Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
- Rough implementation of Ground Drift according to description and jA info.
- Implemented Tatami Gaeshi using skill description and jA implementation for reference.
- map_foreachinpath calls will no longer go beyond the target point, as this function is required for skills other than SharpShooting now.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
make it act more like in the official servers.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Removed speed penalty from SC_SKA
- Fixed SC_SPURT triggering on Soul Linkers.
- SC_DODGE won't be dispelled on death now.
- Removed Undead being inmune to poison status.
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agi, etc, speed, amotion, adelay, dmotion, weapon-damage, race, size, etc) and weapon_atk structure with the weapon specific info (atk, atk2, element) to be used by all combat structures (TODO: Homun needs to be updated to use it)
- Cleaned up TBL_PC, TBL_MOB, TBL_PC and mob_db structures to use status_data.
- Set the NPC-Change Attribute duration on Time1, updated their max to 1 in the db.
- Berserk's HP cost interval is now defined as time2.
- Split damage received functions into pc_damage/pc_dead and mob_damage/mob_dead
- Rewrote the @heal related functions to use the new status_* healing functions.
- Added status functions to deal with damage and healing (status_damage, status_heal, status_percent_change) and a bunch of defines for easier handling of them (status_percent_heal, status_percent_damage, status_fix_damage, status_kill, etc)
- Splitted mob_once_spawn into two. mob_once_spawn_sub creates the mob instance without spawning it.
- Added defines for Elements (ELE_*)
- Modified battle_calc_(weapon/magic/misc)_attack to use the status data structure.
- Rewrote and cleaned up battle_calc_misc_attack
- Merged config options pc_attack_attr_none, mob_attack_attr_none, pet_attack_attr_none into attack_attr_none (type 4)
- Removed config options player_defense_type, monster_defense_type, pet_defense_type in favor of weapon_defense_type
- Cleaned up pet.c to stop invoking status_calc_pc when unnecessary
- Modified skill_calc_heal to take into account the MEDITATION bonus.
- Cleaned up code of Adjustment, Madness Cancel and other GS/NJ skills inside skill_check_condition
- Added status change SC_MODECHANGE which handles mob state changes (this SC is continous until manually ended, eg: like Weight50)
- Modified Slim Pitcher so it will work when casted by non-players. Will now also work with SP-healing items.
- Rewrote Freedom of Cast code to use function status_freecast_switch to switch adelay/speed when cast begins/ends.
- Modified Magic Power to store amplified MATK/MATK2 in val3/val4 for easier updating when used in conjunction with ground skills.
- Fixed Asura Strike being usable from within a combo regardless of combo skill.
- Modifed SC_DANCING to store speed-change in val3 (it is shared with skill duration...)
- Added StatusChangeFlagTable to store which statuses are changed by each SC
- Added SCB_* constants to specify the different stats that each sc changes. SCB_PC is the only one that means a change hardcoded in status_calc_pc, the rest are handled by status_calc_bl
- Added some helper functions to simplify with basic status calculations (status_base_atk, status_calc_misc, status_base_pc_maxhp, status_base_pc_maxsp)
- Added status_calc_mob which calculates initial status and special base status alterations (HP changes, stat changes due to big/small mobs, etc)
- Made all the status_calc functions static.
- Added status_calc_bl_sub_pc for PC related calculations that must happen after status-change adjustments.
- Added status_calc_bl which does status-change related calculations using as base the base_status of the bl object and the SCB_* flag passed.
- Added status_get_status_data and status_get_base_status to retrieve the bl objects current status_data and basic status_data (current never returns null, instead it returns a dummy structure with basic data)
- The main switch in status_change_start now only sets the tick and val values, therefore it is skipped when loading (flag&4)
- Cleaned up status_change_start and replaced many of the ex-japanese comments for english ones.
- Changed Hiding to store the speed penalty on val3. val4 stores interval SP cost.
- Changed Chase Walk to store Speed adjustment on val3, sp cost in val4
- Changed Cloaking to store speed penalty on val3, val4&2 signals wall-present, val4&1 is infinite cloaking.
- Changed Wind walk to store speed bonus on val3
- Rewrote Marionette Control to store the status to add/substract in val3/val4, it now works on anyone (players/mobs)
- Changed Improve concentration to store Card bonuses (which are not counted for total % increase) on val3/val4
- Changed SC_ADRENALINE, SC_CONCENTRATION, SC_ANGELUS, SC_IMPOSITIO, SC_MELTDOWN, SC_TRUESIGHT, SC_SUN_COMFORT, SC_MOON_COMFORT, SC_STAR_COMFORT, SC_QUAGMIRE, SC_GATLINGFEVER to store the bonus modifiers in their val values rather than calculate them in status_calc_*
- Status_change_start/end will use clif_status_load rather than clif_status_change when related bl is not on a map.
- Modified status_change_timer to use the status_charge function rather than directly substracting SP
- Added SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE to modify someone's base defense element.
- pc_clean_skilltree will now also remove item-granted skills.
- Learning skills will now only invoke status_calc_pc when the skill is passive.
- Cleaned up pc_steal_coin
- Cleaned up pc_check_base/job_lvup to only invoke the lv-up related packets and functions ONCE regardless of skill-levls earned.
- Cleaned up pc_ regen related functions.
- Made player-sprite mobs have item pickup animation and walkdelay when taking items.
- Cleaned up mob_dead code.
- Removed paramb, parame from struct map_session_data, replaced them by param_bonus[6],param_equip[6]
- mob special ai state 3 signals summon flora.
- Moved petDB pet_hungry_timer vars from TBL_PC to TBL_PET
- Cleaned up some pet functions, made the menu functions receive as argument both pet and master.
- Clones will copy a player's base status rather than battle status (so status-change alterations are not cloned)
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- Dark Blessing and Blood Sucker now have a range of 9 tiles
- Small fixes on his skills again
- G_Khalitzburg is a bit slower now
Changes to skill.conf:
-mobs now can stack ground skills by default
-mobs can place unlimited ground skills
-format for land_skill_limit changed
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- Dark Lord and Amon Ra use it
- Meteors drop in an area of 31x31 tiles
- each Meteor has 7x7 tiles splash damage
- each Meteor does 15 hits
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Made all Soul Link Spirit skills not be castable on self.
- Changed rate of NPC status effect skills to 50+10*lv% base chance (guessed)
- Changed max level of NPC status effects to 5
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things right :P)
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Added a temporary SI_RUN state. Actual value needs to be found...
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damage accumulates in the time2 interval (500ms by default) after being hit.
- Changed skill_unit_move_unit_group to enable moving of all types of ground-skills except ensembles.
- Modified NPC_STUNATTACK: Max level is 5, stun duration is 1+lv seconds.
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- Guessed where the pet data goes in spawn packet 0x7c
- Updated Charge Attack's state from none to move_enable.
- Made tomahawk an NPC_SKILL so that it may not be plagiarized.
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Allowed SG_FEEL memorizing the same map for all three.
- SC_FUSION won't end when you die now.
- Added knockback when you run into a wall during running. However position is not being refreshed on the client yet...
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Mobinfo's drop list will use jName rather than Name for drop names.
- Some cleaning of the ASC_BREAKER code in skill_attack
- Modified skill_attack so that all skills with amotion get their damage delayed (should fix mob walk-teleport issues)
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- All kicks do 3 hits now.
- Added battle config hide_woe_damage which hides damage on woe maps packet-wise.
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S.Novice bonuses.
- Increased number of hits for TK kicks. 3 hits for TK_COUNTER and TK_TURNKICK, 2 hits for TK_STORMKICK and TK_DOWNKICK (until further information arrives)
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
on over time. [erKURITA]
- Fitted the many lines into 1 or 2, and corrected some typos on most of
the npc\guides. Visual update to the guards, for short. [erKURITA]
- Added some info to the docs.[erKURITA]
- Added "case" npcs of lighthalzen, they're the first on npc/cities/? Mostly guards. [erKURITA]
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- Modified a bit the skill packets of Sharp-Shooting and Brandish Spear in hopes of fixing it.
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their min_chase range. Improved rude-attacked checking when mobs can't move.
- range3 is now used as min-chase value of mobs.
- Added a debug message when status_change_timer fails.
- Fixed tick direct modifications increasing duration instead of decreasing it.
- Fixed inf2 of Jump-Kick to make it a "combo-skill" so that it may do a BCT_ENEMY check.
- When sd->state.skill_flag is set, auto-targetting through combo-skills is disabled.
- You can't SG_FEEL maps already memorized.
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an error
in skill_require_db
- also commited a commented block for GS_FLING that needs to be looked at and posiably
cleaned before it's uncommented.
- fixed exp2 not accepting Gunslingers and ninjas
- fixed the "jobmaster" having the same problem as rebirth
- added the Gunslinger shops for guns and ammo [Reddozen]
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- fixed some bullets in the item DB
- adjusted a few rates in skill_cast_db.txt for Gunslingers
- adjusted a couple skills in skill_db.txt to act correctly
- adjusted all the SP values for Gunslinger skills
- changed piercing shot to lv 5 from lv 10
- made ki Translation fail giving coins to Gunslingers
- equipping a weapon other than a gatlin gun should cancel SC_GATLINGING. Also made Gatlinfeaver on/off togelable
- GS_CRACKER will no longer stun players
- added GS_Disarm
* View changes here:
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
(attack times, walking, auto-attack timers, skill related data)
- Modified unit_skillcastcancel to receive flag&2, which stands for "cancel casting only if current skill is cancellable"
- Battle config options changed from yes/no to BL_TYPE settings: skillrange_by_distance, skill_noreiteration, skill_nofootset, gvg_traps_target_all, skill_log, attack_direction_change, auto_counter_type
- Clif.c will disconnect sessions that send an unknown command packet above 0x30000 instead of just ignoring it.
- Cleaned up/rewrite of the pet ai, same for pet_calc_pos
- Implemented use of mob variable attacked_players as it is used on jA
- Cleaned up error reporting during mob-skill loading to be less spamy with non-loaded mobs.
- Corrected water_height reading. I forgot to give credits to LittleWolf for providing the water-reading function :X
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- Updated Full Buster's damage, status effects, and skill levels
- Bullseye now only uses 1 coin
- changed Adjustment's required SP
- changed Incerase Accuracy's effect bonuses
- changed Magical Bullet's SP cost
- changed Piercing Shot's damage and SP
- changed Desperado's range, hit count, aftercast delay, and SP
- fixed Absorb Spirit Sphere being able to remove coins
- changed Acid Demonstration's damage to the new Japanese formula
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- Fixed SC_SWOO's opt3 value.
- Fixed allowing multiple recast of Dissonance/Ugly-Dance
- Fixed those annoying irc.c compile warnings.
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- Added Explosion Spirits to list of effects that dispel on logout.
- Fixed handling of guild skills by pc_blockskill_start, renamed it to skill_blockpc_start as it needs some constants available only in skill.c
- Fixed autoguard icon showing with stun.
- Fixed splash area of Ganbantein
- Fixed acid demonstration breaking shield instead of armor.
- Fixed Slim Pitcher crashing server ocassionally.
- Hopefully fixed Ankle Snare lasting the whole trap's duration
- Added sc_start(SC_ENDURE) on infinite endure bonus.
- Fixed Berserk Pitcher consuming required items twice.
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git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
- Modified Wedding recall skills to behave as in officials.
- Modified Arrow Shower to be a ground-based skill and work as it should on officials.
- Fixed skill_additional_effect triggering every time you were being hit even if no damage was returned.
- Fixed battle_calc_damage_return to make magic damage be returned by 100%, and received damage nullified
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- Devotion won't work on guildmates now (only party-members)
- Devoted to characters lose the devotion effect when the Crusader is at less than 25% Hp.
- Changed Gravity Field's element to earth so that it may hit hidden chars.
- chrif_scdata_save will not send a save scdata request when the char has been already tagged as in the final save.
- Cleaned up status_change_start a bit to make status_change_end calls on a separate switch, before it is cancelled by the switch about "sc already active". If it fails because the sc is already active, now it returns 1.
- Cleaned SC_SUITON a bit to get rid of that compile warning.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
third parameter, not the second (which was conflicting with inter_athena.conf's argument), thanks to foobar.
- Fixed TK and Soul Linker's position of their job entry in exp2.txt, thanks to Coltaro.
- Fixed NPC_GRANDDARKNESS targetting the enemy instead of yourself in mob_skill_db.
- Fixed Grandcross's hit and range entries in the skill_db (it had hit 5? that wasn't even a valid value from the description)
- PR_BENEDICTIO now ignores mdef
- Removed the status_isdead checks from status_check_skilluse, they are now done only on the skill_castend_* functions.
- Fixed NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION not doing the correct damage to oneself.
- Fixed chatlog's x/y column capacity.
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damage increased by the number of hits, div less than zero is just for "show", total number of hits displayed is abs(div), but damage isn't increased by number of hits.
- Adjusted several skill damage equations to make up for this.
- Moved the Shield Chain soul-linked bonus to the second layer.
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- Made skill_unit_range a per-level setting. meteor and Lov now have their unit range adjusted in the skill_unit_db rather than hardcoded.
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GS_RAPIDSHOWER: multihit x5
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- Skills with INF_SELF_SKILL + INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF are now "combo" skills in the sense they auto-select your attack target, and do not stop your attacking animation. Attackable time by default is adjusted by amotion.
- Gospel won't start taking effect until after 10 secs have passed.
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