path: root/npc/custom/etc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/custom/etc')
3 files changed, 937 insertions, 779 deletions
diff --git a/npc/custom/etc/marriage.txt b/npc/custom/etc/marriage.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f21c46e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/custom/etc/marriage.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+//===== rAthena Script =======================================
+//= Wedding Script
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= AppleGirl, Evera
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 2.9
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= rAthena SVN
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= Fully working wedding script for all kind of weddings
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+// 1.1 Lesbian and Gay Weddings [ShadowLady]
+// 2.0 Complete Rewrite [Skotlex]
+// 2.9 Somewhat iRO-official NPC names [DracoRPG]
+// Configuration Variables:
+- script marriage_init -1,{
+ set $@wed_allow, 0; //If 1, allows same sex marriages.
+ set $@wed_veil, 0; //Set to 0 to disable veil check on the bride
+//Id of the item that is traded for the wedding ring (use 0 to disable):
+ set $@wed_ring, 2613;
+ set $@wed_groom_reg, 1300000; //Registration cost for the Groom
+ set $@wed_bride_reg, 1200000; //Registration cost for the Bride
+ set $@wed_divorce_fee, 50000; //Divorcing fee
+ set $@wedding_effect, 1; //On who to display the FX: 0: Priest, 1: Bride, 2: Groom
+ end;
+// Other Configuration:
+// Line 61,62: Priest location, sprite and name.
+// Line 437,438: Registration location, sprite and name.
+// Line 813,814: Divorcing location, sprite and name.
+// Variable Notes:
+// $wed_progress Signals that there is a wedding in progress
+// $wed_groom$ - Groom's name storage
+// $wed_groom_sex - Groom's gender (for same marriage ring giving)
+// $wed_bride$ - Bride's name storage
+// $wed_bride_sex - Groom's gender (for same marriage ring giving)
+// $wed_groom_progress - Notes the progress on the groom's part
+// $wed_bride_progress - Notes the progress on the bride's part
+// 0: Not registered. 1: Registered. 2: Accepted the partner. 3: Ready to
+// Retrieve the ring. 4: Retrieved the ring. 5: All set to be wed. 6: Already
+// a couple.
+// ceremony.
+// $wedding_effect_id - When wedding_effect is enabled, sets the ID of the
+// player to show the effect on.
+// $divorce_progress signals that there is a divorce in progress
+// $@divorcer$ name of the person who requested divorce
+// $@divorcee id of the partner, who has to accept the divorce and pay.
+//The Priest - official iRO sprite & in-dialog name (on-map name not confirmed)
+prt_church,100,123,4 script Vomars 60,{
+ set @name$,"Vomars";
+ function SF_wed_end;
+ function SF_equip_check;
+ function SF_Groom;
+ function SF_Bride;
+ function SF_AcceptGroom;
+ function SF_AcceptBride;
+ function SF_RetrieveRingM;
+ function SF_RetrieveRingF;
+ function SF_RingsAccepted;
+ function SF_StartCeremony;
+ if (getpartnerid() > 0) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You have my blessings, have a wonderful married life.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if ($wed_progress == 0) { // Official iRO dialog
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You must apply for";
+ mes "marriage with Happy Marry";
+ mes "before you can get married.";
+ mes "Happy Marry will let you know";
+ mes "what else you'll need to do";
+ mes "to prepare for marriage";
+ close;
+ } // End official iRO dialog
+ if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_groom$) {
+ SF_Groom();
+ end;
+ }
+ if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_bride$) {
+ SF_Bride();
+ end;
+ }
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ if ($wed_groom_progress == 0 || $wed_bride_progress == 0) {
+ mes "There is a wedding being planned. I would appreciate it if you would not interrupt me.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if ($wed_groom_progress == 6) {
+ mes "I am wedding "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+", and it's already too late to object. Please let me continue.";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "I am going to wed "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+", do you have an objection to it?";
+ if (select("Sorry, please go on.","Yes, I actually do.") == 2) {
+ //Abort
+ npctalk "Ladies and gentlemen, "+strcharinfo(0)+" has an objection to the wedding!";
+ SF_wed_end();
+ mes "Why should they not be wed?";
+ input $@msg$;
+ npctalk strcharinfo(0)+"'s objection is: "+$@msg$;
+ emotion e_sob;
+ mes "I see...";
+ } else
+ mes "Very well, go sit and enjoy the ceremony.";
+ close;
+function SF_Groom {
+ if ($wed_bride_progress == 0) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Looks like your bride has yet to arrive and register.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (SF_equip_check() == 0)
+ close;
+ switch($wed_groom_progress) {
+ case 1:
+ SF_AcceptBride();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I am waiting for your partner to accept you to start the ceremony.";
+ close;
+ case 3:
+ SF_RetrieveRingM();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Your partner's wedding ring hasn't been retrieved yet. The ceremony will start as soon as you both have claimed your rings.";
+ close;
+ case 5:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ SF_StartCeremony();
+ break;
+ default:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Please don't interrupt me now.";
+ close;
+ }
+function SF_Bride {
+ if ($wed_groom_progress == 0) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Looks like your groom has yet to arrive and register.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (SF_equip_check() == 0)
+ close;
+ switch ($wed_bride_progress) {
+ case 1:
+ SF_AcceptGroom();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I am waiting for your partner to accept you to start the ceremony.";
+ close;
+ case 3:
+ SF_RetrieveRingF();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Your partner's wedding ring hasn't been retrieved yet. The ceremony will start as soon as you both have claimed your rings.";
+ close;
+ case 5:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ SF_StartCeremony();
+ break;
+ default:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Please don't interrupt me now.";
+ close;
+ }
+function SF_AcceptGroom {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes $wed_bride$+", "+$wed_groom$+" has requested to be your husband for the rest of your life. Do you accept?";
+ next;
+ switch(select("I need time to think about it.","No, I don't!","Yes, I do!")) {
+ case 1:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You what!?";
+ mes "err.. *cough* *cough* very well... come back after you've made up your mind.";
+ emotion e_ag;
+ close;
+ case 2:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "!!";
+ mes "Ah... err... ehm... okay. You two seem to have some differences to settle first.";
+ close2;
+ emotion e_omg;
+ npctalk "Ladies and gentlemen, "+$wed_bride$+" has rejected to marry "+$wed_groom$+"!";
+ SF_wed_end();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ set $wed_bride_progress,2;
+ if ($wed_groom_progress == 2) {
+ SF_RingsAccepted();
+ break;
+ }
+ emotion e_ok;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "After your groom approves, you will be given your rings, the ceremony will begin and you will be officially married.";
+ close;
+ }
+function SF_AcceptBride {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes $wed_groom$+", "+$wed_bride$+" has requested to be your wife for the rest of your life. Do you accept?";
+ next;
+ switch(select("I need time to think about it.","No, I don't!","Yes, I do!")) {
+ case 1:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You what!?";
+ mes "err.. *cough* *cough* very well... come back after you've made up your mind.";
+ emotion e_ag;
+ close;
+ case 2:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "!!";
+ mes "Ah... err... ehm... okay. You two seem to have some differences to settle first.";
+ emotion e_omg;
+ close2;
+ npctalk "Ladies and gentlemen, "+$wed_groom$+" has rejected to marry "+$wed_bride$+"!";
+ SF_wed_end();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ set $wed_groom_progress,2;
+ if ($wed_bride_progress == 2) {
+ SF_RingsAccepted();
+ break;
+ }
+ emotion e_ok;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "After your bride approves, you will be given your rings, the ceremony will begin and you will be officially married.";
+ close;
+ }
+function SF_RingsAccepted {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Now that you both have accepted, the wedding will begin. Please come forth, you and your partner, to retrieve your rings.";
+ set $wed_bride_progress,3;
+ set $wed_groom_progress,3;
+ announce $wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+"'s wedding ceremony will be held at the church!",8;
+ close2;
+ emotion e_lv;
+ npctalk "May the groom and bride please step forward and retrieve their rings?";
+function SF_RetrieveRingM {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ if ($@wed_ring && countitem($@wed_ring) < 1) {
+ mes "What happened to your "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+"? You didn't lose it... did you? We need it to continue with the ceremony!";
+ close;
+ }
+ if ($wed_bride_sex)
+ set @item, 2634; //Groom's wedding ring
+ else
+ set @item, 2635; //Bride's wedding ring
+ if (getnameditem(@item,$wed_groom$) == 0) {
+ mes "You don't seem to have enough space to carry the ring... go free up some space and come back to reclaim your partner's ring.";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "Here's the wedding ring for your bride.";
+ if ($@wed_ring) delitem $@wed_ring,1;
+ set $wed_groom_progress,4;
+ if ($wed_bride_progress == 4)
+ SF_StartCeremony();
+ else {
+ mes "Once your bride retrieves the ring, the ceremony will begin.";
+ close;
+ }
+function SF_RetrieveRingF {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ if ($@wed_ring && countitem($@wed_ring) < 1) {
+ mes "What happened to your "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+"? You didn't lose it... did you? We need it to continue with the ceremony!";
+ close;
+ }
+ if ($wed_groom_sex)
+ set @item, 2634; //Groom's wedding ring
+ else
+ set @item, 2635; //Bride's wedding ring
+ if (getnameditem(@item,$wed_bride$) == 0) {
+ mes "You don't seem to have enough space to carry the ring... go free up some space and come back to reclaim your partner's ring.";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "Here's the wedding ring for your groom.";
+ if ($@wed_ring) delitem $@wed_ring,1;
+ set $wed_bride_progress,4;
+ if ($wed_groom_progress == 4)
+ SF_StartCeremony();
+ else {
+ mes "Once your groom retrieves the ring, the ceremony will begin.";
+ close;
+ }
+function SF_StartCeremony {
+ mes "I will now start the wedding ceremony, and you will be declared forth husband and wife.";
+ set $wed_bride_progress,5;
+ set $wed_groom_progress,5;
+ set $@msg$,$wed_groom$;
+ if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_groom$)
+ set $@msg$,$wed_bride$;
+ if (marriage($@msg$) == 0) {
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Where is "+$@msg$+"?? I can't marry you both if one is missing...";
+ close;
+ }
+ set $wed_bride_progress,6;
+ set $wed_groom_progress,6;
+ initnpctimer;
+ close;
+ npctalk "Ladies and Gentlemen, We will now join in holy matrimony these two lovers.";
+ end;
+ npctalk "Now more than ever, will both of your lives be entwined together as so will be your souls.";
+ end;
+ npctalk "You will both honor and cherish each other through the best and worst of times.";
+ end;
+ npctalk "The safety and well being of your other will now also be your responsibility.";
+ end;
+ npctalk "May in sickness or good health, your love burn bright like no force can extinguish it.";
+ end;
+ npctalk "Those here stand witness to these vows bestowed upon you, you must act accordingly to them.";
+ end;
+ npctalk "Understanding that, we are nothing more but mortals on this earth, but this is our triumph.";
+ end;
+ npctalk "We here will now join these two mortal entities, and create an immortal love.";
+ end;
+ npctalk $wed_groom$+", you have accepted to take "+$wed_bride$+" as your lawfully wedded wife,";
+ end;
+ npctalk "and you, "+$wed_bride$+", have accepted take "+$wed_groom$+" as your lawfully wedded husband.";
+ end;
+ npctalk "And as such, now, by the powers vested in me...";
+ end;
+ npctalk "I pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride and exchange rings.";
+ if ($wedding_effect_id && isloggedin($wedding_effect_id))
+ {
+ attachrid($wedding_effect_id);
+ wedding;
+ detachrid;
+ } else
+ wedding;
+ SF_wed_end();
+ stopnpctimer;
+ end;
+//Subfunction: Checks that the groom/bride is still wearing their stuff.
+function SF_equip_check {
+ if (sex && getequipid(2) != 7170) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Child, what did you do with your "+getitemname(7170)+"?";
+ emotion e_dots;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (sex == 0 && getequipid(2) != 2338) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Child, you are supposed to wear a "+getitemname(2338)+" at all times during the ceremony...";
+ emotion e_dots;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (sex == 0 && $@wed_veil && getequipid(1) != 2206) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Child, you can't take off your "+getitemname(2206)+" yet....";
+ emotion e_dots;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+//Subfunction: Resets wedding variables.
+function SF_wed_end {
+ set $wed_groom$,"";
+ set $wed_groom_sex, 0;
+ set $wed_bride$,"";
+ set $wed_bride_sex, 0;
+ set $wed_groom_progress,0;
+ set $wed_bride_progress,0;
+ set $wed_progress,0;
+ set $wedding_effect_id,0;
+ if ($wed_groom_progress==6) {
+ SF_wed_end();
+ }
+ end;
+//Registration & Status
+prt_church,106,99,3 script Happy Marry 67,{
+ set @name$,"Marry";
+ if (getpartnerid() > 0) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Isn't marriage beautiful?";
+ close;
+ }
+ function SF_WedProgress;
+ function SF_Principles;
+ function SF_Procedure;
+ function SF_Register;
+ function SF_TryRegister;
+ if ($wed_progress) {
+ SF_WedProgress();
+ end;
+ }
+ do {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Marriage... is such a beautiful thing.";
+ mes "Would you like to get married with someone?";
+ next;
+ set @menu, select(
+ "I'll be single forever!",
+ "Explain the principles of marriage.",
+ "Explain the marriage procedure.",
+ "I want to get married with someone."
+ );
+ switch (@menu) {
+ case 1: //Quit
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "In that case, enjoy your bachelor's life.";
+ close;
+ case 2: //Principles
+ SF_Principles();
+ break;
+ case 3: //Procedure
+ SF_Procedure();
+ break;
+ case 4: //Register
+ SF_Register();
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (@menu > 1);
+ end;
+function SF_Register {
+ if ($@wed_allow) { //Role select
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Very well, whom would you like to register as?";
+ next;
+ set @submenu, select("Groom","Bride","Cancel");
+ } else if (sex) { //Groom
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Very well, will you register as the Groom?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Yes","I've changed my mind.")==1)
+ set @submenu, 1;
+ else
+ set @submenu, 3;
+ } else { //Bride
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Very well, will you register as the Bride?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Yes","I've changed my mind.")==1)
+ set @submenu, 2;
+ else
+ set @submenu, 3;
+ }
+ switch (@submenu) {
+ case 1: //Groom
+ SF_TryRegister(0);
+ set $wed_progress,1;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You are now registered as the groom.";
+ mes "Tell your bride to register as soon as possible.";
+ emotion e_hmm;
+ initnpctimer;
+ close;
+ case 2: //Bride
+ SF_TryRegister(1);
+ set $wed_progress,1;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You are now registered as the bride.";
+ mes "Tell your groom to register as soon as possible.";
+ emotion e_hmm;
+ initnpctimer;
+ close;
+ default: //Cancel
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Come back when you are ready.";
+ close;
+ }
+function SF_WedProgress {
+ if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_groom$) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ if ($wed_bride_progress > 0)
+ mes "The Priest will handle the rest of the ceremony.";
+ else
+ mes "Tell your bride to register, what is taking so long? Time is running out.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (strcharinfo(0) == $wed_bride$) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ if ($wed_groom_progress > 0)
+ mes "The Priest will handle the rest of the ceremony.";
+ else
+ mes "Tell your groom to register, what is taking so long? Time is running out.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (($wed_groom_progress == 0) && (sex == 1 || $@wed_allow == 1)) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes $wed_bride$+" is waiting for the groom to register. Are you the one who came to register as groom?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Yes, I am.","Sorry, you got the wrong person.") == 1) {
+ SF_TryRegister(0);
+ stopnpctimer;
+ set $wed_groom_progress,1;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Very well, now go to the Priest to reaffirm your vows and the ceremony will begin.";
+ emotion e_no1;
+ close2;
+ npctalk "Registration finished. "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+", please reaffirm your vows with the Priest.";
+ emotion e_no1;
+ end;
+ } else {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I see. Sorry to have bothered you then.";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($wed_bride_progress == 0) && (sex == 0 || $@wed_allow == 1)) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes $wed_groom$+" is waiting for the bride to register. Are you the one who came to register as the bride?";
+ next;
+ if(select("Yes, I am.","Sorry, you got the wrong person.") == 1) {
+ SF_TryRegister(1);
+ stopnpctimer;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Very well, now go to the Priest to reaffirm your vows and the ceremony will begin.";
+ emotion e_no1;
+ close2;
+ npctalk "Registration finished. "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+", please reaffirm your vows with the Priest.";
+ emotion e_no1;
+ end;
+ } else {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I see. Sorry to have bothered you then.";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "There is a wedding in progress.";
+ mes "Would you like to know the progress of said wedding?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Yes","No") != 1) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Enjoy the wedding.";
+ close;
+ }
+ //Display Progress
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ switch ($wed_groom_progress) {
+ case 0:
+ mes "The groom has not registered yet.";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ mes "The groom, "+$wed_groom$+", has yet to accept the bride.";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mes "The groom, "+$wed_groom$+", is waiting for the bride's acceptance.";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ mes "The groom, "+$wed_groom$+", has yet to retrieve the ring.";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ mes "The groom, "+$wed_groom$+", is waiting for the bride to retrieve the ring.";
+ break;
+ }
+ switch ($wed_bride_progress) {
+ case 0:
+ mes "The bride has not registered yet.";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ mes "The bride, "+$wed_bride$+", has yet to confirm the groom.";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mes "The bride, "+$wed_bride$+", is waiting for the groom's acceptance.";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ mes "The bride, "+$wed_bride$+", has yet to retrieve the ring.";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ mes "The bride, "+$wed_bride$+", is waiting for the groom to retrieve the ring.";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ mes "We are just waiting for both "+$wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+" to be together to marry them.";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ mes $wed_groom$+" and "+$wed_bride$+"'s wedding ceremony is already well on it's way.";
+ break;
+ }
+ mes "Enjoy the remaining of the wedding.";
+ close;
+ if ($wed_groom_progress + $wed_bride_progress == 1)
+ initnpctimer;
+ end;
+ //Registration failed.
+ if ($wed_bride_progress == 1)
+ set $@msg$, $wed_bride$;
+ else
+ set $@msg$, $wed_groom$;
+ npctalk "Registration timed out. Is it that noone wants to marry "+$@msg$+"..?";
+ emotion e_hmm;
+ set $wed_groom$,"";
+ set $wed_groom_sex, 0;
+ set $wed_bride$,"";
+ set $wed_bride_sex, 0;
+ set $wed_groom_progress,0;
+ set $wed_bride_progress,0;
+ set $wed_progress,0;
+ stopnpctimer;
+ end;
+//Subfunction SF_TryRegister (int bride)
+function SF_TryRegister {
+ set @bride, getarg(0);
+ set @type$, "groom";
+ if (@bride)
+ set @type$, "bride";
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Before registering as "+@type$+", let me check if you meet all the requirements...";
+ next;
+ if (Upper == 2) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Oh dear, you are too young to be thinking of marriage!";
+ emotion e_gasp;
+ close;
+ }
+ if (sex)
+ set @item, 7170;
+ else
+ set @item, 2338;
+ if (getequipid(2) != @item) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You should be wearing a "+getitemname(@item)+" if you want to get married.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (sex == 0 && $@wed_veil && getequipid(1) != 2206) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Where is your "+getitemname(2206)+"? It's a necessary complement to your dress.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if ($@wed_ring && countitem($@wed_ring) < 1) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Where's the ring? You need a "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+" for the ring exchange, dear.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (@bride)
+ set @cost, $@wed_bride_reg;
+ else
+ set @cost, $@wed_groom_reg;
+ if (Zeny < @cost) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I am sorry, but you don't have enough to pay for the registration fee.";
+ mes "Come back once you have collected "+@cost+"z.";
+ close;
+ }
+ set Zeny,Zeny-@cost;
+ sc_start SC_Wedding,3600000000,1; //Start Wedding Effect (SC_WEDDING)
+ if (@bride) {
+ set $wed_bride_progress,1;
+ set $wed_bride$,strcharinfo(0);
+ set $wed_bride_sex, sex;
+ if ($@wedding_effect == 1) //Store account id for effect.
+ set $wedding_effect_id, getcharid(3);
+ } else {
+ set $wed_groom_progress,1;
+ set $wed_groom$,strcharinfo(0);
+ set $wed_groom_sex, sex;
+ if ($@wedding_effect == 2) //Store account id for effect.
+ set $wedding_effect_id, getcharid(3);
+ }
+//Explain wedding principles...
+function SF_Principles {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Weddings are performed by our local Priest with the intent of promoting love and peace among the loving couples.";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "The proposal must be done with prudence and courtesy, once the wedlocks have been made, they cannot be undone.";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "The two who have been joined by marriage must remain together forever until the day death do them apart.";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ if ($@wed_allow == 1)
+ mes "Altough normally only males can wed females (and viceversa), our local Priest is more open-minded than that and he permits all pairings regardless of gender.";
+ else
+ mes "Males may only wed with females, and females only with males, the church will not consent any other kind of partnerships.";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "If there is a significant other with whom you want to spend the rest of your life with, then don't be shy to propose.";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I wish for many blessings upon couples who wish to live happily ever after...";
+ next;
+//Explain the wedding procedure...
+function SF_Procedure {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "First of all, both groom and bride must register with me.";
+ next;
+ if ($@wed_allow == 1) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "The registration requirements are:";
+ mes "- Males must be wearing a "+getitemname(7170)+".";
+ mes "- Females must be wearing a "+getitemname(2338)+".";
+ if ($@wed_veil) mes "- Females must also wear a "+getitemname(2206)+".";
+ if ($@wed_ring) mes "- Both must own a "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+" each.";
+ if ($@wed_groom_reg > 0) mes "- The registration fee for the groom is "+$@wed_groom_reg+"z.";
+ if ($@wed_bride_reg > 0) mes "- The registration fee for the bride is "+$@wed_bride_reg+"z.";
+ } else {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "The registration requirements for the groom are:";
+ mes "- To be wearing a "+getitemname(7170)+".";
+ if ($@wed_ring) mes "- To own a "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+".";
+ if ($@wed_groom_reg > 0) mes "- Pay a Registration fee of "+$@wed_groom_reg+"z.";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "The registration requirements for the bride are:";
+ mes "- To be wearing a "+getitemname(2338)+".";
+ if ($@wed_veil) mes "- To be wearing a "+getitemname(2206)+".";
+ if ($@wed_ring) mes "- To own a "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+".";
+ if ($@wed_bride_reg > 0) mes "- Pay a Registration fee of "+$@wed_bride_reg+"z.";
+ }
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I shouldn't need to mention this, but adopted kids are too young to get married.";
+ mes "Both groom and bride must register within a minute of each other, or the wedding will be cancelled. So be sure you both are ready and meet the registration requirements beforehand.";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "After both have registered with me, you have to go pledge your vows to the Priest and accept your registered partner. If for some reason you reject your registered partner, the wedding will be cancelled...";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "If you both accept each other, then the wedding has been decided and the ceremony will begin.";
+ if ($@wed_ring) {
+ mes "But first, you need to get your rings ready.";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Talk to the priest once more, and he will exchange your "+getitemname($@wed_ring)+" for a wedding ring. After you both have claimed the rings for exchanging, the ceremony will begin.";
+ }
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "If there are various couples who desire to marry, you should keep in order, for the Priest can only handle one wedding at a time.";
+ next;
+prt_church,94,99,4 script Sister Lisa 79,{
+ set @name$,"Lisa";
+ function SF_DivorceEnd;
+ function SF_InProgress;
+ if ($@divorce_progress==1) {
+ goto SF_InProgress;
+ end;
+ }
+ do {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Divorcing can be such a sad event...";
+ if (getpartnerid() == 0) {
+ mes "People shouldn't make shallow vows to others, don't you think?";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "You wouldn't want to divorce, by any chance?";
+ next;
+ set @menu, select(
+ "I am happy as I am, thank you.",
+ "Explain the divorce.",
+ "Explain Requirements.",
+ "I want to divorce."
+ );
+ switch (@menu) {
+ case 1:
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Good to hear.";
+ close;
+ case 2: //Explanation
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Even though it is said that once the wedlocks have been made they cannot be undone, sometimes it is necessary to undo our mistakes from the past..";
+ next;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "It is sad, but true. If you happen to have married the wrong person, it is possible to divorce, rather than spend the rest of your life with the wrong one.";
+ next;
+ break;
+ case 3: //Requirement
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "In order to file for divorce, I need you both to agree to it.";
+ mes "After you file in for divorce, your spouse has one minute to agree, and then you will both be divorced.";
+ if ($@wed_divorce_fee > 0) mes "The fee is of "+$@wed_divorce_fee+"z and is paid by the person who confirms the divorce, so plan ahead of time how you will divide the costs.";
+ next;
+ break;
+ case 4: //Divorce
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You should not regret the choices you've made in life.";
+ mes "Are you positively sure about getting divorced?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Wait... I need to think about it.","Absolutely") != 2) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "You should think this through.";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ set $@divorcee,getpartnerid();
+ set $@divorcer$,strcharinfo(0);
+ set $@divorce_progress,1;
+ initnpctimer;
+ mes "Very well, get your partner to confirm, and I will collect the fee for filing the divorce then.";
+ close;
+ }
+ } while (@menu > 1);
+function SF_InProgress {
+ if (strcharinfo(0) == $@divorcer$) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "...I am still waiting for your partner to confirm the divorce procedure.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (getcharid(0) != $@divorcee) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I am in the progress of divorcing "+$@divorcer$+".";
+ mes "Do you know who the spouse is?";
+ close;
+ }
+ //Confirm...
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes $@divorcer$+" has asked to divorce you. If you accept, and have the fee of "+$@wed_divorce_fee+"z at hand, I will proceed to divorce you two.";
+ mes "So, should I proceed with the divorce?";
+ next;
+ if (select("I don't want to divorce....","Yes, we have agreed to this.")!=2) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "I hope you can work things out.";
+ emotion e_pat;
+ goto SF_DivorceEnd;
+ close;
+ }
+ if (Zeny < $@wed_divorce_fee) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Well, I can't file your divorce because you don't have enough for the fee. Get your partner to lend you some?";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (!(divorce())) {
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Where has "+$@divorcer$+" gone to? I can't divorce you unless you both are here...";
+ emotion e_swt2;
+ close;
+ }
+ set Zeny,Zeny-$@wed_divorce_fee;
+ announce $@divorcer$+" has just divorced "+strcharinfo(0)+"...", 8;
+ mes "["+@name$+"]";
+ mes "Your divorce has been filed. You are no longer wed.";
+ emotion e_sob;
+ goto SF_DivorceEnd;
+ close;
+function SF_DivorceEnd {
+ stopnpctimer;
+ set $@divorce_progress,0;
+ set $@divorcee,0;
+ set $@divorcer$,"";
+ npctalk "Divorce confirmation time's is up. Where did "+$@divorcer$+"'s spouse go...";
+ emotion e_what;
+ SF_DivorceEnd();
+ end;
diff --git a/npc/custom/etc/p_track.txt b/npc/custom/etc/p_track.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 87794ac28..000000000
--- a/npc/custom/etc/p_track.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-//===== rAthena Script =======================================
-//= Poring Track Main NPCs
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= erKURITA
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.3
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= rAthena SVN
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//= Poring Track core NPCs and warpers.
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//= 1.2 Removed Duplicates [Silent]
-//= 1.3 Merged and cleaned. [Euphy]
-hugel,58,72,5 script Yan#track1 86,{
- callfunc "P_TrackEnt","[Yan]","p_track01";
- end;
-hugel,62,68,1 script Yalmire#track1 86,{
- callfunc "P_TrackEnt","[Yalmire]","p_track02";
- end;
-function script P_TrackEnt {
- mes getarg(0);
- mes "Hi "+strcharinfo(0)+", welcome to the Poring Track!";
- next;
- switch(select("Information:I want to try it!:Not today.")) {
- case 1:
- mes getarg(0);
- mes "Well... it's quite fun, that's all I can say. Try it!";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes getarg(0);
- mes "The entrance fee is 500z. would you like to go in?";
- next;
- if(select("Yes, please!:No thanks.")==2) {
- mes getarg(0);
- mes "You're missing out!";
- close; }
- mes getarg(0);
- if (Zeny < 500) {
- mes "You can't enter without paying."; close; }
- mes "Here we go!";
- close2;
- set Zeny, Zeny-500;
- warp getarg(1),75,41;
- end;
- case 3:
- mes getarg(0);
- mes "See you later!";
- close;
- }
-p_track01,76,36,2 script Yan#track2 86,{ end; }
-p_track01,41,57,5 script Lady#track1::P_track 845,{ end; }
-p_track01,67,34,6 script Erudite::P_Spectator1 107,{ end; }
-p_track01,44,49,3 script Edward 881,{ end; }
-p_track01,27,47,3 script Yuri#P_track 853,{ end; }
-p_track02,76,36,2 script Yalmire#track2 86,{ end; }
-p_track02,30,45,3 script Nagya 755,{ end; }
-p_track02,42,49,3 script Asgahrd 733,{ end; }
-p_track02,67,33,1 script Blacksmith#track1 726,{ end; }
-p_track02,41,57,5 duplicate(P_track) Lady#track2 845 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/custom/etc/wandering_poets.txt b/npc/custom/etc/wandering_poets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2451c5e8b..000000000
--- a/npc/custom/etc/wandering_poets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,712 +0,0 @@
-//===== rAthena Script =======================================
-//= Wandering Poets
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= MouseJstr
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 0.2a
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= rAthena SVN
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-ayothaya,58,134,5 script Louise Gluck 763,{
- mes "[Louise Gluck]";
- mes "What is the next line? ";
- close;
- npcwalkto 65,129;
- npctalk "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:";
- end;
- npcwalkto 71,131;
- npctalk "All mimsy were the bogoroves, And the mome raths outgrabe.";
- end;
- npcwalkto 75,127;
- npctalk "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, theh claws that catch!";
- end;
- npcwalkto 80,122;
- npctalk "Beware the Jubjub bird and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!";
- end;
- npcwalkto 82,118;
- npctalk "He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought-";
- end;
- npcwalkto 93,115;
- npctalk "So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood a while in thought.";
- end;
- npcwalkto 94,112;
- npctalk "And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,";
- end;
- npcwalkto 88,124;
- npctalk "Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!";
- end;
- npcwalkto 81,129;
- npctalk "One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!";
- end;
- npcwalkto 76,139;
- npctalk "He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back.";
- end;
- npcwalkto 67,138;
- npctalk "And hast though slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms beamish boy!";
- end;
- npcwalkto 59,144;
- npctalk "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! He chortled in his joy.";
- end;
- npcwalkto 55,124;
- npctalk "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:";
- end;
- npcwalkto 58,134;
- npctalk "All mimsy were the bogoroves, And the mome raths outgrabe.";
- setnpctimer 0;
- end;
- npcspeed 150;
- initnpctimer;
- end;
-ayothaya,212,276,0 script Romeo 50,{
- mes "[Romeo]";
- mes "What is the next line?";
- close;
- npctalk "He jests at scars that never felt a wound.";
- end;
- npctalk "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?";
- end;
- npctalk "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.";
- end;
- npctalk "Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,";
- end;
- npctalk "Who is already sick and pale with grief,";
- end;
- npctalk "That thou her maid art far more fair than she:";
- end;
- npctalk "Be not her maid, since she is envious;";
- end;
- npctalk "Her vestal livery is but sick and green";
- end;
- npctalk "And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.";
- end;
- npctalk "It is my lady, O, it is my love!";
- end;
- npctalk "O, that she knew she were!";
- end;
- npctalk "She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that?";
- end;
- npctalk "Her eye discourses; I will answer it.";
- end;
- npctalk "I am too bold, tis not to me she speaks:";
- end;
- npctalk "Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,";
- end;
- npctalk "Having some business, do entreat her eyes";
- end;
- npctalk "To twinkle in their spheres till they return.";
- end;
- npctalk "What if her eyes were there, they in her head?";
- end;
- npctalk "The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,";
- end;
- npctalk "As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven";
- end;
- npctalk "Would through the airy region stream so bright";
- end;
- npctalk "That birds would sing and think it were not night.";
- end;
- npctalk "See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!";
- end;
- npctalk "O, that I were a glove upon that hand,";
- end;
- npctalk "That I might touch that cheek!";
- end;
- npctalk "She speaks:";
- end;
- npctalk "O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art";
- end;
- npctalk "As glorious to this night, being oer my head";
- end;
- npctalk "As is a winged messenger of heaven";
- end;
- npctalk "Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes";
- end;
- npctalk "Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him";
- end;
- npctalk "When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds";
- end;
- npctalk "And sails upon the bosom of the air.";
- end;
- npctalk "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?";
- end;
- npctalk "I take thee at thy word:";
- end;
- npctalk "Call me but love, and Ill be new baptized;";
- end;
- npctalk "Henceforth I never will be Romeo.";
- end;
- npctalk "By a name";
- end;
- npctalk "I know not how to tell thee who I am:";
- end;
- npctalk "My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself,";
- end;
- npctalk "Because it is an enemy to thee;";
- end;
- npctalk "Had I it written, I would tear the word.";
- end;
- npctalk "Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike.";
- end;
- npctalk "With loves light wings did I oer-perch these walls;";
- end;
- npctalk "For stony limits cannot hold love out,";
- end;
- npctalk "And what love can do that dares love attempt;";
- end;
- npctalk "Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me.";
- end;
- npctalk "Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye";
- end;
- npctalk "Than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet,";
- end;
- npctalk "And I am proof against their enmity.";
- end;
- npctalk "I have nights cloak to hide me from their sight;";
- end;
- npctalk "And but thou love me, let them find me here:";
- end;
- npctalk "My life were better ended by their hate,";
- end;
- npctalk "Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.";
- end;
- npctalk "By love, who first did prompt me to inquire;";
- end;
- npctalk "He lent me counsel and I lent him eyes.";
- end;
- npctalk "I am no pilot; yet, wert thou as far";
- end;
- npctalk "As that vast shore washd with the farthest sea,";
- end;
- npctalk "I would adventure for such merchandise.";
- end;
- npctalk "Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear";
- end;
- npctalk "That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops--";
- end;
- npctalk "What shall I swear by?";
- end;
- npctalk "If my hearts dear love--";
- end;
- npctalk "O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?";
- end;
- npctalk "The exchange of thy loves faithful vow for mine.";
- end;
- npctalk "Wouldst thou withdraw it? for what purpose, love?";
- end;
- npctalk "O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard.";
- end;
- npctalk "Being in night, all this is but a dream,";
- end;
- npctalk "Too flattering-sweet to be substantial.";
- end;
- npctalk "So thrive my soul--";
- end;
- npctalk "A thousand times the worse, to want thy light.";
- end;
- npctalk "Love goes toward love, as schoolboys from";
- end;
- npctalk "their books,";
- end;
- npctalk "But love from love, toward school with heavy looks.";
- end;
- npctalk "It is my soul that calls upon my name:";
- end;
- npctalk "How silver-sweet sound lovers tongues by night,";
- end;
- npctalk "Like softest music to attending ears!";
- end;
- npctalk "My dear?";
- end;
- npctalk "At the hour of nine.";
- end;
- npctalk "Let me stand here till thou remember it.";
- end;
- npctalk "And Ill still stay, to have thee still forget,";
- end;
- npctalk "Forgetting any other home but this.";
- end;
- npctalk "I would I were thy bird.";
- end;
- npctalk "Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast!";
- end;
- npctalk "Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest!";
- end;
- npctalk "Hence will I to my ghostly fathers cell,";
- end;
- npctalk "His help to crave, and my dear hap to tell.";
- end;
- setnpctimer 0;
- end;
- npcspeed 150;
- initnpctimer;
- end;
-ayothaya,214,279,3 script Juliet 53,{
- mes "[Juliet]";
- mes "What is the next line? ";
- close;
- npctalk "Ay me!";
- end;
- npctalk "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?";
- end;
- npctalk "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;";
- end;
- npctalk "Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,";
- end;
- npctalk "And Ill no longer be a Capulet.";
- end;
- npctalk "Tis but thy name that is my enemy;";
- end;
- npctalk "Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.";
- end;
- npctalk "Whats Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,";
- end;
- npctalk "Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part";
- end;
- npctalk "Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!";
- end;
- npctalk "Whats in a name? that which we call a rose";
- end;
- npctalk "By any other name would smell as sweet;";
- end;
- npctalk "So Romeo would, were he not Romeo calld,";
- end;
- npctalk "Retain that dear perfection which he owes";
- end;
- npctalk "Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,";
- end;
- npctalk "And for that name which is no part of thee";
- end;
- npctalk "Take all myself.";
- end;
- npctalk "What man art thou that thus bescreend in night";
- end;
- npctalk "So stumblest on my counsel?";
- end;
- npctalk "My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words";
- end;
- npctalk "Of that tongues utterance, yet I know the sound:";
- end;
- npctalk "Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?";
- end;
- npctalk "How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?";
- end;
- npctalk "The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,";
- end;
- npctalk "And the place death, considering who thou art,";
- end;
- npctalk "If any of my kinsmen find thee here.";
- end;
- npctalk "If they do see thee, they will murder thee.";
- end;
- npctalk "I would not for the world they saw thee here.";
- end;
- npctalk "By whose direction foundst thou out this place?";
- end;
- npctalk "Thou knowst the mask of night is on my face,";
- end;
- npctalk "Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek";
- end;
- npctalk "For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night";
- end;
- npctalk "Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny";
- end;
- npctalk "What I have spoke: but farewell compliment!";
- end;
- npctalk "Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say Ay,";
- end;
- npctalk "And I will take thy word: yet if thou swearst,";
- end;
- npctalk "Thou mayst prove false; at lovers perjuries";
- end;
- npctalk "Then say, Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo,";
- end;
- npctalk "If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully:";
- end;
- npctalk "Or if thou thinkst I am too quickly won,";
- end;
- npctalk "Ill frown and be perverse an say thee nay,";
- end;
- npctalk "So thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world.";
- end;
- npctalk "In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond,";
- end;
- npctalk "And therefore thou mayst think my havior light:";
- end;
- npctalk "But trust me, gentleman, Ill prove more true";
- end;
- npctalk "Than those that have more cunning to be strange.";
- end;
- npctalk "I should have been more strange, I must confess,";
- end;
- npctalk "But that thou overheardst, ere I was ware,";
- end;
- npctalk "My true loves passion: therefore pardon me,";
- end;
- npctalk "And not impute this yielding to light love,";
- end;
- npctalk "Which the dark night hath so discovered.";
- end;
- npctalk "O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon,";
- end;
- npctalk "That monthly changes in her circled orb,";
- end;
- npctalk "Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.";
- end;
- npctalk "Do not swear at all;";
- end;
- npctalk "Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self,";
- end;
- npctalk "Which is the god of my idolatry,";
- end;
- npctalk "And Ill believe thee.";
- end;
- npctalk "Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee,";
- end;
- npctalk "I have no joy of this contract to-night:";
- end;
- npctalk "It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;";
- end;
- npctalk "Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be";
- end;
- npctalk "Ere one can say It lightens. Sweet, good night!";
- end;
- npctalk "This bud of love, by summers ripening breath,";
- end;
- npctalk "May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet.";
- end;
- npctalk "Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest";
- end;
- npctalk "Come to thy heart as that within my breast!";
- end;
- npctalk "What satisfaction canst thou have to-night?";
- end;
- npctalk "I gave thee mine before thou didst request it:";
- end;
- npctalk "And yet I would it were to give again.";
- end;
- npctalk "But to be frank, and give it thee again.";
- end;
- npctalk "And yet I wish but for the thing I have:";
- end;
- npctalk "My bounty is as boundless as the sea,";
- end;
- npctalk "My love as deep; the more I give to thee,";
- end;
- npctalk "The more I have, for both are infinite.";
- end;
- npctalk "I hear some noise within; dear love, adieu!";
- end;
- npctalk "Anon, good nurse! Sweet Montague, be true.";
- end;
- npctalk "Stay but a little, I will come again.";
- end;
- npctalk "Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed.";
- end;
- npctalk "If that thy bent of love be honourable,";
- end;
- npctalk "Thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow,";
- end;
- npctalk "By one that Ill procure to come to thee,";
- end;
- npctalk "Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite;";
- end;
- npctalk "And all my fortunes at thy foot Ill lay";
- end;
- npctalk "And follow thee my lord throughout the world.";
- end;
- npctalk "I come, anon.--But if thou meanst not well,";
- end;
- npctalk "I do beseech thee--";
- end;
- npctalk "By and by, I come:--";
- end;
- npctalk "To cease thy suit, and leave me to my grief:";
- end;
- npctalk "To-morrow will I send.";
- end;
- npctalk "A thousand times good night!";
- end;
- npctalk "Hist! Romeo, hist! O, for a falconers voice,";
- end;
- npctalk "To lure this tassel-gentle back again!";
- end;
- npctalk "Bondage is hoarse, and may not speak aloud;";
- end;
- npctalk "Else would I tear the cave where Echo lies,";
- end;
- npctalk "And make her airy tongue more hoarse than mine,";
- end;
- npctalk "With repetition of my Romeos name.";
- end;
- npctalk "Romeo!";
- end;
- npctalk "At what oclock to-morrow";
- end;
- npctalk "Shall I send to thee?";
- end;
- npctalk "I will not fail: tis twenty years till then.";
- end;
- npctalk "I have forgot why I did call thee back.";
- end;
- npctalk "I shall forget, to have thee still stand there,";
- end;
- npctalk "Remembering how I love thy company.";
- end;
- npctalk "Tis almost morning; I would have thee gone:";
- end;
- npctalk "And yet no further than a wantons bird;";
- end;
- npctalk "Who lets it hop a little from her hand,";
- end;
- npctalk "Like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves,";
- end;
- npctalk "And with a silk thread plucks it back again,";
- end;
- npctalk "So loving-jealous of his liberty.";
- end;
- npctalk "Sweet, so would I:";
- end;
- npctalk "Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.";
- end;
- npctalk "Good night, good night! parting is such";
- end;
- npctalk "sweet sorrow,";
- end;
- npctalk "That I shall say good night till it be morrow.";
- end;
- setnpctimer 0;
- end;
- npcspeed 150;
- initnpctimer;
- end;