Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Aka autotrading merchants survive server restarts.
Originally sekai's (aka me).
Special Thanks to Haruna, Michieru.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Item database bug fixes.
equivalent macros
Because 2/3 jumps to perform such a operation is just awful
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Because 2 jumps to get a single value is just awful.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
- Warnings detected thanks to Xcode's compiler settings (more strict by
default) and clang, warnings mostly but not only related to data sizes
on 64 bit systems, that were silenced until now by very lax compiler
- This also decreases by a great deal the amount of warnings produced by
MSVC in x64 mode (for the adventurous ones who tried that)
- Also fixed (or silenced in case of false positives) the potential
issues pointed out by the (awesome) clang static analyzer.
- Patch co-produced with Ind, I'm merging and committing in his place!
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Special Thanks to Haru
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
- Improved memory usage of the quest log system. (saves up to 75kB per
online character). Fixes issue #133.
- Fixed various issues with quest entries disappearing from characters
without an apparent reason, or monster kill counters getting stuck -
the issues were caused by a de-synchronization between the two
parallel questlog arrays in map_session_data.
- Added some code documentation.
- Thanks to Ind.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
- Updated to use official formulas from Aegis (for both success chance
and stolen zeny amount.)
- It now shows the correct stolen zeny amount in the battle log, rather
than showing the skill level.
- Made possible thanks to Yommy and Ind.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
replaced pc_isuseitem 90overweight error message by its official version, added invent-full check for when trying to open packages/boxes, and modified mail getAttachment to fail when over 90% weight.
Special Thanks to kyeme.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Fixed EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L ability to produce bonuses, Special Thanks to rosfus, Angelmelody.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
pc_checkitem is now triggered by @reloaditemdb to ensure modified conditions are respected, also a performance boost that causes the itemlist/cartlist/storagelist/gstoragelist lookups to only be triggered on demand instead of on every teleport.
Closes #219
Fixed ancient monster ai bug that caused mobs to consider themselves elegible targets, which would waste status_check_skilluse and battle_check_target calls.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
- The .favorite field of newly added inventory items wasn't correctly
initialized to zero, potentially causing data loss (fixes
bugreport:7854, thanks to Vincent, GrumpyPanda).
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
warping (e.g. @recall) of autotrade characters no longer leaves them in memory limbo, the trigger that'd be expected from the client is now called for autotrade units so that they complete the warp procedure in full, vendings are loaded properly as well.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
- Follow-up to ed72a947a6c97804c1eef5b80bfa49d99f7d7586
- Max EquipLv is now observed, rather than ignored, in pre-renewal mode.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
- This makes it harder to get the item IDs wrong in the code.
- Fixes item 'Slot_Coupon' being incorrectly considered a Spell Book due
to an oversight (wrong item nameid) when the check was introduced.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
I'm committing on malufett's behalf.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
As brought up in
Special Thanks to Haruna for all the help!
Thanks to Beret, Ai4rei for information
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Implements the 'BindOnEquip' item db field which determines whether the piece of equipment should bind to the character upon being equipped.
When a character tries to equip such a item for the first time a dialog shows up asking the character to confirm whether to equip the item or not, and notifying the character that by equipping the item it will become bound to the character, and therefore unable to be used by another character.
Special Thanks to Beret for all the information, Haruna for testing.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
- Item db was changed to libconfig format.
- This new format is larger than the original format, but it's less
subject to conflicts when some items are edited and the file gets
- It is no longer necessary to specify fields with no value, and only
the actually used fields are specified.
- Items scripts (especially the long ones) are made more readable by
splitting them into multiple lines, with proper indentation.
- A converter perl script is provided in the tools directory (and a link
to the web-based version of the same script canbe found in the above
forum topic)
- All of this was made possible thanks to Ind, Yommy.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
The commit said "4. pc_jobchange now correctly vaporizes the homun.
" while it actually fixed it on skillreset, this commit fixes it on pc_jobchange and on pc_dead.
Special Thanks to kyeme!
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
1. Homun cooldowns are no longer reset upon being vaporized.
2. Call Homun now displays the skill title above the char upon success.
3. Homuns that have been out of owners sight for over 3 seconds will now be teleport back to master.
4. pc_jobchange now correctly vaporizes the homun.
5. New homunculus now spawn with full health.
Special Thanks to kyeme/Beret for all the information and official server testing.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Thanks to Haruna!
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Special Thanks to Haruna
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Introducing the Hercules Standalone Script Syntax Checker
Replaces the previous 'first' flag with a multi-option flag capable of selectively determining calls where the recalculation must not be hold by delayed damage, and therefore must take place immediately.
This fixes issues caused by actions that require immediate recalculation e.g. on-level-up max_hp update, also modified @baselevel where status_calc was being called after the heal and not before, causing it not to be fully healed.
Special Thanks to Haruna! <3
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
- Added a command line argument '--script-check' to check a script's
syntax without running the server (and without requiring a SQL
connection). Usage: ./map-server --script-check /path/to/the/script.txt
- For convenience, a script-checker bash script is provided, to set the
path correctly when called from a different directory. Usage:
/path/to/Hercules/script-checker /path/to/the/script/to/check.txt
- While the script checker will supposedly work under windows as well,
no convenience scripts are currently provided for platforms other than
UNIX (feel free to open a pull request with a .bat launcher or
whatever you like)
- Integration with IDEs or text editors is possible. In fact, I already
have a fully functional plugin for vim (through vim-syntastic), and if
there's enough interest, I'll publish it. - screenshot:
- If you want an online checker, is
running this code, without modifications and will be kept up to date
(without any warranty though.)
- Special thanks to Ind, Yommy, Streusel, who helped making this
possible, in a way or another.
The last file without a interface is now no more (date.h doesn't count :P).
Modified the way permissions are stored in order to enable plugins to be able to create permissions ( pcg->add_permission("name") [returns permission key] ).
Special Thanks to Haruna!
Closes #121
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
- Small tweaks to the command, fixed merge conflicts
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Item in shadow slots are now able to give bonuses properly, thanks to rosfus for pointing it out!
Also added the missing constants for script handling.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Fixed, some issue thanks to Master Ind ;)
Signed-off-by: sevenzz23 <>
Im pretty sure its on the clif.c
Signed-off-by: sevenzz23 <>
Fonts are now relog-persistent.
Font items are now toggle-on/off, they no longer go away on use, they go away when their rental duration is over (and the font effect goes back to original).
Special Thanks to Yommy for all the data!
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Item rentals now take place after status changes arrive, guaranteeing that items that expired cancel their effects properly.
Thanks to kyeme, malufett.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Special Thanks to Yommy for all the client data, Haru for making it possible to get it out and rosfus for the details on the feature.
Shadows Feature requires packetver 20120925 or newer.
Also: Updated all packets related to the shadows system, improved memory/processing of inventory/cart/storage/viewequip packets
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
- This fixes an issue with timers that stop working after about 24-49
days when the tick overflows (note that this may happen much earlier
than that, and at hard to predict times, on some systems)
- Updated the RDTSC help message in the configure script to also warn
users about issues with SpeedStep enabled systems.
- On Windows, tick() still has a resolution of 10~15ms (or even as low
as 100ms on some systems). A TODO comment (thanks, Ai4rei) was added
for a follow-up patch, as I want this one to be as small as possible)
- Note: on Windows versions earlier than 6.x (Vista, Server 2008), the
tick overflow issue is NOT fixed, since they don't support the
function used to retrieve a 64 bit tick. This isn't a big issue, since
those platforms are already - or going soon to be - out of their
extended support period, and it's already advisable to upgrade, for
other reasons. If you're the unfortunate user of such a system, it is
recommended that you reboot your machine at least once every 49 days
for Hercules to work reliably.
- Note: To clear some doubts, since I've already been asked, this has
absolutely NOTHING to do with 32/64 bit CPUs or OSes. It's all about
a variable's size, not the size of registers of your CPU, and your
32bit CPU will be able to handle this just fine.
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
As requested by the community in we're merging in the latest of rAthena's dungeons, this includes the rewriting of all instance dungeons and the addition of 4 dungeons that were not present previously (BakonawaLake, BangungotHospital, BuwayaCave and OldGlastHeim).
Update also includes the ability for instances to reset (or be destroyed if instance files were disabled/removed) upon @reloadscript, instance scripts are able to control to what stage the instances are to be reset via the instance_set_respawn (reload spawn) script command, OnInstanceInit labels are now triggered when the instance starts via instance_init (and upon reload), they may be used alongside instance variables (which are persistent to @reloadscript) to save players' progress.
- NPC Changelog:
-- npc/instances/EndlessTower.txt
--- 2.2 Instance system rewrite. [Euphy]
--- 2.3 Added some missing announcements. [Euphy]
--- 2.4 Added GM management function. [Euphy]
-- npc/instances/NydhoggsNest.txt
--- 1.5 Instance system rewrite. [Euphy]
--- 1.6 Added GM management NPCs. [Euphy]
-- npc/instances/OrcsMemory.txt
--- 1.7 Instance system rewrite. [Euphy]
-- npc/instances/SealedShrine.txt
--- 2.3 Instance system rewrite. [Euphy]
-- npc/other/gm_npcs.txt
--- 1.0 First version. [Euphy]
-- npc/re/instances/BakonawaLake.txt
--- 1.0 First version. [Euphy]
--- 1.1 Added GM management NPC. [Euphy]
-- npc/re/instances/BangungotHospital.txt
--- 1.0 First version. [Euphy]
--- 1.1 Added GM management function. [Euphy]
-- npc/re/instances/BuwayaCave.txt
--- 1.0 First version. [Euphy]
-- npc/re/instances/HazyForest.txt
--- 1.1 Instance system rewrite. [Euphy]
-- npc/re/instances/MalangdoCulvert.txt
--- 1.0b Fixed incorrect use of 'close'. [Joseph]
--- 1.1 Instance system rewrite. [Euphy]
-- npc/re/instances/OctopusCave.txt
--- 1.1 Instance system rewrite. [Euphy]
-- npc/re/instances/OldGlastHeim.txt
--- 1.0 First version. [Euphy]
Special Thanks to Haru, Uziel for their contributions to this update, and ossi0110 for helping us debug it.
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Partial Merge of 0b68607
Quest Changelog:
- 1.2 Replaced with official script. [Euphy]
Closes #177
Closes #178
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>