diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/ladmin')
-rw-r--r-- | tool/ladmin | 7584 |
1 files changed, 3792 insertions, 3792 deletions
diff --git a/tool/ladmin b/tool/ladmin index e3319d5de..d0c0be485 100644 --- a/tool/ladmin +++ b/tool/ladmin @@ -1,3793 +1,3793 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl
-use POSIX;
-# EAthena login-server remote administration tool
-# New ladamin by [Yor]
-# Set the 4 variables below:
-# IP of the login server.
-# Port where the login-server listens incoming packets.
-# Password of administration (same of config_athena.conf).
-# Displayed language of the sofware (if not correct, english is used).
-# Be sure that you authorize remote administration in login-server
-# (see login_athena.conf, 'admin_state' parameter)
-my($loginserverip) = ""; # IP of login-server
-my($loginserverport) = 6900; # Port of login-server
-my($loginserveradminpassword) = "admin"; # Administration password
-my($connecttimeout) = 10; # Timeout of connection (in seconds)
-my($passenc) = 2; # Encoding type of the password
-my($defaultlanguage) = "E"; # Default language (F: Fran�ais/E: English)
- # (if it's not 'F', default is English)
-# LIST of COMMANDs that you can type at the prompt:
-# To use these commands you can only type only the first letters.
-# You must type a minimum of letters (you can not type 'a',
-# because ladmin doesn't know if it's for 'aide' or for 'add')
-# <Example> q <= quit, li <= list, pass <= passwd, etc.
-# Note: every time you must give a account_name, you can use "" or '' (spaces can be included)
-# aide/help/?
-# Display the description of the commands
-# aide/help/? [command]
-# Display the description of the specified command
-# add <account_name> <sex> <password>
-# Create an account with the default email (a@a.com).
-# Concerning the sex, only the first letter is used (F or M).
-# The e-mail is set to a@a.com (default e-mail). It's like to have no e-mail.
-# When the password is omitted, the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.
-# <example> add testname Male testpass
-# ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name>
-# Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.
-# Same command of banset, except that account_name is at end
-# banadd <account_name> <modifier>
-# Adds or substracts time from the final date of a banishment of an account.
-# Modifier is done as follows:
-# Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)
-# Modified element:
-# a or y: year
-# m: month
-# j or d: day
-# h: hour
-# mn: minute
-# s: second
-# <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y
-# this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes and 6 years at the same time.
-# NOTE: If you modify the final date of a non-banished account,
-# you fix the final date to (actual time +- adjustments)
-# banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
-# Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.
-# Default time: 23:59:59
-# banset <account_name> 0
-# Set a non-banished account (0 = unbanished).
-# block <account name>
-# Set state 5 (You have been blocked by the GM Team) to an account.
-# Same command of state <account_name> 5.
-# check <account_name> <password>
-# Check the validity of a password for an account
-# NOTE: Server will never sends back a password.
-# It's the only method you have to know if a password is correct.
-# The other method is to have a ('physical') access to the accounts file.
-# create <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>
-# Like the 'add' command, but with e-mail moreover.
-# <example> create testname Male my@mail.com testpass
-# del <account name>
-# Remove an account.
-# This order requires confirmation. After confirmation, the account is deleted.
-# email <account_name> <email>
-# Modify the e-mail of an account.
-# getcount
-# Give the number of players online on all char-servers.
-# gm <account_name> [GM_level]
-# Modify the GM level of an account.
-# Default value remove GM level (GM level = 0).
-# <example> gm testname 80
-# id <account name>
-# Give the id of an account.
-# info <account_id>
-# Display complete information of an account.
-# kami <message>
-# Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow).
-# kamib <message>
-# Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue).
-# language <language>
-# Change the language of displaying.
-# list/ls [start_id [end_id]]
-# Display a list of accounts.
-# 'start_id', 'end_id': indicate end and start identifiers.
-# Research by name is not possible with this command.
-# <example> list 10 9999999
-# listBan/lsBan [start_id [end_id]]
-# Like list/ls, but only for accounts with state or banished
-# listGM/lsGM [start_id [end_id]]
-# Like list/ls, but only for GM accounts
-# listOK/lsOK [start_id [end_id]]
-# Like list/ls, but only for accounts without state and not banished
-# memo <account_name> <memo>
-# Modify the memo of an account.
-# 'memo': it can have until 253 characters (with spaces or not).
-# name <account_id>
-# Give the name of an account.
-# passwd <account_name> <new_password>
-# Change the password of an account.
-# When new password is omitted, the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.
-# quit/end/exit
-# End of the program of administration
-# reloadGM
-# Reload GM configuration file
-# search <expression>
-# Seek accounts.
-# Displays the accounts whose names correspond.
-# search -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression>
-# Seek accounts by regular expression.
-# Displays the accounts whose names correspond.
-# sex <account_name> <sex>
-# Modify the sex of an account.
-# <example> sex testname Male
-# state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
-# Change the state of an account.
-# 'new_state': state is the state of the packet 0x006a + 1. The possibilities are:
-# 0 = Account ok 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
-# 1 = Unregistered ID 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until %s
-# 2 = Incorrect Password 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated
-# 3 = This ID is expired 9 = No MSG
-# 4 = Rejected from Server 100 = This ID has been totally erased
-# 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team
-# all other values are 'No MSG', then use state 9 please.
-# 'error_message_#7': message of the code error 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s (packet 0x006a)
-# timeadd <account_name> <modifier>
-# Adds or substracts time from the validity limit of an account.
-# Modifier is done as follows:
-# Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)
-# Modified element:
-# a or y: year
-# m: month
-# j or d: day
-# h: hour
-# mn: minute
-# s: second
-# <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y
-# this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes and 6 years at the same time.
-# NOTE: You can not modify a unlimited validity limit.
-# If you want modify it, you want probably create a limited validity limit.
-# So, at first, you must set the validity limit to a date/time.
-# timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
-# Changes the validity limit of an account.
-# Default time: 23:59:59
-# timeset <account_name> 0
-# Gives an unlimited validity limit (0 = unlimited).
-# unban/unbanish <account name>
-# Unban an account.
-# Same command of banset 0.
-# unblock <account name>
-# Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account.
-# Same command of state <account_name> 0.
-# version
-# Display the version of the login-server.
-# who <account name>
-# Displays complete information of an account.
-# Possibilities to execute ladmin in command line by usage of the software with a parameter:
-# ./ladmin --mode param1 ...
-# --makesymlink -- Create the symbolic links for a use in shell
-# --add <account_name> <sex> <password> -- Create an account with the default email (or -a)
-# --ban yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> -- Change the final date of a banishment of an account (or -b)
-# --banadd <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the final date of a banishment of an account (or - ba)
-# --banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the final date of a banishment of an account (or -bs)
-# --banset <account_name> 0 -- Unbanish an account (or -bs)
-# --block <account_name> -- Set state 5 to an account (or -bl)
-# --check <account_name> <password> -- Check the validity of a password for an account (or -check)
-# --create <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> -- Create an account with email (or -c)
-# --del <account_name> -- Remove an account (or -d)
-# --email <account_name> <email> -- Modify an email of an account (or -e)
-# --getcount -- Give the number of players online on all char-servers (or -g)
-# --gm <account_name> <GM_level> -- Change the GM level of an account (or -gm)
-# --id <account_name> -- Give the id of an account (or -i)
-# --info <account_id> -- Display complete information of an account (or -info)
-# --kami <message> -- Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow).
-# --kamib <message> -- Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue).
-# --language <language> -- Change the language of displaying (-lang).
-# --list [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts (or -l)
-# --listBan [start_id [end_id]] -- Display a list of accounts with state or banished (or -lBan)
-# --listGM [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of GM accounts (or -lGM)
-# --listOK [start_id [end_id]] -- Display a list of accounts without state and not banished (or -lOK)
-# --memo <account_name> <memo> -- Modify the memo of an account (or -e)
-# --name <account_id> -- Give the name of an account (or -n)
-# --passwd <account_name> <new_password> -- Change the password of an account (or -p)
-# --reloadGM -- Reload GM configuration file (or -r)
-# --search <expression> -- Seek accounts (or -s)
-# --search -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expression> -- Seek accounts by REGEX (or -s)
-# --sex <account_name> <sex> -- Change the sex of an account (or -sex)
-# --state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> -- Change the state of an account (or -t)
-# --timeadd <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the validity limit of an account (or - ta)
-# --timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the validify limit of an account (or -ts)
-# --timeset <account_name> 0 -- Give a unlimited validity limit (or -ts)
-# --unban/unbanish <account_name> -- Unban an account (or -uba)
-# --unblock <account_name> -- Set state 0 to an account (or -ubl)
-# --version -- Display the version of the login-server (or -v)
-# --who <account_name> -- Display complete information of an account (or -w)
-# <example> ./ladmin --addaccount testname Male testpass
-# Possibilities to execute ladmin with symbolic links in Shell
-# To create the symbolic links, execute ladmin with the '-- makesymlink' option.
-# addaccount <account_name> <sex> <password> -- Create an account with the default email
-# banaccount yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> -- Change the final date of a banishment of an account
-# banaddaccount <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the final date of a banishment of an account
-# bansetaccount <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the final date of a banishment of an account
-# bansetaccount <account_name> 0 -- Unbanish an account
-# blockaccount <account_name> -- Set state 5 (blocked by the GM Team) to an account
-# checkaccount <account_name> <password> -- Check the validity of a password for an account
-# createaccount <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> -- Create an account with email
-# delaccount <account_name> -- Remove an account
-# emailaccount <account_name> <email> -- Modify an email of an account
-# getcount -- Give the number of players online on all char-servers
-# gmaccount <account_name> <GM_level> -- Change the GM level of an account
-# idaccount <account_name> -- Give the id of an account
-# infoaccount <account_id> -- Display complete information of an account
-# kami <message> -- Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow).
-# kamib <message> -- Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue).
-# ladminlanguage <language> -- Change the language of displaying.
-# listaccount [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts
-# listBanaccount [start_id [end_id]] -- Display a list of accounts with state or banished
-# listGMaccount [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of GM accounts
-# listOKaccount [start_id [end_id]] -- Display a list of accounts without state and not banished
-# loginserverversion -- Display the version of the login-server
-# memoaccount <account_name> <memo> -- Modify the memo of an account
-# nameaccount <account_id> -- Give the name of an account
-# passwdaccount <account_name> <new_password> -- Change the password of an account
-# reloadGM -- Reload GM configuration file
-# searchaccount <expression> -- Seek accounts
-# searchaccount -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expression> -- Seek accounts by REGEX
-# sexaccount <account_name> <sex> -- Change the sex of an account (or -sex)
-# stateaccount <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> -- Change the state of an account
-# timeaddaccount <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the validity limit of an account
-# timesetaccount <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the validify limit of an account
-# timesetaccount <account_name> 0 -- Give a unlimited validity limit
-# unbanaccount <account_name> -- Unban an account
-# unblockaccount <account_name> -- Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account
-# whoaccount <account_name> -- Display complete information of an account
-# <exemple> ./addaccount testname Male testpass
-# About the encoding:
-# The Digest::MD5 module is necessary to use the encrypted password system.
-# When the software cannot found the Digest::MD5 module,
-# encoding is automatically disabled ($passenc=0), which allows
-# to use this program in any cases.
-# How to use ladmin with UNIX:
-# You excecute ladmin as a standard command.
-# <Example of preparation to have an access to ladmin>
-# $ mv ladmin ladmin_org
-# $ nkf -eLu ladmin_org > ladmin
-# $ chmod 700 ladmin
-# <Example to start directly ladmin>
-# $ perl ladmin
-use strict;
-use IO::Socket;
-use Term::ReadLine;
-eval { use POSIX qw(:termios_h); };
-eval { use Digest::MD5 qw(md5); } if $passenc;
-$passenc = 0 if($@);
-my($ver) = "1.00";
-# Start of termios
-my($termios, $orgterml, $termlecho, $termlnoecho) = ();
- $termios = POSIX::Termios->new();
- $termios->getattr(fileno(STDIN));
- $orgterml = $termios->getlflag();
- $termlecho = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON;
- $termlnoecho = $orgterml & ~$termlecho;
-# Modification of termios for the displaying of passwords (no displays for pressed keys)
-sub cbreak() {
- if ($termios) {
- $termios->setlflag($termlnoecho);
- $termios->setcc(VTIME, 1);
- $termios->setattr(fileno(STDIN), TCSANOW);
- }
-# Modification of termios to return at the normal displaying (after input of the passwords)
-sub cooked() {
- if ($termios) {
- $termios->setlflag($orgterml);
- $termios->setcc(VTIME,0);
- $termios->setattr(fileno(STDIN),TCSANOW);
- }
-END{ cooked() }
-if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Outil d'administration � distance de eAthena V.$ver\n";
-} else {
- print "EAthena login-server administration tool V.$ver\n";
-# Creation of the symbolic links for call of the program in line command of the shell
-if ($ARGV[0] eq "--makesymlink") {
- symlink $0, "loginserverversion";
- symlink $0, "addaccount";
- symlink $0, "banaccount";
- symlink $0, "banaddaccount";
- symlink $0, "bansetaccount";
- symlink $0, "blockaccount";
- symlink $0, "checkaccount";
- symlink $0, "createaccount";
- symlink $0, "delaccount";
- symlink $0, "emailaccount";
- symlink $0, "getcount";
- symlink $0, "gmaccount";
- symlink $0, "idaccount";
- symlink $0, "infoaccount";
- symlink $0, "kami";
- symlink $0, "kamib";
- symlink $0, "ladminlanguage";
- symlink $0, "listaccount";
- symlink $0, "listBanaccount";
- symlink $0, "listGMaccount";
- symlink $0, "listOKaccount";
- symlink $0, "memoaccount";
- symlink $0, "nameaccount";
- symlink $0, "passwdaccount";
- symlink $0, "reloadGM";
- symlink $0, "searchaccount";
- symlink $0, "sexaccount";
- symlink $0, "stateaccount";
- symlink $0, "timeaddaccount";
- symlink $0, "timesetaccount";
- symlink $0, "unbanaccount";
- symlink $0, "unblockaccount";
- symlink $0, "whoaccount";
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Liens symbliques cr��s.\n";
- } else {
- print "Symbolic links created.\n";
- }
- exit(0);
-# Connection to the login-server
-my($so,$er) = ();
- $so = IO::Socket::INET->new(
- PeerAddr=> $loginserverip,
- PeerPort=> $loginserverport,
-# Proto => "tcp",
- Timeout => $connecttimeout) or $er = 1;
-if ($er || $@) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "\nImpossible de se connecter au serveur de login [${loginserverip}:$loginserverport] !\n";
- } else {
- print "\nImpossible to have a connection with the login-server [${loginserverip}:$loginserverport] !\n";
- }
- print "$!\n"; # Displaying of the error
- exit(2);
-# Sending the administration password
-if ($passenc == 0) {
- print $so pack("v2a24",0x7918,0,$loginserveradminpassword);
- $so->flush();
-} else {
- print $so pack("v",0x791a);
- $so->flush();
- my($buf) = readso(4);
- if (unpack("v",$buf) != 0x01dc) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Erreur au login (�chec de la cr�ation de la clef md5).\n";
- } else {
- print "Error at login (failure of the md5 key creation).\n";
- }
- }
- $buf = readso(unpack("x2v",$buf)-4);
- my($md5bin) = md5(($passenc == 1) ? $buf.$loginserveradminpassword : $loginserveradminpassword.$buf);
- print $so pack("v2a16",0x7918,$passenc,$md5bin);
- $so->flush();
-# Waiting of the server reply
-my($buf) = readso(3);
-if (unpack("v",$buf) != 0x7919 || unpack("x2c",$buf) != 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Erreur de login:\n";
- print " - mot de passe incorrect,\n";
- print " - syst�me d'administration non activ�, ou\n";
- print " - IP non autoris�e.\n";
- } else {
- print "Error at login:\n";
- print " - incorrect password,\n";
- print " - administration system not activated, or\n";
- print " - unauthorised IP.\n";
- }
- quit();
- exit(4);
-if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Connexion �tablie.\n";
-} else {
- print "Established connection.\n";
-# Here are checked the command lines with arguments and symbolic links (no prompt)
-if ($0 =~ /addaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-a" || $ARGV[0] eq "--add") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = addaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /banaccount$/ || $0 =~ /banishaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-b" || $ARGV[0] eq "--ban" || $ARGV[0] eq "--banish") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = bansetaccount($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[0]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /banaddaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-ba" || $ARGV[0] eq "--banadd") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = banaddaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /bansetaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-bs" || $ARGV[0] eq "--banset") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = bansetaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /blockaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-bl" || $ARGV[0] eq "--block") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changestate($ARGV[0], 5, "");
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /checkaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-check" || $ARGV[0] eq "--check") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = checkaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /createaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-c" || $ARGV[0] eq "--create") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = createaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /delaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-d" || $ARGV[0] eq "--del") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = delaccount($ARGV[0]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /emailaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-e" || $ARGV[0] eq "--email") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changeemail($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /getcount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-g" || $ARGV[0] eq "--getcount") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = getlogincount();
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /gmaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-gm" || $ARGV[0] eq "--gm") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changegmlevel($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /id$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-i" || $ARGV[0] eq "--id") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = idaccount($ARGV[0]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /infoaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-info" || $ARGV[0] eq "--info") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = infoaccount($ARGV[0]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /kami$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-kami" || $ARGV[0] eq "--kami") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = sendbroadcast(0, $ARGV[0]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /kamib$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-kamib" || $ARGV[0] eq "--kamib") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = sendbroadcast(0x10, $ARGV[0]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /ladminlanguage$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-lang" || $ARGV[0] eq "--language") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changelanguage($ARGV[0]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /listaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-l" || $ARGV[0] eq "--list") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = listaccount(int($ARGV[0]), int($ARGV[1]), 0); # 0: to list all
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /listBanaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-lBan" || $ARGV[0] eq "--listBan") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = listaccount(int($ARGV[0]), int($ARGV[1]), 3); # 3: to list only accounts with state or banished
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /listGMaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-lGM" || $ARGV[0] eq "--listGM") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = listaccount(int($ARGV[0]), int($ARGV[1]), 1); # 1: to list only GM
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /listOKaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-lOK" || $ARGV[0] eq "--listOK") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = listaccount(int($ARGV[0]), int($ARGV[1]), 4); # 4: to list only accounts without state and not banished
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /loginserverversion$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-v" || $ARGV[0] eq "--version") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = checkloginversion();
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /memoaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-m" || $ARGV[0] eq "--memo") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changememo($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /nameaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-n" || $ARGV[0] eq "--name") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = nameaccount(int($ARGV[0]));
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /passwdaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-p" || $ARGV[0] eq "--passwd") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changepasswd($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /reloadGM$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-r" || $ARGV[0] eq "--reloadGM") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = reloadGM();
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /searchaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-s" || $ARGV[0] eq "--search") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = searchaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /sexaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-sex" || $ARGV[0] eq "--sex") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changesex($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /stateaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-t" || $ARGV[0] eq "--state") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changestate($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /timeaddaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-ta" || $ARGV[0] eq "--timeadd") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = timeaddaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /timesetaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-ts" || $ARGV[0] eq "--timeset") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = timesetaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /unbanaccount$/ || $0 =~ /unbanishaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-uba" || $ARGV[0] eq "--unban" || $ARGV[0] eq "--unbanish") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = bansetaccount($ARGV[0], 0, "");
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /unblockaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-ubl" || $ARGV[0] eq "--unblock") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = changestate($ARGV[0], 0, "");
- quit();
- exit($r);
-} elsif ($0 =~ /whoaccount$/ ||
- (($ARGV[0] eq "-w" || $ARGV[0] eq "--who") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) {
- my($r) = whoaccount($ARGV[0]);
- quit();
- exit($r);
-if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Lecture de la version du serveur de login...\n";
-} else {
- print "Reading of the version of the login-server...\n";
-# Set the prompt line
-my($term) = new Term::ReadLine "ladmin";
-# Here begin the infinite loop to read prompts
-while(1) {
- # Displaying of the prompt
- print "\n";
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- printf "\033[32mPour afficher les commandes, tapez 'Entr�e'.\033[0m\n";
- } else {
- printf "\033[32mTo list the commands, type 'enter'.\033[0m\n";
- }
- my($cmd) = $term->readline("ladmin> ");
- # split and recovery of the input
- chomp $cmd; # remove cariage return
- $cmd =~ s/\x1b\[\d*\w//g; # remove (esc)[(number)(1alpha) = screen control sequence
- $cmd =~ s/[\x00-\x1f]//g; # remove control char
- my($command, $parameters) = split /\s+/,$cmd,2; # extract command and parameters
- $command = lc($command); # command in lowercase
- my(@paramlist) = split /\s+/,$parameters; # get list of parameters
- if ($command eq "?" || $command eq "") {
- $command = "aide" if ($defaultlanguage eq "F");
- $command = "help" if ($defaultlanguage ne "F");
- }
- # Analyse of the command
- eval {
-# help
- if ("aide" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'?
- displayhelp("aide", $paramlist[0]);
- } elsif ("help" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- displayhelp("help", $paramlist[0]);
-# general commands
- } elsif ("add" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) {
- addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <sex> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) {
- addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], ""); # <account_name> <sex> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) {
- addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <sex> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) {
- addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], ""); # <account_name> <sex> <password>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <sex> <password>
- }
- } elsif ($command eq "ban" || ("banish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) {
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+"(.*)"/)) { # yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name>
- bansetaccount($paramlist[2], $paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+'(.*)'/)) { # yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name>
- bansetaccount($paramlist[2], $paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,3; # yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name>
- bansetaccount($paramlist[2], $paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- }
- } elsif (("banadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ba") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) {
- banaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) {
- banaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- banaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier>
- }
- } elsif (("banset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "bs") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) {
- bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) {
- bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], "23:59:59"); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) {
- bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) {
- bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], "23:59:59"); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- }
- } elsif ("block" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 2) {
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- changestate($paramlist[0], 5, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- changestate($paramlist[0], 5, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- changestate($paramlist[0], 5, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- }
- } elsif ("check" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(.*)/)) {
- checkaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- checkaccount($paramlist[0], ""); # <account_name> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(.*)/)) {
- checkaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- checkaccount($paramlist[0], ""); # <account_name> <password>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- checkaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <password>
- }
- } elsif ("create" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) {
- createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], $paramlist[3]); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) {
- createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], ""); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) {
- createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], $paramlist[3]); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) {
- createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], ""); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], $paramlist[3]); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>
- }
- } elsif ("del" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "delete" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- delaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- delaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- delaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- }
- } elsif ("email" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "e") { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) {
- changeemail($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <email>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) {
- changeemail($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <email>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- changeemail($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <email>
- }
- } elsif ("getcount" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'?
- getlogincount();
- } elsif ("gm" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) {
- changegmlevel($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1])); # <account_name> <GM_level>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- changegmlevel($paramlist[0], 0); # <account_name> <GM_level>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) {
- changegmlevel($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1])); # <account_name> <GM_level>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- changegmlevel($paramlist[0], 0); # <account_name> <GM_level>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- changegmlevel($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1])); # <account_name> <GM_level>
- }
- } elsif ("id" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- idaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- idaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- idaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- }
- } elsif ("info" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'?
- infoaccount(int($paramlist[0])); # <account_id>
- } elsif ($command eq "kami") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'?
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- sendbroadcast(0, $paramlist[0]); # <type> <message>
- } elsif ($command eq "kamib") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'?
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- sendbroadcast(0x10, $paramlist[0]); # <type> <message>
- } elsif ("language" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- changelanguage($paramlist[0]); # <language>
- } elsif (("list" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ls") && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- listaccount(int($paramlist[0]), int($paramlist[1]), 0); # [start_id [end_id]] 0: to list all
- } elsif (("listban" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsban") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write Ban to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- listaccount(int($paramlist[0]), int($paramlist[1]), 3); # [start_id [end_id]] 3: to list only accounts with state or banished
- } elsif (("listgm" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsgm") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write GM to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- listaccount(int($paramlist[0]), int($paramlist[1]), 1); # [start_id [end_id]] 1: to list only GM
- } elsif (("listok" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsok") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write OK to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- listaccount(int($paramlist[0]), int($paramlist[1]), 4); # [start_id [end_id]] 4: to list only accounts without state and not banished
- } elsif ("memo" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(.*)/)) {
- changememo($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <memo>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(.*)/)) {
- changememo($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <memo>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,2;
- changememo($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <memo>
- }
- } elsif ("name" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- nameaccount(int($paramlist[0])); # <account_id>
- } elsif ("passwd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "password" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(.*)/)) {
- changepasswd($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <new_password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- changepasswd($paramlist[0], ""); # <account_name> <new_password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(.*)/)) {
- changepasswd($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <new_password>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- changepasswd($paramlist[0], ""); # <account_name> <new_password>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,2;
- changepasswd($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <new_password>
- }
- } elsif ("reloadgm" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- reloadGM();
- } elsif ("search" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^(-{1,2}[re]\S*)\s+(.*)/)) {
- searchaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression> | <expression>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- searchaccount($paramlist[0], ""); # -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression> | <expression>
- }
- } elsif ("sex" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) {
- changesex($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <sex>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) {
- changesex($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <sex>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- changesex($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <sex>
- }
- } elsif ("state" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s") { # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/)) {
- changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\d+)/)) {
- changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/)) {
- changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\d+)/)) {
- changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,3;
- changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- }
- } elsif (("timeadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ta") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) {
- timeaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) {
- timeaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- timeaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier>
- }
- } elsif (("timeset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ts") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'?
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) {
- timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) {
- timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], "23:59:59"); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) {
- timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) {
- timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], "23:59:59"); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters;
- timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- }
- } elsif ($command eq "unban" || ("unbanish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) {
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- bansetaccount($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- bansetaccount($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- bansetaccount($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
- }
- } elsif ("unblock" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4) {
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- changestate($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- changestate($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- changestate($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
- }
- } elsif ("version" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- checkloginversion();
- } elsif ("who" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) {
- whoaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) {
- whoaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- } else {
- @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1;
- whoaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name>
- }
-# quit
- } elsif ("quit" =~ /^\Q$command/ ||
- (("end" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "exit" =~ /^\Q$command/) && $command ne "e")) { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?
- last;
-# unknown command
- } elsif ($command) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Commande inconnue [".$command."]\n";
- } else {
- print "Unknown command [".$command."]\n";
- }
- }
-# $term->addhistory($cmd) if $command;
- };
- if ($@) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Erreur [".$command."]\n$@";
- } else {
- print "Error [".$command."]\n$@";
- }
- }
-# End of the software
-if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Au revoir.\n";
-} else {
- print "Bye.\n";
-# Sub-function: Displaying of the version of the login-server
-sub checkloginversion() {
- print $so pack("v",30000); # 0x7530
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(10);
- # Analyse du Packet
- my($ret, $maver, $miver, $rev, $dev, $mod, $type, $mdver) = unpack("vc6v", $buf);
- if ($ret != 30001) { #0x7531
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- exit(6);
- }
- print " Login-Server [$loginserverip:$loginserverport]\n";
- printf " eAthena version %s-%d.%d", ("stable", "dev")[$dev], $maver, $miver;
- printf " revision %d", $rev if $rev;
- printf "%s%d.\n", ("", "-mod")[$mod], $mdver;
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Displaying of the help
-sub displayhelp() {
- my($help, $receivedcommand) = @_;
- my($command) = lc($receivedcommand); # command in lowercase
- if ($command eq "") {
- $command = "not a command"; # any value that is not a command
- }
- if ($command eq "?") {
- $command = "aide" if ($defaultlanguage eq "F");
- $command = "help" if ($defaultlanguage ne "F");
- }
- if ($help eq "aide") {
- if ("aide" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'?
- printf "aide/help/?\n";
- printf " Affiche la description des commandes\n";
- printf "aide/help/? [commande]\n";
- printf " Affiche la description de la commande specifi�e\n";
- } elsif ("help" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "aide/help/?\n";
- printf " Display the description of the commands\n";
- printf "aide/help/? [command]\n";
- printf " Display the description of the specified command\n";
- } elsif ("add" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'?
- printf "add <nomcompte> <sexe> <motdepasse>\n";
- printf " Cr�e un compte avec l'email par d�faut (a\@a.com).\n";
- printf " Concernant le sexe, seule la premi�re lettre compte (F ou M).\n";
- printf " L'e-mail est a\@a.com (e-mail par d�faut). C'est comme n'avoir aucun e-mail.\n";
- printf " Lorsque motdepasse est omis, la saisie se fait sans que la frappe se voit.\n";
- printf " <exemple> add testname Male testpass\n";
- } elsif ($command eq "ban" || ("banish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) {
- printf "ban/banish aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss <nomcompte>\n";
- printf " Change la date de fin de bannissement d'un compte.\n";
- printf " La diff�rence avec banset est la position du nom du compte.\n";
- } elsif (("banadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ba") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'?
- printf "banadd <nomcompte> <Modificateur>\n";
- printf " Ajoute ou soustrait du temps � la date de banissement d'un compte.\n";
- printf " Les modificateurs sont construits comme suit:\n";
- printf " Valeur d'ajustement (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n";
- printf " El�ment modifi�:\n";
- printf " a ou y: ann�e\n";
- printf " m: mois\n";
- printf " j ou d: jour\n";
- printf " h: heure\n";
- printf " mn: minute\n";
- printf " s: seconde\n";
- printf " <exemple> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6a\n";
- printf " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et une seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n";
- printf " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n";
- printf "NOTE: Si vous modifez la date de banissement d'un compte non bani,\n";
- printf " vous indiquez comme date (le moment actuel +- les ajustements)\n";
- } elsif (("banset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "bs") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'?
- printf "banset <nomcompte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss]\n";
- printf " Change la date de fin de bannissement d'un compte.\n";
- printf " Heure par d�faut: 23:59:59\n";
- printf "banset <nomcompte> 0\n";
- printf " D�banni un compte (0 = de-banni).\n";
- } elsif ("block" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 2) {
- printf "block <nom compte>\n";
- printf " Place le status d'un compte � 5 (You have been blocked by the GM Team).\n";
- printf " La commande est l'�quivalent de state <nom_compte> 5.\n";
- } elsif ("check" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'?
- printf "check <nomcompte> <motdepasse>\n";
- printf " V�rifie la validit� d'un mot de passe pour un compte\n";
- printf " NOTE: Le serveur n'enverra jamais un mot de passe.\n";
- printf " C'est la seule m�thode que vous poss�dez pour savoir\n";
- printf " si un mot de passe est le bon. L'autre m�thode est\n";
- printf " d'avoir un acc�s ('physique') au fichier des comptes.\n";
- } elsif ("create" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'?
- printf "create <nomcompte> <sexe> <email> <motdepasse>\n";
- printf " Comme la commande add, mais avec l'e-mail en plus.\n";
- printf " <exemple> create testname Male mon\@mail.com testpass\n";
- } elsif ("del" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "delete" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "del <nomcompte>\n";
- printf " Supprime un compte.\n";
- printf " La commande demande confirmation. Apr�s confirmation, le compte est d�truit.\n";
- } elsif ("email" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "e") { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?
- printf "email <nomcompte> <email>\n";
- printf " Modifie l'e-mail d'un compte.\n";
- } elsif ("getcount" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'?
- printf "getcount\n";
- printf " Donne le nombre de joueurs en ligne par serveur de char.\n";
- } elsif ("gm" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'?
- printf "gm <nomcompte> [Niveau_GM]\n";
- printf " Modifie le niveau de GM d'un compte.\n";
- printf " Valeur par d�faut: 0 (suppression du niveau de GM).\n";
- printf " <exemple> gm nomtest 80\n";
- } elsif ("id" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'?
- printf "id <nomcompte>\n";
- printf " Donne l'id d'un compte.\n";
- } elsif ("info" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'?
- printf "info <idcompte>\n";
- printf " Affiche les informations sur un compte.\n";
- } elsif ($command eq "kami") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'?
- printf "kami <message>\n";
- printf " Envoi un message g�n�ral sur tous les serveurs de map (en jaune).\n";
- } elsif ($command eq "kamib") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'?
- printf "kamib <message>\n";
- printf " Envoi un message g�n�ral sur tous les serveurs de map (en bleu).\n";
- } elsif ("language" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf("language <langue>\n");
- printf(" Change la langue d'affichage.\n");
- printf(" Langues possibles: 'Fran�ais' ou 'English'.\n");
- } elsif (("list" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ls") && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf "list/ls [Premier_id [Dernier_id]]\n";
- printf " Affiche une liste de comptes.\n";
- printf " 'Premier_id', 'Dernier_id': indique les identifiants de d�part et de fin.\n";
- printf " La recherche par nom n'est pas possible avec cette commande.\n";
- printf " <example> list 10 9999999\n";
- } elsif (("listban" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsban") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write Ban to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf "listBan/lsBan [Premier_id [Dernier_id]]\n";
- printf " Comme list/ls, mais seulement pour les comptes GM avec un statut ou bannis.\n";
- } elsif (("listgm" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsgm") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write GM to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf "listGM/lsGM [Premier_id [Dernier_id]]\n";
- printf " Comme list/ls, mais seulement pour les comptes GM.\n";
- } elsif (("listok" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsok") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write OK to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf "listOK/lsOK [Premier_id [Dernier_id]]\n";
- printf " Comme list/ls, mais seulement pour les comptes sans statut et non bannis.\n";
- } elsif ("memo" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "memo <nomcompte> <memo>\n";
- printf " Modifie le m�mo d'un compte.\n";
- printf " 'memo': Il peut avoir jusqu'� 253 caract�res (avec des espaces ou non).\n";
- } elsif ("name" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "name <idcompte>\n";
- printf " Donne le nom d'un compte.\n";
- } elsif ("passwd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "password" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "passwd <nomcompte> <nouveaumotdepasse>\n";
- printf " Change le mot de passe d'un compte.\n";
- printf " Lorsque nouveaumotdepasse est omis,\n";
- printf " la saisie se fait sans que la frappe ne se voit.\n";
- } elsif ("reloadgm" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "reloadGM\n";
- printf " Reload GM configuration file\n";
- } elsif ("search" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'?
- printf "search <expression>\n";
- printf " Cherche des comptes.\n";
- printf " Affiche les comptes dont les noms correspondent.\n";
- printf "search -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression>\n";
- printf " Cherche des comptes par expression reguli�re.\n";
- printf " Affiche les comptes dont les noms correspondent.\n";
- } elsif ("sex" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'?
- printf "sex <nomcompte> <sexe>\n";
- printf " Modifie le sexe d'un compte.\n";
- printf " <exemple> sex testname Male\n";
- } elsif ("state" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s") { # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- printf "state <nomcompte> <nouveaustatut> <message_erreur_7>\n";
- printf " Change le statut d'un compte.\n";
- printf " 'nouveaustatut': Le statut est le m�me que celui du packet 0x006a + 1.\n";
- printf " les possibilit�s sont:\n";
- printf " 0 = Compte ok\n";
- printf " 1 = Unregistered ID\n";
- printf " 2 = Incorrect Password\n";
- printf " 3 = This ID is expired\n";
- printf " 4 = Rejected from Server\n";
- printf " 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team\n";
- printf " 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n";
- printf " 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until...\n";
- printf " 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated\n";
- printf " 9 = No MSG\n";
- printf " 100 = This ID has been totally erased\n";
- printf " all other values are 'No MSG', then use state 9 please.\n";
- printf " 'message_erreur_7': message du code erreur 6 =\n";
- printf " = Your are Prohibited to log in until... (packet 0x006a)\n";
- } elsif (("timeadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ta") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'?
- printf "timeadd <nomcompte> <modificateur>\n";
- printf " Ajoute/soustrait du temps � la limite de validit� d'un compte.\n";
- printf " Le modificateur est compos� comme suit:\n";
- printf " Valeur modificatrice (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n";
- printf " El�ment modifi�:\n";
- printf " a ou y: ann�e\n";
- printf " m: mois\n";
- printf " j ou d: jour\n";
- printf " h: heure\n";
- printf " mn: minute\n";
- printf " s: seconde\n";
- printf " <exemple> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6a\n";
- printf " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et une seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n";
- printf " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n";
- printf "NOTE: Vous ne pouvez pas modifier une limite de validit� illimit�e. Si vous\n";
- printf " d�sirez le faire, c'est que vous voulez probablement cr�er un limite de\n";
- printf " validit� limit�e. Donc, en premier, fix� une limite de valitid�.\n";
- } elsif (("timeset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ts") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'?
- printf "timeset <nomcompte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss]\n";
- printf " Change la limite de validit� d'un compte.\n";
- printf " Heure par d�faut: 23:59:59\n";
- printf "timeset <nomcompte> 0\n";
- printf " Donne une limite de validit� illimit�e (0 = illimit�e).\n";
- } elsif ($command eq "unban" || ("unbanish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) {
- printf "unban/unbanish <nom compte>\n";
- printf " Ote le banissement d'un compte.\n";
- printf " La commande est l'�quivalent de banset <nom_compte> 0.\n";
- } elsif ("unblock" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4) {
- printf "unblock <nom compte>\n";
- printf " Place le status d'un compte � 0 (Compte ok).\n";
- printf " La commande est l'�quivalent de state <nom_compte> 0.\n";
- } elsif ("version" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "version\n";
- printf " Affiche la version du login-serveur.\n";
- } elsif ("who" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "who <nomcompte>\n";
- printf " Affiche les informations sur un compte.\n";
- } elsif ("quit" =~ /^\Q$command/ ||
- (("end" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "exit" =~ /^\Q$command/) && $command ne "e")) { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?\n";
- printf "quit/end/exit\n";
- printf " Fin du programme d'administration.\n";
- } else {
- if ($receivedcommand ne "") {
- printf "Commande inconnue [%s] pour l'aide. Affichage de toutes les commandes.\n", $receivedcommand;
- }
- print << "ENDOFAIDE";
- aide/help/? -- Affiche cet aide
- aide/help/? [commande] -- Affiche l'aide de la commande
- add <nomcompte> <sexe> <motdepasse> -- Cr�e un compte (sans email)
- ban/banish aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss <nomcompte>-- Change la date finale de banismnt
- banadd/ba <nomcompte> <modificateur> -- Ajout/soustrait du temps � la
- exemple: ba moncompte +1m-2mn1s-2y date finale de banissement
- banset/bs <nomcompte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss] -- Change la date fin de banisemnt
- banset/bs <nomcompte> 0 -- D�-banis un compte.
- block <nom compte> -- Mets le status d'un compte � 5 (blocked by the GM Team)
- check <nomcompte> <motdepasse> -- V�rifie un mot de passe d'un compte
- create <nomcompte> <sexe> <email> <motdepasse> -- Cr�e un compte (avec email)
- del <nomcompte> -- Supprime un compte
- email <nomcompte> <email> -- Modifie l'e-mail d'un compte
- getcount -- Donne le nb de joueurs en ligne
- gm <nomcompte> [Niveau_GM] -- Modifie le niveau de GM d'un compte
- id <nomcompte> -- Donne l'id d'un compte
- info <idcompte> -- Affiche les infos sur un compte
- kami <message> -- Envoi un message g�n�ral (en jaune)
- kamib <message> -- Envoi un message g�n�ral (en bleu)
- language <langue> -- Change la langue d'affichage.
- list/ls [Premier_id [Dernier_id] ] -- Affiche une liste de comptes
- listBan/lsBan [Premier_id [Dernier_id] ]-- Affiche une liste de comptes
- avec un statut ou bannis
- listGM/lsGM [Premier_id [Dernier_id] ] -- Affiche une liste de comptes GM
- listOK/lsOK [Premier_id [Dernier_id] ] -- Affiche une liste de comptes
- sans status et non bannis
- memo <nomcompte> <memo> -- Modifie le memo d'un compte
- name <idcompte> -- Donne le nom d'un compte
- passwd <nomcompte> <nouveaumotdepasse> -- Change le mot de passe d'un compte
- quit/end/exit -- Fin du programme d'administation
- reloadGM -- Recharger le fichier de config des GM
- search <expression> -- Cherche des comptes
- search -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expression> -- Cherche des comptes par REGEX
- sex <nomcompte> <sexe> -- Modifie le sexe d'un compte
- state <nomcompte> <nouveaustatut> <messageerr7> -- Change le statut d'1 compte
- timeadd/ta <nomcompte> <modificateur> -- Ajout/soustrait du temps � la
- exemple: ta moncompte +1m-2mn1s-2y limite de validit�
- timeset/ts <nomcompte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss] -- Change la limite de validit�
- timeset/ts <nomcompte> 0 -- limite de validit� = illimit�e
- unban/unbanish <nom compte> -- Ote le banissement d'un compte
- unblock <nom compte> -- Mets le status d'un compte � 0 (Compte ok)
- version -- Donne la version du login-serveur
- who <nomcompte> -- Affiche les infos sur un compte
- printf(" Note: Pour les noms de compte avec des espaces, tapez \"<nom compte>\" (ou ').\n");
- }
- } else {
- if ("aide" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'?
- printf "aide/help/?\n";
- printf " Display the description of the commands\n";
- printf "aide/help/? [command]\n";
- printf " Display the description of the specified command\n";
- } elsif ("help" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "aide/help/?\n";
- printf " Display the description of the commands\n";
- printf "aide/help/? [command]\n";
- printf " Display the description of the specified command\n";
- } elsif ("add" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'?
- printf "add <account_name> <sex> <password>\n";
- printf " Create an account with the default email (a\@a.com).\n";
- printf " Concerning the sex, only the first letter is used (F or M).\n";
- printf " The e-mail is set to a\@a.com (default e-mail). It's like to have no e-mail.\n";
- printf " When the password is omitted,\n";
- printf " the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.\n";
- printf " <example> add testname Male testpass\n";
- } elsif ($command eq "ban" || ("banish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) {
- printf "ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name>\n";
- printf " Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.\n";
- printf " The difference with banset is the position of the account name.\n";
- } elsif (("banadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ba") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'?
- printf "banadd <account_name> <modifier>\n";
- printf " Adds or substracts time from the final date of a banishment of an account.\n";
- printf " Modifier is done as follows:\n";
- printf " Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n";
- printf " Modified element:\n";
- printf " a or y: year\n";
- printf " m: month\n";
- printf " j or d: day\n";
- printf " h: hour\n";
- printf " mn: minute\n";
- printf " s: second\n";
- printf " <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- printf " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n";
- printf " and 6 years at the same time.\n";
- printf "NOTE: If you modify the final date of a non-banished account,\n";
- printf " you fix the final date to (actual time +- adjustments)\n";
- } elsif (("banset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "bs") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'?
- printf "banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n";
- printf " Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.\n";
- printf " Default time: 23:59:59\n";
- printf "banset <account_name> 0\n";
- printf " Set a non-banished account (0 = unbanished).\n";
- } elsif ("block" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 2) {
- printf "block <account name>\n";
- printf " Set state 5 (You have been blocked by the GM Team) to an account.\n";
- printf " Same command of state <account_name> 5.\n";
- } elsif ("check" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'?
- printf "check <account_name> <password>\n";
- printf " Check the validity of a password for an account.\n";
- printf " NOTE: Server will never sends back a password.\n";
- printf " It's the only method you have to know if a password is correct.\n";
- printf " The other method is to have a ('physical') access to the accounts file.\n";
- } elsif ("create" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'?
- printf "create <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>\n";
- printf " Like the 'add' command, but with e-mail moreover.\n";
- printf " <example> create testname Male my\@mail.com testpass\n";
- } elsif ("del" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "delete" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "del <account_name>\n";
- printf " Remove an account.\n";
- printf " This order requires confirmation. After confirmation, the account is deleted.\n";
- } elsif ("email" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "e") { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?
- printf "email <account_name> <email>\n";
- printf " Modify the e-mail of an account.\n";
- } elsif ("getcount" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'?
- printf "getcount\n";
- printf " Give the number of players online on all char-servers.\n";
- } elsif ("gm" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'?
- printf "gm <account_name> [GM_level]\n";
- printf " Modify the GM level of an account.\n";
- printf " Default value remove GM level (GM level = 0).\n";
- printf " <example> gm testname 80\n";
- } elsif ("id" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'?
- printf "id <account_name>\n";
- printf " Give the id of an account.\n";
- } elsif ("info" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'?
- printf "info <account_id>\n";
- printf " Display complete information of an account.\n";
- } elsif ($command eq "kami") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'?
- printf "kami <message>\n";
- printf " Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow).\n";
- } elsif ($command eq "kamib") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'?
- printf "kamib <message>\n";
- printf " Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue).\n";
- } elsif ("language" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf("language <language>\n");
- printf(" Change the language of displaying.\n");
- printf(" Possible languages: Fran�ais or English.\n");
- } elsif (("list" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ls") && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf "list/ls [start_id [end_id]]\n";
- printf " Display a list of accounts.\n";
- printf " 'start_id', 'end_id': indicate end and start identifiers.\n";
- printf " Research by name is not possible with this command.\n";
- printf " <example> list 10 9999999\n";
- } elsif (("listban" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsban") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write Ban to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf "listBan/lsBan [start_id [end_id]]\n";
- printf " Like list/ls, but only for accounts with state or banished.\n";
- } elsif (("listgm" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsgm") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write GM to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf "listGM/lsGM [start_id [end_id]]\n";
- printf " Like list/ls, but only for GM accounts.\n";
- } elsif (("listok" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsok") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write OK to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'?
- printf "listOK/lsOK [start_id [end_id]]\n";
- printf " Like list/ls, but only for accounts without state and not banished.\n";
- } elsif ("memo" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "memo <account_name> <memo>\n";
- printf " Modify the memo of an account.\n";
- printf " 'memo': it can have until 253 characters (with spaces or not).\n";
- } elsif ("name" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "name <account_id>\n";
- printf " Give the name of an account.\n";
- } elsif ("passwd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "password" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "passwd <account_name> <new_password>\n";
- printf " Change the password of an account.\n";
- printf " When new password is omitted,\n";
- printf " the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.\n";
- } elsif ("reloadgm" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "reloadGM\n";
- printf " Reload GM configuration file\n";
- } elsif ("search" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'?
- printf "search <expression>\n";
- printf " Seek accounts.\n";
- printf " Displays the accounts whose names correspond.\n";
- printf "search -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression>\n";
- printf " Seek accounts by regular expression.\n";
- printf " Displays the accounts whose names correspond.\n";
- } elsif ("sex" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'?
- printf "sex <account_name> <sex>\n";
- printf " Modify the sex of an account.\n";
- printf " <example> sex testname Male\n";
- } elsif ("state" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s") { # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
- printf "state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>\n";
- printf " Change the state of an account.\n";
- printf " 'new_state': state is the state of the packet 0x006a + 1.\n";
- printf " The possibilities are:\n";
- printf " 0 = Account ok\n";
- printf " 1 = Unregistered ID\n";
- printf " 2 = Incorrect Password\n";
- printf " 3 = This ID is expired\n";
- printf " 4 = Rejected from Server\n";
- printf " 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team\n";
- printf " 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n";
- printf " 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until...\n";
- printf " 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated\n";
- printf " 9 = No MSG\n";
- printf " 100 = This ID has been totally erased\n";
- printf " all other values are 'No MSG', then use state 9 please.\n";
- printf " 'error_message_#7': message of the code error 6\n";
- printf " = Your are Prohibited to log in until... (packet 0x006a)\n";
- } elsif (("timeadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ta") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'?
- printf "timeadd <account_name> <modifier>\n";
- printf " Adds or substracts time from the validity limit of an account.\n";
- printf " Modifier is done as follows:\n";
- printf " Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n";
- printf " Modified element:\n";
- printf " a or y: year\n";
- printf " m: month\n";
- printf " j or d: day\n";
- printf " h: hour\n";
- printf " mn: minute\n";
- printf " s: second\n";
- printf " <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- printf " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n";
- printf " and 6 years at the same time.\n";
- printf "NOTE: You can not modify a unlimited validity limit.\n";
- printf " If you want modify it, you want probably create a limited validity limit.\n";
- printf " So, at first, you must set the validity limit to a date/time.\n";
- } elsif (("timeset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ts") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'?
- printf "timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n";
- printf " Changes the validity limit of an account.\n";
- printf " Default time: 23:59:59\n";
- printf "timeset <account_name> 0\n";
- printf " Gives an unlimited validity limit (0 = unlimited).\n";
- } elsif ($command eq "unban" || ("unbanish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) {
- printf "unban/unbanish <account name>\n";
- printf " Remove the banishment of an account.\n";
- printf " This command works like banset <account_name> 0.\n";
- } elsif ("unblock" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4) {
- printf "unblock <account name>\n";
- printf " Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account.\n";
- printf " This command works like state <account_name> 0.\n";
- } elsif ("version" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "version\n";
- printf " Display the version of the login-server.\n";
- } elsif ("who" =~ /^\Q$command/) {
- printf "who <account_name>\n";
- printf " Displays complete information of an account.\n";
- } elsif ("quit" =~ /^\Q$command/ ||
- (("end" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "exit" =~ /^\Q$command/) && $command ne "e")) { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?\n";
- printf "quit/end/exit\n";
- printf " End of the program of administration.\n";
- } else {
- if ($receivedcommand ne "") {
- printf "Unknown command [%s] for help. Displaying of all commands.\n", $receivedcommand;
- }
- print << "ENDOFHELP";
- aide/help/? -- Display this help
- aide/help/? [command] -- Display the help of the command
- add <account_name> <sex> <password> -- Create an account with default email
- ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> -- Change final date of a ban
- banadd/ba <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the final
- example: ba apple +1m-2mn1s-2y date of a banishment of an account
- banset/bs <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change final date of a ban
- banset/bs <account_name> 0 -- Un-banish an account
- block <account name> -- Set state 5 (blocked by the GM Team) to an account
- check <account_name> <password> -- Check the validity of a password
- create <account_name> <sex> <email> <passwrd> -- Create an account with email
- del <account_name> -- Remove an account
- email <account_name> <email> -- Modify an email of an account
- getcount -- Give the number of players online
- gm <account_name> [GM_level] -- Modify the GM level of an account
- id <account_name> -- Give the id of an account
- info <account_id> -- Display all information of an account
- kami <message> -- Sends a broadcast message (in yellow)
- kamib <message> -- Sends a broadcast message (in blue)
- language <language> -- Change the language of displaying.
- list/ls [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts
- listBan/lsBan [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts
- with state or banished
- listGM/lsGM [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of GM accounts
- listOK/lsOK [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts
- without state and not banished
- memo <account_name> <memo> -- Modify the memo of an account
- name <account_id> -- Give the name of an account
- passwd <account_name> <new_password> -- Change the password of an account
- quit/end/exit -- End of the program of administation
- reloadGM -- Reload GM configuration file
- search <expression> -- Seek accounts
- search -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expressn> -- Seek accounts by regular-expression
- sex <nomcompte> <sexe> -- Modify the sex of an account
- state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> -- Change the state
- timeadd/ta <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the
- example: ta apple +1m-2mn1s-2y validity limit of an account
- timeset/ts <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the validify limit
- timeset/ts <account_name> 0 -- Give a unlimited validity limit
- unban/unbanish <account name> -- Remove the banishment of an account
- unblock <account name> -- Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account
- version -- Gives the version of the login-server
- who <account_name> -- Display all information of an account
- printf(" Note: To use spaces in an account name, type \"<account name>\" (or ').\n");
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Displaying of the accounts list
-sub listaccount() {
- my($st, $ed, $listflag) = @_;
- my($i);
- my($n) = (0);
- # 0123456789 01 01234567890123456789012301234 012345 0123456789012345678901234567
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " id_compte GM nom_utilisateur sexe count statut\n";
- } else {
- print "account_id GM user_name sex count state\n";
- }
- print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- while(1) {
- print $so pack("vV2", 0x7920, $st, $ed);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(4);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7921) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- exit(10);
- }
- my($len) = unpack("x2v", $buf);
- last if ($len <= 4);
- for($i = 4; $i < $len; $i += 38) {
- my(@dat) = unpack("VCa24cVV", readso(38));
- $st = $dat[0] + 1;
- if ($listflag == 0 ||
- ($listflag == 1 && $dat[1] > 0) || # check GM flag
- ($listflag == 3 && $dat[5] != 0) || # check with state or banished
- ($listflag == 4 && $dat[5] == 0)) { # check without state and not banished
- printf "%10d %2s %-24s%-5s %6d %-27s\n", $dat[0],
- ($dat[1] == 0 ? " " : $dat[1]),
- $dat[2],
- ($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? ("Femme","Male","Servr")[$dat[3]] : ("Femal","Male","Servr")[$dat[3]]),
- $dat[4],
- (($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"),
- "Unregistered ID",
- "Incorrect Password",
- "This ID is expired",
- "Rejected from Server",
- "Blocked by the GM Team", # You have been blocked by the GM Team
- "Your EXE file is too old", # Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
- "Banishement or\n Prohibited to login until %s", # You are Prohibited to log in until %s
- "Server is over populated", # Server is jammed due to over populated
- "No MSG",
- "This ID is totally erased")[$dat[5] == 100 ? 10 : $dat[5]]; # This ID has been totally erased
- $n++;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- if ($n == 0) {
- print "Aucun compte trouv�.\n";
- } elsif ($n == 1) {
- print "1 compte trouv�.\n";
- } else {
- print "$n comptes trouv�s.\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($n == 0) {
- print "No account found.\n";
- } elsif ($n == 1) {
- print "1 account found.\n";
- } else {
- print "$n accounts found.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: add an account with the default e-mail
-sub addaccount() {
- my($userid, $sex, $passwd) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "" || !defined($userid)) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> add nomtest Male motdepassetest\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> add testname Male testpass\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
-# if ($userid =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9\@-_]/) {
-# if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
-# print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n";
-# } else {
-# print "Illegal character found in the account name ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n";
-# }
-# return 101;
-# }
- $sex = uc(substr($sex, 0, 1));
- if ($sex !~ /^[MF]$/) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Sexe incorrect [$sex]. Entrez M ou F svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Illegal gender [$sex]. Please input M or F.\n";
- }
- return 103;
- }
- if ($passwd eq "") {
- return 108 if (($passwd = typepasswd()) eq "");
- }
- if (verify_password($passwd) == 0) {
- return 104;
- }
- print $so pack("va24a24a1a40", 0x7930, $userid, $passwd, $sex, "");
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7931) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 106;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- if (unpack("V", $buf) == -1 || unpack("V", $buf) == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec � la cr�ation du compte [$userid]. Un compte identique existe d�j�.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] creation failed. Same account already exists.\n";
- }
- return 107;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- printf "Compte [$userid] cr�� avec succ�s [id: %d].\n", unpack("V",$buf);
- } else {
- printf "Account [$userid] is successfully created [id: %d].\n", unpack("V",$buf);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: add an account with an e-mail
-sub createaccount() {
- my($userid, $sex, $email, $passwd) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> create nomtest Male mon\@email.com motdepassetest\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> create testname Male my\@mail.com testpass\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
-# if ($userid =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9\@-_]/) {
-# if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
-# print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n";
-# } else {
-# print "Illegal character found in the account name ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n";
-# }
-# return 101;
-# }
- $sex = uc(substr($sex, 0, 1));
- if ($sex !~ /^[MF]$/) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Sexe incorrect [$sex]. Entrez M ou F svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Illegal gender [$sex]. Please input M or F.\n";
- }
- return 103;
- }
- if (length($email) < 3) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Email trop courte [$email]. Entrez une e-mail valide svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Email is too short [$email]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n";
- }
- return 109;
- }
- if (length($email) > 39) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Email trop longue [$email]. Entrez une e-mail de 39 caract�res maximum svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Email is too long [$email]. Please input an e-mail with 39 bytes at the most.\n";
- }
- return 109;
- }
- if (verify_email($email) == 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Email incorrecte [$email]. Entrez une e-mail valide svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Invalid email [$email]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n";
- }
- return 109;
- }
- if ($passwd eq "") {
- return 108 if (($passwd = typepasswd()) eq "");
- }
- if (verify_password($passwd) == 0) {
- return 104;
- }
- print $so pack("va24a24a1a40", 0x7930, $userid, $passwd, $sex, $email);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7931) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 106;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- if (unpack("V", $buf) == -1 || unpack("V", $buf) == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec � la cr�ation du compte [$userid]. Un compte identique existe d�j�.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] creation failed. Same account already exists.\n";
- }
- return 107;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- printf "Compte [$userid] cr�� avec succ�s [id: %d].\n", unpack("V",$buf);
- } else {
- printf "Account [$userid] is successfully created [id: %d].\n", unpack("V",$buf);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: deletion of an account
-sub delaccount() {
- my($userid) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> del nomtestasupprimer\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> del testnametodelete\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "** Etes-vous vraiment s�r de vouloir SUPPRIMER le compte [$userid]? (o/n) ";
- } else {
- print "** Are you really sure to DELETE account [$userid]? (y/n) ";
- }
- if (lc(substr(<STDIN>, 0, 1)) !~ /[oy]/) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Suppression annul�e\n.";
- } else {
- print "Deletion canceled\n";
- }
- return 121;
- }
- print $so pack("va24", 0x7932, $userid);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7933) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 122;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec de la suppression du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] deletion failed. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- return 123;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Compte [$name][id: $id2] SUPPRIME avec succ�s.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$name][id: $id2] is successfully DELETED.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: modification of a password
-sub changepasswd() {
- my($userid, $passwd) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> passwd nomtest nouveaumotdepasse\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> passwd testname newpassword\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- if ($passwd eq "") {
- return 134 if (($passwd = typepasswd()) eq "");
- }
- if (verify_password($passwd) == 0) {
- return 131;
- }
- print $so pack("va24a24", 0x7934, $userid,$passwd);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7935) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 132;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec de la modification du mot de passe du compte [$userid].\n";
- print "Le compte [$userid] n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] password changing failed.\n";
- print "Account [$userid] doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- return 133;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Modification du mot de passe du compte [$name][id: $id2] r�ussie.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$name][id: $id2] password successfully changed.\n";
- }
- }
- return 130;
-# Sub-function: modification of an account e-mail
-sub changeemail() {
- my($userid, $email) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> email testname nouveauemail\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> email testname newemail\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- if (length($email) < 3) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Email trop courte [$email]. Entrez une e-mail valide svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Email is too short [$email]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n";
- }
- return 109;
- }
- if (length($email) > 39) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Email trop longue [$email]. Entrez une e-mail de 39 caract�res maximum svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Email is too long [$email]. Please input an e-mail with 39 bytes at the most.\n";
- }
- return 109;
- }
- if (verify_email($email) == 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Email incorrect [$email]. Entrez une e-mail valide svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Invalid email [$email]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n";
- }
- return 109;
- }
- print $so pack("va24a40", 0x7940, $userid, $email);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7941) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 162;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec de la modification de l'e-mail du compte [$userid].\n";
- print "Le compte [$userid] n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] e-mail changing failed.\n";
- print "Account [$userid] doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- return 133;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Modification de l'e-mail du compte [$name][id: $id2] r�ussie.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$name][id: $id2] e-mail successfully changed.\n";
- }
- }
- return 160;
-# Sub-function: search of accounts
-sub searchaccount() {
- my($p1, $p2) = @_;
- my($exp) = ("");
- if ($p1 eq "-e" || $p1 eq "-r" || $p1 eq "--regex" || $p1 eq "--expr") {
- if ($p2 eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez une expression r�guli�re ou utilisez 'ls' pour avoir tous les comptes.\n";
- } else {
- print "Input a regular expression or use 'ls' to obtain all accounts.\n";
- }
- return 141;
- }
- $exp = $p2;
- } else {
- if ($p1 eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez une cha�ne ou utilisez 'ls' pour avoir tous les comptes.\n";
- } else {
- print "Input a string or use 'ls' to obtain all accounts.\n";
- }
- return 141;
- }
- my($c) = 0;
- $exp = lc($p1);
- $exp =~ s/([\@])/\\$1/g;
- $c += $exp =~ s/([\-\[\]])/\\$1/g;
- $c += $exp =~ s/([\*\?])/.$1/g;
- $c += $exp =~ s/\\\[(.)\\\-(.)\\\]/[$1-$2]/g;
- $exp = "^$exp\$" if $c;
- }
- if (eval{ "" =~ /$exp/; }, $@) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Expression r�guli�re non reconnue.\n";
- } else {
- print "Regular-Expression compiling failed.\n";
- }
- return 141;
- }
- my($i);
- my($n, $st) = (0, 0);
- # 0123456789 01 01234567890123456789012301234 012345 0123456789012345678901234567
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " id_compte GM nom_utilisateur sexe count statut\n";
- } else {
- print "account_id GM user_name sex count state\n";
- }
- print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- while(1) {
- print $so pack("vV2", 0x7920, $st, 0);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(4);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7921) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- exit(10);
- }
- my($len) = unpack("x2v", $buf);
- last if ($len <= 4);
- for($i = 4; $i < $len; $i += 38) {
- my(@dat) = unpack("VCa24cVV", readso(38));
- $st = $dat[0] + 1;
- next if (lc($dat[2]) !~ /$exp/);
- printf "%10d %2s %-24s%-5s %6d %-27s\n", $dat[0],
- ($dat[1] == 0 ? " " : $dat[1]),
- $dat[2],
- ($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? ("Femme","Male","Servr")[$dat[3]] : ("Femal","Male","Servr")[$dat[3]]),
- $dat[4],
- (($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"),
- "Unregistered ID",
- "Incorrect Password",
- "This ID is expired",
- "Rejected from Server",
- "Blocked by the GM Team", # You have been blocked by the GM Team
- "Your EXE file is too old", # Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
- "Banishement or\n Prohibited to login until %s", # You are Prohibited to log in until %s
- "Server is over populated", # Server is jammed due to over populated
- "No MSG",
- "This ID is totally erased")[$dat[5] == 100 ? 10 : $dat[5]]; # This ID has been totally erased
- $n++;
- }
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- if ($n == 0) {
- print "Aucun compte trouv�.\n";
- } elsif ($n == 1) {
- print "1 compte trouv�.\n";
- } else {
- print "$n comptes trouv�s.\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($n == 0) {
- print "No account found.\n";
- } elsif ($n == 1) {
- print "1 account found.\n";
- } else {
- print "$n accounts found.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: modify the sex of an account
-sub changesex() {
- my($userid, $sex) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "" || !defined($userid)) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> sex nomtest Male\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> sex testname Male\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
-# if ($userid =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9\@-_]/) {
-# if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
-# print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n";
-# } else {
-# print "Illegal character found in the account name ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n";
-# }
-# return 101;
-# }
- $sex = uc(substr($sex, 0, 1));
- if ($sex !~ /^[MF]$/) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Sexe incorrect [$sex]. Entrez M ou F svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Illegal gender [$sex]. Please input M or F.\n";
- }
- return 103;
- }
- print $so pack("va24a1", 0x793c, $userid, $sex);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x793d) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec du changement du sexe du compte [$userid].\n";
- print "Le compte n'existe pas ou le sexe est d�j� celui demand�.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] sex changing failed.\n";
- print "Account doesn't exist or the sex is already the good sex.\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Sexe du compte [$name][id: $id2] chang� avec succ�s.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$name][id: $id2] sex successfully changed.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: modify the GM level of an account
-sub changegmlevel() {
- my($userid, $gm_level) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "" || !defined($userid)) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> gm nomtest 80\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> gm testname 80\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
-# if ($userid =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9\@-_]/) {
-# if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
-# print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n";
-# } else {
-# print "Illegal character found in the account name ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n";
-# }
-# return 101;
-# }
- $gm_level = int($gm_level);
- if ($gm_level < 0 || $gm_level > 99) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Niveau de GM incorrect [$gm_level]. Entrez une valeur de 0 � 99 svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Illegal GM level [$gm_level]. Please input a value from 0 to 99.\n";
- }
- return 103;
- }
- print $so pack("va24C", 0x793e, $userid, $gm_level);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x793f) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec du changement du niveau de GM du compte [$userid].\n";
- print "Le compte n'existe pas, le niveau de GM est d�j� celui demand�,\n";
- print "ou il est impossible de modifier le fichier des comptes GM.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] GM level changing failed.\n";
- print "Account doesn't exist, the GM level is already the good GM level,\n";
- print "or it's impossible to modify the GM accounts file.\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Niveau de GM du compte [$name][id: $id2] chang� avec succ�s.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$name][id: $id2] GM level successfully changed.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Modification of a state
-sub changestate {
- my($userid, $s, $error_message) = @_;
- # Valid values: 0: ok, or value of the 0x006a packet + 1
- if ($s eq "" || (($s < 0 || $s > 9) && $s != 100)) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez une des valeurs suivantes svp:\n";
- print " 0 = Compte ok 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input one of these values:\n";
- print " 0 = Account ok 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n";
- }
- print " 1 = Unregistered ID 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until %s\n";
- print " 2 = Incorrect Password 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated\n";
- print " 3 = This ID is expired 9 = No MSG\n";
- print " 4 = Rejected from Server 100 = This ID has been totally erased\n";
- print " 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team\n";
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "<exemples> state nomtest 5\n";
- print " state nomtest 7 fin de votre ban\n";
- print " block <nom du compte>\n";
- print " unblock <nom du compte>\n";
- } else {
- print "<examples> state testname 5\n";
- print " state testname 7 end of your ban\n";
- print " block <account name>\n";
- print " unblock <account name>\n";
- }
- return 151;
- }
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemples> state nomtest 5\n";
- print " state nomtest 7 fin de votre ban\n";
- print " block <nom du compte>\n";
- print " unblock <nom du compte>\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<examples> state testname 5\n";
- print " state testname 7 end of your ban\n";
- print " block <account name>\n";
- print " unblock <account name>\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- if ($s != 7) {
- $error_message = "-";
- } else {
- if (length($error_message) < 1) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Message d'erreur trop court. Entrez un message de 1-19 caract�res.\n";
- } else {
- print "Error message is too short. Please input a message of 1-19 bytes.\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if (length($error_message) > 19) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Message d'erreur trop long. Entrez un message de 1-19 caract�res.\n";
- } else {
- print "Error message is too long. Please input a message of 1-19 bytes.\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- }
- print $so pack("va24Va20", 0x7936, $userid, $s, $error_message);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7937) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(32);
- my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf);
- while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($dat[1]);
- };
- if ($dat[0] != -1 && $dat[0] != 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Statut du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang� avec succ�s en [";
- } else {
- print "Account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] state successfully changed in [";
- }
- print ((($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"),
- "Unregistered ID",
- "Incorrect Password",
- "This ID is expired",
- "Rejected from Server",
- "You have been blocked by the GM Team",
- "Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version",
- "You are Prohibited to log in until %s",
- "Server is jammed due to over populated",
- "No MSG",
- "This ID has been totally erased")[$dat[2] == 100 ? 10 : $dat[2]]);
- print "].\n";
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec du changement du statut du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] state changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- }
-# Sub-function: Displaying of the number of online players
-sub getlogincount {
- # Request to the login-server
- print $so pack("v", 0x7938);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(4);
- # Connection failed
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7939) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- exit(3);
- }
- # Get length of the received packet
- my($len) = unpack("x2v", $buf) - 4;
- # Read information of the servers
- if ($len < 1) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- printf " Aucun serveur n'est connect� au login serveur.\n";
- } else {
- printf " No server is connected to the login-server.\n";
- }
- } else {
- my(@slist) = ();
- for(; $len > 0; $len -= 32) {
- my($name, $count) = unpack("x6 a20 V", readso(32));
- $name = substr($name, 0, index($name, "\0"));
- push @slist, [ $name, $count ];
- }
- # Displaying of result
- my($i);
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- printf " Nombre de joueurs en ligne (serveur: nb):\n";
- } else {
- printf " Number of online players (server: number).\n";
- }
- foreach $i(@slist) {
- printf " %-20s : %5d\n", $i->[0], $i->[1];
- }
- }
-# Sub-function: Modification of a memo field
-sub changememo {
- my($userid, $memo) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> memo nomtest nouveau memo\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> memo testname new memo\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- if (length($memo) > 254) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "M�mo trop long (".length($memo)." caract�res).\n";
- print "Entrez un m�mo de 254 caract�res maximum svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Memo is too long (".length($memo)." characters).\n";
- print "Please input a memo of 254 bytes at the maximum.\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if (length($memo) == 0) {
- print $so pack("va24v", 0x7942, $userid, 0);
- } else {
- print $so pack("va24va".length($memo), 0x7942, $userid, length($memo), $memo);
- }
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7943) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec du changement du m�mo du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] memo changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "M�mo du compte [$name][id: $id2] chang� avec succ�s.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$name][id: $id2] memo successfully changed.\n";
- }
- }
-# Sub-function: Request to obtain an account id
-sub idaccount() {
- my($userid) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> id nomtest\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> id testname\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- print $so pack("va24", 0x7944, $userid);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7945) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 122;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Impossible de trouver l'id du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Unabled to find the account [$userid] id. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- return 123;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Le compte [$name] a pour id: $id2.\n";
- } else {
- print "The account [$name] have the id: $id2.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Request to obtain an account name
-sub nameaccount() {
- my($id) = @_;
- if ($id < 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un id ayant une valeur positive svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input a positive value for the id.\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- print $so pack("vV", 0x7946, $id);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7947) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 122;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if (length($name) == 0 || $name eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Impossible de trouver le nom du compte [id: $id2]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Unabled to find the account [id: $id2] name. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- return 123;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Le compte [id: $id2] a pour nom: $name.\n";
- } else {
- print "The account [id: $id2] have the name: $name.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Set a validity limit of an account
-sub timesetaccount() {
- my($userid, $date, $time) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple>: timeset <nom_du_compte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss]\n";
- print " timeset <nom_du_compte> 0 (0 = illimit�)\n";
- printf " Heure par d�faut [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example>: timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n";
- print " timeset <account_name> 0 (0 = unlimited)\n";
- printf " Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- my($year, $month, $day) = split(/[.\-\/]/, $date);
- my($hour, $minute, $second) = split(/:/, $time);
- if ($time eq "") {
- $hour = 23;
- $minute = 59;
- $second = 59;
- }
- my($timestamp);
- if ($year eq "" ||
- ($year != 0 && ($month eq "" || $day eq "" || $hour eq "" || $minute eq "" || $second eq ""))) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez 0 ou une date et une heure svp (format: 0 ou aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ($year == 0) {
- $timestamp = 0;
- } else {
- if ($year < 70) {
- $year = $year + 100;
- }
- if ($year >= 1900) {
- $year = $year - 1900;
- }
- if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un mois correct svp (entre 1 et 12).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the month (from 1 to 12).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- $month = $month - 1;
- if ($day < 1 || $day > 31) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un jour correct svp (entre 1 et 31).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the day (from 1 to 31).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ((($month == 3 || $month == 5 || $month == 8 || $month == 10) && $day > 30) ||
- ($month == 1 && $day > 29)) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un jour correct en fonction du mois svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for a day of this month.\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ($hour < 0 || $hour > 23) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez une heure correcte svp (entre 0 et 23).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the hour (from 0 to 23).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ($minute < 0 || $minute > 59) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez des minutes correctes svp (entre 0 et 59).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the minutes (from 0 to 59).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ($second < 0 || $second > 59) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez des secondes correctes svp (entre 0 et 59).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the seconds (from 0 to 59).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- $timestamp = POSIX::mktime($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year, 0, 0, -1); # -1: no winter/summer time modification
- if ($timestamp == undef) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Date incorrecte.\n";
- print "Ajoutez 0 ou une date et une heure svp (format: 0 ou aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss).\n";
- } else {
- print "Invalid date.\n";
- print "Please add 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- }
- print $so pack("va24V", 0x7948, $userid, $timestamp);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7949) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(32);
- my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf);
- while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($dat[1]);
- };
- if ($dat[0] != -1 && $dat[0] != 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Limite de validit� du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang�e avec succ�s ".
- ($dat[2] == 0 ? "en [illimit�].\n" : "pour �tre jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2])));
- } else {
- print "Validity Limit of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] successfully changed ".
- ($dat[2] == 0 ? "to [unlimited].\n" : "to be until ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2])));
- }
- # localtime($dat[2]) is also possible to display instead of POSIX::ctime.
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec du changement de la validit� du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] validity limit changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Add/substract time to the validity limit of an account
-sub timeaddaccount() {
- my($userid, $modif) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print " <exemple> timeadd nomtest +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- print " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et 1 seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n";
- print " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print " <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- print " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n";
- print " and 6 years at the same time.\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- my($year, $month, $day) = (0, 0 ,0);
- my($hour, $minute, $second) = (0, 0 ,0);
- $modif = lc($modif);
- while (length($modif) > 0) {
- my($value) = int($modif);
- if ($value == 0) {
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } else {
- if (substr($modif, 0, 1) =~ /[\-\+]/) {
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- }
- while (length($modif) > 0 && substr($modif, 0, 1) =~ /[0-9]/) {
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- }
- if (index($modif, "s") == 0) {
- $second = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } elsif (index($modif, "mn") == 0) {
- $minute = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 2);
- } elsif (index($modif, "h") == 0) {
- $hour = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } elsif (index($modif, "d") == 0 || index($modif, "j") == 0) {
- $day = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } elsif (index($modif, "m") == 0) {
- $month = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } elsif (index($modif, "y") == 0 || index($modif, "a") == 0) {
- $year = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } else {
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " ann�e: $year\n";
- print " mois: $month\n";
- print " jour: $day\n";
- print " heure: $hour\n";
- print " minute: $minute\n";
- print " seconde: $second\n";
- } else {
- print " year: $year\n";
- print " month: $month\n";
- print " day: $day\n";
- print " hour: $hour\n";
- print " minute: $minute\n";
- print " second: $second\n";
- }
- if ($year == 0 && $month == 0 && $day == 0 && $hour == 0 && $minute == 0 && $second == 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Vous devez entrer un ajustement avec cette commande, svp:\n";
- print " Valeur d'ajustement (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n";
- print " Element modifi�:\n";
- print " a ou y: ann�e\n";
- print " m: mois\n";
- print " j ou d: jour\n";
- print " h: heure\n";
- print " mn: minute\n";
- print " s: seconde\n";
- print " <exemple> timeadd nomtest +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- print " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et 1 seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n";
- print " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give an adjustment with this command:\n";
- print " Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n";
- print " Modified element:\n";
- print " a or y: year\n";
- print " m: month\n";
- print " j or d: day\n";
- print " h: hour\n";
- print " mn: minute\n";
- print " s: second\n";
- print " <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- print " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n";
- print " and 6 years at the same time.\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($year > 127 || $year < -127) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement d'ann�es correct (de -127 � 127), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the years (from -127 to 127).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($month > 255 || $month < -255) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement de mois correct (de -255 � 255), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the months (from -255 to 255).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($day > 32767 || $day < -32767) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement de jours correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the days (from -32767 to 32767).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($hour > 32767 || $hour < -32767) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement d'heures correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the hours (from -32767 to 32767).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($minute > 32767 || $minute < -32767) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement de minutes correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the minutes (from -32767 to 32767).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($second > 32767 || $second < -32767) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement de secondes correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the seconds (from -32767 to 32767).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- print $so pack("va24vvvvvv", 0x7950, $userid, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7951) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(32);
- my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf);
- while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($dat[1]);
- };
- if ($dat[0] == -1 || $dat[0] == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec du changement de la validit� du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] validity limit changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- } elsif ($dat[2] == 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Limite de validit� du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] inchang�e.\n";
- print "Le compte a une validit� illimit�e ou\n";
- print "la modification est impossible avec les ajustements demand�s.\n";
- } else {
- print "Validity limit of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] unchanged.\n";
- print "The account have an unlimited validity limit or\n";
- print "the changing is impossible with the proposed adjustments.\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Limite de validit� du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang�e avec succ�s ".
- ($dat[2] == 0 ? "en [illimit�].\n" : "pour �tre jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2])));
- } else {
- print "Validity limit of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] successfully changed ".
- ($dat[2] == 0 ? "to [unlimited].\n" : "to be until ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2])));
- }
- # localtime($dat[2]) is also possible to display instead of POSIX::ctime.
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Set the final date of a banishment of an account
-sub bansetaccount() {
- my($userid, $date, $time) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple>: banset <nom_du_compte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss]\n";
- print " banset <nom_du_compte> 0 (0 = d�-bani)\n";
- print " ban/banish aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss <nom du compte>\n";
- print " unban/unbanish <nom du compte>\n";
- printf " Heure par d�faut [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example>: banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n";
- print " banset <account_name> 0 (0 = un-banished)\n";
- print " ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name>\n";
- print " unban/unbanish <account name>\n";
- printf " Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- my($year, $month, $day) = split(/[.\-\/]/, $date);
- my($hour, $minute, $second) = split(/:/, $time);
- if ($time eq "") {
- $hour = 23;
- $minute = 59;
- $second = 59;
- }
- my($timestamp);
- if ($year eq "" ||
- ($year != 0 && ($month eq "" || $day eq "" || $hour eq "" || $minute eq "" || $second eq ""))) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez 0 ou une date et une heure svp (format: 0 ou aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ($year == 0) {
- $timestamp = 0;
- } else {
- if ($year < 70) {
- $year = $year + 100;
- }
- if ($year >= 1900) {
- $year = $year - 1900;
- }
- if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un mois correct svp (entre 1 et 12).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the month (from 1 to 12).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- $month = $month - 1;
- if ($day < 1 || $day > 31) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un jour correct svp (entre 1 et 31).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the day (from 1 to 31).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ((($month == 3 || $month == 5 || $month == 8 || $month == 10) && $day > 30) ||
- ($month == 1 && $day > 29)) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un jour correct en fonction du mois svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for a day of this month.\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ($hour < 0 || $hour > 23) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez une heure correcte svp (entre 0 et 23).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the hour (from 0 to 23).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ($minute < 0 || $minute > 59) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez des minutes correctes svp (entre 0 et 59).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the minutes (from 0 to 59).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- if ($second < 0 || $second > 59) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez des secondes correctes svp (entre 0 et 59).\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct value for the seconds (from 0 to 59).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- $timestamp = POSIX::mktime($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year, 0, 0, -1); # -1: no winter/summer time modification
- if ($timestamp == undef) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Date incorrecte.\n";
- print "Ajoutez 0 ou une date et une heure svp (format: 0 ou aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss).\n";
- } else {
- print "Invalid date.\n";
- print "Please add 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n";
- }
- return 102;
- }
- }
- print $so pack("va24V", 0x794a, $userid, $timestamp);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x794b) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(32);
- my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf);
- while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($dat[1]);
- };
- if ($dat[0] != -1 && $dat[0] != 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Date finale de banissement du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang�e avec succ�s ".
- ($dat[2] == 0 ? "en [d�-bannie].\n" : "pour �tre jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2])));
- } else {
- print "Final date of banishment of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] successfully changed ".
- ($dat[2] == 0 ? "to [unbanished].\n" : "to be until ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2])));
- }
- # localtime($dat[2]) is also possible to display instead of POSIX::ctime.
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec du changement de la date finale de banissement du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] final date of banishment changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Add/substract time to the final date of a banishment of an account
-sub banaddaccount() {
- my($userid, $modif) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print " <exemple> banadd nomtest +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- print " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et 1 seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n";
- print " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print " <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- print " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n";
- print " and 6 years at the same time.\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- my($year, $month, $day) = (0, 0 ,0);
- my($hour, $minute, $second) = (0, 0 ,0);
- $modif = lc($modif);
- while (length($modif) > 0) {
- my($value) = int($modif);
- if ($value == 0) {
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } else {
- if (substr($modif, 0, 1) =~ /[\-\+]/) {
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- }
- while (length($modif) > 0 && substr($modif, 0, 1) =~ /[0-9]/) {
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- }
- if (index($modif, "s") == 0) {
- $second = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } elsif (index($modif, "mn") == 0) {
- $minute = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 2);
- } elsif (index($modif, "h") == 0) {
- $hour = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } elsif (index($modif, "d") == 0 || index($modif, "j") == 0) {
- $day = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } elsif (index($modif, "m") == 0) {
- $month = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } elsif (index($modif, "y") == 0 || index($modif, "a") == 0) {
- $year = $value;
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- } else {
- $modif = substr($modif, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " ann�e: $year\n";
- print " mois: $month\n";
- print " jour: $day\n";
- print " heure: $hour\n";
- print " minute: $minute\n";
- print " seconde: $second\n";
- } else {
- print " year: $year\n";
- print " month: $month\n";
- print " day: $day\n";
- print " hour: $hour\n";
- print " minute: $minute\n";
- print " second: $second\n";
- }
- if ($year == 0 && $month == 0 && $day == 0 && $hour == 0 && $minute == 0 && $second == 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Vous devez entrer un ajustement avec cette commande, svp:\n";
- print " Valeur d'ajustement (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n";
- print " Element modifi�:\n";
- print " a ou y: ann�e\n";
- print " m: mois\n";
- print " j ou d: jour\n";
- print " h: heure\n";
- print " mn: minute\n";
- print " s: seconde\n";
- print " <exemple> banadd nomtest +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- print " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et 1 seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n";
- print " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give an adjustment with this command:\n";
- print " Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n";
- print " Modified element:\n";
- print " a or y: year\n";
- print " m: month\n";
- print " j or d: day\n";
- print " h: hour\n";
- print " mn: minute\n";
- print " s: second\n";
- print " <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n";
- print " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n";
- print " and 6 years at the same time.\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($year > 127 || $year < -127) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement d'ann�es correct (de -127 � 127), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the years (from -127 to 127).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($month > 255 || $month < -255) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement de mois correct (de -255 � 255), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the months (from -255 to 255).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($day > 32767 || $day < -32767) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement de jours correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the days (from -32767 to 32767).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($hour > 32767 || $hour < -32767) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement d'heures correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the hours (from -32767 to 32767).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($minute > 32767 || $minute < -32767) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement de minutes correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the minutes (from -32767 to 32767).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- if ($second > 32767 || $second < -32767) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un ajustement de secondes correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please give a correct adjustment for the seconds (from -32767 to 32767).\n";
- }
- return 137;
- }
- print $so pack("va24vvvvvv", 0x794c, $userid, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x794d) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(32);
- my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf);
- while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($dat[1]);
- };
- if ($dat[0] == -1 || $dat[0] == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec du changement de la date finale de banissement du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account [$userid] final date of banishment changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Date finale de banissement du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang�e avec succ�s ".
- ($dat[2] == 0 ? "en [d�-bannie].\n" : "pour �tre jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2])));
- } else {
- print "Final date of banishment of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] successfully changed ".
- ($dat[2] == 0 ? "to [unbanished].\n" : "to be until ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2])));
- }
- # localtime($dat[2]) is also possible to display instead of POSIX::ctime.
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Request to displaying information about an account (by its name)
-sub whoaccount() {
- my($userid) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> who nomtest\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> who testname\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- print $so pack("va24", 0x7952, $userid);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7953) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 122;
- }
- my($id2, $GM_level, $name, $sex, $count, $status, $error_message, $last_login, $last_ip, $email, $validite, $ban_date, $memo_size) = unpack("VCa24cVVa20a24a16a40VVv", readso(148));
- my($memo) = "";
- if ($memo_size > 0) {
- $memo = unpack("a".$memo_size, readso($memo_size));
- }
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- while (length($error_message) > 0 && substr($error_message, length($error_message)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($error_message);
- };
- while (length($last_login) > 0 && substr($last_login, length($last_login)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($last_login);
- };
- while (length($last_ip) > 0 && substr($last_ip, length($last_ip)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($last_ip);
- };
- while (length($email) > 0 && substr($email, length($email)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($email);
- };
- while (length($memo) > 0 && substr($memo, length($memo)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($memo);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Impossible de trouver le compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Unabled to find the account [$userid]. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- return 123;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Le compte [$userid] a les caract�ristiques suivantes:\n";
- } else {
- print "The account [$userid] is set with:\n";
- }
- if ($GM_level == 0) {
- print " Id: $id2 (non-GM)\n";
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " Id: $id2 (GM niveau $GM_level)\n";
- } else {
- print " Id: $id2 (GM level $GM_level)\n";
- }
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " Nom: '$name'\n";
- print " Sexe: ".("Femme", "Male", "Serveur")[$sex]."\n";
- } else {
- print " Name: '$name'\n";
- print " Sex: ".("Female", "Male", "Server")[$sex]."\n";
- }
- print " E-mail: $email\n";
- if ($status == 7) {
- print " Statut: 7 [You are Prohibited to log in until $error_message]\n";
- } else {
- print " Statut: $status [".(
- ($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"),
- "Unregistered ID",
- "Incorrect Password",
- "This ID is expired",
- "Rejected from Server",
- "You have been blocked by the GM Team",
- "Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version",
- "You are Prohibited to log in until %s",
- "Server is jammed due to over populated",
- "No MSG",
- "This ID is totally erased")[$status == 100 ? 10 : $status]."]\n";
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " Banissement: ".($ban_date == 0 ? "non banni.\n" : "jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($ban_date)));
- print " Compteur: $count connexion".("s", "")[$count > 1 ? 0 : 1]."\n";
- print " Derni�re connexion le: $last_login (ip: $last_ip)\n";
- print " Limite de validit�: ".($validite == 0 ? "illimit�.\n" : "jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($validite)));
- } else {
- print " Banishment: ".($ban_date == 0 ? "not banished.\n" : "until ".(POSIX::ctime($ban_date)));
- print " Count: $count connection".("s", "")[$count > 1 ? 0 : 1]."\n";
- print " Last connection at: $last_login (ip: $last_ip)\n";
- print " Validity limit: ".($validite == 0 ? "unlimited.\n" : "until ".(POSIX::ctime($validite)));
- }
- print " Memo: '$memo'\n";
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Request to displaying information about an account (by its id)
-sub infoaccount() {
- my($id) = @_;
- if ($id < 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un id ayant une valeur positive svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input a positive value for the id.\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- print $so pack("vV", 0x7954, $id);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7953) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 122;
- }
- my($id2, $GM_level, $name, $sex, $count, $status, $error_message, $last_login, $last_ip, $email, $validite, $ban_date, $memo_size) = unpack("VCa24cVVa20a24a16a40VVv", readso(148));
- my($memo) = "";
- if ($memo_size > 0) {
- $memo = unpack("a".$memo_size, readso($memo_size));
- }
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- while (length($error_message) > 0 && substr($error_message, length($error_message)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($error_message);
- };
- while (length($last_login) > 0 && substr($last_login, length($last_login)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($last_login);
- };
- while (length($last_ip) > 0 && substr($last_ip, length($last_ip)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($last_ip);
- };
- while (length($email) > 0 && substr($email, length($email)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($email);
- };
- while (length($memo) > 0 && substr($memo, length($memo)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($memo);
- };
- if (length($name) == 0 || $name eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Impossible de trouver le nom du compte [id: $id2]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n";
- } else {
- print "Unabled to find the account [id: $id2] name. Account doesn't exist.\n";
- }
- return 123;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Le compte [id: $id2] a les caract�ristiques suivantes:\n";
- } else {
- print "The account [id: $id2] is set with:\n";
- }
- if ($GM_level == 0) {
- print " Id: $id2 (non-GM)\n";
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " Id: $id2 (GM niveau $GM_level)\n";
- } else {
- print " Id: $id2 (GM level $GM_level)\n";
- }
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " Nom: '$name'\n";
- print " Sexe: ".("Femme", "Male", "Serveur")[$sex]."\n";
- } else {
- print " Name: '$name'\n";
- print " Sex: ".("Female", "Male", "Server")[$sex]."\n";
- }
- print " E-mail: $email\n";
- if ($status == 7) {
- print " Statut: 7 [You are Prohibited to log in until $error_message]\n";
- } else {
- print " Statut: $status [".(
- ($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"),
- "Unregistered ID",
- "Incorrect Password",
- "This ID is expired",
- "Rejected from Server",
- "You have been blocked by the GM Team",
- "Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version",
- "You are Prohibited to log in until %s",
- "Server is jammed due to over populated",
- "No MSG",
- "This ID is totally erased")[$status == 100 ? 10 : $status]."]\n";
- }
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print " Banissement: ".($ban_date == 0 ? "non banni.\n" : "jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($ban_date)));
- print " Compteur: $count connexion".("s", "")[$count > 1 ? 0 : 1]."\n";
- print " Derni�re connexion le: $last_login (ip: $last_ip)\n";
- print " Limite de validit�: ".($validite == 0 ? "illimit�.\n" : "jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($validite)));
- } else {
- print " Banishment: ".($ban_date == 0 ? "not banished.\n" : "until ".(POSIX::ctime($ban_date)));
- print " Count: $count connection".("s", "")[$count > 1 ? 0 : 1]."\n";
- print " Last connection at: $last_login (ip: $last_ip)\n";
- print " Validity limit: ".($validite == 0 ? "unlimited.\n" : "until ".(POSIX::ctime($validite)));
- }
- print " Memo: '$memo'\n";
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: Check the validity of a password
-# (Note: never send back a password with login-server!! security of passwords)
-sub checkaccount() {
- my($userid, $passwd) = @_;
- if ($userid eq "") {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n";
- print "<exemple> check testname motdepasse\n";
- } else {
- print "Please input an account name.\n";
- print "<example> check testname password\n";
- }
- return 136;
- }
- if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) {
- return 102;
- }
- if ($passwd eq "") {
- return 134 if (($passwd = typepasswd()) eq "");
- }
- if (verify_password($passwd) == 0) {
- return 131;
- }
- print $so pack("va24a24", 0x793a, $userid,$passwd);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x793b) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 132;
- }
- $buf = readso(28);
- my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf);
- while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) {
- chop($name);
- };
- if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Le compte [$userid] n'existe pas ou le mot de passe est incorrect.\n";
- } else {
- print "The account [$userid] doesn't exist or the password is incorrect.\n";
- }
- return 133;
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Le mot de passe donn� correspond bien au compte [$name][id: $id2].\n";
- } else {
- print "The proposed password is correct for the account [$name][id: $id2].\n";
- }
- }
- return 130;
-# Sub-function: Request to login-server to reload GM configuration file
-sub reloadGM() {
- print $so pack("v", 0x7955);
- $so->flush();
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Demande de recharger le fichier de configuration des GM envoy�e.\n";
- print "V�rifiez les comptes GM actuels (apr�s rechargement):\n";
- } else {
- print "Request to reload the GM configuration file sended.\n";
- print "Check the actual GM accounts (after reloading):\n";
- }
- &listaccount(0, 0, 1); # 1: to list only GM
- return 180;
-# Sub-function: Send a broadcast message
-sub sendbroadcast() {
- my($type, $message) = @_;
- if ($message eq "" || length($message) == 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez un message svp.\n";
- if ($type == 0) {
- print "<exemple> kami un message\n";
- } else {
- print "<exemple> kamib un message\n";
- }
- } else {
- print "Please input a message.\n";
- if ($type == 0) {
- print "<example> kami a message\n";
- } else {
- print "<example> kamib a message\n";
- }
- }
- return 136;
- }
- print $so pack("vvVa".length($message), 0x794e, $type, length($message), $message);
- $so->flush();
- $buf = readso(2);
- if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x794f) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n";
- } else {
- print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n";
- }
- return 152;
- }
- $buf = readso(2);
- my($answer) = unpack("v", $buf);
- if ($answer == -1 || $answer == 65535) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Echec de l'envoi du message. Aucun server de char en ligne.\n";
- } else {
- print "Message sending failed. No online char-server.\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Message transmis au server de logins avec succ�s.\n";
- } else {
- print "Message successfully sended to login-server.\n";
- }
- }
-# Sub-function: Change language of displaying
-sub changelanguage() {
- my($language) = @_;
- if ($language eq "" || length($language) == 0) {
- if ($defaultlanguage == 'F') {
- printf("Entrez une langue svp.\n");
- printf("<exemple> language english\n");
- printf(" language fran�ais\n");
- } else {
- printf("Please input a language.\n");
- printf("<example> language english\n");
- printf(" language fran�ais\n");
- }
- return 136;
- }
- $language = uc(substr($language, 0, 1));
- if ($language =~ /^[EF]$/) {
- $defaultlanguage = $language;
- if ($defaultlanguage == 'F') {
- printf("Changement de la langue d'affichage en Fran�ais.\n");
- } else {
- printf("Displaying language changed to English.\n");
- }
- } else {
- if ($defaultlanguage == 'F') {
- printf("Langue non param�tr�e (langues possibles: 'Fran�ais' ou 'English').\n");
- } else {
- printf("Undefined language (possible languages: Fran�ais or English).\n");
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# Sub-function: sending 'end of connection' packet
-sub quit() {
- print $so pack("v", 0x7532);
- $so->flush();
-# Sub-function: Get datas from the socket
-sub readso() {
- my($len) = shift;
- my($buf);
- if (read($so, $buf, $len) < $len) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Erreur de lecture sur la Socket.\n";
- } else {
- print "Socket read error.\n";
- }
- exit(3);
- }
- return $buf;
-# Sub-function: Input of a password
-sub typepasswd {
- my($passwd1, $passwd2);
- cbreak();
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Entrez le mot de passe > "; $passwd1 = <STDIN>; chomp($passwd1); print "\n";
- print "R�-entrez le mot de passe > "; $passwd2 = <STDIN>; chomp($passwd2); print "\n";
- } else {
- print "Type the password > "; $passwd1 = <STDIN>; chomp($passwd1); print "\n";
- print "Verify the password > "; $passwd2 = <STDIN>; chomp($passwd2); print "\n";
- }
- cooked();
- if ($passwd1 ne $passwd2) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Erreur de v�rification du mot de passe: Saisissez le m�me mot de passe svp.\n";
- } else {
- print "Password verification failed. Please input same password.\n";
- }
- return "";
- }
- return $passwd1;
-# Sub-function: Return ordonal text of a number
-sub makeordinal {
- my($c) = shift;
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- if ($c < 1) {
- return $c;
- }
- return $c.("er", "�me")[$c == 1 ? 0 : 1];
- } else {
- if ($c % 10 < 4 && $c % 10 != 0 && ($c < 10 || $c > 20)) {
- return $c.("st","nd","rd")[$c % 10 - 1];
- }
- return $c."th";
- }
-# Sub-function: Test of the validity of an account name (return 0 if incorrect, and 1 if ok)
-sub verify_accountname {
- my($account_name) = @_; # Get the account_name
- if ($account_name =~ /[\x00-\x1f]/) { # remove control char
- my($c) = length($`) + 1;
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte (".makeordinal($c)." caract�re).\n";
- } else {
- print "Illegal character found in the account name (".makeordinal($c)." character).\n";
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (length($account_name) < 4) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Nom du compte trop court. Entrez un nom de compte de 4-23 caract�res.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account name is too short. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n";
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (length($account_name) > 23) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Nom du compte trop long. Entrez un nom de compte de 4-23 caract�res.\n";
- } else {
- print "Account name is too long. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n";
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-# Sub-function: Test of the validity of password (return 0 if incorrect, and 1 if ok)
-sub verify_password {
- my($password) = @_; # Get the password
- if ($password =~ /[\x00-\x1f]/) {
- my($c) = length($`) + 1;
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le mot de passe (".makeordinal($c)." caract�re).\n";
- } else {
- print "Illegal character found in the password (".makeordinal($c)." character).\n";
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (length($password) < 4) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Mot de passe trop court. Entrez un mot de passe de 4-23 caract�res.\n";
- } else {
- print "Password is too short. Please input a password of 4-23 bytes.\n";
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (length($password) > 23) {
- if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") {
- print "Mot de passe trop long. Entrez un mot de passe de 4-23 caract�res.\n";
- } else {
- print "Password is too long. Please input a password of 4-23 bytes.\n";
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-# Sub-function: Test of the validity of an e-mail (return 0 if incorrect, and 1 if ok)
-sub verify_email {
- my($email) = @_; # Get the e-mail
- # To ignore a '.' before the @ (wanadoo, a provider, do that)
- $email =~ s/\.\@/\@/;
- # If the e-mail is void, it's not correct -> return 0
- if ($email eq '') {
- return(0);
- }
- # If the e-mail have no "@", it's not correct -> return 0
- if ($email !~ /\@/) {
- return(0);
- }
- # If the e-mail have a ",", a space, a tab or a ";", it's not correct -> return 0
- if ($email =~ /[\,|\s|\;]/) {
- return(0)
- };
- # IF
- # (the e-mail contains 2 "@", or ".." or "@." or starts or finishes by a ".")
- # OR IF
- # (the e-mail doesn't contain "@localhost" AND
- # - it doesn't contain characters followed by "@" itself followed by letters itself followed by "." and 2 or more letters
- # - or an IP address)
- # -> so, it's not good ! (finish !)
- if ($email =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)|(\.$)/ ||
- ($email !~ /^.+\@localhost$/ &&
- $email !~ /^.+\@\[?(\w|[-.])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}\]?$/)) {
- return(0); # non-valid email
- } else {
- # If not, the e-email address is correct
- return(1); # valid email
- }
+#!/usr/bin/perl +use POSIX; +########################################################################## +# EAthena login-server remote administration tool +# New ladamin by [Yor] +########################################################################## +#-------------------------------INSTRUCTIONS------------------------------ +# Set the 4 variables below: +# IP of the login server. +# Port where the login-server listens incoming packets. +# Password of administration (same of config_athena.conf). +# Displayed language of the sofware (if not correct, english is used). +# IMPORTANT: +# Be sure that you authorize remote administration in login-server +# (see login_athena.conf, 'admin_state' parameter) +#------------------------------------------------------------------------- +my($loginserverip) = ""; # IP of login-server +my($loginserverport) = 6900; # Port of login-server +my($loginserveradminpassword) = "admin"; # Administration password +my($connecttimeout) = 10; # Timeout of connection (in seconds) +my($passenc) = 2; # Encoding type of the password +my($defaultlanguage) = "E"; # Default language (F: Fran�ais/E: English) + # (if it's not 'F', default is English) + +#------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# LIST of COMMANDs that you can type at the prompt: +# To use these commands you can only type only the first letters. +# You must type a minimum of letters (you can not type 'a', +# because ladmin doesn't know if it's for 'aide' or for 'add') +# <Example> q <= quit, li <= list, pass <= passwd, etc. +# +# Note: every time you must give a account_name, you can use "" or '' (spaces can be included) +# +# aide/help/? +# Display the description of the commands +# aide/help/? [command] +# Display the description of the specified command +# +# add <account_name> <sex> <password> +# Create an account with the default email (a@a.com). +# Concerning the sex, only the first letter is used (F or M). +# The e-mail is set to a@a.com (default e-mail). It's like to have no e-mail. +# When the password is omitted, the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys. +# <example> add testname Male testpass +# +# ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name> +# Changes the final date of a banishment of an account. +# Same command of banset, except that account_name is at end +# +# banadd <account_name> <modifier> +# Adds or substracts time from the final date of a banishment of an account. +# Modifier is done as follows: +# Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...) +# Modified element: +# a or y: year +# m: month +# j or d: day +# h: hour +# mn: minute +# s: second +# <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y +# this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes and 6 years at the same time. +# NOTE: If you modify the final date of a non-banished account, +# you fix the final date to (actual time +- adjustments) +# +# banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] +# Changes the final date of a banishment of an account. +# Default time: 23:59:59 +# banset <account_name> 0 +# Set a non-banished account (0 = unbanished). +# +# block <account name> +# Set state 5 (You have been blocked by the GM Team) to an account. +# Same command of state <account_name> 5. +# +# check <account_name> <password> +# Check the validity of a password for an account +# NOTE: Server will never sends back a password. +# It's the only method you have to know if a password is correct. +# The other method is to have a ('physical') access to the accounts file. +# +# create <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> +# Like the 'add' command, but with e-mail moreover. +# <example> create testname Male my@mail.com testpass +# +# del <account name> +# Remove an account. +# This order requires confirmation. After confirmation, the account is deleted. +# +# email <account_name> <email> +# Modify the e-mail of an account. +# +# getcount +# Give the number of players online on all char-servers. +# +# gm <account_name> [GM_level] +# Modify the GM level of an account. +# Default value remove GM level (GM level = 0). +# <example> gm testname 80 +# +# id <account name> +# Give the id of an account. +# +# info <account_id> +# Display complete information of an account. +# +# kami <message> +# Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow). +# kamib <message> +# Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue). +# +# language <language> +# Change the language of displaying. +# +# list/ls [start_id [end_id]] +# Display a list of accounts. +# 'start_id', 'end_id': indicate end and start identifiers. +# Research by name is not possible with this command. +# <example> list 10 9999999 +# +# listBan/lsBan [start_id [end_id]] +# Like list/ls, but only for accounts with state or banished +# +# listGM/lsGM [start_id [end_id]] +# Like list/ls, but only for GM accounts +# +# listOK/lsOK [start_id [end_id]] +# Like list/ls, but only for accounts without state and not banished +# +# memo <account_name> <memo> +# Modify the memo of an account. +# 'memo': it can have until 253 characters (with spaces or not). +# +# name <account_id> +# Give the name of an account. +# +# passwd <account_name> <new_password> +# Change the password of an account. +# When new password is omitted, the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys. +# +# quit/end/exit +# End of the program of administration +# +# reloadGM +# Reload GM configuration file +# +# search <expression> +# Seek accounts. +# Displays the accounts whose names correspond. +# search -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression> +# Seek accounts by regular expression. +# Displays the accounts whose names correspond. +# +# sex <account_name> <sex> +# Modify the sex of an account. +# <example> sex testname Male +# +# state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> +# Change the state of an account. +# 'new_state': state is the state of the packet 0x006a + 1. The possibilities are: +# 0 = Account ok 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version +# 1 = Unregistered ID 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until %s +# 2 = Incorrect Password 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated +# 3 = This ID is expired 9 = No MSG +# 4 = Rejected from Server 100 = This ID has been totally erased +# 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team +# all other values are 'No MSG', then use state 9 please. +# 'error_message_#7': message of the code error 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s (packet 0x006a) +# +# timeadd <account_name> <modifier> +# Adds or substracts time from the validity limit of an account. +# Modifier is done as follows: +# Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...) +# Modified element: +# a or y: year +# m: month +# j or d: day +# h: hour +# mn: minute +# s: second +# <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y +# this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes and 6 years at the same time. +# NOTE: You can not modify a unlimited validity limit. +# If you want modify it, you want probably create a limited validity limit. +# So, at first, you must set the validity limit to a date/time. +# +# timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] +# Changes the validity limit of an account. +# Default time: 23:59:59 +# timeset <account_name> 0 +# Gives an unlimited validity limit (0 = unlimited). +# +# unban/unbanish <account name> +# Unban an account. +# Same command of banset 0. +# +# unblock <account name> +# Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account. +# Same command of state <account_name> 0. +# +# version +# Display the version of the login-server. +# +# who <account name> +# Displays complete information of an account. +# +#------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Possibilities to execute ladmin in command line by usage of the software with a parameter: +# ./ladmin --mode param1 ... +# +# --makesymlink -- Create the symbolic links for a use in shell +# --add <account_name> <sex> <password> -- Create an account with the default email (or -a) +# --ban yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> -- Change the final date of a banishment of an account (or -b) +# --banadd <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the final date of a banishment of an account (or - ba) +# --banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the final date of a banishment of an account (or -bs) +# --banset <account_name> 0 -- Unbanish an account (or -bs) +# --block <account_name> -- Set state 5 to an account (or -bl) +# --check <account_name> <password> -- Check the validity of a password for an account (or -check) +# --create <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> -- Create an account with email (or -c) +# --del <account_name> -- Remove an account (or -d) +# --email <account_name> <email> -- Modify an email of an account (or -e) +# --getcount -- Give the number of players online on all char-servers (or -g) +# --gm <account_name> <GM_level> -- Change the GM level of an account (or -gm) +# --id <account_name> -- Give the id of an account (or -i) +# --info <account_id> -- Display complete information of an account (or -info) +# --kami <message> -- Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow). +# --kamib <message> -- Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue). +# --language <language> -- Change the language of displaying (-lang). +# --list [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts (or -l) +# --listBan [start_id [end_id]] -- Display a list of accounts with state or banished (or -lBan) +# --listGM [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of GM accounts (or -lGM) +# --listOK [start_id [end_id]] -- Display a list of accounts without state and not banished (or -lOK) +# --memo <account_name> <memo> -- Modify the memo of an account (or -e) +# --name <account_id> -- Give the name of an account (or -n) +# --passwd <account_name> <new_password> -- Change the password of an account (or -p) +# --reloadGM -- Reload GM configuration file (or -r) +# --search <expression> -- Seek accounts (or -s) +# --search -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expression> -- Seek accounts by REGEX (or -s) +# --sex <account_name> <sex> -- Change the sex of an account (or -sex) +# --state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> -- Change the state of an account (or -t) +# --timeadd <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the validity limit of an account (or - ta) +# --timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the validify limit of an account (or -ts) +# --timeset <account_name> 0 -- Give a unlimited validity limit (or -ts) +# --unban/unbanish <account_name> -- Unban an account (or -uba) +# --unblock <account_name> -- Set state 0 to an account (or -ubl) +# --version -- Display the version of the login-server (or -v) +# --who <account_name> -- Display complete information of an account (or -w) +# +# <example> ./ladmin --addaccount testname Male testpass +# +#------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Possibilities to execute ladmin with symbolic links in Shell +# To create the symbolic links, execute ladmin with the '-- makesymlink' option. +# +# addaccount <account_name> <sex> <password> -- Create an account with the default email +# banaccount yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> -- Change the final date of a banishment of an account +# banaddaccount <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the final date of a banishment of an account +# bansetaccount <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the final date of a banishment of an account +# bansetaccount <account_name> 0 -- Unbanish an account +# blockaccount <account_name> -- Set state 5 (blocked by the GM Team) to an account +# checkaccount <account_name> <password> -- Check the validity of a password for an account +# createaccount <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> -- Create an account with email +# delaccount <account_name> -- Remove an account +# emailaccount <account_name> <email> -- Modify an email of an account +# getcount -- Give the number of players online on all char-servers +# gmaccount <account_name> <GM_level> -- Change the GM level of an account +# idaccount <account_name> -- Give the id of an account +# infoaccount <account_id> -- Display complete information of an account +# kami <message> -- Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow). +# kamib <message> -- Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue). +# ladminlanguage <language> -- Change the language of displaying. +# listaccount [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts +# listBanaccount [start_id [end_id]] -- Display a list of accounts with state or banished +# listGMaccount [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of GM accounts +# listOKaccount [start_id [end_id]] -- Display a list of accounts without state and not banished +# loginserverversion -- Display the version of the login-server +# memoaccount <account_name> <memo> -- Modify the memo of an account +# nameaccount <account_id> -- Give the name of an account +# passwdaccount <account_name> <new_password> -- Change the password of an account +# reloadGM -- Reload GM configuration file +# searchaccount <expression> -- Seek accounts +# searchaccount -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expression> -- Seek accounts by REGEX +# sexaccount <account_name> <sex> -- Change the sex of an account (or -sex) +# stateaccount <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> -- Change the state of an account +# timeaddaccount <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the validity limit of an account +# timesetaccount <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the validify limit of an account +# timesetaccount <account_name> 0 -- Give a unlimited validity limit +# unbanaccount <account_name> -- Unban an account +# unblockaccount <account_name> -- Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account +# whoaccount <account_name> -- Display complete information of an account +# <exemple> ./addaccount testname Male testpass +# +#------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# About the encoding: +# +# The Digest::MD5 module is necessary to use the encrypted password system. +# When the software cannot found the Digest::MD5 module, +# encoding is automatically disabled ($passenc=0), which allows +# to use this program in any cases. +# +#------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# How to use ladmin with UNIX: +# +# You excecute ladmin as a standard command. +# <Example of preparation to have an access to ladmin> +# $ mv ladmin ladmin_org +# $ nkf -eLu ladmin_org > ladmin +# $ chmod 700 ladmin +# <Example to start directly ladmin> +# $ perl ladmin +# +########################################################################## + + +use strict; +use IO::Socket; +use Term::ReadLine; +eval { use POSIX qw(:termios_h); }; +eval { use Digest::MD5 qw(md5); } if $passenc; +$passenc = 0 if($@); + +my($ver) = "1.00"; + +# Start of termios +my($termios, $orgterml, $termlecho, $termlnoecho) = (); +eval{ + $termios = POSIX::Termios->new(); + $termios->getattr(fileno(STDIN)); + $orgterml = $termios->getlflag(); + $termlecho = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON; + $termlnoecho = $orgterml & ~$termlecho; +}; + +# Modification of termios for the displaying of passwords (no displays for pressed keys) +sub cbreak() { + if ($termios) { + $termios->setlflag($termlnoecho); + $termios->setcc(VTIME, 1); + $termios->setattr(fileno(STDIN), TCSANOW); + } +} +# Modification of termios to return at the normal displaying (after input of the passwords) +sub cooked() { + if ($termios) { + $termios->setlflag($orgterml); + $termios->setcc(VTIME,0); + $termios->setattr(fileno(STDIN),TCSANOW); + } +} +END{ cooked() } + +if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Outil d'administration � distance de eAthena V.$ver\n"; +} else { + print "EAthena login-server administration tool V.$ver\n"; +} + +# Creation of the symbolic links for call of the program in line command of the shell +if ($ARGV[0] eq "--makesymlink") { + symlink $0, "loginserverversion"; + symlink $0, "addaccount"; + symlink $0, "banaccount"; + symlink $0, "banaddaccount"; + symlink $0, "bansetaccount"; + symlink $0, "blockaccount"; + symlink $0, "checkaccount"; + symlink $0, "createaccount"; + symlink $0, "delaccount"; + symlink $0, "emailaccount"; + symlink $0, "getcount"; + symlink $0, "gmaccount"; + symlink $0, "idaccount"; + symlink $0, "infoaccount"; + symlink $0, "kami"; + symlink $0, "kamib"; + symlink $0, "ladminlanguage"; + symlink $0, "listaccount"; + symlink $0, "listBanaccount"; + symlink $0, "listGMaccount"; + symlink $0, "listOKaccount"; + symlink $0, "memoaccount"; + symlink $0, "nameaccount"; + symlink $0, "passwdaccount"; + symlink $0, "reloadGM"; + symlink $0, "searchaccount"; + symlink $0, "sexaccount"; + symlink $0, "stateaccount"; + symlink $0, "timeaddaccount"; + symlink $0, "timesetaccount"; + symlink $0, "unbanaccount"; + symlink $0, "unblockaccount"; + symlink $0, "whoaccount"; + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Liens symbliques cr��s.\n"; + } else { + print "Symbolic links created.\n"; + } + exit(0); +} + +# Connection to the login-server +my($so,$er) = (); +eval{ + $so = IO::Socket::INET->new( + PeerAddr=> $loginserverip, + PeerPort=> $loginserverport, +# Proto => "tcp", + Timeout => $connecttimeout) or $er = 1; +}; +if ($er || $@) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "\nImpossible de se connecter au serveur de login [${loginserverip}:$loginserverport] !\n"; + } else { + print "\nImpossible to have a connection with the login-server [${loginserverip}:$loginserverport] !\n"; + } + print "$!\n"; # Displaying of the error + exit(2); +} + +# Sending the administration password +if ($passenc == 0) { + print $so pack("v2a24",0x7918,0,$loginserveradminpassword); + $so->flush(); +} else { + print $so pack("v",0x791a); + $so->flush(); + my($buf) = readso(4); + if (unpack("v",$buf) != 0x01dc) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Erreur au login (�chec de la cr�ation de la clef md5).\n"; + } else { + print "Error at login (failure of the md5 key creation).\n"; + } + } + $buf = readso(unpack("x2v",$buf)-4); + my($md5bin) = md5(($passenc == 1) ? $buf.$loginserveradminpassword : $loginserveradminpassword.$buf); + print $so pack("v2a16",0x7918,$passenc,$md5bin); + $so->flush(); +} + +# Waiting of the server reply +my($buf) = readso(3); + +if (unpack("v",$buf) != 0x7919 || unpack("x2c",$buf) != 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Erreur de login:\n"; + print " - mot de passe incorrect,\n"; + print " - syst�me d'administration non activ�, ou\n"; + print " - IP non autoris�e.\n"; + } else { + print "Error at login:\n"; + print " - incorrect password,\n"; + print " - administration system not activated, or\n"; + print " - unauthorised IP.\n"; + } + quit(); + exit(4); +} + +if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Connexion �tablie.\n"; +} else { + print "Established connection.\n"; +} + +#------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Here are checked the command lines with arguments and symbolic links (no prompt) + +if ($0 =~ /addaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-a" || $ARGV[0] eq "--add") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = addaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /banaccount$/ || $0 =~ /banishaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-b" || $ARGV[0] eq "--ban" || $ARGV[0] eq "--banish") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = bansetaccount($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[0]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /banaddaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-ba" || $ARGV[0] eq "--banadd") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = banaddaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /bansetaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-bs" || $ARGV[0] eq "--banset") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = bansetaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /blockaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-bl" || $ARGV[0] eq "--block") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changestate($ARGV[0], 5, ""); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /checkaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-check" || $ARGV[0] eq "--check") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = checkaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /createaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-c" || $ARGV[0] eq "--create") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = createaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /delaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-d" || $ARGV[0] eq "--del") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = delaccount($ARGV[0]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /emailaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-e" || $ARGV[0] eq "--email") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changeemail($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /getcount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-g" || $ARGV[0] eq "--getcount") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = getlogincount(); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /gmaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-gm" || $ARGV[0] eq "--gm") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changegmlevel($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /id$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-i" || $ARGV[0] eq "--id") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = idaccount($ARGV[0]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /infoaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-info" || $ARGV[0] eq "--info") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = infoaccount($ARGV[0]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /kami$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-kami" || $ARGV[0] eq "--kami") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = sendbroadcast(0, $ARGV[0]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /kamib$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-kamib" || $ARGV[0] eq "--kamib") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = sendbroadcast(0x10, $ARGV[0]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /ladminlanguage$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-lang" || $ARGV[0] eq "--language") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changelanguage($ARGV[0]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /listaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-l" || $ARGV[0] eq "--list") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = listaccount(int($ARGV[0]), int($ARGV[1]), 0); # 0: to list all + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /listBanaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-lBan" || $ARGV[0] eq "--listBan") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = listaccount(int($ARGV[0]), int($ARGV[1]), 3); # 3: to list only accounts with state or banished + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /listGMaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-lGM" || $ARGV[0] eq "--listGM") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = listaccount(int($ARGV[0]), int($ARGV[1]), 1); # 1: to list only GM + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /listOKaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-lOK" || $ARGV[0] eq "--listOK") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = listaccount(int($ARGV[0]), int($ARGV[1]), 4); # 4: to list only accounts without state and not banished + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /loginserverversion$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-v" || $ARGV[0] eq "--version") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = checkloginversion(); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /memoaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-m" || $ARGV[0] eq "--memo") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changememo($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /nameaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-n" || $ARGV[0] eq "--name") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = nameaccount(int($ARGV[0])); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /passwdaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-p" || $ARGV[0] eq "--passwd") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changepasswd($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /reloadGM$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-r" || $ARGV[0] eq "--reloadGM") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = reloadGM(); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /searchaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-s" || $ARGV[0] eq "--search") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = searchaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /sexaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-sex" || $ARGV[0] eq "--sex") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changesex($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /stateaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-t" || $ARGV[0] eq "--state") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changestate($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /timeaddaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-ta" || $ARGV[0] eq "--timeadd") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = timeaddaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /timesetaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-ts" || $ARGV[0] eq "--timeset") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = timesetaccount($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /unbanaccount$/ || $0 =~ /unbanishaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-uba" || $ARGV[0] eq "--unban" || $ARGV[0] eq "--unbanish") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = bansetaccount($ARGV[0], 0, ""); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /unblockaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-ubl" || $ARGV[0] eq "--unblock") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = changestate($ARGV[0], 0, ""); + quit(); + exit($r); +} elsif ($0 =~ /whoaccount$/ || + (($ARGV[0] eq "-w" || $ARGV[0] eq "--who") && ((shift @ARGV), 1))) { + my($r) = whoaccount($ARGV[0]); + quit(); + exit($r); +} + +#------------------------------------------------------------------------- +if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Lecture de la version du serveur de login...\n"; +} else { + print "Reading of the version of the login-server...\n"; +} +checkloginversion(); + +# Set the prompt line +my($term) = new Term::ReadLine "ladmin"; + +# Here begin the infinite loop to read prompts +while(1) { + # Displaying of the prompt + print "\n"; + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + printf "\033[32mPour afficher les commandes, tapez 'Entr�e'.\033[0m\n"; + } else { + printf "\033[32mTo list the commands, type 'enter'.\033[0m\n"; + } + my($cmd) = $term->readline("ladmin> "); + # split and recovery of the input + chomp $cmd; # remove cariage return + $cmd =~ s/\x1b\[\d*\w//g; # remove (esc)[(number)(1alpha) = screen control sequence + $cmd =~ s/[\x00-\x1f]//g; # remove control char + my($command, $parameters) = split /\s+/,$cmd,2; # extract command and parameters + $command = lc($command); # command in lowercase + my(@paramlist) = split /\s+/,$parameters; # get list of parameters + + if ($command eq "?" || $command eq "") { + $command = "aide" if ($defaultlanguage eq "F"); + $command = "help" if ($defaultlanguage ne "F"); + } + + # Analyse of the command + eval { +# help + if ("aide" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'? + displayhelp("aide", $paramlist[0]); + } elsif ("help" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + displayhelp("help", $paramlist[0]); + +# general commands + } elsif ("add" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) { + addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <sex> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) { + addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], ""); # <account_name> <sex> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) { + addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <sex> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) { + addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], ""); # <account_name> <sex> <password> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + addaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <sex> <password> + } + + } elsif ($command eq "ban" || ("banish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) { + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+"(.*)"/)) { # yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> + bansetaccount($paramlist[2], $paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+'(.*)'/)) { # yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> + bansetaccount($paramlist[2], $paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,3; # yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> + bansetaccount($paramlist[2], $paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } + + } elsif (("banadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ba") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) { + banaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) { + banaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + banaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier> + } + + } elsif (("banset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "bs") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) { + bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) { + bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], "23:59:59"); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) { + bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) { + bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], "23:59:59"); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + bansetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } + + } elsif ("block" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 2) { + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + changestate($paramlist[0], 5, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + changestate($paramlist[0], 5, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + changestate($paramlist[0], 5, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } + + } elsif ("check" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(.*)/)) { + checkaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + checkaccount($paramlist[0], ""); # <account_name> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(.*)/)) { + checkaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + checkaccount($paramlist[0], ""); # <account_name> <password> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + checkaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <password> + } + + } elsif ("create" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) { + createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], $paramlist[3]); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) { + createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], ""); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) { + createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], $paramlist[3]); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) { + createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], ""); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + createaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2], $paramlist[3]); # <account_name> <sex> <email> <password> + } + + } elsif ("del" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "delete" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + delaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + delaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + delaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } + + } elsif ("email" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "e") { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) { + changeemail($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <email> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) { + changeemail($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <email> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + changeemail($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <email> + } + + } elsif ("getcount" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'? + getlogincount(); + + } elsif ("gm" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) { + changegmlevel($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1])); # <account_name> <GM_level> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + changegmlevel($paramlist[0], 0); # <account_name> <GM_level> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) { + changegmlevel($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1])); # <account_name> <GM_level> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + changegmlevel($paramlist[0], 0); # <account_name> <GM_level> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + changegmlevel($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1])); # <account_name> <GM_level> + } + + } elsif ("id" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + idaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + idaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + idaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } + + } elsif ("info" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'? + infoaccount(int($paramlist[0])); # <account_id> + + } elsif ($command eq "kami") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'? + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + sendbroadcast(0, $paramlist[0]); # <type> <message> + + } elsif ($command eq "kamib") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'? + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + sendbroadcast(0x10, $paramlist[0]); # <type> <message> + + } elsif ("language" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + changelanguage($paramlist[0]); # <language> + + } elsif (("list" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ls") && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + listaccount(int($paramlist[0]), int($paramlist[1]), 0); # [start_id [end_id]] 0: to list all + + } elsif (("listban" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsban") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write Ban to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + listaccount(int($paramlist[0]), int($paramlist[1]), 3); # [start_id [end_id]] 3: to list only accounts with state or banished + + } elsif (("listgm" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsgm") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write GM to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + listaccount(int($paramlist[0]), int($paramlist[1]), 1); # [start_id [end_id]] 1: to list only GM + + } elsif (("listok" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsok") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write OK to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + listaccount(int($paramlist[0]), int($paramlist[1]), 4); # [start_id [end_id]] 4: to list only accounts without state and not banished + + } elsif ("memo" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(.*)/)) { + changememo($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <memo> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(.*)/)) { + changememo($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <memo> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,2; + changememo($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <memo> + } + + } elsif ("name" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + nameaccount(int($paramlist[0])); # <account_id> + + } elsif ("passwd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "password" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(.*)/)) { + changepasswd($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <new_password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + changepasswd($paramlist[0], ""); # <account_name> <new_password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(.*)/)) { + changepasswd($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <new_password> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + changepasswd($paramlist[0], ""); # <account_name> <new_password> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,2; + changepasswd($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <new_password> + } + + } elsif ("reloadgm" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + reloadGM(); + + } elsif ("search" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^(-{1,2}[re]\S*)\s+(.*)/)) { + searchaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression> | <expression> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + searchaccount($paramlist[0], ""); # -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression> | <expression> + } + + } elsif ("sex" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) { + changesex($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <sex> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) { + changesex($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <sex> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + changesex($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <sex> + } + + } elsif ("state" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s") { # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/)) { + changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\d+)/)) { + changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/)) { + changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\d+)/)) { + changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,3; + changestate($paramlist[0], int($paramlist[1]), $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } + + } elsif (("timeadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ta") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) { + timeaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) { + timeaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + timeaddaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1]); # <account_name> <modifier> + } + + } elsif (("timeset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ts") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'? + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) { + timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"\s+(\S+)/)) { + timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], "23:59:59"); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)) { + timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'\s+(\S+)/)) { + timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], "23:59:59"); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters; + timesetaccount($paramlist[0], $paramlist[1], $paramlist[2]); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } + + } elsif ($command eq "unban" || ("unbanish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) { + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + bansetaccount($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + bansetaccount($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + bansetaccount($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] + } + + } elsif ("unblock" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4) { + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + changestate($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + changestate($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + changestate($paramlist[0], 0, ""); # <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> + } + + } elsif ("version" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + checkloginversion(); + + } elsif ("who" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + if (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^"(.*)"/)) { + whoaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } elsif (@paramlist = ($parameters =~ m/^'(.*)'/)) { + whoaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } else { + @paramlist = split /\s+/,$parameters,1; + whoaccount($paramlist[0]); # <account_name> + } + +# quit + } elsif ("quit" =~ /^\Q$command/ || + (("end" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "exit" =~ /^\Q$command/) && $command ne "e")) { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'? + last; + +# unknown command + } elsif ($command) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Commande inconnue [".$command."]\n"; + } else { + print "Unknown command [".$command."]\n"; + } + } +# $term->addhistory($cmd) if $command; + }; + if ($@) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Erreur [".$command."]\n$@"; + } else { + print "Error [".$command."]\n$@"; + } + } +}; + +# End of the software +quit(); + +if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Au revoir.\n"; +} else { + print "Bye.\n"; +} +exit(0); + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Displaying of the version of the login-server +sub checkloginversion() { + print $so pack("v",30000); # 0x7530 + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(10); + # Analyse du Packet + my($ret, $maver, $miver, $rev, $dev, $mod, $type, $mdver) = unpack("vc6v", $buf); + if ($ret != 30001) { #0x7531 + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + exit(6); + } + + print " Login-Server [$loginserverip:$loginserverport]\n"; + printf " eAthena version %s-%d.%d", ("stable", "dev")[$dev], $maver, $miver; + printf " revision %d", $rev if $rev; + printf "%s%d.\n", ("", "-mod")[$mod], $mdver; + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Displaying of the help +sub displayhelp() { + my($help, $receivedcommand) = @_; + + my($command) = lc($receivedcommand); # command in lowercase + + if ($command eq "") { + $command = "not a command"; # any value that is not a command + } + + if ($command eq "?") { + $command = "aide" if ($defaultlanguage eq "F"); + $command = "help" if ($defaultlanguage ne "F"); + } + + if ($help eq "aide") { + if ("aide" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'? + printf "aide/help/?\n"; + printf " Affiche la description des commandes\n"; + printf "aide/help/? [commande]\n"; + printf " Affiche la description de la commande specifi�e\n"; + } elsif ("help" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "aide/help/?\n"; + printf " Display the description of the commands\n"; + printf "aide/help/? [command]\n"; + printf " Display the description of the specified command\n"; + } elsif ("add" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'? + printf "add <nomcompte> <sexe> <motdepasse>\n"; + printf " Cr�e un compte avec l'email par d�faut (a\@a.com).\n"; + printf " Concernant le sexe, seule la premi�re lettre compte (F ou M).\n"; + printf " L'e-mail est a\@a.com (e-mail par d�faut). C'est comme n'avoir aucun e-mail.\n"; + printf " Lorsque motdepasse est omis, la saisie se fait sans que la frappe se voit.\n"; + printf " <exemple> add testname Male testpass\n"; + } elsif ($command eq "ban" || ("banish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) { + printf "ban/banish aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss <nomcompte>\n"; + printf " Change la date de fin de bannissement d'un compte.\n"; + printf " La diff�rence avec banset est la position du nom du compte.\n"; + } elsif (("banadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ba") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'? + printf "banadd <nomcompte> <Modificateur>\n"; + printf " Ajoute ou soustrait du temps � la date de banissement d'un compte.\n"; + printf " Les modificateurs sont construits comme suit:\n"; + printf " Valeur d'ajustement (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n"; + printf " El�ment modifi�:\n"; + printf " a ou y: ann�e\n"; + printf " m: mois\n"; + printf " j ou d: jour\n"; + printf " h: heure\n"; + printf " mn: minute\n"; + printf " s: seconde\n"; + printf " <exemple> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6a\n"; + printf " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et une seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n"; + printf " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n"; + printf "NOTE: Si vous modifez la date de banissement d'un compte non bani,\n"; + printf " vous indiquez comme date (le moment actuel +- les ajustements)\n"; + } elsif (("banset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "bs") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'? + printf "banset <nomcompte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss]\n"; + printf " Change la date de fin de bannissement d'un compte.\n"; + printf " Heure par d�faut: 23:59:59\n"; + printf "banset <nomcompte> 0\n"; + printf " D�banni un compte (0 = de-banni).\n"; + } elsif ("block" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 2) { + printf "block <nom compte>\n"; + printf " Place le status d'un compte � 5 (You have been blocked by the GM Team).\n"; + printf " La commande est l'�quivalent de state <nom_compte> 5.\n"; + } elsif ("check" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'? + printf "check <nomcompte> <motdepasse>\n"; + printf " V�rifie la validit� d'un mot de passe pour un compte\n"; + printf " NOTE: Le serveur n'enverra jamais un mot de passe.\n"; + printf " C'est la seule m�thode que vous poss�dez pour savoir\n"; + printf " si un mot de passe est le bon. L'autre m�thode est\n"; + printf " d'avoir un acc�s ('physique') au fichier des comptes.\n"; + } elsif ("create" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'? + printf "create <nomcompte> <sexe> <email> <motdepasse>\n"; + printf " Comme la commande add, mais avec l'e-mail en plus.\n"; + printf " <exemple> create testname Male mon\@mail.com testpass\n"; + } elsif ("del" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "delete" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "del <nomcompte>\n"; + printf " Supprime un compte.\n"; + printf " La commande demande confirmation. Apr�s confirmation, le compte est d�truit.\n"; + } elsif ("email" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "e") { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'? + printf "email <nomcompte> <email>\n"; + printf " Modifie l'e-mail d'un compte.\n"; + } elsif ("getcount" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'? + printf "getcount\n"; + printf " Donne le nombre de joueurs en ligne par serveur de char.\n"; + } elsif ("gm" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'? + printf "gm <nomcompte> [Niveau_GM]\n"; + printf " Modifie le niveau de GM d'un compte.\n"; + printf " Valeur par d�faut: 0 (suppression du niveau de GM).\n"; + printf " <exemple> gm nomtest 80\n"; + } elsif ("id" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'? + printf "id <nomcompte>\n"; + printf " Donne l'id d'un compte.\n"; + } elsif ("info" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'? + printf "info <idcompte>\n"; + printf " Affiche les informations sur un compte.\n"; + } elsif ($command eq "kami") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'? + printf "kami <message>\n"; + printf " Envoi un message g�n�ral sur tous les serveurs de map (en jaune).\n"; + } elsif ($command eq "kamib") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'? + printf "kamib <message>\n"; + printf " Envoi un message g�n�ral sur tous les serveurs de map (en bleu).\n"; + } elsif ("language" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf("language <langue>\n"); + printf(" Change la langue d'affichage.\n"); + printf(" Langues possibles: 'Fran�ais' ou 'English'.\n"); + } elsif (("list" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ls") && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf "list/ls [Premier_id [Dernier_id]]\n"; + printf " Affiche une liste de comptes.\n"; + printf " 'Premier_id', 'Dernier_id': indique les identifiants de d�part et de fin.\n"; + printf " La recherche par nom n'est pas possible avec cette commande.\n"; + printf " <example> list 10 9999999\n"; + } elsif (("listban" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsban") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write Ban to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf "listBan/lsBan [Premier_id [Dernier_id]]\n"; + printf " Comme list/ls, mais seulement pour les comptes GM avec un statut ou bannis.\n"; + } elsif (("listgm" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsgm") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write GM to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf "listGM/lsGM [Premier_id [Dernier_id]]\n"; + printf " Comme list/ls, mais seulement pour les comptes GM.\n"; + } elsif (("listok" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsok") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write OK to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf "listOK/lsOK [Premier_id [Dernier_id]]\n"; + printf " Comme list/ls, mais seulement pour les comptes sans statut et non bannis.\n"; + } elsif ("memo" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "memo <nomcompte> <memo>\n"; + printf " Modifie le m�mo d'un compte.\n"; + printf " 'memo': Il peut avoir jusqu'� 253 caract�res (avec des espaces ou non).\n"; + } elsif ("name" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "name <idcompte>\n"; + printf " Donne le nom d'un compte.\n"; + } elsif ("passwd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "password" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "passwd <nomcompte> <nouveaumotdepasse>\n"; + printf " Change le mot de passe d'un compte.\n"; + printf " Lorsque nouveaumotdepasse est omis,\n"; + printf " la saisie se fait sans que la frappe ne se voit.\n"; + } elsif ("reloadgm" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "reloadGM\n"; + printf " Reload GM configuration file\n"; + } elsif ("search" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'? + printf "search <expression>\n"; + printf " Cherche des comptes.\n"; + printf " Affiche les comptes dont les noms correspondent.\n"; + printf "search -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression>\n"; + printf " Cherche des comptes par expression reguli�re.\n"; + printf " Affiche les comptes dont les noms correspondent.\n"; + } elsif ("sex" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'? + printf "sex <nomcompte> <sexe>\n"; + printf " Modifie le sexe d'un compte.\n"; + printf " <exemple> sex testname Male\n"; + } elsif ("state" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s") { # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + printf "state <nomcompte> <nouveaustatut> <message_erreur_7>\n"; + printf " Change le statut d'un compte.\n"; + printf " 'nouveaustatut': Le statut est le m�me que celui du packet 0x006a + 1.\n"; + printf " les possibilit�s sont:\n"; + printf " 0 = Compte ok\n"; + printf " 1 = Unregistered ID\n"; + printf " 2 = Incorrect Password\n"; + printf " 3 = This ID is expired\n"; + printf " 4 = Rejected from Server\n"; + printf " 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team\n"; + printf " 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n"; + printf " 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until...\n"; + printf " 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated\n"; + printf " 9 = No MSG\n"; + printf " 100 = This ID has been totally erased\n"; + printf " all other values are 'No MSG', then use state 9 please.\n"; + printf " 'message_erreur_7': message du code erreur 6 =\n"; + printf " = Your are Prohibited to log in until... (packet 0x006a)\n"; + } elsif (("timeadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ta") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'? + printf "timeadd <nomcompte> <modificateur>\n"; + printf " Ajoute/soustrait du temps � la limite de validit� d'un compte.\n"; + printf " Le modificateur est compos� comme suit:\n"; + printf " Valeur modificatrice (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n"; + printf " El�ment modifi�:\n"; + printf " a ou y: ann�e\n"; + printf " m: mois\n"; + printf " j ou d: jour\n"; + printf " h: heure\n"; + printf " mn: minute\n"; + printf " s: seconde\n"; + printf " <exemple> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6a\n"; + printf " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et une seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n"; + printf " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n"; + printf "NOTE: Vous ne pouvez pas modifier une limite de validit� illimit�e. Si vous\n"; + printf " d�sirez le faire, c'est que vous voulez probablement cr�er un limite de\n"; + printf " validit� limit�e. Donc, en premier, fix� une limite de valitid�.\n"; + } elsif (("timeset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ts") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'? + printf "timeset <nomcompte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss]\n"; + printf " Change la limite de validit� d'un compte.\n"; + printf " Heure par d�faut: 23:59:59\n"; + printf "timeset <nomcompte> 0\n"; + printf " Donne une limite de validit� illimit�e (0 = illimit�e).\n"; + } elsif ($command eq "unban" || ("unbanish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) { + printf "unban/unbanish <nom compte>\n"; + printf " Ote le banissement d'un compte.\n"; + printf " La commande est l'�quivalent de banset <nom_compte> 0.\n"; + } elsif ("unblock" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4) { + printf "unblock <nom compte>\n"; + printf " Place le status d'un compte � 0 (Compte ok).\n"; + printf " La commande est l'�quivalent de state <nom_compte> 0.\n"; + } elsif ("version" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "version\n"; + printf " Affiche la version du login-serveur.\n"; + } elsif ("who" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "who <nomcompte>\n"; + printf " Affiche les informations sur un compte.\n"; + } elsif ("quit" =~ /^\Q$command/ || + (("end" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "exit" =~ /^\Q$command/) && $command ne "e")) { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?\n"; + printf "quit/end/exit\n"; + printf " Fin du programme d'administration.\n"; + } else { + if ($receivedcommand ne "") { + printf "Commande inconnue [%s] pour l'aide. Affichage de toutes les commandes.\n", $receivedcommand; + } + print << "ENDOFAIDE"; + aide/help/? -- Affiche cet aide + aide/help/? [commande] -- Affiche l'aide de la commande + add <nomcompte> <sexe> <motdepasse> -- Cr�e un compte (sans email) + ban/banish aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss <nomcompte>-- Change la date finale de banismnt + banadd/ba <nomcompte> <modificateur> -- Ajout/soustrait du temps � la + exemple: ba moncompte +1m-2mn1s-2y date finale de banissement + banset/bs <nomcompte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss] -- Change la date fin de banisemnt + banset/bs <nomcompte> 0 -- D�-banis un compte. + block <nom compte> -- Mets le status d'un compte � 5 (blocked by the GM Team) + check <nomcompte> <motdepasse> -- V�rifie un mot de passe d'un compte + create <nomcompte> <sexe> <email> <motdepasse> -- Cr�e un compte (avec email) + del <nomcompte> -- Supprime un compte + email <nomcompte> <email> -- Modifie l'e-mail d'un compte + getcount -- Donne le nb de joueurs en ligne + gm <nomcompte> [Niveau_GM] -- Modifie le niveau de GM d'un compte + id <nomcompte> -- Donne l'id d'un compte + info <idcompte> -- Affiche les infos sur un compte + kami <message> -- Envoi un message g�n�ral (en jaune) + kamib <message> -- Envoi un message g�n�ral (en bleu) + language <langue> -- Change la langue d'affichage. + list/ls [Premier_id [Dernier_id] ] -- Affiche une liste de comptes + listBan/lsBan [Premier_id [Dernier_id] ]-- Affiche une liste de comptes + avec un statut ou bannis + listGM/lsGM [Premier_id [Dernier_id] ] -- Affiche une liste de comptes GM + listOK/lsOK [Premier_id [Dernier_id] ] -- Affiche une liste de comptes + sans status et non bannis + memo <nomcompte> <memo> -- Modifie le memo d'un compte + name <idcompte> -- Donne le nom d'un compte + passwd <nomcompte> <nouveaumotdepasse> -- Change le mot de passe d'un compte + quit/end/exit -- Fin du programme d'administation + reloadGM -- Recharger le fichier de config des GM + search <expression> -- Cherche des comptes + search -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expression> -- Cherche des comptes par REGEX + sex <nomcompte> <sexe> -- Modifie le sexe d'un compte + state <nomcompte> <nouveaustatut> <messageerr7> -- Change le statut d'1 compte + timeadd/ta <nomcompte> <modificateur> -- Ajout/soustrait du temps � la + exemple: ta moncompte +1m-2mn1s-2y limite de validit� + timeset/ts <nomcompte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss] -- Change la limite de validit� + timeset/ts <nomcompte> 0 -- limite de validit� = illimit�e + unban/unbanish <nom compte> -- Ote le banissement d'un compte + unblock <nom compte> -- Mets le status d'un compte � 0 (Compte ok) + version -- Donne la version du login-serveur + who <nomcompte> -- Affiche les infos sur un compte +ENDOFAIDE + printf(" Note: Pour les noms de compte avec des espaces, tapez \"<nom compte>\" (ou ').\n"); + } + } else { + if ("aide" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'? + printf "aide/help/?\n"; + printf " Display the description of the commands\n"; + printf "aide/help/? [command]\n"; + printf " Display the description of the specified command\n"; + } elsif ("help" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "aide/help/?\n"; + printf " Display the description of the commands\n"; + printf "aide/help/? [command]\n"; + printf " Display the description of the specified command\n"; + } elsif ("add" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "a") { # check 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'? + printf "add <account_name> <sex> <password>\n"; + printf " Create an account with the default email (a\@a.com).\n"; + printf " Concerning the sex, only the first letter is used (F or M).\n"; + printf " The e-mail is set to a\@a.com (default e-mail). It's like to have no e-mail.\n"; + printf " When the password is omitted,\n"; + printf " the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.\n"; + printf " <example> add testname Male testpass\n"; + } elsif ($command eq "ban" || ("banish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) { + printf "ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name>\n"; + printf " Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.\n"; + printf " The difference with banset is the position of the account name.\n"; + } elsif (("banadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ba") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'? + printf "banadd <account_name> <modifier>\n"; + printf " Adds or substracts time from the final date of a banishment of an account.\n"; + printf " Modifier is done as follows:\n"; + printf " Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n"; + printf " Modified element:\n"; + printf " a or y: year\n"; + printf " m: month\n"; + printf " j or d: day\n"; + printf " h: hour\n"; + printf " mn: minute\n"; + printf " s: second\n"; + printf " <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + printf " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n"; + printf " and 6 years at the same time.\n"; + printf "NOTE: If you modify the final date of a non-banished account,\n"; + printf " you fix the final date to (actual time +- adjustments)\n"; + } elsif (("banset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "bs") && $command ne "b") { # check 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'? + printf "banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n"; + printf " Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.\n"; + printf " Default time: 23:59:59\n"; + printf "banset <account_name> 0\n"; + printf " Set a non-banished account (0 = unbanished).\n"; + } elsif ("block" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 2) { + printf "block <account name>\n"; + printf " Set state 5 (You have been blocked by the GM Team) to an account.\n"; + printf " Same command of state <account_name> 5.\n"; + } elsif ("check" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'? + printf "check <account_name> <password>\n"; + printf " Check the validity of a password for an account.\n"; + printf " NOTE: Server will never sends back a password.\n"; + printf " It's the only method you have to know if a password is correct.\n"; + printf " The other method is to have a ('physical') access to the accounts file.\n"; + } elsif ("create" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "c") { # check 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'? + printf "create <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>\n"; + printf " Like the 'add' command, but with e-mail moreover.\n"; + printf " <example> create testname Male my\@mail.com testpass\n"; + } elsif ("del" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "delete" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "del <account_name>\n"; + printf " Remove an account.\n"; + printf " This order requires confirmation. After confirmation, the account is deleted.\n"; + } elsif ("email" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "e") { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'? + printf "email <account_name> <email>\n"; + printf " Modify the e-mail of an account.\n"; + } elsif ("getcount" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'? + printf "getcount\n"; + printf " Give the number of players online on all char-servers.\n"; + } elsif ("gm" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "g") { # check 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'? + printf "gm <account_name> [GM_level]\n"; + printf " Modify the GM level of an account.\n"; + printf " Default value remove GM level (GM level = 0).\n"; + printf " <example> gm testname 80\n"; + } elsif ("id" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'? + printf "id <account_name>\n"; + printf " Give the id of an account.\n"; + } elsif ("info" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "i") { # check 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'? + printf "info <account_id>\n"; + printf " Display complete information of an account.\n"; + } elsif ($command eq "kami") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'? + printf "kami <message>\n"; + printf " Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow).\n"; + } elsif ($command eq "kamib") { # check all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'? + printf "kamib <message>\n"; + printf " Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue).\n"; + } elsif ("language" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf("language <language>\n"); + printf(" Change the language of displaying.\n"); + printf(" Possible languages: Fran�ais or English.\n"); + } elsif (("list" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ls") && $command ne "l") { # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf "list/ls [start_id [end_id]]\n"; + printf " Display a list of accounts.\n"; + printf " 'start_id', 'end_id': indicate end and start identifiers.\n"; + printf " Research by name is not possible with this command.\n"; + printf " <example> list 10 9999999\n"; + } elsif (("listban" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsban") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write Ban to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf "listBan/lsBan [start_id [end_id]]\n"; + printf " Like list/ls, but only for accounts with state or banished.\n"; + } elsif (("listgm" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsgm") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write GM to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf "listGM/lsGM [start_id [end_id]]\n"; + printf " Like list/ls, but only for GM accounts.\n"; + } elsif (("listok" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "lsok") && $command ne "l") { # need to specificaly write OK to have this list # check 1 letter command: 'list' or 'language'? + printf "listOK/lsOK [start_id [end_id]]\n"; + printf " Like list/ls, but only for accounts without state and not banished.\n"; + } elsif ("memo" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "memo <account_name> <memo>\n"; + printf " Modify the memo of an account.\n"; + printf " 'memo': it can have until 253 characters (with spaces or not).\n"; + } elsif ("name" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "name <account_id>\n"; + printf " Give the name of an account.\n"; + } elsif ("passwd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "password" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "passwd <account_name> <new_password>\n"; + printf " Change the password of an account.\n"; + printf " When new password is omitted,\n"; + printf " the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.\n"; + } elsif ("reloadgm" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "reloadGM\n"; + printf " Reload GM configuration file\n"; + } elsif ("search" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'? + printf "search <expression>\n"; + printf " Seek accounts.\n"; + printf " Displays the accounts whose names correspond.\n"; + printf "search -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression>\n"; + printf " Seek accounts by regular expression.\n"; + printf " Displays the accounts whose names correspond.\n"; + } elsif ("sex" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s" && # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + $command ne "se") { # check 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'? + printf "sex <account_name> <sex>\n"; + printf " Modify the sex of an account.\n"; + printf " <example> sex testname Male\n"; + } elsif ("state" =~ /^\Q$command/ && $command ne "s") { # check 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'? + printf "state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>\n"; + printf " Change the state of an account.\n"; + printf " 'new_state': state is the state of the packet 0x006a + 1.\n"; + printf " The possibilities are:\n"; + printf " 0 = Account ok\n"; + printf " 1 = Unregistered ID\n"; + printf " 2 = Incorrect Password\n"; + printf " 3 = This ID is expired\n"; + printf " 4 = Rejected from Server\n"; + printf " 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team\n"; + printf " 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n"; + printf " 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until...\n"; + printf " 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated\n"; + printf " 9 = No MSG\n"; + printf " 100 = This ID has been totally erased\n"; + printf " all other values are 'No MSG', then use state 9 please.\n"; + printf " 'error_message_#7': message of the code error 6\n"; + printf " = Your are Prohibited to log in until... (packet 0x006a)\n"; + } elsif (("timeadd" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ta") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'? + printf "timeadd <account_name> <modifier>\n"; + printf " Adds or substracts time from the validity limit of an account.\n"; + printf " Modifier is done as follows:\n"; + printf " Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n"; + printf " Modified element:\n"; + printf " a or y: year\n"; + printf " m: month\n"; + printf " j or d: day\n"; + printf " h: hour\n"; + printf " mn: minute\n"; + printf " s: second\n"; + printf " <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + printf " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n"; + printf " and 6 years at the same time.\n"; + printf "NOTE: You can not modify a unlimited validity limit.\n"; + printf " If you want modify it, you want probably create a limited validity limit.\n"; + printf " So, at first, you must set the validity limit to a date/time.\n"; + } elsif (("timeset" =~ /^\Q$command/ || $command eq "ts") && $command ne "t") { # check 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'? + printf "timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n"; + printf " Changes the validity limit of an account.\n"; + printf " Default time: 23:59:59\n"; + printf "timeset <account_name> 0\n"; + printf " Gives an unlimited validity limit (0 = unlimited).\n"; + } elsif ($command eq "unban" || ("unbanish" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4)) { + printf "unban/unbanish <account name>\n"; + printf " Remove the banishment of an account.\n"; + printf " This command works like banset <account_name> 0.\n"; + } elsif ("unblock" =~ /^\Q$command/ && length($command) >= 4) { + printf "unblock <account name>\n"; + printf " Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account.\n"; + printf " This command works like state <account_name> 0.\n"; + } elsif ("version" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "version\n"; + printf " Display the version of the login-server.\n"; + } elsif ("who" =~ /^\Q$command/) { + printf "who <account_name>\n"; + printf " Displays complete information of an account.\n"; + } elsif ("quit" =~ /^\Q$command/ || + (("end" =~ /^\Q$command/ || "exit" =~ /^\Q$command/) && $command ne "e")) { # check 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?\n"; + printf "quit/end/exit\n"; + printf " End of the program of administration.\n"; + } else { + if ($receivedcommand ne "") { + printf "Unknown command [%s] for help. Displaying of all commands.\n", $receivedcommand; + } + print << "ENDOFHELP"; + aide/help/? -- Display this help + aide/help/? [command] -- Display the help of the command + add <account_name> <sex> <password> -- Create an account with default email + ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account_name> -- Change final date of a ban + banadd/ba <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the final + example: ba apple +1m-2mn1s-2y date of a banishment of an account + banset/bs <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change final date of a ban + banset/bs <account_name> 0 -- Un-banish an account + block <account name> -- Set state 5 (blocked by the GM Team) to an account + check <account_name> <password> -- Check the validity of a password + create <account_name> <sex> <email> <passwrd> -- Create an account with email + del <account_name> -- Remove an account + email <account_name> <email> -- Modify an email of an account + getcount -- Give the number of players online + gm <account_name> [GM_level] -- Modify the GM level of an account + id <account_name> -- Give the id of an account + info <account_id> -- Display all information of an account + kami <message> -- Sends a broadcast message (in yellow) + kamib <message> -- Sends a broadcast message (in blue) + language <language> -- Change the language of displaying. + list/ls [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts + listBan/lsBan [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts + with state or banished + listGM/lsGM [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of GM accounts + listOK/lsOK [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts + without state and not banished + memo <account_name> <memo> -- Modify the memo of an account + name <account_id> -- Give the name of an account + passwd <account_name> <new_password> -- Change the password of an account + quit/end/exit -- End of the program of administation + reloadGM -- Reload GM configuration file + search <expression> -- Seek accounts + search -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expressn> -- Seek accounts by regular-expression + sex <nomcompte> <sexe> -- Modify the sex of an account + state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> -- Change the state + timeadd/ta <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the + example: ta apple +1m-2mn1s-2y validity limit of an account + timeset/ts <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the validify limit + timeset/ts <account_name> 0 -- Give a unlimited validity limit + unban/unbanish <account name> -- Remove the banishment of an account + unblock <account name> -- Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account + version -- Gives the version of the login-server + who <account_name> -- Display all information of an account +ENDOFHELP + printf(" Note: To use spaces in an account name, type \"<account name>\" (or ').\n"); + } + } + + return 0; +} +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Displaying of the accounts list +sub listaccount() { + my($st, $ed, $listflag) = @_; + my($i); + my($n) = (0); + # 0123456789 01 01234567890123456789012301234 012345 0123456789012345678901234567 + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " id_compte GM nom_utilisateur sexe count statut\n"; + } else { + print "account_id GM user_name sex count state\n"; + } + print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; + while(1) { + print $so pack("vV2", 0x7920, $st, $ed); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(4); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7921) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + exit(10); + } + my($len) = unpack("x2v", $buf); + last if ($len <= 4); + for($i = 4; $i < $len; $i += 38) { + my(@dat) = unpack("VCa24cVV", readso(38)); + $st = $dat[0] + 1; + if ($listflag == 0 || + ($listflag == 1 && $dat[1] > 0) || # check GM flag + ($listflag == 3 && $dat[5] != 0) || # check with state or banished + ($listflag == 4 && $dat[5] == 0)) { # check without state and not banished + printf "%10d %2s %-24s%-5s %6d %-27s\n", $dat[0], + ($dat[1] == 0 ? " " : $dat[1]), + $dat[2], + ($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? ("Femme","Male","Servr")[$dat[3]] : ("Femal","Male","Servr")[$dat[3]]), + $dat[4], + (($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"), + "Unregistered ID", + "Incorrect Password", + "This ID is expired", + "Rejected from Server", + "Blocked by the GM Team", # You have been blocked by the GM Team + "Your EXE file is too old", # Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version + "Banishement or\n Prohibited to login until %s", # You are Prohibited to log in until %s + "Server is over populated", # Server is jammed due to over populated + "No MSG", + "This ID is totally erased")[$dat[5] == 100 ? 10 : $dat[5]]; # This ID has been totally erased + $n++; + } + } + } + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + if ($n == 0) { + print "Aucun compte trouv�.\n"; + } elsif ($n == 1) { + print "1 compte trouv�.\n"; + } else { + print "$n comptes trouv�s.\n"; + } + } else { + if ($n == 0) { + print "No account found.\n"; + } elsif ($n == 1) { + print "1 account found.\n"; + } else { + print "$n accounts found.\n"; + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: add an account with the default e-mail +sub addaccount() { + my($userid, $sex, $passwd) = @_; + if ($userid eq "" || !defined($userid)) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> add nomtest Male motdepassetest\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> add testname Male testpass\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } +# if ($userid =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9\@-_]/) { +# if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { +# print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n"; +# } else { +# print "Illegal character found in the account name ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n"; +# } +# return 101; +# } + $sex = uc(substr($sex, 0, 1)); + if ($sex !~ /^[MF]$/) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Sexe incorrect [$sex]. Entrez M ou F svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Illegal gender [$sex]. Please input M or F.\n"; + } + return 103; + } + if ($passwd eq "") { + return 108 if (($passwd = typepasswd()) eq ""); + } + if (verify_password($passwd) == 0) { + return 104; + } + print $so pack("va24a24a1a40", 0x7930, $userid, $passwd, $sex, ""); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7931) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 106; + } + $buf = readso(28); + if (unpack("V", $buf) == -1 || unpack("V", $buf) == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec � la cr�ation du compte [$userid]. Un compte identique existe d�j�.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] creation failed. Same account already exists.\n"; + } + return 107; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + printf "Compte [$userid] cr�� avec succ�s [id: %d].\n", unpack("V",$buf); + } else { + printf "Account [$userid] is successfully created [id: %d].\n", unpack("V",$buf); + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: add an account with an e-mail +sub createaccount() { + my($userid, $sex, $email, $passwd) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> create nomtest Male mon\@email.com motdepassetest\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> create testname Male my\@mail.com testpass\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } +# if ($userid =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9\@-_]/) { +# if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { +# print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n"; +# } else { +# print "Illegal character found in the account name ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n"; +# } +# return 101; +# } + $sex = uc(substr($sex, 0, 1)); + if ($sex !~ /^[MF]$/) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Sexe incorrect [$sex]. Entrez M ou F svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Illegal gender [$sex]. Please input M or F.\n"; + } + return 103; + } + if (length($email) < 3) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Email trop courte [$email]. Entrez une e-mail valide svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Email is too short [$email]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n"; + } + return 109; + } + if (length($email) > 39) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Email trop longue [$email]. Entrez une e-mail de 39 caract�res maximum svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Email is too long [$email]. Please input an e-mail with 39 bytes at the most.\n"; + } + return 109; + } + if (verify_email($email) == 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Email incorrecte [$email]. Entrez une e-mail valide svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Invalid email [$email]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n"; + } + return 109; + } + if ($passwd eq "") { + return 108 if (($passwd = typepasswd()) eq ""); + } + if (verify_password($passwd) == 0) { + return 104; + } + print $so pack("va24a24a1a40", 0x7930, $userid, $passwd, $sex, $email); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7931) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 106; + } + $buf = readso(28); + if (unpack("V", $buf) == -1 || unpack("V", $buf) == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec � la cr�ation du compte [$userid]. Un compte identique existe d�j�.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] creation failed. Same account already exists.\n"; + } + return 107; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + printf "Compte [$userid] cr�� avec succ�s [id: %d].\n", unpack("V",$buf); + } else { + printf "Account [$userid] is successfully created [id: %d].\n", unpack("V",$buf); + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: deletion of an account +sub delaccount() { + my($userid) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> del nomtestasupprimer\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> del testnametodelete\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "** Etes-vous vraiment s�r de vouloir SUPPRIMER le compte [$userid]? (o/n) "; + } else { + print "** Are you really sure to DELETE account [$userid]? (y/n) "; + } + if (lc(substr(<STDIN>, 0, 1)) !~ /[oy]/) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Suppression annul�e\n."; + } else { + print "Deletion canceled\n"; + } + return 121; + } + print $so pack("va24", 0x7932, $userid); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7933) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 122; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec de la suppression du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] deletion failed. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + return 123; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Compte [$name][id: $id2] SUPPRIME avec succ�s.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$name][id: $id2] is successfully DELETED.\n"; + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: modification of a password +sub changepasswd() { + my($userid, $passwd) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> passwd nomtest nouveaumotdepasse\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> passwd testname newpassword\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + if ($passwd eq "") { + return 134 if (($passwd = typepasswd()) eq ""); + } + if (verify_password($passwd) == 0) { + return 131; + } + print $so pack("va24a24", 0x7934, $userid,$passwd); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7935) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 132; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec de la modification du mot de passe du compte [$userid].\n"; + print "Le compte [$userid] n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] password changing failed.\n"; + print "Account [$userid] doesn't exist.\n"; + } + return 133; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Modification du mot de passe du compte [$name][id: $id2] r�ussie.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$name][id: $id2] password successfully changed.\n"; + } + } + return 130; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: modification of an account e-mail +sub changeemail() { + my($userid, $email) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> email testname nouveauemail\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> email testname newemail\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + if (length($email) < 3) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Email trop courte [$email]. Entrez une e-mail valide svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Email is too short [$email]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n"; + } + return 109; + } + if (length($email) > 39) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Email trop longue [$email]. Entrez une e-mail de 39 caract�res maximum svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Email is too long [$email]. Please input an e-mail with 39 bytes at the most.\n"; + } + return 109; + } + if (verify_email($email) == 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Email incorrect [$email]. Entrez une e-mail valide svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Invalid email [$email]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n"; + } + return 109; + } + print $so pack("va24a40", 0x7940, $userid, $email); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7941) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 162; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec de la modification de l'e-mail du compte [$userid].\n"; + print "Le compte [$userid] n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] e-mail changing failed.\n"; + print "Account [$userid] doesn't exist.\n"; + } + return 133; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Modification de l'e-mail du compte [$name][id: $id2] r�ussie.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$name][id: $id2] e-mail successfully changed.\n"; + } + } + return 160; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: search of accounts +sub searchaccount() { + my($p1, $p2) = @_; + my($exp) = (""); + if ($p1 eq "-e" || $p1 eq "-r" || $p1 eq "--regex" || $p1 eq "--expr") { + if ($p2 eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez une expression r�guli�re ou utilisez 'ls' pour avoir tous les comptes.\n"; + } else { + print "Input a regular expression or use 'ls' to obtain all accounts.\n"; + } + return 141; + } + $exp = $p2; + } else { + if ($p1 eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez une cha�ne ou utilisez 'ls' pour avoir tous les comptes.\n"; + } else { + print "Input a string or use 'ls' to obtain all accounts.\n"; + } + return 141; + } + my($c) = 0; + $exp = lc($p1); + $exp =~ s/([\@])/\\$1/g; + $c += $exp =~ s/([\-\[\]])/\\$1/g; + $c += $exp =~ s/([\*\?])/.$1/g; + $c += $exp =~ s/\\\[(.)\\\-(.)\\\]/[$1-$2]/g; + $exp = "^$exp\$" if $c; + } + if (eval{ "" =~ /$exp/; }, $@) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Expression r�guli�re non reconnue.\n"; + } else { + print "Regular-Expression compiling failed.\n"; + } + return 141; + } + my($i); + my($n, $st) = (0, 0); + # 0123456789 01 01234567890123456789012301234 012345 0123456789012345678901234567 + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " id_compte GM nom_utilisateur sexe count statut\n"; + } else { + print "account_id GM user_name sex count state\n"; + } + print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; + while(1) { + print $so pack("vV2", 0x7920, $st, 0); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(4); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7921) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + exit(10); + } + my($len) = unpack("x2v", $buf); + last if ($len <= 4); + for($i = 4; $i < $len; $i += 38) { + my(@dat) = unpack("VCa24cVV", readso(38)); + $st = $dat[0] + 1; + next if (lc($dat[2]) !~ /$exp/); + printf "%10d %2s %-24s%-5s %6d %-27s\n", $dat[0], + ($dat[1] == 0 ? " " : $dat[1]), + $dat[2], + ($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? ("Femme","Male","Servr")[$dat[3]] : ("Femal","Male","Servr")[$dat[3]]), + $dat[4], + (($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"), + "Unregistered ID", + "Incorrect Password", + "This ID is expired", + "Rejected from Server", + "Blocked by the GM Team", # You have been blocked by the GM Team + "Your EXE file is too old", # Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version + "Banishement or\n Prohibited to login until %s", # You are Prohibited to log in until %s + "Server is over populated", # Server is jammed due to over populated + "No MSG", + "This ID is totally erased")[$dat[5] == 100 ? 10 : $dat[5]]; # This ID has been totally erased + $n++; + } + } + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + if ($n == 0) { + print "Aucun compte trouv�.\n"; + } elsif ($n == 1) { + print "1 compte trouv�.\n"; + } else { + print "$n comptes trouv�s.\n"; + } + } else { + if ($n == 0) { + print "No account found.\n"; + } elsif ($n == 1) { + print "1 account found.\n"; + } else { + print "$n accounts found.\n"; + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: modify the sex of an account +sub changesex() { + my($userid, $sex) = @_; + if ($userid eq "" || !defined($userid)) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> sex nomtest Male\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> sex testname Male\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } +# if ($userid =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9\@-_]/) { +# if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { +# print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n"; +# } else { +# print "Illegal character found in the account name ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n"; +# } +# return 101; +# } + $sex = uc(substr($sex, 0, 1)); + if ($sex !~ /^[MF]$/) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Sexe incorrect [$sex]. Entrez M ou F svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Illegal gender [$sex]. Please input M or F.\n"; + } + return 103; + } + print $so pack("va24a1", 0x793c, $userid, $sex); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x793d) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec du changement du sexe du compte [$userid].\n"; + print "Le compte n'existe pas ou le sexe est d�j� celui demand�.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] sex changing failed.\n"; + print "Account doesn't exist or the sex is already the good sex.\n"; + } + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Sexe du compte [$name][id: $id2] chang� avec succ�s.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$name][id: $id2] sex successfully changed.\n"; + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: modify the GM level of an account +sub changegmlevel() { + my($userid, $gm_level) = @_; + if ($userid eq "" || !defined($userid)) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> gm nomtest 80\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> gm testname 80\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } +# if ($userid =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9\@-_]/) { +# if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { +# print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n"; +# } else { +# print "Illegal character found in the account name ".$`."[${&}]${'}\n"; +# } +# return 101; +# } + $gm_level = int($gm_level); + if ($gm_level < 0 || $gm_level > 99) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Niveau de GM incorrect [$gm_level]. Entrez une valeur de 0 � 99 svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Illegal GM level [$gm_level]. Please input a value from 0 to 99.\n"; + } + return 103; + } + print $so pack("va24C", 0x793e, $userid, $gm_level); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x793f) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec du changement du niveau de GM du compte [$userid].\n"; + print "Le compte n'existe pas, le niveau de GM est d�j� celui demand�,\n"; + print "ou il est impossible de modifier le fichier des comptes GM.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] GM level changing failed.\n"; + print "Account doesn't exist, the GM level is already the good GM level,\n"; + print "or it's impossible to modify the GM accounts file.\n"; + } + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Niveau de GM du compte [$name][id: $id2] chang� avec succ�s.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$name][id: $id2] GM level successfully changed.\n"; + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Modification of a state +sub changestate { + my($userid, $s, $error_message) = @_; + # Valid values: 0: ok, or value of the 0x006a packet + 1 + if ($s eq "" || (($s < 0 || $s > 9) && $s != 100)) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez une des valeurs suivantes svp:\n"; + print " 0 = Compte ok 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n"; + } else { + print "Please input one of these values:\n"; + print " 0 = Account ok 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n"; + } + print " 1 = Unregistered ID 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until %s\n"; + print " 2 = Incorrect Password 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated\n"; + print " 3 = This ID is expired 9 = No MSG\n"; + print " 4 = Rejected from Server 100 = This ID has been totally erased\n"; + print " 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team\n"; + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "<exemples> state nomtest 5\n"; + print " state nomtest 7 fin de votre ban\n"; + print " block <nom du compte>\n"; + print " unblock <nom du compte>\n"; + } else { + print "<examples> state testname 5\n"; + print " state testname 7 end of your ban\n"; + print " block <account name>\n"; + print " unblock <account name>\n"; + } + return 151; + } + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemples> state nomtest 5\n"; + print " state nomtest 7 fin de votre ban\n"; + print " block <nom du compte>\n"; + print " unblock <nom du compte>\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<examples> state testname 5\n"; + print " state testname 7 end of your ban\n"; + print " block <account name>\n"; + print " unblock <account name>\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + if ($s != 7) { + $error_message = "-"; + } else { + if (length($error_message) < 1) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Message d'erreur trop court. Entrez un message de 1-19 caract�res.\n"; + } else { + print "Error message is too short. Please input a message of 1-19 bytes.\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if (length($error_message) > 19) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Message d'erreur trop long. Entrez un message de 1-19 caract�res.\n"; + } else { + print "Error message is too long. Please input a message of 1-19 bytes.\n"; + } + return 102; + } + } + print $so pack("va24Va20", 0x7936, $userid, $s, $error_message); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7937) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(32); + my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf); + while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($dat[1]); + }; + if ($dat[0] != -1 && $dat[0] != 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Statut du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang� avec succ�s en ["; + } else { + print "Account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] state successfully changed in ["; + } + print ((($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"), + "Unregistered ID", + "Incorrect Password", + "This ID is expired", + "Rejected from Server", + "You have been blocked by the GM Team", + "Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version", + "You are Prohibited to log in until %s", + "Server is jammed due to over populated", + "No MSG", + "This ID has been totally erased")[$dat[2] == 100 ? 10 : $dat[2]]); + print "].\n"; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec du changement du statut du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] state changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + } +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Displaying of the number of online players +sub getlogincount { + # Request to the login-server + print $so pack("v", 0x7938); + $so->flush(); + + $buf = readso(4); + # Connection failed + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7939) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + exit(3); + } + + # Get length of the received packet + my($len) = unpack("x2v", $buf) - 4; + + # Read information of the servers + if ($len < 1) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + printf " Aucun serveur n'est connect� au login serveur.\n"; + } else { + printf " No server is connected to the login-server.\n"; + } + } else { + my(@slist) = (); + for(; $len > 0; $len -= 32) { + my($name, $count) = unpack("x6 a20 V", readso(32)); + $name = substr($name, 0, index($name, "\0")); + push @slist, [ $name, $count ]; + } + # Displaying of result + my($i); + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + printf " Nombre de joueurs en ligne (serveur: nb):\n"; + } else { + printf " Number of online players (server: number).\n"; + } + foreach $i(@slist) { + printf " %-20s : %5d\n", $i->[0], $i->[1]; + } + } +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Modification of a memo field +sub changememo { + my($userid, $memo) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> memo nomtest nouveau memo\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> memo testname new memo\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + if (length($memo) > 254) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "M�mo trop long (".length($memo)." caract�res).\n"; + print "Entrez un m�mo de 254 caract�res maximum svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Memo is too long (".length($memo)." characters).\n"; + print "Please input a memo of 254 bytes at the maximum.\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if (length($memo) == 0) { + print $so pack("va24v", 0x7942, $userid, 0); + } else { + print $so pack("va24va".length($memo), 0x7942, $userid, length($memo), $memo); + } + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7943) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec du changement du m�mo du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] memo changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "M�mo du compte [$name][id: $id2] chang� avec succ�s.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$name][id: $id2] memo successfully changed.\n"; + } + } +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Request to obtain an account id +sub idaccount() { + my($userid) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> id nomtest\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> id testname\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + print $so pack("va24", 0x7944, $userid); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7945) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 122; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Impossible de trouver l'id du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Unabled to find the account [$userid] id. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + return 123; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Le compte [$name] a pour id: $id2.\n"; + } else { + print "The account [$name] have the id: $id2.\n"; + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Request to obtain an account name +sub nameaccount() { + my($id) = @_; + if ($id < 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un id ayant une valeur positive svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please input a positive value for the id.\n"; + } + return 136; + } + print $so pack("vV", 0x7946, $id); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7947) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 122; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if (length($name) == 0 || $name eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Impossible de trouver le nom du compte [id: $id2]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Unabled to find the account [id: $id2] name. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + return 123; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Le compte [id: $id2] a pour nom: $name.\n"; + } else { + print "The account [id: $id2] have the name: $name.\n"; + } + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Set a validity limit of an account +sub timesetaccount() { + my($userid, $date, $time) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple>: timeset <nom_du_compte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss]\n"; + print " timeset <nom_du_compte> 0 (0 = illimit�)\n"; + printf " Heure par d�faut [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example>: timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n"; + print " timeset <account_name> 0 (0 = unlimited)\n"; + printf " Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + my($year, $month, $day) = split(/[.\-\/]/, $date); + my($hour, $minute, $second) = split(/:/, $time); + if ($time eq "") { + $hour = 23; + $minute = 59; + $second = 59; + } + my($timestamp); + if ($year eq "" || + ($year != 0 && ($month eq "" || $day eq "" || $hour eq "" || $minute eq "" || $second eq ""))) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez 0 ou une date et une heure svp (format: 0 ou aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss).\n"; + } else { + print "Please input 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ($year == 0) { + $timestamp = 0; + } else { + if ($year < 70) { + $year = $year + 100; + } + if ($year >= 1900) { + $year = $year - 1900; + } + if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un mois correct svp (entre 1 et 12).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the month (from 1 to 12).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + $month = $month - 1; + if ($day < 1 || $day > 31) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un jour correct svp (entre 1 et 31).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the day (from 1 to 31).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ((($month == 3 || $month == 5 || $month == 8 || $month == 10) && $day > 30) || + ($month == 1 && $day > 29)) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un jour correct en fonction du mois svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for a day of this month.\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ($hour < 0 || $hour > 23) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez une heure correcte svp (entre 0 et 23).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the hour (from 0 to 23).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ($minute < 0 || $minute > 59) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez des minutes correctes svp (entre 0 et 59).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the minutes (from 0 to 59).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ($second < 0 || $second > 59) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez des secondes correctes svp (entre 0 et 59).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the seconds (from 0 to 59).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + $timestamp = POSIX::mktime($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year, 0, 0, -1); # -1: no winter/summer time modification + if ($timestamp == undef) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Date incorrecte.\n"; + print "Ajoutez 0 ou une date et une heure svp (format: 0 ou aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss).\n"; + } else { + print "Invalid date.\n"; + print "Please add 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + } + + print $so pack("va24V", 0x7948, $userid, $timestamp); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7949) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(32); + my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf); + while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($dat[1]); + }; + if ($dat[0] != -1 && $dat[0] != 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Limite de validit� du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang�e avec succ�s ". + ($dat[2] == 0 ? "en [illimit�].\n" : "pour �tre jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2]))); + } else { + print "Validity Limit of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] successfully changed ". + ($dat[2] == 0 ? "to [unlimited].\n" : "to be until ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2]))); + } + # localtime($dat[2]) is also possible to display instead of POSIX::ctime. + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec du changement de la validit� du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] validity limit changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Add/substract time to the validity limit of an account +sub timeaddaccount() { + my($userid, $modif) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print " <exemple> timeadd nomtest +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + print " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et 1 seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n"; + print " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print " <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + print " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n"; + print " and 6 years at the same time.\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + my($year, $month, $day) = (0, 0 ,0); + my($hour, $minute, $second) = (0, 0 ,0); + + $modif = lc($modif); + while (length($modif) > 0) { + my($value) = int($modif); + if ($value == 0) { + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } else { + if (substr($modif, 0, 1) =~ /[\-\+]/) { + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } + while (length($modif) > 0 && substr($modif, 0, 1) =~ /[0-9]/) { + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } + if (index($modif, "s") == 0) { + $second = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } elsif (index($modif, "mn") == 0) { + $minute = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 2); + } elsif (index($modif, "h") == 0) { + $hour = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } elsif (index($modif, "d") == 0 || index($modif, "j") == 0) { + $day = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } elsif (index($modif, "m") == 0) { + $month = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } elsif (index($modif, "y") == 0 || index($modif, "a") == 0) { + $year = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } else { + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } + } + } + + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " ann�e: $year\n"; + print " mois: $month\n"; + print " jour: $day\n"; + print " heure: $hour\n"; + print " minute: $minute\n"; + print " seconde: $second\n"; + } else { + print " year: $year\n"; + print " month: $month\n"; + print " day: $day\n"; + print " hour: $hour\n"; + print " minute: $minute\n"; + print " second: $second\n"; + } + + if ($year == 0 && $month == 0 && $day == 0 && $hour == 0 && $minute == 0 && $second == 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Vous devez entrer un ajustement avec cette commande, svp:\n"; + print " Valeur d'ajustement (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n"; + print " Element modifi�:\n"; + print " a ou y: ann�e\n"; + print " m: mois\n"; + print " j ou d: jour\n"; + print " h: heure\n"; + print " mn: minute\n"; + print " s: seconde\n"; + print " <exemple> timeadd nomtest +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + print " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et 1 seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n"; + print " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give an adjustment with this command:\n"; + print " Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n"; + print " Modified element:\n"; + print " a or y: year\n"; + print " m: month\n"; + print " j or d: day\n"; + print " h: hour\n"; + print " mn: minute\n"; + print " s: second\n"; + print " <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + print " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n"; + print " and 6 years at the same time.\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($year > 127 || $year < -127) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement d'ann�es correct (de -127 � 127), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the years (from -127 to 127).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($month > 255 || $month < -255) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement de mois correct (de -255 � 255), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the months (from -255 to 255).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($day > 32767 || $day < -32767) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement de jours correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the days (from -32767 to 32767).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($hour > 32767 || $hour < -32767) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement d'heures correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the hours (from -32767 to 32767).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($minute > 32767 || $minute < -32767) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement de minutes correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the minutes (from -32767 to 32767).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($second > 32767 || $second < -32767) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement de secondes correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the seconds (from -32767 to 32767).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + + print $so pack("va24vvvvvv", 0x7950, $userid, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7951) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(32); + my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf); + while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($dat[1]); + }; + if ($dat[0] == -1 || $dat[0] == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec du changement de la validit� du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] validity limit changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + } elsif ($dat[2] == 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Limite de validit� du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] inchang�e.\n"; + print "Le compte a une validit� illimit�e ou\n"; + print "la modification est impossible avec les ajustements demand�s.\n"; + } else { + print "Validity limit of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] unchanged.\n"; + print "The account have an unlimited validity limit or\n"; + print "the changing is impossible with the proposed adjustments.\n"; + } + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Limite de validit� du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang�e avec succ�s ". + ($dat[2] == 0 ? "en [illimit�].\n" : "pour �tre jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2]))); + } else { + print "Validity limit of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] successfully changed ". + ($dat[2] == 0 ? "to [unlimited].\n" : "to be until ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2]))); + } + # localtime($dat[2]) is also possible to display instead of POSIX::ctime. + } + + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Set the final date of a banishment of an account +sub bansetaccount() { + my($userid, $date, $time) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple>: banset <nom_du_compte> aaaa/mm/jj [hh:mm:ss]\n"; + print " banset <nom_du_compte> 0 (0 = d�-bani)\n"; + print " ban/banish aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss <nom du compte>\n"; + print " unban/unbanish <nom du compte>\n"; + printf " Heure par d�faut [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example>: banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n"; + print " banset <account_name> 0 (0 = un-banished)\n"; + print " ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name>\n"; + print " unban/unbanish <account name>\n"; + printf " Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + my($year, $month, $day) = split(/[.\-\/]/, $date); + my($hour, $minute, $second) = split(/:/, $time); + if ($time eq "") { + $hour = 23; + $minute = 59; + $second = 59; + } + my($timestamp); + if ($year eq "" || + ($year != 0 && ($month eq "" || $day eq "" || $hour eq "" || $minute eq "" || $second eq ""))) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez 0 ou une date et une heure svp (format: 0 ou aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss).\n"; + } else { + print "Please input 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ($year == 0) { + $timestamp = 0; + } else { + if ($year < 70) { + $year = $year + 100; + } + if ($year >= 1900) { + $year = $year - 1900; + } + if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un mois correct svp (entre 1 et 12).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the month (from 1 to 12).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + $month = $month - 1; + if ($day < 1 || $day > 31) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un jour correct svp (entre 1 et 31).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the day (from 1 to 31).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ((($month == 3 || $month == 5 || $month == 8 || $month == 10) && $day > 30) || + ($month == 1 && $day > 29)) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un jour correct en fonction du mois svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for a day of this month.\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ($hour < 0 || $hour > 23) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez une heure correcte svp (entre 0 et 23).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the hour (from 0 to 23).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ($minute < 0 || $minute > 59) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez des minutes correctes svp (entre 0 et 59).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the minutes (from 0 to 59).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + if ($second < 0 || $second > 59) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez des secondes correctes svp (entre 0 et 59).\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct value for the seconds (from 0 to 59).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + $timestamp = POSIX::mktime($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year, 0, 0, -1); # -1: no winter/summer time modification + if ($timestamp == undef) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Date incorrecte.\n"; + print "Ajoutez 0 ou une date et une heure svp (format: 0 ou aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss).\n"; + } else { + print "Invalid date.\n"; + print "Please add 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n"; + } + return 102; + } + } + + print $so pack("va24V", 0x794a, $userid, $timestamp); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x794b) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(32); + my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf); + while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($dat[1]); + }; + if ($dat[0] != -1 && $dat[0] != 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Date finale de banissement du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang�e avec succ�s ". + ($dat[2] == 0 ? "en [d�-bannie].\n" : "pour �tre jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2]))); + } else { + print "Final date of banishment of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] successfully changed ". + ($dat[2] == 0 ? "to [unbanished].\n" : "to be until ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2]))); + } + # localtime($dat[2]) is also possible to display instead of POSIX::ctime. + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec du changement de la date finale de banissement du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] final date of banishment changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Add/substract time to the final date of a banishment of an account +sub banaddaccount() { + my($userid, $modif) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print " <exemple> banadd nomtest +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + print " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et 1 seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n"; + print " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print " <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + print " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n"; + print " and 6 years at the same time.\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + my($year, $month, $day) = (0, 0 ,0); + my($hour, $minute, $second) = (0, 0 ,0); + + $modif = lc($modif); + while (length($modif) > 0) { + my($value) = int($modif); + if ($value == 0) { + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } else { + if (substr($modif, 0, 1) =~ /[\-\+]/) { + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } + while (length($modif) > 0 && substr($modif, 0, 1) =~ /[0-9]/) { + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } + if (index($modif, "s") == 0) { + $second = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } elsif (index($modif, "mn") == 0) { + $minute = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 2); + } elsif (index($modif, "h") == 0) { + $hour = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } elsif (index($modif, "d") == 0 || index($modif, "j") == 0) { + $day = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } elsif (index($modif, "m") == 0) { + $month = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } elsif (index($modif, "y") == 0 || index($modif, "a") == 0) { + $year = $value; + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } else { + $modif = substr($modif, 1); + } + } + } + + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " ann�e: $year\n"; + print " mois: $month\n"; + print " jour: $day\n"; + print " heure: $hour\n"; + print " minute: $minute\n"; + print " seconde: $second\n"; + } else { + print " year: $year\n"; + print " month: $month\n"; + print " day: $day\n"; + print " hour: $hour\n"; + print " minute: $minute\n"; + print " second: $second\n"; + } + + if ($year == 0 && $month == 0 && $day == 0 && $hour == 0 && $minute == 0 && $second == 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Vous devez entrer un ajustement avec cette commande, svp:\n"; + print " Valeur d'ajustement (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n"; + print " Element modifi�:\n"; + print " a ou y: ann�e\n"; + print " m: mois\n"; + print " j ou d: jour\n"; + print " h: heure\n"; + print " mn: minute\n"; + print " s: seconde\n"; + print " <exemple> banadd nomtest +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + print " Cette exemple ajoute 1 mois et 1 seconde, et soustrait 2 minutes\n"; + print " et 6 ans dans le m�me temps.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give an adjustment with this command:\n"; + print " Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n"; + print " Modified element:\n"; + print " a or y: year\n"; + print " m: month\n"; + print " j or d: day\n"; + print " h: hour\n"; + print " mn: minute\n"; + print " s: second\n"; + print " <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n"; + print " this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n"; + print " and 6 years at the same time.\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($year > 127 || $year < -127) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement d'ann�es correct (de -127 � 127), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the years (from -127 to 127).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($month > 255 || $month < -255) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement de mois correct (de -255 � 255), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the months (from -255 to 255).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($day > 32767 || $day < -32767) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement de jours correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the days (from -32767 to 32767).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($hour > 32767 || $hour < -32767) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement d'heures correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the hours (from -32767 to 32767).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($minute > 32767 || $minute < -32767) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement de minutes correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the minutes (from -32767 to 32767).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + if ($second > 32767 || $second < -32767) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un ajustement de secondes correct (de -32767 � 32767), svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please give a correct adjustment for the seconds (from -32767 to 32767).\n"; + } + return 137; + } + + print $so pack("va24vvvvvv", 0x794c, $userid, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x794d) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(32); + my(@dat) = unpack("Va24V", $buf); + while (length($dat[1]) > 0 && substr($dat[1], length($dat[1])-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($dat[1]); + }; + if ($dat[0] == -1 || $dat[0] == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec du changement de la date finale de banissement du compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Account [$userid] final date of banishment changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Date finale de banissement du compte [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] chang�e avec succ�s ". + ($dat[2] == 0 ? "en [d�-bannie].\n" : "pour �tre jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2]))); + } else { + print "Final date of banishment of the account [$dat[1]][id: $dat[0]] successfully changed ". + ($dat[2] == 0 ? "to [unbanished].\n" : "to be until ".(POSIX::ctime($dat[2]))); + } + # localtime($dat[2]) is also possible to display instead of POSIX::ctime. + } + + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Request to displaying information about an account (by its name) +sub whoaccount() { + my($userid) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> who nomtest\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> who testname\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + + print $so pack("va24", 0x7952, $userid); + $so->flush(); + + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7953) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 122; + } + my($id2, $GM_level, $name, $sex, $count, $status, $error_message, $last_login, $last_ip, $email, $validite, $ban_date, $memo_size) = unpack("VCa24cVVa20a24a16a40VVv", readso(148)); + my($memo) = ""; + if ($memo_size > 0) { + $memo = unpack("a".$memo_size, readso($memo_size)); + } + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + while (length($error_message) > 0 && substr($error_message, length($error_message)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($error_message); + }; + while (length($last_login) > 0 && substr($last_login, length($last_login)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($last_login); + }; + while (length($last_ip) > 0 && substr($last_ip, length($last_ip)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($last_ip); + }; + while (length($email) > 0 && substr($email, length($email)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($email); + }; + while (length($memo) > 0 && substr($memo, length($memo)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($memo); + }; + + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Impossible de trouver le compte [$userid]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Unabled to find the account [$userid]. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + return 123; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Le compte [$userid] a les caract�ristiques suivantes:\n"; + } else { + print "The account [$userid] is set with:\n"; + } + if ($GM_level == 0) { + print " Id: $id2 (non-GM)\n"; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " Id: $id2 (GM niveau $GM_level)\n"; + } else { + print " Id: $id2 (GM level $GM_level)\n"; + } + } + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " Nom: '$name'\n"; + print " Sexe: ".("Femme", "Male", "Serveur")[$sex]."\n"; + } else { + print " Name: '$name'\n"; + print " Sex: ".("Female", "Male", "Server")[$sex]."\n"; + } + print " E-mail: $email\n"; + if ($status == 7) { + print " Statut: 7 [You are Prohibited to log in until $error_message]\n"; + } else { + print " Statut: $status [".( + ($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"), + "Unregistered ID", + "Incorrect Password", + "This ID is expired", + "Rejected from Server", + "You have been blocked by the GM Team", + "Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version", + "You are Prohibited to log in until %s", + "Server is jammed due to over populated", + "No MSG", + "This ID is totally erased")[$status == 100 ? 10 : $status]."]\n"; + } + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " Banissement: ".($ban_date == 0 ? "non banni.\n" : "jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($ban_date))); + print " Compteur: $count connexion".("s", "")[$count > 1 ? 0 : 1]."\n"; + print " Derni�re connexion le: $last_login (ip: $last_ip)\n"; + print " Limite de validit�: ".($validite == 0 ? "illimit�.\n" : "jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($validite))); + } else { + print " Banishment: ".($ban_date == 0 ? "not banished.\n" : "until ".(POSIX::ctime($ban_date))); + print " Count: $count connection".("s", "")[$count > 1 ? 0 : 1]."\n"; + print " Last connection at: $last_login (ip: $last_ip)\n"; + print " Validity limit: ".($validite == 0 ? "unlimited.\n" : "until ".(POSIX::ctime($validite))); + } + print " Memo: '$memo'\n"; + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Request to displaying information about an account (by its id) +sub infoaccount() { + my($id) = @_; + if ($id < 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un id ayant une valeur positive svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Please input a positive value for the id.\n"; + } + return 136; + } + + print $so pack("vV", 0x7954, $id); + $so->flush(); + + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x7953) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 122; + } + my($id2, $GM_level, $name, $sex, $count, $status, $error_message, $last_login, $last_ip, $email, $validite, $ban_date, $memo_size) = unpack("VCa24cVVa20a24a16a40VVv", readso(148)); + my($memo) = ""; + if ($memo_size > 0) { + $memo = unpack("a".$memo_size, readso($memo_size)); + } + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + while (length($error_message) > 0 && substr($error_message, length($error_message)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($error_message); + }; + while (length($last_login) > 0 && substr($last_login, length($last_login)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($last_login); + }; + while (length($last_ip) > 0 && substr($last_ip, length($last_ip)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($last_ip); + }; + while (length($email) > 0 && substr($email, length($email)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($email); + }; + while (length($memo) > 0 && substr($memo, length($memo)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($memo); + }; + + if (length($name) == 0 || $name eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Impossible de trouver le nom du compte [id: $id2]. Le compte n'existe pas.\n"; + } else { + print "Unabled to find the account [id: $id2] name. Account doesn't exist.\n"; + } + return 123; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Le compte [id: $id2] a les caract�ristiques suivantes:\n"; + } else { + print "The account [id: $id2] is set with:\n"; + } + if ($GM_level == 0) { + print " Id: $id2 (non-GM)\n"; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " Id: $id2 (GM niveau $GM_level)\n"; + } else { + print " Id: $id2 (GM level $GM_level)\n"; + } + } + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " Nom: '$name'\n"; + print " Sexe: ".("Femme", "Male", "Serveur")[$sex]."\n"; + } else { + print " Name: '$name'\n"; + print " Sex: ".("Female", "Male", "Server")[$sex]."\n"; + } + print " E-mail: $email\n"; + if ($status == 7) { + print " Statut: 7 [You are Prohibited to log in until $error_message]\n"; + } else { + print " Statut: $status [".( + ($defaultlanguage eq "F" ? "Compte Ok" : "Account OK"), + "Unregistered ID", + "Incorrect Password", + "This ID is expired", + "Rejected from Server", + "You have been blocked by the GM Team", + "Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version", + "You are Prohibited to log in until %s", + "Server is jammed due to over populated", + "No MSG", + "This ID is totally erased")[$status == 100 ? 10 : $status]."]\n"; + } + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print " Banissement: ".($ban_date == 0 ? "non banni.\n" : "jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($ban_date))); + print " Compteur: $count connexion".("s", "")[$count > 1 ? 0 : 1]."\n"; + print " Derni�re connexion le: $last_login (ip: $last_ip)\n"; + print " Limite de validit�: ".($validite == 0 ? "illimit�.\n" : "jusqu'au ".(POSIX::ctime($validite))); + } else { + print " Banishment: ".($ban_date == 0 ? "not banished.\n" : "until ".(POSIX::ctime($ban_date))); + print " Count: $count connection".("s", "")[$count > 1 ? 0 : 1]."\n"; + print " Last connection at: $last_login (ip: $last_ip)\n"; + print " Validity limit: ".($validite == 0 ? "unlimited.\n" : "until ".(POSIX::ctime($validite))); + } + print " Memo: '$memo'\n"; + } + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Check the validity of a password +# (Note: never send back a password with login-server!! security of passwords) +sub checkaccount() { + my($userid, $passwd) = @_; + if ($userid eq "") { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un nom de compte svp.\n"; + print "<exemple> check testname motdepasse\n"; + } else { + print "Please input an account name.\n"; + print "<example> check testname password\n"; + } + return 136; + } + if (verify_accountname($userid) == 0) { + return 102; + } + if ($passwd eq "") { + return 134 if (($passwd = typepasswd()) eq ""); + } + if (verify_password($passwd) == 0) { + return 131; + } + print $so pack("va24a24", 0x793a, $userid,$passwd); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x793b) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 132; + } + $buf = readso(28); + my($id2, $name) = unpack("Va24", $buf); + while (length($name) > 0 && substr($name, length($name)-1, 1) eq chr(0)) { + chop($name); + }; + if ($id2 == -1 || $id2 == 4294967295) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Le compte [$userid] n'existe pas ou le mot de passe est incorrect.\n"; + } else { + print "The account [$userid] doesn't exist or the password is incorrect.\n"; + } + return 133; + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Le mot de passe donn� correspond bien au compte [$name][id: $id2].\n"; + } else { + print "The proposed password is correct for the account [$name][id: $id2].\n"; + } + } + return 130; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Request to login-server to reload GM configuration file +sub reloadGM() { + print $so pack("v", 0x7955); + $so->flush(); + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Demande de recharger le fichier de configuration des GM envoy�e.\n"; + print "V�rifiez les comptes GM actuels (apr�s rechargement):\n"; + } else { + print "Request to reload the GM configuration file sended.\n"; + print "Check the actual GM accounts (after reloading):\n"; + } + &listaccount(0, 0, 1); # 1: to list only GM + return 180; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Send a broadcast message +sub sendbroadcast() { + my($type, $message) = @_; + if ($message eq "" || length($message) == 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez un message svp.\n"; + if ($type == 0) { + print "<exemple> kami un message\n"; + } else { + print "<exemple> kamib un message\n"; + } + } else { + print "Please input a message.\n"; + if ($type == 0) { + print "<example> kami a message\n"; + } else { + print "<example> kamib a message\n"; + } + } + return 136; + } + + print $so pack("vvVa".length($message), 0x794e, $type, length($message), $message); + $so->flush(); + $buf = readso(2); + if (unpack("v", $buf) != 0x794f) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Probl�me de connexion au serveur (r�ponse incorrecte).\n"; + } else { + print "Connection error to the server (incorrect answer).\n"; + } + return 152; + } + $buf = readso(2); + my($answer) = unpack("v", $buf); + if ($answer == -1 || $answer == 65535) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Echec de l'envoi du message. Aucun server de char en ligne.\n"; + } else { + print "Message sending failed. No online char-server.\n"; + } + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Message transmis au server de logins avec succ�s.\n"; + } else { + print "Message successfully sended to login-server.\n"; + } + } +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Change language of displaying +sub changelanguage() { + my($language) = @_; + if ($language eq "" || length($language) == 0) { + if ($defaultlanguage == 'F') { + printf("Entrez une langue svp.\n"); + printf("<exemple> language english\n"); + printf(" language fran�ais\n"); + } else { + printf("Please input a language.\n"); + printf("<example> language english\n"); + printf(" language fran�ais\n"); + } + return 136; + } + + $language = uc(substr($language, 0, 1)); + if ($language =~ /^[EF]$/) { + $defaultlanguage = $language; + if ($defaultlanguage == 'F') { + printf("Changement de la langue d'affichage en Fran�ais.\n"); + } else { + printf("Displaying language changed to English.\n"); + } + } else { + if ($defaultlanguage == 'F') { + printf("Langue non param�tr�e (langues possibles: 'Fran�ais' ou 'English').\n"); + } else { + printf("Undefined language (possible languages: Fran�ais or English).\n"); + } + } + + return 0; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: sending 'end of connection' packet +sub quit() { + print $so pack("v", 0x7532); + $so->flush(); +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Get datas from the socket +sub readso() { + my($len) = shift; + my($buf); + if (read($so, $buf, $len) < $len) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Erreur de lecture sur la Socket.\n"; + } else { + print "Socket read error.\n"; + } + exit(3); + } + return $buf; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Input of a password +sub typepasswd { + my($passwd1, $passwd2); + cbreak(); + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Entrez le mot de passe > "; $passwd1 = <STDIN>; chomp($passwd1); print "\n"; + print "R�-entrez le mot de passe > "; $passwd2 = <STDIN>; chomp($passwd2); print "\n"; + } else { + print "Type the password > "; $passwd1 = <STDIN>; chomp($passwd1); print "\n"; + print "Verify the password > "; $passwd2 = <STDIN>; chomp($passwd2); print "\n"; + } + cooked(); + if ($passwd1 ne $passwd2) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Erreur de v�rification du mot de passe: Saisissez le m�me mot de passe svp.\n"; + } else { + print "Password verification failed. Please input same password.\n"; + } + return ""; + } + return $passwd1; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Return ordonal text of a number +sub makeordinal { + my($c) = shift; + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + if ($c < 1) { + return $c; + } + return $c.("er", "�me")[$c == 1 ? 0 : 1]; + } else { + if ($c % 10 < 4 && $c % 10 != 0 && ($c < 10 || $c > 20)) { + return $c.("st","nd","rd")[$c % 10 - 1]; + } + return $c."th"; + } +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Test of the validity of an account name (return 0 if incorrect, and 1 if ok) +sub verify_accountname { + my($account_name) = @_; # Get the account_name + if ($account_name =~ /[\x00-\x1f]/) { # remove control char + my($c) = length($`) + 1; + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le nom du compte (".makeordinal($c)." caract�re).\n"; + } else { + print "Illegal character found in the account name (".makeordinal($c)." character).\n"; + } + return 0; + } + if (length($account_name) < 4) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Nom du compte trop court. Entrez un nom de compte de 4-23 caract�res.\n"; + } else { + print "Account name is too short. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n"; + } + return 0; + } + if (length($account_name) > 23) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Nom du compte trop long. Entrez un nom de compte de 4-23 caract�res.\n"; + } else { + print "Account name is too long. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n"; + } + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Test of the validity of password (return 0 if incorrect, and 1 if ok) +sub verify_password { + my($password) = @_; # Get the password + if ($password =~ /[\x00-\x1f]/) { + my($c) = length($`) + 1; + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Caract�re interdit trouv� dans le mot de passe (".makeordinal($c)." caract�re).\n"; + } else { + print "Illegal character found in the password (".makeordinal($c)." character).\n"; + } + return 0; + } + if (length($password) < 4) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Mot de passe trop court. Entrez un mot de passe de 4-23 caract�res.\n"; + } else { + print "Password is too short. Please input a password of 4-23 bytes.\n"; + } + return 0; + } + if (length($password) > 23) { + if ($defaultlanguage eq "F") { + print "Mot de passe trop long. Entrez un mot de passe de 4-23 caract�res.\n"; + } else { + print "Password is too long. Please input a password of 4-23 bytes.\n"; + } + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Sub-function: Test of the validity of an e-mail (return 0 if incorrect, and 1 if ok) +sub verify_email { + my($email) = @_; # Get the e-mail + # To ignore a '.' before the @ (wanadoo, a provider, do that) + $email =~ s/\.\@/\@/; + # If the e-mail is void, it's not correct -> return 0 + if ($email eq '') { + return(0); + } + # If the e-mail have no "@", it's not correct -> return 0 + if ($email !~ /\@/) { + return(0); + } + # If the e-mail have a ",", a space, a tab or a ";", it's not correct -> return 0 + if ($email =~ /[\,|\s|\;]/) { + return(0) + }; + # IF + # (the e-mail contains 2 "@", or ".." or "@." or starts or finishes by a ".") + # OR IF + # (the e-mail doesn't contain "@localhost" AND + # - it doesn't contain characters followed by "@" itself followed by letters itself followed by "." and 2 or more letters + # - or an IP address) + # -> so, it's not good ! (finish !) + if ($email =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)|(\.$)/ || + ($email !~ /^.+\@localhost$/ && + $email !~ /^.+\@\[?(\w|[-.])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}\]?$/)) { + return(0); # non-valid email + } else { + # If not, the e-email address is correct + return(1); # valid email + } }
\ No newline at end of file |