path: root/npc/re/quests/quests_brasilis.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/re/quests/quests_brasilis.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3158 deletions
diff --git a/npc/re/quests/quests_brasilis.txt b/npc/re/quests/quests_brasilis.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ad7aed094..000000000
--- a/npc/re/quests/quests_brasilis.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3158 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
-//= | | | | | |
-//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
-//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) Panikon
-//= Copyright (C) Michieru
-//= Copyright (C) Euphy
-//= Copyright (C) L0ne_W0lf
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program. If not, see <>.
-//= Brasilis Quests
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Lost Puppies (Repeatable, 24 hours.)
-//= Suspicious Beach (Repeatable, 24 hours. iRO/cRO version.)
-//= Guarana Candy Quest
-//= Brasilis Water Lily Quest
-//= Brasilis Dungeon Access Quest
-//= Iara (Buff reward. Repeatable, 24 hours.)
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 1.2c
-//== Lost Puppies :: =============================
-brasilis,297,307,5 script Angelo#br 1_M_04,{
- if (BaseLevel < 40) {
- mes "[Angelo]";
- mes "Pets went out the village~!!";
- mes "Gosh... what can I do... ?";
- close;
- }
- if (questprogress(9032,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
- erasequest 9032;
- }
- if (questprogress(9032,PLAYTIME) == 1) {
- mes "[Angelo]";
- mes "The day is not finished yet.";
- mes "You can only help once a day. Hehe.";
- close;
- }
- if (questprogress(9030) == 1) {
- mes "[Angelo]";
- mes "My pets are in the field outside of the village.";
- mes "Why did they leave? Please find them.";
- close;
- }
- if (questprogress(9031) == 1) {
- mes "[Angelo]";
- mes "Oh, thank you. You found all of 3 puppies.";
- mes "Thanks a lot.";
- mes "I hope this is useful to you. hoho.";
- .@randexp = rand(50000,112500);
- getexp .@randexp,0;
- erasequest 9031;
- setquest 9032;
- specialeffect(EF_ASSUMPTIO, AREA, playerattached());
- consumeitem 607; //Yggdrasilberry
- .@rand = rand(1,10);
- if (.@rand > 4 && .@rand < 9) getitem White_Potion,2;
- else if (.@rand > 8) getitem Seed_Of_Yggdrasil,1;
- close;
- }
- mes "[Angelo]";
- mes "Are you an adventurer? You came here right on time.";
- mes "Puppies have been disappearing.";
- mes "And someone said that they saw them out on the field just outside the village....";
- next;
- mes "[Angelo]";
- mes "It's pretty difficult and dangerous to find 'em.";
- mes "You have to find ^0000FF3 puppies^000000.";
- setquest 9030;
- close;
- initnpctimer;
- end;
- stopnpctimer;
- donpcevent "Angelo#br::OnGo";
- end;
- emotion e_gasp;
- initnpctimer;
- end;
-- script Puppy#bra FAKE_NPC,{
- if (questprogress(9030) == 1) {
- if (brazil_kid < 3) {
- mes "[Puppy]";
- mes "bow wow bow wow!!";
- next;
- ++brazil_kid;
- mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
- if (brazil_kid == 3) {
- mes "Good. I found all 3 puppies.";
- mes "Now I need to go tell Angelo.";
- brazil_kid = 0;
- erasequest 9030;
- setquest 9031;
- }
- else {
- mes "Ah... who's a good puppy?";
- mes "Ok, where are the others?";
- }
- if (compare(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_UNIQUE),"1")) setarray .@i[0],2,3;
- else if (compare(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_UNIQUE),"2")) setarray .@i[0],1,3;
- else setarray .@i[0],1,2;
- donpcevent "Puppy#"+charat(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_UNIQUE),0)+.@i[rand(2)]+"::OnEnable";
- hideonnpc strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME);
- close;
- }
- }
- mes "[Puppy]";
- mes "bow! wow wow!";
- close;
- if (!compare(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_UNIQUE),"1")) hideonnpc strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME);
- end;
- hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME);
- end;
- hideonnpc strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME);
- end;
-bra_fild01,98,96,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#a1 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,59,116,5 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#a2 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,62,142,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#a3 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,80,163,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#b1 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,73,210,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#b2 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,80,210,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#b3 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,38,235,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#c1 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,307,64,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#c2 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,260,60,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#c3 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,234,101,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#d1 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,200,84,3 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#d2 4_DOG01
-bra_fild01,176,63,5 duplicate(Puppy#bra) Puppy#d3 4_DOG01
-//== Suspicious Beach :: ===============
-brasilis,192,133,6 script Lucia#brasilis 4_F_BRZ_WOMAN,{
- /* -------------- Hydra Ball -------------------------
- if (countitem(Leaf_Cat_Ball) > 0) {
- delitem Leaf_Cat_Ball,1;
- getitem Leaf_Cat_Ball,1;
- }
- else if (countitem(Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball) > 0) {
- delitem Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball,1;
- getitem Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball,1;
- }
- --------------------------------------------------- */
- if (BaseLevel < 40) {
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Hello.";
- mes "I'm worried about ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000's on";
- mes "the south beach.";
- mes "I hope some experienced adventurers";
- mes "will come to help.";
- emotion e_sigh;
- close;
- }
- else {
- .@nQState = questprogress(9028);
- if (!.@nQState) {
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Hello.";
- mes "Have you come here to hunt ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s?";
- next;
- switch(select("Yes.", "No.", "^006400What is happening here?^000000")) {
- case 1:
- setquest 9028;
- getitem Leaf_Cat_Ball,1; //Hydra_Ball
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Here, take this ^006400Hydra Ball^000000.";
- mes "Use it to capture a ^FF0000Strange Hydra^8B4513.^000000";
- mes "I hope you can do it~!";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Ah, I misunderstood.";
- mes "See you then.";
- close;
- case 3:
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "One day ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s";
- mes "came here and surrounded the town.";
- mes "We're not sure what attracted them but some say that it's because of you adventurers.";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "In any case, to contain the ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s,";
- mes "you have to use this specially designed tool a.k.a. a ^8B4513Hydra Ball^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "If you still have the ^006400Hydra Ball^000000,";
- mes "please use it on the ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s that";
- mes "you can find at the beach.";
- mes "If you are lucky, the tool will work perfectly.";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "I hope many adventurers";
- mes "volunteer for this job.";
- mes " ";
- mes "I really hate Hydra!";
- emotion e_sob;
- close;
- }
- }
- else if (.@nQState == 1) {
- if (countitem(Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball) > 0) {
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Hello, you really did it!";
- if (checkweight(Light_Blue_Pot,3)) {
- //mes "I don't have enough ^006400Hydra Ball^000000s to give you."; //Poorly translated by iRO?
- mes "I hope you will come";
- mes "again to help me.";
- mes "Have a nice day~!";
- delitem Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball,1;
- completequest 9028;
- //recall_completequest 9029;
- if (questprogress(9029)) erasequest 9029;
- setquest 9029;
- consumeitem 607; //Yggdrasilberry
- consumeitem 12070; //Luk_Dish05
- consumeitem 12055; //Vit_Dish05
- consumeitem 12065; //Dex_Dish05
- getitem Light_Blue_Pot,3;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes " ";
- mes "I'd like to reward you,";
- mes "however your bags are full.";
- mes "Please make room and come back!";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "[Lucia]";
- if (countitem(Leaf_Cat_Ball) < 1) {
- mes "Did you need another ^006400Hydra Ball^000000?";
- mes "I will give you one more.";
- getitem Leaf_Cat_Ball,1;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "Any problems?";
- next;
- switch(select("No.", "^006400Tell me again what happened^000000")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Ok, please do me a favor.";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "One day ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s";
- mes "came here and surrounded the town.";
- mes "We're not sure what attracted them but some say that it's because of you adventurers.";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "In any case, to contain the ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s,";
- mes "you have to use this specially designed tool a.k.a. a ^8B4513Hydra Ball^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "If you still have the ^006400Hydra Ball^000000,";
- mes "please use it on the ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s that";
- mes "you can find at the beach.";
- mes "If you are lucky, the tool will work perfectly.";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "I hope many adventurers";
- mes "volunteer for this job.";
- mes " ";
- mes "I really hate Hydra!";
- emotion e_sob;
- close;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Oh, ^0000FF"+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"^000000 you're back.";
- if (questprogress(9029,PLAYTIME) == 1) {
- mes "I'm so grateful for your help.";
- mes "Each ^006400Hydra Ball^000000 is provided ^006400every 24 hours^000000";
- mes "Please come at the appropriate time.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- //recall_completequest 9028;
- if (.@nQState) erasequest 9028;
- completequest 9029;
- mes "Did you come here to hunt ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s?";
- next;
- switch(select("Yes.", "No.", "^006400What is happening here?^000000")) {
- case 1:
- setquest 9028;
- getitem Leaf_Cat_Ball,1;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Here, take this ^006400Hydra Ball^000000.";
- mes "Use it to capture a ^FF0000Strange Hydra^8B4513.^000000";
- mes "I hope you can do it~!";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "Ah, I misunderstood.";
- mes "See you then.";
- close;
- case 3:
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "One day ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s";
- mes "came here and surrounded the town.";
- mes "We're not sure what attracted them but some say that it's because of you adventurers.";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "In any case, to contain the ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s,";
- mes "you have to use this specially designed tool a.k.a. a ^8B4513Hydra Ball^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "If you still have the ^006400Hydra Ball^000000,";
- mes "please use it on the ^FF0000Strange Hydra^000000s that";
- mes "you can find at the beach.";
- mes "If you are lucky, the tool will work perfectly.";
- next;
- mes "[Lucia]";
- mes "I hope many adventurers";
- mes "volunteer for this job.";
- mes " ";
- mes "I really hate Hydra!";
- emotion e_sob;
- close;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- end;
- initnpctimer;
- end;
- emotion e_gasp;
- stopnpctimer;
- initnpctimer;
- end;
-//== Guarana Quest :: ========================
-brasilis,187,162,5 script Candy Maker 4_M_BRZ_MAN1,{
- if (!checkweight(Knife,1)) {
- mes "- You can't start the quest. Please reduce the weight in your inventory. -";
- close;
- }
- if (brazil_gua == 0) {
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Yo, do you know a berry called ^FF0000Guarana^000000?";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Guarana is a really special berry raised in a specific area, it relieves physical fatigue, and gives power to the body. It even detoxes waste from the body.";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "I used to sell the candy made of it back in the day.";
- mes "I got a prize sometimes every year in the <annual best product contest>. Those were the good 'ol days.";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Since then, the output of that fruit has reduced and the price has gone up so now candy ingredients were changed to coconuts or other tropical fruits instead. I miss the guarana candy.";
- next;
- switch(select("How can I taste this guarana candy?", "End conversation.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Hmm? I already sold out of all my old supply.";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "But if you can find some guarana, I can make it for you.";
- next;
- switch(select("How do I find guarana?", "End conversation.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Will you find the guarana?? Hoooooh~";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Can you find it?";
- mes "It's probably very expensive.";
- mes "Trading isn't my thing. Let me think.";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Let me introduce you to someone with whom I used to do guarana business with.";
- mes "He might still be dealing it.";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "His name is Cherto.";
- mes "If you can't find him in the city, go to museum.";
- mes "He's a vain person so he likes to act big.";
- mes "He's probably wandering in the museum trying to show off to someone for sure.";
- brazil_gua = 1;
- setquest 2192;
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Don't you want to try the guarana candy?";
- close;
- }
- case 2:
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Those were the good 'ole days...";
- close;
- }
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 1) {
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "If you want to get the guarana, find Cherto.";
- mes "Maybe he will be in the museum.";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 10) {
- if (!countitem(Guarana_Fruit)) {
- mes "- The guarana that I had has disappeared. -";
- close;
- }
- delitem Guarana_Fruit,1;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Did you get the guarana?";
- next;
- mes "- You give the guarana to him. -";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Wow! You have special talent.";
- mes "It's the best thing I have ever seen so far. Cool~!";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Good, let's make the candy~!";
- mes "Long time no see my wonderful guarana candy...";
- next;
- mes "- hash hash hash hash hash hash -";
- mes "- hash hash hash hash hash hash -";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Look! It's the popular guarana candy.";
- mes "Try to savor its amazing taste hey~ take it easy. hahaha!!";
- brazil_gua = 11;
- completequest 2200;
- getitem Guarana_Candy,1;
- getexp 70000,10000;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 11) {
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Guarana candy. That was the most unique masterpiece in my life for sure!";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Since you helped me, guarana supply has been steadily rising.";
- mes "So, naturally I'm back to making guarana candy.";
- next;
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "What about it? Wanna buy some?";
- mes "It's 4000 zeny each.";
- next;
- switch(select("Buy a Guarana Candy.", "Cancel.")) {
- case 1:
- if (Zeny > 3999) {
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Here is a delicious guarana candy.";
- Zeny -= 4000;
- getitem Guarana_Candy,1;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "What? You should say before if you don't have money!";
- mes "Even if you are poor, I can't give this away for free.";
- close;
- }
- case 2:
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Sometimes some people don't like it due to it's arousal effect.";
- close;
- }
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Candy Maker]";
- mes "Guarana candy. That was the most unique masterpiece in my life for sure!";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,95,179,3 script Cherto 4_M_BRZ_MAN2,{
- if (brazil_gua == 0) {
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Hmm... hey man, you are from outside, aren't you?";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Cherto can figure it out even if it's the first time. You can't trick Cherto.";
- mes "Cherto has sharp eyes like an eagle! Hahaha!";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Ok, ok. Yes, yes. I see!";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Anyway, you arrived in Brasilis but don't know what to do?";
- mes "Am I right?";
- mes "You don't know how fortunate you are to have found a really proper helper as myself.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Cherto takes it by your expression that you want to say, ''You are a master!'' Right?";
- mes "Cherto, I can read and figure out all at once! That is written in your face!";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Cherto would love to stay here and explain everything to you but he is a busy man.";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 1) {
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Hmm... hey man, you are from outside, aren't you?";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Cherto can figure it out even if it's the first time. You can't trick Cherto.";
- mes "Cherto has sharp eyes like an eagle! Hahaha!";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Ok, ok. Yes, yes. I see!";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Anyway, you arrived in Brasilis but don't know what to do?";
- mes "Am I right?";
- mes "You don't know how fortunate you are to have found a really proper helper as myself.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Cherto takes it by your expression that you want to say, ''You are a master!'' Right?";
- mes "Cherto, I can read and figure out all at once! That is written in your face!";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "If you have a curious thing to ask to Cherto. Cherto will be kind enough to answer.";
- next;
- select("Guarana?");
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "What? Do you want to find a guarana?";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Guarana is only raised in this area, it has a soft inside and is coverd with a light fur.";
- mes "It seems a little bit weird but the flower is really big and smells beautiful.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "A long time ago, guarana was used to relieve desease and thirst. But recently it's getting popular to revitalize body power and increase blood circulation.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Although it has such great effects, Cherto is sorry to inform you that we can't get it anymore.";
- next;
- select("Whaaaat??");
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "For a while now, guarana berries haven't been growing here.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Even if Cherto managed to find one, it will rot quickly.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "If only it didn't happen!";
- next;
- select("What are you talking about?");
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- mes "This story has been forbidden! Someone might be listening to our conversation...";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "If Cherto tells you, you might get us into trouble. But you look like you really wanna know so let me give you a tip.";
- mes "Come closer. Cherto will whisper so nobody can listen in.";
- brazil_gua = 2;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 2) {
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "A Guarana boy was born.";
- next;
- select("Guarana kid?");
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "There was woman who was an expert botanist.";
- mes "The woman was really popular to all living creatures.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "At around the time her baby was born, she started a guarana farm. For some reason, her brothers were jealous so they destroyed the farm and disappeared.";
- mes "That kind of story...";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "We can't be sure that baby was born in the world but since that time, all guarana in Brasilis disappeared.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Who is the guarana kid?";
- mes "Pedro who is famous as a greedy man?";
- mes "Meto who can't endure about all the fruits?";
- mes "Hovenue who is gloomy?";
- mes "They might know~!";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "What about you?";
- mes "Who is the guarana kid?";
- mes "Will you figure out it? hohohhhhh~";
- brazil_gua = 3;
- changequest 2192,2193;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 3) {
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Can you find the guarana kid?";
- mes "Maybe yes? Maybe no?";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 4) {
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Did you find guarana kid?";
- next;
- mes "- I tell Cherto about the kid making animal-like sounds. -";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Hoooh. That's unbelivable.";
- mes "That kid might be a guarana kid. Sure...";
- mes "According to the story the kid can have conversations with animals.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "If he can make crying sounds of animals, they might be able to converse!";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Now, what can I do?";
- mes "If he is the kid from the legend, is there any way to raise the guarana again?";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "Haha!! What'd Cherto say?";
- mes "Cherto knows all~!!";
- mes "Cherto's already thought";
- mes "of the next step.";
- next;
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "In Brasilis there is an expert Mage.";
- mes "His name is Paje.";
- mes "Take this note over to him.";
- mes "He will show the solution for you and the kid.";
- brazil_gua = 5;
- changequest 2194,2195;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Cherto]";
- mes "hoho tickle~tickle~~~~!!!";
- close;
- }
-brasilis,203,64,3 script Strange Kid#bra 4_M_KID1,{
- if (brazil_gua < 3) {
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "................";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 3) {
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "................";
- next;
- if(select("Try to talk.", "Pretend to pass by.") == 2) {
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "................";
- close;
- }
- mes "What can I say to him?";
- next;
- while(1) {
- switch(select("What's your name?", "How old are you?", "What are you doing?", "End conversation.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Kaaaaaaao~";
- mes "Grrrrrrrrr - kaaan-";
- next;
- break;
- case 2:
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Booooowoooooo-";
- mes "Booooowoooooo- -";
- next;
- break;
- case 3:
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "chamber pot braeee chamber pot brae chamber pot brae -";
- mes "Bbeeeebbeee -";
- next;
- break;
- case 4:
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Kaaaaaaao~";
- mes "Grrrrrrrrr - kaaan-";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "He makes strange sound like an animals.";
- mes "Should I ask advice from Cherto?";
- brazil_gua = 4;
- changequest 2193,2194;
- close;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 4) {
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "He makes strange sounds like an animal.";
- mes "Should I ask advice from Cherto?";
- close;
- }
- else if ((brazil_gua > 4) && (brazil_gua < 9)) {
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Ah...? ah.....?";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 9) {
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "ah... ahah.....";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "I don't have a story but there are lots of friends waiting outside.";
- next;
- mes "- You give the feather, fresh meat and branch of grapes to the kid -";
- next;
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Ah.............";
- next;
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Un, uhh....";
- mes "mooo... mommy.....";
- next;
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Ah..........";
- mes "bird....";
- mes "mon, mon, mon...key......";
- mes "boo, booow...........";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Dog?!";
- mes "kkk yes. Lots of friends want to meet you.";
- mes "Don't be lonely anymore and be happy with your friends.";
- next;
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "ah....he...hehe....";
- next;
- mes "- He starts to smile lightly and laughs. -";
- next;
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Ye......yes.......";
- mes "tha...";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Alright such a cute smile!";
- mes "Be a happy kid as always.";
- next;
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "Uh......";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "what?";
- next;
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "hey..........";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Do you want to say anything?";
- next;
- mes "- You get closer and pretend to take caution. -";
- next;
- emotion e_kis;
- mes "(kiss~)";
- next;
- mes "- The kid laughs again lightly then puts something in your hand. -";
- next;
- mes "- It's a fresh berry that's colored red and hard. -";
- next;
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Oops, guarana berry?";
- mes "Ah! Thank you very much!";
- emotion e_kis2,1;
- emotion e_heh;
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "If I have this, I can make a guarana candy.";
- mes "I better find that Candy Maker!";
- brazil_gua = 10;
- changequest 2199,2200;
- getitem Guarana_Fruit,1;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_gua == 10) {
- if (!countitem(Guarana_Fruit)) {
- mes "[Strange Kid]";
- mes "He.........";
- getitem Guarana_Fruit,1;
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "- The kid is smiling. -";
- close;
- }
- end;
-brasilis,56,224,7 script Mage Paje#bra 4_M_BIBI,{
- mes "[Mage Paje]";
- mes "Abracadabra~";
- specialeffect(EF_POISONHIT, AREA, getnpcid(0, "Poring#bra"));
- setarray .@display[0], 4_NFCOCK, 4_CAT, 4_PORING;
- setnpcdisplay "Poring#bra",.@display[rand(3)];
- if (brazil_gua != 5) close;
- next;
- mes "[Mage Paje]";
- mes "Ohoooh~!";
- mes "I have a guest.";
- mes "Good to see you.";
- mes "I am the Mage Paje.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Hello. Mr. Cherto told me to find you.";
- next;
- mes "[Mage Paje]";
- mes "Um.. Mr. Cherto? What's happened?";
- mes "Have you come here to ask about lots of weird rumors?";
- next;
- mes "- You give the note to Paje-";
- next;
- mes "[Mage Paje]";
- mes "Ohoooh~";
- mes "Hmm gosh.. that's what happened.";
- next;
- mes "[Mage Paje]";
- mes "I can't help you directly.";
- mes "But I will give you simple magic so you can figure it out by yourself.";
- next;
- select("What kind of magic?");
- mes "[Mage Paje]";
- mes "It's a magic that will make you appear as an animal to other animals. Pretty cool huh?";
- next;
- mes "[Mage Paje]";
- mes "Ok~ I will give you the magic.";
- mes "Most animals are really sensitive so they might be aware of it. Find a Toucan in the field that's oblivious to the spell. You'll know when you talk to it.";
- next;
- mes "[Mage Paje]";
- mes "Good luck~!";
- brazil_gua = 6;
- changequest 2195,2196;
- specialeffect(EF_ASSUMPTIO, AREA, playerattached());
- close;
-brasilis,59,226,3 script Poring#bra 4_PORING,{
- end;
-bra_fild01,75,83,5 script Toucan#bra TOUCAN,2,2,{
- if (brazil_gua == 6) {
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "Baaeecc!";
- mes "I've never seen you before.";
- mes "Baaeec!";
- next;
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "It's the middle of the new and old continent... I know I've never seen you before but you seem familiar, like a woman dancing a samba. ";
- next;
- select("What are you talking about?");
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "I can feel some similar power like guarana kid. bbaaaeeeccc!";
- next;
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "That kid has had a really lonely time, baaecc! Perhaps you are a friend of him? Baaeec!!";
- next;
- select("Not yet... but I want to be a friend.");
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "The kid who received care from guarana woman is also a friend of animals. Bbaaeecc!";
- next;
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "I'd like to give the symbol of a toucan representative for the kid. Bbaaeecc!";
- next;
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "If you want to relieve his loneliness, can you help me?";
- next;
- select("Absolutely!");
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "It's my feather.";
- mes "Send it to the kid.";
- mes "We will keep our promise of friendship between guarana kid and Toucan forever. Bbaaeecc!";
- next;
- mes "- You take a feather from Toucan. - ";
- next;
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "There have to be others around here like me.";
- mes "Why don't you find a jaguar Bbaaeecc!";
- next;
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "I will give a blessing from Toucan to you.";
- next;
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "Fly fly far away. bbaaaeeeccckkk--!";
- brazil_gua = 7;
- changequest 2196,2197;
- specialeffect(EF_SEISMICWEAPON, AREA, playerattached());
- close2;
- warp "bra_fild01",68,146;
- end;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Toucan]";
- mes "Bbbaaeec~! Baaeec~!";
- close;
- }
- end;
-bra_fild01,34,184,5 script Jaguar#bra JAGUAR,2,2,{
- if (brazil_gua == 7) {
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "Hhooww..hhooww.....";
- next;
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "Smelling! This smell is from a human!";
- mes "Somewhere, a human!";
- mes "I got it. You are!!!";
- specialeffect(EF_HIT1, AREA, getnpcid(0, "Jaguar#bra"));
- emotion e_omg,1;
- next;
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "Don't be afraid human.";
- mes "I don't have enough power to hunt humans, just waiting time to end my lifetime in this jungle.";
- next;
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "Anyway you can talk with me, are you a guarana kid?";
- next;
- select("Yes? N...o......actually....");
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "The son of guarana woman became our friend also.";
- mes "They treated all life preciously.";
- mes "I hope you are same the as her.";
- next;
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "Bird's chirpings informed me.";
- mes "The son of guarana woman has a diseased heart.";
- mes "Her brothers made him lonely, don't you think?";
- next;
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "Here is fresh meat that I hunted just a few days ago.";
- mes "Take it and give it to the poor kid.";
- next;
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "I can give this tiny thing to you so, don't forget it.";
- mes "The jungle will welcome you whenever!";
- next;
- mes "- You get fresh meat from Jaguar. -";
- next;
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "Monkey, who's always meddling with others, wants to meet you.";
- next;
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "I will give you a Jaguar's high blessing.";
- mes "Go to monkey by flowing through the wind like a bee.";
- mes "Let's meet again my friend!";
- brazil_gua = 8;
- changequest 2197,2198;
- close2;
- consumeitem 12016; //Speed_Up_Potion
- end;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Jaguar]";
- mes "krrrrrr....";
- close;
- }
- end;
-bra_fild01,245,53,3 script #Monkeybra YOYO,{
- end;
-bra_fild01,245,52,3 script Monkey#bra HIDDEN_NPC,{
- if (brazil_gua == 8) {
- mes "[Monkey]";
- mes "What is it??!!";
- mes "We don't tolerate humans? Get out~!!";
- next;
- mes "[Monkey]";
- mes "Nono... wait.... that scent!!";
- mes "I can smell Jaguar from you, who are you?";
- mes "Gosh, maybe there's no jaguar without fur and weird shape!";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "........................";
- mes "Are you saying that I look like an animal?!?!";
- next;
- mes "[Monkey]";
- mes "Uh? Aren't you a jaguar?";
- next;
- mes "[Monkey]";
- mes "Ahhha. Jaguar send you to me, right?? kkkikkki";
- mes "But you don't look like guarana kid.";
- next;
- select("I've come here to help him.");
- mes "[Monkey]";
- mes "I heard guarana kid became lonely, is he?";
- mes "We are experts in acrobatic acts, does kid like it?? kkkickkksk!";
- next;
- mes "[Monkey]";
- mes "Give this branch of grapes to guarana kid.";
- mes "We will make him have fun during the whole night whenever he comes to us!! kkkickkksk!";
- next;
- mes "- You get a bunch of grapes from Monkey. -";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Good~ Now it's time to go back to the kid~!!";
- brazil_gua = 9;
- changequest 2198,2199;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Monkey]";
- mes "kkkickkksk!";
- close;
- }
-//== Water Lily Quest :: =====================
-brasilis,203,286,3 script Botanist Karmen#bra 4_F_HUWOMAN,{
- if (brazil_regia == 0) {
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "Brasilis' climate is special.";
- mes "This climate offers special cases in botany classes different from any other regions of the world.";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "The plants here have robust frames and are clear and colorful.";
- mes "Here the plants are really huge and we can feel their presence.";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "One of them, a Water Lily, is a really gorgeous and unique plant.";
- mes "This flower is quite sensitive so it doesn't bloom everywhere.";
- next;
- if(select("Interesting.", "End conversation.") == 2) {
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "I guess you aren't interested in botany.";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "It doesn't appear easily and it is a mysterious flower even to the natives, so the Brasilis people believe that a person will get great luck if someone finds it.";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "As a botanist, I have been hanging around here to find the lucky flower but as I expected, it hasn't shown itself yet.";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "I believe that with enough perseverence, this flower will show me it's beautiful brilliance.";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "Ah, if you are interested more in the Water Lily story, find someone named Marta.";
- mes "She is wise and knows lots of stories here in Brasilis.";
- brazil_regia = 1;
- setquest 2201;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 1) {
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "Ah, if you are interested more in the Water Lily story, find someone named Marta.";
- mes "She is wise and knows lots of stories here in Brasilis.";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 9) {
- mes "- You show a lotus flower to Karmen and talk about the story so far. -";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "Wow!! You had a really good experience.";
- mes "So~~~ the water lily lives in the depths of brasilis, right?";
- mes "I wil try to find it again by myself, I won't give up!!";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "I am so grateful that I met you.";
- mes "The water lily must truly be a lucky flower. hahaha";
- brazil_regia = 10;
- completequest 2207;
- getexp 50000,10000;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "This climate offers special cases in botany classes different from any other regions of the world.";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "The plants here have robust frames and are clear and colorful.";
- mes "Here the plants are really huge and we can feel their presence.";
- next;
- mes "[Karmen]";
- mes "It's a botanist's dream.";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,142,27,5 script Marta#bra 4_F_BRZ_INDOLD,{
- if (brazil_regia == 1) {
- mes "[Brasilis Boy]";
- mes "Grandma! That person has a weird smell.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "This person isn't from here.";
- mes "Say hello to our guest.";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Boy]";
- mes "heee~ hi!!";
- mes "I am Kaka!!";
- mes "Whats your name?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "I am "+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+".";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Boy]";
- mes "The outsider has a weird name!";
- mes "Thas ok! If we keep talking we'll be friends! Cheer up!";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Hehe...";
- mes "So, why have you come here stranger~?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "I heard you knows lots of stories, is that true?";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Wooo! how you know my grandma knows lots of stories, amazing~?";
- mes "Grandma is really wise and kind so, I heard lotsa things.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Hehe. Kaka always listens to many stories every night, he really likes my stories.";
- mes "Kaka always makes me happy because he asks so many curious things. That is pure happiness.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Ok, Kaka why don't you invite our guest today to our small meeting?";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Ok grandma~!!";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Hey~ do you have special story that you want to listen to?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "About the mysterious water lily?";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Water lily....";
- mes "It's from a long long time ago.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Before Brasilis was established.";
- mes "A tribe that lived with the giant waterfall and jungle as friends spent their whole time with nature.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "One of tribe chiefs had a pretty daughter called 'Naia'.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Naia liked listening to stories like Kaka so, her mom told her stories every night about nature and gods.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Woooa, she's just like me!";
- mes "Maybe she would be pretty... hehe.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "According to her mother...";
- mes "If the moon in the sky loves some woman in the earth, he turns her into a star so that they can stay together forever.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "After Naia heard this story, she went to her dad to ask if it was true or not.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "So, what did he say?";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "^3131FF'My dear, Naia the moon is one of the bravest men. But he can no longer have a bride. So you can't become a star... Sorry~.^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Did Naia wants to be the bride of the man?";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Yes Kaka, imagine the moon how beautiful and mysterious, that's just ideal for girls.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "But the moon doesn't meet a human as his wife anymore? What was going on with Naia?";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Naia was really a nice girl.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Although her parents tried to prevent her, she still went to the forest to meet the moon every night.";
- mes "Sadly, even with all of her effort, the moon didn't show any reaction to her.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "One day she also went to the top of the mountain to be closer to him. She decided to take a rest for a while around the lake.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "That's when.. Naia saw it.";
- mes "It was the moon he was shining beautifully over the waving lake lightly.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "I know, it's just the moon reflecting on the water. Right?!";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Yes, but to her, the image made her fall into the lake without hesitating and drowned.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Oh no.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "The moon was also watching her from the sky.";
- mes "He felt sad and pitied her. So he decided to turn her into a beautiful flower to thank her for her love.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "That is the story of the mysterious flower people called the Brasilis Water Flower.";
- mes "This Naia flower appears as light white during daytime but in the night turns into red due to it's love connection to the moon.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "How sad but beautiful!";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "How about you stranger?";
- mes "Did you enjoy this story?";
- mes "If you want to listen to another story, just come to me.";
- mes "If you don't mind playing with my grandson a ~ little. hoohoo.";
- brazil_regia = 2;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia > 1) {
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "My grandma is really a bit tired doing some tribe stuff!";
- mes "Could you come another day?";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "You are not from around here.";
- mes "I can sense a strange earth smell.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "But your eyes shine with strength.";
- mes "Indeed you are spreading out spirit and will from your whole body.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "If you work at it you will be a great person someday.";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,145,27,3 script Brasilis Boy#bra 4_M_BRZ_INDIAN,{
- if (brazil_regia == 1) {
- mes "[Brasilis Boy]";
- mes "Grandma! That person has a weird smell.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "This person isn't from here.";
- mes "Say hello to our guest.";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Boy]";
- mes "heee~ hi!!";
- mes "I am Kaka!!";
- mes "Whats your name?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "I am "+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+".";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Boy]";
- mes "The outsider has a weird name!";
- mes "Thas ok! If we keep talking we'll be friends! Cheer up!";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Hehe...";
- mes "So, why have you come here stranger~?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "I heard you knows lots of stories, is that true?";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Wooo! how you know my grandma knows lots of stories, amazing~?";
- mes "Grandma is really wise and kind so, I heard lotsa things.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Hehe. Kaka always listens to many stories every night, he really likes my stories.";
- mes "Kaka always makes me happy because he asks so many curious things. That is pure happiness.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Ok, Kaka why don't you invite our guest today to our small meeting?";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Ok grandma~!!";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Hey~ do you have special story that you want to listen to?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "About the mysterious water lily?";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Water lily....";
- mes "It's from a long long time ago.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Before Brasilis was established.";
- mes "A tribe that lived with the giant waterfall and jungle as friends spent their whole time with nature.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "One of tribe chiefs had a pretty daughter called 'Naia'.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Naia liked listening to stories like Kaka so, her mom told her stories every night about nature and gods.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Woooa, she's just like me!";
- mes "Maybe she would be pretty... hehe.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "According to her mother...";
- mes "If the moon in the sky loves some woman in the earth, he turns her into a star so that they can stay together forever.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "After Naia heard this story, she went to her dad to ask if it was true or not.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "So, what did he say?";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "^3131FF'My dear, Naia the moon is one of the bravest men. But he can no longer have a bride. So you can't become a star... Sorry~.^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Did Naia wants to be the bride of the man?";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Yes Kaka, imagine the moon how beautiful and mysterious, that's just ideal for girls.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "But the moon doesn't meet a human as his wife anymore? What was going on with Naia?";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Naia was really a nice girl.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Although her parents tried to prevent her, she still went to the forest to meet the moon every night.";
- mes "Sadly, even with all of her effort, the moon didn't show any reaction to her.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "One day she also went to the top of the mountain to be closer to him. She decided to take a rest for a while around the lake.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "That's when.. Naia saw it.";
- mes "It was the moon he was shining beautifully over the waving lake lightly.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "I know, it's just the moon reflecting on the water. Right?!";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "Yes, but to her, the image made her fall into the lake without hesitating and drowned.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "Oh no.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "The moon was also watching her from the sky.";
- mes "He felt sad and pitied her. So he decided to turn her into a beautiful flower to thank her for her love.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "That is the story of the mysterious flower people called the Brasilis Water Flower.";
- mes "This Naia flower appears as light white during daytime but in the night turns into red due to it's love connection to the moon.";
- next;
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "How sad but beautiful!";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "How about you stranger?";
- mes "Did you enjoy this story?";
- mes "If you want to listen to another story, just come to me.";
- mes "If you don't mind playing with my grandson a ~ little. hoohoo.";
- brazil_regia = 2;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia > 1) {
- mes "[Kaka]";
- mes "My grandma is really a bit tired doing some tribe stuff!";
- mes "Could you come another day?";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "You are not from around here.";
- mes "I can sense a strange earth smell.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "But your eyes shine with strength.";
- mes "Indeed you are spreading out spirit and will from your whole body.";
- next;
- mes "[Marta]";
- mes "If you work at it you will be a great person someday.";
- close;
- }
-brasilis,270,145,5 script Brasilis Girl#bra 4_F_BRZ_INDIAN,5,5,{
- if (!checkweight(Knife,1)) {
- mes "- wait a second!! -";
- mes "- you have too many items -";
- mes "- so you can't get any more items. -";
- mes "- make your body lighter -";
- mes "- then try again. -";
- close;
- }
- if (brazil_regia == 2) {
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "Jasira!!!";
- mes "Where are you going again?!!";
- mes "come back~, please!!";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "Mom, I have to go out!!";
- next;
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "No way~!! You shouldn't!!";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "Gosh.. today also failed.";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "......";
- mes "What's up? Why are you looking at me?";
- mes "I don't want to be a showgirl!! Get out!!";
- next;
- if(select("Nothing, sorry.", "What's wrong?") == 1) {
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "I am so sad!!!";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "It's not your business.";
- mes "You are just an outsider!";
- next;
- if(select("How rude!", "Just trying to help.") == 1) {
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "What's it matter to you that I'm rude??!!";
- close;
- }
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "I know that I'm just passing by but I might be able to help you. What do you think?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "This kind of meeting could be more than just a coincidence.";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "......................";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Hmm can you tell me your name?";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "ja...";
- mes "Jasira.";
- mes "My name is Jasira.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Nice name~.";
- mes "Jasira what's going on?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes ".............";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "I have to meet 'Jasi' but I can't go out....";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "who is Jasi?";
- mes "Your.... lover?";
- next;
- emotion e_omg;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "l...o...v...e...lover??!!";
- mes "No way~";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "If he is my lover, it would be great... but...";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Jasi is......";
- mes "the great moon.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "The moon?";
- mes "Maybe... are you talking about the moon from the story?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Yeah!";
- mes "Dear Jasi is from the moon from the sky!";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Why are you thinking like that?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Cuz' Jasi is really gorgeous and the most important thing is he is taking care of the water lily in Brasilis.";
- next;
- emotion e_omg,1;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Brasilis water lily??!!";
- mes "Isn't it the uniqe flower?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Right. It's a really mysterious flower and difficult to find.";
- mes "But around Jasi there are lots of water lilies.";
- mes "That's why I believe Jasi is the moon.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Where is Jasi?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "He is deep inside the Jungle.";
- mes "As you can see I am so weak so, I've been staying home. But once, I was strong enough to leave this village.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "I just wandered the jungle and fell down somewhere and that's where I saw him.";
- mes "He was so nice. He helped heal me and guided me back home.";
- mes "That was really really great time.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Since I came back home, my parents punished me.";
- mes "I can understand why they are worrying but i missed Jasi a lot!";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Why don't you meet him after recovering your strength?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes ".................";
- mes "I wanna see him right now...";
- next;
- if(select("Help Jasira.", "Ignore her.") == 2) {
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Sorry I can't help you. Cheer up!";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Crying........";
- close;
- }
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Jasira I came here to find the Brasilis water lily.";
- mes "Don't you think fate has brought us together?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "If you tell me how to find Jasi, I can help you.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Really? But I don't know exactly how to get there. I was just wandering around when I met him.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Can't you remember anything?";
- mes "If you know something you've gotta tell me.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Let's see... I was wandering around a waterfall then fell down into the water then I was sucked into somewhere.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Good, that's better than nothing! I will look for a similar place.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "I gave you your information, so can you do me a favor?";
- mes "It's really simple...";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "I'd like to give a delicious fruit.";
- mes "The place where Jas seemed cozy but I didn't see any food around... So if he sees a yummy fruit he will be happy!";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Give him 10 Banana and tell him that I really miss him.";
- mes "Sorry for ignoring you before. Please, only you can help me!";
- brazil_regia = 3;
- changequest 2201,2202;
- close;
- }
- else if ((brazil_regia == 3) || (brazil_regia == 4)) {
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "If you meet Jasi, give him 10 Bananas.";
- mes "Let's see... I was wandering around a waterfall then fell down into the water then I was sucked into somewhere.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "If you can't find the way, go up to the waterfall and ask the kids in Brasilis village.";
- mes "I heard one of the children went to a strange place before. He might've gone to the same place as me!";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 5) {
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Did you meet Jasi?";
- mes "Did you talk about me?";
- mes "You didn't? Uh? Stupid! Gosh~!";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Hey girl~ you've got a short temper.";
- mes "I did see him and I talked about you!";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Did you?";
- mes "What did he say?";
- mes "Does he remember me?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "That you have a really good heart~";
- mes "I told him that you will try to meet him when your condition gets better.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Yeahhhhh!!";
- mes "Thank you! You are more reliable than I thought you would be.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Anyway, I'm looking for a fruit that's brown and has a hard shell.";
- mes "It has juice inside and can be used as a cup to drink out of.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Duh! You mean a coconut right?!";
- mes "They're everywhere here in Brasilis.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Thanks Jasira!";
- brazil_regia = 6;
- changequest 2204,2205;
- close;
- }
- else if ((brazil_regia == 6) || (brazil_regia == 7)) {
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "I should take care of my strength by myself!";
- mes "I can't just lie in my bed forever. Don't you agree?";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 8) {
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Uh? Why have you come back?";
- next;
- mes "- You tell her what Jasi told you to tell her -";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Oh... really?";
- mes "Did he say that?";
- mes "Gosh! Gosh!!!";
- mes "Kkkkkaaaaa - !!";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Thanks to you, I was able to get a flower.";
- mes "Thanks a lot!!";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Wooow. It's so beautiful.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Ah... can I see it for a second?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "Surprise~!!";
- mes "I've been working on this hat while you were gone and now it's complete with the water lily flower!";
- next;
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "I know, I know! I'm the best...";
- delitem Lotus_Flower,1;
- brazil_regia = 9;
- changequest 2206,2207;
- setarray .@card[0],4195,4177,4188; //Leaf_Cat_Card, Dryad_Card, Leib_Olmai_Card
- getitem2 5302,1,1,0,0,.@card[rand(3)],0,0,0; //Lotus_Flower_Hat
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia > 8) {
- mes "[Jasira]";
- mes "I just need to get a little bit stronger!";
- mes "I can't just lie in bed forever. My Jasi is waiting for me~";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "Jasira!!!";
- mes "Where are you going again?!!";
- mes "Come back~, please!!";
- next;
- mes "[Brasilis Girl]";
- mes "Please mom~!";
- mes "Please let me go!";
- close;
- }
- end;
- if (brazil_regia == 2)
- emotion e_an;
- end;
-bra_dun02,67,205,5 script Recluse#bra 4_M_BRZ_JACI,3,3,{
- if (brazil_regia == 3) {
- mes "[Recluse]";
- mes "Oh, I haven't seen another person in such a long time.";
- next;
- if(select("Keep going.", "Are you the moon?") == 1) {
- mes "[Recluse]";
- mes "You don't have specific business with me.";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Recluse]";
- mes "Moon?";
- mes "My name is Jasi.";
- mes "My family has worked to take care of the water lily from generation to generation.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Basically the Brasilis water lily is too shy to appear in front of people so, they only bloom in rare places. I guess they like it here, though, that's why I've been staying here for such a long time.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "My family has taken care of the water lily calmly to prevent harm from people's hand or monsters.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Do you remember a girl named Jasi.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "";
- mes "Ah!! a hurry scurry girl. ";
- mes "Gosh.. I was in trouble due to that girl.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Trouble?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "One day a young lady appeared with lots of scars so I helped her. Then suddenly she tried to pick up the water lily and asked me to accept her as my wife or make her into a water lily what a nutcase!";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "I was barely able to calm down and send her to the village.";
- mes "My life is that water lily so I didn't want anything embarrassing to happen.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "This is a gift from Jasira to say sorry for that time.";
- mes "She is really sad that can't come here by herself due to private difficulties.";
- next;
- if (countitem(Banana) < 10) {
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "What are you saying?";
- next;
- mes "- Oh yeah, I forgot to bring 10 Bananas -";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Ah! Bananas! Wow it's been a long time. She's pretty considerate isn't she?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Anyway is that all the business you have with me?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Umm honestly I was wondering to find water lily and met you by coincidence. Jasira told me her sad story so that's what led me here.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "I got it.";
- mes "As you can see, there are lots of Brasilis water lily around here.";
- mes "If you make sure that you won't destroy them you can appreciate them as you wish.";
- brazil_regia = 4;
- changequest 2202,2203;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 4) {
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Did you enjoy the water lily?";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 5) {
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "I forgot what the name of that fruit was...";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 6) {
- if (countitem(Coconut) < 5) {
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "I forgot what the name of that fruit was...";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Did you find the fruit?";
- mes "Oh right this is....?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "It's called a 'coconut'.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Ahah! COCONUT!!";
- mes "Now I remember thank you very much. I can't remember the last time I had this fruit.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "I guess I should keep my promise.";
- mes "You can take one Water lily.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "I hope the Brasilis water lily will understand me.";
- mes "You better grab the flower while you have a chance~";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Oh, can you tell that girl Jasira something for me?";
- mes "Tell her that I am not the moon from the story, but I want to become the moon to shine only for her.";
- delitem Coconut,5;
- brazil_regia = 7;
- changequest 2205,2206;
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "The flowers blooming from the Water lily today is wonderful.";
- close;
- }
- end;
- unitwarp 0,"this",67,215;
- end;
-bra_dun02,71,200,3 script Water lily#bra HIDDEN_NPC,{
- if (brazil_regia == 4) {
- mes "An unusual Water lily is blooming here. You can't stop staring at it, knowing that few people have seen this flower bloom.";
- next;
- if(select("Pick up the flower.", "Keep gazing.") == 2) {
- mes "- You can't avoid staring at it's beauty. -";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Uh! What are you doing??!!";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "There is a person who really needs this flower, can I just take one of 'em?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "As I said earlier, I am the guardian of this water lily.";
- mes "I can't just stand by here and watch you pluck even a single flower from it.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Hey man~ I brought these delicious fruits for you... try it! They are really well matured and fresh bananas.";
- next;
- if (countitem(Banana) < 10) {
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "What are you saying?";
- next;
- mes "- Oh yeah, I forgot to bring 10 Bananas -";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Hmm... It's been so long since I've had this fruit.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "I will just try one. That's all.";
- next;
- mes "- munch -";
- mes "- mumble mumble mumble -";
- specialeffect(EF_POTION7, AREA, getnpcid(0, "Recluse#bra"));
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Uh, this taste... is!";
- mes "I remember my mom baking these into a tasty bread!";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "It makes me miss my childhood.";
- next;
- emotion e_omg,0,"Recluse#bra";
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Hoho!!!!";
- mes "I've been here for as long as I can remember...";
- mes "I don't have enough time to even do simple things like eat delicious fruit.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "It was a really delicious banana.";
- mes "But rules are rules!";
- mes "I must do my duty.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Please! I just need one flower~ What can I do to convince you?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Rules are rules, what do you want from me?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Didn't that banana remind you of your childhood? What can I get for you?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "Now that you mention it, there is one fruit that I really miss.";
- mes "It was my favorite when I was young but I don't remember what it was called.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "It's brown and has a hard shell around it. It has juice inside and you can use it as a cup when you're done eating the fruit.";
- mes "Do you know what it is?";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "If you bring 5 of those things, I will reconsider your suggestion.";
- delitem Banana,10;
- brazil_regia = 5;
- changequest 2203,2204;
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "Ok so I have to bring 5 fruits with hard shells.";
- mes "Hmm what is it?";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 5) {
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "It was my favorite when I was young but I don't remember what it was called.";
- next;
- mes "[Jasi]";
- mes "It's brown and has a hard shell around it. It has juice inside and you can use it as a cup when you're done eating the fruit.";
- mes "Do you know what it is?";
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_regia == 7) {
- if (!checkweight(Knife,1)) {
- mes "- wait a second!! -";
- mes "- you have too many items -";
- mes "- so you can't get any more items. -";
- mes "- make your body lighter -";
- mes "- then try again. -";
- close;
- }
- mes "- You take a beautiful water lily carefully in your hands. -";
- brazil_regia = 8;
- getitem Lotus_Flower,1;
- close;
- }
-//== Dungeon Access Quest :: =================
-brasilis,185,246,5 script Pedro#bra 1_M_SIZ,{
- if (brazil_ghost == 0) {
- OnTalk:
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "Wow it's really a great statue!";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "It is, isn't it?";
- mes "This statue is called Verass Monument.";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "A long time ago there was a really brave adventurer named Verass, thanks to his dedicated exploration, Brasilis was able to develop into this great city.";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "Awesome!!";
- mes "i wanna become a real man like Verass.";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "Pedro, you can become whatever you want.";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "Mariana is so smart, isn't she? hehe.";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Ooooh! You love her don't you!";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Wooooaaaa Pedro and Mari sitting in a tree!";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Woooo k-i-s-s-i-n-g~!!!";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Nya nya nya!";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Hahahahaha.";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "Stop acting like babies!";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "Boys~!";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Yah yah...";
- mes "Hey guys, did you hear that something happened a few days ago?";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "Oh yeah~ I heard that something really scary happened.";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Uh, yeah that's why Mariana got scared of going ot the bathroom for 3 days and everything was stinky. Ewwww~";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Ha ha ha! Smelly Mari!";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "I hate you~!";
- mes "Stop spreading rumors about me. I'm not scared of the bathroom.";
- mes "Pedro, do you think that I stink?";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "Uh? Uh?";
- mes " no way.";
- mes "Hey guys~ be nice to her~";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "kkkickkkkkkkkick";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "kkkickkkkkkkk";
- next;
- if(select("Walk by.", "Ask about the gossip.") == 1) {
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Mariana~ smells~ Nya nya~";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Oh man you stink too~! Nya nya~";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Haven't you heard?";
- mes "The ghost story in the art museum.";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Ooohhhh! Scary~~~!";
- next;
- select("Can you tell me more?");
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "A coupla days ago we went to the art museum for a picnic at school.";
- mes "You know nothing special, just a ordinary field trip.";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Museums are boring so me and some friends snuck away from the group~!";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "That's when we heard a scream echoing through the whole museum.";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "kkakkakkaaaah!!";
- mes "kkieeeeeeh!";
- mes "kehkeh..";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "I heard the scream too...";
- mes "You boys are always making noises where you're not supposed to.";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "What else are we supposed to do? If we don't do it someone else will.";
- next;
- emotion e_an,0,"Mariana#bra";
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "Argh~ Boys are so frustrating sometimes.";
- next;
- select("So then what happened?");
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Daniel and me guessed something weird was goin' on so we ran to where we thought the screams were comin' from.";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "They were coming from the bathroom.";
- mes "Some kids got so scared that they started screaming too and closing their eyes. It got pretty bad.";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "I think you pissed or pooped your pants. It smelled freakin' gross.";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Nah uh~ Your mom pissed her pants~ Nyah!";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Nah uh~ You~ pissed your pants~";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Anyway, so yeah, anyway that's how the rumor of the ghost in the museum started.";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Liar, there's no such thing as ghosts~";
- next;
- select("So was it a ghost?");
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "How should I know?";
- mes "No one could say they saw one and no one wanted to get in trouble from the teachers.";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "I heard if you say special magic words that the ghost will come out.";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Quit butting into our conversation Pedro.";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Yah, what are you talking about, Pedro?";
- mes "So did you see the ghost?";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "N... no. I'm scared of ghosts.";
- mes "But my friends said they saw one and they're not liars.";
- next;
- select("Did anyone tell you the magic words?");
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "I heard it in a kind of song.";
- mes "the special magic words are...";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "'^3131FFMother the door won't open!^000000'";
- mes "'^FF0000Turn the key as many times as there are colors in the rainbow.^000000'";
- mes "";
- mes "'^3131FFMother the water is flooding!^000000'";
- mes "'^FF0000If the moon disappears 3 times, don't worry.^000000'";
- mes "";
- mes "'^3131FFMother the drought has started!^000000'";
- mes "'^FF0000Don't worry, the waterfall will help it.^000000'";
- mes "";
- mes "'^3131FFMother where are my friends?^000000'";
- mes "'^FF0000Your 7 friends are sleeping. now it's time to wake them.^000000'";
- mes "";
- mes "'^3131FFWhere are you mom?^000000'";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "Umm it seems like a riddle.";
- next;
- select("Wanna help me find this ghost?");
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "You're on your own pal~.";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "I don't like scary things!";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Pfft, I can't believe you're gonna believe that story.";
- next;
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "I'll do whatever Fabio does, as always!";
- next;
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Maybe you're just scared...";
- brazil_ghost = 1;
- setquest 2208;
- close;
- }
- else if (brazil_ghost == 1) {
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "Do you wanna hear the magic words again?";
- next;
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "'^3131FFMother the door won't open!^000000'";
- mes "'^FF0000Turn the key as many times as there are colors in the rainbow.^000000'";
- mes "";
- mes "'^3131FFMother the water is flooding!^000000'";
- mes "'^FF0000If the moon disappears 3 times, don't worry.^000000'";
- mes "";
- mes "'^3131FFMother the drought has started!^000000'";
- mes "'^FF0000Don't worry, the waterfall will help it.^000000'";
- mes "";
- mes "'^3131FFMother where are my friends?^000000'";
- mes "'^FF0000Your 7 friends are sleeping. now it's time to wake them.^000000'";
- mes "";
- mes "'^3131FFWhere are you mom?^000000'";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Pedro]";
- mes "I wonder what I need to do to have a statue made of me?";
- close;
- }
-brasilis,187,244,1 script Mariana#bra 1_F_MARIA,{
- if (brazil_ghost == 0) {
- doevent "Pedro#bra::OnTalk";
- end;
- }
- else if (brazil_ghost == 1) {
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "Can you guys stop talking about the ghosts?";
- mes "I've already got goosebumps all over.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "Why do Fabio and Daniel always bother us?";
- close;
- }
-brasilis,181,250,5 script Fabio#bra 4_M_KID1,{
- if (brazil_ghost == 0) {
- doevent "Pedro#bra::OnTalk";
- end;
- }
- else if (brazil_ghost == 1) {
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "You still wasting your time with that ghost story?";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Fabio]";
- mes "Mariana, wanna see something cool?";
- next;
- mes "[Mariana]";
- mes "kkkkkkkaaaaaacck!! Bugs!! Get 'em away!";
- close;
- }
-brasilis,180,249,5 script Daniel#bra 4_M_KID1,{
- if (brazil_ghost == 0) {
- doevent "Pedro#bra::OnTalk";
- end;
- }
- else if (brazil_ghost == 1) {
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Nyah nyah nyah~";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Daniel]";
- mes "Keke Here~ I found more bugs~";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,149,184,3 script Door#bra CLEAR_NPC,{
- if (brazil_ghost > 0) {
- mes "- A key is inserted in the locked door.-";
- next;
- switch(select("Turn the key.", "Ignore it.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "You start saying the first line of the magic words.";
- input .@input$;
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes .@input$;
- next;
- .@braspell$ = "Mother the door won't open!";
- .@chkspell = compare(.@braspell$,.@input$);
- if (!.@chkspell) {
- mes "Seems like you said something wrong.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- if (brazil_ghost == 2) {
- mes "[Sobbing Voice]";
- mes "'^FF0000Turn the key as many times as there are colors in the rainbow.^000000'";
- next;
- switch(select("Open the door", "Knock on the door.", "Turn the key.", "Take the key out.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "The door is locked.";
- mes "So nothing happens.";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "How many times should I try to knock?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- mes "You knocked on the door "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But, nothing happens.";
- close;
- case 3:
- mes "How many times should I turn the key?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- if (.@input == 7) {
- mes "You turn the key 7 times.";
- next;
- mes "Click! Click! Click!";
- mes "Click! Click! Click!";
- mes "Click...!";
- next;
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "^FF0000kkkkhee- hihihihi!!!^000000";
- mes "You hear water flushing.";
- next;
- specialeffect(EF_VENOMDUST, AREA, playerattached());
- mes "Faint laughing can be heard off in the direction of the toilet.";
- brazil_ghost = 3;
- changequest 2208,60351;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "You turned over the key "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But nothing doesn't happened.";
- close;
- }
- case 4:
- mes "How many times should I insert the key into the door?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- mes "You inserted the key "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But nothing happened.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "Mother the door won't open!";
- close;
- }
- }
- case 2:
- mes "You do nothing.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "- A key is inserted in the locked door.-";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,144,187,3 script Toilet#bra CLEAR_NPC,{
- if (brazil_ghost > 0) {
- mes "- Looks like an ordinary toilet -";
- next;
- if (brazil_ghost > 6) {
- switch(select("Flush the toilet.", "Doing nothing.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "After flushing the toilet, you suddenly feel dizzy and are suddenly swept away somewhere.";
- specialeffect(EF_WATERFALL_SMALL_T2_90, AREA, playerattached());
- close2;
- warp "bra_in01",206,102;
- end;
- case 2:
- mes "The water in the toilet looks gross.";
- close;
- }
- }
- switch(select("Use the toilet", "Ignore.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "- What was the second line to that spell now? -";
- input .@input$;
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes .@input$;
- next;
- .@braspell$ = "Mother the water is flooding!";
- .@chkspell = compare(.@braspell$,.@input$);
- if (!.@chkspell) {
- mes "Seems like you said something wrong.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- if (brazil_ghost == 3) {
- mes "[Sobbing Voice]";
- mes "^FF0000If the moon disappears 3 times... don't worry.....^000000";
- next;
- switch(select("Flush the toilet.", "Close the lid.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "How many times should I flush?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- if (.@input == 3) {
- mes "You flush the toilet 3 times.";
- next;
- mes "qwaaaaaaaaa!";
- mes "kwaaaaaaaaaa!";
- mes "kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!";
- next;
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "^FF0000kkkkhee- hihihihi!!!^000000";
- mes "Suddenly the sink sounds like water is flowing freely from it.";
- next;
- specialeffect(EF_VENOMDUST, AREA, playerattached());
- mes "Faint laughing can be heard off in the direction of the faucet.";
- brazil_ghost = 4;
- changequest 60351,60352;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "You flush the toilet "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But nothing happens.";
- close;
- }
- case 2:
- mes "You close the lid of the toilet.";
- mes "Nothing seems to be happening.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "Nothing happens.";
- close;
- }
- }
- case 2:
- mes "You do nothing.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "- Looks like an ordinary toilet -";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,134,189,3 script Faucet#bra CLEAR_NPC,{
- if (brazil_ghost > 0) {
- mes "- It seems like an ordinary faucet -";
- next;
- switch(select("Examine it.", "Ignore.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "- What was the next line to that spell now? -";
- input .@input$;
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes .@input$;
- next;
- .@braspell$ = "Mother the drought has started!";
- .@chkspell = compare(.@braspell$,.@input$);
- if (!.@chkspell) {
- mes "Seems like you said something wrong.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- if (brazil_ghost == 4) {
- mes "[Sobbing Voice]";
- mes "^FF0000Don't worry... the waterfall will help it....^000000";
- next;
- switch(select("Tap on the faucet.", "Turn on the water.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "How many times will you tap the faucet?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- mes "You tap the faucet "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But nothing happens.";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "How many times should I turn the water on?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- if (.@input == 1) {
- mes "You turn the faucet on once.";
- next;
- mes "swwwaaaaaaa-";
- next;
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "^FF0000kkkkhee- hihihihi!!!^000000";
- mes "You see the carpet move.";
- next;
- specialeffect(EF_VENOMDUST, AREA, playerattached());
- mes "Faint laughing can be heard off in the direction of the carpet.";
- brazil_ghost = 5;
- changequest 60352,60353;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "You turn the faucet on "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But nothing happens.";
- close;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "Nothing happens.";
- close;
- }
- }
- case 2:
- mes "You do nothing.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "- It seems like an ordinary faucet -";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,138,184,3 script Carpet#bra CLEAR_NPC,{
- if (brazil_ghost > 0) {
- mes "- A carpet with an intricate pattern on it -";
- next;
- switch(select("Examine it.", "Ignore.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "- What was the next line to that spell now? -";
- input .@input$;
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes .@input$;
- next;
- .@braspell$ = "Mother where are my friends?";
- .@chkspell = compare(.@braspell$,.@input$);
- if (!.@chkspell) {
- mes "Seems like you said something wrong.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- if (brazil_ghost == 5) {
- mes "[Sobbing Voice]";
- mes "^FF0000your 7 friends....are...sleeping... now it...'s time wake them........^000000";
- next;
- switch(select("Jump on the carpet.", "Lie on the carpet.", "Shake the carpet.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "How many times should I jump?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- mes "You jump on the carpet "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But nothing happens.";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "How many times should I lie on the carpet?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- mes "You lie on the carpet "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But nothing happens.";
- close;
- case 3:
- mes "How many times should I shake the carpet?";
- input .@input,0,999;
- next;
- if (.@input == 7) {
- mes "You shake the carpet 7 times.";
- next;
- mes "- fly~ fly~ fly~ fly~ fly~ fly~ fly~ -";
- next;
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "^FF0000kkkkhee- hihihihi!!!^000000";
- next;
- specialeffect(EF_VENOMDUST, AREA, playerattached());
- mes "Faint laughing can be heard off in the direction of the mirror.";
- brazil_ghost = 6;
- changequest 60353,60354;
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "You shake the carpet "+.@input+" times.";
- next;
- mes "But nothing happens.";
- close;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "Nothing happens.";
- close;
- }
- }
- case 2:
- mes "You do nothing.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "- A carpet with an intricate pattern on it -";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,151,180,3 script Mirror#bra CLEAR_NPC,{
- if (brazil_ghost > 0) {
- mes "- You can see a clean mirror without any marks or dust -";
- next;
- switch(select("Examine it.", "Ignore.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "- What was the next line to that spell now? -";
- input .@input$;
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes .@input$;
- next;
- .@braspell$ = "Where are you mom?";
- .@chkspell = compare(.@braspell$,.@input$);
- if (!.@chkspell) {
- mes "Seems like you said something wrong.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- if (brazil_ghost == 6) {
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "^FF0000kihe! hit! hit! hit! hit!^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "^FF0000kihe! hit! hit! hit! hit!^000000";
- mes "^FF0000kihe! hit! hit! hit! hit!^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Distant Sound]";
- mes "Behind you...";
- enablenpc "Ghost#bra";
- next;
- emotion e_omg,1;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
- mes "The stories about the ghost are true~!";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "^FF0000my baby....^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "^FF0000I can't see.... my eye....^000000";
- mes "^FF0000What's going on....?^000000";
- next;
- mes "- You take a deep breath and then look at the Ghost and notice it has an eye patch -";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "^FF0000My eyes are so tight... can you take this off?^000000";
- next;
- mes "You step carefully towards the ghost.";
- next;
- mes "His face was covered with dust making strange contortions with it's face.";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "^FF0000Come on help mom.....^000000";
- next;
- switch(select("Take the eye bandage off.", "Run away~.")) {
- case 1:
- while(1) {
- .@cpudice = rand(1,6);
- .@pcdice = rand(1,6);
- if (.@cpudice != .@pcdice) {
- emotion (57+.@cpudice),0,"Ghost#bra";
- emotion (57+.@cpudice),1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (.@cpudice > .@pcdice) {
- specialeffect(EF_DEVIL, AREA, playerattached());
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "^FF0000Go away!^000000";
- brazil_ghost = 1;
- changequest 60354,2208;
- percentheal -50,-50;
- close2;
- disablenpc "Ghost#bra";
- warp "bra_in01",12,183;
- end;
- }
- else {
- emotion e_bzz,1;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "^FF0000Ahh!^000000";
- mes "The Ghost disappeared into the toilet.";
- brazil_ghost = 7;
- changequest 60354,60355;
- close2;
- disablenpc "Ghost#bra";
- warp "bra_in01",206,100;
- end;
- }
- case 2:
- mes "You run away from the ghost.";
- close2;
- brazil_ghost = 1;
- changequest 60354,2208;
- warp "bra_in01",12,183;
- disablenpc "Ghost#bra";
- end;
- }
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "Nothing happens.";
- close;
- }
- }
- case 2:
- mes "You do nothing.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "- You can see a clean mirror without any marks or dust -";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,136,180,5 script Ghost#bra BANSHEE,{
- end;
- disablenpc "Ghost#bra";
- end;
-bra_in01,7,181,5 script Curator#bra 4_M_BRZ_MAN2,{
- if (BaseLevel < 40) {
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "I'm sorry but this area is under construction right now.";
- close;
- }
- if ((brazil_ghost > 0) && (brazil_ghost < 7)) {
- if (countitem(Coconut) > 0) {
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "What can I do for you?";
- next;
- select("I need to use the bathroom.");
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "Sorry we are remodeling inside right now so, it's closed.";
- mes "Please use the other one.";
- next;
- switch(select("But I forgot something inside.", "Give up.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "That's tooooo bad.";
- mes "But my manager ordered me to stop anyone from entering this bathroom so, I should follow his orders.";
- next;
- select("It's such a hot day!");
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "It's always hot in Brasilis but today is ridiculously hot.";
- mes "Maybe I need to drink some coconut juice to cool down.";
- next;
- mes "You give a coconut to the Curator.";
- next;
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "Oh really can I have it?";
- mes "Thanks a lot!";
- next;
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "Pay it forward right?";
- mes "Ok I'll let you through this one time.";
- next;
- mes "The curator looks around calmly then opens the door.";
- delitem Coconut,1;
- brazil_ghost = 2;
- close2;
- warp "bra_in01",138,176;
- end;
- case 2:
- mes "You give up trying to enter.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "What can I do for you?";
- next;
- select("I need to use the bathroom.");
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "Sorry we are remodeling inside right now so, it's closed.";
- mes "Please use the other one.";
- next;
- switch(select("But I forgot something inside.", "Give up.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "That's tooooo bad.";
- mes "But my manager ordered me to stop anyone from entering this bathroom so, I should follow his orders.";
- next;
- select("It's such a hot day!");
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "It's always hot in Brasilis but today is ridiculously hot.";
- mes "Maybe I need to drink some coconut juice to cool down.";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "You give up trying to enter.";
- close;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (brazil_ghost > 6) {
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "Hey thanks for the Coconut earlier it really helped me cool down.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Curator]";
- mes "Is it just me? Or is it hotter than it's ever been today!";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,12,185,0 script inbathroom#bra WARPNPC,1,1,{
- if (brazil_ghost > 6)
- warp "bra_in01",138,176;
- else {
- mes "The entrance has been blocked.";
- close;
- }
- end;
-bra_in01,138,174,0 warp outbathroom#bra 1,1,bra_in01,12,183
-bra_in01,206,98,0 warp tobath#bra 1,1,bra_in01,138,176
-bra_in01,206,188,1 script Open Manhole#todunbra CLEAR_NPC,{
- if (brazil_ghost == 7) {
- enablenpc "Ghost#bra_end";
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "I am a ghost who died while wandering the jungle many years ago.";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "I found a pipeline in the jungle and followed the voice of a man to this very spot.";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "That's also where I hurt one of my eyes while walking around in the dark.";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "I wandered these sewers for days until I found the end of this line connected to the toilet in the museum. I shouted forever begging for help but no one answered my calls.";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "You finally answered my call but it's already way too late. Thank you for at least checking. No one else has bothered to this day.";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "There are many dangerous creatures at the end of this sewer.";
- mes "You seem brave though. I bet you wouldn't worry about the monsters there anyways.";
- next;
- mes "[Ghost]";
- mes "I guess now I can finally rest in peace.";
- mes "Thank you friend.";
- brazil_ghost = 8;
- //completequest 2208;
- completequest 60355;
- getexp 90000,0;
- disablenpc "Ghost#bra_end";
- close;
- }
- warp "bra_dun01",87,47;
- end;
-bra_dun01,87,43,1 script Pipe#bra CLEAR_NPC,{
- warp "bra_in01",206,185;
- end;
-bra_fild01,323,136,1 script Pipe#brafild CLEAR_NPC,{
- if (brazil_ghost > 6) {
- mes "You see a rusty pipe. It seems to be linked to somewhere beneath the jungle.";
- next;
- switch(select("Examine it", "Ignore.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "You swim through a gap in the pipe and are swept by a sudden rush of water.";
- close2;
- warp "bra_in01",206,182;
- end;
- case 2:
- mes "It might be dangerous, I better not act rashly.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "You see a rusty pipe. It seems to be linked to somewhere beneath the jungle.";
- close;
- }
-bra_in01,206,190,3 script Ghost#bra_end BANSHEE,{
- end;
- disablenpc "Ghost#bra_end";
- end;
-//== Iara :: =======================================
-brasilis,315,334,5 script Shaman#nk 4_F_BRZ_INDOLD,{
- if (questprogress(4135,PLAYTIME) == 1) {
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "I'm still preparing.";
- mes "I don't require your help at this time.";
- mes "Please come back later...";
- close;
- }
- else {
- if (questprogress(4135) == 2) erasequest 4135;
- if (questprogress(4133) == 1) {
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "To block Iara ";
- mes "seducing the tribes";
- mes "we need a purifying potion...";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Did you bring the materials";
- mes "to make the purifying potion?";
- next;
- if ((countitem(Heart_Of_Mermaid) > 19) && (countitem(Leopard_Talon) > 9) && (countitem(Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish) > 2)) {
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Um... it seems to be okay.";
- mes "I'll make you a potion which will";
- mes "weaken Iara's power.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Let's see grind this...";
- mes "and mix in that...";
- mes "then add some magic...";
- next;
- setquest 4135;
- erasequest 4133;
- setquest 4134;
- completequest 4134;
- delitem Heart_Of_Mermaid,20;
- delitem Leopard_Talon,10;
- delitem Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish,3;
- getitem Puri_Potion,2;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Here, it's completed.";
- mes "Take this.";
- mes "It will make Iara stop";
- mes "training at the cave";
- mes "for a while.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Please block the Iara threatening the security of the tribe.";
- close;
- }
- else {
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "You haven't brought enough materials yet.";
- mes "We cannot make the purification potion with only these.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (BaseLevel < 40) {
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Ah... we need a strong adventurer.";
- mes "The tribe is facing a major threat.";
- close;
- }
- if (questprogress(4134) == 2) {
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "you are...";
- mes "the adventurer who came for the";
- mes "purification potion...";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Maybe because of the purification potion...";
- mes "After that, the Iara stopped seducing tribesmen but the effect didn't last long.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Could you get the same";
- mes "materials as before...";
- mes "I need your power.";
- next;
- switch(select("No.", "Okay, I'll do it.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "This, ah...";
- mes "There is no other way.";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "You are truly brave!";
- mes "I, on behalf of the tribe,";
- mes "offer you my thanks.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Materials are the same as before.";
- mes "If you just get^ff0000 20 Hearts of Mermaids,";
- mes "10 Leopard Claws and";
- mes "3 Ancient Lips^000000,";
- mes "I will make you a potion that purifies evil spirits";
- mes "by using a secret formula handed down to the tribe.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "The destiny of the tribe is up to you.";
- mes "please get the materials quickly.";
- mes "I will be preparing to make";
- mes "the purification potion right here.";
- setquest 4133;
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "There are some people I haven't seen before around here.";
- mes "It's a good sign...";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Hey you...";
- mes "Could you listen to my stories for a moment.";
- mes "There's an emergency in our tribe.";
- next;
- if(select("No.", "Okay.") == 1) {
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "You are a heartless person...";
- mes "You don't seem the helpful type.";
- mes "Just keep on going your way.";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Thank you, I met a kind person.";
- mes "It's a secret of our tribe that";
- mes "you cannot tell anyone.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Lately young men from";
- mes "the tribe are disappearing.";
- mes "Our entire tribe is being threatened.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "It is likely because of a witch called Iara.";
- mes "She is a water nymph seducing the hearts of young tribesmen at a cave behind the waterfall.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "How can I stop these young tribesmen?";
- mes "But I discovered a way to make a purification potion to reverse the effects of the Iara's spells.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "This potion has been handed down from many generations in our tribe.";
- mes "This purification potion possesses the power to cleanse evil spirits.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "If you could get the materials";
- mes "I will make you";
- mes "the purification potion.";
- mes "Could you do that for me?";
- next;
- switch(select("No.", "Yes, I can.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Hm...";
- mes "Well, then.";
- mes "If you change your mind you can come to me again.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "You shouldn't talk about";
- mes "what you heard now to anyone";
- mes "It's kind of embarrassing...";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Oh! You are the savior";
- mes "of our tribe indeed.";
- mes "On behalf of the tribe, I offer you my thanks.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "Well, what we need is this.";
- mes "It's all you can get from near here.";
- mes "Note down well.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "^ff0000 20 Hearts of Mermaids";
- mes "10 Leopard Claws";
- mes "3 Ancient Lips^000000";
- mes "are the only ones that are needed as the materials.";
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "When you get those, I will make you a potion that purifies evil spirits using a secret formula handed down to the tribe.";
- setquest 4133;
- next;
- mes "[Anori]";
- mes "The destiny of the tribe is up to you.";
- mes "I hope you move quickly.";
- mes "Even at this moment, the village men are being seduced and slipping way...";
- close;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-bra_dun02,157,74,5 script Iara#nk 4_F_BRZ_WOMAN,2,2,{
- if (countitem(Puri_Potion) > 0) {
- mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
- mes "Should I use a Purification Potion?";
- next;
- switch(select("Yes.", "No.")) {
- case 1:
- specialeffect EF_MAPPILLAR;
- mes "[Iara]";
- mes "Ah...this light is...";
- mes "It's like getting cleansed of evil thoughts";
- mes "from deep within my heart.";
- next;
- mes "[Iara]";
- mes "At last I can forget the curse that I placed on myself when I drowned in the water.";
- next;
- mes "[Iara]";
- mes "Do you think I can be born again as a kind water nymph?";
- next;
- specialeffect EF_GHOST;
- mes "[Iara]";
- mes "Ah... Thank you for helping me recover my consciousness for a while.";
- mes "But... I think that the curse has been with me too long.";
- mes "Get away from me quickly.";
- delitem Puri_Potion,1;
- percentheal 100,100;
- sc_start SC_INCFLEE,3600000,20;
- sc_start SC_CRITICALPERCENT,3600000,10;
- consumeitem 12043; //Str_Dish03
- consumeitem 12063; //Dex_Dish03
- consumeitem 12058; //Agi_Dish03
- consumeitem 12053; //Vit_Dish03
- consumeitem 12048; //Int_Dish03
- consumeitem 12068; //Luk_Dish03
- next;
- mes "[Iara]";
- mes "Ahhh~...";
- specialeffect EF_DEVIL;
- next;
- mes "[Iara]";
- mes "The curse is too strong for me to keep contained.";
- mes "Leave now while you are safe.";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
- mes "(I guess I should ignore her.)";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- mes "[Iara]";
- mes "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.";
- mes "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.";
- mes "Oooooooooooooooooh.";
- if (rand(1,2) == 1)
- sc_start SC_CURSE,60000,0;
- else
- sc_start SC_CONFUSION,60000,0;
- next;
- mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
- mes "Ugh! What's this strange voice?";
- close;
- }
- end;
- if (countitem(Puri_Potion) < 1) {
- mes "[Iara]";
- mes "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.";
- mes "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.";
- mes "Oooooooooooooooooh.";
- if (rand(1,2) == 1)
- sc_start SC_CURSE,60000,0;
- else
- sc_start SC_CONFUSION,60000,0;
- next;
- mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
- mes "Ugh! What's this strange voice?";
- close;
- }
- end;
-bra_fild01,188,301,5 script Native Warrior#nk 4_M_BRZ_INDIAN,{
- mes "[Native Warrior]";
- mes "Ah... the face I would never forget even in my dreams.";
- next;
- mes "[Native Warrior]";
- mes "When will she come out of the waterfall again...?";
- next;
- if (questprogress(4133) || questprogress(4134)) {
- mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
- mes "(Wh...what's this guy?)";
- }
- else {
- mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
- mes "(This guy will never";
- mes "get over Iara's curse...)";
- }
- close;