path: root/npc/events
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/events')
7 files changed, 1250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/npc/events/alchemist.txt b/npc/events/alchemist.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42250d5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/alchemist.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+//Alchemist Event script 2004/02/14 by kalen
+ama_in02.gat,61,27,6 script 錬金術師 749,{
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "キキキキキケケケケケ!";
+ mes "驚くべき結果が出た!";
+ mes "こんな実験結果が出たのは";
+ mes "生まれて初めてだ!";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "こんなに遠くまで来て私の能力を";
+ mes "発揮できるとは思いもよらなかったぞ!";
+ mes "城主に仕事を頼まれたが……";
+ mes "奴は意外におもしろい奴だったぞ。";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "ククク……しかし気をつけねば……";
+ mes "こいつの調合方法をかぎつけられたら";
+ mes "飲んだ奴が火を噴いて怒る……";
+ mes "ケケケケ……";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "ん、ところで私に何か用か?";
+ mes "観光で来たんなら静かに村でも";
+ mes "見ていくんだな。";
+ mes "さもなくばアシッドボトル";
+ mes "でも味合わせてやるぞ!キキ……";
+ next;
+ menu "失礼しました",L1,"お手伝いする事でもありますか?",L2;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "よしよし……";
+ mes "何か聞いてもすぐに忘れろ。";
+ mes "それが長く生きるコツさ……";
+ mes "キキキキキ……";
+ close;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "手伝うと?";
+ mes "そうか……";
+ mes "もう私の願ったものはもう少しで";
+ mes "完成する。キキキキキ……";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "私が実験するのに必要な属性石を";
+ mes "いくつか用意してくれるとありがたい。";
+ mes "今持っている物があるか?";
+ next;
+ menu "いいえ",L2_1,"いくつかあります",L2_2;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "それなら言おう。";
+ mes "どれでもいいから同じ種類の";
+ mes "属性石を8個ずつ集めてほしい。";
+ mes "そうすれば、私が良い物に";
+ mes "変えてやるぞ。";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "もし間違った物を持ってきたら、";
+ mes "足元にファイアーボトルを";
+ mes "投げるぞ!";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "それでは、手伝うと言った以上";
+ mes "約束は守るんだぞ!キキキキ……";
+ close;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "よし、何を持っている?";
+ next;
+ menu "ミスティックフローズン",L2_2_1,"グレイトネイチャ",L2_2_2,"フレイムハート",L2_2_3,"ラフウィンド",L2_2_4;
+ L2_2_1:
+ if (countitem(995) < 8) goto Llowitem;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "それを8個をもらう代わりに";
+ mes "他の属性石を一つ作ってやろう。";
+ mes "悪い取引じゃないだろう?";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "ほら、どれを作ろうか?";
+ next;
+ menu "グレイトネイチャ",L2_2_1_1,"フレイムハート",L2_2_1_2,"ラフウィンド",L2_2_1_3,"取引をやめる",LEnd;
+ delitem 995,8;getitem 997,1;goto Lfinal;
+ delitem 995,8;getitem 994,1;goto Lfinal;
+ delitem 995,8;getitem 996,1;goto Lfinal;
+ L2_2_2:
+ if (countitem(997) < 8) goto Llowitem;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "それを8個をもらう代わりに";
+ mes "他の属性石を一つ作ってやろう。";
+ mes "悪い取引じゃないだろう?";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "ほら、どれを作ろうか?";
+ next;
+ menu "ミスティックフローズン",L2_2_2_1,"フレイムハート",L2_2_2_2,"ラフウィンド",L2_2_2_3,"取引をやめる",LEnd;
+ delitem 997,8;getitem 995,1;goto Lfinal;
+ delitem 997,8;getitem 994,1;goto Lfinal;
+ delitem 997,8;getitem 996,1;goto Lfinal;
+ L2_2_3:
+ if (countitem(994) < 8) goto Llowitem;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "それを8個をもらう代わりに";
+ mes "他の属性石を一つ作ってやろう。";
+ mes "悪い取引じゃないだろう?";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "ほら、どれを作ろうか?";
+ next;
+ menu "ミスティックフローズン",L2_2_3_1,"グレイトネイチャ",L2_2_3_2,"ラフウィンド",L2_2_3_3,"取引をやめる",LEnd;
+ delitem 994,8;getitem 995,1;goto Lfinal;
+ delitem 994,8;getitem 997,1;goto Lfinal;
+ delitem 994,8;getitem 996,1;goto Lfinal;
+ L2_2_4:
+ if (countitem(996) < 8) goto Llowitem;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "それを8個をもらう代わりに";
+ mes "他の属性石を一つ作ってやろう。";
+ mes "悪い取引じゃないだろう?";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "ほら、どれを作ろうか?";
+ next;
+ menu "ミスティックフローズン",L2_2_4_1,"グレイトネイチャ",L2_2_4_2,"フレイムハート",L2_2_4_3,"取引をやめる",LEnd;
+ delitem 996,8;getitem 995,1;goto Lfinal;
+ delitem 996,8;getitem 997,1;goto Lfinal;
+ delitem 996,8;getitem 994,1;goto Lfinal;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "ジジジ……ガリガリゴリ……";
+ mes "うむ、できた。";
+ mes "ほら、大事に使うように。";
+ mes "またあれば持ってきなさい。";
+ close;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "ジジジ……ガリガリゴリ……";
+ mes "ん……属性石はどうした?";
+ mes "どこかでなくしてきたか?";
+ next;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "また持ってきなさい!";
+ mes "手伝うと言った以上";
+ mes "約束は守るんだぞ!キキキキ……";
+ close;
+ mes "[グレゴリー]";
+ mes "く……まぁいいが……";
+ mes "私がここに居ることは内緒だぞ。";
+ mes "約束だぞ!";
+ close;
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/draculax.txt b/npc/events/custom/draculax.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..907580554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/custom/draculax.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+//===== eAthena Script =======================================
+//= Dracula X Script
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= valaris (1.0)
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= eAthena RC4+
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= Custom Dracula X Event
+mag_dun02.gat,72,182,1 script Dracula's Coffin::Dracula_Init -1,{
+ set $dracula_event,0;
+ Break;
+ MapAnnounce "mag_dun02.gat","Dracula's curse has been lifted!",17;
+ set $dracula_event,0;
+ initnpctimer;
+ Break;
+ if($dracula_event==0)
+ stopnpctimer;
+ enablenpc "Dracula_Event";
+ Break;
+mag_dun02.gat,72,182,1 script Dracula's Coffin::Dracula_Event 801,{
+ if($dracula_event==1)
+ close;
+ set $dracula_event,1;
+ MapAnnounce "mag_dun02.gat","Count Dracula : Who has awakened me from my slumber?",17;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,66,175;
+ initnpctimer;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,74,187;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,80,180;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,79,183;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,66,175;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,63,186;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,75,186;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,75,173;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,80,170;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,60,179;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,74,187;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,69,182;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,80,180;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,60,179;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,66,175;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,80,187;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,75,186;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,75,173;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,80,170;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,63,186;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,74,187;
+ Break;
+ npcskilleffect 21,10,72,182;
+ monster "mag_dun02.gat",72,182,"Count Dracula",1389,1,"Dracula_Init::OnKilled";
+ stopnpctimer;
+ disablenpc "Dracula_Event";
+ Break;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt b/npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13300b828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+//===== eAthena Script =======================================
+//= Uneasy Prontera Cemetery Quest (original script!)
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= Lupus
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.2 (Tested and fully working!)
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= eAthena Version 1.0
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= A periodical quest of the Uneasy Cemetery (Kill undead / Prevent their appearance)
+//= Every day, at the midnight Prontera recieve a wave of Undeads.
+//= They come from Uneasy Cemetery of Prontera. To protect the players
+//= from the undeads terror you may either kill the enemy. Or supply Mother Mathana
+//= with needed amount of Holy Water. Every citizen can take his part in the
+//= saving of Prontera city. After some days of quiet life... the Cemetery strikes back.
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.1 More advanced ver. Added some bonus the the one who'd kill the last walking undead
+//= 1.2 Added coords to the script to make label OmMobDead working
+prontera.gat,3,3,3 script Uneasy_Check -1,
+ end;
+ set $UNEASY_BL,$UNEASY_BL+30; //add need of HW for 30 bottles per day
+ if ($UNEASY_BL>666) set $UNEASY_BL,666; //keep needed bottles not <=666
+ if ($UNEASY_DL < 0) goto L_Start_Undead;
+//The Cemetery is OK yet.
+ disablenpc "Mother Mathana";
+ end;
+ if ($UNEASY_DL >= 0) disablenpc "Mother Mathana";
+ end;
+ killmonsterall "prontera.gat"; //The Sun kills undead in the morning
+ end;
+ if ($@UNEASY_MOB > 0) mapannounce "prontera.gat","[Mother Mathana]: In the name of Odin, please finish these roaming undead leftovers!",0;
+ end;
+ if ($@UNEASY_MOB>0) end;
+ set $UNEASY_DL,0;
+ set $UNEASY_H$,strcharinfo(0);
+ if (Sex==1) mapannounce "prontera.gat","[Mother Mathana]: Brave "+$UNEASY_H$+" has just killed the last undead in Prontera!",0;
+ if (Sex==0) mapannounce "prontera.gat","[Mother Mathana]: Lady "+$UNEASY_H$+" has just killed the last undead in Prontera!",0;
+ set JobExp,JobExp+100;
+ set BaseExp,BaseExp+50;
+ end;
+ killmonsterall "prontera.gat"; //kills any left monsters
+ enablenpc "Mother Mathana";
+//call some monsters in the city
+ set $@UNEASY_MOB, 65;
+ monster "prontera.gat",0,0,"Zombie",1015,30,"Uneasy_Check::OnZombieDead";
+//in the Cemetery
+ monster "prontera.gat",268,349,"Zombie",1015,30,"Uneasy_Check::OnZombieDead";
+ monster "prontera.gat",269,350,"Ghoul",1036,5,"Uneasy_Check::OnZombieDead";
+ mapannounce "prontera.gat","[Mother Mathana]: The cememtery has became restless! In the name of Odin, hurry to the Sanctuary! Save the city of Prontera!",0;
+prontera.gat,257,313,5 script Mother Mathana 79,
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ if ($UNEASY_DL <= 0) goto L_Undead_Walk;
+ mes "I'm afraid there's something wrong with our old cemetery...";
+ if ($UNEASY_H$==strcharinfo(0)) mes "But thanks to you, "+$UNEASY_H$+", we'll be able to sleep " + $UNEASY_DL + " nights!";
+ if ($UNEASY_H$!=strcharinfo(0)) mes "But thanks to "+$UNEASY_H$+"'s support, we've got " + $UNEASY_DL + " easy nights!";
+ emotion 0;
+ close;
+ if ($UNEASY_DL == 0) mes "THEY could return tomorrow's night again!";
+ if ($UNEASY_DL == 0 && $UNEASY_H$==strcharinfo(0)) mes "Thank you, "+$UNEASY_H$+"! Now we'll manage to rest till the next midnight!";
+ if ($UNEASY_DL == 0 && $UNEASY_H$!=strcharinfo(0)) mes "But due to "+$UNEASY_H$+"'s help we'll manage to rest till the next midnight!";
+ mes "To calm down the resless cemetery, we should pour all these grave with the Holy Water. But our sisters and broters are run out of it.";
+ mes "Could you supply us with Holy Water?";
+ next;
+ menu "Yes, have all my Holy Water!",-, "Nope, I need it.",M_NO, "I don't have any.",M_DONT_HAVE;
+ if ( countitem("Holy_Water")<1 ) goto M_DONT_HAVE;
+ set $UNEASY_BL,$UNEASY_BL-countitem("Holy_Water");
+ delitem "Holy_Water",countitem("Holy_Water");
+ if ( $UNEASY_BL > 0 ) goto L_NEED_MORE;
+//set quiet days!!! no more undead for this period!
+ set $UNEASY_DL,5+((0-$UNEASY_BL)/30);
+ set $UNEASY_H$,strcharinfo(0);
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ mes "Thank you, "+$UNEASY_H$+"! Now we've got enough Holy Water!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ mes "On pouring the cemetery with that water we'll get " + $UNEASY_DL + " safe nights!";
+ next;
+ killmonsterall "prontera.gat"; //kills any left monsters
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ mes "See, "+ $UNEASY_H$ +"? They all are gone now!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ mes "Our Church is going to thank you personally...";
+ next;
+ if (Sex==1) mapannounce "prontera.gat","[Mother Mathana]: In the name of Odin we declare handsom "+$UNEASY_H$+" as a Prontera savior!",0;
+ if (Sex==0) mapannounce "prontera.gat","[Mother Mathana]: In the name of Odin we declare beautiful "+$UNEASY_H$+" as a Prontera savior!",0;
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ mes "In the name of Odin we bless you and decently present a modest gift just from Mareusis' wine-cellar.";
+ getitem "Blue_Potion",1;
+ set JobExp,JobExp+100;
+ set BaseExp,BaseExp+50;
+ close;
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ mes "Thank you, good "+strcharinfo(0)+", but we still nedd " + $UNEASY_BL + " more Holy Water bottles.";
+ close;
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ mes "I'm afraid the old cemetery is going out of control soon... Please, get us all the Holy Water you could get.";
+ close;
+ mes "[Mother Mathana]";
+ mes "Alas! We still need " + $UNEASY_BL + " more bottles of Holy Water... Why don't you go and ask other people for some extra Holy Water.";
+ mes "The old cemetery is going out of control soon...";
+ mes "Please, in the name of Odin, help Prontera city.";
+ close;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/events/easter.txt b/npc/events/easter.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..867565005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/easter.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+//===== eAthena Script =======================================
+//= Easter Egg Event
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= kobra_k88
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= Break easter eggs in towns an cities to find chocolates.
+//= Exchange the chocolates for prizes.
+//= Includes Easter egg and Easter bunny mobs.
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= Not sure about "Gold coin" as being one of the prizes.
+geffen.gat,95,201,3 script Shilo 50,
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ if(easter_Q == 1) goto L_Check;
+ mes "*Sigh*...... Where is my sister!?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "Oh.... Hi there! I'm extremely excited! You know why?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "My favorite holiday is here...... ^D2A200Easter^000000!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "I can't wait to go find some easter eggs......";
+ next;
+ if(@talked == 1) menu "I want to look for these eggs.",sM_0, "... Eggs? Why?",M_0, "You seriously bore me...*yawn*..",M_End;
+ menu "... Eggs? Why?",M_0, "You seriously bore me...*yawn*..",M_End;
+ M_0:
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "You mean you've never been on an ^5533FFEaster Egg Hunt^000000 before?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "They're the best! See every year, people from all over hide ^5533FFEaster eggs^000000 through out Rune Midgard.";
+ mes "And it's our job to go find as many as possible and collect all of the goodies inside of them.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "See, along time ago, the Peco Peco roamed the land free of any hostilities...........";
+ mes "All over Rune Midgard, they did as the pleased, and they reproduced without any fears.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "The Peco Peco population thrived and kept growing...... Eventually their numbers got out of hand.";
+ mes "The people of Rune Midgard decided that they needed to do something about the overwhelming population of Peco Pecos.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "So they set out to destroy as many of the Peco Peco eggs they could find!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "Many children found the destruction of helpless Peco Peco eggs to be unbearable.";
+ mes "They were very sad about this and pleaded with their parents to stop.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "Unfortunately they could not stop.";
+ mes "If they did nothing the fertile lands of Rune Midard would be destoryed by the Peco Pecos.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "So they decided to try to convince the children that destroying the eggs was a good thing.";
+ mes "The parents starting making fake peco peco eggs that had treats in them.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "They hid them all over town and had the children search for them.";
+ mes "Once found, the children would break the eggs and find the treats. They would then feel happy about breaking Peco Peco eggs.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "Now the Peco Peco has natural enemies, like desert wolves, which keep the Peco Peco population in check.";
+ mes "Therefore the people of Rune Midgard no longer have to destroy defenseless Peco Peco eggs.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "But we still carry on the tradition of hiding fake eggs all over Rune Midgard every year.";
+ mes "And that is the story behind Easter in Rune Midgard.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "You know..... it looks like I'm going to be here for alonge while. I'll tell you what........";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "If you go out and find some ^5533FFEaster eggs^000000 and bring me back their special 'treats', I will give you something for them....";
+ mes "What do you say?";
+ set @talked, 1;
+ next;
+ menu "What do I have to do?",sM_0, "Nah, I'm to busy.",sM_End;
+ sM_0:
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "All you have to do is go hunt for some Easter eggs which can be found in the towns and cities all over Rune Midgard.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "When you find them, break em. If you're lucky, there will be delicious ^D2A200'Chocolates'^000000 inside of them.";
+ mes "Find at least ^00950010^000000, and bring them to me and I will give you a ^FF5533prize^000000.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "The more you bring to me, the better my gift to you will be.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "I'll will give you something for:";
+ mes "^00950010 ^D2A200Chocolates"; // 1 gold coin ?
+ mes "^5533FF50 ^D2A200Chocolates^000000"; // 1 old blue box
+ mes "and ^FF3355150 ^D2A200Chocolates^000000"; // 1 old purple box
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "So what do you say?";
+ next;
+ menu "Sounds fun, I'll do it!",ssM_0, "I have better things to do",ssM_End;
+ ssM_0:
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "Great! But I must warn you............";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "During your hunt, you may come across the protectors of these eggs.......";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "They have a bright, light blue color and are very 'fluffy'..........";
+ mes "Though I have never seen one, I've heard many stories about them.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "The have come to be know as....... '^FF3355Easter Bunnies^000000'!!";
+ mes "Be safe and good luck. I'll be waiting here.";
+ set easter_Q, 1;
+ close;
+ ssM_End:
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "Well it's your loss.........";
+ emotion 9;
+ close;
+ sM_End:
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "Ahh, I understand. Farewell.";
+ close;
+ M_End:
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ mes "........... Well, you're not all that exciting to talk with either..........";
+ emotion 9;
+ close;
+ mes "Find any ^D2A200Chocolate^000000 yet?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Shilo]";
+ if(countitem(558)<10) goto L_NotEnuf;
+ mes "Great. You have " + countitem(558) +" ^D2A200Chocolates^000000. Here is your prize.....";
+ if(countitem(558)>=150) goto L_150;
+ if(countitem(558)>=50) goto L_50;
+ L_10:
+ getitem 671,1;
+ goto L_Cont;
+ L_50:
+ getitem 603,1;
+ goto L_Cont;
+ L_150:
+ getitem 617,1;
+ L_Cont:
+ mes "Have fun and happy Easter!";
+ close;
+ L_NotEnuf:
+ mes "You don't have enough ^D2A200Chocolate^000000 for a prize.";
+ close;
+// Easter Eggs
+alberta.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,100,0,0,0
+aldebaran.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,150,0,0,0
+amatsu.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,100,0,0,0
+comodo.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,100,0,0,0
+geffen.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,120,0,0,0
+gonryun.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,100,0,0,0
+izlude.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,80,0,0,0
+louyang.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,200,0,0,0
+morocc.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,250,0,0,0
+payon.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,150,0,0,0
+prontera.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,250,0,0,0
+umbala.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,100,0,0,0
+yuno.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Egg 1920,150,0,0,0
+// Easter Bunny
+alberta.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Bunny 1921,1,1200000,900000,0
+geffen.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Bunny 1921,1,1200000,900000,0
+morocc.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Bunny 1921,2,1200000,900000,0
+payon.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Bunny 1921,1,1200000,900000,0
+prontera.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Easter Bunny 1921,2,840000,420000,0
diff --git a/npc/events/twintowers.txt b/npc/events/twintowers.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b7db213a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/twintowers.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+//===== eAthena Script =======================================
+//= Twin Towers NPCs
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= sEiKaN (1.0)
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.2
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= Any Athena Version; 0315+
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= mRO Event: Twin Towers NPCs
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.1 by Akaru
+//= 1.2 by Akaru
+prontera.gat,146,92,4 script Twin Towers#tt1::Twin-Towers 813,{
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "How are you? We are the Twin Towers.";
+ mes "It is such a pleasure to be able to meet you here.";
+ mes "I supposed you know that this is Ragnarok Online, a land of dreams and fantasies.";
+ mes "Are you having a joyous adventure and exciting experience?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "Although we can't move around and can't live the way you do,";
+ mes "but we love the world, as much as you do!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "May you experience the sensation of this lovely world";
+ mes "For this reason, we are here at your service with our special magic.";
+ mes "Kindly let us know.";
+ next;
+ menu "I shall accept your offer.",YES,"I'll ask for your service next time.",NO;
+ NO:
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "Er, what a pity. Travelling by yourself is still the best evidence of adventure.";
+ mes "Isn't this proving that you are still young?";
+ mes "We respect brave hearts like this";
+ next;
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "There are good and bad times in life, morever, adventure isn't an easy task in the first place.";
+ mes "Isn't this true?";
+ mes "Feel free to come to us when you are having time, we will always be there to serve you.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "Forget all your troubles, and create a splendid legend in this wonderful world.";
+ mes "This is such a wonderful world, and you'll always be a great adventurer!";
+ close;
+ YES:
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "The flaming passion of adventurer,";
+ mes "The desire to explore the unknown realms,";
+ mes "The dedication and commitment to achieve the aspiration...";
+ mes "You are simply a true adventurer with what compassion.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "We wish to help passionate adventurers.";
+ mes "Although we are not able to move, luckily we have the special ability that can warp you to places of danger and excitement.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Twin Towers]";
+ mes "Come on! Where do you wish to go?";
+ mes "Just let us know yout desired destination and we will send your there!";
+ menu "Hidden Temple", HiddenTemple,"Orc Dungeon",OrcDungeon,"Ant Hell",AntHell,"Mjolnir Waste Pit",MjolnirWastePit,"Sphinx",Sphinx,"Glast Heim",GlastHeim,"Comodo",Comodo;
+ HiddenTemple:
+ warp "prt_fild01.gat",136,368;
+ close;
+ OrcDungeon:
+ warp "gef_fild10.gat",67,334;
+ close;
+ AntHell:
+ warp "moc_fild04.gat",210,329;
+ close;
+ MjolnirWastePit:
+ warp "mjolnir_02.gat",79,361;
+ close;
+ Sphinx:
+ warp "moc_fild19",105,99;
+ close;
+ GlastHeim:
+ warp "gef_fild06",45,304;
+ close;
+ Comodo:
+ warp "cmd_fild01",30,317;
+ close;
+morocc.gat,160,97,4 duplicate(Twin-Towers) Twin Towers#tt2 812
+payon.gat,101,116,4 duplicate(Twin-Towers) Twin Towers#tt3 812
+izlude.gat,134,92,4 duplicate(Twin-Towers) Twin Towers#tt4 812
+alberta.gat,25,238,4 duplicate(Twin-Towers) Twin Towers#tt5 812
+geffen.gat,120,60,4 duplicate(Twin-Towers) Twin Towers#tt6 812
+aldebaran.gat,145,118,4 duplicate(Twin-Towers) Twin Towers#tt7 812
+comodo.gat,194,158,4 duplicate(Twin-Towers) Twin Towers#tt7 812 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/events/valentinesday.txt b/npc/events/valentinesday.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9669ca94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/valentinesday.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+//Valentine Script 2004-02-12
+// input exploit fixed [Lupus]
+alberta.gat,26,243,4 script Trader 58,{
+ mes "[Marco Bascinio]";
+ mes "A special treat... Not easily found";
+ mes "in Rune-Midgard Kingdom!";
+ mes "No one can resist the temptation";
+ mes "of its wonderful taste!";
+ mes "Makes a great gift for a friend, or even for yourself!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Marco Bascinio]";
+ mes "A gorgeous fancy looking chocolate for...";
+ mes "only 5000z each!";
+ next;
+ menu "I want it!",L1,"Nah, I'll pass",Lend;
+ mes "[Marco Bascinio]";
+ mes "ウホ?こ〜んなスペシャルなチョコレー";
+ mes "トが欲しくないと……残念ですね!";
+ mes "今だけしか買えないスペシャルで特別な";
+ mes "お菓子ですよ!考え直して、チョコレー";
+ mes "トが欲しくなったら是非是非是非また";
+ mes "来てください!お待ちしております!";
+ close;
+ mes "[Marco Bascinio]";
+ mes "No way! The chocolate has the spirit of it's maker!";
+ mes "That is why I only sell not more than five to each person";
+ mes "If you want more than five, come back again";
+ mes "So how many do you want?";
+ next;
+ goto Linput;
+ input @choconum;
+ if (@choconum > 5) goto LError;
+ if (@choconum <= 0) goto Lend;
+ set @chocoprice,@choconum*5000;
+ if (Zeny < @chocoprice) goto LError2;
+ set Zeny,Zeny-@chocoprice;
+ getitem 558,@choconum;
+ mes "[Marco Bascinio]";
+ mes "ありがとうございます!";
+ mes "私は、もうしばらくここにいますから";
+ mes "チョコレートが欲しくなったら、また";
+ mes "どうぞ!お待ちしております!";
+ close;
+ mes "[Marco Bascinio]";
+ mes "ウホホホホホホ、駄目、駄目駄目!";
+ mes "一回のお買い上げで5個までと説明しま";
+ mes "したよね!私はたくさーんの人に、この";
+ mes "チョコレートを味わって欲しいのです!";
+ mes "それに、食べすぎると太ります!";
+ next;
+ goto Linput;
+ mes "[Marco Bascinio]";
+ mes "ウホ?あれあれ、あれれ……お客さん!";
+ mes "お金が足りませんよ。それではチョコ";
+ mes "レートを売ることは出来ません!";
+ mes "私は、もうしばらくここにいますから";
+ mes "お金が出来たらまたどうぞ!";
+ close;
+alberta.gat,29,243,4 script チョコレート商人の恋人 53,{
+ if ((Sex == 0) && (countitem(7182) >= 5) && (countitem(7134) >= 1) && (countitem(519) >= 1) && (countitem(612) >= 1)) goto Lmake;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "こんにちは。実は、私の彼が売っている";
+ mes "チョコレートは私が作っているんです。";
+ mes "外国で、作る方法を学んできたのです。";
+ next;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "外国では、この時期に好きな人にチョコ";
+ mes "レートをプレゼントする風習がありま";
+ mes "す。甘い気持ちを、甘いチョコレートに";
+ mes "託す……すばらしいと思いませんか?";
+ next;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "私のチョコレートが少しでもお役に立て";
+ mes "ればと、たくさんたくさん、チョコレー";
+ mes "トを作ったんです。";
+ next;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "彼は、そんな私を見て「自分に出来る";
+ mes "ことをするんだ」って頑張ってチョコ";
+ mes "レートを売ってくれているんです。";
+ mes "その気持ちも嬉しいけど、チョコレー";
+ mes "トを買ってくれた方々の笑顔が、何より";
+ mes "私を幸せにしてくれるんです。";
+ next;
+ if (Sex == 1) goto LMan;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "先ほども言いましたが、外国ではこの時期";
+ mes "好きな人にチョコレートをプレゼント";
+ mes "するんです。もし、好きな方がいるなら";
+ mes "チョコレートと一緒に気持ちを伝えて";
+ mes "みませんか?";
+ next;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "材料を持って来てくれれば、チョコレー";
+ mes "トを作ります。私の彼が売っているチョ";
+ mes "コレートでもいいのですが……";
+ mes "お金で買うより、自分で集めた材料で";
+ mes "作ったチョコレートのほうが、その……";
+ next;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "自分の気持ちが相手に伝わるような気が";
+ mes "しませんか?";
+ next;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "材料ですが、メモの準備はいいですか?";
+ mes "^3355ffカカオ 5個";
+ mes "ミルク 1個";
+ mes "乳鉢 1個";
+ mes "携帯用溶鉱炉 1個^000000";
+ next;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "準備ができたら、教えてください。";
+ mes "美味しいチョコレートを作らせて";
+ mes "いただきます。";
+ close;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "だから、一個一個大事に大事に作って";
+ mes "いるんです。自分でも美味しくできた";
+ mes "と思いますし、一度召し上がってみて";
+ mes "くださいね。ふう、頑張ってもっと";
+ mes "作らなきゃ!";
+ close;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "準備が出来たんですね!では、早速腕を";
+ mes "奮わせていただきます!";
+ mes "あ、隣にいる彼には内緒ですよ。";
+ next;
+ delitem 7182,5;
+ delitem 7134,1;
+ delitem 519,1;
+ delitem 612,1;
+ getitem 558,1;
+ mes "[エステル=ローズ]";
+ mes "はい、出来上がりました!";
+ mes "プレゼントなさるのですか?";
+ mes "気持ちが伝わるといいですね。";
+ mes "幸せになってください〜。";
+ close;
+prt_castle.gat,42,35,3 script Dessert Manager 47,{
+ if (Sex == 1) goto LStartMan;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オゥ、マドモアゼル!";
+ mes "貴方がそこにいるだけで、このむさ";
+ mes "苦しい場所が天国に等しくなる。";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "天使のように愛くるしい貴方が";
+ mes "いったい何用でここにいらしたのかな?";
+ mes "ワタクシめでよければ、何でも願いを";
+ mes "聞きましょう。";
+ next;
+ menu "チョコレートを作ってくれますか?",L1,"お疲れ様です。",-;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オゥ、その一言……ワタクシの存在を";
+ mes "無に帰すような……その氷の刃のような";
+ mes "一言が、私の身を削り、魂さえ痩せ衰え";
+ mes "させてしまう……";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オゥ、マドモアゼル!";
+ mes "どうすればどうすれば……貴方の心を";
+ mes "再びワタクシの虜と出来るのか!?";
+ close;
+ if (countitem(558) >= 3) goto L2;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オゥ、マドモアゼル!";
+ mes "ワタクシは神でも錬金術師でもないので";
+ mes "す。変な材料から芸術品を創り出すこと";
+ mes "など出来ません!そして、平凡なアイテ";
+ mes "ムから平凡な作品を作るなど、偉大な芸";
+ mes "術家のワタクシには不可能!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "ワタクシが創造する物は、世界中の誰も";
+ mes "が感嘆のため息を吐く、誰にも到底真似";
+ mes "出来ない芸術品なのです。";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "ワタクシが貴方の苦労に報いる為には";
+ mes "^3355ffチョコレート3個^000000が絶対必要なのです。";
+ mes "それ以下でも、それ以上でもない。";
+ mes "ピッタリ3個……。";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "マドモアゼルの光輝く美貌と華奢な身に";
+ mes "隠された強靭な意志なら、きっと手に";
+ mes "入れてくることが可能でしょう。";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "いいですか。^3355ffチョコレート3個^000000を持って";
+ mes "来てください。出来ることなら火の中";
+ mes "水の中、地獄の底へでも、貴方の為に";
+ mes "ワタクシが直接手に入れて差し上げたい";
+ mes "が、今のワタクシは王宮の業務に終始";
+ mes "終われる身……オゥ……";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オ レヴォワー マドモアゼル……";
+ mes "貴方の帰りを心からお待ちして";
+ mes "おります……";
+ close;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オゥ、マドモアゼル!";
+ mes "ワタクシの持てる全ての感性を持って";
+ mes "貴方のチョコレートを美しくすばらしく";
+ mes "煌びやかな芸術へと昇華させていただ";
+ mes "きましょう!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "貴方の瞳という宝石が、世界中の誰もを";
+ mes "魅了する、透明で神秘的な愛の光を放つ";
+ mes "ように……";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "アン ドゥ トロワ クァトル……";
+ mes "みにくいアヒルの子が美しい白鳥に変身";
+ mes "したように……平凡なチョコレートが美";
+ mes "しい芸術に変身するのだ……!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "暖かく包み込み……そしてふんわりと";
+ mes "変化するがいい!";
+ mes "強靭にて、偉大なる時代の名作よ……!";
+ next;
+ delitem 558,3;
+ getitem 559,1;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オゥ、フェリシタシオン!オゥ〜ララ♪";
+ mes "こんな素敵な作品を作り出せるとは……";
+ mes "ワタクシはなんと罪深いのだ……!";
+ mes "マドモアゼル、この貴方の至極の微笑み";
+ mes "とも言える芸術品、気に入っていただけ";
+ mes "たかな。";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "では、オ レヴォワ〜。";
+ close;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "ボンジュ〜ル_ムッシュー。ワタクシは";
+ mes "遥か遠い場所から芸術を生み出すため、";
+ mes "このアトリエに舞い降りたところなの";
+ mes "です。";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オゥ、ノンノン!私の清らかな瞳は";
+ mes "愛らしい女性のみを映す鏡なのです。";
+ next;
+ mes "[Charl Orleang]";
+ mes "オゥ〜、それでなくても忙しいのに";
+ mes "このシャルル=オルレアンを煩わせる";
+ mes "なんて。オゥ〜、ノンノンノン。";
+ close;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/events/xmas.txt b/npc/events/xmas.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf7aec27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/xmas.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+//===== eAthena Script =======================================
+//= X-mas Event
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= eAthena Dev Team
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= Any version of eAthena
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= Beat up Antonios and grab his socks. Get at least 3 and
+//= give them to Santa Claus Claus in exchange for a present.
+//= Includes X-mas mobs.
+//= This npc will disable, the current Santa Claus npc.
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= Fixed the spawns [shadowlady]
+xmas_in.gat,100,96,4 script Father Christmas::Santa2 718,{
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ if(event_xmas == 1) goto L_Start;
+ mes "Merry Christmas! I have a gift for you! Ho Ho Ho!";
+ getitem 664,1;
+ set event_xmas,1;
+ close;
+ mes "I'm having a bit of a problem...";
+ mes "Do you care to listen?";
+ next;
+ menu "Listen to Santa Claus.",M_0, "Give Santa Claus Proof.",M_1, "Cancel.",M_End;
+ M_0:
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "My problem is this.";
+ mes "There seems to be a man out there";
+ mes "that is impersonating me and spreading";
+ mes "terror throughout the land.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Like the Grinch of legend, he's taking";
+ mes "all the children's toys and keeping them";
+ mes "for himself.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "I'm too busy here creating my batch of ";
+ mes "toys for next year, so I can't go";
+ mes "out and find him myself.";
+ mes "So I would like you to go out and";
+ mes "Destroy this man for me.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "He has in his posession one of my";
+ mes "magic sacks, however, so he will";
+ mes "escape into it into another place when";
+ mes "you attack him each time.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "However,";
+ mes "In his haste, he tends to drop things.";
+ mes "If by chance he drops one of his stockings";
+ mes "with holes that he uses to steal the";
+ mes "poor children's toys, pick it up.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "If you collect 3 of these, I will give";
+ mes "you a prototype mystery box that";
+ mes "I've been keeping around the";
+ mes "lab. It spits out random presents";
+ mes "and saves me a ton of work.";
+ close;
+ M_1:
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ if(countitem(7034) < 3) goto L_NotEnuf;
+ mes "Seems you've been doing a";
+ mes "good job of taking down those";
+ mes "fake Santas. Keep it up!";
+ next;
+ delitem 7034,3;
+ getitem 664,1;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "There's your reward.";
+ mes "If you get 3 more, I'll give you another.";
+ mes "Hope you get a good item.";
+ close;
+ L_NotEnuf:
+ mes "You don't have enough socks as proof.";
+ mes "Go take down those evil Santas";
+ mes "and get more for me and I'll";
+ mes "reward you.";
+ close;
+ M_End:
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "I see. Well, at the very least";
+ mes "we shall meet again on Chirstmas morning.";
+ close;
+ disablenpc "Santa1";
+ end;
+// X-mas Mobs
+gef_fild00.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild00.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild01.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild01.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Gobline Xmas 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild04.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild04.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild05.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild05.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild07.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild07.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild08.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild08.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Gobline Xmas 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+gef_fild12.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild13.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild14.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+glast_01.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+glast_01.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_01.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1062,5,0,0,0
+mjolnir_01.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_04.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_04.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_05.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_05.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_06.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_06.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_07.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_07.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_08.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_08.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_08.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+mjolnir_12.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+mjolnir_12.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+moc_fild01.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild04.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild04.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+moc_fild05.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+moc_fild06.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+moc_fild07.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+moc_fild08.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+moc_fild11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild12.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild12.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild13.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild13.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+moc_fild14.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild15.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild15.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+moc_fild16.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild17.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild17.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+moc_fild18.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+moc_fild18.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+pay_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+pay_fild03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+pay_fild06.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+pay_fild07.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+pay_fild10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+pay_fild11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+prt_fild01.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+prt_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+prt_fild03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+prt_fild04.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+prt_fild05.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+prt_fild06.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+prt_fild07.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+prt_fild08.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+prt_fild09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+prt_fild10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild10.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
+prt_fild11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild11.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Santa Poring 1062,15,0,0,0
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+cmd_fild02.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+cmd_fild03.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+cmd_fild04.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+cmd_fild05.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+cmd_fild06.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+cmd_fild07.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+cmd_fild08.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+cmd_fild09.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0