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diff --git a/doc/script_commands.txt b/doc/script_commands.txt
index 0912cb556..9186ba714 100644
--- a/doc/script_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/script_commands.txt
@@ -578,6 +578,29 @@ Operators section described below. All operators listed there may be
placed in-front of the '=' sign when modifying variables to perform the
action as required.
+Increment and decrement operators are also provided, for your convenience.
+Pre-increment and pre-decrement operators:
+ ++@x; // same as @x = @x + 1
+ --@x; // same as @x = @x - 1
+Post-increment and post-decrement operators:
+ @x++; // similar to @x = @x + 1
+ @x--; // similar to @x = @x - 1
+The difference between pre- and post- increment/decrement operators is that,
+when used in an expression, the pre- ones will be executed before evaluating
+the expression, while the post- ones will be executed after. For example:
+ @x = 1;
+ @y = ++@x; // After this line is executed, both @y and @x will be 2
+ @x = 1;
+ @y = @x++; // After this line is executed, @y will be 1, @x will be 2
+Note: The pre-increment/pre-decrement operators are, by design, faster (or at
+least not slower) than their respective post- equivalent.
!! Currently the scripting engine does not support directly copying array
@@ -854,6 +877,74 @@ and are the following:
mentioning that ?: has low priority and has to be enclosed with
parenthesis in most (if not all) cases.
+Operator Precedence and Associativity
+Operator precedence and associativity work more or less like they do in
+mathematics. The rules can be summarized with the following table:
+Precedence | Description | Associativity
+1 (highest) | [] Array subscripting | None
+2 | ++ Increment | None
+ | -- Decrement |
+2 | - Unary minus | Right to left
+ | ! Logical NOT |
+ | ~ Bitwise NOT (One's Complement) |
+3 | * Multiplication | Left to right
+ | / Division |
+ | % Modulo (remainder) |
+4 | + Addition | Left to right
+ | - Subtraction |
+5 | << Bitwise left shift | Left to right
+ | >> Bitwise right shift |
+6 | < Less than | Left to right
+ | <= Less than or equal to |
+ | > Greater than |
+ | >= Greater than or equal to |
+7 | == Equal to | Left to right
+ | != Not equal to |
+8 | & Bitwise AND | Left to right
+9 | ^ Bitwise XOR (exclusive or) | Left to right
+10 | | Bitwise OR (inclusive or) | Left to right
+11 | && Logical AND | Left to right
+12 | || Logical OR | Left to right
+13 | ?: Ternary conditional | Right to left
+14 | = Direct assignment | Right to left
+(lowest) | += Assignment by sum |
+ | -= Assignment by difference |
+ | *= Assignment by product |
+ | /= Assignment by quotient |
+ | %= Assignment by remainder |
+ | <<= Assignment by bitwise left shift |
+ | >>= Assignment by bitwise right shift |
+ | &= Assignment by bitwise AND |
+ | ^= Assignment by bitwise XOR |
+ | |= Assignment by bitwise OR |
+Operator precedence means some operators are evaluated before others. For
+example, in 2 + 4 * 5 , the multiplication has higher precedence so 4 * 5 is
+evaluated first yielding 2 + 20 == 22 and not 6 * 5 == 30 .
+Operator associativity defines what happens if a sequence of the same
+operators is used one after another: whether the evaluator will evaluate the
+left operations first or the right. For example, in 8 - 4 - 2 , subtraction is
+left associative so the expression is evaluated left to right. 8 - 4 is
+evaluated first making the expression 4 - 2 == 2 and not 8 - 2 == 6 .