path: root/src/common/sql.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/common/sql.c')
1 files changed, 948 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/sql.c b/src/common/sql.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..800aa89b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common/sql.c
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
+// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
+#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
+#include "../common/malloc.h"
+#include "../common/showmsg.h"
+#include "../common/strlib.h"
+#include "../common/timer.h"
+#include "sql.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "../common/winapi.h"
+#include <mysql.h>
+#include <string.h>// strlen/strnlen/memcpy/memset
+#include <stdlib.h>// strtoul
+/// Sql handle
+struct Sql
+ StringBuf buf;
+ MYSQL handle;
+ MYSQL_RES* result;
+ MYSQL_ROW row;
+ unsigned long* lengths;
+ int keepalive;
+// Column length receiver.
+// Takes care of the possible size missmatch between uint32 and unsigned long.
+struct s_column_length
+ uint32* out_length;
+ unsigned long length;
+typedef struct s_column_length s_column_length;
+/// Sql statement
+struct SqlStmt
+ StringBuf buf;
+ MYSQL_STMT* stmt;
+ MYSQL_BIND* params;
+ MYSQL_BIND* columns;
+ s_column_length* column_lengths;
+ size_t max_params;
+ size_t max_columns;
+ bool bind_params;
+ bool bind_columns;
+// Sql Handle
+/// Allocates and initializes a new Sql handle.
+Sql* Sql_Malloc(void)
+ Sql* self;
+ CREATE(self, Sql, 1);
+ mysql_init(&self->handle);
+ StringBuf_Init(&self->buf);
+ self->lengths = NULL;
+ self->result = NULL;
+ self->keepalive = INVALID_TIMER;
+ return self;
+static int Sql_P_Keepalive(Sql* self);
+/// Establishes a connection.
+int Sql_Connect(Sql* self, const char* user, const char* passwd, const char* host, uint16 port, const char* db)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ StringBuf_Clear(&self->buf);
+ if( !mysql_real_connect(&self->handle, host, user, passwd, db, (unsigned int)port, NULL/*unix_socket*/, 0/*clientflag*/) )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("%s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ self->keepalive = Sql_P_Keepalive(self);
+ if( self->keepalive == INVALID_TIMER )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("Failed to establish keepalive for DB connection!\n");
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Retrieves the timeout of the connection.
+int Sql_GetTimeout(Sql* self, uint32* out_timeout)
+ if( self && out_timeout && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_Query(self, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout'") )
+ {
+ char* data;
+ size_t len;
+ if( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(self) &&
+ SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_GetData(self, 1, &data, &len) )
+ {
+ *out_timeout = (uint32)strtoul(data, NULL, 10);
+ Sql_FreeResult(self);
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ Sql_FreeResult(self);
+ }
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+/// Retrieves the name of the columns of a table into out_buf, with the separator after each name.
+int Sql_GetColumnNames(Sql* self, const char* table, char* out_buf, size_t buf_len, char sep)
+ char* data;
+ size_t len;
+ size_t off = 0;
+ if( self == NULL || SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(self, "EXPLAIN `%s`", table) )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ out_buf[off] = '\0';
+ while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(self) && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_GetData(self, 0, &data, &len) )
+ {
+ len = strnlen(data, len);
+ if( off + len + 2 > buf_len )
+ {
+ ShowDebug("Sql_GetColumns: output buffer is too small\n");
+ *out_buf = '\0';
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ memcpy(out_buf+off, data, len);
+ off += len;
+ out_buf[off++] = sep;
+ }
+ out_buf[off] = '\0';
+ Sql_FreeResult(self);
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Changes the encoding of the connection.
+int Sql_SetEncoding(Sql* self, const char* encoding)
+ if( self && mysql_set_character_set(&self->handle, encoding) == 0 )
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+/// Pings the connection.
+int Sql_Ping(Sql* self)
+ if( self && mysql_ping(&self->handle) == 0 )
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+/// Wrapper function for Sql_Ping.
+/// @private
+static int Sql_P_KeepaliveTimer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data)
+ Sql* self = (Sql*)data;
+ ShowInfo("Pinging SQL server to keep connection alive...\n");
+ Sql_Ping(self);
+ return 0;
+/// Establishes keepalive (periodic ping) on the connection.
+/// @return the keepalive timer id, or INVALID_TIMER
+/// @private
+static int Sql_P_Keepalive(Sql* self)
+ uint32 timeout, ping_interval;
+ // set a default value first
+ timeout = 28800; // 8 hours
+ // request the timeout value from the mysql server
+ Sql_GetTimeout(self, &timeout);
+ if( timeout < 60 )
+ timeout = 60;
+ // establish keepalive
+ ping_interval = timeout - 30; // 30-second reserve
+ //add_timer_func_list(Sql_P_KeepaliveTimer, "Sql_P_KeepaliveTimer");
+ return add_timer_interval(gettick() + ping_interval*1000, Sql_P_KeepaliveTimer, 0, (intptr_t)self, ping_interval*1000);
+/// Escapes a string.
+size_t Sql_EscapeString(Sql* self, char *out_to, const char *from)
+ if( self )
+ return (size_t)mysql_real_escape_string(&self->handle, out_to, from, (unsigned long)strlen(from));
+ else
+ return (size_t)mysql_escape_string(out_to, from, (unsigned long)strlen(from));
+/// Escapes a string.
+size_t Sql_EscapeStringLen(Sql* self, char *out_to, const char *from, size_t from_len)
+ if( self )
+ return (size_t)mysql_real_escape_string(&self->handle, out_to, from, (unsigned long)from_len);
+ else
+ return (size_t)mysql_escape_string(out_to, from, (unsigned long)from_len);
+/// Executes a query.
+int Sql_Query(Sql* self, const char* query, ...)
+ int res;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, query);
+ res = Sql_QueryV(self, query, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ return res;
+/// Executes a query.
+int Sql_QueryV(Sql* self, const char* query, va_list args)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ Sql_FreeResult(self);
+ StringBuf_Clear(&self->buf);
+ StringBuf_Vprintf(&self->buf, query, args);
+ if( mysql_real_query(&self->handle, StringBuf_Value(&self->buf), (unsigned long)StringBuf_Length(&self->buf)) )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ self->result = mysql_store_result(&self->handle);
+ if( mysql_errno(&self->handle) != 0 )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Executes a query.
+int Sql_QueryStr(Sql* self, const char* query)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ Sql_FreeResult(self);
+ StringBuf_Clear(&self->buf);
+ StringBuf_AppendStr(&self->buf, query);
+ if( mysql_real_query(&self->handle, StringBuf_Value(&self->buf), (unsigned long)StringBuf_Length(&self->buf)) )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ self->result = mysql_store_result(&self->handle);
+ if( mysql_errno(&self->handle) != 0 )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Returns the number of the AUTO_INCREMENT column of the last INSERT/UPDATE query.
+uint64 Sql_LastInsertId(Sql* self)
+ if( self )
+ return (uint64)mysql_insert_id(&self->handle);
+ else
+ return 0;
+/// Returns the number of columns in each row of the result.
+uint32 Sql_NumColumns(Sql* self)
+ if( self && self->result )
+ return (uint32)mysql_num_fields(self->result);
+ return 0;
+/// Returns the number of rows in the result.
+uint64 Sql_NumRows(Sql* self)
+ if( self && self->result )
+ return (uint64)mysql_num_rows(self->result);
+ return 0;
+/// Fetches the next row.
+int Sql_NextRow(Sql* self)
+ if( self && self->result )
+ {
+ self->row = mysql_fetch_row(self->result);
+ if( self->row )
+ {
+ self->lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(self->result);
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ self->lengths = NULL;
+ if( mysql_errno(&self->handle) == 0 )
+ return SQL_NO_DATA;
+ }
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+/// Gets the data of a column.
+int Sql_GetData(Sql* self, size_t col, char** out_buf, size_t* out_len)
+ if( self && self->row )
+ {
+ if( col < Sql_NumColumns(self) )
+ {
+ if( out_buf ) *out_buf = self->row[col];
+ if( out_len ) *out_len = (size_t)self->lengths[col];
+ }
+ else
+ {// out of range - ignore
+ if( out_buf ) *out_buf = NULL;
+ if( out_len ) *out_len = 0;
+ }
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+/// Frees the result of the query.
+void Sql_FreeResult(Sql* self)
+ if( self && self->result )
+ {
+ mysql_free_result(self->result);
+ self->result = NULL;
+ self->row = NULL;
+ self->lengths = NULL;
+ }
+/// Shows debug information (last query).
+void Sql_ShowDebug_(Sql* self, const char* debug_file, const unsigned long debug_line)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ ShowDebug("at %s:%lu - self is NULL\n", debug_file, debug_line);
+ else if( StringBuf_Length(&self->buf) > 0 )
+ ShowDebug("at %s:%lu - %s\n", debug_file, debug_line, StringBuf_Value(&self->buf));
+ else
+ ShowDebug("at %s:%lu\n", debug_file, debug_line);
+/// Frees a Sql handle returned by Sql_Malloc.
+void Sql_Free(Sql* self)
+ if( self )
+ {
+ Sql_FreeResult(self);
+ StringBuf_Destroy(&self->buf);
+ if( self->keepalive != INVALID_TIMER ) delete_timer(self->keepalive, Sql_P_KeepaliveTimer);
+ aFree(self);
+ }
+// Prepared Statements
+/// Returns the mysql integer type for the target size.
+/// @private
+static enum enum_field_types Sql_P_SizeToMysqlIntType(int sz)
+ switch( sz )
+ {
+ case 1: return MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
+ case 2: return MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
+ case 4: return MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
+ case 8: return MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
+ default:
+ ShowDebug("SizeToMysqlIntType: unsupported size (%d)\n", sz);
+ }
+/// Binds a parameter/result.
+/// @private
+static int Sql_P_BindSqlDataType(MYSQL_BIND* bind, enum SqlDataType buffer_type, void* buffer, size_t buffer_len, unsigned long* out_length, int8* out_is_null)
+ memset(bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
+ switch( buffer_type )
+ {
+ case SQLDT_NULL: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_NULL;
+ buffer_len = 0;// FIXME length = ? [FlavioJS]
+ break;
+ // fixed size
+ case SQLDT_UINT8: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_INT8: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
+ buffer_len = 1;
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_UINT16: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_INT16: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
+ buffer_len = 2;
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_UINT32: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_INT32: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
+ buffer_len = 4;
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_UINT64: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_INT64: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
+ buffer_len = 8;
+ break;
+ // platform dependent size
+ case SQLDT_UCHAR: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_CHAR: bind->buffer_type = Sql_P_SizeToMysqlIntType(sizeof(char));
+ buffer_len = sizeof(char);
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_USHORT: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_SHORT: bind->buffer_type = Sql_P_SizeToMysqlIntType(sizeof(short));
+ buffer_len = sizeof(short);
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_UINT: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_INT: bind->buffer_type = Sql_P_SizeToMysqlIntType(sizeof(int));
+ buffer_len = sizeof(int);
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_ULONG: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_LONG: bind->buffer_type = Sql_P_SizeToMysqlIntType(sizeof(long));
+ buffer_len = sizeof(long);
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_ULONGLONG: bind->is_unsigned = 1;
+ case SQLDT_LONGLONG: bind->buffer_type = Sql_P_SizeToMysqlIntType(sizeof(int64));
+ buffer_len = sizeof(int64);
+ break;
+ // floating point
+ case SQLDT_FLOAT: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT;
+ buffer_len = 4;
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_DOUBLE: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
+ buffer_len = 8;
+ break;
+ // other
+ case SQLDT_ENUM: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
+ break;
+ case SQLDT_BLOB: bind->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ShowDebug("Sql_P_BindSqlDataType: unsupported buffer type (%d)\n", buffer_type);
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ bind->buffer = buffer;
+ bind->buffer_length = (unsigned long)buffer_len;
+ bind->length = out_length;
+ bind->is_null = (my_bool*)out_is_null;
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Prints debug information about a field (type and length).
+/// @private
+static void Sql_P_ShowDebugMysqlFieldInfo(const char* prefix, enum enum_field_types type, int is_unsigned, unsigned long length, const char* length_postfix)
+ const char* sign = (is_unsigned ? "UNSIGNED " : "");
+ const char* type_string;
+ switch( type )
+ {
+ default:
+ ShowDebug("%stype=%s%u, length=%d\n", prefix, sign, type, length);
+ return;
+#define SHOW_DEBUG_OF(x) case x: type_string = #x; break
+ }
+ ShowDebug("%stype=%s%s, length=%d%s\n", prefix, sign, type_string, length, length_postfix);
+/// Reports debug information about a truncated column.
+/// @private
+static void SqlStmt_P_ShowDebugTruncatedColumn(SqlStmt* self, size_t i)
+ MYSQL_RES* meta;
+ MYSQL_FIELD* field;
+ MYSQL_BIND* column;
+ meta = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(self->stmt);
+ field = mysql_fetch_field_direct(meta, (unsigned int)i);
+ ShowSQL("DB error - data of field '%s' was truncated.\n", field->name);
+ ShowDebug("column - %lu\n", (unsigned long)i);
+ Sql_P_ShowDebugMysqlFieldInfo("data - ", field->type, field->flags&UNSIGNED_FLAG, self->column_lengths[i].length, "");
+ column = &self->columns[i];
+ if( column->buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING )
+ Sql_P_ShowDebugMysqlFieldInfo("buffer - ", column->buffer_type, column->is_unsigned, column->buffer_length, "+1(nul-terminator)");
+ else
+ Sql_P_ShowDebugMysqlFieldInfo("buffer - ", column->buffer_type, column->is_unsigned, column->buffer_length, "");
+ mysql_free_result(meta);
+/// Allocates and initializes a new SqlStmt handle.
+SqlStmt* SqlStmt_Malloc(Sql* sql)
+ SqlStmt* self;
+ MYSQL_STMT* stmt;
+ if( sql == NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ stmt = mysql_stmt_init(&sql->handle);
+ if( stmt == NULL )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&sql->handle));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CREATE(self, SqlStmt, 1);
+ StringBuf_Init(&self->buf);
+ self->stmt = stmt;
+ self->params = NULL;
+ self->columns = NULL;
+ self->column_lengths = NULL;
+ self->max_params = 0;
+ self->max_columns = 0;
+ self->bind_params = false;
+ self->bind_columns = false;
+ return self;
+/// Prepares the statement.
+int SqlStmt_Prepare(SqlStmt* self, const char* query, ...)
+ int res;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, query);
+ res = SqlStmt_PrepareV(self, query, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ return res;
+/// Prepares the statement.
+int SqlStmt_PrepareV(SqlStmt* self, const char* query, va_list args)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ SqlStmt_FreeResult(self);
+ StringBuf_Clear(&self->buf);
+ StringBuf_Vprintf(&self->buf, query, args);
+ if( mysql_stmt_prepare(self->stmt, StringBuf_Value(&self->buf), (unsigned long)StringBuf_Length(&self->buf)) )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(self->stmt));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ self->bind_params = false;
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Prepares the statement.
+int SqlStmt_PrepareStr(SqlStmt* self, const char* query)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ SqlStmt_FreeResult(self);
+ StringBuf_Clear(&self->buf);
+ StringBuf_AppendStr(&self->buf, query);
+ if( mysql_stmt_prepare(self->stmt, StringBuf_Value(&self->buf), (unsigned long)StringBuf_Length(&self->buf)) )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(self->stmt));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ self->bind_params = false;
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Returns the number of parameters in the prepared statement.
+size_t SqlStmt_NumParams(SqlStmt* self)
+ if( self )
+ return (size_t)mysql_stmt_param_count(self->stmt);
+ else
+ return 0;
+/// Binds a parameter to a buffer.
+int SqlStmt_BindParam(SqlStmt* self, size_t idx, enum SqlDataType buffer_type, void* buffer, size_t buffer_len)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ if( !self->bind_params )
+ {// initialize the bindings
+ size_t i;
+ size_t count;
+ count = SqlStmt_NumParams(self);
+ if( self->max_params < count )
+ {
+ self->max_params = count;
+ RECREATE(self->params, MYSQL_BIND, count);
+ }
+ memset(self->params, 0, count*sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
+ for( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+ self->params[i].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_NULL;
+ self->bind_params = true;
+ }
+ if( idx < self->max_params )
+ return Sql_P_BindSqlDataType(self->params+idx, buffer_type, buffer, buffer_len, NULL, NULL);
+ else
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;// out of range - ignore
+/// Executes the prepared statement.
+int SqlStmt_Execute(SqlStmt* self)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ SqlStmt_FreeResult(self);
+ if( (self->bind_params && mysql_stmt_bind_param(self->stmt, self->params)) ||
+ mysql_stmt_execute(self->stmt) )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(self->stmt));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ self->bind_columns = false;
+ if( mysql_stmt_store_result(self->stmt) )// store all the data
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(self->stmt));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Returns the number of the AUTO_INCREMENT column of the last INSERT/UPDATE statement.
+uint64 SqlStmt_LastInsertId(SqlStmt* self)
+ if( self )
+ return (uint64)mysql_stmt_insert_id(self->stmt);
+ else
+ return 0;
+/// Returns the number of columns in each row of the result.
+size_t SqlStmt_NumColumns(SqlStmt* self)
+ if( self )
+ return (size_t)mysql_stmt_field_count(self->stmt);
+ else
+ return 0;
+/// Binds the result of a column to a buffer.
+int SqlStmt_BindColumn(SqlStmt* self, size_t idx, enum SqlDataType buffer_type, void* buffer, size_t buffer_len, uint32* out_length, int8* out_is_null)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ if( buffer_type == SQLDT_STRING || buffer_type == SQLDT_ENUM )
+ {
+ if( buffer_len < 1 )
+ {
+ ShowDebug("SqlStmt_BindColumn: buffer_len(%d) is too small, no room for the nul-terminator\n", buffer_len);
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ --buffer_len;// nul-terminator
+ }
+ if( !self->bind_columns )
+ {// initialize the bindings
+ size_t i;
+ size_t cols;
+ cols = SqlStmt_NumColumns(self);
+ if( self->max_columns < cols )
+ {
+ self->max_columns = cols;
+ RECREATE(self->columns, MYSQL_BIND, cols);
+ RECREATE(self->column_lengths, s_column_length, cols);
+ }
+ memset(self->columns, 0, cols*sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
+ memset(self->column_lengths, 0, cols*sizeof(s_column_length));
+ for( i = 0; i < cols; ++i )
+ self->columns[i].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_NULL;
+ self->bind_columns = true;
+ }
+ if( idx < self->max_columns )
+ {
+ self->column_lengths[idx].out_length = out_length;
+ return Sql_P_BindSqlDataType(self->columns+idx, buffer_type, buffer, buffer_len, &self->column_lengths[idx].length, out_is_null);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;// out of range - ignore
+ }
+/// Returns the number of rows in the result.
+uint64 SqlStmt_NumRows(SqlStmt* self)
+ if( self )
+ return (uint64)mysql_stmt_num_rows(self->stmt);
+ else
+ return 0;
+/// Fetches the next row.
+int SqlStmt_NextRow(SqlStmt* self)
+ int err;
+ size_t i;
+ size_t cols;
+ MYSQL_BIND* column;
+ unsigned long length;
+ if( self == NULL )
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ // bind columns
+ if( self->bind_columns && mysql_stmt_bind_result(self->stmt, self->columns) )
+ err = 1;// error binding columns
+ else
+ err = mysql_stmt_fetch(self->stmt);// fetch row
+ // check for errors
+ if( err == MYSQL_NO_DATA )
+ return SQL_NO_DATA;
+ // MySQL 5.0/5.1 defines and returns MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED [FlavioJS]
+ {
+ my_bool truncated;
+ if( !self->bind_columns )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - data truncated (unknown source, columns are not bound)\n");
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ // find truncated column
+ cols = SqlStmt_NumColumns(self);
+ for( i = 0; i < cols; ++i )
+ {
+ column = &self->columns[i];
+ column->error = &truncated;
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_column(self->stmt, column, (unsigned int)i, 0);
+ column->error = NULL;
+ if( truncated )
+ {// report truncated column
+ SqlStmt_P_ShowDebugTruncatedColumn(self, i);
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ ShowSQL("DB error - data truncated (unknown source)\n");
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if( err )
+ {
+ ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(self->stmt));
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ // propagate column lengths and clear unused parts of string/enum/blob buffers
+ cols = SqlStmt_NumColumns(self);
+ for( i = 0; i < cols; ++i )
+ {
+ length = self->column_lengths[i].length;
+ column = &self->columns[i];
+ // MySQL 4.1/(below?) returns success even if data is truncated, so we test truncation manually [FlavioJS]
+ if( column->buffer_length < length )
+ {// report truncated column
+ if( column->buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING || column->buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB )
+ {// string/enum/blob column
+ SqlStmt_P_ShowDebugTruncatedColumn(self, i);
+ return SQL_ERROR;
+ }
+ // FIXME numeric types and null [FlavioJS]
+ }
+ if( self->column_lengths[i].out_length )
+ *self->column_lengths[i].out_length = (uint32)length;
+ if( column->buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING )
+ {// clear unused part of the string/enum buffer (and nul-terminate)
+ memset((char*)column->buffer + length, 0, column->buffer_length - length + 1);
+ }
+ else if( column->buffer_type == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB && length < column->buffer_length )
+ {// clear unused part of the blob buffer
+ memset((char*)column->buffer + length, 0, column->buffer_length - length);
+ }
+ }
+ return SQL_SUCCESS;
+/// Frees the result of the statement execution.
+void SqlStmt_FreeResult(SqlStmt* self)
+ if( self )
+ mysql_stmt_free_result(self->stmt);
+/// Shows debug information (with statement).
+void SqlStmt_ShowDebug_(SqlStmt* self, const char* debug_file, const unsigned long debug_line)
+ if( self == NULL )
+ ShowDebug("at %s:%lu - self is NULL\n", debug_file, debug_line);
+ else if( StringBuf_Length(&self->buf) > 0 )
+ ShowDebug("at %s:%lu - %s\n", debug_file, debug_line, StringBuf_Value(&self->buf));
+ else
+ ShowDebug("at %s:%lu\n", debug_file, debug_line);
+/// Frees a SqlStmt returned by SqlStmt_Malloc.
+void SqlStmt_Free(SqlStmt* self)
+ if( self )
+ {
+ SqlStmt_FreeResult(self);
+ StringBuf_Destroy(&self->buf);
+ mysql_stmt_close(self->stmt);
+ if( self->params )
+ aFree(self->params);
+ if( self->columns )
+ {
+ aFree(self->columns);
+ aFree(self->column_lengths);
+ }
+ aFree(self);
+ }