path: root/npc/re/quests/eden/71-85.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/re/quests/eden/71-85.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/npc/re/quests/eden/71-85.txt b/npc/re/quests/eden/71-85.txt
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index 31f51871d..000000000
--- a/npc/re/quests/eden/71-85.txt
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-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
-//= | | | | | |
-//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
-//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) Euphy
-//= Copyright (C) Masao
-//= Copyright (C) L0ne_W0lf
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program. If not, see <>.
-//= Eden Group Quests - Mission [71 - 85]
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Repetable Quests for Players between Baselevel 71 - 85.
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 1.3
-moc_para01,44,38,3 script Mission [71 - 85] 4_BOARD3,{
- if (countitem(Para_Team_Mark) < 1 && countitem(Para_Team_Mark_) < 1) {
- mes "- Only members of the -";
- mes "- Eden Group can read -";
- mes "- this bulletin board. -";
- close;
- }
- // Clear the original quest data (no longer used).
- if (slv_quest) slv_quest = 0;
- if (questprogress(10102) || questprogress(10103) || questprogress(10104) || questprogress(10105) || questprogress(10106)) {
- for(.@quest = 10102; .@quest<=10106; ++.@quest) {
- if (questprogress(.@quest))
- erasequest .@quest;
- }
- mes "- Since the client has moved -";
- mes "- to another place, -";
- mes "- the application form has been removed. -";
- next;
- }
- if (BaseLevel < 71) {
- mes "- Only members of the -";
- mes "- right level can read -";
- mes "- this bulletin board. -";
- mes "- Try to find a board -";
- mes "- that suits your level. -";
- close;
- } else if (BaseLevel > 85) {
- // Quest IDs: 10107-10123, 5055-5057
- setarray .@quests[0],
- 10107,10108,10109,
- 10110,10111,10112,10113,
- 10114,10115,10116,10117,
- 10118,10119,10120,
- 10121,10122,10123,5055,5056;
- for(.@i = 0; .@i<getarraysize(.@quests); ++.@i) {
- if (questprogress(.@quests[.@i],HUNTING) == 2)
- .@complete[getarraysize(.@complete)] = .@quests[.@i];
- }
- if (questprogress(5057) && countitem(Festival_Mask) >= 30)
- .@complete[getarraysize(.@complete)] = 5057;
- if (getarraysize(.@complete)) {
- mes "You have quests in progress.";
- mes "Do you want to turn them in?";
- next;
- if(select("Of course.", "No.") == 2)
- close;
- for(.@i = 0; .@i<getarraysize(.@complete); ++.@i)
- callsub L_Quest,.@complete[.@i];
- close;
- }
- mes "- Only members of the -";
- mes "- right level can read -";
- mes "- this bulletin board. -";
- mes "- Try to find a board -";
- mes "- that suits your level. -";
- close;
- }
- mes "- Choose where you -";
- mes "- would like to hunt. -";
- next;
- switch(select("Sphinx Dungeon", "Glast Heim", "Juno Area", "Clock Tower", "Localized Islands")) {
- case 1:
- mes "- There are several requests -";
- mes "- related to the Sphinx Dungeon -";
- mes "- on this mission Board. -";
- next;
- .@str1$ = "The villagers of Morroc are worried by the increasing number of monsters in the Sphinx Dungeon. ";
- .@str2$ = "- Meidi from Morroc -";
- switch(select("Hunt Requiem", "Hunt Marduk", "Hunt Pasana")) {
- case 1: callsub L_Quest,10107,.@str1$+"Hunt 10 Requiems.",.@str2$;
- case 2: callsub L_Quest,10108,.@str1$+"Hunt 10 Marduks.",.@str2$;
- case 3: callsub L_Quest,10109,.@str1$+"Hunt 10 Pasanas.",.@str2$;
- }
- case 2:
- mes "- There are several requests -";
- mes "- related to Glast Heim -";
- mes "- on this mission Board. -";
- next;
- .@str1$ = "I am very afraid that the monsters from Glast Heim will attack us. ";
- .@str2$ = "- Ancellia from Geffen -";
- switch(select("Hunt Dark Frame", "Hunt Evil Druid", "Hunt Wraith", "Hunt Raydric Archer")) {
- case 1: callsub L_Quest,10110,.@str1$+"Hunt 10 Dark Frames.",.@str2$;
- case 2: callsub L_Quest,10111,.@str1$+"Hunt 10 Evil Druids.",.@str2$;
- case 3: callsub L_Quest,10112,.@str1$+"Hunt 10 Wraiths.",.@str2$;
- case 4: callsub L_Quest,10113,.@str1$+"Hunt 10 Raydric Archers.",.@str2$;
- }
- case 3:
- mes "- There are several requests -";
- mes "- related to the area -";
- mes "- around Juno. -";
- next;
- .@str1$ = "Those who can't fight, like me, find it much more difficult to travel due to the large number of monsters. ";
- .@str2$ = "- Jeanbai, traveler -";
- switch(select("Hunt Grand Peco", "Hunt Sleeper", "Hunt Goat", "Hunt Harpy")) {
- case 1: callsub L_Quest,10114,.@str1$+"Hunt 20 Grand Pecos.",.@str2$;
- case 2: callsub L_Quest,10115,.@str1$+"Hunt 20 Sleepers.",.@str2$;
- case 3: callsub L_Quest,10116,.@str1$+"Hunt 20 Goats.",.@str2$;
- case 4: callsub L_Quest,10117,.@str1$+"Hunt 20 Harpies.",.@str2$;
- }
- case 4:
- mes "- There are several requests -";
- mes "- related to the Clock Tower -";
- mes "- on this mission Board. -";
- next;
- .@str1$ = "I used to love listening to the sweet melody of the Al De Baran Clock Tower but I can't hear anything anymore because of all the noises the monsters are making. ";
- .@str2$ = "- Rizingsetter, President of the Love Clock community -";
- switch(select("Hunt Clock", "Hunt Punk", "Hunt Rideword")) {
- case 1: callsub L_Quest,10118,.@str1$+"Hunt 15 Clocks before it breaks.",.@str2$;
- case 2: callsub L_Quest,10119,.@str1$+"Hunt 15 Punks before it breaks.",.@str2$;
- case 3: callsub L_Quest,10120,.@str1$+"Hunt 15 Ridewords before it breaks.",.@str2$;
- }
- case 5:
- mes "- There are several requests -";
- mes "- related to the Localized Islands -";
- mes "- on this mission Board. -";
- next;
- .@str1$ = "I want to go on an adventure but there are so many things I have to deal with. If I can't, then others can't either! ";
- .@str2$ = "- Funfy, who wants to go on an adventure -";
- switch(select("Hunt Kikimora", "Hunt Miyabi Doll", "Hunt Mi Gao", "Hunt Headless Mule", "Hunt Tamruan", "Gather Festival Masks for the Festival")) {
- case 1: callsub L_Quest,10121,.@str1$+"Hunt 15 Kikimoras in Moscovia!",.@str2$;
- case 2: callsub L_Quest,10122,.@str1$+"Hunt 15 Miyabi Dolls in Amatsu!",.@str2$;
- case 3: callsub L_Quest,10123,.@str1$+"Hunt 15 Mi Gaos in Louyang!",.@str2$;
- case 4: callsub L_Quest,5055,"I know there are many terrifying monsters outside the city, but what terrifies me are these Headless Mules lurking around. I hope they will never venture into town. Hunt 15 Headless Mules!","- Mariana from Brasilis -";
- case 5: callsub L_Quest,5056,"Tamruans make a lot of noise. I don't mind in the morning but they keep me from falling asleep at night. I want to sleep. Hunt 15 Tamruans!","- Shaman Pumo from Ayotaya -";
- case 6: callsub L_Quest,5057,"The Dumpling Childs stole all the masks that I had prepared for the festival. Try to get a hold of 30 masks! I'll owe you~","- SaYumMoon Chief of Kunlun -";
- }
- }
- end;
-//callsub L_Quest,<quest ID>{,"<description1>","<description2>"};
- .@quest = getarg(0);
- switch(.@quest) {
- case 10107: .@name$ = "Hunt Requiem"; .@exp = 15000; break;
- case 10108: .@name$ = "Hunt Marduk"; .@exp = 15000; break;
- case 10109: .@name$ = "Hunt Pasana"; .@exp = 15000; break;
- case 10110: .@name$ = "Hunt Dark Frame"; .@exp = 20000; break;
- case 10111: .@name$ = "Hunt Evil Druid"; .@exp = 20000; break;
- case 10112: .@name$ = "Hunt Wraith"; .@exp = 20000; break;
- case 10113: .@name$ = "Hunt Raydric Archer"; .@exp = 20000; break;
- case 10114: .@name$ = "Hunt Grand Peco"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 10115: .@name$ = "Hunt Sleeper"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 10116: .@name$ = "Hunt Goat"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 10117: .@name$ = "Hunt Harpy"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 10118: .@name$ = "Hunt Clock"; .@exp = 25000; break;
- case 10119: .@name$ = "Hunt Punk"; .@exp = 25000; break;
- case 10120: .@name$ = "Hunt Rideword"; .@exp = 25000; break;
- case 10121: .@name$ = "Hunt Kikimora"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 10122: .@name$ = "Hunt Miyabi Doll"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 10123: .@name$ = "Hunt Mi Gao"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 5055: .@name$ = "Hunt Headless Mule"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 5056: .@name$ = "Hunt Tamruan"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- case 5057: .@name$ = "Gather Festival Masks for the Festival"; .@exp = 30000; break;
- }
- if (getargcount() == 1) {
- mes "'"+.@name$+"' completed. Do you want to turn it in and receive your reward?";
- next;
- if(select("Turn in quest.", "Cancel.") == 1) {
- if (.@quest == 5057) delitem Festival_Mask,30;
- erasequest .@quest;
- getexp .@exp,0;
- mes "You've received EXP for finishing the quest.";
- next;
- return;
- }
- close;
- } else {
- if (.@quest == 5057) {
- // Quest 5057 is the only collection quest, so separate conditions are unnecessary.
- if (!questprogress(5057))
- .@hunting = 0;
- else if (countitem(Festival_Mask) >= 30)
- .@hunting = 2;
- } else {
- .@hunting = questprogress(.@quest,HUNTING);
- }
- if (.@hunting == 1) {
- mes getarg(1);
- mes getarg(2);
- next;
- mes "Return here when you've finished the quest.";
- } else if (.@hunting == 2) {
- mes "You have completed the quest.";
- next;
- if(select("Turn in quest.", "Cancel.") == 1) {
- if (.@quest == 5057) delitem Festival_Mask,30;
- erasequest .@quest;
- getexp .@exp,0;
- mes "You've received EXP for finishing the quest.";
- }
- }/* else if (.@hunting == 3) {
-// recall_completequest .@quest
- erasequest .@quest;
- mes "You have re-accepted the quest '"+.@name$+"'.";
- }*/ else {
- mes getarg(1);
- mes getarg(2);
- next;
- mes "Do you want to accept the quest?";
- next;
- if(select("Yes.", "No.") == 1) {
- mes "You've received the quest '"+.@name$+"'. View your quest info for more details.";
- setquest .@quest;
- }
- }
- close;
- }