Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Split from #558 (and added a few more corrections)
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
- 1st Transcendent Spirit will now work as on official servers (#116)
* The max total stat that is granted by the skill is now BaseLevel-10 with a maximum of 50 instead of always 50
* It will now work as Marionette Control and calculate the bonus at cast time rather than overwrite all existing bonuses
* Agi Up and Blessing will now cancel the soul link
- Fixed various problems that caused position lags on the client (#118)
* Added a define ACTIVEPATHSEARCH in mob.c; if active (default and official), monsters will only grab targets if the walk path to the target is shorter or equal their search range; search range depends on whether the monster is moving or not (range2 for standing monsters and range3 for walking monsters); this requires a lot of CPU load, if it causes trouble, just comment the define for old behavior
* Fixed a bug that made monsters display "irregular movement with position lag" continuously when a status change ended that changed their walk speed
* OFFICIAL_WALKPATH now also applies to monsters
* If the path search fails while a unit is already moving, we will now issue of fixpos packet so that the unit does not only stop moving on the server, but also on the client
* Direction fixes
- Updated the config setting attack_direction_change from 15 to 0 (official value); that means that a unit's direction will no longer change when it attacks; knock-back effects from e.g. Firewall will depend on the last direction the target walked into instead (bugreport:1322)
- Ensured that the default direction of a monster is always "north", so that immobile monsters will now always be knocked back to the south by e.g. Firewall on default settings, unless a skill like e.g. Backstab changes their direction (bugreport:1322)
- Fixed a bug that stopped characters server-sided and caused position lag when closing a skill menu
* Magnum Break damage fixed
- Targets two cells away will now only take 100%+10%*level damage (#108)
cast on all players that are not in the party (bug:7050)
* Updated monster_chase_range in monster.conf from 1 to 3; I originally thought official value is 1, but doing some in-depth tests myself I realized it's 3 for the most important situations
* When a monster cannot issue new "move" commands because it was affected by a status change, but is still moving due to knockback immunity, it will no longer unlock its target and stop
* Fixed a bug that always caused the chase path monsters calculated to be 1 cell too short causing them to recalculate their path one cell before their goal every single time
- Fixed the direction calculation once again and optimized it at the same time (bugreport:9373)
* Now the calculated direction is 100% official, really truly, checked it myself with every single cell and various skills
* Added a new function map_calc_dir_xy that allows to check for a direction between two cells without the need of a block_list
* map_calc_dir will now just use map_calc_dir_xy to avoid duplicate code
* Improved Icewall walk block implementation
- Moved the configuration setting "icewall_walk_block" to monster.conf
- Split the configuration into mob_icewall_walk_block and boss_icewall_walk_block so it can be configured for bosses separately
- Expanded the configuration
* If the value is set to 1, monsters on an ice wall cell will behave like trapped monsters, that means they won't be able to move at all, they will use idle skills and if they are attacked while nobody is in their attack range, they will use their rudeattacked skills; this is equal to official behavior of bosses
* If the value is set to 2-255, it will behave as before but monsters in the AI loop now use both idle and chase skills, but will no longer use their rudeattacked skills even if attacked from range; this is equal to official behavior of normal monsters
* Official values would be "220" for normal monsters (loop until Icewall expiration) and "1" for bosses (behave like trapped monster) on most official servers, but as some official servers have a less exploitable implementation (from looping AI only a limited amount of times up to outright blocking Icewall on all maps with bosses)
- Cleaned up the rudeattacked code a little so it's easier to read
- Fire Pillar is no longer a trap and can no longer be hit or knocked back in renewal
Thanks to Playtester (rathena b43b855d2, 902c920b734cd)
Thanks to idAthena
- Fix Dark Illusion Range
- Fix Absorb Spirit Sphere on Duels (bug:4085)
- When under Mind Break Matk Effect and Mdef reduction should not show on ALT Q(bug:7915)
- Plagiarism should not copy New 3rd class skills. Thanks to OmegaRed (bug:8118)
- Update Runstone Lux Anima to official formula (bug:8285)
- Add official formula for Demonic Fire
- Update damage formula for Unlimit, apply Def and Mdef to 1 during the skill and adjust the cooldown to official. (bug:8227)
- Flash Combo should not consume hp-sp and the skill not ignore the distance.
- Fix a bug with Full Throttle that not consuming sp correctly and adjust the cooldown to official.
- All WoE items are inactive outside WoE or PVP
- Add bonus3 bSPVanishRate for Vellum Items.
- Script Vellum Items.
- Add 2 new bonus bSetDefRace and bSetMDefRace for the Vellum Items. (rAthena c046668034)
- Fixed Bowling Bash, Brandish Spear, Grand Darkness and Meteor Assault reducing def during cast; the only skill that does this officially is Grand Cross (rAthena 694719048e)
- Implemented official Bowling Bash with all its special behaviors including the gutter line
* As many servers probably want to remove the gutter line problem, it is configurable; just adjust the bowling_bash_area setting in skill.conf (Bug:4209)
- Sonic Blow now has a fixed range of 1, even for monsters; a monster can't use this skill if you tank it from farther away (rAthena a15cee063d)
- Corrected list of skills that can be used while using mado
- Corrected list of supportive skills that can't be cast in users with mado
- Fixed *setmadogear behaviour, it would set mado to any character
Fixed MH_SILENTBREEZE entry in skill_db
Special thanks to Rytech
walking delay (issue: 8241
Complete Sorcerer Elemental Skills.
-Updated and fixed Eira skills to official behavior.
Fixed Bug#8168
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Increase reflect damage make by crescent elbow
Fix Bug 8099
Cart Revolution will now always knock targets to the West - rAthena:1f26499994af9b64aa96d5ed46f6e7cdefdb025b
Fix a bug with Backslide that let you continue to move even if you hit a wall on some case.
Thanks to Ind
- More info on the forums, at
Signed-off-by: Haru <>
Fixed Bug#7966
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Partial merge from 5f59e50f462873f9607ffd233550bb2e68f6d38f
Closes #172
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Updated Clearance success rate;
Fixed it affecting guild members.
Thanks to Rytech/3CeaM
Closes #152
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
-Update pre-re/skill_db.txt
* Updated the const.txt to support the newest common status, as well as the latest NPC's.
* Fixed a issue where the Dark Collector's assigned MAPID was incorrect.
* Updated all Rebellion skills to have official ranges and SP requirements.
-Also updated the skill_db entrys for these skills to have near official settings.
Mandragora Howl chance --- way too high.
Base on a patch of the fix made by Rytech in 3ceam.
Credits to 3ceam2 for the base,Thanks to Rytech.
-The skill still needs to be completed, as well as support for higher base stats.
-Bonus stats are set to temporarily values until the official ones are known.
-Updated the item_db.txt file with information on the Rebellion's job equip mask.
-Added packets and packet keys for 2013-08-07Ragexe with the info provided by Shakto,Thanks to Shakto.
-A 2013-08-07Ragexe client or higher is required for this job to be properly playable.
-Where HW_SOULDRAIN should work only in single target.
Fixed Bug#7670
-Where PA_GOSPEL is not working properly.
Fixed Bug#7668
-Bonus 'bLongAtkRate' is not working properly.
Fixed Bug#7512
-Bonus 'bCritAtkRate' is not working properly.
Fixed Bug#7515
-Fixed MO_EXTREMITYFIST animation.
-Fixed RE armor/weapon storage tab positioning.
-Fixed HW_MAGICPOWER cast time.
-Fixed '/item' '/monster' aegis command where it not working properly in some item names or monsters.
-Added NC_DISJOINT cast time hidden modifier.
-Updated RE ATK for post damage modifier.
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
-where SR_GENTLETOUCH_REVITALIZE is not working properly.
Fixed Bug#6547 & Bug#6141
-SC_BLOODYLUST should now work properly like as official behavior.
Fixed Bug#7395
-SO_SPELLFIST should now work properly.
Fixed Bug#7477
-removed hidden walkdaley that makes character stop when hit even if SC_ENDURE is active.
Fixed Bug#7475
-fixed error message in SA_AUTOSPELL when cancel button is pressed.
Fixed Bug#7337
-MG_CHANGECART should now work properly.
Fixed Bug#7474
-SC_MAELSTROM should now work properly like as official behavior.
-where 'working in progress' state is not cancel in change map/teleport.
Fixed Bug#7265
-where casting AL_INCAGI into chars force them to stand where it now suppose to be.
Fixed Bug#7337
-fixed some skills that deals 'work in progress' state.
Fixed Bug#7467
-fixed compiling warning message.
Renewal Updates
-Temporary fix for skills final damage reduction.
-Updated NJ_KUNAI to its renewal formula.
-Updated/Fixed some interface messages.
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
-ALL_ODINS_POWER should now work properly.
Follow up@074662a4b30e5d380fda32fd7df2d3ae2de759e0
-added some missing entry in dbs.
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Thanks to EvilPunker.
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
Rename SC names to eagis standard.
Implement SC Configuration.(see db/sc_config.txt)
Skill updates and fixes.
Some code optimization.
Signed-off-by: malufett <>
- Made /conf/plugins.conf a little bit more better to understand.
cart 'items' button no longer remains visible after the cart has been removed. -- Special Thanks to Wolfed.
Improved status change end, now only sends the termination packet to those that matter, as opposed to always sending to those nearby, and made it smaller.
Made possible thanks to super awesome Yommy :3
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
This was once available through the now-gone skill_nocast_db.txt.
To make a skill not copy-able by clones (aka the skill is not inherited by a clone when it is created), use flag 0x8000 in the inf2 skill db field
Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
-Added coin_exchange.txt Credits to EUphy & Lemongrass
- Crush Strike now lasts for 30 seconds.
- Phantom Thrust is now targeted to allies.
- Updated SP requirement for Death Bound.
- Giant Growth now has a .1% chance to break caster's weapon.
- Stone Hard Skin now has a 30% chance to break caster's weapon.
- Stone Hard Skin now has a 30% chance to reduce 25% damage from monsters for 10 seconds.
- Corrected Stone Hard Skin's DEF/MDEF increase formula.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
-Updated Izlude
-Added Fly Wing to Lunatic & Poring
-Added new Quests (Thanks Flaid)
--Expanded MAX_QUEST_DB for the newly added quests
Signed-off-by: Streusel
Fixed bugreport:6961 WL_COMET AOE range is now 15x15.
Fixed bugreport:5811 where SC_BLEEDING is not attach to caster to give exp.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
Fixed bugreport:7101 where MO_EXTREMITYFIST don't consume sp when used against plant type monster.
Fixed bugreport:7116 missing duration for HW_MAGICPOWER.
Fixed bugreport:7117 where WL_WHITEIMPRISON doesn't work properly.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
Fixed bugreport:6688 MO_EXTRIMITYFIST skill effect.
Updated all non 3rd job skills to there official RE cast time delays.
Updated WL_WHITEIMPRISON where cooldown should trigger whether success or not.
Added missing status icon for SC_MATKPOTION and SC_ATKPOTION.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
map server crash.
Fixed bugreport:6953 where RK_WINDCUTTER don't have skill effect.
Fixed bugreport:6701 change RK_CRUSHTRIKE to self target skill.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
Update Elemental summon to its official behavior
- Fixed missing skill features of Ventus(bugreport:6792,bugreport:6723,bugreport:6511)
- Note: upgrade_svn17014.sql
- And other elemental skills are to follow :)
Fixed bugreport:6889 updated const.txt where it cause error to some items.
Fixed bugreport:6999 where matk damage deals miss atk to plant type targets.
Fixed status calculation where it doesn't give accurate result or how official calculation does.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
--Upd Skill conf to set land-limit for homonculus by default (ground skill limit)
--Mv MH_HEILIGE_STANGE and MH_ANGRIFFS_MODUS skill from Eleanor to Bayeri
-Enforce all zeny transaction to use pc_payzeny and pc_getzeny handlers, (auto log and clif)
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
Fixed bugreport:6710 where SR_EARTHSHAKER ATK bonus is not applied properly.
Implemented KO_MAKIBISHI and updated some Kagerou/Oboro skills.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
* Deleted doc\sample\PCLoginEvent.txt, which contained outdated information.
* Follow-up r16812, fixed file encoding.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
*Updated a hand full of enum tables and added some place holders in the skill databases.
-Tables updated are the Emotions, Map Types, Use Skill Fail Causes, Skills, Units, and Status.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
Fixed bugreport:6457 where SR_CURSEDCIRCLE is not remove when target dies.
Fixed bugreport:6535 updated GN_CRAZY_WEED to its official behavior.
Fixed bugreport:6592 added a missing break in Spiral Pierce skillratio at battle.c.
Fixed a faulty skillratio formula of GN_CART_TORNADO. Thanks to Lighta
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
Partial fixed bugreport:6396 where Chemical Protection skills doesn't check targets current equipments.
Finally added almost all Kagerou/Oboro skills only one more left..phew...:D
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec