak wezmę już te ubrania, to co mam zrobić?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
-A jak wezmę już te ubrania, to co mam zrobić?
-What should I do, again?
-What was that gobbledygook word?
-What was your riddle?
-What will be the bait for the fish?
-What would you like me to do?
-What would you like to bury?
-What would you like today?
-What would you say about a new shield?
-What yeye could I do for you today?
-W czym mogę blublać?
-What yoiis should know:
-What're you looking at?!
-What's that food?
-Co to za jedzenie?
-What's that?
-Co to jest?
-What's wrong with your clothes?
-What's your story again?
-What? Is there someone?
-What? It's not good enough?
-What? Why not?
-What? Why? They aren't more attractive than me, why do you want to see them?
-What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!
-Co? Ten trytan to najgorszy nierób, jakiego znam.
-Whatever inside can be
-Whatever your idea
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#0
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#1
-When cooking, the order of ingredients matter.
-When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you.
-When you go near villagers, you can see a speech bubble above them, you can then talk to them by pressing the [T] key.
-When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Trade' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Trade' button.
-When you intimacy is high, it'll increase your stats and who knows, might even help you in combat!
-When you see something that looks more like a bug than a feature, report it on or try to contact a game contributor.
-Kiedy widzisz coś co wygląda bardziej jak błąd niż jak funkcja, zgłoś to tutaj albo spróbuj\nskontaktować się z współautorami gry.
-When you want to buy something then please speak to my apprentice.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Jak już inwentarz zostanie otwarty, to możesz założyć przemiot zaznaczając go i wybierając opcję 'Załóż'. Analogicznie, by zdjąć ekwipunek wybierz opcję 'Zdejmij'.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Jak już inwentarz zostanie otwarty, to możesz założyć przemiot zaznaczając go i wybierając opcję 'Załóż'. Analogicznie, by zdjąć ekwipunek wybierz opcję 'Zdejmij'.
-Where are my old clothes?
-Gdzie jest moje stare ubranie?
-Where are the ingredients?
-Where can I find Julia?#0
-Gdzie mogę znaleźć Julię?
-Where can I find Julia?#1
-Gdzie mogę znaleźć Julię?
-Where can I find a half croconut?
-Gdzie mogę znaleźć pół krokosa ?
-Where can I find him?
-Where can I find some Croc Claws?
-Where can I find some food?
-A gdzie mam znaleźć to jedzenie?
-Where can I find your crew?
-Gdzie mogę znaleźć twoją ekipę?
-Where is Mikhail?
-Where is the Merchant Guild?
-Where is the damn salt?! Give me the salt, I know you have it!
-Gdzie jest ta cholerna sól?! Dawaj sól. Wiem, że ją masz!
-Where is the hill?
-Where is the light armor shop?
-Where is the market?
-Where should I go?
-Where would you like to go now?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Której z broni chcesz użyć do rozcięcia @@a?
-Which skill do you wish to change?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they usually do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-White Rose
-White Tulip
-Who are these friends?
-Kim są ci przyjaciele?
-Who are yeye looking for?
-Kogo szukasz bulb?
-Who are you looking for?
-Kogo szukasz?
-Who are you?
-Kim jesteś?
-Who is Don?
-Who is she?
-Kim ona jest?
-Who is the blacksmith outside?
-Who should I search for?
-Kogo powinienem sprawdzić ?
-Who's this Julia?
-Kto to jest ta Julia?
-Whoa, what are you doing?
-Whoah, scary...
-Whose eyes listen under Moonlight
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
-Czemu Francuz? To przecież Rosjanka!
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
-Czemu Francuz? Chyba Rosjanin!
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#0
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#1
-Why are you hiding?
-Dlaczego się ukrywasz?
-Why do you hate them?
-Why don't you come down to talk?
-Czemu nie zejdziesz, żeby porozmawiać?
-Why don't you come out?
-Czemu nie wyjdziesz?
-Why don't you show me a main ingredient, and I'll tell you what can be done?
-Why don't you take a break? Breath in some fresh air. The basement is pretty damp.
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Czemu nie, trochę ruchu dobrze mi zrobi.
-Why not, I've got plenty of free time.
-Czemu nie, mam pełno wolnego czasu.
-Why not, but who are you, and what kind of help do you need?
-Czemu nie, ale kim ty w ogóle jesteś, i jaki rodzaj pomocy potrzebujesz ?
-Why not, this might get interesting.
-Czemu nie, to może być interesujące.
-Why not?!
-Why would the Legion request my help for only 5 potions?
-Why? And who should you bring it back to?
-Dlaczego? I komu powinieneś to odnieść?
-Wicked Mushroom
-Szalony Grzybek
-Wind and grass is nice and cool, so juicy sweet...
-With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions, you have the disturbing realization that you can't remember anything of your former life or identity.
-With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters.
-With no choir master nor voice to be sung
-With proper training, a piou can become a good friend and faithful companion in your adventures.
-With script
-With the growth of the Kingdom halted, slow maintenance, and two great famines which killed over half the human population, the council decided to seize power and depose Platyna the Red.
-With the help of the town hall and the Legion of Aemil we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses.
-Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm.
-Wooden Bow
-Wooden Shield
-Drewniana Tarcza
-Wooden Sword
-Wooden shield
-Words become music and glance
-World Story For Dummies, Vol I - Ancean Era: From Keshlam to an Empire
-World Story For Dummies, Vol II - Ancean Era: Revolutions and Independence
-World Story For Dummies, Vol III - Aemilean Era: The Mana Tree and The Mana War
-World Story For Dummies, Vol IV - Aemilean Era: The Fleet of Ancea
-Would you go get them for me?
-Would you help me kill some?
-Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!
-Łał. Wygląda na to że wszyscy wiedzą jak się nazywam.
-Yay, it worked! I removed a spike.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
-Blubla, powinnaś pójść do niej! Ucieszy się, gdy Cię zobaczy.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
-Blubla, powinieneś pójść do niej! Ucieszy się, gdy Cię zobaczy.
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse than us!
-Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Ta, wszyscy właśnie tak *hik* robicie w Esperii, ale mnie nie nabierzecie! *beek*
-Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
-Taa, ale wolę się upewnić że nie będę harować za darmo.
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Ta... ale co będę z tego mieć?
-Yeah, funny now...
-Yeah, we did hear a commotion.
-Yeah, well what's the difference?
-Ok, więc jaka jest różnica ?
-Yeah, yeah, of course you don't...
-Tak, tak oczywiście że nie...
-Yeah, you could say that...
-Yellow Cotton Dye
-Yellow Rose
-Yellow Tulip
-Yes I am and you are going to face justice!
-Yes I am.
-Yes I do.
-Yes he did.
-Yes what do you need?
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Tak! @@ jest napisane na mojej ciasteczkowej liście.
-Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
-Tak, Arpan dał mi te ciuchy.
-Yes, I am authorizing you to use them as you deem fit, until you get stronger.
-Yes, I am sure.#0
-Yes, I am sure.#1
-Yes, I did. He said that the trees turned into dangerous monsters.
-Yes, I do.
-Tak, chcę.
-Yes, I feel strong enough for dangerous combats!
-Tak, czuję się wystarczająco silny do niebezpiecznej walki.
-Yes, I have some! "5x Black Iron Ingots"
-Yes, I hung around the theater a lot.
-Yes, I saw someone with a large sack on their back go to the mining camp.
-Yes, I've got the Forest bow now.
-Yes, a mask was stolen from us the last night we were in Hurnscald.
-Yes, and he promised to be home soon.
-Yes, but I'm only talking to the inspector himself!
-Yes, follow me!
-Yes, here they are.
-Yes, in fact, you can take them now.
-Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anything else.
-Tak, faktycznie. Wolę zwiedzać miejsca w których już byłem, zanim zabiorę się za swoje obowiązki.
-Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors!
-Tak, to prawda! Nie są wstanie. Nard czeka na jedzenie o wiele za długo. Pośpieszcie się, wy leniwe mazgaje!
-Yes, it's me. It's such a fine view from here!
-Yes, please!
-No jasne!
-Yes, sure thing.
-Yes, that would be nice.
-Yes, we were both at home all night.
-Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon!
-Tak, tak wiem... szkoda. Do zobaczenia!
-Yes, you look quite fast.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too little. Take this box and stop talking.
-Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the crocs.
-Yeye bądź ostrożny z pożywieniem dla zwierząt, niektóre są niebezpieczne, szczególnie krokosy.
-Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!
-Blubl dałeś moją skrzynkę gugliemu? Ładnie, ładnie blub!
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...
-Yeye ma dobre oczy i wygląda na to że wyleczył cię z twoich ran.
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Hehe, widziałem toto w dolnej części wyspy, rozejrzyj się tam.
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island.
-Bulb widziałem tego blubisa na szczycie wyspy.
-Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!
-Blubl ciągle masz moją skrzynkę? Mniej się gap, a więcej pracuj. Idź daj to Gugliemu.
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#0
-Bulb jest pewna? Zbulbluje więcej jedzenia do następnego pudła zatem.#0
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#1
-Bulb jest pewien? Zbulbluje więcej jedzenia do następnego pudła zatem.#1
-Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place.
-Jeszcze nie otrzeźwiałeś na tyle by docenić uroki tego miejsca.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
-Twoje położenie nie było różowe, masz szczęście że znaleźliśmy cię zanim pochłonęło cię morze.
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
-Blalablu, masz szczęście, że w ogóle żyjesz. Widzę, jesteś na chodzie, pamiętasz, co się wydarzyło?#1
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#1
-Yoiis envies a rainbow in the sky?
-Yoiis is not yet ready to make his own dyes.
-Yoiis should look there.
-You already are at your destination!
-You already did enough for us, do you want to follow Nard's advice and get some rest?
-You already did enough for us, follow Nard's advice and get some rest.
-You already have a homunculus
-You already have a pet.
-You already have this quest skill.
-You already looked here.
-You already registered. Waiting for your partner...
-You already took a @@, please put this one back in the box.
-You are a handsome and good looking bird!
-You are already mounting something else
-You are already registered here.#0
-You are already registered here.#1
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#0
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#1
-You are full of wine, my friend...
-Mój drogi przyjacielu, nawet z winem co za dużo, to nie zdrowo.
-You are honest, I like it.
-You are in the Blacksmith's house, by Jove!
-You are just sitting on the shadow of your store.
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#0
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#1
-You are new around here, right?#0
-You are new around here, right?#1
-You are no longer killable.
-You are no longer the Guild Master.
-You are not allowed to reduce the length of a ban.
-You are not authorized to warp from your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp this player from their map.
-You are not authorized to warp to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp to your save map.
-You are not in a guild.
-You are not in jail.
-You are now
-You are now divorced!
-You are now immune to attacks.
-You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Od teraz już oficjalnie jesteś częścią mojej załogi! Jeszcze raz dzięki za twą pomoc.
-You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here!
-Od teraz jesteś członkiem załogi... Przynajmniej dla nas tu na dole!
-You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
-Jesteś na tratwie dryfującej po morzu.
-You are on the human resource wing of the Town Hall.
-You are the Phoenix of this forest."
-You are unable to change your job.
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1
-You bored me, see you later.
-You broke the target's weapon.
-You brought me my %s!
-You brought me the %d %s!
-You buried @@ @@.
-You can allocate point on those attributes every time you level up.
-You can already rename your pet.
-You can also answer in your native language or in English.
-You can also attack an enemy from your keyboard pressing the 'A' key to select it, and the 'Ctrl' key to attack it, this of course works if you didn't change your keyboard keys yet.
-Możesz także atakować wroga wciskając klawisz "A" by zaznaczyć i "Ctrl" by zaatakować, to oczywiście działa jeśli nie zostały zmienione domyślne ustawienia.
-You can also improve your equipment in a totally different way with the use of cards.
-You can also make money %s. Nobody pays better than people in need of help.
-You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default
-You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules.
-You can also simply talk to any citizen around you by clicking on them.
-You can also use your room to get some rest after a long battle. That will consume your reservation but your HP will be fully restored.
-You can attack a monster by clicking directly on it. Once selected, you may notice a bar near your target showing you how much health it has left.
-Możesz zaatakować potwora klikając bezpośrednio na nim. Kiedy jest zaznaczony, możesz zaobserwować pasek jego życia.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it, or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory.
-You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface.
-You can easily see if a monster is easy to kill or just impossible to defeat. Do not try against creatures that are way more powerful than you... You'd be risking your life for nothing.
-Możesz łatwo zauważyć czy potwór jest łatwy do zabicia czy nie. Nie próbuj atakować potworów które są o wiele silniejsze niż ty.... Będziesz niepotrzebnie ryzykować życie.
-You can execute commands by typing them in the chat window. They start with a '/' or '@' followed by the name of the command.
-You can find novels and poems on this floor.
-You can find out the monster strength by using "@monsterinfo <English Monster Name>". Check the level in it!
-You can find some Crocs on the beach, you could look up at the one after the gate, on top of this city.
-You can find the building of the Legion of Gasaron there, like in any other city, but Esperia is important for us as our headquarters are there.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now.
-Możesz je znaleźć w oceanie, w pobliżu korali i innych morskich stworzeń. Ale morze jest dziś zbyt wzburzone, nie powinieneś teraz próbować pływania.
-You can get some rest at the inn near here.
-You can go upstairs and choose a different room if you want.
-You can have %d items on your autolootitem list.
-You can keep your current party as it is, while leading or being part of a guild in order to talk and share different items with all of its members!
-You can not change to this job by command.
-You can now attack and kill players freely.
-You can now be attacked and killed by players.
-You can now rename your pet.
-You can now stay with your new friends and enjoy the warm sand of this little island.
-Możesz teraz zostać ze swoimi nowymi znajomymi, i cieszyć się ciepłym piaskiem tej małej wyspy.
-You can read some lines that are nicely carved into the soft wooden planks.
-You can read the book that I gave you earlier at the library if you lost it.
-You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key.
-You can select a specific person with the [N] key, and then, press the [T] key when you are surrounded by more than one person.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff off toward the west, busy collecting @@s.
-You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that.
-Możesz spróbować porozmawiać z innymi marynarzami by zdobyć na temat tego więcej informacji.
-You can try, but your chance of success is lesser than a well trained smith and master craftsman.
-You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you see what I mean...
-You can use many diverse items to lure fishes.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Możesz zwinąć nieco @@ uderzając o krokodrzewa
-You can't add a guild bound item to a character without guild!
-You can't add a party bound item to a character without party!
-You can't carry another @@? What a shame.
-You can't clean a cart while vending!
-You can't create chat rooms in this map
-You can't drop items in this map
-You can't go there!
-Nie możesz tam pójść!
-You can't have met him.
-You can't join in a clan if you're in a guild.
-You can't leave battleground guilds.
-You can't open a shop in this map
-You can't open a shop on this cell.
-You can't return your pet because your inventory is full.
-You can't trade in this map
-You can't use commands while dead.
-You can't use the shovel here.
-You can't withdraw that much money
-You can, however, use '###keyTargetAttack;' to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press '###keyPickup;' to be sure.
-You cannot autotrade when dead.
-You cannot bury this item!
-You cannot bury under a NPC!
-You cannot change guild leaders in this map.
-You cannot change party leaders in this map.
-You cannot decrease that stat anymore.
-You cannot drop this item!
-You cannot increase that stat anymore.
-You cannot join the '%s' channel because you've been banned from it
-You cannot send a message to this channel for another %d seconds.
-You cannot use this command when dead.
-You cannot use this item while sitting
-You cannot use this item while your storage is open
-You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it.
-You caught a @@!
-You caught the piou, but it's trying to escape from you. You'd better hurry back to Salem.
-You clearly need to be more public-spirited.
-You concentrate and try to summon old memories from within your mind.
-You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew.
-Mógłbyś w ten sposób poznać innych marynarzy a także... Ta czapka będzie oczywistym znakiem przynależności do załogi.
-You could start by talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help!
-You currently cannot open your storage.
-You currently have @@ Esperin on your bank account.
-You did not defeat the boss, you can't learn any skills.
-You did such a good job, you should keep it.
-You do not give me a lot of options.
-You do not have a cart to be cleaned.
-You do not have a homunculus.
-You do not have enough Esperin on your bank account.
-You do not have enough Esperin on yourself.
-You do not have the item!
-You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu.
-You do not possess a cart to be removed
-You do not seem to have enough money, come back later!
-You don't expect me to eat that, do you? Give me something else!
-Nie oczekujesz chyba, że to zjem ? Daj mi coś innego !
-You don't have a scythe, by chance? I am too old to mew this field all alone.
-You don't have any @@, are you mocking me?
-You don't have any @@.
-You don't have enough @@s on you.
-You don't have enough money, bring @@ E.
-You don't have enough room in your backpack for a @@. Go stow some of your junk and come back.
-You don't have everything I have asked for.
-You don't have room for a beer!
-You don't have this quest skill.
-You don't know how to make a sandwich with that.
-You don't seem to be from the Legion, let's do a game.
-You failed!
-You feel a strong magic aura. You want to sit near it and meditate.
-You feel numb and everything around you looks foggy, but you can recall the feeling of the cold hard wood of your raft on a stormy night.
-You fell asleep.#0
-You fell asleep.#1
-You found a small chest, surprisingly heavy for it's size.
-You found him!
-You found something!
-You give up.
-You got married to @@!
-You hand him another log.
-You have %d new emails (%d unread)
-You have a level for each of your gear, by default when you buy or craft a piece, the level is set to 1.
-You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first.
-You have already opened your storage. Close it first.
-You have an awful case of amnesia.
-You have become the Guild Master!
-You have been jailed by a GM.
-You have been jailed for an unknown amount of time.
-You have been jailed indefinitely.
-You have been recovered!
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#0
-Byłeś taki miły dla mnie. Weź proszę jedno. #0
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#1
-Byłaś taka miła wobec mnie. Proszę więc, weź jedno. #1
-You have forgotten the skill.
-You have learned the skill.
-You have learnt the skill.
-You have mounted a Peco Peco.
-You have mounted your Dragon.
-You have mounted your Mado Gear.
-You have mounted your Warg.
-You have mounted.
-You have put your finger on it, I am not.
-You have released your Dragon.
-You have released your Mado Gear.
-You have released your Peco Peco.
-You have released your Warg.
-You have released your mount.
-You have talent and the best place to utilize it is in the Legion! You can either pursue your goals with us or without us, but trust me, with us it's much better.
-You have to find him, or else I will tell him that you did not help me.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of those damn sailors brought that 'nice' lady here.
-You have: @@/@@ @@
-You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
-You hear some creeping and crawling sounds from the murkiness below.
-You hear some sound behind the door.
-You hide your shovel.
-You hit the nail on the head, it's the Legion of Gasaron!
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-Uderzasz za mocno i tracisz @@.
-You hold the shovel in your hands.
-You honor me, my beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!#0
-You just defeated the following boss: @@ (Lv. @@)
-You just have to select the card, then you choose which piece of equipment you want to use it on, and you are done.
-You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait.
-You killed @@ Fluffies.
-You know, I had the strangest thing happen to me.
-You know, the life of the merchant is hard. I really hope that Artis and the Merchant Guild will help me to succeed.
-You know, yeyes love to chat while working.
-Wiesz, marynarze lubią gadać podczas pracy.
-You lack some very basic skills...
-You learned how to cook @@.
-You left your fishing spot!
-You lie in the bed.
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you downstairs to the hold, where you will find a furry meal!
-You like these hats, right?
-Ty lubisz te czapki, prawda?
-You look broke. Don't think that you can dine and dash here!
-You look capable, will you help me solve these robberies?
-You look confident. I will give you my old gear as reward and acknowledgment for your time... and take these potions as well!
-You look fine and dandy to me.
-You look like a nice person.
-You look nice, do you want to help me?
-You made a cash deposit of @@ E.
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#1
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#1
-You may search partial name by making use of '%' in the search, ex. "@accinfo %Mario%" lists all characters whose name contains "Mario".
-You mean like one of my legendary forest bows?
-You mentioned the quality of your wine.
-Wspominałeś o jakości swego wina.
-You missunderstood, it's 5 potions.
-You must "add" the items you plan on selling, and then press "sell" to confirm. You'll have this time to review.
-You must enter a name.
-You must enter a player name or ID.
-You must find someone willing to buy, they usually will buy almost anything you have, even items which cannot be replaced, so be careful.
-You need %s to mount!
-You need some anger control therapy.
-You need to be a Guild Master to use this command.
-You need to be a member of the Merchant Guild to have a chance there.
-You need to be a party leader to use this command.
-You need to cross the crocojungle heading north.
-Musisz przekroczyć Krokodżunglę idąc na na północ.
-You need to input a option
-You need to type the answer of this riddle in the NPC window.
-You need to wait @@ more before equipping this again.
-You no doubt remember how I struggled with those beasts, fighting for my life.
-You notice a young boy sitting on one of the highest branches of the tree.
-You now also have access to the Legion building. Good job, you earned it.
-You open a book named "%s".
-You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.
-Otwierasz książkę - morska woda i czas poważnie ją uszkodziły. Niektórych stron nie da się wogóle przeczytać, inne zaginęły.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-Rozdzieliłeś @@, ale tylko jedna część jest jadalna.
-You opened the chest
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Idealnie przeciąłeś swojego @@ na dwie jadalne części.
-You pick up the package.
-You probably don't have much business in this city as you don't remember who you are.
-You pulled too late and lost the bait...
-You pulled too soon and lost the bait.
-You receive @@ E!
-Otrzymujesz @@ E!
-You receive a @@!
-Otrzymujesz @@ !
-You received @@ EXP and @@ E.
-You request has been rejected by autoreject option.
-You scare the piou, but let it go.
-You search the tree but don't find anybody.
-You see a curious hole behind some rocks
-You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
-You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
-You see a suspicious greenish flag. It reminds you of something you seem to have forgotten.
-You see a tree.
-You see a young elven girl, with a strong sense of pain in her face.
-You see an ordinary bookcase.
-You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
-You see these pious around us?
-Widzisz piou wokół nas?
-You see, Enora asked me to do a black iron sword, unfortunately I ran out of the material needed, and...
-You see, folks around here that get my cookies have the distinction of being...
-You see? I'm working here!
-Widzisz? Ja tutaj pracuję!
-You seem a bit tired sir.
-You seem more cultivated than you look.
-You seem pathetically weak. What is such boneless jelly like you doing around here?
-You should arrive at a park with a hill nearby.
-You should ask Maxe. He's an early riser.
-You should ask my old woman.
-You should check on the highest part of the cliff, I was hiding there.
-You should come back when you have some free space.
-You should definitely go talk to Q'Anon, our boss. You'll find him upstairs.
-You should discuss with Don and Calypsan if you want to learn more about it, they are masters on this area!
-You should go and get some sleep.
-Najlepiej idź jeszcze pospać.
-You should go see him. He is one of the most experienced sailors we have.
-Powinieneś się z nim zobaczyć. Jest jednym z najbardziej doświadczonych marynarzy jakich posiadamy.
-You should go see them.
-Lepiej idź się z nimi zobaczyć.
-You should go talk to Alan again.
-You should have a shop open in order to use @autotrade.
-You should inform Nard of the progress made in loading food and supplies on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached.
-You should look for a seller named Fexil around the merchant square.
-You should look for them when we arrive at the port. You won't regret it! Ehehe...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-You should walk to the north to find him.
-Powinieneś pójść na północ żeby go znaleźć.
-You should walk to the north.
-Powinieneś iść na północ.
-You shouldn't believe every tale drunken sailors tell you.
-You shouldn't drink while working!
-You step on something, a panel half overgrown by moss, it has writing on it...
-You step on something, a panel with a bitten corner and clear inscriptions on it...
-You step on something, a shaky and fragile panel with barely visible inscriptions on it...
-You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-Minie jeszcze parę dni, zanim dotrzemy do portu, może spędzisz ten czas zbierając informacje?
-You still have a 90% discount on one piou.
-You still haven't completed your tasks.
-Nadal nie ukończyłeś swych zadań.
-You still need to give me boxes from:
-Ciągle musisz mi jeszcze dać skrzynki od:
-You stupid, he's English, look at the shape of his head.#1
-You stupid, she's English, look at the shape of her head.#0
-You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-You take good care of your piou. Remember to feed it every day.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Bierzesz ubrania ze skrzyni.
-You take your fishing rod and leave.
-You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie?
-Ty mi powiedz. Czy zasługuje na ciastko ?
-You told me that you 'were' important.
-Mówiłes, że 'byłeś' ważny.
-You tried to embarrass me, am I right?!
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...
-Chciałeś się mnie pozbyć, hę? Niespodzianka! Nadal jestem tutaj... *hik* albo tam...
-You waited too long and lost the bait...
-You were gone so I thought you let me down.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
-Byłaś w złej formie, powinnaś być szczęśliwa, że znaleźliśmy Cię, zanim morze Cię zabiło.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
-Byłeś w złej formie, powinieneś być szczęśliwy, że znaleźlismy Cię, zanim morze Cię zabiło.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-You will be able to find Don's house in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the bridge on the left, you can't miss it!
-You will be able to find her in the market in the south-west of Artis.
-You will be amased by all the colors of hair dye they have.
-You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left.
-Znajdziesz drewniany znak niedaleko skrzyżowania. On jest kilka kroków w lewo.
-You will lose experience if you are defeated.
-You will remain
-You will respawn at this place if defeated in combat.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Legion of Aemil. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-You wipe off enough of the sand to manage to read the message written on this crude piece of wood.
-You withdrew a total of @@ E.
-You yoiis should walk to the north.
-Powinieneś iść na północ.
-You'll first need to help my friends.
-Musisz pierw pomóc moim przyjaciołom.
-You'll need to bring me @@ @@ and @@ @@ for the recipe.
-You'll think I'm insane if I tell you...
-You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid.
-You're already autolooting this item type.
-You're already autolooting this item.
-You're already in the '%s' channel
-You're already with a '%s' costume, type '@costume' to remove it.
-You're as strong as if you were my own child!
-You're confusing me with someone else.
-You're currently not autolooting this item type.
-You're currently not autolooting this item.
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew, I can't trust you!
-Jesteś jak reszta tej brudnej załogi. Nie mogę ci zaufać!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#0
-Jesteś jak reszta tej brudnej załogi. Twoje imię jest teraz na liście zdrajców!#0
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#1
-Jesteś jak reszta tej brudnej załogi. Twoje imię jest teraz na liście zdrajców!#1
-You're lucky that I'm a generous person, here's another one.
-You're lying, aren't you? I heard nothing from you-know-whom!
-You're not allowed to talk on this channel
-You're not dead.
-You're not disguised.
-You're not in a guild.
-You're not in that channel, type '@join <#channel_name>'
-You're not part of the '%s' channel
-You're not the master of your guild.
-You're not the owner of channel '%s'
-You're now in the '#%s' channel for '%s'
-You're now in the '%s' channel
-You're on La Johanne, a merchant ship.
-You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Jesteś na statku, zmierzamy do stolicy handlu - Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
-Jesteś na naszym statku, przybiliśmy do małej wyspy, blublujemy długą handlową przygodę do miasta Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
-Jesteś na naszym statku, przybiliśmy do małej wyspy, blublujemy długą handlową przygodę do miasta Artis.
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!#1
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!#0
-You're right, it's about Julia.#1
-You're right, it's about you.#0
-You're too close to a NPC, you must be at least %d cells away from any NPC.
-You're welcome to stay here as long as you wish. Just don't do anything stupid, like a riot, for example.
-You're welcome. Bye!
-You're welcome. If you can't remember something, just come back here!
-Nie ma za co. Jeśli zapomnisz czegoś, wróć tutaj !
-You've become the party leader.
-You've been revived!
-You've died.
-You've finally found that perfect piece of living wood that Alan needs to make a Forest Bow, haven't you?
-You've left the '%s' channel
-You've reached the highest natural place of Artis, enjoy the view.
-You've reached your slave clones limit.
-You... You eat... rattos? I think you're just a fool.
-Jesz... Naprawdę jesz... ratty? Myślę że jesteś durniem.
-You? Here?
-Ty? Tutaj?
-Your %s determines several small things, including critical attacks, but DOES NOT affect drop rates.
-Your %s determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action on the specified player.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action.
-Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version.
-Your account has an 'Incorrect Password'...
-Your account has been banished until
-Your account has been blocked by the GM Team.
-Your account has been prohibited to log in.
-Your account has been rejected from server.
-Your account has been totally erased.
-Your account has expired.
-Your account is 'Unregistered'.
-Your account is no longer authorized.
-Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.
-Your autolootitem list has been reset.
-Your autolootitem list is empty.
-Your autolootitem list is full. Remove some items first with @autolootid -<item name or ID>.
-Your autoloottype list has been reset.
-Your autoloottype list is empty.
-Your body aches, even your hair hurts, and the bright daylight is painful.
-Your brain liquified to match the level of a piou! It's the Legion of Gasaron.
-Your cart was cleaned.
-Your class can't mount!
-Your current memo positions are:
-Your dad ran away from you!
-Your effect has changed.
-Your global chat is no longer bound to the '#%s' channel
-Your global chat is not bound to any channel
-Your global chat is now bound to the '%s' channel
-Your group has been changed.
-Your guild storage was cleaned.
-Your guild's storage has already been opened by another member, try again later.
-Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Twoje ręce są zbyt słabe, nie otworzyłeś @@
-Your head is suddently heavy, your eyes are closing...
-Your heart quickens as your gaze focuses upon a small wooden panel, partly obscured under a layer of wind-blown sand.
-Your homunculus doesn't evolve.
-Your job has been changed.
-Your level is already higher than %d.
-Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process.
-Your name is Ianus or Janus?
-Your position has been saved.
-Twoja pozycja została zapisana.
-Your save point has been changed.
-Your sex has been changed (disconnection required to complete the process)...
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#0
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#1
-Your storage was cleaned.
-Zinc-Titanium Oxide, Phthalocyanides, Cadmiums, Lazulite...
-Zone not found. Keep in mind that the names are CaSe SenSitiVe.
-Zone successfully changed from '%s' to '%s'.
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Guild ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Party ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Self ]
-[ K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Active ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ ^EE0000%s^000000 ]
-[%d] seconds left until you can use
-a ground!
-a quiet place,
-spokojne miejsce,
-both hands,
-brought maggot
-brought maggot slime
-by doing quests
-change the sex of
-data %s %s %s data
-data @@ @@ @@ data
-foo %2$s bar %1$s baz
-left accessory,
-left hand,
-line @@: @@
-lower head,
-lower/mid head,
-lower/mid/top head,
-lower/top head,
-mid head,
-no active MOTD
-no active broadcast
-option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0'
-option '%s' is not enabled on channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now disabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s' with %d seconds
-right accessory,
-right hand,
-skill %d: %s (%s)
-test %s
-test @@
-test1 %s#0
-test1 @@#0
-test2 %s#1
-test2 @@#1
-top head,
-tricked thus again.
-usage @camerainfo range rotation latitude
-value '%d' for option '%s' is out of range (limit is 0-%d)
-| Guild: '%s'
-| Location: %s %d %d
-| Lv:%d/%d | Job: %s
-| Party: '%s'
-“Nothing I can do”, she says, “but I can ask a friend”.
-← Exit
-↑ Legion
-↓ Market Place
diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d63de88..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2322 +0,0 @@
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island!
-'Isto', como você o chama, é um @@. Há muitos nesta ilha!
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*Uff*... E mais uma caixa de @@s para nossos famintos colegas está pronta.
-- 2 @@
-- 2 @@
-... And 1 @@.
-... E 1 @@.
-... and 1 @@.
-... e 1 @@.
-1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still.
-1. Não use bot. Isso significa que você não tem permissão para usar qualquer programa de automação ou truques de teclado. Qualquer atividade fora do teclado será considerada como bot, exceto ficar parado.
-2, Do not spam (includes trade spam)
-2, Não faça Spam (Inclusive spam de trade)
-2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam.
-2. Não faça spam. Isto também diz respeito a spam de requisição de negócios.
-3, Do not multibox, this mean that you cannot have more than one active character logged in or any other active clients used for attacking in group.
-3, Não faça \"Multibox\", o que significa que você não pode ter mais que um personagem ou clientes ativos usados para atacar em grupo.
-3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups.
-3. Não faça \"Multibox\". Isso significa que você não pode ter mais do que um personagem ativo logados ao mesmo tempo. Você não tem permissão para usar mais que um cliente ativo para atacar em grupo.
-4, Don't trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name and in the chat, at the exception of roleplay purposes.
-4, Não usar palavras de baixo calão, mendigar ou usar linguagem rude no nome de seu personagem ou no chat.
-4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes.
-4. Não fale linguagem de baixo calão, mendigue ou use linguagem rude em seu nome ou no chat, exceto para propósitos de desempenho de papéis.
-5, Don't speak any other language other than English in the public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats and when alone with groups of friends.
-5, Fale apenas em lingua inglêsa no chat público. Você é livre para falar na linguagem em que quiser em chats privados ou quando em um grupo de amigos.
-5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.
-5, Fale apenas em língua inglesa em áreas públicas. Você é livre para falar na linguagem em que quiser em chats privados ou quando em um grupo de amigos.
-6, Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855.
-Eu me sinto melhor!
-6. Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855 article.
-6. Siga a convenção social listada no artigo RFC1855.
-@@ is helping me.
-@@ está me ajudando.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-@@? Bem vinda minha querida!
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-@@? Bem vindo meu querido!
-A @@? There're plenty on this island!
-Um @@? Há muitos nessa ilha!
-A Quiet place,
-Um lugar quieto,
-A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin.
-Há um instante atrás eu ouvi sua conversa com Darlin.
-A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.
-Uma grande cidade, agora a capital destas ilhas, chamada Esperia, cresceu na única ilha, Aurora, onde todos viveram.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Sobre esta guilda de Espéria, estava pensando sobre ela, se eu puder falar francamente. Há rumores por aí que dizem que eles fizeram coisas monstruosas e que eles estão escondendo um monte de coisas de nós.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Sobre essa Guilda de Esperia, eu não tenho certeza sobre eles, para falar francamente.
-About this Esperia's Warrior Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Sobre essa guilda guerreira de Esperia, eu não tenho certeza sobre eles, para falar francamente.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.#0
-Na verdade, Gugli me perguntou se eu poderia te ajudar com as suas caixas.#0
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.#1
-Na verdade, Gugli me perguntou se eu poderia te ajudar com as suas caixas.#1
-Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
-Aemil é um mundo magnífico desconhecido de todos nós.
-Ah... Gugli Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation
-Ah... Gugli Gugli... Ele é muito novo para entender nossa conversa.
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Ale e Tibbo devem trazer 2 caixas de @@s, Astapolos e Gulukan 2 de @@s e Jalad and Q'Muller estavam encarregados das caixas de @@s.
-All I can do is tell you that...
-Tudo o que posso fazer e lhe dizer que...
-All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
-Tudo que eu tenho para comer são berries... Berries... Berries...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Certo, eu vou entrar no quarto, fique de olho nela, nós ainda não sabemos se ela é uma aliada ou uma inimiga...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Certo, eu estou indo para o quarto dele, fique de olho nele, nós ainda não sabemos se ele é um aliado ou um inimigo...
-Alright, bye!
-Tudo bem, tchau!
-Also, there was this inscription on your raft, one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world, does that make you remember something?
-Além disso, havia uma inscrição na sua jangada, uma da guilda guerreira de Espéria, a maior guilda de todo o novo mundo, isso te faz lembrar de alguma coisa?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#0
-Além disso, nós pegamos suas roupas yayadas, pois elas estavam... Yeyeye... em más condições. Dê uma olhada na caixa perto de sua cama, há umas roupas melhores lá dentro.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#1
-Além disso, nós pegamos suas roupas yayadas, pois elas estavam... Yeyeye... em más condições. Dê uma olhada na caixa perto de sua cama, há umas roupas melhores lá dentro.
-An unexpected help is always welcome!
-Uma ajuda inesperada é sempre bem vinda.
-And please, no berries.
-E por favor, nada de berries.
-And please, no berries. No more!
-E por favor, não me venha com berries. Nunca mais!
-And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?
-E o que você me dá em troca por estas informações?
-And what kind of help do you need?
-E de que tipo de ajuda você precisa?
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag.
-Então, se você se interessar, clique na minha bolsa.
-Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!!
-De qualquer modo, talvez quando você estiver procurando comida com Gugli você terá tempo para dar uma olhada nisso.
-Aquada Box
-Caixa de Aquada
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
-Arrr, não me venha com mais Berries! Eu não quero essas Berries estúpidas... Estúpidas... Estúpidas!
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Arrr, não me dê mais berries! Eu não quero, berries estúpidas, estúpidas... Estúpidas... Estúpidas!
-As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land.
-Enquanto eles navegavam em Oceania, extensa faixa de água de Aemil, um dos grupos encontrou uma terra.
-As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!!
-Como você pode andar por aí livremente, será uma tarefa bem fácil. Vá e empale um deles para mim!
-As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-Como você deve saber, nós somos viajantes de longas distâncias e nossa tripulação precisa estocar comida o suficiente para sobreviver. Você não sabe o quanto a vida no mar pode ser perigosa.
-As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship.
-Ao abrir os olhos e olhar à sua volta, você vê um imenso navio.
-As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you.
-Ao abrir os olhos, você vê um grande navio à sua frente.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-No momento, nossa tripulação está ocupada coletando @@s, @@s and @@s.
-At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-A essa hora, nós estariamos vendendo comida de caranguejo em nossa velha ilha do cogumelo.
-At this time, we were selling crab's food on our old mushroom island.
-A essa hora nós estavamos vendendo comida de caranguejo em nossa velha ilha do cogumelo.
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Tenha um pouco mais de paciência, nos próximos dias vamos chegar ao porto de Artis...
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Antes de ir, deixe-me dizer-lhe como obter @@s, porque você não parece muito inteligente.
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-But I can't, I need to keep an eye on the sea, to warn the crew if there happen to be some pirates around!!
-Mas eu não posso, eu preciso ficar de olho no mar para alertar a tripulação se houver piratas nas redondezas!
-But I need to go, bye!
-Mas eu tenho que ir, tchau!
-But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in coma.
-Porém, mais do que tudo, ela é a pessoa que cuidou de você enquanto estava em coma.
-But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway.
-Mas, até lá, você precisa permanecer aqui. Não há nada mais a fazer de qualquer maneira.
-But you won't *hick* me this time...
-Mas desta vez você não vai me *hick*...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Mas... se ele tem amnésia como Julia disse... Nós não precisamos nos preocupar com ele.
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Mas... Se ela tem amnésia como a Julia disse... Nós não precisamos nos preocupar com ela.
-But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Mas... se ele tem amnésia como a Julia disse... Nós não precisamos nos preocupar com ele.
-But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him.
-Mas... se ele tem amnésia, como disse a Julia, nós não precisamos nos preocupar.
-But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Mas... se ela tem amnésia como a Julia disse... Nós não precisamos nos preocupar com ela.
-But... if she is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about her.
-Mas... se ela tem amnésia, como disse a Julia, nós não precisamos nos preocupar.
-Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
-Você pode me trazer algo que não seja um vegetal?
-Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-O capitão trancou a porta, você deveria ir vê-lo.
-Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-O capitão está te esperando! Apresse-se.
-Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0
-Certos itens performam diferentes efeitos. Alguns vão te curar, outros você pode usar como armas ou armadura, e outros você pode vender.
-Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1
-Certos itens performam diferentes efeitos. Alguns vão te curar, outros você pode usar como armas ou armadura, e outros você pode vender.
-Chef Gado
-Chef Gado
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Clique nos NPCs em sua volta para continuar a introdução.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0
-O que é isso, Sap! Você está assustando nossa convidada com suas histórias.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
-O que é isso Sap! Você está assustando nosso convidado com suas histórias.
-Cookie Master
-Mestra dos Biscoitos
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Posso saber qual a sua linguagem natural? Um marinheiro me disse que você era russa, mas outro disse que era francesa... Estou meio perdida... Vou te registrar na lista do navio assim que tiver esta informação.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Posso saber qual a sua linguagem natural? Um marinheiro me disse que você era russo, mas outro disse que era francês... Estou meio perdida... Vou te registrar na lista do navio assim que tiver esta informação.
-Could you help me please?
-Você poderia me ajudar?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a vegetable? And I beg you, no berries!
-Você pode me trazer algo que não seja um vegetal? E eu te imploro, sem berries!
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#0
-Couwan te entrega uma caixa cheia de peixe.#0
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#1
-Couwan te entrega uma caixa cheia de peixe.#1
-Croc Claw
-Garra de Croc
-Croconut Box
-Caixa de Croconozes
-Damn @@.
-Maldição @@.
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!
-Maldição! É melhor você não dizer a ninguém que me viu por aqui!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0
-Maldição! É melhor você não contar para ninguém que me viu!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1
-Maldição! É melhor você não contar para ninguém que me viu!
-Damn you! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Maldição! É melhor você não contar para ninguém que me viu!#0
-Damn you! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Maldição! É melhor você não contar para ninguém que me viu!#1
-Dan closes the conversation and he continues to write his letter.
-Dan termina a conversa e continua a escrever sua carta.
-Did you find out what the light is?!
-Você descobriu o que é aquela luz?
-Did you say reward? I want it!
-Você disse recompensa? Eu quero!
-Do you feel better??
-Você se sente melhor?
-Do you have an other question for me?
-Você tem alguma outra pergunta?
-Do you hear me??
-Você me ouve?
-Do you want me to go see her in your place?
-Você quer que eu a veja eu seu lugar?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Você quer cortar este @@?
-Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Alguém conhece um bom lugar para olhar em Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Alguém conhece um bom lugar para olhar em Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Don't bother her Silvio, or I'll to tell her that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.
-Não a perturbe Silvio, ou eu vou falar para ela que você chora como um bebê quando você escuta trovões à noite.
-Don't bother him Silvio, or I'll to tell him that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.
-Não o perturbe Silvio, ou eu vou falar para ele que você chora como um bebê quando você escuta trovões à noite.
-Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
-Não faça isss... *hick* comigo eh!
-Don't mock me, my work is admirable.
-Não zombe de mim, meu trabalho é admiravel.
-Don't say it too loud, other people could hear us.
-Não fale muito alto, outras pessoas podem nos ouvir.
-Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Pronto. Aqui, pegue! Agora, aqui está o plano. Fale com ela e ofereça a nossa linda senhorita uma mordida de sua arrogância!
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude.
-O dever me chama, *hic*, te vejo depois cara.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey.
-O dever me chama, *hic*, te vejo depois docinho.
-Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude.
-O dever me chama, *hic*, te vejo depois cara.
-Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later honey.
-O dever me chama, *hic*, te vejo depois docinho.
-Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.
-Cada um dos grupos foi ordenado para velejar em uma direção diferente para encontrar uma nova terra, adequada para se viver.
-Elfen Voice
-Voz de Elfo
-Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.
-Elmo me reportou a ocorrência de alguns atritos entre alguns de meus antigos e novos tenentes. Você provavelmente já conheceu Julia e Gado, o chef.
-Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there.
-Elmo me disse que agora você é considerado como um de nós na ilha. E eu aprecio os esforços que você fez lá embaixo.
-Elven Voice
-Voz Élfica
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry!
-Err, sério, eu só queria chegar em Artis e eu não tenho o dinheiro para pagar a passagem!
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, but I didn't have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Err, sério, eu só queria chegar em Artis, mas eu não tinha dinheiro suficiente para pagar a passagem!
-Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.
-Embora eles não tenham escutado sobre os outros grupos, eles decidiram começar uma nova vida nesta terra cheia de animais perigosos.
-Excuse me, but what did you say?? Speak louder!!
-Me desculpe, mas o que você disse? Fale mais alto!
-Fine, bye!!
-Ótimo, tchau!!
-Fine, tell me, who are these mysterious aliens?
-Certo, diga-me, quem são esses alienígenas misteriosos?
-From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island.
-Pelo que eu sei, o meu irmão Gugli precisa da ajuda do maior número possível de pessoas para coletar as coisas novas encontradas na ilha.
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Me dê um beijo antes de dizer adeus!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help you hunting the creatures of this island.
-Vá pegar um deles. Uma boa faca vai ajudar a caçar as criaturas desta ilha.
-Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need.
-Vá lá fora e fale com Gugli, ele vai te dizer o que você precisa.
-Good luck! And don't forget to visit Peter and our little friends when you will be back onboard!
-Boa sorte! E não se esqueça de visitar Peter e nossos pequenos amigos quando estiver de volta a bordo!
-Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis.
-Bom saber. Pelo que Darlin me disse, nós vamos passar por uma pequena ilha antes de chegar em Artis.
-Good, good!
-Bom, bom!
-Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?#0
-Gugli me pediu para ajudar marinheiros com a coleta de comida. Você sabe onde posso encontrá-los?#0
-Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?#1
-Gugli me pediu para ajudar marinheiros com a coleta de comida. Você sabe onde posso encontrá-los?#1
-Half Croconut
-Croconozes partido
-Have you some @@s for me?
-Tem algum @@s para mim?
-He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain.
-He he... Ok, eu estou indo lá em cima avisar o capitão.
-He is on a small house between the dock's warehouse and the dojo.
-Ele está em uma pequena casa entre o armazém do cais e o dojo.
-He is right in the bottom of the ship, you can't miss him!!
-Ele está bem na base do navio, você vai encontrá-lo facilmente!
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
-Me escuta *hic* bem, seja lá qualquer coisa que você *hic* disser sobr... uhm... e o que? Você viu aquilo, a guilda guerreira de esperia não vai deixar ir ao público
-Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
-Escute-me *hick* bem, seja lá o que você venha a *hick* dizer ss... euh... obre ahhn? Você sabe, a guilda de espéria não vai deixar ir a público.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.
-Hehe, não. Mas eu estou certo de que um garoto como você gostaria de conhecer um cavalheiro como eu.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!
-Hehe, não. Mas eu tenho certeza que uma senhorita como você gostaria de conhecer um charme como eu.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a dude like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.
-Hehe, não. Mas eu tenho certeza que um cara como você gostaria de conhecer um cavalheiro como eu.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!
-Hehe, não. Mas eu tenho certeza que uma lady como você gostaria de conhecer um charme como eu.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we get a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, perdão, ele está um pouco nervoso, não é todo dia que nós recebemos um novo membro na tripulação!
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we got a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, peço desculpas por ele, ele está um pouco nervoso. Não é todo dia que recebemos um novo membro na tripulação!
-Hello dear!
-Olá querido!
-Hello sir!
-Olá senhor!
-Hello yeye.#0
-Olá yeye.#0
-Hello yeye.#1
-Olá yeye.#1
-Hello, Let me just present myself, I'm Captain Nard, it's me who's leader of this ship.
-Olá, deixe-me apenas me apresentar. Eu sou o capitão Nard, o lider deste navio sou eu.
-Hello, boy!
-Olá garoto!
-Hello, girl!
-Olá garota!
-Hello... Should I know you?
-Olá... Eu deveria te conhecer?
-Hey Max, it's @@!
-Hey Max, é o @@!
-Hey hey
-Hey hey
-Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay?
-Hey você! Você pode nos ouvir? Você está bem?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... Speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey você, me desculpe por deixar seu quarto tão rapidamente, Eu precisava... Falar com o capitão sobre... A reserva. Você sabe, agora que nós temos mais uma boca para alimentar nós precisamos verificar o que temos.
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth in the crew we need to check it!
-Hey você, me desculpe sair do quarto tão rapidamente, eu precisava... falar com o capitão sobre... a reserva... eh, você sabe, agora que nós temos uma nova boca no grupo, nós temos que checar!
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we got a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey você, me desculpe por deixar seu quarto tão rapidamente, eu precisava... falar com o capitão sobre... a reserva. Você sabe, agora que nós temos mais uma boca para alimentar nós precisamos verificar o que temos.
-Hey you.
-Hey você!
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Hey! Cuidado. Você não pode ficar neste porão por tanto tempo, você vai ficar doente. Venha para fora e descanse um pouco, talvez depois você possa tentar novamente.
-Hey! Ehoo!!
-Hey! Ehoo!!
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, garota!
-Hey, man!
-Hey cara!
-Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room.
-Hey, você não pode dormir aqui, este é meu quarto.
-Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
-Hey, você deveria falar com a Julia para se registrar a bordo do navio.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Oi @@, eu ouvi dizer que o capitão te mandou aqui pra baixo, uh?
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Oi @@, eu ouvi dizer que o capitão te mandou aqui pra baixo, uh?
-Hi @@.
-Oi @@.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Oi, bom te ver!
-Hi, nice to see you!#0
-Oi, que bom te ver.
-Hidden person
-Pessoa escondida
-Hidden person doesn't answer
-A pessoa escondida não responde
-Hidden person doesn't answer.
-A pessoa escondida não responde.
-How are you doing, cutie?
-Como vai você, coisa linda?
-How are you doing, dude?
-Como vai você cara?
-How are you feeying, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-Como você está se sentindo, agora que você anda em terra firme? Yeye melhor?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about this again...
-Como você pode... Nós combinamos que não falaríamos sobre isso novamente...
-How do you know my name?
-Como você sabe meu nome?
-How is *hick* possible??
-Como é *hick* possível??
-How is it going cutie?
-Como você está bonitinha?
-How is it going dude?
-Como você está cara?
-How was the cookie? Tasty, wasn't it?
-Como estava o biscoito? Gostoso, não?
-However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
-No entanto, a seca veio com os verões enquanto os invernos vieram mais frios do que nunca.
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth!
-Rápido, rápido! Precisamos checar os dentes dele!
-I also watch for dangerous animals...
-Eu também tomo cuidado com animais perigosos...
-I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
-Eu não ligo para recompensas. Eu apenas quero ajudar.
-I am surprised someone has been sent here for help. It is quite... unusual.
-Eu estou surpreso que alguém tenha sido mandado para ajudar. Isto é bem... diferente.
-I am, who are you?
-Eu sou, quem é você?
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Eu imploro, por favor, por favooooor...
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Eu imploro, por favor, pooooor favooor...
-I can't help you to be on my list, nor can I give you a cookie for free.
-Eu não posso te colocar na minha lista, nem te dar um biscoito de graça.
-I do not want to point my finger on someone. I just put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this annoying problem.
-Eu não quero apontar o dedo para alguém. Eu depositei confiança em você. Estou certo de que você será capaz de julgar e resolver este problema irritante.
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-Eu não tenho nada de bom para você.
-I don't need any help right now, come back later.
-Eu não preciso de ajuda agora, volte depois.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Eu não preciso da sua ajuda no momento, volte depois.
-I don't see anything else than... water?
-Eu não vejo nada além de... água?
-I don't understand!!
-Eu não entendo!
-I don't want this, give me something else.
-Eu não quero isso, traga outra coisa.
-I feel better!
-Eu me sinto melhor!
-I forgot where it was.
-Eu me esqueci onde estava.
-I forgot where it was...
-Eu esqueci onde estava...
-I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship.
-Eu te dou esta chave, ela abre qualquer porta neste navio.
-I hope that answers your question...
-Espero que isso responda a sua pergunta...
-I hope that you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Eu espero que você não se importe, mas nós usamos sua jangada para fazer esta rampa.
-I just realized I needed delicious ingredients to prepare a... A special recipe.
-Eu acabei de perceber que eu preciso de deliciosos ingredientes para preparar uma... Receita especial.
-I like this answer!
-Eu gosto desta resposta!
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#0
-Eu preciso de ajuda para limpar as bordas do navio, mas você não é forte o suficiente para ajudar.
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#1
-Eu preciso de ajuda para limpar as bordas do navio, mas você não é forte o suficiente para ajudar.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#0
-Eu preciso de ajuda para limpar a cunha do navio, mas você ainda não é forte o suficiente para me ajudar.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#1
-Eu preciso de ajuda para limpar a cunha do navio, mas você ainda não é forte o suficiente para me ajudar.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me?
-Eu preciso de alguém que possa livrar o porão do navio destes Rattos, você pode me ajudar?
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-Eu preciso de alguém que me ajude a limpar o fundo do navio destes rattos. Você pode me ajudar?
-I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and...
-Eu sópreciso de 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ e...
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ and...
-Eu apenas preciso de 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ e...
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Eu só preciso de 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-I remember I saw few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get to work.
-Eu me lembro de ter visto alguns deles saindo do navio cedo esta manhã para trabalhar.
-I said see you later!!
-Eu disse te vejo depois!
-I said... Why don't you come down to talk??
-Eu disse... Por que você não desce para conversar?
-I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Vejo que não é fácil se livrar destes ratos. Você quer tentar novamente?
-I see it's not easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Vejo que não é fácil se livrar destes rattos. Você quer tentar novamente?
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
-Entendo, avise os outros marinheiros sobre isso. Mas se ele é parte da guilda guerreira, então ele também é nosso aliado.
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
-Entendo, avise os outros marinheiros sobre isso. Mas se ela é parte da guilda guerreira, então ela também é nossa aliada.
-I speak Dutch.
-Eu falo Holandês.
-I speak English
-Eu falo inglês
-I speak English.
-Eu falo inglês.
-I speak Flemish
-Eu falo flamengo
-I speak Flemish.
-Eu falo Flamengo.
-I speak French
-Eu falo Francês
-I speak French.
-Eu falo Francês.
-I speak German
-Eu falo alemão
-I speak German.
-Eu falo Alemão.
-I speak Italian
-Eu falo italiano
-I speak Italian.
-Eu falo Italiano.
-I speak Polish
-Eu falo Polonês
-I speak Polish.
-Eu falo Polonês.
-I speak Portuguese
-Eu falo Português
-I speak Portuguese.
-Eu falo Português.
-I speak Russian
-Eu falo russo
-I speak Russian.
-Eu falo Russo.
-I speak Spanish
-Eu falo espanhol
-I speak Spanish.
-Eu falo Espanhol.
-I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of
-Eu acho que terminei, tenho uma caixa cheia de
-I think that I'm done, do you have a question now?
-Eu acho que eu terminei, você tem alguma pergunta?
-I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s!
-Eu acho que vou terminar em breve pois logo terei uma caixa cheia de @@!
-I think that my wine has a great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Eu acho que meu vinho tem uma ótima qualidade! Eu estou na minha segunda garrafa e eu já... Sobre o que estávamos falando mesmo?
-I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Eu acredito que meu vinho é de ótima qualidade! Eu estou na minha segunda garrafa e eu já... Sobre o que estávamos conversando mesmo?
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Eu acho que yeye está quase acabando. Yeye em breve vai ter uma caixa cheia de @@!
-I was here when they rescued you!!
-Eu estava aqui quando te resgataram!
-I will give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Eu vou dar tudo o que ela precisa, não se preocupe.
-I will give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Eu darei tudo o que ele precisa, não se preocupe.
-I will give you @@ GP.
-Eu vou te dar @@GP.
-I will give you @@GP.
-Eu vou te dar @@GP.
-I will give you @@gp.
-Eu te darei @@gp.
-I would love to!!
-Eu adoraria!
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
-Eu gostaria de pegar um deles, mas eles voam para longe quando eu tento.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Eu providenciarei tudo o que ela precisa, não se preocupe.
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Eu vou dar tudo o que ele precisa, não se preocupe.
-I'll look at it.
-Eu vou dar uma olhada.
-I'll share my berries with you, if you help me.
-Se você me ajudar eu compartilho minhas berries com você.
-I'm a bit sick.#0
-Eu estou um pouco doente.
-I'm a bit sick.#1
-Eu estou um pouco doente.
-I'm called
-Eu sou chamado
-I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
-Eu me chamo Alige e eu tenho me escondido aqui por algumas semanas.
-I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you some days ago, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
-Eu me chamo Julia, eu cuidei de você durante esses dias desde que te encontramos em alto mar. Eu estou muito feliz em ver que você está bem!
-I'm doing fine!!
-Eu estou muito bem!
-I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
-Estou perdendo a cabeça, eu preciso comer algo diferente!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!
-Eu não estou tão *hic* o que você desco... *hic* ...briu lá, a guilda guerreira nunca vai me pegar!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me!
-Eu não sou tão eeh *hick* burro, seja lá o que você desco *hips* briu, a guilda guerreira não vai me pegar!
-I'm not.
-Eu não sou.
-I'm not.#0
-Eu não sou.
-I'm not.#1
-Eu não sou.
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#0
-Eu estou doente, vou voltar para a cama.
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1
-Eu estou doente, vou voltar para a cama.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should change with another sailor from times to times.#0
-Eu sinto muito por sua situação. Eles deveriam alternar você com outro marinheiro às vezes.#0
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should change with another sailor from times to times.#1
-Eu sinto muito por sua situação. Eles deveriam alternar você com outro marinheiro às vezes.#1
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Estou certo que Tibbo está sozinho no sudoeste da ilha. Ele acredita que este é o melhor lugar para coletar @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.
-Eu estou certo de que ele em breve será capaz de lutar contra todas as criaturas que vivem aqui sem nenhum problema.
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.
-Eu estou certo de que ela em breve vai ser capaz de lutar contra todas as criaturas que vivem aqui sem nenhum problema.
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-Eu tenho certeza que você tem algumas perguntas, sinta-se livre para perguntar, mas primeiro eu preciso te passar as regras sociais de conduta.
-I'm very happy to see you're okay now!
-Eu estou muito feliz em ver que agora você está bem!
-I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-Eu o vi no fundo da ilha, pergunte ao Jalad para mais informação.
-If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
-Se eu tivese visto *hick* quem você eeera.... *hips* Não teria te ajudado!
-If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks.
-Se você sentir tédio ou se quiser andar em círculos por aí, você pode tentar falar com os outros marinheiros ao redor para receber tarefas.
-If you find something then it's good!!
-Se você encontrar algo, então é ótimo!
-If you see weird things, or things that shouldn't be here, or even things that you would like to see there...
-Se você ver coisas estranhas, ou coisas que não deveriam estar ai, ou até mesmo coisas que você gostaria de ver ai...
-If you want another one, you know what to do!
-Se você quiser outro, já sabe o que fazer!
-If you wish to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-Se você quiser ler esta página novamente há uma cópia no alto da parede à esquerda.
-If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0
-Se você quiser abrir seu inventário use a tecla F3 ou use o mouse para selecioná-lo no menu superior em seu cliente.
-If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1
-Se você quiser abrir seu inventário use a tecla F3 ou use o mouse para selecioná-lo no menu superior em seu cliente.
-If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case...
-Se você for nos procurar, a maioria de nós vai ficar no restaurante do Pedro ou no hotel, no caso do Silvio...
-In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
-Nesta caverna, como você pode ver, eu me divirto muito.
-In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun.
-Eu me divirto muito nesta caverna, como você pode perceber.
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-É bom ver que você acordou bem. Elmo veio aqui me dar as boas novas!#0
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-É bom ver que você acordou bem. Elmo veio aqui me dar as boas novas!
-It is them who tell me to whom I can give cookies.
-São eles quem me dizem para quem eu posso dar um biscoito.
-It looks like madam is curious, am I right?
-Parece que a madame está curiosa, estou certo?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#0
-Parece que você é um especialista sobre a vida dentro de 'La Johanne'. Você conhece algum segredo escondido que ninguém saiba?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#1
-Parece que você é um especialista sobre a vida dentro de 'La Johanne'. Você conhece algum segredo escondido que ninguém saiba?
-It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Faz sentido, você acha que nós devemos informar o capitão sobre isso?
-It seems mister is curious, are you not?
-Parece que o senhor está curioso, não está?
-It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-Parece que nós estamos perto de uma ilha, nós deveríamos olhar o andar de cima.
-It'll be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that.
-Então, seria uma boa oportunidade para se exercitar, já que o navio não é grande o suficiente para isso.
-It'll be a good time for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-Será uma boa oportunidade para fazer uns exercícios, o navio não é grande o suficiente para isso.
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry!
-Ela é um porto comercial de Andorra, e é estranho que você não saiba disso, pois trata-se de uma das mais famosas cidades do mundo. Mas hey, retornando ao tópico, eu estou faminto!
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry!
-É um porto comercial de Andorra. É estranho que você não saiba disso, trata-se de uma das cidades mais famosas do mundo... Mas hey oh, retornando ao assunto! Eu estou faminto!
-It's a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-É um lugar ótimo... Tem uns bons chicks...
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-É legal saber que você acordou e está ok, Elmo veio aqui me contar a boa notícia!
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-É legal saber que você acordou e está ok, Elmo veio aqui me contar a boa notícia!
-It's yours as well, right?
-É seu também, certo?
-Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.
-Seus habitantes não conheciam qualquer tipo de horror e viviam em paz enquanto a terra deu a eles tudo o que precisavam para viver.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Golpeie o tronco e ele vai yeyar um @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Apenas me deixe sozinho.
-Knifes on the table
-Facas na mesa
-Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#0
-A última vez que te vi, você estava perdida no mar em sua jangada.
-Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#1
-A última vez que te vi, você estava perdido no mar em sua jangada.
-Let me introduce myself, I'm Captain Nard, the leader of this ship.
-Deixe eu me apresentar, eu sou o Capitão Nard, o lider deste navio.
-Let me see your work...
-Deixe-me verificar seu trabalho...
-Lettuce Leaf
-Folha de Alface
-Look, he's there!
-Olhe, ele está lá!
-Max and Sapartan for example?
-Max e Sapartan por exemplo?
-Maybe he abused too much his bottle today to celebrate that!
-Talvez ele tenha abusado demais de sua garrafa hoje para celebrar!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!
-Talvez ele seja parte do grupo que se perdeu no mês passado? O yoiis de Esperia que ganhou uma missão secreta da guilda guerreira!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Talvez ele seja parte do grupo que se perdeu no mês passado. O yoiis de Esperia que ganhou uma missão secreta da guilda guerreira!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!
-Talvez ela seja parte do grupo que se perdeu no mês passado? A yoiis de Esperia que ganhou uma missão secreta da guilda guerreira!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Talvez ela seja parte do grupo que se perdeu no mês passado. A yoiis de Esperia que ganhou uma missão secreta da guilda guerreira!
-Maybe you can look at this??
-Você poderia dar uma olhada nisso?
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?#0
-Talvez... Mas eu prefiro ter pessoas bem treinadas ao meu redor quando chega a hora de lutar contra criaturas perigosas. Você já se sente experiente sobre como lutar contra seus inimigos?#0
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?#1
-Talvez... Mas eu prefiro ter pessoas bem treinadas ao meu redor quando chega a hora de lutar contra criaturas perigosas. Você já se sente experiente sobre como lutar contra seus inimigos?#1
-My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Minha beleza, eu não fui sempre um marinheiro, sabe, eu já fui um indivíduo importante!
-My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Sabe, eu não fui sempre um marinheiro, eu já fui um indivíduo importante!
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks.
-Meu nome é Alige, eu tenho me escondido aqui por semanas.
-My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea.
-Meu nome é Julia, sou eu que tomei conta de você quando te encontramos no mar.
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
-NÃO e *hick* NÃO, você e você e sua... *burp* estúpi*hick* guilda!
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
-NÃO e *hick* NÃO, você e você e sua... *burp* estúpi*hick* guilda!
-New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed.
-Novas tecnologias ajudou a matança ao invés de estabelecer a paz. Em um ponto, dois rivais se formaram.
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0
-Não e *hic*... Não, você e você e sua... *burp* estupi *hic* guilda!
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1
-Não e *hic*... Não, você e você e sua... *burp* estupi *hic* guilda!
-No problem, I can help you anyway.
-Sem problemas, eu posso te ajudar mesmo assim.
-No problem, do you have an other question for me?
-Sem problemas, você tem alguma outra pergunta?
-No there are no secrets hidden below the ship's wood. Some sailors swear they have seen people hidden somewhere near the stow. Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Não, não há segredos abaixo da madeira deste navio. Alguns marinheiros juram que eles já viram pessoas escondidas em algum lugar perto da estiva. Apenas histórias que marinheiros adoram contar...
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
-Não, eu não posso, eu só queria viajar pelos mares para me divertir.
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
-Não, eu não posso, eu só queria viajar pelos mares para me divertir. Nesta caverna, você vê, eu tenho um monte de diversão.
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Não, de fato. Eu estava aqui para ajudar com as caixas. Posso levar uma para o Gugli?#0
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Não, de fato. Eu estava aqui para ajudar com as caixas. Posso levar uma para o Gugli?#1
-No, sorry.
-Não, obrigado.
-No, thanks.
-Não, obrigado.
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians
-Ninguém vai saber sobre a existência dos Mercurianos.
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!
-Sem querer destruir seu sonho, mas... Julia é minha!
-Nothing else other than sharks and an odd light!!
-Nada além de tubarões e uma luz estranha!
-Nothing, I need to go!
-Nada, eu tenho que ir!
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Agora vá lá fora e fale com o Gugli, ele vai te dizer o que precisamos.
-OH, OK!
-OH, OK!
-OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
-Ok, eu acho que ele está acordando, vá ver como ele está.
-OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
-Ok, eu acho que ela está acordando, vá ver como ela está.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#0
-Claro que sim! Apenas ouça cuidadosamente minhas palavras, querida.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#1
-Claro que sim! Apenas ouça cuidadosamente minhas palavras, querido.
-Of course, there is a reward for your task.
-É claro, há uma recompensa pela sua tarefa.
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go get a look at them.
-É claro, eles estão na parede à esquerda, vá dar uma olhada.
-Oh look there!!
-Oh, olha lá!
-Oh look, there is a piou behind you.
-Oh, olhe, há um Piou atrás de você.
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
-Oh não, mas eu percebi uma luz estranha na outra ponta da ilha, me pergunto o que poderá ser aquilo...
-Oh ok, I said nothing then.
-Oh, ok, eu não disse nada então.
-Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that?
-Sério? Como eu pude me esquecer de um tópico tão importante como este?
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Oh, bom. Eu também vou te dar um destes chapéus desta caixa próxima a você, mas somente depois que você completar sua tarefa.
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0
-Oh yeyeye, já que elas não são comestíveis você pode tentar equipá-las!
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1
-Oh yeyeye, já que elas não são comestíveis você pode tentar equipá-las!
-Oh! And in one of the room of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh! E em um dos quartos do segundo convés você vai encontrar as facas de gado. Nosso chef mantém as mais afiadas lá... Provavelmente não apenas para picar cenouras...
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you want to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Oh, eu ia te perguntar se você queria ajudar a tripulação a procurar comida e a explorar a ilha lá fora.
-Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
-Oh, e a Olga do mercado também!
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, e dê a ela algumas roupas básicas. Pobre coitada, as que ela tinha estavam em condições piores do que as nossas!
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, e dê a ela algumas roupas, a pobre garota, as roupas que ela tinha estavam em condições piores que as nossas.
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, e dê a ele algumas roupas básicas. Pobre coitado, as que ele tinha estavam em um estado ainda pior do que as nossas.
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, e dê a ele algumas roupas, o pobre rapaz, as roupas que ele tinha estavam em condições piores que as nossas.
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Warrior Guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, e havia uma inscrição na sua jangada. Ela representa a guilda guerreira de Esperia, a maior e mais numerosa guilda do novo mundo. Isso te faz lembrar de alguma coisa, qualquer coisa?
-Oh, he's still alive!
-Oh, ele ainda está vivo!
-Oh, hey you.
-Oh, hey você.
-Oh, it was nothing important!
-Oh, não era nada importante!
-Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up twice in the conversation.
-Oh, nem tudo, não se preocupe, mas seu nome surgiu duas vezes na conversa.
-Oh, nothing important.
-Oh, nada importante.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#0
-Oh, agora que me lembrei, nós também encontramos um dinheiro em seu bolso, aqui está!
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#1
-Oh, agora que me lembrei, nós também encontramos um dinheiro em seu bolso, aqui está!
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, agora que eu me lembrei, nós também encontramos um pouco de dinheiro em seu bolso, aqui está!
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, agora que eu me lembrei, nós também encontramos um pouco de dinheiro em seu bolso, aqui está!
-Oh, ok!!
-Oh, ok!!
-Oh, she's still alive!
-Oh, ela ainda está viva!
-Ok, Done.
-Ok, pronto.
-Ok, Done. I'm sure that you got some question for me, feel free to ask them!
-Ok, pronto. Tenho certeza que você tem muitas perguntas, sinta-se à vontade para fazê-las.
-Ok, Done. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them!
-Ok, pronto. Eu tenho certeza que você tem várias perguntas para mim, sinta-se à vontade para fazê-las.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.
-Ok, eu acho que ele está acordando, vá até ele.
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.
-Ok, eu acho que ela está acordando, vá até ela.
-Ok, I'll help you.
-Ok, eu vou te ajudar.
-Ok, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Ok, eu vou até o quarto dela. Fique de olho, nós ainda não sabemos se ela é uma aliada ou uma inimiga...
-Ok, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Ok, eu vou até o quarto dele. Fique de olho, nós ainda não sabemos se ele é um aliado ou um inimigo...
-Ok, but Gugli needs my help first.
-Ok, mas Gugli precisa de minha ajuda primeiro.
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, ok. Volte se mudar de idéia.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Ok, estou pronta para trabalhar!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Ok, estou pronto para trabalhar!
-Okay, but what can you offer me?
-Ok, mas o que você pode me oferecer?
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but it obviously depends on the level of the weapon. On the other hand, you attack from a safer position.
-Por um lado, armas de longo alcance são geralmente mais fracas que as outras, mas é óbvio que isso depende do nível da arma. Por outro lado, você ataca de uma posição segura.
-On the edge of this island!!
-No limite desta ilha!
-Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0
-Quando estiver no seu inventário, você pode equipar um item selecionando e clicando em \"Equipar\". Alternativamente, você pode desequipar um item selecionando e clicando em \"Desequipar\".
-Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1
-Quando estiver no seu inventário, você pode equipar um item selecionando e clicando em \"Equipar\". Alternativamente, você pode desequipar um item selecionando e clicando em \"Desequipar\".
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0
-Abra seu inventário (Tecla F3), selecione a roupa desejada e equipe.
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1
-Abra seu inventário (Tecla F3), selecione a roupa desejada e equipe.
-Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s.
-Ou então, se realmente quiser e for capaz, você pode tentar matar tortugas ou crocs se for forte o suficiente. Estou certo que eles podem deixar cair um ou dois @@s.
-Orc Voice
-Voz de Orc
-People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.
-As pessoas começaram a roubar das outras para sobreviver. à medida que as cidades cresciam, as necessidades também aumentavam. Guerras por terras férteis se iniciaram.
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0
-Perfeito, qual comida você trouxe para mim?
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#1
-Perfeito, qual comida você trouxe para mim?
-Pink Blobime
-Blobime Rosa
-Piou Legs
-Pernas de Pious
-Piou Slayer
-Matador de Pious
-Pious legs
-Pernas de Pious
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, at least not again!
-Por favor, não saia dizendo que me viu, eu não quero ser jogado no mar como comida de tubarão ou ser decapitado. De novo não!
-Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again!
-Por favor, não saia dizendo que me viu, eu não quero ser jogado no mar como comida de tubarão ou ser decapitado, de novo não!
-Plushroom Box
-Caixa de Plushroom
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Sementes de Abóbora
-Right! Sailors are pretty quick with their job. They just take too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Certo! Marinheiros são bem rápidos com seus trabalhos. Eles apenas levam muito tempo para trazer comida de volta para o navio. Talvez você possa ajudá-los.
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long.
-Regras começaram a surgir de modo a manter uma sociedade pacífica. Isto não funcionou bem por muito tempo.
-Sea Drop
-Gotas do Mar
-Sea Drops
-Gotas do mar
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, some others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-Em segundo lugar, escolha com sabedoria qual arma é a melhor para você. Algumas pessoas gostam de enfrentar seus inimigos de perto com um pesado machado, outros preferem atacar à distância com um arco, por exemplo.
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Ela está no andar de cima, yeye vai encontrá-la. Ela é a única garota da tripulação, oh, bem... além de você agora, yeyeye!
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew.
-Ela está no andar de cima, yeye vai encontrá-la. Ela é a única garota da tripulação.
-She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef!
-Ela é a enfermeira e a governanta do navio, e também uma excelente chef!
-She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook!
-Ela é a enfermeira e a governanta deste navio, e também uma excelente cozinheira.
-She said that she will accept my application when Piou have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Ela disse que ela vai aceitar minha inscrição quando Pious tiverem dentes. É só uma questão de tempo, sabe?
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Ela está no andar de cima, yeye vai encontrá-la. Ela é a única garota da tripulação, oh bem, além de você agora, yeyeye!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.
-Ela está no andar de cima, yeye vai encontrá-la. Ela é a única garota da tripulação.
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation.
-Silvio começa a falar com a garrafa, você sai da conversa.
-Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation.
-Silvio começa a falar com sua garrafa, você abandona a conversa.
-Simply contact them, help them and be kind. They might surely add you to my cookie list!
-Simplesmente entre em contato com eles, ajude-os e seja gentil. Eles certamente te adicionaram na minha lista de biscoitos!
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
-É por isso que nós queriamos te avisar, talvez ele seja membro da tal guilda, já que aquele sinal estava na sua jangada.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
-É por isso que nós queriamos te avisar, talvez ela seja membro da tal guilda, já que aquele sinal estava na sua jangada.
-So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination.
-Nós estamos procurando por novas mercadorias para poder trocar em nosso próximo destino.
-So what's up?? What are you doing??
-Então, como é que é? O que você está fazendo?
-So you finally woke up? We all thought that you were in something like... You know, one of those long comas.
-Então você finalmente acordou? Nós pensamos que você estivesse em um daqueles... Você sabe, em um coma profundo.
-So you're under the control of dictators, that's... reassuring.
-Então você está sob controle dos ditadores, isso é... tranquilizador.
-So, do you still want a cookie now?
-Então, você ainda quer um biscoito?
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look in good health now.
-Então, como você se sente? Vejo que Julia fez um ótimo trabalho! Você parece muito mais saudável agora.
-So, what's your name??
-Então, qual o seu nome?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats on Artis?
-Então, que bons ventos te trouxeram aqui? Você estava em sua jangada para me encontrar? Ou é porque você ficou sabendo das minhas façanhas em Artis?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?
-Bom saber.
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?
-Então, que bons ventos te trouxeram aqui? Você estava em sua jangada para encontrar Julia? Ou é porque você queria ver as lindas garçonetes de Artis?
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.
-Então, você finalmente acordou? Nós todos pensamos que você estava em algo do tipo... Você sabe, um daqueles longos comas.
-Some more things are written down but it's not legible.
-Há mais coisas escritas, mas não está legível.
-Some other strings are added to this page.
-Algumas linhas foram adicionadas a esta página.
-Some sailors are looking for goods we could trade in our next destination.
-Alguns marinheiros estão procurando mercadorias para trocar em nosso próximo destino.
-Some sailors are trying to talk to you..
-Alguns marinheiros estão tentando falar com você...
-Sometimes, I wish somebody is sent here to help us.
-Às vezes, eu desejo que alguém seja mandado aqui para nos ajudar.
-Sorry but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Me desculpe, mas eu não posso falar sobre isso com você.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
-Desculpe, eu não estou com ânimo para outra luta contra estes rattos.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those rattos.
-Me desculpe, não estou no clima para mais uma luta com aqueles ratos.
-Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later.
-Desculpe, eu não preciso de ajuda agora. Volte depois.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#0
-Perdão, eu estou ocupada agora.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1
-Perdão, eu estou ocupado agora.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
-De repente você ouve uma voz vinda do céu.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice up in the sky.
-De repente você ouve uma voz vinda do céu.
-Sure, Cap'tain.
-Claro Capitão!
-Sure, but Gugli needs my help first.
-Claro, mas Gugli precisa de minha ajuda primeiro.
-Sure, but what can you give me in exchange?
-Claro, mas o que você pode me dar em troca?
-Sure, there is a reward for your task.
-Claro, há uma recompensa por sua tarefa.
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Certamente. Pegue esta caixa cheia de @@.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed, you're weak my poor boy.
-Pegue uma @@ e tente abri-lo(a) usando algo como uma faca afiada! Eu duvido que você conseguirá, você é fraco meu pobre menino.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed, you're weak my poor girl.
-Pegue uma @@ e tente abri-lo(a) usando algo como uma faca afiada! Eu duvido que você conseguirá, você é fraca minha pobre menina.
-Take a Bandana
-Tome uma bandana
-Take a nap
-Tirar uma soneca.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more!
-Pegue este dinheiro por sua sábia escolha. Mas não tente isto novamente. A água já foi piedosa com você uma vez... Não instigue o destino mais uma vez!
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food.
-Diga a ele que tudo foi bem e que nós estamos quase prontos com a comida.
-Thank you sir for you nice words. I am feeling better now.
-Obrigado pelas palavras gentis senhor. Eu me sinto melhor agora.
-Thank you so much! Here, have some berries...
-Muito obrigado! Aqui, peque algumas berries...
-Thank you, I'll take them.
-Obrigado, vou ficar com eles.
-Thanks again for helping me. But these rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Obrigado novamente por me ajudar. Mas aqueles rattos são um problema permanente e sua ajuda é sempre bem vinda. O único problema é que eu só posso te recompensar uma vez.
-Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Obrigado novamente pela ajuda. Mas aqueles ratos são um problema permanente e sua ajuda é sempre bem-vinda. O único problema é que eu posso te recompensar apenas uma vez.
-Thanks for helping me!
-Obrigado por me ajudar!
-That's a good idea, go rest a bit and I'll see you tomorow!
-Boa idéia! Vá descansar um pouco e eu te verei amanhâ!
-That's a nice name!!
-Esse é um belo nome!
-That's right.
-That's where you go as well, right?
-Você também está indo para lá, certo?
-The adventure begins!
-A aventura começa!
-The door is closed.
-A porta está fechada.
-The door is locked.
-A porta está trancada.
-The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the Warrior Guild.
-O Elven da biblioteca se virou contra mim há algum tempo, assim como Enora da guilda guerreira.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing thus you don't know the author's name.
-O fim da história foi apagado, provavelmente por causa de água salgada. Algumas páginas ainda estão faltando, por isso você não sabe o nome do autor.
-The giant bogeyman!
-O bicho-papão gigante!
-The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.
-O grande povo de Aemil se dividiu em três grupos quando eles chegaram à costa.
-The hidden person doesn't answer.
-A pessoa escondida não responde.
-The sailor chugs his beer
-O marinheiro vira toda a cerveja
-The sailor is turning his back to you
-O marinheiro está se virando de costas para você.
-The sailor is turning his back to you.
-O marinheiro está virando de costas para você.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
-Os marinheiros te levam a bordo do navio para ajudá-lo.
-Then I can give you some tips about fights.
-Então eu posso te dar algumas dicas sobre lutas.
-Then leave me alone.
-Então deixe-me sozinho.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Há alguns grupos destes @@s nesta ilha. Escolha alguns e vá em frente.
-There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Circulam alguns rumores de que eles fizeram coisas monstruosas e que estão escondendo muita coisa de nós.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Há alguns grupos destes @@s nesta ilha. Escolha alguns e vá em frente.
-There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-Há algumas facas na mesa, você deseja pegar uma?
-There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one?
-Há algumas facas na mesa. Você gostaria de pegar uma?
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Ainda há alguns rattos sobrando! Você quer abortar a missão?
-There is a nice place to stay beside you.
-Ao seu lado há um bom lugar para ficar.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or help Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-Sempre há algo a fazer por aqui, como matar tortugas or ajudar Peter a livrar o navio dos rattos.
-There is nothing to say, don't worry miss.
-Não há nada a ser dito, não se preocupe senhorita.
-There is nothing to say, don't worry sir.
-Não há nada a dizer, não se preocupe senhor.
-There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Há algumas pelúcias amarelas voadoras ao seu redor, elas são chamadas pious. Umas perninhas assadas de alguns deles seria perfeito!
-There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-Há algumas facas na mesa, você deseja pegar uma?
-There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island.
-Há 6 marinheiros que vão precisar de sua ajuda. Eles estão por toda a ilha.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.
-Não há nada a dizer, não se preocupe senhorita.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.
-Não há nada a dizer, não se preocupe senhor.
-Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil.
-Assim, a fome recaiu sobre o povo de Aemil.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship.
-Estas caixas são muito pesadas para serem carregadas até o navio.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...
-Estas crocoárvores estão cheias de yayi @@, mas elas são tão difíceis de bater.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I don't feel my arms anymore!
-Estas caixas pesadas estão me matando, eu já não sinto meus braços!
-They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-Eles são ambos válidos e eu preciso deles. No passado, eu provavelmente cometi erros dos quais eu me arrependo. Eu estava pensando se você poderia investigar e... clarear esta situação.
-They are so tasty when cooked together with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-Eles ficam tão gostosos quando cozinhados junto com um pouco de @@. Não deixe cair nenhum!
-This box is locked
-Esta caixa está trancada
-This box is locked.
-Esta caixa está trancada.
-This door seems locked
-Esta porta parece estar trancada
-This door seems locked.
-Esta porta parece estar trancada.
-This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Essa garota teve sorte de ter sido encontrada por nós e não por um tubarão. Eu não faço idéia de onde ela veio. Por sinal, você viu o logotipo na jangada em que ela estava?
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Esta garota teve sorte de ter sido encontrada por nós e não por um tubarão. Eu não faço ideia de onde ela veio. Por sinal, você viu o logotipo na jangada em que ela estava?
-This girl needs help, let's rescue her!
-Esta moça precisa de ajuda, vamos resgatá-la!
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!
-Essa garota precisa de ajuda, nós temos que resgatá-la!
-This guy is lucky that we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Esse garoto teve sorte de ter sido encontrado por nós e não por um tubarão. Eu não faço idéia de onde ele veio. Por sinal, você viu o logotipo na jangada em que ele estava?
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Este cara teve sorte de ter sido encontrado por nós e não por um tubarão. Eu não faço ideia de onde ele veio. Por sinal, você viu o logotipo na jangada em que ele estava?
-This guy needs help, let's rescue him!
-Essa pessoa precisa de ajuda, vamos resgatá-la!
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!
-Esse rapaz precisa de ajuda, nós precisamos resgatá-lo!
-This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-Este é um lugar ótimo... Tem várias gatinhas...
-This is a sea fruit, but some sea monsters may have them as well.
-Isto é uma fruta do mar, mas alguns monstros marinhos também podem contê-las.
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Isto é um @@, uma fruta marítima azul clara. Eles são altamente desejados no arquipelago.
-This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!
-É isso, o fim do segundo Beta Release do Evol Online!
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
-Este tipo de conversa deveria ser púnida, mas eu admito que eu mesmo não gosto muito deles, por isso fiquem de olho nela.
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
-Este tipo de conversa deveria ser púnida, mas eu admito que eu mesmo não gosto muito deles, por isso fiquem de olho nele.
-This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Isso faz sentido. Você acha que nós devemos informar o capitão sobre isso?
-This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.
-Este novo continente, na verdade um arquipélago, era chamado Andorra.
-Tibbo went to the east-south of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Tibbo foi para sudeste da ilha, outros foram para o norte e eu acho que Gulukan não está longe daqui.
-Too bad I'm not hungry enough right now for these... cookies. I'll maybe come back later.
-Que pena que não estou faminto o bastante para esses... biscoitos. Eu posso voltar depois.
-Too bad that you do not want to help me.
-Que pena que você não quer me ajudar.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some fine food for me.
-Muito ruim... Volte quando tiver boa comida para min.
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?
-Verdade, mas agora ele parece bem legal! Estou certo?
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?
-Verdade, mas agora ela parece bem legal! Estou certo?
-Try to ask Max. He's an early riser.
-Tente perguntar ao Max, ele é um madrugador.
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-UAHAHAHAAH! Eu sou o cozinheiro daquele bando de macacos e eu posso ser rude com todos, desse capitão mandão àquela senhora-harpia!
-Wait... That's not the place for a chef, what are you doing here?
-Espere... Aqui não é lugar de um chef, o que você está fazendo aqui?
-Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please.
-Ande um pouco, vai ser fácil para você pegar um. Empale um deles para mim por favor.
-We are in need of manpower on the island.
-Nós precisamos de mão de obra na ilha.
-We are in need of manpower on the island... Oh excuse me, women are also welcome!
-Nós precisamos de mão de obra na ilha... Oh, mulheres também são bem vindas!
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#0
-Nós esperamos que você tenha gostado desta introdução e que vejamos você novamente em nossos futuros lançamentos!
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#1
-Nós esperamos que você tenha gostado desta introdução e que vejamos você novamente em nossos futuros lançamentos!
-We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis.
-Nós fizemos uma parada em uma pequena ilha antes de aportarmos em Artis.
-We need manpower on the island.
-Nós precisamos de homens na ilha.
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.
-Nós precisamos de homens na ilha... Oh, me perdoe,
-We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
-Nós devemos chegar lá em poucos dias e, assim que chegarmos, eu avisarei a guilda de Espéria sobre o ocorrido. Tenho certeza que eles podem te ajudar.
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Warrior Guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Nós devemos chegar em poucos dias, assim que tivermos chegado, eu vou avisar a guilda guerreira sobre o que aconteceu, eu tenho certeza que eles vão poder ajudar.
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the warrior guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Nós devemos chegar em poucos dias. Assim que chegarmos eu vou avisar a guilda guerreira sobre o que aconteceu, eu tenho certeza que eles vão poder ajudar.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-Nós pensamos que talvez você possa nos ajudar a entender isso, tudo o que sabemos é que te encontramos à deriva em alto mar em uma jangada.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0
-Nós tentamos limpá-las mas a água salgada acabou com elas. É por isso que te oferecemos estas roupas, elas não estão muito boas, mas é tudo que temos.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1
-Nós tentamos limpá-las mas a água salgada acabou com elas. É por isso que te oferecemos estas roupas, elas não estão muito boas, mas é tudo que temos.
-We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-Nós geralmente aportamos em volta destes pequenos pedaços de terra porque eles contém algumas das melhores comidas do arquipélago.
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0
-Nós estaremos yayando lá em alguns dias, aí poderemos deixá-la por lá mesmo. Você vai ver, os cidadãos são educados e você ainda pode pedir ajuda na guilda guerreira. Eles podem ajudá-la a encontrar trabalho ou talvez ajudar a descobrir o que aconteceu com você em alto mar.
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#1
-Nós estaremos yayando lá em alguns dias, aí poderemos deixá-lo por lá mesmo. Você vai ver, os cidadãos são educados e você ainda pode pedir ajuda na guilda guerreira. Eles podem ajudá-lo a encontrar trabalho ou talvez ajudar a descobrir o que aconteceu com você em alto mar.
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship!
-Muito bem! Colete todos os ingredientes e então volte aqui. Você vai ser recompensado assim que eles entenderem quem manda neste navio!
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#0
-Bem, se você quiser ser um daqueles que podem ter um biscoito...
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#1
-Bem, se você quiser ser um daqueles que podem ter um biscoito...
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Bem... Bem vinda a bordo, bonitinha!
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#1
-Bem... Bem vinda a bordo, bonitinho!
-What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.
-O que eu vendo vem de todos os cantos deste arquipélago.
-What am I suposed to say?
-O que eu devo dizer?
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!
-O que vocês estão falando pessoal, é um yoiis!
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#0
-O que vocês estão falando pessoal, é uma yoiis!
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#1
-O que vocês estão falando pessoal, é um yoiis!
-What are you talking about? Which guild?
-Sobre o que você está falando? Qual guilda?
-What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok?
-O que Gugli disse sobre a caixa? Ela estava OK?
-What did you say??
-O que você disse?
-What if I give you 1000 Esperin for that job, is it ok?
-E se eu te der 1000 Esperinos por esse trabalho, está bem?
-What should I add after taking these clothes?#0
-E por favor, não me venha com berries. Nunca mais!
-What's the deal with these Aquada?
-Qual é o negócio com esses Aquada?
-What's this fruit?
-O que é esta fruta?
-What? It's not a good reward?
-O quê? Não é uma boa recompensa?
-What? This reward is too small!
-O quê? Essa recompensa é muito pequena!
-What? Why? They aren't sexier than me, why do you want to see them?
-O que? Por que? Eles não são mais sexy do que eu, porque você quer vê-los?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Qual de suas armas você quer usar para cortar este(a) @@?
-Which one?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they use to do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-Enquanto Jalad e Ale gostam de trabalhar juntos, como fazem no navio, a última vez que os vi foi próximo ao grande lago, ao norte daqui.
-Who are you searching?
-Quem você está esperando?
-Who is this Julia?
-Quem é essa Julia?
-Who of them two has the 'good' on his side?
-Qual deles tem o 'bem' ao seu lado?
-Why don't you go outside?
-Por que você não sai e vem aqui fora?
-Why not, but who are you?
-Por que não? Mas quem é você?
-Why not... but, who are you?
-Por que não... mas quem é você?
-Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Yayayaya, pela primeira vez alguém está vestido pior do que nós!
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Yayayaya, esta é a primeira vez alguém está vestido pior do que nós!
-Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Yeah, vocês de Espéria são todos *hick* assim, mas vocês não vão me pegar! *burp*
-Yeah, nice indeed!
-Yeah, realmente legal!
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Sim! @@ está escrito na minha lista de biscoitos.
-Yes, it's a chest!
-Sim, é uma arca!
-Yes, it's a chest.
-Sim, isto é um baú.
-Yes, please!
-Sim, por favor!
-Yes, why not.
-Sim, por que não.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.
-Yeye pergunta muito e faz muito pouco. Pegue está caixa e pare de falar.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, este é o logo da guilda guerreira de Esperia! Eu me pergunto o que esta yoiis estava fazendo tão longe da costa.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, este é o logo da guilda guerreira de Esperia! Eu me pergunto o que este yoiis estava fazendo tão longe da costa.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, este é o logo da guilda de guerreiros de Espéria, eu me pergunto o que esta yoiis estava fazendo tão longe da costa.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, este é o logo da guilda de guerreiros de Espéria, eu me pergunto o que este yoiis estava fazendo tão longe da costa.
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Yeye, você ainda não pegou suas roupas!
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-Yeye, você ainda não pegou suas roupas!
-You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
-Você já pegou uma Bandana, por favor coloque esta de volta na caixa.
-You already took a Bandana, put this one back please.
-Você já pegou uma bandana, devolva esta por favor.
-You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Na verdade você está em um navio, nós estamos indo para a capital comercial de Artis.
-You are now part of the crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Você agora é parte da tripulação! Obrigado novamente por ajudar.
-You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Você agora é parte da tripulação. Obrigado novamente por sua ajuda.
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#0
-Você está em nosso navio. Nós estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura mercante até a cidade de Artis.
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#1
-Você está em nosso navio. Nós estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura mercante até a cidade de Artis.
-You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
-Você está em nosso navio, nós embarcamos em uma pequena ilha e estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura em direção à cidade de Artis.
-You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
-Você está em nosso navio, nós embarcamos em uma pequena ilha e estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura em direção à cidade de Artis.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Você pode atacar um monstro clicando nele ou a partir do teclado com a tecla \"A\" para selecionar o monstro e a tecla \"Ctrl\" para atacar.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Você pode atacar um monstro clicando nele ou a partir do teclado com a tecla \"A\" para selecionar o monstro e a tecla \"Ctrl\" para atacar.
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#0
-Você pode seguir à direita para ir ao andar de cima.
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#1
-Você pode seguir à direita para ir ao andar de cima.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff on the west busy collecting @@s.
-Você pode ver Q'Muller em um penhasco a oeste, ocupado coletando @@s.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Você pode yayar alguns @@s batendo nestas crocoárvores.
-You can't go there!
-Você não pode entrar aí!
-You close your eyes a few seconds...
-Você fecha seus olhos por alguns segundos...
-You could start talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help
-Você poderia começar falando com o Gugli. Ele sempre tem tarefas para as pessoas que querem ajudar.
-You dirty liar. I will add your name on the traitors list.#0
-Sua mentirosa. Eu vou colocar seu nome na lista de traidores.#0
-You dirty liar. I will add your name on the traitors list.#1
-Seu mentiroso. Eu vou colocar seu nome na lista de traidores.#1
-You don't remember anything before this.
-Você não se lembra de nada antes disso.
-You have an awful amnesia.
-Você tem uma terrível amnésia.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that 'nice' lady.
-Você precisa saber que havia um tempo em que eu era o tenente sem nenhuma oposição neste navio. Então um dia um maldito marinheiro trouxe aqui aquela senhorita 'legal'.
-You have very bad amnesia.
-Você tem um caso sério de amnésia.
-You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door...
-Você ouve o som de um grito, deve ser o estalar de uma porta de madeira...
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-Você bateu muito forte com sua mão, você destroiu seu @@.
-You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!
-Me sinto honrado, mas eu já sou da Julia!
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you to downstairs where you will find our furry meal!
-Você gosta deles, não é? Fale com o Peter então. Ele está no segundo convés do navio. Ele vai te mandar descer as escadas, onde você vai encontrar seu almoço peludo!
-You mentioned the quality of your wine
-Você mencionou a qualidade de seu vinho.
-You need to walk north!!
-Você precisa caminhar rumo ao norte!
-You open the treasure chest.
-Você abriu o baú de tesouros.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-Você abriu o @@ em duas partes, mas você quebrou uma delas.
-You opened the treasure chest.
-Você abriu o baú de tesouro.
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Você cortou perfeitamente seu @@ em duas partes comestíveis.
-You realize you can't remember anything.
-Você percebe que não consegue se lembrar de nada.
-You really are quite amnesic.
-Você realmente está bem amnésico.
-You really have a bad amnesia.
-Você realmente está com uma forte amnésia.
-You receive 10 GP!
-Você recebeu 10GP!
-You receive 200 GP!
-Você recebeu 200GP!
-You receive 25 GP!
-Você recebeu 25GP!
-You receive 25GP!
-Você recebeu 25GP!
-You receive 40 GP!
-Você recebeu 40GP!
-You receive 50 GP!
-Você recebeu 50GP!
-You receive 60 GP!
-Você recebeu 60GP!
-You receive @@ E!
-Você recebeu @@ E!
-You receive a @@!
-Você recebeu um @@!
-You see some items in the box. Take them out?
-Você vê alguns itens em uma caixa. Pegá-los?
-You see these Pious around?
-Você vê esses Pious ao seu redor?
-You see, my cookies are restricted to a certain type of people...
-Como você vê, meus biscoitos são restringidos a certos tipos de pessoas...
-You should come back when you'll have some free space.
-Você deveria voltar quando tiver espaço livre.
-You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Você deveria informar Nard sobre o progresso do carregamento de comida para o navio. Ele ficará feliz em ouvir as boas notícias.
-You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe...
-Você deveria dar uma olhada neles assim que chegarmos ao porto, eles valem a pena, hehe...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-Você deveria falar com o Arpan Mágico primeiro.
-You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough.
-Você deveria tentar matar algumas tortugas, ou alguns Crocs, se você for forte o suficiente.
-You shouldn't believe all of the stories drunk sailors tell you.
-Você não deve acreditar em todas as histórias que os marinheiros bêbados te contam.
-You still haven't completed your task.
-Você ainda não completou sua tarefa.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head.
-Seu estúpido, ele é inglês, olha o formato da cabeça dele.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Seu estúpido, ele é inglês, olha o formato da cabeça?
-You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form.
-Seu estúpido, é uma inglesa, repare na forma da cabeça.
-You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
-Seu estúpido, é um inglês, repare na forma da cabeça.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head.
-Seu estúpido, ela é inglesa, olha o formato da cabeça dela.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Seu estúpido, ela é inglesa, olha o formato da cabeça?
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Você pega as roupas do baú.
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-Você tentou se livrar de mim, ehh?? Mas surpresa! Eu ainda estou aqui... *hick* Ou lá...
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
-Você estava mal e você deveria estar feliz pelo fato de ter sido encontrada antes que o mar a levasse de vez.
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
-Você estava mal e você deveria estar feliz pelo fato de ter sido encontrado antes que o mar o levasse de vez.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
-Você estava dormindo e yayando por alguns dias, nossa governanta, Julia, estava aqui com você, ela fez o melhor para curar seus ferimentos durante esse tempo.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#1
-Você estava dormindo e yayando por alguns dias, nossa governanta, Julia, estava aqui com você, ela fez o melhor para curar seus ferimentos durante esse tempo.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-Você estava dormindo yayada por um bom tempo. Julia estava aqui com você, ela fez o possível para curar seus ferimentos.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-Você estava dormindo yayado por um bom tempo. Julia estava aqui com você, ela fez o possível para curar seus ferimentos.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Você vai ver, os cidadãos são educados e você ainda pode pedir ajuda na guilda guerreira. Eles podem te ajudar a encontrar um trabalho ou a descobrir o que aconteceu com você no mar!
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Você vai ver, os cidadãos são educados e você ainda pode pedir ajuda na guilda guerreira. Eles podem te ajudar a encontrar um trabalho ou a descobrir o que aconteceu com você no mar!
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!
-Você é um de nós agora, isso é incrível! Eu tinha certeza de que você era um bom homem quando eu te vi pela primeira vez!
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!
-Você é uma de nós agora, isso é incrível! Eu tinha certeza de que você era uma boa mulher quando eu te vi pela primeira vez!
-You're right, it's about Julia.
-Você tem razão, é sobre Julia.
-You're right, it's about you.
-Você tem razão, é sobre você.
-You're talking too fast!
-Você está falando muito rápido!
-You?? Here??
-Você?? Aqui??
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Suas mãos estão muito fracas, você não conseguiu abrir o(a) @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you didn't open the @@.
-Suas mãos estão muito fracas, você não conseguiu abrir o(a) @@.
-Your position has been saved.
-Sua posição foi salva.
-Your position is saved.
-Sua posição foi salva.
-is helping me.
-está me ajudando.
diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bb73e606..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14980 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online
- BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)
-Nível: %d | Trabalho: %s (Lvl: %d)
- Party: '%s' | Guild: '%s'
-Grupo: '%s' | Aliança: '%s'
- Users: %d/%d | Password: %s | Public: %s
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>).
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>).
- @send <packet hex number> {<value>}*
- @send len <packet hex number>
- Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"
- - Available in shops only.
- - Disponível somente em lojas.
- - Common mobs with highest drop chance (only max %d are listed):
- - Montros comuns com maior chance de drop (somente o maior %d é listado):
- - Item is not dropped by any mobs.
- - Item não dropado por nenhum monstro.
- - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%%
- - Chance máxima de drop de monstro: %02.02f%%
- - Monsters don't drop this item.
- -Monstros não dropam este item.
- -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) --
- -- Duelo criado (Use @invite/@leave) --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d --
- -- Duelos: %d/%d, Membros: %d/%d --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d --
- -- Duelos: %d/%d, Membros: %d/%d, Máximo de jogadores: %d --
- -- Player %s has rejected the duel --
- -- Jogador %s rejeitou o duelo --
- -- Player %s invites %s to duel --
- -- Jogador %s convida %s para um duelo --
- -> (card(s):
- -> (ficha(s):
- -> (crafted item, creator id: %u, star crumbs %d, element %d)
- -> (item construído, id do criador: %u, pedaços de estrela %d, elemento %d)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, named)
- -> (ovo do animal de estimação, id do pet: %u, com nome)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, unnamed)
- -> (ovo do animal de estimação, id do pet: %u, sem nome)
- -> (produced item, creator id: %u)
- -> (item produzido, id do criador: %u)
- -> Player %s has accepted the duel --
- <- Player %s has left the duel --
- ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- ATK:%d~%d MATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d
- Drops:
- Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d
- MVP Bonus EXP:%u
- MVP Items:
- and %d second
- and %d seconds
- | equipped:
-"@@", I like this name!
-"@alootid reset" will clear your autolootitem list.
-"Mister Piou, good day to you.
-"My good Sir,
-##BWARNING:##b you are about to permanently empty the quote database.
-% 10s
-% 5d
-%d - void
-%d GMs found.
-%d GMs encontrados.
-%d commands found.
-%d comandos encontrados.
-%d day
-%d dia
-%d days
-%d dias
-%d hour
-%d hora
-%d hours
-%d horas
-%d item(s) found in %d %s slots.
-%d item(s) removed by a GM.
-%d item(s) removed from the player.
-%d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items.
-%d items are dropped!
-%d items have been refined.
-%d minute
-%d minuto(s)
-%d minutes
-%d Minutos
-%d monster(s) summoned!
-%d players found in map '%s'.
-%d players found.
-%d results found.
-%d: Accessory (Left)
-%d: Accessory (Right)
-%d: Body Armor
-%d: Costume Garment
-%d: Costume Headgear (Low)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Top)
-%d: Garment
-%d: Hand (Left)
-%d: Hand (Right)
-%d: Headgear (Low)
-%d: Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Headgear (Top)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Costume)
-%d: Refine All Equip (General)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Shadow)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Left)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Right)
-%d: Shadow Armor
-%d: Shadow Shield
-%d: Shadow Shoes
-%d: Shadow Weapon
-%d: Shoes
-%s %d %s
-%s %s %s
-%s %s allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
-%s :Main: %s
-%s People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you.
-%s allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere.
-%s and %s will show this informative and absurdely big tutorial book.
-%s clears the text box.
-%s data type is not supported :%u
-%s determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison.
-%s displays amount of currently connected players.
-%s drains his mug in one long sip, then hesitates.
-%s explains how to use all client commands.
-%s failed
-%s failed.
-%s failed. Player not found.
-%s has bought your item(s).
-%s helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow.
-%s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes
-%s is Unknown Command.
-%s is empty
-%s is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it.
-%s lists even more advanced commands, but some of them can only be used by admins or GM's.
-%s recalled!
-%s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts)
-%s shows the name of the map you are in.
-%s shows the number of people in the neighbourhood.
-%s spawns in:
-%s takes a sip.
-%s value is now :%d
-%s value is now :%s
-%s will help when the client starts lagging. If you see an attack but no monsters, that's the cause.
-%s will tell you all the rules once again.
-%s: %d
-%s??? What a ripoff!
-'%s' Channel is password protected (usage: %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-'%s' and his/her partner are now divorced.
-'%s' channel color updated to '%s'
-'%s' is not a known channel option
-'%s' is not a known costume
-'%s' is not a known permission.
-'%s' is not married.
-'%s' skill and stat points have been reset.
-'%s' skill points reset.
-'%s' stats points reset.
-'%s' stats:
-'Hey anyone there?'
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty on this island!
-(@request): %s
-(All items must be placed exactly in this order for cooking work.)
-(Click on us to continue the introduction.)
-(You hear a faint sound in distance, but can't say what sound it was.)
-* :%s %s: *
-* @@ @@
-* Skill ID: @@
-*Bang bang*
-*Imitate a thunder's sound.*
-*Imita o barulho de um trovão.*
-*Uff*, *Argh*, why don't you give me some help?
-*Uff*, *Argh*, Por que você não me ajuda?
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*Uff*... E mais uma caixa de @@s para nossos famintos colegas está pronta.
-*sniff sniff*
-- #%s ( %d users )
-- %s
-- %s (%d)
-- 2 @@es
-- Ale
-- Ale
-- Astapolos
-- Astapolos
-- Available Costumes
-- Gulukan
-- Gulukan
-- I currently need your help with @@.
-- Jalad
-- Jalad
-- Q'Muller
-- Q'Muller
-- Tibbo
-- Tibbo
-- adds or removes <option name> with <option value> to <channel name> channel
-- bans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- binds your global chat to <channel name>, making anything you type in global be sent to the channel
-- changes <channel name> color to <color name>
-- creates a new channel
-- leaves <channel name>
-- lists all banned characters from <channel name> channel
-- lists colors available to select for custom channels
-- lists public channels
-- unbans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- unbans everyone from <channel name>
-- unbinds your global chat from its attached channel (if bound)
--- %s
--- %s ban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s banlist <channel name>
--- %s bindto <channel name>
--- %s create <channel name> <channel password>
--- %s leave <channel name>
--- %s list
--- %s list colors
--- %s setcolor <channel name> <color name>
--- %s setopt <channel name> <option name> <option value>
--- %s unban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s unbanall <channel name>
--- %s unbind
--- '%s' ban list
--- Available options
--- Continues on Volume II --
--- Continues on Volume III --
--- Continues on Volume IV --
--- Displaying first %d partial matches
--- Permission List
--- Public Channels
--- User '%s' Permissions
---- Available options:
------ Chats in Map -----
------ NPCs in Map -----
------ Players in Map -----
------- %s items list of '%s' ------
------- Map Flags ------
------- Map Info ------
-... and 1 @@.
-... e 1 @@.
-...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks.
-...I mean log! Made of log!
-...It'll most likely attack you, instead.
- might be because of Don... he is the master blacksmith of this place and a model to me!
-...who knows if there isn't a secret in that?
-/q [Player Name]
-1 GM found.
-1 item has been refined.
-1 player found in map '%s'.
-1 player found.
-1. ##BDo not bot##b, this means you are not allowed to perform any AFK (away from keyboard) activity, apart from standing idle.
-1: The type of item yoiis want to dye.
-1x @@, 3x @@, 2x @@, and the ingredient of your choice.
-2. ##BDo not use offensive/rude language##b in the chats or in your character(s) name(s).
-2: What material it is made from.
-3. ##BDo not spam/flood other players.##b This includes chat spam and spam by trade requests.
-3: Which colorants can dye it.
-4. ##BSpeak only English in public areas.##b You can speak whatever language you want through whispers or whenever everyone in the area can speak said language.
-4: How many cards your item can contain.
-5 Piberries Infusions
-5 boxes... Alright, @@ are my speciality!
-5. ##BDo not beg others##b for money, items or favours of any kind. If you want to ask for something, do it politely and only once. Try not to annoy other players.
-6. ##BFollow the [@@|ESC@@]##b (Evol Social Convention).
-7. ##BDo not multibox.##b You are not allowed to engage in combat while controlling more than one character at a time.
-???: Hey! Is someone there? Please, help, it's so dark down here!
-@@ @@ @@
-@@ and @@ just got married!
-@@ divorced!
-@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!
-@@ registered for marriage. Waiting for partner...
-@@ skillfully cuts the bread in half, throws the ingredients in air, and they land in the sandwich!
-@@/@@ pages used.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-@@? Bem vinda minha querida!
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-@@? Bem vindo meu querido!
-@discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings.
-@request sent.
-@resyncall is the more powerful version of @resync. It'll reload everything, even the clouds if needed.
-@toevent will warp you to event island, if an event is happening, of course.
-@ucp allows you to manage your account, eg. recover lost email.
-A GM has discharged you from jail.
-A band of adventurers formed in Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families. They visited the three permanent human settlements: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-A cookie!
-Um biscoito!
-A critical hit deals added damage and disregards defense. A critical always hit, although it can be blocked just fine.
-A few minutes passed, and suddenly I was practically surrounded by a dozen or more of these living trees!
-A great city, eventually to become larger than the cities of Ancea, rose on the coast of Aemil. This city was named Esperia.
-A headache hits you and you lose your concentration.
-A large tree was found in a deep cave underneath the island of Candor. Despise the darkness of the cave and absence of leaves, the tree grew strong. It gave light off itself and its energy empowered the wizards.
-A rabbit!
-A small lie is really just a fib, and I could really use some cash...
-A stat card works on different pieces of equipment.
-A strange voice seems to be calling out your name.
-A sunny and hot day,
-Um dia quente e ensolarado,
-A week ago, I was going to chop down one of those twigleaf trees in the forest to the southwest.
-A young apprentice called Chelios might be waiting outside, speak to him, and return the package to me.
-A-hoy matey!
-ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d
-Able to write a poem
-Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.
-A bordo estão marinheiros tentando se comunicar com você.
-About the Legion of Aemil, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Accepted the quest
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#0
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#1
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#0
-Na verdade, eu vim aqui para trabalhar em minha tarefa.
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#1
-Na verdade, eu vim aqui para trabalhar em minha tarefa.
-Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life.
-Na verdade, eu tenho um conhecimento aprofundado deste tipo de vida.
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Actually, it's been a long day.
-Actually, you just took a bounty, right?
-Add a new line
-Aemil was once a magnificent land unknown to us all.
-Aemilean Era. Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis held power of their surrounding lands, except for the Land Of Fire and Keshlam City.
-After I chopped off a few branches, the whole tree started to move!
-After I shook it off and struck the tree again with my axe, another branch hit me!
-After a tiring, yet fast, travel by Koga, you arrive at @@.
-After all this time, it was still there!
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#0
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#1
-After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.
-Após escolher sua arma, você também vai precisar saber como usá-la.
-After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert!
-After the Mana War, the Ancea continent was mostly destroyed. It would take years to nature start repairing the damage of the event.
-After this small overview of Artis, what do you think of our city?
-After this war, the Raijin race was born. A race born of Magic. Humans encapsulated in a Mana storm and altered forever.
-After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading.
-Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead.
-Agi: %d (%d~%d)
-Agility greatly increases your attack speed and the chances of you dodging enemy hits.
-Ah, I didn't have much sleep, it's possible.
-Ah, seagulls. We are arriving.
-Ah, the locals like keeping them as pets.
-Ah, well, never mind.
-Ah, whom did you bring here?
-Ah... Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation.
-Ah... Gugli... Ele é muito novo para entender nossa conversa.
-Ah... Sorry, I forgot, again.
-Ahoy, @@!
-Alan asks to find wood
-Alan bends the log over his knee.
-Alan tries as hard as he can but the log won't bend.
-Alan wants to ask Jack
-Alchemical studies are prohibited in every city of the Archipelagos, do not dare to practice it in a public zone!
-Alchemist's Laboratory
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Ale e Tibbo devem trazer 2 caixas de @@s, Astapolos e Gulukan 2 de @@s e Jalad and Q'Muller estavam encarregados das caixas de @@s.
-Alige asks for food
-Alizarin Herb
-Erva de Alizarin
-Alizarin Plant
-Planta Alziriana
-All I need is %d %s.
-All characters recalled!
-All dropped items have been cleaned up.
-All items have been repaired.
-All items stored.
-All monsters killed!
-All monsters summoned!
-All of a sudden, you hear voices from above.
-All of my money.
-All of your items have been removed.
-All online characters of the %s guild have been recalled to your position.
-All online characters of the %s party have been recalled to your position.
-All players have been kicked!
-All races were in peace until the Humans set forth to discover the Source of Magic, based on Ukar scholars studies.
-All skills have been added to your skill tree.
-All stats changed!
-All this seems unimportant to you right now.
-All you have to do is to select a bed in the upper level anytime after your reservation.
-All you need is a bit more exercise and fresh fruit in your diet!
-All your... Fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked.
-Todos os seus... Ingredientes frescos estão prontos para serem cozinhados.
-Alliances cannot be broken during Guild Wars!
-Alliances cannot be made during Guild Wars!
-AllowKS |
-Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the '###keyPickup;' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item.
-Almost got it!
-Quase peguei!
-Already using this font.
-Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good.
-Certo! Yoyuma caixa a mais e ficará bom.
-Alright, I'll take one.
-Certo, eu vou pegar um.
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's friend or foe...#0
-Certo, eu vou entrar no quarto, fique de olho nela, nós ainda não sabemos se ela é uma aliada ou uma inimiga...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's friend or foe...#1
-Certo, eu estou indo para o quarto dele, fique de olho nele, nós ainda não sabemos se ele é um aliado ou um inimigo...
-Alright, but... You only have @@ @@, and I need @@ to do the status reset for you!
-Alright, take your time we are not in a hurry.
-Certo, use seu tempo, não estamos com pressa.
-Alright, well...
-Alright, you will need this shovel.
-Certo, você vai precisar desta pá.
-Alright. I will go looking for them now.
-Certo. Eu vou procurar por eles agora.
-Alright... Bye.
-Tudo bem... Tchau.
-Also note that if you are in overweight, your natural regen will halt. 90% in weight, and you won't be able to attack.
-Also, build a reputation with the Legion. Talk to everyone. Help everyone. Prove me your worth!
-Also, most monsters get enraged and will attack whoever is closest to them, regardless of anything else.
-Also, status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
-E também, nós tomamos suas roupas yayadas, já que elas estavam... Yeyeye... Em um estado ruim. Vá conferir o baú próximo da sua cama, a outras dentro.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
-E também, nós tomamos suas roupas yayadas, já que elas estavam... Yeyeye... Em um estado ruim. Vá conferir o baú próximo da sua cama, a outras dentro.
-Also, you'll get more experience by killing monsters stronger than you, and less experience by killing monsters weaker than you.
-Alternative clouds appeared.
-Alternative clouds have disappeared.
-Although the more powerful you are, the more plushrooms you will need.
-Although, if you want to visit a place nearby, we could take you there.
-Altough you can't get rid of the feeling someone is listening on the other side, you don't get any replies
-Amethyst Shard
-Amethyst Vein
-An explorer left behind some incomplete manuscripts about the people and dangers in the land of Kaizei.
-An invalid number was specified.
-Um número inválido foi especificado.
-And I bet you don't know who is in charge of monitoring the security of this place?
-E eu aposto que você não sabe quem está encarregado de monitorar a segurança deste lugar?
-And I have no mention of a so called "@@" on it!
-And by last, to speak to everyone online, besides whoever might be idling on IRC, select the '#irc' tab.
-And by the way. I know nothing about this book. And I don't know how to get more pages either.
-And get out of here, I'm not a map!
-E saia daqui, eu não sou um mapa!
-And now I want to see you run!
-E agora eu quero ver você correr!
-And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
-E agora eu sou um marinheiro, como você pode ver!
-And only the best logs of living wood are good enough for them.
-And rhyming is not too
-And so far, the Merchant Guild helped me find this appartment so I can't complain!
-And sure enough I ask the witch, and she has a look at it.
-And then she turns to me!
-And then what happened?
-E então o que aconteceu?
-And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
-And tried to attract him thus.
-And what would you give me in exchange for that information?
-And when we have enough money for ourselves without needing anybody else.
-And where can I find these potions?
-E aonde eu posso encontrar essas poções?
-And with my piou. That's wonderful. I can only imagine how hard that little bugger was to catch!
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#0
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#1
-And you, how are you doing?
-E você, como você está?
-And you? How's it going on your side?
-E você? Como as coisas estão indo no seu lado?
-And you? How's it yaying on your side?
-E você? Como as coisas estão yayando no seu lado?
-Animals Protection Agency of Aemil
-Any boss which was previously unhittable, can be hit with appropriate number of attackers.
-Any clue on where Astapolos may be hidden?
-Alguma dica de onde Astapolos está escondido?
-Any contribution to the game (translations, graphics creation/edition, concepts, coding/scripting, etc...) is rewarded!
-Qualquer contribuição para o jogo (traduções, criação/edição de gráficos, conceitos, programação, etc...) é recompensada!
-Any ideas on who might have taken it?
-Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.
-Anything else you want me to do?
-Anything else?
-Alguma coisa mais?
-Anyway I am glad I can give you some of these yoyoxs.
-De qualquer forma, eu estou feliz por poder te dar alguns destes yoyoxs.
-Anyway, can I help you in any way?
-Então, eu posso te ajudar em algo?
-Anyway, he forgot his permit when he left the building.
-Anyway, here, have a cookie!
-De qualquer modo, aqui, coma um biscoito!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#0
-Então, se você se sentir interessada, apenas confira a minha bolsa!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#1
-Então, se você se sentir interessado, apenas confira a minha bolsa!
-Anyway, let me know if you change your mind.
-De qualquer forma, me deixe saber se mudar de ideia.
-Anyway, the guild creation is perfect for both!
-Anyway, the last time I stole something I was almost caught.
-Anyway, to make a sandwich, you'll need to place, in this order:
-Appearance Debug
-Appearance Debug - Barber
-Appearance Debug - Race
-Appearance Debug - Sex Change
-Appearance changed.
-Applying some strong-smelling liquid, he tans them to a darker hue.
-Aquada Box
-Caixa de Aquada
-Arch Bishop
-Arch Bishop T
-Are the fish biting today?
-Are you a good blacksmith?
-Are you a native from Artis?
-Are you blind? Do you really think these boxes are light and soft as a piou's feather?!
-Você não enxerga? Você realmente acha que estas caixas são leves e macias como uma pena de Piou?
-Are you crazy?
-Are you going to stand here all day long? Do the dishes or go away.
-Você vai ficar parado aí o dia inteiro? Lave os pratos ou vá embora.
-Are you in need of some flowers?
-Are you mad?!
-Você está louco?!
-Are you ok?
-Você está bem?
-Are you sure about this?#0
-Are you sure about this?#1
-Are you sure one of your troupe members didn't hide it and commit those robberies?
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#0
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#1
-Are you sure?#0
-Are you sure?#1
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#0
-Você está yayando aqui para explorar a ilha?
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#1
-Você está yayando aqui para explorar a ilha?
-Arpan gave money
-Arpan is waiting for you
-Arpan told you to open the chest
-Artis Backsword
-Sabre de artis
-Artis Tank Top
-Artis is a very nice place. There are some hot chicks...
-Artis legion progress
-Artis of course!
-Artis é claro!
-As captain of this ship, I officially name this newly discovered land the ##BDrasil Island##b!
-As on anvil strikes the hammer
-As promised, here's my old scythe.
-As you may know, we are explorers on a long distance voyage, and our swashbuckling mariners need to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-As you want!
-Ask other merchants, they might know where he is.
-Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away.
-Pergunte aos marinheiros por aí, eles não devem estar longe.
-Assassin Cross
-Astapolos... That guy is shy like a piou!
-Astapolos... Esse cara é tímido como um piou!
-At first, I thought it fell down or the wind blew it, but it hurt!
-At that time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-No momento, nossa tripulação está ocupada coletando @@s, @@s and @@s.
-Atropos Mixture
-Mistura atropos.
-Auction is disabled
-Auldsbel discretly stuffs a book on your backpack.
-Auto loot item are disabled on this map.
-Autoloot is now off.
-Autolooting item type: '%s'
-Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' {%d}
-Autolooting items with drop rates of %0.02f%% and below.
-Autorejected alliance request from %s.
-Autorejected friend request from %s.
-Autorejected guild invite from %s.
-Autorejected opposition request from %s.
-Autorejected party invite from %s.
-Autorejected trade request from %s.
-Autorejecting is activated.
-Autorejecting is deactivated.
-Autotrade Disabled
-Autotrade Enabled
-Autotrade is not allowed in this map.
-Available Flags:
-Available aliases:
-Available commands:
-Aw, what will I do now?
-Awesome! I will wait for you here.
-Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group!
-Awesome. How many of those do you want to give me?
-Axe Hat
-Chapéu de Machado
-Ayouyouch! My head...
-Ayouyouch! Minha cabeça...
-Baby Acolyte
-Baby Alchemist
-Baby Arch Bishop
-Baby Archer
-Baby Assassin
-Baby Bard
-Baby Blacksmith
-Baby Crusader
-Baby Dancer
-Baby Genetic
-Baby Guillotine Cross
-Baby Hunter
-Baby Knight
-Baby Magician
-Baby Mechanic
-Baby Merchant
-Baby Minstrel
-Baby Monk
-Baby Novice
-Baby Priest
-Baby Ranger
-Baby Rogue
-Baby Royal Guard
-Baby Rune Knight
-Baby Sage
-Baby Shadow Chaser
-Baby Sorcerer
-Baby Sura
-Baby Swordsman
-Baby Thief
-Baby Wanderer
-Baby Warlock
-Baby Wizard
-Bad Bee
-Ban failed, it is not possible to ban this user.
-Bandit Boots
-Bandit Gloves
-Bandit Hood
-Bandit Lord
-Bandit Shawl
-Bandit Trousers
-Banking is disabled
-Bare Hands
-Mãos nuas
-Base Level: %d (%.3f%%) | Job Level: %d (%.3f%%)
-Base level can't go any higher.
-Base level can't go any lower.
-Base level lowered.
-Base level raised.
-Bat Teeth
-Dente de Morcego
-Battle configuration has been reloaded.
-Battlegrounds ON
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#0
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#1
-Because I am a Kralog I can't read such things? That's rubbish.
-Because of the dense foliage, you need to go up close to the trees so you don't miss him.
-Because the voices of death sing a sweet song
-Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled.
-Becoming a Sorcerer? I want that too!
-Beer is life!
-Before I joined Nard, I used to be a thief.
-Before the end of the Mana War, a band of adventurers formed in the Ancean region of Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Antes de ir, deixe-me dizer-lhe como obter @@s, porque você não parece muito inteligente.
-Behind me? It's the Blacksmith House, the most renowned throughout Aemil.
-Bent trees whistling with the beat of the drum
-Bernard sent me to get %d %s from the %s in the fields, but they scare me so bad!
-Bernard wants maggot slime
-Bernard wants roasted maggot
-Besides this, there is Seasons. You know, summer, autumn, winter and spring.
-Besides, I need to be here to watch out for thieves while La Johanne is docked.
-Better stay away from my basement, you may end up like the poor guys down there.
-Better take it back to Q'Onan.
-Beware of falling stones from the cliff!
-Beware you have a limited number of pages. Do not let the Legion or the Brotherhood find out you have one.
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Black Cotton Dye
-Tinta preta para casimira
-Black Scorpion
-Black iron... That is a very specific request that you have for me!
-Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) --
-Blue Coral
-Coral Azul
-Blue Cotton Dye
-Tinta azul para algodão
-Blue Gray Cotton Dye
-Tinta azul-cinzento para algodão
-Blue Rose
-Blue Tulip
-Boss Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Bottle of Water
-Garrafa d'água
-Bowler Hat
-Break the door.
-Quebrar a porta.
-Brimmed Feather Hat
-Chapéu de aba larga com pena
-Brimmed Flower Hat
-Chapéu de aba larga com pena florido
-Brimmed Hat
-Chapéu de aba larga
-Bring it to me, and you will get your reward.
-Bring me a %s.
-Bring me some of these plushrooms and I will show you how it works!
-Bring them to me, and I'll give you something nice.
-Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!
-Leve esta caixa para o Gugli. Ele vai ficar extremamente feliz!
-Brown Cotton Dye
-Tinta marrom para algodão
-Brown Trousers
-Calças Marrons
-Bug Leg
-Pata de Inseto
-But I can't leave to catch it, so I'm asking you.
-But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry.
-Mas eu não posso te falar nada sobre isso, me desculpe.
-But I didn't give up!
-But I got an old scythe laying around.
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#0
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#1
-But I need to go, see you!
-Mas eu preciso ir, tchau!
-But I still have some spikes left in my foot.
-But I swear that one day... Oh... My tasty revenge! Hhm, actually I wonder if... Maybe...
-Mas eu juro que um dia... Oh... Minha deliciosa vingança! Hhm, na verdade eu imagino se... Talvez...
-But I wasn't there that night.
-But I'll no longer chop those twigleafs, I'll tell you that.
-But I'm almost out of @@...
-But all she says is, “had you stayed inside, you wouldn't be wet now”.
-But anyway, take the road which goes to the north to find everybody.
-Mas de qualquer modo, vá pela estrada que vai para o norte para encontrar todos.
-But be careful: do not scream by using a lot of capital letters, do not repeat yourself over and over, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized.
-But discovering new territories is probably the best thing that can happen to sailors, don't you think?
-But don't you worry! I don't know how to get you back your memories, but we can work on your muscles for now!
-But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.
-Mas por agora você pode relaxar no navio ou visitar a ilha em que ancoramos! É uma pequena ilha, mas um bom lugar para se exercitar e esticar as pernas.
-But he just told me to leave him alone.
-But he never returned.
-But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-But how I got there is kind of scary...
-But if you and other players surrounds the monster instead, they'll suffer the same penalties!
-But if you fail, you will have to get them from the alchemist.
-But if you need to deal with more burocratic stuff, go talk to Q'Anon. He is the boss here.
-But if you really want to accomplish something, you should consider joining us.
-But if you tell my sister, that you didn't find me, I can stay here all day, eating apples and enjoying the view.
-But in the future I might be able to help you create some of your own.
-But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods.
-Mas vamos falar sobre esta ilha. Nós estamos aportados aqui para encontrar algumas mercadorias de boa qualidade.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
-Mas o mais importante, ela é quem tomou conta de você enquanto você estava inconsciente.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
-Mas o mais importante, ela é quem tomou conta de você enquanto você estava inconsciente.
-But my luck left me, because as soon as I left his house, the guards started chasing me.
-But rare are those that receive grants from the Legion itself. For anybody else only a hard work can pay your bills!
-But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.
-Mas lembre-se de que nem todo lugar neste mundo é pacífico e seguro hoje em dia. Mesmo as praias brancas em que você está andando podem guardar alguns seres perigosos.
-But since it's not dummies that will go after you out there, this training won't be enough.
-But something like “Nanaj princino”, I think.
-But still, you open your eyes and see a large ship before you!
-But thank you anyway! I can refund him now!
-But the last time I asked him for a new delivery he said that he would never again get any for me.
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#0
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#1
-But there is no skill to be learnt from this boss.
-But they are too fast.
-But we are quite lucky here, outside of some tipsy travelers there are no big problems around here, it's not like the capital, Esperia.
-But who am I?
-Mas quem sou eu?
-But you are out of the boss level range.
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#0
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#1
-But you do not have enough Magic Ink. (You need: @@ @@)
-But you ran out of empty pages on this book.
-But you should've seen that gaze!
-But you won't *hic* me this time...
-Mas vocês não vão me *hic* desta vez...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. At least not yet.#1
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. At least not yet.#0
-But... something is missing to make the soup creamy.
-By the way, I'm Lozerk. Lieutenant Lozerk.
-By the way, did you ever talk with Don?
-By the way, stay sharp! I may call upon you again.
-Bye for now.
-Bye then!
-C'mon, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-Camel Cotton Dye
-Tinta camelo para algodão
-Can I be of any help?
-Posso ajudar?
-Can I craft them myself?
-Can I read the rules again?
-Posso ler as regras novamente?
-Can I read these rules again?
-Posso ler essas regras novamente?
-Can create guild
-Pode criar aliança
-Can create party
-Pode criar grupo
-Can do the quest
-Can you do something with my color?
-Você pode fazer algo com minha cor?
-Can you make me a really good bow?
-Can you please go away?
-Can you please go there and find him? He is probably hiding in one of those trees, like always.
-Can you reset my stats please?
-Can you verify that with his wife?
-Can't create chat rooms in this area.
-Can't show boss mobs!
-Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty.
-Can't talk right now.
-Can't walk without stopping after every step
-Can't you remember anything at all? Or do you have some memories of your past?
-Can't you see I am reading? If you need something, tell me the secret password.
-Can't you see I am reading? Please go, please.
-Can't you see I'm busy?
-Can't you see I'm working?!
-Você não vê que eu estou trabalhando?!
-Candle Helmet
-Elmo de Vela
-Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself.
-Cannot create bound pet eggs or pet armors.
-Cannot do the quest
-Cannot mount while in disguise.
-Cannot send mails too fast!!
-Cannot transform into monster while in disguise.
-Captain Nard
-Capitão Nard
-Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
-Capitão Nard está no quarto à sua direita.
-Carp Sandwich
-Cart Added.
-Cash Shop is disabled in this map
-Cat got your tongue?
-Catching a piou
-Cave Maggot
-Verme de Caverna
-Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus
-Ch 1 — How to make money.
-Ch 10 — How I see my items?
-Ch 11 — How trade with other players?
-Ch 12 — How hunt monsters?
-Ch 13 — How talk with someone?
-Ch 14 — Change your appearing.
-Ch 15 — Commands.
-Ch 16 — Shortcuts.
-Ch 2 — Baits
-Ch 2 — Everything about monsters.
-Ch 3 — Location
-Ch 3 — Quests.
-Ch 4 — Casting
-Ch 4 — Status.
-Ch 5 — NPC's.
-Ch 5 — Reeling
-Ch 6 — Magic.
-Ch 7 — Rules.
-Ch 8 — Weather & Seasons.
-Ch 9 — Experience.
-Change my appearance
-Change my level
-Change my quests
-Change my skills
-Change my stats
-Changed your mind, uh?#0
-Changed your mind, uh?#1
-Channel '%s' has no banned players
-Channel '%s' is not available
-Channel length must be between 3 and %d
-Channel name must start with a '#'
-Channel password may not contain spaces
-Char-server has been asked to %s the character '%.*s'.
-Character cannot be disguised while in monster form.
-Character cannot be disguised while mounted.
-Character does not have the specified item.
-Character killed.
-Character not found.
-Personagem não encontrado.
-Charcommand failed (usage: %c<command> <char name> <parameters>).
-Chat: %s | Player: %s | Location: %d %d
-Check out this one.
-Chef Gado
-Chef Gado
-Chef Gado#Artis
-Chef? He is Don's apprentice, he works on his hammering skill day and night.
-Chelios asked me to get it.
-Chelios asks to visit Lloyd
-Chelios made sword
-Chelios managed to do excellent work.
-Chelios was stubborn in his youth, he never stopped annoying me with his questions while I was working at the forge.
-Chelios, his apprentice, practices outside, mostly.
-Chelios... He is part of the Blacksmith House, is he not?
-Cherry Cake
-Bolo de Cereja
-Cherry tree leaves have begun to fall.
-Cherry tree leaves no longer fall.
-Chest opened.
-Children play there and can be badly hurt if they get too close to a Fluffy's nest.
-Chill out I won't say anything.
-Chocolate Cashmere Dye
-Tinta chocolate para casimira
-Choose desired quest state:
-Chorus of the Woods
-Coro dos bosques
-Christopher is surrounded by the sunlight from the window.
-City Hall
-Click here for instructions on how to use the test server.
-Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction.
-Clone spawned.
-Clotho Liquor
-Licor Clotho.
-Clouds appeared.
-Clouds have disappeared.
-Clouds |
-Clouds2 |
-Clover Patch
-Campo de Trevos
-Coal Vein
-Cobalt Herb
-Erva Cobalto
-Cobalt Plant
-Planta de Cobalto
-Coin Bag
-Colorant is not the yeying color. Some wear out from light, others look great but inflict itai-itai, and others become spotty or wash-away.
-Come after a little while.
-Come back later if you changed your mind!
-Come back later!
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#0
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#1
-Come back later.
-Come back later.#0
-Come back later.#1
-Come back soon, and bring @@s!
-Come back when you do.
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#0
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#1
-Come closer dear, I can't hear you.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring her with your stories.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring him with your stories.#1
-Come on, don't be a coward!
-Come, come and see!
-Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while.
-Commands are disabled in this map.
-Common Carp
-Carpa comum
-Communication Theory
-Teoria da comunicação
-Complete Quest
-Completed Gugli's task
-Completed, Gado wins
-Completed, Julia wins
-Completed, Julia wins (returned poison)
-Completed, got reward
-Concentration Potion
-Poção de Concentração
-Confused Tree
-Congrats, you are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are %u !!
-Contacted by Sopiahalla
-Cookie Master
-Mestra dos Biscoitos
-Cookies are a source of life.
-Biscoitos são a fonte da vida.
-Cookies are awesome, so am I.
-Biscoitos são legais assim como eu.
-Cookies provide you strength, health and cuteness.
-Biscoitos fornecem-lhe força, vida e fofura.
-Cooking is an art. You need to know how to cook something. You can use my stove to prepare.
-Copper Armbands
-Braçadeira de cobre
-Copper Necklace
-Costume '%s' removed.
-Cotton Boots
-Botas de Algodão
-Cotton Gloves
-Luvas de Algodão
-Cotton Skirt
-Saia de Algodão
-Cotton, cashmere, leather, ...
-Could I ask a favor of you?
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1
-Could I lodge here for a while?
-Could you bleach my clothes?
-Could you bring it to him?
-Could you do a small favor for me?
-Could you explain to me where I am?
-Você poderia me explicar onde eu estou?
-Could you interrogate him for me?
-Could you please bring me 2 new knives?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a berry, and I'm not big on vegetables either. I need proteins!
-Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Você poderia me dizer onde eu estou?
-Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Você poderia me dizer onde eu estou?
-Couwan asks to deliver box
-Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.
-Couwan me deu esta caixa, ela é para você.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.
-Couwan te entrega uma caixa cheia de peixes.
-Creased Shirt
-Camiseta Amassada
-Creased Shorts
-Shorts Amassados
-Create items
-Criar itens
-Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice!
-Crimson Cashmere Dye
-Tinta carmesim para casimira
-Croc Claw
-Garra de Croc
-Croconut Box
-Caixa de Croconozes
-Crude Amethyst
-Crude Diamond
-Crude Emerald
-Crude Ruby
-Crude Sapphire
-Crude Topaz
-Curious Hole
-Current amount of zeny changed.
-Current exp rate is set to @@% (default value).
-Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-CvC ON |
-CvC is already Off.
-CvC is already On.
-CvC: Off
-CvC: On
-Daddy asked me to give you some money as a thank you for looking out for me.
-Daddy finally came back home! He grabbed a snack and said he would be returning to the sewers.
-Daddy never came back home... He said that he would be back for lunch but it has already been two days!
-Damn @@.
-Maldição @@.
-Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter.
-Dan termina a conversa e continua a escrever sua carta.
-Dan keeps silent since your last question.
-Dan se mantém em silêncio desde sua última pergunta.
-Dance for me
-Dang, I scared it! More patience, @@, more patience.
-Dark Collector
-Dark Red Cotton Dye
-Tinta vermelha-escura para algodão
-Database erased.
-Day Mode Activated.
-Day Mode is activated
-Day mode is already enabled.
-Deal, I offer you @@ E!
-Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
-Dear sister,
-Death Knight
-Debug - Change level
-Debug - Change stats
-Debug - Reset
-Debug Forest Bow
-Debug Gado quest
-Debug Gugli quest
-Debug Nard quest
-Debug Narrator
-Debug Wooden Shield
-Defeated by
-Delicious Cookie
-Biscoito Delicioso
-Delivered box, got reward
-Dex: %d (%d~%d)
-Dexterity increases your bow damage and your accuracy.
-Diamond Shard
-Diamond Vein
-Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?
-Did you ask him why?
-Did you bring me any wood?
-Did you bring me the %d %s I need?
-Did you brought me 2 new knives?
-Did you fight it?
-Did you fight them too?
-Did you find my brother?
-Did you hear about the Bandit's attacks? They must have a hideout somewhere outside Hurnscald.
-Did you look over the basement?
-Did you run away?
-Did you see Don the blacksmith? He might know how you could improve your metal equipment.
-Did you see anyone in a mask come by here at night?
-Did you see anyone with a large satchel come by here at night?
-Did you see my daughter Rossy, by chance?
-Different ways, each part of your equipment can be generally upgraded.
-Disconnecting to perform change-sex request...
-Disguise applied.
-Disguise removed.
-Displaying first %d out of %d matches
-Displays Night |
-Divorce error!
-Do I look like a tree? I feel like one.
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Jenna
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-Não diga a senha de seu quarto para ninguém! Mantenha segredo e tente não usar a mesma senha em outros quartos no futuro. - Julia
-Do not learn
-Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever.
-Do note that Job Level gives you skill points, and the status bonuses are really minor.
-Do nothing
-Do we have a deal?
-Do you feel too weak even to do damage to this areas wishy-washy wildlife?
-Do you have @@s for me?
-Do you have any other questions for me?
-Você tem alguma outra pergunta?
-Do you have anything else for me?
-Você tem algo para mim hoje?
-Do you have anything for me today?
-Você tem algo para mim hoje?
-Do you have the %d %s and %s E for the shield?
-Do you have this commendatory letter?
-Do you know anything about the recent robberies?
-Do you know how to speak with people around you?
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#0
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#1
-Do you know where can I find Gulukan?
-Você sabe onde posso encontrar Gulukan?
-Do you know where the graveyard is?
-Do you know where the hill is?
-Do you live here alone?
-Do you need any other information?
-Você precisa de alguma outra informação?
-Do you need help with something?
-Do you need your pickaxe or your shovel fixed? Then I am your man.
-Do you still need help?
-Do you still want to lodge here?
-Do you take apprentices?
-Do you think this is fair? They sent me down here alone, far away from everyone.
-Você pensa que isto é justo? Eles me mandaram aqui sozinho, longe de todo mundo.
-Do you want a drink?
-Do you want me to go see her instead of you?
-Você quer que eu vá até ela ao invés de você?
-Do you want to continue?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Você quer cortar este @@?
-Do you want to enter in sewer?
-Do you want to go back to Artis? You really should be afraid of the Legion there, now that you have been here in Woodland. They somehow smell the odor of the Brotherhood.
-Do you want to go somewhere?
-Do you want to leave it alone?
-Do you want to leave the boat?
-Do you want to marry @@?
-Do you want to read it?
-Do you want to throw something inside?
-Do you want to try again?
-Do you want to try?
-Quer tentar?
-Do you want to use this place as save point?
-Do you wish to try again?
-Do? I don't do them.
-Docks Warehouse
-Does anyone know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Does not have the quest
-Does the guild has any work for me right now?
-Does your mind go all fuzzy or does it feel like your head is going to explode??
-Doesn't he like the way I'm taking care of his ship? Everything is clean and tidy with me, rightful lieutenant of La Johanne.
-Será que ele não gosta do jeito que eu estou tomando conta de seu navio? Tudo é limpo e arrumado comigo, tenente legítimo de La Johanne.
-Don gave me some black iron... after I asked him nearly ten times.
-Don is a renowned blacksmith throughout Andorra, it's crazy that you never heard of him.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land for his blacksmith skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land of Aemil for his blacksmithing skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don't be shy, you are nice
-Don't belittle me, my work is deserving of the highest esteem.
-Don't distract me, I have to stay alert.
-Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!
-Não faça iss... *hic* comigo!
-Don't fall!
-Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots!
-Don't get too excited about it...#0
-Don't get too excited about it...#1
-Don't let those monsters get to you.
-Don't say I didn't warn you!
-Don't say it so loudly, other people could hear us.
-Don't tell anyone about this. Once you kill you a boss, you can try to learn the boss skill by using the book.
-Don't tell me more, I know what you want...
-Não fale mais nada, eu sei o que você quer...
-Don't try to fool me!
-Don't try to poison me! I know what that does!
-Não tente me envenenar! Eu sei o que isso faz!
-Don't worry sister, I didn't forget you.
-Don't worry, I'm sure you will help them soon enough!
-Não se preocupe, tenho certeza que logo você vai ajudar-los!
-Don't you like the smoke, when there is a nice fire beneath a cauldron?
-Don't you recognize the great city of Artis?
-Don't you try to cheat an old merchant! You don't have enough money, you need @@ E.
-Done. Here, take it! Now, here is the plan. Go talk to her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Pronto. Aqui, pegue! Agora, aqui está o plano. Fale com ela e ofereça a nossa linda senhorita uma mordida de sua arrogância!
-Dont you know something about fertility? I heard rumors.
-Drag and drop an item from your inventory.
-Drag and drop the items from your inventory in the frames.
-Drasil Island.
-Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents.
-Due to neglect with day-to-day administration, which she delegated to her council, and uncontrolled expenses, the kingdom faced its first economic crisis.
-Duel| Can't use %s in duel.
-Duel| Can't use this item in duel.
-Duel| Invalid value.
-Duel| Invitation has been sent.
-Duel| Player name not found.
-Duel| The Player is in the duel already.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been accepted.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been rejected.
-Duel| The limit of players has been reached.
-Duel| You can take part in duel once per %d minutes.
-Duel| You can't invite %s because he/she isn't in the same map.
-Duel| You can't use @accept without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You can't use @duel without @reject.
-Duel| You can't use @invite. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @leave. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @reject without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You've left the duel.
-During night, the monsters usually respawn faster. That can be a problem with aggressive monsters.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, dude.#1
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, honey.#0
-Each big city hosts a Legion building, Artis' building is located in the north-west.
-Each card improves your gear by a ratio or a fixed number on a predefined stat.
-Each level up will buff your base stats, and give you stats points to allocate.
-Each piece of equipment has a predefined slot number.
-Each season unlocks a set of quests and drops which can only be obtained on the season.
-Earlier today there was this young seller named Fexil that passed by here.
-Easter Egg
-Ovo de Páscoa
-Easy to make? Could you make one for me?
-Easy to make? Could you teach me how to make them?
-Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.
-Eeekkk another one.
-Ehm... He was really upset because of some past stories.
-Ehm... Ele estava realmente chateado com algumas histórias passadas.
-Eight Castles
-Eighteen Castles
-Eleven Castles
-Elixir Of Life
-Elixir da vida.
-Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats!
-Elmo e Gugli me disseram que você fez todas as tarefas lá fora, parabéns!
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Chef Gado.
-Elmo told about money
-Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats!
-Elmo me contou o que o Nard disse, parabéns!
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#0
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#1
-Emerald Shard
-Emerald Vein
-Empty Bottle
-Garrafa Vazia
-Empty Mug
-Empty the quote DB
-Enabled Mapflags in this map:
-Enabled: @@
-Enjoy the fraternity and excitement of your future guild!
-Enjoy your new shield!
-Enjoy your new style.
-Enora asks to kill fluffies
-Enora asks to visit Chelios
-Enora asks to visit Q'Pid
-Enora asks to visit Resa
-Enora is carefully inspecting the sword.
-Enora needs them.
-Enora sent me here.#0
-Enora sent me here.#1
-Enora wants her potions.
-Enora, from the Legion of Aemil, has been warned that you were aboard.
-Enough of this island?
-Enter desired skill level:
-Enter line number:
-Enter new line:
-Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories.
-Error reading atcommand.conf, reload failed.
-Error reading groups.conf, reload failed.
-Eugene needs tentacles
-Even a simple sandwich will be ruined if you place lettuce above the cheese!
-Even after all that though, I still can't believe what happened next.
-Even with your Hercules strength, this lid is hopelessly struck.
-Event Management
-Event management
-Every 1 hour
-Every 12 hours
-Every 24 hours
-Every 3 hours
-Every 5 hours
-Every 6 hours
-Evil clone spawned.
-Exactly! Can I have one now?
-Exatamente! Posso ter um agora?
-Exactly. Even our task is ridiculous. Why should we collect food down here if we have plenty of those tasty and soft rattos inside our ship, waiting just to be hunted and cooked?
-Exatamente. Mesmo nossa tarefa é ridícula. Por que temos que coletar comida aqui se nós temos vários daqueles deliciosos e macios rattos dentro do navio esperando para serem caçados e cozinhados?
-Excuse me that was a mistake.
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
-Perdão, você sabe quem eu sou?
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Perdão, você sabe quem eu sou?
-Exemple for yoiis:
-Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value).
-Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@.
-Expanded Super Baby
-Expanded Super Novice
-Experience can be gained by completing quests and killing monsters. When you accumulate enough experience, you'll level up!
-Experience rates: Base %.2fx / Job %.2fx
-Fairy Hat
-Chapéu de Fada
-Fake name enabled.
-Fake name must be at least two characters.
-Fancy Hat
-Chapéu Extravagante
-Fates Potion
-Feel free to come visit me another time.
-Fertility Potion
-Fexil needs help
-Fexil wants to buy fur
-Fifteen Castles
-File not found.
-File unloaded. Be aware that mapflags and monsters spawned directly are not removed.
-Finally, he hands the shield to you.
-Find an order with them
-Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water.
-Fine Dress
-Vestido de Gala
-Fine, I'll just hold on to this log should you ever change your mind.
-Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?
-Bom, você poderia me dizer onde eu posso encontrar os marinheiros de Gugli?
-Fine, let's see his work...
-Fine, take these potions, I will replenish them in the next couple hours anyway.
-Fine, tell me, who are these all important friends of yours?
-Fine... I was just going to give you some help...
-Tudo bem... Eu só queria te ajudar...
-Finished training
-Finished battle
-Fireworks are launched.
-Fireworks have ended.
-Fireworks |
-First encounter
-First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game.
-First thing she asked was if I'm a farmer.
-Fish Box
-Caixa de peixe
-Fish is good for the brain!
-Fish, come and see my fish!
-Fishing Guide Vol. I
-Fishing Rod
-Vara de pesca
-Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there.
-Five Castles
-Fluffy Fur
-Pêlo de tufo.
-Fog hangs over.
-Fog |
-Follow mode OFF.
-Follow mode ON.
-Follow the canal to the north-east and you will find it.
-Follow the up-stream and cross the canal twice using the two bridges north from here.
-Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.
-Seguindo estas linhas estão alguns outros escritos no papel.
-Font changed.
-Fool! Just come back here when you'll be done with our little... 'Secret mission'.
-Tolo! Apenas volte aqui quando tiver terminado com nossa pequena... 'Missão secreta'.
-For '%s' you need the amount of seconds (from 0 to 10)
-For a chef? Who said I was a... Oh right, I am.
-De uma chef? Quem disse que eu sou uma... Oh certo, eu sou.
-For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, magic use is very restricted nowadays.
-For starters, you should probably do some stretching and practice on some dummies in our training room.
-For what kind of tissue?
-Forest Armor
-Armadura da Floresta
-Forest Bow
-Arco da Floresta
-Forest Maggot
-Forest bow
-Found @@, got exp
-Found anything new?
-Found bobo, didn't tell Katja
-Found perfect wood
-Found the chest
-Four Castles
-Fourteen Castles
-Free Mana travels in many directions, and this search took several years before the expedition finally found the right direction to follow.
-Fresh from the sea and cheap!
-Friend already exists.
-Friend removed.
-From what I heard, my brother Gugli needs the help of as many people as possible in order to collect a lot of neat things that can be found on this island.
-From your mind, break the ice
-Frost held the title of Lord Prince of the Republic for eighteen months, when the council deposed him and declared itself head of the state.
-Fur Boots
-Furthermore, unless you are planning to stick it out, you should also not even think about gaining experience by messing with those icky pink land jellies. The pink could stick on you, imagine the horror!
-Fuschia Cotton Dye
-GM command configuration has been reloaded.
-Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again!
-Gado! Aquele covarde vive no passado, eu vou pedir para Nard o punir, novamente!
-Gained %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Gained %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Gained exp is now shown.
-Gained exp will not be shown.
-Gained zeny is now shown.
-Gained zeny will not be shown.
-Gamboge Herb
-Erva Gamboge
-Gamboge Plant
-Planta de Gamboge
-Game Balance
-Game introduction
-Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in daylight for %s.
-Game time: The game is in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in permanent daylight.
-Game time: The game is in permanent night.
-Gave @@ to Rumly
-Gave tentacles, got reward
-Gave to Q'Onan, got reward
-Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc.
-Genetic T
-Get a Recipe Book
-Get money
-Obter dinheiro
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Me dê um beijo antes de dizer adeus!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0
-Devolva-me este prato agora, seu mentiroso sujo!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#1
-Devolva-me este prato agora, seu mentiroso sujo!
-Give me some space.
-Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help with your hunting the creatures of this island.
-Go away, I have to think about new evil doings.
-Go away.
-Vá embora.
-Go back
-Go clean up your inventory and come back.
-Go fly a kite
-Go fly a kite.
-Go have a look at that shelf to my right, would you?
-Go meet him, and take the package to me, it's an easy task.
-Go north from here until you find the dock warehouse, cross the bridge to the west side of the canal, continue north until you reach another bridge then cross it to the east side of the canal.
-Go on the upper level if you want to change your room or to use it.
-Go on.
-Go pester someone else.
-Go to Kfahr, and listen to his stories.
-Gold Nuggets
-Gold Vein
-Good day miss.
-Good day mister.
-Good day sir.#1
-Good day to you!
-Good day to you.
-Good day!
-Good day, my friend, come closer, come closer!
-Good evening sir.#1
-Good job!
-Bom trabalho!
-Good look.
-Good luck hunting those tree monsters – you'll need it.
-Good luck!
-Good luck! And remember to visit Peter and our little furry friends whenever you return back onboard!
-Good night milady.#0
-Good then.
-Good to hear from you!
-Good to hear!
-Bom saber!
-Good to know, thanks.
-Good to know.
-Bom saber.
-Good to see you again.
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#0
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#1
-Good, good... Hey, could you help me please? I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Bom, bom... Ei, você poderia me ajudar por favor? Eu imploro, por favor, por favoooor...
-Good, take a look in the bag next to me then!
-Gorgeous woman, but when she looked at me, the scares went scuttling down my spine...
-Got a cookie
-Got poison from Gado
-Got reward from gugli
-Got the bow
-Got the knife
-Got the package
-Got the quest
-Got the shield
-Grabbing one of two leftover pieces, he begins to carve it into a round shape, then repeats this with the second piece – shield handles from what you can tell.
-Grass Carp
-Carpa capim
-Grass Snake
-Cobra da Grama
-Great to see you! What can I do for you today?
-Que bom te ver! O que posso fazer por você hoje?
-Great! Can't wait for some tasty mushrooms!
-Great, and as I promised, I give you a 90% discount on the @@ of your choice.
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#0
-Ótimo, que comida você trouxe para mim?
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
-Ótimo, que comida você trouxe para mim?
-Greater %s allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks.
-Green Cotton Dye
-Tinta verde para algodão
-Green Slime
-Greetings traveler.#0
-Saudações viajante!
-Greetings traveler.#1
-Saudações viajante!
-Group changed successfully.
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Grr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Gugli (main quest)
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#0
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#1
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#0
-Gugli me pediu para ajudar a carregar uma das caixas que você está enchendo.
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#1
-Gugli me pediu para ajudar a carregar uma das caixas que você está enchendo.
-Gugli asks to collect packages
-Gugli mentioned six sailors. What about the others?
-Gugli mencionou seis marinheiros. E quanto aos outros?
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#0
-Gugli me mandou aqui para te ajudar.
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#1
-Gugli me mandou aqui para te ajudar.
-Gugli? Oh I see. Yes, Gugli yeye pretty used to shout orders to everybody down here.
-Gugli? Oh, entendi. Sim, Gugli yeye acostumado a dar ordens pra todo mundo aqui em baixo.
-Guild Certification
-Certificado de guilda
-Guild level change failed.
-Guild level changed.
-Guild modification is disabled in this map.
-Guild storage opened.
-GuildLock |
-Guillotine Cross
-Guillotine Cross T
-GvG Castle |
-GvG Dungeon |
-GvG Flags:
-GvG ON |
-GvG Off.
-GvG On.
-GvG is already Off.
-GvG is already On.
-HP and SP have already been recovered.
-HP or/and SP modified.
-HP, SP recovered.
-HP: %d/%d - SP: %d/%d
-Ha! I'll drink muuuch mo.. more than you! Im not ooone biiit dr...dr..unk!
-Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has.
-Hahaha! All sailors aboard this ship are always drunk... Well... Except... Wait, what?! Nard told you?!
-Hahaha! Todos os marinheiros abordo dese barco estão sempre bêbados... Bem... Exceto... Espere, o quê? Nard o contou?!
-Hair color
-Hair style
-Half Croconut
-Croconozes partido
-Half Eggshell
-Casca de ovo quebrada
-Hard Spike
-Espinho Rígido
-Hard work always pays off!
-O trabalho duro sempre compensa!
-Has a bubblehead
-Has met its demise
-Have a good day!
-Tenha um bom dia!
-Have a good time fishing!
-Tenha um bom tempo pescando!
-Have a seat.
-Have fun, but always remember to pick your stats with good care.
-Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too?
-Você coletou todos os ingredientes de minha receita? O especial também?
-Have you got the %d antennae?
-Have you met Kfahr yet?
-Have you seen Fexil?
-Você já viu Fexil?
-Have you seen anything dangerous?
-Você viu alguma coisa perigosa?
-Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?
-Have you seen anything strange in town? Anything that might have to do with the robberies?
-Have you seen anything strange lately?
-Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?
-Have you seen anything that might be connected to the recent robberies in town?
-Have you talked with the old man yet?
-He asked to lend some money and a place to open his store, I think that he asked for a place on the merchant squares on the south-west of the city...
-He did not change while growing up, I repeatedly asked him to leave the forge but in the end he installed himself in front of it...
-He has a guns!
-Ele tem armas!
-He has never been the same since mommy went away...
-He is a regular at the inn, located in the north-west part of town.
-He is eating an apple, thoroughly enjoying it.
-Ele está comendo uma maçã, apreciando-a completamente.
-He is in a small house between the dock's warehouse and the dojo.
-He is mature and he rarely ask questions so I am fine. I can not stand the sight of a whiner anyway.
-He is probably hiding up one of the trees. Go close to each tree and look up, otherwise you won't notice him.
-Ele provavelmente está se escondendo em uma das árvores. Vá perto de cada árvore e olhe para cima, caso contrário você não irá notá-lo.
-He is the greatest hero that ever walked the land of Hurnscald!
-He is usually in his office on the 3rd floor.
-He is very lucky that Don took him under his wing, but being the student of such a teacher is not easy every day!
-He likes to eat sandwiches. A good thing they are so easy to make!
-He likes to hide near the little lake in the north-west side of the island.
-Ele gosta de se esconder perto de um pequeno lago a nordeste da ilha.
-He looks up and into your face.
-He may not have all of his wits but keep in mind one thing:
-He needs more food.
-Ele precisa de mais comida.
-He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
-He proceeds to further scrutinize the log.
-He said he is going to climb the highest hill in Artis, which is not far from here.
-He said that he would check why weird noises were coming from the manhole next to the house.
-He takes another sip.
-He told me nothing about that.
-Ele não me falou nada sobre isso.
-He was heading north.
-He's funny, it's not a problem.
-Ele é engraçado, isso não é um problema.
-He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Legion of Aemil won't let it get public.
-Heard conversation
-Hearing these words the Piou felt great joy,
-Heh, did you saw me at the port? No?
-Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a fox like you would love to meet a catch like me!#0
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a noob like you would like to meet an idol like me.#1
-Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
-Hehe, às vezes ele fica com a cabeça nas núvens, você deveria perguntar isso a ele.
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there.
-hehe... Ok, eu vou informar o capitão lá em cima.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, perdão, ele está um pouco nervoso, não é todo dia que nós recebemos um novo membro na tripulação!
-Hel... What?! Wait!
-Olá... O que? Espere!
-Hello Miss.#1
-Hello Sir.#0
-Hello dear!#0
-Olá querida!
-Hello dear!#1
-Olá querido!
-Hello deary.
-Hello madam.
-Hello there!
-Hello traveler, welcome to Hurnscald.
-Hello yeye.
-Olá yeye.
-Hello, I am Macgowan, apprentice to Nicholas.
-Hello, a rowboat is on his way to the beach. Please wait for a while for it to arrive.
-Hello, can I help you?
-Hello, there!
-Hello, yes I have met him.
-Hello, young lady.#0
-Hello, young man.#1
-Hello... Do I know you?
-Olá... Eu te conheço?
-Help for command %c%s:
-Help me out~ Please~ T_T
-Help me!
-Helped Hinnak
-Her shop is on the west side of the city, between the Legion building and the library.
-Her sword... I'm having some trouble finishing it.
-Hercules %d-bit for %s
-Here is another one.
-Here is your reward.
-Here it is, a fashionable @@.
-Here it is, clean like a whistle!
-Here it is.
-Here they are.
-Aqui estão eles.
-Here you are.
-Here you go - have fun with it.
-Here you go, everything is fixed.
-Here you go.
-Here's your reward!
-Aqui está sua recompensa!
-Here, have some %s as reward.
-Here, have some %s for your troubles.
-Here, let me heal you.
-Here, take a look!
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#0
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#1
-Here, take this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Hey @@!
-Hey Frenchy!#0
-Hey Francezinha!
-Hey Frenchy!#1
-Hey Francezinho!
-Hey Maxe, it's @@!
-Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go!
-Hey Silvio, é sua vez de carregar o pacote, vai!
-Hey there, are you Bobo, Katja's brother?
-Hey you!
-Hey você!
-Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?
-Hey você! Você pode nos ouvir? Você está bem?
-Hey you, do you have any @@s?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly. I needed to speak with the captain about the food reserves. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#0
-Ei! Aventureira! Está aproveitando sua vida em Aemil?
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#1
-Ei! Aventureiro! Está aproveitando sua vida em Aemil?
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Hey! Cuidado. Você não pode ficar neste porão por tanto tempo, você vai ficar doente. Venha para fora e descanse um pouco, talvez depois você possa tentar novamente.
-Hey! Stop breaking my stuff!
-Hey! There's a reward for you in the box next to me!
-Hey! Há uma recompensa para você naquela caixa!
-Hey! You must be @@.
-Hey, I remember you, we were on the same boat, you are the castaway.
-Hey, I'm not a Keebler Elvis! You won't have another one by stalking me like that!
-Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today.
-Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?
-Hey, yeye poderia levar minha caixa de peixes para o Gugli?
-Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out.
-Hey, não se preocupe com ele, este é um dos primeiros dias em um longo período em que nós podemos simplesmente relaxar.
-Hey, girl!#0
-Hey, how was the...
-Hey, man!#1
-Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
-Hey, psst! Você não é marinheiro, certo?
-Hey. ppst. I have something important to tell you.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Oi @@, eu ouvi dizer que o capitão te mandou aqui pra baixo, uh?
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Oi @@, eu ouvi dizer que o capitão te mandou aqui pra baixo, uh?
-Hi @@.
-Oi @@.
-Hi Sir.
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#0
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#1
-Hi there, need something?
-Hi there.
-Hi! I can finally see you under the sunlight!
-Oi! Finalmente posso vê-lo sob a luz do sol!
-Hi! No, I haven't seen him yet.
-Hi, I am Simon.
-Hi, can I help you at all?
-Hi, can I help you somehow?
-Hi, how is it going?
-Hi, my name is Blossom.
-Hi, my name is Moon. This morning I went for a walk on the beach.
-Hi, my name is Oscar.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Oi, bom te ver!
-Hi, sweetie! Want a fresh beer for 90 Florin?
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#0
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#1
-Hi. I am Trozz, and I am the chief of legion training in Artis.
-Hidden Person
-Pessoa Escondida
-High Acolyte
-High Archer
-High Magician
-High Merchant
-High Novice
-High Priest
-High Swordsman
-High Thief
-High Wizard
-Highest hill in Artis you say? Sounds dangerous, I might fall off.
-Hill & Cliff
-Hinnak asked for help
-Hinnak wasted all my good kitchen knives trying to get rid of his accursed Pinkies.
-His eyes grow wide
-Hm, it seems another player is trying to catch the piou, I shouldn't interfere.
-Hm... Shhhh...
-Hm... an old man?
-Hm... then it couldn't be him.
-Hmm, I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Hmm, why don't you go train a little more? We have several training rooms here.
-Hmm... Let's see, take this one.
-Hmm... Vamos ver, pegue este.
-Hmm... what to do.
-Hmm... where did I put it again?
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. O que... O que é isso?!... *cough*, *burp*... Maldito Gado... *cough*
-Hmmm... looks ok, but is it strong enough?
-Holding a cheese in his beak.
-Homunculus growth stats (Lv %d %s):
-Homunculus reached its maximum level of '%d'
-Homunculus stats altered.
-Homunculus stats:
-Honestly, it's quite far-fetched according to me.
-Sinceramente, é um pouco forçado para mim.
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#0
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#1
-How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats.
-O que acha de ajudar a tripulação? Isso significaria que você é um de nós e que vai poder conseguir um destes chapéus.
-How are things going?
-Como andam as coisas?
-How are you doing, cutie?#0
-How are you doing, dude?#1
-How are you feeling, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-How can I get one of these cookies?
-Como posso conseguir um desses biscoitos?
-How can I help you?
-How can I improve my equipment?
-How can we serve you today?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about that again!
-How do these dyes work?
-Como esses corantes funcionam?
-How do you do your potions?
-Como você faz suas poções?
-How do you know?
-Como você sabe?
-How is *hic* it possible?
-Como isto *hic* é possível?
-How is the hunt going?
-How long will you stay here?
-How many Fluffies did I kill on the hill?
-How many? What kind? I can produce two dozen boxes per day.
-How much do you want to deposit?
-How much do you want to withdraw?
-How much is this worth to you?
-How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?
-Que rude! Qual o motivo por trás de tanta malícia?
-Howdy, partner in crime?
-However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease.
-No entanto...
-Human Voice
-Hungry: %d - Intimacy: %u
-Hurry up!
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check its teeth!
-Hush now and hear the chorus of the woods
-I @#$% hate them!
-I @#$% hate these @#$% pinkies!
-Eu também evito animais perigosos!
-I actually could use a status reset!
-I already know everything. Bye.
-Eu já sei de tudo. Tchau.
-I also hear fisherman likes to fish at night. They say the catch is bigger, if you understand me.
-I also heard you lost all your memories? That's a shame.
-I am %s Super Novice~
-I am Wyaras apprentice, helping her with selling her potions.
-I am absolutely positive.
-I am an alchemist, I bear the name of Ivan.
-I am broken?! Please report! Debug data: @@ (@@)
-I am new in this town, just like you.
-I am not an expert of the first kind, but I know what I am talking about when it comes to improving equipment.
-I am only doing special requests.
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-I am sure he got his reasons.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#0
-Eu estou certa de que eu posso correr com uma delas em meu ombro.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#1
-Eu estou certo de que eu posso correr com uma delas em meu ombro.
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#0
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#1
-I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders and rules. Julia they call her!
-Eu estou certo de que a conhece. Vestido bonito, sorriso largo e um fluxo constante de ordens e regras. Eles a chamam de Julia!
-I am surprised someone has been sent here to help. It is quite... unusual.
-Estou surpreso que alguem foi enviado aqui para ajudar. É um pouco... raro.
-I am the bartender here, can I provide you with some delicious beverage?
-I am!
-I am, who are you?#0
-Eu sou, quem é você?
-I am, who are you?#1
-Eu sou, quem é você?
-I appreciate your help, @@.
-I asked Calypsan to dye this tank top, now it has an unique look!
-I asked Don our blacksmith to prepare a black iron sword for morning, he should be done by now.
-I asked Hinnak, but he wants at least a beer in exchange for his scythe.
-I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do!
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#0
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#1
-I barely destroyed one of those beasts.
-I better go now. Bye.
-I borrowed it from the library, you should try to cultivate yourself more instead of insinuate things about people you don't know!
-I buried the chest somewhere on that hill. It was dark, so I don't remember where to dig exactly.
-I came here, looking for a better life.
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#0
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#1
-I can finally pay off my debts.
-Eu posso finalmente pagar minhas dívidas.
-I can get back to Bernard now!
-I can make you a really nice forest bow out of this.
-I can prepare them in an hour or so!
-Eu posso prepará-los em aproximadamente uma hora!
-I can still drink more! Better give up you... you... teelotaler! MORE BEER MELINDA!
-I can walk again!
-Eu posso andar novamente!
-I can't catch them.
-I can't give you a cookie for free. But I can give you this hint for how you may be added to my list.
-I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning...
-Eu não posso te ajudar a encontrá-los já que eu estou checando o... Hmm... Território, desde cedo...
-I can't remember anything.#0
-Eu não me lembro de nada.
-I can't remember anything.#1
-Eu não me lembro de nada.
-I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do.
-I can't wait all day!
-Eu não posso esperar o dia todo!
-I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your hard work.
-I changed my mind.
-Eu mudei de ideia.
-I chopped away at it, branch after branch, and in the end I chopped off its roots, and it fell to the ground, motionless.
-I cleaned up the hill.
-Eu limpei a colina.
-I couldn't afford the bow, though...
-I did see an old man hang out near the theater after our last show.
-I didn't mention it before, but I also put beer in my soup.
-I didn't notice that a Pikpik was in my way, and when I stepped on it, my foot was full of spikes.
-I do feel better!
-Eu me sinto melhor!
-I do know a recipe with this!
-I do not like to brag about it but you won't find a better blacksmith on the whole island.
-I do not want to go pointing my finger at someone. I want to be honorable and fair, and I sense the same quality in you, so I put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this troubling situation.
-I do not.
-I don't feel like talking to you.
-I don't feel so well, I might be sick.
-I don't have any.
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#0
-Eu não tenho Plushrooms o suficiente...
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#1
-Eu não tenho Plushrooms o suficiente...
-I don't have much time right now.
-Eu não tenho muito tempo agora.
-I don't have the time now.
-Eu não tenho tempo agora.
-I don't have the time sorry.
-Eu não tenho tempo, desculpe.
-I don't have the time.
-Eu não tenho tempo.
-I don't know if I trust her eyesight or memory.
-I don't know the password
-I don't know what to say...
-Eu não sei o que dizer...
-I don't know.
-Eu não sei.
-I don't need your help right now, but maybe tomorrow, who knows?
-I don't really have time to go chasing pious, let me just buy one at the regular price (30000 E).
-I don't see anything else other than... water?
-I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this...
-Eu acho que nós não estamos em um bom lugar para falar sobre isso...
-I don't want to be part of this joke.
-I don't want to buy a piou right now.
-I don't want to change my language, sorry.
-Perdão, eu não quero mudar minha linguagem.
-I don't want you! I want daddy!
-I feel ok.#0
-Eu estou bem.
-I feel ok.#1
-Eu estou bem.
-I fought it, of course!
-I give tasks to every single sailor, all day long. That should make him happy!
-Eu dei tarefas para cada um dos marinheiros, pelo dia todo. Isto deve fazê-los felizes!
-I give you this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Eu te dou esta chave, ela abre todas as portas neste navio.
-I got angry and started to chop off all the low-hanging branches so this couldn't happen anymore.
-I grew up and lived a good while in Esperia, the capital city.
-I guess so. What's in it for me?
-I guess so... I will leave you alone.
-Eu acho... Eu vou te deixar a sós.
-I had a great childhood in Esperia!
-I had a long day, come back tomorrow.
-I had this patch of ground that was really clumpy; lots of clay, you see.
-I hate them!
-I have a lot of work here, so I don't even have time to go to the town.
-I have an idea.
-I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.
-Eu trouxe para você um delicioso presente para sua boca delicada.
-I have collected all the boxes you needed.
-Eu coletei todas as caixas que você precisava.
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#0
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#1
-I have one more task for you. Trozz, another member of the Legion, sent me a letter earlier today.
-I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price!
-Eu tenho algumas roupas e outras coisas para você a um bom preço!
-I have some food for you.
-Eu tenho comida para você.
-I have some fur for you.
-I have some spare one, take them, and tell Enora that any fees are paid!
-I have to go, sorry.#0
-I have to go, sorry.#1
-I have your black iron.
-I have your package.
-I have your pass from the Merchant Guild.
-I haven't seen anything strange.
-I heard rumors about some old hostilities between you and Gado. Are they true?
-Ouvi rumores sobre algumas antigas hostilidades entre você e Gado. Elas são verdadeiras?
-I heard something too. A girl named Galimatia seems to need help. If only those lazy developers could tell her what she needs.
-I heard you aren't delivering any more living wood. Why not?
-I highly recommend you seek him out!
-I hope that answers your question.
-Espero que isso responda a sua pergunta.
-I hope that my shield will serve you well!
-I hope they know what they are doing. So, come on board. I am looking forward to go back to Woodland, haven't been there for a while.
-I hope to see you soon.
-I hope you are satisfied with your forest bow.
-I hope you catch that naughty person!
-I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Eu espero que você não se importe, mas nós usamos sua jangada para fazer esta rampa.
-I hope you like beer as much as I do, because, you see...
-I hope you like this color.
-I informed Julia about your monstrous plan.
-Eu informei Julia sobre seu plano monstruoso.
-I just can't remember what. But come talk to me later once devs becomes less lazy.
-I just dont know what to do. Perhaps all gets better when I stay here, whining and waiting. Please, leave me alone.
-I just need %s E for material and work time.
-I just realized I am lacking some common things, and one key ingredient, to prepare a... A special recipe.
-I just want to live my life in peace.
-I knew it!
-I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.
-Eu sei que você está apenas começando a se sentir melhor, mas eu gostaria de te dar uma tarefa especial.
-I know the bow master wants some twigleaf wood, but I don't care.
-I know you didn't kill them yourself!
-I like money! Consider it done.
-Eu gosto de dinheiro! Considere feito.
-I love flowers! What do you have for sale?
-I love hanging out here!
-I love peace and quiet, that's a good choice.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-Eu me enganei, gostaria de mudar minha linguagem.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-Eu me enganei, gostaria de mudar minha linguagem.
-I mean, I am very tired to move all of these books!
-I mean, you forgot... Well.
-I miss the good old days.
-I must leave to get more.
-I need %d %s for that.
-I need @@ @@.
-I need a %s for my soup.
-I need more Croc Claws.
-I need more information first.
-I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1
-I need to go, sorry.
-Eu preciso ir, me desculpe.
-I need to rest.
-I need to think about it...#0
-I need to think about it...#1
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Eu só preciso de 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
-Eu apenas me lembro que eu fui resgatada por você.
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
-Eu apenas me lembro que eu fui resgatado por você.
-I ran away as fast as I could, and lucky for me the monsters aren't that fast on their tiny root legs, Ha!
-I recall seeing Gulukan, Astapolos and Q'Muller.
-Eu me lembro de ter visto Gulukan, Astapolos e Q'Muller.
-I recommend that you train your agility a great deal, since most monsters out there aren't really amazing at hitting you.
-I recommend you to take a nap on the inferior level, we will soon leave this place.
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#0
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#1
-I remember I saw a few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get a head start on today's work.
-I remember when I created my first party, we were amazed to share some experience with a small group of adventurer...
-I robbed a nobleman, took a chest full of coins.
-I saw someone sneaking around town wearing a theater mask.
-I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-I see.
-I see. Bye!
-Eu vi. Tchau!
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Legion of Aemil, then he's also our friend and ally.#1
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Legion of Aemil, then she's also our friend and ally.#0
-I sent someone to kill me some maggots and they have yet to return.
-I should know, I've not been a member for a while, too. But then I joined the Legion and look what a shining example of a great fighter I became!
-I should put more effort into this.
-I show her what the problem is, and she tells me to go inside and wait.
-I still didn't find my brother...
-I still do; it's my job.
-I swear, I do not eat so much.
-Eu juro, eu não como tanto.
-I think I am sick!
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#0
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#1
-I think I should report you to the crew members.
-Eu acho que eu deveria te denunciar para o pessoal do navio.
-I think I'll be done soon, since I almost have a box full of @@s!
-I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?
-Eu acho que terminei por agora. Você tem alguma outra pergunta?
-I think that I am now both...
-I think that I'm still a bit sick.
-Eu acho que ainda estou um pouco doente.
-I think that I've seen this weakling wandering around the beach south from here this morning.
-I think that my wine is of great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-I think that we will stay in port for a great time.
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Eu acho que yeye está quase acabando. Yeye em breve vai ter uma caixa cheia de @@!
-I think that you already understood, you are asleep.
-I thought that she would never come to pick it up!
-I took my axe and attacked the beast!
-I used a card to improve my clothes.
-I used to be a farmer, but my magic attempts were banned by the gouvernment.
-I used to get these logs from Jack, the handsome lumberjack.
-I usually would not care, but it is not every day a complete stranger arrives at Artis.
-I value my life, that's why!
-I want to be the first merchant of this square to sell clothes made from @@s!
-I want to divorce.
-I want to make my own dyes.
-I want to register for marriage.
-I was afraid to get busted, so I decided to get rid of the evidence.
-I was an actor when I was younger.
-I was an archer of the Legion and shouldn't be scared of a few maggots, but everyone has fears, right?!
-I was going to ask you if you would need any help.
-Eu ia te perguntar se você precisava de alguma ajuda.
-I was in no shape to fight again!
-I was just chopping away with my axe, and guess what happened?
-I was sent here with a task. I can give you a perfect, wonderful, magnificent, superbly well shaped... Cookie!
-Eu fui enviada aqui com uma tarefa. Eu posso te dar um maravilhoso, magnificente, excelente, super bem moldado, excelentíssimo... Biscoito!
-I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible.
-I was supposed to act as storagekeeper, but I forgot my key.
-I will buy all of the fur that you will bring me at a good price, let's say, 15 E piece.
-I will close an eye for once, but only because it's your first time asking for something!
-I will find him, don't worry!
-I will give you my pocket money if you do.
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#0
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#1
-I will not lie to a little girl! And your mother needs your help.
-I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors!
-Eu não vou te contar os detalhes, mas depois de um mês, ela estava governando o navio e eu fui mandado aqui para baixo, cozinhando para aqueles traidores!
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#0
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#1
-I will send you this letter as soon as I arrive.
-I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes?
-Eu certamente vou visitá-lo. Você precisa de ajuda com as caixas?
-I will take care of the other ones don't worry.
-Eu vou cuidar dos outros, não se preocupe.
-I will take it! Thank you captain!
-Eu aceito! Obrigado capitão!
-I will take the @@ Bounty.
-I will tell my dad!
-I will yaying do.
-Eu vou yayando.
-I will.
-Eu vou.
-I wish I could remember something...
-I wish I helped your friends, because I'd really, really like a cookie.
-Eu gostaria de ter ajudado seus amigos, porque eu realmente, realmente gostaria de um biscoito.
-I wish you a beautiful day.
-I wish you a good time in town.
-I won't forget it, I swear on my precious plushrooms!
-I won't go there ever again.
-I won't need it, thank you.#0
-I won't need it, thank you.#1
-I won't risk MY life for a few gold pieces!
-I won't. I promise.
-I wonder too...
-Eu também me pergunto sobre isso...
-I wonder what took him so long?
-I wonder who is in delarium now...
-I work under the protection and the supervision of the Legion of Aemil.
-I would go myself, but for some reason I'm a non-walking NPC.
-I would go myself, but the developers were too lazy to make me walk.
-I would like to come back home when the days are better.
-I would like to create a guild.
-I would like to create a party.
-I would like to perform money transactions.
-I would like to stay here a bit more.
-I would like to store some items.
-I would prefer becoming a real Sorcerer one time. *sighs*
-I wrote your name on the book, you are now free to use the storage and bank services.
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd been trying to break it up for a while, but that kind of work is a pain.
-I'd like to buy a piou.
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they fly away when I try.
-I'd like to get a different style.
-I'd like you to ask the villagers about the recent string of robberies.
-I'd love one!
-Eu adoraria um!
-I'll ask Melinda later
-I'll be back in no time.
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#0
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#1
-I'll be waiting for you, then!
-I'll come back later.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.#0
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.#1
-I'll give you @@ GP for this job.
-I'll give you something if you do.
-I'll keep that in mind.
-I'll keep track of this, while you return the mask to the troupe.
-I'll return the plushroom to you, but please, do not waste my time.
-I'll share my berries with you if you help me.
-Se você me ajudar eu compartilho minhas berries com você.
-I'll wait for you here.
-I'll wait until you do.
-I'm a barber, you see. I can change your hairstyle or hair color to your current taste.
-I'm a bit sick...#0
-Estou um pouco enjoada...
-I'm a bit sick...#1
-Estou um pouco enjoado...
-I'm a little busy right now.
-I'm a melee warrior, I don't need bows.
-I'm afraid to go there myself, but if you take the risk, you can have half of the loot.
-I'm an expert blacksmith.
-I'm back from battle!#0
-I'm back from battle!#1
-I'm barely in when it starts raining outside, pouring cats and mouboos!
-I'm busy, leave me alone.
-I'm done with my training.#0
-I'm done with my training.#1
-I'm done.
-I'm fine for now, thank you.
-I'm fine, thanks.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#0
-Estou feliz de ver que você está bem.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#1
-Estou feliz de ver que você está bem.
-I'm glad you're on my side.
-Estou feliz que você está do meu lado.
-I'm just a merchant, I trade and make deals, yes "excuse" me if I'm not as skilled as that stupid alchemist.
-I'm looking for Gugli, where is he?
-Estou procurando o Gugli, onde ele está?
-I'm looking for some black iron ingots.
-I'm looking for somebody named Fexil.
-I'm losing my mind here, I need something else to eat!
-Estou perdendo a cabeça, eu preciso comer algo diferente!
-I'm lost, where should I go?#0
-I'm lost, where should I go?#1
-I'm not a pawn of the Legion, I don't have to obey you!
-I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry.
-I'm not proud of it, but I had to steal money from others to keep on living.
-I'm not suited for this kind of work!
-Eu não fui feito para este tipo de trabalho!
-I'm not sure where to go from here, maybe you can find something else.
-I'm not sure. They probably left the ship early this morning. I was not awake yet.
-Eu não tenho certeza. Eles provavelmente saíram do navio esta manhã. Eu ainda não estava acordado.
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Legion of Aemil won't get me!
-I'm on my way! I will bring it back to you.
-I'm out of here.
-I'm proud of you – to dare to fight those trunks is admirable indeed.
-I'm really excited, this place reminds me of an ancient mythical tree, you might know what I'm talking about...
-I'm someone who respects those speaking the truth.
-I'm sorry but I can't see your name anywhere.
-Me desculpe, mas não vejo seu nome em lugar nenhum.
-I'm sorry but I have no time to chat with you.
-Me desculpe mas eu não tenho tempo para conversar com você.
-I'm sorry but I'm here only to help young people.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#0
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#1
-I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
-I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.
-Me desculpe, eu não tenho tempo agora.
-I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything.
-I'm sorry, but I'm busy looking into this string of robberies.
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#0
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#1
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#0
-Eu ainda estou um pouco fraco no momento. Provavelmente nós devemos conversar depois.
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#1
-Eu ainda estou um pouco fraca no momento. Provavelmente nós devemos conversar depois.
-I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors.
-Eu ainda estou ocupado, eu preciso encontrar outros marinheiros.
-I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you!
-Eu ainda estou em coma, mas meu fantasma já está te assombrando!
-I'm supposed to be helping Bernard from the Inn but...
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Estou certo que Tibbo está sozinho no sudoeste da ilha. Ele acredita que este é o melhor lugar para coletar @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#1
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#0
-I'm sure that you already knew the answer, didn't you?
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-I'm sure you would have some interesting stories to tell!
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#0
-Eu tenho certeza que você vai apreciar seu efeito, mas seja cuidadosa, esses biscoitos são raros, e você vai precisar ajudar a comunidade novamente antes de poder receber outro.
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#1
-Eu tenho certeza que você vai apreciar seu efeito, mas seja cuidadoso, esses biscoitos são raros, e você vai precisar ajudar a comunidade novamente antes de poder receber outro.
-I'm talking about the cookie inside which I put all my love!
-I'm the cook's assistant of the ship. I help Gado, La Johanne's Chef, in his daily work.
-Eu sou o assistente de cozinha do navio. Eu ajudo Gado, Chef de La Johanne, em seu trabalho diário.
-I'm the leader of a traveling theater troupe.
-I'm too busy here to observe the town.
-I'm yearning for maggot soup!
-I've remembered something else.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Eu o vi no fundo da ilha, olhe por aí.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around.
-Eu o vi no fundo da ilha, olhe nas redondezas.
-I've seen him at the northern part of the island.
-I've seen him at the southern part of the island, check around.
-I've seen him at the top of the island.
-Eu o vi no alto da ilha.
-I've seen him down around the southern area of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-I... I just like to eat the purple and delightful... And natural, and...
-Ianus is from the Legion of Aemil, don't compare me to this brigand.
-If Enora thinks this is the right place for you, then she's probably be right. Did you know she's a lieutenant of the Legion?
-If Enora wants her sword now, I need to ask for your help.
-If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you!
-Se eu tivesse visto *hic* quem você era... *hic* Não teria te ajudado!
-If it's no trouble, could you get me a %s?
-If my memory serves me right, you were just defeated. Why don't you go out to buy better equipment?
-If not, how could CrazyKatiektch
-If only someone could help me to make my flowers bloom again.
-If so, I hope that he didn't give you any hard time, sometimes he can get up on the wrong side of the bed he becomes an embittered and grumpy old man...
-If so, please take some courage and help me!
-If the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished.
-If words beat in rhythm
-If yoiis wants to see a different use for the cards he can yeye for Resa at the light armor shop for a description of the styling cards.
-If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this!
-If you are lucky he might tell you a story about his adventures.
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#0
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#1
-If you catch the escaped piou and bring it back, I will give you a 90% discount on a piou.
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#0
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#1
-If you continue there will be none left!
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#0
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#1
-If you don't like to
-If you ever find the time, pass by Esperia, it's the greatest city in all of Gasaron!
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#0
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#1
-If you feel bored or like running around in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks to do.
-If you find the correct answer, I will give you these potions...
-If you get me some Coal and Iron Ingots, I could make you a very valuable shield or helmet.
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#0
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#1
-If you kill some of these tree monsters and bring me their wood I could take a look at them.
-If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default
-If you need some firewood, just let me know.
-If you need somebody to craft a weapon or a plate from diagrams I am the one that you need.
-If you need something in the future, do not hesitate to pass by here, our stock is full of boxes collecting dust.
-If you really want to, just go to the southwest, but I can't help you.
-If you search for him you should look in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the left bridge, you can't miss it!
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#0
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#1
-If you see weird things here and there, or things that just shouldn't be, or even in your minds eye, things that you would like to see...
-If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats:
-If you visit the sewers again... You'll find secret passages...
-If you wake up at the inn after a harsh battle, you will find yourself revitalized in an instant unlike other places where you can rest.
-If you want another cookie, you know what to do!
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#0
-Se você quiser ser recompensada, nos ajude em fazer esse mundo um lugar melhor.
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#1
-Se você quiser ser recompensado, nos ajude em fazer esse mundo um lugar melhor.
-If you want to challenge someone for a friendly match, you are at the right place.
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#0
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#1
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#0
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#1
-If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-Se você quiser ler esta página novamente, há uma cópia no alto da parede à esquerda.
-If you want to say something to a specific player, you can type "/query Playername" or "/whisper Playername message", this will create a new tab on your chat window.
-If you wish to reset your stats:
-If you're looking for us there, most of us will be at the tavern of the Red Plush, at the bar counter, for Silvio's case...
-Impossible to increase the number/value.
-Impossible to resync: You are dead.
-In Artis they really do mythologize people when they die.
-In a couple of days, we will finally reach Artis.
-In case you don't have a commendatory letter from you-know-whom, I am just sitting here and observe the whales.
-In fact, everything seems to work perfectly under your guidance. Nard has made the right choice.
-Na verdade, tudo parece funcionar perfeitamente sob sua orientação. Nard fez a escolha certa.
-In fact... Oh, the things that I could tell... But ran out of space on this... Just be reasonable and go home.
-In hopes of one day reconnect with the people of Ancea and establish a trade between the two continents, The City of Artis was founded. The Aemil Continent has then grown without contact with the people of Ancea.
-In order to enter a message press the '###keyChat;' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press '###keyChat;' again to send your speech.
-In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online.
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified party is online.
-Indeed! Goodbye.
-De fato! Adeus.
-Indeed, I am not.#0
-Realmente, eu não sou.
-Indeed, I am not.#1
-Realmente, eu não sou.
-Indefinite Traning
-Infantry Helmet
-Elmo da Infantaria
-Information sent to login-server via char-server.
-Inside is a theater mask and a note that you cannot even begin to read.
-Instance ID: @@
-Instance variables may not be used with @set.
-Int: %d (%d~%d)
-Intelligence raises your maximum mana points (good for mages) and your mind abilities. Please note: Magic system has not yet been implemented in this world.
-Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then!
-Interessante... Eu vou te deixar com sua tarefa então!
-Interval: (none, only sent on login)
-Interval: every @@ hour(s)
-Introduce yourself instead of poking me around. I almost fell from the lader, savage...
-Invalid Homunculus ID.
-Invalid Monster/NPC name/ID specified.
-Invalid bound type. Valid types are - 1:Account 2:Guild 3:Party 4:Character
-Invalid color.
-Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
-Invalid e-mail. If your email hasn't been set, use
-Invalid flag name or flag.
-Invalid font. Use a value from 0 to 9.
-Invalid item ID or name.
-Invalid location number, or name.
-Invalid mob ID %s!
-Invalid mob id %s!
-Invalid mob name %s!
-Invalid monster ID or name.
-Invalid name.
-Nome inválido.
-Invalid new e-mail. Please enter a real e-mail address.
-Invalid packet
-Invalid time for ban command.
-Invalid time for jail command.
-Invisible: Off
-Invisible: On
-Iron Armbands
-Braçadeiras de ferro
-Iron Ore
-Minério de Ferro
-Iron Potion
-Poção Energética
-Iron Shovel
-Pá de ferro
-Iron Vein
-Is it possible to go back to Drasil Island?
-Is it truly a hard choice to make?
-Is not properly shaded
-Is that all you had to say?
-Is that okay?
-Is there a reward?
-Há algum prêmio?
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#0
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#1
-Is this some kind of joke?!
-Isn't my husband Hinnak so hardworking?
-Isn't this place pretty?
-Isn't this place pretty? I love hanging out here!
-Isnt that the one Nard found on a float in the sea, with the sign of the Legion on his chest?
-It doesn't look like you have them all...
-It doesn't reply.
-It escaped!
-It has been some days now since I asked her for a box of @@s, but she hasn't delivered anything yet.
-It has started to snow.
-It hit me here *points at a bruise on his shoulder*, here *lifts his trouser leg to show another bruise*, and here *lifts his shirt and reveals even worse bruises*.
-It hurts so bad!
-It is a bit cumbersome but its strikes are deadly.
-It is a sunny day, don't you think?
-It is either a huge monster, some cultists, or someone throwing strange stuff into sewers.
-It is one of my best works.
-It is possible to yeye your cloth with my beautiful dyes.
-It is them, after all, who have the ultimate decision as to those I can give my cookies to.
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#0
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#1
-It is.
-It looked like one of the masks used by the troupe that was in town recently.
-It looks like the sweet lady is curious, am I right?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?
-Parece que você é um expert sobre a vida dentro de 'La Johanne'. Você conhece algum segredo escondido que ninguém saiba?
-It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.
-Parece que você não pode carregar mais nada.
-It needs so much training, but Wyara only leaves me here, standing and selling something instead of teaching me.
-It really hurts, please hurry!
-It seems I got them all!
-It seems that the boy would like to say more, but seems too terrified at the moment.
-It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-It seems that you have no status points to reset!
-It seems that you need a key to open this door.
-Parece que você precisa de uma chave para abir esta porta.
-It seems the gentleman is curious, am I right sweetie?
-It seems you can't carry it right now...
-It seems you can't carry the %s.
-It seems you can't carry the bow right now.
-It seems you don't have room for my reward.
-It seems you have no wood left.
-It seems you still have some work to do.
-Parece que você ainda tem trabalho a fazer.
-It tends to be too dark to see a mask.
-It was at night, so I could barely escape. I ran to Artis hill.
-It was heard about some adventurers whom obtained and use advanced magic, but that is still seen with bad eyes.
-It was something like a long nap.
-Foi algo como um longo cochilo.
-It was wonderful.
-It will make an excellent bow!
-It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-Será uma boa oportunidade para fazer uns exercícios, o navio não é grande o suficiente para isso.
-It would have been easy for me to handle it but if you do it, you can earn some respect by killing Fluffies instead of their natural predators!
-It's @@ @@.
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#0
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#1
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember me telling you that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-It's a dangerous place out here. Beware of the mischievous creatures living here!
-It's a good place to earn money, it can also help you to travel throughout the land!
-It's a great honor for us, at the Legion, to hold the security of his business!
-It's a kind of mushroom that tastes like a marshmallow and looks like a plush! @@, get it?
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!
-É um tipo de cogumelo. Nós o chamamos assim por causa do seu gosto, igual a um marshmallow. Ele também tem ese nome por causa de sua aparência. Parece com uma pelúcia!
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!
-É um tipo de cogumelo. Nós o chamamos assim por causa do seu gosto, igual a um marshmallow. Ele também tem ese nome por causa de sua aparência. Parece com uma pelúcia!
-It's a poem, about poems... Why are you asking that?
-It's a very good place if you want to make some more money.
-It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok.
-Está indo bem! Só mais uma caixa e ficará ok.
-It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one!
-It's been a while, boy!#1
-It's been a while, girl!#0
-It's better than running around in circles doing nothing.
-It's better to deal with the Merchant Guild than the old man, Don has this ability to hammer down your enthusiasm in sparkling fury!
-It's currently day, but when night falls, Candor will become darker.
-It's currently night, that's why Candor is dark.
-It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working...
-Bom, bom... Eu tenho uma amiga que ainda está em coma, mas eu não posso ficar com ela sem trabalhar...
-It's interesting and exciting at the same time!
-É interessante e excitante ao mesmo tempo!
-It's like your memories are locked away in your head! Cool!
-It's nearly as good as one from Esperia, have you ever been there?
-It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful.
-It's ok.
-Está tudo bem.
-It's probably full of coins, but no matter how hard you try to open it, you can't.
-It's so exciting to meet somebody with amnesia!
-It's so hard to find the motivation...
-É tão difícil encontrar motivação...
-It's still too young to fly too far away, so it just circles nearby.
-It's the big building in northern Artis, at the top of a small hill.
-It's the good one and, ahem!
-It's to the west, on your left side. Just go through this door before the stairs and turn left afterwards. Can't miss it!
-It's true!
-É verdade!
-It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception.
-Lá é onde todo navio mercante termina sua rota e nós não vamos ser uma exceção.
-Item cannot be opened when inventory is full
-Item created.
-Item database has been reloaded.
-Item not found.
-Item type not found.
-Item types on your autoloottype list:
-Item: '%s'/'%s'[%d] (%d) Type: %s | Extra Effect: %s
-Item: '%s'[%d]
-Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once.
-Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.
-Itens tem diferentes efeitos. Alguns vão te curar, alguns podem ser usados como armas ou armaduras e alguns podem apenas ser vendidos.
-Items on your autolootitem list:
-Its roots tore out of the earth, all the branches started to wave around, and a face appeared on the trunk.
-Ivan gave package
-Ivan grumbles and resumes his work.
-Ivan is the one you should look for now.
-Jack explained problem
-Jack places them next to each other, adds a frame, and nails everything together.
-Jack proposes shield
-Jack saws the logs into pieces and then sands them until they are smooth to the touch.
-Jeans Chaps
-Calça de Vaqueiro
-Job Level and certain equips can affect your status. You'll see the modifiers with a + sign.
-Job level can't go any higher.
-Job level can't go any lower.
-Job level lowered.
-Job level raised.
-Johanne Key
-Judgement has passed.
-Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.
-Julia está no nível superior do navio. Use as setas de direção para ir até as escadas ou clique nas escadas no canto superior direito da tela.
-Julia made an appeal to the Legion of Aemil to get in touch with you, exit the ship and you should see your escort!
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#0
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#1
-Jump to %d %d
-Jump to %s
-Just call me when you changed your mind.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Golpeie o tronco e ele vai yeyar um @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Apenas me deixe sozinho.
-Just look at my goods for sale! Fresh fruits and vegetables were shipped only this morning. And for reasonable price, of course.
-Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there.
-Just say something sparkling
-Katja asked for help
-Katja gave reward
-Keep moving boy.#1
-Keep moving girl.#0
-Keep moving.
-Keep the sword and the jacket, you deserved them!
-Keshlam expanded rapidly under the rule of King Janeb the Founder, and soon annexed the whole Ancea continent - excluding solely the Land Of Fire - to its domains, creating the Platinum Kingdom.
-Khaki Cotton Dye
-Tinta cáqui para algodão
-Kill at least %d pinkies and come back.
-Killed mob bitmask: @@
-Killer state reset.
-Know that every flatterer,
-Known Recipes: @@
-Kralog Voice
-Lachesis Brew
-Infusão Lachesis.
-Large Healing Potion
-Poção de Cura Grande
-Large Mana Potion
-Last seen:
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#0
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#1
-Lazy Brother
-Leadership transferred.
-Lean for example?
-Lean por exemplo?
-Learn Skill
-Learn all recipes
-Leather Gloves
-Luvas de Couro
-Leather Shield
-Escudo de Couro
-Leather Trousers
-Calça de Couro
-Leave it.
-Leave me alone.
-Leaves have stopped falling.
-Leaves started falling.
-Leaves |
-Left Crafty Wing
-Asa esquerda de crafty
-Legion of Aemil
-Legion's Copper Armor
-Armadura de cobre da legião
-Legion's Training Shirt
-Camisa de treinamento da legião.
-Let me check in my inventory book...
-Let me check into it...
-Let me check my cookie list...
-Me deixe ver minha lista de biscoitos...
-Let me explain to you what the Merchant Guild is for.
-Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
-Deixe eu me apresentar, eu sou Nard, capitão deste navio.
-Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ @@s to reset your stats.
-Let me open it with my key.
-Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!
-Deixe-me ver... Pernas crocantes, líquidos nojentos... Vamos começar!
-Let's begin
-Let's go to Artis.
-Let's make a trade.
-Let's not keep her waiting.
-Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and never drunk.
-Vamos dizer que a pessoa que me contou sobre isto é muito respeitada no navio e nunca bebeu.
-Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!
-Let's set sail then!
-Let's trade.
-Lettuce Leaf
-Folha de Alface
-Light Armor Shop
-Like I promised, here is your share.
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#0
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#1
-Like, a defensive mythril card can be used on any mythril equipment, and it will improve the defense by 5% of the latter.
-Lime Cotton Dye
-Tinta lima para algodão
-Line @@ has been removed.
-List of known cooking recipes:
-List of known master skills:
-List the commands
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#0
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#1
-Little Blub
-Little Green Slime
-Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
-Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.
-Viver em um navio é incrível, mas às vezes precisamos de ar fresco.
-Lloyd gave package
-Lloyd gave pass
-Lloyd is searching something in his book.
-Lloyd still owes me, but beware of those money-grabbers, or they might sell your own teeth to you!
-Lloyd the Banker
-Log Head
-Tronco Vivo
-Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
-Login-server has been asked to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Login-server is offline. Impossible to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?
-Look for the hideout, but tell no one about this. Then, say the password again.
-Look how splendid this @@ is!
-Look how splendid this landscape is!
-Olhe como a vista é esplêndida!
-Look who is back...
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#0
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#1
-Look, here he is!
-Olha, aqui está ele!
-Look, there he is!
-Olhe, lá este ele!
-Look, we finally meet.
-Looking over closely, you find a book that is upside down.
-Looks much better now, doesn't it?
-Lord Knight
-Lost the riddle
-Lousy Moccasins
-Mocassins Nojentos
-Lovely day, isn't it?
-Lower this skill
-Lozerk told me to talk to you and join the legion.
-Luck helps you do critical hits and dodge the ones dealt by enemies.
-Luckily the beach is nearby, and somehow I made my way home.
-Luk: %d (%d~%d)
-M... Maybe?
-T... Talvez?
-MOTD Config
-MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Made any progress yet?
-Maggot Slime
-Gosma de Verme
-Maggot soup
-Magic Arpan
-Arpan Mágico
-Magic Arpan#sailors
-Magic Feather
-Magic was banned for lore reasons? Seriously, after the mana war, only small tricks are allowed.
-Make me proud, boy.#1
-Make me proud, girl.#0
-Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though!
-Make sure to tip her, it will brighten up her day.
-Makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Mana Bug
-Bug de Mana
-Mana Ghost
-Mana Torch
-Manana Sandwich
-Manana Tree
-Árvore de Manana
-Manually trigger the current broadcast
-Many thanks. I can now do sandwiches again!
-Map not found.
-Map or anchor not found: %s
-Map: %s (Zone:%s) | Players: %d | NPCs: %d | Chats: %d | Vendings: %d
-Market Place
-Marriage failed.
-Master Book
-Master Fluffy was attracted by the odour,
-Master Piou sat on a tree,
-Mauve Cotton Dye
-Tinta de algodão malva
-Mauve Herb
-Erva Mauve
-Mauve Plant
-Planta de Mauva
-Max HP: %d (%d~%d)
-Max SP: %d (%d~%d)
-Maxe and Sapartan for example?
-May this be a lesson for you.
-Que isso sirva de lição para você.
-Maybe he over did it with the bottle today to celebrate that!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? He could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#1
-Maybe later.
-Maybe next time.
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month. She could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#0
-Maybe you can catch some of them.
-Maybe you can come down to talk?
-Talvez você possa descer para conversar?
-Maybe you can do his job?
-Maybe you can use it as a weapon.
-Maybe you could ask him what's wrong?
-Maybe you have more luck with something else?
-Maybe you meant:
-Maybe you should help someone else first, so that he sees your intentions are good.
-Maybe you should try this phrase?
-Maybe you too you could help me?
-Maybe you will find a piece of wood that is strong enough to become one of my forest bows.
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#0
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#1
-Me and the wife were at home all night.
-Me too.
-Meanwhile, the sun has dried the other pieces.
-Mechanic T
-Medium Healing Potion
-Poção de Cura Média
-Medium Mana Potion
-Merchant Guild
-Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment.
-Mercy has been granted.
-Mercy has been shown.
-Mh, I don't care for heroes.
-Mh, or perhaps honor is dead in you; for you to be so slow to comprehend the good that his exploits have wrought for us.
-Mikhail needs maggot slime
-Minstrel T
-Mint Cashmere Dye
-Tinta menta para casimira
-Mob Search... %s %s
-Mob is doing its daily noise, nature is singing its sumptuous melody, none is alone.
-Modify another line
-Modify this line
-Modify, move, or remove a line
-Mommy doesn't want me to talk to strangers.
-Mommy sent me to find my brother Bobo.
-Mona's dad
-Mona's dad is missing
-Mona's dad was rescued
-Mona's father is right behind you. You have five minutes to bring him out of sewers!
-Monster NoTeleport |
-Monster database has been reloaded.
-Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of.
-Moon needs @@
-Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@.
-Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them.
-Mostly manuals and tutorials but you won't find out until you open one!
-Move this line down
-Move this line up
-Mundane ran away, he did not trust the path you chose.
-Mundane ran straight home. He must be missing his daughter.
-Mushroom Spores
-Esporos de Cogumelo
-My Mouboos, my beloved Mouboos!
-My beauty. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#0
-My breath smells bad.
-My daughter is probably worried about me. Could you perhaps lead me out of here?
-My forestbows are not made of regular wood, you know.
-My friend. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-My friends are... Well, you know... The creators.
-Meus amigos são... Bem, você sabe... Os criadores.
-My help, Mikhail, finally returned with the slimes I needed.
-My men have found all of the stolen items.
-My name is @@...
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. All I have to eat are these berries... berries... berries...
-Meu nome é Alige, eu tenho me escondido aqui por semanas. Tudo o que eu tenho para comer são esses berries... berries... berries...
-My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-Meu nome é Astapolos. Q'Muller e eu entramos para a tripulação de Nard há alguns anos quando isto era apenas um pequeno navio mercante.
-My name is General Store, they still call me this although I left the army a few years ago.
-My name is Jack Lumber, the enemy of all trees.
-My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.
-Meu nome é Julia, eu tomei conta de você depois que te encontramos no mar.
-My name is Lloyd, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-My name is Q'Onan, I'm a member of Nard's crew.
-My stats are too good, I won't need it.
-NOTICE: If you crash with mount your LUA is outdated.
-NPC %d: %s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC %d: %s::%s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC Buy:%dz, Sell:%dz | Weight: %.1f
-NPC Disabled.
-NPC Enabled.
-NPC is not in this map.
-NPC moved.
-NPC stylists will cut your hair!
-NPC variables may not be used with @set.
-NPC's or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help.
-Nah, I don't feel like chatting.
-Nah, maybe later.
-Name not found in list.
-Name: %s
-Name: %s (GM)
-Name: %s (GM:%d) | Location: %s %d %d
-Nard and his crew are taking us to the city of Artis.
-Nard asks to help crew
-Nard asks to solve conflict
-Nard looks surprised and stops you.
-Nard parece surpreso e te interrompe.
-Navy Blue Cotton Dye
-Tinta azul-marinho para algodão
-Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger.
-Never (only on login)
-Never since that day have I strayed near them, and yet there you are, cutting them down one by one.
-Nevertheless, you can craft some cards that you can then attach to your equipment.
-Nevertheless, you can talk with another adventurer by pressing the [Enter] key and then type what you want to say!
-New e-mail must be a real e-mail address.
-New e-mail must be different from the current e-mail address.
-New quest available: %s (level %d+)
-New warp NPC '%s' created.
-Next broadcast: (never)
-Next broadcast: @@
-Nice day to you.
-Night Mode Activated.
-Night Mode is activated
-Night mode is already enabled.
-NightmareDrop |
-Nine Castles
-Nineteen Castles
-No Exp Penalty: %s | No Zeny Penalty: %s
-No GM found.
-No Save (Return to last Save Point)
-No Save, Save Point: %s,%d,%d
-No Save, Save Point: %s,Random
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1
-No cookie for you!
-Nenhum biscoito para você!
-No item found in this player's %s.
-No item has been refined.
-No item need to be repaired.
-No longer spying on the %s guild.
-No longer spying on the %s party.
-No matter how many times I come here, I can't find the reason for the strange sounds...
-No matter the grammar
-No matter the spelling
-No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
-No more pain, thanks to you.
-No one who has met him would say such silly things.
-No player found in map '%s'.
-No player found.
-No problem, come back later if you changed your mind!
-No problem, do you have any other questions for me?
-Sem problemas, você tem alguma outra pergunta?
-No problem, see you next time.
-No thank you, I'm fine. I'll come back later.
-Não obrigado, eu estou bem. Volto mais tarde.
-No thanks, not at the moment.
-Não obrigado, não neste momento.
-No thanks.
-No you don't have to go. I need your help, so you have to stay.
-No! No, no, my precious plushrooms! Don’t take me to them, they wants my precious.
-No, I can't. I won't! All I wanted was to travel across the seas for fun, growl... sniff. And in this hole in the floor, as you can see, I have lots of fun.
-No, I don't, but I would like to know more about that.
-Não, mas eu gostaria de saber mais sobre isso.
-No, I feel fine.
-No, I haven't seen anything.
-No, I'm fine.
-No, I'm still looking.
-No, and I gotta go, see you.
-Não, e eu tenho que ir, até logo.
-No, none.
-Não, nenhum.
-No, sorry.
-Não, obrigado.
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Não, eles são perigosos demais para mim!
-No. Sorry.
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#0
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#1
-NoAutoloot |
-NoBaseEXP |
-NoBranch |
-NoCalcRank |
-NoCommand |
-NoDrop |
-NoGuild |
-NoIcewall |
-NoJobEXP |
-NoMVPLoot |
-NoMemo |
-NoMobLoot |
-NoParty |
-NoReturn |
-NoSkill |
-NoTeleport |
-NoTrade |
-NoVending |
-NoViewID |
-NoWarp |
-NoWarpTo |
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians.
-Ninguém vai saber sobre a existência dos Mercurianos.
-Nobody! *burp*
-Ninguém! *burp*
-Noh Mask
-Máscara de Noh
-None Taken
-None of my troupe have left the city since we got here.
-None of the raindrops touched her, as if they were afraid!
-None of them?
-Nenhum deles?
-Nope, there are no secrets hidden within the ship's hull. Some sailors swear they have seen stowaways hidden somewhere. The bow or the stern? Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Normal Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Normally, collaborative monsters behave like neutral monsters. Unless someone of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor.
-North East
-North West
-Not a hexadecimal digit:
-Not a string:
-Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running after a player and you stand in the way...
-Not content to stay buried in their burrows in the sand, Crocs can be quite a nuisance, infesting this whole island. Tender Feet and Newbies are advised: Avoid touching these crawling red devils. They have huge, deadly claws that can make mincemeat of you! You can recognize them easily by their crabby personalities. Be careful younglings.
-Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!
-Nem todo mundo tem uma mente gentil. Trapaceiros podem estar em qualquer lugar, mesmo entre nós!
-Not in the mood to chat.
-Not my problem.#0
-Not my problem.#1
-Not now, thank you.
-Not now.
-Not now. You see, I am also afraid of Slimes and Rattos!
-Not really. All I got was a headache...
-Not resync'ing to prevent flood.
-Not so good actually... I would feel better on Nard's ship.
-Não tão bom, na verdade... Eu me sentiria melhor no navio de Nard.
-Not so weird, perhaps, except that it was been bright and sunny just a second before!
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!#1
-Not yet, I'll be back.#0
-Not yet, I'll be back.#1
-Not yet, but I am working on it.
-Not yet.
-Ainda não.
-Not yet. I will be back soon.
-Ainda não. Eu vou voltar em breve.
-Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. %s
-Nothing like a well-deserved %s after a long day of tending the crops!
-Nothing, just hanging around.
-Nada, só dando uma volta.
-Nothing, sorry.
-Nada, desculpe-me.
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#0
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#1
-Now go outside and talk to Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what provisions we need.
-Now it is junk.
-Now let's see...
-Now listen to and ponder my words...
-Now move!
-Agora ande!
-Now stand still... It should not take much time...
-Now that I think about it, I have another task for you. I asked Resa from the light armor shop to craft me some new clothes, she is a bit far from here, I can't go there because I need to watch the dock.
-Now that I think about it, they are the only shops that are independent in Artis...
-Now that you bring up that topic, that reminds me of something...
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1
-Now, leave me alone...
-Agora me deixe sozinho...
-Now, lets get back to business.
-Now, move!
-Nowhere, I'm fine here.
-Number of skill points changed.
-Number of status points changed.
-OK, I'll ask him.
-OK, let's trade.
-OK, thanks.
-Of course there is a reward for your task.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#1
-Of course!
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-É claro! Diga-me qual lingua você fala e eu mudarei a nota na lista de bordo do navio.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list.
-Of course! What do you need?
-Of course, I'll go get them for you.
-Of course, as a fully-fledged crew member you can decide of the destination of La Johanne directly with Nard.
-Of course, so why do I still see open sea from the porthole?
-Of course, the Legion of Aemil can easily provide you with such training, even if you're not a member. Just great, isn't it?
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.
-É claro, eles estão na parede à esquerda, vá dar uma olhada.
-Of course, they are on the left wall. Go have a look at them.
-Of course, you can select a bed somewhere else after your reservation, but you won't get your HP recovery until you choose to get some rest in the inn.
-Of the two of them, who has 'good' on their side?
-Official crew member
-Oh I see... Sailors are not able to do their job anymore, is it like that?!
-Oh entendi... Marinheiros não são mais capazes de fazer o seu trabalho, é assim?
-Oh alright, nevermind then.
-Oh certo, então esqueça.
-Oh and guess what! I'm almost out of potions anyway.
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#0
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#1
-Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
-Oh bom! Ele também deu seu dinheiro de volta?
-Oh hey *hicks*
-Oh hey!
-Oh look, there's a piou behind you!
-Oh olhe, há um Piou atrás de você!
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#0
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other part of this island, I wonder what it could be...
-Oh no, the piou escaped!
-Oh no, you still have @@ Fluffies to kill.
-Oh noes!
-Oh noes! You found my secret backdoor!
-Oh oh... I see, your party became so big that you want to create an even larger structure?
-Oh really? How could I forget something as important as that?!
-Oh sério? Como eu poderia me esquecer de algo tão importante?
-Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then.
-Oh, sério? Então eu vou colocar mais comida na próxima caixa.
-Oh right, I totally forgot about that, here you go.
-Oh sure I remember you.
-Oh thank you so much!
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
-Oh, bem, nós te resgatamos quando você estava à deriva yayando no mar.
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
-Oh, bem, nós te resgatamos quando você estava à deriva yayando no mar.
-Oh yes, I have one last errand for you, Q'Pid in the market sells potions.
-Oh yeye did, his store is just beside me!
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
-Oh yeyeye... Como não são comestíveis, você poderia tentar equipá-los?
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
-Oh yeyeye... Como não são comestíveis, você poderia tentar equipá-los?
-Oh! And in one of the rooms of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh! And our party chat was really entertaining, I do highly recommend you to share this fun as well.
-Oh! I like that sort of answer!
-Oh! Eu gosto deste tipo de resposta!
-Oh! You saved me, I was too afraid to unpack my stuff without this pass.
-Oh, I can't be sure...
-Oh, I hope you stayed and listened to his stories about his adventures.
-Oh, I see. That's right. Why should someone come here to see me, seriously?
-Oh, percebo. Está bem. Por que alguém viria aqui para me visitar, sério?
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Oh, eu ia te perguntar se você queria ajudar a tripulação a procurar comida e a explorar a ilha lá fora.
-Oh, a traveller. Welcome.
-Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.
-Oh, e eu quase me esqueci! Não diga a senha de seu quarto para ninguém! Eu sou o único que tem a outra chave e eu não vou pedir a sua, portanto mantenha em segredo e tente não usar a mesma senha para outros quartos no futuro.
-Oh, and I'll also need %s E for other materials.
-Oh, and Olga from the marketplace as well!
-Oh, and a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! But stay alert to pick up your drops.
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#0
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#1
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, one of the four main guilds of Gasaron. Does that help you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing.
-Oh, but I'll still need the book. Even if all pages are white.
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#0
-Oh, mas você não veio aqui para falar sobre isso, estou certo?
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#1
-Oh, mas você não veio aqui para falar sobre isso, estou certo?
-Oh, he is not far away from here. Just take the road through the crocojungle north from here.
-Oh, ele não está longe daqui. Vá pela estrada através da crocofloresta ao norte daqui.
-Oh, he's still alive!#1
-Oh, hi, isn't it cool to live among all those Mouboos? I don't understand how some people can eat Mouboo steak.
-Oh, hi.
-Oh, it is simple. I have on this book the names of every citizen of Artis and its surroundings.
-Oh, it's you.
-Oh, é você.
-Oh, it's you. I think it's better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something.
-Oh, é você. Eu acho que é melhor se não conversarmos por um tempo. Eles suspeitam de algo.
-Oh, nooooo... If I go home now, my mum will give me chores.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, ok. Come back later if you need something.
-Oh, please hurry and bring me a %s.
-Oh, she's still alive!#0
-Oh, that's really bad news.
-Oh, the little...
-Oh, too bad.
-Oh, wait a second...
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#0
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#1
-Oh, you look more interested in magic.. the brotherhood did forbid most of the interesting paths of magic, but boring baby spells are still allowed.
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#0
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#1
-Oh... Awesome!
-Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
-Oh... Err, sim, ou, bem... Bom dia para você!
-Oh... Ok, I will be around here if you change your mind.
-Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best.
-Oh... Bem, eu acabei de começar a negociar... Então minha técnica pode não ser a melhor.
-Oh... You should have started with this!
-Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes.
-Oh, comer rattos. Soa... ehm... Delicioso, sim.
-Oh... um... actually... all I wanted was to get to Artis. Err... but I didn't, uhm... have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Oh? And do you think you have what it takes to be a proud Legion Member?
-Ok I add your name... @@...
-Ok I stay here with my paperwork if you need my help.
-Ok fine, you have up to 3 tries, here is the riddle:
-Ok then.
-Ok we stay docked here if you need our help.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.#1
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.#0
-Ok, I will bring it to him.
-Ok, I will leave him alone.
-Ok, eu vou deixá-lo em paz.
-Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Ok, tenha só mais um pouco de paciência, nos próximos dias nós vamos chegar ao porto de Artis...
-Ok, done.
-Ok, pronto.
-Ok, let me see...
-Ok, see you then!
-Ok, te vejo depois!
-Ok, sorry. Back to our fluffies.
-Okay, I'll be here, if you change your mind.
-Okay, but there won't be any explosions.
-Okay, you can start!
-Ok, pode começar!
-Okay... Tell my sister I'll go home soon.
-Old Book
-Livro Antigo
-Old Man
-Old Woman
-Old line:
-On March 213CCE, Chancellor Benjamin Frost, with support of the council, proclaimed the Republic of Ancea. This event would become known as the Blue Revolution.
-On a side note, more defense is always good, but the damage won't decrease on the same rate that defense raises.
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but you attack from a safer position. On the other hand, depending on the level of the weapon, melee ones potentially can yeild quicker kills.
-On the year 206CCE, after a long crisis of succession, a minor noble only known as Queen Platyna the Red came to inherit the Platinum Crown.
-Once the monster is dead, click on the dropped items to add them to your inventory. You can also use the 'Z' key to claim the drops.
-Uma vez que o monstro esteja morto, clique nos itens que caíram para adicioná-los ao seu inventário. Você também pode usar a tecla "Z" para pegar os itens.
-Once used, they will disappear from your inventory.
-One Castle
-One advice: Don't take the things those drinkers say too serious. They are sitting here and drinking all day.
-One last thing to keep in mind... If you are surrounded, you'll suffer an agility and defense penalty.
-One of its branches hit me!
-One of these little boogers started flying early, and escaped from me.
-Only Don and the Merchant Guild have that kind of material in stock. It's called black iron.
-Only after you prove yourself, you may join our ranks as a proud member! Hahah!
-Only one more Fluffy to kill and it's done!
-Oooh, perfect! It's perfect!
-Oooh, these wounds! They hurt so much!
-Open your inventory window (###keyWindowInventory; key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button.
-Opened treasure chest
-Options changed.
-Or almost like me, at the very least.
-Or do you want to keep your friendships and adventures in different groups?
-Or you can take seat and ask Melinda if you need something.
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#0
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#1
-Orange Cotton Dye
-Tinta laranja para algodão
-Other Drop Rates: MvP %.2fx / Card-Based %.2fx / Treasure %.2fx
-Other Flags:
-Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea.
-Além disso, eu não sei bem o que mais está acontecendo. Acho que perguntar diretamente ao capitão pode ser uma boa idéia.
-Other things are written but are not legible anymore.
-Outras coisas estão escritas, mas não são mais legíveis.
-Ouch... These boxes are so heavy!
-Ouch... Estas caixas são tão pesadas!
-Our building here is also the finest place in the town. Just go and see for yourself!
-Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family!
-Nossa tripulação é como uma família e, caso você aceite nos ajudar, eu gostaria de te convidar para fazer parte dela.
-Our main responsibility in the city is to protect the Merchant Guild.
-Our mommy doesn't allow us to go there, because it's dangerous. But he doesn't listen!
-Our only wish to eat a plush, so juicy sweet...
-Out of creativity already? Don't worry, I don't judge! Hehe.
-Over lovers under a starry night
-Packet 0x%x length: %d
-Partner not ready.
-Party modification is disabled in this map.
-PartyLock |
-People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck.
-Perfect! I will wait for you here.
-Perhaps, and only perhaps, if you bring me the latter, I can bring you to a ship that will perhaps, and only perhaps, be able to bring you to Woodland.
-Pet hunger changed.
-Pet hunger is already at maximum.
-Pet intimacy changed.
-Pet intimacy is already at maximum.
-Peter needs help
-Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Pff... Nickel nurser!
-Piberries Infusion
-Pile Of Ash
-Pink Antennae
-Pink Blobime
-Blobime Rosa
-Pink Cotton Dye
-Tinta rosa para algodão
-Pink Flower
-Flor Rosa
-Pink Petal
-Pétala Rosa
-Trasgo Rosa
-Pinkie Hat
-Chapéu de Pinkie
-Piou Feathers
-Penas de Pious
-Piou Legs
-Pernas de Pious
-Piou Slayer
-Matador de Pious
-Piou and The Fluffy
-Piou e o Fluffy
-Piou egg
-Ovo de Piou
-Piouleg Sandwich
-Pious must keep a strict diet composed of Piberries.
- Piousse
-Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d
-Player '%s' has now been banned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' has now been unbanned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' is already banned from this channel
-Player '%s' is not banned from this channel
-Player '%s' was not found
-Player database has been reloaded.
-Player has been nuked!
-Player is not muted.
-Player is using %s skill tree (%d basic points).
-Player requires level %d of skill %s.
-Player unjailed.
-Player unmuted.
-Player warped to jail.
-Please bring it to me!
-Please bring me @@s so I can pull out these spikes from my foot.
-Please choose the desired gender:
-Please come again with at least 10 INT and 20 DEX. Stat Bonuses aren't counted.
-Please come back anytime!
-Please come talk to me, I'll help you get dressed.
-Please continue talking to the villagers.
-Please do hurry and bring me %d %s, so I can finish my soup!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, or get my hair mussed!
-Please don't touch my stove without my authorization.
-Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only.
-Por favor, não encoste nestes chapéus, eles são apenas para membros da tripulação.
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguise <name/ID>).
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguiseall <name/ID>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @enablenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @hidenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @npcoff <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @tonpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a clothes color (usage: @dye/@ccolor <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a guild name (usage: @guild <guild_name>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildrecall <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildspy <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a hair color (usage: @haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a hair style (usage: @hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a homunculus ID (usage: @makehomun <homunculus id>).
-Please enter a hunger value (usage: @homhungry <hunger value [0-100]>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @homlevel <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a map (usage: @warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @broadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @homtalk <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @kami <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @localbroadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @me <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @pettalk <message>).
-Please enter a mob name/ID and guild name/ID (usage: @disguiseguild <mob name/ID>, <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter a mob name/id (usage: @showmobs <mob name/id>)
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @mobsearch <monster name>).
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @summon <monster name> {duration}).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @whereis <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster/egg name/ID (usage: @makeegg <pet>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @skpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @stpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a party name (usage: @party <party_name>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyrecall <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyspy <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @block <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jail <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @kick <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @nuke <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @recall <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @trade <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unban <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unblock <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unjail/@discharge <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unmute <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @where <char name>).
-Please enter a position bitmask and an amount (usage: @refine <equip position> <+/- amount>).
-Please enter a quest skill ID.
-Please enter a script file name (usage: @loadnpc <file name>).
-Please enter a skill name to look up (usage: @skillid <skill name>).
-Please enter a sound filename (usage: @sound <filename>).
-Please enter a speed value (usage: @speed <%d-%d>).
-Please enter a status type/flag (usage: @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}).
-Please enter a time in minutes (usage: @mutearea/@stfu <time in minutes>).
-Please enter a valid amount.
-Please enter a valid level (usage: @guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels>).
-Please enter a valid number (usage: @pethungry <0-100>).
-Please enter a valid position (usage: @memo <memo_position:%d-%d>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @petfriendly <0-1000>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @str/@agi/@vit/@int/@dex/@luk <+/-adjustment>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
-Please enter an amount (usage: @spiritball <number: 0-%d>).
-Please enter an amount (usage: @zeny <amount>).
-Please enter an amount.
-Please enter an effect number (usage: @effect <effect number>).
-Please enter an intimacy value (usage: @homfriendly <intimacy value [0-1000]>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @itembound <item name/ID> <quantity> <bound_type>).
-Please enter an item name/ID (usage: @ii/@iteminfo <item name/ID>).
-Please enter an item name/ID, a quantity, and a player name (usage: #delitem <player> <item_name_or_ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter at least one item name/ID (usage: @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of very's>).
-Please enter at least one option.
-Please enter at least one valid list number (usage: @mapinfo <0-3> <map>).
-Please enter at least one value (usage: @model <hair ID: %d-%d> <hair color: %d-%d> <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter ban time and a player name (usage: @ban <time> <char name>).
-Please enter color and message (usage: @kamic <color> <message>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @sizeguild <size> <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @undisguiseguild <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter item name/ID (usage: @whodrops <item name/ID>).
-Please enter part of an item name (usage: @idsearch <part_of_item_name>).
-Please enter the combat zone on the left.
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalk <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalkc <color> <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the desired color
-Please enter the desired race
-Please enter the desired style
-Please enter the message:
-Please enter the new line.
-Please enter two e-mail addresses (usage: @email <current@email> <new@email>).
-Please find daddy...
-Please find my daddy...
-Please find the small chest, buried somewhere on Artis hill.
-Please go talk to the leader of the traveling troupe about the theater mask.
-Please go talk to their leader about this.
-Please guide me.
-Please return the mask to the traveling troupe.
-Please select a category:
-Please select a chapter:
-Please select a quest:
-Please select an option:
-Please select the interval:
-Please specify a display name or monster name/id.
-Please take this @@ for your help.
-Please try to figure out what went wrong with this order and bring me those potions.
-Please write the following sentence:
-Please, have a seat.
-Please, leave me alone. I have to pixel potions.
-Pleasure to meet you. I am @@.
-Plushroom Box
-Caixa de Plushroom
-Plushroom Field
-Campo de Plushroom
-Plushrooms you say?
-Poem about Poems
-Poema sobre Poemas
-Poem is making the words dance
-Poison Skull
-Caveira de Veneno
-Poisoned Dish
-Prato Envenenado
-Poisoned Julia
-Poor Chelios, I don't envy him...
-Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe 8:Body
-Potions? That sounds useful. What do you have?
-Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior.
-Press the '###keyTrade;' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations.
-Previous Inn reservation will be lost!
-Princess Slayer
-PrivateAirshipEndable |
-PrivateAirshipStartable |
-Protect me, please...
-Pumpkin Hat
-Chapéu de Abóbora
-Pumpkin Juice
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Sementes de Abóbora
-Purple Blobime
-Blobime Roxo
-Purple Cotton Dye
-Tinta roxa para algodão
-Put on your thinking cap and be propelled into high adventure!
-PvP Flags:
-PvP Off.
-PvP On.
-PvP is already Off.
-PvP is already On.
-Pvp ON |
-Q'Onan asks to find chest
-Quest complete
-Quest database has been reloaded.
-Quest debug
-Quest state: @@
-Quest state: @@, @@
-Raijin Voice
-Voz de Raijin
-Raise this skill
-Raises your Int by 50
-Raises your base level by 50
-Raises your job level by 50
-Ranger T
-Rate management
-Ratto Tail
-Cauda de Ratto
-Ratto Teeth
-Dentes de Ratto
-Raw Log
-Toco de Madeira
-Read it.
-Really? That's kind of you, I accept your help!
-Sério? Isso é gentil de sua parte, eu vou aceitar a oferta!
-Recipe Book
-Red Cotton Dye
-Tinta vermelha para algodão
-Red Plush Wine
-Red Rose
-Red Tulip
-Reduces your Int by 50
-Reduces your base level by 50
-Reduces your job level by 50
-Refinery UI is not available
-Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork.
-Related quests:
-Remember that some equipment sets will give you hidden stat bonuses! So dress yourself in a fashion way, if possible!
-Remember to stay sharp. I might need your help on another case.
-Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own.
-Remember, you have to find my brother on the hill east of here.
-Remind me, what should I do?
-Remove this line
-Remove this skill
-Removed %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Removed %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Removed all bans from the '%s' channel
-Removed item type: '%s' from your autoloottype list.
-Removed item: '%s'/'%s' {%d} from your autolootitem list.
-Repeat how many times?
-Repeat: @@ times
-Report back to me once you've had enough!
-Requires logout
-Resa gave package
-Reset 'Feeling' maps.
-Reset Quest
-Reset all recipes
-Reset done!
-Reset stats, skills, level
-Reset subquests
-Reset |
-Return to Artis?
-Return to Debug menu
-Return to Super Menu
-Return to main menu
-Return to skill debug menu
-Returned piou to Salem
-Returned to normal state.
-Returned to real name.
-Returning to normal font.
-Right Crafty Wing
-Asa direita de crafty
-Right over there.
-Right! Ours is an earthsea realm. You see, sailors are swift at their tasks when out of sight of land, but docked by this verdant jewel, they have it so good, they are just taking too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Roasted Maggot
-Verme Torrado
-Robin Bandit
-Royal Guard
-Royal Guard T
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Ruby Shard
-Ruby Vein
-Rumly is hiding behind the tree.
-Rumly needs your help
-Rumly wants @@
-Rune Knight
-Rune Knight T
-Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
-Sagratha is great.
-Sagratha is great. Why does the strange woman near the Legion building always say that to daddy...?
-Said her friend had told her that I needed help.
-Sakura |
-Salem asks to catch piou
-Sapphire Shard
-Sapphire Vein
-Say her love to glamourous Gliktch?
-Scared me, those seven-branched little stumps did!
-Scary... I am afraid of all these Slimes, Rattos and Maggots... And worse, I am lost...
-Scheduled broadcasts
-Scheduled broadcasts - Create new
-Script could not be loaded.
-Script loaded.
-Scripts have been reloaded.
-Sea Drops
-Gotas do mar
-Sea water?! I will not help you with your evil plan!
-Água do mar?! Eu não vou te ajudar com seu plano maligno!
-Search results for '%s' (name: id):
-Searched the bookcase
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-See if someone else knows anything.
-See you aboard.
-Te vejo a bordo.
-See you later!
-Até logo!
-See you next time!
-See you soon!
-See you!
-Até mais!
-See you! And come back with the plushrooms!
-See you.
-Até breve.
-Seeing her gaze, for a moment there I thought she would turn me into a pinkie, for sure...
-Seek a colorant for that material:
-Seems I've helped everyone here. I don't know what to do now!
-Parece que eu ajudei todo mundo aqui. Eu não sei o que fazer agora!
-Seems yummy! Let me taste it!
-Parece gostoso! Deixe-me provar!
-Send 10 times
-Send 2 times
-Send 20 times
-Send 3 times
-Send 5 times
-Send indefinitely
-Send only once
-Send this message also on login?
-Sending request to login server...
-Sent on login: @@
-Sent on login: yes
-Sent packet 0x%x (%d)
-Sent to Q'Anon
-Sent to battle
-Sent to training
-Sent: @@ times out of @@
-Seriously? It's just a cookie you know... Tell me what I should do to get one.
-Sério? É só um biscoito, você sabe... Me diga o que eu preciso fazer para conseguir um.
-Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds.
-Server is jammed due to overpopulation.
-Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X.
-Set a new broadcast
-Set battle_config as requested.
-Set state manually
-Set subquests as completed
-Set the level manually
-Seven Castles
-Seventeen Castles
-Shadow Chaser
-Shadow Chaser T
-Share your mind is your mission
-She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
-Ela é uma boa amiga... Nós queriamos nos casar algumas semanas antes do seu acidente mas...
-She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.
-Ela é a enfermeira e governanta deste navio.
-She is very skilled when it comes to weaving an ordinary piece of cloth into a wonderful work of art!
-She is waiting for you on the dock.
-She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Ela disse que vai me aceitar quando pious tiverem dentes. É apenas uma questão de tempo, percebe?
-She told me that you had some tasks for me.
-She wants? What if I don't want?
-She wasn't at home for two days now. I worry about her!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1
-Shhht, don't say it that loud...
-Shhht, não fale isto alto...
-Shht shht!
-Shht shht!
-Shop is out of stock! Come again later!
-Short Bow
-Arco de Curto Alcance
-Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail.
-Silk Cocoon
-Casulo de Seda
-Silk Pants
-Calça de seda
-Silk Robe
-Robe de Seda
-Bicho da Seda
-Silver Cotton Dye
-Tinta prateada para algodão
-Silvio for example?
-Silvio por exemplo?
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave, letting him have a private conversation.
-Simply contact them, by forum or wispers or irc. When you are helpful and kind, they respond in kind. And in time they may surely add you to my cookie list!
-Since Don settled in Artis he and his band refused to register to the Merchant Guild.
-Sincerely yours, Dan.
-Six Castles
-Sixteen Castles
-Size change applied.
-Skill Debug
-Skill Debug - Modify Skill
-Skill database has been reloaded.
-Skill delay failures are now shown.
-Skill delay failures will not be shown.
-Skills have been disabled in this map.
-Skills have been enabled in this map.
-Slave clone spawned.
-Slay some of them and bring me %d of their antennae.
-Sleep well my angel but don't follow along
-Small Healing Potion
-Poção de Cura Pequena
-Small Mana Potion
-Small Tentacles
-Pequenos tentáculos
-Snow has stopped falling.
-Snow |
-So I go inside.
-So I rush out, my wife telling me to leave the witch alone, and I see her standing there in the middle of the rain...
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#0
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#1
-So be nice and help people along the way!
-So close!
-So finally someone has came to visit me?
-Então finalmente alguém veio me visitar?
-So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing.
-So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day!
-Então parece que eu tenho outro estômago para encher. Aqueles bastardos não tem o mínimo de respeito por quem os alimenta todo maldito dia!
-So my wife said that I should go and see the witch, just in case she knows something.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.#1
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.#0
-So the next day another witch shows up.
-So you beat the monster? Then why are you so scared?
-So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1
-So you're under the control of a dictatorship? That's... reassuring!
-So, I guess you aren't chopping down trees anymore?
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#0
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#1
-So, do you have anything for me today?
-Então, você tem alguma coisa para mim hoje?
-So, do you still want a cookie?
-So, everything went fine?
-So, finally, we are here.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now.
-Então, como você se sente? Vejo que Julia fez um ótimo trabalho! Você parece estar bem saudável agora.
-So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
-Então, como está? Já conheceu os outros membros da tripulação?
-So, search for answers.
-So, what can I do for you?
-Então, o que eu posso fazer por você?
-So, what do you say?
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats in Artis?#0
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitresses of Artis?#1
-So, what was I saying?
-Então, o que eu estava dizendo?
-So, where is my piou? You should not keep an old man waiting. Go and catch it like you said you would.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#0
-Então você finalmente acordou? Nós pensamos que você estivesse em um daqueles... Você sabe, em um coma profundo.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#1
-Então você finalmente acordou? Nós pensamos que você estivesse em um daqueles... Você sabe, em um coma profundo.
-So? You haven't exploded yet! Are you getting anything?
-Solved conflict
-Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box.
-Algumas bandanas e chapeus de marinheiros estão dentro desta caixa.
-Some citizens are worried about the growing number of Fluffies on the hill of Artis.
-Some food.
-Some of the crew are looking for goods we can trade with at our next destination.
-Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop.
-Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that.
-Some people prefer to catch fish using magic, but calling that "fishing" would be an insult to this traditional sport.
-Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@.
-Some special items cannot be traded, discarded, nor sold. With a right click, you can also protect normal items as if they were special ones.
-Some tasks will help you become aquainted with Artis. Trust me.
-Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit.
-Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning when you try to sell them.
-Somebody is probably training, better wait for him to finish.
-Somebody is waiting for you outside!
-Somebody took your place on this spot!
-Somebody tried to stroke the word "fish" and tried to replace it with "sharkes".
-Somehow you don't feel good about your deed.
-Someone in a theater mask, eh?
-Something else?
-Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit.
-Sometimes a good merchant needs to reach out first. It's on the house, give Chelios my regards!
-Sometimes, I wish someone would be sent here to help us.
-Sorcerer T
-Sorry I didn't mean to bother you.
-Sorry buddy, you can't pass by this way, we're moving some furniture.
-Sorry but I have no time for this.
-Me desculpe, eu não tenho tempo para isto.
-Sorry i can't help you. Go away!
-Sorry to disturb you.
-Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Perdão! Eu esqueci de me apresentar. Meu nome é Arpan, mas os marinheiros me chamam de Arpan Mágico, pois eu sei um ou dois encantamentos mágicos yaing.
-Sorry, I am not making these anymore.
-Sorry, I don't know any recipe with this.
-Sorry, I have to go.
-Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations.
-Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment.
-Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Me desculpe, mas eu não posso falar sobre isso com você.
-Sorry, but you don't have what I need.
-Sorry, but you have no pet.
-Sorry, my eyesight is a bit poor nowadays. Where are the ingredients?
-Sorry, no.
-Sorry, this log was too weak for one of my forest bows.
-Sorry, we are sold out for today.
-Sorry, you look like a pinkie.
-Sorry. I can't make a sandwich with that.
-Sorry... here you are.
-Soul Linker
-Soul Menhir#hurnscald
-Sounds good!
-Sounds like a good deal to me. I'll do it.
-South East
-South West
-Southwest you say? OK, thank you.
-Specified group does not exist.
-Speed changed.
-Speed returned to normal.
-Spend it wisely this time.
-Spiky Mushroom
-Cogumelo Espinhoso
-Spying on the %s guild.
-Spying on the %s party.
-Squichy Claws
-Garras de Squichy
-Star Gladiator
-Start broadcasting
-Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now
-Start over
-Stat changed.
-Stats: Str %d / Agi %d / Vit %d / Int %d / Dex %d / Luk %d
-Status database has been reloaded.
-Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Stay clear.
-Stay here, I will be back as soon as I have some.
-Steel Shield
-Escudo de Aço
-Stop broadcasting
-Stop disturbing me, I already re-read that part twice because of you!
-Stop heckling her, Silvio, or I'll tell her how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#0
-Stop heckling him, Silvio, or I'll tell him how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#1
-Stop it!
-Stop wasting my time.
-Storage has been not loaded yet.
-Storage opened.
-Str: %d (%d~%d)
-Strange, it seems I became younger lately.
-Strangely enough, this lid can only be open from inside.
-Strength multiplies the damage of your hits, especially melee ones. You will also be able to carry heavier stuff.
-Stupid yeye...
-Estúpido yeye...
-Styling Shop
-Suddenly you remember the strange phrase Mona overheard Sophialla saying
-Super Baby
-Super Menu
-Super Novice
-Sura T
-Sure I did.
-Sure! [Don't tip]
-Sure! [Tip 10 Florin]
-Sure! [Tip 5 Florin]
-Sure, I'll go get one. Bye!
-Sure, any time!
-Sure, but what will I get in exchange?
-Claro, mas o que eu vou ganhar em recompensa?
-Sure, but what will you give me in exchange?
-Sure, cap'tain.
-Claro capitão.
-Sure, here they are!
-Sure, here you go!
-Sure, here you go.
-Sure, why not?
-Claro, porque não?
-Surely you do not appreciate what a hero he is!
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Certamente. Pegue esta caixa cheia de @@.
-Surprise me!
-Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be
-Take a Bandana.
-Peque uma bandana.
-Take a cup of tea until something happens here.
-Take an @@ and a @@, yeye obtains a @@.
-Take care!
-Take the east road that goes to the north and follow it until you are on top of the cliff.
-Take the sword, and say hi to Enora for me!
-Take these coins in exchange and be careful.
-Pegue estas moedas em troca e tome cuidado.
-Take this money as a reward for your nice words.
-Peque este dinheiro como recompensa pelas suas boas palavras.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. The open sea has been merciful with you once... Do not further tempt the fates!
-Take your reward from the box next to my desk!
-Pegue sua recompensa da caixa próxima à minha mesa!
-Talk to Hector and he'll show you the ropes.
-Talk to you later!
-Talk to you soon!
-Talk with Lloyd the Banker in the Merchant Guild, it's a big building in the northern side of Artis, at the top of the small hill.
-Talked to Inspector (1)
-Talked to Inspector (2)
-Talked to Inspector (3)
-Talked to Inspector (4)
-Talked to Inspector (5)
-Talked to Inspector (6)
-Talked to Janus
-Talked to Malek
-Talked to Old Man
-Talked to Old Woman (1)
-Talked to Old Woman (2)
-Talked to Old Woman (3)
-Talked to Old Woman (4)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (1)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (2)
-Talked to narrator
-Target character must be online and be a guild member.
-Target character must be online and in your current party.
-Task is done.
-A tarefa está terminada.
-Teal Cotton Dye
-Tinta verde-azulado para algodão
-Teleport Flags:
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the requisitions.
-Tell me, where are we right now?
-Ten Castles
-Test MOTD
-Thank you again for your help!
-Thank you and be careful with that box. I have worked really hard to fill it!
-Obrigado e tome cuidado com esta caixa. Eu trabalhei duro para enchê-la.
-Thank you for finding the mask.
-Thank you for this commission, Chelios is as good as Don when it comes to forging metal.
-Thank you for this!
-Thank you for your help.
-Obrigado pela ajuda.
-Thank you for your tricks. I am going to try them now!
-Obrigado por seus truques. Eu vou tentá-los agora!
-Thank you my friend.#0
-Obrigado minha amiga.
-Thank you my friend.#1
-Obrigado meu amigo.
-Thank you so much!
-Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries.
-Muito obrigado! Aqui, peque um pouco de minhas berries.
-Thank you very much
-Thank you very much!
-Thank you!
-Thank you, I'll take them and put them on.
-Obrigado, vou ficar com eles e usarei-os.
-Thank you, sir, for your kind words. I am feeling better now.
-Thank you, sweetie! Want to hear a secret?
-Thank you.
-Thank you. I'll wait here.
-Thanks again for helping me with the pinkies!
-Thanks again for helping me!
-Thanks for finding daddy... I wish he spent more time with me...
-Thanks for helping my husband Hinnak.
-Thanks for the help!
-Obrigado pela ajuda!
-Thanks for the tip!
-Thanks for your help with the pinkies.
-Thanks, sir Q'Anon.
-Thanks, that was very kind of you!
-That better be a trophy on your head.
-That doesn't looks edible to me!
-That is a really fine piece of wood you brought me.
-That looks too exotic for me to eat!
-That makes everybody
-That part of the town is called the Gilded Hill, it's also where the Merchant Guild has its headquarters.
-That poor one is doing his best to fly... But his last meal and the gravity is not helping him so far!
-That will be @@ E to set your respawn point
-That will pay them a lesson.
-That would be great!
-That's a nice sword you have there.
-That's exactly what I needed!
-That's good to hear!
-É bom ouvir isso!
-That's not the question
-That's perfect, yoiis.#0
-Isso é perfeito, yoiis.
-That's perfect, yoiis.#1
-Isso é perfeito, yoiis.
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#0
-Isso é surpreendente... Você não parece muito útil.
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#1
-Isso é surpreendente... Você não parece muito útil.
-That's right, we have our very own training room. The Legion is always well prepared!
-That's too bad... Although I think you're lying.
-Thats your problem, really.
-The @@ is a one time item, you can use it as many times as you want, but you can only have one!
-The Book of Laws
-The Fluffy seized it and said:
-The Legion needs some potions.
-The Legion of Aemil is the greatest organization on all continent! A town cannot be safer than when it's under our protection.
-The Legion of Gasaron are a group of warriors who vowed to protect and serve their neighbours.
-The Legion of Gasaron is in charge of the security of the intramural part of our cities.
-The Legion?
-The Mana Tree was lost, the caves entrances destroyed, and the Wizard Order was split in two: One part was on Candor, and other at the Magic Tower.
-The Piou, embarrassed and confused,
-The Platinum Kingdom grew and prospered, and drew most of the human population to the safety of the walls of Keshlam, Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-The Raijin from the library flirted with me a while ago, so has Enora from the Legion.
-The Republic of Ancea ceased to exist officially in August 216CCE, when the cities of Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis installed their own independent governments.
-The Ukar Historical Association on Aemil
-The answer is a single word, without conjugation.
-The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account.
-The best, the wonderful, the most choice cookie among all others, the...
-The book has been hollowed out.
-The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-O capitão trancou a porta, você deveria ir vê-lo.
-The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-O capitão está te esperando! Ande logo.
-The captain wants:
-O capitão quer:
-The collection of four books entitled “World Story For Dummies” is based on the uncessable work from the Ukar scholars, thanks to whom this wouldn't be possible.
-The control and administration of the cities passes hands sometimes. You may find the Mana Order or the Brotherhood in charge instead of us at some point!
-The council, however, neglected day-to-day administration duties, and focused their efforts in regaining control of the rest of Ancea.
-The detail and craftsmanship that went into this sword can only be accomplished by the most practiced of blacksmiths.
-The doctor examines you briefly.
-The door to the legion building is temporarily closed.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing. Thus much is lost to time, including the author's name.
-The farmer glares at your hat.
-The farmer lunges at you with a farming implement.
-The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time...
-O medo de vê-la dormindo nesta cama quieta e solitária está se tornando insuportável. Eu acho que eu não terei a coragem de vê-la desta vez...
-The fee is of @@ E. So, do you want to register?
-The fields are crawling with maggots.
-The first human settlement to develop an advanced political structure and to become a city-state was Keshlam.
-The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land.
-The first thing you should do is to evaluate your enemy.
-A primeira coisa que você deve fazer é avaliar seu inimigo.
-The first village build was named Esperia. Aurora region was very fertile, and for this reason they moved towards countryside and built farms.
-The fog has gone.
-The further you go, the more experience you will get, so here's a small description of all the stats you can upgrade with time. But note that these will probably change in the future and have more complex effects.
-The giant boogeyman!
-O bicho-papão gigante!
-The girl looks desperate.
-The group found the support of Tulimshar's merchant lords and was given ships to sail east.
-The guild is in charge of the commerce regularization throughout Artis and its surroundings.
-The hill is located on the north-east of Artis.
-The holy messenger has given judgement.
-The inspector sent me here to investigate.
-The item (%d: '%s') is not equippable.
-The item is not equippable.
-The leader of the troupe said you hung around them a lot while they were in town.
-The lid is sealed shut, and you are too weak to open it.
-The light armor shop is ran by Resa, she is part of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-The little piou is flying nearby, all you need is to catch it and bring back to me.
-The log breaks with a loud crack.
-The mapserver has spy command support disabled.
-The market is located in the south-east of Artis, it is known as Merchant Guild's exhibit.
-The master bowyer in this village used to construct exceptional bows. When you want one you should go and ask him.
-The message cannot be empty
-The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have.
-The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist.
-The music of the trees floats through the breeze
-The name of the book is "%s".
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again.
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again. They found a continent, present on legends of explorers who never came back.
-The next and final battle happened at Candor. Wizards attacks from both sides near the Mana Tree provoked a Mana Storm. A Great Quake shook the earth of Ancea and the land began to split. Geography changed, and Keshlan vanished from the map.
-The next page begins to list the complex trading laws of the City of Esperia
-The night the troupe left, I saw someone with a theater mask take a large satchel out of town.
-The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
-O velho livro parece ser sobre a lenda de Aemil. Você gostaria de lê-lo?
-The old man seemed to be senile.
-The other part of this sign has been crushed by a rock.
-The piou costs @@ E.
-The player '%.*s' doesn't exist.
-The player cannot use that skill.
-The player meets all the requirements for that skill.
-The problem is that I am short of material.
-The rank of lieutenant is granted only to people with proper control of their skill and good judgment, like Enora. Or me, of course.
-The recipes, of course, you must collect yourself. Even sandwiches are not so simple as to simply put ingredients and hope for the best.
-The resulting shield looks usable already, but Jack applies another liquid to it and leaves it to dry for a few moments.
-The room is to the east, on your right side. Just go through the door before the stairs and then turn right. It's like the mirror image of our training room.
-The sailor chugs his beer.
-O marinheiro engole sua cerveja.
-The sailor turns his back to you.
-O marinheiro vira as costas para você.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship.
-Os marinheiros te colocam a bordo do navio.
-The ship, La Johanne, has left Drasil Island, finally.
-The stowaway doesn't answer.
-The taste of maggots in soup is... unforgettable.
-The travel was fine for you? It was terrible for me, I was sea-sick.
-The tree was entitled The Mana Tree, and the Wizard Order took control over Candor Island. They learnt to control the mana flow, and limited its use, claiming Magic to be too dangerous for public use.
-The two cannot wed because one is either a baby or already married.
-The usurper has been punished! This is a great day! Take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!
-O usurpador foi punido! Este é um grande dia! Tome esta recompensa como prêmio por sua lealdade ao antigo comandante!
-The whole tree CAME TO LIFE! It was mad!
-The zone is already set to '%s'.
-The “Ancean Era” is a term used to defined the time period between the beginning of recorded history and the events at the Mana Tree, and thanks to Ukar scholars, this is widely accepted as year 1 on all Gasaron.
-Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive.
-Seus líderes então chegaram à conclusão de que uma aliança era o único modo de sobreviver.
-Their price is usually high, but you know what? I have a bargain offer for you.
-Then I can give you some tips about fighting.
-Then I would ask you to leave.
-Then concentrate your anger upon the trees hereabouts, you will gain experience whilst leveling your sword skill on them.
-Then go north and investigate!
-Then it seems I have to apologize.
-Então parece que eu tenho que me desculpar.
-Then leave me alone.
-Então deixe-me sozinho.
-Then please stop wasting my precious time.
-Then she yells out some gobbledygook word, and out of the ground there comes a swarm of maggots, crawling and digging and climbing over each other's backs...
-Then you should better see the doctor.
-There are 6 sailors who will need your help. They are all around the island.
-There are a lot of things you must be wondering about.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Há alguns grupos destes @@s nesta ilha. Escolha alguns e vá em frente.
-There are many key combinations, press F1 to see a short list of them!
-There are no items to appraise.
-There are no tasks for you right now.
-There are people in the world who need help!
-There are people who really need our help.
-There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us.
-Há rumores por aí que dizem que eles fizeram coisas monstruosas e que eles estão escondendo muita coisa de nós.
-There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Há algumas pelúcias amarelas voadoras ao seu redor. Elas são chamadas Pious. Umas perninhas assadas de alguns deles seria perfeito!
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Há alguns grupos destes @@s nesta ilha. Escolha alguns e vá em frente.
-There are some knives on the table. Would you like to take one?
-There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats.
-There are still some monsters left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-There are three kind of monsters which frequently or seldomly attacks our fair vessel.
-There are three types of items.
-There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative.
-There are two different kinds of cards, the first changes the style of your clothes, the second changes their stats.
-There are two kinds of dialogue, the ones with regular citizens, and the ones with other adventurers.
-There are two shops inside, they are independent from the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-There is a paper with some rules written on it.
-Há um papel com algumas regras escritas.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or helping Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-There is an unknown side effect to these plushrooms, they can free you from your past mistakes.
-There is no day/night, weather, or season cycle in TMW yet.
-There is no help for %c%s.
-There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent.
-There was a traveling theater troupe in town recently, but they've moved on to Tulimshar.
-There you go, like new.
-There you go. Please enjoy yourself! ^.^
-There's also a job level, which produces green sparkles when you level it.
-There's also weather, meaning it can rain, snow, or even happen a sandstorm. They are usually cosmetic, but...
-There's been no change in the setting.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.#0
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.#1
-There, they gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find a new land on which to live.
-These @#$% beasts are jumping around in my fields destroying all my harvest.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@s, but they are so hard to hit...
-These funny fungi are mushrooming all around this island. Just pick some @@s and have a try.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I can't feel my arms anymore!
-These little pious here can't fly. At least that's what I thought.
-These purple mushrooms are called @@s. There are plenty of 'em on this island!
-These twigleafs are the trees that give me the living wood you speak of.
-These yeye boxes are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship.
-Estas yeye caixas são muito pesadas para serem carregadas até o navio.
-They are all around the island.
-Eles estão por toda a ilha.
-They are each valued individuals and I need them both. In the past, I probably made my share of mistakes. I regret good management is so difficult. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-Eles são membros preciosos eu preciso de cada um deles. No passado, eu provavelmente cometi erros dos quais eu me arrependo. Eu estava pensando se você poderia investigar e... clarear esta situação.
-They are fresh!
-They are fresh, they are good!
-They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula.
-They are made of special living wood.
-They are married... wish them well.
-They are so tasty when cooked with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features.
-They eventually found a new land after much hardship and named it Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find new lands to live in. Tulimshar's merchant lords gave them ships to sail east.
-They named this continent as Aemil, in honour of one of such explorers. The area they docked in was called Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They sailed from Hurnscald to Tulimshar and then Nivalis, the last permanent settlements of humans.
-They sailed past the Clear Sea and towards the Long Ocean which nobody had explored before.
-They shouldn't be too far from each other.
-Eles não devem estar longe um do outro.
-They taste simply divine!
-They were all in the mining camp.
-They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first.
-They're perfect, just perfect!
-They've been destroying my fields, and I guess I got a bit worked up.
-Thief Slime
-Think on Season Quests as a yearly quest which you have three months to do.
-Thirteen Castles
-Thirty Castles
-Thirty-One Castles
-Thirty-Three Castles
-Thirty-Two Castles
-This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world.
-Essa Mestra dos Biscoitos recompensa pessoas que contribuem e ajudam a desenvolver esse mundo.
-This NPC doesn't exist.
-This action can't be performed at the moment. Please try again later.
-This action was met with widespread opposition from all races, and a war broke. The tritans led the offensive, in attempts to keep the tree untouched and mana available for all.
-This book contains everything you should know about it, take it!
-This book contains the knowledge collected by ukars about how the world works.
-This book outlines the laws of every city and holding in Gasaron.
-This bound item cannot be stored there.
-This bound item cannot be traded to that character.
-This character has been banned until
-This door is locked.
-This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest.
-This fishing spot is already being used!
-This floor is reserved for quiet reading, don't speak too loud.
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?#0
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?#1
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
-This is Drasil Island, I named it after an ancient mythical tree.
-This is a harsh word to use, you are never alone in the beautiful place of Artis.
-This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt."
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Isto é um @@, uma fruta marítima azul clara. Eles são altamente desejados no arquipelago.
-This is for my own use.
-This is how good we Legion Members are. I was informed of your arrival way before you left Drasil Island.
-This is how you do it! HAAH!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will use your soft moist parts in the concoction of my next cookie batch.
-This is where the bravest of warriors come together to put their skills to a good use, for a good cause.
-This is your first time asking for something, you won't pay this time, take it as a sign of good faith!
-This item cannot be dropped.
-This item cannot be stored.
-This item cannot be traded.
-This item cannot be used as bait here.
-This item cannot be used within this area.
-This job has no alternate body styles.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on her.#0
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on him.#1
-This led Keshlam into rapid decline and its citizen began to emigrate to the other Cities. By the end of the Ancean Era, Keshlam City was a quarter of the original size.
-This menu allows you to change your skills.
-This menu allows you to customize your appearance.
-This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools.
-This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in.
-This menu allows you to modify your account data.
-This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval.
-This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges.
-This menu gives access to all quest debug menus.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quest subquests.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests.
-This monster does not spawn normally.
-This monster has no MVP prizes.
-This monster has no drops.
-This needn't be high quality wood; pretty much any log you can find should work.
-This note was left by somebody.
-This one is useless! Give me another @@.
-This panel looks in rather good shape, as though some people take care of it regularly. Maybe it has important information.
-This place is surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums...
-This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and tried to trade %d of them.
-This player has been banned for %d minute(s).
-This player has been definitively blocked.
-This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled).
-This player is not in jail.
-This player is now
-This skill cannot be used within this area.
-This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill.
-This skill number doesn't exist.
-This waitress *hicks* is great, she never stops to bring beer *hicks.
-This will remain your respawn point until set elsewhere.
-Those for consumption, equipment and generics.
-Three Castles
-Three cities developed on the eastern side of Ancea: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-Tibbo went to the south-east of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000
-To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +<item name or ID>". To remove an item, use "@alootid -<item name or ID>".
-To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!
-To be honest, no, never.
-To change your base level, use this command:
-To change your job level, use this command:
-To change your stats, use these commands:
-To de-trust a player:
-To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A.
-To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold.
-To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the '###keyWindowChat;' key.
-To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone.
-To focus on a creature, press the '###keyTargetMonster;' key. To focus on another citizen, press the '###keyTargetPlayer;' key. To attack the focused target press the '###keyAttack;' key or click the primary button on the creature.
-To focus on an NPC, press the '###keyTargetNPC;' key. To talk to him press the '###keyTalk;' key.
-To get a quote:
-To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait.
-To get the current rate:
-To grab a quote:
-To ignore a player:
-To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function.
-To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
-Para abrir seu inventário, use a tecla F3 ou use o mouse no menu acima.
-To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying.
-To remove a quote:
-To reset back to normal:
-To set the exp rate:
-To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen.
-To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '%s' and press '###keyChat;'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it.
-To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option.
-To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges.
-To thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
-To trust a player:
-To unignore a player:
-Toggle Croc Bounty
-Toggle Ratto Bounty
-Toggle Tortuga Bounty
-Told bobo to go home
-Too bad, try again.
-Too bad.
-Too bad. I'm not hungry enough for these cookies of yours. Maybe I'll come back later.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some nice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Too lazy.
-Too risky, I might end up in jail. Do it yourself.
-Top Hat
-Topaz Shard
-Topaz Vein
-Toppy Blub
-Toppy Blub
-Tortuga Shell
-Casco de tortuga
-Tortuga Shell Fragment
-Fragmento de casco de tortuga.
-Tortuga Tongue
-Lingua de tortuga
-Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it.
-Total Domination
-Town Map
-Training Arrow
-Training Wand
-Transforming into monster is not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Travel to woodlands?
-Treasure Chest
-Tree Control Panel
-Tritan Voice
-Voz de Tritão
-Troupe Leader
-True be or not true be
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?#1
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?#0
-Try doing that now!
-Try talking to everyone again.
-Twelve Castles
-Twenty Castles
-Twenty-Eight Castles
-Twenty-Five Castles
-Twenty-Four Castles
-Twenty-Nine Castles
-Twenty-One Castles
-Twenty-Seven Castles
-Twenty-Six Castles
-Twenty-Three Castles
-Twenty-Two Castles
-Two Castles
-Type "@mapflag available" to list the available mapflags.
-Type List: (default) all = -1, healing = 0, usable = 2, etc = 3, weapon = 4, armor = 5, card = 6, petegg = 7, petarmor = 8, ammo = 10, delayed-consumable = 11, cash = 18
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys, and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-Uh? Hi! I'm sorry, but I have no time for chatting.
-Uh? Oi! Me desculpa, mas eu não tenho tempo para conversar.
-Uhm, bye.
-Uhm, tchau.
-Uhm... Your story seems...
-Uhm... Sua história parece...
-Unable to Teleport in this area
-Unable to decrease the number/value.
-Unable to spawn clone.
-Unable to spawn evil clone.
-Unable to spawn slave clone.
-Unable to win, the tritans attacked Hurnscald. While human troops moved in attempts to avoid its fall, the Kralog and Ukar joined the tritans and they took the city.
-Understood, I will help you.
-Entendido, eu vou te ajudar.
-Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard.
-Infelizmente, nós ainda precisamos de sua ajuda. Agora será uma tarefa delicada abordo.
-Unknown Cart (usage: %s <0-%d>).
-Unknown Channel '%s' (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Channel (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Job
-Unknown battle_config flag.
-Unknown color '%s'
-Unknown map '%s'.
-Unknown packet: 0x%x
-Unknown type of value in:
-Unless you are interested in a status reset?
-Unlike other respawn points, an inn can fully restore your HP.
-Urchin Meat
-Carne de ouriço
-Usage: "@mapflag monster_noteleport 1" (0=Off | 1=On)
-Usage: %s <permission_name>
-Usage: @accinfo/@accountinfo <account_id/char name>
-Usage: @addwarp <mapname> <X> <Y> <npc name>
-Usage: @adjgroup <group_id>
-Usage: @changegm <guild_member_name>
-Usage: @changeleader <party_member_name>
-Usage: @changelook {<position>} <view id>
-Usage: @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}
-Usage: @dropall {<type>}
-Usage: @jailfor <time> <character name>
-Usage: @marry <char name>
-Usage: @mute <time> <char name>
-Usage: @noks <self|party|guild>
-Usage: @npcmove <X> <Y> <npc_name>
-Usage: @partyoption <pickup share: yes/no> <item distribution: yes/no>
-Usage: @request <petition/message to online GMs>.
-Usage: @set <variable name> <value>
-Usage: @setbattleflag <flag> <value>
-Usage: @setzone <zone name>
-Usage: @skilltree <skill ID> <target>
-Usage: @unloadnpcfile <file name>
-Usage: @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVar 50"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$ Super Duper String"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$" outputs its value, Super Duper String.
-Use 0 or no parameter to return to normal font.
-Use @font <1-9> to change your message font.
-Use arrow keys to walk around and leave this room.
-Use the key.
-Usar a chave.
-Used %d Kafra points and %d cash points. %d Kafra and %d cash points remaining.
-User '%s' already possesses the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' doesn't possess the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' permissions updated successfully. The changes are temporary.
-Usually I don't allow anyone to touch my boxes but...
-Normalmente eu não permito que ninguém toque nestas caixas, mas...
-Usually, they'll have an exclamation mark over their heads. But some quests are hidden, so talk to people and have fun!
-V-neck Jumper
-Very good.
-Very nice, indeed!
-Realmente, muito legal!
-Visited Artis at least once
-Vit: %d (%d~%d)
-Vitality raises your maximum health points and defense.
-Wait a minute, where's the cookie I gave you?
-Wait for the bait to sink underwater.
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1
-Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!
-Espere, parece que alguém está bloqueando a porta do outro lado!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish with you?!
-Wait, you never came here before?
-Wait... That's not a proper place for a chef, what are you doing there?
-Wait... Where are we going?
-Espere... Onde estamos indo?
-Wait... You are that @@ from earlier, aren't you?
-Waiting for @@...
-Walk up the stairs, go through the door on either side, and the only other door in the room, few steps to the south, will lead you right to him.
-Walking around a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one, I bet. Impale one of them for me please.
-Walking barefoot, feeling the hot sand with my feet, daydreaming... I like such things, you know.
-Wanderer T
-Want me to help you?
-War of Emperium SE has been ended.
-War of Emperium SE has been initiated.
-War of Emperium SE is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium SE is currently not in progress.
-War of Emperium has been ended.
-War of Emperium has been initiated.
-War of Emperium is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium is currently not in progress.
-Warlock T
-Warlord Helmet
-Elmo do Senhor da Guerra
-Warlord Plate
-Warning! Dangerous fish, do not fall into the lake!
-Warping to save point.
-Was your husband with you at home all night the last night that the troupe was in town?
-Watch out for these flowers. They don't like to be messed with.
-Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise!
-Água, sal, ervas picantes e carne recheada com minha surpresa especial!
-We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members.
-We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join the crew!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#0
-Nós estamos felizes pelo Capitão Nard ter deixado você se juntar a nós aqui em baixo!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#1
-Nós estamos felizes pelo Capitão Nard ter deixado você se juntar a nós aqui em baixo!
-We are very lucky, my friend.#0
-We are very lucky, my friend.#1
-We arrived in Artis today.
-We arrived this morning at the port of Artis, I already warned the Legion of Aemil concerning your issue.
-We don't need it anymore.
-We follow north hemisphere seasons in case you're wondering.
-We have a special room for this purpose, too. You may test your skills against all kinds of dreadful monsters in there.
-We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Artis.
-We haven't met, right?
-We hold various training sessions, and also have a task board with a heap of things to do for the city and its surroundings.
-We just returned from a long journey and Artis is a good city to rest and to conclude our exchange.
-We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food.
-Nós precisamos do maior número possível de pessoas para explorar a ilha e para pegar comida.
-We need manpower on the island.#1
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.#0
-We need to get out of here soon. I'm scared of the Slimes!
-We offer a room for travelers passing by Artis, our beds are comfy and you can be guaranteed to be right as rain after a night here!
-We offer party and guild certifications and we can also teach you how to use some basic communication skills.
-We refuse service to anyone who:
-We sell a brimmed hat, you can craft a feather card and attach it to this hat to obtain an enhanced version of it!
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Legion of Aemil about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-We still don't know who did it.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#0
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#1
-We thought we heard someone go down to the basement, but we checked the whole place over and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#0
-Nós tentamos limpar suas roupas mas a água salgada as destruiu. Por isso nós te demos essas roupas novas. Elas não são muito legais, mas isso é tudo que temos para você.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1
-Nós tentamos limpar suas roupas mas a água salgada as destruiu. Por isso nós te demos essas roupas novas. Elas não são muito legais, mas isso é tudo que temos para você.
-We usually dock around these small isles because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the captain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map!
-Normalmente nós não paramos em lugares tão esplêndidos, mas o capitão nos deixou ficar aqui enquanto ele escreve a localização desta nova ilha no mapa.
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
-Nós estaremos yayando por lá em alguns dias, então nós o deixaremos lá.
-We will talk about it later.
-We'll be staying here in Tulimshar for a while.
-We're doing different shows here.
-We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine.
-Weather Flags:
-Weather effects will disappear after teleporting or refreshing.
-Welcome miss.#0
-Welcome to Red Plush.
-Welcome to my office.
-Welcome to our inn!
-Welcome to the Legion of Aemil's building in Artis!
-Welcome to the Merchant Guild of Artis!
-Welcome to the Red Plush inn!
-Welcome to the Rusty Pick.
-Well I'm working too! Don't you want me to carry one of these boxes back to Gugli?
-Bom, eu estou trabalhando também! Você quer que eu leve uma destas caixas para o Gugli?
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#0
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#1
-Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again!
-Muito bem! O navio agora está pronto para navegar novamente.
-Well if you are whining like that all the time, then I think there is a reason behind their choice.
-Bem, se você fica chorando o tempo todo desse jeito, então eu acho que há uma razão por trás da escolha deles.
-Well in fact...
-Bem, de fato...
-Well then... Take this one!
-Tudo bem então... Pegue este!
-Well, I can't offer you much.
-Well, I was exhausted and had to rest.
-Well, I was in fact looking for them. Where are they now?
-Bem, eu estava mesmo procurando por eles. Onde eles estão?
-Well, I'm done for the day, and I'm quite old enough to decide when I can have a %s, thank you!
-Well, cooking is an art, and thus, you need intelligence and dexterity to learn.
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, son!#1
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#0
-Bem, embora você tenha sido resgatado por nós, isso não faz de você uma marinheira experiente, não estou certo?
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#1
-Bem, embora você tenha sido resgatado por nós, isso não faz de você um marinheiro experiente, não estou certo?
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#0
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#1
-Well, is there anything I can do here to help?
-Bem, há alguma coisa que eu possa fazer para ajudar?
-Well, it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.
-Bem, não é ruim finalmente sentir algo sob meus pés.
-Well, of course, I can show you how to cook sandwiches. But you'll need to bring ingredients for practice.
-Well, of course. First of all, you need a @@. You can have mine, if you want.
-Well, thanks for the box. But... He was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Bem, obrigado pela caixa. Mas... Ele tinha que trazê-las para mim ele mesmo. Eu nunca pedi para ele dá-las para você!
-Well... I don't think it is the best way to rule a ship. Think about it.
-Bem... Eu não acho que este é o melhor modo de comandar um barco. Pense sobre isso.
-Well... I've only killed some little pious in the ship, that's all.
-Bem... Eu apenas matei alguns pequenos pious no navio, só isso.
-Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen.
-Bem... Espere, eu tenho algo para você mas você não deveria comer... Eu vou levar de volta à cozinha.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron. From Esperia to the Land of Fire!
-What a pity! You've died.
-What a relief.
-What a strange note.
-What about Chelios?
-What about Q'Muller? Where is he?
-E o Q'Muller? Onde ele esta?
-What about my story?
-O que tem minha história?
-What about those pious? They look so cute.
-What am I supposed to say?
-O que eu devo dizer?
-What an unexpected pleasure, your help is always welcome!
-What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
-O que você está fazendo na minha cozinha? Saia, este não é lugar para crianças!
-What are you going to do?
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
-O que vocês estão falando? É uma Yoiis!
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1
-O que vocês estão falando? É um Yoiis!
-What are you looking at?
-O que você está olhando?
-What are you looking for?
-O que você está procurando?
-What are you reading?
-What are you talking about? What guild?
-Do que você está falando? Que guilda?
-What are your needs?
-Quais são suas necessidades?
-What beverages do you have?
-What brings you here today?
-What can I do for you?
-What can I do now?
-What can you tell me about the legion?
-What counts in a book is like so many things, not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside.
-What danger?! Where?!
-Que perigo?! Onde?!
-What did Gugli say about the box? Was it ok?
-What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?
-O que Gugli disse sobre a caixa? Estava ok?
-What do you mean?
-What do you need?
-O que você precisa?
-What do you think?
-O que você acha?
-What do you want to access?
-What do you want to change?
-What do you want to do with it?
-What do you want to do with your money?
-What do you want to do?
-O que você quer fazer?
-What do you want to reset?
-What do you want today?
-O que vai querer hoje?
-What do you wish to do?
-O que você gostaria de fazer?
-What does yoiis want today?
-What else do you need?
-What exactly is your real job?
-Qual exatamente é seu trabalho de verdade?
-What happened to me?
-O que aconteceu comigo?
-What happened?
-What happens when you try to think about it?
-What is Artis?
-O que é Artis?
-What is a card?
-What is growing and shrinking at the same time?
-What is it, darling?
-What is my current hairstyle and hair color?
-What is taking them so long?
-What is this "legion"?
-What is this building?
-What is this guild for?
-What is this place?
-What is your tipiou trying to do?
-What item would you like to bleach?
-What kind of help do you need?
-What kind of help?
-Que tipo de ajuda?
-What kinds of books are there here?
-What service do you offer?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
-O que eu devo fazer após pegar estas roupas?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
-O que eu devo fazer após pegar estas roupas?
-What should I do, again?
-What was that gobbledygook word?
-What was your riddle?
-What will be the bait for the fish?
-What would you like me to do?
-What would you like to bury?
-What would you like today?
-What would you say about a new shield?
-What yeye could I do for you today?
-Qual yeye eu poderia fazer por você hoje?
-What yoiis should know:
-What're you looking at?!
-What's that food?
-O que é esta comida?
-What's that?
-O que é aquilo?
-What's wrong with your clothes?
-What's your story again?
-What? Is there someone?
-What? It's not good enough?
-What? Why not?
-What? Why? They aren't more attractive than me, why do you want to see them?
-What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!
-O que?! Este tritão é o pior mandrião que eu já conheci!
-Whatever inside can be
-Whatever your idea
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#0
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#1
-When cooking, the order of ingredients matter.
-When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you.
-When you go near villagers, you can see a speech bubble above them, you can then talk to them by pressing the [T] key.
-When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Trade' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Trade' button.
-When you intimacy is high, it'll increase your stats and who knows, might even help you in combat!
-When you see something that looks more like a bug than a feature, report it on or try to contact a game contributor.
-Se você ver algo que se parece mais com um bug do que com uma característica, reporte em ou tente entrar em contato com um contribuidor do jogo.
-When you want to buy something then please speak to my apprentice.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Quando seu inventário estiver aberto, você pode equipar um item selecionando-o e clicando em 'Equipar'. Você pode fazer o mesmo para remover um item clicando em 'Desequipar'.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Quando seu inventário for aberto, você pode equipar um item selecionando e clicando em 'Equip'. Você pode fazer o mesmo para desequipar um item clicando em 'Desequipar'.
-Where are my old clothes?
-Onde estão minhas roupas?
-Where are the ingredients?
-Where can I find Julia?#0
-Onde eu posso encontrar Julia?
-Where can I find Julia?#1
-Onde eu posso encontrar Julia?
-Where can I find a half croconut?
-Onde eu posso encontrar um Croconozes partido?
-Where can I find him?
-Where can I find some Croc Claws?
-Where can I find some food?
-Onde eu posso encontrar comida?
-Where can I find your crew?
-Onde eu posso encontrar sua tripulação?
-Where is Mikhail?
-Where is the Merchant Guild?
-Where is the damn salt?! Give me the salt, I know you have it!
-Onde está o maldito sal?! Dê-me o sal, eu sei que você tem!
-Where is the hill?
-Where is the light armor shop?
-Where is the market?
-Where should I go?
-Where would you like to go now?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Qual de suas armas você quer usar para cortar este(a) @@?
-Which skill do you wish to change?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they usually do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-White Rose
-White Tulip
-Who are these friends?
-Quem são seus amigos?
-Who are yeye looking for?
-Para quem yeye está olhando?
-Who are you looking for?
-Quem você está procurando?
-Who are you?
-Quem é você?
-Who is Don?
-Who is she?
-Quem é ela?
-Who is the blacksmith outside?
-Who should I search for?
-Quem eu devo procurar?
-Who's this Julia?
-Quem é essa Julia?
-Whoa, what are you doing?
-Whoah, scary...
-Whose eyes listen under Moonlight
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
-Francesinha? É uma russa!
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
-Porque francesinho? É um russo!
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#0
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#1
-Why are you hiding?
-Por que você está se escondendo?
-Why do you hate them?
-Why don't you come down to talk?
-Por que não desce para conversar?
-Why don't you come out?
-Por que você não sai?
-Why don't you show me a main ingredient, and I'll tell you what can be done?
-Why don't you take a break? Breath in some fresh air. The basement is pretty damp.
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Por que não? Eu precisava treinar mesmo.
-Why not, I've got plenty of free time.
-Por que não? Eu tenho muito tempo livre.
-Why not, but who are you, and what kind of help do you need?
-Porque não, mas quem é você, e de que tipo de ajuda você precisa?
-Why not, this might get interesting.
-Porque não, isso pode ser interessante.
-Why not?!
-Why would the Legion request my help for only 5 potions?
-Por quê?
-Why? And who should you bring it back to?
-Porque? E para quem você deveria levá-lo de volta?
-Wicked Mushroom
-Cogumelo Cruel
-Wind and grass is nice and cool, so juicy sweet...
-With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions, you have the disturbing realization that you can't remember anything of your former life or identity.
-With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters.
-With no choir master nor voice to be sung
-With proper training, a piou can become a good friend and faithful companion in your adventures.
-With script
-With the growth of the Kingdom halted, slow maintenance, and two great famines which killed over half the human population, the council decided to seize power and depose Platyna the Red.
-With the help of the town hall and the Legion of Aemil we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses.
-Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm.
-Wooden Bow
-Wooden Shield
-Escudo de Madeira
-Wooden Sword
-Espada de madeira
-Wooden shield
-Words become music and glance
-World Story For Dummies, Vol I - Ancean Era: From Keshlam to an Empire
-World Story For Dummies, Vol II - Ancean Era: Revolutions and Independence
-World Story For Dummies, Vol III - Aemilean Era: The Mana Tree and The Mana War
-World Story For Dummies, Vol IV - Aemilean Era: The Fleet of Ancea
-Would you go get them for me?
-Would you help me kill some?
-Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!
-Wow, parece que todo mundo sabe meu nome!
-Yay, it worked! I removed a spike.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
-Yaya, você deveria ir vê-la! Ela ficará feliz em te ver.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
-Yaya, você deveria ir vê-la! Ela ficará feliz em te ver.
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse than us!
-Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Yeah, vocês são todos assim *hic* em Esperia, mas vocês não vão me pegar! *burp*
-Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
-Yeah, mas eu gostaria de garantir que eu ganhe uma recompensa.
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Yeah, mas qual vai ser minha recompensa?
-Yeah, funny now...
-Yeah, we did hear a commotion.
-Yeah, well what's the difference?
-Yeah, mas qual a diferença?
-Yeah, yeah, of course you don't...
-Sim, sim, claro que não...
-Yeah, you could say that...
-Yellow Cotton Dye
-Tinta amarela para algodão
-Yellow Rose
-Yellow Tulip
-Yes I am and you are going to face justice!
-Yes I am.
-Yes I do.
-Yes he did.
-Sim, ele fez isso.
-Yes what do you need?
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Sim! @@ está escrito na minha lista de biscoitos.
-Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
-Sim, Arpan me deu estas roupas.
-Yes, I am authorizing you to use them as you deem fit, until you get stronger.
-Yes, I am sure.#0
-Yes, I am sure.#1
-Yes, I did. He said that the trees turned into dangerous monsters.
-Yes, I do.
-Yes, I feel strong enough for dangerous combats!
-Sim, eu me sinto forte o suficiente para combates perigosos!
-Yes, I have some! "5x Black Iron Ingots"
-Yes, I hung around the theater a lot.
-Yes, I saw someone with a large sack on their back go to the mining camp.
-Yes, I've got the Forest bow now.
-Yes, a mask was stolen from us the last night we were in Hurnscald.
-Yes, and he promised to be home soon.
-Yes, but I'm only talking to the inspector himself!
-Yes, follow me!
-Yes, here they are.
-Yes, in fact, you can take them now.
-Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anything else.
-Sim, de fato. Eu prefiro explorar locais em que eu nunca estive antes de fazer qualquer coisa.
-Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors!
-Sim, é verdade! Você não é capaz. Nard está esperando pela comida por muito tempo. Apressem-se seus marinheiros preguiçosos!
-Yes, it's me. It's such a fine view from here!
-Yes, please!
-Sim, por favor!
-Yes, sure thing.
-Yes, that would be nice.
-Yes, we were both at home all night.
-Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon!
-Sim, sim eu sei... Muito ruim então. Te vejo logo!
-Yes, you look quite fast.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too little. Take this box and stop talking.
-Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the crocs.
-Yeye tome cuidado com comida de animais selvagens, algumas delas são yeyery perigosas, especialmente os crocs.
-Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!
-Yeye deu minha caixa para o Gugli? Legal, bom yeye!
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...
-yeye tem bons olhos e parece que se recuperou totalmente dos ferimentos...
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Yeye viu este yoiis na parte baixa da ilha, olhe por aí.
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island.
-Yeye viu este yoiis no alto da ilha.
-Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!
-Yeye ainda tem a minha caixa? Olhe menos e trabalhe mais. Vá entregá-la para o Gugli!
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#0
-Yeye tem certeza? Eu vou yaye um pouco mais de comida na próxima caixa então.
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#1
-Yeye tem certeza? Eu vou yaye um pouco mais de comida na próxima caixa então.
-Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place.
-O cérebro de yeye deve estar provavelmente cheio de água salgada se yeye não consegue ver a beleza deste lugar.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
-Yeye, você é realmente sortuda de estar viva. Você está forte o suficiente para andar sozinha, por acaso se lembra do que aconteceu?
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
-Yeye, você é realmente sortudo de estar vivo. Você está forte o suficiente para andar sozinho, por acaso se lembra do que aconteceu?
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#1
-Yoiis envies a rainbow in the sky?
-Yoiis is not yet ready to make his own dyes.
-Yoiis should look there.
-You already are at your destination!
-You already did enough for us, do you want to follow Nard's advice and get some rest?
-You already did enough for us, follow Nard's advice and get some rest.
-You already have a homunculus
-You already have a pet.
-You already have this quest skill.
-You already looked here.
-You already registered. Waiting for your partner...
-You already took a @@, please put this one back in the box.
-You are a handsome and good looking bird!
-You are already mounting something else
-You are already registered here.#0
-You are already registered here.#1
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#0
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#1
-You are full of wine, my friend...
-Meu caro, você está cheio de vinho...
-You are honest, I like it.
-You are in the Blacksmith's house, by Jove!
-You are just sitting on the shadow of your store.
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#0
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#1
-You are new around here, right?#0
-You are new around here, right?#1
-You are no longer killable.
-You are no longer the Guild Master.
-You are not allowed to reduce the length of a ban.
-You are not authorized to warp from your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp this player from their map.
-You are not authorized to warp to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp to your save map.
-You are not in a guild.
-You are not in jail.
-You are now
-You are now divorced!
-You are now immune to attacks.
-You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Agora você é oficialmente parte de minha tripulação! Obrigado novamente por sua ajuda.
-You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here!
-Você agora é parte da tripulação... Pelo menos para nós aqui em baixo!
-You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
-Você está em uma jangada, à deriva em alto mar.
-You are on the human resource wing of the Town Hall.
-You are the Phoenix of this forest."
-You are unable to change your job.
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1
-You bored me, see you later.
-You broke the target's weapon.
-You brought me my %s!
-You brought me the %d %s!
-You buried @@ @@.
-You can allocate point on those attributes every time you level up.
-You can already rename your pet.
-You can also answer in your native language or in English.
-You can also attack an enemy from your keyboard pressing the 'A' key to select it, and the 'Ctrl' key to attack it, this of course works if you didn't change your keyboard keys yet.
-Você também pode atacar um inimigo a partir do teclado pressionando a tecla 'A' para selecioná-o e a tecla 'Ctrl' para atacar, é claro que isto só funciona se você não mudou os atalhos do teclado.
-You can also improve your equipment in a totally different way with the use of cards.
-You can also make money %s. Nobody pays better than people in need of help.
-You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default
-You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules.
-You can also simply talk to any citizen around you by clicking on them.
-You can also use your room to get some rest after a long battle. That will consume your reservation but your HP will be fully restored.
-You can attack a monster by clicking directly on it. Once selected, you may notice a bar near your target showing you how much health it has left.
-Você pode atacar um monstro clicando diretamente nele. Uma vez selecionado, você pode notar uma barra próxima ao alvo mostrando o quanto de vida ainda resta a ele.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it, or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory.
-You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface.
-You can easily see if a monster is easy to kill or just impossible to defeat. Do not try against creatures that are way more powerful than you... You'd be risking your life for nothing.
-Você pode facilmente ver se um monstro é fácil de matar ou simplesmente impossível de derrotar. Não tente lutar contra criaturas que são muito mais poderosas do que você... Você vai arriscar sua vida por nada.
-You can execute commands by typing them in the chat window. They start with a '/' or '@' followed by the name of the command.
-You can find novels and poems on this floor.
-You can find out the monster strength by using "@monsterinfo <English Monster Name>". Check the level in it!
-You can find some Crocs on the beach, you could look up at the one after the gate, on top of this city.
-You can find the building of the Legion of Gasaron there, like in any other city, but Esperia is important for us as our headquarters are there.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now.
-Você pode encontrá-los no oceano, próximo a corais e outros seres do mar. Mas o mar está muito pesado hoje, você não deveria tentar nadar agora.
-You can get some rest at the inn near here.
-You can go upstairs and choose a different room if you want.
-You can have %d items on your autolootitem list.
-You can keep your current party as it is, while leading or being part of a guild in order to talk and share different items with all of its members!
-You can not change to this job by command.
-You can now attack and kill players freely.
-You can now be attacked and killed by players.
-You can now rename your pet.
-You can now stay with your new friends and enjoy the warm sand of this little island.
-Você agora pode ficar com nossos novos amigos e aproveitar a areia quente desta pequena ilha.
-You can read some lines that are nicely carved into the soft wooden planks.
-You can read the book that I gave you earlier at the library if you lost it.
-You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key.
-You can select a specific person with the [N] key, and then, press the [T] key when you are surrounded by more than one person.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff off toward the west, busy collecting @@s.
-You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that.
-Você pode tentar falar com alguns outros marinheiros para obter informações sobre isso.
-You can try, but your chance of success is lesser than a well trained smith and master craftsman.
-You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you see what I mean...
-You can use many diverse items to lure fishes.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Você pode yayar alguns @@s batendo nestas crocoárvores.
-You can't add a guild bound item to a character without guild!
-You can't add a party bound item to a character without party!
-You can't carry another @@? What a shame.
-You can't clean a cart while vending!
-You can't create chat rooms in this map
-You can't drop items in this map
-You can't go there!
-Você não pode entrar aí!
-You can't have met him.
-You can't join in a clan if you're in a guild.
-You can't leave battleground guilds.
-You can't open a shop in this map
-You can't open a shop on this cell.
-You can't return your pet because your inventory is full.
-You can't trade in this map
-You can't use commands while dead.
-You can't use the shovel here.
-You can't withdraw that much money
-You can, however, use '###keyTargetAttack;' to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press '###keyPickup;' to be sure.
-You cannot autotrade when dead.
-You cannot bury this item!
-You cannot bury under a NPC!
-You cannot change guild leaders in this map.
-You cannot change party leaders in this map.
-You cannot decrease that stat anymore.
-You cannot drop this item!
-You cannot increase that stat anymore.
-You cannot join the '%s' channel because you've been banned from it
-You cannot send a message to this channel for another %d seconds.
-You cannot use this command when dead.
-You cannot use this item while sitting
-You cannot use this item while your storage is open
-You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it.
-You caught a @@!
-You caught the piou, but it's trying to escape from you. You'd better hurry back to Salem.
-You clearly need to be more public-spirited.
-You concentrate and try to summon old memories from within your mind.
-You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew.
-Você poderia conhecer alguns dos outros marinheiros deste modo e... Conseguir este chapéu, é claro, vai ser um sinal de que você é parte da tripulação.
-You could start by talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help!
-You currently cannot open your storage.
-You currently have @@ Esperin on your bank account.
-You did not defeat the boss, you can't learn any skills.
-You did such a good job, you should keep it.
-You do not give me a lot of options.
-You do not have a cart to be cleaned.
-You do not have a homunculus.
-You do not have enough Esperin on your bank account.
-You do not have enough Esperin on yourself.
-You do not have the item!
-You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu.
-You do not possess a cart to be removed
-You do not seem to have enough money, come back later!
-You don't expect me to eat that, do you? Give me something else!
-Você não espera que eu coma isto, espera? De-me outra coisa!
-You don't have a scythe, by chance? I am too old to mew this field all alone.
-You don't have any @@, are you mocking me?
-You don't have any @@.
-You don't have enough @@s on you.
-You don't have enough money, bring @@ E.
-You don't have enough room in your backpack for a @@. Go stow some of your junk and come back.
-You don't have everything I have asked for.
-You don't have room for a beer!
-You don't have this quest skill.
-You don't know how to make a sandwich with that.
-You don't seem to be from the Legion, let's do a game.
-You failed!
-You feel a strong magic aura. You want to sit near it and meditate.
-You feel numb and everything around you looks foggy, but you can recall the feeling of the cold hard wood of your raft on a stormy night.
-You fell asleep.#0
-You fell asleep.#1
-You found a small chest, surprisingly heavy for it's size.
-You found him!
-You found something!
-You give up.
-You got married to @@!
-You hand him another log.
-You have %d new emails (%d unread)
-You have a level for each of your gear, by default when you buy or craft a piece, the level is set to 1.
-You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first.
-You have already opened your storage. Close it first.
-You have an awful case of amnesia.
-You have become the Guild Master!
-You have been jailed by a GM.
-Você foi preso por um GM.
-You have been jailed for an unknown amount of time.
-You have been jailed indefinitely.
-Você foi preso indefinidamente.
-You have been recovered!
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#0
-Você tem sido tão legal comigo. Por favor, pegue um.
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#1
-Você tem sido tão legal comigo. Por favor, pegue um.
-You have forgotten the skill.
-Você esqueceu a habilidade.
-You have learned the skill.
-Você aprendeu a habilidade.
-You have learnt the skill.
-You have mounted a Peco Peco.
-You have mounted your Dragon.
-Você montou seu Dragão.
-You have mounted your Mado Gear.
-You have mounted your Warg.
-You have mounted.
-Você montou.
-You have put your finger on it, I am not.
-You have released your Dragon.
-Você desceu de seu Dragão.
-You have released your Mado Gear.
-You have released your Peco Peco.
-You have released your Warg.
-You have released your mount.
-Você desceu de sua montaria.
-You have talent and the best place to utilize it is in the Legion! You can either pursue your goals with us or without us, but trust me, with us it's much better.
-You have to find him, or else I will tell him that you did not help me.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of those damn sailors brought that 'nice' lady here.
-You have: @@/@@ @@
-You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
-You hear some creeping and crawling sounds from the murkiness below.
-You hear some sound behind the door.
-You hide your shovel.
-You hit the nail on the head, it's the Legion of Gasaron!
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-Você bateu muito forte com sua mão, você destroiu seu @@.
-You hold the shovel in your hands.
-You honor me, my beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!#0
-You just defeated the following boss: @@ (Lv. @@)
-You just have to select the card, then you choose which piece of equipment you want to use it on, and you are done.
-You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait.
-You killed @@ Fluffies.
-You know, I had the strangest thing happen to me.
-You know, the life of the merchant is hard. I really hope that Artis and the Merchant Guild will help me to succeed.
-You know, yeyes love to chat while working.
-Sabe como é, yeyes adoram bater papo enquanto trabalham.
-You lack some very basic skills...
-You learned how to cook @@.
-You left your fishing spot!
-You lie in the bed.
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you downstairs to the hold, where you will find a furry meal!
-You like these hats, right?
-Você gosta destes chapéus, certo?
-You look broke. Don't think that you can dine and dash here!
-You look capable, will you help me solve these robberies?
-You look confident. I will give you my old gear as reward and acknowledgment for your time... and take these potions as well!
-You look fine and dandy to me.
-You look like a nice person.
-You look nice, do you want to help me?
-You made a cash deposit of @@ E.
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#1
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#1
-You may search partial name by making use of '%' in the search, ex. "@accinfo %Mario%" lists all characters whose name contains "Mario".
-You mean like one of my legendary forest bows?
-You mentioned the quality of your wine.
-Você mencionou a qualidade do seu vinho.
-You missunderstood, it's 5 potions.
-You must "add" the items you plan on selling, and then press "sell" to confirm. You'll have this time to review.
-You must enter a name.
-You must enter a player name or ID.
-You must find someone willing to buy, they usually will buy almost anything you have, even items which cannot be replaced, so be careful.
-You need %s to mount!
-Você precisa de %s para montar!
-You need some anger control therapy.
-You need to be a Guild Master to use this command.
-You need to be a member of the Merchant Guild to have a chance there.
-You need to be a party leader to use this command.
-You need to cross the crocojungle heading north.
-Você vai precisar atravessar a crocofloresta ao norte.
-You need to input a option
-You need to type the answer of this riddle in the NPC window.
-You need to wait @@ more before equipping this again.
-You no doubt remember how I struggled with those beasts, fighting for my life.
-You notice a young boy sitting on one of the highest branches of the tree.
-You now also have access to the Legion building. Good job, you earned it.
-You open a book named "%s".
-You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.
-Você abre o livro, mas parece que a água salgada e o tempo o danificaram severamente. Algumas páginas não são mais legíveis. Algumas outras estão simplesmente faltando.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-Você abriu o @@ em duas partes, mas você quebrou uma delas.
-You opened the chest
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Você cortou perfeitamente seu @@ em duas partes comestíveis.
-You pick up the package.
-You probably don't have much business in this city as you don't remember who you are.
-You pulled too late and lost the bait...
-You pulled too soon and lost the bait.
-You receive @@ E!
-Você recebeu @@ E!
-You receive a @@!
-Você recebeu um @@!
-You received @@ EXP and @@ E.
-You request has been rejected by autoreject option.
-You scare the piou, but let it go.
-You search the tree but don't find anybody.
-You see a curious hole behind some rocks
-You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
-You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
-You see a suspicious greenish flag. It reminds you of something you seem to have forgotten.
-You see a tree.
-You see a young elven girl, with a strong sense of pain in her face.
-You see an ordinary bookcase.
-You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
-You see these pious around us?
-Você vê estes pious à nossa volta?
-You see, Enora asked me to do a black iron sword, unfortunately I ran out of the material needed, and...
-You see, folks around here that get my cookies have the distinction of being...
-You see? I'm working here!
-Você vê? Eu estou trabalhando aqui!
-You seem a bit tired sir.
-You seem more cultivated than you look.
-You seem pathetically weak. What is such boneless jelly like you doing around here?
-You should arrive at a park with a hill nearby.
-You should ask Maxe. He's an early riser.
-You should ask my old woman.
-You should check on the highest part of the cliff, I was hiding there.
-You should come back when you have some free space.
-You should definitely go talk to Q'Anon, our boss. You'll find him upstairs.
-You should discuss with Don and Calypsan if you want to learn more about it, they are masters on this area!
-You should go and get some sleep.
-Você deveria dormir um pouco.
-You should go see him. He is one of the most experienced sailors we have.
-Você deveria ir vê-lo. Ele é um dos marinheiros mais experientes que temos.
-You should go see them.
-Você deveria ir vê-los.
-You should go talk to Alan again.
-You should have a shop open in order to use @autotrade.
-You should inform Nard of the progress made in loading food and supplies on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached.
-You should look for a seller named Fexil around the merchant square.
-You should look for them when we arrive at the port. You won't regret it! Ehehe...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-Você deveria falar com o Arpan Mágico primeiro.
-You should walk to the north to find him.
-Você deveria andar para o norte para encontrá-lo.
-You should walk to the north.
-Você deveria caminhar para o norte.
-You shouldn't believe every tale drunken sailors tell you.
-You shouldn't drink while working!
-You step on something, a panel half overgrown by moss, it has writing on it...
-You step on something, a panel with a bitten corner and clear inscriptions on it...
-You step on something, a shaky and fragile panel with barely visible inscriptions on it...
-You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-Você ainda tem alguns dias antes de chegarmos ao porto, talvez você possa aprender alguma coisa com eles.
-You still have a 90% discount on one piou.
-You still haven't completed your tasks.
-Você ainda não completou suas tarefas.
-You still need to give me boxes from:
-Você ainda precisa me dar as caixas de:
-You stupid, he's English, look at the shape of his head.#1
-You stupid, she's English, look at the shape of her head.#0
-You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-You take good care of your piou. Remember to feed it every day.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Você pega as roupas do baú.
-You take your fishing rod and leave.
-You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie?
-Me diga. Eu mereço um biscoito?
-You told me that you 'were' important.
-Você me disse que você "era" importante.
-You tried to embarrass me, am I right?!
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...
-Você tentou se livrar de mim, eeh? Mas surpresa! Eu ainda estou aqui... *hic* Ou lá...
-You waited too long and lost the bait...
-You were gone so I thought you let me down.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
-Você estava muito mal, você deveria agradecer por termos te achado antes de ser morta pelo mar.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
-Você estava muito mal, você deveria agradecer por termos te achado antes de ser morto pelo mar.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-You will be able to find Don's house in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the bridge on the left, you can't miss it!
-You will be able to find her in the market in the south-west of Artis.
-You will be amased by all the colors of hair dye they have.
-You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left.
-Você vai encontrar uma placa de madeira próxima a uma encruzilhada. Ele está a poucos passos à esquerda.
-You will lose experience if you are defeated.
-You will remain
-You will respawn at this place if defeated in combat.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Legion of Aemil. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-You wipe off enough of the sand to manage to read the message written on this crude piece of wood.
-You withdrew a total of @@ E.
-You yoiis should walk to the north.
-Você yoiss deveria andar para o norte.
-You'll first need to help my friends.
-Você primeiro vai ter que ajudar meus amigos.
-You'll need to bring me @@ @@ and @@ @@ for the recipe.
-You'll think I'm insane if I tell you...
-You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid.
-You're already autolooting this item type.
-You're already autolooting this item.
-You're already in the '%s' channel
-You're already with a '%s' costume, type '@costume' to remove it.
-You're as strong as if you were my own child!
-You're confusing me with someone else.
-You're currently not autolooting this item type.
-You're currently not autolooting this item.
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew, I can't trust you!
-Você é como o resto da tripulação imunda, eu não posso confiar em você!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#0
-Você é como o resto da tripulação imunda. O seu nome já está na lista de traidores!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#1
-Você é como o resto da tripulação imunda. O seu nome já está na lista de traidores!
-You're lucky that I'm a generous person, here's another one.
-You're lying, aren't you? I heard nothing from you-know-whom!
-You're not allowed to talk on this channel
-You're not dead.
-Você não está morto.
-You're not disguised.
-You're not in a guild.
-You're not in that channel, type '@join <#channel_name>'
-You're not part of the '%s' channel
-You're not the master of your guild.
-You're not the owner of channel '%s'
-You're now in the '#%s' channel for '%s'
-You're now in the '%s' channel
-You're on La Johanne, a merchant ship.
-You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Você está em um navio, nós estamos a caminho da capital comercial de Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
-Você está em nosso navio, nós aportamos em uma pequena ilha e estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura mercante rumo à cidade de Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
-Você está em nosso navio, nós aportamos em uma pequena ilha e estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura mercante rumo à cidade de Artis.
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!#1
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!#0
-You're right, it's about Julia.#1
-You're right, it's about you.#0
-You're too close to a NPC, you must be at least %d cells away from any NPC.
-You're welcome to stay here as long as you wish. Just don't do anything stupid, like a riot, for example.
-You're welcome. Bye!
-You're welcome. If you can't remember something, just come back here!
-Por nada. Se você se lembrar de algo, volte aqui!
-You've become the party leader.
-You've been revived!
-Você reviveu!
-You've died.
-Você morreu
-You've finally found that perfect piece of living wood that Alan needs to make a Forest Bow, haven't you?
-You've left the '%s' channel
-You've reached the highest natural place of Artis, enjoy the view.
-You've reached your slave clones limit.
-You... You eat... rattos? I think you're just a fool.
-Você... Você come... rattos? Eu acho que você é um tolo.
-You? Here?
-Você? Aqui?
-Your %s determines several small things, including critical attacks, but DOES NOT affect drop rates.
-Your %s determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action on the specified player.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action.
-Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version.
-Your account has an 'Incorrect Password'...
-Your account has been banished until
-Your account has been blocked by the GM Team.
-Your account has been prohibited to log in.
-Your account has been rejected from server.
-Your account has been totally erased.
-Sua conta foi totalmente limpa.
-Your account has expired.
-Sua conta expirou.
-Your account is 'Unregistered'.
-Your account is no longer authorized.
-Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.
-Your autolootitem list has been reset.
-Your autolootitem list is empty.
-Your autolootitem list is full. Remove some items first with @autolootid -<item name or ID>.
-Your autoloottype list has been reset.
-Your autoloottype list is empty.
-Your body aches, even your hair hurts, and the bright daylight is painful.
-Your brain liquified to match the level of a piou! It's the Legion of Gasaron.
-Your cart was cleaned.
-Your class can't mount!
-Sua classe não pode montar!
-Your current memo positions are:
-Your dad ran away from you!
-Your effect has changed.
-Your global chat is no longer bound to the '#%s' channel
-Your global chat is not bound to any channel
-Your global chat is now bound to the '%s' channel
-Your group has been changed.
-Seu grupo foi alterado.
-Your guild storage was cleaned.
-Seu armazém de guilda foi limpo.
-Your guild's storage has already been opened by another member, try again later.
-Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Suas mãos estão muito fracas, você não conseguiu abrir o(a) @@.
-Your head is suddently heavy, your eyes are closing...
-Your heart quickens as your gaze focuses upon a small wooden panel, partly obscured under a layer of wind-blown sand.
-Your homunculus doesn't evolve.
-Seu golem não evolui,
-Your job has been changed.
-Seu trabalho foi alterado.
-Your level is already higher than %d.
-Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process.
-Your name is Ianus or Janus?
-Your position has been saved.
-Sua posição foi salva.
-Your save point has been changed.
-Sua ponto de jogo foi salva.
-Your sex has been changed (disconnection required to complete the process)...
-Seu sexo foi alterado (desconexão requerida para completar o processo)...
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#0
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#1
-Your storage was cleaned.
-Seu armazém foi limpo.
-Zinc-Titanium Oxide, Phthalocyanides, Cadmiums, Lazulite...
-Zone not found. Keep in mind that the names are CaSe SenSitiVe.
-Zone successfully changed from '%s' to '%s'.
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Guild ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Party ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Self ]
-[ K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Active ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ ^EE0000%s^000000 ]
-[ ^EE0000%s^000000 ]
-[%d] seconds left until you can use
-a ground!
-um terreno!
-a quiet place,
-um lugar quieto,
-both hands,
-duas mãos,
-brought maggot
-brought maggot slime
-by doing quests
-change the sex of
-mudar o sexo de
-data %s %s %s data
-data @@ @@ @@ data
-foo %2$s bar %1$s baz
-left accessory,
-acessório esquerdo,
-left hand,
-mão esquerda,
-line @@: @@
-lower head,
-lower/mid head,
-lower/mid/top head,
-lower/top head,
-mid head,
-no active MOTD
-no active broadcast
-option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0'
-option '%s' is not enabled on channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now disabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s' with %d seconds
-right accessory,
-acessório direito,
-right hand,
-mão direita,
-skill %d: %s (%s)
-test %s
-test @@
-test1 %s#0
-test1 @@#0
-test2 %s#1
-test2 @@#1
-top head,
-tricked thus again.
-usage @camerainfo range rotation latitude
-value '%d' for option '%s' is out of range (limit is 0-%d)
-| Guild: '%s'
-| Location: %s %d %d
-| Lv:%d/%d | Job: %s
-| Party: '%s'
-“Nothing I can do”, she says, “but I can ask a friend”.
-← Exit
-↑ Legion
-↓ Market Place
diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.old b/langs/lang_ru.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 4659a26e..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_ru.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2100 +0,0 @@
-%d: Left Hand
-%d: Левая Рука
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty of 'em on this island!
-'Это', как ты их назвал - @@. Их полно на этом острове.
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island!
-'Это', как ты назвал это - @@. Их на острове много!
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*Уф*... И ещё один ящик @@ для наших голодающих коллег готов.
-- 2 @@
-- 2 @@
-... And 1 @@.
-...И 1 @@.
-... and 1 @@.
-...И 1 @@.
-...this might be because of Don, he is the master blacksmith of this place and a model to me!
-...возможно причина это Дон, он здесь главный кузнец и пример для меня!
-1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still.
-1. Не используйте ботов. Это означает, что Вам запрещено использовать любые программы автоматизации.
-2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam.
-2. Не спамьте. Это касается и торгового чата.
-3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups.
-3. Не использовать мультиаккаунты! То есть, не надо логиниться с двумя или более персонажами одновременно. Вы не можете использовать больше одного собственного активного клиента одновременно, для групповых атак.
-4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes.
-4. Не оскорблять друг друга, ничего не выпрашивать и не использовать матерных слов в имени персонажа или в чате, за исключением того, если вы играете роль.
-5 Pibberies Infusion.
-5 отваров из пижевики
-5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.
-5. Не разговаривайте на языках, отличных от английского в публичных регионах. Вы можете свободно разговаривать на любом языке в приватном чате, или когда Вы одни с друзьями.
-6. Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855 article.
-6. Ознакомьтесь с общественной конвенцией опубликованной в материале RFC1855.
-@@ is helping me.
-@@ мне помогает.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-@@? Добро пожаловать, дорогая!
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-@@? Добро пожаловать, дорогой!
-A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.
-Великий город Эспэрия, ставший столицей этих островов, процветал на самом густонаселённом острове - Авроре.
-A young apprentice called Chelios might be waiting outside, speak to him, and return the present to me.
-Молодой подмастерье Челиос должно быть ждёт снаружи, поговори с ним и возвращайся с подарком для меня.
-About the Legion of Aemil in Esperia, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Насчет Легиона Аэмиля в Эспэрии. Я, откровенно говоря, на их счёт не уверен.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Об этой Эспирийской гильдии, я понятия о них не имею, честно говоря. Ходят слухи, что они совершают ужасные вещи и многое от нас скрывают.
-About this Esperia's Warrior Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Насчет Эспэрийской Гильдии Воинов. Я, откровенно говоря, на счёт них не уверен.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.#0
-Вообще то Гугли просил меня помочь тебе, по возможности, относить к нему твои ящики.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.#1
-Вообще то Гугли просил меня помочь тебе, по возможности, относить к нему твои ящики.
-Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
-Аэмиль - это великолепный мир, скрытый от всех нас.
-Ah, I didn't have much sleep; it's possible.
-А, у меня не было возможности выспаться; это возможно.
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Эль и Тиббо должны принести два ящика @@, Астаполос и Гулукан два @@, а Ялад и КуМюллер были отправлены за ящиками с @@.
-All I can do is tell you that...
-Всё, что я могу сделать, так это рассказать тебе что...
-All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
-И все что я мог есть были эти ягоды.... Ягоды... Ягоды...
-Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's a friend or a foe...#0
-Ладно, я пойду в её комнату, присмотрю за ней, мы до сих пор не знаем друг она или враг...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Хорошо, я иду в его комнату. Присмотри за ней, еще неизвестно, друг она или враг...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's a friend or a foe...#1
-Ладно, я пойду в его комнату, присмотрю за ним, мы до сих пор не знаем друг он или враг...
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Хорошо, я иду в его комнату. Присмотрите за ним, еще неизвестно, друг он или враг...
-Alright, bye!
-Хорошо, пока!
-Also, there was this inscription on your raft, one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world, does that make you remember something?
-И еще, на твоем плоту была надпись Гильдии Воинов Эспирии, самой большой гильдии во всем новом мире, может быть это поможет тебе вспомнить что-нибудь?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#0
-Мы также взяли твои йайные вещи, они были... Йейейе... В плохом состоянии. Посмотри в коробке около твоей кровати, там есть новые вещи для тебя.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#1
-Мы также взяли твои йайные вещи, они были... Йейейе... В плохом состоянии. Посмотри в коробке около твоей кровати, там есть новые вещи для тебя.
-An unexpected help is always welcome!
-Помощь всегда приветствуется!
-And a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! And stay alert to pick up your drops.
-И если тебе повезёт, тебе может выпасть фрукт. И будь наготове, что бы подобрать то, что выпало.
-And please, no berries.
-И, пожалуйста, никаких ягод.
-And please, no berries. No more!
-И пожалуйста, не надо ягод. Не могу их больше видеть!
-And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?
-И что ты мне дашь взамен за эту информацию?
-And what kind of help do you need?
-Какая помощь тебе нужна?
-Aquada Box
-Ящик с аквадами.
-Are you sure that they are my potions?
-Это точно мои зелья?
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
-Арррр, не давай мне больше этих ягод! Я не хочу их, дурные ягоды, дурные... дурные... дурные!
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Арр, не давай мне больше этих ягод! Я не хочу их, тупые ягоды, тупые... Тупые... Тупые!
-Artis is a very nice place; there are some hot chicks...
-Артис очень приятное место; я там встречал таких горячих девушек...
-As a thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
-В знак благодарности, прими мою старую удочку.
-As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the alliances found a land.
-В плавании по Океании, бороздя великие воды Аэмиля, одна из групп нашла землю.
-As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land.
-Пока они плыли в Океании, бороздя великие воды Аэмиля - одна из групп нашла землю.
-As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!!
-Так как ты можешь тут ходить, это будет для тебя простым заданием. Прикончи одну для меня!
-As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-Как ты наверняка знаешь, мы путешествуем на длинные дистанции и всей нашей группе необходимо достаточное количество еды для выживания. Ты даже не представляешь себе насколько опасной может быть морская жизнь.
-As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship.
-Ты открываешь глаза и видишь большой корабль.
-As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you.
-Ты открываешь глаза и видишь большой корабль перед собой.
-Ash brown
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-В настоящий момент, наша команда занята сбором @@, @@ и @@.
-At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-Сейчас мы продаём крабовую еду на нашем старом грибном острове.
-Auburn brown
-Authorities began to control in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long.
-Власти ужесточили контроль за порядком, для достижения мира в обществе. Это не дало длительных результатов.
-Be a friend, and bring me @@ @@s
-Будь другом, принеси мне @@ @@
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Потерпи еще немного, через несколько дней мы прибудем в порт Артиса...
-Because I am an orc I can't read such things? That's rubbish.
-Только потому, что я орк, я не могу читать такие вещи? Вздор.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Перед тем, как ты уйдешь, давай я расскажу тебе как собрать @@, потому что ты не выглядишь шибко умным.
-Behind me? It's the Blacksmith house, the most renowned throughout Andorra.
-Позади меня? Это кузница, самая известная во всей Андорре.
-Besides, I need to be here to watch for thieves while La Johanne is docked.
-Кроме того, я должна находиться здесь, что бы следить за ворами, пока Ля Джоанн пришвартована.
-Billy Bons
-Билли Бонс
-Билли Бонс
-Bowl cut
-Стрижка под горшок
-But I need to go, bye!
-Мне нужно идти, пока!
-But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in coma.
-Но более того, она тот, кто заботился о тебе, пока ты был в коме.
-But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway.
-Но пока тебе нужно оставаться здесь, все равно больше нечего делать.
-But you won't *hick* me this time...
-Но ты не *ик* меня на этот раз ...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Но... если у него амнезия, как сказала Джулия, то... Мы можем о нем не беспокоиться.
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Но... если у нее амнезия, как сказала Джулия, то... Мы можем о ней не беспокоиться.
-But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Но... если у него амнезия, как сказала Джулия, то... Мы можем о нем не беспокоиться.
-But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him.
-Но... если у него амнезия, как сказала Джулия, то нам не нужно о нем беспокоиться.
-But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Но... если у нее амнезия, как сказала Джулия, то... Мы можем о ней не беспокоиться.
-But... if she is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about her.
-Но... если у нее амнезия, как сказала Джулия, нам не нужно о ней беспокоиться.
-Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
-Ты можешь принести мне что-нибудь, кроме овощей?
-Chef Gado
-Шэф Гадо
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Нажмите на NPC вокруг, чтобы продолжить вступление.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0
-Прекращай уже, Сап! Ты пугаешь нашу гостью своими историями.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
-Прекращай уже, Сап! Ты пугаешь нашего гостя своими историями.
-Common, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-Давай уже... Не будь таким слабаком! Ты не хочешь узнать кто за всем этим стоит?
-Прими поздравления!
-Cookie Master
-Мастер Печенек
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Можно узнать, на каком языке ты говоришь? Один матрос сказал, что на русском, другой - на французском... Я запуталась. Я запишу тебя в корабельный список.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Можно узнать, на каком языке ты говоришь? Один матрос сказал, что на русском, другой - на французском... Я запуталась. Я запишу тебя в корабельный список.
-Could I ask you which is your native language? A sailor said me russian, an other one said me french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship board list just after that.
-Могу ли я узнать на каком языке ты разговариваешь? Один матрос сказал мне, что на русском, другой - на французском... Я растеряна. Я запишу тебя в корабельный список после твоего ответа.
-Could you help me please?
-Можешь мне помочь?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a vegetable? And I beg you, no berries!
-Не мог бы ты принести мне чего-нибудь не вегетарианского? И прошу - никаких ягод!
-Croc Claw
-Клешня Крока
-Croconut Box
-Ящик с крокорехами
-Damn @@.
-Проклятый @@.
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!
-Черт тебя побери! Лучше не говори никому, что ты меня видел!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0
-Черт тебя побери! Не говори никому, что ты меня здесь видела!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1
-Черт тебя побери! Не говори никому, что ты меня здесь видел!
-Damn you! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Чтоб тебя! Лучше не говори никому, что видела меня!
-Damn you! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Чтоб тебя! Лучше не говори никому, что видел меня!
-Delicious Cookie
-Великолепная Печенька
-Did you say reward? I want it!
-Ты сказал награда? Я хочу её!
-Do you feel too weak even if trying to hit the surrounding wildlife?
-Чувствуешь ли ты себя слишком слабым, даже в попытках атаковать местную фауну?
-Do you have an other question for me?
-У тебя еще есть ко мне вопросы?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Ты хочешь расколоть этот @@?
-Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Кто нибудь знает хорошее место, чтобы оттянуться в Эспэрии? - М. Арпан.
-Don't bother her Silvio, or I'll have to tell her that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.#0
-Не беспокой её, Сильвио, а то я расскажу ей, что ты плачешь по ночам, как ребёнок, услышав звуки шторма.
-Don't bother her Silvio, or I'll to tell her that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.
-Не беспокой её, Сильвио, или я расскажу ей, что ты плачешь как ребёнок, когда слышишь шторм по ночам.
-Don't bother him Silvio, or I'll have to tell him that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.#1
-Не беспокой его, Сильвио, а то я расскажу ему, что ты плачешь по ночам, как ребёнок, услышав звуки шторма.
-Don't bother him Silvio, or I'll to tell him that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.
-Не беспокой его, Сильвио, или я расскажу, что ты плачешь как ребёнок, когда слышишь гром в ночи.
-Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
-Не делай этоооо... *ик* со мной, э!
-Don't mock me, my work is admirable.
-Не смейся надо мной, моя работа достойна восхищения.
-Don't say it too loud, other people could hear us.
-Не говори это слишком громко, другие могут услышать нас.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude.
-Долг зовёт меня, *ик*, увидимся позже, чувак.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude.#1
-Долг зовёт меня, *ик*, увидимся позже, старина.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey.
-Долг зовёт меня, *ик*, увидимся позже, дорогая.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey.#0
-Долг зовёт меня, *ик*, увидимся позже дорогая.
-Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.
-Каждой был дан приказ: плыть в разные стороны, дабы найти новую, подходящую для жизни, землю.
-Elfen Voice
-Голос эльфа
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.
-Элмо принёс мне отчёты о трениях между моим старым и новым лейтенантами. Возможно ты уже встречал Джулию и шеф-повара Гадо.
-Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.
-Элмо сообщил мне о трениях между моими старым и новым лейтенантами. Ты наверняка уже встретил Джулию и шеф-повара Гадо.
-Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there.
-Элмо сказал мне - ты считаешься одним из нас на острове. И я ценю твои усилия за то, что ты там сделал.
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.
-Элмо сказал мне мне, что теперь ты для нас как член семьи и трудился вместе с нами на этом острове. Я очень ценю твои усилия.
-Elven Voice
-Эльфийский голос
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry!
-Эм, знаешь, я только хочу добраться до Артиса, но у меня нет денег, чтобы оплатить путешествие!
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, but I didn't have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Эм, серьёзно, я всего лишь хотел попасть в Артис, но у меня не было достаточно денег, чтобы оплатить паром!
-Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.
-Ни каких новостей о других группах не было, поэтому они решили начать новую жизнь на этом острове, полном опасных животных.
-Fine, tell me, who are these mysterious aliens?
-Отлично, скажи мне, кто эти таинственные пришельцы?
-From what I here, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible; to collect loads of neat things, that can be found on the island.
-От чего я здесь, Гугли, моему брату, требуется как можно больше людей в помощь; для погрузки вещей, которые можно найти на острове.
-From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island.
-Всё, что я знаю - Гугли, мой брат, нуждается в людях для переноса новых вещичек с острова на корабль.
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Гррммммм гррмммм...
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help you hunting the creatures of this island.
-Пойди и возьми один. Хороший нож будет помогать тебе охотиться на существ острова.
-Good luck! And don't forget to visit Peter and our little friends when you will be back onboard!
-Удачи! И не забудь навестить Питера и наших маленьких друзей, когда будешь снова на борту!
-Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis.
-Хорошо. Дарлин доложил мне, что по пути в Артис мы будем проплывать мимо небольшого острова.
-Good, good!
-Прекрасно, прекрасно!
-Growl, sniff, grr!! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Гррр! Лучше не говори никому, что видела меня!
-Growl, sniff, grr!! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Гррр! Лучше не говори никому, что видел меня!
-Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?#0
-Гугли попросил меня помочь морякам с добычей припасов. Ты не знаешь, где я могу найти их?
-Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?#1
-Гугли попросил меня помочь морякам с добычей припасов. Ты не знаешь, где я могу найти их?
-Half Croconut
-Половина Крокореха
-He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain.
-Хм... Хорошо, я пойду наверх к капитану и все ему расскажу.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
-Слышь, ты *ик* ну, что тытамбудешь *ик* гово... ох ...рить о чем?! Ты видел, Гильдия Воинов Эспэрии не будет это афишировать.
-Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
-Слышь, ты *ик* ну, что ты там будешь *ик* гово..ох..рить о чем?! Ты видел, Гильдия Эспирии не будет это афишировать.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.
-Хехе, нет. Но я уверен, парень, на подобии тебя, хотел бы повстречать такого джентльмена, как я.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!
-Хехе, нет. Но я уверен, леди, вроде вас, хотела бы встретить обояшку, вроде меня.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we get a new member in the crew!
-Хе-хе-хе, он немного нервный, прости уж его, не каждый день у нас пополнение в команде!
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we got a new member in the crew!
-Хе-хе-хе, он немного нервный, прости уж его, не каждый день у нас пополнение в команде!
-Hello, Let me just present myself, I'm Captain Nard, it's me who's leader of this ship.
-Здравствуй, позволь мне представиться. Меня зовут Капитан Нард, я глава этого корабля.
-Hello, boy!
-Привет, парень!
-Hello, girl!
-Hey Max, it's @@!
-Эй, Макс. Это @@!
-Hey hey
-Хей хей
-Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay?
-Эй! Ты нас слышишь? Ты в порядке?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... Speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Слушай, прости, что ухожу так быстро, мне нужно... Поговорить с Капитаном о... Запасах. Ты знаешь, теперь, когда у нас прибавился еще один рот в команде, нам нужно проверить что у нас есть!
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth in the crew we need to check it!
-Слушай, прости, что ухожу так быстро, мне нужно... поговорить с Капитаном о... запасах.. ты знаешь, теперь, когда у нас прибавился еще один рот в команде, нам нужно проверить их!
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Эй, осторожнее! Ты не можешь оставаться в подвале долго, а то заболеешь! Выходи и передохни, может быть потом попробуешь еще.
-Hey, I'm not a drug dealer! You won't have another one by stalking me like that!
-Эй, я не наркоторговец! Ты не получишь ещё одну, преследуя меня таким образом!
-Hey, girl!
-Hey, man!
-Эй ты!
-Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room.
-Эй, ты не можешь здесь спать! Это - моя комната!
-Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
-Стой, тебе следует поговорить с Джулией, чтобы она записала тебя в список.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Привет, @@. Я слышал, капитан послал тебя сюда, а?
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Привет, @@. Я слышал, капитан послал тебя сюда, а?
-Hi @@.
-Привет, @@.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Привет, рад тебя видеть!
-Hi, nice to see you!#0
-Hidden person
-Hidden person doesn't answer
-Прячущийся не отвечает
-How are you doing, cutie?
-Как поживаешь, милашка?
-How are you doing, dude?
-Как дела, чувак?
-How are you feeying, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-Как ты себя чувствуешь теперь, ступив на твёрдую землю? Йейе лучше?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about this again...
-Как ты... Мы договорились, что не будем это больше обсуждать...
-How do you know my name?
-Как ты узнал мое имя?
-How is *hick* possible??
-Как *ик* возможно?
-How was the cookie? Tasty, wasn't it?
-Как печенье? Вкусно, не правда ли?
-However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
-Как бы то ни было, засуха пришла вместе с летом, в то время как зима была холоднее, чем обычно.
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth!
-Быстрее! Нам нужно проверить его зубы!
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check it's teeth!
-Скорей, скорей! Мы должны проверить его зубы.
-I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
-Меня не волнует награда. Я просто хочу помочь
-I am surprised someone has been sent here for help. It is quite... unusual.
-Я удивлён, что кого то прислали сюда на подмогу. Это немного... Необычно.
-I am, who are you?
-Да, я не матрос. Кто ты?
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Я тебя умоляю, пожжжалуйста, пожжжжалуйста...
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Я тебя умоляю, пожалуйста, пожалуйста...
-I can't help you to be on my list, nor can I give you a cookie for free.
-Я не могу внести тебя в свой список, либо дать бесплатное печенье.
-I do not want to point my finger on someone. I just put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this annoying problem.
-Я не хочу указывать пальцем. Я всего лишь понадеюсь на тебя. Я уверен, ты решишь эту проблему.
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-У меня сегодня нет для тебя ничего хорошего.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-Сейчас мне не нужна твоя помощь, приходи позже.
-I don't see anything else than... water?
-Ты видишь что нибудь кроме... Воды?
-I don't understand!!
-Я не понимаю!!
-I don't want this, give me something else.
-Я не хочу это, принеси мне что-нибудь еще.
-I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship.
-Я дам тебе этот ключ. Он открывает любую дверь на корабле.
-I just realized I needed delicious ingredients to prepare a... A special recipe.
-Я осознал, что мне нужны самые вкусные ингредиенты, чтобы приготовить... Специальный рецепт.
-I like this answer!
-Мне нравится этот ответ!
-I need a helper to clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#0
-Мне нужен помощник для зачистки трюма корабля, но ты не выглядишь достаточно сильной для этого.
-I need a helper to clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#1
-Мне нужен помощник для зачистки трюма корабля, но ты не выглядишь достаточно сильным для этого.
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#0
-Мне нужна помощь по очистке кромки корабля, но ты не достаточно сильная чтобы помочь.
-I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#1
-Мне нужна помощь по очистке кромки корабля, но ты не достаточно сильный чтобы помочь.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#0
-Мне нужна помощь по очистке подвала корабля, но, боюсь, у тебя силенок не хватит.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#1
-Мне нужна помощь по очистке подвала корабля, но, боюсь, у тебя силенок не хватит.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me?
-Мне нужен кто-то, кто может очистить подвал корабля от этих крыс, ты можешь мне помочь?
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-Мне нужен кто нибудь, кто может зачистить трюм корабля от этих Крыс. Ты можешь мне помочь?
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ and...
-Мне всего лишь нужно 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ и...
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Мне всего лишь нужно 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@...
-I remember I saw few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get to work.
-Я помню, что видел несколько, покидающих корабль рано утром, дабы вернуться к работе.
-I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Я вижу, что не так уж и просто избавиться от этих крыс. Хочешь еще раз попробовать?
-I see it's not easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Я вижу что не так уж и просто избавиться от этих крыс. Хочешь еще раз попробовать?
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
-Я вижу. Предупреди других матросов об этом. Но если он состоит в Гильдии Воинов, то он еще и наш союзник.
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
-Ясно. Предупреди других матросов об этом. Но если она состоит в Гильдии Воинов, то она еще и наш союзник.
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our ally.
-Ясно. Предупреди других матросов об этом. Но если он состоит в Гильдии Воинов, то он еще и наш союзник.
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally.#1
-Ясно. Предупреди об этом остальных. Если он из Гильдии Воинов, значит он наш друг и союзник.
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our ally.
-Ясно. Предупреди других матросов об этом. Но если она состоит в Гильдии Воинов, то она еще и наш союзник.
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally.#0
-Ясно. Предупреди об этом остальных. Если она из Гильдии Воинов, значит она наш друг и союзник.
-I speak Catalan.
-Я говорю на Каталанском.
-I speak Dutch.
-Я говорю на голландском.
-I speak English
-Я говорю по-английски
-I speak English.
-Я говорю на английском.
-I speak Flemish
-Я говорю по-фламандски
-I speak Flemish.
-Я говорю на фламандском.
-I speak French
-Я говорю по-французски
-I speak French.
-Я говорю на французском.
-I speak German
-Я говорю по-немецки
-I speak German.
-Я говорю на немецком.
-I speak Italian
-Я говорю по-итальянски
-I speak Italian.
-Я говорю на итальянском.
-I speak Polish
-Я говорю по-польски
-I speak Polish.
-Я говорю на польском.
-I speak Portuguese
-Я говорю по-португальски
-I speak Portuguese.
-Я говорю на португальском.
-I speak Russian
-Я говорю по-русски
-I speak Russian.
-Я говорю на русском.
-I speak Spanish
-Я говорю по-испански.
-I speak Spanish.
-Я говорю на испанском.
-I think I'll be done soon, since I almost have a box full of @@s!
-Думаю, я скоро закончу, мой ящик почти полон @@ов!
-I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s!
-Я думаю, что скоро закончу и у меня будет полный ящик @@!
-I think that my wine has a great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-Я считаю, что моё вино отменного качества! Я пью только вторую бутылку и я уже... Про что мы говорили?
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Я думаю, эта йейе скоро будет закончена. Йайа скоро наберу полный ящик @@!
-I will give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Я дам ей все, что ей нужно, не беспокойся.
-I will give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Я дам ему все что ему нужно, не беспокойся.
-I will give you @@gp.
-Я дам тебе @@gp
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
-Я хотел бы поймать одну из них, но они улетают от меня, когда я подхожу близко.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-Я дам ей все, что ей нужно, не беспокойся.
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-Я дам ему все что ему нужно, не беспокойся.
-I'll share my berries with you, if you help me.
-Я поделюсь с тобой ягодами, если ты мне поможешь.
-I'm a bit sick.#0
- немного больна
-I'm a bit sick.#1
-Я немного болен.
-I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
-Меня зовут Алидж, я прячусь здесь уже несколько недель.
-I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you during some days, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
-Меня зовут Джулия, это я присматривала за тобой несколько дней, когда мы нашли тебя в море. Я рада видеть, что теперь ты в порядке!
-I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you some days ago, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
-Меня зовут Джулия, это я присматривала за тобой эти несколько дней, после того, как мы нашли тебя в море. Я счастлива видеть, что теперь ты в порядке!
-I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
-Я теряю рассудок, мне нужно съесть что нибудь другое!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!
-Я не такой беспомощный ээ *ик* что бы ты там ни разу... *ик* ...знал, гильдии Воинов меня не достать!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me!
-Я не такой беспомощный ээх*ик* что бы ты там ни разу*ик*знааааал, гильдии Воинов меня не достать!
-I'm not.
-I'm not.#0
-Не угадал.
-I'm not.#1
-Не угадал.
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#0
-Я больна, я пойду обратно в кровать.
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1
-Я болен, я пойду обратно в кровать.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should change with another sailor from times to times.#0
-Прошу прощения за твою ситуацию. Они должны время от времени сменять другим матросом.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should change with another sailor from times to times.#1
-Прошу прощения за твою ситуацию. Они должны время от времени сменять другим матросом.
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Я уверен, Тиббо один, в юго-западном уголке острова. Он верит, что это лучшее место для сбора @@.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.
-Я уверен, скоро он без проблем сможет сражаться с существами, живущими здесь.
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.
-Я уверен, скоро она без проблем сможет сражаться с существами, живущими здесь.
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-Я уверен у тебя есть вопросы ко мне, не стесняйся спрашивать, но для начала я должен рассказать тебе правила поведения на борту.
-I'm talking about the cookie in which I put all my love inside!
-Я говорю о печеньке, в которую я вложил всю свою любовь!
-I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-Я видел его в нижней части острова, спроси Йалада, если хочешь узнать больше.
-If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not had helped you!
-Если бы я видел *ик* кем ты быыыл... *ик* Я бы тебе не помог!
-If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
-Если бы *ик* знал кто ты такооо... *ик* Не помогал бы тебе!
-If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks.
-Если тебе скучно или если чувствуешь себя бесполезным, ты можешь поговорить с другими моряками. Может у них будет работа для тебя.
-If you see weird things, or things that shouldn't be here, or even things that you would like to see there...
-Если ты увидишь что то странное или что то, чего здесь быть не должно, или тебе хотелось бы что то здесь видеть...
-If you want another one, you know what to do!
-Если хочешь ещё - ты знаешь что делать!
-If you're looking for us there, most of us will be at the tavern of the Redplush, at the bar counter for Silvio's case...
-Если будешь искать нас там, большинство из нас будет в таверне КрасныйПлюш, у стойки бара, по случаю Сильвио...
-If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case...
-Если ты ищешь нас здесь, большинство из нас будут в ресторане у Пэдро и в трактире за чемоданом Сильвио...
-In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun.
-В этой пещере, ты видишь, много интересного.
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-Приятно знать, что ты проснулась и ты в то же время порядке. Элмо пришел сообщить мне эту прекрасную новость!
-It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-Приятно знать, что ты проснулся и ты в то же время в порядке. Элмо пришел сообщить мне эту прекрасную новость!
-It is them who tell me to whom I can give cookies.
-Это они сказали мне кому давать печеньки.
-It is to them I look to, for it is them, who tell me to whom I can give cookies.
-Это к ним я прислушиваюсь, потому что это они, те кто говорит мне, кому я могу давать печеньки.
-It looks like madam is curious, am I right?
-Похоже, госпоже любопытно, да?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#0
-Похоже, что ты эксперт по внутренней жизни "Ля Джоанн". Знаешь ли ты о скрытых секретах, которые никто не знает?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#1
-Похоже, что ты эксперт по внутренней жизни "Ля Джоанн". Знаешь ли ты о скрытых секретах, которые никто не знает?
-It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Это меняет дело. Как ты думаешь, стоит сообщить об этом капитану?
-It seems mister is curious, are you not?
-Кажется, господину любопытно, не так ли?
-It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-Похоже мы близки к острову. Нам надо посмотреть повыше.
-It'll be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that.
-Это будет хорошим шансом поупражняться, так как корабль не слишком быстр для этого.
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...
-Это Иван... Уверена, он подослал тебя надоедать мне...
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-Это торговый порт Адорры, странно, что не знал об этом, ведь он один из известнейших городов во всём мире. Однако, эй, вернись ко мне. Не забывай, что я сказал тебе: я гоо...лоо...ден!
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry!
-Это торговый порт Андорры. Странно, что ты об этом не знаешь. Это один из самых знаменитых городов в мире. Но, эй! Не уходи от темы, я голоден!
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry!
-Это торговый порт Андорры. Странно, что ты об этом не знаешь, это один из самых знаменитых городов в мире... Но эй, ох, вернемся к теме! Я хочу есть!
-It's a kind of mushroom that tastes like a marshmallow and looks like a plush! @@, get it?
-Это вид грибов, на вкус как зефир, а выглядит как плюш! @@, понятно?
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-Приятно знать, что ты очнулась и ты в порядке, Элмо пришел сообщить мне эту прекрасную новость!
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-Приятно знать, что ты очнулся и ты в порядке, Элмо пришел сообщить мне эту прекрасную новость!
-Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.
-Эти жители не знали страха и жили в мире с тех времён, как земля дала им всё что нужно для жизни.
-Ivan is the one that you should look at now.
-Сейчас иди к Ивану, он тот кто тебе нужен.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Просто бей по стволу и получишь йейе @@.
-Knifes on the table
-Ножи на столе
-Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#0
-Последний раз, когда я тебя видел - ты потерялась где-то в море на своём плоту.
-Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#1
-Последний раз, когда я тебя видел - ты потерялся где-то в море на своём плоту.
-Let me see your work...
-Дай посмотреть твою работу...
-Lettuce Leaf
-Листья Салата
-Magic Arpan#sailors
-Маг Арпан#sailors
-Max and Sapartan for example?
-Макс и Сапартан, к примеру?
-Maybe he abused too much his bottle today to celebrate that!
-Возможно он слишком много выпил, чтобы отпраздновать это!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!
-Может, он из тех, кто потерялся в прошлом месяце? Йойис из Эспэрии, у которого есть секретное задание Гильдии Воинов!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!#1
-Возможно, он был одним из пропавших в прошлом месяце? Йойис из Эспэрии, с секретным заданием Гильдии Воинов!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Может, он из тех, кто потерялся в прошлом месяце? Йоис из Эспирии, у которого есть секретное задание Гильдии Воинов!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!
-Может, она из тех, кто потерялся в прошлом месяце? Йоис из Эспирии, у которой есть секретное задание Гильдии Воинов!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!#0
-Возможно, она была одной из пропавших в прошлом месяце? Йойис из Эспэрии, с секретным заданием Гильдии Воинов!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Может, она из тех, кто потерялся в прошлом месяце? Йоис из Эспирии, у которой есть секретное задание Гильдии Воинов!
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?#0
-Возможно... Но я предпочитаю видеть хорошо тренированных людей рядом с собой, когда придётся сражаться против опасных созданий. Ты уже чувствуешь себя экспертом по сражениям?
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?#1
-Возможно... Но я предпочитаю видеть хорошо тренированных людей рядом с собой, когда придётся сражаться против опасных созданий. Ты уже чувствуешь себя экспертом по сражениям?
-My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Моя прелесть, я не всегда был моряком, ты знаешь, я был важной персоной!
-My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#0
-Моя прелесть, я не всегда был моряком, знаешь ли, я был важной персоной когда-то!
-My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
-Мой друг, я не всегда был моряком, когда-то я был 'огромной шишкой'!
-My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-Друг мой, я не всегда был моряком, знаешь ли, я был важной персоной когда-то!
-My friends are... Well, you know... The creators... Programmers, Scripters, Mappers, Pixel Artists, Soundscapers... The Most Skilled Sages of the Tentacled Dance.
-Мои друзья... Ну, ты знаешь... Создатели... Программисты, сценаристы, разработчики карт, пиксельной графики, озвучки, переводчики... Самые Опытные Мудрецы Танца Щупалец.
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
-НЕТ и еще *ик* НЕТ, ты и ты и твоя *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия!
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
-НЕТ и еще *ик* НЕТ, ты и ты и твоя *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия!
-New technologies assisted the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed.
-Новые технологии способствовали скорее резне, нежели становлению мира. В какой-то момент, сформировались две соперничающих стороны.
-New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed.
-Новые технологии способствовали скорее резне, нежели становлению мира. В какой-то момент, сформировались два разных соперника.
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0
-Нет и *ик*... Нет, ты и ты и твоя... *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия!
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1
-Нет и *ик*... Нет, ты и ты и твоя... *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия!
-No problem, I can help you anyway.
-Я все равно тебе помогу.
-No problem, do you have an other question for me?
-Без проблем, у тебя еще есть ко мне вопросы?
-No there are no secrets hidden below the ship's wood. Some sailors swear they have seen people hidden somewhere near the stow. Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Нет, тут нету секретов, сокрытых под древесиной корабля. Некоторые моряки клянутся, что видели людей, скрытых где-то недалеко от поклажи. Всего лишь байки, которые любят рассказывать моряки...
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
-Нет, не могу. Хотелось просто попутешествовать за моря - просто так, веселья ради.
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
-Нет, я не могу. Я всего-то хотел по-путешествовать по морям, просто повеселиться. В этой дыре, как видишь, у меня куча развлечений.
-No, I can't. I won't! All is I wanted was to travel across the seas for fun, growl... sniff. And in this chink in the wall, as you can see, I have lots of fun.
-Нет, я не могу. Я не стану! Всё, что я хотел, путешествовать по морям в своё удовольствие... хмык. И, как видишь, сидя в этой дыре в стене я получаю огромное удовольствие.
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Нет, правда. Я была здесь, чтобы помочь тебе с этими ящиками. Могу я отнести один из них Гугли?
-No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Нет, правда. Я был здесь, чтобы помочь тебе с этими ящиками. Могу я отнести один из них Гугли?
-No, sorry.
-No, thanks.
-Нет, спасибо.
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians
-Никто не узнает о существовании Меркурийцев
-Not content to stay buried in their burrows in the sand, Crocs can be quite a nuisance, infesting this whole island. Tender Feet and Noobs are advised: Avoid touching these crawling red devils. They have huge, deadly claws that can make mincemeat of you! You can recognize them easily by their crabby personalities. Be careful younglings.
-Не желая оставаться в своих песчаных норах, Кроки, наводнившие весь остров, могут быть большой головной болью. Предупреждаем всех новичков: старайтесь не прикасаться к этим ползающим красным дьяволам. Они имеют огромные, смертоносные клешни, которые могут сделать из вас фарш! Вы легко узнаете этих крабо-образных существ. Будьте осторожны юнцы.
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!
-Не хочу обижать, но... Джулия моя!
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Теперь иди наружу и поговори с Гугли. Он скажет тебе что нам нужно.
-OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
-Ладно, я думаю, он просыпается, иди к нему.
-OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
-Ладно, я думаю, она просыпается, иди к ней.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#0
-Конечно! Просто внимательно прислушайся к этим словам, дорогая.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#1
-Конечно! Просто внимательно прислушайся к этим словам, дорогой.
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
-О нет, но я заметил странное свечение на другом конце острова, что бы это могло быть...
-Oh ok, I said nothing then.
-Ох, я ничего не говорил.
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift on sea.#0
-Ну так вот, мы спасли тебя когда ты йайала по течению в море.
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift on sea.#1
-Ну так вот, мы спасли тебя когда ты йайал по течению в море.
-Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Ну ладно. Я так же дам тебе одну из шляп из ящика около тебя, но только после того, как ты выполнишь моё задание!
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0
-Йейейе, так как они не съедобные, то ты можешь попробовать одеть их!
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1
-Йейейесть не вкусно, но можешь попробовать одеть!
-Oh! And in one of the room of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-О! И в одной из комнат второй палубы ты сможешь найти ножи Гадо. Наш шеф-повар всегда держит их острыми... Скорее всего, не только чтобы резать морковь...
-Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
-Ой, а также Ольга с рынка!
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-О, и дайте ей простой одежды. Бедняга, ее старая одежда в еще более плохом состоянии, чем наша!
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in even worse condition than the ones we have!#0
-О, и дайте ей какой нибудь одежды, бедная девушка, её прежняя одежда в худшем состоянии, чем наша!
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-О, и дайте ей какой нибудь одежды. Бедная девушка, её старая в гораздо худшем состоянии, чем наша!
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-О, и дайте ему простой одежды. Бедняга, его старая одежда в еще более плохом состоянии, чем наша!
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in even worse condition than the ones we have!#1
-О, и дайте ему какой нибудь одежды, бедный парень, его прежняя одежда в худшем состоянии, чем наша!
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-О, и дайте ему какой нибудь одежды. Бедный парень, его старая в гораздо худшем состоянии, чем наша!
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Warrior Guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-О, и ещё на твоём плоту была надпись. Она символизирует Эспэрийскую Гильдию Воинов, крупнейшую гильдию во всём новом мире. Тебе это о чём нибудь напоминает? Ну хоть что-то?
-Oh, he's still alive!
-О, он еще жив!
-Oh, it was nothing important!
-Ох, это не сильно важно!
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#0
-О, хорошо что вспомнил, вот деньги, которые мы нашли в твоих карманах, держи!
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#1
-О, хорошо что вспомнил, вот деньги, которые мы нашли в твоих карманах, держи!
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-О! Теперь я вспоминаю, мы нашли немного денег в твоих карманах, вот, возьми!
-Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-О! Теперь я вспоминаю, мы нашли немного денег в твоих карманах, вот, возьми!
-Oh, she's still alive!
-Да она еще жива!
-Oh... um... actually... all is I wanted was to get to Artis. Err... but I didn't, ah, have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-О... мм... на самом деле... всё, что я хотел, это попасть в Артис. Ээ... но у меня не было, аа, достаточно денег, что бы оплатить паром!
-Ok, Done. I'm sure that you got some question for me, feel free to ask them!
-Хорошо, сделано. Я уверен у тебя есть вопросы ко мне, можешь их задавать!
-Ok, Done. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them!
-Так, записала. Я уверена, у тебя есть ко мне вопросы, задавай их!
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.
-Ладно, я думаю, он просыпается. Иди к нему.
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.
-Ладно, я думаю она просыпается, иди к ней.
-Ok, I'll help you.
-Хорошо, я помогу тебе.
-Ok, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Хорошо, я иду в ее комнату. Присмотрите за ней, еще неизвестно, друг она или враг...
-Ok, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Хорошо, я иду в его комнату. Присмотрите за ним, еще неизвестно, друг он или враг...
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Хорошо, хорошо. Возвращайся, если передумаешь.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Хорошо, я готова к работе!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Хорошо, я готов к работе!
-Okay, but what can you offer me?
-Хорошо, но что ты можешь предложить мне?
-Старая Книга
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but it obviously depends on the level of the weapon. On the other hand, you attack from a safer position.
-С одной стороны, оружие дальнего боя обычно слабее, чем оружие ближнего боя, но это, очевидно, зависит от уровня оружия. С другой стороны, ты атакуешь с безопасной дистанции.
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0
-Открой свой инвентарь (клавиша F3), выбери каждый элемент одежды и одень его.
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1
-Открой свой инвентарь (клавиша F3), выбери каждый элемент одежды и одень его.
-Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s.
-Или иначе: если ты действительно хочешь получить одну из них и чувствуешь, что можешь - попробуй убить тортуг или кроков, если ты достаточно силён. Я уверен - из них выпадет одна или две @@.
-Orc Voice
-Голос орка
-Otherwise, if you really want one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s.
-Иначе, если ты правда желаешь получить одну из них и ты чувствуешь, что можешь - попробуй убить тортуг или кроков, если ты достаточно силён. Я уверен - из них выпадет одна или две @@.
-People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.
-Что бы выжить, люди начали воровать друг у друга. С ростом городов росли и потребности. Войны за плодородные земли бушевали повсюду.
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0
-Отлично, что ты для меня припасла сегодня?
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#1
-Отлично, что ты для меня припас сегодня?
-Pink Blobime
-Розовый Слизеком
-Piou Legs
-Лапки Пиу
-Piou Slayer
-Убийца Пию
-Pious legs
-Ножки пиуса
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, at least not again!
-Пожалуйста, не говори никому, что ты видел меня, я не хочу, чтобы меня выбросили за борт на корм акулам! По крайней мере, не снова!
-Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again!
-Пожалуйста, не говори никому, что ты видел меня, я не хочу, чтобы меня выбросили за борт на корм акулам!
-Плюшевый гриб
-Plushroom Box
-Ящик с плюшевыми грибами.
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Семена Тыквы
-Right! Sailors are pretty quick with their job. They just take too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Правильно! Моряки выполняют свою работу довольно быстро. Им всего лишь нужно больше времени для переноса еды обратно на судно. Может ты поможешь им?
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Хррр пшшшш...
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Хррр... Пшшшш...
-Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long.
-Начали создаваться правила, для достижения мира в обществе. Это ненадолго сработало.
-Sea Drop
-Капли морской воды
-Sea Drops
-Капли морской воды
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, some others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-Во-вторых, решай мудро, какое оружие тебе подходит. Некоторые люди любят встречать своих врагов лицом к лицу с тяжелым топором, другие же предпочитают атаковать с дистанции, используя лук, к примеру.
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Она наверху, не пропустишь йейеее. Она единственная девушка на корабле... ой, ну теперь за исключением тебя йейейе!
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew.
-Она наверху, не пропустишь йейеее. Она единственная девушка в команде.
-She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook!
-Она медсестра и управляющий этого корабля, а еще - превосходный повар!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Она наверху, не пропустишь йейеее. Она единственная девушка на корабле... ой, ну теперь за исключением тебя йейейе!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.
-Она наверху, не пропустишь йейеее. Она единственная девушка в нашей команде.
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation.
-Сильвио начал разговаривать с бутылкой. Ты покидаешь беседу.
-Simply contact them, help them and be kind. They might surely add you to my cookie list!
-Просто свяжитесь с ними, помогите им и будьте любезны. Они, безусловно, могут добавить вас в мой печеньковый список!
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
-Вот почему мы хотели предупредить тебя, может быть он из той гильдии, знак которой был на плоту.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
-Вот почему мы хотели предупредить тебя, может быть, она из той гильдии, знак которой был на плоту.
-So you're under the control of dictators, that's... reassuring.
-Так ты под контролем диктаторов, это... Обнадёживает.
-So, do you still want a cookie now?
-Ну так что, ты ещё хочешь печенье?
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look in good health now.
-Ну, как ты себя чувствуешь? Джулия чудесно над тобой поработала! Сейчас ты выглядишь здоровым.
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats on Artis?
-Ну так что, какой добрый ветер принёс тебя сюда? Был ли ты на своём плоту, дабы повстречать меня? Или это всё потому что ты слышал о моих подвигах на Артисе?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats on Artis?#0
-И так, что за добрый ветер принёс тебя сюда? Не для того ли ты плыла, на своём плоту, что бы встретиться со мной? Или оттого, что слышала о моих подвигах в Артисе?
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?
-Ну так что, какой добрый ветер принёс тебя сюда? Был ли ты на своём плоту, дабы повстречать мою Джулию? Или это всё потому что ты хотел увидеть прекрасных официанток на Артисе.
-So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?#1
-И так, что за добрый ветер принёс тебя сюда? Не для того ли ты плыл, на своём плоту, что бы встретиться с моей Джулией? Или хотел увидеть прекрасных официанток в Артисе?
-Some sailors are looking for goods we could trade in our next destination.
-Некоторые моряки ищут товары, которые мы сможем продать на нашей следующей остановке.
-Some sailors are trying to talk to you..
-Некоторые матросы пытаются заговорить с тобой..
-Sometimes, I wish somebody is sent here to help us.
-Иногда я мечтаю о том, чтобы кого нибудь прислали к нам на помощь.
-Sorry but I can't tell you anything about it.
-Прости, но я не могу тебе ничего об этом рассказать.
-Sorry but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Прости, я не могу тебе ничего об этом рассказать.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
-Прости, я не в настроении для борьбы с крысами.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those rattos.
-Извини, я не в настроении для еще одной схватки с крысами.
-Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later.
-Прости, я не нуждаюсь ни в какой помощи сейчас. Приходи чуть позже.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#0
-Прости, у меня и без тебя много дел.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1
-Прости, у меня и без тебя много дел.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
-Внезапно ты слышишь голос с неба.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice up in the sky.
-Внезапно ты слышишь голос с неба.
-Sure, Cap'tain.
-Конечно, Капитан.
-Sure, but what can you give me in exchange?
-Конечно, но что ты можешь дать взамен?
-Sure, there is a reward for your task.
-Конечно, за твоё задание полагается награда.
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Конечно. Возьми этот ящик, наполненный @@.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed though, you're being such a weak boy in all.#1
-Возьми @@ и попробуй открыть его, используя что нибудь острое, например нож! Я сомневаюсь, что у тебя получиться, ты довольно слабый мальчик.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed though, you're being such a weak girl in all.#0
-Возьми @@ и попробуй открыть его, используя что нибудь острое, например нож! Я сомневаюсь, что у тебя получиться, ты довольно слабая девочка.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed, you're weak my poor boy.
-Возьми @@ и попробуй открыть это, используя что-нибудь типа острого ножа! Я сомневаюсь в твоём успехе. Ты слишком слабый, мой бедный мальчик.
-Take a @@ and try opening it using something like a sharp knife! I doubt you'll succeed, you're weak my poor girl.
-Возьми @@ и попробуй открыть это, используя что-нибудь типа острого ножа! Я сомневаюсь в твоём успехе. Ты слишком слабая, моя бедная девочка.
-Take a Bandana
-Взять бандану
-Take a nap
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more!
-Возьми эти деньги за свой мудрый выбор. Но не делай этого снова. Вода тебя пощадила однажды... Не искушай судьбу снова!
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food.
-Скажи ему, что всё в порядке и мы почти закончили с едой.
-Thank you sir for you nice words. I am feeling better now.
-Спасибо, сэр, за хорошие слова. Я чувствую себя лучше.
-Thank you so much! Here, have some berries...
-Огромное тебе спасибо! Вот, возьми немного ягод...
-Thank you, I'll take them.
-Спасибо, я возьму их.
-Thanks again for helping me. But these rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Ещё раз спасибо за помощь. Но эти крысы перманентная проблема и твоя помощь всегда приветствуется. Единственная проблема - я могу дать тебе награду лишь раз.
-Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Еще раз спасибо за помощь. Но все равно крысы - постоянная проблема и ты можешь помочь мне в этом еще, когда захочешь. Вот только вознаградить тебя я мог лишь раз.
-Thanks again for helping me. Drats these rattos for infesting our fair vessal! They are a permanent problem; so you can always be sure that your help with the extermination, to keep their numbers under control, is very welcome indeed. But the situation is, that I can give you a reward only the one time.
-Ещё раз спасибо за помощь. Эти ужасные крысы заполонили наш корабль. Они постоянно беспокоят нас, поэтому будь уверен, что твоя помощь по их уничтожению, всегда приветствуется, что бы держать под контролем их численность. Однако, ситуация такова, что я могу дать тебе награду только в этот раз.
-Thanks for helping me!
-Спасибо за помощь!
-That's a good idea, go rest a bit and I'll see you tomorow!
-Это хорошая идея, иди отдохни немного, увидимся завтра!
-The adventure begins!
-Приключение начинается!
-The best, the wonderful, the best cookie between all others, the...
-Лучшая, прекрасная, самая лучшая печенька среди всех ...
-The door is closed.
-Дверь закрыта
-The door is locked.
-Эта дверь закрыта.
-The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the Warrior Guild.
-Эльфы из библиотеки надавили на меня, некоторое время назад так же, как Энора из Гильдии Воинов.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing thus you don't know the author's name.
-Конец истории был стёрт. Скорее всего, из-за морской воды. Некоторые страницы пропали и ты не знаешь имени автора.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing. Thus much is left obscure, including even the author's name.
-Конец истории был стёрт, вероятно из за морской воды. Некоторые страницы отсутствуют. Таким образом, многое осталось неясным, в том числе имя автора.
-The giant bogeyman!
-Огромное привидение!
-The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.
-Великий народ Аэмиля разделился на три группы, добравшись до берега.
-The hidden person doesn't answer.
-Прячущийся не отвечает
-The sailor chugs his beer
-Матрос хлюпает пивом
-The sailor is turning his back to you
-Матрос отворачивается от тебя
-The sailor is turning his back to you.
-Матрос отворачивается от тебя.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
-Матросы взяли тебя на корабль, чтобы помочь тебе.
-Then I can give you some tips about fights.
-В таком случае, я могу дать тебе несколько советов по поводу сражений.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Тут несколько групп этих @@ на острове. Найди какую-нибудь и попробуй.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Тут несколько групп этих @@ на острове. Найди какую-нибудь и попробуй.
-There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-На столе несколько ножей, взять один?
-There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one?
-На столе лежат ножи. Хотите взять один?
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Там еще есть крысы! Хочешь прерваться?
-There is a nice place to stay beside you.
-Рядом есть неплохое место, чтобы побыть здесь.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or help Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-Здесь всегда есть чем заняться, к примеру убить несколько тортуг или помочь Питеру зачистить корабль от крыс.
-There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Тут водятся летающие желтые курицы, их называют пиуc. Заполучить жареную ножку такой было бы неплохо.
-There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-На столе лежат несколько ножей, не хочешь взять один?
-There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island.
-В твоей помощи нуждаются шесть моряков. Они где-то на острове.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.
-Здесь нечего сказать, не беспокойтесь, мисс.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.
-Здесь нечего сказать, не беспокойтесь, сэр.
-Therefore, starvation stalked the people of Aemil.
-Поэтому, голод наступил в Аэмиле.
-Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil.
-Поэтому, голод наступил в Аэмиле.
-These boxes are much too heavy to be lifted by one, all the way onto the ship.
-Эти ящики слишком тяжёлые, что бы тащить их в одиночку на корабль.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship.
-Эти ящики слишком тяжелые, чтобы тащить их в одиночку на корабль.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...
-Эти крокодеревья полны йейого @@, но их сложно сбить.
-These funny fungi are mushrooming all around this island. Just pick some @@s and have a try.
-Эти забавные грибы разрослись по всему острову. Просто собери несколько и попробуй.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I don't feel my arms anymore!
-Эти тяжелые ящики меня когда-нибудь убьют... Я не чувствую своих рук!
-They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-Они оба годные и нужны мне. В прошлом, я, возможно, делал ошибки о которых сожалею. Я заинтересован, что бы ты всё расследовал и... Разобрался с этой ситуацией.
-They are so tasty when cooked together with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-Они очень вкусные, когда приготовишь их с @@. Не выбрасывай ничего из этого!
-This box is locked
-Коробка заперта
-This box is locked.
-Коробка заперта
-This door seems locked
-Эта дверь, видимо, заперта
-This door seems locked.
-Похоже, дверь заперта.
-This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Этой девушке повезло, мы нашли ее до того, как это сделали акулы. Я понятия не имею откуда она приплыла. Кстати, вы видели знак на ее плоту?
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Этой девушке повезло, мы нашли ее до того, как это сделали акулы. Я понятия не имею откуда она приплыла. Кстати, вы видели знак на ее плоту?
-This girl needs help, let's rescue her!
-Этой девушке нужна помощь, давайте спасем ее!
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!
-Этой девушке нужна помощь. Мы должны спасти её!
-This guy is lucky that we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Этому парню повезло, мы нашли его до того, как это сделали акулы. Я понятия не имею откуда он приплыл. Кстати, вы видели знак на его плоту?
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Этому парню повезло, мы нашли его до того, как это сделали акулы. Я понятия не имею откуда он приплыл. Кстати, вы видели знак на его плоту?
-This guy needs help, let's rescue him!
-Этому парню нужна помощь, давайте спасем его!
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!
-Этот парень нуждается в помощи, мы должны спасти его.
-This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
-Это клевое место... Здесь есть несколько интересных девчонок...
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Это @@, светло-голубой морской фрукт. Они высоко ценятся на архипелаге.
-This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!
-Момент настал! Конец второго бета релиза Evol Online!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will take your flesh as the main ingredient for my cookie recipe.
-Это последняя. Если вы снова используете её из за своей неуклюжести, то я использую вашу плоть, как основной ингредиент в своём рецепте печенек.
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
-За такие разговоры может и влететь... но, признаться, я тоже не в восторге от этих ребят. Так что приглядывай за ней.
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
-За такие разговоры может и влететь... но, признаться, я тоже не в восторге от этих ребят. Так что приглядывай за ним.
-This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Это меняет дело. Как ты думаешь, стоит сообщить об этом капитану?
-This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.
-Этот новый континент, на самом деле являющийся архипелагом, был назван Андоррой.
-Tibbo went to the east-south of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Тиббо пошел на юго-восток острова, остальные пошли на север и, я думаю, Гулукан где-то недалеко отсюда.
-Too bad I'm not hungry enough right now for these... cookies. I'll maybe come back later.
-Мне жаль, но я пока не очень хочу этих... печенек. Возможно я вернусь позднее.
-Too bad that you do not want to help me.
-Очень плохо, что ты не хочешь мне помочь.
-Too bad... Come back when you have some choice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Очень плохо... Возвращайся, когда у тебя будет хоть что то из еды для меня... (невнятно ворчит)
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some fine food for me.
-Очень плохо... Возвращайся, когда у тебя будет еда.
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?
-Правда, но сейчас он выглядит довольно неплохо! Я прав?
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?
-Правда, но сейчас она выглядит довольно неплохо! Я прав?
-Try to ask Max. He's an early riser.
-Спроси Макса. Он обычно рано встаёт.
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-МУХАХАХАХАХА! Я повар этой кучки ослов и я могу быть грубым со всеми, от этого властного капитана, до леди-гарпии!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish on you?!
-Погоди, почему блюдо до сих пор у тебя?!
-Wait... That's not the place for a chef, what are you doing here?
-Погоди... Это не место для шефа. Что ты здесь делаешь?
-Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please.
-Походи немного. Для тебя будет легким заданием поймать одного. Проткни одного из них за меня, пожалуйста.
-Walkig around a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one, I bet. Impale one of them for me please.
-Немного прогуляйся вокруг, держу пари, что поймать одного будет для тебя не сложно. Пожалуйста, заколи одного из них и для меня.
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#0
-Мы надеемся, вам понравилось это вступление и мы снова встретимся в будущих релизах!
-We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#1
-Мы надеемся, вам понравилось это вступление и мы снова встретимся в будущих релизах!
-We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis.
-Мы сделали остановку на маленьком острове, прежде чем зашли в порт Артиса.
-We need manpower on the island.
-Нам нужна мужская сила на острове.
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.
-Нам нужна мужская сила на острове... Оу, прости, женщины также приветствуются, конечно.
-We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
-Мы должны быть там через несколько дней, и, как только мы приедем, я расскажу гильдии воинов о тебе и о том, что с тобой случилось. Я уверен, они могут тебе помочь.
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Warrior Guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-Мы должны быть там через несколько дней, и, как только мы прибудем, я расскажу гильдии воинов о том, что случилось. Я уверен, они могут помочь.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-Мы думали, ты можешь помочь нам разобраться в этом. Все, что мы знаем, - это то, что тебя подобрали с плота, плывущего по течению в море.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0
-Мы пытались привести их в порядок, но морская вода их практически уничтожила. Поэтому мы дали тебе эти вещи, они не очень хорошие, но это все, что у нас есть.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1
-Мы пытались привести их в порядок, но морская вода их практически уничтожила. Поэтому мы дали тебе эти вещи, они не очень хорошие, но это все, что у нас есть.
-We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-Обычно мы пришвартовываемся к одному из этих маленьких клочков земли, так как они поставляют нам самую лучшую еду во всём архипелаге.
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0
-Мы будем йайать там несколько дней, так что мы высадим тебя там. Увидишь, жители отзывчивы, да и можешь попросить помощи у гильдии воинов. Они помогут тебе найти работенку или, может быть, разузнать, что случилось до того, как мы тебя нашли.
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#1
-Мы будем йайать там несколько дней, так что мы высадим тебя там. Увидишь, жители отзывчивы, да и можешь попросить помощи у гильдии воинов. Они помогут тебе найти работенку или, может быть, разузнать, что случилось до того, как мы тебя нашли.
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship!
-Отлично! Собери все ингредиенты, а потом возвращайся сюда. Ты будешь вознагражден после того, как они поймут кто на корабле главный!
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded, once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!
-Отличная работа! Собери все ингредиенты, а затем возвращайся сюда. Ты будешь вознаграждён, когда я буду уверен, что они понимают, кто правит этим кораблем!
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#0
-Ну, если ты хочешь быть одной из тех, у кого есть печенька...
-Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#1
-Ну, если ты хочешь быть одним из тех, у кого есть печенье...
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Ну... Добро пожаловать на борт, милашка!
-Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#1
-Ну... Добро пожаловать на борт, милашка!
-What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.
-Всё, что я продаю - приходит ко мне со всех уголков этого архипелага.
-What am I suposed to say?
-Что я должен сказать?
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!
-Что вы говорите, ребята, это йойс!
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#0
-Что вы говорите, ребята, это йойс!
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#1
-Что вы говорите, ребята, это йойс!
-What are you talking about? Which guild?
-О чем ты говоришь? Какая гильдия?
-What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok?
-Что Гугли сказал о коробке? Она в порядке?
-What if I give you 1000 Esperin for that job, is it ok?
-Что если я дам тебе 1000 Эсперин за эту работу. Хорошо?
-What? It's not a good reward?
-Что? Этого не достаточно?
-What? This reward is too small!
-Что? За такую маленькую награду?!
-What? Why? They aren't sexier than me, why do you want to see them?
-Что? Почему? Они не сексуальнее меня, почему ты хочешь увидеть их?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Какое оружие ты хочешь использовать, чтобы расколоть этот @@?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they use to do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-Яладу и Элю нравится работать вместе, как и на корабле. Последний раз я видел их около большого озера, к северу отсюда.
-Who is this Julia?
-Кто эта Джулия?
-Who of them two has the 'good' on his side?
-Из них двоих, кто на стороне добра?
-Why don't you go outside?
-Почему ты не выходишь наружу?
-Why not... but, who are you?
-Почему бы и нет... но кто ты?
-With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions; you have the disturbing realization that you can't remember anything of your former life or identity.
-Наедине с голодом, жаждой и сном, как вашими единственными компаньонами; к вам приходит тревожное осознание, что вы не можете вспомнить ничего о вашей прежней жизни или личности.
-Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Йайайайа, в первый раз кто-то одевается хуже, чем мы!
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Йайайайа, впервые кто-то одевается хуже нас!
-Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Ага, вы все такие *ик* в Эспирии, но тебе меня не победить!*урп*
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Да! @@ записан в моём списке печенек.
-Yes, please!
-Да, пожалуйста!
-Yes, why not.
-Да, почему бы и нет.
-Yeye @@!
-Йейе, @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.
-Йейе просит много, но делает мало. Возьми ящик и замолчи.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Йейе, это знак гильдии воинов Эспэрии! Я понятия не имею что эта йоис делала так далеко от побережья.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Йейе, это знак гильдии воинов Эспэрии! Я понятия не имею что этот йоис делает так далеко от побережья.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Йейе, это знак гильдии воинов Эспирии, я понятия не имею что эта йоис делала так далеко от побережья.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Йейе, это знак гильдии воинов Эспирии, я понятия не имею, что этот йоис делал так далеко от побережья.
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Йейе, ты еще не забрала свою одежду!
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-Ты йейеще не забрал свою одежду!
-You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
-Ты уже брал бандану, положи ее на место.
-You already took a Bandana, put this one back please.
-У тебя уже есть бандана, верни эту на место, пожалуйста.
-You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Сейчас ты на корабле, мы на пути к Артису - торговой столице.
-You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Сейчас ты находишься на корабле, мы направляемся в Артис - промышленную столицу.
-You are full of wine my friend...
-Ты сильно пьян, мой друг...
-You are now part of the crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Теперь ты - член команды! Еще раз спасибо за помощь.
-You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Теперь ты - член команды! Еще раз спасибо за помощь.
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#0
-Ты на нашем корабле, сейчас мы йейаем наше длинное торговое путешествие в Артис.
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#1
-Ты на нашем корабле, сейчас мы йейаем наше длинное торговое путешествие в Артис.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Ты можешь атаковать монстра, кликнув на нём или с помощью клавиатуры, используя \"А\" для выбора монстра и \"Ctrl\" для атаки.
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#0
-Можешь пойти направо, чтобы подняться наверх.
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#1
-Можешь пойти направо, чтобы подняться наверх.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff off toward the west, busy collecting @@s.
-Ты можешь найти КуМюллера на утёсе к востоку отсюда, он собирает @@.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff on the west busy collecting @@s.
-Ты можешь найти КуМюллера на западном утёсе, занятого сбором @@.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Ты можешь йейе немного @@, ударив крокодерево.
-You can't go there!
-Ты не можешь пойти туда!
-You close your eyes a few seconds...
-Ты моргаешь пару секунд...
-You could start talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help
-Можешь поговорить с Гугли. У него всегда есть задания для жаждущих помочь.
-You don't remember anything before this.
-Ты не помнишь ничего до этого.
-You have an awful amnesia.
-У тебя ужасная амнезия.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that 'nice' lady.
-Ты должен знать, что было время, когда я был единственным лейтенантом в команде. Но однажды, один чёртов моряк привёл сюда эту 'милую' леди.
-You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door...
-Ты слышишь кричащий звук. Должно быть, это скрип деревянной двери...
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-Ты слишком сильно ударил рукой, ты уничтожил свою @@.
-You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!
-Вы почитаете мою красоту, но я уже занят Джулией!
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you to downstairs where you will find our furry meal!
-Тебе они нравятся, не так ли? Просто скажи Питеру. Он на второй палубе корабля. Он пошлет тебя вниз, где ты найдешь наш меховой завтрак!
-You open the treasure chest.
-Ты открыл сундук с сокровищами.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-@@ расколот пополам, но при этом одна из частей раздроблена.
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Ты отлично разрезал свою @@ на две съедобные части.
-You realize you can't remember anything.
-Ты понимаешь, что не можешь ничего вспомнить.
-You really are quite amnesic.
-Ты и правда довольно забывчивый.
-You really have a bad amnesia.
-У тебя и правда амнезия.
-You receive @@ E!
-Ты получаешь @@ Е!
-You receive a @@!
-Ты получаешь @@!
-You see some items in the box. Take them out?
-Ты видишь вещи в ящике. Взять их?
-You see, my cookies are restricted to a certain type of people...
-Видишь ли, мои печенья только для определённых людей...
-You should ask Max. He's an early riser.
-Спроси Мака. Он "ранняя пташка".
-You should come back when you'll have some free space.
-Возвращайся, когда у тебя будет свободное место.
-You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Тебе надо проинформировать Нарда о прогрессе погрузки провианта на судно. Он будет рад услышать хорошие новости!
-You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe...
-Тебе необходимо посмотреть на них, когда мы причалим к порту. Это того стоит, хехе...
-You should look at them when we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe...
-Ты должен взглянуть на них, когда мы прибудем в порт, они этого стоят, хехе...
-You shouldn't believe all of the stories drunk sailors tell you.
-Тебе не стоит верить во все истории пьяного моряка.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head.
-Ты идиот, он англичанин, посмотри на форму его головы.
-You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head.#1
-Тупица, он англичанин, посмотри на форму его головы.
-You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form.
-Тупица, он англичанин, посмотри на форму её головы.
-You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
-Тупица, он англичанин, посмотри на форму его головы.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head.
-Ты идиот, она англичанка, посмотри на форму её головы.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head.#0
-Тупица, она англичанка, посмотри на форму её головы.
-You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of the head.
-Ты идиот, она англичанка, внимательно посмотри.
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-Хотел от меня избавиться, да? Сюрприз! Я еще здесь.. *ик* Или там...
-You tried to get ride of me, eeh?? But suprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-Ты издеваешься надо мной, а?? Сюрприз! Я все еще здесь... *ик* Или там...
-You were in a bad mood and you can be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
-Ты был в плохом настроении и ты можешь радоваться, что мы нашли тебя до того, как тебя унесло в море.
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
-Ты была в плохом состоянии, и должна быть счастлива, что мы нашли тебя до того, как акулы сделали это.
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
-Ты был в плохом состоянии, и должен быть счастлив, что мы нашли тебя до того, как акулы сделали это.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
-Ты йайо спала довольно много дней, наша управляющая Джулия была здесь с тобой все это время, делала все, чтобы залечить твои раны.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#1
-Ты йайо спал довольно много дней, наша управляющая Джулия была здесь с тобой все это время, делала все, чтобы залечить твои раны.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-Ты очень долго спала, наш судовой содержатель, Джулия, была тут с тобой, она сделала все, чтобы вылечить твои раны.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-Ты очень долго спал, наш судовой содержатель, Джулия, была тут с тобой, она сделала все, чтобы вылечить твои раны.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-Ты увидишь, эти граждане вежливы и ты сможешь просить о помощи в Гильдии Воинов. Они помогут тебе найти работу или, возможно, узнать, что с тобой случилось на на море.
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!
-Великолепно, теперь ты один из нас! Я был уверен, что ты окажешься хорошим человеком, когда тебя впервые увидел!
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!
-Великолепно, теперь ты одна из нас! Я был уверен, что ты окажешься доброй леди, когда тебя впервые увидел!
-You're right, it's about Julia.
-Ты прав, это касается Джулии.
-You're right, it's about you.
-Ты прав, это о тебе.
-You're talking too fast!
-Вы разговариваете так быстро!
-You?? Here??
-Ты?? Здесь??
-Your body aches, even your hair hurts, and the daylight is painful; but still you open your eyes and see a large ship before you!
-Всё ваше тело болит, даже волосы, и дневной свет приносит боль; но всё же вы открываете глаза и видите перед собой большой корабль.
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Твои руки слишком слабые, ты не можешь открыть @@.
-Your position has been saved.
-Ваше местоположение сохранено.
-Your position is saved.
-Позиция сохранена.
-Yummy bakery aromas have roused monsieur's curiosity, is it not so?
-Вкусные ароматы булочной пробудили любопытство месье, не так ли?
-Yummy bakery aromas have stirred madam's curiosity, am I right?
-Вкусные ароматы булочной возбудили любопытство мадам, я прав?
-value '%d' for option '%s' is out of range (limit is 0-10)
-значение '%d' для опции '%s' вне диапозона (лимит 0-10)
diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.txt b/langs/lang_ru.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fe6370..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_ru.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14980 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online
- BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)
- Party: '%s' | Guild: '%s'
- Users: %d/%d | Password: %s | Public: %s
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>).
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>).
- @send <packet hex number> {<value>}*
- @send len <packet hex number>
- Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"
- - Available in shops only.
-- Доступно только в магазинах.
- - Common mobs with highest drop chance (only max %d are listed):
- - Item is not dropped by any mobs.
-- Предмет не выпадает ни из каких мобов.
- - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%%
-- Максимальный шанс выпадения из монстров: %02.02f%%
- - Monsters don't drop this item.
-- Этот предмет не выпадает из монстров.
- -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) --
--- Дуэль создана (Используйте @invite/@leave) --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d --
--- Дуэли: %d/%d, Участники: %d/%d --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d --
- -- Player %s has rejected the duel --
- -- Player %s invites %s to duel --
--- Игрок %s приглашает %s на дуэль --
- -> (card(s):
- -> (crafted item, creator id: %u, star crumbs %d, element %d)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, named)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, unnamed)
- -> (produced item, creator id: %u)
- -> Player %s has accepted the duel --
--> Игрок %s принял дуэль --
- <- Player %s has left the duel --
-<- Игрок %s покинул дуэль --
- ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- ATK:%d~%d MATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d
- Drops:
- Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d
- MVP Bonus EXP:%u
- MVP Items:
- and %d second
- and %d seconds
- | equipped:
-"@@", I like this name!
-"@alootid reset" will clear your autolootitem list.
-"Mister Piou, good day to you.
-"My good Sir,
-##BWARNING:##b you are about to permanently empty the quote database.
-% 10s
-% 5d
-%d - void
-%d GMs found.
-Найдено %d ГМ'ов.
-%d commands found.
-Найдено %d команд.
-%d day
-%d день
-%d days
-%d дней
-%d hour
-%d час
-%d hours
-%d часов
-%d item(s) found in %d %s slots.
-Найдено %d предмет(ов) в %d %s слотах.
-%d item(s) removed by a GM.
-%d предмет(ов) удалены ГМ'ом.
-%d item(s) removed from the player.
-У игрока удалено %d предмет(ов).
-%d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items.
-%d предметов удалено. Игрок имеет тольлько %d на %d предметы.
-%d items are dropped!
-%d items have been refined.
-Переработано %d предметов.
-%d minute
-%d минута
-%d minutes
-%d минут
-%d monster(s) summoned!
-Призвано %d монстр(ов)!
-%d players found in map '%s'.
-На карте '%s' найдено %d игроков.
-%d players found.
-Найдено %d игроков.
-%d results found.
-%d результатов найдено.
-%d: Accessory (Left)
-%d: Accessory (Right)
-%d: Body Armor
-%d: Costume Garment
-%d: Costume Headgear (Low)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Top)
-%d: Garment
-%d: Hand (Left)
-%d: Hand (Right)
-%d: Headgear (Low)
-%d: Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Headgear (Top)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Costume)
-%d: Refine All Equip (General)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Shadow)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Left)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Right)
-%d: Shadow Armor
-%d: Shadow Shield
-%d: Shadow Shoes
-%d: Shadow Weapon
-%d: Shoes
-%d: Обувь
-%s %d %s
-%s %s %s
-%s %s allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
-%s :Main: %s
-%s People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you.
-%s allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere.
-%s and %s will show this informative and absurdely big tutorial book.
-%s clears the text box.
-%s data type is not supported :%u
-%s determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison.
-%s displays amount of currently connected players.
-%s drains his mug in one long sip, then hesitates.
-%s explains how to use all client commands.
-%s failed
-%s failed.
-%s failed. Player not found.
-%s has bought your item(s).
-%s купил ваш предмет(ы).
-%s helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow.
-%s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes
-%s is Unknown Command.
-%s is empty
-%s пуст
-%s is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it.
-%s lists even more advanced commands, but some of them can only be used by admins or GM's.
-%s recalled!
-%s вспомнил!
-%s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts)
-%s shows the name of the map you are in.
-%s shows the number of people in the neighbourhood.
-%s spawns in:
-%s возродился в:
-%s takes a sip.
-%s value is now :%d
-%s value is now :%s
-%s will help when the client starts lagging. If you see an attack but no monsters, that's the cause.
-%s will tell you all the rules once again.
-%s: %d
-%s??? What a ripoff!
-'%s' Channel is password protected (usage: %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-'%s' Канал защищён паролем (используй: %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-'%s' and his/her partner are now divorced.
-'%s' channel color updated to '%s'
-'%s' цвет канала обновлен на '%s'
-'%s' is not a known channel option
-'%s' is not a known costume
-'%s' is not a known permission.
-Разрешение '%s' не известно.
-'%s' is not married.
-'%s' не женат.
-'%s' skill and stat points have been reset.
-'%s' умения и очки навыков были сброшенны.
-'%s' skill points reset.
-'%s' очков навыка сброшено.
-'%s' stats points reset.
-'%s' очков навыка сброшено.
-'%s' stats:
-'Hey anyone there?'
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty on this island!
-(@request): %s
-(All items must be placed exactly in this order for cooking work.)
-(Click on us to continue the introduction.)
-(You hear a faint sound in distance, but can't say what sound it was.)
-* :%s %s: *
-* @@ @@
-* Skill ID: @@
-*Bang bang*
-*Imitate a thunder's sound.*
-*Имитирует раскаты грома*
-*Uff*, *Argh*, why don't you give me some help?
-*Уф*, *Ар*, почему бы тебе не помочь мне?
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*Уф*... И ещё один ящик @@ для наших голодающих коллег готов.
-*sniff sniff*
-- #%s ( %d users )
-- %s
-- %s (%d)
-- 2 @@es
-- Ale
-- Эль
-- Astapolos
-- Астаполос
-- Available Costumes
-- Gulukan
-- Гулукан
-- I currently need your help with @@.
-- Jalad
-- Ялад
-- Q'Muller
-- КуМюллер
-- Tibbo
-- Тиббо
-- adds or removes <option name> with <option value> to <channel name> channel
-- bans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- binds your global chat to <channel name>, making anything you type in global be sent to the channel
-- changes <channel name> color to <color name>
-- creates a new channel
-- создаёт новый канал
-- leaves <channel name>
-- покидает <channel name>
-- lists all banned characters from <channel name> channel
-- список всех забаненых персонажей на <channel name> канале
-- lists colors available to select for custom channels
-- lists public channels
-- список публичных каналов
-- unbans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- unbans everyone from <channel name>
-- разбан всех из <channel name>
-- unbinds your global chat from its attached channel (if bound)
--- %s
--- %s ban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s banlist <channel name>
--- %s bindto <channel name>
--- %s create <channel name> <channel password>
--- %s leave <channel name>
--- %s list
--- %s список
--- %s list colors
--- %s список цветов
--- %s setcolor <channel name> <color name>
--- %s setopt <channel name> <option name> <option value>
--- %s unban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s unbanall <channel name>
--- %s unbind
--- '%s' ban list
--- '%s' банлист
--- Available options
--- Доступные опции
--- Continues on Volume II --
--- Continues on Volume III --
--- Continues on Volume IV --
--- Displaying first %d partial matches
--- Показывать первые %d частичные совпадения
--- Permission List
--- Список разрешений
--- Public Channels
--- Публичные каналы
--- User '%s' Permissions
---- Available options:
---- Доступные параметры:
------ Chats in Map -----
------ Чаты на карте -----
------ NPCs in Map -----
------ NPC на карте -----
------ Players in Map -----
------ Игроки на карте -----
------- %s items list of '%s' ------
------- %s сисок предметов '%s' ------
------- Map Flags ------
------- Флаги карты ------
------- Map Info ------
------- Информация о карте ------
-... and 1 @@.
-...И 1 @@.
-...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks.
-...I mean log! Made of log!
-...It'll most likely attack you, instead.
- might be because of Don... he is the master blacksmith of this place and a model to me!
-...who knows if there isn't a secret in that?
-/q [Player Name]
-1 GM found.
-Найден 1 ГМ.
-1 item has been refined.
-1 предмет был переработан.
-1 player found in map '%s'.
-1 игрок найден на карте '%s'.
-1 player found.
-1 игрок найден.
-1. ##BDo not bot##b, this means you are not allowed to perform any AFK (away from keyboard) activity, apart from standing idle.
-1. ##BНе используйте ботов##b, это значит, что запрещена любая активность в состоянии AFK (в дали от компьютера), можно только неподвижно стоять.
-1: The type of item yoiis want to dye.
-1x @@, 3x @@, 2x @@, and the ingredient of your choice.
-2. ##BDo not use offensive/rude language##b in the chats or in your character(s) name(s).
-2. ##BНе используйте оскорбительные / грубые выражения##b в чате, а так же в именах ваших персонажей.
-2: What material it is made from.
-3. ##BDo not spam/flood other players.##b This includes chat spam and spam by trade requests.
-3. ##BНе спамьте других игроков, не флудите.##b Это касается спама в чате и спам запросов на торговлю.
-3: Which colorants can dye it.
-4. ##BSpeak only English in public areas.##b You can speak whatever language you want through whispers or whenever everyone in the area can speak said language.
-4. ##BГоворите только на английском в публичных местах.##b Вы можете говорить на любом языке в привате или когда все присутствующие говорят на этом языке.
-4: How many cards your item can contain.
-5 Piberries Infusions
-5 boxes... Alright, @@ are my speciality!
-5 ящиков... Хоршо, @@ моя специализация!
-5. ##BDo not beg others##b for money, items or favours of any kind. If you want to ask for something, do it politely and only once. Try not to annoy other players.
-5. ##BНе выпрашивайте у других##b деньги, предметы, или услуги любого рода. Если вы хотите попросить о чём то, делайте это вежливо и только один раз. Старайтесь не раздражать других игроков.
-6. ##BFollow the [@@|ESC@@]##b (Evol Social Convention).
-6. ##BСледуй [@@|ESC@@]##b (общественному соглашению Evol).
-7. ##BDo not multibox.##b You are not allowed to engage in combat while controlling more than one character at a time.
-7. ##BНе используйте "мультибокс".##b Вам запрещено принимать участие в сражении, управляя более чем одним персонажем одновременно.
-???: Hey! Is someone there? Please, help, it's so dark down here!
-@@ @@ @@
-@@ and @@ just got married!
-@@ divorced!
-@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!
-@@ registered for marriage. Waiting for partner...
-@@ skillfully cuts the bread in half, throws the ingredients in air, and they land in the sandwich!
-@@/@@ pages used.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-@@? Добро пожаловать, дорогая!
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-@@? Добро пожаловать, приятель!
-@discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings.
-@request sent.
-@запрос отправлен.
-@resyncall is the more powerful version of @resync. It'll reload everything, even the clouds if needed.
-@toevent will warp you to event island, if an event is happening, of course.
-@ucp allows you to manage your account, eg. recover lost email.
-A GM has discharged you from jail.
-ГМ освободил вас из тюрьмы.
-A band of adventurers formed in Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families. They visited the three permanent human settlements: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-A cookie!
-A critical hit deals added damage and disregards defense. A critical always hit, although it can be blocked just fine.
-A few minutes passed, and suddenly I was practically surrounded by a dozen or more of these living trees!
-A great city, eventually to become larger than the cities of Ancea, rose on the coast of Aemil. This city was named Esperia.
-A headache hits you and you lose your concentration.
-Внезапный приступ головной боли заставил вас потерять концентрацию.
-A large tree was found in a deep cave underneath the island of Candor. Despise the darkness of the cave and absence of leaves, the tree grew strong. It gave light off itself and its energy empowered the wizards.
-A rabbit!
-A small lie is really just a fib, and I could really use some cash...
-Небольшая ложь ни кому не повредит, кроме того получить немного денег мне не помешает.
-A stat card works on different pieces of equipment.
-Карта статов работает на различных элементах экипировки.
-A strange voice seems to be calling out your name.
-A sunny and hot day,
-Солнечный и жаркий день.
-A week ago, I was going to chop down one of those twigleaf trees in the forest to the southwest.
-A young apprentice called Chelios might be waiting outside, speak to him, and return the package to me.
-A-hoy matey!
-А-хой приятель!
-ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d
-Able to write a poem
-Способен написать поэму
-Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.
-На борту стоят моряки, пытающиеся говорить с тобой.
-About the Legion of Aemil, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Accepted the quest
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#0
-Вообще то Гугли попросил меня помочь отнести к нему несколько твоих ящиков.
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#1
-Вообще то Гугли попросил меня помочь отнести к нему несколько твоих ящиков.
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#0
-Вообще то, я пришла сюда, чтобы выполнить задание.
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#1
-Вообще то, я пришёл сюда, чтобы выполнить задание.
-Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life.
-Вообще, у меня углубленные знания об этом типе жизни.
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Вообще то я здесь, что бы помочь тебе с этими ящиками. Могу ли я отнести один из них Гугли.
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Вообще то я здесь, что бы помочь тебе с этими ящиками. Могу ли я отнести один из них Гугли.
-Actually, it's been a long day.
-Actually, you just took a bounty, right?
-Add a new line
-Aemil was once a magnificent land unknown to us all.
-Aemilean Era. Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis held power of their surrounding lands, except for the Land Of Fire and Keshlam City.
-After I chopped off a few branches, the whole tree started to move!
-After I shook it off and struck the tree again with my axe, another branch hit me!
-After a tiring, yet fast, travel by Koga, you arrive at @@.
-After all this time, it was still there!
-Спустя столько времени, он всё ещё было там!
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#0
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#1
-After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.
-После выбора оружия, тебе также необходимо знать как его использовать.
-After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert!
-After the Mana War, the Ancea continent was mostly destroyed. It would take years to nature start repairing the damage of the event.
-After this small overview of Artis, what do you think of our city?
-Теперь, немного осмотревшись в Артисе, что ты думаешь о нашем городе?
-After this war, the Raijin race was born. A race born of Magic. Humans encapsulated in a Mana storm and altered forever.
-After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading.
-Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead.
-Agi: %d (%d~%d)
-Agility greatly increases your attack speed and the chances of you dodging enemy hits.
-Выносливость (agi) увеличивает скорость вашей атаки и шанс уклониться от ударов противника.
-Ah, I didn't have much sleep, it's possible.
-Ah, seagulls. We are arriving.
-А, чайки. Мы прибываем.
-Ah, the locals like keeping them as pets.
-А, местные любят держать их как домашних животных.
-Ah, well, never mind.
-Ah, whom did you bring here?
-Ah... Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation.
-Ах... Гугли... Он слишком молод, чтобы понять нашу беседу.
-Ah... Sorry, I forgot, again.
-Ahoy, @@!
-Ахой, @@!
-Alan asks to find wood
-Alan bends the log over his knee.
-Alan tries as hard as he can but the log won't bend.
-Alan wants to ask Jack
-Alchemical studies are prohibited in every city of the Archipelagos, do not dare to practice it in a public zone!
-Alchemist's Laboratory
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Эль и Тиббо должны принести два ящика @@, Астаполос и Гулукан два @@, а Ялад и КуМюллер были отправлены за ящиками с @@.
-Alige asks for food
-Alizarin Herb
-Ализариновая трава
-Alizarin Plant
-All I need is %d %s.
-All characters recalled!
-All dropped items have been cleaned up.
-Все выпавшие предметы очищены.
-All items have been repaired.
-Все предметы были починены.
-All items stored.
-Все вещи сохранены.
-All monsters killed!
-Все монстры убиты!
-All monsters summoned!
-Все монстры призваны!
-All of a sudden, you hear voices from above.
-Внезапно, вы услышали голоса сверху.
-All of my money.
-All of your items have been removed.
-Все ваши вещи были удалены.
-All online characters of the %s guild have been recalled to your position.
-All online characters of the %s party have been recalled to your position.
-All players have been kicked!
-Все игроки были выкинуты!
-All races were in peace until the Humans set forth to discover the Source of Magic, based on Ukar scholars studies.
-All skills have been added to your skill tree.
-Все навыки добавлены в ваше дерево навыков.
-All stats changed!
-Все статы изменены!
-All this seems unimportant to you right now.
-All you have to do is to select a bed in the upper level anytime after your reservation.
-Всё, что вам надо сделать - это выбрать кровать на верхнем этаже, в любое время после резервирования.
-All you need is a bit more exercise and fresh fruit in your diet!
-All your... Fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked.
-Все твои... Свежие ингредиенты готовы к приготовлению.
-Alliances cannot be broken during Guild Wars!
-Alliances cannot be made during Guild Wars!
-AllowKS |
-Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the '###keyPickup;' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item.
-Almost got it!
-Почти попался!
-Already using this font.
-Уже используется этот шрифт.
-Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good.
-Ладно! Ещё йойон ящик и всё будет в порядке.
-Alright, I'll take one.
-Хорошо, я возьму одного.
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's friend or foe...#0
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's friend or foe...#1
-Alright, but... You only have @@ @@, and I need @@ to do the status reset for you!
-Alright, take your time we are not in a hurry.
-Хорошо, распоряжайся своим временем, мы не торопимся.
-Alright, well...
-Alright, you will need this shovel.
-Отлично, тебе понадобиться лопата.
-Alright. I will go looking for them now.
-Хорошо. Теперь пойду их искать.
-Alright... Bye.
-Ладно... Пока.
-Also note that if you are in overweight, your natural regen will halt. 90% in weight, and you won't be able to attack.
-Also, build a reputation with the Legion. Talk to everyone. Help everyone. Prove me your worth!
-Also, most monsters get enraged and will attack whoever is closest to them, regardless of anything else.
-Also, status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
-Также, мы забрали твои ййайые вещи, они были... Йейейе... В плохом состоянии. Посмотри в сундуке около твоей кровати, там есть новые вещи для тебя.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
-Также, мы забрали твои ййайые вещи, они были... Йейейе... В плохом состоянии. Посмотри в сундуке около твоей кровати, там есть новые вещи для тебя.
-Also, you'll get more experience by killing monsters stronger than you, and less experience by killing monsters weaker than you.
-Alternative clouds appeared.
-Alternative clouds have disappeared.
-Although the more powerful you are, the more plushrooms you will need.
-Although, if you want to visit a place nearby, we could take you there.
-Altough you can't get rid of the feeling someone is listening on the other side, you don't get any replies
-Amethyst Shard
-Amethyst Vein
-An explorer left behind some incomplete manuscripts about the people and dangers in the land of Kaizei.
-An invalid number was specified.
-And I bet you don't know who is in charge of monitoring the security of this place?
-Бьюсь об заклад, ты не знаешь кто здесь ответственный за контроль безопасности.
-And I have no mention of a so called "@@" on it!
-And by last, to speak to everyone online, besides whoever might be idling on IRC, select the '#irc' tab.
-And by the way. I know nothing about this book. And I don't know how to get more pages either.
-And get out of here, I'm not a map!
-И вали отсюда, я тебе не карта!
-And now I want to see you run!
-И сейчас, беги!
-And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
-И теперь я моряк, как видишь!
-And only the best logs of living wood are good enough for them.
-And rhyming is not too
-And so far, the Merchant Guild helped me find this appartment so I can't complain!
-And sure enough I ask the witch, and she has a look at it.
-And then she turns to me!
-And then what happened?
-И что случилось потом?
-And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
-And tried to attract him thus.
-And what would you give me in exchange for that information?
-И что я получу взамен за эту информацию?
-And when we have enough money for ourselves without needing anybody else.
-And where can I find these potions?
-И где же мне искать эти зелья?
-And with my piou. That's wonderful. I can only imagine how hard that little bugger was to catch!
-И с моим пию. Замечательно. Я могу только догадываться сколько проблем тебе создал этот маленький шельмец!
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#0
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#1
-And you, how are you doing?
-А ты как поживаешь?
-And you? How's it going on your side?
-А ты? Как дела у тебя?
-And you? How's it yaying on your side?
-А ты? Как йейтся у тебя?
-Animals Protection Agency of Aemil
-Any boss which was previously unhittable, can be hit with appropriate number of attackers.
-Any clue on where Astapolos may be hidden?
-Есть идеи где Астаполос может прятаться?
-Any contribution to the game (translations, graphics creation/edition, concepts, coding/scripting, etc...) is rewarded!
-Любой вклад в игру (переводы, создание/редактирование графики, идеи, кодинг/скриптинг, и т.д.) вознаграждается!
-Any ideas on who might have taken it?
-Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.
-Anything else you want me to do?
-Anything else?
-Anyway I am glad I can give you some of these yoyoxs.
-В любом случае, я рад, что могу дать тебе этих йойок.
-Anyway, can I help you in any way?
-Всё равно, могу ли я тебе чем нибудь помочь?
-Anyway, he forgot his permit when he left the building.
-В любом случае, он ушёл и забыл свой пропуск.
-Anyway, here, have a cookie!
-В любом случае, вот, возьми печеньку!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#0
-В любой момент, когда понадобиться, просто проверь мою сумку!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#1
-В любой момент, когда понадобиться, просто проверь мою сумку!
-Anyway, let me know if you change your mind.
-Дай мне знать, если передумаешь.
-Anyway, the guild creation is perfect for both!
-Anyway, the last time I stole something I was almost caught.
-Последний раз, когда я кое что украл, меня почти поймали.
-Anyway, to make a sandwich, you'll need to place, in this order:
-Appearance Debug
-Appearance Debug - Barber
-Appearance Debug - Race
-Appearance Debug - Sex Change
-Appearance changed.
-Applying some strong-smelling liquid, he tans them to a darker hue.
-Aquada Box
-Ящик аквады
-Arch Bishop
-Arch Bishop T
-Are the fish biting today?
-Are you a good blacksmith?
-А ты хороший кузнец?
-Are you a native from Artis?
-Are you blind? Do you really think these boxes are light and soft as a piou's feather?!
-Ты слепой? Ты правда думаешь, что эти ящики лёгкие и мягкие как пёрышки Пию?!
-Are you crazy?
-Are you going to stand here all day long? Do the dishes or go away.
-Ты собираешься тут торчать весь день? Готовь блюда или уходи.
-Are you in need of some flowers?
-Are you mad?!
-С ума сошел?!
-Are you ok?
-Ты в порядке?
-Are you sure about this?#0
-Уверена насчёт этого?
-Are you sure about this?#1
-Уверен насчёт этого?
-Are you sure one of your troupe members didn't hide it and commit those robberies?
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#0
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#1
-Are you sure?#0
-Are you sure?#1
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#0
-Ты йайишь здесь, что бы осмотреть остров?
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#1
-Ты йайишь здесь, что бы осмотреть остров?
-Arpan gave money
-Arpan is waiting for you
-Arpan told you to open the chest
-Artis Backsword
-Artis Tank Top
-Artis is a very nice place. There are some hot chicks...
-Artis legion progress
-Artis of course!
-Артис, конечно!
-As captain of this ship, I officially name this newly discovered land the ##BDrasil Island##b!
-As on anvil strikes the hammer
-As promised, here's my old scythe.
-As you may know, we are explorers on a long distance voyage, and our swashbuckling mariners need to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-Как ты, возможно, понял, мы — исследователи, совершающие дальние плавания, и наши удалые моряки должны запасти достаточно продовольствия, чтобы выжить. Ты не представляешь, насколько опасна жизнь моряка.
-As you want!
-Как пожелаете!
-Ask other merchants, they might know where he is.
-Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away.
-Спроси моряков вокруг. Они где-то поблизости.
-Assassin Cross
-Astapolos... That guy is shy like a piou!
-Астаполос... Этот парень застенчивый как пию!
-At first, I thought it fell down or the wind blew it, but it hurt!
-At that time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-В то время мы занимались продажей крабовой еды на нашем старом грибном острове.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-В настоящий момент, наша команда занята сбором @@, @@ и @@.
-Atropos Mixture
-Микстура Атропос
-Auction is disabled
-Auldsbel discretly stuffs a book on your backpack.
-Auto loot item are disabled on this map.
-Autoloot is now off.
-Autolooting item type: '%s'
-Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' {%d}
-Autolooting items with drop rates of %0.02f%% and below.
-Autorejected alliance request from %s.
-Autorejected friend request from %s.
-Автоматический отказ от запросов в друзья от %s.
-Autorejected guild invite from %s.
-Автоматический отказ от приглашений в гильдии от %s.
-Autorejected opposition request from %s.
-Autorejected party invite from %s.
-Автоматический отказ от приглашений в группу от %s.
-Autorejected trade request from %s.
-Autorejecting is activated.
-Автоматический отказ активирован.
-Autorejecting is deactivated.
-Автоматический отказ выключен.
-Autotrade Disabled
-Автообмен отключен
-Autotrade Enabled
-Автообмен включен
-Autotrade is not allowed in this map.
-Автообмен не разрешен на этой карте.
-Available Flags:
-Доступные флаги:
-Available aliases:
-Доступные псевдонимы:
-Available commands:
-Доступные команды:
-Aw, what will I do now?
-Ой, что же теперь делать?
-Awesome! I will wait for you here.
-Отлично! Я буду ждать тебя здесь.
-Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group!
-Awesome. How many of those do you want to give me?
-Замечательно. Сколько из них ты хочешь дать мне?
-Axe Hat
-Шапка топор
-Ayouyouch! My head...
-Ауч! Моя голова...
-Baby Acolyte
-Baby Alchemist
-Baby Arch Bishop
-Baby Archer
-Baby Assassin
-Baby Bard
-Baby Blacksmith
-Baby Crusader
-Baby Dancer
-Baby Genetic
-Baby Guillotine Cross
-Baby Hunter
-Baby Knight
-Baby Magician
-Baby Mechanic
-Baby Merchant
-Baby Minstrel
-Baby Monk
-Baby Novice
-Baby Priest
-Baby Ranger
-Baby Rogue
-Baby Royal Guard
-Baby Rune Knight
-Baby Sage
-Baby Shadow Chaser
-Baby Sorcerer
-Baby Sura
-Baby Swordsman
-Baby Thief
-Ребёнок Вор
-Baby Wanderer
-Baby Warlock
-Baby Wizard
-Ребёнок Маг
-Bad Bee
-Ban failed, it is not possible to ban this user.
-Bandit Boots
-Bandit Gloves
-Bandit Hood
-Bandit Lord
-Bandit Shawl
-Bandit Trousers
-Banking is disabled
-Bare Hands
-Голые руки
-Base Level: %d (%.3f%%) | Job Level: %d (%.3f%%)
-Base level can't go any higher.
-Base level can't go any lower.
-Base level lowered.
-Base level raised.
-Bat Teeth
-Зубы летучей мыши
-Battle configuration has been reloaded.
-Battlegrounds ON
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#0
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#1
-Because I am a Kralog I can't read such things? That's rubbish.
-Because of the dense foliage, you need to go up close to the trees so you don't miss him.
-Because the voices of death sing a sweet song
-Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled.
-Becoming a Sorcerer? I want that too!
-Beer is life!
-Before I joined Nard, I used to be a thief.
-До того, как я присоединился к Нарду, я был вором.
-Before the end of the Mana War, a band of adventurers formed in the Ancean region of Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Перед тем, как ты уйдешь, давай я расскажу тебе как собрать @@, потому что ты не выглядишь шибко умным.
-Behind me? It's the Blacksmith House, the most renowned throughout Aemil.
-Bent trees whistling with the beat of the drum
-Bernard sent me to get %d %s from the %s in the fields, but they scare me so bad!
-Bernard wants maggot slime
-Bernard wants roasted maggot
-Besides this, there is Seasons. You know, summer, autumn, winter and spring.
-Besides, I need to be here to watch out for thieves while La Johanne is docked.
-Better stay away from my basement, you may end up like the poor guys down there.
-Better take it back to Q'Onan.
-Лучше вернуть это К'Онану.
-Beware of falling stones from the cliff!
-Берегитесь камней, падающих с утёса!
-Beware you have a limited number of pages. Do not let the Legion or the Brotherhood find out you have one.
-Billy Bons
-Билли Бонс
-Black Cotton Dye
-Black Scorpion
-Black iron... That is a very specific request that you have for me!
-Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) --
-Blue Coral
-Синий коралл
-Blue Cotton Dye
-Blue Gray Cotton Dye
-Blue Rose
-Blue Tulip
-Boss Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Bottle of Water
-Бутылка с водой
-Bowler Hat
-Break the door.
-Сломать дверь.
-Brimmed Feather Hat
-Шляпа с пером
-Brimmed Flower Hat
-Шляпа с цветами
-Brimmed Hat
-Bring it to me, and you will get your reward.
-Принеси мне его и получишь вознаграждение.
-Bring me a %s.
-Bring me some of these plushrooms and I will show you how it works!
-Принеси мне несколько плюшевых грибов и я покажу тебе как это работает!
-Bring them to me, and I'll give you something nice.
-Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!
-Отнеси этот ящик Гугли. Он будет очень счастлив!
-Brown Cotton Dye
-Brown Trousers
-Коричневые брюки
-Bug Leg
-Ножка жука
-But I can't leave to catch it, so I'm asking you.
-Но я не могу отлучиться, что бы поймать его, так что прошу тебя.
-But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry.
-Но я не могу тебе ничего рассказать об этом, извини.
-But I didn't give up!
-But I got an old scythe laying around.
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#0
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#1
-But I need to go, see you!
-Мне нужно идти, пока!
-But I still have some spikes left in my foot.
-Но в моей ноге всё ещё осталось несколько колючек.
-But I swear that one day... Oh... My tasty revenge! Hhm, actually I wonder if... Maybe...
-Но я клянусь что однажды... Ох... Моя сладкая месть! Хм... В принципе, мне интересно, если... Может быть...
-But I wasn't there that night.
-But I'll no longer chop those twigleafs, I'll tell you that.
-But I'm almost out of @@...
-Но у меня почти закончилась @@...
-But all she says is, “had you stayed inside, you wouldn't be wet now”.
-But anyway, take the road which goes to the north to find everybody.
-Но, в любом случае, возьми путь на север, чтобы найти всех.
-But be careful: do not scream by using a lot of capital letters, do not repeat yourself over and over, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized.
-But discovering new territories is probably the best thing that can happen to sailors, don't you think?
-But don't you worry! I don't know how to get you back your memories, but we can work on your muscles for now!
-But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.
-Сейчас ты можешь отдохнуть на корабле или посетить остров, к которому мы причалили! Этот остров маленький, однако отличное место, чтобы поупражняться и размять твои ноги.
-But he just told me to leave him alone.
-But he never returned.
-But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-Эй, обернись ко мне. Не забудь: я гоо...лоо...деен!
-But how I got there is kind of scary...
-But if you and other players surrounds the monster instead, they'll suffer the same penalties!
-But if you fail, you will have to get them from the alchemist.
-Но если проиграешь, тогда пойдёшь за ними к алхимику.
-But if you need to deal with more burocratic stuff, go talk to Q'Anon. He is the boss here.
-But if you really want to accomplish something, you should consider joining us.
-But if you tell my sister, that you didn't find me, I can stay here all day, eating apples and enjoying the view.
-Однако, если скажешь моей сестре, что не нашёл меня, я смогу оставаться здесь весь день, сть яблоки и наслаждаться видом.
-But in the future I might be able to help you create some of your own.
-But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods.
-Но давай поговорим об этом острове. Мы пришвартовались здесь, чтобы найти немного хороших товаров.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
-Более того, она - единственная, кто заботился о тебе, пока ты была без сознания.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
-Более того, она - единственная, кто заботился о тебе, пока ты был без сознания.
-But my luck left me, because as soon as I left his house, the guards started chasing me.
-Однако удача покинула меня, как только я вылез из его дома, за мной погнались стражники.
-But rare are those that receive grants from the Legion itself. For anybody else only a hard work can pay your bills!
-Лишь немногие получают пособия от самого Легиона. Все остальные должны работать в поте лица, что бы оплатить счета!
-But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.
-Но запомни, что не каждое место в мире мирное и безопасное в наши дни. Даже белые берега, по которым ты ходишь, могут скрывать в себе опасных созданий.
-But since it's not dummies that will go after you out there, this training won't be enough.
-But something like “Nanaj princino”, I think.
-But still, you open your eyes and see a large ship before you!
-But thank you anyway! I can refund him now!
-Всё равно спасибо! Теперь я смогу вернуть ему!
-But the last time I asked him for a new delivery he said that he would never again get any for me.
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#0
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#1
-But there is no skill to be learnt from this boss.
-But they are too fast.
-But we are quite lucky here, outside of some tipsy travelers there are no big problems around here, it's not like the capital, Esperia.
-But who am I?
-Но кто я?
-But you are out of the boss level range.
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#0
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#1
-But you do not have enough Magic Ink. (You need: @@ @@)
-But you ran out of empty pages on this book.
-But you should've seen that gaze!
-But you won't *hic* me this time...
-Но ты не *ик* меня на этот раз...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. At least not yet.#1
-Но... Если у него амнезия, как сказала Джулия... Нам не следует беспокоиться о нём. По крайней мере пока.
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. At least not yet.#0
-Но... Если у неё амнезия, как сказала Джулия... Нам не следует беспокоиться о ней. По крайней мере пока.
-But... something is missing to make the soup creamy.
-By the way, I'm Lozerk. Lieutenant Lozerk.
-By the way, did you ever talk with Don?
-By the way, stay sharp! I may call upon you again.
-Bye for now.
-А теперь, пока.
-Bye then!
-Тогда, пока!
-C'mon, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-Да ладно, не будь таким слабаком! Неужели тебе не интересно, кто за всем этим стоит?!
-Camel Cotton Dye
-Can I be of any help?
-Can I craft them myself?
-Can I read the rules again?
-Can I read these rules again?
-Можно еще раз прочитать правила?
-Can create guild
-Can create party
-Can do the quest
-Can you do something with my color?
-Вы можете что-нибудь сделать с цветом?
-Can you make me a really good bow?
-Can you please go away?
-Can you please go there and find him? He is probably hiding in one of those trees, like always.
-Can you reset my stats please?
-Can you verify that with his wife?
-Can't create chat rooms in this area.
-Can't show boss mobs!
-Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty.
-Can't talk right now.
-Can't walk without stopping after every step
-Can't you remember anything at all? Or do you have some memories of your past?
-Can't you see I am reading? If you need something, tell me the secret password.
-Can't you see I am reading? Please go, please.
-Can't you see I'm busy?
-Can't you see I'm working?!
-Не видишь, что я работаю?!
-Candle Helmet
-Шлем подсвечник
-Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself.
-Cannot create bound pet eggs or pet armors.
-Cannot do the quest
-Cannot mount while in disguise.
-Cannot send mails too fast!!
-Невозможно отправить письма слишком быстро !!
-Cannot transform into monster while in disguise.
-Captain Nard
-Капитан Нард
-Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
-Капитан Нард в каюте в твоем распоряжении.
-Carp Sandwich
-Cart Added.
-Cash Shop is disabled in this map
-Cat got your tongue?
-Catching a piou
-Cave Maggot
-Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus
-Ch 1 — How to make money.
-Ch 10 — How I see my items?
-Ch 11 — How trade with other players?
-Ch 12 — How hunt monsters?
-Ch 13 — How talk with someone?
-Ch 14 — Change your appearing.
-Ch 15 — Commands.
-Ch 16 — Shortcuts.
-Ch 2 — Baits
-Ch 2 — Everything about monsters.
-Ch 3 — Location
-Ch 3 — Quests.
-Ch 4 — Casting
-Ch 4 — Status.
-Ch 5 — NPC's.
-Ch 5 — Reeling
-Ch 6 — Magic.
-Ch 7 — Rules.
-Ch 8 — Weather & Seasons.
-Ch 9 — Experience.
-Change my appearance
-Change my level
-Change my quests
-Change my skills
-Change my stats
-Changed your mind, uh?#0
-Changed your mind, uh?#1
-Channel '%s' has no banned players
-Channel '%s' is not available
-Канал '%s' не доступен
-Channel length must be between 3 and %d
-Длина канала должна быть между 3 и %d
-Channel name must start with a '#'
-Имя канала должно начинатся с '#'
-Channel password may not contain spaces
-Пароль канала не может содержать пробелы
-Char-server has been asked to %s the character '%.*s'.
-Character cannot be disguised while in monster form.
-Character cannot be disguised while mounted.
-Character does not have the specified item.
-Персонаж не имеет специальных вещей.
-Character killed.
-Персонаж убит.
-Character not found.
-Персонаж не найден.
-Charcommand failed (usage: %c<command> <char name> <parameters>).
-Chat: %s | Player: %s | Location: %d %d
-Check out this one.
-Chef Gado
-Шэф Гадо
-Chef Gado#Artis
-Chef? He is Don's apprentice, he works on his hammering skill day and night.
-Chelios asked me to get it.
-Chelios asks to visit Lloyd
-Chelios made sword
-Chelios managed to do excellent work.
-Chelios was stubborn in his youth, he never stopped annoying me with his questions while I was working at the forge.
-Chelios, his apprentice, practices outside, mostly.
-Chelios... He is part of the Blacksmith House, is he not?
-Cherry Cake
-Вишневый пирог
-Cherry tree leaves have begun to fall.
-Cherry tree leaves no longer fall.
-Chest opened.
-Children play there and can be badly hurt if they get too close to a Fluffy's nest.
-Chill out I won't say anything.
-Chocolate Cashmere Dye
-Choose desired quest state:
-Chorus of the Woods
-Christopher is surrounded by the sunlight from the window.
-City Hall
-Click here for instructions on how to use the test server.
-Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction.
-Clone spawned.
-Clotho Liquor
-Настойка Клото
-Clouds appeared.
-Clouds have disappeared.
-Clouds |
-Облака |
-Clouds2 |
-Облака2 |
-Clover Patch
-Coal Vein
-Cobalt Herb
-Кобальтовая трава
-Cobalt Plant
-Coin Bag
-Colorant is not the yeying color. Some wear out from light, others look great but inflict itai-itai, and others become spotty or wash-away.
-Come after a little while.
-Come back later if you changed your mind!
-Come back later!
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#0
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#1
-Come back later.
-Come back later.#0
-Come back later.#1
-Come back soon, and bring @@s!
-Come back when you do.
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#0
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#1
-Come closer dear, I can't hear you.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring her with your stories.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring him with your stories.#1
-Come on, don't be a coward!
-Come, come and see!
-Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while.
-Commands are disabled in this map.
-Common Carp
-Карп обыкновенный.
-Communication Theory
-Complete Quest
-Completed Gugli's task
-Completed, Gado wins
-Completed, Julia wins
-Completed, Julia wins (returned poison)
-Completed, got reward
-Concentration Potion
-Зелье концентрации
-Confused Tree
-Congrats, you are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Поздравляю, теперь ты часть команды. Ещё раз спасибо за помощь.
-Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are %u !!
-Contacted by Sopiahalla
-Cookie Master
-Мастер Печенек
-Cookies are a source of life.
-Печеньки - это смысл жизни.
-Cookies are awesome, so am I.
-Печеньки круты, как и я.
-Cookies provide you strength, health and cuteness.
-Печеньки вселяют в тебя силу, здоровье и милость.
-Cooking is an art. You need to know how to cook something. You can use my stove to prepare.
-Copper Armbands
-Медные наручи
-Copper Necklace
-Costume '%s' removed.
-Cotton Boots
-Хлопковые ботинки
-Cotton Gloves
-Хлопковые перчатки
-Cotton Skirt
-Хлопковая юбка
-Cotton, cashmere, leather, ...
-Could I ask a favor of you?
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1
-Could I lodge here for a while?
-Could you bleach my clothes?
-Could you bring it to him?
-Could you do a small favor for me?
-Could you explain to me where I am?
-Можешь мне объяснить, где я?
-Could you interrogate him for me?
-Could you please bring me 2 new knives?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a berry, and I'm not big on vegetables either. I need proteins!
-Пожалуйста, если не трудно, принеси мне что нибудь, что не является ягодами. Я не вегетарианец, мне нужны протеины!
-Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Где мы сейчас находимся?
-Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Где мы сейчас находимся?
-Couwan asks to deliver box
-Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.
-Кувэн дал мне эту коробку. Она для тебя.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.
-Кувэн передаёт вам ящик, наполненный рыбой.
-Creased Shirt
-Мятая Рубашка
-Creased Shorts
-Мятые шорты
-Create items
-Создание предметов
-Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice!
-Crimson Cashmere Dye
-Croc Claw
-Клешня Крока
-Croconut Box
-Ящик крокорехов
-Crude Amethyst
-Crude Diamond
-Crude Emerald
-Crude Ruby
-Crude Sapphire
-Crude Topaz
-Curious Hole
-Current amount of zeny changed.
-Current exp rate is set to @@% (default value).
-Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-CvC ON |
-CvC is already Off.
-CvC is already On.
-CvC: Off
-CvC: On
-Daddy asked me to give you some money as a thank you for looking out for me.
-Daddy finally came back home! He grabbed a snack and said he would be returning to the sewers.
-Daddy never came back home... He said that he would be back for lunch but it has already been two days!
-Damn @@.
-Проклятый @@.
-Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter.
-Дэн заканчивает беседу и продолжает писать своё письмо.
-Dan keeps silent since your last question.
-Дэн молчит после последнего разговора с тобой.
-Dance for me
-Dang, I scared it! More patience, @@, more patience.
-Dark Collector
-Dark Red Cotton Dye
-Database erased.
-Day Mode Activated.
-Day Mode is activated
-Day mode is already enabled.
-Deal, I offer you @@ E!
-Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
-Dear sister,
-Death Knight
-Рыцарь смерти
-Debug - Change level
-Debug - Change stats
-Debug - Reset
-Debug Forest Bow
-Debug Gado quest
-Debug Gugli quest
-Debug Nard quest
-Debug Narrator
-Debug Wooden Shield
-Defeated by
-Delicious Cookie
-Великолепная Печенька
-Delivered box, got reward
-Dex: %d (%d~%d)
-Dexterity increases your bow damage and your accuracy.
-Ловкость (dex) увеличивает урон при стрельбе из лука и вашу точность.
-Diamond Shard
-Diamond Vein
-Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?
-Did you ask him why?
-Did you bring me any wood?
-Did you bring me the %d %s I need?
-Did you brought me 2 new knives?
-Did you fight it?
-Did you fight them too?
-Did you find my brother?
-Did you hear about the Bandit's attacks? They must have a hideout somewhere outside Hurnscald.
-Did you look over the basement?
-Did you run away?
-Did you see Don the blacksmith? He might know how you could improve your metal equipment.
-Did you see anyone in a mask come by here at night?
-Did you see anyone with a large satchel come by here at night?
-Did you see my daughter Rossy, by chance?
-Different ways, each part of your equipment can be generally upgraded.
-Disconnecting to perform change-sex request...
-Disguise applied.
-Disguise removed.
-Displaying first %d out of %d matches
-Displays Night |
-Divorce error!
-Do I look like a tree? I feel like one.
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Jenna
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-Не давай пароль от своей комнаты никому! Держи его в секрете и постарайся не использовать такой же пароль в какой-либо другой комнате в будущем. - Джулия.
-Do not learn
-Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever.
-Do note that Job Level gives you skill points, and the status bonuses are really minor.
-Do nothing
-Do we have a deal?
-Do you feel too weak even to do damage to this areas wishy-washy wildlife?
-Do you have @@s for me?
-Do you have any other questions for me?
-У тебя есть ко мне какие-нибудь вопросы?
-Do you have anything else for me?
-У тебя есть что-то ещё для меня?
-Do you have anything for me today?
-У тебя есть что-нибудь для меня?
-Do you have the %d %s and %s E for the shield?
-Do you have this commendatory letter?
-Do you know anything about the recent robberies?
-Do you know how to speak with people around you?
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#0
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#1
-Do you know where can I find Gulukan?
-Не знаешь где мне найти Гулукана?
-Do you know where the graveyard is?
-Do you know where the hill is?
-Do you live here alone?
-Do you need any other information?
-Тебе нужна еще какая-нибудь информация?
-Do you need help with something?
-Do you need your pickaxe or your shovel fixed? Then I am your man.
-Do you still need help?
-Do you still want to lodge here?
-Do you take apprentices?
-Do you think this is fair? They sent me down here alone, far away from everyone.
-Думаешь это честно? Они послали меня сюда одного, подальше от всех.
-Do you want a drink?
-Do you want me to go see her instead of you?
-Хочешь чтобы я пошел проведать ее вместо тебя?
-Do you want to continue?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Ты хочешь расколоть этот @@?
-Do you want to enter in sewer?
-Do you want to go back to Artis? You really should be afraid of the Legion there, now that you have been here in Woodland. They somehow smell the odor of the Brotherhood.
-Do you want to go somewhere?
-Do you want to leave it alone?
-Do you want to leave the boat?
-Do you want to marry @@?
-Do you want to read it?
-Do you want to throw something inside?
-Do you want to try again?
-Do you want to try?
-Хочешь попробовать?
-Do you want to use this place as save point?
-Do you wish to try again?
-Do? I don't do them.
-Docks Warehouse
-Does anyone know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Кто-нибудь знает хорошее место, где можно зависнуть, в Эсперии? - М. Арпан
-Does not have the quest
-Does the guild has any work for me right now?
-Does your mind go all fuzzy or does it feel like your head is going to explode??
-Doesn't he like the way I'm taking care of his ship? Everything is clean and tidy with me, rightful lieutenant of La Johanne.
-Разве ему не нравится как я забочусь о его корабле? Всё чисто и убрано со мной, заслуженным лейтенантом Ля Джоанн.
-Don gave me some black iron... after I asked him nearly ten times.
-Don is a renowned blacksmith throughout Andorra, it's crazy that you never heard of him.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land for his blacksmith skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land of Aemil for his blacksmithing skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don't be shy, you are nice
-Don't belittle me, my work is deserving of the highest esteem.
-Don't distract me, I have to stay alert.
-Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!
-Не делай этоооо... *ик* со мной, э!
-Don't fall!
-Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots!
-Don't get too excited about it...#0
-Don't get too excited about it...#1
-Don't let those monsters get to you.
-Don't say I didn't warn you!
-Don't say it so loudly, other people could hear us.
-Don't tell anyone about this. Once you kill you a boss, you can try to learn the boss skill by using the book.
-Don't tell me more, I know what you want...
-Молчи, я знаю чего ты хочешь.
-Don't try to fool me!
-Don't try to poison me! I know what that does!
-Я знаю, для чего это - не пытайся меня отравить!
-Don't worry sister, I didn't forget you.
-Don't worry, I'm sure you will help them soon enough!
-Не беспокойся, я уверен - ты вскоре поможешь им!
-Don't you like the smoke, when there is a nice fire beneath a cauldron?
-Don't you recognize the great city of Artis?
-Don't you try to cheat an old merchant! You don't have enough money, you need @@ E.
-Done. Here, take it! Now, here is the plan. Go talk to her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Готово. Вот, возьми! Теперь, вот план. Поговори с ней и предложи нашей прекрасной леди усмирить своё высокомерие!
-Dont you know something about fertility? I heard rumors.
-Drag and drop an item from your inventory.
-Drag and drop the items from your inventory in the frames.
-Drasil Island.
-Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents.
-Due to neglect with day-to-day administration, which she delegated to her council, and uncontrolled expenses, the kingdom faced its first economic crisis.
-Duel| Can't use %s in duel.
-Duel| Can't use this item in duel.
-Duel| Invalid value.
-Duel| Invitation has been sent.
-Duel| Player name not found.
-Duel| The Player is in the duel already.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been accepted.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been rejected.
-Duel| The limit of players has been reached.
-Duel| You can take part in duel once per %d minutes.
-Duel| You can't invite %s because he/she isn't in the same map.
-Duel| You can't use @accept without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You can't use @duel without @reject.
-Duel| You can't use @invite. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @leave. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @reject without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You've left the duel.
-During night, the monsters usually respawn faster. That can be a problem with aggressive monsters.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, dude.#1
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, honey.#0
-Each big city hosts a Legion building, Artis' building is located in the north-west.
-Each card improves your gear by a ratio or a fixed number on a predefined stat.
-Each level up will buff your base stats, and give you stats points to allocate.
-Each piece of equipment has a predefined slot number.
-Each season unlocks a set of quests and drops which can only be obtained on the season.
-Earlier today there was this young seller named Fexil that passed by here.
-Easter Egg
-Пасхальное яйцо
-Easy to make? Could you make one for me?
-Easy to make? Could you teach me how to make them?
-Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.
-Eeekkk another one.
-Ehm... He was really upset because of some past stories.
-Эм... Он правда расстроен из-за каких то историй из прошлого.
-Eight Castles
-Eighteen Castles
-Eleven Castles
-Elixir Of Life
-Эликсир Жизни
-Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats!
-Эльмо и Гугли рассказали мне, что ты выполнил все задания снаружи. Поздравляю!
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Chef Gado.
-Elmo told about money
-Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats!
-Элмо передал мне слова Нарда. Поздравляю!
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#0
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#1
-Emerald Shard
-Emerald Vein
-Empty Bottle
-Пустая бутылка
-Empty Mug
-Empty the quote DB
-Enabled Mapflags in this map:
-Enabled: @@
-Enjoy the fraternity and excitement of your future guild!
-Enjoy your new shield!
-Enjoy your new style.
-Enora asks to kill fluffies
-Enora asks to visit Chelios
-Enora asks to visit Q'Pid
-Enora asks to visit Resa
-Enora is carefully inspecting the sword.
-Enora needs them.
-Enora sent me here.#0
-Enora sent me here.#1
-Enora wants her potions.
-Enora, from the Legion of Aemil, has been warned that you were aboard.
-Enough of this island?
-Enter desired skill level:
-Enter line number:
-Enter new line:
-Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories.
-Error reading atcommand.conf, reload failed.
-Error reading groups.conf, reload failed.
-Eugene needs tentacles
-Even a simple sandwich will be ruined if you place lettuce above the cheese!
-Even after all that though, I still can't believe what happened next.
-Even with your Hercules strength, this lid is hopelessly struck.
-Event Management
-Event management
-Every 1 hour
-Every 12 hours
-Every 24 hours
-Every 3 hours
-Every 5 hours
-Every 6 hours
-Evil clone spawned.
-Exactly! Can I have one now?
-Конечно! Могу ли я получить одно сейчас?
-Exactly. Even our task is ridiculous. Why should we collect food down here if we have plenty of those tasty and soft rattos inside our ship, waiting just to be hunted and cooked?
-Точно. Даже если наша задача нелепа. Почему мы должны собирать припасы здесь, если у нас много вкусных крыс внутри нашего корабля, только и ждущих, когда их поймают и приготовят?
-Excuse me that was a mistake.
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
-Извини? Ты не знаешь, кто я?
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Извини? Ты не знаешь, кто я?
-Exemple for yoiis:
-Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value).
-Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@.
-Expanded Super Baby
-Expanded Super Novice
-Experience can be gained by completing quests and killing monsters. When you accumulate enough experience, you'll level up!
-Experience rates: Base %.2fx / Job %.2fx
-Fairy Hat
-Сказочная шапка
-Fake name enabled.
-Fake name must be at least two characters.
-Fancy Hat
-Причудливая шапка
-Fates Potion
-Feel free to come visit me another time.
-Fertility Potion
-Fexil needs help
-Fexil wants to buy fur
-Fifteen Castles
-Пятнадцать Замков
-File not found.
-Файл не найден.
-File unloaded. Be aware that mapflags and monsters spawned directly are not removed.
-Finally, he hands the shield to you.
-Find an order with them
-Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water.
-Fine Dress
-Изысканное платье
-Fine, I'll just hold on to this log should you ever change your mind.
-Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?
-Хорошо. Не мог бы ты сказать мне, где я могу найти моряков Гугли?
-Fine, let's see his work...
-Fine, take these potions, I will replenish them in the next couple hours anyway.
-Fine, tell me, who are these all important friends of yours?
-Fine... I was just going to give you some help...
-Ладно... Я всего лишь хотел тебе помочь...
-Finished training
-Finished battle
-Fireworks are launched.
-Fireworks have ended.
-Fireworks |
-First encounter
-First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game.
-First thing she asked was if I'm a farmer.
-Fish Box
-Ящик рыбы
-Fish is good for the brain!
-Fish, come and see my fish!
-Fishing Guide Vol. I
-Fishing Rod
-Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there.
-Five Castles
-Fluffy Fur
-Мех Флаффи.
-Fog hangs over.
-Fog |
-Follow mode OFF.
-Follow mode ON.
-Follow the canal to the north-east and you will find it.
-Follow the up-stream and cross the canal twice using the two bridges north from here.
-Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.
-За этими строками какие-то другие письмена, на этой бумаге.
-Font changed.
-Шрифт изменён.
-Fool! Just come back here when you'll be done with our little... 'Secret mission'.
-Дурак! Возвращайся только тогда, когда ты закончишь нашу маленькую... 'Секретную миссию'.
-For '%s' you need the amount of seconds (from 0 to 10)
-For a chef? Who said I was a... Oh right, I am.
-Для шефа? Кто сказал, что я был... О, правильно, да.
-For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, magic use is very restricted nowadays.
-For starters, you should probably do some stretching and practice on some dummies in our training room.
-For what kind of tissue?
-Forest Armor
-Лесная броня
-Forest Bow
-Лесной лук
-Forest Maggot
-Forest bow
-Found @@, got exp
-Found anything new?
-Found bobo, didn't tell Katja
-Found perfect wood
-Found the chest
-Four Castles
-Fourteen Castles
-Free Mana travels in many directions, and this search took several years before the expedition finally found the right direction to follow.
-Fresh from the sea and cheap!
-Friend already exists.
-Friend removed.
-Друг удален.
-From what I heard, my brother Gugli needs the help of as many people as possible in order to collect a lot of neat things that can be found on this island.
-From your mind, break the ice
-Frost held the title of Lord Prince of the Republic for eighteen months, when the council deposed him and declared itself head of the state.
-Fur Boots
-Furthermore, unless you are planning to stick it out, you should also not even think about gaining experience by messing with those icky pink land jellies. The pink could stick on you, imagine the horror!
-Более того, если только ты не планируешь отдирать их, даже не думай качаться на этих мерзких розовых сухопутных медузах. Розовый может прилепиться к тебе, представляешь какой ужас!
-Fuschia Cotton Dye
-GM command configuration has been reloaded.
-Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again!
-Гадо! Жизнь этого труса уже прошлом, я попрошу Нарда наказать его снова!
-Gained %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Gained %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Gained exp is now shown.
-Gained exp will not be shown.
-Gained zeny is now shown.
-Gained zeny will not be shown.
-Gamboge Herb
-Гуммигутовая трава
-Gamboge Plant
-Game Balance
-Game introduction
-Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in daylight for %s.
-Game time: The game is in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in permanent daylight.
-Game time: The game is in permanent night.
-Gave @@ to Rumly
-Gave tentacles, got reward
-Gave to Q'Onan, got reward
-Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc.
-Genetic T
-Get a Recipe Book
-Get money
-Получить деньги
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Гррмм... Грмммм...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Поцелуй меня на прощание!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0
-Отдай мне обратно это блюдо, грязная лгунья!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#1
-Отдай мне обратно это блюдо, грязный лгун!
-Give me some space.
-Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help with your hunting the creatures of this island.
-Пойди и возьми один из них. Хороший нож поможет тебе в охоте на существ этого острова.
-Go away, I have to think about new evil doings.
-Go away.
-Go back
-Go clean up your inventory and come back.
-Go fly a kite
-Go fly a kite.
-Go have a look at that shelf to my right, would you?
-Go meet him, and take the package to me, it's an easy task.
-Go north from here until you find the dock warehouse, cross the bridge to the west side of the canal, continue north until you reach another bridge then cross it to the east side of the canal.
-Go on the upper level if you want to change your room or to use it.
-Go on.
-Go pester someone else.
-Go to Kfahr, and listen to his stories.
-Gold Nuggets
-Gold Vein
-Good day miss.
-Хороший день, мисс.
-Good day mister.
-Отличный день, мистер.
-Good day sir.#1
-Good day to you!
-Good day to you.
-Good day!
-Good day, my friend, come closer, come closer!
-Good evening sir.#1
-Good job!
-Хорошая работа!
-Good look.
-Good luck hunting those tree monsters – you'll need it.
-Good luck!
-Good luck! And remember to visit Peter and our little furry friends whenever you return back onboard!
-Удачи! И не забудь навестить Питера и наших маленьких пушистых друзей, когда вернёшься на борт!
-Good night milady.#0
-Good then.
-Good to hear from you!
-Good to hear!
-Рад слышать!
-Good to know, thanks.
-Good to know.
-Рад узнать об этом.
-Good to see you again.
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#0
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#1
-Good, good... Hey, could you help me please? I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Хорошо, хорошо...Эй, можешь мне помочь? Я умоляю, пожаааалуйстаа....
-Good, take a look in the bag next to me then!
-Gorgeous woman, but when she looked at me, the scares went scuttling down my spine...
-Got a cookie
-Got poison from Gado
-Got reward from gugli
-Got the bow
-Got the knife
-Got the package
-Got the quest
-Got the shield
-Grabbing one of two leftover pieces, he begins to carve it into a round shape, then repeats this with the second piece – shield handles from what you can tell.
-Grass Carp
-Травяной Карп
-Grass Snake
-Great to see you! What can I do for you today?
-Рад видеть тебя! Что я могу сделать для тебя сегодня?
-Great! Can't wait for some tasty mushrooms!
-Great, and as I promised, I give you a 90% discount on the @@ of your choice.
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#0
-Замечательно, что ты мне сегодня принесла из еды?
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
-Замечательно, что ты мне сегодня принес из еды?
-Greater %s allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks.
-Green Cotton Dye
-Green Slime
-Зеленый слизень
-Greetings traveler.#0
-Приветствую путешественница.
-Greetings traveler.#1
-Приветствую путешественник.
-Group changed successfully.
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Гррр! Лучше не говори ни кому, что видела меня!
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Гррр! Лучше не говори ни кому, что видел меня!
-Grr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Брр, больше не предлагай мне ягод! Я не хочу их, тупые ягоды, тупые... Тупые... Тупые!
-Gugli (main quest)
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#0
-Гугли просил меня помочь морякам собирать припасы. Ты знаешь где я могу их найти?
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#1
-Гугли просил меня помочь морякам собирать припасы. Ты знаешь где я могу их найти?
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#0
-Гугли попросил помочь тебе отнести один из ящиков, которые ты наполняешь.
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#1
-Гугли попросил помочь тебе отнести один из ящиков, которые ты наполняешь.
-Gugli asks to collect packages
-Gugli mentioned six sailors. What about the others?
-Гугли упоминал шестерых моряков. Что насчет остальных?
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#0
-Гугли послал меня сюда, чтобы помочь тебе.
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#1
-Гугли послал меня сюда, чтобы помочь тебе.
-Gugli? Oh I see. Yes, Gugli yeye pretty used to shout orders to everybody down here.
-Гугли? Ах, да. Гугли вечно йейеёт тут на всех, раздавая приказы.
-Guild Certification
-Guild level change failed.
-Guild level changed.
-Guild modification is disabled in this map.
-Guild storage opened.
-GuildLock |
-Guillotine Cross
-Guillotine Cross T
-GvG Castle |
-GvG Dungeon |
-GvG Flags:
-GvG ON |
-GvG Off.
-GvG On.
-GvG is already Off.
-GvG is already On.
-HP and SP have already been recovered.
-HP or/and SP modified.
-HP, SP recovered.
-HP: %d/%d - SP: %d/%d
-Ha! I'll drink muuuch mo.. more than you! Im not ooone biiit dr...dr..unk!
-Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has.
-Hahaha! All sailors aboard this ship are always drunk... Well... Except... Wait, what?! Nard told you?!
-Хахаха! Все моряки на борту этого корабля всегда пьют... Ну... За исключением... Стоп, что?! Нард сказал тебе?!
-Hair color
-Hair style
-Half Croconut
-Половина крокореха
-Half Eggshell
-Hard Spike
-Твердый шип
-Hard work always pays off!
-Has a bubblehead
-Has met its demise
-Have a good day!
-Хорошего дня!
-Have a good time fishing!
-Have a seat.
-Have fun, but always remember to pick your stats with good care.
-Развлекайтесь, но не забывайте заботиться о ваших статистиках.
-Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too?
-Ты собрал ингредиенты для моего рецепта? Специальный ингредиент тоже?
-Have you got the %d antennae?
-Have you met Kfahr yet?
-Have you seen Fexil?
-Have you seen anything dangerous?
-Видел ли ты что-нибудь опасное?
-Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?
-Have you seen anything strange in town? Anything that might have to do with the robberies?
-Have you seen anything strange lately?
-Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?
-Have you seen anything that might be connected to the recent robberies in town?
-Have you talked with the old man yet?
-He asked to lend some money and a place to open his store, I think that he asked for a place on the merchant squares on the south-west of the city...
-He did not change while growing up, I repeatedly asked him to leave the forge but in the end he installed himself in front of it...
-He has a guns!
-He has never been the same since mommy went away...
-He is a regular at the inn, located in the north-west part of town.
-He is eating an apple, thoroughly enjoying it.
-He is in a small house between the dock's warehouse and the dojo.
-He is mature and he rarely ask questions so I am fine. I can not stand the sight of a whiner anyway.
-He is probably hiding up one of the trees. Go close to each tree and look up, otherwise you won't notice him.
-He is the greatest hero that ever walked the land of Hurnscald!
-He is usually in his office on the 3rd floor.
-He is very lucky that Don took him under his wing, but being the student of such a teacher is not easy every day!
-He likes to eat sandwiches. A good thing they are so easy to make!
-He likes to hide near the little lake in the north-west side of the island.
-Он любит прятаться около маленького озера в северо-западной стороне острова.
-He looks up and into your face.
-He may not have all of his wits but keep in mind one thing:
-He needs more food.
-Ему нужно больше еды.
-He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
-He proceeds to further scrutinize the log.
-He said he is going to climb the highest hill in Artis, which is not far from here.
-He said that he would check why weird noises were coming from the manhole next to the house.
-He takes another sip.
-He told me nothing about that.
-Он мне ничего об этом не рассказывал.
-He was heading north.
-He's funny, it's not a problem.
-Он забавный, это не проблема.
-He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Legion of Aemil won't let it get public.
-Heard conversation
-Hearing these words the Piou felt great joy,
-Heh, did you saw me at the port? No?
-Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind.
-Хехе, хехе. Хорошо, возвращайся, когда передумаешь.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a fox like you would love to meet a catch like me!#0
-Хе-хе, нет. Но уверен, что такая лисичка, как ты, мечтает о такой добыче, как я!
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a noob like you would like to meet an idol like me.#1
-Хехе, нет. Но я уверен, что такой нуб, как ты, мечтает о таком кумире, как я.
-Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
-Хехе, иногда он витает в облаках. Тебе следует пойти спросить его об этом.
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there.
-Хехе... Ладно, я сообщу об этом капитану.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!
-Хе-хе-хе, он немного нервный, прости уж его, не каждый день у нас пополнение в команде!
-Hel... What?! Wait!
-Помо... Что?! Стоп!
-Hello Miss.#1
-Hello Sir.#0
-Hello dear!#0
-Здравствуй, дорогая!
-Hello dear!#1
-Здравствуй, дорогуша!
-Hello deary.
-Hello madam.
-Hello there!
-Hello traveler, welcome to Hurnscald.
-Hello yeye.
-Привет, йейе.
-Hello, I am Macgowan, apprentice to Nicholas.
-Hello, a rowboat is on his way to the beach. Please wait for a while for it to arrive.
-Hello, can I help you?
-Hello, there!
-Hello, yes I have met him.
-Hello, young lady.#0
-Hello, young man.#1
-Hello... Do I know you?
-Привет...Мы знакомы?
-Help for command %c%s:
-Help me out~ Please~ T_T
-Help me!
-Helped Hinnak
-Her shop is on the west side of the city, between the Legion building and the library.
-Her sword... I'm having some trouble finishing it.
-Hercules %d-bit for %s
-Here is another one.
-Here is your reward.
-Here it is, a fashionable @@.
-Here it is, clean like a whistle!
-Here it is.
-Here they are.
-Вот они.
-Here you are.
-Here you go - have fun with it.
-Here you go, everything is fixed.
-Here you go.
-Here's your reward!
-Вот твоя награда!
-Here, have some %s as reward.
-Here, have some %s for your troubles.
-Here, let me heal you.
-Here, take a look!
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#0
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#1
-Here, take this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Hey @@!
-Hey Frenchy!#0
-Эй, француженка!
-Hey Frenchy!#1
-Эй, француз!
-Hey Maxe, it's @@!
-Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go!
-Эй Сильвио, твоя очередь нести поклажу, вперед!
-Hey there, are you Bobo, Katja's brother?
-Эй, это ты Бобо, брат Кати?
-Hey you!
-Эй, ты!
-Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?
-Эй! Ты нас слышишь? Ты в порядке?
-Hey you, do you have any @@s?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly. I needed to speak with the captain about the food reserves. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Эй ты, извини, что ухожу так быстро. Я должен поговорить с капитаном о резервах продовольствия. Ты в курсе, теперь нам придётся кормить ещё один рот, мы должны проверить, что у нас есть.
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#0
-Эй! Путешественница! Ты наслаждаешься жизнью на Аэмиле?
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#1
-Эй! Путешественник! Ты наслаждаешься жизнью на Аэмиле?
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Эй, осторожнее! Ты не можешь оставаться в подвале долго, а то заболеешь! Выходи и передохни, может быть потом попробуешь еще.
-Hey! Stop breaking my stuff!
-Hey! There's a reward for you in the box next to me!
-Эй! Награда ждёт тебя в ящике около меня!
-Hey! You must be @@.
-Hey, I remember you, we were on the same boat, you are the castaway.
-Hey, I'm not a Keebler Elvis! You won't have another one by stalking me like that!
-Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today.
-Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?
-Эй, йейе можешь отнести мой ящик с рыбой Гугли?
-Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out.
-Эй, не переживай насчет него, это только начало, все еще впереди, так что мы можем просто расслабиться.
-Hey, girl!#0
-Эй, девушка!
-Hey, how was the...
-Эй, как тебя...
-Hey, man!#1
-Эй, парень!
-Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
-Эй, псс! Ты не матрос, так?
-Hey. ppst. I have something important to tell you.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Привет, @@. Я слышал, капитан послал тебя сюда, а?
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Привет, @@. Я слышал, капитан послал тебя сюда, а?
-Hi @@.
-Привет, @@.
-Hi Sir.
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#0
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#1
-Hi there, need something?
-Hi there.
-Hi! I can finally see you under the sunlight!
-Привет! Наконец-то я могу увидеть тебя при свете солнца!
-Hi! No, I haven't seen him yet.
-Hi, I am Simon.
-Hi, can I help you at all?
-Hi, can I help you somehow?
-Hi, how is it going?
-Hi, my name is Blossom.
-Hi, my name is Moon. This morning I went for a walk on the beach.
-Hi, my name is Oscar.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Привет, рада тебя видеть!
-Hi, sweetie! Want a fresh beer for 90 Florin?
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#0
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#1
-Hi. I am Trozz, and I am the chief of legion training in Artis.
-Hidden Person
-High Acolyte
-High Archer
-High Magician
-High Merchant
-High Novice
-High Priest
-High Swordsman
-High Thief
-High Wizard
-Highest hill in Artis you say? Sounds dangerous, I might fall off.
-Hill & Cliff
-Hinnak asked for help
-Hinnak wasted all my good kitchen knives trying to get rid of his accursed Pinkies.
-His eyes grow wide
-Hm, it seems another player is trying to catch the piou, I shouldn't interfere.
-Hm... Shhhh...
-Hm... an old man?
-Hm... then it couldn't be him.
-Hmm, I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Hmm, why don't you go train a little more? We have several training rooms here.
-Hmm... Let's see, take this one.
-Хм... Посмотрим, возьми это.
-Hmm... what to do.
-Hmm... where did I put it again?
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*
-Хм, хм... *кашель*, *кашель*, *урп*, *кашель*. Что... Что это?!... *кашель*, *урп*... Чёртов Гадо... *кашель*
-Hmmm... looks ok, but is it strong enough?
-Holding a cheese in his beak.
-Homunculus growth stats (Lv %d %s):
-Homunculus reached its maximum level of '%d'
-Homunculus stats altered.
-Homunculus stats:
-Honestly, it's quite far-fetched according to me.
-Честно говоря, по моему, это довольно надуманно.
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#0
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#1
-How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats.
-Как насчет помощи команде, о которой я говорил? Это будет означать что ты один из нас и ты сможешь получить одну из этих шляп.
-How are things going?
-Как дела?
-How are you doing, cutie?#0
-Как дела, милашка?
-How are you doing, dude?#1
-Как дела, старина?
-How are you feeling, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-Как ты себя чувствуешь теперь, ступив на твёрдую землю? Йейе лучше?
-How can I get one of these cookies?
-Как мне получить одно из печений?
-How can I help you?
-How can I improve my equipment?
-How can we serve you today?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about that again!
-How do these dyes work?
-How do you do your potions?
-How do you know?
-How is *hic* it possible?
-Как *ик* это возможно?
-How is the hunt going?
-How long will you stay here?
-How many Fluffies did I kill on the hill?
-How many? What kind? I can produce two dozen boxes per day.
-How much do you want to deposit?
-How much do you want to withdraw?
-How much is this worth to you?
-How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?
-Как грубо! В чём причина твоей злобы?
-Howdy, partner in crime?
-However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease.
-Human Voice
-Hungry: %d - Intimacy: %u
-Hurry up!
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check its teeth!
-Hush now and hear the chorus of the woods
-I @#$% hate them!
-I @#$% hate these @#$% pinkies!
-I actually could use a status reset!
-I already know everything. Bye.
-Я уже все знаю. Пока.
-I also hear fisherman likes to fish at night. They say the catch is bigger, if you understand me.
-I also heard you lost all your memories? That's a shame.
-I am %s Super Novice~
-I am Wyaras apprentice, helping her with selling her potions.
-I am absolutely positive.
-I am an alchemist, I bear the name of Ivan.
-Я алхимик, меня зовут Иван.
-I am broken?! Please report! Debug data: @@ (@@)
-I am new in this town, just like you.
-I am not an expert of the first kind, but I know what I am talking about when it comes to improving equipment.
-I am only doing special requests.
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-Я рад видеть, что ты уже встала и полна энергии. Элмо пришёл сообщить мне эту хорошую новость.
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-Я рад видеть, что ты уже встал и полон энергии. Элмо пришёл сообщить мне эту хорошую новость.
-I am sure he got his reasons.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#0
-Я уверена, я смогу пробежать с одним из них у себя на плече.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#1
-Я уверен, что смогу пробежать с одним из них у себя на плече.
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#0
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#1
-I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders and rules. Julia they call her!
-Я уверен, ты её знаешь. Отлично одета, широкая улыбка и постоянный поток приказов и правил. Её зовут Джулия.
-I am surprised someone has been sent here to help. It is quite... unusual.
-Я удивлён, что кого то прислали сюда помочь. Это весьма... необычно.
-I am the bartender here, can I provide you with some delicious beverage?
-I am!
-I am, who are you?#0
-Верно, я не матрос. А ты кто?
-I am, who are you?#1
-Верно, я не матрос. А ты кто?
-I appreciate your help, @@.
-I asked Calypsan to dye this tank top, now it has an unique look!
-I asked Don our blacksmith to prepare a black iron sword for morning, he should be done by now.
-I asked Hinnak, but he wants at least a beer in exchange for his scythe.
-I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do!
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#0
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#1
-I barely destroyed one of those beasts.
-I better go now. Bye.
-I borrowed it from the library, you should try to cultivate yourself more instead of insinuate things about people you don't know!
-I buried the chest somewhere on that hill. It was dark, so I don't remember where to dig exactly.
-I came here, looking for a better life.
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#0
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#1
-I can finally pay off my debts.
-I can get back to Bernard now!
-I can make you a really nice forest bow out of this.
-I can prepare them in an hour or so!
-I can still drink more! Better give up you... you... teelotaler! MORE BEER MELINDA!
-I can walk again!
-I can't catch them.
-I can't give you a cookie for free. But I can give you this hint for how you may be added to my list.
-I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning...
-Я правда не могу помочь тебе найти их, с тех пор как проверяю... Хм... Ландшафт, с утра...
-I can't remember anything.#0
-Я ничего не могу вспомнить.
-I can't remember anything.#1
-Я ничего не могу вспомнить.
-I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do.
-I can't wait all day!
-I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your hard work.
-I changed my mind.
-I chopped away at it, branch after branch, and in the end I chopped off its roots, and it fell to the ground, motionless.
-I cleaned up the hill.
-I couldn't afford the bow, though...
-I did see an old man hang out near the theater after our last show.
-I didn't mention it before, but I also put beer in my soup.
-I didn't notice that a Pikpik was in my way, and when I stepped on it, my foot was full of spikes.
-I do feel better!
-Мне лучше!
-I do know a recipe with this!
-I do not like to brag about it but you won't find a better blacksmith on the whole island.
-I do not want to go pointing my finger at someone. I want to be honorable and fair, and I sense the same quality in you, so I put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this troubling situation.
-Я ни на кого не хочу указывать пальцем. Я хотел бы быть честным и справедливым, и я чувствую в тебе те же качества, поэтому я полностью доверяю тебе. Я уверен, что ты сможешь рассудить и решить эту проблематичную ситуацию.
-I do not.
-I don't feel like talking to you.
-I don't feel so well, I might be sick.
-I don't have any.
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#0
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#1
-I don't have much time right now.
-I don't have the time now.
-I don't have the time sorry.
-I don't have the time.
-I don't know if I trust her eyesight or memory.
-I don't know the password
-I don't know what to say...
-Я не знаю, что сказать...
-I don't know.
-I don't need your help right now, but maybe tomorrow, who knows?
-I don't really have time to go chasing pious, let me just buy one at the regular price (30000 E).
-I don't see anything else other than... water?
-I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this...
-Я не уверен что это место подходит для разговора...
-I don't want to be part of this joke.
-I don't want to buy a piou right now.
-I don't want to change my language, sorry.
-Я не хочу менять свой язык.
-I don't want you! I want daddy!
-I feel ok.#0
-Я в порядке.
-I feel ok.#1
-Я в порядке.
-I fought it, of course!
-I give tasks to every single sailor, all day long. That should make him happy!
-Я весь день даю задания каждому моряку. Это должно сделать его счастливым!
-I give you this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Я дам тебе этот ключ, он открывает любую дверь на этом корабле.
-I got angry and started to chop off all the low-hanging branches so this couldn't happen anymore.
-I grew up and lived a good while in Esperia, the capital city.
-I guess so. What's in it for me?
-I guess so... I will leave you alone.
-Я думаю да... Я оставлю тебя в покое.
-I had a great childhood in Esperia!
-I had a long day, come back tomorrow.
-I had this patch of ground that was really clumpy; lots of clay, you see.
-I hate them!
-I have a lot of work here, so I don't even have time to go to the town.
-I have an idea.
-I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.
-Я принёс вкусный подарок для твоего деликатного рта.
-I have collected all the boxes you needed.
-Я собрал все ящики, которые тебе нужны.
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#0
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#1
-I have one more task for you. Trozz, another member of the Legion, sent me a letter earlier today.
-I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price!
-Для тебя у меня есть одежда и другие вещи по смешной цене!
-I have some food for you.
-У меня есть еда для тебя.
-I have some fur for you.
-I have some spare one, take them, and tell Enora that any fees are paid!
-I have to go, sorry.#0
-I have to go, sorry.#1
-I have your black iron.
-I have your package.
-I have your pass from the Merchant Guild.
-I haven't seen anything strange.
-I heard rumors about some old hostilities between you and Gado. Are they true?
-До меня дошли слухи о старой вражде между тобой и Гадо. Это правда?
-I heard something too. A girl named Galimatia seems to need help. If only those lazy developers could tell her what she needs.
-I heard you aren't delivering any more living wood. Why not?
-I highly recommend you seek him out!
-I hope that answers your question.
-Я надеюсь что ответил на твой вопрос.
-I hope that my shield will serve you well!
-I hope they know what they are doing. So, come on board. I am looking forward to go back to Woodland, haven't been there for a while.
-I hope to see you soon.
-I hope you are satisfied with your forest bow.
-I hope you catch that naughty person!
-I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-Я надеюсь ты не думаешь, что мы использовали твой плот для постройки этого трапа.
-I hope you like beer as much as I do, because, you see...
-I hope you like this color.
-I informed Julia about your monstrous plan.
-Я рассказал Джулии про твой ужасный план.
-I just can't remember what. But come talk to me later once devs becomes less lazy.
-I just dont know what to do. Perhaps all gets better when I stay here, whining and waiting. Please, leave me alone.
-I just need %s E for material and work time.
-I just realized I am lacking some common things, and one key ingredient, to prepare a... A special recipe.
-Я только что понял, что мне не хватает некоторых обычных предметов и одного ключевого ингредиента, что бы приготовить... Особый рецепт.
-I just want to live my life in peace.
-I knew it!
-I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.
-Я знаю, что ты только-только начинаешь чувствовать себя лучше, но мне бы хотелось дать тебе специальное задание.
-I know the bow master wants some twigleaf wood, but I don't care.
-I know you didn't kill them yourself!
-I like money! Consider it done.
-I love flowers! What do you have for sale?
-I love hanging out here!
-I love peace and quiet, that's a good choice.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-Я ошиблась и хочу поменять свой язык.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-I mean, I am very tired to move all of these books!
-I mean, you forgot... Well.
-I miss the good old days.
-I must leave to get more.
-I need %d %s for that.
-I need @@ @@.
-I need a %s for my soup.
-I need more Croc Claws.
-I need more information first.
-I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-Мне нужен кто нибудь, что бы зачистить трюм от этих крыс. Ты можешь мне помочь?
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1
-I need to go, sorry.
-Мне нужно идти.
-I need to rest.
-I need to think about it...#0
-I need to think about it...#1
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-Мне всего лишь нужно 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@...
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
-Я помню только, что была спасена тобой.
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
-Я помню только, что был спасен тобой.
-I ran away as fast as I could, and lucky for me the monsters aren't that fast on their tiny root legs, Ha!
-I recall seeing Gulukan, Astapolos and Q'Muller.
-Я припоминаю встречу с Гулуканом, Астаполосом и КуМюллером.
-I recommend that you train your agility a great deal, since most monsters out there aren't really amazing at hitting you.
-I recommend you to take a nap on the inferior level, we will soon leave this place.
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#0
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#1
-I remember I saw a few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get a head start on today's work.
-Я помню, что видел нескольких, покидающих корабль рано утром, что бы преуспеть в сегодняшней работе.
-I remember when I created my first party, we were amazed to share some experience with a small group of adventurer...
-I robbed a nobleman, took a chest full of coins.
-I saw someone sneaking around town wearing a theater mask.
-I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-Я вижу, от этих крыс не так просто избавиться. Хочешь попробовать снова?
-I see.
-I see. Bye!
-Понятно. Пока!
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Legion of Aemil, then he's also our friend and ally.#1
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Legion of Aemil, then she's also our friend and ally.#0
-I sent someone to kill me some maggots and they have yet to return.
-I should know, I've not been a member for a while, too. But then I joined the Legion and look what a shining example of a great fighter I became!
-I should put more effort into this.
-I show her what the problem is, and she tells me to go inside and wait.
-I still didn't find my brother...
-I still do; it's my job.
-I swear, I do not eat so much.
-Я клянусь, я столько не ем.
-I think I am sick!
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#0
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#1
-I think I should report you to the crew members.
-Мне следует рассказать о тебе команде.
-I think I'll be done soon, since I almost have a box full of @@s!
-Думаю, я скоро закончу, мой ящик почти полон @@ов!
-I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?
-Думаю, я закончил с этим, пока что. У тебя есть ещё вопросы?
-I think that I am now both...
-I think that I'm still a bit sick.
-Я думаю что я приболел.
-I think that I've seen this weakling wandering around the beach south from here this morning.
-I think that my wine is of great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-I think that we will stay in port for a great time.
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-Я думаю, эта йейе скоро будет закончена. Йайа скоро наберу полный ящик @@!
-I think that you already understood, you are asleep.
-I thought that she would never come to pick it up!
-I took my axe and attacked the beast!
-I used a card to improve my clothes.
-I used to be a farmer, but my magic attempts were banned by the gouvernment.
-I used to get these logs from Jack, the handsome lumberjack.
-I usually would not care, but it is not every day a complete stranger arrives at Artis.
-I value my life, that's why!
-I want to be the first merchant of this square to sell clothes made from @@s!
-I want to divorce.
-I want to make my own dyes.
-I want to register for marriage.
-I was afraid to get busted, so I decided to get rid of the evidence.
-I was an actor when I was younger.
-I was an archer of the Legion and shouldn't be scared of a few maggots, but everyone has fears, right?!
-I was going to ask you if you would need any help.
-Я собирался спросить, нужна ли тебе помощь.
-I was in no shape to fight again!
-I was just chopping away with my axe, and guess what happened?
-I was sent here with a task. I can give you a perfect, wonderful, magnificent, superbly well shaped... Cookie!
-Я был прислан сюда с заданием. Я могу дать тебе безупречное, прекрасное, великолепное, суперское, хорошей формы... Печенье!
-I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible.
-I was supposed to act as storagekeeper, but I forgot my key.
-I will buy all of the fur that you will bring me at a good price, let's say, 15 E piece.
-I will close an eye for once, but only because it's your first time asking for something!
-I will find him, don't worry!
-I will give you my pocket money if you do.
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#0
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#1
-I will not lie to a little girl! And your mother needs your help.
-I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors!
-Не буду распространяться о подробностях, но спустя месяц, она уже управляла кораблём, а я был послан сюда, готовить еду этим предателям!
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#0
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#1
-I will send you this letter as soon as I arrive.
-I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes?
-Я уверен, что навещу его. Тебе нужна помощь с твоими ящиками?
-I will take care of the other ones don't worry.
-Я позабочусь об остальных. Не беспокойся.
-I will take it! Thank you captain!
-Я возьму это! Спасибо, капитан!
-I will take the @@ Bounty.
-I will tell my dad!
-I will yaying do.
-Я прослежу йейе.
-I will.
-I wish I could remember something...
-I wish I helped your friends, because I'd really, really like a cookie.
-Я желаю помочь твоим друзьям, так как я очень-очень-очень люблю печеньки.
-I wish you a beautiful day.
-I wish you a good time in town.
-I won't forget it, I swear on my precious plushrooms!
-I won't go there ever again.
-I won't need it, thank you.#0
-I won't need it, thank you.#1
-I won't risk MY life for a few gold pieces!
-I won't. I promise.
-I wonder too...
-Я тоже удивлен...
-I wonder what took him so long?
-I wonder who is in delarium now...
-I work under the protection and the supervision of the Legion of Aemil.
-I would go myself, but for some reason I'm a non-walking NPC.
-I would go myself, but the developers were too lazy to make me walk.
-I would like to come back home when the days are better.
-I would like to create a guild.
-I would like to create a party.
-I would like to perform money transactions.
-I would like to stay here a bit more.
-I would like to store some items.
-I would prefer becoming a real Sorcerer one time. *sighs*
-I wrote your name on the book, you are now free to use the storage and bank services.
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd been trying to break it up for a while, but that kind of work is a pain.
-I'd like to buy a piou.
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they fly away when I try.
-Я бы хотел поймать одну из них, но они всё время улетают от меня.
-I'd like to get a different style.
-Я бы хотел сменить стиль.
-I'd like you to ask the villagers about the recent string of robberies.
-I'd love one!
-Я бы хотел одну!
-I'll ask Melinda later
-I'll be back in no time.
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#0
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#1
-I'll be waiting for you, then!
-I'll come back later.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.#0
-Не беспокойся, я дам ей всё, что надо.
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.#1
-Не беспокойся, я дам ему всё, что надо.
-I'll give you @@ GP for this job.
-I'll give you something if you do.
-I'll keep that in mind.
-I'll keep track of this, while you return the mask to the troupe.
-I'll return the plushroom to you, but please, do not waste my time.
-I'll share my berries with you if you help me.
-Я поделюсь с тобой ягодами, если ты мне поможешь.
-I'll wait for you here.
-I'll wait until you do.
-I'm a barber, you see. I can change your hairstyle or hair color to your current taste.
-I'm a bit sick...#0
-Я немного больна...
-I'm a bit sick...#1
-Я немного болен...
-I'm a little busy right now.
-I'm a melee warrior, I don't need bows.
-I'm afraid to go there myself, but if you take the risk, you can have half of the loot.
-I'm an expert blacksmith.
-I'm back from battle!#0
-I'm back from battle!#1
-I'm barely in when it starts raining outside, pouring cats and mouboos!
-I'm busy, leave me alone.
-I'm done with my training.#0
-I'm done with my training.#1
-I'm done.
-I'm fine for now, thank you.
-I'm fine, thanks.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#0
-Рада, что ты в порядке.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#1
-Рад, что ты в порядке.
-I'm glad you're on my side.
-Рад, что ты на моей стороне.
-I'm just a merchant, I trade and make deals, yes "excuse" me if I'm not as skilled as that stupid alchemist.
-I'm looking for Gugli, where is he?
-Я ищу Гугли, где он?
-I'm looking for some black iron ingots.
-I'm looking for somebody named Fexil.
-I'm losing my mind here, I need something else to eat!
-Я тут с ума схожу, мне нужно съесть еще что-нибудь!
-I'm lost, where should I go?#0
-Я потерялась, куда мне идти?
-I'm lost, where should I go?#1
-I'm not a pawn of the Legion, I don't have to obey you!
-I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry.
-I'm not proud of it, but I had to steal money from others to keep on living.
-I'm not suited for this kind of work!
-Я не подхожу для этой работы!
-I'm not sure where to go from here, maybe you can find something else.
-I'm not sure. They probably left the ship early this morning. I was not awake yet.
-Я не уверен. Они, возможно, оставили корабль рано утром. Я тогда ещё не проснулся.
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Legion of Aemil won't get me!
-I'm on my way! I will bring it back to you.
-I'm out of here.
-I'm proud of you – to dare to fight those trunks is admirable indeed.
-I'm really excited, this place reminds me of an ancient mythical tree, you might know what I'm talking about...
-I'm someone who respects those speaking the truth.
-I'm sorry but I can't see your name anywhere.
-Извини, но я нигде не вижу твоего имени.
-I'm sorry but I have no time to chat with you.
-Прошу прощения, но у меня нет времени на болтовню с тобой.
-I'm sorry but I'm here only to help young people.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#0
-Прошу прощения за эту ситуацию. Они должны были сменяться время от времени.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#1
-Прошу прощения за эту ситуацию. Они должны были сменяться время от времени.
-I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
-I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.
-Сейчас у меня нет времени разговаривать с тобой.
-I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything.
-I'm sorry, but I'm busy looking into this string of robberies.
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#0
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#1
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#0
-Я всё ещё немного слаба. Возможно, нам надо поговорить позднее.
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#1
-Я всё ещё немного слаб. Возможно, нам надо поговорить позднее.
-I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors.
-Я всё ещё занят. Мне нужно найти других моряков.
-I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you!
-Я еще в коме, а мой призрак охотится за тобой!
-I'm supposed to be helping Bernard from the Inn but...
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-Я уверен, Тиббо один, в юго-западном уголке острова. Он верит, что это лучшее место для сбора @@.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#1
-Уверен, скоро он без проблем сможет сражаться с существами, живущими здесь.
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#0
-Уверен, скоро она без проблем сможет сражаться с существами, живущими здесь.
-I'm sure that you already knew the answer, didn't you?
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-Я уверена, что у тебя ко мне масса вопросов, спрашивай всё, что хочешь, но сначала я должна объяснить тебе правила поведения на борту.
-I'm sure you would have some interesting stories to tell!
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#0
-Я уверен, ты будешь довольна её эффектом, но будь осторожна, эти печеньки редкие и тебе надо будет помочь сообществу ещё раз, перед тем, как просить ещё одно.
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#1
-Я уверен, ты будешь доволен её эффектом, но будь осторожен, эти печеньки редкие и тебе надо будет помочь сообществу ещё раз, перед тем, как просить ещё одно.
-I'm talking about the cookie inside which I put all my love!
-I'm the cook's assistant of the ship. I help Gado, La Johanne's Chef, in his daily work.
-Я ассистент повара на этом корабле. Я помогаю Гадо, Шефу Ля Джоанн в его повседневной работе.
-I'm the leader of a traveling theater troupe.
-I'm too busy here to observe the town.
-I'm yearning for maggot soup!
-I've remembered something else.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Я видел его в нижней части острова, осмотрись.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around.
-Я видел его в нижней части острова, осмотрись.
-I've seen him at the northern part of the island.
-Я видел его в северной части острова.
-I've seen him at the southern part of the island, check around.
-Я видел его в южной части острова, посмотри там.
-I've seen him at the top of the island.
-Я видел его на вершине острова.
-I've seen him down around the southern area of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-Я видел его где то в южной части острова, уточни у Ялада.
-I... I just like to eat the purple and delightful... And natural, and...
-Ianus is from the Legion of Aemil, don't compare me to this brigand.
-If Enora thinks this is the right place for you, then she's probably be right. Did you know she's a lieutenant of the Legion?
-If Enora wants her sword now, I need to ask for your help.
-If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you!
-Если бы я видел *ик* кем ты был... *ик* бы тебе не помог!
-If it's no trouble, could you get me a %s?
-If my memory serves me right, you were just defeated. Why don't you go out to buy better equipment?
-If not, how could CrazyKatiektch
-If only someone could help me to make my flowers bloom again.
-If so, I hope that he didn't give you any hard time, sometimes he can get up on the wrong side of the bed he becomes an embittered and grumpy old man...
-If so, please take some courage and help me!
-If the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished.
-If words beat in rhythm
-If yoiis wants to see a different use for the cards he can yeye for Resa at the light armor shop for a description of the styling cards.
-If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this!
-If you are lucky he might tell you a story about his adventures.
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#0
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#1
-If you catch the escaped piou and bring it back, I will give you a 90% discount on a piou.
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#0
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#1
-If you continue there will be none left!
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#0
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#1
-If you don't like to
-If you ever find the time, pass by Esperia, it's the greatest city in all of Gasaron!
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#0
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#1
-If you feel bored or like running around in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks to do.
-Если тебе скучно или ты словно белка в колесе, можешь поговорить с другими моряками, что бы получить новые задания.
-If you find the correct answer, I will give you these potions...
-If you get me some Coal and Iron Ingots, I could make you a very valuable shield or helmet.
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#0
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#1
-If you kill some of these tree monsters and bring me their wood I could take a look at them.
-If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default
-If you need some firewood, just let me know.
-If you need somebody to craft a weapon or a plate from diagrams I am the one that you need.
-If you need something in the future, do not hesitate to pass by here, our stock is full of boxes collecting dust.
-If you really want to, just go to the southwest, but I can't help you.
-If you search for him you should look in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the left bridge, you can't miss it!
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#0
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#1
-If you see weird things here and there, or things that just shouldn't be, or even in your minds eye, things that you would like to see...
-If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats:
-If you visit the sewers again... You'll find secret passages...
-If you wake up at the inn after a harsh battle, you will find yourself revitalized in an instant unlike other places where you can rest.
-If you want another cookie, you know what to do!
-Если хочешь ещё печеньку, ты знаешь что делать!
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#0
-Если ты хочешь быть вознаграждена, помоги нам в развитии и становлении этого мира, как лучшего.
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#1
-Если ты хочешь быть вознаграждён, помоги нам в развитии и становлении этого мира, как лучшего.
-If you want to challenge someone for a friendly match, you are at the right place.
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#0
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#1
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#0
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#1
-If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-Если ты хочешь прочитать эту страницу снова, тут есть копия на левой стене.
-If you want to say something to a specific player, you can type "/query Playername" or "/whisper Playername message", this will create a new tab on your chat window.
-If you wish to reset your stats:
-If you're looking for us there, most of us will be at the tavern of the Red Plush, at the bar counter, for Silvio's case...
-Impossible to increase the number/value.
-Impossible to resync: You are dead.
-In Artis they really do mythologize people when they die.
-In a couple of days, we will finally reach Artis.
-In case you don't have a commendatory letter from you-know-whom, I am just sitting here and observe the whales.
-In fact, everything seems to work perfectly under your guidance. Nard has made the right choice.
-Фактически, всё, кажется, отлично работает под вашим руководством. Нард сделал правильный выбор.
-In fact... Oh, the things that I could tell... But ran out of space on this... Just be reasonable and go home.
-На самом деле... О, я мог бы такое рассказать... Но должен остановиться на этом... Просто будь благоразумным и иди домой.
-In hopes of one day reconnect with the people of Ancea and establish a trade between the two continents, The City of Artis was founded. The Aemil Continent has then grown without contact with the people of Ancea.
-In order to enter a message press the '###keyChat;' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press '###keyChat;' again to send your speech.
-In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online.
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified party is online.
-Indeed! Goodbye.
-Верно! Пока.
-Indeed, I am not.#0
-В самом деле, я нет.
-Indeed, I am not.#1
-В самом деле, я нет.
-Indefinite Traning
-Infantry Helmet
-Пехотный шлем
-Information sent to login-server via char-server.
-Inside is a theater mask and a note that you cannot even begin to read.
-Instance ID: @@
-Instance variables may not be used with @set.
-Int: %d (%d~%d)
-Intelligence raises your maximum mana points (good for mages) and your mind abilities. Please note: Magic system has not yet been implemented in this world.
-Интеллект (int) увеличивает максимум маны (хорошо для магов) и ваши умственные способности. Обратите внимание: система магии пока не реализована в этом мире.
-Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then!
-Интересно...Тогда не буду тебе мешать!
-Interval: (none, only sent on login)
-Interval: every @@ hour(s)
-Introduce yourself instead of poking me around. I almost fell from the lader, savage...
-Invalid Homunculus ID.
-Invalid Monster/NPC name/ID specified.
-Invalid bound type. Valid types are - 1:Account 2:Guild 3:Party 4:Character
-Invalid color.
-Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
-Invalid e-mail. If your email hasn't been set, use
-Invalid flag name or flag.
-Invalid font. Use a value from 0 to 9.
-Invalid item ID or name.
-Invalid location number, or name.
-Invalid mob ID %s!
-Invalid mob id %s!
-Invalid mob name %s!
-Invalid monster ID or name.
-Invalid name.
-Имя задано неверно
-Invalid new e-mail. Please enter a real e-mail address.
-Invalid packet
-Invalid time for ban command.
-Invalid time for jail command.
-Invisible: Off
-Invisible: On
-Iron Armbands
-Железные наручи
-Iron Ore
-Железная руда
-Iron Potion
-Железное зелье
-Iron Shovel
-Железная лопата
-Iron Vein
-Is it possible to go back to Drasil Island?
-Is it truly a hard choice to make?
-Is not properly shaded
-Is that all you had to say?
-Is that okay?
-Is there a reward?
-А награда будет?
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#0
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#1
-Is this some kind of joke?!
-Isn't my husband Hinnak so hardworking?
-Isn't this place pretty?
-Isn't this place pretty? I love hanging out here!
-Isnt that the one Nard found on a float in the sea, with the sign of the Legion on his chest?
-It doesn't look like you have them all...
-It doesn't reply.
-It escaped!
-It has been some days now since I asked her for a box of @@s, but she hasn't delivered anything yet.
-It has started to snow.
-It hit me here *points at a bruise on his shoulder*, here *lifts his trouser leg to show another bruise*, and here *lifts his shirt and reveals even worse bruises*.
-It hurts so bad!
-It is a bit cumbersome but its strikes are deadly.
-It is a sunny day, don't you think?
-It is either a huge monster, some cultists, or someone throwing strange stuff into sewers.
-It is one of my best works.
-It is possible to yeye your cloth with my beautiful dyes.
-It is them, after all, who have the ultimate decision as to those I can give my cookies to.
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#0
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#1
-It is.
-It looked like one of the masks used by the troupe that was in town recently.
-It looks like the sweet lady is curious, am I right?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?
-It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.
-Похоже, что сейчас ты не можешь тащить что-то ещё.
-It needs so much training, but Wyara only leaves me here, standing and selling something instead of teaching me.
-It really hurts, please hurry!
-It seems I got them all!
-It seems that the boy would like to say more, but seems too terrified at the moment.
-It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-Кажется мы близко к остову, надо подняться на верхнюю палубу и посмотреть.
-It seems that you have no status points to reset!
-It seems that you need a key to open this door.
-Видимо, нужен ключ, чтобы открыть эту дверь.
-It seems the gentleman is curious, am I right sweetie?
-It seems you can't carry it right now...
-It seems you can't carry the %s.
-It seems you can't carry the bow right now.
-It seems you don't have room for my reward.
-It seems you have no wood left.
-It seems you still have some work to do.
-Похоже у тебя ещё есть работа.
-It tends to be too dark to see a mask.
-It was at night, so I could barely escape. I ran to Artis hill.
-It was heard about some adventurers whom obtained and use advanced magic, but that is still seen with bad eyes.
-It was something like a long nap.
-Это чем-то походило на длинный сон.
-It was wonderful.
-It will make an excellent bow!
-It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-Тебе не помешает немного поупражняться. На судне тесновато для этого.
-It would have been easy for me to handle it but if you do it, you can earn some respect by killing Fluffies instead of their natural predators!
-It's @@ @@.
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#0
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#1
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember me telling you that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-It's a dangerous place out here. Beware of the mischievous creatures living here!
-Это опасное место. Остерегайся злобных существ, обитающих здесь.
-It's a good place to earn money, it can also help you to travel throughout the land!
-It's a great honor for us, at the Legion, to hold the security of his business!
-It's a kind of mushroom that tastes like a marshmallow and looks like a plush! @@, get it?
-Это вид грибов, на вкус как зефир, а выглядит как плюш! @@, понятно?
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!
-Это своего рода гриб. Мы называем его так из-за вкуса: прямо как зефир. Так же причиной такого названия является внешний вид: выглядит как плюш!
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!
-Это своего рода гриб. Мы называем его так из-за вкуса: прямо как зефир. Так же причиной такого названия является внешний вид. Выглядит как плюш!
-It's a poem, about poems... Why are you asking that?
-It's a very good place if you want to make some more money.
-It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok.
-Хорошо! Ещё один ящик и порядок.
-It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one!
-It's been a while, boy!#1
-It's been a while, girl!#0
-It's better than running around in circles doing nothing.
-It's better to deal with the Merchant Guild than the old man, Don has this ability to hammer down your enthusiasm in sparkling fury!
-It's currently day, but when night falls, Candor will become darker.
-It's currently night, that's why Candor is dark.
-It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working...
-Это хорошо, хорошо... У меня есть друг, который все еще находится в коме, но я не могу быть с ней, сидя без дела...
-It's interesting and exciting at the same time!
-Она интересная и одновременно захватывающая!
-It's like your memories are locked away in your head! Cool!
-It's nearly as good as one from Esperia, have you ever been there?
-It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful.
-It's ok.
-Ничего страшного.
-It's probably full of coins, but no matter how hard you try to open it, you can't.
-It's so exciting to meet somebody with amnesia!
-It's so hard to find the motivation...
-Как трудно определиться с мотивацией...
-It's still too young to fly too far away, so it just circles nearby.
-It's the big building in northern Artis, at the top of a small hill.
-It's the good one and, ahem!
-It's to the west, on your left side. Just go through this door before the stairs and turn left afterwards. Can't miss it!
-It's true!
-Это правда!
-It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception.
-Это место, где каждое торговое судно заканчивает свой путь, и мы не будет исключением.
-Item cannot be opened when inventory is full
-Item created.
-Item database has been reloaded.
-Item not found.
-Item type not found.
-Item types on your autoloottype list:
-Item: '%s'/'%s'[%d] (%d) Type: %s | Extra Effect: %s
-Item: '%s'[%d]
-Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once.
-Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.
-У предметов бывают разные эффекты. Некоторые будут лечить тебя, некоторые могут быть использованы как оружие или доспехи, а некоторые могут быть проданы за золото
-Items on your autolootitem list:
-Its roots tore out of the earth, all the branches started to wave around, and a face appeared on the trunk.
-Ivan gave package
-Ivan grumbles and resumes his work.
-Иван поворчал и продолжил работу.
-Ivan is the one you should look for now.
-Jack explained problem
-Jack places them next to each other, adds a frame, and nails everything together.
-Jack proposes shield
-Jack saws the logs into pieces and then sands them until they are smooth to the touch.
-Jeans Chaps
-Job Level and certain equips can affect your status. You'll see the modifiers with a + sign.
-Job level can't go any higher.
-Job level can't go any lower.
-Job level lowered.
-Job level raised.
-Johanne Key
-Judgement has passed.
-Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.
-Julia на корабле, уровнем выше, используй клавиши со стрелками, чтобы идти к лестнице, или щелкни по лестнице в верхнем правом углу твоего экрана.
-Julia made an appeal to the Legion of Aemil to get in touch with you, exit the ship and you should see your escort!
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#0
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#1
-Jump to %d %d
-Jump to %s
-Just call me when you changed your mind.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Просто бей по стволу и получишь йейе @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Просто оставь меня в покое.
-Just look at my goods for sale! Fresh fruits and vegetables were shipped only this morning. And for reasonable price, of course.
-Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there.
-Just say something sparkling
-Katja asked for help
-Katja gave reward
-Keep moving boy.#1
-Keep moving girl.#0
-Keep moving.
-Keep the sword and the jacket, you deserved them!
-Keshlam expanded rapidly under the rule of King Janeb the Founder, and soon annexed the whole Ancea continent - excluding solely the Land Of Fire - to its domains, creating the Platinum Kingdom.
-Khaki Cotton Dye
-Kill at least %d pinkies and come back.
-Killed mob bitmask: @@
-Killer state reset.
-Know that every flatterer,
-Known Recipes: @@
-Kralog Voice
-Lachesis Brew
-Отвар Лахесис
-Large Healing Potion
-Большое лечебное зелье
-Large Mana Potion
-Last seen:
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#0
-Последний раз я видел тебя, потерявшейся в море на своём плоту.
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#1
-Последний раз я видел тебя, потерявшимся в море на своём плоту.
-Lazy Brother
-Leadership transferred.
-Lean for example?
-Лин, к примеру?
-Learn Skill
-Learn all recipes
-Leather Gloves
-Кожаные перчатки
-Leather Shield
-Кожаный щит
-Leather Trousers
-Кожаные брюки
-Leave it.
-Leave me alone.
-Leaves have stopped falling.
-Leaves started falling.
-Leaves |
-Left Crafty Wing
-Левое крыло Крафти.
-Legion of Aemil
-Legion's Copper Armor
-Legion's Training Shirt
-Let me check in my inventory book...
-Let me check into it...
-Let me check my cookie list...
-Дай-ка мне проверить мой печеньковый список...
-Let me explain to you what the Merchant Guild is for.
-Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
-Позволь мне представиться. Я Нард, капитан этого корабля.
-Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ @@s to reset your stats.
-Let me open it with my key.
-Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!
-Посмотрим... Хрустящие ножки, отвратительные жидкости... Так начнём же!
-Let's begin
-Let's go to Artis.
-Let's make a trade.
-Let's not keep her waiting.
-Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and never drunk.
-Скажем так, человек, который сказал мне про это - очень уважаем на этом корабле и никогда не пьёт.
-Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!
-Let's set sail then!
-Let's trade.
-Lettuce Leaf
-Листья Салата
-Light Armor Shop
-Like I promised, here is your share.
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#0
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#1
-Like, a defensive mythril card can be used on any mythril equipment, and it will improve the defense by 5% of the latter.
-Lime Cotton Dye
-Line @@ has been removed.
-List of known cooking recipes:
-List of known master skills:
-List the commands
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#0
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#1
-Little Blub
-Мелкий блаб
-Little Green Slime
-Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
-Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.
-Жизнь на корабле - это здорово, но нам иногда нужен свежий воздух.
-Lloyd gave package
-Lloyd gave pass
-Lloyd is searching something in his book.
-Lloyd still owes me, but beware of those money-grabbers, or they might sell your own teeth to you!
-Lloyd the Banker
-Log Head
-Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
-Login-server has been asked to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Login-server is offline. Impossible to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?
-Look for the hideout, but tell no one about this. Then, say the password again.
-Look how splendid this @@ is!
-Look how splendid this landscape is!
-Посмотри какой замечательный ландшафт!
-Look who is back...
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#0
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#1
-Look, here he is!
-Смотри! Он здесь!
-Look, there he is!
-Смотри! Вот он!
-Look, we finally meet.
-Looking over closely, you find a book that is upside down.
-Looks much better now, doesn't it?
-Lord Knight
-Lost the riddle
-Lousy Moccasins
-Драные мокасины
-Lovely day, isn't it?
-Lower this skill
-Lozerk told me to talk to you and join the legion.
-Luck helps you do critical hits and dodge the ones dealt by enemies.
-Удача (luk) помогает тебе наносить критические удары и уклоняться от таких ударов, наносимых врагом.
-Luckily the beach is nearby, and somehow I made my way home.
-Luk: %d (%d~%d)
-M... Maybe?
-М... Может быть?
-MOTD Config
-MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Made any progress yet?
-Maggot Slime
-Слизь личинки
-Maggot soup
-Magic Arpan
-Маг Арпан
-Magic Arpan#sailors
-Маг Арпан#sailors
-Magic Feather
-Magic was banned for lore reasons? Seriously, after the mana war, only small tricks are allowed.
-Make me proud, boy.#1
-Make me proud, girl.#0
-Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though!
-Make sure to tip her, it will brighten up her day.
-Makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Mana Bug
-Mana Ghost
-Mana Torch
-Manana Sandwich
-Manana Tree
-Manually trigger the current broadcast
-Many thanks. I can now do sandwiches again!
-Map not found.
-Map or anchor not found: %s
-Map: %s (Zone:%s) | Players: %d | NPCs: %d | Chats: %d | Vendings: %d
-Market Place
-Marriage failed.
-Master Book
-Master Fluffy was attracted by the odour,
-Master Piou sat on a tree,
-Mauve Cotton Dye
-Mauve Herb
-Сиреневая трава
-Mauve Plant
-Max HP: %d (%d~%d)
-Max SP: %d (%d~%d)
-Maxe and Sapartan for example?
-May this be a lesson for you.
-Пусть это будет тебе уроком.
-Maybe he over did it with the bottle today to celebrate that!
-Наверно он слишком хорошо отпраздновал сегодня вдвоём со своей бутылкой!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? He could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#1
-Maybe later.
-Maybe next time.
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month. She could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#0
-Maybe you can catch some of them.
-Maybe you can come down to talk?
-Может спустишься, поговорим?
-Maybe you can do his job?
-Maybe you can use it as a weapon.
-Maybe you could ask him what's wrong?
-Maybe you have more luck with something else?
-Maybe you meant:
-Maybe you should help someone else first, so that he sees your intentions are good.
-Maybe you should try this phrase?
-Maybe you too you could help me?
-Maybe you will find a piece of wood that is strong enough to become one of my forest bows.
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#0
-Возможно... Но я предпочитаю иметь хорошо подготовленных людей рядом, когда приходится сражаться с опасными тварями. Чувствуешь ли ты себя достаточно подготовленной к сражению с врагами?
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#1
-Возможно... Но я предпочитаю иметь хорошо подготовленных людей рядом, когда приходится сражаться с опасными тварями. Чувствуешь ли ты себя достаточно подготовленным к сражению с врагами?
-Me and the wife were at home all night.
-Me too.
-Meanwhile, the sun has dried the other pieces.
-Mechanic T
-Medium Healing Potion
-Среднее лечебное зелье
-Medium Mana Potion
-Merchant Guild
-Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment.
-Mercy has been granted.
-Mercy has been shown.
-Mh, I don't care for heroes.
-Mh, or perhaps honor is dead in you; for you to be so slow to comprehend the good that his exploits have wrought for us.
-Mikhail needs maggot slime
-Minstrel T
-Mint Cashmere Dye
-Mob Search... %s %s
-Mob is doing its daily noise, nature is singing its sumptuous melody, none is alone.
-Modify another line
-Modify this line
-Modify, move, or remove a line
-Mommy doesn't want me to talk to strangers.
-Mommy sent me to find my brother Bobo.
-Mona's dad
-Mona's dad is missing
-Mona's dad was rescued
-Mona's father is right behind you. You have five minutes to bring him out of sewers!
-Monster NoTeleport |
-Monster database has been reloaded.
-Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Монстр: %s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of.
-Moon needs @@
-Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@.
-Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them.
-Mostly manuals and tutorials but you won't find out until you open one!
-Move this line down
-Move this line up
-Mundane ran away, he did not trust the path you chose.
-Mundane ran straight home. He must be missing his daughter.
-Mushroom Spores
-Споры грибов
-My Mouboos, my beloved Mouboos!
-My beauty. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#0
-My breath smells bad.
-My daughter is probably worried about me. Could you perhaps lead me out of here?
-My forestbows are not made of regular wood, you know.
-My friend. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-My friends are... Well, you know... The creators.
-Мои друзья... Ну, ты знаешь... Создатели.
-My help, Mikhail, finally returned with the slimes I needed.
-My men have found all of the stolen items.
-My name is @@...
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. All I have to eat are these berries... berries... berries...
-Моё имя - Элайдж, я прятался здесь неделями. Всё что я ел, эти ягоды... Ягоды... Ягоды...
-My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-Моё имя - Астаполос. КуМюллер и я присоединились к команде Нарда несколько лет назад, когда они были всего лишь маленьким торговым судном.
-My name is General Store, they still call me this although I left the army a few years ago.
-My name is Jack Lumber, the enemy of all trees.
-My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.
-Меня зовут Джулия. Это я заботилась о тебе, после того, как мы нашли тебя в море.
-My name is Lloyd, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-My name is Q'Onan, I'm a member of Nard's crew.
-My stats are too good, I won't need it.
-NOTICE: If you crash with mount your LUA is outdated.
-NPC %d: %s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC %d: %s::%s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC Buy:%dz, Sell:%dz | Weight: %.1f
-NPC Disabled.
-NPC выключен.
-NPC Enabled.
-NPC включен.
-NPC is not in this map.
-NPC moved.
-NPC перемещен.
-NPC stylists will cut your hair!
-NPC variables may not be used with @set.
-NPC's or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help.
-Nah, I don't feel like chatting.
-Nah, maybe later.
-Name not found in list.
-Name: %s
-Name: %s (GM)
-Name: %s (GM:%d) | Location: %s %d %d
-Nard and his crew are taking us to the city of Artis.
-Nard asks to help crew
-Nard asks to solve conflict
-Nard looks surprised and stops you.
-Нард выглядит удивленным и останавливает тебя.
-Navy Blue Cotton Dye
-Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger.
-Never (only on login)
-Never since that day have I strayed near them, and yet there you are, cutting them down one by one.
-Nevertheless, you can craft some cards that you can then attach to your equipment.
-Nevertheless, you can talk with another adventurer by pressing the [Enter] key and then type what you want to say!
-New e-mail must be a real e-mail address.
-New e-mail must be different from the current e-mail address.
-New quest available: %s (level %d+)
-New warp NPC '%s' created.
-Next broadcast: (never)
-Next broadcast: @@
-Nice day to you.
-Night Mode Activated.
-Night Mode is activated
-Night mode is already enabled.
-NightmareDrop |
-Nine Castles
-Nineteen Castles
-No Exp Penalty: %s | No Zeny Penalty: %s
-No GM found.
-No Save (Return to last Save Point)
-No Save, Save Point: %s,%d,%d
-No Save, Save Point: %s,Random
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1
-No cookie for you!
-Никаких печенек для тебя!
-No item found in this player's %s.
-No item has been refined.
-No item need to be repaired.
-No longer spying on the %s guild.
-No longer spying on the %s party.
-No matter how many times I come here, I can't find the reason for the strange sounds...
-No matter the grammar
-No matter the spelling
-No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
-No more pain, thanks to you.
-No one who has met him would say such silly things.
-No player found in map '%s'.
-No player found.
-No problem, come back later if you changed your mind!
-No problem, do you have any other questions for me?
-Без проблем! У тебя есть еще вопросы?
-No problem, see you next time.
-No thank you, I'm fine. I'll come back later.
-Нет, спасибо, всё в порядке. Я приду позже.
-No thanks, not at the moment.
-Нет, спасибо. Не сейчас.
-No thanks.
-No you don't have to go. I need your help, so you have to stay.
-No! No, no, my precious plushrooms! Don’t take me to them, they wants my precious.
-No, I can't. I won't! All I wanted was to travel across the seas for fun, growl... sniff. And in this hole in the floor, as you can see, I have lots of fun.
-No, I don't, but I would like to know more about that.
-Нет, но мне бы хотелось больше узнать об этом.
-No, I feel fine.
-No, I haven't seen anything.
-No, I'm fine.
-No, I'm still looking.
-No, and I gotta go, see you.
-Нет, и мне надо идти. Увидимся.
-No, none.
-Нет, ничего.
-No, sorry.
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Нет, они слишком опасны для меня!
-No. Sorry.
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#0
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#1
-NoAutoloot |
-NoBaseEXP |
-NoBranch |
-NoCalcRank |
-NoCommand |
-NoDrop |
-NoGuild |
-NoIcewall |
-NoJobEXP |
-NoMVPLoot |
-NoMemo |
-NoMobLoot |
-NoParty |
-NoReturn |
-NoSkill |
-NoTeleport |
-NoTrade |
-NoVending |
-NoViewID |
-NoWarp |
-NoWarpTo |
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians.
-Никто не узнает о существовании Меркурийцев
-Nobody! *burp*
-Никто! *бурп*
-Noh Mask
-Маска Но
-None Taken
-None of my troupe have left the city since we got here.
-None of the raindrops touched her, as if they were afraid!
-None of them?
-Ни один из них?
-Nope, there are no secrets hidden within the ship's hull. Some sailors swear they have seen stowaways hidden somewhere. The bow or the stern? Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Нет, тут нету секретов, скрытых внутри остова корабля. Некоторые моряки клянутся, что видели "зайцев", прятавшихся где то. У носа или у кормы? Просто байки, которые любят моряки...
-Normal Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Normally, collaborative monsters behave like neutral monsters. Unless someone of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor.
-North East
-North West
-Not a hexadecimal digit:
-Not a string:
-Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running after a player and you stand in the way...
-Not content to stay buried in their burrows in the sand, Crocs can be quite a nuisance, infesting this whole island. Tender Feet and Newbies are advised: Avoid touching these crawling red devils. They have huge, deadly claws that can make mincemeat of you! You can recognize them easily by their crabby personalities. Be careful younglings.
-Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!
-Не каждый имеет такой ум. Мошенники могут быть везде, даже среди нас!
-Not in the mood to chat.
-Not my problem.#0
-Not my problem.#1
-Not now, thank you.
-Not now.
-Not now. You see, I am also afraid of Slimes and Rattos!
-Not really. All I got was a headache...
-Not resync'ing to prevent flood.
-Not so good actually... I would feel better on Nard's ship.
-Не так уж и хорошо, так-то... Я бы чувствовал себя лучше на корабле Нарда.
-Not so weird, perhaps, except that it was been bright and sunny just a second before!
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!#1
-Не хочу разрушать твои мечты, но... Джулия моя!
-Not yet, I'll be back.#0
-Not yet, I'll be back.#1
-Not yet, but I am working on it.
-Not yet.
-Еще нет.
-Not yet. I will be back soon.
-Пока что нет. Я скоро вернусь.
-Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. %s
-Nothing like a well-deserved %s after a long day of tending the crops!
-Nothing, just hanging around.
-Ничего, просто бродил вокруг.
-Nothing, sorry.
-Пока ничего, спасибо.
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#0
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#1
-Now go outside and talk to Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what provisions we need.
-Теперь выйди наружу и поговори с Гугли, он скажет что нам нужно.
-Now it is junk.
-Now let's see...
-Now listen to and ponder my words...
-Now move!
-А теперь, иди!
-Now stand still... It should not take much time...
-Now that I think about it, I have another task for you. I asked Resa from the light armor shop to craft me some new clothes, she is a bit far from here, I can't go there because I need to watch the dock.
-Now that I think about it, they are the only shops that are independent in Artis...
-Now that you bring up that topic, that reminds me of something...
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1
-Now, leave me alone...
-А сейчас... Оставь меня в покое...
-Now, lets get back to business.
-Now, move!
-А теперь, иди!
-Nowhere, I'm fine here.
-Number of skill points changed.
-Number of status points changed.
-OK, I'll ask him.
-OK, let's trade.
-OK, thanks.
-Of course there is a reward for your task.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#1
-Of course!
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list.
-Of course! What do you need?
-Of course, I'll go get them for you.
-Of course, as a fully-fledged crew member you can decide of the destination of La Johanne directly with Nard.
-Of course, so why do I still see open sea from the porthole?
-Of course, the Legion of Aemil can easily provide you with such training, even if you're not a member. Just great, isn't it?
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.
-Конечно. Они на левой стене. Пойди и посмотри на них.
-Of course, they are on the left wall. Go have a look at them.
-Of course, you can select a bed somewhere else after your reservation, but you won't get your HP recovery until you choose to get some rest in the inn.
-Of the two of them, who has 'good' on their side?
-Из них двоих, на чьей стороне 'добро'?
-Official crew member
-Oh I see... Sailors are not able to do their job anymore, is it like that?!
-Вижу... Моряки не могут продолжать свою работу, что то вроде этого?
-Oh alright, nevermind then.
-Ох, хорошо. Забудь, тогда.
-Oh and guess what! I'm almost out of potions anyway.
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#0
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#1
-Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
-О, хорошо! Он также вернул тебе твои деньги?
-Oh hey *hicks*
-Oh hey!
-Oh look, there's a piou behind you!
-О, посмотри, позади тебя пию!
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#0
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other part of this island, I wonder what it could be...
-Oh no, the piou escaped!
-Oh no, you still have @@ Fluffies to kill.
-Oh noes!
-Oh noes! You found my secret backdoor!
-Oh oh... I see, your party became so big that you want to create an even larger structure?
-Oh really? How could I forget something as important as that?!
-Правда? Как я мог забыть что-то настолько важное?!
-Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then.
-Что, правда? Тогда я положу больше припасов в следующую коробку.
-Oh right, I totally forgot about that, here you go.
-Oh sure I remember you.
-Oh thank you so much!
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
-Ну, мы спасли тебя, когда ты йейла на плоту по течению в море.
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
-Ну, мы спасли тебя, когда ты йейл на плоту по течению в море.
-Oh yes, I have one last errand for you, Q'Pid in the market sells potions.
-Oh yeye did, his store is just beside me!
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
-Ох йейейе... Раз они не съедобны, может ты попробуешь экипировать их?
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
-Ох йейейе... Раз они не съедобны, может ты попробуешь экипировать их?
-Oh! And in one of the rooms of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-О! И в одной из комнат второй палубы ты найдёшь ножи Гадо. Наш шеф держит их остро заточенными... Возможно не только, что бы резать морковь...
-Oh! And our party chat was really entertaining, I do highly recommend you to share this fun as well.
-Oh! I like that sort of answer!
-Мне нравится этот ответ!
-Oh! You saved me, I was too afraid to unpack my stuff without this pass.
-Oh, I can't be sure...
-Oh, I hope you stayed and listened to his stories about his adventures.
-Oh, I see. That's right. Why should someone come here to see me, seriously?
-О, я вижу. Верно. Серьёзно, зачем кому-то приходить сюда, увидеть меня?
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-О, я собирался спросить тебя - не хочешь ли ты помочь команде в поисках еды и исследовании острова?
-Oh, a traveller. Welcome.
-Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.
-О, и я чуть не забыл! Не давай пароль от своей комнаты никому! Я единственный, у кого есть запасной ключ и я не буду спрашивать тебя, так что держи это в секрете и старайся не использовать тот же пароль в любой другой комнате в будущем.
-Oh, and I'll also need %s E for other materials.
-Oh, and Olga from the marketplace as well!
-Oh, and a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! But stay alert to pick up your drops.
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#0
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#1
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, one of the four main guilds of Gasaron. Does that help you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing.
-Oh, but I'll still need the book. Even if all pages are white.
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#0
-О, ты же не пришла сюда говорить об этом, так?
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#1
-О, ты же не пришёл сюда говорить об этом, так?
-Oh, he is not far away from here. Just take the road through the crocojungle north from here.
-О, он не так далеко отсюда. Иди на север, через крокоджунгли.
-Oh, he's still alive!#1
-О, он ещё жив!
-Oh, hi, isn't it cool to live among all those Mouboos? I don't understand how some people can eat Mouboo steak.
-Oh, hi.
-Oh, it is simple. I have on this book the names of every citizen of Artis and its surroundings.
-Oh, it's you.
-Ох, это ты.
-Oh, it's you. I think it's better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something.
-О... Это ты. Я думаю, будет лучше, если мы не будем разговаривать некоторое время. Они что-то подозревают.
-Oh, nooooo... If I go home now, my mum will give me chores.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-О, и ещё, мы нашли немного денег в твоих карманах, вот они!
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-О, и ещё, мы нашли немного денег в твоих карманах, вот они!
-Oh, ok. Come back later if you need something.
-Oh, please hurry and bring me a %s.
-Oh, she's still alive!#0
-О, она ещё жива!
-Oh, that's really bad news.
-Oh, the little...
-Oh, too bad.
-Oh, wait a second...
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#0
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#1
-Oh, you look more interested in magic.. the brotherhood did forbid most of the interesting paths of magic, but boring baby spells are still allowed.
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#0
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#1
-Oh... Awesome!
-Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
-Ох.. Эм, да, или, ну, хорошего тебе дня!
-Oh... Ok, I will be around here if you change your mind.
-Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best.
-Ох... Ладно, я только начал торговать... Поэтому моя техника возможно не из лучших.
-Oh... You should have started with this!
-Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes.
-О... Есть крыс. Звучит... Эм... Аппетитно, да.
-Oh... um... actually... all I wanted was to get to Artis. Err... but I didn't, uhm... have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Oh? And do you think you have what it takes to be a proud Legion Member?
-Ok I add your name... @@...
-Ok I stay here with my paperwork if you need my help.
-Ok fine, you have up to 3 tries, here is the riddle:
-Ok then.
-Ok we stay docked here if you need our help.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.#1
-Ладно, думаю он просыпается, иди посмотри.
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.#0
-Ладно, думаю она просыпается, иди посмотри.
-Ok, I will bring it to him.
-Ok, I will leave him alone.
-Хорошо, я оставлю его в покое.
-Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Ладно, потерпи еще немного, через несколько дней мы прибудем в порт Артиса...
-Ok, done.
-Хорошо, сделано.
-Ok, let me see...
-Ok, see you then!
-Хорошо, увидимся!
-Ok, sorry. Back to our fluffies.
-Okay, I'll be here, if you change your mind.
-Okay, but there won't be any explosions.
-Okay, you can start!
-Хорошо, ты можешь начинать!
-Okay... Tell my sister I'll go home soon.
-Old Book
-Старая книга
-Old Man
-Old Woman
-Old line:
-On March 213CCE, Chancellor Benjamin Frost, with support of the council, proclaimed the Republic of Ancea. This event would become known as the Blue Revolution.
-On a side note, more defense is always good, but the damage won't decrease on the same rate that defense raises.
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but you attack from a safer position. On the other hand, depending on the level of the weapon, melee ones potentially can yeild quicker kills.
-С одной стороны оружие дальнего боя обычно слабее, чем ближнего, за то ты атакуешь с более безопасной позиции. С другой стороны, в зависимости от уровня оружия, оружие ближнего боя потенциально убивает быстрее.
-On the year 206CCE, after a long crisis of succession, a minor noble only known as Queen Platyna the Red came to inherit the Platinum Crown.
-Once the monster is dead, click on the dropped items to add them to your inventory. You can also use the 'Z' key to claim the drops.
-Когда монстр умрёт, выпадет предмет. Чтобы добавить его в инвентарь - кликните на нём. Вы так же можете использовать клавишу "Z", чтобы подобрать выпавшие предметы.
-Once used, they will disappear from your inventory.
-One Castle
-One advice: Don't take the things those drinkers say too serious. They are sitting here and drinking all day.
-One last thing to keep in mind... If you are surrounded, you'll suffer an agility and defense penalty.
-One of its branches hit me!
-One of these little boogers started flying early, and escaped from me.
-Only Don and the Merchant Guild have that kind of material in stock. It's called black iron.
-Only after you prove yourself, you may join our ranks as a proud member! Hahah!
-Only one more Fluffy to kill and it's done!
-Oooh, perfect! It's perfect!
-Oooh, these wounds! They hurt so much!
-Open your inventory window (###keyWindowInventory; key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button.
-Opened treasure chest
-Options changed.
-Or almost like me, at the very least.
-Or do you want to keep your friendships and adventures in different groups?
-Or you can take seat and ask Melinda if you need something.
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#0
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#1
-Orange Cotton Dye
-Other Drop Rates: MvP %.2fx / Card-Based %.2fx / Treasure %.2fx
-Other Flags:
-Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea.
-Кроме того, я не знаю что происходит вокруг, так что лучше спрашивай обо всём Капитана.
-Other things are written but are not legible anymore.
-Тут написано что-то другое, но неразборчиво.
-Ouch... These boxes are so heavy!
-Ай... Эти ящики слишком тяжелые!
-Our building here is also the finest place in the town. Just go and see for yourself!
-Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family!
-Наша команда как семья и если ты согласен помочь нам, я с радостью приму тебя в нашу семью!
-Our main responsibility in the city is to protect the Merchant Guild.
-Our mommy doesn't allow us to go there, because it's dangerous. But he doesn't listen!
-Our only wish to eat a plush, so juicy sweet...
-Out of creativity already? Don't worry, I don't judge! Hehe.
-Over lovers under a starry night
-Packet 0x%x length: %d
-Partner not ready.
-Party modification is disabled in this map.
-PartyLock |
-People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck.
-Perfect! I will wait for you here.
-Perhaps, and only perhaps, if you bring me the latter, I can bring you to a ship that will perhaps, and only perhaps, be able to bring you to Woodland.
-Pet hunger changed.
-Pet hunger is already at maximum.
-Pet intimacy changed.
-Pet intimacy is already at maximum.
-Peter needs help
-Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Pff... Nickel nurser!
-Piberries Infusion
-Pile Of Ash
-Pink Antennae
-Pink Blobime
-Розовый Слизеком
-Pink Cotton Dye
-Pink Flower
-Pink Petal
-Розовый лепесток
-Pinkie Hat
-Шапка пинки
-Piou Feathers
-Перья Пию
-Piou Legs
-Лапки пию
-Piou Slayer
-Убийца Пию
-Piou and The Fluffy
-Piou egg
-Яйцо Пию
-Piouleg Sandwich
-Pious must keep a strict diet composed of Piberries.
-Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d
-Player '%s' has now been banned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' has now been unbanned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' is already banned from this channel
-Player '%s' is not banned from this channel
-Player '%s' was not found
-Player database has been reloaded.
-Player has been nuked!
-Player is not muted.
-Player is using %s skill tree (%d basic points).
-Player requires level %d of skill %s.
-Player unjailed.
-Player unmuted.
-Player warped to jail.
-Please bring it to me!
-Please bring me @@s so I can pull out these spikes from my foot.
-Please choose the desired gender:
-Please come again with at least 10 INT and 20 DEX. Stat Bonuses aren't counted.
-Please come back anytime!
-Please come talk to me, I'll help you get dressed.
-Please continue talking to the villagers.
-Please do hurry and bring me %d %s, so I can finish my soup!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, or get my hair mussed!
-Пожалуйста, никому не говори, что видел меня. Я не хочу быть обезглавленным или брошенным в море на корм акулам, или что бы мои волосы спутались!
-Please don't touch my stove without my authorization.
-Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only.
-Пожалуйста, не трогай эти шляпы, они только для членов команды.
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguise <name/ID>).
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguiseall <name/ID>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @enablenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @hidenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @npcoff <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @tonpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a clothes color (usage: @dye/@ccolor <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a guild name (usage: @guild <guild_name>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildrecall <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildspy <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a hair color (usage: @haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a hair style (usage: @hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a homunculus ID (usage: @makehomun <homunculus id>).
-Please enter a hunger value (usage: @homhungry <hunger value [0-100]>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @homlevel <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a map (usage: @warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @broadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @homtalk <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @kami <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @localbroadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @me <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @pettalk <message>).
-Please enter a mob name/ID and guild name/ID (usage: @disguiseguild <mob name/ID>, <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter a mob name/id (usage: @showmobs <mob name/id>)
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @mobsearch <monster name>).
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @summon <monster name> {duration}).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @whereis <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster/egg name/ID (usage: @makeegg <pet>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @skpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @stpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a party name (usage: @party <party_name>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyrecall <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyspy <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @block <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jail <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @kick <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @nuke <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @recall <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @trade <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unban <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unblock <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unjail/@discharge <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unmute <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @where <char name>).
-Please enter a position bitmask and an amount (usage: @refine <equip position> <+/- amount>).
-Please enter a quest skill ID.
-Please enter a script file name (usage: @loadnpc <file name>).
-Please enter a skill name to look up (usage: @skillid <skill name>).
-Please enter a sound filename (usage: @sound <filename>).
-Please enter a speed value (usage: @speed <%d-%d>).
-Please enter a status type/flag (usage: @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}).
-Please enter a time in minutes (usage: @mutearea/@stfu <time in minutes>).
-Please enter a valid amount.
-Please enter a valid level (usage: @guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels>).
-Please enter a valid number (usage: @pethungry <0-100>).
-Please enter a valid position (usage: @memo <memo_position:%d-%d>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @petfriendly <0-1000>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @str/@agi/@vit/@int/@dex/@luk <+/-adjustment>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
-Please enter an amount (usage: @spiritball <number: 0-%d>).
-Please enter an amount (usage: @zeny <amount>).
-Please enter an amount.
-Please enter an effect number (usage: @effect <effect number>).
-Please enter an intimacy value (usage: @homfriendly <intimacy value [0-1000]>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @itembound <item name/ID> <quantity> <bound_type>).
-Please enter an item name/ID (usage: @ii/@iteminfo <item name/ID>).
-Please enter an item name/ID, a quantity, and a player name (usage: #delitem <player> <item_name_or_ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter at least one item name/ID (usage: @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of very's>).
-Please enter at least one option.
-Please enter at least one valid list number (usage: @mapinfo <0-3> <map>).
-Please enter at least one value (usage: @model <hair ID: %d-%d> <hair color: %d-%d> <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter ban time and a player name (usage: @ban <time> <char name>).
-Please enter color and message (usage: @kamic <color> <message>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @sizeguild <size> <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @undisguiseguild <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter item name/ID (usage: @whodrops <item name/ID>).
-Please enter part of an item name (usage: @idsearch <part_of_item_name>).
-Please enter the combat zone on the left.
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalk <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalkc <color> <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the desired color
-Please enter the desired race
-Please enter the desired style
-Please enter the message:
-Please enter the new line.
-Please enter two e-mail addresses (usage: @email <current@email> <new@email>).
-Please find daddy...
-Please find my daddy...
-Please find the small chest, buried somewhere on Artis hill.
-Please go talk to the leader of the traveling troupe about the theater mask.
-Please go talk to their leader about this.
-Please guide me.
-Please return the mask to the traveling troupe.
-Please select a category:
-Please select a chapter:
-Please select a quest:
-Please select an option:
-Please select the interval:
-Please specify a display name or monster name/id.
-Please take this @@ for your help.
-Please try to figure out what went wrong with this order and bring me those potions.
-Please write the following sentence:
-Please, have a seat.
-Please, leave me alone. I have to pixel potions.
-Pleasure to meet you. I am @@.
-Плюшевый гриб
-Plushroom Box
-Ящик плюшевых грибов
-Plushroom Field
-Поляна плюшевых грибов
-Plushrooms you say?
-Poem about Poems
-Poem is making the words dance
-Poison Skull
-Poisoned Dish
-Отравленное блюдо
-Poisoned Julia
-Poor Chelios, I don't envy him...
-Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe 8:Body
-Potions? That sounds useful. What do you have?
-Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior.
-Press the '###keyTrade;' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations.
-Previous Inn reservation will be lost!
-Princess Slayer
-PrivateAirshipEndable |
-PrivateAirshipStartable |
-Protect me, please...
-Pumpkin Hat
-Пустая тыква
-Pumpkin Juice
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Тыквенные семена
-Purple Blobime
-Purple Cotton Dye
-Put on your thinking cap and be propelled into high adventure!
-PvP Flags:
-PvP Off.
-PvP On.
-PvP is already Off.
-PvP is already On.
-Pvp ON |
-Q'Onan asks to find chest
-Quest complete
-Quest database has been reloaded.
-Quest debug
-Quest state: @@
-Quest state: @@, @@
-Raijin Voice
-Голос раджина
-Raise this skill
-Raises your Int by 50
-Raises your base level by 50
-Raises your job level by 50
-Ranger T
-Rate management
-Ratto Tail
-Крысиный хвост
-Ratto Teeth
-Крысиные зубы
-Raw Log
-Read it.
-Really? That's kind of you, I accept your help!
-Правда? Как мило с твоей стороны. Я принимаю твою помощь!
-Recipe Book
-Red Cotton Dye
-Red Plush Wine
-Red Rose
-Red Tulip
-Reduces your Int by 50
-Reduces your base level by 50
-Reduces your job level by 50
-Refinery UI is not available
-Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork.
-Related quests:
-Remember that some equipment sets will give you hidden stat bonuses! So dress yourself in a fashion way, if possible!
-Remember to stay sharp. I might need your help on another case.
-Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own.
-Remember, you have to find my brother on the hill east of here.
-Remind me, what should I do?
-Remove this line
-Remove this skill
-Removed %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Removed %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Removed all bans from the '%s' channel
-Removed item type: '%s' from your autoloottype list.
-Removed item: '%s'/'%s' {%d} from your autolootitem list.
-Repeat how many times?
-Repeat: @@ times
-Report back to me once you've had enough!
-Requires logout
-Resa gave package
-Reset 'Feeling' maps.
-Reset Quest
-Reset all recipes
-Reset done!
-Reset stats, skills, level
-Reset subquests
-Reset |
-Return to Artis?
-Return to Debug menu
-Return to Super Menu
-Return to main menu
-Return to skill debug menu
-Returned piou to Salem
-Returned to normal state.
-Returned to real name.
-Returning to normal font.
-Right Crafty Wing
-Правое крыло Крафти.
-Right over there.
-Right! Ours is an earthsea realm. You see, sailors are swift at their tasks when out of sight of land, but docked by this verdant jewel, they have it so good, they are just taking too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Правильно! Наша область: земноморье. Ты видишь, моряки быстро справляются со своей работой, пока на горизонте нет земли, однако пришвартовавшись к этой зеленой драгоценности, они так радуются, что доставка продовольствия на корабль занимает у них слишком много времени. Может быть, ты сможешь им помочь.
-Roasted Maggot
-Жареная личинка
-Robin Bandit
-Royal Guard
-Royal Guard T
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Хррр... Пшшшш...
-Ruby Shard
-Ruby Vein
-Rumly is hiding behind the tree.
-Rumly needs your help
-Rumly wants @@
-Rune Knight
-Rune Knight T
-Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
-Sagratha is great.
-Sagratha is great. Why does the strange woman near the Legion building always say that to daddy...?
-Said her friend had told her that I needed help.
-Sakura |
-Salem asks to catch piou
-Sapphire Shard
-Sapphire Vein
-Say her love to glamourous Gliktch?
-Scared me, those seven-branched little stumps did!
-Scary... I am afraid of all these Slimes, Rattos and Maggots... And worse, I am lost...
-Scheduled broadcasts
-Scheduled broadcasts - Create new
-Script could not be loaded.
-Script loaded.
-Scripts have been reloaded.
-Sea Drops
-Капли морской воды
-Sea water?! I will not help you with your evil plan!
-Морская вода?! Я не стану участвовать в злодействе!
-Search results for '%s' (name: id):
-Searched the bookcase
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-Во-вторых, разумно выбирай оружие, подходящее для тебя. Некоторые предпочитают встречать врагов лицом к лицу с тяжёлой секирой в руках, другие предпочитают атаку на расстоянии, например с луком.
-See if someone else knows anything.
-See you aboard.
-Увидимся на борту.
-See you later!
-Увидимся позже!
-See you next time!
-See you soon!
-Скоро увидимся!
-See you!
-See you! And come back with the plushrooms!
-See you.
-Seeing her gaze, for a moment there I thought she would turn me into a pinkie, for sure...
-Seek a colorant for that material:
-Seems I've helped everyone here. I don't know what to do now!
-Похоже я всем помог. Я не знаю что делать!
-Seems yummy! Let me taste it!
-Выглядит вкусно! Дай попробовать!
-Send 10 times
-Send 2 times
-Send 20 times
-Send 3 times
-Send 5 times
-Send indefinitely
-Send only once
-Send this message also on login?
-Sending request to login server...
-Sent on login: @@
-Sent on login: yes
-Sent packet 0x%x (%d)
-Sent to Q'Anon
-Sent to battle
-Sent to training
-Sent: @@ times out of @@
-Seriously? It's just a cookie you know... Tell me what I should do to get one.
-Серьёзно? Это всего лишь печенье, знаешь... Расскажи мне как мне получить одну?
-Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds.
-Server is jammed due to overpopulation.
-Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X.
-Set a new broadcast
-Set battle_config as requested.
-Set state manually
-Set subquests as completed
-Set the level manually
-Seven Castles
-Seventeen Castles
-Shadow Chaser
-Shadow Chaser T
-Share your mind is your mission
-She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
-Она мой лучший друг... Мы хотели пожениться за несколько недель до несчастного случая, но...
-She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.
-Она медсестра и судовой содержатель этого корабля.
-She is very skilled when it comes to weaving an ordinary piece of cloth into a wonderful work of art!
-She is waiting for you on the dock.
-She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-Она сказала, что примет меня, когда у пию зубы отрастут. Это только дело времени, понимаешь?
-She told me that you had some tasks for me.
-She wants? What if I don't want?
-She wasn't at home for two days now. I worry about her!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0
-Она наверху, не пропустишь йейеё. Она единственная девушка на корабле... ой, да, теперь за исключением тебя йейейе!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1
-Она наверху, не пропустишь йейеё. Она единственная девушка в команде.
-Shhht, don't say it that loud...
-Цыц, не говори это так громко...
-Shht shht!
-Тсс тссс!
-Shop is out of stock! Come again later!
-Short Bow
-Короткий лук
-Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail.
-Silk Cocoon
-Шелковый кокон
-Silk Pants
-Шелковые штаны
-Silk Robe
-Шелковое одеяние
-Silver Cotton Dye
-Silvio for example?
-Сильвио, к примеру?
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave, letting him have a private conversation.
-Сильвио начал разговаривать с бутылкой, вы уходите, что бы не мешать его приватной беседе.
-Simply contact them, by forum or wispers or irc. When you are helpful and kind, they respond in kind. And in time they may surely add you to my cookie list!
-Since Don settled in Artis he and his band refused to register to the Merchant Guild.
-Sincerely yours, Dan.
-Six Castles
-Sixteen Castles
-Size change applied.
-Skill Debug
-Skill Debug - Modify Skill
-Skill database has been reloaded.
-Skill delay failures are now shown.
-Skill delay failures will not be shown.
-Skills have been disabled in this map.
-Skills have been enabled in this map.
-Slave clone spawned.
-Slay some of them and bring me %d of their antennae.
-Sleep well my angel but don't follow along
-Small Healing Potion
-Маленькое лечебное зелье
-Small Mana Potion
-Small Tentacles
-Маленькие щупальца
-Snow has stopped falling.
-Snow |
-So I go inside.
-So I rush out, my wife telling me to leave the witch alone, and I see her standing there in the middle of the rain...
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#0
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#1
-So be nice and help people along the way!
-So close!
-So finally someone has came to visit me?
-Кто-то, наконец-то, пришел навестить меня?
-So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing.
-So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day!
-Кажется, у меня появился ещё один пустой желудок. Эти ублюдки не уважают того, кто кормит их каждый чёртов день!
-So my wife said that I should go and see the witch, just in case she knows something.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.#1
-Вот почему мы хотели предупредить тебя, возможно он из той гильдии, знак которой был на плоту.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.#0
-Вот почему мы хотели предупредить тебя, возможно она из той гильдии, знак которой был на плоту.
-So the next day another witch shows up.
-So you beat the monster? Then why are you so scared?
-So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1
-So you're under the control of a dictatorship? That's... reassuring!
-So, I guess you aren't chopping down trees anymore?
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#0
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#1
-So, do you have anything for me today?
-И так, у тебя есть что-то для меня?
-So, do you still want a cookie?
-So, everything went fine?
-So, finally, we are here.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now.
-Ну, как ты себя чувствуешь? Джулия чудесно над тобой поработала! Сейчас ты выглядишь здоровым.
-So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
-Как у тебя дела? Ты встретился с кем-нибудь из команды кроме меня?
-So, search for answers.
-So, what can I do for you?
-Так что я могу сделать для тебя?
-So, what do you say?
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats in Artis?#0
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitresses of Artis?#1
-So, what was I saying?
-Так что я говорил?
-So, where is my piou? You should not keep an old man waiting. Go and catch it like you said you would.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#0
-Так ты наконец проснулась? Мы думали ты была в чём то вроде... Знаешь, такие затяжные комы.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#1
-Так ты наконец проснулся? Мы думали ты был в чём то вроде... Знаешь, такие затяжные комы.
-So? You haven't exploded yet! Are you getting anything?
-Solved conflict
-Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box.
-Внутри - несколько бандан и бескозырок.
-Some citizens are worried about the growing number of Fluffies on the hill of Artis.
-Some food.
-Немного еды.
-Some of the crew are looking for goods we can trade with at our next destination.
-Часть команды занята поиском товаров, которые мы сможем продать на нашей следующей остановке.
-Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop.
-Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that.
-Some people prefer to catch fish using magic, but calling that "fishing" would be an insult to this traditional sport.
-Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@.
-Some special items cannot be traded, discarded, nor sold. With a right click, you can also protect normal items as if they were special ones.
-Some tasks will help you become aquainted with Artis. Trust me.
-Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit.
-Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning when you try to sell them.
-Somebody is probably training, better wait for him to finish.
-Somebody is waiting for you outside!
-Кое-кто ждет тебя снаружи!
-Somebody took your place on this spot!
-Somebody tried to stroke the word "fish" and tried to replace it with "sharkes".
-Somehow you don't feel good about your deed.
-Someone in a theater mask, eh?
-Something else?
-Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit.
-Со мной что то не так: я не могу ни улыбнуться, ни сесть.
-Sometimes a good merchant needs to reach out first. It's on the house, give Chelios my regards!
-Sometimes, I wish someone would be sent here to help us.
-Иногда, я мечтаю о том, что бы кого нибудь прислали помочь нам.
-Sorcerer T
-Sorry I didn't mean to bother you.
-Sorry buddy, you can't pass by this way, we're moving some furniture.
-Sorry but I have no time for this.
-Прости, но у меня нет на это времени.
-Sorry i can't help you. Go away!
-Sorry to disturb you.
-Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Прости, я забыл представиться. Меня зовут Арпан, но другие матросы называют меня Маг Арпан, потому что я знаю пару заклинаний.
-Sorry, I am not making these anymore.
-Sorry, I don't know any recipe with this.
-Sorry, I have to go.
-Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations.
-Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment.
-Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Я ничего об этом не помню.
-Sorry, but you don't have what I need.
-Sorry, but you have no pet.
-Sorry, my eyesight is a bit poor nowadays. Where are the ingredients?
-Sorry, no.
-Sorry, this log was too weak for one of my forest bows.
-Sorry, we are sold out for today.
-Sorry, you look like a pinkie.
-Sorry. I can't make a sandwich with that.
-Sorry... here you are.
-Soul Linker
-Soul Menhir#hurnscald
-Sounds good!
-Sounds like a good deal to me. I'll do it.
-South East
-South West
-Southwest you say? OK, thank you.
-Specified group does not exist.
-Speed changed.
-Speed returned to normal.
-Spend it wisely this time.
-Spiky Mushroom
-Spying on the %s guild.
-Spying on the %s party.
-Squichy Claws
-Когти белки
-Star Gladiator
-Start broadcasting
-Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now
-Start over
-Stat changed.
-Stats: Str %d / Agi %d / Vit %d / Int %d / Dex %d / Luk %d
-Status database has been reloaded.
-Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Stay clear.
-Stay here, I will be back as soon as I have some.
-Steel Shield
-Стальной щит
-Stop broadcasting
-Stop disturbing me, I already re-read that part twice because of you!
-Stop heckling her, Silvio, or I'll tell her how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#0
-Stop heckling him, Silvio, or I'll tell him how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#1
-Stop it!
-Stop wasting my time.
-Storage has been not loaded yet.
-Storage opened.
-Str: %d (%d~%d)
-Strange, it seems I became younger lately.
-Strangely enough, this lid can only be open from inside.
-Strength multiplies the damage of your hits, especially melee ones. You will also be able to carry heavier stuff.
-Сила (str) увеличивает урон ваших ударов, особенно в ближнем бою. Кроме того вы сможете нести больший груз.
-Stupid yeye...
-Тупой йейе...
-Styling Shop
-Suddenly you remember the strange phrase Mona overheard Sophialla saying
-Super Baby
-Super Menu
-Super Novice
-Sura T
-Sure I did.
-Sure! [Don't tip]
-Sure! [Tip 10 Florin]
-Sure! [Tip 5 Florin]
-Sure, I'll go get one. Bye!
-Sure, any time!
-Sure, but what will I get in exchange?
-Конечно, но что я получу взамен?
-Sure, but what will you give me in exchange?
-Конечно, но что дашь мне взамен?
-Sure, cap'tain.
-Конечно, капитан.
-Sure, here they are!
-Sure, here you go!
-Sure, here you go.
-Sure, why not?
-Конечно, почему бы и нет?
-Surely you do not appreciate what a hero he is!
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Конечно. Возьми этот ящик, наполненный @@.
-Surprise me!
-Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be
-Take a Bandana.
-Взять бандану
-Take a cup of tea until something happens here.
-Take an @@ and a @@, yeye obtains a @@.
-Take care!
-Будь осторожней!
-Take the east road that goes to the north and follow it until you are on top of the cliff.
-Take the sword, and say hi to Enora for me!
-Take these coins in exchange and be careful.
-Возьми эти монеты взамен и будь осторожен.
-Take this money as a reward for your nice words.
-Возьми эти деньги в награду за твои хорошие слова.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. The open sea has been merciful with you once... Do not further tempt the fates!
-Возьми эти деньги за свой разумный выбор. Но не пытайся повторить это. Открытое море пощадило тебя в этот раз... Не стоит искушать судьбу снова!
-Take your reward from the box next to my desk!
-Возьми свою награду из ящика, рядом с моим столом.
-Talk to Hector and he'll show you the ropes.
-Talk to you later!
-Поговорим позже!
-Talk to you soon!
-Скоро поговорим!
-Talk with Lloyd the Banker in the Merchant Guild, it's a big building in the northern side of Artis, at the top of the small hill.
-Talked to Inspector (1)
-Talked to Inspector (2)
-Talked to Inspector (3)
-Talked to Inspector (4)
-Talked to Inspector (5)
-Talked to Inspector (6)
-Talked to Janus
-Talked to Malek
-Talked to Old Man
-Talked to Old Woman (1)
-Talked to Old Woman (2)
-Talked to Old Woman (3)
-Talked to Old Woman (4)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (1)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (2)
-Talked to narrator
-Target character must be online and be a guild member.
-Target character must be online and in your current party.
-Task is done.
-Задание выполнено.
-Teal Cotton Dye
-Teleport Flags:
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the requisitions.
-Скажи ему, что всё в порядке и мы почти закончили с погрузкой.
-Tell me, where are we right now?
-Скажи мне, где мы сейчас находимся?
-Ten Castles
-Test MOTD
-Thank you again for your help!
-Thank you and be careful with that box. I have worked really hard to fill it!
-Спасибо и будь осторожен с этим ящиком. Я очень старался заполнить его.
-Thank you for finding the mask.
-Thank you for this commission, Chelios is as good as Don when it comes to forging metal.
-Thank you for this!
-Thank you for your help.
-Спасибо за помощь.
-Thank you for your tricks. I am going to try them now!
-Спасибо тебе, за твои советы. Я пойду, опробую их.
-Thank you my friend.#0
-Спасибо, подруга.
-Thank you my friend.#1
-Спасибо, друг.
-Thank you so much!
-Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries.
-Огромное тебе спасибо! Вот, возьми немного ягод...
-Thank you very much
-Thank you very much!
-Thank you!
-Thank you, I'll take them and put them on.
-Спасибо! Я возьму.
-Thank you, sir, for your kind words. I am feeling better now.
-Thank you, sweetie! Want to hear a secret?
-Thank you.
-Thank you. I'll wait here.
-Thanks again for helping me with the pinkies!
-Thanks again for helping me!
-Thanks for finding daddy... I wish he spent more time with me...
-Thanks for helping my husband Hinnak.
-Thanks for the help!
-Спасибо за помощь!
-Thanks for the tip!
-Thanks for your help with the pinkies.
-Thanks, sir Q'Anon.
-Thanks, that was very kind of you!
-That better be a trophy on your head.
-That doesn't looks edible to me!
-That is a really fine piece of wood you brought me.
-That looks too exotic for me to eat!
-That makes everybody
-That part of the town is called the Gilded Hill, it's also where the Merchant Guild has its headquarters.
-That poor one is doing his best to fly... But his last meal and the gravity is not helping him so far!
-That will be @@ E to set your respawn point
-That will pay them a lesson.
-That would be great!
-That's a nice sword you have there.
-That's exactly what I needed!
-That's good to hear!
-Рад слышать!
-That's not the question
-That's perfect, yoiis.#0
-Это отлично, йойис.
-That's perfect, yoiis.#1
-Это отлично, йойис.
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#0
-Это удивительно... Ты не выглядишь сильно полезной.
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#1
-Это удивительно... Ты не выглядишь сильно полезным.
-That's right, we have our very own training room. The Legion is always well prepared!
-That's too bad... Although I think you're lying.
-Thats your problem, really.
-The @@ is a one time item, you can use it as many times as you want, but you can only have one!
-The Book of Laws
-The Fluffy seized it and said:
-The Legion needs some potions.
-The Legion of Aemil is the greatest organization on all continent! A town cannot be safer than when it's under our protection.
-The Legion of Gasaron are a group of warriors who vowed to protect and serve their neighbours.
-The Legion of Gasaron is in charge of the security of the intramural part of our cities.
-The Legion?
-The Mana Tree was lost, the caves entrances destroyed, and the Wizard Order was split in two: One part was on Candor, and other at the Magic Tower.
-The Piou, embarrassed and confused,
-The Platinum Kingdom grew and prospered, and drew most of the human population to the safety of the walls of Keshlam, Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-The Raijin from the library flirted with me a while ago, so has Enora from the Legion.
-The Republic of Ancea ceased to exist officially in August 216CCE, when the cities of Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis installed their own independent governments.
-The Ukar Historical Association on Aemil
-The answer is a single word, without conjugation.
-The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account.
-The best, the wonderful, the most choice cookie among all others, the...
-The book has been hollowed out.
-The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-Капитан запер дверь. Тебе следует увидеться с ним.
-The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-Капитан ждет тебя, поторопись!
-The captain wants:
-Капитан хочет:
-The collection of four books entitled “World Story For Dummies” is based on the uncessable work from the Ukar scholars, thanks to whom this wouldn't be possible.
-The control and administration of the cities passes hands sometimes. You may find the Mana Order or the Brotherhood in charge instead of us at some point!
-The council, however, neglected day-to-day administration duties, and focused their efforts in regaining control of the rest of Ancea.
-The detail and craftsmanship that went into this sword can only be accomplished by the most practiced of blacksmiths.
-The doctor examines you briefly.
-The door to the legion building is temporarily closed.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing. Thus much is lost to time, including the author's name.
-The farmer glares at your hat.
-The farmer lunges at you with a farming implement.
-The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time...
-Страх видеть ее спящей на этой тихой и одинокой постели становится все более и более невыносимым, я думаю, что у меня не хватит храбрости, чтобы увидеть ее в этот раз...
-The fee is of @@ E. So, do you want to register?
-The fields are crawling with maggots.
-The first human settlement to develop an advanced political structure and to become a city-state was Keshlam.
-The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land.
-The first thing you should do is to evaluate your enemy.
-Сперва ты должен оценить противника.
-The first village build was named Esperia. Aurora region was very fertile, and for this reason they moved towards countryside and built farms.
-The fog has gone.
-The further you go, the more experience you will get, so here's a small description of all the stats you can upgrade with time. But note that these will probably change in the future and have more complex effects.
-Продвигаясь дальше вы накапливаете всё больше опыта, вот небольшое описание всех статистик, которые вы, со временем, сможете улучшить. Но помните, возможно в будущем это измениться и статистики будут иметь более сложные эффекты.
-The giant boogeyman!
-Здоровое чудовище!
-The girl looks desperate.
-The group found the support of Tulimshar's merchant lords and was given ships to sail east.
-The guild is in charge of the commerce regularization throughout Artis and its surroundings.
-The hill is located on the north-east of Artis.
-The holy messenger has given judgement.
-The inspector sent me here to investigate.
-The item (%d: '%s') is not equippable.
-The item is not equippable.
-The leader of the troupe said you hung around them a lot while they were in town.
-The lid is sealed shut, and you are too weak to open it.
-The light armor shop is ran by Resa, she is part of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-The little piou is flying nearby, all you need is to catch it and bring back to me.
-The log breaks with a loud crack.
-The mapserver has spy command support disabled.
-The market is located in the south-east of Artis, it is known as Merchant Guild's exhibit.
-The master bowyer in this village used to construct exceptional bows. When you want one you should go and ask him.
-The message cannot be empty
-The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have.
-The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist.
-The music of the trees floats through the breeze
-The name of the book is "%s".
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again.
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again. They found a continent, present on legends of explorers who never came back.
-The next and final battle happened at Candor. Wizards attacks from both sides near the Mana Tree provoked a Mana Storm. A Great Quake shook the earth of Ancea and the land began to split. Geography changed, and Keshlan vanished from the map.
-The next page begins to list the complex trading laws of the City of Esperia
-The night the troupe left, I saw someone with a theater mask take a large satchel out of town.
-The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
-В старой книге, кажется, говорится о легендах Аэмиля. Хочешь её прочитать?
-The old man seemed to be senile.
-The other part of this sign has been crushed by a rock.
-The piou costs @@ E.
-The player '%.*s' doesn't exist.
-The player cannot use that skill.
-The player meets all the requirements for that skill.
-The problem is that I am short of material.
-The rank of lieutenant is granted only to people with proper control of their skill and good judgment, like Enora. Or me, of course.
-The recipes, of course, you must collect yourself. Even sandwiches are not so simple as to simply put ingredients and hope for the best.
-The resulting shield looks usable already, but Jack applies another liquid to it and leaves it to dry for a few moments.
-The room is to the east, on your right side. Just go through the door before the stairs and then turn right. It's like the mirror image of our training room.
-The sailor chugs his beer.
-Матрос пьет пиво большими глотками.
-The sailor turns his back to you.
-Моряк повернулся к вам спиной.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship.
-Моряки взяли вас на борт своего корабля.
-The ship, La Johanne, has left Drasil Island, finally.
-The stowaway doesn't answer.
-"Заяц" не отвечает.
-The taste of maggots in soup is... unforgettable.
-The travel was fine for you? It was terrible for me, I was sea-sick.
-The tree was entitled The Mana Tree, and the Wizard Order took control over Candor Island. They learnt to control the mana flow, and limited its use, claiming Magic to be too dangerous for public use.
-The two cannot wed because one is either a baby or already married.
-The usurper has been punished! This is a great day! Take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!
-Узурпатор был повержен! Это великий день! Прими эту награду, как высокую оценку твоей лояльности старому командиру!
-The whole tree CAME TO LIFE! It was mad!
-The zone is already set to '%s'.
-The “Ancean Era” is a term used to defined the time period between the beginning of recorded history and the events at the Mana Tree, and thanks to Ukar scholars, this is widely accepted as year 1 on all Gasaron.
-Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive.
-Их лидеры пришли к выводу, что альянс был единственным способом выжить.
-Their price is usually high, but you know what? I have a bargain offer for you.
-Then I can give you some tips about fighting.
-В таком случае, я могу дать тебе несколько советов о ведении боя.
-Then I would ask you to leave.
-Then concentrate your anger upon the trees hereabouts, you will gain experience whilst leveling your sword skill on them.
-Тогда сконцентрировав свой гнев на деревьях поблизости, вы получите опыт, необходимый для улучшения навыков владения мечом.
-Then go north and investigate!
-Then it seems I have to apologize.
-В таком случае, мне надо извиниться.
-Then leave me alone.
-Тогда оставь меня.
-Then please stop wasting my precious time.
-Then she yells out some gobbledygook word, and out of the ground there comes a swarm of maggots, crawling and digging and climbing over each other's backs...
-Then you should better see the doctor.
-There are 6 sailors who will need your help. They are all around the island.
-Шестерым морякам требуется твоя помощь. Они в разных частях острова.
-There are a lot of things you must be wondering about.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Тут несколько групп этих @@ на острове. Найди какую-нибудь и попробуй.
-There are many key combinations, press F1 to see a short list of them!
-There are no items to appraise.
-There are no tasks for you right now.
-There are people in the world who need help!
-There are people who really need our help.
-There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us.
-Ходят слухи, что они совершили какие-то ужасные вещи и они многое скрывают от нас.
-There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Тут водятся летающие желтые курицы, их называют Пию. Заполучить жареную ножку такой было бы неплохо.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-Тут несколько групп этих @@ на острове. Найди какую-нибудь и попробуй.
-There are some knives on the table. Would you like to take one?
-На столе несколько ножей. Хотите взять один?
-There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats.
-There are still some monsters left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-There are three kind of monsters which frequently or seldomly attacks our fair vessel.
-There are three types of items.
-There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative.
-There are two different kinds of cards, the first changes the style of your clothes, the second changes their stats.
-There are two kinds of dialogue, the ones with regular citizens, and the ones with other adventurers.
-There are two shops inside, they are independent from the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-There is a paper with some rules written on it.
-Бумага с некоторыми правилами, написанными на ней.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or helping Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-Здесь всегда найдётся чем заняться, к примеру убить несколько тортуг или помочь Питеру с зачисткой корабля от крыс.
-There is an unknown side effect to these plushrooms, they can free you from your past mistakes.
-There is no day/night, weather, or season cycle in TMW yet.
-There is no help for %c%s.
-There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent.
-There was a traveling theater troupe in town recently, but they've moved on to Tulimshar.
-There you go, like new.
-There you go. Please enjoy yourself! ^.^
-There's also a job level, which produces green sparkles when you level it.
-There's also weather, meaning it can rain, snow, or even happen a sandstorm. They are usually cosmetic, but...
-There's been no change in the setting.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.#0
-Здесь нечего сказать, не беспокойтесь, мисс.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.#1
-Здесь нечего сказать, не беспокойтесь, сэр.
-There, they gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find a new land on which to live.
-These @#$% beasts are jumping around in my fields destroying all my harvest.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@s, but they are so hard to hit...
-These funny fungi are mushrooming all around this island. Just pick some @@s and have a try.
-Эти забавные грибы разрослись по всему острову. Просто собери несколько и попробуй.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I can't feel my arms anymore!
-These little pious here can't fly. At least that's what I thought.
-These purple mushrooms are called @@s. There are plenty of 'em on this island!
-These twigleafs are the trees that give me the living wood you speak of.
-These yeye boxes are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship.
-Эти йейе ящики слишком тяжелые, чтобы тащить в одиночку на корабль.
-They are all around the island.
-Они повсюду на острове.
-They are each valued individuals and I need them both. In the past, I probably made my share of mistakes. I regret good management is so difficult. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-Каждый из них ценен по своему и они нужны мне. В прошлом я возможно наделал ошибок. К сожалению, хорошо руководить довольно сложно. Я надеюсь ты сможешь изучить ситуацию и... Разобраться с этим.
-They are fresh!
-They are fresh, they are good!
-They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula.
-They are made of special living wood.
-They are married... wish them well.
-They are so tasty when cooked with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features.
-They eventually found a new land after much hardship and named it Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find new lands to live in. Tulimshar's merchant lords gave them ships to sail east.
-They named this continent as Aemil, in honour of one of such explorers. The area they docked in was called Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They sailed from Hurnscald to Tulimshar and then Nivalis, the last permanent settlements of humans.
-They sailed past the Clear Sea and towards the Long Ocean which nobody had explored before.
-They shouldn't be too far from each other.
-Они должны быть не слишком далеко друг от друга.
-They taste simply divine!
-They were all in the mining camp.
-They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first.
-They're perfect, just perfect!
-They've been destroying my fields, and I guess I got a bit worked up.
-Thief Slime
-Think on Season Quests as a yearly quest which you have three months to do.
-Thirteen Castles
-Thirty Castles
-Thirty-One Castles
-Тридцать один Замок
-Thirty-Three Castles
-Тридцать три Замка
-Thirty-Two Castles
-Тридцать два Замка
-This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world.
-Этот Мастер Печенек награждает людей, которые продвигают и создают этот мир.
-This NPC doesn't exist.
-Этот NPC не существует.
-This action can't be performed at the moment. Please try again later.
-This action was met with widespread opposition from all races, and a war broke. The tritans led the offensive, in attempts to keep the tree untouched and mana available for all.
-This book contains everything you should know about it, take it!
-This book contains the knowledge collected by ukars about how the world works.
-This book outlines the laws of every city and holding in Gasaron.
-This bound item cannot be stored there.
-This bound item cannot be traded to that character.
-Этот связанный предмет не может быть обменян этому персонажу.
-This character has been banned until
-Этот персонаж был забанен до тех пор, пока
-This door is locked.
-Эта дверь заперта.
-This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest.
-This fishing spot is already being used!
-This floor is reserved for quiet reading, don't speak too loud.
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?#0
-Фортуна благосклонна к этой девушке - мы нашли её раньше, чем акулы. Не представляю откуда она. Кстати, вы видели знак на её плоту?
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0
-Эта девушка нуждается в помощи, наш долг спасти её!
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?#1
-Этот парень счастливчик - мы нашли его раньше, чем акулы. Не представляю откуда он. Кстати, вы видели знак на его плоту?
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
-Этот парень нуждается в помощи, наш долг спасти его!
-This is Drasil Island, I named it after an ancient mythical tree.
-This is a harsh word to use, you are never alone in the beautiful place of Artis.
-This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt."
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-Это @@, светло-голубой морской фрукт. Они высоко ценятся на архипелаге.
-This is for my own use.
-This is how good we Legion Members are. I was informed of your arrival way before you left Drasil Island.
-This is how you do it! HAAH!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will use your soft moist parts in the concoction of my next cookie batch.
-This is where the bravest of warriors come together to put their skills to a good use, for a good cause.
-This is your first time asking for something, you won't pay this time, take it as a sign of good faith!
-This item cannot be dropped.
-Этот предмет не может быть оборонён.
-This item cannot be stored.
-Этот предмет не может быть сохранён.
-This item cannot be traded.
-Этот предмет не может быть обменян.
-This item cannot be used as bait here.
-This item cannot be used within this area.
-This job has no alternate body styles.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on her.#0
-К такому разговору следует относиться с недоверием, однако я согласен и признаю, что я тоже настроен скептически, так что надо присмотреть за ней.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on him.#1
-К такому разговору следует относиться с недоверием, однако я согласен и признаю, что я тоже настроен скептически, так что надо присмотреть за ним.
-This led Keshlam into rapid decline and its citizen began to emigrate to the other Cities. By the end of the Ancean Era, Keshlam City was a quarter of the original size.
-This menu allows you to change your skills.
-This menu allows you to customize your appearance.
-This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools.
-This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in.
-This menu allows you to modify your account data.
-This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval.
-This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges.
-This menu gives access to all quest debug menus.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quest subquests.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests.
-This monster does not spawn normally.
-Этот монстр обычно не возрождается.
-This monster has no MVP prizes.
-Этот монстр не имеет MPV призы.
-This monster has no drops.
-Этот монстр не может быть поднят.
-This needn't be high quality wood; pretty much any log you can find should work.
-This note was left by somebody.
-Эта записка была оставлена кем-то.
-This one is useless! Give me another @@.
-This panel looks in rather good shape, as though some people take care of it regularly. Maybe it has important information.
-Эта табличка выглядит гораздо лучше, как будто какие то люди регулярно ухаживают за ней. Возможно она содержит важную информацию.
-This place is surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums...
-This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and tried to trade %d of them.
-This player has been banned for %d minute(s).
-Этот игрок был забанен на %d минут(ы).
-This player has been definitively blocked.
-Этот игрок был окончательно заблокирован.
-This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled).
-Этот игрок ещё не был забанен (Опция бана отключена).
-This player is not in jail.
-Этот игрок не находится в тюрме.
-This player is now
-Этот игрок сейчас
-This skill cannot be used within this area.
-This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill.
-This skill number doesn't exist.
-This waitress *hicks* is great, she never stops to bring beer *hicks.
-This will remain your respawn point until set elsewhere.
-Those for consumption, equipment and generics.
-Three Castles
-Three cities developed on the eastern side of Ancea: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-Tibbo went to the south-east of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Тиббо пошёл на юго-восток острова, остальные ушли на север, и я думаю, Гулукан где то недалеко отсюда.
-Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000
-To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +<item name or ID>". To remove an item, use "@alootid -<item name or ID>".
-To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!
-To be honest, no, never.
-To change your base level, use this command:
-To change your job level, use this command:
-To change your stats, use these commands:
-To de-trust a player:
-To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A.
-To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold.
-To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the '###keyWindowChat;' key.
-To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone.
-To focus on a creature, press the '###keyTargetMonster;' key. To focus on another citizen, press the '###keyTargetPlayer;' key. To attack the focused target press the '###keyAttack;' key or click the primary button on the creature.
-To focus on an NPC, press the '###keyTargetNPC;' key. To talk to him press the '###keyTalk;' key.
-To get a quote:
-To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait.
-To get the current rate:
-To grab a quote:
-To ignore a player:
-To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function.
-To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
-Чтобы открыть инвентарь используйте клавишу F3 или используйте мышь, чтобы выбрать его в верхнем меню вашего клиента.
-To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying.
-To remove a quote:
-To reset back to normal:
-To set the exp rate:
-To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen.
-To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '%s' and press '###keyChat;'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it.
-To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option.
-To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges.
-To thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
-To trust a player:
-To unignore a player:
-Toggle Croc Bounty
-Toggle Ratto Bounty
-Toggle Tortuga Bounty
-Told bobo to go home
-Too bad, try again.
-Too bad.
-Too bad. I'm not hungry enough for these cookies of yours. Maybe I'll come back later.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some nice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Too lazy.
-Too risky, I might end up in jail. Do it yourself.
-Top Hat
-Topaz Shard
-Topaz Vein
-Toppy Blub
-Топпи Блаб
-Tortuga Shell
-Панцирь Тортуги
-Tortuga Shell Fragment
-Фрагмент панциря тортуги
-Tortuga Tongue
-Язык Тортуги
-Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it.
-Total Domination
-Town Map
-Training Arrow
-Training Wand
-Transforming into monster is not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Travel to woodlands?
-Treasure Chest
-Tree Control Panel
-Tritan Voice
-Голос тритана
-Troupe Leader
-True be or not true be
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?#1
-Точно, но сейчас он прекрасно выглядит! Я прав?
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?#0
-Точно, но сейчас она прекрасно выглядит! Я прав?
-Try doing that now!
-Try talking to everyone again.
-Twelve Castles
-Twenty Castles
-Twenty-Eight Castles
-Twenty-Five Castles
-Twenty-Four Castles
-Twenty-Nine Castles
-Twenty-One Castles
-Twenty-Seven Castles
-Twenty-Six Castles
-Twenty-Three Castles
-Twenty-Two Castles
-Two Castles
-Type "@mapflag available" to list the available mapflags.
-Type List: (default) all = -1, healing = 0, usable = 2, etc = 3, weapon = 4, armor = 5, card = 6, petegg = 7, petarmor = 8, ammo = 10, delayed-consumable = 11, cash = 18
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys, and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-Uh? Hi! I'm sorry, but I have no time for chatting.
-А? Привет! Прошу прощения. У меня нет времени на разговоры.
-Uhm, bye.
-Эм... Пока.
-Uhm... Your story seems...
-Эм... Твоя история...
-Unable to Teleport in this area
-Unable to decrease the number/value.
-Unable to spawn clone.
-Unable to spawn evil clone.
-Unable to spawn slave clone.
-Unable to win, the tritans attacked Hurnscald. While human troops moved in attempts to avoid its fall, the Kralog and Ukar joined the tritans and they took the city.
-Understood, I will help you.
-Понятно, я тебе помогу.
-Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard.
-К сожалению, нам всё ещё нужна твоя помощь. На этот раз это будет деликатное задание здесь, на борту.
-Unknown Cart (usage: %s <0-%d>).
-Unknown Channel '%s' (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Channel (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Job
-Неизвестная Работа
-Unknown battle_config flag.
-Unknown color '%s'
-Неизвестный цвет '%s'
-Unknown map '%s'.
-Неизвестная карта '%s'.
-Unknown packet: 0x%x
-Unknown type of value in:
-Unless you are interested in a status reset?
-Unlike other respawn points, an inn can fully restore your HP.
-Urchin Meat
-Мясо ежа
-Usage: "@mapflag monster_noteleport 1" (0=Off | 1=On)
-Usage: %s <permission_name>
-Usage: @accinfo/@accountinfo <account_id/char name>
-Usage: @addwarp <mapname> <X> <Y> <npc name>
-Usage: @adjgroup <group_id>
-Usage: @changegm <guild_member_name>
-Usage: @changeleader <party_member_name>
-Usage: @changelook {<position>} <view id>
-Usage: @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}
-Usage: @dropall {<type>}
-Usage: @jailfor <time> <character name>
-Usage: @marry <char name>
-Usage: @mute <time> <char name>
-Usage: @noks <self|party|guild>
-Usage: @npcmove <X> <Y> <npc_name>
-Usage: @partyoption <pickup share: yes/no> <item distribution: yes/no>
-Usage: @request <petition/message to online GMs>.
-Usage: @set <variable name> <value>
-Usage: @setbattleflag <flag> <value>
-Usage: @setzone <zone name>
-Usage: @skilltree <skill ID> <target>
-Usage: @unloadnpcfile <file name>
-Usage: @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVar 50"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$ Super Duper String"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$" outputs its value, Super Duper String.
-Use 0 or no parameter to return to normal font.
-Use @font <1-9> to change your message font.
-Use arrow keys to walk around and leave this room.
-Use the key.
-Использовать ключ.
-Used %d Kafra points and %d cash points. %d Kafra and %d cash points remaining.
-User '%s' already possesses the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' doesn't possess the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' permissions updated successfully. The changes are temporary.
-Usually I don't allow anyone to touch my boxes but...
-Обычно я никому не разрешаю прикасаться к своим ящикам, но...
-Usually, they'll have an exclamation mark over their heads. But some quests are hidden, so talk to people and have fun!
-V-neck Jumper
-Very good.
-Very nice, indeed!
-Действительно, очень мило!
-Visited Artis at least once
-Vit: %d (%d~%d)
-Vitality raises your maximum health points and defense.
-Живучесть (vit) повышает ваш максимум здоровья и защиту.
-Wait a minute, where's the cookie I gave you?
-Минуточку, где та печенька, которую я дал тебе?
-Wait for the bait to sink underwater.
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1
-Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!
-Подожди, кажется кто-то заблокировал дверь с другой стороны!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish with you?!
-Постой, почему это блюдо до сих пор у тебя?!
-Wait, you never came here before?
-Wait... That's not a proper place for a chef, what are you doing there?
-Wait... Where are we going?
-Стоп... Куда мы идём?
-Wait... You are that @@ from earlier, aren't you?
-Waiting for @@...
-Walk up the stairs, go through the door on either side, and the only other door in the room, few steps to the south, will lead you right to him.
-Walking around a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one, I bet. Impale one of them for me please.
-Walking barefoot, feeling the hot sand with my feet, daydreaming... I like such things, you know.
-Wanderer T
-Want me to help you?
-War of Emperium SE has been ended.
-War of Emperium SE has been initiated.
-War of Emperium SE is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium SE is currently not in progress.
-War of Emperium has been ended.
-War of Emperium has been initiated.
-War of Emperium is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium is currently not in progress.
-Warlock T
-Warlord Helmet
-Шлем полководца
-Warlord Plate
-Warning! Dangerous fish, do not fall into the lake!
-Warping to save point.
-Was your husband with you at home all night the last night that the troupe was in town?
-Watch out for these flowers. They don't like to be messed with.
-Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise!
-Вода, соль, пряности и мясо, заправленные моим особенным сюрпризом!
-We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members.
-We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join the crew!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#0
-Мы рады, что капитан Нард разрешил тебе присоединиться к нам!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#1
-Мы рады, что капитан Нард разрешил тебе присоединиться к нам!
-We are very lucky, my friend.#0
-We are very lucky, my friend.#1
-We arrived in Artis today.
-We arrived this morning at the port of Artis, I already warned the Legion of Aemil concerning your issue.
-We don't need it anymore.
-We follow north hemisphere seasons in case you're wondering.
-We have a special room for this purpose, too. You may test your skills against all kinds of dreadful monsters in there.
-We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Artis.
-Мы остановились на небольшом острове, прежде чем отправиться в порт Артиса.
-We haven't met, right?
-We hold various training sessions, and also have a task board with a heap of things to do for the city and its surroundings.
-We just returned from a long journey and Artis is a good city to rest and to conclude our exchange.
-We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food.
-Нам нужно как можно больше рук, чтобы исследовать здешний остров и заготовить новой еды.
-We need manpower on the island.#1
-Нам нужна мужская сила на острове.
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.#0
-Нам нужна мужская сила на острове... О, прости, женщинам мы тоже всегда рады.
-We need to get out of here soon. I'm scared of the Slimes!
-We offer a room for travelers passing by Artis, our beds are comfy and you can be guaranteed to be right as rain after a night here!
-We offer party and guild certifications and we can also teach you how to use some basic communication skills.
-We refuse service to anyone who:
-We sell a brimmed hat, you can craft a feather card and attach it to this hat to obtain an enhanced version of it!
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Legion of Aemil about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-We still don't know who did it.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-Мы думали, что ты поможешь нам разобраться, всё, что мы знаем, это то, что мы нашли тебя брошенным в море, дрейфующим на своём плоту.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#0
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#1
-We thought we heard someone go down to the basement, but we checked the whole place over and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#0
-Мы пытались почистить их, но морская вода их практически уничтожила. Поэтому мы дали тебе эти вещи. Они не очень хорошие, но это все что у нас есть для тебя.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1
-Мы пытались почистить их, но морская вода их практически уничтожила. Поэтому мы дали тебе эти вещи. Они не очень хорошие, но это все что у нас есть для тебя.
-We usually dock around these small isles because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-Обычно мы пришвартовываемся к одному из этих маленьких островов, так как они снабжают нас самыми лучшими припасами на всём архипелаге.
-We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the captain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map!
-Обычно, мы не останавливаемся в таких прекрасных местах, но капитан разрешил нам остаться здесь на время, пока он наносит местоположение этого нового острова на карту!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
-Мы прибудем туда в течение нескольких дней, высадим тебя там.
-We will talk about it later.
-We'll be staying here in Tulimshar for a while.
-We're doing different shows here.
-We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine.
-Weather Flags:
-Weather effects will disappear after teleporting or refreshing.
-Welcome miss.#0
-Welcome to Red Plush.
-Welcome to my office.
-Welcome to our inn!
-Welcome to the Legion of Aemil's building in Artis!
-Welcome to the Merchant Guild of Artis!
-Welcome to the Red Plush inn!
-Welcome to the Rusty Pick.
-Well I'm working too! Don't you want me to carry one of these boxes back to Gugli?
-Ну так я тоже работаю! Разве ты не хочешь, чтобы я отнёс один из этих ящиков Гугли?
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#0
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#1
-Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again!
-Хорошая работа! Теперь корабль готов отчалить!
-Well if you are whining like that all the time, then I think there is a reason behind their choice.
-Ну, раз ты всегда так ноешь, тогда я буду думать, что у них есть причина для такого выбора.
-Well in fact...
-Ну, по факту...
-Well then... Take this one!
-Тогда ладно... Возьми это!
-Well, I can't offer you much.
-Well, I was exhausted and had to rest.
-Well, I was in fact looking for them. Where are they now?
-Ну, вообще то, я их ищу. Где они?
-Well, I'm done for the day, and I'm quite old enough to decide when I can have a %s, thank you!
-Well, cooking is an art, and thus, you need intelligence and dexterity to learn.
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, son!#1
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#0
-Ну, даже если мы тебя спасли, это не значит, что ты морячка-эксперт, так ведь?
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#1
-Ну, даже если мы тебя спасли, это не значит, что ты моряк-эксперт, так ведь?
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#0
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#1
-Well, is there anything I can do here to help?
-Так я могу здесь чем-нибудь помочь?
-Well, it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.
-Ну, это не плохо, наконец-то чувствовать что-то под ногами.
-Well, of course, I can show you how to cook sandwiches. But you'll need to bring ingredients for practice.
-Well, of course. First of all, you need a @@. You can have mine, if you want.
-Well, thanks for the box. But... He was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Ну, спасибо за ящик. Но... Он должен был сам принести мне его. Я вообще не просил его давать это тебе!
-Well... I don't think it is the best way to rule a ship. Think about it.
-Ну... Я не думаю, что это лучший способ управления кораблём. Подумай об этом.
-Well... I've only killed some little pious in the ship, that's all.
-Ну... Я всего лишь убил несколько маленьких пию на корабле. И всё.
-Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen.
-Ну так... Нет, стоп. У меня есть кое что для тебя, но ты не должна это есть... Я отнесу это обратно на кухню.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron. From Esperia to the Land of Fire!
-What a pity! You've died.
-What a relief.
-What a strange note.
-What about Chelios?
-What about Q'Muller? Where is he?
-Что насчет КуМюллера? Где он?
-What about my story?
-Что насчет моей истории?
-What about those pious? They look so cute.
-What am I supposed to say?
-Что я должен сказать?
-What an unexpected pleasure, your help is always welcome!
-Что за неожиданная радость, твоя помощь всегда кстати!
-What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
-Что ты делаешь у меня на кухне?! Убирайся, это не место для детей!
-What are you going to do?
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
-Что вы говорите, ребята? это Йойис!
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1
-О чем ребята вы говорите? Это Йоэс!
-What are you looking at?
-На что ты смотришь?
-What are you looking for?
-Что ты ищешь?
-What are you reading?
-What are you talking about? What guild?
-О чем ты говоришь? Какая гильдия?
-What are your needs?
-Что тебе нужно?
-What beverages do you have?
-What brings you here today?
-What can I do for you?
-Что я могу для тебя сделать?
-What can I do now?
-What can you tell me about the legion?
-What counts in a book is like so many things, not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside.
-What danger?! Where?!
-Какая опасность?! Где?!
-What did Gugli say about the box? Was it ok?
-Что Гугли сказал про ящик? Всё в порядке?
-What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?
-Что Гугли йайал про коробку? Она в порядке?
-What do you mean?
-What do you need?
-Что тебе нужно?
-What do you think?
-Как ты думаешь?
-What do you want to access?
-What do you want to change?
-What do you want to do with it?
-Что ты хочешь с ним сделать?
-What do you want to do with your money?
-What do you want to do?
-Что ты хочешь сделать?
-What do you want to reset?
-What do you want today?
-Что тебе нужно?
-What do you wish to do?
-Что бы сейчас сделать?
-What does yoiis want today?
-What else do you need?
-What exactly is your real job?
-Какова вообще твоя работа?
-What happened to me?
-Что со мной случилось?
-What happened?
-What happens when you try to think about it?
-What is Artis?
-Что такое Артис?
-What is a card?
-What is growing and shrinking at the same time?
-What is it, darling?
-What is my current hairstyle and hair color?
-What is taking them so long?
-What is this "legion"?
-What is this building?
-What is this guild for?
-What is this place?
-What is your tipiou trying to do?
-What item would you like to bleach?
-What kind of help do you need?
-What kind of help?
-Какая помощь?
-What kinds of books are there here?
-What service do you offer?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
-Что я должна делать после того, как возьму одежду?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
-Что мне следует делать после того, как я возьму эти вещи?
-What should I do, again?
-What was that gobbledygook word?
-What was your riddle?
-What will be the bait for the fish?
-What would you like me to do?
-What would you like to bury?
-What would you like today?
-What would you say about a new shield?
-What yeye could I do for you today?
-Что йейе могу сделать для тебя?
-What yoiis should know:
-What're you looking at?!
-What's that food?
-Что это за еда?
-What's that?
-Что это?
-What's wrong with your clothes?
-What's your story again?
-What? Is there someone?
-What? It's not good enough?
-What? Why not?
-What? Why? They aren't more attractive than me, why do you want to see them?
-What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!
-Что?! Этот тритан - худший бездельник, которого я когда либо встречал!
-Whatever inside can be
-Whatever your idea
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#0
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#1
-When cooking, the order of ingredients matter.
-When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you.
-When you go near villagers, you can see a speech bubble above them, you can then talk to them by pressing the [T] key.
-When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Trade' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Trade' button.
-When you intimacy is high, it'll increase your stats and who knows, might even help you in combat!
-When you see something that looks more like a bug than a feature, report it on or try to contact a game contributor.
-Если вы увидите что-нибудь, что выглядит больше как "баг", чем как "фича", сообщите об этом на или попробуйте связаться с кем-нибудь из создателей игры.
-When you want to buy something then please speak to my apprentice.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Когда твой инвентарь открыт - ты можешь экипировать предмет, выбрав его и кликнув на кнопку "Надеть". Так же ты можешь снять с себя вещь, кликнув на "Снять".
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Когда твой инвентарь открыт - ты можешь экипировать предмет, выбрав его и кликнув на кнопку "Надеть". Так же ты можешь снять с себя вещь, кликнув на "Снять".
-Where are my old clothes?
-Где мои старые вещи?
-Where are the ingredients?
-Where can I find Julia?#0
-Где я могу найти Джулию?
-Where can I find Julia?#1
-Где я могу найти Джулию?
-Where can I find a half croconut?
-Где я могу найти половинку крокоcа?
-Where can I find him?
-Where can I find some Croc Claws?
-Where can I find some food?
-Где я могу найти немного еды?
-Where can I find your crew?
-Где я могу найти твою команду?
-Where is Mikhail?
-Where is the Merchant Guild?
-Where is the damn salt?! Give me the salt, I know you have it!
-Где чёртова соль?! Дай мне соль, я знаю - у тебя есть!
-Where is the hill?
-Where is the light armor shop?
-Where is the market?
-Where should I go?
-Where would you like to go now?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Какое оружие ты хочешь использовать, чтобы расколоть этот @@?
-Which skill do you wish to change?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they usually do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-White Rose
-White Tulip
-Who are these friends?
-Кто эти друзья?
-Who are yeye looking for?
-Йейе кого-то ищешь?
-Who are you looking for?
-Кого ты ищешь?
-Who are you?
-Ты кто?
-Who is Don?
-Who is she?
-Кто она?
-Who is the blacksmith outside?
-Who should I search for?
-Кого мне нужно искать?
-Who's this Julia?
-Кто эта Джулия?
-Whoa, what are you doing?
-Whoah, scary...
-Whose eyes listen under Moonlight
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
-Почему француженка? Она русская!
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
-Почему француз? Он русский!
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#0
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#1
-Why are you hiding?
-Почему ты прячешься?
-Why do you hate them?
-Why don't you come down to talk?
-Почему ты не спустишься вниз, чтобы поговорить?
-Why don't you come out?
-Почему ты не выходишь?
-Why don't you show me a main ingredient, and I'll tell you what can be done?
-Why don't you take a break? Breath in some fresh air. The basement is pretty damp.
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Почему бы и нет, мне все равно нужно тренироваться.
-Why not, I've got plenty of free time.
-Почему нет, у меня много свободного времени.
-Why not, but who are you, and what kind of help do you need?
-Почему бы и нет, но кто ты и какая помощь тебе требуется?
-Why not, this might get interesting.
-Почему бы и нет, это наверное интересно.
-Why not?!
-Why would the Legion request my help for only 5 potions?
-Why? And who should you bring it back to?
-Почему? И кто сказал тебе вернуть это?
-Wicked Mushroom
-Wind and grass is nice and cool, so juicy sweet...
-With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions, you have the disturbing realization that you can't remember anything of your former life or identity.
-With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters.
-With no choir master nor voice to be sung
-With proper training, a piou can become a good friend and faithful companion in your adventures.
-With script
-Со сценария
-With the growth of the Kingdom halted, slow maintenance, and two great famines which killed over half the human population, the council decided to seize power and depose Platyna the Red.
-With the help of the town hall and the Legion of Aemil we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses.
-Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm.
-Wooden Bow
-Wooden Shield
-Деревянный щит
-Wooden Sword
-Деревянный меч
-Wooden shield
-Words become music and glance
-World Story For Dummies, Vol I - Ancean Era: From Keshlam to an Empire
-World Story For Dummies, Vol II - Ancean Era: Revolutions and Independence
-World Story For Dummies, Vol III - Aemilean Era: The Mana Tree and The Mana War
-World Story For Dummies, Vol IV - Aemilean Era: The Fleet of Ancea
-Would you go get them for me?
-Would you help me kill some?
-Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!
-Вау, похоже на то, что все знают моё имя!
-Yay, it worked! I removed a spike.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
-Дада, ты должна сходить проведать ее! Она будет рада увидеть тебя.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
-Дада, ты должен сходить проведать ее! Она будет рада увидеть тебя.
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse than us!
-Йайайайа, впервые кто-то одет хуже нас!
-Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Ага, вы все такие *ик* в Эспэрии, но тебе меня не победить! *урп*
-Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
-Ага, но я хочу убедится что получу награду.
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Да, но что я получу взамен?
-Yeah, funny now...
-Yeah, we did hear a commotion.
-Yeah, well what's the difference?
-Да, так в чём же разница?
-Yeah, yeah, of course you don't...
-Да, да, конечно нет...
-Yeah, you could say that...
-Yellow Cotton Dye
-Yellow Rose
-Yellow Tulip
-Yes I am and you are going to face justice!
-Yes I am.
-Yes I do.
-Yes he did.
-Да, он сделал.
-Yes what do you need?
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Да! @@ записан в моём списке печенек.
-Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
-Да, Арпан дал мне эти вещи.
-Yes, I am authorizing you to use them as you deem fit, until you get stronger.
-Yes, I am sure.#0
-Yes, I am sure.#1
-Yes, I did. He said that the trees turned into dangerous monsters.
-Yes, I do.
-Yes, I feel strong enough for dangerous combats!
-Да, я чувствую себя достаточно сильным для опасных сражений!
-Yes, I have some! "5x Black Iron Ingots"
-Yes, I hung around the theater a lot.
-Yes, I saw someone with a large sack on their back go to the mining camp.
-Yes, I've got the Forest bow now.
-Yes, a mask was stolen from us the last night we were in Hurnscald.
-Yes, and he promised to be home soon.
-Yes, but I'm only talking to the inspector himself!
-Yes, follow me!
-Yes, here they are.
-Yes, in fact, you can take them now.
-Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anything else.
-Да, конечно. Я предпочитаю исследовать места, в которых не был, перед тем, как делать что-то ещё.
-Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors!
-Да, это правда! Ты вообще не в состоянии. Нард очень долго ждал еды. Скорее, ленивый моряк!
-Yes, it's me. It's such a fine view from here!
-Yes, please!
-Да, пожалуйста!
-Yes, sure thing.
-Yes, that would be nice.
-Yes, we were both at home all night.
-Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon!
-Да, да, я знаю... Очень жаль. Увидимся!
-Yes, you look quite fast.
-Yeye @@!
-Йейе, @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too little. Take this box and stop talking.
-Йейе слишком много спрашиваешь, но мало делаешь. Бери этот ящик и кончай болтать.
-Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the crocs.
-Йейе, будь осторожен с едой диких животных. Некоторые из них йейень опасны, особенно кроки.
-Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!
-Йейе отдал мою коробку Гугли? Отлично, отлично йейе!
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...
-У йейе хорошее зрение и, по всей видимости, вылечил все твои травмы...
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Йейе видел твой йойис в нижней части острова. Осмотрись.
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island.
-Йейе видел твой йойис на вершине острова.
-Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!
-Мой ящик всё ещё у йейя? Меньше глазей, больше работай. Иди и отдай это Гугли!
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#0
-Йейе уверена? Тогда я йейею чуть больше припасов в следующий ящик.
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#1
-Йейе уверен? Тогда я йейею чуть больше припасов в следующий ящик.
-Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place.
-Мозг йейе скорее всего всё ещё полон морской воды, если йейе не может увидеть красоты этого места.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
-Йейе, тебе повезло, что ты выжила. Сейчас ты в хорошей форме, ты помнишь, что случилось?
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
-Йейе, тебе повезло, что ты выжил. Сейчас ты в хорошей форме, ты помнишь, что случилось?
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#1
-Yoiis envies a rainbow in the sky?
-Yoiis is not yet ready to make his own dyes.
-Yoiis should look there.
-You already are at your destination!
-You already did enough for us, do you want to follow Nard's advice and get some rest?
-You already did enough for us, follow Nard's advice and get some rest.
-You already have a homunculus
-You already have a pet.
-Вы уже имеете питомца.
-You already have this quest skill.
-You already looked here.
-You already registered. Waiting for your partner...
-You already took a @@, please put this one back in the box.
-You are a handsome and good looking bird!
-You are already mounting something else
-You are already registered here.#0
-You are already registered here.#1
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#0
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#1
-You are full of wine, my friend...
-Ты пьян, мой друг...
-You are honest, I like it.
-You are in the Blacksmith's house, by Jove!
-You are just sitting on the shadow of your store.
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#0
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#1
-You are new around here, right?#0
-You are new around here, right?#1
-You are no longer killable.
-You are no longer the Guild Master.
-You are not allowed to reduce the length of a ban.
-You are not authorized to warp from your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp this player from their map.
-You are not authorized to warp to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp to your save map.
-You are not in a guild.
-Вы не в гильдии.
-You are not in jail.
-You are now
-You are now divorced!
-You are now immune to attacks.
-You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help.
-Теперь ты - член команды! Еще раз спасибо за помощь.
-You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here!
-Теперь ты - член команды... По крайней мере для нас, здесь!
-You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
-Ты находишься на плоту, плывущем по течению в море
-You are on the human resource wing of the Town Hall.
-You are the Phoenix of this forest."
-You are unable to change your job.
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1
-You bored me, see you later.
-You broke the target's weapon.
-You brought me my %s!
-You brought me the %d %s!
-You buried @@ @@.
-You can allocate point on those attributes every time you level up.
-You can already rename your pet.
-You can also answer in your native language or in English.
-You can also attack an enemy from your keyboard pressing the 'A' key to select it, and the 'Ctrl' key to attack it, this of course works if you didn't change your keyboard keys yet.
-Ты так же можешь атаковать врага с помощью клавиатуры, нажав на клавишу "А" для его выбора и "ctrl" для атаки. Это, конечно, работает, если ты не менял настройки игры.
-You can also improve your equipment in a totally different way with the use of cards.
-You can also make money %s. Nobody pays better than people in need of help.
-You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default
-You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules.
-You can also simply talk to any citizen around you by clicking on them.
-You can also use your room to get some rest after a long battle. That will consume your reservation but your HP will be fully restored.
-You can attack a monster by clicking directly on it. Once selected, you may notice a bar near your target showing you how much health it has left.
-Ты можешь атаковать монстра, кликнув прямо на него. Выделив монстра ты можешь заметить полоску около цели, показывающую тебе, сколько у него осталось здоровья.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it, or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-Вы можете атаковать монстра кликнув по нему, или с клавиатуры, нажав клавишу 'A', для выбора монстра, а затем клавишу 'Ctrl', что бы атаковать его.
-You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory.
-You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface.
-You can easily see if a monster is easy to kill or just impossible to defeat. Do not try against creatures that are way more powerful than you... You'd be risking your life for nothing.
-Ты можешь с лёгкостью увидеть, является ли монстр лёгкой добычей или непобедимым противником. Даже не пытайся сражаться с созданиями, которые на много сильнее тебя... Ты можешь поплатиться жизнью ни за что.
-You can execute commands by typing them in the chat window. They start with a '/' or '@' followed by the name of the command.
-You can find novels and poems on this floor.
-You can find out the monster strength by using "@monsterinfo <English Monster Name>". Check the level in it!
-You can find some Crocs on the beach, you could look up at the one after the gate, on top of this city.
-You can find the building of the Legion of Gasaron there, like in any other city, but Esperia is important for us as our headquarters are there.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now.
-Ты сможешь найти их в океане, поблизости от кораллов и других морских существ. Но море слишком тяжелое сегодня. Тебе лучше не плыть сейчас.
-You can get some rest at the inn near here.
-You can go upstairs and choose a different room if you want.
-You can have %d items on your autolootitem list.
-Список автоподбора может содержать %d предметов.
-You can keep your current party as it is, while leading or being part of a guild in order to talk and share different items with all of its members!
-You can not change to this job by command.
-You can now attack and kill players freely.
-You can now be attacked and killed by players.
-You can now rename your pet.
-You can now stay with your new friends and enjoy the warm sand of this little island.
-Ты можешь остаться со своими новыми друзьями и наслаждаться тёплым песком этого маленького островка.
-You can read some lines that are nicely carved into the soft wooden planks.
-Вы можете прочитать несколько строк, аккуратно вырезанных на мягких деревянных дощечках.
-You can read the book that I gave you earlier at the library if you lost it.
-You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key.
-You can select a specific person with the [N] key, and then, press the [T] key when you are surrounded by more than one person.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff off toward the west, busy collecting @@s.
-Ты можешь найти КуМюллера на утёсе к востоку отсюда, он собирает @@.
-You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that.
-Ты можешь попробовать поговорить с другими моряками, дабы получить информацию об этом.
-You can try, but your chance of success is lesser than a well trained smith and master craftsman.
-You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you see what I mean...
-You can use many diverse items to lure fishes.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-Ты можешь йейе немного @@, ударив крокодерево.
-You can't add a guild bound item to a character without guild!
-You can't add a party bound item to a character without party!
-You can't carry another @@? What a shame.
-You can't clean a cart while vending!
-You can't create chat rooms in this map
-You can't drop items in this map
-You can't go there!
-Ты не можешь здесь находиться!
-You can't have met him.
-You can't join in a clan if you're in a guild.
-You can't leave battleground guilds.
-You can't open a shop in this map
-You can't open a shop on this cell.
-You can't return your pet because your inventory is full.
-You can't trade in this map
-You can't use commands while dead.
-You can't use the shovel here.
-You can't withdraw that much money
-You can, however, use '###keyTargetAttack;' to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press '###keyPickup;' to be sure.
-You cannot autotrade when dead.
-You cannot bury this item!
-You cannot bury under a NPC!
-You cannot change guild leaders in this map.
-You cannot change party leaders in this map.
-You cannot decrease that stat anymore.
-You cannot drop this item!
-You cannot increase that stat anymore.
-You cannot join the '%s' channel because you've been banned from it
-You cannot send a message to this channel for another %d seconds.
-You cannot use this command when dead.
-You cannot use this item while sitting
-You cannot use this item while your storage is open
-You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it.
-You caught a @@!
-You caught the piou, but it's trying to escape from you. You'd better hurry back to Salem.
-You clearly need to be more public-spirited.
-You concentrate and try to summon old memories from within your mind.
-You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew.
-Тут ты можешь встретить других моряков и ... Стать одним из нас, разумеется ты получишь эту шляпу, но для этого тебе надо только поставить свою "закорючку".
-You could start by talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help!
-Ты можешь сначала поговорить с Гугли. У него всегда есть задания для людей, желающих помочь!
-You currently cannot open your storage.
-You currently have @@ Esperin on your bank account.
-You did not defeat the boss, you can't learn any skills.
-You did such a good job, you should keep it.
-You do not give me a lot of options.
-You do not have a cart to be cleaned.
-You do not have a homunculus.
-You do not have enough Esperin on your bank account.
-You do not have enough Esperin on yourself.
-You do not have the item!
-You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu.
-You do not possess a cart to be removed
-You do not seem to have enough money, come back later!
-You don't expect me to eat that, do you? Give me something else!
-Ты же не хочешь, что бы я это съел? Дай мне что-нибудь другое!
-You don't have a scythe, by chance? I am too old to mew this field all alone.
-You don't have any @@, are you mocking me?
-You don't have any @@.
-You don't have enough @@s on you.
-You don't have enough money, bring @@ E.
-You don't have enough room in your backpack for a @@. Go stow some of your junk and come back.
-You don't have everything I have asked for.
-You don't have room for a beer!
-You don't have this quest skill.
-You don't know how to make a sandwich with that.
-You don't seem to be from the Legion, let's do a game.
-You failed!
-You feel a strong magic aura. You want to sit near it and meditate.
-You feel numb and everything around you looks foggy, but you can recall the feeling of the cold hard wood of your raft on a stormy night.
-You fell asleep.#0
-You fell asleep.#1
-You found a small chest, surprisingly heavy for it's size.
-You found him!
-You found something!
-You give up.
-You got married to @@!
-You hand him another log.
-You have %d new emails (%d unread)
-You have a level for each of your gear, by default when you buy or craft a piece, the level is set to 1.
-You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first.
-You have already opened your storage. Close it first.
-You have an awful case of amnesia.
-У вас ужасная амнезия.
-You have become the Guild Master!
-You have been jailed by a GM.
-You have been jailed for an unknown amount of time.
-You have been jailed indefinitely.
-You have been recovered!
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#0
-Ты была очень мила со мной. Пожалуйста, возьми одну.
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#1
-Ты был очень мил со мной. Пожалуйста, возьми.
-You have forgotten the skill.
-You have learned the skill.
-You have learnt the skill.
-You have mounted a Peco Peco.
-You have mounted your Dragon.
-You have mounted your Mado Gear.
-You have mounted your Warg.
-You have mounted.
-You have put your finger on it, I am not.
-You have released your Dragon.
-You have released your Mado Gear.
-You have released your Peco Peco.
-You have released your Warg.
-You have released your mount.
-You have talent and the best place to utilize it is in the Legion! You can either pursue your goals with us or without us, but trust me, with us it's much better.
-You have to find him, or else I will tell him that you did not help me.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of those damn sailors brought that 'nice' lady here.
-Тебе следует знать, что было время, когда я был единственным лейтенантом в команде. Потом, однажды, один из этих чёртовых матросов принёс сюда эту "милую" леди.
-You have: @@/@@ @@
-You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
-Вы слышите громкий скрип. Должно быть, это скрипнула деревянная дверь.
-You hear some creeping and crawling sounds from the murkiness below.
-You hear some sound behind the door.
-You hide your shovel.
-You hit the nail on the head, it's the Legion of Gasaron!
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-Ты слишком сильно ударил рукой, ты уничтожил свою @@.
-You hold the shovel in your hands.
-You honor me, my beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!#0
-Вы оказали мне честь, моя красавица, но я уже занят Джулией!
-You just defeated the following boss: @@ (Lv. @@)
-You just have to select the card, then you choose which piece of equipment you want to use it on, and you are done.
-You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait.
-You killed @@ Fluffies.
-You know, I had the strangest thing happen to me.
-You know, the life of the merchant is hard. I really hope that Artis and the Merchant Guild will help me to succeed.
-You know, yeyes love to chat while working.
-Знаешь, йейе любят общаться во время работы.
-You lack some very basic skills...
-You learned how to cook @@.
-You left your fishing spot!
-You lie in the bed.
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you downstairs to the hold, where you will find a furry meal!
-Они тебе нравятся, не так ли? Просто поговори с Питером. Он второй палубе корабля. Он отправит тебя вниз в трюм, где ты найдёшь пушистую еду!
-You like these hats, right?
-Нравятся эти шляпы, да?
-You look broke. Don't think that you can dine and dash here!
-You look capable, will you help me solve these robberies?
-You look confident. I will give you my old gear as reward and acknowledgment for your time... and take these potions as well!
-You look fine and dandy to me.
-You look like a nice person.
-You look nice, do you want to help me?
-You made a cash deposit of @@ E.
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#1
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#1
-You may search partial name by making use of '%' in the search, ex. "@accinfo %Mario%" lists all characters whose name contains "Mario".
-You mean like one of my legendary forest bows?
-You mentioned the quality of your wine.
-Ты упомянул качество своего вина.
-You missunderstood, it's 5 potions.
-You must "add" the items you plan on selling, and then press "sell" to confirm. You'll have this time to review.
-You must enter a name.
-You must enter a player name or ID.
-You must find someone willing to buy, they usually will buy almost anything you have, even items which cannot be replaced, so be careful.
-You need %s to mount!
-You need some anger control therapy.
-You need to be a Guild Master to use this command.
-You need to be a member of the Merchant Guild to have a chance there.
-You need to be a party leader to use this command.
-You need to cross the crocojungle heading north.
-Тебе нужно пересечь крокоджунгли на севере.
-You need to input a option
-You need to type the answer of this riddle in the NPC window.
-You need to wait @@ more before equipping this again.
-You no doubt remember how I struggled with those beasts, fighting for my life.
-You notice a young boy sitting on one of the highest branches of the tree.
-You now also have access to the Legion building. Good job, you earned it.
-You open a book named "%s".
-You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.
-Ты открываешь книгу, но, похоже, морская вода и время очень сильно повредили её. Некоторые страницы уже не читабельны, некоторые просто пропали.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-@@ расколот пополам, но при этом одна из частей раздроблена.
-You opened the chest
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-Ты отлично разрезал свою @@ на две съедобные части.
-You pick up the package.
-You probably don't have much business in this city as you don't remember who you are.
-You pulled too late and lost the bait...
-You pulled too soon and lost the bait.
-You receive @@ E!
-Ты получаешь @@ Е!
-You receive a @@!
-Ты получаешь @@!
-You received @@ EXP and @@ E.
-You request has been rejected by autoreject option.
-You scare the piou, but let it go.
-You search the tree but don't find anybody.
-You see a curious hole behind some rocks
-You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
-You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
-You see a suspicious greenish flag. It reminds you of something you seem to have forgotten.
-You see a tree.
-You see a young elven girl, with a strong sense of pain in her face.
-You see an ordinary bookcase.
-You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
-You see these pious around us?
-Ты видишь этих пию вокруг нас?
-You see, Enora asked me to do a black iron sword, unfortunately I ran out of the material needed, and...
-You see, folks around here that get my cookies have the distinction of being...
-You see? I'm working here!
-Не видишь? Я работаю!
-You seem a bit tired sir.
-You seem more cultivated than you look.
-You seem pathetically weak. What is such boneless jelly like you doing around here?
-You should arrive at a park with a hill nearby.
-You should ask Maxe. He's an early riser.
-You should ask my old woman.
-You should check on the highest part of the cliff, I was hiding there.
-You should come back when you have some free space.
-Возвращайся, когда у тебя будет свободное место.
-You should definitely go talk to Q'Anon, our boss. You'll find him upstairs.
-You should discuss with Don and Calypsan if you want to learn more about it, they are masters on this area!
-You should go and get some sleep.
-Тебе нужно поспать.
-You should go see him. He is one of the most experienced sailors we have.
-Тебе нужно его увидеть. Он самый опытный моряк из всех, что у нас есть.
-You should go see them.
-Ты должен пойти и увидеть их.
-You should go talk to Alan again.
-You should have a shop open in order to use @autotrade.
-You should inform Nard of the progress made in loading food and supplies on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-Ты должен сообщить Нарду о наших успехах в погрузке провианта на корабль. Он будет рад услышать хорошие новости!
-You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached.
-You should look for a seller named Fexil around the merchant square.
-You should look for them when we arrive at the port. You won't regret it! Ehehe...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-Сначала поговори с Магом Арпаном.
-You should walk to the north to find him.
-Тебе надо идти на север, чтобы найти его.
-You should walk to the north.
-Тебе нужно идти на север.
-You shouldn't believe every tale drunken sailors tell you.
-Тебе не следует верить всем байкам пьяных моряков.
-You shouldn't drink while working!
-You step on something, a panel half overgrown by moss, it has writing on it...
-You step on something, a panel with a bitten corner and clear inscriptions on it...
-You step on something, a shaky and fragile panel with barely visible inscriptions on it...
-You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-У тебя все еще есть несколько дней до того, как мы прибудем в порт, может, ты можешь научиться чему-нибудь у них?
-You still have a 90% discount on one piou.
-You still haven't completed your tasks.
-Ты всё ещё не выполнил задачу.
-You still need to give me boxes from:
-Тебе ещё нужно принести мне ящики от:
-You stupid, he's English, look at the shape of his head.#1
-You stupid, she's English, look at the shape of her head.#0
-You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-You take good care of your piou. Remember to feed it every day.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-Вы достаёте одежду из сундука.
-You take your fishing rod and leave.
-You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie?
-Скажи мне. Я заслуживаю печенье?
-You told me that you 'were' important.
-Ты сказал мне, что ты 'был' огромной шишкой.
-You tried to embarrass me, am I right?!
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...
-Хотел от меня избавиться, а? Сюрприз! Я еще здесь... *ик* Или там...
-You waited too long and lost the bait...
-You were gone so I thought you let me down.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
-Ты была в плохом состоянии, ты должна быть счастлива, что мы нашли тебя до того, как море убило тебя.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
-Ты был в плохом состоянии, ты должен быть счастлив, что мы нашли тебя до того, как море убило тебя.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-You will be able to find Don's house in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the bridge on the left, you can't miss it!
-You will be able to find her in the market in the south-west of Artis.
-You will be amased by all the colors of hair dye they have.
-You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left.
-Ты найдешь деревянный знак около перекрёстка. Он в нескольких шагах налево.
-You will lose experience if you are defeated.
-You will remain
-You will respawn at this place if defeated in combat.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Legion of Aemil. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-You wipe off enough of the sand to manage to read the message written on this crude piece of wood.
-Вы стряхиваете песок, что бы прочитать сообщение, написанное на этом грубом куске дерева.
-You withdrew a total of @@ E.
-You yoiis should walk to the north.
-Тебе йойис нужно идти на север.
-You'll first need to help my friends.
-Сперва помоги моим друзьям.
-You'll need to bring me @@ @@ and @@ @@ for the recipe.
-You'll think I'm insane if I tell you...
-You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid.
-You're already autolooting this item type.
-You're already autolooting this item.
-You're already in the '%s' channel
-You're already with a '%s' costume, type '@costume' to remove it.
-You're as strong as if you were my own child!
-You're confusing me with someone else.
-You're currently not autolooting this item type.
-You're currently not autolooting this item.
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew, I can't trust you!
-Ты, как и остальные, из этой мерзкой шайки. Я не могу доверять тебе!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#0
-Ты, как и остальные, из этой мерзкой шайки. Твое имя теперь в списке предателей!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#1
-Ты, как и остальные, из этой мерзкой шайки. Твое имя теперь в списке предателей!
-You're lucky that I'm a generous person, here's another one.
-Тебе повезло, что я щедрый человек, вот ещё одна.
-You're lying, aren't you? I heard nothing from you-know-whom!
-You're not allowed to talk on this channel
-You're not dead.
-You're not disguised.
-You're not in a guild.
-You're not in that channel, type '@join <#channel_name>'
-You're not part of the '%s' channel
-You're not the master of your guild.
-Вы не мастер вашей гильдии.
-You're not the owner of channel '%s'
-You're now in the '#%s' channel for '%s'
-You're now in the '%s' channel
-You're on La Johanne, a merchant ship.
-You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Ты на корабле, мы плывём к промышленной столице Артиса.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
-Ты на нашем корабле, мы сделали привал на небольшом острове, но вскоре наше длинное рискованное торговое путешествие закончится в Артисе.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
-Ты на нашем корабле, мы сделали привал на небольшом острове, но вскоре наше длинное рискованное торговое путешествие закончится в Артисе.
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!#1
-Отлично, теперь ты один из нас! Я был уверен, что ты окажешься хорошим парнем, когда впервые тебя увидел!
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!#0
-Отлично, теперь ты одна из нас! Я был уверен, что ты окажешься любезной леди, когда впервые тебя увидел!
-You're right, it's about Julia.#1
-Ты прав, это касается Джулии.
-You're right, it's about you.#0
-Ты права, это о тебе.
-You're too close to a NPC, you must be at least %d cells away from any NPC.
-You're welcome to stay here as long as you wish. Just don't do anything stupid, like a riot, for example.
-You're welcome. Bye!
-You're welcome. If you can't remember something, just come back here!
-Всегда пожалуйста. Если ты что нибудь забудешь - возвращайся сюда!
-You've become the party leader.
-Вы стали лидером группы.
-You've been revived!
-You've died.
-Вы умерли.
-You've finally found that perfect piece of living wood that Alan needs to make a Forest Bow, haven't you?
-You've left the '%s' channel
-Вы покинули канал '%s'
-You've reached the highest natural place of Artis, enjoy the view.
-You've reached your slave clones limit.
-You... You eat... rattos? I think you're just a fool.
-Ты... Ты ешь... Крыс? Я считаю, что ты просто дурак.
-You? Here?
-Ты? Здесь?
-Your %s determines several small things, including critical attacks, but DOES NOT affect drop rates.
-Your %s determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action on the specified player.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action.
-Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version.
-Your account has an 'Incorrect Password'...
-Your account has been banished until
-Your account has been blocked by the GM Team.
-Your account has been prohibited to log in.
-Your account has been rejected from server.
-Your account has been totally erased.
-Ваш аккаунт был полностью стерт.
-Your account has expired.
-Your account is 'Unregistered'.
-Your account is no longer authorized.
-Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.
-Your autolootitem list has been reset.
-Your autolootitem list is empty.
-Your autolootitem list is full. Remove some items first with @autolootid -<item name or ID>.
-Your autoloottype list has been reset.
-Your autoloottype list is empty.
-Your body aches, even your hair hurts, and the bright daylight is painful.
-Your brain liquified to match the level of a piou! It's the Legion of Gasaron.
-Your cart was cleaned.
-Ваша корзина была очищена.
-Your class can't mount!
-Your current memo positions are:
-Your dad ran away from you!
-Your effect has changed.
-Ваш эффект изменён.
-Your global chat is no longer bound to the '#%s' channel
-Your global chat is not bound to any channel
-Your global chat is now bound to the '%s' channel
-Your group has been changed.
-Ваша группа была изменена.
-Your guild storage was cleaned.
-Хранилище вашей гильдии было очищено.
-Your guild's storage has already been opened by another member, try again later.
-Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Твои руки слишком слабые, ты не можешь открыть @@.
-Your head is suddently heavy, your eyes are closing...
-Your heart quickens as your gaze focuses upon a small wooden panel, partly obscured under a layer of wind-blown sand.
-Ваше сердце забилось, когда ваш взор пал на небольшую деревянную табличку, почти занесённую песком.
-Your homunculus doesn't evolve.
-Your job has been changed.
-Ваша работа была изменена.
-Your level is already higher than %d.
-Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process.
-Your name is Ianus or Janus?
-Your position has been saved.
-Ваше местоположение сохранено.
-Your save point has been changed.
-Your sex has been changed (disconnection required to complete the process)...
-ВЫ сменили пол (необходимо отключиться для завершения процесса)...
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#0
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#1
-Your storage was cleaned.
-Ваше хранилище очищено.
-Zinc-Titanium Oxide, Phthalocyanides, Cadmiums, Lazulite...
-Zone not found. Keep in mind that the names are CaSe SenSitiVe.
-Zone successfully changed from '%s' to '%s'.
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Guild ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Party ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Self ]
-[ K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Active ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ ^EE0000%s^000000 ]
-[%d] seconds left until you can use
-a ground!
-a quiet place,
-тихое место,
-both hands,
-обе руки,
-brought maggot
-brought maggot slime
-by doing quests
-change the sex of
-изменить пол
-data %s %s %s data
-data @@ @@ @@ data
-foo %2$s bar %1$s baz
-left accessory,
-left hand,
-правая рука,
-line @@: @@
-lower head,
-ниже головы,
-lower/mid head,
-lower/mid/top head,
-lower/top head,
-mid head,
-посередине головы,
-без сжатия
-no active MOTD
-no active broadcast
-option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0'
-option '%s' is not enabled on channel '%s'
-опция '%s' не включенв на канале '%s'
-option '%s' is now disabled for channel '%s'
-опция '%s' на данный момент отключена на канале '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s'
-опция '%s' включена для канала '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s' with %d seconds
-опция '%s' включена для канала '%s' на %d секунд
-right accessory,
-right hand,
-правая рука,
-skill %d: %s (%s)
-test %s
-test @@
-test1 %s#0
-test1 @@#0
-test2 %s#1
-test2 @@#1
-top head,
-tricked thus again.
-usage @camerainfo range rotation latitude
-value '%d' for option '%s' is out of range (limit is 0-%d)
-| Guild: '%s'
-| Гильдия: '%s'
-| Location: %s %d %d
-| Lv:%d/%d | Job: %s
-| Party: '%s'
-“Nothing I can do”, she says, “but I can ask a friend”.
-← Exit
-↑ Legion
-↓ Market Place
diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.old b/langs/lang_vls.old
deleted file mode 100644
index dc01e48e..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_vls.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
-@@ is helping me.
-@@ es mi an 't 'elp'n.
-About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-'k è wa bedenking'n over die Esperia Guild, a 'k ik vrijut magge klapp'n. Der ès rumoer over da ze vulle ding'n èn gedoane en da z' en 'oop dingen veur oes verborg'n 'oud'n.
-All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
-Oal da'k ik t' et'n a, weure die bess'n... Bess'n... Bess'n...
-Alright, bye!
-Allé, 't e goe, salut!
-Also, there was this inscription on your raft, one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world, does that make you remember something?
-Ook, der woas een teken ip ui vlot, van de soldoat'n guild van Esperia, de grootste en zwoarste guild van de hele niewe wereld, doet ui da ergens an peiz'n?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#0
-Oak, w' èn ui yayad kler'n weggepakt, ze woaren ... in nie zukken goeien stoat, kikt noar de dooze achter ui bed, doar zitt'n en poar nieuw' in.
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#1
-Oak, w' èn ui yayad kler'n weggepakt, ze woaren ... in nie zukken goeien stoat, kikt noar de dooze achter ui bed, doar zitt'n en poar nieuw' in.
-And please, no berries. No more!
-En astemblief, geen beskes. Nie mjè.
-And what kind of help do you need?
-En wa veur 'ulpe è j' gie nodig?
-Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
-Ahhh, geef mi gin bess'n! 'k wille ze nie, stomme bess'n, stomme ... stom ... stom!
-As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!!
-Gie kunt rondlop'n, dus da goa gemakk'lik zin vo gie. Spits mi ne kjè eentje!!
-As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship.
-G' opent ui oog'n, ge kikt rond en ge ziet en groo skip.
-But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in coma.
-Moa bov'n de reste, z' es oak degene die ui ei verzorgd in uin coma.
-But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway.
-Moa tot dan, moe j' ier bluv'n, d' er ès toch niks anders te doen.
-But you won't *hick* me this time...
-Moar ge goa mi nie *hik* 'n deze kjè
-But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.
-Moar... as 't ie amnesisch is, gelik da Julia gezeid et...Moet'n w' oes gin zorg'n moak'n over 'em.
-But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him.
-Moar... as 't ie amnesisch is, gelik da Julia è gezeid, ton moet'n w' oes gin zorg'n moak'n.
-But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.
-Moar... as z' amnesisch is, gelik da Julia gezeid et...Moet'n w' oes gin zorg'n moak'n over eur.
-But... if she is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about her.
-Moar... as ze amnesisch is gelik da Julia gezeid et, moet'n we oes over eur gin zorg'n moak'n.
-Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
-Kun dje mi entwa bring'n da gen groente es?
-Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Klikt ip de NPC's rond gie vo de rest van d' introductie.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Kun dje mi zegg'n wa da ui moedertoal ès? Een Zeeman è gezei da' j' en Rus zit, moar 'n anderen zei da'j' en Fransen zit... 'k weet et ni zo goe. Ik ga ui ton registreren ip de boarding liste van 't skip.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Kun dje mi zegg'n wa da ui moedertoal ès? Een Zeeman è gezei da' j' en Russische zit, moar 'n anderen zei da'j' en Franse zit... 'k weet et ni zo goe. Ik ga ui ton registreren ip de boarding liste van 't skip.
-Could you help me please?
-Kun dje mi 'elp'n astemblief?
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!
-Godverdomme! Ge kun't moar beter niemand vertel'n da j' mi ei gezien!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0
-Godverdomme! Ge kun't moar beter niemand vertel'n da j' mi ei gezien!
-Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1
-Godverdomme! Ge kun't moar beter niemand vertel'n da j' mi ei gezien!
-Did you say reward? I want it!
-é j' gie gezei belonginge? Da moe'k ik én!
-Do you have an other question for me?
-Ei j' gie nog 'n andere vroage veur ik?
-Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
-Niet de *hick* doen me d' ikke, é!
-Elfen Voice
-Elfen Stemme
-Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry!
-euh, 'k wilde eigenlijk geweune noar Artis, moa 'k è 't geld nie vo de ferry te betoal'n!
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Ggrmm grmmm...
-Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis.
-Goe vo te wet'n. Van wa Darlin è mi verteld, goan we seffes arriver'n bie en klein eilandje, voorda w' arriver'n in Artis.
-Good, good!
-Goe, goe!
-He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain.
-He he... Ok, 'k goa noar de bov'nste verdiepinge en 't vertel'n an de skipper.
-Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
-Lustert *hik* wel, gelikwadakik gie zoe *hik* gezeid èn ov... wa?! G' èt gezien é, de Guild van Esperia goat 't nie in publiek goan doene.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we get a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, ie ès en bèkke nerveus, 't ès nie ieder'n doage da we nieuwe minsen derbie krigg'n!
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we got a new member in the crew!
-Hehehe, ie ès en bèkke nerveus, 't ès nie ieder'n doage da we nieuwe minsen derbie krigg'n!
-Hello, Let me just present myself, I'm Captain Nard, it's me who's leader of this ship.
-Hey, loat ikke mi ne kjè voor'nstell'n, 'k benne Skipper Nard, 't ès ikke die de skipper ès van 't skip.
-Hello, boy!
-'allo, jong'n!
-Hello, girl!
-Hey meiske!
-Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay?
-Ei gi! 'oar dj' oes? Zi j' ok?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth in the crew we need to check it!
-Ei, sorry vo ui koamer zo rappe te verloat'n, 'k moeste ... klapp'n me de skipper over... de reserve.. ah, ge weet wel, nu da we een nieuw mins erbie èn, moet'n we 't controler'n, é!
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-'ey! Pas moar ip. Ge kunt nie te lange in de kelder bluv'n, ge goa ziek kom'n. Kom 't er moar ut en wacht 'n bekke, miskien kun dje loater nog ne kje prober'n.
-Hey, girl!
-Ei, meiske!
-Hey, man!
-Ei, manneke!
-Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
-Ei, ge zoe beter ne kjè me Julia klapp'n vo te registrer'n ip de board van't skip.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Hey, 't es goe vor ui te zien!
-Hi, nice to see you!#0
-Hey, 't es goe vor ui te zien!
-Hidden person
-Verborg'ne mins
-Hidden person doesn't answer
-Verborg'n mins zegt niks were
-How is *hick* possible??
-Oe è da ier *hick*verdomme meuglijk??
-I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
-Beloning'n kan mi ni skèl'n. 'k wille 'k ik geweun 'elp'n.
-I am, who are you?
-Bajoak, wie zi j' gie?
-I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-'k smeek et ui, astemblieft, astemblieeeeft...
-I don't have anything good for you today.
-'k ei niks goe vo gie vandoage.
-I don't need your help right now, come back later.
-'k è ui 'ulpe nie nodig, kjère loater ne kjè were.
-I don't want this, give me something else.
-Da moe'k nie ène, geef mi entwa d' anders.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#0
-'k è 'ulpe nodig vo den onderkant van 't skip te kuss'n, maar ge zi nie sterk genoeg vo mi 't 'elp'n.
-I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#1
-'k è 'ulpe nodig vo den onderkant van 't skip te kuss'n, maar ge zi nie sterk genoeg vo mi 't 'elp'n.
-I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me?
-'k ei iemand noadig die in d'n onderkant van 't skip die Ratto's kan ipkus'n, kun dje mi 'elp'n?
-I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again?
-'k zie da't nie zo simpel ès vo die rattos ip te kus'n. Wil dje nog ne kjè prober'n?
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
-Azo, woarschuw d' andere zeeman'n 'ierover. Moar as 't ie van de Soldoat'n Guild ès, ton ès ie ook oez'n moat.
-I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
-Azo, woarschuw d' andere zeeman'n 'ierover. Moar as ze van de Soldoat'n Guild ès, ton ès ze ook oez'n moat.
-I speak English
-'k klappe Ingels
-I speak Flemish
-'k klappe Vloams
-I speak French
-'k klappe Frans
-I speak German
-'k klappe Dutsch
-I speak Italian
-'k klappe Italioans
-I speak Polish
-'k klappe Pools
-I speak Portuguese
-'k klappe Portugees
-I speak Russian
-'k klappe Russisch
-I speak Spanish
-'k klappe Spoans
-I will give her everything she needs, don't worry.
-'k goa eur oal gev'n wa da ze nodig èt, ge moet er nie mee inzitt'n.
-I will give him everything he needs, don't worry.
-'k goa 'm oal gev'n wa da 't ie nodig èt, ge moet er nie mee inzitt'n.
-I will give you @@gp.
-'k goa ui @@gp gev'n.
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
-'k zoe gèren een pakk'n, moa ze vlieg'n weg a 'k 't probeer.
-I'll share my berries with you, if you help me.
-'k Goa ui een poar bess'n gev'n, oa j' mi 'elpt.
-I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
-Ze noem'n mi Alige, en 'k zi mi ier oal 2 wek'n an't verstop'n
-I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you some days ago, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
-'k noeme Julia, 'k ben de die die ui verzorgt èt en poar doag'n geled'n, toen da w' ui èn gevon'n in de zee. 'k benne blie da j' der goed utziet nui!
-I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
-'k ben ier zot an 't word'n, 'k moe iet anders ein vo 't et'n!
-I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me!
-Ik benne nie zo dom eeeh *hik* gelik wa da je ier vin*hik*d hiere, de soldoat'n guild goa mi nie èn!
-I'm not.
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#0
-'k voele mi nie goe, 'k goa weer in min bedde krup'n.
-I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1
-'k voele mi nie goe, 'k goa weer in min bedde krup'n.
-If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
-Moeste 'k ik gezien èn wie da j' woart... *hik* Zoe je nie geholp'n èn!
-In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun.
-Kik, 'k è nen 'oop fun In min 'ol,
-It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Da zoe kunn'n klopp'n, peize d' je da we 't an de skipper moet'n zegg'n?
-It'll be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that.
-'t ès en goe moment vo wa 't oef'nen, omda 't skip nie zo groot ès.
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry!
-'t is ne commercieel'n 'av'n van Andorra, 't is roar da j' nie weet wa da 't ès, 't ès een van de meest beroemde sted'n van de wereld... Moar ei, terug noar 't belangrikste! 'k è hong'r!
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-'t è goe om te zien da je wakker zit en da' j' ok zit, Elmo è mi 't goe nieuws kom'n zegg'n!
-It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-'t ès goe om te zien da je wakker zit en da' j' ok zit, Elmo è mi 't goe nieuws kom'n zegg'n!
-Knifes on the table
-Mess'n ip den toafel
-Let me see your work...
-Toan ne kjè wa da'j' gedoan èt...
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Meskien was 't ie een van die die vorige moand verdwen'n zin? Die yoiis van Esperia die 'n geheime missie èn gekreg'n van de soldoat'n guild!
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Meskien was z' een van die die vorige moand verdwen'n zin? Die yoiis van Esperia die 'n geheime missie èn gekreg'n van de soldoat'n guild!
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
-NEN en *hik* NEN, gi en ui ... *burp* stomm*hik* guild!
-NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
-NEN en *hik* NEN, gi en ui ... *burp* stomm*hik* guild!
-No problem, I can help you anyway.
-'t é goe, 'k kan ui toch 'elp'n.
-No problem, do you have an other question for me?
-Gin probleem, ei j' gie nog 'n andere vroage vor ikke?
-No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
-Nenk, 'k kanne nie, Ik wilde geweun reiz'n over de zee vo de fun.
-No, thanks.
-Nenk, merci.
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians
-Niemand goa wet'n da de Mercurians bestoan.
-OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
-Ok, 'k peize da't ie an't wakker kom'n ès, ge zou beter ne kjè goan kik'n.
-OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
-Ok, 'k peize da' z' ant wakker kom'n ès, goa ne kjè goan kik'n noar eur.
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0
-Oh yeyeye, ze zin nie eetboar, ge kunt prober'n ze te gebruk'n!
-Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1
-Oh yeyeye, ze zin nie eetboar, ge kunt prober'n ze te gebruk'n!
-Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, geeft ze een poar basis kler'n, 't arm skoap, die dat z' an oa, woaren zelfs slechter of d' oeze!
-Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
-Oh, geeft em een poar basis kler'n, de'n arme sukkel, die dat ie an oat, woaren zelfs slechter of d' oeze!
-Oh, he's still alive!
-Ei, ie leef' nog!
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#0
-Ah, nui da'k et mi 'erinner, w' èn ook wa geld gevon'n in ui zakk'n, 'ier ès 't.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#1
-Ah, nui da'k et mi 'erinner, w' èn ook wa geld gevon'n in ui zakk'n, 'ier ès 't.
-Oh, she's still alive!
-Oh, ze leef' nog!
-Ok, Done. I'm sure that you got some question for me, feel free to ask them!
-Ok, 'k zin gereed. G' 'eit verzekers en poar vroagn veur ik, vroag ze moar!
-Ok, Done. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them!
-Ok, da's gedoan. 'k benne zeker da je nog wa vroag'n èt veur ikke, vroage ze moar!
-Ok, I'll help you.
-Ok, 'k goa ui 'elp'n.
-Ok, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
-Ok, 'k goa noar eur koamer, 'oud z' in de mot, we wet'n nog oalsan nie oa z' en goeie of en slechte ès...
-Ok, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
-Ok, 'k goa noar zin koamer, 'oud em in de mot, we wet'n nog oalsan nie oa 't ne goei'n of ne slecht'n ès...
-Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
-Ok, ok. Kjère moa were a' je van gedach' veranderd.
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
-Ok, 'k benne gereed vo te wèrk'n!
-Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
-Ok, 'k benne gereed vo te wèrk'n!
-Okay, but what can you offer me?
-Ok, wa kun dje mi gev'n?
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0
-Open't ui inventory (F3 knopke), klikt ip de kler'n eentje me ne kjè en droag ze.
-Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1
-Open't ui inventory (F3 knopke), klikt ip de kler'n eentje me ne kjè en droag ze.
-Orc Voice
-Orc Stemme
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0
-Aha, wa veur et'n è j' gie mee vo mi vandoage?
-Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#1
-Aha, wa veur et'n è j' gie mee vo mi vandoage?
-Pious legs
-Pious poot'n
-Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again!
-Goa j' 't nie zegg'n an mins'n da j' mi gezien eit, 'k wille nie in 't woater gesmet'n word'n of ontwoofd, nie nog ne kjè!
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-Rrrr pchhhh...
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
-Z'es ip 't bovendek, yeye kunt ze nie miss'n. Z' ès 't enigste meiske bij de zeeman'n, wel, behalve gie nu, yeyeye!
-She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew.
-Z'es ip 't bovendek, yeye kunt ze nie miss'n. Z' ès 't enigste meiske bij de zeeman'n.
-She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook!
-Z' es de verpleegster en d' 'uishoudster van 't skip, en oak ne goei'n kok!
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
-Doavor'n èn w' ui dus will'n woarschuw'n, misskien komt ie van die guild, omda da teken ip da vlot getekend was.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
-Doavor'n èn w' ui dus will'n woarschuw'n, misskien kom' ze van die guild, omda da teken ip da vlot getekend was.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look in good health now.
-En, 'oe voel d' je nui? 'k zie da Julia nen goeien job è gedoan! Ge ziet er goed ut, nu.
-Some sailors are trying to talk to you..
-D'r zin en 'oop zeeman'n da me ui will'n klapp'n..
-Sorry but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Sorry, moar doar kanne 'k ik ui nieks over zegg'n.
-Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those rattos.
-Sorry, 'k é gin goestinge vo nog 'n gevecht met die rattos.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#0
-Sorry, moa 'k benne bezig nui.
-Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1
-Sorry, moa 'k benne bezig nui.
-Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
-Plots hoor d' je en stemme van den 'emel.
-Sure, Cap'tain.
-Moabajoak, skipper.
-Thank you so much! Here, have some berries...
-merci, merci! 'ier, en poar beskes...
-Thank you, I'll take them.
-Merci, 'k goa da pakk'n.
-Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.
-Merci vo mi 't 'elp'n. Moar die rattos bluv'n en probleem en ui'n ulpe es aolsan welkom. 't enigste probleem es da'k ui moar ene kje 'n beloninge kan gev'n.
-Thanks for helping me!
-Merci vo mi 't 'elp'n!
-That's a good idea, go rest a bit and I'll see you tomorow!
-Da d' ès en goe idee, goa moar en bèkke rust'n en 'k zie ui ton morg'n!
-The giant bogeyman!
-De groot'n boeman!
-The sailor chugs his beer
-De zeeman zupt zin bier
-The sailor is turning his back to you
-De zeeman droait 'emzelv'n weg van ui
-The sailor is turning his back to you.
-De Zeeman es an 't wegdroai'n van gie.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
-De zeeman'n droag'n ui ip 'un skip om ui 't 'elp'n.
-There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-D'er es en mes ip den tafel, wil dje 't pakk'n?
-There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-Der zin nog oalsan wa rattos over! Wil d' je stopp'n me de missie?
-There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-Der zin ier wa vliegende gele plushne dingskes rond gie, da noemt ne pious. Zo'n gebroad'n pootje van eentje zoe wel goe zin.
-There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
-D'er es en mes ip den tafel, wil dje 't pakk'n?
-This box is locked.
-De dooze es geslot'n.
-This door seems locked
-Die deure zie't er geslot'n ut
-This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Da meiske è geluk da w' eur èn gevon'n veur nen 'aai. 'k è gin idee woar da ze vandoan komt. Trouwins, è j' da logo gezien ip eur vlot?
-This girl needs help, let's rescue her!
-Da meiske è 'ulpe nodig, me goan eur 'elp'n!
-This guy is lucky that we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
-Dien gast è geluk da w' 'em èn gevon'n veur nen 'aai. 'k è gin idee woar da 't ie vandoan komt. Trouwins, è j' da logo gezien ip zin vlot?
-This guy needs help, let's rescue him!
-Diene mins èt 'ulpe nodig, me goan 'n 'elp'n!
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
-Zuknen klap zoe moet'n bestraft weur'n, moar 'k ga akoord, ik è ze ook nie zo gèren, dus 'oud ze moar in de mot.
-This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
-Zuknen klap zoe moet'n bestraft weur'n, moar 'k ga akoord, ik è ze ook nie zo gèren, dus 'oud 'm moar in de mot.
-Too bad that you do not want to help me.
-'t es jammer da'j mi nie wilt 'elp'n.
-We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
-We zoen der moet'n zin in a poar doag'n, en oa w' arriver'n, ga'k de soldoat'n guild zegg'n wa dat er gebeurd ès, Ze goan ui verzekers kunn'n 'elp'n.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-We peiden da je gie oes kost 'elp'n verstoan wa da 't er gebeurd ès, we wet'n oallènne da w' ui èn gevon'n in de zee, an't driv'n ip ui vlot.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0
-W' èn geprobeert ze te kuss'n moa 't zee woater moakte ze kapot. Doavor'n èn we ui die kler'n gegev'n, ze zin nie zo goe, moar 't ès oal da w' èn.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1
-W' èn geprobeert ze te kuss'n moa 't zee woater moakte ze kapot. Doavor'n èn we ui die kler'n gegev'n, ze zin nie zo goe, moar 't ès oal da w' èn.
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0
-Me goan ier nog wel yaya'n vo 'n poar doag'n, dus me goan ui ier afzett'n. G' 'oa 't wel zien, de minsen zin ier beleefd en ge kun't ier vroag'n vo 'ulpe vo de soldoat'n guild. Zudder goan ui wel kunn'n en job gev'n of ui misskiens 'elp'n met utzoek'n wa da't er in de zee ès gebeurt!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#1
-Me goan ier nog wel yaya'n vo 'n poar doag'n, dus me goan ui ier afzett'n. G' 'oa 't wel zien, de minsen zin ier beleefd en ge kun't ier vroag'n vo 'ulpe vo de soldoat'n guild. Zudder goan ui wel kunn'n en job gev'n of ui misskiens 'elp'n met utzoek'n wa da't er in de zee ès gebeurt!
-What am I suposed to say?
-Wa moekik nui zegg'n?
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!
-Moa, wa zeg dje hudder nu, 't è ne yoiis!
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#0
-Wuk zi je gudder an't zegg'n, 't ès nen yoiis!
-What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!#1
-Wuk zi je gudder an't zegg'n, 't ès nen yoiis!
-What are you talking about? Which guild?
-Wa zi j' over an't klapp'n? Wuk guild?
-What? This reward is too small!
-Wa? Die beloninge es ve te weinig!
-Who is this Julia?
-Wie ès die Julia?
-Why don't you go outside?
-Vowa goa j' nie noar but'n?
-Why not... but, who are you?
-Vowa nie eh... moar, wie zi j' gie?
-Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
-Yayayaya, vo den eeste kjè ès 't er iemand slechter gekleed of oes!
-Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Joah, ge zit oal gelik *hik* da in Esperia, moar ge goa mi ni èn! *burp*
-Yes, please!
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, 't ès 't logo van de soldoat'n guild van Esperia, 'k vroage mi af wat die yoiis ier and doen ès, zo ver van de kust.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, 't ès 't logo van de soldoat'n guild van Esperia, 'k vroage mi af wat dien yoiis ier and doen ès, zo ver van de kust.
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Yeye, g' eit ui kler'n nog oalsan nie gehad!
-Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
-Yeye, g' eit ui kler'n nog oalsan nie gehad!
-You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-Ge zit ip eigenlijk ip en skip, we zin ip weg noar de commercieel'n 'ooftstad van Artis.
-You are full of wine my friend...
-Ge zit vul me win, moatje...
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#0
-Ge zit ip oes skip, we zin yeyeigenlijk oeze lange reize noar Artis an't be-eindig'n.
-You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#1
-Ge zit ip oes skip, we zin yeyeigenlijk oeze lange reize noar Artis an't be-eindig'n.
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#0
-Ge kunt noa 't bovendek goan 'iere langs ui rechterkant.
-You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#1
-Ge kunt noa 't bovendek goan 'iere langs ui rechterkant.
-You can't go there!
-Ge kunt 'ier nie goan!
-You don't remember anything before this.
-Ge weet niks nie mjè wa da 't er vooraf ès gebeurt.
-You really are quite amnesic.
-Ge zit echt zwoar amnesisch.
-You really have a bad amnesia.
-G' et echt 'n zwoar'n amnesie.
-You see some items in the box. Take them out?
-Ge zie wa ding'n in en dooze. 'oal dj'z'd'erut?
-You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form.
-Gie stommekloot, 't ès nen ingels, kik noar eur 'ooft.
-You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
-Gie stommekloot, 't es nen ingels, kijk't na zin hooft.
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-Ge wilde mi doen verdwijn'n é?? Moar ierzie, 'k ben nog 'ier... *hik* of doar...
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
-Ge woart slicht gezind en ge zoe moet'n blie zin da w' ui èn gevon'n veurda de zee ui zoe gepakt én.
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
-Ge woart slicht gezind en ge zoe moet'n blie zin da w' ui èn gevon'n veurda de zee ui zoe gepakt én.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
-Ge woart an 't yaya'n sloap'n vo meer dan en poar doag'n, oez' 'uishoudster, Julia, was heelsan bij gie, z' è eur beste gedoan veur ui te fix'n.
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#1
-Ge woart an 't yaya'n sloap'n vo meer dan en poar doag'n, oez' 'uishoudster, Julia, was heelsan bij gie, z' è eur beste gedoan veur ui te fix'n.
-You?? Here??
-Gi?? 'iere??
diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.txt b/langs/lang_vls.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa232f5..00000000
--- a/langs/lang_vls.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14980 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online
- BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d)
- Party: '%s' | Guild: '%s'
- Users: %d/%d | Password: %s | Public: %s
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>).
- <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>).
- @send <packet hex number> {<value>}*
- @send len <packet hex number>
- Value: <type=B(default),W,L><number> or S<length>"<string>"
- - Available in shops only.
- - Common mobs with highest drop chance (only max %d are listed):
- - Item is not dropped by any mobs.
- - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%%
- - Monsters don't drop this item.
- -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d --
- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d --
- -- Player %s has rejected the duel --
- -- Player %s invites %s to duel --
- -> (card(s):
- -> (crafted item, creator id: %u, star crumbs %d, element %d)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, named)
- -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, unnamed)
- -> (produced item, creator id: %u)
- -> Player %s has accepted the duel --
- <- Player %s has left the duel --
- ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- ATK:%d~%d MATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d)
- DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d
- Drops:
- Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d
- MVP Bonus EXP:%u
- MVP Items:
- and %d second
- and %d seconds
- | equipped:
-"@@", I like this name!
-"@alootid reset" will clear your autolootitem list.
-"Mister Piou, good day to you.
-"My good Sir,
-##BWARNING:##b you are about to permanently empty the quote database.
-% 10s
-% 5d
-%d - void
-%d GMs found.
-%d commands found.
-%d day
-%d days
-%d hour
-%d hours
-%d item(s) found in %d %s slots.
-%d item(s) removed by a GM.
-%d item(s) removed from the player.
-%d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items.
-%d items are dropped!
-%d items have been refined.
-%d minute
-%d minutes
-%d monster(s) summoned!
-%d players found in map '%s'.
-%d players found.
-%d results found.
-%d: Accessory (Left)
-%d: Accessory (Right)
-%d: Body Armor
-%d: Costume Garment
-%d: Costume Headgear (Low)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Costume Headgear (Top)
-%d: Garment
-%d: Hand (Left)
-%d: Hand (Right)
-%d: Headgear (Low)
-%d: Headgear (Mid)
-%d: Headgear (Top)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Costume)
-%d: Refine All Equip (General)
-%d: Refine All Equip (Shadow)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Left)
-%d: Shadow Accessory (Right)
-%d: Shadow Armor
-%d: Shadow Shield
-%d: Shadow Shoes
-%d: Shadow Weapon
-%d: Shoes
-%s %d %s
-%s %s %s
-%s %s allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
-%s :Main: %s
-%s People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you.
-%s allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere.
-%s and %s will show this informative and absurdely big tutorial book.
-%s clears the text box.
-%s data type is not supported :%u
-%s determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison.
-%s displays amount of currently connected players.
-%s drains his mug in one long sip, then hesitates.
-%s explains how to use all client commands.
-%s failed
-%s failed.
-%s failed. Player not found.
-%s has bought your item(s).
-%s helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow.
-%s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes
-%s is Unknown Command.
-%s is empty
-%s is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it.
-%s lists even more advanced commands, but some of them can only be used by admins or GM's.
-%s recalled!
-%s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts)
-%s shows the name of the map you are in.
-%s shows the number of people in the neighbourhood.
-%s spawns in:
-%s takes a sip.
-%s value is now :%d
-%s value is now :%s
-%s will help when the client starts lagging. If you see an attack but no monsters, that's the cause.
-%s will tell you all the rules once again.
-%s: %d
-%s??? What a ripoff!
-'%s' Channel is password protected (usage: %s <#channel_name> <password>)
-'%s' and his/her partner are now divorced.
-'%s' channel color updated to '%s'
-'%s' is not a known channel option
-'%s' is not a known costume
-'%s' is not a known permission.
-'%s' is not married.
-'%s' skill and stat points have been reset.
-'%s' skill points reset.
-'%s' stats points reset.
-'%s' stats:
-'Hey anyone there?'
-'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty on this island!
-(@request): %s
-(All items must be placed exactly in this order for cooking work.)
-(Click on us to continue the introduction.)
-(You hear a faint sound in distance, but can't say what sound it was.)
-* :%s %s: *
-* @@ @@
-* Skill ID: @@
-*Bang bang*
-*Imitate a thunder's sound.*
-*Uff*, *Argh*, why don't you give me some help?
-*Uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.
-*sniff sniff*
-- #%s ( %d users )
-- %s
-- %s (%d)
-- 2 @@es
-- Ale
-- Astapolos
-- Available Costumes
-- Gulukan
-- I currently need your help with @@.
-- Jalad
-- Q'Muller
-- Tibbo
-- adds or removes <option name> with <option value> to <channel name> channel
-- bans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- binds your global chat to <channel name>, making anything you type in global be sent to the channel
-- changes <channel name> color to <color name>
-- creates a new channel
-- leaves <channel name>
-- lists all banned characters from <channel name> channel
-- lists colors available to select for custom channels
-- lists public channels
-- unbans <character name> from <channel name> channel
-- unbans everyone from <channel name>
-- unbinds your global chat from its attached channel (if bound)
--- %s
--- %s ban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s banlist <channel name>
--- %s bindto <channel name>
--- %s create <channel name> <channel password>
--- %s leave <channel name>
--- %s list
--- %s list colors
--- %s setcolor <channel name> <color name>
--- %s setopt <channel name> <option name> <option value>
--- %s unban <channel name> <character name>
--- %s unbanall <channel name>
--- %s unbind
--- '%s' ban list
--- Available options
--- Continues on Volume II --
--- Continues on Volume III --
--- Continues on Volume IV --
--- Displaying first %d partial matches
--- Permission List
--- Public Channels
--- User '%s' Permissions
---- Available options:
------ Chats in Map -----
------ NPCs in Map -----
------ Players in Map -----
------- %s items list of '%s' ------
------- Map Flags ------
------- Map Info ------
-... and 1 @@.
-...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks.
-...I mean log! Made of log!
-...It'll most likely attack you, instead.
- might be because of Don... he is the master blacksmith of this place and a model to me!
-...who knows if there isn't a secret in that?
-/q [Player Name]
-1 GM found.
-1 item has been refined.
-1 player found in map '%s'.
-1 player found.
-1. ##BDo not bot##b, this means you are not allowed to perform any AFK (away from keyboard) activity, apart from standing idle.
-1: The type of item yoiis want to dye.
-1x @@, 3x @@, 2x @@, and the ingredient of your choice.
-2. ##BDo not use offensive/rude language##b in the chats or in your character(s) name(s).
-2: What material it is made from.
-3. ##BDo not spam/flood other players.##b This includes chat spam and spam by trade requests.
-3: Which colorants can dye it.
-4. ##BSpeak only English in public areas.##b You can speak whatever language you want through whispers or whenever everyone in the area can speak said language.
-4: How many cards your item can contain.
-5 Piberries Infusions
-5 boxes... Alright, @@ are my speciality!
-5. ##BDo not beg others##b for money, items or favours of any kind. If you want to ask for something, do it politely and only once. Try not to annoy other players.
-6. ##BFollow the [@@|ESC@@]##b (Evol Social Convention).
-7. ##BDo not multibox.##b You are not allowed to engage in combat while controlling more than one character at a time.
-???: Hey! Is someone there? Please, help, it's so dark down here!
-@@ @@ @@
-@@ and @@ just got married!
-@@ divorced!
-@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!
-@@ registered for marriage. Waiting for partner...
-@@ skillfully cuts the bread in half, throws the ingredients in air, and they land in the sandwich!
-@@/@@ pages used.
-@@? Welcome my dear!#0
-@@? Welcome my dear!#1
-@discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings.
-@request sent.
-@resyncall is the more powerful version of @resync. It'll reload everything, even the clouds if needed.
-@toevent will warp you to event island, if an event is happening, of course.
-@ucp allows you to manage your account, eg. recover lost email.
-A GM has discharged you from jail.
-A band of adventurers formed in Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families. They visited the three permanent human settlements: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-A cookie!
-A critical hit deals added damage and disregards defense. A critical always hit, although it can be blocked just fine.
-A few minutes passed, and suddenly I was practically surrounded by a dozen or more of these living trees!
-A great city, eventually to become larger than the cities of Ancea, rose on the coast of Aemil. This city was named Esperia.
-A headache hits you and you lose your concentration.
-A large tree was found in a deep cave underneath the island of Candor. Despise the darkness of the cave and absence of leaves, the tree grew strong. It gave light off itself and its energy empowered the wizards.
-A rabbit!
-A small lie is really just a fib, and I could really use some cash...
-A stat card works on different pieces of equipment.
-A strange voice seems to be calling out your name.
-A sunny and hot day,
-A week ago, I was going to chop down one of those twigleaf trees in the forest to the southwest.
-A young apprentice called Chelios might be waiting outside, speak to him, and return the package to me.
-A-hoy matey!
-ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d
-Able to write a poem
-Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.
-About the Legion of Aemil, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
-Accepted the quest
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#0
-Actually Gugli asked me if I would help you bring him some of your boxes.#1
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#0
-Actually, I came here to work on my task.#1
-Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life.
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#0
-Actually, I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1
-Actually, it's been a long day.
-Actually, you just took a bounty, right?
-Add a new line
-Aemil was once a magnificent land unknown to us all.
-Aemilean Era. Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis held power of their surrounding lands, except for the Land Of Fire and Keshlam City.
-After I chopped off a few branches, the whole tree started to move!
-After I shook it off and struck the tree again with my axe, another branch hit me!
-After a tiring, yet fast, travel by Koga, you arrive at @@.
-After all this time, it was still there!
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#0
-After all, this is the Legion of Aemil! You want to be a great warrior? We'll make you one here!#1
-After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.
-After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert!
-After the Mana War, the Ancea continent was mostly destroyed. It would take years to nature start repairing the damage of the event.
-After this small overview of Artis, what do you think of our city?
-After this war, the Raijin race was born. A race born of Magic. Humans encapsulated in a Mana storm and altered forever.
-After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading.
-Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead.
-Agi: %d (%d~%d)
-Agility greatly increases your attack speed and the chances of you dodging enemy hits.
-Ah, I didn't have much sleep, it's possible.
-Ah, seagulls. We are arriving.
-Ah, the locals like keeping them as pets.
-Ah, well, never mind.
-Ah, whom did you bring here?
-Ah... Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation.
-Ah... Sorry, I forgot, again.
-Ahoy, @@!
-Alan asks to find wood
-Alan bends the log over his knee.
-Alan tries as hard as he can but the log won't bend.
-Alan wants to ask Jack
-Alchemical studies are prohibited in every city of the Archipelagos, do not dare to practice it in a public zone!
-Alchemist's Laboratory
-Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.
-Alige asks for food
-Alizarin Herb
-Alizarin Plant
-All I need is %d %s.
-All characters recalled!
-All dropped items have been cleaned up.
-All items have been repaired.
-All items stored.
-All monsters killed!
-All monsters summoned!
-All of a sudden, you hear voices from above.
-All of my money.
-All of your items have been removed.
-All online characters of the %s guild have been recalled to your position.
-All online characters of the %s party have been recalled to your position.
-All players have been kicked!
-All races were in peace until the Humans set forth to discover the Source of Magic, based on Ukar scholars studies.
-All skills have been added to your skill tree.
-All stats changed!
-All this seems unimportant to you right now.
-All you have to do is to select a bed in the upper level anytime after your reservation.
-All you need is a bit more exercise and fresh fruit in your diet!
-All your... Fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked.
-Alliances cannot be broken during Guild Wars!
-Alliances cannot be made during Guild Wars!
-AllowKS |
-Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the '###keyPickup;' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item.
-Almost got it!
-Already using this font.
-Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good.
-Alright, I'll take one.
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's friend or foe...#0
-Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's friend or foe...#1
-Alright, but... You only have @@ @@, and I need @@ to do the status reset for you!
-Alright, take your time we are not in a hurry.
-Alright, well...
-Alright, you will need this shovel.
-Alright. I will go looking for them now.
-Alright... Bye.
-Also note that if you are in overweight, your natural regen will halt. 90% in weight, and you won't be able to attack.
-Also, build a reputation with the Legion. Talk to everyone. Help everyone. Prove me your worth!
-Also, most monsters get enraged and will attack whoever is closest to them, regardless of anything else.
-Also, status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
-Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
-Also, you'll get more experience by killing monsters stronger than you, and less experience by killing monsters weaker than you.
-Alternative clouds appeared.
-Alternative clouds have disappeared.
-Although the more powerful you are, the more plushrooms you will need.
-Although, if you want to visit a place nearby, we could take you there.
-Altough you can't get rid of the feeling someone is listening on the other side, you don't get any replies
-Amethyst Shard
-Amethyst Vein
-An explorer left behind some incomplete manuscripts about the people and dangers in the land of Kaizei.
-An invalid number was specified.
-And I bet you don't know who is in charge of monitoring the security of this place?
-And I have no mention of a so called "@@" on it!
-And by last, to speak to everyone online, besides whoever might be idling on IRC, select the '#irc' tab.
-And by the way. I know nothing about this book. And I don't know how to get more pages either.
-And get out of here, I'm not a map!
-And now I want to see you run!
-And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
-And only the best logs of living wood are good enough for them.
-And rhyming is not too
-And so far, the Merchant Guild helped me find this appartment so I can't complain!
-And sure enough I ask the witch, and she has a look at it.
-And then she turns to me!
-And then what happened?
-And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
-And tried to attract him thus.
-And what would you give me in exchange for that information?
-And when we have enough money for ourselves without needing anybody else.
-And where can I find these potions?
-And with my piou. That's wonderful. I can only imagine how hard that little bugger was to catch!
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#0
-And you won! That means you should be able to handle yourself in battle from now on.#1
-And you, how are you doing?
-And you? How's it going on your side?
-And you? How's it yaying on your side?
-Animals Protection Agency of Aemil
-Any boss which was previously unhittable, can be hit with appropriate number of attackers.
-Any clue on where Astapolos may be hidden?
-Any contribution to the game (translations, graphics creation/edition, concepts, coding/scripting, etc...) is rewarded!
-Any ideas on who might have taken it?
-Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.
-Anything else you want me to do?
-Anything else?
-Anyway I am glad I can give you some of these yoyoxs.
-Anyway, can I help you in any way?
-Anyway, he forgot his permit when he left the building.
-Anyway, here, have a cookie!
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#0
-Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!#1
-Anyway, let me know if you change your mind.
-Anyway, the guild creation is perfect for both!
-Anyway, the last time I stole something I was almost caught.
-Anyway, to make a sandwich, you'll need to place, in this order:
-Appearance Debug
-Appearance Debug - Barber
-Appearance Debug - Race
-Appearance Debug - Sex Change
-Appearance changed.
-Applying some strong-smelling liquid, he tans them to a darker hue.
-Aquada Box
-Arch Bishop
-Arch Bishop T
-Are the fish biting today?
-Are you a good blacksmith?
-Are you a native from Artis?
-Are you blind? Do you really think these boxes are light and soft as a piou's feather?!
-Are you crazy?
-Are you going to stand here all day long? Do the dishes or go away.
-Are you in need of some flowers?
-Are you mad?!
-Are you ok?
-Zei j' gie ok?
-Are you sure about this?#0
-Are you sure about this?#1
-Are you sure one of your troupe members didn't hide it and commit those robberies?
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#0
-Are you sure that these are my potions?#1
-Are you sure?#0
-Are you sure?#1
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#0
-Are you yaying here to explore the island?#1
-Arpan gave money
-Arpan is waiting for you
-Arpan told you to open the chest
-Artis Backsword
-Artis Tank Top
-Artis is a very nice place. There are some hot chicks...
-Artis legion progress
-Artis of course!
-As captain of this ship, I officially name this newly discovered land the ##BDrasil Island##b!
-As on anvil strikes the hammer
-As promised, here's my old scythe.
-As you may know, we are explorers on a long distance voyage, and our swashbuckling mariners need to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.
-As you want!
-Gelyk da je wilt!
-Ask other merchants, they might know where he is.
-Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away.
-Assassin Cross
-Astapolos... That guy is shy like a piou!
-At first, I thought it fell down or the wind blew it, but it hurt!
-At that time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.
-At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.
-Atropos Mixture
-Auction is disabled
-Auldsbel discretly stuffs a book on your backpack.
-Auto loot item are disabled on this map.
-Autoloot is now off.
-Autolooting item type: '%s'
-Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' {%d}
-Autolooting items with drop rates of %0.02f%% and below.
-Autorejected alliance request from %s.
-Autorejected friend request from %s.
-Autorejected guild invite from %s.
-Autorejected opposition request from %s.
-Autorejected party invite from %s.
-Autorejected trade request from %s.
-Autorejecting is activated.
-Autorejecting is deactivated.
-Autotrade Disabled
-Autotrade Enabled
-Autotrade is not allowed in this map.
-Available Flags:
-Available aliases:
-Available commands:
-Aw, what will I do now?
-Awesome! I will wait for you here.
-Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group!
-Awesome. How many of those do you want to give me?
-Axe Hat
-Ayouyouch! My head...
-Baby Acolyte
-Baby Alchemist
-Baby Arch Bishop
-Baby Archer
-Baby Assassin
-Baby Bard
-Baby Blacksmith
-Baby Crusader
-Baby Dancer
-Baby Genetic
-Baby Guillotine Cross
-Baby Hunter
-Baby Knight
-Baby Magician
-Baby Mechanic
-Baby Merchant
-Baby Minstrel
-Baby Monk
-Baby Novice
-Baby Priest
-Baby Ranger
-Baby Rogue
-Baby Royal Guard
-Baby Rune Knight
-Baby Sage
-Baby Shadow Chaser
-Baby Sorcerer
-Baby Sura
-Baby Swordsman
-Baby Thief
-Baby Wanderer
-Baby Warlock
-Baby Wizard
-Bad Bee
-Ban failed, it is not possible to ban this user.
-Bandit Boots
-Bandit Gloves
-Bandit Hood
-Bandit Lord
-Bandit Shawl
-Bandit Trousers
-Banking is disabled
-Bare Hands
-Base Level: %d (%.3f%%) | Job Level: %d (%.3f%%)
-Base level can't go any higher.
-Base level can't go any lower.
-Base level lowered.
-Base level raised.
-Bat Teeth
-Battle configuration has been reloaded.
-Battlegrounds ON
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0
-Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#0
-Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...#1
-Because I am a Kralog I can't read such things? That's rubbish.
-Because of the dense foliage, you need to go up close to the trees so you don't miss him.
-Because the voices of death sing a sweet song
-Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled.
-Becoming a Sorcerer? I want that too!
-Beer is life!
-Before I joined Nard, I used to be a thief.
-Before the end of the Mana War, a band of adventurers formed in the Ancean region of Argaes from those who had lost their homes and families.
-Before you go, let me tell you how to get @@s, because you don't look very smart.
-Behind me? It's the Blacksmith House, the most renowned throughout Aemil.
-Bent trees whistling with the beat of the drum
-Bernard sent me to get %d %s from the %s in the fields, but they scare me so bad!
-Bernard wants maggot slime
-Bernard wants roasted maggot
-Besides this, there is Seasons. You know, summer, autumn, winter and spring.
-Besides, I need to be here to watch out for thieves while La Johanne is docked.
-Better stay away from my basement, you may end up like the poor guys down there.
-Better take it back to Q'Onan.
-Beware of falling stones from the cliff!
-Beware you have a limited number of pages. Do not let the Legion or the Brotherhood find out you have one.
-Billy Bons
-Billy Bons
-Black Cotton Dye
-Black Scorpion
-Black iron... That is a very specific request that you have for me!
-Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) --
-Blue Coral
-Blue Cotton Dye
-Blue Gray Cotton Dye
-Blue Rose
-Blue Tulip
-Boss Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Bottle of Water
-Bowler Hat
-Break the door.
-Brimmed Feather Hat
-Brimmed Flower Hat
-Brimmed Hat
-Bring it to me, and you will get your reward.
-Bring me a %s.
-Bring me some of these plushrooms and I will show you how it works!
-Bring them to me, and I'll give you something nice.
-Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!
-Brown Cotton Dye
-Brown Trousers
-Bug Leg
-But I can't leave to catch it, so I'm asking you.
-But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry.
-But I didn't give up!
-But I got an old scythe laying around.
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#0
-But I hate alcohol, so thats not an option for me.#1
-But I need to go, see you!
-But I still have some spikes left in my foot.
-But I swear that one day... Oh... My tasty revenge! Hhm, actually I wonder if... Maybe...
-But I wasn't there that night.
-But I'll no longer chop those twigleafs, I'll tell you that.
-But I'm almost out of @@...
-But all she says is, “had you stayed inside, you wouldn't be wet now”.
-But anyway, take the road which goes to the north to find everybody.
-But be careful: do not scream by using a lot of capital letters, do not repeat yourself over and over, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized.
-But discovering new territories is probably the best thing that can happen to sailors, don't you think?
-But don't you worry! I don't know how to get you back your memories, but we can work on your muscles for now!
-But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.
-But he just told me to leave him alone.
-But he never returned.
-But hey, back to me. Remember my mentioning that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-But how I got there is kind of scary...
-But if you and other players surrounds the monster instead, they'll suffer the same penalties!
-But if you fail, you will have to get them from the alchemist.
-But if you need to deal with more burocratic stuff, go talk to Q'Anon. He is the boss here.
-But if you really want to accomplish something, you should consider joining us.
-But if you tell my sister, that you didn't find me, I can stay here all day, eating apples and enjoying the view.
-But in the future I might be able to help you create some of your own.
-But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods.
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
-But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
-But my luck left me, because as soon as I left his house, the guards started chasing me.
-But rare are those that receive grants from the Legion itself. For anybody else only a hard work can pay your bills!
-But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.
-But since it's not dummies that will go after you out there, this training won't be enough.
-But something like “Nanaj princino”, I think.
-But still, you open your eyes and see a large ship before you!
-But thank you anyway! I can refund him now!
-But the last time I asked him for a new delivery he said that he would never again get any for me.
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#0
-But the plushroom you brought was really awesome you know.#1
-But there is no skill to be learnt from this boss.
-But they are too fast.
-But we are quite lucky here, outside of some tipsy travelers there are no big problems around here, it's not like the capital, Esperia.
-But who am I?
-Moa wie benne 'k ik?
-But you are out of the boss level range.
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#0
-But you are welcome to reset your stats again if you bring me some more plushrooms!#1
-But you do not have enough Magic Ink. (You need: @@ @@)
-But you ran out of empty pages on this book.
-But you should've seen that gaze!
-But you won't *hic* me this time...
-But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. At least not yet.#1
-But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. At least not yet.#0
-But... something is missing to make the soup creamy.
-By the way, I'm Lozerk. Lieutenant Lozerk.
-By the way, did you ever talk with Don?
-By the way, stay sharp! I may call upon you again.
-Bye for now.
-Bye then!
-C'mon, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?!
-Camel Cotton Dye
-Can I be of any help?
-Can I craft them myself?
-Can I read the rules again?
-Can I read these rules again?
-Can create guild
-Can create party
-Can do the quest
-Can you do something with my color?
-Kun dje iet an myn kleur doene?
-Can you make me a really good bow?
-Can you please go away?
-Can you please go there and find him? He is probably hiding in one of those trees, like always.
-Can you reset my stats please?
-Can you verify that with his wife?
-Can't create chat rooms in this area.
-Can't show boss mobs!
-Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty.
-Can't talk right now.
-Can't walk without stopping after every step
-Can't you remember anything at all? Or do you have some memories of your past?
-Can't you see I am reading? If you need something, tell me the secret password.
-Can't you see I am reading? Please go, please.
-Can't you see I'm busy?
-Can't you see I'm working?!
-Candle Helmet
-Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself.
-Cannot create bound pet eggs or pet armors.
-Cannot do the quest
-Cannot mount while in disguise.
-Cannot send mails too fast!!
-Cannot transform into monster while in disguise.
-Captain Nard
-Skipper Nard
-Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
-Carp Sandwich
-Cart Added.
-Cash Shop is disabled in this map
-Cat got your tongue?
-Catching a piou
-Cave Maggot
-Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus
-Ch 1 — How to make money.
-Ch 10 — How I see my items?
-Ch 11 — How trade with other players?
-Ch 12 — How hunt monsters?
-Ch 13 — How talk with someone?
-Ch 14 — Change your appearing.
-Ch 15 — Commands.
-Ch 16 — Shortcuts.
-Ch 2 — Baits
-Ch 2 — Everything about monsters.
-Ch 3 — Location
-Ch 3 — Quests.
-Ch 4 — Casting
-Ch 4 — Status.
-Ch 5 — NPC's.
-Ch 5 — Reeling
-Ch 6 — Magic.
-Ch 7 — Rules.
-Ch 8 — Weather & Seasons.
-Ch 9 — Experience.
-Change my appearance
-Change my level
-Change my quests
-Change my skills
-Change my stats
-Changed your mind, uh?#0
-Changed your mind, uh?#1
-Channel '%s' has no banned players
-Channel '%s' is not available
-Channel length must be between 3 and %d
-Channel name must start with a '#'
-Channel password may not contain spaces
-Char-server has been asked to %s the character '%.*s'.
-Character cannot be disguised while in monster form.
-Character cannot be disguised while mounted.
-Character does not have the specified item.
-Character killed.
-Character not found.
-Charcommand failed (usage: %c<command> <char name> <parameters>).
-Chat: %s | Player: %s | Location: %d %d
-Check out this one.
-Chef Gado
-Chef Gado#Artis
-Chef? He is Don's apprentice, he works on his hammering skill day and night.
-Chelios asked me to get it.
-Chelios asks to visit Lloyd
-Chelios made sword
-Chelios managed to do excellent work.
-Chelios was stubborn in his youth, he never stopped annoying me with his questions while I was working at the forge.
-Chelios, his apprentice, practices outside, mostly.
-Chelios... He is part of the Blacksmith House, is he not?
-Cherry Cake
-Cherry tree leaves have begun to fall.
-Cherry tree leaves no longer fall.
-Chest opened.
-Children play there and can be badly hurt if they get too close to a Fluffy's nest.
-Chill out I won't say anything.
-Chocolate Cashmere Dye
-Choose desired quest state:
-Chorus of the Woods
-Christopher is surrounded by the sunlight from the window.
-City Hall
-Click here for instructions on how to use the test server.
-Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction.
-Clone spawned.
-Clotho Liquor
-Clouds appeared.
-Clouds have disappeared.
-Clouds |
-Clouds2 |
-Clover Patch
-Coal Vein
-Cobalt Herb
-Cobalt Plant
-Coin Bag
-Colorant is not the yeying color. Some wear out from light, others look great but inflict itai-itai, and others become spotty or wash-away.
-Come after a little while.
-Come back later if you changed your mind!
-Come back later!
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#0
-Come back later, perhaps I can find it.#1
-Come back later.
-Come back later.#0
-Come back later.#1
-Come back soon, and bring @@s!
-Come back when you do.
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#0
-Come back when you will really need me. And bring more plushrooms with you!#1
-Come closer dear, I can't hear you.
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring her with your stories.#0
-Come on, Sap! You are scaring him with your stories.#1
-Come on, don't be a coward!
-Come, come and see!
-Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while.
-Commands are disabled in this map.
-Common Carp
-Communication Theory
-Complete Quest
-Completed Gugli's task
-Completed, Gado wins
-Completed, Julia wins
-Completed, Julia wins (returned poison)
-Completed, got reward
-Concentration Potion
-Confused Tree
-Congrats, you are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
-Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are %u !!
-Contacted by Sopiahalla
-Cookie Master
-Cookies are a source of life.
-Cookies are awesome, so am I.
-Cookies provide you strength, health and cuteness.
-Cooking is an art. You need to know how to cook something. You can use my stove to prepare.
-Copper Armbands
-Copper Necklace
-Costume '%s' removed.
-Cotton Boots
-Cotton Gloves
-Cotton Skirt
-Cotton, cashmere, leather, ...
-Could I ask a favor of you?
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1
-Could I lodge here for a while?
-Could you bleach my clothes?
-Could you bring it to him?
-Could you do a small favor for me?
-Could you explain to me where I am?
-Kun dje mi utlegg'n woar da'k ik benne?
-Could you interrogate him for me?
-Could you please bring me 2 new knives?
-Could you please bring me something which isn't a berry, and I'm not big on vegetables either. I need proteins!
-Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Kun dje gie mi vertell'n woar da'k ik benne?
-Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Kun dje gie mi vertell'n woar da'k ik benne?
-Couwan asks to deliver box
-Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.
-Couwan hands you a box full of fish.
-Creased Shirt
-Creased Shorts
-Create items
-Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice!
-Crimson Cashmere Dye
-Croc Claw
-Croconut Box
-Crude Amethyst
-Crude Diamond
-Crude Emerald
-Crude Ruby
-Crude Sapphire
-Crude Topaz
-Curious Hole
-Current amount of zeny changed.
-Current exp rate is set to @@% (default value).
-Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-CvC ON |
-CvC is already Off.
-CvC is already On.
-CvC: Off
-CvC: On
-Daddy asked me to give you some money as a thank you for looking out for me.
-Daddy finally came back home! He grabbed a snack and said he would be returning to the sewers.
-Daddy never came back home... He said that he would be back for lunch but it has already been two days!
-Damn @@.
-Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter.
-Dan keeps silent since your last question.
-Dance for me
-Dang, I scared it! More patience, @@, more patience.
-Dark Collector
-Dark Red Cotton Dye
-Database erased.
-Day Mode Activated.
-Day Mode is activated
-Day mode is already enabled.
-Deal, I offer you @@ E!
-Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
-Dear sister,
-Death Knight
-Debug - Change level
-Debug - Change stats
-Debug - Reset
-Debug Forest Bow
-Debug Gado quest
-Debug Gugli quest
-Debug Nard quest
-Debug Narrator
-Debug Wooden Shield
-Defeated by
-Delicious Cookie
-Delivered box, got reward
-Dex: %d (%d~%d)
-Dexterity increases your bow damage and your accuracy.
-Diamond Shard
-Diamond Vein
-Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?
-Did you ask him why?
-Did you bring me any wood?
-Did you bring me the %d %s I need?
-Did you brought me 2 new knives?
-Did you fight it?
-Did you fight them too?
-Did you find my brother?
-Did you hear about the Bandit's attacks? They must have a hideout somewhere outside Hurnscald.
-Did you look over the basement?
-Did you run away?
-Did you see Don the blacksmith? He might know how you could improve your metal equipment.
-Did you see anyone in a mask come by here at night?
-Did you see anyone with a large satchel come by here at night?
-Did you see my daughter Rossy, by chance?
-Different ways, each part of your equipment can be generally upgraded.
-Disconnecting to perform change-sex request...
-Disguise applied.
-Disguise removed.
-Displaying first %d out of %d matches
-Displays Night |
-Divorce error!
-Do I look like a tree? I feel like one.
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Jenna
-Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia
-Do not learn
-Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever.
-Do note that Job Level gives you skill points, and the status bonuses are really minor.
-Do nothing
-Do we have a deal?
-Do you feel too weak even to do damage to this areas wishy-washy wildlife?
-Do you have @@s for me?
-Do you have any other questions for me?
-Do you have anything else for me?
-Do you have anything for me today?
-È j' entwadde veur ik vandoage?
-Do you have the %d %s and %s E for the shield?
-Do you have this commendatory letter?
-Do you know anything about the recent robberies?
-Do you know how to speak with people around you?
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#0
-Do you know what happened to the gold I had when you guys saved me?#1
-Do you know where can I find Gulukan?
-Do you know where the graveyard is?
-Do you know where the hill is?
-Do you live here alone?
-Do you need any other information?
-Do you need help with something?
-Do you need your pickaxe or your shovel fixed? Then I am your man.
-Do you still need help?
-Do you still want to lodge here?
-Do you take apprentices?
-Do you think this is fair? They sent me down here alone, far away from everyone.
-Do you want a drink?
-Do you want me to go see her instead of you?
-Do you want to continue?
-Do you want to cut this @@?
-Do you want to enter in sewer?
-Do you want to go back to Artis? You really should be afraid of the Legion there, now that you have been here in Woodland. They somehow smell the odor of the Brotherhood.
-Do you want to go somewhere?
-Do you want to leave it alone?
-Do you want to leave the boat?
-Do you want to marry @@?
-Do you want to read it?
-Do you want to throw something inside?
-Do you want to try again?
-Do you want to try?
-Do you want to use this place as save point?
-Do you wish to try again?
-Do? I don't do them.
-Docks Warehouse
-Does anyone know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan
-Does not have the quest
-Does the guild has any work for me right now?
-Does your mind go all fuzzy or does it feel like your head is going to explode??
-Doesn't he like the way I'm taking care of his ship? Everything is clean and tidy with me, rightful lieutenant of La Johanne.
-Don gave me some black iron... after I asked him nearly ten times.
-Don is a renowned blacksmith throughout Andorra, it's crazy that you never heard of him.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land for his blacksmith skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don is renowned throughout the entire land of Aemil for his blacksmithing skills, and he is here, in Artis.
-Don't be shy, you are nice
-Don't belittle me, my work is deserving of the highest esteem.
-Don't distract me, I have to stay alert.
-Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!
-Don't fall!
-Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots!
-Don't get too excited about it...#0
-Don't get too excited about it...#1
-Don't let those monsters get to you.
-Don't say I didn't warn you!
-Don't say it so loudly, other people could hear us.
-Don't tell anyone about this. Once you kill you a boss, you can try to learn the boss skill by using the book.
-Don't tell me more, I know what you want...
-Don't try to fool me!
-Don't try to poison me! I know what that does!
-Don't worry sister, I didn't forget you.
-Don't worry, I'm sure you will help them soon enough!
-Don't you like the smoke, when there is a nice fire beneath a cauldron?
-Don't you recognize the great city of Artis?
-Don't you try to cheat an old merchant! You don't have enough money, you need @@ E.
-Done. Here, take it! Now, here is the plan. Go talk to her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!
-Dont you know something about fertility? I heard rumors.
-Drag and drop an item from your inventory.
-Drag and drop the items from your inventory in the frames.
-Drasil Island.
-Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents.
-Due to neglect with day-to-day administration, which she delegated to her council, and uncontrolled expenses, the kingdom faced its first economic crisis.
-Duel| Can't use %s in duel.
-Duel| Can't use this item in duel.
-Duel| Invalid value.
-Duel| Invitation has been sent.
-Duel| Player name not found.
-Duel| The Player is in the duel already.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been accepted.
-Duel| The duel invitation has been rejected.
-Duel| The limit of players has been reached.
-Duel| You can take part in duel once per %d minutes.
-Duel| You can't invite %s because he/she isn't in the same map.
-Duel| You can't use @accept without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You can't use @duel without @reject.
-Duel| You can't use @invite. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @leave. You aren't a duelist.
-Duel| You can't use @reject without a duel invitation.
-Duel| You've left the duel.
-During night, the monsters usually respawn faster. That can be a problem with aggressive monsters.
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, dude.#1
-Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later, honey.#0
-Each big city hosts a Legion building, Artis' building is located in the north-west.
-Each card improves your gear by a ratio or a fixed number on a predefined stat.
-Each level up will buff your base stats, and give you stats points to allocate.
-Each piece of equipment has a predefined slot number.
-Each season unlocks a set of quests and drops which can only be obtained on the season.
-Earlier today there was this young seller named Fexil that passed by here.
-Easter Egg
-Easy to make? Could you make one for me?
-Easy to make? Could you teach me how to make them?
-Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.
-Eeekkk another one.
-Ehm... He was really upset because of some past stories.
-Eight Castles
-Eighteen Castles
-Eleven Castles
-Elixir Of Life
-Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats!
-Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Chef Gado.
-Elmo told about money
-Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats!
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#0
-Elmo told me you are now considered family and are numbered among us in our activities on the island. I do so very much appreciate the efforts you did down there.#1
-Emerald Shard
-Emerald Vein
-Empty Bottle
-Empty Mug
-Empty the quote DB
-Enabled Mapflags in this map:
-Enabled: @@
-Enjoy the fraternity and excitement of your future guild!
-Enjoy your new shield!
-Enjoy your new style.
-Enora asks to kill fluffies
-Enora asks to visit Chelios
-Enora asks to visit Q'Pid
-Enora asks to visit Resa
-Enora is carefully inspecting the sword.
-Enora needs them.
-Enora sent me here.#0
-Enora sent me here.#1
-Enora wants her potions.
-Enora, from the Legion of Aemil, has been warned that you were aboard.
-Enough of this island?
-Enter desired skill level:
-Enter line number:
-Enter new line:
-Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories.
-Error reading atcommand.conf, reload failed.
-Error reading groups.conf, reload failed.
-Eugene needs tentacles
-Even a simple sandwich will be ruined if you place lettuce above the cheese!
-Even after all that though, I still can't believe what happened next.
-Even with your Hercules strength, this lid is hopelessly struck.
-Event Management
-Event management
-Every 1 hour
-Every 12 hours
-Every 24 hours
-Every 3 hours
-Every 5 hours
-Every 6 hours
-Evil clone spawned.
-Exactly! Can I have one now?
-Exactly. Even our task is ridiculous. Why should we collect food down here if we have plenty of those tasty and soft rattos inside our ship, waiting just to be hunted and cooked?
-Excuse me that was a mistake.
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
-Ei? Weet je gi wie da'k ik benne?
-Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Ei? Weet je gi wie da'k ik benne?
-Exemple for yoiis:
-Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value).
-Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@.
-Expanded Super Baby
-Expanded Super Novice
-Experience can be gained by completing quests and killing monsters. When you accumulate enough experience, you'll level up!
-Experience rates: Base %.2fx / Job %.2fx
-Fairy Hat
-Fake name enabled.
-Fake name must be at least two characters.
-Fancy Hat
-Fates Potion
-Feel free to come visit me another time.
-Fertility Potion
-Fexil needs help
-Fexil wants to buy fur
-Fifteen Castles
-File not found.
-File unloaded. Be aware that mapflags and monsters spawned directly are not removed.
-Finally, he hands the shield to you.
-Find an order with them
-Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water.
-Fine Dress
-Fine, I'll just hold on to this log should you ever change your mind.
-Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?
-Fine, let's see his work...
-Fine, take these potions, I will replenish them in the next couple hours anyway.
-Fine, tell me, who are these all important friends of yours?
-Fine... I was just going to give you some help...
-Finished training
-Finished battle
-Fireworks are launched.
-Fireworks have ended.
-Fireworks |
-First encounter
-First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game.
-First thing she asked was if I'm a farmer.
-Fish Box
-Fish is good for the brain!
-Fish, come and see my fish!
-Fishing Guide Vol. I
-Fishing Rod
-Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there.
-Five Castles
-Fluffy Fur
-Fog hangs over.
-Fog |
-Follow mode OFF.
-Follow mode ON.
-Follow the canal to the north-east and you will find it.
-Follow the up-stream and cross the canal twice using the two bridges north from here.
-Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.
-Font changed.
-Fool! Just come back here when you'll be done with our little... 'Secret mission'.
-For '%s' you need the amount of seconds (from 0 to 10)
-For a chef? Who said I was a... Oh right, I am.
-For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, magic use is very restricted nowadays.
-For starters, you should probably do some stretching and practice on some dummies in our training room.
-For what kind of tissue?
-Forest Armor
-Forest Bow
-Forest Maggot
-Forest bow
-Found @@, got exp
-Found anything new?
-Found bobo, didn't tell Katja
-Found perfect wood
-Found the chest
-Four Castles
-Fourteen Castles
-Free Mana travels in many directions, and this search took several years before the expedition finally found the right direction to follow.
-Fresh from the sea and cheap!
-Friend already exists.
-Friend removed.
-From what I heard, my brother Gugli needs the help of as many people as possible in order to collect a lot of neat things that can be found on this island.
-From your mind, break the ice
-Frost held the title of Lord Prince of the Republic for eighteen months, when the council deposed him and declared itself head of the state.
-Fur Boots
-Furthermore, unless you are planning to stick it out, you should also not even think about gaining experience by messing with those icky pink land jellies. The pink could stick on you, imagine the horror!
-Fuschia Cotton Dye
-GM command configuration has been reloaded.
-Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again!
-Gained %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Gained %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Gained exp is now shown.
-Gained exp will not be shown.
-Gained zeny is now shown.
-Gained zeny will not be shown.
-Gamboge Herb
-Gamboge Plant
-Game Balance
-Game introduction
-Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s.
-Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in daylight for %s.
-Game time: The game is in night for %s.
-Game time: The game is in permanent daylight.
-Game time: The game is in permanent night.
-Gave @@ to Rumly
-Gave tentacles, got reward
-Gave to Q'Onan, got reward
-Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc.
-Genetic T
-Get a Recipe Book
-Get money
-Ggrmm... Grmmmm...
-Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0
-Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#1
-Give me some space.
-Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner!
-Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help with your hunting the creatures of this island.
-Go away, I have to think about new evil doings.
-Go away.
-Go back
-Go clean up your inventory and come back.
-Go fly a kite
-Go fly a kite.
-Go have a look at that shelf to my right, would you?
-Go meet him, and take the package to me, it's an easy task.
-Go north from here until you find the dock warehouse, cross the bridge to the west side of the canal, continue north until you reach another bridge then cross it to the east side of the canal.
-Go on the upper level if you want to change your room or to use it.
-Go on.
-Go pester someone else.
-Go to Kfahr, and listen to his stories.
-Gold Nuggets
-Gold Vein
-Good day miss.
-Good day mister.
-Good day sir.#1
-Good day to you!
-Good day to you.
-Good day!
-Good day, my friend, come closer, come closer!
-Good evening sir.#1
-Good job!
-Goe gedoan!
-Good look.
-Good luck hunting those tree monsters – you'll need it.
-Good luck!
-Good luck! And remember to visit Peter and our little furry friends whenever you return back onboard!
-Good night milady.#0
-Good then.
-Good to hear from you!
-Good to hear!
-Good to know, thanks.
-Good to know.
-Good to see you again.
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#0
-Good you are here, you could be handy for me right now.#1
-Good, good... Hey, could you help me please? I beg you, please, pleeeease...
-Good, take a look in the bag next to me then!
-Gorgeous woman, but when she looked at me, the scares went scuttling down my spine...
-Got a cookie
-Got poison from Gado
-Got reward from gugli
-Got the bow
-Got the knife
-Got the package
-Got the quest
-Got the shield
-Grabbing one of two leftover pieces, he begins to carve it into a round shape, then repeats this with the second piece – shield handles from what you can tell.
-Grass Carp
-Grass Snake
-Great to see you! What can I do for you today?
-Great! Can't wait for some tasty mushrooms!
-Great, and as I promised, I give you a 90% discount on the @@ of your choice.
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#0
-Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
-Greater %s allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks.
-Green Cotton Dye
-Green Slime
-Greetings traveler.#0
-Greetings traveler.#1
-Group changed successfully.
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#0
-Growl, sniff, grr! You'd better not tell anyone you saw me!#1
-Grr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!
-Gugli (main quest)
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#0
-Gugli asked me to help the sailors to gather food. Do you know where I can find them?#1
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#0
-Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.#1
-Gugli asks to collect packages
-Gugli mentioned six sailors. What about the others?
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#0
-Gugli sent me down here to help you.#1
-Gugli? Oh I see. Yes, Gugli yeye pretty used to shout orders to everybody down here.
-Guild Certification
-Guild level change failed.
-Guild level changed.
-Guild modification is disabled in this map.
-Guild storage opened.
-GuildLock |
-Guillotine Cross
-Guillotine Cross T
-GvG Castle |
-GvG Dungeon |
-GvG Flags:
-GvG ON |
-GvG Off.
-GvG On.
-GvG is already Off.
-GvG is already On.
-HP and SP have already been recovered.
-HP or/and SP modified.
-HP, SP recovered.
-HP: %d/%d - SP: %d/%d
-Ha! I'll drink muuuch mo.. more than you! Im not ooone biiit dr...dr..unk!
-Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has.
-Hahaha! All sailors aboard this ship are always drunk... Well... Except... Wait, what?! Nard told you?!
-Hair color
-Hair style
-Half Croconut
-Half Eggshell
-Hard Spike
-Hard work always pays off!
-Has a bubblehead
-Has met its demise
-Have a good day!
-Have a good time fishing!
-Have a seat.
-Have fun, but always remember to pick your stats with good care.
-Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too?
-Have you got the %d antennae?
-Have you met Kfahr yet?
-Have you seen Fexil?
-Have you seen anything dangerous?
-Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?
-Have you seen anything strange in town? Anything that might have to do with the robberies?
-Have you seen anything strange lately?
-Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?
-Have you seen anything that might be connected to the recent robberies in town?
-Have you talked with the old man yet?
-He asked to lend some money and a place to open his store, I think that he asked for a place on the merchant squares on the south-west of the city...
-He did not change while growing up, I repeatedly asked him to leave the forge but in the end he installed himself in front of it...
-He has a guns!
-He has never been the same since mommy went away...
-He is a regular at the inn, located in the north-west part of town.
-He is eating an apple, thoroughly enjoying it.
-He is in a small house between the dock's warehouse and the dojo.
-He is mature and he rarely ask questions so I am fine. I can not stand the sight of a whiner anyway.
-He is probably hiding up one of the trees. Go close to each tree and look up, otherwise you won't notice him.
-He is the greatest hero that ever walked the land of Hurnscald!
-He is usually in his office on the 3rd floor.
-He is very lucky that Don took him under his wing, but being the student of such a teacher is not easy every day!
-He likes to eat sandwiches. A good thing they are so easy to make!
-He likes to hide near the little lake in the north-west side of the island.
-He looks up and into your face.
-He may not have all of his wits but keep in mind one thing:
-He needs more food.
-He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
-He proceeds to further scrutinize the log.
-He said he is going to climb the highest hill in Artis, which is not far from here.
-He said that he would check why weird noises were coming from the manhole next to the house.
-He takes another sip.
-He told me nothing about that.
-Ie è mi doa niks over gezeid.
-He was heading north.
-He's funny, it's not a problem.
-He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea.
-Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Legion of Aemil won't let it get public.
-Heard conversation
-Hearing these words the Piou felt great joy,
-Heh, did you saw me at the port? No?
-Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind.
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a fox like you would love to meet a catch like me!#0
-Hehe, no. But I'm sure a noob like you would like to meet an idol like me.#1
-Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
-Hehe, soms zit ie me zinne kop in the wolk'n. Ge zoe 't em beter goan vroagen.
-Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there.
-Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!
-Hel... What?! Wait!
-Hello Miss.#1
-Hello Sir.#0
-Hello dear!#0
-Hello dear!#1
-Hello deary.
-Hello madam.
-Hello there!
-Hello traveler, welcome to Hurnscald.
-Hello yeye.
-Hello, I am Macgowan, apprentice to Nicholas.
-Hello, a rowboat is on his way to the beach. Please wait for a while for it to arrive.
-Hello, can I help you?
-Hello, there!
-Hello, yes I have met him.
-Hello, young lady.#0
-Hello, young man.#1
-Hello... Do I know you?
-Help for command %c%s:
-Help me out~ Please~ T_T
-Help me!
-Helped Hinnak
-Her shop is on the west side of the city, between the Legion building and the library.
-Her sword... I'm having some trouble finishing it.
-Hercules %d-bit for %s
-Here is another one.
-Here is your reward.
-Here it is, a fashionable @@.
-Here it is, clean like a whistle!
-Here it is.
-Here they are.
-Here you are.
-Here you go - have fun with it.
-Here you go, everything is fixed.
-Here you go.
-Here's your reward!
-Ier es ui beloninge!
-Here, have some %s as reward.
-Here, have some %s for your troubles.
-Here, let me heal you.
-Here, take a look!
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#0
-Here, take as many as you need, I have plenty!#1
-Here, take this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-Hey @@!
-Hey Frenchy!#0
-Hey Frenchy!
-Hey Frenchy!#1
-Hey Frenchy!
-Hey Maxe, it's @@!
-Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go!
-Hey there, are you Bobo, Katja's brother?
-Hey you!
-Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?
-Hey you, do you have any @@s?
-Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly. I needed to speak with the captain about the food reserves. You know, now that we have a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#0
-Hey! Adventurer! Are you enjoying your life on Aemil?#1
-Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.
-Hey! Stop breaking my stuff!
-Hey! There's a reward for you in the box next to me!
-Hey! You must be @@.
-Hey, I remember you, we were on the same boat, you are the castaway.
-Hey, I'm not a Keebler Elvis! You won't have another one by stalking me like that!
-Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today.
-Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?
-Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out.
-Hey, girl!#0
-Hey, how was the...
-Hey, man!#1
-Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
-Ei, psst! Ge zit toch gene zeeman é?
-Hey. ppst. I have something important to tell you.
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
-Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
-Hi @@.
-Hi Sir.
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#0
-Hi customer! What do you want today?#1
-Hi there, need something?
-Hi there.
-Hi! I can finally see you under the sunlight!
-Hi! No, I haven't seen him yet.
-Hi, I am Simon.
-Hi, can I help you at all?
-Hi, can I help you somehow?
-Hi, how is it going?
-Hi, my name is Blossom.
-Hi, my name is Moon. This morning I went for a walk on the beach.
-Hi, my name is Oscar.
-Hi, nice to see you!
-Hey, 't es goe vor ui te zien!
-Hi, sweetie! Want a fresh beer for 90 Florin?
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#0
-Hi, what do you want kiddo?#1
-Hi. I am Trozz, and I am the chief of legion training in Artis.
-Hidden Person
-High Acolyte
-High Archer
-High Magician
-High Merchant
-High Novice
-High Priest
-High Swordsman
-High Thief
-High Wizard
-Highest hill in Artis you say? Sounds dangerous, I might fall off.
-Hill & Cliff
-Hinnak asked for help
-Hinnak wasted all my good kitchen knives trying to get rid of his accursed Pinkies.
-His eyes grow wide
-Hm, it seems another player is trying to catch the piou, I shouldn't interfere.
-Hm... Shhhh...
-Hm... an old man?
-Hm... then it couldn't be him.
-Hmm, I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
-Hmm, why don't you go train a little more? We have several training rooms here.
-Hmm... Let's see, take this one.
-Hmm... what to do.
-Hmm... where did I put it again?
-Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*
-Hmmm... looks ok, but is it strong enough?
-Holding a cheese in his beak.
-Homunculus growth stats (Lv %d %s):
-Homunculus reached its maximum level of '%d'
-Homunculus stats altered.
-Homunculus stats:
-Honestly, it's quite far-fetched according to me.
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#0
-Honestly, sometimes I prefer nice explosions. Better keep back!#1
-How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats.
-How are things going?
-How are you doing, cutie?#0
-How are you doing, dude?#1
-How are you feeling, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?
-How can I get one of these cookies?
-How can I help you?
-How can I improve my equipment?
-How can we serve you today?
-How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about that again!
-How do these dyes work?
-How do you do your potions?
-How do you know?
-How is *hic* it possible?
-How is the hunt going?
-How long will you stay here?
-How many Fluffies did I kill on the hill?
-How many? What kind? I can produce two dozen boxes per day.
-How much do you want to deposit?
-How much do you want to withdraw?
-How much is this worth to you?
-How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?
-Howdy, partner in crime?
-However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease.
-Human Voice
-Hungry: %d - Intimacy: %u
-Hurry up!
-Hurry, hurry! We need to check its teeth!
-Hush now and hear the chorus of the woods
-I @#$% hate them!
-I @#$% hate these @#$% pinkies!
-I actually could use a status reset!
-I already know everything. Bye.
-I also hear fisherman likes to fish at night. They say the catch is bigger, if you understand me.
-I also heard you lost all your memories? That's a shame.
-I am %s Super Novice~
-I am Wyaras apprentice, helping her with selling her potions.
-I am absolutely positive.
-I am an alchemist, I bear the name of Ivan.
-I am broken?! Please report! Debug data: @@ (@@)
-I am new in this town, just like you.
-I am not an expert of the first kind, but I know what I am talking about when it comes to improving equipment.
-I am only doing special requests.
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
-I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
-I am sure he got his reasons.
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#0
-I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#1
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#0
-I am sure that you will change your mind.#1
-I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders and rules. Julia they call her!
-I am surprised someone has been sent here to help. It is quite... unusual.
-I am the bartender here, can I provide you with some delicious beverage?
-I am!
-I am, who are you?#0
-I am, who are you?#1
-I appreciate your help, @@.
-I asked Calypsan to dye this tank top, now it has an unique look!
-I asked Don our blacksmith to prepare a black iron sword for morning, he should be done by now.
-I asked Hinnak, but he wants at least a beer in exchange for his scythe.
-I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do!
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#0
-I asked you to do me a favor, did you forget?#1
-I barely destroyed one of those beasts.
-I better go now. Bye.
-I borrowed it from the library, you should try to cultivate yourself more instead of insinuate things about people you don't know!
-I buried the chest somewhere on that hill. It was dark, so I don't remember where to dig exactly.
-I came here, looking for a better life.
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#0
-I came to retrieve a package for Enora.#1
-I can finally pay off my debts.
-I can get back to Bernard now!
-I can make you a really nice forest bow out of this.
-I can prepare them in an hour or so!
-I can still drink more! Better give up you... you... teelotaler! MORE BEER MELINDA!
-I can walk again!
-I can't catch them.
-I can't give you a cookie for free. But I can give you this hint for how you may be added to my list.
-I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning...
-I can't remember anything.#0
-'k weete niks mer.
-I can't remember anything.#1
-'k weete niks mer.
-I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do.
-I can't wait all day!
-I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your hard work.
-I changed my mind.
-I chopped away at it, branch after branch, and in the end I chopped off its roots, and it fell to the ground, motionless.
-I cleaned up the hill.
-I couldn't afford the bow, though...
-I did see an old man hang out near the theater after our last show.
-I didn't mention it before, but I also put beer in my soup.
-I didn't notice that a Pikpik was in my way, and when I stepped on it, my foot was full of spikes.
-I do feel better!
-I do know a recipe with this!
-I do not like to brag about it but you won't find a better blacksmith on the whole island.
-I do not want to go pointing my finger at someone. I want to be honorable and fair, and I sense the same quality in you, so I put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this troubling situation.
-I do not.
-I don't feel like talking to you.
-I don't feel so well, I might be sick.
-I don't have any.
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#0
-I don't have enough plushrooms...#1
-I don't have much time right now.
-I don't have the time now.
-I don't have the time sorry.
-I don't have the time.
-I don't know if I trust her eyesight or memory.
-I don't know the password
-I don't know what to say...
-I don't know.
-I don't need your help right now, but maybe tomorrow, who knows?
-I don't really have time to go chasing pious, let me just buy one at the regular price (30000 E).
-I don't see anything else other than... water?
-I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this...
-I don't want to be part of this joke.
-I don't want to buy a piou right now.
-I don't want to change my language, sorry.
-'k wille min toale nie verander'n, sorry.
-I don't want you! I want daddy!
-I feel ok.#0
-'k voele mi goe.
-I feel ok.#1
-'k voele mi goe.
-I fought it, of course!
-I give tasks to every single sailor, all day long. That should make him happy!
-I give you this key, it opens all the doors on this ship.
-I got angry and started to chop off all the low-hanging branches so this couldn't happen anymore.
-I grew up and lived a good while in Esperia, the capital city.
-I guess so. What's in it for me?
-I guess so... I will leave you alone.
-I had a great childhood in Esperia!
-I had a long day, come back tomorrow.
-I had this patch of ground that was really clumpy; lots of clay, you see.
-I hate them!
-I have a lot of work here, so I don't even have time to go to the town.
-I have an idea.
-I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.
-I have collected all the boxes you needed.
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#0
-I have nothing to sell, come back later.#1
-I have one more task for you. Trozz, another member of the Legion, sent me a letter earlier today.
-I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price!
-I have some food for you.
-I have some fur for you.
-I have some spare one, take them, and tell Enora that any fees are paid!
-I have to go, sorry.#0
-I have to go, sorry.#1
-I have your black iron.
-I have your package.
-I have your pass from the Merchant Guild.
-I haven't seen anything strange.
-I heard rumors about some old hostilities between you and Gado. Are they true?
-I heard something too. A girl named Galimatia seems to need help. If only those lazy developers could tell her what she needs.
-I heard you aren't delivering any more living wood. Why not?
-I highly recommend you seek him out!
-I hope that answers your question.
-I hope that my shield will serve you well!
-I hope they know what they are doing. So, come on board. I am looking forward to go back to Woodland, haven't been there for a while.
-I hope to see you soon.
-I hope you are satisfied with your forest bow.
-I hope you catch that naughty person!
-I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.
-I hope you like beer as much as I do, because, you see...
-I hope you like this color.
-I informed Julia about your monstrous plan.
-I just can't remember what. But come talk to me later once devs becomes less lazy.
-I just dont know what to do. Perhaps all gets better when I stay here, whining and waiting. Please, leave me alone.
-I just need %s E for material and work time.
-I just realized I am lacking some common things, and one key ingredient, to prepare a... A special recipe.
-I just want to live my life in peace.
-I knew it!
-I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.
-I know the bow master wants some twigleaf wood, but I don't care.
-I know you didn't kill them yourself!
-I like money! Consider it done.
-I love flowers! What do you have for sale?
-I love hanging out here!
-I love peace and quiet, that's a good choice.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
-'k è en foute gemakt, 'k wille min toale verander'n.
-I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
-'k è en foute gemakt, 'k wille min toale verander'n.
-I mean, I am very tired to move all of these books!
-I mean, you forgot... Well.
-I miss the good old days.
-I must leave to get more.
-I need %d %s for that.
-I need @@ @@.
-I need a %s for my soup.
-I need more Croc Claws.
-I need more information first.
-I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0
-I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1
-I need to go, sorry.
-I need to rest.
-I need to think about it...#0
-I need to think about it...#1
-I only need 2 @@, 2 @@s, 1 @@...
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
-'k weet allene nog da'j' mi gered eit.
-I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
-'k weet allene nog da'j' mi gered eit.
-I ran away as fast as I could, and lucky for me the monsters aren't that fast on their tiny root legs, Ha!
-I recall seeing Gulukan, Astapolos and Q'Muller.
-I recommend that you train your agility a great deal, since most monsters out there aren't really amazing at hitting you.
-I recommend you to take a nap on the inferior level, we will soon leave this place.
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#0
-I registered you on a random bed on the upper level.#1
-I remember I saw a few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get a head start on today's work.
-I remember when I created my first party, we were amazed to share some experience with a small group of adventurer...
-I robbed a nobleman, took a chest full of coins.
-I saw someone sneaking around town wearing a theater mask.
-I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?
-I see.
-I see. Bye!
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Legion of Aemil, then he's also our friend and ally.#1
-I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Legion of Aemil, then she's also our friend and ally.#0
-I sent someone to kill me some maggots and they have yet to return.
-I should know, I've not been a member for a while, too. But then I joined the Legion and look what a shining example of a great fighter I became!
-I should put more effort into this.
-I show her what the problem is, and she tells me to go inside and wait.
-I still didn't find my brother...
-I still do; it's my job.
-I swear, I do not eat so much.
-I think I am sick!
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#0
-I think I have enough plushrooms on me.#1
-I think I should report you to the crew members.
-'k peize da'k u beter zoe verklikk'n an d' andere zeeman'n.
-I think I'll be done soon, since I almost have a box full of @@s!
-I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?
-I think that I am now both...
-I think that I'm still a bit sick.
-I think that I've seen this weakling wandering around the beach south from here this morning.
-I think that my wine is of great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
-I think that we will stay in port for a great time.
-I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!
-I think that you already understood, you are asleep.
-I thought that she would never come to pick it up!
-I took my axe and attacked the beast!
-I used a card to improve my clothes.
-I used to be a farmer, but my magic attempts were banned by the gouvernment.
-I used to get these logs from Jack, the handsome lumberjack.
-I usually would not care, but it is not every day a complete stranger arrives at Artis.
-I value my life, that's why!
-I want to be the first merchant of this square to sell clothes made from @@s!
-I want to divorce.
-I want to make my own dyes.
-I want to register for marriage.
-I was afraid to get busted, so I decided to get rid of the evidence.
-I was an actor when I was younger.
-I was an archer of the Legion and shouldn't be scared of a few maggots, but everyone has fears, right?!
-I was going to ask you if you would need any help.
-I was in no shape to fight again!
-I was just chopping away with my axe, and guess what happened?
-I was sent here with a task. I can give you a perfect, wonderful, magnificent, superbly well shaped... Cookie!
-I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible.
-I was supposed to act as storagekeeper, but I forgot my key.
-I will buy all of the fur that you will bring me at a good price, let's say, 15 E piece.
-I will close an eye for once, but only because it's your first time asking for something!
-I will find him, don't worry!
-I will give you my pocket money if you do.
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#0
-I will inform you when I have more information about all this.#1
-I will not lie to a little girl! And your mother needs your help.
-I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors!
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#0
-I will sell some when you return a bit later.#1
-I will send you this letter as soon as I arrive.
-I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes?
-I will take care of the other ones don't worry.
-I will take it! Thank you captain!
-I will take the @@ Bounty.
-I will tell my dad!
-I will yaying do.
-'k goa da yayadoene.
-I will.
-'k goa da doen.
-I wish I could remember something...
-I wish I helped your friends, because I'd really, really like a cookie.
-I wish you a beautiful day.
-I wish you a good time in town.
-I won't forget it, I swear on my precious plushrooms!
-I won't go there ever again.
-I won't need it, thank you.#0
-I won't need it, thank you.#1
-I won't risk MY life for a few gold pieces!
-I won't. I promise.
-I wonder too...
-'k vroage 't mi oak af...
-I wonder what took him so long?
-I wonder who is in delarium now...
-I work under the protection and the supervision of the Legion of Aemil.
-I would go myself, but for some reason I'm a non-walking NPC.
-I would go myself, but the developers were too lazy to make me walk.
-I would like to come back home when the days are better.
-I would like to create a guild.
-I would like to create a party.
-I would like to perform money transactions.
-I would like to stay here a bit more.
-I would like to store some items.
-I would prefer becoming a real Sorcerer one time. *sighs*
-I wrote your name on the book, you are now free to use the storage and bank services.
-I'M CALLED, @@!
-I'd been trying to break it up for a while, but that kind of work is a pain.
-I'd like to buy a piou.
-I'd like to catch one of them, but they fly away when I try.
-I'd like to get a different style.
-'k zou geirn nen andern coupe willn.
-I'd like you to ask the villagers about the recent string of robberies.
-I'd love one!
-I'll ask Melinda later
-I'll be back in no time.
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#0
-I'll be here, come back when you'll be ready.#1
-I'll be waiting for you, then!
-I'll come back later.
-I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.#0
-I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.#1
-I'll give you @@ GP for this job.
-I'll give you something if you do.
-I'll keep that in mind.
-I'll keep track of this, while you return the mask to the troupe.
-I'll return the plushroom to you, but please, do not waste my time.
-I'll share my berries with you if you help me.
-I'll wait for you here.
-I'll wait until you do.
-I'm a barber, you see. I can change your hairstyle or hair color to your current taste.
-I'm a bit sick...#0
-I'm a bit sick...#1
-I'm a little busy right now.
-I'm a melee warrior, I don't need bows.
-I'm afraid to go there myself, but if you take the risk, you can have half of the loot.
-I'm an expert blacksmith.
-I'm back from battle!#0
-I'm back from battle!#1
-I'm barely in when it starts raining outside, pouring cats and mouboos!
-I'm busy, leave me alone.
-I'm done with my training.#0
-I'm done with my training.#1
-I'm done.
-I'm fine for now, thank you.
-I'm fine, thanks.
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#0
-I'm glad to see you're okay.#1
-I'm glad you're on my side.
-I'm just a merchant, I trade and make deals, yes "excuse" me if I'm not as skilled as that stupid alchemist.
-I'm looking for Gugli, where is he?
-I'm looking for some black iron ingots.
-I'm looking for somebody named Fexil.
-I'm losing my mind here, I need something else to eat!
-I'm lost, where should I go?#0
-I'm lost, where should I go?#1
-I'm not a pawn of the Legion, I don't have to obey you!
-I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry.
-I'm not proud of it, but I had to steal money from others to keep on living.
-I'm not suited for this kind of work!
-I'm not sure where to go from here, maybe you can find something else.
-I'm not sure. They probably left the ship early this morning. I was not awake yet.
-I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Legion of Aemil won't get me!
-I'm on my way! I will bring it back to you.
-I'm out of here.
-I'm proud of you – to dare to fight those trunks is admirable indeed.
-I'm really excited, this place reminds me of an ancient mythical tree, you might know what I'm talking about...
-I'm someone who respects those speaking the truth.
-I'm sorry but I can't see your name anywhere.
-I'm sorry but I have no time to chat with you.
-I'm sorry but I'm here only to help young people.
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#0
-I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate shifts with other sailors from time to time.#1
-I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
-I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.
-I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything.
-I'm sorry, but I'm busy looking into this string of robberies.
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#0
-I'm starting to feel dizzy... I shouldn't stay here much longer.#1
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#0
-I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#1
-I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors.
-I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you!
-I'm supposed to be helping Bernard from the Inn but...
-I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.
-I'm sure he will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#1
-I'm sure she will soon be able to fight all of the creatures living here without any problem.#0
-I'm sure that you already knew the answer, didn't you?
-I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
-I'm sure you would have some interesting stories to tell!
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#0
-I'm sure you'll appreciate its effect, but be careful, these cookies are rare, and you'll need to help the community again before being able to receive another one.#1
-I'm talking about the cookie inside which I put all my love!
-I'm the cook's assistant of the ship. I help Gado, La Johanne's Chef, in his daily work.
-I'm the leader of a traveling theater troupe.
-I'm too busy here to observe the town.
-I'm yearning for maggot soup!
-I've remembered something else.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around.
-I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around.
-I've seen him at the northern part of the island.
-I've seen him at the southern part of the island, check around.
-I've seen him at the top of the island.
-I've seen him down around the southern area of the island, ask Jalad for more information.
-I... I just like to eat the purple and delightful... And natural, and...
-Ianus is from the Legion of Aemil, don't compare me to this brigand.
-If Enora thinks this is the right place for you, then she's probably be right. Did you know she's a lieutenant of the Legion?
-If Enora wants her sword now, I need to ask for your help.
-If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you!
-If it's no trouble, could you get me a %s?
-If my memory serves me right, you were just defeated. Why don't you go out to buy better equipment?
-If not, how could CrazyKatiektch
-If only someone could help me to make my flowers bloom again.
-If so, I hope that he didn't give you any hard time, sometimes he can get up on the wrong side of the bed he becomes an embittered and grumpy old man...
-If so, please take some courage and help me!
-If the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished.
-If words beat in rhythm
-If yoiis wants to see a different use for the cards he can yeye for Resa at the light armor shop for a description of the styling cards.
-If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this!
-If you are lucky he might tell you a story about his adventures.
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#0
-If you are registered somewhere else you will loose that reservation.#1
-If you catch the escaped piou and bring it back, I will give you a 90% discount on a piou.
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#0
-If you come back later, I may teach you something. But psst, practising magic is quite dangerous these days.#1
-If you continue there will be none left!
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#0
-If you don't know it, just go, please.#1
-If you don't like to
-If you ever find the time, pass by Esperia, it's the greatest city in all of Gasaron!
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#0
-If you feel bored or anxious, you can always ask some of the people around Artis if they need your help.#1
-If you feel bored or like running around in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks to do.
-If you find the correct answer, I will give you these potions...
-If you get me some Coal and Iron Ingots, I could make you a very valuable shield or helmet.
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#0
-If you keep it up, you'll eventually become a fearsome warrior, just like me!#1
-If you kill some of these tree monsters and bring me their wood I could take a look at them.
-If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default
-If you need some firewood, just let me know.
-If you need somebody to craft a weapon or a plate from diagrams I am the one that you need.
-If you need something in the future, do not hesitate to pass by here, our stock is full of boxes collecting dust.
-If you really want to, just go to the southwest, but I can't help you.
-If you search for him you should look in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the left bridge, you can't miss it!
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#0
-If you see her, please tell her to come home.#1
-If you see weird things here and there, or things that just shouldn't be, or even in your minds eye, things that you would like to see...
-If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats:
-If you visit the sewers again... You'll find secret passages...
-If you wake up at the inn after a harsh battle, you will find yourself revitalized in an instant unlike other places where you can rest.
-If you want another cookie, you know what to do!
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#0
-If you want to be rewarded, help us in making this world a better place.#1
-If you want to challenge someone for a friendly match, you are at the right place.
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#0
-If you want to make a formidable foe for anyone, you'll need to train with real living opponents!#1
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#0
-If you want to play with unicorns, you better piss off now.#1
-If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.
-If you want to say something to a specific player, you can type "/query Playername" or "/whisper Playername message", this will create a new tab on your chat window.
-If you wish to reset your stats:
-If you're looking for us there, most of us will be at the tavern of the Red Plush, at the bar counter, for Silvio's case...
-Impossible to increase the number/value.
-Impossible to resync: You are dead.
-In Artis they really do mythologize people when they die.
-In a couple of days, we will finally reach Artis.
-In case you don't have a commendatory letter from you-know-whom, I am just sitting here and observe the whales.
-In fact, everything seems to work perfectly under your guidance. Nard has made the right choice.
-In fact... Oh, the things that I could tell... But ran out of space on this... Just be reasonable and go home.
-In hopes of one day reconnect with the people of Ancea and establish a trade between the two continents, The City of Artis was founded. The Aemil Continent has then grown without contact with the people of Ancea.
-In order to enter a message press the '###keyChat;' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press '###keyChat;' again to send your speech.
-In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online.
-Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified party is online.
-Indeed! Goodbye.
-Indeed, I am not.#0
-Indeed, I am not.#1
-Indefinite Traning
-Infantry Helmet
-Information sent to login-server via char-server.
-Inside is a theater mask and a note that you cannot even begin to read.
-Instance ID: @@
-Instance variables may not be used with @set.
-Int: %d (%d~%d)
-Intelligence raises your maximum mana points (good for mages) and your mind abilities. Please note: Magic system has not yet been implemented in this world.
-Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then!
-Interval: (none, only sent on login)
-Interval: every @@ hour(s)
-Introduce yourself instead of poking me around. I almost fell from the lader, savage...
-Invalid Homunculus ID.
-Invalid Monster/NPC name/ID specified.
-Invalid bound type. Valid types are - 1:Account 2:Guild 3:Party 4:Character
-Invalid color.
-Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
-Invalid e-mail. If your email hasn't been set, use
-Invalid flag name or flag.
-Invalid font. Use a value from 0 to 9.
-Invalid item ID or name.
-Invalid location number, or name.
-Invalid mob ID %s!
-Invalid mob id %s!
-Invalid mob name %s!
-Invalid monster ID or name.
-Invalid name.
-Invalid new e-mail. Please enter a real e-mail address.
-Invalid packet
-Invalid time for ban command.
-Invalid time for jail command.
-Invisible: Off
-Invisible: On
-Iron Armbands
-Iron Ore
-Iron Potion
-Iron Shovel
-Iron Vein
-Is it possible to go back to Drasil Island?
-Is it truly a hard choice to make?
-Is not properly shaded
-Is that all you had to say?
-Is that okay?
-Is there a reward?
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#0
-Is this for you or somebody else? Because you need to be registered to obtain these materials.#1
-Is this some kind of joke?!
-Isn't my husband Hinnak so hardworking?
-Isn't this place pretty?
-Isn't this place pretty? I love hanging out here!
-Isnt that the one Nard found on a float in the sea, with the sign of the Legion on his chest?
-It doesn't look like you have them all...
-It doesn't reply.
-It escaped!
-It has been some days now since I asked her for a box of @@s, but she hasn't delivered anything yet.
-It has started to snow.
-It hit me here *points at a bruise on his shoulder*, here *lifts his trouser leg to show another bruise*, and here *lifts his shirt and reveals even worse bruises*.
-It hurts so bad!
-It is a bit cumbersome but its strikes are deadly.
-It is a sunny day, don't you think?
-It is either a huge monster, some cultists, or someone throwing strange stuff into sewers.
-It is one of my best works.
-It is possible to yeye your cloth with my beautiful dyes.
-It is them, after all, who have the ultimate decision as to those I can give my cookies to.
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#0
-It is time to make some sandwiches myself!#1
-It is.
-It looked like one of the masks used by the troupe that was in town recently.
-It looks like the sweet lady is curious, am I right?
-It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?
-It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.
-It needs so much training, but Wyara only leaves me here, standing and selling something instead of teaching me.
-It really hurts, please hurry!
-It seems I got them all!
-It seems that the boy would like to say more, but seems too terrified at the moment.
-It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.
-It seems that you have no status points to reset!
-It seems that you need a key to open this door.
-It seems the gentleman is curious, am I right sweetie?
-It seems you can't carry it right now...
-It seems you can't carry the %s.
-It seems you can't carry the bow right now.
-It seems you don't have room for my reward.
-It seems you have no wood left.
-It seems you still have some work to do.
-It tends to be too dark to see a mask.
-It was at night, so I could barely escape. I ran to Artis hill.
-It was heard about some adventurers whom obtained and use advanced magic, but that is still seen with bad eyes.
-It was something like a long nap.
-It was wonderful.
-It will make an excellent bow!
-It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.
-It would have been easy for me to handle it but if you do it, you can earn some respect by killing Fluffies instead of their natural predators!
-It's @@ @@.
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#0
-It's Ivan... I'm sure that he sent you to annoy me...#1
-It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the whole world. But hey, back to me. Remember me telling you that I'm hun...grrr...eee!
-It's a dangerous place out here. Beware of the mischievous creatures living here!
-It's a good place to earn money, it can also help you to travel throughout the land!
-It's a great honor for us, at the Legion, to hold the security of his business!
-It's a kind of mushroom that tastes like a marshmallow and looks like a plush! @@, get it?
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!
-It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!
-It's a poem, about poems... Why are you asking that?
-It's a very good place if you want to make some more money.
-It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok.
-It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one!
-It's been a while, boy!#1
-It's been a while, girl!#0
-It's better than running around in circles doing nothing.
-It's better to deal with the Merchant Guild than the old man, Don has this ability to hammer down your enthusiasm in sparkling fury!
-It's currently day, but when night falls, Candor will become darker.
-It's currently night, that's why Candor is dark.
-It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working...
-It's interesting and exciting at the same time!
-It's like your memories are locked away in your head! Cool!
-It's nearly as good as one from Esperia, have you ever been there?
-It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful.
-It's ok.
-It's probably full of coins, but no matter how hard you try to open it, you can't.
-It's so exciting to meet somebody with amnesia!
-It's so hard to find the motivation...
-It's still too young to fly too far away, so it just circles nearby.
-It's the big building in northern Artis, at the top of a small hill.
-It's the good one and, ahem!
-It's to the west, on your left side. Just go through this door before the stairs and turn left afterwards. Can't miss it!
-It's true!
-It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception.
-Item cannot be opened when inventory is full
-Item created.
-Item database has been reloaded.
-Item not found.
-Item type not found.
-Item types on your autoloottype list:
-Item: '%s'/'%s'[%d] (%d) Type: %s | Extra Effect: %s
-Item: '%s'[%d]
-Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once.
-Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.
-Items on your autolootitem list:
-Its roots tore out of the earth, all the branches started to wave around, and a face appeared on the trunk.
-Ivan gave package
-Ivan grumbles and resumes his work.
-Ivan is the one you should look for now.
-Jack explained problem
-Jack places them next to each other, adds a frame, and nails everything together.
-Jack proposes shield
-Jack saws the logs into pieces and then sands them until they are smooth to the touch.
-Jeans Chaps
-Job Level and certain equips can affect your status. You'll see the modifiers with a + sign.
-Job level can't go any higher.
-Job level can't go any lower.
-Job level lowered.
-Job level raised.
-Johanne Key
-Judgement has passed.
-Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.
-Julia made an appeal to the Legion of Aemil to get in touch with you, exit the ship and you should see your escort!
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#0
-Julia told me how they found you in the sea, on a raft with a logo of...#1
-Jump to %d %d
-Jump to %s
-Just call me when you changed your mind.
-Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.
-Just leave me alone.
-Just look at my goods for sale! Fresh fruits and vegetables were shipped only this morning. And for reasonable price, of course.
-Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there.
-Just say something sparkling
-Katja asked for help
-Katja gave reward
-Keep moving boy.#1
-Keep moving girl.#0
-Keep moving.
-Keep the sword and the jacket, you deserved them!
-Keshlam expanded rapidly under the rule of King Janeb the Founder, and soon annexed the whole Ancea continent - excluding solely the Land Of Fire - to its domains, creating the Platinum Kingdom.
-Khaki Cotton Dye
-Kill at least %d pinkies and come back.
-Killed mob bitmask: @@
-Killer state reset.
-Know that every flatterer,
-Known Recipes: @@
-Kralog Voice
-Lachesis Brew
-Large Healing Potion
-Large Mana Potion
-Last seen:
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#0
-Last time I saw you, you were lost at sea on your raft.#1
-Lazy Brother
-Leadership transferred.
-Lean for example?
-Learn Skill
-Learn all recipes
-Leather Gloves
-Leather Shield
-Leather Trousers
-Leave it.
-Leave me alone.
-Leaves have stopped falling.
-Leaves started falling.
-Leaves |
-Left Crafty Wing
-Legion of Aemil
-Legion's Copper Armor
-Legion's Training Shirt
-Let me check in my inventory book...
-Let me check into it...
-Let me check my cookie list...
-Let me explain to you what the Merchant Guild is for.
-Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
-Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ @@s to reset your stats.
-Let me open it with my key.
-Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!
-Let's begin
-Let's go to Artis.
-Let's make a trade.
-Let's not keep her waiting.
-Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and never drunk.
-Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!
-Let's set sail then!
-Let's trade.
-Lettuce Leaf
-Light Armor Shop
-Like I promised, here is your share.
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#0
-Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis.#1
-Like, a defensive mythril card can be used on any mythril equipment, and it will improve the defense by 5% of the latter.
-Lime Cotton Dye
-Line @@ has been removed.
-List of known cooking recipes:
-List of known master skills:
-List the commands
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#0
-Listen, kid. Being a legion member is not a joke.#1
-Little Blub
-Little Green Slime
-Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
-Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.
-Lloyd gave package
-Lloyd gave pass
-Lloyd is searching something in his book.
-Lloyd still owes me, but beware of those money-grabbers, or they might sell your own teeth to you!
-Lloyd the Banker
-Log Head
-Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
-Login-server has been asked to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Login-server is offline. Impossible to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?
-Look for the hideout, but tell no one about this. Then, say the password again.
-Look how splendid this @@ is!
-Look how splendid this landscape is!
-Look who is back...
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#0
-Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?#1
-Look, here he is!
-Look, there he is!
-Look, we finally meet.
-Looking over closely, you find a book that is upside down.
-Looks much better now, doesn't it?
-Lord Knight
-Lost the riddle
-Lousy Moccasins
-Lovely day, isn't it?
-Lower this skill
-Lozerk told me to talk to you and join the legion.
-Luck helps you do critical hits and dodge the ones dealt by enemies.
-Luckily the beach is nearby, and somehow I made my way home.
-Luk: %d (%d~%d)
-M... Maybe?
-MOTD Config
-MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Made any progress yet?
-Maggot Slime
-Maggot soup
-Magic Arpan
-Magisch'n Arpan
-Magic Arpan#sailors
-Magic Feather
-Magic was banned for lore reasons? Seriously, after the mana war, only small tricks are allowed.
-Make me proud, boy.#1
-Make me proud, girl.#0
-Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though!
-Make sure to tip her, it will brighten up her day.
-Makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
-Mana Bug
-Mana Ghost
-Mana Torch
-Manana Sandwich
-Manana Tree
-Manually trigger the current broadcast
-Many thanks. I can now do sandwiches again!
-Map not found.
-Map or anchor not found: %s
-Map: %s (Zone:%s) | Players: %d | NPCs: %d | Chats: %d | Vendings: %d
-Market Place
-Marriage failed.
-Master Book
-Master Fluffy was attracted by the odour,
-Master Piou sat on a tree,
-Mauve Cotton Dye
-Mauve Herb
-Mauve Plant
-Max HP: %d (%d~%d)
-Max SP: %d (%d~%d)
-Maxe and Sapartan for example?
-May this be a lesson for you.
-Maybe he over did it with the bottle today to celebrate that!
-Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? He could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#1
-Maybe later.
-Maybe next time.
-Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month. She could be the yoiis from Esperia who got a secret diplomatic mission from the Legion of Aemil!#0
-Maybe you can catch some of them.
-Maybe you can come down to talk?
-Maybe you can do his job?
-Maybe you can use it as a weapon.
-Maybe you could ask him what's wrong?
-Maybe you have more luck with something else?
-Maybe you meant:
-Maybe you should help someone else first, so that he sees your intentions are good.
-Maybe you should try this phrase?
-Maybe you too you could help me?
-Maybe you will find a piece of wood that is strong enough to become one of my forest bows.
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#0
-Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fighting against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel adept fighting enemies?#1
-Me and the wife were at home all night.
-Me too.
-Meanwhile, the sun has dried the other pieces.
-Mechanic T
-Medium Healing Potion
-Medium Mana Potion
-Merchant Guild
-Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment.
-Mercy has been granted.
-Mercy has been shown.
-Mh, I don't care for heroes.
-Mh, or perhaps honor is dead in you; for you to be so slow to comprehend the good that his exploits have wrought for us.
-Mikhail needs maggot slime
-Minstrel T
-Mint Cashmere Dye
-Mob Search... %s %s
-Mob is doing its daily noise, nature is singing its sumptuous melody, none is alone.
-Modify another line
-Modify this line
-Modify, move, or remove a line
-Mommy doesn't want me to talk to strangers.
-Mommy sent me to find my brother Bobo.
-Mona's dad
-Mona's dad is missing
-Mona's dad was rescued
-Mona's father is right behind you. You have five minutes to bring him out of sewers!
-Monster NoTeleport |
-Monster database has been reloaded.
-Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d)
-Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of.
-Moon needs @@
-Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@.
-Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them.
-Mostly manuals and tutorials but you won't find out until you open one!
-Move this line down
-Move this line up
-Mundane ran away, he did not trust the path you chose.
-Mundane ran straight home. He must be missing his daughter.
-Mushroom Spores
-My Mouboos, my beloved Mouboos!
-My beauty. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#0
-My breath smells bad.
-My daughter is probably worried about me. Could you perhaps lead me out of here?
-My forestbows are not made of regular wood, you know.
-My friend. I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
-My friends are... Well, you know... The creators.
-My help, Mikhail, finally returned with the slimes I needed.
-My men have found all of the stolen items.
-My name is @@...
-My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. All I have to eat are these berries... berries... berries...
-My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
-My name is General Store, they still call me this although I left the army a few years ago.
-My name is Jack Lumber, the enemy of all trees.
-My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.
-My name is Lloyd, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-My name is Q'Onan, I'm a member of Nard's crew.
-My stats are too good, I won't need it.
-NOTICE: If you crash with mount your LUA is outdated.
-NPC %d: %s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC %d: %s::%s | Direction: %s | Sprite: %d | Location: %d %d
-NPC Buy:%dz, Sell:%dz | Weight: %.1f
-NPC Disabled.
-NPC Enabled.
-NPC is not in this map.
-NPC moved.
-NPC stylists will cut your hair!
-NPC variables may not be used with @set.
-NPC's or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help.
-Nah, I don't feel like chatting.
-Nah, maybe later.
-Name not found in list.
-Name: %s
-Name: %s (GM)
-Name: %s (GM:%d) | Location: %s %d %d
-Nard and his crew are taking us to the city of Artis.
-Nard asks to help crew
-Nard asks to solve conflict
-Nard looks surprised and stops you.
-Navy Blue Cotton Dye
-Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger.
-Never (only on login)
-Never since that day have I strayed near them, and yet there you are, cutting them down one by one.
-Nevertheless, you can craft some cards that you can then attach to your equipment.
-Nevertheless, you can talk with another adventurer by pressing the [Enter] key and then type what you want to say!
-New e-mail must be a real e-mail address.
-New e-mail must be different from the current e-mail address.
-New quest available: %s (level %d+)
-New warp NPC '%s' created.
-Next broadcast: (never)
-Next broadcast: @@
-Nice day to you.
-Night Mode Activated.
-Night Mode is activated
-Night mode is already enabled.
-NightmareDrop |
-Nine Castles
-Nineteen Castles
-No Exp Penalty: %s | No Zeny Penalty: %s
-No GM found.
-No Save (Return to last Save Point)
-No Save, Save Point: %s,%d,%d
-No Save, Save Point: %s,Random
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0
-No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1
-No cookie for you!
-No item found in this player's %s.
-No item has been refined.
-No item need to be repaired.
-No longer spying on the %s guild.
-No longer spying on the %s party.
-No matter how many times I come here, I can't find the reason for the strange sounds...
-No matter the grammar
-No matter the spelling
-No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
-No more pain, thanks to you.
-No one who has met him would say such silly things.
-No player found in map '%s'.
-No player found.
-No problem, come back later if you changed your mind!
-No problem, do you have any other questions for me?
-No problem, see you next time.
-No thank you, I'm fine. I'll come back later.
-No thanks, not at the moment.
-No thanks.
-No you don't have to go. I need your help, so you have to stay.
-No! No, no, my precious plushrooms! Don’t take me to them, they wants my precious.
-No, I can't. I won't! All I wanted was to travel across the seas for fun, growl... sniff. And in this hole in the floor, as you can see, I have lots of fun.
-No, I don't, but I would like to know more about that.
-No, I feel fine.
-No, I haven't seen anything.
-No, I'm fine.
-No, I'm still looking.
-No, and I gotta go, see you.
-No, none.
-No, sorry.
-No, they are way too dangerous for me!
-Nenk, de die zin ve te gevoarlik veur ikke!
-No. Sorry.
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#0
-No? Better is that. Its so dangerous there.#1
-NoAutoloot |
-NoBaseEXP |
-NoBranch |
-NoCalcRank |
-NoCommand |
-NoDrop |
-NoGuild |
-NoIcewall |
-NoJobEXP |
-NoMVPLoot |
-NoMemo |
-NoMobLoot |
-NoParty |
-NoReturn |
-NoSkill |
-NoTeleport |
-NoTrade |
-NoVending |
-NoViewID |
-NoWarp |
-NoWarpTo |
-Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians.
-Nobody! *burp*
-Niemand! *burp*
-Noh Mask
-None Taken
-None of my troupe have left the city since we got here.
-None of the raindrops touched her, as if they were afraid!
-None of them?
-Nope, there are no secrets hidden within the ship's hull. Some sailors swear they have seen stowaways hidden somewhere. The bow or the stern? Just stories sailors love to tell...
-Normal Drop Rates: Common %.2fx / Healing %.2fx / Usable %.2fx / Equipment %.2fx / Card %.2fx
-Normally, collaborative monsters behave like neutral monsters. Unless someone of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor.
-North East
-North West
-Not a hexadecimal digit:
-Not a string:
-Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running after a player and you stand in the way...
-Not content to stay buried in their burrows in the sand, Crocs can be quite a nuisance, infesting this whole island. Tender Feet and Newbies are advised: Avoid touching these crawling red devils. They have huge, deadly claws that can make mincemeat of you! You can recognize them easily by their crabby personalities. Be careful younglings.
-Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!
-Not in the mood to chat.
-Not my problem.#0
-Not my problem.#1
-Not now, thank you.
-Not now.
-Not now. You see, I am also afraid of Slimes and Rattos!
-Not really. All I got was a headache...
-Not resync'ing to prevent flood.
-Not so good actually... I would feel better on Nard's ship.
-Not so weird, perhaps, except that it was been bright and sunny just a second before!
-Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!#1
-Not yet, I'll be back.#0
-Not yet, I'll be back.#1
-Not yet, but I am working on it.
-Not yet.
-Nog nie..
-Not yet. I will be back soon.
-Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. %s
-Nothing like a well-deserved %s after a long day of tending the crops!
-Nothing, just hanging around.
-Nothing, sorry.
-Niemendalle, sorry.
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#0
-Now I remain poor and unemployed.#1
-Now go outside and talk to Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
-Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what provisions we need.
-Now it is junk.
-Now let's see...
-Now listen to and ponder my words...
-Now move!
-Now stand still... It should not take much time...
-Now that I think about it, I have another task for you. I asked Resa from the light armor shop to craft me some new clothes, she is a bit far from here, I can't go there because I need to watch the dock.
-Now that I think about it, they are the only shops that are independent in Artis...
-Now that you bring up that topic, that reminds me of something...
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0
-Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1
-Now, leave me alone...
-Now, lets get back to business.
-Now, move!
-Nowhere, I'm fine here.
-Number of skill points changed.
-Number of status points changed.
-OK, I'll ask him.
-OK, let's trade.
-OK, thanks.
-Of course there is a reward for your task.
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#0
-Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my sweet.#1
-Of course!
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
-Moabajoak! Zeg moar wuke toale da j' klapt en 'k ga de verandering wel doen ip de board lijste van 't skip.
-Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list.
-Of course! What do you need?
-Of course, I'll go get them for you.
-Of course, as a fully-fledged crew member you can decide of the destination of La Johanne directly with Nard.
-Of course, so why do I still see open sea from the porthole?
-Of course, the Legion of Aemil can easily provide you with such training, even if you're not a member. Just great, isn't it?
-Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.
-Of course, they are on the left wall. Go have a look at them.
-Of course, you can select a bed somewhere else after your reservation, but you won't get your HP recovery until you choose to get some rest in the inn.
-Of the two of them, who has 'good' on their side?
-Official crew member
-Oh I see... Sailors are not able to do their job anymore, is it like that?!
-Oh alright, nevermind then.
-Oh and guess what! I'm almost out of potions anyway.
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#0
-Oh darling, what brought you here?#1
-Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
-Ah goed! èt ie ook ui geld were gegev'n?
-Oh hey *hicks*
-Oh hey!
-Oh look, there's a piou behind you!
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#0
-Oh no, I don't have any plushroom on me right now.#1
-Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other part of this island, I wonder what it could be...
-Oh no, the piou escaped!
-Oh no, you still have @@ Fluffies to kill.
-Oh noes!
-Oh noes! You found my secret backdoor!
-Oh oh... I see, your party became so big that you want to create an even larger structure?
-Oh really? How could I forget something as important as that?!
-Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then.
-Oh right, I totally forgot about that, here you go.
-Oh sure I remember you.
-Oh thank you so much!
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
-ah, wel, w' èn ui gered toen da j' an 't yayaing driv'n woart in de zee.
-Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
-ah, wel, w' èn ui gered toen da j' an 't yayaing driv'n woart in de zee.
-Oh yes, I have one last errand for you, Q'Pid in the market sells potions.
-Oh yeye did, his store is just beside me!
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
-Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
-Oh! And in one of the rooms of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...
-Oh! And our party chat was really entertaining, I do highly recommend you to share this fun as well.
-Oh! I like that sort of answer!
-Oh! You saved me, I was too afraid to unpack my stuff without this pass.
-Oh, I can't be sure...
-Oh, I hope you stayed and listened to his stories about his adventures.
-Oh, I see. That's right. Why should someone come here to see me, seriously?
-Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.
-Oh, a traveller. Welcome.
-Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.
-Oh, and I'll also need %s E for other materials.
-Oh, and Olga from the marketplace as well!
-Oh, and a fruit may even fall for you if you are lucky! But stay alert to pick up your drops.
-Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#0
-Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in an even worse condition than the ones we have.#1
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, one of the four main guilds of Gasaron. Does that help you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Legion of Aemil, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?
-Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing.
-Oh, but I'll still need the book. Even if all pages are white.
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#0
-Oh, but you didn't come here to talk about that, am I right?#1
-Oh, he is not far away from here. Just take the road through the crocojungle north from here.
-Oh, he's still alive!#1
-Oh, hi, isn't it cool to live among all those Mouboos? I don't understand how some people can eat Mouboo steak.
-Oh, hi.
-Oh, it is simple. I have on this book the names of every citizen of Artis and its surroundings.
-Oh, it's you.
-Oh, it's you. I think it's better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something.
-Oh, nooooo... If I go home now, my mum will give me chores.
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
-Oh, now that I remember, we also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
-Oh, ok. Come back later if you need something.
-Oh, please hurry and bring me a %s.
-Oh, she's still alive!#0
-Oh, that's really bad news.
-Oh, the little...
-Oh, too bad.
-Oh, wait a second...
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#0
-Oh, you are that person! You were stranded in the seas for a while, right? You look like it.#1
-Oh, you look more interested in magic.. the brotherhood did forbid most of the interesting paths of magic, but boring baby spells are still allowed.
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#0
-Oh, you were sent by Enora!#1
-Oh... Awesome!
-Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
-Oh... euh, joak, of, wel euh, ne goei'n dag!
-Oh... Ok, I will be around here if you change your mind.
-Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best.
-Oh... You should have started with this!
-Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes.
-Oh... um... actually... all I wanted was to get to Artis. Err... but I didn't, uhm... have enough money to pay for the ferry!
-Oh? And do you think you have what it takes to be a proud Legion Member?
-Ok I add your name... @@...
-Ok I stay here with my paperwork if you need my help.
-Ok fine, you have up to 3 tries, here is the riddle:
-Ok then.
-Ok we stay docked here if you need our help.
-Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.#1
-Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.#0
-Ok, I will bring it to him.
-Ok, I will leave him alone.
-Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
-Ok, nog en bèkke geduld, in de volgende doag'n goan w' arriver'n in den 'av'n van Artis.
-Ok, done.
-Ok, let me see...
-Ok, see you then!
-Ok, sorry. Back to our fluffies.
-Okay, I'll be here, if you change your mind.
-Okay, but there won't be any explosions.
-Okay, you can start!
-Ok, ge kunt start'n!
-Okay... Tell my sister I'll go home soon.
-Old Book
-Old Man
-Old Woman
-Old line:
-On March 213CCE, Chancellor Benjamin Frost, with support of the council, proclaimed the Republic of Ancea. This event would become known as the Blue Revolution.
-On a side note, more defense is always good, but the damage won't decrease on the same rate that defense raises.
-On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but you attack from a safer position. On the other hand, depending on the level of the weapon, melee ones potentially can yeild quicker kills.
-On the year 206CCE, after a long crisis of succession, a minor noble only known as Queen Platyna the Red came to inherit the Platinum Crown.
-Once the monster is dead, click on the dropped items to add them to your inventory. You can also use the 'Z' key to claim the drops.
-Once used, they will disappear from your inventory.
-One Castle
-One advice: Don't take the things those drinkers say too serious. They are sitting here and drinking all day.
-One last thing to keep in mind... If you are surrounded, you'll suffer an agility and defense penalty.
-One of its branches hit me!
-One of these little boogers started flying early, and escaped from me.
-Only Don and the Merchant Guild have that kind of material in stock. It's called black iron.
-Only after you prove yourself, you may join our ranks as a proud member! Hahah!
-Only one more Fluffy to kill and it's done!
-Oooh, perfect! It's perfect!
-Oooh, these wounds! They hurt so much!
-Open your inventory window (###keyWindowInventory; key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button.
-Opened treasure chest
-Options changed.
-Or almost like me, at the very least.
-Or do you want to keep your friendships and adventures in different groups?
-Or you can take seat and ask Melinda if you need something.
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#0
-Or, you can just forget all that, and let me prepare sandwiches for you, too! %%H#1
-Orange Cotton Dye
-Other Drop Rates: MvP %.2fx / Card-Based %.2fx / Treasure %.2fx
-Other Flags:
-Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea.
-Other things are written but are not legible anymore.
-Ouch... These boxes are so heavy!
-Our building here is also the finest place in the town. Just go and see for yourself!
-Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family!
-Our main responsibility in the city is to protect the Merchant Guild.
-Our mommy doesn't allow us to go there, because it's dangerous. But he doesn't listen!
-Our only wish to eat a plush, so juicy sweet...
-Out of creativity already? Don't worry, I don't judge! Hehe.
-Over lovers under a starry night
-Packet 0x%x length: %d
-Partner not ready.
-Party modification is disabled in this map.
-PartyLock |
-People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck.
-Perfect! I will wait for you here.
-Perhaps, and only perhaps, if you bring me the latter, I can bring you to a ship that will perhaps, and only perhaps, be able to bring you to Woodland.
-Pet hunger changed.
-Pet hunger is already at maximum.
-Pet intimacy changed.
-Pet intimacy is already at maximum.
-Peter needs help
-Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Pff... Nickel nurser!
-Piberries Infusion
-Pile Of Ash
-Pink Antennae
-Pink Blobime
-Pink Cotton Dye
-Pink Flower
-Pink Petal
-Pinkie Hat
-Piou Feathers
-Piou Legs
-Piou Slayer
-Piou and The Fluffy
-Piou egg
-Piouleg Sandwich
-Pious must keep a strict diet composed of Piberries.
-Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d
-Player '%s' has now been banned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' has now been unbanned from the '%s' channel
-Player '%s' is already banned from this channel
-Player '%s' is not banned from this channel
-Player '%s' was not found
-Player database has been reloaded.
-Player has been nuked!
-Player is not muted.
-Player is using %s skill tree (%d basic points).
-Player requires level %d of skill %s.
-Player unjailed.
-Player unmuted.
-Player warped to jail.
-Please bring it to me!
-Please bring me @@s so I can pull out these spikes from my foot.
-Please choose the desired gender:
-Please come again with at least 10 INT and 20 DEX. Stat Bonuses aren't counted.
-Please come back anytime!
-Please come talk to me, I'll help you get dressed.
-Please continue talking to the villagers.
-Please do hurry and bring me %d %s, so I can finish my soup!
-Please don't tell people you saw me. I don't want to be decapitated or get thrown into the sea as food for sharks, or get my hair mussed!
-Please don't touch my stove without my authorization.
-Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only.
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguise <name/ID>).
-Please enter a Monster/NPC name/ID (usage: @disguiseall <name/ID>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @enablenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @hidenpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @npcoff <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a NPC name (usage: @tonpc <NPC_name>).
-Please enter a clothes color (usage: @dye/@ccolor <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a guild name (usage: @guild <guild_name>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildrecall <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a guild name/ID (usage: @guildspy <guild_name/ID>).
-Please enter a hair color (usage: @haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a hair style (usage: @hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: %d-%d>).
-Please enter a homunculus ID (usage: @makehomun <homunculus id>).
-Please enter a hunger value (usage: @homhungry <hunger value [0-100]>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @homlevel <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a level adjustment (usage: @lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels>).
-Please enter a map (usage: @warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @broadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @homtalk <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @kami <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @localbroadcast <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @me <message>).
-Please enter a message (usage: @pettalk <message>).
-Please enter a mob name/ID and guild name/ID (usage: @disguiseguild <mob name/ID>, <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter a mob name/id (usage: @showmobs <mob name/id>)
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @mobsearch <monster name>).
-Please enter a monster name (usage: @summon <monster name> {duration}).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @whereis <monster_name_or_monster_ID>).
-Please enter a monster/egg name/ID (usage: @makeegg <pet>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @skpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a number (usage: @stpoint <number of points>).
-Please enter a party name (usage: @party <party_name>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyrecall <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a party name/ID (usage: @partyspy <party_name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @block <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jail <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @kick <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @nuke <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @recall <char name/ID>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @trade <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unban <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unblock <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unjail/@discharge <char_name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @unmute <char name>).
-Please enter a player name (usage: @where <char name>).
-Please enter a position bitmask and an amount (usage: @refine <equip position> <+/- amount>).
-Please enter a quest skill ID.
-Please enter a script file name (usage: @loadnpc <file name>).
-Please enter a skill name to look up (usage: @skillid <skill name>).
-Please enter a sound filename (usage: @sound <filename>).
-Please enter a speed value (usage: @speed <%d-%d>).
-Please enter a status type/flag (usage: @displaystatus <status type> <flag> <tick> {<val1> {<val2> {<val3>}}}).
-Please enter a time in minutes (usage: @mutearea/@stfu <time in minutes>).
-Please enter a valid amount.
-Please enter a valid level (usage: @guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels>).
-Please enter a valid number (usage: @pethungry <0-100>).
-Please enter a valid position (usage: @memo <memo_position:%d-%d>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @petfriendly <0-1000>).
-Please enter a valid value (usage: @str/@agi/@vit/@int/@dex/@luk <+/-adjustment>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter all parameters (usage: @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
-Please enter an amount (usage: @spiritball <number: 0-%d>).
-Please enter an amount (usage: @zeny <amount>).
-Please enter an amount.
-Please enter an effect number (usage: @effect <effect number>).
-Please enter an intimacy value (usage: @homfriendly <intimacy value [0-1000]>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item <item name/ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @itembound <item name/ID> <quantity> <bound_type>).
-Please enter an item name/ID (usage: @ii/@iteminfo <item name/ID>).
-Please enter an item name/ID, a quantity, and a player name (usage: #delitem <player> <item_name_or_ID> <quantity>).
-Please enter at least one item name/ID (usage: @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of very's>).
-Please enter at least one option.
-Please enter at least one valid list number (usage: @mapinfo <0-3> <map>).
-Please enter at least one value (usage: @model <hair ID: %d-%d> <hair color: %d-%d> <clothes color: %d-%d>).
-Please enter ban time and a player name (usage: @ban <time> <char name>).
-Please enter color and message (usage: @kamic <color> <message>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @sizeguild <size> <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter guild name/ID (usage: @undisguiseguild <guild name/ID>).
-Please enter item name/ID (usage: @whodrops <item name/ID>).
-Please enter part of an item name (usage: @idsearch <part_of_item_name>).
-Please enter the combat zone on the left.
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalk <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the correct parameters (usage: @npctalkc <color> <npc name>, <message>).
-Please enter the desired color
-Please enter the desired race
-Please enter the desired style
-Please enter the message:
-Please enter the new line.
-Please enter two e-mail addresses (usage: @email <current@email> <new@email>).
-Please find daddy...
-Please find my daddy...
-Please find the small chest, buried somewhere on Artis hill.
-Please go talk to the leader of the traveling troupe about the theater mask.
-Please go talk to their leader about this.
-Please guide me.
-Please return the mask to the traveling troupe.
-Please select a category:
-Please select a chapter:
-Please select a quest:
-Please select an option:
-Please select the interval:
-Please specify a display name or monster name/id.
-Please take this @@ for your help.
-Please try to figure out what went wrong with this order and bring me those potions.
-Please write the following sentence:
-Please, have a seat.
-Please, leave me alone. I have to pixel potions.
-Pleasure to meet you. I am @@.
-Plushroom Box
-Plushroom Field
-Plushrooms you say?
-Poem about Poems
-Poem is making the words dance
-Poison Skull
-Poisoned Dish
-Poisoned Julia
-Poor Chelios, I don't envy him...
-Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe 8:Body
-Potions? That sounds useful. What do you have?
-Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior.
-Press the '###keyTrade;' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations.
-Previous Inn reservation will be lost!
-Princess Slayer
-PrivateAirshipEndable |
-PrivateAirshipStartable |
-Protect me, please...
-Pumpkin Hat
-Pumpkin Juice
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Purple Blobime
-Purple Cotton Dye
-Put on your thinking cap and be propelled into high adventure!
-PvP Flags:
-PvP Off.
-PvP On.
-PvP is already Off.
-PvP is already On.
-Pvp ON |
-Q'Onan asks to find chest
-Quest complete
-Quest database has been reloaded.
-Quest debug
-Quest state: @@
-Quest state: @@, @@
-Raijin Voice
-Raijin Stemme
-Raise this skill
-Raises your Int by 50
-Raises your base level by 50
-Raises your job level by 50
-Ranger T
-Rate management
-Ratto Tail
-Ratto Teeth
-Raw Log
-Read it.
-Really? That's kind of you, I accept your help!
-Recipe Book
-Red Cotton Dye
-Red Plush Wine
-Red Rose
-Red Tulip
-Reduces your Int by 50
-Reduces your base level by 50
-Reduces your job level by 50
-Refinery UI is not available
-Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork.
-Related quests:
-Remember that some equipment sets will give you hidden stat bonuses! So dress yourself in a fashion way, if possible!
-Remember to stay sharp. I might need your help on another case.
-Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own.
-Remember, you have to find my brother on the hill east of here.
-Remind me, what should I do?
-Remove this line
-Remove this skill
-Removed %d Kafra points. Total %d points.
-Removed %d cash points. Total %d points.
-Removed all bans from the '%s' channel
-Removed item type: '%s' from your autoloottype list.
-Removed item: '%s'/'%s' {%d} from your autolootitem list.
-Repeat how many times?
-Repeat: @@ times
-Report back to me once you've had enough!
-Requires logout
-Resa gave package
-Reset 'Feeling' maps.
-Reset Quest
-Reset all recipes
-Reset done!
-Reset stats, skills, level
-Reset subquests
-Reset |
-Return to Artis?
-Return to Debug menu
-Return to Super Menu
-Return to main menu
-Return to skill debug menu
-Returned piou to Salem
-Returned to normal state.
-Returned to real name.
-Returning to normal font.
-Right Crafty Wing
-Right over there.
-Right! Ours is an earthsea realm. You see, sailors are swift at their tasks when out of sight of land, but docked by this verdant jewel, they have it so good, they are just taking too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.
-Roasted Maggot
-Robin Bandit
-Royal Guard
-Royal Guard T
-Rrrr... Pchhhh...
-Ruby Shard
-Ruby Vein
-Rumly is hiding behind the tree.
-Rumly needs your help
-Rumly wants @@
-Rune Knight
-Rune Knight T
-Sadly, you found nothing but dirt.
-Sagratha is great.
-Sagratha is great. Why does the strange woman near the Legion building always say that to daddy...?
-Said her friend had told her that I needed help.
-Sakura |
-Salem asks to catch piou
-Sapphire Shard
-Sapphire Vein
-Say her love to glamourous Gliktch?
-Scared me, those seven-branched little stumps did!
-Scary... I am afraid of all these Slimes, Rattos and Maggots... And worse, I am lost...
-Scheduled broadcasts
-Scheduled broadcasts - Create new
-Script could not be loaded.
-Script loaded.
-Scripts have been reloaded.
-Sea Drops
-Sea water?! I will not help you with your evil plan!
-Search results for '%s' (name: id):
-Searched the bookcase
-Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.
-See if someone else knows anything.
-See you aboard.
-See you later!
-See you next time!
-See you soon!
-See you!
-See you! And come back with the plushrooms!
-See you.
-Seeing her gaze, for a moment there I thought she would turn me into a pinkie, for sure...
-Seek a colorant for that material:
-Seems I've helped everyone here. I don't know what to do now!
-Seems yummy! Let me taste it!
-Send 10 times
-Send 2 times
-Send 20 times
-Send 3 times
-Send 5 times
-Send indefinitely
-Send only once
-Send this message also on login?
-Sending request to login server...
-Sent on login: @@
-Sent on login: yes
-Sent packet 0x%x (%d)
-Sent to Q'Anon
-Sent to battle
-Sent to training
-Sent: @@ times out of @@
-Seriously? It's just a cookie you know... Tell me what I should do to get one.
-Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds.
-Server is jammed due to overpopulation.
-Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X.
-Set a new broadcast
-Set battle_config as requested.
-Set state manually
-Set subquests as completed
-Set the level manually
-Seven Castles
-Seventeen Castles
-Shadow Chaser
-Shadow Chaser T
-Share your mind is your mission
-She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
-She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.
-She is very skilled when it comes to weaving an ordinary piece of cloth into a wonderful work of art!
-She is waiting for you on the dock.
-She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?
-She told me that you had some tasks for me.
-She wants? What if I don't want?
-She wasn't at home for two days now. I worry about her!
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0
-She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1
-Shhht, don't say it that loud...
-Shht shht!
-Shop is out of stock! Come again later!
-Short Bow
-Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail.
-Silk Cocoon
-Silk Pants
-Silk Robe
-Silver Cotton Dye
-Silvio for example?
-Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave, letting him have a private conversation.
-Simply contact them, by forum or wispers or irc. When you are helpful and kind, they respond in kind. And in time they may surely add you to my cookie list!
-Since Don settled in Artis he and his band refused to register to the Merchant Guild.
-Sincerely yours, Dan.
-Six Castles
-Sixteen Castles
-Size change applied.
-Skill Debug
-Skill Debug - Modify Skill
-Skill database has been reloaded.
-Skill delay failures are now shown.
-Skill delay failures will not be shown.
-Skills have been disabled in this map.
-Skills have been enabled in this map.
-Slave clone spawned.
-Slay some of them and bring me %d of their antennae.
-Sleep well my angel but don't follow along
-Small Healing Potion
-Small Mana Potion
-Small Tentacles
-Snow has stopped falling.
-Snow |
-So I go inside.
-So I rush out, my wife telling me to leave the witch alone, and I see her standing there in the middle of the rain...
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#0
-So I was going to ask if maybe you would be interested in giving me a hand with a few errands.#1
-So be nice and help people along the way!
-So close!
-So finally someone has came to visit me?
-So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing.
-So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day!
-So my wife said that I should go and see the witch, just in case she knows something.
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.#1
-So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.#0
-So the next day another witch shows up.
-So you beat the monster? Then why are you so scared?
-So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0
-So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1
-So you're under the control of a dictatorship? That's... reassuring!
-So, I guess you aren't chopping down trees anymore?
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#0
-So, did you get your blood boiling? Give the dummies a good lesson? Good!#1
-So, do you have anything for me today?
-So, do you still want a cookie?
-So, everything went fine?
-So, finally, we are here.
-So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now.
-So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
-En, oe es 't gegoan? È je nog andere zeeman'n gezien?
-So, search for answers.
-So, what can I do for you?
-So, what do you say?
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats in Artis?#0
-So, what good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitresses of Artis?#1
-So, what was I saying?
-So, where is my piou? You should not keep an old man waiting. Go and catch it like you said you would.
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#0
-So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.#1
-So? You haven't exploded yet! Are you getting anything?
-Solved conflict
-Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box.
-Some citizens are worried about the growing number of Fluffies on the hill of Artis.
-Some food.
-Some of the crew are looking for goods we can trade with at our next destination.
-Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop.
-Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that.
-Some people prefer to catch fish using magic, but calling that "fishing" would be an insult to this traditional sport.
-Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@.
-Some special items cannot be traded, discarded, nor sold. With a right click, you can also protect normal items as if they were special ones.
-Some tasks will help you become aquainted with Artis. Trust me.
-Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit.
-Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning when you try to sell them.
-Somebody is probably training, better wait for him to finish.
-Somebody is waiting for you outside!
-Somebody took your place on this spot!
-Somebody tried to stroke the word "fish" and tried to replace it with "sharkes".
-Somehow you don't feel good about your deed.
-Someone in a theater mask, eh?
-Something else?
-Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit.
-Sometimes a good merchant needs to reach out first. It's on the house, give Chelios my regards!
-Sometimes, I wish someone would be sent here to help us.
-Sorcerer T
-Sorry I didn't mean to bother you.
-Sorry buddy, you can't pass by this way, we're moving some furniture.
-Sorry but I have no time for this.
-Sorry, moa 'k ei ier gin tid veure.
-Sorry i can't help you. Go away!
-Sorry to disturb you.
-Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Sorry! 'k è mi verget'n te presenter'n. Min noame es Arpan, moar d' andere zeeman'n noem'n mi Magischen Arpan, omda'k een of twee yaing magische spreuk'n kenne.
-Sorry, I am not making these anymore.
-Sorry, I don't know any recipe with this.
-Sorry, I have to go.
-Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations.
-Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment.
-Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.
-Sorry, but you don't have what I need.
-Sorry, but you have no pet.
-Sorry, my eyesight is a bit poor nowadays. Where are the ingredients?
-Sorry, no.
-Sorry, this log was too weak for one of my forest bows.
-Sorry, we are sold out for today.
-Sorry, you look like a pinkie.
-Sorry. I can't make a sandwich with that.
-Sorry... here you are.
-Soul Linker
-Soul Menhir#hurnscald
-Sounds good!
-Sounds like a good deal to me. I'll do it.
-South East
-South West
-Southwest you say? OK, thank you.
-Specified group does not exist.
-Speed changed.
-Speed returned to normal.
-Spend it wisely this time.
-Spiky Mushroom
-Spying on the %s guild.
-Spying on the %s party.
-Squichy Claws
-Star Gladiator
-Start broadcasting
-Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now
-Start over
-Stat changed.
-Stats: Str %d / Agi %d / Vit %d / Int %d / Dex %d / Luk %d
-Status database has been reloaded.
-Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?
-Stay clear.
-Stay here, I will be back as soon as I have some.
-Steel Shield
-Stop broadcasting
-Stop disturbing me, I already re-read that part twice because of you!
-Stop heckling her, Silvio, or I'll tell her how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#0
-Stop heckling him, Silvio, or I'll tell him how you always cry like a little baby during thunderstorms.#1
-Stop it!
-Stop wasting my time.
-Storage has been not loaded yet.
-Storage opened.
-Str: %d (%d~%d)
-Strange, it seems I became younger lately.
-Strangely enough, this lid can only be open from inside.
-Strength multiplies the damage of your hits, especially melee ones. You will also be able to carry heavier stuff.
-Stupid yeye...
-Styling Shop
-Suddenly you remember the strange phrase Mona overheard Sophialla saying
-Super Baby
-Super Menu
-Super Novice
-Sura T
-Sure I did.
-Sure! [Don't tip]
-Sure! [Tip 10 Florin]
-Sure! [Tip 5 Florin]
-Sure, I'll go get one. Bye!
-Sure, any time!
-Sure, but what will I get in exchange?
-Sure, but what will you give me in exchange?
-Sure, cap'tain.
-Sure, here they are!
-Sure, here you go!
-Sure, here you go.
-Sure, why not?
-Surely you do not appreciate what a hero he is!
-Surely. Take this box full of @@s.
-Surprise me!
-Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be
-Take a Bandana.
-Take a cup of tea until something happens here.
-Take an @@ and a @@, yeye obtains a @@.
-Take care!
-Take the east road that goes to the north and follow it until you are on top of the cliff.
-Take the sword, and say hi to Enora for me!
-Take these coins in exchange and be careful.
-Take this money as a reward for your nice words.
-Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. The open sea has been merciful with you once... Do not further tempt the fates!
-Take your reward from the box next to my desk!
-Talk to Hector and he'll show you the ropes.
-Talk to you later!
-Talk to you soon!
-Talk with Lloyd the Banker in the Merchant Guild, it's a big building in the northern side of Artis, at the top of the small hill.
-Talked to Inspector (1)
-Talked to Inspector (2)
-Talked to Inspector (3)
-Talked to Inspector (4)
-Talked to Inspector (5)
-Talked to Inspector (6)
-Talked to Janus
-Talked to Malek
-Talked to Old Man
-Talked to Old Woman (1)
-Talked to Old Woman (2)
-Talked to Old Woman (3)
-Talked to Old Woman (4)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (1)
-Talked to Troupe Leader (2)
-Talked to narrator
-Target character must be online and be a guild member.
-Target character must be online and in your current party.
-Task is done.
-Teal Cotton Dye
-Teleport Flags:
-Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the requisitions.
-Tell me, where are we right now?
-Ten Castles
-Test MOTD
-Thank you again for your help!
-Thank you and be careful with that box. I have worked really hard to fill it!
-Thank you for finding the mask.
-Thank you for this commission, Chelios is as good as Don when it comes to forging metal.
-Thank you for this!
-Thank you for your help.
-Thank you for your tricks. I am going to try them now!
-Thank you my friend.#0
-Thank you my friend.#1
-Thank you so much!
-Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries.
-Thank you very much
-Thank you very much!
-Thank you!
-Thank you, I'll take them and put them on.
-Thank you, sir, for your kind words. I am feeling better now.
-Thank you, sweetie! Want to hear a secret?
-Thank you.
-Thank you. I'll wait here.
-Thanks again for helping me with the pinkies!
-Thanks again for helping me!
-Thanks for finding daddy... I wish he spent more time with me...
-Thanks for helping my husband Hinnak.
-Thanks for the help!
-Thanks for the tip!
-Thanks for your help with the pinkies.
-Thanks, sir Q'Anon.
-Thanks, that was very kind of you!
-That better be a trophy on your head.
-That doesn't looks edible to me!
-That is a really fine piece of wood you brought me.
-That looks too exotic for me to eat!
-That makes everybody
-That part of the town is called the Gilded Hill, it's also where the Merchant Guild has its headquarters.
-That poor one is doing his best to fly... But his last meal and the gravity is not helping him so far!
-That will be @@ E to set your respawn point
-That will pay them a lesson.
-That would be great!
-That's a nice sword you have there.
-That's exactly what I needed!
-That's good to hear!
-That's not the question
-That's perfect, yoiis.#0
-That's perfect, yoiis.#1
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#0
-That's quite surprising... You don't look very helpful.#1
-That's right, we have our very own training room. The Legion is always well prepared!
-That's too bad... Although I think you're lying.
-Thats your problem, really.
-The @@ is a one time item, you can use it as many times as you want, but you can only have one!
-The Book of Laws
-The Fluffy seized it and said:
-The Legion needs some potions.
-The Legion of Aemil is the greatest organization on all continent! A town cannot be safer than when it's under our protection.
-The Legion of Gasaron are a group of warriors who vowed to protect and serve their neighbours.
-The Legion of Gasaron is in charge of the security of the intramural part of our cities.
-The Legion?
-The Mana Tree was lost, the caves entrances destroyed, and the Wizard Order was split in two: One part was on Candor, and other at the Magic Tower.
-The Piou, embarrassed and confused,
-The Platinum Kingdom grew and prospered, and drew most of the human population to the safety of the walls of Keshlam, Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-The Raijin from the library flirted with me a while ago, so has Enora from the Legion.
-The Republic of Ancea ceased to exist officially in August 216CCE, when the cities of Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis installed their own independent governments.
-The Ukar Historical Association on Aemil
-The answer is a single word, without conjugation.
-The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account.
-The best, the wonderful, the most choice cookie among all others, the...
-The book has been hollowed out.
-The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.
-The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
-The captain wants:
-The collection of four books entitled “World Story For Dummies” is based on the uncessable work from the Ukar scholars, thanks to whom this wouldn't be possible.
-The control and administration of the cities passes hands sometimes. You may find the Mana Order or the Brotherhood in charge instead of us at some point!
-The council, however, neglected day-to-day administration duties, and focused their efforts in regaining control of the rest of Ancea.
-The detail and craftsmanship that went into this sword can only be accomplished by the most practiced of blacksmiths.
-The doctor examines you briefly.
-The door to the legion building is temporarily closed.
-The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing. Thus much is lost to time, including the author's name.
-The farmer glares at your hat.
-The farmer lunges at you with a farming implement.
-The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time...
-The fee is of @@ E. So, do you want to register?
-The fields are crawling with maggots.
-The first human settlement to develop an advanced political structure and to become a city-state was Keshlam.
-The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land.
-The first thing you should do is to evaluate your enemy.
-The first village build was named Esperia. Aurora region was very fertile, and for this reason they moved towards countryside and built farms.
-The fog has gone.
-The further you go, the more experience you will get, so here's a small description of all the stats you can upgrade with time. But note that these will probably change in the future and have more complex effects.
-The giant boogeyman!
-The girl looks desperate.
-The group found the support of Tulimshar's merchant lords and was given ships to sail east.
-The guild is in charge of the commerce regularization throughout Artis and its surroundings.
-The hill is located on the north-east of Artis.
-The holy messenger has given judgement.
-The inspector sent me here to investigate.
-The item (%d: '%s') is not equippable.
-The item is not equippable.
-The leader of the troupe said you hung around them a lot while they were in town.
-The lid is sealed shut, and you are too weak to open it.
-The light armor shop is ran by Resa, she is part of the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-The little piou is flying nearby, all you need is to catch it and bring back to me.
-The log breaks with a loud crack.
-The mapserver has spy command support disabled.
-The market is located in the south-east of Artis, it is known as Merchant Guild's exhibit.
-The master bowyer in this village used to construct exceptional bows. When you want one you should go and ask him.
-The message cannot be empty
-The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have.
-The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist.
-The music of the trees floats through the breeze
-The name of the book is "%s".
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again.
-The newly created Fleet of Ancea travelled so far that they were never heard from again. They found a continent, present on legends of explorers who never came back.
-The next and final battle happened at Candor. Wizards attacks from both sides near the Mana Tree provoked a Mana Storm. A Great Quake shook the earth of Ancea and the land began to split. Geography changed, and Keshlan vanished from the map.
-The next page begins to list the complex trading laws of the City of Esperia
-The night the troupe left, I saw someone with a theater mask take a large satchel out of town.
-The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?
-The old man seemed to be senile.
-The other part of this sign has been crushed by a rock.
-The piou costs @@ E.
-The player '%.*s' doesn't exist.
-The player cannot use that skill.
-The player meets all the requirements for that skill.
-The problem is that I am short of material.
-The rank of lieutenant is granted only to people with proper control of their skill and good judgment, like Enora. Or me, of course.
-The recipes, of course, you must collect yourself. Even sandwiches are not so simple as to simply put ingredients and hope for the best.
-The resulting shield looks usable already, but Jack applies another liquid to it and leaves it to dry for a few moments.
-The room is to the east, on your right side. Just go through the door before the stairs and then turn right. It's like the mirror image of our training room.
-The sailor chugs his beer.
-The sailor turns his back to you.
-The sailors take you aboard their ship.
-The ship, La Johanne, has left Drasil Island, finally.
-The stowaway doesn't answer.
-The taste of maggots in soup is... unforgettable.
-The travel was fine for you? It was terrible for me, I was sea-sick.
-The tree was entitled The Mana Tree, and the Wizard Order took control over Candor Island. They learnt to control the mana flow, and limited its use, claiming Magic to be too dangerous for public use.
-The two cannot wed because one is either a baby or already married.
-The usurper has been punished! This is a great day! Take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!
-The whole tree CAME TO LIFE! It was mad!
-The zone is already set to '%s'.
-The “Ancean Era” is a term used to defined the time period between the beginning of recorded history and the events at the Mana Tree, and thanks to Ukar scholars, this is widely accepted as year 1 on all Gasaron.
-Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive.
-Their price is usually high, but you know what? I have a bargain offer for you.
-Then I can give you some tips about fighting.
-Then I would ask you to leave.
-Then concentrate your anger upon the trees hereabouts, you will gain experience whilst leveling your sword skill on them.
-Then go north and investigate!
-Then it seems I have to apologize.
-Then leave me alone.
-Then please stop wasting my precious time.
-Then she yells out some gobbledygook word, and out of the ground there comes a swarm of maggots, crawling and digging and climbing over each other's backs...
-Then you should better see the doctor.
-There are 6 sailors who will need your help. They are all around the island.
-There are a lot of things you must be wondering about.
-There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-There are many key combinations, press F1 to see a short list of them!
-There are no items to appraise.
-There are no tasks for you right now.
-There are people in the world who need help!
-There are people who really need our help.
-There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us.
-There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
-There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.
-There are some knives on the table. Would you like to take one?
-There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats.
-There are still some monsters left! Do you want to abort the quest?
-There are three kind of monsters which frequently or seldomly attacks our fair vessel.
-There are three types of items.
-There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative.
-There are two different kinds of cards, the first changes the style of your clothes, the second changes their stats.
-There are two kinds of dialogue, the ones with regular citizens, and the ones with other adventurers.
-There are two shops inside, they are independent from the Merchant Guild of Artis.
-There is a paper with some rules written on it.
-There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or helping Peter clean the ship from rattos.
-There is an unknown side effect to these plushrooms, they can free you from your past mistakes.
-There is no day/night, weather, or season cycle in TMW yet.
-There is no help for %c%s.
-There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent.
-There was a traveling theater troupe in town recently, but they've moved on to Tulimshar.
-There you go, like new.
-There you go. Please enjoy yourself! ^.^
-There's also a job level, which produces green sparkles when you level it.
-There's also weather, meaning it can rain, snow, or even happen a sandstorm. They are usually cosmetic, but...
-There's been no change in the setting.
-There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.#0
-There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.#1
-There, they gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find a new land on which to live.
-These @#$% beasts are jumping around in my fields destroying all my harvest.
-These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship.
-These crocotrees are full of yaying @@s, but they are so hard to hit...
-These funny fungi are mushrooming all around this island. Just pick some @@s and have a try.
-These heavy boxes are killing me, I can't feel my arms anymore!
-These little pious here can't fly. At least that's what I thought.
-These purple mushrooms are called @@s. There are plenty of 'em on this island!
-These twigleafs are the trees that give me the living wood you speak of.
-These yeye boxes are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship.
-They are all around the island.
-They are each valued individuals and I need them both. In the past, I probably made my share of mistakes. I regret good management is so difficult. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.
-They are fresh!
-They are fresh, they are good!
-They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula.
-They are made of special living wood.
-They are married... wish them well.
-They are so tasty when cooked with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
-They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features.
-They eventually found a new land after much hardship and named it Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They gathered merchants and warriors to join them in a journey to find new lands to live in. Tulimshar's merchant lords gave them ships to sail east.
-They named this continent as Aemil, in honour of one of such explorers. The area they docked in was called Aurora, after its beautiful sunrise.
-They sailed from Hurnscald to Tulimshar and then Nivalis, the last permanent settlements of humans.
-They sailed past the Clear Sea and towards the Long Ocean which nobody had explored before.
-They shouldn't be too far from each other.
-They taste simply divine!
-They were all in the mining camp.
-They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first.
-They're perfect, just perfect!
-They've been destroying my fields, and I guess I got a bit worked up.
-Thief Slime
-Think on Season Quests as a yearly quest which you have three months to do.
-Thirteen Castles
-Thirty Castles
-Thirty-One Castles
-Thirty-Three Castles
-Thirty-Two Castles
-This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world.
-This NPC doesn't exist.
-This action can't be performed at the moment. Please try again later.
-This action was met with widespread opposition from all races, and a war broke. The tritans led the offensive, in attempts to keep the tree untouched and mana available for all.
-This book contains everything you should know about it, take it!
-This book contains the knowledge collected by ukars about how the world works.
-This book outlines the laws of every city and holding in Gasaron.
-This bound item cannot be stored there.
-This bound item cannot be traded to that character.
-This character has been banned until
-This door is locked.
-This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest.
-This fishing spot is already being used!
-This floor is reserved for quiet reading, don't speak too loud.
-This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?#0
-This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0
-This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?#1
-This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1
-This is Drasil Island, I named it after an ancient mythical tree.
-This is a harsh word to use, you are never alone in the beautiful place of Artis.
-This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt."
-This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.
-This is for my own use.
-This is how good we Legion Members are. I was informed of your arrival way before you left Drasil Island.
-This is how you do it! HAAH!
-This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will use your soft moist parts in the concoction of my next cookie batch.
-This is where the bravest of warriors come together to put their skills to a good use, for a good cause.
-This is your first time asking for something, you won't pay this time, take it as a sign of good faith!
-This item cannot be dropped.
-This item cannot be stored.
-This item cannot be traded.
-This item cannot be used as bait here.
-This item cannot be used within this area.
-This job has no alternate body styles.
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on her.#0
-This kind of talk should be taken with a grain of salt, but I agree and admit that I too am skeptical, so keep an eye on him.#1
-This led Keshlam into rapid decline and its citizen began to emigrate to the other Cities. By the end of the Ancean Era, Keshlam City was a quarter of the original size.
-This menu allows you to change your skills.
-This menu allows you to customize your appearance.
-This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools.
-This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in.
-This menu allows you to modify your account data.
-This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval.
-This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges.
-This menu gives access to all quest debug menus.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quest subquests.
-This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests.
-This monster does not spawn normally.
-This monster has no MVP prizes.
-This monster has no drops.
-This needn't be high quality wood; pretty much any log you can find should work.
-This note was left by somebody.
-Dezen nota was achtergelat'n deur entwiene.
-This one is useless! Give me another @@.
-This panel looks in rather good shape, as though some people take care of it regularly. Maybe it has important information.
-This place is surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums...
-This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and tried to trade %d of them.
-This player has been banned for %d minute(s).
-This player has been definitively blocked.
-This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled).
-This player is not in jail.
-This player is now
-This skill cannot be used within this area.
-This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill.
-This skill number doesn't exist.
-This waitress *hicks* is great, she never stops to bring beer *hicks.
-This will remain your respawn point until set elsewhere.
-Those for consumption, equipment and generics.
-Three Castles
-Three cities developed on the eastern side of Ancea: Tulimshar, Hurnscald and Nivalis.
-Tibbo went to the south-east of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.
-Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000
-To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +<item name or ID>". To remove an item, use "@alootid -<item name or ID>".
-To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!
-To be honest, no, never.
-To change your base level, use this command:
-To change your job level, use this command:
-To change your stats, use these commands:
-To de-trust a player:
-To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A.
-To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold.
-To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the '###keyWindowChat;' key.
-To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone.
-To focus on a creature, press the '###keyTargetMonster;' key. To focus on another citizen, press the '###keyTargetPlayer;' key. To attack the focused target press the '###keyAttack;' key or click the primary button on the creature.
-To focus on an NPC, press the '###keyTargetNPC;' key. To talk to him press the '###keyTalk;' key.
-To get a quote:
-To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait.
-To get the current rate:
-To grab a quote:
-To ignore a player:
-To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function.
-To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear.
-To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
-To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying.
-To remove a quote:
-To reset back to normal:
-To set the exp rate:
-To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen.
-To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '%s' and press '###keyChat;'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it.
-To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option.
-To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges.
-To thank you, accept my old fishing rod.
-To trust a player:
-To unignore a player:
-Toggle Croc Bounty
-Toggle Ratto Bounty
-Toggle Tortuga Bounty
-Told bobo to go home
-Too bad, try again.
-Too bad.
-Too bad. I'm not hungry enough for these cookies of yours. Maybe I'll come back later.
-Too bad... Come back when you'll have some nice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble.
-Too lazy.
-Too risky, I might end up in jail. Do it yourself.
-Top Hat
-Topaz Shard
-Topaz Vein
-Toppy Blub
-Tortuga Shell
-Tortuga Shell Fragment
-Tortuga Tongue
-Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it.
-Total Domination
-Town Map
-Training Arrow
-Training Wand
-Transforming into monster is not allowed in Guild Wars.
-Travel to woodlands?
-Treasure Chest
-Tree Control Panel
-Tritan Voice
-Tritan Stemme
-Troupe Leader
-True be or not true be
-True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?#1
-True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?#0
-Try doing that now!
-Try talking to everyone again.
-Twelve Castles
-Twenty Castles
-Twenty-Eight Castles
-Twenty-Five Castles
-Twenty-Four Castles
-Twenty-Nine Castles
-Twenty-One Castles
-Twenty-Seven Castles
-Twenty-Six Castles
-Twenty-Three Castles
-Twenty-Two Castles
-Two Castles
-Type "@mapflag available" to list the available mapflags.
-Type List: (default) all = -1, healing = 0, usable = 2, etc = 3, weapon = 4, armor = 5, card = 6, petegg = 7, petarmor = 8, ammo = 10, delayed-consumable = 11, cash = 18
-UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys, and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
-Uh? Hi! I'm sorry, but I have no time for chatting.
-Uhm, bye.
-Uhm... Your story seems...
-Unable to Teleport in this area
-Unable to decrease the number/value.
-Unable to spawn clone.
-Unable to spawn evil clone.
-Unable to spawn slave clone.
-Unable to win, the tritans attacked Hurnscald. While human troops moved in attempts to avoid its fall, the Kralog and Ukar joined the tritans and they took the city.
-Understood, I will help you.
-Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard.
-Unknown Cart (usage: %s <0-%d>).
-Unknown Channel '%s' (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Channel (usage: %s <#channel_name>)
-Unknown Job
-Unknown battle_config flag.
-Unknown color '%s'
-Unknown map '%s'.
-Unknown packet: 0x%x
-Unknown type of value in:
-Unless you are interested in a status reset?
-Unlike other respawn points, an inn can fully restore your HP.
-Urchin Meat
-Usage: "@mapflag monster_noteleport 1" (0=Off | 1=On)
-Usage: %s <permission_name>
-Usage: @accinfo/@accountinfo <account_id/char name>
-Usage: @addwarp <mapname> <X> <Y> <npc name>
-Usage: @adjgroup <group_id>
-Usage: @changegm <guild_member_name>
-Usage: @changeleader <party_member_name>
-Usage: @changelook {<position>} <view id>
-Usage: @displayskill <skill ID> {<skill level>}
-Usage: @dropall {<type>}
-Usage: @jailfor <time> <character name>
-Usage: @marry <char name>
-Usage: @mute <time> <char name>
-Usage: @noks <self|party|guild>
-Usage: @npcmove <X> <Y> <npc_name>
-Usage: @partyoption <pickup share: yes/no> <item distribution: yes/no>
-Usage: @request <petition/message to online GMs>.
-Usage: @set <variable name> <value>
-Usage: @setbattleflag <flag> <value>
-Usage: @setzone <zone name>
-Usage: @skilltree <skill ID> <target>
-Usage: @unloadnpcfile <file name>
-Usage: @useskill <skill ID> <skill level> <target>
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVar 50"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$ Super Duper String"
-Usage: ex. "@set PoringCharVarSTR$" outputs its value, Super Duper String.
-Use 0 or no parameter to return to normal font.
-Use @font <1-9> to change your message font.
-Use arrow keys to walk around and leave this room.
-Use the key.
-Used %d Kafra points and %d cash points. %d Kafra and %d cash points remaining.
-User '%s' already possesses the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' doesn't possess the '%s' permission.
-User '%s' permissions updated successfully. The changes are temporary.
-Usually I don't allow anyone to touch my boxes but...
-Usually, they'll have an exclamation mark over their heads. But some quests are hidden, so talk to people and have fun!
-V-neck Jumper
-Very good.
-Very nice, indeed!
-Visited Artis at least once
-Vit: %d (%d~%d)
-Vitality raises your maximum health points and defense.
-Wait a minute, where's the cookie I gave you?
-Wait for the bait to sink underwater.
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0
-Wait, are you one of those from the Legion of Gasaron? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1
-Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!
-Wait, why do you still have the dish with you?!
-Wait, you never came here before?
-Wait... That's not a proper place for a chef, what are you doing there?
-Wait... Where are we going?
-Wait... You are that @@ from earlier, aren't you?
-Waiting for @@...
-Walk up the stairs, go through the door on either side, and the only other door in the room, few steps to the south, will lead you right to him.
-Walking around a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one, I bet. Impale one of them for me please.
-Walking barefoot, feeling the hot sand with my feet, daydreaming... I like such things, you know.
-Wanderer T
-Want me to help you?
-War of Emperium SE has been ended.
-War of Emperium SE has been initiated.
-War of Emperium SE is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium SE is currently not in progress.
-War of Emperium has been ended.
-War of Emperium has been initiated.
-War of Emperium is currently in progress.
-War of Emperium is currently not in progress.
-Warlock T
-Warlord Helmet
-Warlord Plate
-Warning! Dangerous fish, do not fall into the lake!
-Warping to save point.
-Was your husband with you at home all night the last night that the troupe was in town?
-Watch out for these flowers. They don't like to be messed with.
-Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise!
-We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members.
-We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join the crew!
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#0
-We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!#1
-We are very lucky, my friend.#0
-We are very lucky, my friend.#1
-We arrived in Artis today.
-We arrived this morning at the port of Artis, I already warned the Legion of Aemil concerning your issue.
-We don't need it anymore.
-We follow north hemisphere seasons in case you're wondering.
-We have a special room for this purpose, too. You may test your skills against all kinds of dreadful monsters in there.
-We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Artis.
-We haven't met, right?
-We hold various training sessions, and also have a task board with a heap of things to do for the city and its surroundings.
-We just returned from a long journey and Artis is a good city to rest and to conclude our exchange.
-We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food.
-We need manpower on the island.#1
-We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.#0
-We need to get out of here soon. I'm scared of the Slimes!
-We offer a room for travelers passing by Artis, our beds are comfy and you can be guaranteed to be right as rain after a night here!
-We offer party and guild certifications and we can also teach you how to use some basic communication skills.
-We refuse service to anyone who:
-We sell a brimmed hat, you can craft a feather card and attach it to this hat to obtain an enhanced version of it!
-We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Legion of Aemil about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
-We still don't know who did it.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#0
-We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, adrift on your raft.#1
-We thought we heard someone go down to the basement, but we checked the whole place over and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#0
-We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1
-We usually dock around these small isles because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.
-We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the captain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map!
-We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
-We will talk about it later.
-We'll be staying here in Tulimshar for a while.
-We're doing different shows here.
-We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine.
-Weather Flags:
-Weather effects will disappear after teleporting or refreshing.
-Welcome miss.#0
-Welcome to Red Plush.
-Welcome to my office.
-Welcome to our inn!
-Welcome to the Legion of Aemil's building in Artis!
-Welcome to the Merchant Guild of Artis!
-Welcome to the Red Plush inn!
-Welcome to the Rusty Pick.
-Well I'm working too! Don't you want me to carry one of these boxes back to Gugli?
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#0
-Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once I am satisfied that they understand who rules this ship!#1
-Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again!
-Well if you are whining like that all the time, then I think there is a reason behind their choice.
-Well in fact...
-Well then... Take this one!
-Well, I can't offer you much.
-Well, I was exhausted and had to rest.
-Well, I was in fact looking for them. Where are they now?
-Well, I'm done for the day, and I'm quite old enough to decide when I can have a %s, thank you!
-Well, cooking is an art, and thus, you need intelligence and dexterity to learn.
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
-Well, eh-heh... Welcome aboard, son!#1
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#0
-Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?#1
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#0
-Well, if you ever do want to join: 'Ye Merry Club Of Thee Bequeathed With Cookies'...#1
-Well, is there anything I can do here to help?
-Well, it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.
-Well, of course, I can show you how to cook sandwiches. But you'll need to bring ingredients for practice.
-Well, of course. First of all, you need a @@. You can have mine, if you want.
-Well, thanks for the box. But... He was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!
-Well... I don't think it is the best way to rule a ship. Think about it.
-Well... I've only killed some little pious in the ship, that's all.
-Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron.
-What I sell comes from every corner of Gasaron. From Esperia to the Land of Fire!
-What a pity! You've died.
-What a relief.
-What a strange note.
-What about Chelios?
-What about Q'Muller? Where is he?
-What about my story?
-What about those pious? They look so cute.
-What am I supposed to say?
-What an unexpected pleasure, your help is always welcome!
-What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!
-What are you going to do?
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
-What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1
-What are you looking at?
-What are you looking for?
-What are you reading?
-What are you talking about? What guild?
-What are your needs?
-What beverages do you have?
-What brings you here today?
-What can I do for you?
-What can I do now?
-What can you tell me about the legion?
-What counts in a book is like so many things, not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside.
-What danger?! Where?!
-What did Gugli say about the box? Was it ok?
-What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?
-What do you mean?
-What do you need?
-What do you think?
-What do you want to access?
-What do you want to change?
-What do you want to do with it?
-Wa wil dje d'ermee goan doen?
-What do you want to do with your money?
-What do you want to do?
-What do you want to reset?
-What do you want today?
-Wa wildje vandoage èn?
-What do you wish to do?
-What does yoiis want today?
-What else do you need?
-What exactly is your real job?
-What happened to me?
-Wa d'es 't er gebeurt met ik?
-What happened?
-What happens when you try to think about it?
-What is Artis?
-Wad es Artis?
-What is a card?
-What is growing and shrinking at the same time?
-What is it, darling?
-What is my current hairstyle and hair color?
-What is taking them so long?
-What is this "legion"?
-What is this building?
-What is this guild for?
-What is this place?
-What is your tipiou trying to do?
-What item would you like to bleach?
-What kind of help do you need?
-What kind of help?
-What kinds of books are there here?
-What service do you offer?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
-Wa moe 'k ik doen achter da'k die kleren è gepakt?
-What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
-Wa moe 'k ik doen achter da'k die kler'n è gepakt?
-What should I do, again?
-What was that gobbledygook word?
-What was your riddle?
-What will be the bait for the fish?
-What would you like me to do?
-What would you like to bury?
-What would you like today?
-What would you say about a new shield?
-What yeye could I do for you today?
-Wa yaya kanne 'k ik doen vo gie vandoage?
-What yoiis should know:
-What're you looking at?!
-What's that food?
-What's that?
-What's wrong with your clothes?
-What's your story again?
-What? Is there someone?
-What? It's not good enough?
-What? Why not?
-What? Why? They aren't more attractive than me, why do you want to see them?
-What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!
-Whatever inside can be
-Whatever your idea
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#0
-When I am less busy *hicks*, I can tell you stories of my heroism.#1
-When cooking, the order of ingredients matter.
-When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you.
-When you go near villagers, you can see a speech bubble above them, you can then talk to them by pressing the [T] key.
-When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Trade' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Trade' button.
-When you intimacy is high, it'll increase your stats and who knows, might even help you in combat!
-When you see something that looks more like a bug than a feature, report it on or try to contact a game contributor.
-When you want to buy something then please speak to my apprentice.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
-Where are my old clothes?
-Woar zi'n min oude kler'n?
-Where are the ingredients?
-Where can I find Julia?#0
-Woar kannekik Julia vin'n?
-Where can I find Julia?#1
-Woar kannekik Julia vin'n?
-Where can I find a half croconut?
-Where can I find him?
-Where can I find some Croc Claws?
-Where can I find some food?
-Woar kannekik entwa vin'n vo 't et'n?
-Where can I find your crew?
-Where is Mikhail?
-Where is the Merchant Guild?
-Where is the damn salt?! Give me the salt, I know you have it!
-Where is the hill?
-Where is the light armor shop?
-Where is the market?
-Where should I go?
-Where would you like to go now?
-Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
-Which skill do you wish to change?
-While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they usually do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
-White Rose
-White Tulip
-Who are these friends?
-Who are yeye looking for?
-Who are you looking for?
-Who are you?
-Wie zei j' gie?
-Who is Don?
-Who is she?
-Who is the blacksmith outside?
-Who should I search for?
-Who's this Julia?
-Whoa, what are you doing?
-Whoah, scary...
-Whose eyes listen under Moonlight
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
-Vowa Frenchy? 't ès en Russische!
-Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
-Vowa Frency? 't ès en Russische!
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#0
-Why are you asking? And who are you too? I've never seen you around before...#1
-Why are you hiding?
-Vo wa zei j' gie an 't verstopp'n?
-Why do you hate them?
-Why don't you come down to talk?
-Why don't you come out?
-Why don't you show me a main ingredient, and I'll tell you what can be done?
-Why don't you take a break? Breath in some fresh air. The basement is pretty damp.
-Why not, I need to train anyway.
-Vowa nie, 'k moe toch nog wa train'n.
-Why not, I've got plenty of free time.
-Why not, but who are you, and what kind of help do you need?
-Why not, this might get interesting.
-Why not?!
-Why would the Legion request my help for only 5 potions?
-Why? And who should you bring it back to?
-Wicked Mushroom
-Wind and grass is nice and cool, so juicy sweet...
-With hunger, thirst, and sleep as your only companions, you have the disturbing realization that you can't remember anything of your former life or identity.
-With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters.
-With no choir master nor voice to be sung
-With proper training, a piou can become a good friend and faithful companion in your adventures.
-With script
-With the growth of the Kingdom halted, slow maintenance, and two great famines which killed over half the human population, the council decided to seize power and depose Platyna the Red.
-With the help of the town hall and the Legion of Aemil we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses.
-Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm.
-Wooden Bow
-Wooden Shield
-Wooden Sword
-Wooden shield
-Words become music and glance
-World Story For Dummies, Vol I - Ancean Era: From Keshlam to an Empire
-World Story For Dummies, Vol II - Ancean Era: Revolutions and Independence
-World Story For Dummies, Vol III - Aemilean Era: The Mana Tree and The Mana War
-World Story For Dummies, Vol IV - Aemilean Era: The Fleet of Ancea
-Would you go get them for me?
-Would you help me kill some?
-Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!
-Yay, it worked! I removed a spike.
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
-Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
-Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse than us!
-Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
-Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
-Bajoak, moar 'k wil 't zeker zin da'k en belonginge krig.
-Yeah, but what reward will I get?
-Bajoak, moa wa veur beloninge goa 'k ik krig'n
-Yeah, funny now...
-Yeah, we did hear a commotion.
-Yeah, well what's the difference?
-Yeah, yeah, of course you don't...
-Yeah, you could say that...
-Yellow Cotton Dye
-Yellow Rose
-Yellow Tulip
-Yes I am and you are going to face justice!
-Yes I am.
-Yes I do.
-Yes he did.
-Yes what do you need?
-Yes! @@ is written on my cookie list.
-Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
-Joa, Arpan ei mi die kler'n gegev'n.
-Yes, I am authorizing you to use them as you deem fit, until you get stronger.
-Yes, I am sure.#0
-Yes, I am sure.#1
-Yes, I did. He said that the trees turned into dangerous monsters.
-Yes, I do.
-Yes, I feel strong enough for dangerous combats!
-Yes, I have some! "5x Black Iron Ingots"
-Yes, I hung around the theater a lot.
-Yes, I saw someone with a large sack on their back go to the mining camp.
-Yes, I've got the Forest bow now.
-Yes, a mask was stolen from us the last night we were in Hurnscald.
-Yes, and he promised to be home soon.
-Yes, but I'm only talking to the inspector himself!
-Yes, follow me!
-Yes, here they are.
-Yes, in fact, you can take them now.
-Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anything else.
-Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors!
-Yes, it's me. It's such a fine view from here!
-Yes, please!
-Yes, sure thing.
-Yes, that would be nice.
-Yes, we were both at home all night.
-Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon!
-Yes, you look quite fast.
-Yeye @@!
-Yeye ask too much but do too little. Take this box and stop talking.
-Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the crocs.
-Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!
-Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around.
-Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island.
-Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#0
-Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#1
-Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place.
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
-Yeye, it's the logo of the Legion of Aemil in Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
-Yeye, g' è geluk da' j' 't overleefd èt. Ge zit nu wel goe genoeg vo rond te wandel'n, moar weet je wa da't er ès gebeurt?
-Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
-Yeye, g' è geluk da' j' 't overleefd èt. Ge zit nu wel goe genoeg vo rond te wandel'n, moar weet je wa da't er ès gebeurt?
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#0
-Yeye, you still did not get your new clothes from the chest next to your bed!#1
-Yoiis envies a rainbow in the sky?
-Yoiis is not yet ready to make his own dyes.
-Yoiis should look there.
-You already are at your destination!
-You already did enough for us, do you want to follow Nard's advice and get some rest?
-You already did enough for us, follow Nard's advice and get some rest.
-You already have a homunculus
-You already have a pet.
-You already have this quest skill.
-You already looked here.
-You already registered. Waiting for your partner...
-You already took a @@, please put this one back in the box.
-You are a handsome and good looking bird!
-You are already mounting something else
-You are already registered here.#0
-You are already registered here.#1
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#0
-You are exhausted, you should rest a bit.#1
-You are full of wine, my friend...
-Ge zit vul me drank, manneke...
-You are honest, I like it.
-You are in the Blacksmith's house, by Jove!
-You are just sitting on the shadow of your store.
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#0
-You are lucky there are no mental faculty requirements to join the Legion!#1
-You are new around here, right?#0
-You are new around here, right?#1
-You are no longer killable.
-You are no longer the Guild Master.
-You are not allowed to reduce the length of a ban.
-You are not authorized to warp from your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp someone to your current map.
-You are not authorized to warp this player from their map.
-You are not authorized to warp to this map.
-You are not authorized to warp to your save map.
-You are not in a guild.
-You are not in jail.
-You are now
-You are now divorced!
-You are now immune to attacks.
-You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help.
-You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here!
-You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
-Ge zit ip en vlot, an't ronddrijven in de zee.
-You are on the human resource wing of the Town Hall.
-You are the Phoenix of this forest."
-You are unable to change your job.
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0
-You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1
-You bored me, see you later.
-You broke the target's weapon.
-You brought me my %s!
-You brought me the %d %s!
-You buried @@ @@.
-You can allocate point on those attributes every time you level up.
-You can already rename your pet.
-You can also answer in your native language or in English.
-You can also attack an enemy from your keyboard pressing the 'A' key to select it, and the 'Ctrl' key to attack it, this of course works if you didn't change your keyboard keys yet.
-You can also improve your equipment in a totally different way with the use of cards.
-You can also make money %s. Nobody pays better than people in need of help.
-You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default
-You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules.
-You can also simply talk to any citizen around you by clicking on them.
-You can also use your room to get some rest after a long battle. That will consume your reservation but your HP will be fully restored.
-You can attack a monster by clicking directly on it. Once selected, you may notice a bar near your target showing you how much health it has left.
-You can attack a monster by clicking on it, or from your keyboard you can press the 'A' key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
-You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory.
-You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface.
-You can easily see if a monster is easy to kill or just impossible to defeat. Do not try against creatures that are way more powerful than you... You'd be risking your life for nothing.
-You can execute commands by typing them in the chat window. They start with a '/' or '@' followed by the name of the command.
-You can find novels and poems on this floor.
-You can find out the monster strength by using "@monsterinfo <English Monster Name>". Check the level in it!
-You can find some Crocs on the beach, you could look up at the one after the gate, on top of this city.
-You can find the building of the Legion of Gasaron there, like in any other city, but Esperia is important for us as our headquarters are there.
-You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now.
-You can get some rest at the inn near here.
-You can go upstairs and choose a different room if you want.
-You can have %d items on your autolootitem list.
-You can keep your current party as it is, while leading or being part of a guild in order to talk and share different items with all of its members!
-You can not change to this job by command.
-You can now attack and kill players freely.
-You can now be attacked and killed by players.
-You can now rename your pet.
-You can now stay with your new friends and enjoy the warm sand of this little island.
-You can read some lines that are nicely carved into the soft wooden planks.
-You can read the book that I gave you earlier at the library if you lost it.
-You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key.
-You can select a specific person with the [N] key, and then, press the [T] key when you are surrounded by more than one person.
-You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff off toward the west, busy collecting @@s.
-You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that.
-You can try, but your chance of success is lesser than a well trained smith and master craftsman.
-You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you see what I mean...
-You can use many diverse items to lure fishes.
-You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.
-You can't add a guild bound item to a character without guild!
-You can't add a party bound item to a character without party!
-You can't carry another @@? What a shame.
-You can't clean a cart while vending!
-You can't create chat rooms in this map
-You can't drop items in this map
-You can't go there!
-Ge kunt 'ier nie passer'n
-You can't have met him.
-You can't join in a clan if you're in a guild.
-You can't leave battleground guilds.
-You can't open a shop in this map
-You can't open a shop on this cell.
-You can't return your pet because your inventory is full.
-You can't trade in this map
-You can't use commands while dead.
-You can't use the shovel here.
-You can't withdraw that much money
-You can, however, use '###keyTargetAttack;' to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press '###keyPickup;' to be sure.
-You cannot autotrade when dead.
-You cannot bury this item!
-You cannot bury under a NPC!
-You cannot change guild leaders in this map.
-You cannot change party leaders in this map.
-You cannot decrease that stat anymore.
-You cannot drop this item!
-You cannot increase that stat anymore.
-You cannot join the '%s' channel because you've been banned from it
-You cannot send a message to this channel for another %d seconds.
-You cannot use this command when dead.
-You cannot use this item while sitting
-You cannot use this item while your storage is open
-You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it.
-You caught a @@!
-You caught the piou, but it's trying to escape from you. You'd better hurry back to Salem.
-You clearly need to be more public-spirited.
-You concentrate and try to summon old memories from within your mind.
-You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew.
-You could start by talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help!
-You currently cannot open your storage.
-You currently have @@ Esperin on your bank account.
-You did not defeat the boss, you can't learn any skills.
-You did such a good job, you should keep it.
-You do not give me a lot of options.
-You do not have a cart to be cleaned.
-You do not have a homunculus.
-You do not have enough Esperin on your bank account.
-You do not have enough Esperin on yourself.
-You do not have the item!
-You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu.
-You do not possess a cart to be removed
-You do not seem to have enough money, come back later!
-You don't expect me to eat that, do you? Give me something else!
-You don't have a scythe, by chance? I am too old to mew this field all alone.
-You don't have any @@, are you mocking me?
-You don't have any @@.
-You don't have enough @@s on you.
-You don't have enough money, bring @@ E.
-You don't have enough room in your backpack for a @@. Go stow some of your junk and come back.
-You don't have everything I have asked for.
-You don't have room for a beer!
-You don't have this quest skill.
-You don't know how to make a sandwich with that.
-You don't seem to be from the Legion, let's do a game.
-You failed!
-You feel a strong magic aura. You want to sit near it and meditate.
-You feel numb and everything around you looks foggy, but you can recall the feeling of the cold hard wood of your raft on a stormy night.
-You fell asleep.#0
-You fell asleep.#1
-You found a small chest, surprisingly heavy for it's size.
-You found him!
-You found something!
-You give up.
-You got married to @@!
-You hand him another log.
-You have %d new emails (%d unread)
-You have a level for each of your gear, by default when you buy or craft a piece, the level is set to 1.
-You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first.
-You have already opened your storage. Close it first.
-You have an awful case of amnesia.
-You have become the Guild Master!
-You have been jailed by a GM.
-You have been jailed for an unknown amount of time.
-You have been jailed indefinitely.
-You have been recovered!
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#0
-You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#1
-You have forgotten the skill.
-You have learned the skill.
-You have learnt the skill.
-You have mounted a Peco Peco.
-You have mounted your Dragon.
-You have mounted your Mado Gear.
-You have mounted your Warg.
-You have mounted.
-You have put your finger on it, I am not.
-You have released your Dragon.
-You have released your Mado Gear.
-You have released your Peco Peco.
-You have released your Warg.
-You have released your mount.
-You have talent and the best place to utilize it is in the Legion! You can either pursue your goals with us or without us, but trust me, with us it's much better.
-You have to find him, or else I will tell him that you did not help me.
-You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of those damn sailors brought that 'nice' lady here.
-You have: @@/@@ @@
-You hear a loud scream. It must be the creaking of the wooden door...
-You hear some creeping and crawling sounds from the murkiness below.
-You hear some sound behind the door.
-You hide your shovel.
-You hit the nail on the head, it's the Legion of Gasaron!
-You hit too hard with your fist, you destroyed your @@.
-You hold the shovel in your hands.
-You honor me, my beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!#0
-You just defeated the following boss: @@ (Lv. @@)
-You just have to select the card, then you choose which piece of equipment you want to use it on, and you are done.
-You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait.
-You killed @@ Fluffies.
-You know, I had the strangest thing happen to me.
-You know, the life of the merchant is hard. I really hope that Artis and the Merchant Guild will help me to succeed.
-You know, yeyes love to chat while working.
-You lack some very basic skills...
-You learned how to cook @@.
-You left your fishing spot!
-You lie in the bed.
-You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you downstairs to the hold, where you will find a furry meal!
-You like these hats, right?
-You look broke. Don't think that you can dine and dash here!
-You look capable, will you help me solve these robberies?
-You look confident. I will give you my old gear as reward and acknowledgment for your time... and take these potions as well!
-You look fine and dandy to me.
-You look like a nice person.
-You look nice, do you want to help me?
-You made a cash deposit of @@ E.
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Celestia.#1
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#0
-You may remember me, I am Valia.#1
-You may search partial name by making use of '%' in the search, ex. "@accinfo %Mario%" lists all characters whose name contains "Mario".
-You mean like one of my legendary forest bows?
-You mentioned the quality of your wine.
-You missunderstood, it's 5 potions.
-You must "add" the items you plan on selling, and then press "sell" to confirm. You'll have this time to review.
-You must enter a name.
-You must enter a player name or ID.
-You must find someone willing to buy, they usually will buy almost anything you have, even items which cannot be replaced, so be careful.
-You need %s to mount!
-You need some anger control therapy.
-You need to be a Guild Master to use this command.
-You need to be a member of the Merchant Guild to have a chance there.
-You need to be a party leader to use this command.
-You need to cross the crocojungle heading north.
-You need to input a option
-You need to type the answer of this riddle in the NPC window.
-You need to wait @@ more before equipping this again.
-You no doubt remember how I struggled with those beasts, fighting for my life.
-You notice a young boy sitting on one of the highest branches of the tree.
-You now also have access to the Legion building. Good job, you earned it.
-You open a book named "%s".
-You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.
-You opened the @@ in two parts, but you crushed one of them.
-You opened the chest
-You perfectly cut your @@ into two edible parts.
-You pick up the package.
-You probably don't have much business in this city as you don't remember who you are.
-You pulled too late and lost the bait...
-You pulled too soon and lost the bait.
-You receive @@ E!
-You receive a @@!
-You received @@ EXP and @@ E.
-You request has been rejected by autoreject option.
-You scare the piou, but let it go.
-You search the tree but don't find anybody.
-You see a curious hole behind some rocks
-You see a dust covered book on the shelf...
-You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock.
-You see a suspicious greenish flag. It reminds you of something you seem to have forgotten.
-You see a tree.
-You see a young elven girl, with a strong sense of pain in her face.
-You see an ordinary bookcase.
-You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water.
-You see these pious around us?
-You see, Enora asked me to do a black iron sword, unfortunately I ran out of the material needed, and...
-You see, folks around here that get my cookies have the distinction of being...
-You see? I'm working here!
-You seem a bit tired sir.
-You seem more cultivated than you look.
-You seem pathetically weak. What is such boneless jelly like you doing around here?
-You should arrive at a park with a hill nearby.
-You should ask Maxe. He's an early riser.
-You should ask my old woman.
-You should check on the highest part of the cliff, I was hiding there.
-You should come back when you have some free space.
-You should definitely go talk to Q'Anon, our boss. You'll find him upstairs.
-You should discuss with Don and Calypsan if you want to learn more about it, they are masters on this area!
-You should go and get some sleep.
-Ge zoe beter nog en bekke sloap'n.
-You should go see him. He is one of the most experienced sailors we have.
-You should go see them.
-Ge zoe ze beter goan zien.
-You should go talk to Alan again.
-You should have a shop open in order to use @autotrade.
-You should inform Nard of the progress made in loading food and supplies on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!
-You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached.
-You should look for a seller named Fexil around the merchant square.
-You should look for them when we arrive at the port. You won't regret it! Ehehe...
-You should talk to Magic Arpan first.
-You should walk to the north to find him.
-You should walk to the north.
-You shouldn't believe every tale drunken sailors tell you.
-You shouldn't drink while working!
-You step on something, a panel half overgrown by moss, it has writing on it...
-You step on something, a panel with a bitten corner and clear inscriptions on it...
-You step on something, a shaky and fragile panel with barely visible inscriptions on it...
-You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-G' eit nog en poar doag'n vo da w' arriver'n an den 'aven, misskiens kun dje entwuk leer'n van zudder?
-You still have a 90% discount on one piou.
-You still haven't completed your tasks.
-You still need to give me boxes from:
-You stupid, he's English, look at the shape of his head.#1
-You stupid, she's English, look at the shape of her head.#0
-You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@.
-You take good care of your piou. Remember to feed it every day.
-You take the clothes from the chest.
-You take your fishing rod and leave.
-You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie?
-You told me that you 'were' important.
-You tried to embarrass me, am I right?!
-You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...
-You waited too long and lost the bait...
-You were gone so I thought you let me down.
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
-You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there. Our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, and she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
-You will be able to find Don's house in the west of the city, it's the first house just after the bridge on the left, you can't miss it!
-You will be able to find her in the market in the south-west of Artis.
-You will be amased by all the colors of hair dye they have.
-You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left.
-You will lose experience if you are defeated.
-You will remain
-You will respawn at this place if defeated in combat.
-You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Legion of Aemil. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
-You wipe off enough of the sand to manage to read the message written on this crude piece of wood.
-You withdrew a total of @@ E.
-You yoiis should walk to the north.
-You'll first need to help my friends.
-You'll need to bring me @@ @@ and @@ @@ for the recipe.
-You'll think I'm insane if I tell you...
-You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid.
-You're already autolooting this item type.
-You're already autolooting this item.
-You're already in the '%s' channel
-You're already with a '%s' costume, type '@costume' to remove it.
-You're as strong as if you were my own child!
-You're confusing me with someone else.
-You're currently not autolooting this item type.
-You're currently not autolooting this item.
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew, I can't trust you!
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#0
-You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#1
-You're lucky that I'm a generous person, here's another one.
-You're lying, aren't you? I heard nothing from you-know-whom!
-You're not allowed to talk on this channel
-You're not dead.
-You're not disguised.
-You're not in a guild.
-You're not in that channel, type '@join <#channel_name>'
-You're not part of the '%s' channel
-You're not the master of your guild.
-You're not the owner of channel '%s'
-You're now in the '#%s' channel for '%s'
-You're now in the '%s' channel
-You're on La Johanne, a merchant ship.
-You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
-You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!#1
-You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!#0
-You're right, it's about Julia.#1
-You're right, it's about you.#0
-You're too close to a NPC, you must be at least %d cells away from any NPC.
-You're welcome to stay here as long as you wish. Just don't do anything stupid, like a riot, for example.
-You're welcome. Bye!
-You're welcome. If you can't remember something, just come back here!
-You've become the party leader.
-You've been revived!
-You've died.
-You've finally found that perfect piece of living wood that Alan needs to make a Forest Bow, haven't you?
-You've left the '%s' channel
-You've reached the highest natural place of Artis, enjoy the view.
-You've reached your slave clones limit.
-You... You eat... rattos? I think you're just a fool.
-You? Here?
-Your %s determines several small things, including critical attacks, but DOES NOT affect drop rates.
-Your %s determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to %s the player '%.*s'.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action on the specified player.
-Your GM level doesn't authorize you to perform this action.
-Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version.
-Your account has an 'Incorrect Password'...
-Your account has been banished until
-Your account has been blocked by the GM Team.
-Your account has been prohibited to log in.
-Your account has been rejected from server.
-Your account has been totally erased.
-Your account has expired.
-Your account is 'Unregistered'.
-Your account is no longer authorized.
-Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.
-Your autolootitem list has been reset.
-Your autolootitem list is empty.
-Your autolootitem list is full. Remove some items first with @autolootid -<item name or ID>.
-Your autoloottype list has been reset.
-Your autoloottype list is empty.
-Your body aches, even your hair hurts, and the bright daylight is painful.
-Your brain liquified to match the level of a piou! It's the Legion of Gasaron.
-Your cart was cleaned.
-Your class can't mount!
-Your current memo positions are:
-Your dad ran away from you!
-Your effect has changed.
-Your global chat is no longer bound to the '#%s' channel
-Your global chat is not bound to any channel
-Your global chat is now bound to the '%s' channel
-Your group has been changed.
-Your guild storage was cleaned.
-Your guild's storage has already been opened by another member, try again later.
-Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@.
-Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@.
-Your head is suddently heavy, your eyes are closing...
-Your heart quickens as your gaze focuses upon a small wooden panel, partly obscured under a layer of wind-blown sand.
-Your homunculus doesn't evolve.
-Your job has been changed.
-Your level is already higher than %d.
-Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process.
-Your name is Ianus or Janus?
-Your position has been saved.
-Your save point has been changed.
-Your sex has been changed (disconnection required to complete the process)...
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#0
-Your sister sent me to find you. Your mother is worried.#1
-Your storage was cleaned.
-Zinc-Titanium Oxide, Phthalocyanides, Cadmiums, Lazulite...
-Zone not found. Keep in mind that the names are CaSe SenSitiVe.
-Zone successfully changed from '%s' to '%s'.
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Guild ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Party ]
-[ K.S Protection Active - Option: Self ]
-[ K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Active ]
-[ Map K.S Protection Inactive ]
-[ ^EE0000%s^000000 ]
-[%d] seconds left until you can use
-a ground!
-a quiet place,
-both hands,
-brought maggot
-brought maggot slime
-by doing quests
-change the sex of
-data %s %s %s data
-data @@ @@ @@ data
-foo %2$s bar %1$s baz
-left accessory,
-left hand,
-line @@: @@
-lower head,
-lower/mid head,
-lower/mid/top head,
-lower/top head,
-mid head,
-no active MOTD
-no active broadcast
-option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0'
-option '%s' is not enabled on channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now disabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s'
-option '%s' is now enabled for channel '%s' with %d seconds
-right accessory,
-right hand,
-skill %d: %s (%s)
-test %s
-test @@
-test1 %s#0
-test1 @@#0
-test2 %s#1
-test2 @@#1
-top head,
-tricked thus again.
-usage @camerainfo range rotation latitude
-value '%d' for option '%s' is out of range (limit is 0-%d)
-| Guild: '%s'
-| Location: %s %d %d
-| Lv:%d/%d | Job: %s
-| Party: '%s'
-“Nothing I can do”, she says, “but I can ask a friend”.
-← Exit
-↑ Legion
-↓ Market Place
diff --git a/langs/langs.txt b/langs/langs.txt
index 0648c40e..e550be9b 100644
--- a/langs/langs.txt
+++ b/langs/langs.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/npc/000-0/sailors.txt b/npc/000-0/sailors.txt
index 1e2fe739..9e82bed9 100644
--- a/npc/000-0/sailors.txt
+++ b/npc/000-0/sailors.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
.@lang = requestlang();
- if (.@lang >= 0 && .@lang <= 9) Lang = .@lang;
+ if (.@lang >= 0 && .@lang <= MAX_LANG) Lang = .@lang;
mesn "Narrator";
mesc(l("You are on a raft, adrift in the sea."), 9);
diff --git a/npc/functions/asklanguage.txt b/npc/functions/asklanguage.txt
index 4bea4bd1..f0cbe0f8 100644
--- a/npc/functions/asklanguage.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/asklanguage.txt
@@ -13,30 +13,14 @@ function script asklanguage {
setarray .@messages$[0], "I hear you... (English)", // English
"Je vous entends... (Français)", // French
- "Да я вас слышу... (Русский)", // Russian
"Te oigo... (Español)", // Spanish
- "Eu te ouço... (Português)", // Portuguese
- "Ich höre euch... (Deutsch)", // German
- "'k hoar ui wel... (Vlaams)", // Flemish
- "Słyszę cię... (Polski)", // Polish
- "Vi sento... (Italiano)", // Italian
- "Ik kan je horen... (Nederlands)", // Dutch
- "Et escolto (Català)", // Catalan
- "Mi aŭdas vin... (Angle)"; // Esperanto
+ "Ich höre euch... (Deutsch)"; // German
setarray .@messages$[0], "I speak English.", // English
"Je parle français.", // French
- "Я говорю на русском.", // Russian
"Hablo Español.", // Spanish
- "Eu falo Português.", // Portuguese
- "Ich spreche Deutsch.", // German
- "'k klappe Vloams", // Flemish
- "Mówię po polsku.", // Polish
- "Parlo Italiano.", // Italian
- "Ik spreek Nederlands.", // Dutch
- "Parlo català.", // Catalan
- "Mi parolas Esperanton."; // Esperanto
+ "Ich spreche Deutsch."; // German
@@ -44,16 +28,8 @@ function script asklanguage {
setarray .@flags$[0], "flags/en",
- "flags/ru",
- "flags/pt_BR",
- "flags/de",
- "flags/vls",
- "flags/pl",
- "flags/it",
- "flags/nl_BE",
- "flags/ca",
- "flags/eo";
+ "flags/de";
.@menustr$ = "";
.@separator$ = ":";
diff --git a/npc/functions/string.txt b/npc/functions/string.txt
index efeaf476..ef2e4c2a 100644
--- a/npc/functions/string.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/string.txt
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ function script format_number {
if (getargcount() < 2 && playerattached()) {
// get from user language
switch (Lang) {
- case 1: .@separator$ = " "; break; // French
+ case LANG_FR: .@separator$ = " "; break; // French
+ //case LANG_BR: .@separator$ = "."; break; // Portuguese
default: .@separator$ = ","; // English (default)