path: root/src/map/battle.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/map/battle.c')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/battle.c b/src/map/battle.c
index 273ea7fcb..3b3ea2047 100644
--- a/src/map/battle.c
+++ b/src/map/battle.c
@@ -242,55 +242,37 @@ int battle_delay_damage_sub(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) {
struct delay_damage *dat = (struct delay_damage *)data;
if ( dat ) {
- struct block_list* src = NULL;
- struct block_list* target = map->id2bl(dat->target_id);
- if( !target || status->isdead(target) ) {/* nothing we can do */
- if (dat->src_type == BL_PC
- && (src = map->id2bl(dat->src_id)) != NULL
- && --((struct map_session_data *)src)->delayed_damage == 0
- && ((struct map_session_data *)src)->state.hold_recalc
- ) {
- ((struct map_session_data *)src)->state.hold_recalc = 0;
- status_calc_pc((struct map_session_data *)src, SCO_FORCE);
+ struct block_list *src = map->id2bl(dat->src_id);
+ struct map_session_data *sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);
+ struct block_list *target = map->id2bl(dat->target_id);
+ if (target != NULL && !status->isdead(target)) {
+ //Check to see if you haven't teleported. [Skotlex]
+ if (src != NULL && (
+ battle_config.fix_warp_hit_delay_abuse ?
+ (dat->skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST || target->m != src->m || check_distance_bl(src, target, dat->distance))
+ :
+ ((target->type != BL_PC || BL_UCAST(BL_PC, target)->invincible_timer == INVALID_TIMER)
+ && (dat->skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST || (target->m == src->m && check_distance_bl(src, target, dat->distance))))
+ )) {
+ map->freeblock_lock();
+ status_fix_damage(src, target, dat->damage, dat->delay);
+ if (dat->attack_type && !status->isdead(target) && dat->additional_effects)
+ skill->additional_effect(src,target,dat->skill_id,dat->skill_lv,dat->attack_type,dat->dmg_lv,tick);
+ if (dat->dmg_lv > ATK_BLOCK && dat->attack_type)
+ skill->counter_additional_effect(src,target,dat->skill_id,dat->skill_lv,dat->attack_type,tick);
+ map->freeblock_unlock();
+ } else if (src == NULL && dat->skill_id == CR_REFLECTSHIELD) {
+ // it was monster reflected damage, and the monster died, we pass the damage to the character as expected
+ map->freeblock_lock();
+ status_fix_damage(target, target, dat->damage, dat->delay);
+ map->freeblock_unlock();
- ers_free(battle->delay_damage_ers, dat);
- return 0;
- src = map->id2bl(dat->src_id);
- //Check to see if you haven't teleported. [Skotlex]
- if (src && (
- battle_config.fix_warp_hit_delay_abuse ?
- (dat->skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST || target->m != src->m || check_distance_bl(src, target, dat->distance))
- :
- ((target->type != BL_PC || ((struct map_session_data *)target)->invincible_timer == INVALID_TIMER)
- && (dat->skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST || (target->m == src->m && check_distance_bl(src, target, dat->distance))))
- )) {
- map->freeblock_lock();
- status_fix_damage(src, target, dat->damage, dat->delay);
- if( dat->attack_type && !status->isdead(target) && dat->additional_effects )
- skill->additional_effect(src,target,dat->skill_id,dat->skill_lv,dat->attack_type,dat->dmg_lv,tick);
- if( dat->dmg_lv > ATK_BLOCK && dat->attack_type )
- skill->counter_additional_effect(src,target,dat->skill_id,dat->skill_lv,dat->attack_type,tick);
- map->freeblock_unlock();
- } else if( !src && dat->skill_id == CR_REFLECTSHIELD ) {
- /**
- * it was monster reflected damage, and the monster died, we pass the damage to the character as expected
- **/
- map->freeblock_lock();
- status_fix_damage(target, target, dat->damage, dat->delay);
- map->freeblock_unlock();
- }
- if (src != NULL
- && src->type == BL_PC
- && --((struct map_session_data *)src)->delayed_damage == 0
- && ((struct map_session_data*)src)->state.hold_recalc
- ) {
- ((struct map_session_data *)src)->state.hold_recalc = 0;
- status_calc_pc((struct map_session_data *)src, SCO_FORCE);
+ if (sd != NULL && --sd->delayed_damage == 0 && sd->state.hold_recalc) {
+ sd->state.hold_recalc = 0;
+ status_calc_pc(sd, SCO_FORCE);
ers_free(battle->delay_damage_ers, dat);
@@ -546,17 +528,20 @@ int64 battle_calc_base_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uin
int64 damage;
struct status_data *st = status->get_status_data(src);
struct status_change *sc = status->get_sc(src);
+ const struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
nullpo_retr(0, src);
+ sd = BL_CCAST(BL_PC, src);
if ( !skill_id ) {
s_ele = st->rhw.ele;
s_ele_ = st->lhw.ele;
- if ( src->type == BL_PC ) {
- if (((struct map_session_data *)src)->charm_type != CHARM_TYPE_NONE && ((struct map_session_data *)src)->charm_count >= MAX_SPIRITCHARM) {
- s_ele = s_ele_ = ((struct map_session_data*)src)->charm_type;
+ if (sd != NULL) {
+ if (sd->charm_type != CHARM_TYPE_NONE && sd->charm_count >= MAX_SPIRITCHARM) {
+ s_ele = s_ele_ = sd->charm_type;
- if (flag&2 && ((struct map_session_data *)src)->bonus.arrow_ele)
- s_ele = ((struct map_session_data *)src)->bonus.arrow_ele;
+ if (flag&2 && sd->bonus.arrow_ele != 0)
+ s_ele = sd->bonus.arrow_ele;
if (src->type == BL_PC) {
@@ -570,8 +555,7 @@ int64 battle_calc_base_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uin
damage = batk + 3 * battle->calc_weapon_damage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, &st->lhw, nk, n_ele, s_ele, s_ele_, status_get_size(bl), type, flag, flag2) / 4;
damage = (batk << 1) + battle->calc_weapon_damage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, &st->rhw, nk, n_ele, s_ele, s_ele_, status_get_size(bl), type, flag, flag2);
- }
- else{
+ } else {
damage = st->batk + battle->calc_weapon_damage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, &st->rhw, nk, n_ele, s_ele, s_ele_, status_get_size(bl), type, flag, flag2);
@@ -2740,6 +2724,8 @@ int64 battle_calc_damage(struct block_list *src,struct block_list *bl,struct Dam
+ sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl);
div_ = d->div_;
flag = d->flag;
@@ -2749,8 +2735,7 @@ int64 battle_calc_damage(struct block_list *src,struct block_list *bl,struct Dam
return 0;
if( battle_config.ksprotection && mob->ksprotected(src, bl) )
return 0;
- if (bl->type == BL_PC) {
- sd=(struct map_session_data *)bl;
+ if (sd != NULL) {
//Special no damage states
if(flag&BF_WEAPON && sd->special_state.no_weapon_damage)
damage -= damage * sd->special_state.no_weapon_damage / 100;
@@ -2881,9 +2866,11 @@ int64 battle_calc_damage(struct block_list *src,struct block_list *bl,struct Dam
// If the target is too far away from the devotion caster, autoguard has no effect
// Autoguard will be disabled later on
struct block_list *d_bl = map->id2bl(sce_d->val1);
- if (d_bl && check_distance_bl(bl, d_bl, sce_d->val3)
- && ((d_bl->type == BL_MER && ((struct mercenary_data *)d_bl)->master && ((struct mercenary_data *)d_bl)->master-> == bl->id)
- || (d_bl->type == BL_PC && ((struct map_session_data *)d_bl)->devotion[sce_d->val2] == bl->id))
+ struct mercenary_data *d_md = BL_CAST(BL_MER, d_bl);
+ struct map_session_data *d_sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, d_bl);
+ if (d_bl != NULL && check_distance_bl(bl, d_bl, sce_d->val3)
+ && ((d_bl->type == BL_MER && d_md->master != NULL && d_md->master-> == bl->id)
+ || (d_bl->type == BL_PC && d_sd->devotion[sce_d->val2] == bl->id))
) {
// if player is target of devotion, show guard effect on the devotion caster rather than the target
clif->skill_nodamage(d_bl, d_bl, CR_AUTOGUARD, sce->val1, 1);
@@ -3325,8 +3312,9 @@ int64 battle_calc_damage(struct block_list *src,struct block_list *bl,struct Dam
if (!skill_id || (element = skill->get_ele(skill_id, skill_lv)) == -1) {
// Take weapon's element
struct status_data *sstatus = NULL;
- if (src->type == BL_PC && ((struct map_session_data *)src)->bonus.arrow_ele) {
- element = ((struct map_session_data *)src)->bonus.arrow_ele;
+ struct map_session_data *ssd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);
+ if (src->type == BL_PC && ssd->bonus.arrow_ele != 0) {
+ element = ssd->bonus.arrow_ele;
} else if ((sstatus = status->get_status_data(src)) != NULL) {
element = sstatus->rhw.ele;
@@ -3394,7 +3382,13 @@ int64 battle_calc_gvg_damage(struct block_list *src,struct block_list *bl,int64
if(src->type != BL_MOB) {
- struct guild *g = src->type == BL_PC ? ((struct map_session_data *)src)->guild : guild->search(status->get_guild_id(src));
+ struct guild *g = NULL;
+ if (src->type == BL_PC) {
+ struct map_session_data *sd = BL_UCAST(BL_PC, src);
+ g = sd->guild;
+ } else {
+ g = guild->search(status->get_guild_id(src));
+ }
if (class_ == MOBID_EMPELIUM && (!g || guild->checkskill(g,GD_APPROVAL) <= 0))
return 0;
@@ -5632,8 +5626,7 @@ struct Damage battle_calc_weapon_attack(struct block_list *src,struct block_list
//Reject Sword bugreport:4493 by Daegaladh
- if (wd.damage != 0
- && tsc != NULL && tsc->data[SC_SWORDREJECT] != NULL
+ if (wd.damage != 0 && tsc != NULL && tsc->data[SC_SWORDREJECT] != NULL
&& (sd == NULL || sd->weapontype1 == W_DAGGER || sd->weapontype1 == W_1HSWORD || sd->status.weapon == W_2HSWORD)
&& rnd()%100 < tsc->data[SC_SWORDREJECT]->val2
) {
@@ -6227,10 +6220,12 @@ enum damage_lv battle_weapon_attack(struct block_list* src, struct block_list* t
if( tsc->data[SC_DEVOTION] ) {
struct status_change_entry *sce = tsc->data[SC_DEVOTION];
struct block_list *d_bl = map->id2bl(sce->val1);
+ struct mercenary_data *d_md = BL_CAST(BL_MER, d_bl);
+ struct map_session_data *d_sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, d_bl);
if (d_bl != NULL
- && ((d_bl->type == BL_MER && ((struct mercenary_data *)d_bl)->master && ((struct mercenary_data *)d_bl)->master-> == target->id)
- || (d_bl->type == BL_PC && ((struct map_session_data *)d_bl)->devotion[sce->val2] == target->id)
+ && ((d_bl->type == BL_MER && d_md->master != NULL && d_md->master-> == target->id)
+ || (d_bl->type == BL_PC && d_sd->devotion[sce->val2] == target->id)
&& check_distance_bl(target, d_bl, sce->val3)
) {