path: root/src/login/account_txt.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/login/account_txt.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 645 deletions
diff --git a/src/login/account_txt.c b/src/login/account_txt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 79e22ac3b..000000000
--- a/src/login/account_txt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
-// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
-#include "../common/db.h"
-#include "../common/lock.h"
-#include "../common/malloc.h"
-#include "../common/mmo.h"
-#include "../common/showmsg.h"
-#include "../common/strlib.h"
-#include "../common/timer.h"
-#include "account.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/// global defines
-#define ACCOUNT_TXT_DB_VERSION 20110114
-#define AUTHS_BEFORE_SAVE 10 // flush every 10 saves
-#define AUTH_SAVING_INTERVAL 60000 // flush every 10 minutes
-/// internal structure
-typedef struct AccountDB_TXT
- AccountDB vtable; // public interface
- DBMap* accounts; // in-memory accounts storage
- int next_account_id; // auto_increment
- int auths_before_save; // prevents writing to disk too often
- int save_timer; // save timer id
- char account_db[1024]; // account data storage file
- bool case_sensitive; // how to look up usernames
-} AccountDB_TXT;
-/// internal structure
-typedef struct AccountDBIterator_TXT
- AccountDBIterator vtable; // public interface
- DBIterator* iter;
-} AccountDBIterator_TXT;
-/// internal functions
-static bool account_db_txt_init(AccountDB* self);
-static void account_db_txt_destroy(AccountDB* self);
-static bool account_db_txt_get_property(AccountDB* self, const char* key, char* buf, size_t buflen);
-static bool account_db_txt_set_property(AccountDB* self, const char* option, const char* value);
-static bool account_db_txt_create(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc);
-static bool account_db_txt_remove(AccountDB* self, const int account_id);
-static bool account_db_txt_save(AccountDB* self, const struct mmo_account* acc);
-static bool account_db_txt_load_num(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const int account_id);
-static bool account_db_txt_load_str(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const char* userid);
-static AccountDBIterator* account_db_txt_iterator(AccountDB* self);
-static void account_db_txt_iter_destroy(AccountDBIterator* self);
-static bool account_db_txt_iter_next(AccountDBIterator* self, struct mmo_account* acc);
-static bool mmo_auth_fromstr(struct mmo_account* acc, char* str, unsigned int version);
-static bool mmo_auth_tostr(const struct mmo_account* acc, char* str);
-static void mmo_auth_sync(AccountDB_TXT* self);
-static int mmo_auth_sync_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data);
-/// public constructor
-AccountDB* account_db_txt(void)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(AccountDB_TXT));
- // set up the vtable
- db->vtable.init = &account_db_txt_init;
- db->vtable.destroy = &account_db_txt_destroy;
- db->vtable.get_property = &account_db_txt_get_property;
- db->vtable.set_property = &account_db_txt_set_property;
- db-> = &account_db_txt_save;
- db->vtable.create = &account_db_txt_create;
- db->vtable.remove = &account_db_txt_remove;
- db->vtable.load_num = &account_db_txt_load_num;
- db->vtable.load_str = &account_db_txt_load_str;
- db->vtable.iterator = &account_db_txt_iterator;
- // initialize to default values
- db->accounts = NULL;
- db->next_account_id = START_ACCOUNT_NUM;
- db->auths_before_save = AUTHS_BEFORE_SAVE;
- db->save_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
- safestrncpy(db->account_db, "save/account.txt", sizeof(db->account_db));
- db->case_sensitive = false;
- return &db->vtable;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/// opens accounts file, loads it, and starts a periodic saving timer
-static bool account_db_txt_init(AccountDB* self)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- DBMap* accounts;
- FILE* fp;
- char line[2048];
- unsigned int version = 0;
- // create accounts database
- db->accounts = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA);
- accounts = db->accounts;
- // open data file
- fp = fopen(db->account_db, "r");
- if( fp == NULL )
- {
- // no account file -> no account -> no login, including char-server (ERROR)
- ShowError(CL_RED"account_db_txt_init: Accounts file [%s] not found."CL_RESET"\n", db->account_db);
- return false;
- }
- // load data file
- while( fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL )
- {
- int account_id, n;
- unsigned int v;
- struct mmo_account acc;
- struct mmo_account* tmp;
- struct DBIterator* iter;
- int (*compare)(const char* str1, const char* str2) = ( db->case_sensitive ) ? strcmp : stricmp;
- if( line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' )
- continue;
- n = 0;
- if( sscanf(line, "%d%n", &v, &n) == 1 && (line[n] == '\n' || line[n] == '\r') )
- {// format version definition
- version = v;
- continue;
- }
- n = 0;
- if( sscanf(line, "%d\t%%newid%%%n", &account_id, &n) == 1 && (line[n] == '\n' || line[n] == '\r') )
- {// auto-increment
- if( account_id > db->next_account_id )
- db->next_account_id = account_id;
- continue;
- }
- if( !mmo_auth_fromstr(&acc, line, version) )
- {
- ShowError("account_db_txt_init: skipping invalid data: %s", line);
- continue;
- }
- // apply constraints & checks here
- if( != 'S' && (acc.account_id < START_ACCOUNT_NUM || acc.account_id > END_ACCOUNT_NUM) )
- ShowWarning("account_db_txt_init: account %d:'%s' has ID outside of the defined range for accounts (min:%d max:%d)!\n", acc.account_id, acc.userid, START_ACCOUNT_NUM, END_ACCOUNT_NUM);
- iter = accounts->iterator(accounts);
- for( tmp = (struct mmo_account*)iter->first(iter,NULL); iter->exists(iter); tmp = (struct mmo_account*)iter->next(iter,NULL) )
- if( compare(acc.userid, tmp->userid) == 0 )
- break;
- iter->destroy(iter);
- if( tmp != NULL )
- {// entry with identical username
- ShowWarning("account_db_txt_init: account %d:'%s' has same username as account %d. The account will be inaccessible!\n", acc.account_id, acc.userid, tmp->account_id);
- }
- if( idb_get(accounts, acc.account_id) != NULL )
- {// account id already occupied
- ShowError("account_db_txt_init: ID collision for account id %d! Discarding data for account '%s'...\n", acc.account_id, acc.userid);
- continue;
- }
- // record entry in db
- tmp = (struct mmo_account*)aMalloc(sizeof(struct mmo_account));
- memcpy(tmp, &acc, sizeof(struct mmo_account));
- idb_put(accounts, acc.account_id, tmp);
- if( acc.account_id >= db->next_account_id )
- db->next_account_id = acc.account_id + 1;
- }
- // close data file
- fclose(fp);
- // initialize data saving timer
- add_timer_func_list(mmo_auth_sync_timer, "mmo_auth_sync_timer");
- db->save_timer = add_timer_interval(gettick() + AUTH_SAVING_INTERVAL, mmo_auth_sync_timer, 0, (intptr_t)db, AUTH_SAVING_INTERVAL);
- return true;
-/// flush accounts db, close savefile and deallocate structures
-static void account_db_txt_destroy(AccountDB* self)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
- // stop saving timer
- delete_timer(db->save_timer, mmo_auth_sync_timer);
- // write data
- mmo_auth_sync(db);
- // delete accounts database
- accounts->destroy(accounts, NULL);
- db->accounts = NULL;
- // delete entire structure
- aFree(db);
-/// Gets a property from this database.
-static bool account_db_txt_get_property(AccountDB* self, const char* key, char* buf, size_t buflen)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- const char* signature = "account.txt.";
- if( strcmp(key, "") == 0 )
- {
- safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "txt");
- return true;
- }
- if( strcmp(key, "engine.version") == 0 )
- {
- safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%d", ACCOUNT_TXT_DB_VERSION);
- return true;
- }
- if( strcmp(key, "engine.comment") == 0 )
- {
- safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "TXT Account Database %d", ACCOUNT_TXT_DB_VERSION);
- return true;
- }
- if( strncmp(key, signature, strlen(signature)) != 0 )
- return false;
- key += strlen(signature);
- if( strcmpi(key, "account_db") == 0 )
- safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->account_db);
- else if( strcmpi(key, "case_sensitive") == 0 )
- safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%d", (db->case_sensitive ? 1 : 0));
- else
- return false;// not found
- return true;
-/// Sets a property in this database.
-static bool account_db_txt_set_property(AccountDB* self, const char* key, const char* value)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- const char* signature = "account.txt.";
- if( strncmp(key, signature, strlen(signature)) != 0 )
- return false;
- key += strlen(signature);
- if( strcmpi(key, "account_db") == 0 )
- safestrncpy(db->account_db, value, sizeof(db->account_db));
- else if( strcmpi(key, "case_sensitive") == 0 )
- db->case_sensitive = config_switch(value);
- else // no match
- return false;
- return true;
-/// Add a new entry for this account to the account db and save it.
-/// If acc->account_id is -1, the account id will be auto-generated,
-/// and its value will be written to acc->account_id if everything succeeds.
-static bool account_db_txt_create(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
- struct mmo_account* tmp;
- // decide on the account id to assign
- int account_id = ( acc->account_id != -1 ) ? acc->account_id : db->next_account_id;
- // absolute maximum
- if( account_id > END_ACCOUNT_NUM )
- return false;
- // check if the account_id is free
- tmp = (struct mmo_account*)idb_get(accounts, account_id);
- if( tmp != NULL )
- {// error condition - entry already present
- ShowError("account_db_txt_create: cannot create account %d:'%s', this id is already occupied by %d:'%s'!\n", account_id, acc->userid, account_id, tmp->userid);
- return false;
- }
- // copy the data and store it in the db
- CREATE(tmp, struct mmo_account, 1);
- memcpy(tmp, acc, sizeof(struct mmo_account));
- tmp->account_id = account_id;
- idb_put(accounts, account_id, tmp);
- // increment the auto_increment value
- if( account_id >= db->next_account_id )
- db->next_account_id = account_id + 1;
- // flush data
- mmo_auth_sync(db);
- // write output
- acc->account_id = account_id;
- return true;
-/// find an existing entry for this account id and delete it
-static bool account_db_txt_remove(AccountDB* self, const int account_id)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
- //TODO: find out if this really works
- struct mmo_account* tmp = (struct mmo_account*)idb_remove(accounts, account_id);
- if( tmp == NULL )
- {// error condition - entry not present
- ShowError("account_db_txt_remove: no such account with id %d\n", account_id);
- return false;
- }
- // flush data
- mmo_auth_sync(db);
- return true;
-/// rewrite the data stored in the account_db with the one provided
-static bool account_db_txt_save(AccountDB* self, const struct mmo_account* acc)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
- int account_id = acc->account_id;
- // retrieve previous data
- struct mmo_account* tmp = (struct mmo_account*)idb_get(accounts, account_id);
- if( tmp == NULL )
- {// error condition - entry not found
- return false;
- }
- // overwrite with new data
- memcpy(tmp, acc, sizeof(struct mmo_account));
- // modify save counter and save if needed
- if( --db->auths_before_save == 0 )
- mmo_auth_sync(db);
- return true;
-/// retrieve data from db and store it in the provided data structure
-static bool account_db_txt_load_num(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const int account_id)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
- // retrieve data
- struct mmo_account* tmp = (struct mmo_account*)idb_get(accounts, account_id);
- if( tmp == NULL )
- {// entry not found
- return false;
- }
- // store it
- memcpy(acc, tmp, sizeof(struct mmo_account));
- return true;
-/// retrieve data from db and store it in the provided data structure
-static bool account_db_txt_load_str(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const char* userid)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
- // retrieve data
- struct DBIterator* iter = accounts->iterator(accounts);
- struct mmo_account* tmp;
- int (*compare)(const char* str1, const char* str2) = ( db->case_sensitive ) ? strcmp : stricmp;
- for( tmp = (struct mmo_account*)iter->first(iter,NULL); iter->exists(iter); tmp = (struct mmo_account*)iter->next(iter,NULL) )
- if( compare(userid, tmp->userid) == 0 )
- break;
- iter->destroy(iter);
- if( tmp == NULL )
- {// entry not found
- return false;
- }
- // store it
- memcpy(acc, tmp, sizeof(struct mmo_account));
- return true;
-/// Returns a new forward iterator.
-static AccountDBIterator* account_db_txt_iterator(AccountDB* self)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
- DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
- AccountDBIterator_TXT* iter = (AccountDBIterator_TXT*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(AccountDBIterator_TXT));
- // set up the vtable
- iter->vtable.destroy = &account_db_txt_iter_destroy;
- iter-> = &account_db_txt_iter_next;
- // fill data
- iter->iter = db_iterator(accounts);
- return &iter->vtable;
-/// Destroys this iterator, releasing all allocated memory (including itself).
-static void account_db_txt_iter_destroy(AccountDBIterator* self)
- AccountDBIterator_TXT* iter = (AccountDBIterator_TXT*)self;
- dbi_destroy(iter->iter);
- aFree(iter);
-/// Fetches the next account in the database.
-static bool account_db_txt_iter_next(AccountDBIterator* self, struct mmo_account* acc)
- AccountDBIterator_TXT* iter = (AccountDBIterator_TXT*)self;
- struct mmo_account* tmp = (struct mmo_account*)dbi_next(iter->iter);
- if( dbi_exists(iter->iter) )
- {
- memcpy(acc, tmp, sizeof(struct mmo_account));
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-/// parse input string into the provided account data structure
-static bool mmo_auth_fromstr(struct mmo_account* a, char* str, unsigned int version)
- char* fields[32];
- int count;
- char* regs;
- int i, n;
- // zero out the destination first
- memset(a, 0x00, sizeof(struct mmo_account));
- // defaults for older format versions
- safestrncpy(a->birthdate, "0000-00-00", sizeof(a->birthdate));
- // extract tab-separated columns from line
- count = sv_split(str, strlen(str), 0, '\t', fields, ARRAYLENGTH(fields), (e_svopt)(SV_TERMINATE_LF|SV_TERMINATE_CRLF));
- if( version == ACCOUNT_TXT_DB_VERSION && count == 14 )
- {
- a->account_id = strtol(fields[1], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->userid, fields[2], sizeof(a->userid));
- safestrncpy(a->pass, fields[3], sizeof(a->pass));
- a->sex = fields[4][0];
- safestrncpy(a->email, fields[5], sizeof(a->email));
- a->level = strtoul(fields[6], NULL, 10);
- a->state = strtoul(fields[7], NULL, 10);
- a->unban_time = strtol(fields[8], NULL, 10);
- a->expiration_time = strtol(fields[9], NULL, 10);
- a->logincount = strtoul(fields[10], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->lastlogin, fields[11], sizeof(a->lastlogin));
- safestrncpy(a->last_ip, fields[12], sizeof(a->last_ip));
- safestrncpy(a->birthdate, fields[13], sizeof(a->birthdate));
- regs = fields[14];
- }
- else
- if( version == 20080409 && count == 13 )
- {
- a->account_id = strtol(fields[1], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->userid, fields[2], sizeof(a->userid));
- safestrncpy(a->pass, fields[3], sizeof(a->pass));
- a->sex = fields[4][0];
- safestrncpy(a->email, fields[5], sizeof(a->email));
- a->level = strtoul(fields[6], NULL, 10);
- a->state = strtoul(fields[7], NULL, 10);
- a->unban_time = strtol(fields[8], NULL, 10);
- a->expiration_time = strtol(fields[9], NULL, 10);
- a->logincount = strtoul(fields[10], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->lastlogin, fields[11], sizeof(a->lastlogin));
- safestrncpy(a->last_ip, fields[12], sizeof(a->last_ip));
- regs = fields[13];
- }
- else
- if( version == 0 && count == 14 )
- {
- a->account_id = strtol(fields[1], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->userid, fields[2], sizeof(a->userid));
- safestrncpy(a->pass, fields[3], sizeof(a->pass));
- safestrncpy(a->lastlogin, fields[4], sizeof(a->lastlogin));
- a->sex = fields[5][0];
- a->logincount = strtoul(fields[6], NULL, 10);
- a->state = strtoul(fields[7], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->email, fields[8], sizeof(a->email));
- //safestrncpy(a->error_message, fields[9], sizeof(a->error_message));
- a->expiration_time = strtol(fields[10], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->last_ip, fields[11], sizeof(a->last_ip));
- //safestrncpy(a->memo, fields[12], sizeof(a->memo));
- a->unban_time = strtol(fields[13], NULL, 10);
- regs = fields[14];
- }
- else
- if( version == 0 && count == 13 )
- {
- a->account_id = strtol(fields[1], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->userid, fields[2], sizeof(a->userid));
- safestrncpy(a->pass, fields[3], sizeof(a->pass));
- safestrncpy(a->lastlogin, fields[4], sizeof(a->lastlogin));
- a->sex = fields[5][0];
- a->logincount = strtoul(fields[6], NULL, 10);
- a->state = strtoul(fields[7], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->email, fields[8], sizeof(a->email));
- //safestrncpy(a->error_message, fields[9], sizeof(a->error_message));
- a->expiration_time = strtol(fields[10], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->last_ip, fields[11], sizeof(a->last_ip));
- //safestrncpy(a->memo, fields[12], sizeof(a->memo));
- regs = fields[13];
- }
- else
- if( version == 0 && count == 8 )
- {
- a->account_id = strtol(fields[1], NULL, 10);
- safestrncpy(a->userid, fields[2], sizeof(a->userid));
- safestrncpy(a->pass, fields[3], sizeof(a->pass));
- safestrncpy(a->lastlogin, fields[4], sizeof(a->lastlogin));
- a->sex = fields[5][0];
- a->logincount = strtoul(fields[6], NULL, 10);
- a->state = strtoul(fields[7], NULL, 10);
- regs = fields[8];
- }
- else
- {// unmatched row
- return false;
- }
- // extract account regs
- // {reg name<COMMA>reg value<SPACE>}*
- n = 0;
- for( i = 0; i < ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM; ++i )
- {
- char key[32];
- char value[256];
- regs += n;
- if (sscanf(regs, "%31[^\t,],%255[^\t ] %n", key, value, &n) != 2)
- {
- // We must check if a str is void. If it's, we can continue to read other REG2.
- // Account line will have something like: str2,9 ,9 str3,1 (here, ,9 is not good)
- if (regs[0] == ',' && sscanf(regs, ",%[^\t ] %n", value, &n) == 1) {
- i--;
- continue;
- } else
- break;
- }
- safestrncpy(a->account_reg2[i].str, key, 32);
- safestrncpy(a->account_reg2[i].value, value, 256);
- }
- a->account_reg2_num = i;
- return true;
-/// dump the contents of the account data structure into the provided string buffer
-static bool mmo_auth_tostr(const struct mmo_account* a, char* str)
- int i;
- char* str_p = str;
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%c\t%s\t%u\t%u\t%ld\t%ld\t%u\t%s\t%s\t%s\t",
- a->account_id, a->userid, a->pass, a->sex, a->email, a->level,
- a->state, (long)a->unban_time, (long)a->expiration_time,
- a->logincount, a->lastlogin, a->last_ip, a->birthdate);
- for( i = 0; i < a->account_reg2_num; ++i )
- if( a->account_reg2[i].str[0] )
- str_p += sprintf(str_p, "%s,%s ", a->account_reg2[i].str, a->account_reg2[i].value);
- return true;
-/// dump the entire account db to disk
-static void mmo_auth_sync(AccountDB_TXT* db)
- int lock;
- FILE *fp;
- struct DBIterator* iter;
- struct mmo_account* acc;
- fp = lock_fopen(db->account_db, &lock);
- if( fp == NULL )
- {
- return;
- }
- fprintf(fp, "%d\n", ACCOUNT_TXT_DB_VERSION); // savefile version
- fprintf(fp, "// Accounts file: here are saved all information about the accounts.\n");
- fprintf(fp, "// Structure: account ID, username, password, sex, email, level, state, unban time, expiration time, # of logins, last login time, last (accepted) login ip, birth date, repeated(register key, register value)\n");
- fprintf(fp, "// where:\n");
- fprintf(fp, "// sex : M or F for normal accounts, S for server accounts\n");
- fprintf(fp, "// level : this account's gm level\n");
- fprintf(fp, "// state : 0: account is ok, 1 to 256: error code of packet 0x006a + 1\n");
- fprintf(fp, "// unban time : 0: no ban, <other value>: banned until the date (unix timestamp)\n");
- fprintf(fp, "// expiration time : 0: unlimited account, <other value>: account expires on the date (unix timestamp)\n");
- //TODO: sort?
- iter = db->accounts->iterator(db->accounts);
- for( acc = (struct mmo_account*)iter->first(iter,NULL); iter->exists(iter); acc = (struct mmo_account*)iter->next(iter,NULL) )
- {
- char buf[2048]; // ought to be big enough ^^
- mmo_auth_tostr(acc, buf);
- fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buf);
- }
- fprintf(fp, "%d\t%%newid%%\n", db->next_account_id);
- iter->destroy(iter);
- lock_fclose(fp, db->account_db, &lock);
- // reset save counter
- db->auths_before_save = AUTHS_BEFORE_SAVE;
-static int mmo_auth_sync_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data)
- AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)data;
- if( db->auths_before_save < AUTHS_BEFORE_SAVE )
- mmo_auth_sync(db); // db was modified, flush it
- return 0;