Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
- Added support for reading correctly status change data from Guild and Homun skills.
- Added support for reading Homun skill data (which means the HM skills are now safe to add to skill_db, skill_require_db, etc)
- Moved StatusSkillChangeTable to StatusSkillChangeTableArray and made a function called StatusSkillChangeTable to do the conversions taking into account HM/GD skills.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Added SC_INCDEXRATE/SC_INCAGIRATE. NPC_POWERUP/NPC_AGIUP now correctly increase dex/agi by 40% per level.
- Fixed char-sql server not deleting character variables
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Added define OPTION_CART which holds the 5 cart option values.
- Corrected pc_setoption to invoke status_calc_pc when getting/removing the cart.
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- Disabled ontouch npcs triggering on hidden/chase-walk characters.
- Added the SC* code blocks relevant to SC_AVOID, SC_CHANGE, SC_BLOODLUST, SC_FLEET
- Added structure status_data to homun_data
- Added handling of BL_HOMUNCULUS in status_heal, status_damage.
- Cleaned up the homun-submitted code, moved the relevant code to status_calc_homunculus.
- Updated map-server Makefile to compile mercenary.* files.
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will invoke each other as needed when the passed values are negative.
- Updated battle_calc_attack to set atk type to ATK_FLEE and dmotion to 0 when the damage is less than 1 (missed or absorbed)
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- Optimized a bit the SC_PROVOKE code (to use val3/val4)
- Fixed draining when the amount drained is negative (invoke zap rather than heal)
- Implemented GS_FLING as per the current skill description.
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- Removed unused checks for unsigned data type and possible logic error for char type (gcc treats char as unsigned).
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(it doesn't handles player respawning, though)
- Corrected alive, raisemap, raiseall to use these functions.
- Updated resurrection/mob-kaizel to use status_revive
- Added SC_BLADESTOP to the skill enum at the beginning of status.c (fixes Bladestop causing an unknown status change message)
- Fixed MSS_DEAD state skills not triggering.
- Corrected some compilation warnings on the merc.* files.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
agi, etc, speed, amotion, adelay, dmotion, weapon-damage, race, size, etc) and weapon_atk structure with the weapon specific info (atk, atk2, element) to be used by all combat structures (TODO: Homun needs to be updated to use it)
- Cleaned up TBL_PC, TBL_MOB, TBL_PC and mob_db structures to use status_data.
- Set the NPC-Change Attribute duration on Time1, updated their max to 1 in the db.
- Berserk's HP cost interval is now defined as time2.
- Split damage received functions into pc_damage/pc_dead and mob_damage/mob_dead
- Rewrote the @heal related functions to use the new status_* healing functions.
- Added status functions to deal with damage and healing (status_damage, status_heal, status_percent_change) and a bunch of defines for easier handling of them (status_percent_heal, status_percent_damage, status_fix_damage, status_kill, etc)
- Splitted mob_once_spawn into two. mob_once_spawn_sub creates the mob instance without spawning it.
- Added defines for Elements (ELE_*)
- Modified battle_calc_(weapon/magic/misc)_attack to use the status data structure.
- Rewrote and cleaned up battle_calc_misc_attack
- Merged config options pc_attack_attr_none, mob_attack_attr_none, pet_attack_attr_none into attack_attr_none (type 4)
- Removed config options player_defense_type, monster_defense_type, pet_defense_type in favor of weapon_defense_type
- Cleaned up pet.c to stop invoking status_calc_pc when unnecessary
- Modified skill_calc_heal to take into account the MEDITATION bonus.
- Cleaned up code of Adjustment, Madness Cancel and other GS/NJ skills inside skill_check_condition
- Added status change SC_MODECHANGE which handles mob state changes (this SC is continous until manually ended, eg: like Weight50)
- Modified Slim Pitcher so it will work when casted by non-players. Will now also work with SP-healing items.
- Rewrote Freedom of Cast code to use function status_freecast_switch to switch adelay/speed when cast begins/ends.
- Modified Magic Power to store amplified MATK/MATK2 in val3/val4 for easier updating when used in conjunction with ground skills.
- Fixed Asura Strike being usable from within a combo regardless of combo skill.
- Modifed SC_DANCING to store speed-change in val3 (it is shared with skill duration...)
- Added StatusChangeFlagTable to store which statuses are changed by each SC
- Added SCB_* constants to specify the different stats that each sc changes. SCB_PC is the only one that means a change hardcoded in status_calc_pc, the rest are handled by status_calc_bl
- Added some helper functions to simplify with basic status calculations (status_base_atk, status_calc_misc, status_base_pc_maxhp, status_base_pc_maxsp)
- Added status_calc_mob which calculates initial status and special base status alterations (HP changes, stat changes due to big/small mobs, etc)
- Made all the status_calc functions static.
- Added status_calc_bl_sub_pc for PC related calculations that must happen after status-change adjustments.
- Added status_calc_bl which does status-change related calculations using as base the base_status of the bl object and the SCB_* flag passed.
- Added status_get_status_data and status_get_base_status to retrieve the bl objects current status_data and basic status_data (current never returns null, instead it returns a dummy structure with basic data)
- The main switch in status_change_start now only sets the tick and val values, therefore it is skipped when loading (flag&4)
- Cleaned up status_change_start and replaced many of the ex-japanese comments for english ones.
- Changed Hiding to store the speed penalty on val3. val4 stores interval SP cost.
- Changed Chase Walk to store Speed adjustment on val3, sp cost in val4
- Changed Cloaking to store speed penalty on val3, val4&2 signals wall-present, val4&1 is infinite cloaking.
- Changed Wind walk to store speed bonus on val3
- Rewrote Marionette Control to store the status to add/substract in val3/val4, it now works on anyone (players/mobs)
- Changed Improve concentration to store Card bonuses (which are not counted for total % increase) on val3/val4
- Changed SC_ADRENALINE, SC_CONCENTRATION, SC_ANGELUS, SC_IMPOSITIO, SC_MELTDOWN, SC_TRUESIGHT, SC_SUN_COMFORT, SC_MOON_COMFORT, SC_STAR_COMFORT, SC_QUAGMIRE, SC_GATLINGFEVER to store the bonus modifiers in their val values rather than calculate them in status_calc_*
- Status_change_start/end will use clif_status_load rather than clif_status_change when related bl is not on a map.
- Modified status_change_timer to use the status_charge function rather than directly substracting SP
- Added SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE to modify someone's base defense element.
- pc_clean_skilltree will now also remove item-granted skills.
- Learning skills will now only invoke status_calc_pc when the skill is passive.
- Cleaned up pc_steal_coin
- Cleaned up pc_check_base/job_lvup to only invoke the lv-up related packets and functions ONCE regardless of skill-levls earned.
- Cleaned up pc_ regen related functions.
- Made player-sprite mobs have item pickup animation and walkdelay when taking items.
- Cleaned up mob_dead code.
- Removed paramb, parame from struct map_session_data, replaced them by param_bonus[6],param_equip[6]
- mob special ai state 3 signals summon flora.
- Moved petDB pet_hungry_timer vars from TBL_PC to TBL_PET
- Cleaned up some pet functions, made the menu functions receive as argument both pet and master.
- Clones will copy a player's base status rather than battle status (so status-change alterations are not cloned)
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Added back SC_XMAS to status.c (how was it... lost?)
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flag. If the flag is 1, the option is added to what the player currently has; likewise using flag 2 removes only that option. No flag (or any other value) is the older behaviour of removing all other options and setting specificly what is passed.
- Updated script_commands information for setoption due to this change.
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(even if there's no other TK around).
- Renamed SC_TKDORI to SC_TKREST (makes more sense if you ask me)
- Added battle config settings view_range_rate and chase_range_rate to adjust the view-range and chase-range (range2/range3) of the mob_db without having to manually change them.
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- Added a temporary SI_RUN state. Actual value needs to be found...
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damage accumulates in the time2 interval (500ms by default) after being hit.
- Changed skill_unit_move_unit_group to enable moving of all types of ground-skills except ensembles.
- Modified NPC_STUNATTACK: Max level is 5, stun duration is 1+lv seconds.
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- Added SC_SMA to handle "ready to use SMA" status (rather than SC_COMBO) since it has a visual effect to use.
- Corrected the value of OPTION_FLYING
- Using SG_FUSION ends Soul Linked effect.
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- Wedding recall skills are now blocked by the nomemo mapflag.
- Skill delay for weapon types is now based on adelay (ASPD) rather than amotion (ASPD/2)
- Removed ending Endure when casting Berserk, may fix the timer mismatch issues.
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sc_data initialization to the npc structures who were missing them.
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- Unified status_remove_buffs/status_remove_debuffs into a single function.
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- Cleaned up pc_checkallowskill and moved the Gatling fever check to it.
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(equipment, weapons, hair, dyes, etc). Unified a bunch of clif functions now that you only need to handle the view_data (so instead of clif_spawn[pc/mob/npc/pet] you just have clif_spawn)
- Fixed the clif_change_class packet (it should check for non players classes, not a class above MAX_PC_CLASS), it fixes morphing enemies.
- Rewrote the way cloth dye packets are resent to optimize bandwidth usage.
- Fixed the npc_item_flag thing (enable_items/disable_items script command)
- Rewrote the disguise implementation to be bandwidth friendly.
- Modified the hide options to change your class to INVISIBLE_CLASS, since such classes don't even get their view packets sent around.
- Rewrote several clif functions to adapt to the new view_data class;
- Added class 139 to npcdb_checkid which was required by some npcs in the swordman quest? o.O
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- PF_DOUBLECASTING takes effect amotion time after the initial cast instead of amotion*div
- SG_KNOWLEDGE now lasts time1 after you quit a map before it clears out (defaults to 10 mins currently)
- Modified Intravision to modify the status-change packet to specify SI_INTRAVISION instead of cloaking/hiding/chasewalk.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
(attack times, walking, auto-attack timers, skill related data)
- Modified unit_skillcastcancel to receive flag&2, which stands for "cancel casting only if current skill is cancellable"
- Battle config options changed from yes/no to BL_TYPE settings: skillrange_by_distance, skill_noreiteration, skill_nofootset, gvg_traps_target_all, skill_log, attack_direction_change, auto_counter_type
- Clif.c will disconnect sessions that send an unknown command packet above 0x30000 instead of just ignoring it.
- Cleaned up/rewrite of the pet ai, same for pet_calc_pos
- Implemented use of mob variable attacked_players as it is used on jA
- Cleaned up error reporting during mob-skill loading to be less spamy with non-loaded mobs.
- Corrected water_height reading. I forgot to give credits to LittleWolf for providing the water-reading function :X
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What is SI_MAEMI? Or rather, the icon in i_maemi.tga.
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
* more ninja/GS work
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- Added macros sc_start and sc_start4 to simplify invocation of status_change_start.
- Cleaned the active guild skills, requirements moved to skill_check_require, should now be usable by non-players as well (pets/mobs).
- Updated skill_cast_db time info. Magnum's time2 is skill-block time, St. Recovery/ Cure's time2 is the confuse/blind duration, added NPC_POWERUP/NPC_AGIUP durations, Napalm Vulcan's time2 is curse length, and most of Tarot Card's effects last time2 as well.
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same ID cannot stack, but different cards with the same skill can each trigger indepedently of each other.
- Added battle_config autospell_stacking to enable stacking of cards of same ID.
- Moved card-specific battle options to items.conf
- Autospells triggered when hit will check the range to the target.
- Some cleaning up of status_calc_pc
- In status_change_start capped the passed success chance to 100%
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- duration is stored in battle_config.sg_miracle_skill_duration (currently it's set to 10 minutes)
- ratio is stored in battle_config.sg_miracle_skill_ratio (currently it's set to 0.01% chance per character move)
- this skill enables you usage of all Warmth skills, Comfort skills, and also
all mobs will be target of the Stars regardless of the day and map
- you'll see message "[Miracle of the Sun, Moon and Stars]" when skill kicks in
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Added the move enable condition to High Jump and Jump Kick.
- ST_MOVE_ENABLE now also checks for pc_can_move(), and only perform a walk check if the skill is ground targetted.
- Moved the berserk_cancel_buffs code to status_change_start.
- Moved most checks of status_isimmune() to status_get_sc_def
- Allowed Endow skills to go through status_isinmune characters.
- Added variable type to skill_castend_nodamage_id which holds the value of SkillStatusChangeTable[skillid] to simplify code reading afterwards.
- Fixed PR_BENEDICTIO not taking away all SP
- Fixed the most horrible typo ever. (SC_STAN -> SC_STUN)
- Added StatusSkillChangeTable which returns the Skill for a given SC. Used in skill_additional_effect for SC cards.
- Removed the whole ugly static implementation of SkillStatusChangeTable, see status_initChangeTables() for new format which is much easier to read.
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success % rate (0->100)
- Added local function status_get_sc_tick which takes care of reducing the effect duration as need is be.
- Modified status_get_sc_def to handle defense against all related statuses, now returns defense on a scale where 10000 is 100%.
- Added time2 to pangvoice, it is the player effect's duration while time1 is for the mon's effect.
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- Fixed a possible crash bug in SC_POISONREACT handling.
- Simplified the skill trigger code for ST_PRESERVE, SG_FUSION, SG_*_COMFORT
- Unified the status change variables into a single structure (sc_count, opt1, opt2, opt3, option, and the array of status change data) which should make it easier to handle sc related stuff.
- TK_DODGE now won't trigger if your opt1 is set ;)
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
* Some tidying up in skill.c
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* Some tidying up in mob.c and skill.c
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
* Some rewrites on the passive guild skills effects
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* Moved /common/*.o into a obj folder when compiling
* Updated core and map server to jA 1094~1115
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* Removed some unused code for Graffiti
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* Allow Emergency Recall to be cast in guild castles
* Add 'minimum job level required' for skill_tree reading
- Berserk now requires job level 50
* Added Spring Trap to be able to trigger ankle snare traps that aren't activated yet
* Added a fix in guild.c by Mellowz
* Some rewrites on the pet skill bonuses system
* Check whether a monster is still alive before starting a status change
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* Added mob_race2_db.txt
* Updated description for backup_txt in char_athena.conf a bit
* Added some suggestions by Poki#3
* Use the event names from script_athena.conf to check whenever a player event trigger is being read/set
* Removed an unused save/bank.txt
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* Removed some old eA code that was causing Frost Nova to do an extra hit
* Corrected Vulcan Arrow's hits in skill_db
* Readded zlib and zconf .h files to under /lib
* Fixed some compile errors in Windows
* Changed remove_control_characters back to supporting korean chars
* Moved some other code around
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into the new source files
* Updated auto_counter_type's description in battle_athena
* Removed some unnecessary skill level checks in battle.c
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