path: root/src/map/mob.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/map/mob.c')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/mob.c b/src/map/mob.c
index 8f12d4b1b..38ddffa37 100644
--- a/src/map/mob.c
+++ b/src/map/mob.c
@@ -2,46 +2,49 @@
// See the LICENSE file
// Portions Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams
-#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
-#include "../common/timer.h"
-#include "../common/db.h"
-#include "../common/nullpo.h"
-#include "../common/malloc.h"
-#include "../common/showmsg.h"
-#include "../common/ers.h"
-#include "../common/random.h"
-#include "../common/strlib.h"
-#include "../common/utils.h"
-#include "../common/socket.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "path.h"
-#include "clif.h"
-#include "intif.h"
-#include "pc.h"
-#include "pet.h"
-#include "status.h"
#include "mob.h"
-#include "homunculus.h"
-#include "mercenary.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "atcommand.h"
+#include "battle.h"
+#include "clif.h"
+#include "date.h"
#include "elemental.h"
#include "guild.h"
+#include "homunculus.h"
+#include "intif.h"
#include "itemdb.h"
-#include "skill.h"
-#include "battle.h"
-#include "party.h"
-#include "npc.h"
#include "log.h"
-#include "script.h"
-#include "atcommand.h"
-#include "date.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "mercenary.h"
+#include "npc.h"
+#include "party.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "pc.h"
+#include "pet.h"
#include "quest.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
+#include "script.h"
+#include "skill.h"
+#include "status.h"
+#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
+#include "../common/db.h"
+#include "../common/ers.h"
+#include "../common/malloc.h"
+#include "../common/nullpo.h"
+#include "../common/random.h"
+#include "../common/showmsg.h"
+#include "../common/socket.h"
+#include "../common/strlib.h"
+#include "../common/timer.h"
+#include "../common/utils.h"
struct mob_interface mob_s;
@@ -353,7 +356,7 @@ bool mob_ksprotected(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target) {
return false; // KS Protection Disabled
if( !(md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB,target)) )
- return false; // Tarjet is not MOB
+ return false; // Target is not MOB
if( (s_bl = battle->get_master(src)) == NULL )
s_bl = src;
@@ -484,20 +487,17 @@ int mob_once_spawn(struct map_session_data* sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const
if (!md)
- if (class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM && !no_guardian_data) {
+ if ( class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM && !no_guardian_data ) {
struct guild_castle* gc = guild->mapindex2gc(map_id2index(m));
struct guild* g = (gc) ? guild->search(gc->guild_id) : NULL;
- if (gc) {
+ if( gc ) {
md->guardian_data = (struct guardian_data*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct guardian_data));
md->guardian_data->castle = gc;
md->guardian_data->number = MAX_GUARDIANS;
- md->guardian_data->guild_id = gc->guild_id;
- if (g) {
- md->guardian_data->emblem_id = g->emblem_id;
- memcpy(md->guardian_data->guild_name, g->name, NAME_LENGTH);
- }
- else if (gc->guild_id) //Guild not yet available, retry in 5.
- timer->add(timer->gettick()+5000,mob->spawn_guardian_sub,md->,md->guardian_data->guild_id);
+ if( g )
+ md->guardian_data->g = g;
+ else if( gc->guild_id ) //Guild not yet available, retry in 5.
+ timer->add(timer->gettick()+5000,mob->spawn_guardian_sub,md->,gc->guild_id);
} // end addition [Valaris]
@@ -567,21 +567,23 @@ int mob_once_spawn_area(struct map_session_data* sd, int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0
return id; // id of last spawned mob
- * Set a Guardian's guild data [Skotlex]
- *------------------------------------------*/
+ * Sets a guardian's guild data and liberates castle if couldn't retrieve guild data
+ * @param data (int)guild_id
+ * @retval Always 0
+ * @author Skotlex
+ **/
int mob_spawn_guardian_sub(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) {
- //Needed because the guild_data may not be available at guardian spawn time.
+ //Needed because the guild data may not be available at guardian spawn time.
struct block_list* bl = map->id2bl(id);
struct mob_data* md;
struct guild* g;
- int guardup_lv;
- if (bl == NULL) //It is possible mob was already removed from map when the castle has no owner. [Skotlex]
+ if( bl == NULL ) //It is possible mob was already removed from map when the castle has no owner. [Skotlex]
return 0;
- if (bl->type != BL_MOB)
- {
+ if( bl->type != BL_MOB ) {
ShowError("mob_spawn_guardian_sub: Block error!\n");
return 0;
@@ -590,30 +592,28 @@ int mob_spawn_guardian_sub(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) {
g = guild->search((int)data);
- if (g == NULL)
- { //Liberate castle, if the guild is not found this is an error! [Skotlex]
+ if( g == NULL ) { //Liberate castle, if the guild is not found this is an error! [Skotlex]
ShowError("mob_spawn_guardian_sub: Couldn't load guild %d!\n", (int)data);
- if (md->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM && md->guardian_data)
- { //Not sure this is the best way, but otherwise we'd be invoking this for ALL guardians spawned later on.
- md->guardian_data->guild_id = 0;
- if (md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id) //Free castle up.
- {
+ //Not sure this is the best way, but otherwise we'd be invoking this for ALL guardians spawned later on.
+ if( md->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM && md->guardian_data ) {
+ md->guardian_data->g = NULL;
+ if( md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id ) {//Free castle up.
ShowNotice("Clearing ownership of castle %d (%s)\n", md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, md->guardian_data->castle->castle_name);
guild->castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, 1, 0);
} else {
- if (md->guardian_data && md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS && md->guardian_data->castle->guardian[md->guardian_data->number].visible)
+ if( md->guardian_data && md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS
+ && md->guardian_data->castle->guardian[md->guardian_data->number].visible )
guild->castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, 10+md->guardian_data->number,0);
- unit->free(&md->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); //Remove guardian.
+ unit->free(&md->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); // Remove guardian.
return 0;
- guardup_lv = guild->checkskill(g,GD_GUARDUP);
- md->guardian_data->emblem_id = g->emblem_id;
- memcpy(md->guardian_data->guild_name, g->name, NAME_LENGTH);
- md->guardian_data->guardup_lv = guardup_lv;
- if( guardup_lv )
- status_calc_mob(md, SCO_NONE); //Give bonuses.
+ if( guild->checkskill(g,GD_GUARDUP) )
+ status_calc_mob(md, SCO_NONE); // Give bonuses.
return 0;
@@ -689,7 +689,6 @@ int mob_spawn_guardian(const char* mapname, short x, short y, const char* mobnam
md = mob->spawn_dataset(&data);
md->guardian_data = (struct guardian_data*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct guardian_data));
md->guardian_data->number = guardian;
- md->guardian_data->guild_id = gc->guild_id;
md->guardian_data->castle = gc;
if( has_index )
{// permanent guardian
@@ -706,13 +705,10 @@ int mob_spawn_guardian(const char* mapname, short x, short y, const char* mobnam
gc->temp_guardians[i] = md->;
- if (g)
- {
- md->guardian_data->emblem_id = g->emblem_id;
- memcpy (md->guardian_data->guild_name, g->name, NAME_LENGTH);
- md->guardian_data->guardup_lv = guild->checkskill(g,GD_GUARDUP);
- } else if (md->guardian_data->guild_id)
- timer->add(timer->gettick()+5000,mob->spawn_guardian_sub,md->,md->guardian_data->guild_id);
+ if( g )
+ md->guardian_data->g = g;
+ else if( gc->guild_id )
+ timer->add(timer->gettick()+5000,mob->spawn_guardian_sub,md->,gc->guild_id);
return md->;
@@ -1070,7 +1066,7 @@ int mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
if (battle_config.hom_setting&0x4 &&
(*target) && (*target)->type == BL_HOM && bl->type != BL_HOM)
- return 0; //For some reason Homun targets are never overriden.
+ return 0; //For some reason Homun targets are never overridden.
dist = distance_bl(&md->bl, bl);
@@ -1440,7 +1436,7 @@ bool mob_ai_sub_hard(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick) {
//Unlock current target.
if (mob->warpchase(md, tbl))
return true; //Chasing this target.
- mob->unlocktarget(md, tick-(battle_config.mob_ai&0x8?3000:0)); //Imediately do random walk.
+ mob->unlocktarget(md, tick-(battle_config.mob_ai&0x8?3000:0)); //Immediately do random walk.
tbl = NULL;
@@ -1617,7 +1613,19 @@ bool mob_ai_sub_hard(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick) {
if(tbl->type == BL_PC)
mob->log_damage(md, tbl, 0); //Log interaction (counts as 'attacker' for the exp bonus)
- unit->attack(&md->bl,tbl->id,1);
+ if(!(mode&MD_RANDOMTARGET))
+ unit->attack(&md->bl,tbl->id,1);
+ else { // Attack once and find new random target
+ int search_size = (view_range < md->status.rhw.range) ? view_range : md->status.rhw.range;
+ unit->attack(&md->bl,tbl->id,0);
+ tbl = battle->get_enemy(&md->bl, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md), search_size);
+ // If no target was found, keep atacking the old one
+ if( tbl ) {
+ md->target_id = tbl->id;
+ md->min_chase = md->db->range3;
+ }
+ }
return true;
@@ -2072,7 +2080,7 @@ int mob_dead(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int type) {
unsigned int base_exp,job_exp;
int i, temp, count, m = md->bl.m, pnum = 0;
- int dmgbltypes = 0; // bitfield of all bl types, that caused damage to the mob and are elligible for exp distribution
+ int dmgbltypes = 0; // bitfield of all bl types, that caused damage to the mob and are eligible for exp distribution
unsigned int mvp_damage;
int64 tick = timer->gettick();
bool rebirth, homkillonly;
@@ -2290,7 +2298,7 @@ int mob_dead(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int type) {
int drop_modifier = mvp_sd ? pc->level_penalty_mod( md->level - mvp_sd->status.base_level, md->status.race, md->status.mode, 2) :
second_sd ? pc->level_penalty_mod( md->level - second_sd->status.base_level, md->status.race, md->status.mode, 2):
third_sd ? pc->level_penalty_mod( md->level - third_sd->status.base_level, md->status.race, md->status.mode, 2) :
- 100;/* no player was attached, we dont use any modifier (100 = rates are not touched) */
+ 100;/* no player was attached, we don't use any modifier (100 = rates are not touched) */
dlist->m = md->bl.m;
dlist->x = md->bl.x;
@@ -2601,7 +2609,7 @@ int mob_dead(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int type) {
if( !rebirth ) {
if( pcdb_checkid(md->vd->class_) ) {//Player mobs are not removed automatically by the client.
- /* first we set them dead, then we delay the outsight effect */
+ /* first we set them dead, then we delay the out sight effect */
clif->clearunit_delayed(&md->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT,tick+3000);
} else
@@ -2654,14 +2662,11 @@ int mob_guardian_guildchange(struct mob_data *md)
if (!md->guardian_data)
return 0;
- if (md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id == 0)
+ if( md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id == 0 )
{ //Castle with no owner? Delete the guardians.
- if (md->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM)
- { //But don't delete the emperium, just clear it's guild-data
- md->guardian_data->guild_id = 0;
- md->guardian_data->emblem_id = 0;
- md->guardian_data->guild_name[0] = '\0';
- } else {
+ if( md->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM ) //But don't delete the emperium, just clear it's guild-data
+ md->guardian_data->g = NULL;
+ else {
if (md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS && md->guardian_data->castle->guardian[md->guardian_data->number].visible)
guild->castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, 10+md->guardian_data->number, 0);
unit->free(&md->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); //Remove guardian.
@@ -2670,19 +2675,16 @@ int mob_guardian_guildchange(struct mob_data *md)
g = guild->search(md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id);
- if (g == NULL)
+ if( g == NULL )
{ //Properly remove guardian info from Castle data.
- ShowError("mob_guardian_guildchange: New Guild (id %d) does not exists!\n", md->guardian_data->guild_id);
+ ShowError("mob_guardian_guildchange: New Guild (id %d) does not exists!\n", md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id);
if (md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS)
guild->castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, 10+md->guardian_data->number, 0);
return 0;
- md->guardian_data->guild_id = g->guild_id;
- md->guardian_data->emblem_id = g->emblem_id;
- md->guardian_data->guardup_lv = guild->checkskill(g,GD_GUARDUP);
- memcpy(md->guardian_data->guild_name, g->name, NAME_LENGTH);
+ md->guardian_data->g = g;
return 1;
@@ -2830,7 +2832,7 @@ int mob_warpslave(struct block_list *bl, int range) {
- * Counts slave sub, curently checking if mob master is the given ID.
+ * Counts slave sub, currently checking if mob master is the given ID.
int mob_countslave_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap)
@@ -3070,6 +3072,7 @@ int mobskill_use(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick, int event) {
struct block_list *bl;
struct mob_data *fmd = NULL;
int i,j,n;
+ short skill_target;
nullpo_ret(ms = md->db->skill);
@@ -3168,10 +3171,12 @@ int mobskill_use(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick, int event) {
if (!flag)
continue; //Skill requisite failed to be fulfilled.
//Execute skill
+ skill_target = (md->db->status.mode&MD_RANDOMTARGET)? MST_RANDOM : ms[i].target;
if (skill->get_casttype(ms[i].skill_id) == CAST_GROUND) {//Ground skill.
short x, y;
- switch (ms[i].target) {
+ switch (skill_target) {
case MST_RANDOM: //Pick a random enemy within skill range.
bl = battle->get_enemy(&md->bl, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md),
skill->get_range2(&md->bl, ms[i].skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv));
@@ -3201,10 +3206,10 @@ int mobskill_use(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick, int event) {
x = bl->x;
y = bl->y;
// Look for an area to cast the spell around...
- if (ms[i].target >= MST_AROUND1 || ms[i].target >= MST_AROUND5) {
- j = ms[i].target >= MST_AROUND1?
- (ms[i].target-MST_AROUND1) +1:
- (ms[i].target-MST_AROUND5) +1;
+ if (skill_target >= MST_AROUND1 || skill_target >= MST_AROUND5) {
+ j = skill_target >= MST_AROUND1?
+ (skill_target-MST_AROUND1) +1:
+ (skill_target-MST_AROUND5) +1;
map->search_freecell(&md->bl, md->bl.m, &x, &y, j, j, 3);
md->skill_idx = i;
@@ -3216,8 +3221,8 @@ int mobskill_use(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick, int event) {
} else {
- //Targetted skill
- switch (ms[i].target) {
+ //Targeted skill
+ switch (skill_target) {
case MST_RANDOM: //Pick a random enemy within skill range.
bl = battle->get_enemy(&md->bl, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md),
skill->get_range2(&md->bl, ms[i].skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv));
@@ -3320,7 +3325,7 @@ int mob_is_clone(int class_)
//Flag values:
-//&1: Set special ai (fight mobs, not players)
+//&1: Set special AI (fight mobs, not players)
//If mode is not passed, a default aggressive mode is used.
//If master_id is passed, clone is attached to him.
//Returns: ID of newly crafted copy.
@@ -3606,7 +3611,7 @@ unsigned int mob_drop_adjust(int baserate, int rate_adjust, unsigned short rate_
- * Check if global item drop rate is overriden for given item
+ * Check if global item drop rate is overridden for given item
* in db/mob_item_ratio.txt
* @param nameid ID of the item
* @param mob_id ID of the monster
@@ -3758,7 +3763,7 @@ bool mob_parse_dbrow(char** str) {
status->calc_misc(&, mstatus, db->lv);
// MVP EXP Bonus: MEXP
- // Some new MVP's MEXP multipled by high exp-rate cause overflow. [LuzZza]
+ // Some new MVP's MEXP multiple by high exp-rate cause overflow. [LuzZza]
exp = (double)atoi(str[30]) * (double)battle_config.mvp_exp_rate / 100.;
db->mexp = (unsigned int)cap_value(exp, 0, UINT_MAX);
@@ -3820,7 +3825,7 @@ bool mob_parse_dbrow(char** str) {
ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_treasure_max;
else switch (type)
- { // Added suport to restrict normal drops of MVP's [Reddozen]
+ { // Added support to restrict normal drops of MVP's [Reddozen]
rate_adjust = (mstatus->mode&MD_BOSS) ? battle_config.item_rate_heal_boss : battle_config.item_rate_heal;
ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_heal_min;
@@ -3877,7 +3882,7 @@ bool mob_parse_dbrow(char** str) {
mob->db_data[class_] = (struct mob_db*)aMalloc(sizeof(struct mob_db));
//Copy over spawn data
- memcpy(&db->spawn, mob->db_data[class_]->spawn, sizeof(db->spawn));
+ memcpy(&db->spawn, mob->db_data[class_]->spawn, sizeof(db->spawn));
memcpy(mob->db_data[class_], db, sizeof(struct mob_db));
return true;