path: root/src/map/log.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/map/log.c')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/log.c b/src/map/log.c
index 2722153e7..279819099 100644
--- a/src/map/log.c
+++ b/src/map/log.c
@@ -198,46 +198,6 @@ int log_zeny(struct map_session_data *sd, char *type, struct map_session_data *s
return 0;
-int log_drop(struct map_session_data *sd, int monster_id, int *log_drop)
- FILE *logfp;
- int i,flag = 0;
- if(log_config.enable_logs <= 0)
- return 0;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- for (i = 0; i<10; i++) { //Should we log these items? [Lupus]
- flag += should_log_item(log_config.drop,log_drop[i],1);
- }
- if (flag==0) return 0; //we skip logging this items set - they doesn't met our logging conditions [Lupus]
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- if(log_config.sql_logs > 0)
- {
- sprintf(tmp_sql, "INSERT DELAYED INTO `%s` (`drop_date`, `kill_char_id`, `monster_id`, `item1`, `item2`, `item3`, `item4`, `item5`, `item6`, `item7`, `item8`, `item9`, `itemCard`, `map`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s') ", log_config.log_drop_db, sd->status.char_id, monster_id, log_drop[0], log_drop[1], log_drop[2], log_drop[3], log_drop[4], log_drop[5], log_drop[6], log_drop[7], log_drop[8], log_drop[9], mapindex_id2name(sd->mapindex));
- if(mysql_query(&logmysql_handle, tmp_sql))
- {
- ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&logmysql_handle));
- ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql);
- }
- } else {
- if((logfp=fopen(log_config.log_drop,"a+")) != NULL) {
- time_t curtime;
- time(&curtime);
- strftime(timestring, 254, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&curtime));
- fprintf(logfp,"%s - %s[%d:%d]\t%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%s", timestring, sd->, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, monster_id, log_drop[0], log_drop[1], log_drop[2], log_drop[3], log_drop[4], log_drop[5], log_drop[6], log_drop[7], log_drop[8], log_drop[9], RETCODE);
- fclose(logfp);
- }
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- }
- return 1; //Logged
int log_mvpdrop(struct map_session_data *sd, int monster_id, int *log_mvp)
FILE *logfp;
@@ -268,352 +228,6 @@ int log_mvpdrop(struct map_session_data *sd, int monster_id, int *log_mvp)
return 0;
-int log_present(struct map_session_data *sd, int source_type, int nameid)
- FILE *logfp;
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- char t_name[NAME_LENGTH*2];
- if(log_config.enable_logs <= 0)
- return 0;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(!should_log_item(log_config.present,nameid,1)) return 0; //filter [Lupus]
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- if(log_config.sql_logs > 0)
- {
- sprintf(tmp_sql, "INSERT DELAYED INTO `%s` (`present_date`, `src_id`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`, `nameid`, `map`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%s') ",
- log_config.log_present_db, source_type, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, jstrescapecpy(t_name, sd->, nameid, mapindex_id2name(sd->mapindex));
- if(mysql_query(&logmysql_handle, tmp_sql))
- {
- ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&logmysql_handle));
- ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql);
- }
- } else {
- if((logfp=fopen(log_config.log_present,"a+")) != NULL) {
- time(&curtime);
- strftime(timestring, 254, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&curtime));
- fprintf(logfp,"%s - %s[%d:%d]\t%d\t%d%s", timestring, sd->, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, source_type, nameid, RETCODE);
- fclose(logfp);
- }
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- }
- return 0;
-int log_produce(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid, int slot1, int slot2, int slot3, int success)
- FILE *logfp;
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- char t_name[NAME_LENGTH*2];
- if(log_config.enable_logs <= 0)
- return 0;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(!should_log_item(log_config.produce,nameid,1)) return 0; //filter [Lupus]
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- if(log_config.sql_logs > 0)
- {
- sprintf(tmp_sql, "INSERT DELAYED INTO `%s` (`produce_date`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`, `nameid`, `slot1`, `slot2`, `slot3`, `map`, `success`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d') ",
- log_config.log_produce_db, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, jstrescapecpy(t_name, sd->, nameid, slot1, slot2, slot3, mapindex_id2name(sd->mapindex), success);
- if(mysql_query(&logmysql_handle, tmp_sql))
- {
- ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&logmysql_handle));
- ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql);
- }
- } else {
- if((logfp=fopen(log_config.log_produce,"a+")) != NULL) {
- time(&curtime);
- strftime(timestring, 254, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&curtime));
- fprintf(logfp,"%s - %s[%d:%d]\t%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d%s", timestring, sd->, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, nameid, slot1, slot2, slot3, success, RETCODE);
- fclose(logfp);
- }
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- }
- return 0;
-int log_refine(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int success)
- FILE *logfp;
- int log_card[MAX_SLOTS];
- int item_level;
- int i;
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- char t_name[NAME_LENGTH*2];
- if(log_config.enable_logs <= 0)
- return 0;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(success == 0)
- item_level = sd->status.inventory[n].refine; //leaving there 0 wasn't informative! we have SUCCESS field anyways
- else
- item_level = sd->status.inventory[n].refine + 1;
- if(!should_log_item(log_config.refine,sd->status.inventory[n].nameid,1) || log_config.refine_items_log>item_level) return 0; //filter [Lupus]
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SLOTS;i++)
- log_card[i] = sd->status.inventory[n].card[i];
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- if(log_config.sql_logs > 0)
- {
- char *str_p = tmp_sql;
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, "INSERT DELAYED INTO `%s` (`refine_date`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`, `nameid`, `refine`"
- ", `map`, `success`, `item_level`", log_config.log_refine_db);
- for (i=0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ", `card%d`", i);
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ") VALUES (NOW(), '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d'",
- sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, jstrescapecpy(t_name, sd->,
- sd->status.inventory[n].nameid, sd->status.inventory[n].refine, mapindex_id2name(sd->mapindex), success, item_level);
- for(i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ", '%d'", log_card[i]);
- strcat(tmp_sql,")");
- if(mysql_query(&logmysql_handle, tmp_sql))
- {
- ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&logmysql_handle));
- ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql);
- }
- } else {
- if((logfp=fopen(log_config.log_refine,"a+")) != NULL) {
- time(&curtime);
- strftime(timestring, 254, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&curtime));
- fprintf(logfp,"%s - %s[%d:%d]\t%d,%d\t",
- timestring, sd->, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
- sd->status.inventory[n].nameid, sd->status.inventory[n].refine);
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- fprintf(logfp,"%d,",log_card[i]);
- fprintf(logfp,"\t%d,%d%s", success, item_level, RETCODE);
- fclose(logfp);
- }
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- }
- return 0;
-int log_tostorage(struct map_session_data *sd,int n, int guild)
- FILE *logfp;
- int i;
- if(log_config.enable_logs <= 0 || == 0 || log_config.log_storage[0] == '\0')
- return 0;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->status.inventory[n].nameid==0 || sd->inventory_data[n] == NULL)
- return 1;
- if(sd->status.inventory[n].amount < 0)
- return 1;
- if((logfp=fopen(log_config.log_trade,"a+")) != NULL) {
- time(&curtime);
- strftime(timestring, 254, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&curtime));
- fprintf(logfp,"%s - to %s: %s[%d:%d]\t%d\t%d\t%d\t",
- timestring, guild ? "guild_storage": "storage", sd->, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
- sd->status.inventory[n].nameid, sd->status.inventory[n].amount, sd->status.inventory[n].refine);
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- fprintf(logfp, "%d,", sd->status.inventory[n].card[i]);
- fprintf(logfp, "%s", RETCODE);
- fclose(logfp);
- }
- return 0;
-int log_fromstorage(struct map_session_data *sd,int n, int guild)
- FILE *logfp;
- int i;
- if(log_config.enable_logs <= 0 || == 0 || log_config.log_storage[0] == '\0')
- return 0;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->status.inventory[n].nameid==0 || sd->inventory_data[n] == NULL)
- return 1;
- if(sd->status.inventory[n].amount < 0)
- return 1;
- if((logfp=fopen(log_config.log_trade,"a+")) != NULL) {
- time(&curtime);
- fprintf(logfp,"%s - from %s: %s[%d:%d]\t%d\t%d\t%d\t",
- timestring, guild ? "guild_storage": "storage", sd->, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
- sd->status.inventory[n].nameid, sd->status.inventory[n].amount, sd->status.inventory[n].refine);
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- fprintf(logfp, "%d,", sd->status.inventory[n].card[i]);
- fprintf(logfp, "%s", RETCODE);
- fclose(logfp);
- }
- return 0;
-int log_trade(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *target_sd, int n,int amount)
- FILE *logfp;
- int log_nameid, log_amount, log_refine, log_card[MAX_SLOTS];
- int i;
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- char t_name[NAME_LENGTH*2],t_name2[NAME_LENGTH*2];
- if(log_config.enable_logs <= 0)
- return 0;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->status.inventory[n].nameid==0 || amount <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount<amount || sd->inventory_data[n] == NULL)
- return 1;
- if(sd->status.inventory[n].amount < 0)
- return 1;
- if(!should_log_item(,sd->status.inventory[n].nameid,sd->status.inventory[n].amount)) return 0; //filter [Lupus]
- log_nameid = sd->status.inventory[n].nameid;
- log_amount = sd->status.inventory[n].amount;
- log_refine = sd->status.inventory[n].refine;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SLOTS;i++)
- log_card[i] = sd->status.inventory[n].card[i];
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- if(log_config.sql_logs > 0)
- {
- char *str_p = tmp_sql;
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, "INSERT DELAYED INTO `%s` (`trade_date`, `src_account_id`, `src_char_id`, `src_char_name`, `des_account_id`, `des_char_id`, `des_char_name`, `nameid`, `amount`, `refine`, `map`",
- log_config.log_trade_db);
- for (i=0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ", `card%d`", i);
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ") VALUES (NOW(), '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s'",
- sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, jstrescapecpy(t_name, sd->,
- target_sd->status.account_id, target_sd->status.char_id, jstrescapecpy(t_name2, target_sd->,
- log_nameid, log_amount, log_refine, mapindex_id2name(sd->mapindex));
- for(i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ", '%d'", log_card[i]);
- strcat(tmp_sql, ")");
- if(mysql_query(&logmysql_handle, tmp_sql))
- {
- ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&logmysql_handle));
- ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql);
- }
- } else {
- if((logfp=fopen(log_config.log_trade,"a+")) != NULL) {
- time(&curtime);
- strftime(timestring, 254, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&curtime));
- fprintf(logfp,"%s - %s[%d:%d]\t%s[%d:%d]\t%d\t%d\t%d\t",
- timestring, sd->, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
- target_sd->, target_sd->status.account_id, target_sd->status.char_id,
- log_nameid, log_amount, log_refine);
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- fprintf(logfp, "%d,", sd->status.inventory[n].card[i]);
- fprintf(logfp, "%s", RETCODE);
- fclose(logfp);
- }
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- }
- return 0;
-int log_vend(struct map_session_data *sd,struct map_session_data *vsd,int n,int amount, int zeny)
- FILE *logfp;
- int log_nameid, log_amount, log_refine, log_card[MAX_SLOTS];
- int i;
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- char t_name[NAME_LENGTH*2],t_name2[NAME_LENGTH*2];
- if(log_config.enable_logs <= 0)
- return 0;
- nullpo_retr(0, sd);
- if(sd->status.inventory[n].nameid==0 || amount <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount<amount || sd->inventory_data[n] == NULL)
- return 1;
- if(sd->status.inventory[n].amount< 0)
- return 1;
- if(!should_log_item(log_config.vend,sd->status.inventory[n].nameid,sd->status.inventory[n].amount)) return 0; //filter [Lupus]
- log_nameid = sd->status.inventory[n].nameid;
- log_amount = sd->status.inventory[n].amount;
- log_refine = sd->status.inventory[n].refine;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SLOTS;i++)
- log_card[i] = sd->status.inventory[n].card[i];
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- if(log_config.sql_logs > 0)
- {
- char *str_p = tmp_sql;
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, "INSERT DELAYED INTO `%s` (`vend_date`, `vend_account_id`, `vend_char_id`, `vend_char_name`, `buy_account_id`, `buy_char_id`, `buy_char_name`, `nameid`, `amount`, `refine`, `map`, `zeny`",
- log_config.log_vend_db);
- for (i=0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ", `card%d`", i);
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ") VALUES (NOW(), '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d'",
- sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, jstrescapecpy(t_name, sd->,
- vsd->status.account_id, vsd->status.char_id, jstrescapecpy(t_name2, vsd->,
- log_nameid, log_amount, log_refine, mapindex_id2name(sd->mapindex), zeny);
- for(i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, ", '%d'", log_card[i]);
- strcat(tmp_sql, ")");
- if(mysql_query(&logmysql_handle, tmp_sql))
- {
- ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&logmysql_handle));
- ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql);
- }
- } else {
- if((logfp=fopen(log_config.log_vend,"a+")) != NULL) {
- time(&curtime);
- strftime(timestring, 254, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&curtime));
- fprintf(logfp,"%s - %s[%d:%d]\t%s[%d:%d]\t%d\t%d\t%d\t",
- timestring, sd->, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
- vsd->, vsd->status.account_id, vsd->status.char_id,
- log_nameid, log_amount, log_refine);
- for(i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++)
- fprintf(logfp, "%d,", sd->status.inventory[n].card[i]);
- fprintf(logfp, "\t%d%s", zeny, RETCODE);
- fclose(logfp);
- }
-#ifndef TXT_ONLY
- }
- return 0;
int log_atcommand(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message)
@@ -798,24 +412,6 @@ int log_config_read(char *cfgName)
log_config.branch = (atoi(w2));
} else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_pick") == 0) {
log_config.pick = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_drop") == 0) {
- log_config.drop = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_steal") == 0) {
- log_config.steal = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_mvpdrop") == 0) {
- log_config.mvpdrop = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_present") == 0) {
- log_config.present = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_produce") == 0) {
- log_config.produce = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_refine") == 0) {
- log_config.refine = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_trade") == 0) {
- = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_storage") == 0) {
- = (atoi(w2));
- } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_vend") == 0) {
- log_config.vend = (atoi(w2));
} else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_zeny") == 0) {
log_config.zeny = (atoi(w2));
} else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_gm") == 0) {
@@ -824,6 +420,8 @@ int log_config_read(char *cfgName)
log_config.npc = (atoi(w2));
} else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_chat") == 0) { = (atoi(w2));
+ } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_mvpdrop") == 0) {
+ log_config.mvpdrop = (atoi(w2));
#ifndef TXT_ONLY
@@ -839,41 +437,10 @@ int log_config_read(char *cfgName)
strcpy(log_config.log_zeny_db, w2);
if(log_config.zeny == 1)
ShowNotice("Logging Zeny to table `%s`\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_drop_db") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_drop_db, w2);
- if(log_config.drop == 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Item Drops to table `%s`\n", w2);
} else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_mvpdrop_db") == 0) {
strcpy(log_config.log_mvpdrop_db, w2);
if(log_config.mvpdrop == 1)
ShowNotice("Logging MVP Drops to table `%s`\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_present_db") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_present_db, w2);
- if(log_config.present == 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Present Usage & Results to table `%s`\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_produce_db") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_produce_db, w2);
- if(log_config.produce == 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Producing to table `%s`\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_refine_db") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_refine_db, w2);
- if(log_config.refine == 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Refining to table `%s`\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_trade_db") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_trade_db, w2);
- if( == 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Item Trades to table `%s`\n", w2);
-// } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_storage_db") == 0) {
-// strcpy(log_config.log_storage_db, w2);
-// if( == 1)
-// {
-// printf("Logging Item Storages");
-// printf(" to table `%s`\n", w2);
-// }
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_vend_db") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_vend_db, w2);
- if(log_config.vend == 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Vending to table `%s`\n", w2);
} else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_gm_db") == 0) {
strcpy(log_config.log_gm_db, w2);
if( > 0)
@@ -893,10 +460,6 @@ int log_config_read(char *cfgName)
strcpy(log_config.log_branch, w2);
if(log_config.branch > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
ShowNotice("Logging Dead Branch Usage to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_drop_file") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_drop, w2);
- if(log_config.drop > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Item Drops to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
} else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_pick_file") == 0) {
strcpy(log_config.log_pick, w2);
if(log_config.pick > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
@@ -909,30 +472,6 @@ int log_config_read(char *cfgName)
strcpy(log_config.log_mvpdrop, w2);
if(log_config.mvpdrop > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
ShowNotice("Logging MVP Drops to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_present_file") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_present, w2);
- if(log_config.present > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Present Usage & Results to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_produce_file") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_produce, w2);
- if(log_config.produce > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Producing to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_refine_file") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_refine, w2);
- if(log_config.refine > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Refining to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_trade_file") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_trade, w2);
- if( > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Item Trades to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_storage_file") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_storage, w2);
- if( > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Item Storages to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
- } else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_vend_file") == 0) {
- strcpy(log_config.log_vend, w2);
- if(log_config.vend > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)
- ShowNotice("Logging Vending to file `%s`.txt\n", w2);
} else if(strcmpi(w1, "log_gm_file") == 0) {
strcpy(log_config.log_gm, w2);
if( > 0 && log_config.sql_logs < 1)