path: root/npc/pre-re/quests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/pre-re/quests')
5 files changed, 635 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/npc/pre-re/quests/doomed_swords.txt b/npc/pre-re/quests/doomed_swords.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d27d588b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/pre-re/quests/doomed_swords.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+//===== Hercules Script =======================================
+//= Doomed Swords Quest
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= kobra_k88; L0ne_W0lf
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= Hercules GIT
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= [Aegis Conversion]
+//= Doomed Swords Quest:
+//= - Quest for Doomed Swords: Grimtooth, Mysteltain, Executioner.
+//= Although this quest is enabled on iRO, the Mysteltainn
+//= portion is NOT completable as the item "Young Twig" does
+//= not drop.
+//= - Variable in use: event_magum (max 6)
+//= - Variable in use: dmdswrd_Q2 (bits 1 - 32)
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.0 Moved from main folder [Streusel]
+izlude_in,173,88,2 script Nain#magum 102,{
+ if (dmdswrd_Q2 == 4) {
+ mes "[Nain]";
+ mes "It doesn't matter how";
+ mes "powerful the Executioner";
+ mes "is: if it were to end up in";
+ mes "my hands, I would get rid";
+ mes "of it right away. I'd never risk losing my mind to that curse...";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[Nain]";
+ mes "Long ago, one sword";
+ mes "was used to behead all";
+ mes "the criminals that had been";
+ mes "sentenced to death. That";
+ mes "accursed blade is known";
+ mes "as the Executioner.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Nain]";
+ mes "As the Executioner slayed";
+ mes "more criminals, the rage and";
+ mes "bloodlust of its victims began";
+ mes "to accumulate upon the blade.";
+ mes "Although the sword gained great^FFFFFF ^000000 strength, it was tainted by evil.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Nain]";
+ mes "The last person to wield";
+ mes "the Executioner almost lost";
+ mes "his mind to the sword. He saved^FFFFFF ^000000 himself by giving it to a talented";
+ mes "blacksmith who would destroy^FFFFFF ^000000 it for him, thus saving his soul.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Nain]";
+ mes "This mysterious blacksmith";
+ mes "was never seen again in the";
+ mes "city of Prontera, but rumor has";
+ mes "it that if you can find him, he";
+ mes "can forge that accursed";
+ mes "Executioner anew...";
+ if (event_magum == 1)
+ set event_magum,5;
+ set dmdswrd_Q2,dmdswrd_Q2 | 4;
+ close;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/pre-re/quests/monstertamers.txt b/npc/pre-re/quests/monstertamers.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86f118f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/pre-re/quests/monstertamers.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//===== Hercules Script =======================================
+//= Monster Tamers
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= Streusel
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= Hercules
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= Cute pet quest items
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.0 Duplicates for Monster Tamer [Streusel]
+izlude_in,129,64,4 duplicate(Monster_Tamer#izu) Monster Tamer#izlude 125 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/pre-re/quests/quests_13_1.txt b/npc/pre-re/quests/quests_13_1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b98aa2b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/pre-re/quests/quests_13_1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//===== Hercules Script ======================================
+//= Quest NPCs related to Ash-Vacuum
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= Streusel
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= [Official Conversion]
+//= Contains:
+//= Promotional Staff Duplicate for pre-renewal
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.0 First Version. [Streusel]
+// Onward to the New World
+izlude,101,173,6 duplicate(Promotional Staff#iz) Promotional Staff#izlude 100 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/pre-re/quests/quests_nameless.txt b/npc/pre-re/quests/quests_nameless.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab5d816dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/pre-re/quests/quests_nameless.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+//===== Hercules Script ======================================
+//= Nameless Island Quests
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= Streusel
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= Contains:
+//= Part of Muff's Loan:
+//- - Help Muff clear his Debt and get his collateral back.
+//= - prerequisite Quest to "Broken Diamond"
+//= - Variable in use: diamond_edq (Max: 14)
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.0 First version.
+izlude_in,113,66,0 script Strange Machine 111,{
+ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) {
+ mes "[Dorian]";
+ mes "Ugh, just like a member";
+ mes "of the working class:";
+ mes "hoarding all your items";
+ mes "like a packrat? Have the";
+ mes "decency to relocate your";
+ mes "goods to Kafra Storage, please.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (diamond_edq) == 10 {
+ set .@bolt_rand,rand(2,5);
+ mes "^3355FFThis must be Dorian's";
+ mes "Mystic Dryer de Elegance.";
+ mes "What do you want to do?^000000";
+ next;
+ while(1) {
+ set .@switch_sound,rand(1,4);
+ switch(select("Check the Machine:Replace the Engine:Tighten the Screw:Press a Switch")) {
+ case 1:
+ if (.@hit_status == 0) {
+ mes "^3355FFThere's no power";
+ mes "in this behemoth";
+ mes "of a machine.^000000";
+ next;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (.@engine == 0) {
+ mes "^3355FFYou replace the rough";
+ mes "ruby in the ruby engine";
+ mes "with a new rough ruby.";
+ mes "It clicks into place";
+ mes "inside the engine core.^000000";
+ next;
+ set .@engine,.@engine+1;
+ }
+ else if (engine > 0) {
+ mes "^3355FFThe ruby in the";
+ mes "engine has already";
+ mes "been replaced.^000000";
+ next;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (.@engine < 1) {
+ mes "^3355FFYou probably need";
+ mes "to replace the ruby";
+ mes "in the engine first.^000000";
+ next;
+ }
+ else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt < .@bolt_rand)) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Krrrr-Krrrrr*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Krrrr-Krrrrr*^000000";
+ next;
+ set .@bolt,.@bolt+1;
+ }
+ else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt == .@bolt_rand)) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Krrrr-Krrrrr*^000000";
+ mes "^0000FF*Click*^000000";
+ next;
+ set .@bolt,.@bolt+1;
+ set .@bolt_suc,.@bolt_suc+1;
+ }
+ else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt > .@bolt_rand)) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Krrrr-Krrrrr*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*KrrICK-ICK-ICK-KOOM*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFYou tightened the";
+ mes "screw too tightly!";
+ mes "The joint is broken...";
+ mes "You should go back";
+ mes "to Dorian for help.^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ }
+ else {
+ mes "^3355FFSomething must have";
+ mes "gone wrong. You'd be";
+ mes "better off starting";
+ mes "from the beginning...^000000";
+ close;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if ((.@engine < 1) && (.@bolt_suc < 1)) {
+ mes "^3355FFYou need to replace";
+ mes "the engine's ruby and";
+ mes "tighten the main screw";
+ mes "before you mess with";
+ mes "these switches.^000000";
+ next;
+ }
+ else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt_suc < 1)) {
+ mes "^3355FFYou need to tighten";
+ mes "the scren before you can";
+ mes "start the engine safely.";
+ next;
+ }
+ else if ((.@red >= 1) && (.@blue >= 1) && (.@yellow >= 1) && (.@green >= 1)) {
+ mes "^3355FFThe Mystic Dryer de";
+ mes "Elegance started with";
+ mes "a mighty buzz, and the";
+ mes "sound lowers to a calm";
+ mes "hum as it stabilizes.";
+ mes "It looks like you fixed it!^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFYou should tell Dorian";
+ mes "first so that you can";
+ mes "use this machine.^000000";
+ setquest 3107;
+ set diamond_edq,12;
+ close;
+ }
+ else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt_suc == 1)) {
+ if (.@switch_sound == 1) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Buzz Buzz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Buzz Buzz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine is";
+ mes "vibrating weakly.";
+ mes "Which switch do";
+ mes "you want to press?^000000";
+ next;
+ switch(select("Red Switch:Blue Switch:Yellow Switch:Green Switch")) {
+ default:
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine made some";
+ mes "violent, erratic sounds,";
+ mes "and vibrated violently";
+ mes "before coming to a sudden";
+ mes "stop. That was the wrong";
+ mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ case 1:
+ if (.@red >= 0) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Buzzz Buzzz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Clang...!*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine's";
+ mes "vibrations have";
+ mes "grown stronger.";
+ mes "It looks like you";
+ mes "chose the right switch.^000000";
+ next;
+ set .@red,.@red+1;
+ }
+ else {
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine made some";
+ mes "violent, erratic sounds,";
+ mes "and vibrated violently";
+ mes "before coming to a sudden";
+ mes "stop. That was the wrong";
+ mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (.@switch_sound == 2) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Purr Purr*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Purr Purr*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine is vibrating";
+ mes "a little bit more strongly.";
+ mes "Which switch will";
+ mes "you try now?^000000";
+ next;
+ switch(select("Red Switch:Blue Switch:Yellow Switch:Green Switch")) {
+ default:
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine made some";
+ mes "violent, erratic sounds,";
+ mes "and vibrated violently";
+ mes "before coming to a sudden";
+ mes "stop. That was the wrong";
+ mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ case 2:
+ if (.@blue >= 0) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Purrr Purr*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Clang...!*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine's";
+ mes "vibrations have";
+ mes "grown stronger.";
+ mes "It looks like you";
+ mes "chose the right switch.^000000";
+ next;
+ set .@blue,.@blue+1;
+ }
+ else {
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine made some";
+ mes "violent, erratic sounds,";
+ mes "and vibrated violently";
+ mes "before coming to a sudden";
+ mes "stop. That was the wrong";
+ mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (.@switch_sound == 3) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Bzzz Bzzz*";
+ mes "*Bzzz Bzzz*";
+ mes "The machine's vibrations";
+ mes "are a bit more stable now.";
+ mes "Which switch will you try?^000000";
+ next;
+ switch(select("Red Switch:Blue Switch:Yellow Switch:Green Switch")) {
+ default:
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine made some";
+ mes "violent, erratic sounds,";
+ mes "and vibrated violently";
+ mes "before coming to a sudden";
+ mes "stop. That was the wrong";
+ mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ case 3:
+ if (.@yellow >= 0) {
+ mes "^3355FF*Bzzzz Bzzzz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Clang...!*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine's";
+ mes "vibrations have";
+ mes "grown stronger.";
+ mes "It looks like you";
+ mes "chose the right switch.^000000";
+ next;
+ set .@yellow,.@yellow+1;
+ }
+ else {
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine made some";
+ mes "violent, erratic sounds,";
+ mes "and vibrated violently";
+ mes "before coming to a sudden";
+ mes "stop. That was the wrong";
+ mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (.@switch_sound == 4) {
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FF*Pzzzz Pzzz*";
+ mes "*Pzzzz Pzzz*";
+ mes "The machine is vibrating";
+ mes "fairly strongly now. Which";
+ mes "switch will you try?^000000";
+ next;
+ switch(select("Red Switch:Blue Switch:Yellow Switch:Green Switch")) {
+ default:
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine made some";
+ mes "violent, erratic sounds,";
+ mes "and vibrated violently";
+ mes "before coming to a sudden";
+ mes "stop. That was the wrong";
+ mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ case 4:
+ if (.@green >= 0) {
+ mes "^3355FFPzzzzz Pzzzz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Clang...!*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine's";
+ mes "vibrations have";
+ mes "grown stronger.";
+ mes "It looks like you";
+ mes "chose the right switch.^000000";
+ next;
+ set .@green,.@green+1;
+ }
+ else {
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe machine made some";
+ mes "violent, erratic sounds,";
+ mes "and vibrated violently";
+ mes "before coming to a sudden";
+ mes "stop. That was the wrong";
+ mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000";
+ setquest 3106;
+ set diamond_edq,11;
+ close;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (diamond_edq == 12) {
+ mes "[Dorian]";
+ mes "It sounds like you're";
+ mes "done fixing my Mystic";
+ mes "Dryer de Elegance.";
+ mes "Why don't you come";
+ mes "back so I can explain";
+ mes "how you can use it?";
+ close;
+ }
+ if ((diamond_edq == 13) && (countitem(7722) < 1)) {
+ mes "^3355FFYou lift the main";
+ mes "operational switch,";
+ mes "turning on a light and";
+ mes "opening a convenient";
+ mes "slot. You insert the";
+ mes "wet bond of debt.^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "^3355FFThe engine's pistons";
+ mes "and cylinders churn";
+ mes "with a lively din, and";
+ mes "when the heater stops,";
+ mes "the slot reopens.^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]";
+ mes "So this is the original";
+ mes "bond of debt that Muff";
+ mes "lost? It looks... Perfect!";
+ changequest 3108,3109;
+ getitem 7722,1; //Debt_Note
+ close;
+ }
+ else if ((diamond_edq == 13) && (countitem(7722) > 0)) {
+ mes "You already used this";
+ mes "machine to restore the";
+ mes "bond of debt. There's no";
+ mes "need to mess around";
+ mes "with it any longer.";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[Dorian]";
+ mes "Who are you?";
+ mes "Don't you dare lay";
+ mes "a hand on my precious";
+ mes "masterpiece inventions! ";
+ close;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/pre-re/quests/skills/swordman_skills.txt b/npc/pre-re/quests/skills/swordman_skills.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a4aa2ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/pre-re/quests/skills/swordman_skills.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+//===== Hercules Script =======================================
+//= Swordsman Skills Quests
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= kobra_k88
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= Hercules GIT
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= Quests for skills: Fatal Blow, Mobile HP Recovery,
+// Auto-Berserk
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.0 Moved from main folder. [Streusel]
+izlude_in,175,130,2 script Knight De Thomas 98,4,4,{
+ if ((BaseClass == Job_Swordman) && (sm_movingrecovery_x < 1)) {
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Oh, no! You must have been hurt! Are you ok?";
+ mes "You must have fought hard to get such serious injuries..";
+ mes "Being a swordsman must come with a lot of responsibility and sacrifice.";
+ next;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ if (Sex == 0) {
+ mes "For these swordsmen and knights, there is a wonderful skill.";
+ }
+ else {
+ mes "For these swordswomen and knights, there is a wonderful skill young lady.";
+ }
+ mes "I present to you - HP Recovery While Moving!";
+ mes "Body moving is a splendid skill";
+ mes "that allows you to regain strength(HP)";
+ mes "while you are moving!";
+ next;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "It is currently under development";
+ mes "so it may not recover that much,";
+ mes "but it will help a little.";
+ mes "What do you think? Would you like to learn this skill?";
+ next;
+ switch (select("What a nice skill! I want to learn it!:No, thank you.")) {
+ case 1:
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Very well. I will tell you what you need to learn this skill.";
+ mes "First, your job level must be higher than ^00880035^000000.";
+ mes "You will also need ^008800200 empty bottles^000000.";
+ mes "Why? Because it is proof that you fought fiercely to have used that many potions.";
+ next;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Also, the armor you used in battle.";
+ mes "This is also proof of an experienced fighter.";
+ mes "For the armor... your armor is perfect!";
+ mes "Bring your armor!";
+ mes "Last but not least... bring me one ^008800Moth Wing^000000.";
+ next;
+ menu "Eh? You need that, too?",-;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Not really.. I don't really NEED it.";
+ mes "It's just that my niece has gotten a bug hunting as a holiday task during the summer vacation.";
+ mes "Of course! It would be much easier for me to get it myself.";
+ mes "but I must work here all the time so I don't exactly have the time to go out and get it.";
+ next;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Don't you think it is pitiful that I have to stay in once place everyday, not being able to go outside?";
+ mes "Please, find me one...*sniffsniff*";
+ mes "If you don't...";
+ set sm_movingrecovery_x,1;
+ mes "You won't get anything! Muahahaha.";
+ close;
+ case 2:
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "...";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((BaseClass == Job_Swordman) && (sm_movingrecovery_x > 1)) {
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Oh, it's you?";
+ mes "Long time no see!";
+ mes "You seem healthier than before.";
+ mes "Hahahaha!";
+ mes "Take care! See you again!";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if ((BaseClass == Job_Swordman) && (sm_movingrecovery_x == 1)) {
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Welcome back...";
+ mes "are you ready to learn Body Movin'?";
+ next;
+ switch (select("Yes.:No, I'm not ready yet.")) {
+ case 1:
+ if ((JobLevel > 34 || (BaseJob == Job_Knight || BaseJob == Job_Crusader)) && (countitem(713) > 199) && (countitem(1058) > 0)) {
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Let's see.....";
+ next;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Ok! I shall now teach you...";
+ mes "...The Body Movin' skill!";
+ next;
+ delitem 713,200; //Empty_Bottle
+ delitem 1058,1; //Wing_Of_Moth
+ skill "SM_MOVINGRECOVERY",1,0;
+ set sm_movingrecovery_x,2;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "There you go!";
+ mes "Try it yourself.";
+ mes "But don't overdo it.";
+ next;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Oh yeah, I won't be needing your";
+ mes "armor so you can keep it.";
+ mes "Good luck now!";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if (JobLevel < 35 && (BaseJob != Job_Knight && BaseJob != Job_Crusader)) {
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Wait a second, your Job level isn't above ^00880035^000000!";
+ mes "Come back when it is.";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if ((countitem(713) < 200) || (countitem(1058) < 1)) {
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "You do not have all the items I asked for.";
+ next;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Remember I need, ^008800200 empty bottles^000000, your armor, and a ^008800Moth Wing^000000. Come back when you have it all.";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "You do not have all the items I asked for.";
+ next;
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Remember I need, ^008800200 empty bottles^000000, your armor, and a ^008800Moth Wing^000000. Come back when you have it all.";
+ close;
+ case 2:
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "Is that so?";
+ mes "Then come when you are prepared.";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ mes "[De Thomas]";
+ mes "My name is De Thomas Carlos.";
+ mes "Knight of Prontera's 3rd Calvary.";
+ mes "I have a certain duty these days.";
+ mes "Ehem! Need I say more.";
+ close;
+} \ No newline at end of file