path: root/conf/battle/player.conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'conf/battle/player.conf')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/conf/battle/player.conf b/conf/battle/player.conf
index 436399469..03d51bbaf 100644
--- a/conf/battle/player.conf
+++ b/conf/battle/player.conf
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
// Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
+// Note 3: Value is a bit field.
// Players' maximum HP rate? (Default is 100)
@@ -148,3 +149,19 @@ min_npc_vendchat_distance: 3
// Changing snovice_call_type config to 1 enables its use at 0%, for maxed super novices.
// default: 0
snovice_call_type: 0
+// How the server should measure the character's idle time? (Note 3)
+// 0x001 - Walk Request
+// 0x002 - UseSkillToID Request ( targetted skill use attempt )
+// 0x004 - UseSkillToPos Request ( aoe skill use attempt )
+// 0x008 - UseItem Request ( including equip/unequip )
+// 0x010 - Attack Request
+// 0x020 - Chat Request ( whisper, party, guild, bg, etca )
+// 0x040 - Sit/Standup Request
+// 0x080 - Emotion Request
+// 0x100 - DropItem Request
+// 0x200 - @/#Command Request
+// Please note that at least 1 option has to be enabled.
+// Be mindful that the more options used, the easier it becomes to cheat features that rely on idletime (e.g. checkidle()).
+// Default: walk ( 0x1 ) + useskilltoid ( 0x2 ) + useskilltopos ( 0x4 ) + useitem ( 0x8 ) + attack ( 0x10 ) = 0x25
+idletime_criteria: 0x1F