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diff --git a/conf-tmpl/GM_account.txt b/conf-tmpl/GM_account.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ea41ab682..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/GM_account.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -// eAthena's GM Accounts File -// Edited by MC Cameri to enable account id ranges -// Changing this file while login server is running -// Usage #1(Standard): <account id> <level> -// Usage #2(Range): <beginning of range[-:~]end of range> <level> -// Examples: -// 2000002 99 -// 2000003-2000005 99 -// 2000003~2000005 99 -// 704585 30 - -704554-704584 99 diff --git a/conf-tmpl/atcommand_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/atcommand_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 4ba317603..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/atcommand_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,688 +0,0 @@ -// Athena atcommand Configuration file. -// Translated by Peter Kieser <pfak@telus.net> - -// Set here the symbol that you want to use for your commands -// Only 1 character is get (default is character_savecharacter_save'@'). You can set any character, -// except control-character (0x00-0x1f), '%' (party chat speaking) and '/' (standard ragnarok GM commands) -// With default character, all commands begin by a '@': <example> @revive -command_symbol: @ - - -// Sets the level of the users that can use the GM commands. -// <command name>: level -// When battle_athena.conf has atcommand_gm_only set to no, -// normal players (gm level 0) can use GM commands if you set 0 to the command level. -// Max GM level is 99. If you want forbid a command to all people, set it with level 100. - -// Default values are set to define different GM levels like follow: -// 0: normal player -// -> no special advantage (only @time to know time and if at_command_gm_only is disabled) -// 1: Super player -// -> some (very) little advantages: storage, petrename, etc... -// 10: Super player+ -// -> same of Super player with !go (very super player) -// 20: Mediator -// -> it's a GM that only need to know people, and move to their to speak with them (they can access to any command about wisps) -// 40: Sub-GM -// -> This GM can help a GM, and can not create item or zeny or modify a character (can have some information commands) -// 50: Sub-GM+ -// -> This GM can change some non-important things on a character -// 60: GM -// -> can do almost anything (excep administration, and mass commands) -// GM is the first level where we can modify a character with important value, create items or create zenys -// 80: GM Chief -// -> can do anything, except administration commands -// 99: Administrator -// -> can do anything! -// 100: Disabled -// -> Commands that aren't used - - -//-------------------------- -// 0: normal player commands - -// Give server time. (6 same commands) -uptime: 0 -time: 0 -date: 0 -server_date: 0 -serverdate: 0 -server_time: 0 -servertime: 0 - -// Show Monster info (rates, stats, drops, MVP stuff) -mobinfo: 0 -monsterinfo: 0 -mi: 0 - -// Display your ignore list (people from which you ignore wisps) -ignorelist: 0 - -// To change your (own) email (characters protection) -// note: this command doesn't check email itself, but check structure of the email (xxx@xxx) -// if you want be sure of each e-mail disable this option (value: 100) -email: 0 - -//------------------------- -// 1: Super player commands - -// Suicide your character. -die: 1 - -// Enables you to rename your pet. -petrename: 1 - -party: 1 - -// Brings up your personal storage wherever you are. -storage: 1 - -// Locate someone on a map, returns your coordinates if the person isn't on. -where: 1 - - -//--------------------------- -// 10: Super player+ commands - -// Spawns you to set points in major cities. -go: 10 -autoloot: 10 - - -//---------------------- -// 20: Mediator commands - -// Displays helpfile in Athena base directory (2 same commands). -help: 20 -h: 20 - -// Warp yourself to a person (3 same commands + /shift). -jumpto: 20 -goto: 20 -warpto: 20 - -// Warp yourself to a person by PID (similar to above, cept you us the PID) -jumptoid: 20 -jumptoid2: 20 -gotoid: 20 -gotoid2: 20 -warptoid: 20 -warptoid2: 20 - -// follow a player (including warping to them) -follow: 20 - -// Disconnects a user from the server (1 command + right click menu for GM "(name) force to quit"). -kick: 20 - -// Disconnects a user from the server using their PID. -kickid: 20 -kickid2: 20 - -// Changes your apperance. -model: 20 - -// To get a peco to (un)ride -mountpeco: 20 - -// Returns list of logged in characters with their position (2 same commands). -who: 20 -whois: 20 - -// Returns list of logged in characters with their job. -who2: 20 - -// Returns list of logged in characters with their party/guild. -who3: 20 - -// Returns list of logged in characters with their position in a specifical map. -whomap: 20 - -// Returns list of logged in characters with their job in a specifical map. -whomap2: 20 - -// Returns list of logged in characters with their party/guild in a specifical map. -whomap3: 20 - -// Like @who+@who2+who3, but only for GM. -whogm: 20 - -// Change your appearence to other players to a mob. -disguise: 20 - -//Restore your normal appearance. -undisguise: 20 - -// Display ignore list of a player (people from which the player ignore wisps) -charignorelist: 20 - -// Enable all wispers for a player -inall: 20 - -// Disable all wispers for a player -exall: 20 - - -//-------------------- -// 40: Sub-GM commands - -// Broadcast to the whole server. Using (1 command + /nb, /b). -broadcast: 40 - -// Broadcast to the map you are on (1 command + /lb, /nlb). -localbroadcast: 40 - -// Broadcast (with or without name). -kami: 40 -kamib: 40 - -// Enables you to go to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates. (@mapmove + /mm or /mapmove) -mapmove: 40 - -// Enables GVG on a map (2 same commands). -gvgon: 40 -gpvpon: 40 - -// Turns GVG (Guild v. Guild) off on a map (2 same commands). -gvgoff: 40 -gpvpoff: 40 - -// Heals a person to full HP/SP. -heal: 40 - -// GM Hide (enables you to be invisible to characters, and most monsters) (1 command + /hide). -hide: 40 - -// Changes your job to one you specify (2 same commands). -job: 40 -jobchange: 40 - -// Enables you to to jump randomly on a map (that you are already on). -jump: 40 - -// Warps you to your last save point (2 same commands). -return: 40 -load: 40 - -// Enables lost skills. -lostskill: 40 - -// Saves a warp point. -memo: 40 - -// Set your character display options. (Visual effects of your character) -option: 40 - -//Makes an egg -makeegg: 40 - -//Hatches an egg -hatch: 40 - -// Sets the level of intemecy of your pet. -petfriendly: 40 - -// Sets hunger level of your pet. -pethungry: 40 - -// Turns PVP (Person v. Person) off on a map. -pvpoff: 40 - -// Enables PVP on a map. -pvpon: 40 - -// Enables platinum skills. -questskill: 40 - -// Sets the speed you can walk/attack at. Default is 150. -speed: 40 - -// Enables spirit sphere balls. -spiritball: 40 - -// Warp yourself to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates (2 same commands). -rura: 40 -warp: 40 - -// Changes GM clothes color (2 same commands) -dye: 40 -ccolor: 40 - -// Changes GM hair style (2 same commands) -hairstyle: 40 -hstyle: 40 - -// Changes GM hair color (2 same commands) -haircolor: 40 -hcolor: 40 - -// Deletes all your items. -itemreset: 40 - -// Kill all monsters in map (without drops) -killmonster2: 40 - -// Sets your spawn point (aka save point). -save: 40 - -// Do some visual effect on your character -effect: 40 - -// Display all items of a player's cart -charcartlist: 40 - -// drop all your items -dropall: 40 - -// store all your items -storeall: 40 - -// allow other players to hit you out of pvp -killable: 40 - -// look up a skill by name -skillid: 40 - -// use a skill by id -useskill: 40 - -// What skills are required to get this skill -skilltree: 40 - -// Marriage skills -marry: 40 -divorce: 40 -rings: 40 - -// make another player killable -charkillable: 40 - -// Same as above, cept uses PID. -charkillableid: 40 -charkillableid2: 40 - -// Play a Sound! -sound: 40 - -//--------------------- -// 50: Sub-GM+ commands - -// Changes character's model -charmodel: 50 - -guild: 50 - -// Brings up your guild storage wherever you are. -gstorage: 50 - -// Spawns a monster, and a certain amount (3 same commands + /monster). -spawn: 50 -monster: 50 -summon: 50 - -// Spawns a monster with parameters not in same order of @spawn. -monster2: 50 - -// To get a peco to (un)ride for another player. -charmountpeco: 50 - -// ?? -monstersmall: 50 - -// ?? -monsterbig: 50 - -//---------------- -// 60: GM commands - -// Starts Guild Wars -agitstart: 60 - -// Ends Guild Wars -agitend: 60 - -// Resurects yourself. -alive: 60 - -// Levels your character to specified level (adds to your level) (3 same commands). -lvup: 60 -baselvlup: 60 -blevel: 60 - -// Raises your job level (3 same commands). -joblvup: 60 -joblvlup: 60 -jlevel: 60 - -// Sets another persons base level. -charbaselvl: 60 - -// Changes the sex of an online player (all characters on the account) -charchangesex: 60 -changesex: 60 - -// Remove items from a character -chardelitem: 60 - -// Sets another persons job level. -charjlvl: 60 - - -// Gives another character status points -charstpoint: 60 - -// Gives another character skill points -charskpoint: 60 - -// Resets another character's stats -charreset: 60 - -// Resets another character's status, skills -charstreset: 60 -charskreset: 60 - -// Saves the respawn point of another character. -charsave: 60 - -// Levels your guild to specified level (2 same commands). -guildlvup: 60 -guildlvlup: 60 - -idsearch: 60 - -// Creates an item of your choosing, either Item ID or Name (1 command + /item). -item: 60 - -// Creates a complet item (card, etc...) of your choosing, either Item ID or Name. -item2: 60 - -// ?? -itemcheck: 60 - -// Kill another character without hitting them. -kill: 60 - -// Same as above, cept uses PID. -killid: 60 -killid2: 60 - -// Kill all monsters in map (with drops) -killmonster: 60 - -// Creates yourself a pet egg, have to use Pet ID. -makeegg: 60 - -// Instantly kills player whose name is entered and deals insane damage to everything around. -// Disabled for now -//nuke: 60 - -// Enable hitting a player even when not in pvp -killer: 60 - -// Creates weapon of desired element. -produce: 60 - -// Warps a character to you (1 command + /recall). -recall: 60 - -// Warps a character to you using their PID. -recallid: 60 -recallid2: 60 - -// Refines all weapons in your items list. -refine: 60 - -// Will repair all broken items in inventory. -repairall: 60 - -// Revives a character, and heals them. -revive: 60 - -// Same as above, cept uses PID. -reviveid: 60 -reviveid2: 60 - -// Warp another person to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates (2 same commands). -rura+: 60 -charwarp: 60 - -// Change Status of your character -str: 60 -agi: 60 -vit: 60 -int: 60 -dex: 60 -luk: 60 - -// Gets all skills (4 same commands) -allskill: 60 -allskills: 60 -skillall: 60 -skillsall: 60 - -// sets GM stats to maximum (4 same commands) -statall: 60 -statsall: 60 -allstats: 60 -allstat: 60 - -// Gives you job points. -stpoint: 60 - -// Gives you skill points of desired amount. -skpoint: 60 - -// Warps all online character of a guild to you. (at least one member of that guild must be on.) -guildrecall: 60 - -// Warps all online character of a party to you. (at least one party member must be online.) -partyrecall: 60 - -// Allows you to spy on any Guilds Guild chat. (at least one member of that guild must be on.) -guildspy: 60 - -//Allows you to spy on any party's party chat. (at least one party member must be online.) -partyspy: 60 - -// Gives you money (zeny) of desired amount. -zeny: 60 - -// To block definitively a player (only administrator can unblock the account) (2 same commands) -block: 60 -charblock: 60 - -// To unblock a player (2 same commands) -unblock: 60 -charunblock: 60 - -// To ban a player for a limited time (only administrator can unban the account) (4 same commands) -ban: 60 -banish: 60 -charban: 60 -charbanish: 60 - -// To unban a player (4 same commands) -unban: 60 -unbanish: 60 -charunban: 60 -charunbanish: 60 - -// To send specified character in jails -jail: 60 - -// To discharge a prisoner (2 same commands) -unjail: 60 -discharge: 60 - -// To change disguise of another player/GM -chardisguise: 60 -charundisguise: 60 - -// Enables platinum skills of another player. -charquestskill: 60 - -// Enables lost skills of another player. -charlostskill: 60 - -// turn on and off skills on a map -skillon: 60 -skilloff: 60 - -// Create a static warp portal that lasts until the next reboot -addwarp: 60 - -// drop a players possessions on the gruond -chardropall: 60 - -// put a players possessions in storage -charstoreall: 60 - -//---------------------- -// 80: GM Chief commands - -// Set the map you are on to day. -day: 80 - -// Kills everyone on the server. -doom: 80 - -// Kills everyone on the map you are on. -doommap: 80 - -// Set the map you are currently on to night. -night: 80 - -// Recalls Everyone To Your Coordinates -recallall: 80 - -// Revives all players on the map. -raisemap: 80 - -// Revives all players on the server. -raise: 80 - -// Enables a NPC. -enablenpc: 80 - -// Disables a NPC. -disablenpc: 80 - -// Hides a NPC. -hidenpc: 80 - -// Move a NPC -npcmove: 80 - -// turn skills on for a map -skillon: 80 - -// turn skills off for a map -skilloff: 80 - -// Unmute a player -unmute: 60 - -//--------------------------- -// 99: Administrator commands - -// Disconnect all users from the server -kickall: 99 - -// Closes Map-Server -mapexit: 99 - -// Give information about terrain/area (debug function) -gat: 99 - -// Enables debugging -packet: 99 - -// Shows information about the map -mapinfo: 99 - -// Re-load item database (admin command) -reloaditemdb: 99 - -// Re-load monsters database (admin command) -reloadmobdb: 99 - -// Re-load skills database (admin command) -reloadskilldb: 99 - -// Re-load scripts (admin command) -reloadscript: 99 - -// Re-load GM level (admin command) -reloadgmdb: 99 - -// change a battle_config flag without rebooting server -setbattleflag: 99 - -// Refresh only status of players - SQL Only -refreshonline: 99 - -// Re-load gm command config (admin command) -reloadatcommand: 99 - -// Re-load battle config (admin command) -reloadbattleconf: 99 - -// Re-load status database (admin command) -reloadstatusdb: 99 - -// Re-load player info database (admin command) -reloadpcdb: 99 - -// [Un]Disguise All Players -disguiseall: 99 -undisguiseall: 99 - -//--------------------------------------------------------------- -// 99: Weather effects - -rain: 99 - -snow: 99 - -fog: 99 - -sakura: 99 - -leaves:99 - -// Stop all weather effects -clearweather: 99 - -//--------------------------------------------------------------- -// 0: Mail System - SQL Only commands - Must be enabled - -// Check # of messages. -checkmail: 1 - -// List all messages. -listmail: 1 - -// List only new mail. -listnewmail: 1 - -// Read a message. -readmail: 1 - -// Send mail. -sendmail: 1 - -// Send priority mail (tagged with Priority and cannot be deleted until read) -sendprioritymail: 80 - -// Delete a message. -deletemail: 0 - -//--------------------------------------------------------------- -// 100: Disabled commands -gm: 100 - - -//--------------------- -// OTHER: not a command - -import: conf/import/atcommand_conf.txt diff --git a/conf-tmpl/battle_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/battle_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 789346b59..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/battle_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,830 +0,0 @@ -// ______ __ __ -// /\ _ \/\ \__/\ \ -// __\ \ \L\ \ \ ,_\ \ \___ __ ___ __ -// /'__`\ \ __ \ \ \/\ \ _ `\ /'__`\/' _ `\ /'__`\ -///\ __/\ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \/\ __//\ \/\ \/\ \L\.\_ -//\ \____\\ \_\ \_\ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\ -// \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/__/ \/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/ -// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -// / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ -//( e | n | g | l | i | s | h ) ( A | t | h | e | n | a ) -// \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ -// -//-------------------------------------------------------------- -// eAthena Battle Configuration File -// Made in to plainer english by Ancyker -//-------------------------------------------------------------- -//Note 1: Directives can be set using on/off, yes/no or 1/0. -//Note 2: All rates are in percents, 100 would mean 100%, 200 -// would mean 200%, etc -// Other Information: -// 1000 miliseconds is 1 second. -//-------------------------------------------------------------- - -// Do you want to debug warp points? If set to yes, warp points will appear as flags.(Note 1) -warp_point_debug: no - -// When calculating critical, should we take in to account the enimies luck? (Note 1) -enemy_critical: yes - -// Enemy's Critical Rate (Note 2) -enemy_critical_rate: 100 - -// Are enemy attacks effected by their strength? (Note 1) -enemy_str: yes - -// Can enemies have perfect flee? (Note 1) -enemy_perfect_flee: no - -// The rate of time it takes to cast a spell (Note 2, 0 = No casting time) -casting_rate: 100 - -// Delay time after casting (Note 2) -delay_rate: 100 - -// Is the delay time is dependent on the caster's DEX? (Note 1) -// Note: On Official servers Dex does NOT affect delay time -delay_dependon_dex: no - -// Minimum allowed delay for ANY skills after casting (in miliseconds) (Note 1) -// Note: Setting this to anything above 0 can stop speedhacks. -min_skill_delay_limit: 100 - -// At what dex does the cast time become zero (instacast) -castrate_dex_scale: 150 - -// Is 'Skills add a delay before you can attack' enabled? (Note 1) -skill_delay_attack_enable: yes - -// Whether or not cards and attributes in the left hand are enabled (Note 1) -left_cardfix_to_right: yes - -// Increase player's attack range (in cells) -player_skill_add_range: 0 - -// If the target moves out of range while casting, do we take the items and SP for the skill anyway? (Note 1) -skill_out_range_consume: no - -// Increase Monsters attack range -monster_skill_add_range: 0 - -// If a player is attacked, will they have a delay in being able to move? (Note 1) -// (Setting to no will be like always endure) -player_damage_delay: yes - -// Damaged delay rate (Note 2) -player_damage_delay_rate: 100 - -// Is a player's defense NOT dependant on an enemies attack? (Note 1) -defunit_not_enemy: yes - -// Are summoned monsters level greater then your base level? (I think this is for dead branches) (Note 1) -random_monster_checklv: yes - -// The maximum quantity of monsters that can be summoned per GM command (0 denotes an unlimited quantity) -atcommand_spawn_quantity_limit: 100 - -// Does HP recover if hit by an attribute that's same as your own? (Note 1) -attribute_recover: yes - -// If an item is droped, does it go stright into the users inventory? (Note 1) -item_auto_get: no - -// How long does it take for an item to disappear from the floor after it is dropped? (in miliseconds) -flooritem_lifetime: 60000 - -// How long before the first person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds) -item_first_get_time: 3000 - -// How long before the second person who did the second most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds) -// (It Adds Time From The First Persons Time) -// So, It Is Like First Person's Time + Second Person's Time = Time Before Second Person Can Get The Items -item_second_get_time: 1000 - -// How long before the third person who did the third most/least damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds) -// (It Adds Time From The First Persons Time And Second Persons Time) -// So, It Is Like First Person's Time + Second Person's Time + Third Person's Time = Time Before Third Person Can Get The Items -item_third_get_time: 1000 - -// How long before the first person who did the most damage to a MVP can get the item? (in milliseconds) -mvp_item_first_get_time: 10000 - -// How long before the second person who did the second most damage to a MVP can get the item? (in milliseconds) -// (It Adds Time From The First Persons Time) -// So, It Is Like First Person's Time + Second Person's Time = Time Before Second Person Can Get The Items -mvp_item_second_get_time: 10000 - -// How long before the third person who did the third most/least damage to a MVP can get the item -//(Note the Amount is in Milliseconds and It Adds Time From The First Persons Time And Second Persons Time) -//So It Is Like First Person's Time + Second Person's Time + Third Person's Time = Time Before Third Person Can Get The Items -mvp_item_third_get_time: 2000 - -// Item drop rates (Note 2) - -// The rate the common items are droped (Items that are in the ETC tab, besides card) -item_rate_common: 100 -item_drop_common_min: 1 -item_drop_common_max: 10000 - -// The rate healing items are droped (items that restore HP or SP) -item_rate_heal: 100 -item_drop_heal_min: 1 -item_drop_heal_max: 10000 - -// The rate at which usable items (in the item tab) other then healing items are droped. -item_rate_use: 100 -item_drop_use_min: 1 -item_drop_use_max: 10000 - -// The rate at which equipment is droped. -item_rate_equip: 100 -item_drop_equip_min: 1 -item_drop_equip_max: 10000 - -// The rate at which cards are droped -item_rate_card: 100 -item_drop_card_min: 1 -item_drop_card_max: 10000 - -item_drop_mvp_min: 1 -item_drop_mvp_max: 10000 - -// Can the monster's drop rate become 0? (Note 1) -drop_rate0item: yes - -// Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2) -base_exp_rate: 100 - -// Rate at which job exp. is given. (Note 2) -job_exp_rate: 100 - -// Players' maximum HP rate? (Default is 100) -hp_rate: 100 - -// Players' maximum SP rate? (Default is 100) -sp_rate: 100 - -// PVP exp. Do players get exp in PvP maps -// (Note: NOT exp from players, but from normal leveling) -pvp_exp: yes - -// When a player dies, how should we penalize them? -// 0 = No penalty. -// 1 = Lose % of current level when killed. -// 2 = Lose % of total experience when killed. -death_penalty_type: 1 - -// Base exp. penalty rate (Each 100 is 1% of their exp) -death_penalty_base: 100 - -// Job exp. penalty rate (Each 100 is 1% of their exp) -death_penalty_job: 100 - -// When a player dies, how much zeny should we penalize them with? -zeny_penalty: 0 - -// The amount of HP a player will respawn with, 0 is default. -// (Unit is in percentage of total HP, 100 is full heal of HP, 0 is respawn with 1HP total.) -restart_hp_rate: 0 - -// The amount of SP a player will respawn with, 0 is default. -// (Unit is in percentage of total SP, 100 is full heal of SP, 0 is respawn with 1SP total.) -restart_sp_rate: 0 - -// [MVP] Summoned monsters HP rate, that is, monsters summoned by an MVP will have this much HP. (Note 2) -mvp_hp_rate: 100 - -// [MVP] Item drop rate, that is, the overall drop rate for items droped by an MVP. (Note 2) -mvp_item_rate: 100 - -// [MVP] Exp. rate. (Note 2) -mvp_exp_rate: 100 - -// The HP rate of normal monsters (that is monsters that are not MVP's) (Note 2) -monster_hp_rate: 100 - -// The maximum attack speed of a monster -monster_max_aspd: 199 - -// (@) GM Commands available only to GM's? (Note 1) -// set to 'No', Normal players (gm level 0) can use GM commands _IF_ you set the command level to 0. -// set to 'Yes', Normal players (gm level 0) can never use a GM command even if you set the command level to 0. -atcommand_gm_only: no - -// [GM] Can use all skills? (No or mimimum GM level) -gm_all_skill: no - -// [GM] Can use all abracadabra skills? (No minimum GM level) -gm_all_skill_add_abra: no - -// [GM] Can equip anything? (No or minimum GM level, can cause client errors.) -gm_all_equipment: no - -// [GM] Can use skills without meeting the required conditions (no -// blue gems? no problem -gm_skill_unconditional: no - -// Can a normal player by-pass the skill tree? (Note 1) -player_skillfree: no - -// When set to yes, forces skill points gained from 1st class to be put into 1st class -// sklls, and forces novice skill points to be put into the basic skill. (Note 1) -player_skillup_limit: no - -// Forging success rate. (Note 2) -weapon_produce_rate: 100 - -// Prepare Potion success rate. (Note 2) -potion_produce_rate: 100 - -// Allow monsters to be aggresive and attack first? (Note 1) -monster_active_enable: yes - -// If a monster is attacked, will they have a delay in being able to move? (Note 1) -monster_damage_delay: yes - -// Monster damage delay rate (Note 1) -monster_damage_delay_rate: 100 - -// Looting monster actions. -// 0 = Monster will consume the item. -// 1 = Monster will not consume the item. -monster_loot_type: 0 - -// Enable monster skills? (Note 1) -mob_skill_use: yes - -// Rate of monsters on a map, 200 would be twice as many as normal. (Note 2) -mob_count_rate: 100 - -// Quest skills can be learned? (Note 1) -// Setting this to yes can open an exploit on your server! -quest_skill_learn: no - -// When skills are reset, quest skills are reset as well? (Note 1) -// Setting this to yes can open an exploit on your server! -quest_skill_reset: no - -// You must have basic skills to be able to sit, trade, form a party or create a chatroom? (Note 1) -basic_skill_check: yes - -// When making a guild, an Emperium is consumed? (Note 1) -guild_emperium_check: yes - -// Maximum tax limit on a guild member. -guild_exp_limit: 50 - -// Maximum castles one guild can own (0 - unlimited) -guild_max_castles: 0 - -// When teleporting, or spawning to a map, how long before a monster sees you if you don't move? (time is in milliseconds) -// That is, when you go to a map and don't move, how long before the monsters will notice you. -// If you attack a monster, it will attack you back regaurdless of this setting. (I think) -player_invincible_time: 5000 - -// [PET] Rate for catching pets (Note 2) -pet_catch_rate: 100 - -// [PET] Can you name a pet more then once? (Note 1) -pet_rename: no - -// [PET] The rate a pet will get friendly by feeding it. (Note 2) -pet_friendly_rate: 100 - -// [PET] The rate at which a pet will become hungry. (Note 2) -pet_hungry_delay_rate: 100 - -// [PET] If your pet is hungry by how much will the friendlyness decrease by. (Default is 5) -// Note: The friendlyness is 0-1000 total, at 0 the pet runs away. -pet_hungry_friendly_decrease: 5 - -// [PET] Does Pet's Attack Damage Based On Str (Note 1) -pet_str: yes - -// [PET] Whether or not the pet's will use skills. (Note 1) -pet_status_support: yes - -// [PET] Does the pet need its equipment before it does its skill? (Note 1) -pet_equip_required: yes - -// [PET] Will all pets attack? (Note 1) -// Do NOT use this with pet skills! -pet_attack_support: no - -// [PET] When the master receives damage from the monster, whether or not the pet attacks back. -pet_damage_support: no - -// [PET] Rate at which a pet will support it's owner in battle. (Note 2) -pet_support_rate: 100 - -// [PET] Does the pets owner receive exp from the pets damage? -pet_attack_exp_to_master: no - -// [PET] The rate exp. is gained from the pet attacking monsters -pet_attack_exp_rate: 100 - -// Will there be a minimum skill dmg even if there is a miss? -skill_min_damage: no - -// Which finger offensive style can be used? -// 0 = Aegis style -// 1 = Athena style -finger_offensive_type: 0 - -// The rate of job exp. from using Heal skill (100 is the same as the heal amount, 200 is double. -// The balance of the exp. rate is best used with 5 to 10) -heal_exp: 0 - -// The rate of exp. that is gained by the process of resurrection, a unit is 0.01%. -// Experience calculations for the experience value * level difference of the person revived / 100 * resurrection_exp/10000 which the revived player has can be got. -resurrection_exp: 0 - -// The rate of job exp. when using discount and overcharge on an NPC -// (in 0.01% increments - 100 is 1%, 10000 is normal, 20000 is double.) -// The way it is calculated is (money recieved * skill lv) * shop_exp / 10000. -shop_exp: 0 - -// The delay rate of monk's combo (Note 2) -combo_delay_rate: 100 - -// Item check? (Note 1) -// When logged in or moving in map if the item the player is holding isn't correct there will be a check. -item_check: no - -// Will tuxedo and wedding dresses be shown when worn? (Note 1) -wedding_modifydisplay: yes - -// The time interval for HP to restore naturally. (in milliseconds) -natural_healhp_interval: 6000 - -// The time interval for SP to restore naturally. (in milliseconds) -natural_healsp_interval: 8000 - -// Automatic healing skill's time interval. (in milliseconds) -natural_heal_skill_interval: 10000 - -// The maximum weight for a character to carry when the character stops healing naturally. (in %) -natural_heal_weight_rate: 50 - -// You can turn the following 5 settings off if you don't need them, -// or if you're experiencing problems with GRF loading -// -// Override item names from GRF file? (Note 1) -item_name_override_grffile: no -// -// Override item equip positions from GRF file? (Note 1) -item_equip_override_grffile: no -// -// Override item slots from GRF file? (Note 1) -item_slots_override_grffile: no -// -// Override 'indoors' mapflags from GRF file? (Note 1) -indoors_override_grffile: no -// -// Override SP used per level from GRF file? (Note 1) -// Turn this off if you have a customised skill_require_db.txt -skill_sp_override_grffile: no -// -// Read card illustrations from GRF file? (Note 1) -cardillust_read_grffile: yes - -// Are arrows are consumed when used on a bow? (Note 1) -arrow_decrement: yes - -// Maximum atk speed. (Default is 190) -max_aspd: 190 - -// Maximum HP. (Default is 32500) -max_hp: 32500 - -// Maximum SP. (Default is 32500) -max_sp: 32500 - -// Maximum user LV to send to client -// (Default is 99.. Never go above 127) -// -// this is only useful if you have adjusted your client -// to expect levels higher then 99 -max_lv: 99 - -// Max limit of char stats. (agi, str, etc.) -max_parameter: 99 - -// Max weight carts can hold. -max_cart_weight: 8000 - -// Display player skill errors in console? (for debug only) (default: off) (Note 1) -player_skill_log: off - -// Display monster skill errors in console? (for debug only) (default: off) (Note 1) -monster_skill_log: off - -// Display battle log? (for debug only) (default: off) (Note 1) -battle_log: off - -// Display save log? (for debug only) (default: off) (Note 1) -save_log: off - -// Display errors? (for debug only) (default: off) (Note 1) -error_log: off - -// Display other stuff? (for debug only) (default: off) (Note 1) -etc_log: off - -// Save Clothes color. (This will degrade performance [in txt?]) (Note 1) -save_clothcolor: yes - -// Undead type differeniate. -// 0 = element undead -// 1 = race undead -// 2 = both -undead_detect_type: 0 - -// Counter Attack Skill Type -// 0 = 100% critical -// 1 = disregard DEF and HIT+20, CRI*2 -// 2 = Same as 0, but can counter skills (?) -// Players -player_auto_counter_type: 0 -// Monsters -monster_auto_counter_type: 0 - -// Type of penalty that is applied to FLEE when more than agi_penalty_count monsters are targetting player -// 0 = no penalty is applied -// 1 = agi_penalty_num is reduced from FLEE as a % -// 2 = agi_penalty_num is reduced from FLEE as an exact amount -agi_penalty_type: 1 - -// Amount of enemies required to be targetting player before FLEE begins to be penalized -agi_penalty_count: 3 - -// Amount of FLEE penalized per each attacking monster more than agi_penalty_count -agi_penalty_num: 10 - -// Type of penalty that is applied to VIT defense when more than vit_penalty_count monsters are targetting player -// 0 = no penalty is applied -// 1 = vit_penalty_num is reduced from FLEE as a % -// 2 = vit_penalty_num is reduced from FLEE as an exact amount -vit_penalty_type: 1 - -// Amount of enemies required to be targetting player before VIT defense begins to be penalized -vit_penalty_count: 3 - -// Amount of VIT defense penalized per each attacking monster more than vit_penalty_count -vit_penalty_num: 5 - -// When the player attacks an object, the calculation method of DEF. -// With 0 this will be ignored specification, at 1 or more def = subtraction of (DEF* value). -player_defense_type: 0 - -// When the monster attacks an object, the calculation method of DEF. -// With 0 this will be ignored, at 1 or more def = subtraction of (DEF* value). -monster_defense_type: 0 - -// When the pet attacks an object, the calculation method of DEF. -// With 0 this will be ignored specification, at 1 or more def = subtraction of (DEF* value). -pet_defense_type: 0 - -//MDEF�same as above....(MDEF*value) -magic_defense_type: 0 - -// Whether or not, ground skills of the players' will stack. (Note 1) -player_skill_reiteration: no - -//Whether or not, ground skills of the monsters' will pile up. (Note 1) -monster_skill_reiteration: no - -// Whether players are not allowed to cast ground based skills of a certain type such -// as traps straight onto or nearby other players/monsters. (Note 1) -player_skill_nofootset: yes - -// Whether monsters are not allowed to cast ground based skills of a certain type such -// as traps straight onto or nearby other players. (Note 1) -monster_skill_nofootset: yes - -// When a player is cloaking, Whether the wall is checked or not. (Note 1) -// Note: When set to no players can always cloak away from walls and move around -// freely even if the skill level is below 3. -// no or 0 = doesn't check for walls (you can cloacking without walls) -// 1 = it checks for walls -// 2 = it doesn't checks for walls + your cloaking lasts forever -// 3 = it checks for walls, but your cloaking lasts forever -player_cloak_check_type: yes - -// When a monster is cloaking, Whether the wall is checked or not. (Note 1) -monster_cloak_check_type: no - -// Damage adjustments for WOE battles against defending Guild monsters (Note 2) -castle_defense_rate: 100 - -// Melee damage adjustments for WoE battles (Guild Vs Guild) (Note 2) -gvg_short_attack_damage_rate: 100 - -// Ranged damage adjustments for WoE battles (Guild Vs Guild) (Note 2) -gvg_long_attack_damage_rate: 60 - -// Magic damage adjustments for WoE battles (Guild Vs Guild) (Note 2) -gvg_magic_attack_damage_rate: 50 - -// Misc damage adjustments for WoE battles (Guild Vs Guild) (Note 2) -gvg_misc_attack_damage_rate: 60 - -// When the emperium is broken with WoE mode on, How Long Before The Declaration Of Castle Owner -// and Removal of Monsters/Players from Castle. (in milliseconds) -gvg_eliminate_time: 7000 - -// Whether or not skill is used vis-a-vis the user at the time of MOB skill motion of condition skillused. (Note 1) -// Not sure what this means, something about monsters changing target? -mob_changetarget_byskill: no - -// Player's Direction Changed When Attacking? (Note 1) -player_attack_direction_change: yes - -// Monsters's Direction Changed When Attacking? (Note 1) -monster_attack_direction_change: yes - -// Will Player Skills Stay Within Land Limit or not? (Note 1) -player_land_skill_limit: yes - -// Will Monster Skills Stay Within Land Limit or not? (Note 1) -monster_land_skill_limit: yes - -// If a party uses a skill with penalties do they apply? (Note 1) -party_skill_penalty: yes - -// If monster's class is changed will it fully recover HP and SP and Ailments? (Note 1) -monster_class_change_full_recover: no - -// Do produced items have the maker's name on them? (Note 1) -produce_item_name_input: no - -// Do produced potions have the maker's name on them? (Note 1) -produce_potion_name_input: no - -// Do crafted arrows have the maker's name on them? (Note 1) -making_arrow_name_input: no - -// Does created holy water have the maker's name on it? (Note 1) -holywater_name_input: no - -// Stop logout for 10 seconds after a hit? (Note 1) -prevent_logout: yes - -// If skill fails by delay, should it display or not. (Note 1) -display_delay_skill_fail: yes - -// Display Snatcher skill failures -display_snatcher_skill_fail: yes - -// Can a player in chat room (in-game), be warped by a warp portal? (Note 1) -chat_warpportal: no - -// Can a monster be warped by a warp portal? (Note 1) -mob_warpportal: no - -// Is a monster summoned via dead branch aggresive? (Note 1) -dead_branch_active: yes - -// The highest value at which an item can be sold via the merchant vend skill. (in zeny) -vending_max_value: 10000000 - -// If someone loots, show name in party? (Note 1) -show_steal_in_same_party: no - -// Allow upper class (Advanced 2nd Class)? (Note 1) -// Just leave this at yes -enable_upper_class: yes - -// Is a usual attack of a pet delivered withOUT an attribute? (Note 1) -pet_attack_attr_none: no - -// Is a usual attack of a player delivered withOUT an attribute? (Note 1) -pc_attack_attr_none: no - -// Is a usual attack of a monster delivered withOUT an attribute? (Note 1) -mob_attack_attr_none: no - -// mob attacks againsts players wearing ghostring armor do full damage -mob_ghostring_fix: yes - -// Does the Golden Thief Bug card only work during pvp? -// no or 0 - gtb works all the time -// 1 - 100 - percentage of magic damage reduced only during pvp (or gvg) -gtb_pvp_only: no - -// How to count the number of the enemies who do an agi penalty... -// 1 or less: It is a count altogether. -// 2: Full evasion exclusion -// 3: Full evasion and evasion exclusion -// 4 or more: Except all. -agi_penalty_count_lv: 2 - -// How to count the number of the enemies who do a vit penalty -// 1 or less: It is a count altogether. -// 2: Full evasion exclusion -// 3: Full evasion and evasion exclusion -// Four or more: Except all. -vit_penalty_count_lv: 3 - -// Grandcross Settings (Dont mess with these) -// Even if MOB (PC) has overlapped, it HIT(s) compulsion 3. (Default no) -gx_allhit: no -// The effect of the arms card of a damage %UP system is set also to GX at -L effect. (default no) -gx_cardfix: no -// The attribute affinity of GX is calculated doubly. (Default yes) -gx_dupele: yes -// Grandcross display type (Default 1) -// 0: Yellow character -// 1: White character -gx_disptype: 1 - -// Max Level Difference for Devotion -devotion_level_difference: 10 - -// If no than you can use the ensemble skills alone. (Note 1) -player_skill_partner_check: yes - -// Is the character of a GM account set as the object of a display by @ command etc. or not? -hide_GM_session: no - - -// Skill unit movement processing method -// 0 - Aegis system : Network load -> Heavier, Server load -> Lighter -// 1 - Athena system : Network load -> Lighter, Server load -> Heavier -unit_movement_type: 0 - -// Are other requests accepted during [various things[party,guild]] a request or not? -// It does not accept by no accepted by yes. -invite_request_check: yes - -// Remove trap type -// 0 - Aegis system : Returns 1 'Trap' item -// 1 - Athena system : Allows the returned item and amount to be defined -skill_removetrap_type: 0 - -// Will display experience gained from killing a monster. (Note 1) -disp_experience: no - -// Whether or not Marine Spheres and Floras summoned by Alchemist will drop items and give experience? (Note 1) -alchemist_summon_reward: no - -// Maximum level (default 255). Requires that you have an experience table that supports more than 99 levels to go -// any higher. It is left at 255 for default as to not cause problems for people who already have players at higher levels. -// @lvup command will not go higher than this value, and therefor will not loop back around 0. -maximum_level: 255 - -// Leave at 0 to use normal drop system. Anything higher than 0 will allow luk to affect drop rates, based on a percentage. -// Example 1: Setting of 10 with 50 luk would add 5 to the drop rate. So say a card has a drop rate of 2, it would become 7. -// Example 2 : Setting 100 with 99 luk would add 99 to the drop rate. -drops_by_luk: 0 - -// Do all monsters ignore GMs unless attacked? (Set to minimum level required for GMs not to be attacked, -// setting must be higher than 0.) -monsters_ignore_gm: 100 - -// Turn equipment breaking on. (Note 1) -// Turning this one will allow equipment to break in battles, -// as well as some skills that have chance to break equipmen. -equipment_breaking: no - -// Overall rate of which equipment can break. (Note 2) [100 = .01% chance to break equipment before penalties.] -// Critical attacks will double chance to break equipment, and other skills (such as Power Thrust) will increase weapon breaking chance as well. -// This does not effect Sage weapon enchantment failure chance. -equipment_break_rate: 100 - -// PK Server Mode. Turns entire server pvp(excluding towns). Experience loss is doubled if killed by another player. -// When players hunt monsters over 20 levels higher, they will receive 15% additional exp., and 25% chance of receiving more items. -// There is a nopvp.txt for setting up maps not to have pk on in this mode. Novices cannot be attacked and cannot attack. -// Normal pvp counter and rank display are disabled as well. -pk_mode: no - -// For PK Server Mode. Change this to define the minimum level players can start PK-ing -pk_min_level: 55 - -// Turn this on to allow a player to level up more than once from a kill. (Note 1) -multi_level_up: no - -// Does using bow to do a backstab give a 50% damage penalty? (Note 1) -backstab_bow_penalty: yes - -// Choose if server begin with night (yes) or day (no) -night_at_start: no - -// Define duration in msec of the day (default: 7,200,000 = 2 hours) -// Set to 0 to disable day cycle (but not @day GM command). -// Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute). -day_duration: 7200000 - -// Define duration in msec of the night (default: 1,800,000 = 30 min) -// Set to 0 to disable night cycle (but not @night GM command). -// Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute). -night_duration: 1800000 - -// Set how dark it will become during night time -// Range: 1-10, 0 for default (No changes) -// Warning: might not work with old exe's! Also, currently daytime and @day -// will not remove the night effect when this is set to 1 or above -night_darkness_level: 0 - -// Will display a mob's hp/maxhp when the mouse cursor is over them. (Note 1) -// Will not display guardian or emperium hp. -// -// Still under testing (works but doesn't update) -show_mob_hp: no - -// Ban people that try to use an other name of its name (spoof name). -// Duration of the ban, in minutes (default: 5). Value from 0 to 32767 -// to disable the ban, set 0 -ban_spoof_namer: 5 - -// Set here minimum level of a (online) GM that can receive all informations about any player that try to hack, spoof a name, etc. -// Values are from 0 to 100. -// 100: disable information -// 0: send to any people, including normal players -// default: 60, according to GM definition in atcommand_athena.conf -hack_info_GM_level: 60 - -// Set here the minimum GM level to disable the nowarp (from) and nowarpto (to) flags. -// This option is mainly used in AT_commands (@memo, @warp, @charwarp, @go, etc...). All GM commands used to move or set a new map check nowarp and nowarpto flags. -// default: 20 (first level after normal player or super'normal' player) -any_warp_GM_min_level: 20 - -// Set here which client version do you accept. Add all values of clients: -// Clients older than accepted versions, and versions not set to 'accepted' -// here will be rejected when logging in -// 1: Clients older than 2004-09-06aSakray -// 2: 2004-09-06aSakray client -// 4: 2004-09-21aSakray Client -// 8: 2004-10-18bSakexe Client -// 16: 2004-10-25aSakexe Client -// 32: 2004-11-01aSakexe Client -// 64: 2004-12-06aSakexe Client -// 128: 2005-01-10aSakexe Client -// default value: 255 (all clients) -packet_ver_flag: 255 - -// Allow GMs to mute players or not? -muting_players: no - -// Allow GM commands to be used when muted? -allow_atcommand_when_mute: yes - -// Mail system - Only function in sql version -mail_system: no - -// valid range of dye's and styles on the client -min_hair_style: 0 -max_hair_style: 20 -min_hair_color: 0 -max_hair_color: 9 -min_cloth_color: 0 -max_cloth_color: 4 - -// Visible area size (how many squares away from a player can they see) -area_size: 14 - -// Zeny from mobs -zeny_from_mobs: no - -// Monsters level up (monster will level up each time a player is killed and they will grow stronger) -mobs_level_up: no - -// Use kRO new steal formula? -skill_steal_type: yes - -// Set this to 1 if your clients have langtype problems and can't display motd properly -motd_type: 0 - -// The minimum level for GMs' to drop items on the ground, use the Storage or -// trade Items/Zeny? -gm_can_drop_lv: 0 - -// Allow GMs' to see the hp of every player? -disp_hpmeter: no - -// Players' will drop a 'Bone' when killed? -// 1 - Dropped only in PvP maps -// 2 - Dropped in all situations -// 0 - Disabled -bone_drop: 0 - -// The rate of monsters dropping ores by the skill Ore Discovery (Default is 100) -finding_ore_rate: 100 - -//Method of calculating earned experience when defeating a monster: -//0 - jAthena's -//1 - eAthena's, using damage given / max_hp as damage ratio -//2 - eAthena's, using damage given / total damage as damage ratio -exp_calc_type: 1 - -// Can the 'Glory of Guild' skill be learnt in the Guild window, -// and does changing emblems require it? (Note 1) -// P.S: This new guild skill only appears for 2004-10-25aSakexe or newer -// P.S 2: This skill is not implemented on official servers, so its only optional -require_glory_guild: no - -// Is exp sharing disabled for idle members in the party? -idle_no_share: no - -import: conf/import/battle_conf.txt - diff --git a/conf-tmpl/char_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/char_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 06c1f4218..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/char_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -// Athena Character configuration file. - -// Server Communication username and password. -userid: s1 -passwd: p1 - -// Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces. -server_name: eAthena - -// Wisp name for server: used to send wisp from server to players (between 4 to 23 characters) -wisp_server_name: Server - -// Login Server IP -// -// You should only need to set this if you are running behind a -// firewall or on a machine with multiple interfaces. In that case, -// you need to specify the IP address you wish to export to the entire world. -// -// login_ip: - -// What interface should we bind to.. if you have multiple IP's on one -// machine, this lets you put multiple servers on the same ports -// bind_ip: - -// Login Server Port -login_port: 6900 - -// Character Server IP -// -// You should only need to set this if you are running behind a -// firewall or on a machine with multiple interfaces. In that case, -// you need to specify the IP address you wish to export to the entire world. -// -// char_ip: - -// Character Server Port -char_port: 6121 - -// Console Commands -// Allow for console commands to be used on/off -// This prevents usage of >& log.file -console: off - -// Option to force a player to create an e-mail. -// If a player have default e-mail, and if you activate this option, the player can only connect in the game (to arrive on a map) like follow: -// - Create at least 1 character -// - Select 1 character -// - Select DEL to enter his/her e-mail. (if OK is choosen, client says to the player: 'invalid e-mail') -// - If his/her e-mail is correct, the player enter in the game (an e-mail is saved definitively). -// - If his/her e-mail is incorrect, he/she have 'incorrect e-mail' and must select again DEL. -// - After entering in the game (when the player arrives on a map), DEL and SEL/OK button work normaly for all next connections. -// Resume: If a player have "incorrect/invalid e-mail" when he/she click on 'OK' button, -// the player must click 'DEL' button and register his/her NEW e-mail to enter in the game -// So, default is 0, because administrator must explain to their players before to activate this option. -email_creation: 0 - -// Is Character server in maintainence mode? -char_maintenance: 0 - -// Enable or disable creation of new characters. -char_new: 0 - -// Maximum users able to connect to the server. Set to 0 for unlimited. -max_connect_user: 0 - -// Minimum GM level that is allowed to bypass the server limit of users. -gm_allow_level: 99 - -// It's to check IP of a player between char-server and other servers (part of anti-hacking system) -// If player doesn't have same IP, connection is refused. -// Set to 0/off/no to not check IP of player. -// Set to 1/on/yes if you want to check (default) -// Note: if you enable this option, be sure that your (local/lan/wan) players use correct ip (in xml file) to contact servers, -// and that your LAN is correctly configured (!), and that LAN configuration of eathena is right. -check_ip_flag: yes - -// How often should the server save all files? (In seconds) -autosave_time: 15 - -// Character server flatfile database -char_txt: save/athena.txt - -// Choose to create or not backup file (yes/no, 0/1, etc...) -// default is 'no', because backup file take time for nothing. Actually, there is no problem on characters file creation and save. -backup_txt_flag: no - -// Character server flatfile database (backup, TXT only) -backup_txt: save/athena_backup.txt - -// Friends list flatfile database -friends_txt: save/friends.txt - -// Start point, Map name followed by coordinates (x,y) -start_point: new_1-1.gat,53,111 - -// Starting weapon for new characters -start_weapon: 1201 - -// Starting armor for new characters -start_armor: 2301 - -// Starting zeny for new characters -start_zeny: 500 - -// Name used for unknown characters -unknown_char_name: Unknown - -// Log Filename -char_log_filename: log/char.log - -// Allow or not identical name for characters but with a different case (upper/lower): -// example: Test-test-TEST-TesT; Value: 0 not allowed (default), 1 allowed -name_ignoring_case: 0 - -// Manage possible letters/symbol in the name of charater. Control character (0x00-0x1f) are never accepted. Possible values are: -// 0: no restriction (default) -// 1: only letters/symbols in 'char_name_letters' option. -// 2: Letters/symbols in 'char_name_letters' option are forbidden. All others are possibles. -char_name_option: 0 - -// Set the letters/symbols that you want use with the 'char_name_option' option. -// Note: add 'space' between 2 others letters/symbols. -// default: void. -//char_name_letters: - -// Filename of the file which receives the online players list in text -online_txt_filename: online.txt - -// Filename of the file which receives the online players list, but in html version -online_html_filename: online.html - -// Choose how to display online players. -// (sorting operation with a lot of online players can take time on a slow computer) -// 0: no sorting (default) -// 1: by alphabetical order of their name -// 2: by number of their zenys -// 3: by their base level -// 4: by their job (and job level inside the same job) -// 5: by alphabetical order of their actual map location -online_sorting_option: 0 - -// Choose which columns that you want display in the online files. Do the addition of these values: -// (if value is 0, no file is done) -// 1: name (just the name, no function like 'GM') -// 2: job -// 4: levels -// 8: map name -// 16: mapname and coordonates -// 32: zenys -// 64: name (with 'GM' if the player is a GM) -// default value: 1 (only name) -online_display_option: 1 - -// minimum GM level to display 'GM' when we want to display it (default: 1) -online_gm_display_min_level: 20 - -// refresh time (in sec) of the html file in the explorer (default 20) -online_refresh_html: 20 - -// To log the character server? -log_char: 1 - -// How many Characters are allowed per Account ? (0 = disabled) [SQL Only!] -chars_per_account: 0 - -// What folder the DB files are in (item_db.txt, etc.) -db_path: db - -// Mugendai's GUI Support -imalive_on: 0 -imalive_time: 30 -flush_on: 0 -flush_time: 30 - -import: conf/import/char_conf.txt diff --git a/conf-tmpl/charcommand_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/charcommand_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index f48b7235e..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/charcommand_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -// Athena charcommand Configuration file. -// Translated by Peter Kieser <pfak@telus.net> - -// Set here the symbol that you want to use for your commands -// Only 1 character is get (default is '#'). You can set any character, -// except control-character (0x00-0x1f), '%' (party chat speaking) and '/' (standard ragnarok GM commands) -// and '@' (Standard GM Commands) -// With default character, all commands begin by a '#', example: #save SomePlayer -command_symbol: # - -stats: 40 -statsall: 40 -itemlist: 40 -effect: 40 -storagelist: 40 -petrename: 50 -petfriendly: 50 -option: 60 -save: 60 -reset: 60 -spiritball: 60 -item: 60 -job: 60 -jobchange: 60 -zeny: 60 - -import: conf/import/charcommand_conf.txt diff --git a/conf-tmpl/grf-files.txt b/conf-tmpl/grf-files.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2a29edd5..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/grf-files.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -data: C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\data.grf -sdata: C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\sdata.grf -//adata: C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\adata.grf -//data_dir: C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\ -//afm_dir: afm
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/help.txt b/conf-tmpl/help.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 62c5f5b22..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/help.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@ -// put at first, the minimum level to display the line - 0:To use one command, type it inside the message window where you usually type to chat. - 20:@h/@help - display this help. - 40: - 40:--- MESSAGE CMD --- - 40:/b/@broadcast <message> - Broadcasts a GM message with name of the GM (in yellow) - 40:/nb <message>/@kami <message> - Broadcasts a GM message without name of the GM (in yellow) - 40:@kamib <message> - Broadcasts a GM message without name of the GM (in blue) - 40:/lb/@localbroadcast <message> - Broadcasts a GM message with name of the GM (in yellow) ONLY on your map - 40:/nlb <message> - Broadcasts a GM message without name of the GM (in yellow) ONLY on your map - 0: - 0:--- INFORMATION CMD --- - 20:@who/@whois [match_text] - Display a listing of who is online and where - 20:@who2 [match_text] - Display a listing of who is online and their job - 20:@who3 [match_text] - Display a listing of who is online and their party/guild - 20:@whomap/@whomap2/@whomap3 [map] - like @who/@who2/@who3 but only for specifical map - 20:@whogm [match_text] - Like @who+@who2+who3, but only for GM. - 1:@where [char name] - Tells you the location of a character - 40:@charstatsall - Displays stats of all characters. - 40:@charitemlist <char name> - Displays all items of a player. - 40:@charstoragelist <char name> - Displays all items of a player's storage. - 40:@charcartlist <char name> - Displays all items of a player's cart. - 0:@ignorelist - Displays your ignore list - 99:@mapinfo [<0-3> [map]] - Give information about a map (general info +: 0: no more, 1: players, 2: NPC, 3: shops/chat). - 0:@time/@date/@server_date/@serverdate/@server_time/@servertime - Display the date/time of the server - 60: - 60:@guildspy <guild_name/id> - You will receive all messages of the guild channel - 60:@partyspy <party_name/id> - You will receive all messages of the party channel - 1: - 1:--- CHANGE GM STATE CMD --- - 40:/hide/@hide - Makes you character invisible (GM invisibility). Type @hide again become visible. - 40:@save - Sets respawn point to current spot - 40:@load/@return - Warps you to your save point - 40:/mm//mapmove/@warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y> - Warps you to the selected position - 40:@jump [x [y]]- Randomly warps you like a flywing. - 20:/shift/@jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name> - Warps you to selected character - 20:@follow <char_name> - follow a player - 10:@go <number/city_name> - Warps you to a city. - 10: -3: (Memo point 2) 1: morocc 5: izlude 9: yuno 13: niflheim - 10: -2: (Memo point 1) 2: geffen 6: aldebaran 10: amatsu 14: louyang - 10: -1: (Memo point 0) 3: payon 7: xmas (lutie) 11: gonryun 15: start point - 10: 0: prontera 4: alberta 8: comodo 12: umbala 16: prison/jail - 10: - 1:@die ---- suicide - 60:@alive - Revives yourself from death - 40:@heal [<HP> <SP>] - Heals the desired amount of HP and SP. No value specified will do a full heal. - 20: - 40:@job/@jobchange <job ID> - Changes your job - 40: 0 Novice 7 Knight 14 Crusader 22 Formal - 40: 1 Swordman 8 Priest 15 Monk 23 Super Novice - 40: 2 Mage 9 Wizard 16 Sage - 40: 3 Archer 10 Blacksmith 17 Rogue - 40: 4 Acolyte 11 Hunter 18 Alchem - 40: 5 Merchant 12 Assassin 19 Bard - 40: 6 Thief 13 Peco-Knight 20 Dancer 21 Peco-Crusader - 40: 24 Novice High 31 Lord Knight 38 Paladin - 40: 25 Swordman High 32 High Priest 39 Monk - 40: 26 Mage High 33 High Wizard 40 Professor - 40: 27 Archer High 34 Whitesmith 41 Stalker - 40: 28 Acolyte High 35 Sniper 42 Creator - 40: 29 Merchant High 36 Assassin Cross 43 Clown - 40: 30 Thief High 37 Peco Knight 44 Gypsy 45 Peco-Paladin - 60:@lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels> - Raises your base level the desired number of levels. The max is 255 (User Defined). - 60:@joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels> -Raises your job level the desired number of levels. The max is 50 For Basic Classes. For Super Novice and Advanced Classes it is 70. - 60:@allskill/@allskills/@skillall/@skillsall - Give you all skills. - 40:@option <param1> <param2> <param3> - Adds different visual effects on or around your character - 40: <param1> <param2> <p3>(stackable) <param3> <param3> - 40: 1 Petrified (stackable) 01 Sight 32 Peco Peco riding 2048 Orc Head - 40: 2 Frozen 01 Poison 02 Hide 64 GM Perfect Hide 4096 Wedding Sprites - 40: 3 Stunned 02 Cursed 04 Cloak 128 Level 2 Cart 8192 Ruwach - 40: 4 Sleeping 04 Silenced 08 Level 1 Cart 256 Level 3 Cart - 40: 6 darkness 08 ??? 16 Falcon 512 Level 4 Cart - 40: 16 darkness 1024 Level 5 Cart - 20:@mountpeco - Give/remove you a peco (Class is required, but not skill) - 20:@disguise <monster_name_or_monster_ID> - Change your appearence to other players to a mob. - 20:@undisguise - Restore your normal appearance. - 20:@model <hair ID: 0-17> <hair color: 0-8> <clothes color: 0-4> - Changes your characters appearence. - 40:@dye/@ccolor <clothes color: 0-4> - Changes your characters appearence (only clothes color). - 40:@hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: 0-17> - Changes your characters appearence (only hair style). - 40:@haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: 0-8> - Changes your characters appearence (only hair color). - 40:@speed <1-1000> - Changes you walking speed. 1 being the fastest and 1000 the slowest. Default 150. - 40:@effect <effect_id> [flag] - Give an efect to your character. - 40:@dropall - throws all your possession on the ground - 40:@storeall - puts all your possessions in storage - 40:@killable - make your character killable - 60:@stpoint <number of points> - Gives you the desired number of stat points. - 60:@skpoint <number of points> - Gives you the desired number of skill points. - 60:@zeny <amount> - Gives you desired amount of Zeny. - 60:@str,@agi,@vit,@int,@dex,@luk <amount> - Adds desired amount to any stat. For example "@str 10" raises your str by 10 - 60:@statall/@statsall/@allstats/@allstat [value] - Adds value in all stats (maximum if no value). - 40:@memo [memo_position] - set/change a memo location (no position: display memo points). - 40:@spiritball <number: 1-1000> - Gives you "spirit spheres" like from the skill "Call Spirits" - 40: (If the number you use is > 1000, your server may become instable or crash) - 40:@questskill <#> - Gives you the specified quest skill - 40:@lostskill <#> - Takes away the specified quest skill from you - 40:@skillid <name> - look up a skill by name - 40:@useskill <skillid> <skillv> <target> - use a skill on target - 40: Novice Swordsman Thief Merchant - 40: 142 = Emergency Care 144 = Moving HP Recovery 149 = Throw Sand 153 = Cart Revolution - 40: 143 = Act dead 145 = Attack Weak Point 150 = Back Sliding 154 = Change Cart - 40: Archer 146 = Auto Berserk 151 = Take Stone 155 = Crazy Uproar/Loud Voice - 40: 147 = Arrow Creation Acolyte 152 = Stone Throw Magician - 40: 148 = Charge Arrows 156 = Holy Light 157 = Energy Coat - 40: @skilltree < - 40: @marry <player1> <player2> - marry two players - 40: @divorce <player> - divorces the two players - 40: @rings - gives you the two wedding rings - 60: @addwarp <map name> <x coord> <y coord> - 40: - 40:--- MONSTERS CMD --- - 50:/monster <monster_name> - Spawns 1 of the desired monster. - 50:@spawn/@monster/@summon <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> [<desired_monster_name> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]] - 50:@monster2 <desired_monster_name> <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]] - 50:@spawn/@monster/@summon/@monster2 "desired monster name" <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]] - 50:@spawn/@monster/@summon/@monster2 <monster_name_or_monster_ID> "desired monster name" [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]] - 50: Spawns the desired monster with any desired name. - 60:@killmonster [map] - kill all monsters of the map (they drop) - 40:@killmonster2 - kill all monsters of your map (without drops) - 1: - 1:--- ITEMS CMD --- - 1:@storage - Opens storage - 50:@gstorage - Opens guild storage - 60:/item <item_name> - Gives you 1 of the desired item. - 60:@item <item name or ID> <quantity> - Gives you the desired item. - 60:@item2 <item name or ID> <quantity> <Identify_flag> <refine> <attribut> <Card1> <Card2> <Card3> <Card4> = Gives you the desired item. - 40:@itemreset - Remove all your items. - 60:@itemcheck - Check your items with authorised items. - 60:@idsearch <part_of_item_name> - Search all items that name have part_of_item_name - 60:@refine <equip position> <+/- amount> - 60:@produce <equip name or equip ID> <element> <# of very's> - 60: Element: 0=None 1=Ice 2=Earth 3=Fire 4=Wind - 60: It has separately with fragment 3 of the attribute + stars, you can apply. - 60:@repairall - Repair all items of your inventory - 40: - 40:--- PVP CMD --- - 40:@pvpon - Turns pvp on on the current map - 40:@pvpoff - Turns pvp off on the current map - 40:@gvgon/@gpvpon - Turns gvg on on the current map - 40:@gvgoff/@gpvpoff - Turns gvg off on the current map - 60:@agitstart - Starts War of Emperium - 60:@agitend - End War of Emperium - 1: - 1:--- GROUPS CMD --- - 1:@party <party_name> - Create a party. - 50:@guild <guild_name> - Create a guild. - 60:@guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels> - Raise Guild by desired number of levels - 60:@guildrecall <guild_name/id> - Warps all online characters of a guild to you. - 60:@partyrecall <party_name/id> - Warps all online characters of a party to you. - 1: - 1:--- PETS CMD --- - 60:@hatch - Create a pet from your inventory eggs list. - 60:@makeegg <pet_id> - Gives pet egg for monster number in pet DB - 40:@petfriendly <#> - Set pet friendly amount (0-1000) 1000 = Max - 40:@pethungry <#> - Set pet hungry amount (0-100) 100 = Max - 1:@petrename - Re-enable pet rename - 20: - 20:--- REMOTE CHAR CMD --- - 60:@kill <char name> - Kills specified character. - 40:@charkillable <char name> - make another character killable - 60:@nuke <char name> - Kills specified character (nuclear effect). - 60:@chardropall <char name> - throws all a chars possession on the ground - 60:@charstoreall <char name> - puts all of anothers charactes possessions in storage - 60:/recall/@recall <char name> - Warps target character to you. - 80:@recallall - Warps every character online to you. - 60:@charwarp/@rura+ <mapname> <x> <y> <char name> - Warps character to location of choice - 60:@revive <char name> - Revives target character. - 40:@charstats <char name> - Displays a characters stats. - 20:@charignorelist <char name> - Displays ignore list of the player - 20:@inall <char name> - Allows all wispers for the player - 20:@exall <char name> - Blocks all wispers for the player - 60:@charoption <param1> <param2> <param3> <charname> - Like @option command but only to target character. - 50:@charmountpeco <charname> - Give/remove to a player a peco (Class is required, but not skill). - 50:@charpetrename <charname> - Re-enable pet rename to a player. - 60:@charsave <map> <x> <y> <charname> - Changes the target players respawn point. - 60:@charbaselvl <#> <nickname> - Change a characters base level. - 60:@charjlvl <#> <nickname> - Change a characters job level. - 60:@charjob/@charjobchange <job ID> <char name> - Changes target characters job. - 60:@charzeny <amount> <name> - Give/take a players Zeny - 60:@charstpoint <amount> <name> - Give/take a players stat points - 60:@charskpoint <amount> <name> - give/take a players skill points - 60:@charskreset <charname> - Reset skills of a character. - 60:@charstreset <charname> - Reset stats of a character. - 60:@charreset <charname> - Reset stats AND skills of a character. - 60:@charquestskill <#> <charname> - Gives to a player the specified quest skill. - 60:@charlostskill <#> <charname> - Takes away the specified quest skill from the player. - 60:@chardelitem <item_name_or_ID> <quantity> <player> - Remove items from a character - 50:@charmodel <hair type> <hair color> <clothes color> <name> - Changes a player's model - 60:@chardisguise <monster_name_or_monster_ID> <char name> - Changes disguise of a player - 60:@charundisguise <char name> - Cancels disguise of a player - 60:@charchangesex <name> - Changes sex of a player (all characters of the account) - 60:@charblock/@block <name> - Blocks definitively a account - 60:@charunblock/@unblock <name> - Unblocks a account - 60:@charban/@ban/@banish/@charbanish <time> <name> - Ban temporarily a account - 60: time usage: adjustement (+/- value) and element (y/a, m, d/j, h, mn, s) - 60: Example: @ban +1m-2mn1s-6y testplayer - 60:@charunban/@unban/@unbanish/@charunbanish <name> - Unban a account - 60:@jail <char_name> - Sends specified character in jails - 60:@trade <char_name> - Open a trade window with a another player - 20:@kick <charname> - Kicks specified character off the server - 99:@kickall - Kick all characters off the server - 99:@mapexit - Kick all players and shut down map-server. - 80:@doom - Kills all NON GM chars on the server. - 80:@doommap - Kills all non GM characters on the map. - 80:@raise - Resurrects all characters on the server. - 80:@raisemap - Resurrects all characters on the map. - 60:@unjail/@discharge <char_name> - Discharges specified character/prisoner - 80: - 80:--- ENVIRONMENT CMD --- - 80:@night - Uses @option 00 16 00 on all characters. All characters are in darkness. - 80:@day - Uses @option 00 00 00 on all characters. - 80:@skillon - turn skills on for a map - 80:@skilloff - turn skills on for a map - 0: - 0:--- ADMIN CMD --- - 99:@reloaditemdb - Reload item database (admin command) - 99:@reloadmobdb - Reload monster database (admin command) - 99:@reloadskilldb - Reload skills definition database (admin command) - 99:@reloadscript - Reload all scripts (admin command) - 99:@reloadgmdb - Reload GM levels (admin command) - 99:@adjgmlvl - Do a temporary adjustment of the GM level of a player (admin command) - 99:@adjcmdlvl - Do a temporary adjustment of the GM level of a command (admin command) - 80:@enablenpc <NPC_name> - Enable a NPC (admin command) - 80:@disablenpc <NPC_name> - Disable a NPC (admin command) - 80: - 99:@gat - For debugging (you inspect around gat) - 99:@packet - For debugging (packet variety) - 99: -100:@GM <password> - it becomes GM! - 0:@email <actual@email> <new@email> - to change your e-mail (characters protection) diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/atcommand_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/atcommand_conf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/atcommand_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/battle_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/battle_conf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/battle_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/char_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/char_conf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/char_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/charcommand_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/charcommand_conf.txt deleted file mode 100755 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/charcommand_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/inter_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/inter_conf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/inter_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/ladmin_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/ladmin_conf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/ladmin_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/log_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/log_conf.txt deleted file mode 100755 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/log_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/login_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/login_conf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/login_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/import/map_conf.txt b/conf-tmpl/import/map_conf.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/import/map_conf.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/conf-tmpl/inter_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/inter_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index a2155a5ac..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/inter_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ -// Athena InterServer configuration. - - - -// TXT version options only - -// Storage flatfile database, used for Karfa storage. -storage_txt: save/storage.txt - -// Party flatfile database, for party names, members and other party info. -party_txt: save/party.txt - -// Guild flatfile database, for guild names, members, and other guild info. -guild_txt: save/guild.txt - -// Pet flatfile database, for pet names, and other pet info. -pet_txt: save/pet.txt - -// Castle flatfile database, for emperium war castles, etc. -castle_txt: save/castle.txt - - - -// Options for both versions - -// Log Inter Connections, etc.? -log_inter: 1 - -// Inter Log Filename -inter_log_filename: log/inter.log - -// Level range for sharing within a party -party_share_level: 10 - - - -// SQL version options only - -// The lowest GM level on your server -lowest_gm_level: 1 - -// How often the GM accounts will be reloaded by the map-server in minutes -read_gm_interval: 10 - -// Ideally under linux, you want to use localhost instead of -// -// Under windows, you want to use If you see a message like -// "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)" -// and you have localhost, switch it to - -// MySQL Login SQL Server -login_server_ip: -login_server_port: 3306 -login_server_id: ragnarok -login_server_pw: ragnarok -login_server_db: ragnarok - -// MySQL Character SQL server -char_server_ip: -char_server_port: 3306 -char_server_id: ragnarok -char_server_pw: ragnarok -char_server_db: ragnarok - -// MySQL Map SQL Server -map_server_ip: -map_server_port: 3306 -map_server_id: ragnarok -map_server_pw: ragnarok -map_server_db: ragnarok - -// MySQL Log SQL Database -log_db_ip: -log_db_port: 3306 -log_db_id: ragnarok -log_db_pw: ragnarok -log_db: log - -// for TXT -> SQL convertors -db_server_ip: -db_server_port: 3306 -db_server_id: ragnarok -db_server_pw: ragnarok -db_server_logindb: ragnarok - -// DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BEYOND THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW YOUR DATABASE DAMN WELL -// this is meant for people who KNOW their stuff, and for some reason want to change their -// database layout. [CLOWNISIUS] - -login_db_account_id: account_id -login_db_userid: userid -login_db_user_pass: user_pass -login_db_level: level - - -// ALL MySQL Database Table names - -// GM Account Database Table -gm_db: login -gm_db_level: level -gm_db_account_id: account_id - -// Login Database Tables -login_db: login -loginlog_db: loginlog - -// Character Database Tables -char_db: char -cart_db: cart_inventory -inventory_db: inventory -charlog_db: charlog -storage_db: storage -reg_db: global_reg_value -skill_db: skill -interlog_db: interlog -memo_db: memo -guild_db: guild -guild_alliance_db: guild_alliance -guild_castle_db: guild_castle -guild_expulsion_db: guild_expulsion -guild_member_db: guild_member -guild_skill_db: guild_skill -guild_position_db: guild_position -guild_storage_db: guild_storage -party_db: party -pet_db: pet - -// Map Datbase Tables -item_db_db: item_db -mob_db_db: mob_db - -//Use SQL item_db and mob_db for the map server -use_sql_db: no - -import: conf/import/inter_conf.txt diff --git a/conf-tmpl/ladmin_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/ladmin_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index dafd72388..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/ladmin_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -// Athena Ladmin configuration file. - -// Login Server IP -login_ip: -// Login Server Port -login_port: 6900 - -// Administrative password, used to connect remotely to server. -// NOTICE: If you enable remote administration, you should change its value for security -admin_pass: admin - -// Encoding type of the password -// 0: not encoded -// 1: key+password -// 2: password+key -passenc: 2 - -// Language of ladmin -// F: Fran�ais -// E: English (default) -defaultlanguage: E - -// Log Filename. All operations done by the software are logged in this file. -ladmin_log_filename: log/ladmin.log - -// Indicate how to display date in logs, to players, etc. -// 0: 31-12-2004 23:59:59 -// 1: 12-31-2004 23:59:59 -// 2: 2004-31-12 23:59:59 -// 3: 2004-12-31 23:59:59 (default) -date_format: 3 - -import: conf/import/ladmin_conf.txt diff --git a/conf-tmpl/lan_support.conf b/conf-tmpl/lan_support.conf deleted file mode 100644 index bfaec6966..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/lan_support.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -// Athena TXT version LAN configure file. -// Support Client Connect to Local Area Network (LAN) IP Address Server. -// put this fle into conf/ directory -// -// HOWTO: -// To use this file, the login-server, char-server and map-server must be on the same subnetwork -// (not necessary on the same computer). You can not use eAthena if you want to install the servers on 2 or more different LAN. -// -// First of all: you must configure your router to forward your WAN IP (one or more) and port (default: 6900, 6121 and 5121) -// to the right concerned computer(s) (if default port, forward 6900 port to the (LAN IP) login-server, 6121 port to the (LAN IP) char-server, etc.). -// After, set in char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf files the WAN IP and the right ports that you use. -// Give to WAN people (client that are not on your LAN) your WAN IP to have an access to your server. -// At this point, all players outside your LAN can access to your server(s). -// -// Now, you must parameter your LAN for the servers. -// Set the LAN IP of the char-server and the map-server in this file (lan_char_ip and lan_map_ip). -// Set the definition of your LAN in this file (subnet and subnetmask). -// When you load/start login-server and char-server, read what the server displays, and specially the section ---LAN CONFIGURATION---. -// If you see a warning or something not good, correct it. -// Now LAN client can access to your server. -// -// NB: if you want that nobody of your LAN can access to your server, put in IP and for the mask. -// So only the localhost computer would access to your server. -// NB2: you can use LAN name if you have some instead of IP and/or mask. -// NB3: if you want set your server only for LAN people, set your LAN IP instead of the WAN IP, and set for the LAN IP. -// -// HOW THAT WORKS: -// When someone tries to connect to your server(s), the login-server/char-server checks its IP with the LAN subnet (subnet and subnetmask parameters). -// If it matches, the login-server sends the LAN IP of the char-server (lan_char_ip); and char-server do same for map-server (lan_map_ip). -// If not, the login-server sends the WAN IP of the char-server that it have received (char_ip in char_athena.conf) -// and the char-server sends the WAN IP of the map-server that it have received (map_ip in map_athena.conf) - -// put here the LAN IP of your char-server -lan_char_ip: - -// put here the LAN IP of your map-server -lan_map_ip: - -// put here the Subnet mask of your LAN -subnet: -subnetmask: diff --git a/conf-tmpl/log_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/log_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index f6337aa80..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/log_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -// eAthena - Log Configuration File - -// Enable Logs? -enable_logs: 1 - -// Use MySQL Logs? (SQL Version Only) -sql_logs: 0 - -// LOGGING FILTERS [Lupus] -//============================================================= -//if any condition is true then the item will be logged -//0 = Don't log at all -//1 = Log any item -//Advanced Filter Bits: || -//2 - Healing items (0) -//3 - Etc Items(3) + Arrows (10) -//4 - Usable Items(2) -//5 - Weapon(4) -//6 - Shields,Armor,Headgears,Accessories,etc(5) -//7 - Cards(6) -//8 - Pet Accessories(8) + Eggs(7) (well, monsters don't drop 'em but we'll use the same system for ALL logs) -//9 - Log expensive items ( >= price_log) -//10 - Log big amount of items ( >= amount_log) -//11 - Log refined items (if their refine >= refine_log ) -//12 - Log rare items (if their drop chance <= rare_log ) - -//Example: (drops log) -//log_drop: 1 = logs ANY items -//log_drop: 2 = logs only HEALING items -//log_drop: 4 = logs only Etc Items and Arrows -//log_drop: 64 = logs only Cards -//log_drop: 332 = logs only Healing items, Cards and those items which price is >= price_items_log -//etc - -//not implemented yet -refine_items_log: 7 -//not implemented yet -rare_items_log: 100 -//don't log it if the current item price < price_items_log -price_items_log: 1000 -//don't log it if the current item amount < amount_items_log -amount_items_log: 100 -//============================================================= - -// Log Dead Branch Usage -log_branch: 0 - -// Log Monster Drops (You can use a filter) -log_drop: 0 - -// Log MVP Monster Drops -log_mvpdrop: 0 - -// Log Present Items (Old Blue Box, etc.) (You can use a filter) -log_present: 0 - -// Log Produced Items (You can use a filter) -log_produce: 0 - -// Log Refining (You can use a filter) -log_refine: 0 - -// Log Trading (You can use a filter) -log_trade: 0 - -// Log Vending (You can use a filter) -log_vend: 0 - -// Log Zeny Trades -log_zeny: 0 - -// Log GM Commands (set to minimum level of Logged Commands) -log_gm: 40 - -// Log NPC 'logmes' commands -log_npc: 0 - - -// Dead Branch Log Table -log_branch_db: branchlog - -// Drop Log Table -log_drop_db: droplog - -// MVP Drop Table -log_mvpdrop_db: mvplog - -// Present Drop Table -log_present_db: presentlog - -// Produce Log Table -log_produce_db: producelog - -// Refine Log Table -log_refine_db: refinelog - -// Trade Log Table -log_trade_db: tradelog - -// Vend Log Table -log_vend_db: vendlog - -// GM Log Table -log_gm_db: atcommandlog - -// NPC Log Table -log_npc_db: npclog - - -// Dead Branch Log File -log_branch_file: log/branchlog.log - -// Drop Log File -log_drop_file: log/droplog.log - -// MVP Drop File -log_mvpdrop_file: log/mvplog.log - -// Present Drop File -log_present_file: log/presentlog.log - -// Produce Log File -log_produce_file: log/producelog.log - -// Refine Log File -log_refine_file: log/refinelog.log - -// Trade Log File -log_trade_file: log/tradelog.log - -// Vend Log File -log_vend_file: log/vendlog.log - -// GM Log File -log_gm_file: log/atcommandlog.log - -// NPC Log File -log_npc_file: log/npclog.log - -import: conf/import/log_conf.txt
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/login_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/login_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 03de39051..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/login_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,172 +0,0 @@ -// Athena Login Server configuration file. -// Translated by Peter Kieser <pfak@telus.net> - -// Login Server IP -// -// You should only need to set this if you are running behind a -// firewall or on a machine with multiple interfaces. In that case, -// you need to specify the IP address you wish to export to the entire world. -// -//login_ip: - -// What interface should we bind to.. if you have multiple IP's on one -// machine, this lets you put multiple servers on the same ports -// bind_ip: - -// Login Server Port -login_port: 6900 - -// Whether remote administration is enabled or disabled (1 for enabled, 0 for disabled) -admin_state: 0 - -// Administrative password, used by ladmin (perl software) to connect remotely to server. -// NOTICE: If you enable remote administration, you should change its value for security -admin_pass: admin - -// Indicate the IP that the server accepts for remote administration. -// put: 'all', or 'xxx.xxx.' (begin of an ip finished by '.' or a complete ip), -// or a network and its mask (example: '123.456.789.012/24' or '123.456.789.012/') -// or 'clear' to suppress previous parameter (use it in import file mainly) -// Add as many IP's as you wish. -ladminallowip: all - -// Console Commands -// Allow for console commands to be used on/off -// This prevents usage of >& log.file -console: off - -// Are login's case sensitive? -case_sensitive: on - -// Gamemaster password, used with the @gm command to obtain GM commands (level of gm set with level_new_gm parameter). -// NOTICE: You should also change this one. -gm_pass: gm - -// Level of new GM created with @gm command. (default: 60) -// If you set to 0, you disable creation of new GM with @gm. -// To be able to create a gm with @gm, you must: -// - give a level to this value (not 0) -// - enable to level 0 the @gm command (atcommand_athena.conf) (default 100) -// - enable gm commands to normal player (battle_athena.conf, atcommand_gm_only parameter) -// - and normal player must give correct password when he use the @gm command -level_new_gm: 60 - -// Can you make new accounts on the server? (1 for Yes, 0 for no) -// (1 = _M/_F enabled, 0 = not enabled) -new_account: 1 - -// Account flatfile database, stores account information. -account_filename: save/account.txt - -// What account AIDs have GM privs, and what level? -gm_account_filename: conf/GM_account.txt - -// Timer to check if GM_account file has been changed and reload GM account automaticaly -// (in seconds; default: 15; value: 0 (disabled), or 2 or more) -gm_account_filename_check_timer: 15 - -// Log Filename. All operations received by the server are logged in this file. -login_log_filename: log/login.log - -// To log the login server? -log_login: 1 - -// Name of the file of that logs the unknown packets (for debug or hack check) -login_log_unknown_packets_filename: log/login_unknown_packets.log - -// Indicate if the unknown packets are saved or not -//(the unknown packets coming from the char-server or ladministration does not relate to, which is always saved) -// Be careful: if you receive an attack, your hard disk can cause lag... -// So, active this option with a speed hard disk or for debug only. -save_unknown_packets: 0 - -// Indicate if you want display the parse of the packets received in a normal connection -// It's useful for debug. Possible values: 0: no (default), 1: yes -display_parse_login: 0 - -// Indicate if you want display the parse of the packets received in administration connection -// It's useful for debug. Possible values: 0: no (default), 1: yes -display_parse_admin: 0 - -// Indicate if you want display the parse of the packets received from a char-server -// It's useful for debug. Possible values: 0: no (default), 1: yes (without packet 0x2714), 2: all packets -display_parse_fromchar: 0 - -// Indicate how to display date in logs, to players, etc. -// 0: 31-12-2004 23:59:59 -// 1: 12-31-2004 23:59:59 -// 2: 2004-31-12 23:59:59 -// 3: 2004-12-31 23:59:59 (default) -date_format: 3 - -// Indicate the minimum GM level of player that the server accepts to connection. -// 0: all players (normal player are 0. it's default), 1-99: GM level at least with level x -min_level_to_connect: 0 - -// Give possibility to adjust (ladmin command: timeadd) the time of an unlimited account. -// If set to on/1/yes..., the adjustment is be done from actual time to set the final time of the account. -// If set to no/0/no..., the adjustment can not be done on an unlimited account. You must set (ladmin command: timeset) a final time before to adjust (ladmin command: timeadd) -add_to_unlimited_account: off - -// Starting additional sec from now for the limited time at creation of account -// -1: new account are created with UNlimited time (default value) -// 0 or more: new accounts was created by addition of the value (in sec) to the actual time (to set first limited time) -start_limited_time: -1 - -// It's to check IP of a player between login-server and char-server (part of anti-hacking system) -// If player doesn't have same IP, connection is refused. -// Set to 0/off/no to not check IP of player. -// Set to 1/on/yes if you want to check (default) -// Note: if you enable this option, be sure that your (local/lan/wan) players use correct ip (in xml file) to contact servers, -// and that your LAN is correctly configured (!), and that LAN configuration of eathena is right. -// if not correct, you can read list of char-servers, but not look slots of characters (rejected by server). -check_ip_flag: yes - -// Specify order of IP control if necessary (option: 'deny,allow', 'allow,deny', or 'mutual-failture') -// (how to use 'allow' and 'deny' information) -//order: allow,deny - -// Indicate the IP that the server accept. -// put: 'all', or 'xxx.xxx.' (begin of an ip finished by '.' or a complete ip), -// or a network and its mask (example: '123.456.789.012/24' or '123.456.789.012/') -// or 'clear' to suppress previous parameter (use it in import file mainly) -// Add as many IP's as you wish. -//allow: all - -// Indicate the IP that the server refuse. -// Add as many IP's as you wish, as long as you put deny: before it. -//deny: -//deny: - -//Check The clientversion set in the clientinfo ? -check_client_version: no - -//What version we would allow to connect? (if the options above is enabled..) -client_version_to_connect: 20 - -//Passwords in Login DB are MD5 - <passwordencrypt> cannot b used on client with this on -use_MD5_passwords: no - -// Use the 'online' column to set users online and offline [MySQL only] -register_users_online: 0 - -//Ban features: read readme for more info if you dont know this. -ipban: 1 -dynamic_pass_failure_ban: 1 -dynamic_pass_failure_ban_time: 5 -dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_many: 3 -dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_long: 60 -dynamic_account_ban: 1 -dynamic_account_ban_class: 0 - -// Enable I'm Alive? -imalive_on: 0 -// How often to display I'm Alive -imalive_time: 60 -// Enable GUI flushing for Mugendai's GUI? -flush_on: 0 -// How often to flush the buffer in Mugendai's GUI -flush_time: 60 - - -import: conf/import/login_conf.txt diff --git a/conf-tmpl/map_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/map_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 405af5d80..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/map_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -// ______ __ __ -// /\ _ \/\ \__/\ \ -// __\ \ \L\ \ \ ,_\ \ \___ __ ___ __ -// /'__`\ \ __ \ \ \/\ \ _ `\ /'__`\/' _ `\ /'__`\ -///\ __/\ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \/\ __//\ \/\ \/\ \L\.\_ -//\ \____\\ \_\ \_\ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\ -// \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/__/ \/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/ -// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -// / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ -//( e | n | g | l | i | s | h ) ( A | t | h | e | n | a ) -// \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ -// -//-------------------------------------------------------------- -//eAthena Map-Server Configuration File -//-------------------------------------------------------------- - - -//-------------------------------------------------------------- -// Configuration Info -//-------------------------------------------------------------- -// Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.) -userid: s1 -passwd: p1 - -// Character Server IP -// -// You should only need to set this if you are running behind a -// firewall or on a machine with multiple interfaces. In that case, -// you need to specify the IP address you wish to export to the entire world. -// -//char_ip: - -// What interface should we bind to.. if you have multiple IP's on one -// machine, this lets you put multiple servers on the same ports -// bind_ip: - -// Character Server Port -char_port: 6121 - -// Map Server IP -// -// You should only need to set this if you are running behind a -// firewall or on a machine with multiple interfaces. In that case, -// you need to specify the IP address you wish to export to the entire world. -// -//map_ip: - -// Map Server Port -map_port: 5121 - -//Preferred map loading method -// 0: Read directly from grf -// 1: Read from cache (without compression) -// 2: Read from cache (with compression) -// If the cache was not found it will read the maps from the GRF and copy -// any necessary data into a newly created cache. -// It is possible to reduce the map cache to 1MB for 400+ maps with compression -// enabled. If all maps are already loaded in the cache, Athena can boot without -// reading the grf files. -read_map_from_cache: 2 -// -//Where is the bitmap file stored? -map_cache_file: db/mapinfo.txt - -// Console Commands -// Allow for console commands to be used on/off -// This prevents usage of >& log.file -console: off - -// Database autosave time, in seconds. -autosave_time: 60 - -// Message of the day file, when a character logs on, this message is displayed. -motd_txt: conf/motd.txt - -// When @help or @h is typed when you are a gm, this is displayed for helping new gms understand gm commands. -help_txt: conf/help.txt - -mapreg_txt: save/mapreg.txt - -// NPCs -import: npc/npcs_athena.conf - -// Maps: -import: conf/maps_athena.conf - -// Mugendai's GUI Support -imalive_on: 0 -imalive_time: 30 -flush_on: 0 -flush_time: 30 - -import: conf/import/map_conf.txt diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/gvg.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/gvg.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b754612b1..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/gvg.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= GvG On Map Flags -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//===== Current Version: ===================================== -//= 1.0 -//===== Description: ========================================= -//= gvg: Turns on GvG mode -//===== Additional Comments: ================================= -//= -//============================================================ - -// GvG Arenas ============== -guild_vs1.gat mapflag gvg -guild_vs2.gat mapflag gvg -guild_vs3.gat mapflag gvg -guild_vs4.gat mapflag gvg -guild_vs5.gat mapflag gvg - -// Guild Castles ========== -aldeg_cas01.gat mapflag gvg -aldeg_cas02.gat mapflag gvg -aldeg_cas03.gat mapflag gvg -aldeg_cas04.gat mapflag gvg -aldeg_cas05.gat mapflag gvg -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag gvg -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag gvg -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag gvg -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag gvg -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag gvg -payg_cas01.gat mapflag gvg -payg_cas02.gat mapflag gvg -payg_cas03.gat mapflag gvg -payg_cas04.gat mapflag gvg -payg_cas05.gat mapflag gvg -prtg_cas01.gat mapflag gvg -prtg_cas02.gat mapflag gvg -prtg_cas03.gat mapflag gvg -prtg_cas04.gat mapflag gvg -prtg_cas05.gat mapflag gvg - -// Guild Dungeons ========== -gld_dun01.gat mapflag gvg -gld_dun02.gat mapflag gvg -gld_dun03.gat mapflag gvg -gld_dun04.gat mapflag gvg
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/indoors.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/indoors.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 80f95790a..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/indoors.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map Flags for Indoors Buildings or Dungeons -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//===== Current Version: ===================================== -//= 1.1 [Lupus] -//===== Compatible With: ===================================== -//= -//===== Description: ========================================= -//= 'indoors' turns off all night effects. -//============================================================ - -alberta_in.gat mapflag indoors -izlude_in.gat mapflag indoors -gef_tower.gat mapflag indoors -geffen_in.gat mapflag indoors -moc_castle.gat mapflag indoors -morocc_in.gat mapflag indoors -payon_in01.gat mapflag indoors -payon_in02.gat mapflag indoors -payon_in03.gat mapflag indoors -prt_in.gat mapflag indoors -prt_castle.gat mapflag indoors -prt_church.gat mapflag indoors -in_orcs01.gat mapflag indoors -aldeba_in.gat mapflag indoors -monk_in.gat mapflag indoors -prt_are_in.gat mapflag indoors -arena_room.gat mapflag indoors -sword_1-1.gat mapflag indoors -sword_2-1.gat mapflag indoors -sword_3-1.gat mapflag indoors -xmas_in.gat mapflag indoors -cmd_in01.gat mapflag indoors -cmd_in02.gat mapflag indoors -yuno_in01.gat mapflag indoors -yuno_in03.gat mapflag indoors -yuno_in04.gat mapflag indoors -yuno_in05.gat mapflag indoors -alde_alche.gat mapflag indoors -sec_in01.gat mapflag indoors -ama_in01.gat mapflag indoors -ama_in02.gat mapflag indoors -gon_in.gat mapflag indoors -um_in.gat mapflag indoors -nif_in.gat mapflag indoors -lou_in01.gat mapflag indoors -lou_in02.gat mapflag indoors -jawaii_in.gat mapflag indoors -que_god01.gat mapflag indoors -que_god02.gat mapflag indoors -ayo_in01.gat mapflag indoors -ayo_in02.gat mapflag indoors -que_sign01.gat mapflag indoors -ein_in01.gat mapflag indoors -airport.gat mapflag indoors -airplane.gat mapflag indoors
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/jail.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/jail.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4ccf63e8c..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/jail.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map Flags for Jails ( ATCommand @jail <player> ) -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//===== Current Version: ===================================== -//= 1.0 -//===== Compatible With: ===================================== -//= -//===== Description: ========================================= -//= pvp: Turns on PvP mode -//= pvp_noparty: Can't attack player in same party -//= nobranch: No Dead Branching allowed. -//= nomemo: No Warp Portal Memory Point allowed. -//= nopenalty: No Exp. penalty when player dies. -//= nosave: No saving respawn point allowed. Use SavePoint to use the -//= players previous savepoint, or choose one manually. -//= noteleport: No Teleporting allowed. No f-wings or b-wings. -//===== Additional Comments: ================================= -//= -//============================================================ - - -// No Memory ============================= -sec_pri.gat mapflag nomemo - -// No Save =============================== -sec_pri.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint - -// No Teleport =========================== -sec_pri.gat mapflag noteleport - -// No Warp =============================== -sec_pri.gat mapflag nowarp - -// Bloody Jail =========================== -//Uncomment following maps to let your prisoners fight with other prisoners - -// PvP =================================== -sec_pri.gat mapflag pvp - -// No Party ============================== -sec_pri.gat mapflag pvp_noparty - -//Nightmare Equipment Drops PVP ========== -sec_pri.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nightmare.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nightmare.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b185569b6..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nightmare.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that allow players to drop items/equips on death -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - - -//Nightmare Equipment Drops PVP -pvp_n_1-1.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_2-1.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_3-1.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_4-1.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_5-1.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_6-1.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_7-1.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_8-1.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_1-2.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_2-2.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_3-2.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_4-2.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_5-2.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_6-2.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_7-2.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_8-2.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_1-3.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_2-3.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_3-3.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_4-3.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_5-3.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_6-3.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_7-3.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_8-3.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_1-4.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_2-4.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_3-4.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_4-4.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_5-4.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_6-4.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_7-4.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_8-4.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_1-5.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_2-5.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_3-5.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_4-5.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_5-5.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_6-5.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_7-5.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 -pvp_n_8-5.gat mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop random,equip,300 diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nobranch.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nobranch.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5fe581734..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nobranch.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,230 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disable dead branching -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//= 1.2 [Lupus] -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - -// Cities ================>\\ -ayo_in01.gat mapflag nobranch -ayo_in02.gat mapflag nobranch -alb_ship.gat mapflag nobranch -alberta_in.gat mapflag nobranch -aldeba_in.gat mapflag nobranch -ama_in01.gat mapflag nobranch -ama_in02.gat mapflag nobranch -cmd_in01.gat mapflag nobranch -cmd_in02.gat mapflag nobranch -gef_tower.gat mapflag nobranch -geffen_in.gat mapflag nobranch -gon_in.gat mapflag nobranch -gon_test.gat mapflag nobranch -in_orcs01.gat mapflag nobranch -izlude_in.gat mapflag nobranch -jawaii_in.gat mapflag nobranch -lou_in01.gat mapflag nobranch -lou_in02.gat mapflag nobranch -moc_castle.gat mapflag nobranch -morocc_in.gat mapflag nobranch -new_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -new_1-2.gat mapflag nobranch -new_1-3.gat mapflag nobranch -new_1-4.gat mapflag nobranch -nif_in.gat mapflag nobranch -payon_in01.gat mapflag nobranch -payon_in02.gat mapflag nobranch -payon_in03.gat mapflag nobranch -prt_castle.gat mapflag nobranch -prt_church.gat mapflag nobranch -prt_in.gat mapflag nobranch -um_in.gat mapflag nobranch -xmas_in.gat mapflag nobranch -yuno_in01.gat mapflag nobranch -yuno_in03.gat mapflag nobranch -yuno_in04.gat mapflag nobranch -yuno_in05.gat mapflag nobranch -que_sign01.gat mapflag nobranch -ein_in01.gat mapflag nobranch -airport.gat mapflag nobranch -airplane.gat mapflag nobranch - -// Job Quests ==================== -sword_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -sword_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -sword_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch -job_thief1.gat mapflag nobranch -// 2-1 -job_hunte.gat mapflag nobranch -job_knt.gat mapflag nobranch -job_prist.gat mapflag nobranch -job_wiz.gat mapflag nobranch -in_moc_16.gat mapflag nobranch -in_hunter.gat mapflag nobranch -// 2-2 -alde_alche.gat mapflag nobranch -job_cru.gat mapflag nobranch -job_duncer.gat mapflag nobranch -job_monk.gat mapflag nobranch -monk_test.gat mapflag nobranch -monk_in.gat mapflag nobranch -in_rogue.gat mapflag nobranch -job_sage.gat mapflag nobranch - -// Special Quests Places ========= -que_god01.gat mapflag noteleport -que_god02.gat mapflag noteleport - -// Guild Castles ================== -//alde_gld.gat mapflag nobranch -aldeg_cas01.gat mapflag nobranch -aldeg_cas02.gat mapflag nobranch -aldeg_cas03.gat mapflag nobranch -aldeg_cas04.gat mapflag nobranch -aldeg_cas05.gat mapflag nobranch -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag nobranch -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag nobranch -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag nobranch -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag nobranch -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag nobranch -//pay_gld.gat mapflag nobranch -payg_cas01.gat mapflag nobranch -payg_cas02.gat mapflag nobranch -payg_cas03.gat mapflag nobranch -payg_cas04.gat mapflag nobranch -payg_cas05.gat mapflag nobranch -//prt_gld.gat mapflag nobranch -prtg_cas01.gat mapflag nobranch -prtg_cas02.gat mapflag nobranch -prtg_cas03.gat mapflag nobranch -prtg_cas04.gat mapflag nobranch -prtg_cas05.gat mapflag nobranch - -// GvG Arenas ===================== -guild_vs1.gat mapflag nobranch -guild_vs2.gat mapflag nobranch -guild_vs3.gat mapflag nobranch -guild_vs4.gat mapflag nobranch -guild_vs5.gat mapflag nobranch - -// Arenas ================>\\ -arena_room.gat mapflag nobranch -force_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -force_1-2.gat mapflag nobranch -force_1-3.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_1-3.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_2-2.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_2-3.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_3-2.gat mapflag nobranch -ordeal_3-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_c_room.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_room.gat mapflag nobranch -quiz_00.gat mapflag nobranch -quiz_01.gat mapflag nobranch -sec_in01.gat mapflag nobranch -hunter_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -hunter_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -hunter_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch -knight_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -knight_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -knight_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch -priest_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -priest_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -priest_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch -prt_are_in.gat mapflag nobranch -prt_are01.gat mapflag nobranch -thief_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -thief_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -thief_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch -wizard_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -wizard_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -wizard_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch - -// PvP Arenas ========================= -pvp_y_room.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_1-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_1-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_1-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_1-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_2-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_2-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_2-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_2-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_3-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_3-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_3-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_3-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_4-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_4-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_4-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_4-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_4-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_5-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_5-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_5-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_5-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_5-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_6-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_6-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_6-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_6-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_6-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_7-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_7-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_7-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_7-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_7-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_8-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_8-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_8-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_8-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_y_8-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_room.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_1-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_1-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_1-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_1-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_1-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_2-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_2-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_2-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_2-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_2-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_3-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_3-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_3-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_3-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_3-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_4-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_4-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_4-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_4-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_4-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_5-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_5-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_5-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_5-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_5-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_6-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_6-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_6-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_6-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_6-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_7-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_7-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_7-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_7-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_7-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_8-1.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_8-2.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_8-3.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_8-4.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_n_8-5.gat mapflag nobranch -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag nobranch diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noicewall.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noicewall.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7960c905c..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noicewall.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disable icewall skill -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//============================================================= -//= noicewall: Disables Icewall skill. -//= To disable Icewall on a specific map add the mapname here. -//= 1.2 [Lupus] -//============================================================ - -ayo_in01.gat mapflag noicewall -ayo_in02.gat mapflag noicewall -alberta_in.gat mapflag noicewall -alberta.gat mapflag noicewall -alde_alche.gat mapflag noicewall -aldeba_in.gat mapflag noicewall -aldebaran.gat mapflag noicewall -ama_in01.gat mapflag noicewall -ama_in02.gat mapflag noicewall -amatsu.gat mapflag noicewall -cmd_in01.gat mapflag noicewall -cmd_in02.gat mapflag noicewall -comodo.gat mapflag noicewall -gef_tower.gat mapflag noicewall -geffen.gat mapflag noicewall -geffen_in.gat mapflag noicewall -gon_in.gat mapflag noicewall -gonryun.gat mapflag noicewall -in_hunter.gat mapflag noicewall -in_moc_16.gat mapflag noicewall -in_orcs01.gat mapflag noicewall -izlude_in.gat mapflag noicewall -izlude.gat mapflag noicewall -moc_castle.gat mapflag noicewall -monk_in.gat mapflag noicewall -morocc_in.gat mapflag noicewall -morocc.gat mapflag noicewall -payon_in01.gat mapflag noicewall -payon_in02.gat mapflag noicewall -payon_in03.gat mapflag noicewall -payon.gat mapflag noicewall -pay_arche.gat mapflag noicewall -prt_are_in.gat mapflag noicewall -prt_are01.gat mapflag noicewall -prt_castle.gat mapflag noicewall -prt_church.gat mapflag noicewall -prt_in.gat mapflag noicewall -prontera.gat mapflag noicewall -sec_in01.gat mapflag noicewall -sword_1-1.gat mapflag noicewall -sword_2-1.gat mapflag noicewall -sword_3-1.gat mapflag noicewall -um_in.gat mapflag noicewall -umbala.gat mapflag noicewall -xmas_in.gat mapflag noicewall -xmas.gat mapflag noicewall -yuno_in01.gat mapflag noicewall -yuno_in03.gat mapflag noicewall -yuno_in04.gat mapflag noicewall -yuno_in05.gat mapflag noicewall -yuno.gat mapflag noicewall -gon_test.gat mapflag noicewall -nif_in.gat mapflag noicewall -louyang.gat mapflag noicewall -que_sign01.gat mapflag noicewall -ein_in01.gat mapflag noicewall -airport.gat mapflag noicewall -airplane.gat mapflag noicewall diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nomemo.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nomemo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 97679fe0e..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nomemo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,386 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disable warp portal memory -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//= 1.2 [Lupus] -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - - -// Towns ==================== -ayo_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -ayo_in02.gat mapflag nomemo -ayo_fild02.gat mapflag nomemo -alb2trea.gat mapflag nomemo -alb_ship.gat mapflag nomemo -alberta_in.gat mapflag nomemo -aldeba_in.gat mapflag nomemo -ama_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -ama_in02.gat mapflag nomemo -cmd_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -cmd_in02.gat mapflag nomemo -gef_fild06.gat mapflag nomemo -gef_fild08.gat mapflag nomemo -gef_fild12.gat mapflag nomemo -gef_tower.gat mapflag nomemo -geffen_in.gat mapflag nomemo -gon_test.gat mapflag nomemo -gon_in.gat mapflag nomemo -in_orcs01.gat mapflag nomemo -izlude_in.gat mapflag nomemo -jawaii_in.gat mapflag nomemo -lou_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -lou_in02.gat mapflag nomemo -moc_castle.gat mapflag nomemo -morocc_in.gat mapflag nomemo -mjolnir_01.gat mapflag nomemo -mjolnir_07.gat mapflag nomemo -mjolnir_10.gat mapflag nomemo -niflheim.gat mapflag nomemo -nif_in.gat mapflag nomemo -new_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -new_1-2.gat mapflag nomemo -new_1-3.gat mapflag nomemo -new_1-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pay_fild05.gat mapflag nomemo -payon_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -payon_in02.gat mapflag nomemo -payon_in03.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_castle.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_church.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_in.gat mapflag nomemo -um_in.gat mapflag nomemo -um_fild01.gat mapflag nomemo -um_fild02.gat mapflag nomemo -um_fild03.gat mapflag nomemo -xmas_in.gat mapflag nomemo -yuno_fild02.gat mapflag nomemo -yuno_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -yuno_in02.gat mapflag nomemo -yuno_in03.gat mapflag nomemo -que_sign01.gat mapflag nomemo -ein_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -airport.gat mapflag nomemo -airplane.gat mapflag nomemo - - -// Job quests ================ -sword_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -sword_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -sword_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo -job_thief1.gat mapflag nomemo -// 2-1 ----------------------- -job_hunte.gat mapflag nomemo -job_knight.gat mapflag nomemo -job_prist.gat mapflag nomemo -job_wiz.gat mapflag nomemo -in_hunter.gat mapflag nomemo -in_moc_16.gat mapflag nomemo -// 2-2 -------------------- -alde_alche.gat mapflag nomemo -job_cru.gat mapflag nomemo -job_duncer.gat mapflag nomemo -job_monk.gat mapflag nomemo -monk_test.gat mapflag nomemo -monk_in.gat mapflag nomemo -in_rogue.gat mapflag nomemo -job_sage.gat mapflag nomemo - -// Special Quests Places ===== -que_god01.gat mapflag nomemo -que_god02.gat mapflag nomemo - - -// Dungeons ================= -alde_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -alde_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -alde_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -alde_dun04.gat mapflag nomemo -// Anthelll ------------------ -anthell01.gat mapflag nomemo -anthell02.gat mapflag nomemo -// Amatsu Dungeon ------------ -ama_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -ama_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -ama_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -// Comodo Beach -------------- -beach_dun.gat mapflag nomemo -beach_dun2.gat mapflag nomemo -beach_dun3.gat mapflag nomemo -// Clock Tower --------------- -c_tower1.gat mapflag nomemo -c_tower2.gat mapflag nomemo -c_tower3.gat mapflag nomemo -c_tower4.gat mapflag nomemo -// Geffen Dun ---------------- -gef_dun00.gat mapflag nomemo -gef_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -gef_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -gef_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -// Gonryun Dun --------------- -gon_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -gon_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -gon_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -// Glast Hiem ---------------- -gl_cas01.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_cas02.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_church.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_chyard.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_knt01.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_knt02.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_prison.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_prison1.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_sew01.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_sew02.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_sew03.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_sew04.gat mapflag nomemo -gl_step.gat mapflag nomemo -// Guild Dun ----------------- -gld_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -gld_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -gld_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -gld_dun04.gat mapflag nomemo -// Gongyun Dungeon ------------ -gon_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -gon_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -gon_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -// Bayalan Island ------------ -iz_dun00.gat mapflag nomemo -iz_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -iz_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -iz_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -iz_dun04.gat mapflag nomemo -// Sphinx -------------------- -in_sphinx1.gat mapflag nomemo -in_sphinx2.gat mapflag nomemo -in_sphinx3.gat mapflag nomemo -in_sphinx4.gat mapflag nomemo -in_sphinx5.gat mapflag nomemo -// Louyang Dun -------------- -lou_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -lou_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -lou_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -// Magma Dun ----------------- -mag_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -mag_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -// Pyrmaids ------------------ -moc_pryd01.gat mapflag nomemo -moc_pryd02.gat mapflag nomemo -moc_pryd03.gat mapflag nomemo -moc_pryd04.gat mapflag nomemo -moc_pryd05.gat mapflag nomemo -moc_pryd06.gat mapflag nomemo -moc_prydb1.gat mapflag nomemo -// Coal Mine(Dead Pitt) ------ -mjo_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -mjo_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -mjo_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -// Orc Dun ------------------- -orcsdun01.gat mapflag nomemo -orcsdun02.gat mapflag nomemo -// Payon Cave ---------------- -pay_dun00.gat mapflag nomemo -pay_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -pay_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -pay_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -pay_dun04.gat mapflag nomemo -// Hidden Temple ------------ -prt_maze01.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_maze02.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_maze03.gat mapflag nomemo -// Culvert Sewers ------------ -prt_sewb1.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_sewb2.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_sewb3.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_sewb4.gat mapflag nomemo -// Gonryun Dun --------------- -gon_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -gon_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -gon_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -// Sunken Ship --------------- -treasure01.gat mapflag nomemo -treasure02.gat mapflag nomemo -// Turtle Island ------------- -tur_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -tur_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -tur_dun03.gat mapflag nomemo -tur_dun04.gat mapflag nomemo -tur_dun05.gat mapflag nomemo -tur_dun06.gat mapflag nomemo -// Umbala Dun ---------------- -um_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -um_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -// Toy Factory --------------- -xmas_dun01.gat mapflag nomemo -xmas_dun02.gat mapflag nomemo -// Yggdrasil Tree Dun -------- -yggdrasil01.gat mapflag nomemo -// Old Geffenia -------------- -gefenia01.gat mapflag nomemo -gefenia02.gat mapflag nomemo -gefenia03.gat mapflag nomemo -gefenia04.gat mapflag nomemo - -// Guild Castles ============= -//alde_gld.gat mapflag nomemo -aldeg_cas01.gat mapflag nomemo -aldeg_cas02.gat mapflag nomemo -aldeg_cas03.gat mapflag nomemo -aldeg_cas04.gat mapflag nomemo -aldeg_cas05.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag nomemo -//pay_gld.gat mapflag nomemo -payg_cas01.gat mapflag nomemo -payg_cas02.gat mapflag nomemo -payg_cas03.gat mapflag nomemo -payg_cas04.gat mapflag nomemo -payg_cas05.gat mapflag nomemo -//prt_gld.gat mapflag nomemo -prtg_cas01.gat mapflag nomemo -prtg_cas02.gat mapflag nomemo -prtg_cas03.gat mapflag nomemo -prtg_cas04.gat mapflag nomemo -prtg_cas05.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag nomemo -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag nomemo - -// GvG Arenas ================ -guild_vs1.gat mapflag nomemo -guild_vs2.gat mapflag nomemo -guild_vs3.gat mapflag nomemo -guild_vs4.gat mapflag nomemo -guild_vs5.gat mapflag nomemo - -// Arenas ==================== -arena_room.gat mapflag nomemo -force_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -force_1-2.gat mapflag nomemo -force_1-3.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_1-2.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_1-3.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_2-2.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_2-3.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_3-2.gat mapflag nomemo -ordeal_3-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_c_room.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_room.gat mapflag nomemo -quiz_00.gat mapflag nomemo -quiz_01.gat mapflag nomemo -sec_in01.gat mapflag nomemo -sec_in02.gat mapflag nomemo -hunter_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -hunter_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -hunter_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo -knight_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -knight_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -knight_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo -priest_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -priest_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -priest_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_are_in.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_are_in.gat mapflag nomemo -prt_are01.gat mapflag nomemo -thief_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -thief_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -thief_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo -wizard_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -wizard_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -wizard_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo - -// PvP Arenas ================ -pvp_y_room.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_1-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_1-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_1-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_1-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_2-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_2-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_2-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_2-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_3-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_3-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_3-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_3-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_4-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_4-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_4-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_4-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_4-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_5-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_5-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_5-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_5-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_5-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_6-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_6-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_6-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_6-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_6-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_7-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_7-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_7-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_7-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_7-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_8-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_8-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_8-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_8-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_y_8-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_room.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_1-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_1-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_1-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_1-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_1-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_2-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_2-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_2-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_2-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_2-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_3-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_3-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_3-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_3-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_3-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_4-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_4-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_4-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_4-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_4-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_5-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_5-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_5-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_5-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_5-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_6-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_6-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_6-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_6-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_6-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_7-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_7-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_7-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_7-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_7-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_8-1.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_8-2.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_8-3.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_8-4.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_n_8-5.gat mapflag nomemo -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag nomemo diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nopenalty.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nopenalty.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f0f1df1bd..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nopenalty.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disable exp. penalty on death. -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//= 1.1 [Lupus] -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - - -// Towns ====================>\\ -ayo_in01.gat mapflag nopenalty -ayo_in02.gat mapflag nopenalty -alb_ship.gat mapflag nopenalty -alberta.gat mapflag nopenalty -alberta_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -aldebaran.gat mapflag nopenalty -aldeba_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -amatsu.gat mapflag nopenalty -ama_in01.gat mapflag nopenalty -ama_in02.gat mapflag nopenalty -arena_room.gat mapflag nopenalty -comodo.gat mapflag nopenalty -cmd_in01.gat mapflag nopenalty -cmd_in02.gat mapflag nopenalty -geffen.gat mapflag nopenalty -gef_tower.gat mapflag nopenalty -geffen_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -gonryun.gat mapflag nopenalty -gon_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -gon_test.gat mapflag nopenalty -in_orcs01.gat mapflag nopenalty -izlude.gat mapflag nopenalty -izlude_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -jawaii.gat mapflag nopenalty -jawaii_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -louyang.gat mapflag nopenalty -lou_in01.gat mapflag nopenalty -lou_in02.gat mapflag nopenalty -morocc.gat mapflag nopenalty -moc_castle.gat mapflag nopenalty -morocc_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -new_1-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -new_1-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -new_1-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -new_1-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -niflheim.gat mapflag nopenalty -nif_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -payon.gat mapflag nopenalty -payon_in01.gat mapflag nopenalty -payon_in02.gat mapflag nopenalty -payon_in03.gat mapflag nopenalty -prontera.gat mapflag nopenalty -prt_are_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -prt_are01.gat mapflag nopenalty -prt_castle.gat mapflag nopenalty -prt_church.gat mapflag nopenalty -prt_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -umatsu.gat mapflag nopenalty -um_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -xmas.gat mapflag nopenalty -xmas_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -yuno.gat mapflag nopenalty -yuno_in01.gat mapflag nopenalty -yuno_in03.gat mapflag nopenalty -yuno_in04.gat mapflag nopenalty -yuno_in05.gat mapflag nopenalty - -// Job Quests ======================== -sword_1-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -sword_2-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -sword_3-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -job_thief1.gat mapflag nopenalty -// 2-1 ----------------------- -job_hunte.gat mapflag nopenalty -job_knight.gat mapflag nopenalty -job_prist.gat mapflag nopenalty -job_wiz.gat mapflag nopenalty -in_hunter.gat mapflag nopenalty -in_moc_16.gat mapflag nopenalty -// 2-2 -------------------- -alde_alche.gat mapflag nopenalty -job_cru.gat mapflag nopenalty -job_duncer.gat mapflag nopenalty -job_monk.gat mapflag nopenalty -monk_test.gat mapflag nopenalty -monk_in.gat mapflag nopenalty -in_rogue.gat mapflag nopenalty -job_sage.gat mapflag nopenalty - -// GvG Arenas =================== -guild_vs1.gat mapflag nopenalty -guild_vs2.gat mapflag nopenalty -guild_vs3.gat mapflag nopenalty -guild_vs4.gat mapflag nopenalty -guild_vs5.gat mapflag nopenalty - -// Arenas=======================>\\ -sec_in01.gat mapflag nopenalty -sec_in02.gat mapflag nopenalty - -// PvP Arenas ========================= -pvp_y_1-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_1-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_1-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_1-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_1-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_2-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_2-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_2-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_2-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_2-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_3-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_3-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_3-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_3-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_3-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_4-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_4-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_4-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_4-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_4-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_5-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_5-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_5-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_5-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_5-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_6-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_6-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_6-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_6-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_6-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_7-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_7-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_7-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_7-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_7-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_8-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_8-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_8-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_8-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_y_8-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_1-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_1-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_1-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_1-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_1-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_2-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_2-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_2-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_2-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_2-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_3-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_3-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_3-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_3-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_3-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_4-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_4-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_4-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_4-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_4-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_5-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_5-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_5-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_5-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_5-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_6-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_6-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_6-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_6-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_6-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_7-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_7-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_7-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_7-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_7-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_8-1.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_8-2.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_8-3.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_8-4.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_n_8-5.gat mapflag nopenalty -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag nopenalty
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nopvp.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nopvp.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34f9a75c0..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nopvp.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -///===== Description: ============================================= -//= nopvp: Disables Player versus Player mode. -//= To disable PvP mode on a specific map add the mapname here. -//============================================================ - -ayo_in01.gat mapflag nopvp -ayo_in02.gat mapflag nopvp -alberta_in.gat mapflag nopvp -alberta.gat mapflag nopvp -alde_alche.gat mapflag nopvp -aldeba_in.gat mapflag nopvp -aldebaran.gat mapflag nopvp -ama_in01.gat mapflag nopvp -ama_in02.gat mapflag nopvp -amatsu.gat mapflag nopvp -cmd_in01.gat mapflag nopvp -cmd_in02.gat mapflag nopvp -comodo.gat mapflag nopvp -gef_tower.gat mapflag nopvp -geffen.gat mapflag nopvp -geffen_in.gat mapflag nopvp -gon_in.gat mapflag nopvp -gonryun.gat mapflag nopvp -in_hunter.gat mapflag nopvp -in_moc_16.gat mapflag nopvp -in_orcs01.gat mapflag nopvp -izlude_in.gat mapflag nopvp -izlude.gat mapflag nopvp -louyang.gat mapflag nopvp -moc_castle.gat mapflag nopvp -monk_in.gat mapflag nopvp -morocc_in.gat mapflag nopvp -morocc.gat mapflag nopvp -nif_in.gat mapflag nopvp -payon_in01.gat mapflag nopvp -payon_in02.gat mapflag nopvp -payon_in03.gat mapflag nopvp -payon.gat mapflag nopvp -pay_arche.gat mapflag nopvp -prt_are_in.gat mapflag nopvp -prt_are01.gat mapflag nopvp -prt_castle.gat mapflag nopvp -prt_church.gat mapflag nopvp -prt_in.gat mapflag nopvp -prontera.gat mapflag nopvp -sec_in01.gat mapflag nopvp -sword_1-1.gat mapflag nopvp -sword_2-1.gat mapflag nopvp -sword_3-1.gat mapflag nopvp -um_in.gat mapflag nopvp -umbala.gat mapflag nopvp -xmas_in.gat mapflag nopvp -xmas.gat mapflag nopvp -yuno_in01.gat mapflag nopvp -yuno_in03.gat mapflag nopvp -yuno_in04.gat mapflag nopvp -yuno_in05.gat mapflag nopvp -yuno.gat mapflag nopvp -gon_test.gat mapflag nopvp diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noreturn.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noreturn.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 91bcf46ab..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noreturn.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disable use of Butterfly wings -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//= 1.1 [Lupus] -//===== Notes: =============================================== -//= For disabling Fly wings use noteleport -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - -// Cities ======================== -ayo_in01.gat mapflag noreturn -ayo_in02.gat mapflag noreturn -alb_ship.gat mapflag noreturn -alberta_in.gat mapflag noreturn -aldeba_in.gat mapflag noreturn -ama_in01.gat mapflag noreturn -ama_in02.gat mapflag noreturn -cmd_in01.gat mapflag noreturn -cmd_in02.gat mapflag noreturn -gef_tower.gat mapflag noreturn -geffen_in.gat mapflag noreturn -gon_test.gat mapflag noreturn -gon_in.gat mapflag noreturn -in_orcs01.gat mapflag noreturn -izlude_in.gat mapflag noreturn -jawaii_in.gat mapflag noreturn -lou_in01.gat mapflag noreturn -lou_in02.gat mapflag noreturn -moc_castle.gat mapflag noreturn -morocc_in.gat mapflag noreturn -new_1-1.gat mapflag noreturn -new_1-2.gat mapflag noreturn -new_1-3.gat mapflag noreturn -new_1-4.gat mapflag noreturn -nif_in.gat mapflag noreturn -payon_in01.gat mapflag noreturn -payon_in02.gat mapflag noreturn -payon_in03.gat mapflag noreturn -prt_are_in.gat mapflag noreturn -prt_are01.gat mapflag noreturn -prt_castle.gat mapflag noreturn -prt_church.gat mapflag noreturn -prt_in.gat mapflag noreturn -um_in.gat mapflag noreturn -xmas_in.gat mapflag noreturn -yuno_in01.gat mapflag noreturn -yuno_in03.gat mapflag noreturn -yuno_in04.gat mapflag noreturn -yuno_in05.gat mapflag noreturn -que_sign01.gat mapflag noreturn -ein_in01.gat mapflag noreturn -airport.gat mapflag noreturn -airplane.gat mapflag noreturn - -// Job Quests ==================== -sword_1-1.gat mapflag noreturn -sword_2-1.gat mapflag noreturn -sword_3-1.gat mapflag noreturn -job_thief1.gat mapflag noreturn -// 2-1 ----------------------- -job_hunte.gat mapflag noreturn -job_knight.gat mapflag noreturn -job_prist.gat mapflag noreturn -job_wiz.gat mapflag noreturn -in_hunter.gat mapflag noreturn -in_moc_16.gat mapflag noreturn -// 2-2 -------------------- -alde_alche.gat mapflag noreturn -job_cru.gat mapflag noreturn -job_duncer.gat mapflag noreturn -job_monk.gat mapflag noreturn -monk_test.gat mapflag noreturn -monk_in.gat mapflag noreturn -in_rogue.gat mapflag noreturn -job_sage.gat mapflag noreturn - -// Special Quests Places ========= -que_god01.gat mapflag noreturn -que_god02.gat mapflag noreturn - -// Guild Castles ================= -aldeg_cas01.gat mapflag noreturn -aldeg_cas02.gat mapflag noreturn -aldeg_cas03.gat mapflag noreturn -aldeg_cas04.gat mapflag noreturn -aldeg_cas05.gat mapflag noreturn -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag noreturn -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag noreturn -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag noreturn -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag noreturn -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag noreturn -payg_cas01.gat mapflag noreturn -payg_cas02.gat mapflag noreturn -payg_cas03.gat mapflag noreturn -payg_cas04.gat mapflag noreturn -payg_cas05.gat mapflag noreturn -prtg_cas01.gat mapflag noreturn -prtg_cas02.gat mapflag noreturn -prtg_cas03.gat mapflag noreturn -prtg_cas04.gat mapflag noreturn -prtg_cas05.gat mapflag noreturn - -// GvG Arenas =================== -guild_vs1.gat mapflag noreturn -guild_vs2.gat mapflag noreturn -guild_vs3.gat mapflag noreturn -guild_vs4.gat mapflag noreturn -guild_vs5.gat mapflag noreturn - -// Arenas =====================>\\ -arena_room.gat mapflag noreturn -sec_in01.gat mapflag noreturn -sec_in02.gat mapflag noreturn - -// PvP Arenas======================= -pvp_y_room.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_1-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_1-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_1-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_1-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_1-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_2-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_2-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_2-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_2-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_2-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_3-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_3-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_3-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_3-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_3-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_4-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_4-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_4-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_4-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_4-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_5-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_5-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_5-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_5-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_5-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_6-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_6-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_6-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_6-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_6-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_7-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_7-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_7-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_7-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_7-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_8-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_8-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_8-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_8-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_y_8-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_room.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_1-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_1-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_1-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_1-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_1-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_2-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_2-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_2-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_2-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_2-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_3-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_3-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_3-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_3-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_3-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_4-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_4-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_4-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_4-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_4-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_5-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_5-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_5-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_5-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_5-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_6-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_6-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_6-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_6-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_6-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_7-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_7-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_7-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_7-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_7-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_8-1.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_8-2.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_8-3.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_8-4.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_n_8-5.gat mapflag noreturn -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag noreturn
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nosave.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nosave.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a767ece14..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nosave.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disable auto saving -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//= 1.2 [Lupus] -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - -// Job Quests ==================== -sword_1-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -sword_2-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -sword_3-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -//job_thief1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -// 2-1 -job_hunte.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -job_knt.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -job_prist.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -job_wiz.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -in_moc_16.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -//in_hunter.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -// 2-2 -alde_alche.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -job_cru.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -job_duncer.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -job_monk.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -monk_test.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -monk_in.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -in_rogue.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -job_sage.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint - -// Special Quests Places ===== -que_god01.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -que_god02.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -que_sign01.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint - -// GvG Arenas ========================== -guild_vs1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -guild_vs2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -guild_vs3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -guild_vs4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -guild_vs5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint - -//PvP Arenas ================================= -pvp_y_room.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_1-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_1-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_1-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_1-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_1-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_2-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_2-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_2-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_2-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_2-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_3-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_3-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_3-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_3-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_3-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_4-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_4-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_4-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_4-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_4-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_5-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_5-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_5-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_5-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_5-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_6-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_6-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_6-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_6-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_6-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_7-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_7-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_7-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_7-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_7-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_8-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_8-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_8-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_8-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_y_8-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_room.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_1-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_1-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_1-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_1-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_1-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_2-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_2-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_2-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_2-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_2-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_3-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_3-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_3-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_3-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_3-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_4-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_4-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_4-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_4-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_4-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_5-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_5-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_5-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_5-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_5-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_6-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_6-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_6-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_6-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_6-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_7-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_7-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_7-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_7-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_7-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_8-1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_8-2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_8-3.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_8-4.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_n_8-5.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint - -//gon_test.gat mapflag nosave prontera.gat,150,180 diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noteleport.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noteleport.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 78458c574..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/noteleport.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disable use of fly wings -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//= 1.2 [Lupus] -//===== Notes: =============================================== -//= For disabling Butterfly wings use noreturn -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - -// Cities ======================== -ayo_in01.gat mapflag noteleport -ayo_in02.gat mapflag noteleport -alb_ship.gat mapflag noteleport -alberta_in.gat mapflag noteleport -aldeba_in.gat mapflag noteleport -ama_in01.gat mapflag noteleport -ama_in02.gat mapflag noteleport -cmd_in01.gat mapflag noteleport -cmd_in02.gat mapflag noteleport -gef_tower.gat mapflag noteleport -geffen_in.gat mapflag noteleport -gon_test.gat mapflag noteleport -gon_in.gat mapflag noteleport -in_orcs01.gat mapflag noteleport -izlude_in.gat mapflag noteleport -jawaii_in.gat mapflag noteleport -lou_in01.gat mapflag noteleport -lou_in02.gat mapflag noteleport -moc_castle.gat mapflag noteleport -morocc_in.gat mapflag noteleport -new_1-1.gat mapflag noteleport -new_1-2.gat mapflag noteleport -new_1-3.gat mapflag noteleport -new_1-4.gat mapflag noteleport -nif_in.gat mapflag noteleport -payon_in01.gat mapflag noteleport -payon_in02.gat mapflag noteleport -payon_in03.gat mapflag noteleport -prt_are_in.gat mapflag noteleport -prt_are01.gat mapflag noteleport -prt_castle.gat mapflag noteleport -prt_church.gat mapflag noteleport -prt_in.gat mapflag noteleport -um_in.gat mapflag noteleport -xmas_in.gat mapflag noteleport -yuno_in01.gat mapflag noteleport -yuno_in03.gat mapflag noteleport -yuno_in04.gat mapflag noteleport -yuno_in05.gat mapflag noteleport -que_sign01.gat mapflag noteleport -ein_in01.gat mapflag noteleport -airport.gat mapflag noteleport -airplane.gat mapflag noteleport - -// Job Quests ==================== -sword_1-1.gat mapflag noteleport -sword_2-1.gat mapflag noteleport -sword_3-1.gat mapflag noteleport -job_thief1.gat mapflag noteleport -// 2-1 ----------------------- -job_hunte.gat mapflag noteleport -job_knight.gat mapflag noteleport -job_prist.gat mapflag noteleport -job_wiz.gat mapflag noteleport -in_hunter.gat mapflag noteleport -in_moc_16.gat mapflag noteleport -// 2-2 -------------------- -alde_alche.gat mapflag noteleport -job_cru.gat mapflag noteleport -job_duncer.gat mapflag noteleport -job_monk.gat mapflag noteleport -monk_test.gat mapflag noteleport -monk_in.gat mapflag noteleport -in_rogue.gat mapflag noteleport -job_sage.gat mapflag noteleport - -// Special Quests Places ========= -que_god01.gat mapflag noteleport -que_god02.gat mapflag noteleport - -// Guild Castles ================= -aldeg_cas01.gat mapflag noteleport -aldeg_cas02.gat mapflag noteleport -aldeg_cas03.gat mapflag noteleport -aldeg_cas04.gat mapflag noteleport -aldeg_cas05.gat mapflag noteleport -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag noteleport -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag noteleport -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag noteleport -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag noteleport -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag noteleport -payg_cas01.gat mapflag noteleport -payg_cas02.gat mapflag noteleport -payg_cas03.gat mapflag noteleport -payg_cas04.gat mapflag noteleport -payg_cas05.gat mapflag noteleport -prtg_cas01.gat mapflag noteleport -prtg_cas02.gat mapflag noteleport -prtg_cas03.gat mapflag noteleport -prtg_cas04.gat mapflag noteleport -prtg_cas05.gat mapflag noteleport - -// GvG Arenas =================== -guild_vs1.gat mapflag noteleport -guild_vs2.gat mapflag noteleport -guild_vs3.gat mapflag noteleport -guild_vs4.gat mapflag noteleport -guild_vs5.gat mapflag noteleport - -// Arenas =====================>\\ -arena_room.gat mapflag noteleport -sec_in01.gat mapflag noteleport -sec_in02.gat mapflag noteleport - -// PvP Arenas======================= -pvp_y_room.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_1-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_1-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_1-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_1-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_1-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_2-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_2-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_2-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_2-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_2-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_3-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_3-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_3-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_3-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_3-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_4-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_4-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_4-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_4-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_4-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_5-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_5-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_5-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_5-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_5-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_6-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_6-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_6-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_6-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_6-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_7-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_7-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_7-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_7-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_7-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_8-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_8-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_8-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_8-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_y_8-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_room.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_1-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_1-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_1-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_1-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_1-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_2-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_2-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_2-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_2-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_2-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_3-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_3-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_3-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_3-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_3-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_4-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_4-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_4-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_4-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_4-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_5-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_5-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_5-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_5-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_5-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_6-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_6-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_6-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_6-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_6-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_7-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_7-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_7-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_7-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_7-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_8-1.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_8-2.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_8-3.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_8-4.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_n_8-5.gat mapflag noteleport -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag noteleport diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nowarp.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nowarp.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f719b03d3..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nowarp.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -aldeg_cas02.gat mapflag nowarp -aldeg_cas03.gat mapflag nowarp -aldeg_cas04.gat mapflag nowarp -aldeg_cas05.gat mapflag nowarp -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag nowarp -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag nowarp -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag nowarp -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag nowarp -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag nowarp -payg_cas01.gat mapflag nowarp -payg_cas02.gat mapflag nowarp -payg_cas03.gat mapflag nowarp -payg_cas04.gat mapflag nowarp -payg_cas05.gat mapflag nowarp -prtg_cas01.gat mapflag nowarp -prtg_cas02.gat mapflag nowarp -prtg_cas03.gat mapflag nowarp -prtg_cas04.gat mapflag nowarp -prtg_cas05.gat mapflag nowarp diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nowarpto.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nowarpto.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 641442759..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/nowarpto.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disable warpto -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - -// Guild Castles ======================== -//alde_gld.gat mapflag nowarpto -aldeg_cas01.gat mapflag nowarpto -aldeg_cas02.gat mapflag nowarpto -aldeg_cas03.gat mapflag nowarpto -aldeg_cas04.gat mapflag nowarpto -aldeg_cas05.gat mapflag nowarpto -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag nowarpto -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag nowarpto -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag nowarpto -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag nowarpto -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag nowarpto -//pay_gld.gat mapflag nowarpto -payg_cas01.gat mapflag nowarpto -payg_cas02.gat mapflag nowarpto -payg_cas03.gat mapflag nowarpto -payg_cas04.gat mapflag nowarpto -payg_cas05.gat mapflag nowarpto -//prt_gld.gat mapflag nowarpto -prtg_cas01.gat mapflag nowarpto -prtg_cas02.gat mapflag nowarpto -prtg_cas03.gat mapflag nowarpto -prtg_cas04.gat mapflag nowarpto -prtg_cas05.gat mapflag nowarpto diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/pvp.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/pvp.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cf25c8e50..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/pvp.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that enable pvp -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//===== Current Version: ===================================== -//= 1.0 -//===== Description: ========================================= -//= pvp: Turns on PvP mode -//===== Additional Comments: ================================= -//= -//============================================================ - -// PvP ======================== -pvp_y_1-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_1-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_1-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_1-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_1-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_2-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_2-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_2-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_2-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_2-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_3-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_3-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_3-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_3-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_3-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_4-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_4-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_4-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_4-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_4-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_5-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_5-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_5-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_5-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_5-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_6-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_6-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_6-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_6-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_6-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_7-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_7-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_7-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_7-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_7-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_8-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_8-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_8-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_8-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_y_8-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_1-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_1-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_1-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_1-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_1-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_2-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_2-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_2-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_2-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_2-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_3-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_3-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_3-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_3-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_3-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_4-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_4-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_4-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_4-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_4-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_5-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_5-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_5-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_5-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_5-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_6-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_6-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_6-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_6-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_6-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_7-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_7-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_7-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_7-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_7-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_8-1.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_8-2.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_8-3.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_8-4.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_n_8-5.gat mapflag pvp -pvp_2vs2.gat mapflag pvp diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/pvp_noparty.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/pvp_noparty.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6e6bff300..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/pvp_noparty.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -//===== eAthena Script ======================================= -//= Map flags that disables attacking a party member -//===== By: ================================================== -//= eAthena Dev Team -//===== Current Version: ===================================== - - -// Guild Castles ================ -aldeg_cas01.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -aldeg_cas02.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -aldeg_cas03.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -aldeg_cas04.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -aldeg_cas05.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -gefg_cas01.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -gefg_cas02.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -gefg_cas03.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -gefg_cas04.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -gefg_cas05.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -payg_cas01.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -payg_cas02.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -payg_cas03.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -payg_cas04.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -payg_cas05.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -prtg_cas01.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -prtg_cas02.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -prtg_cas03.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -prtg_cas04.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -prtg_cas05.gat mapflag pvp_noparty - -// GvG Arenas ================= -guild_vs1.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -guild_vs2.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -guild_vs3.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -guild_vs4.gat mapflag pvp_noparty -guild_vs5.gat mapflag pvp_noparty
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/water_height.txt b/conf-tmpl/mapflag/water_height.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 979495abc..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/mapflag/water_height.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -// ����̍�����ݒ� -//water_height.txt eAthenaDB 2005/03/25 18:52:09 +0900 (JST) - -xmas.gat 3 -mjolnir_01.gat 0 -mjolnir_02.gat -19 -mjolnir_12.gat 15 -prt_fild00.gat 11 -prt_fild01.gat 25 -prt_fild02.gat 42 -prt_fild04.gat 14 -prt_fild05.gat 14 -prt_fild10.gat 40 -gef_fild00.gat 10 -gef_fild01.gat 14 -gef_fild03.gat 82 -gef_fild04.gat 14 -gef_fild07.gat 19 -gef_fild09.gat 11 -gef_fild10.gat 24 -moc_fild01.gat 26 -moc_fild11.gat 9 -iz_dun00.gat 5 -iz_dun01.gat 5 -iz_dun02.gat -58 -mjo_dun01.gat 7 -orcsdun02.gat 3 -pay_dun01.gat 8 -pay_dun02.gat 5 -pay_dun03.gat 10 -prt_sewb2.gat 5 -prt_sewb3.gat 5 -treasure01.gat -4 -treasure02.gat -1 -moc_ruins.gat 6 -pay_arche.gat 8 -glast_01.gat 8 -alde_dun03.gat 2 -alde_dun04.gat 0 -gl_prison1.gat 35 -gl_sew01.gat 56 -gl_sew02.gat 12 -gl_sew03.gat 15 -gl_sew04.gat 70 -comodo.gat 14 -cmd_fild01.gat 46 -cmd_fild02.gat 4 -cmd_fild03.gat 0 -cmd_fild04.gat 4 -cmd_fild05.gat 46 -beach_dun2.gat 6 -beach_dun3.gat 0 -beach_dun.gat 9 -gef_fild13.gat 19 -gld_dun02.gat 5 -gld_dun03.gat 14 -gld_dun04.gat 3 -aldeg_cas01.gat 40 -aldeg_cas02.gat 35 -aldeg_cas03.gat 16 -aldeg_cas04.gat 31 -aldeg_cas05.gat 25 -gefg_cas02.gat 8 -gefg_cas04.gat 15 -gefg_cas05.gat 5 -prtg_cas05.gat 13 -tur_dun01.gat -65 -ama_fild01.gat 5 -yuno_fild09.gat 10 -yuno_fild11.gat -19 -//sec_in02.gat 5 dunno what value
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/maps_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/maps_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index a82fc1305..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/maps_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,628 +0,0 @@ -//------------------------- Maps --------------------------- -map: alb_ship.gat -map: alb2trea.gat -map: alberta.gat -map: alberta_in.gat -map: alde_dun01.gat -map: alde_dun02.gat -map: alde_dun03.gat -map: alde_dun04.gat -map: aldeba_in.gat -map: aldebaran.gat -map: anthell01.gat -map: anthell02.gat -map: arena_room.gat -map: c_tower1.gat -map: c_tower2.gat -map: c_tower3.gat -map: c_tower4.gat -map: force_1-1.gat -map: force_1-2.gat -map: force_1-3.gat -map: force_2-1.gat -map: force_2-2.gat -map: force_2-3.gat -map: force_3-1.gat -map: force_3-2.gat -map: force_3-3.gat -map: gef_dun00.gat -map: gef_dun01.gat -map: gef_dun02.gat -map: gef_dun03.gat -map: gef_fild00.gat -map: gef_fild01.gat -map: gef_fild02.gat -map: gef_fild03.gat -map: gef_fild04.gat -map: gef_fild05.gat -map: gef_fild06.gat -map: gef_fild07.gat -map: gef_fild08.gat -map: gef_fild09.gat -map: gef_fild10.gat -map: gef_fild11.gat -map: gef_tower.gat -map: geffen.gat -map: geffen_in.gat -map: gl_cas01.gat -map: gl_cas02.gat -map: gl_church.gat -map: gl_chyard.gat -map: gl_dun01.gat -map: gl_dun02.gat -map: gl_in01.gat -map: gl_knt01.gat -map: gl_knt02.gat -map: gl_prison.gat -map: gl_prison1.gat -map: gl_sew01.gat -map: gl_sew02.gat -map: gl_sew03.gat -map: gl_sew04.gat -map: gl_step.gat -map: glast_01.gat -map: hunter_1-1.gat -map: hunter_2-1.gat -map: hunter_3-1.gat -map: in_hunter.gat -map: in_moc_16.gat -map: in_orcs01.gat -map: in_sphinx1.gat -map: in_sphinx2.gat -map: in_sphinx3.gat -map: in_sphinx4.gat -map: in_sphinx5.gat -map: iz_dun00.gat -map: iz_dun01.gat -map: iz_dun02.gat -map: iz_dun03.gat -map: iz_dun04.gat -//map: iz_dun05.gat -map: izlu2dun.gat -map: izlude.gat -map: izlude_in.gat -map: job_thief1.gat -map: knight_1-1.gat -map: knight_2-1.gat -map: knight_3-1.gat -map: mjo_dun01.gat -map: mjo_dun02.gat -map: mjo_dun03.gat -map: mjolnir_01.gat -map: mjolnir_02.gat -map: mjolnir_03.gat -map: mjolnir_04.gat -map: mjolnir_05.gat -map: mjolnir_06.gat -map: mjolnir_07.gat -map: mjolnir_08.gat -map: mjolnir_09.gat -map: mjolnir_10.gat -map: mjolnir_11.gat -map: mjolnir_12.gat -map: moc_castle.gat -map: moc_fild01.gat -map: moc_fild02.gat -map: moc_fild03.gat -map: moc_fild04.gat -map: moc_fild05.gat -map: moc_fild06.gat -map: moc_fild07.gat -map: moc_fild08.gat -map: moc_fild09.gat -map: moc_fild10.gat -map: moc_fild11.gat -map: moc_fild12.gat -map: moc_fild13.gat -map: moc_fild14.gat -map: moc_fild15.gat -map: moc_fild16.gat -map: moc_fild17.gat -map: moc_fild18.gat -map: moc_fild19.gat -map: moc_pryd01.gat -map: moc_pryd02.gat -map: moc_pryd03.gat -map: moc_pryd04.gat -map: moc_pryd05.gat -map: moc_pryd06.gat -map: moc_prydb1.gat -map: moc_ruins.gat -map: monk_in.gat -map: morocc.gat -map: morocc_in.gat -map: new_1-1.gat -map: new_1-2.gat -map: new_1-3.gat -map: new_1-4.gat -//map: new_2-1.gat -//map: new_2-2.gat -//map: new_2-3.gat -//map: new_2-4.gat -//map: new_3-1.gat -//map: new_3-2.gat -//map: new_3-3.gat -//map: new_3-4.gat -//map: new_4-1.gat -//map: new_4-2.gat -//map: new_4-3.gat -//map: new_4-4.gat -//map: new_5-1.gat -//map: new_5-2.gat -//map: new_5-3.gat -//map: new_5-4.gat -map: orcsdun01.gat -map: orcsdun02.gat -map: ordeal_1-1.gat -map: ordeal_1-2.gat -//map: ordeal_1-3.gat -//map: ordeal_1-4.gat -map: ordeal_2-1.gat -map: ordeal_2-2.gat -//map: ordeal_2-3.gat -//map: ordeal_2-4.gat -map: ordeal_3-1.gat -map: ordeal_3-2.gat -//map: ordeal_3-3.gat -//map: ordeal_3-4.gat -map: pay_arche.gat -map: pay_dun00.gat -map: pay_dun01.gat -map: pay_dun02.gat -map: pay_dun03.gat -map: pay_dun04.gat -map: pay_fild01.gat -map: pay_fild02.gat -map: pay_fild03.gat -map: pay_fild04.gat -map: pay_fild05.gat -map: pay_fild06.gat -map: pay_fild07.gat -map: pay_fild08.gat -map: pay_fild09.gat -map: pay_fild10.gat -map: pay_fild11.gat -//map: payon.gat //moved down to new maps -//map: payon_in01.gat //moved down to new maps -//map: payon_in02.gat //moved down to new maps -map: priest_1-1.gat -map: priest_2-1.gat -map: priest_3-1.gat -map: prontera.gat -map: prt_are_in.gat -map: prt_are01.gat -//map: prt_arena01.gat -map: prt_castle.gat -map: prt_church.gat -map: prt_fild00.gat -map: prt_fild01.gat -map: prt_fild02.gat -map: prt_fild03.gat -map: prt_fild04.gat -map: prt_fild05.gat -map: prt_fild06.gat -map: prt_fild07.gat -map: prt_fild08.gat -map: prt_fild09.gat -map: prt_fild10.gat -map: prt_fild11.gat -map: prt_in.gat -map: prt_maze01.gat -map: prt_maze02.gat -map: prt_maze03.gat -map: prt_monk.gat -map: prt_sewb1.gat -map: prt_sewb2.gat -map: prt_sewb3.gat -map: prt_sewb4.gat -map: pvp_2vs2.gat -//map: pvp_c_room.gat -map: pvp_n_1-1.gat -map: pvp_n_1-2.gat -map: pvp_n_1-3.gat -map: pvp_n_1-4.gat -map: pvp_n_1-5.gat -map: pvp_n_2-1.gat -map: pvp_n_2-2.gat -map: pvp_n_2-3.gat -map: pvp_n_2-4.gat -map: pvp_n_2-5.gat -map: pvp_n_3-1.gat -map: pvp_n_3-2.gat -map: pvp_n_3-3.gat -map: pvp_n_3-4.gat -map: pvp_n_3-5.gat -map: pvp_n_4-1.gat -map: pvp_n_4-2.gat -map: pvp_n_4-3.gat -map: pvp_n_4-4.gat -map: pvp_n_4-5.gat -map: pvp_n_5-1.gat -map: pvp_n_5-2.gat -map: pvp_n_5-3.gat -map: pvp_n_5-4.gat -map: pvp_n_5-5.gat -map: pvp_n_6-1.gat -map: pvp_n_6-2.gat -map: pvp_n_6-3.gat -map: pvp_n_6-4.gat -map: pvp_n_6-5.gat -map: pvp_n_7-1.gat -map: pvp_n_7-2.gat -map: pvp_n_7-3.gat -map: pvp_n_7-4.gat -map: pvp_n_7-5.gat -map: pvp_n_8-1.gat -map: pvp_n_8-2.gat -map: pvp_n_8-3.gat -map: pvp_n_8-4.gat -map: pvp_n_8-5.gat -map: pvp_n_room.gat -map: pvp_y_1-1.gat -map: pvp_y_1-2.gat -map: pvp_y_1-3.gat -map: pvp_y_1-4.gat -map: pvp_y_1-5.gat -map: pvp_y_2-1.gat -map: pvp_y_2-2.gat -map: pvp_y_2-3.gat -map: pvp_y_2-4.gat -map: pvp_y_2-5.gat -map: pvp_y_3-1.gat -map: pvp_y_3-2.gat -map: pvp_y_3-3.gat -map: pvp_y_3-4.gat -map: pvp_y_3-5.gat -map: pvp_y_4-1.gat -map: pvp_y_4-2.gat -map: pvp_y_4-3.gat -map: pvp_y_4-4.gat -map: pvp_y_4-5.gat -map: pvp_y_5-1.gat -map: pvp_y_5-2.gat -map: pvp_y_5-3.gat -map: pvp_y_5-4.gat -map: pvp_y_5-5.gat -map: pvp_y_6-1.gat -map: pvp_y_6-2.gat -map: pvp_y_6-3.gat -map: pvp_y_6-4.gat -map: pvp_y_6-5.gat -map: pvp_y_7-1.gat -map: pvp_y_7-2.gat -map: pvp_y_7-3.gat -map: pvp_y_7-4.gat -map: pvp_y_7-5.gat -map: pvp_y_8-1.gat -map: pvp_y_8-2.gat -map: pvp_y_8-3.gat -map: pvp_y_8-4.gat -map: pvp_y_8-5.gat -map: pvp_y_room.gat -map: sword_1-1.gat -map: sword_2-1.gat -map: sword_3-1.gat -map: treasure01.gat -map: treasure02.gat -map: wizard_1-1.gat -map: wizard_2-1.gat -map: wizard_3-1.gat -map: xmas.gat -map: xmas_dun01.gat -map: xmas_dun02.gat -map: xmas_fild01.gat -map: xmas_in.gat - -//---Ep3.0 Comodo --- - -map: beach_dun.gat -map: beach_dun2.gat -map: beach_dun3.gat -map: cmd_fild01.gat -map: cmd_fild02.gat -map: cmd_fild03.gat -map: cmd_fild04.gat -map: cmd_fild05.gat -map: cmd_fild06.gat -map: cmd_fild07.gat -map: cmd_fild08.gat -map: cmd_fild09.gat -map: cmd_in01.gat -map: cmd_in02.gat -map: comodo.gat -map: gef_fild12.gat -map: gef_fild13.gat -map: gef_fild14.gat - -//---EP3.1 Quiz Revolution --- - -map: quiz_00.gat -map: quiz_01.gat - -//--- Ep4.0 Turtle Island --- - -map: tur_dun01.gat -map: tur_dun02.gat -map: tur_dun03.gat -map: tur_dun04.gat -map: tur_dun05.gat -map: tur_dun06.gat - -//--- Ep4.1 The War of Emperium --- - -map: alde_gld.gat -map: aldeg_cas01.gat -map: aldeg_cas02.gat -map: aldeg_cas03.gat -map: aldeg_cas04.gat -map: aldeg_cas05.gat -map: gefg_cas01.gat -map: gefg_cas02.gat -map: gefg_cas03.gat -map: gefg_cas04.gat -map: gefg_cas05.gat -map: gld_dun01.gat -map: gld_dun02.gat -map: gld_dun03.gat -map: gld_dun04.gat -//map: guild_room.gat -map: guild_vs1.gat -map: guild_vs2.gat -map: guild_vs3.gat -map: guild_vs4.gat -map: guild_vs5.gat -map: job_hunte.gat -map: job_knt.gat -map: job_prist.gat -map: job_wiz.gat -map: pay_gld.gat -map: payg_cas01.gat -map: payg_cas02.gat -map: payg_cas03.gat -map: payg_cas04.gat -map: payg_cas05.gat -map: prt_gld.gat -map: prtg_cas01.gat -map: prtg_cas02.gat -map: prtg_cas03.gat -map: prtg_cas04.gat -map: prtg_cas05.gat - - -//--- Ep5.0 Yuno --- - -map: alde_alche.gat -map: in_rogue.gat -map: job_cru.gat -map: job_duncer.gat -map: job_monk.gat -map: job_sage.gat -map: mag_dun01.gat -map: mag_dun02.gat -map: monk_test.gat -map: yuno.gat -map: yuno_fild01.gat -map: yuno_fild02.gat -map: yuno_fild03.gat -map: yuno_fild04.gat -map: yuno_in01.gat -map: yuno_in02.gat -map: yuno_in03.gat -map: yuno_in04.gat -map: yuno_in05.gat - -//--- Ep6.0 - Amatsu --- -// Requires: kRO 08-10-03 or newer -// or kRO Sakray 09-09-03 or newer - -map: ama_dun01.gat -map: ama_dun02.gat -map: ama_dun03.gat -map: ama_fild01.gat -map: ama_in01.gat -map: ama_in02.gat -map: ama_test.gat -map: amatsu.gat - -//--- Ep6.1 - Gon Ryun --- - -map: gon_dun01.gat -map: gon_dun02.gat -map: gon_dun03.gat -map: gon_fild01.gat -map: gon_in.gat -map: gon_test.gat -map: gonryun.gat -map: sec_in01.gat -map: sec_in02.gat -map: sec_pri.gat - -//--- Ep6.2 - Umbala --- -// Requires: kRO 01-27-04 or newer -// or kRO Sakray 12-02-03 or newer -// or Akaru's SuperGRF 1.22 or newer -map: umbala.gat -map: um_dun01.gat -map: um_dun02.gat -map: um_fild01.gat -map: um_fild02.gat -map: um_fild03.gat -map: um_fild04.gat -map: um_in.gat - -//--- Ep6.3 - Niflheim --- -// Requires: kRO 02-23-04 or newer -// or kRO Sakray 01-09-04 or newer -// or Akaru's SuperGRF 1.32 or newer -map: niflheim.gat -map: nif_fild01.gat -map: nif_fild02.gat -map: nif_in.gat -map: yggdrasil01.gat - -//--- Ep6.4 - Valkyrie --- -// Requires: kRO ??-??-04 or newer -// or kRO Sakray 02-03-04 or newer -// or Akaru's SuperGRF 1.34 or newer -map: valkyrie.gat - -//--- Ep6.5 - Castle of Dragon (LouYang) --- -// Requires kRO Sakray 03-30 or newer -//(Akaru's SuperGRF required version: 1.52) -map: lou_in01.gat -map: lou_in02.gat -map: lou_dun03.gat -map: lou_dun02.gat -map: lou_dun01.gat -map: lou_fild01.gat -map: louyang.gat - -//--- Ep6.6 - Novice Guild Siege --- -//Requires kRO Sakray 04-07 or newer -//(Akaru's SuperGRF required version: 1.53) -//map: siege_test.gat -map: n_castle.gat -map: nguild_gef.gat -map: nguild_prt.gat -map: nguild_pay.gat -map: nguild_alde.gat - -//--- Ep6.7 - Jawaii --- -//Requires kRO Sakray 06-22 or newer -//(Akaru's SuperGRF required version: 1.63) -map: jawaii.gat -map: jawaii_in.gat - -// --- Ep6.8 - Geffenia --- -// Requires kRO Sakray 07-13 or newer -// (Akaru's SuperGRF required version: 1.64) -map: gefenia01.gat -map: gefenia02.gat -map: gefenia03.gat -map: gefenia04.gat - -// --- Ep6.x - Some Maps --- -//map: new_zone01.gat -//map: new_zone02.gat -//map: new_zone03.gat -//map: new_zone04.gat - -// --- Ep6.9 - New Payon --- -// Requires kRO Sakray 09-03 -// -- dunno -- -map: payon.gat -map: payon_in01.gat -map: payon_in02.gat -map: payon_in03.gat -//same names as old maps except that payon_in03.gat got added - -// --- Ep? - Ayothaya --- -// Requires kRO Sakray 09-21 -// -- 2004-10-19sdata_k.gpf -- -map: ayothaya.gat -map: ayo_in01.gat -map: ayo_in02.gat -map: ayo_fild01.gat -map: ayo_fild02.gat -map: ayo_dun01.gat -map: ayo_dun02.gat - -// --- God item quests maps --- -// -- 2004-10-12sdata_k3.gpf -- -map: que_god01.gat -map: que_god02.gat - -// --- Ep? - Schwarzwald Republic --- -// -- 2004-12-28sdata_k.gpf -- -map: yuno_fild05.gat -map: yuno_fild07.gat -map: yuno_fild08.gat -map: yuno_fild09.gat -map: yuno_fild11.gat -map: yuno_fild12.gat - -// --- Race Arena --- -// -- 2005-03-08sdata_k.gpf -- -map: alde_tt02.gat -map: turbo_room.gat - -// --- Einbroch/Einbech --- -// -- 2005-03-15sdata_k.gpf -- -map: airplane.gat -map: airport.gat -map: einbech.gat -map: einbroch.gat -map: ein_dun01.gat -map: ein_dun02.gat -map: ein_fild06.gat -map: ein_fild07.gat -map: ein_fild08.gat -map: ein_fild09.gat -map: ein_fild10.gat -map: ein_in01.gat -map: que_sign01.gat - -// Ragnarok World Championship 2004 -// Requires: RWC 2004 Client -// or Akaru's SuperGRF 1.64 or newer -//map: rwc01.gat -//map: rwc02.gat -//map: rwc03.gat - -//Christmas & Sakura Special -//Requires Akaru's SuperGRF 1.1 or newer -//map: prontera_x.gat -//map: alberta_x.gat -//map: aldebaran_x.gat -//map: geffen_x.gat -//map: izlude_x.gat -//map: prt_church_x.gat -//map: prontera_s.gat -//map: pay_arche_s.gat - -//Fenced Lutie -//Requires Akaru's SuperGRF 1.23 or newer -//map: xmas_old.gat - -//Maps that were not in the list but exist in Data.grf -//map: ordeal_a00.gat -//map: ordeal_a02.gat - -//Alpha Maps -//Requires adata.grf containing alpha maps and data -//map: fay_vilg00.gat -//map: fay_vilg01.gat -//map: gef_vilg00.gat -//map: gef_vilg01.gat -//map: moc_dugn01.gat -//map: moc_dugn02.gat -//map: moc_fild01.gat -//map: moc_fild02.gat -//map: moc_fild03.gat -//map: moc_fild04.gat -//map: moc_intr00.gat -//map: moc_intr01.gat -//map: moc_intr02.gat -//map: moc_intr04.gat -//map: moc_vilg00.gat -//map: moc_vilg01.gat -//map: moc_vilg02.gat -//map: probemap.gat -//map: probemap02.gat -//map: prt_cstl01.gat -//map: prt_dugn00.gat -//map: prt_dugn01.gat -//map: prt_fild00.gat -//map: prt_fild01.gat -//map: prt_fild03.gat -//map: prt_fild04.gat -//map: prt_fild05.gat -//map: prt_intr01.gat -//map: prt_intr01_a.gat -//map: prt_intr02.gat -//map: prt_vilg00.gat -//map: prt_vilg01.gat -//map: prt_vilg02.gat -//map: tank_test.gat -//map: tank_test2.gat -//map: test.gat
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/motd.txt b/conf-tmpl/motd.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6102b26b6..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/motd.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Welcome to eAthena! Enjoy!
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/msg_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/msg_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index c1121780b..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/msg_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ -// eAthena msg_athena.conf -// Message Configuration -// For translation, just change msg here (second line), no need to modify source code. -// Format: -// // English message -// msg_number: translated message - -// 0-499: reserved for GM commands -// 500-999 reserved for others - -// Messages of GM commands -// ----------------------- - -0: Warped. -1: Map not found. -2: Coordinates out of range. -3: Character not found. -4: Jump to %s -5: Jump to %d %d -6: Character data respawn point saved. -7: Warping to respawn point. -8: Speed changed. -9: Options changed. -10: Invisible: Off -11: Invisible: On -12: Your job has been changed. -13: A pity! You've died. -14: Character killed. -15: Player warped (message sends to player too). -16: You've been revived! It's a miracle! -17: HP, SP recovered. -18: Item created. -19: Invalid item ID or name. -20: All of your items have been removed. -21: Base level raised. -22: Base level lowered. -23: Job level can't go any higher. -24: Job level raised. -25: Job level lowered. -26: Help commands: -27: File help.txt not found. -28: No player found. -29: 1 player found. -30: %d players found. -31: PvP: Off. -32: PvP: On. -33: GvG: Off. -34: GvG: On. -35: You can't use this command with this class. -36: Appearence changed. -37: An invalid number was specified. -38: Invalid location number or name. -39: All monster summoned! -40: Invalid monster ID or name. -41: Impossible to decrease the number/value. -42: Stat changed. -43: You're not in a guild. -44: You're not the master of your guild. -45: Guild level change failed. -46: %s recalled! -47: Base level can't go any higher. -48: Character's job changed. -49: Invalid job ID. -50: You already have some GM powers. -51: Character revived. -52: This option cannot be used in PK Mode. -53: '%s' stats: -54: No player found in map '%s'. -55: 1 player found in map '%s'. -56: %d players found in map '%s'. -57: Character's respawn point changed. -58: Character's options changed. -59: Night has fallen. -60: Day has arrived. -61: The holy messenger has given judgement. -62: Judgement was made. -63: Mercy has been shown. -64: Mercy has been granted. -65: Character's base level raised. -66: Character's base level lowered. -67: Character's job level can't go any higher. -68: character's job level raised. -69: Character's job level lowered. -70: You have learned the skill. -71: You have forgotten the skill. -72: Guild siege warfare start! -73: Already it has started siege warfare. -74: Guild siege warfare end! -75: Siege warfare hasn't started yet. -76: You have received all skills. -77: The reference result of '%s' (name: id): -78: %s: %d -79: It is %d affair above. -80: Give a display name and monster name/id please. -81: Your GM level don't authorise you to do this action on this player. -82: Please, use one of this number/name: -83: Cannot spawn emperium. -84: All stats changed! -85: Invalid time for ban command. -86: Sorry, but a player name have at least 4 characters. -87: Sorry, but a player name have 23 characters maximum. -88: Character name sends to char-server to ask it. -89: Sorry, it's already the night. Impossible to execute the command. -90: Sorry, it's already the day. Impossible to execute the command. -91: Character's base level can't go any higher. -92: All characters recalled! -93: All online characters of the %s guild are near you. -94: Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the guild is online. -95: All online characters of the %s party are near you. -96: Incorrect name or ID, or no one from the party is online. -97: Item database reloaded. -98: Monster database reloaded. -99: Skill database reloaded. -100: Scripts reloaded. -101: Login-server asked to reload GM accounts and their level. -102: Mounted Peco. -103: No longer spying on the %s guild. -104: Spying on the %s guild. -105: No longer spying on the %s party. -106: Spying on the %s party. -107: All items have been repaired. -108: No item need to be repaired. -109: Player has been nuked! -110: Npc Enabled. -111: This NPC doesn't exist. -112: Npc Disabled. -113: %d item(s) removed by a GM. -114: %d item(s) removed from the player. -115: %d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items. -116: Character does not have the item. -117: GM has send you in jails. -118: Player warped in jails. -119: This player is not in jails. -120: GM has discharge you. -121: Player warped to Prontera. -122: Disguise applied. -123: Monster/NPC name/id hasn't been found. -124: Undisguise applied. -125: You're not disguised. -126: You accept any wisp (no wisper is refused). -127: You accept any wisp, except thoses from %d player(s): -128: You refuse all wisps (no specifical wisper is refused). -129: You refuse all wisps, AND refuse wisps from %d player(s): -130: '%s' accept any wisp (no wisper is refused). -131: '%s' accept any wisp, except thoses from %d player(s): -132: '%s' refuse all wisps (no specifical wisper is refused). -133: '%s' refuse all wisps, AND refuse wisps from %d player(s): -134: '%s' already accepts all wispers. -135: '%s' now accepts all wispers. -136: A GM has authorised all wispers for you. -137: '%s' already blocks all wispers. -138: '%s' blocks now all wispers. -139: A GM has blocked all wispers for you. -140: Character's disguise applied. -141: Character's undisguise applied. -142: Character is not disguised. -143: Give a monster name/id please. -144: Invalid actual email. If you have default e-mail, type a@a.com. -145: Invalid new email. Please enter a real e-mail. -146: New email must be a real e-mail. -147: New email must be different of the actual e-mail. -148: Information sended to login-server via char-server. -149: Impossible to increase the number/value. -150: No GM found. -151: 1 GM found. -152: %d GMs found. -153: %s is Unknown Command. -154: %s failed. -155: Impossible to change your job. -156: HP or/and SP modified. -157: HP and SP are already with the good value. -158: Base level can't go any lower. -159: Job level can't go any lower. -160: PvP is already Off. -161: PvP is already On. -162: GvG is already Off. -163: GvG is already On. -164: Your memo point #%d doesn't exist. -165: All monsters killed! -166: No item has been refined! -167: 1 item has been refined! -168: %d items have been refined! -169: This item (%d: '%s') is not an equipment. -170: This item is not an equipment. -171: %d - void -172: You replace previous memo position %d - %s (%d,%d). -173: Note: you don't have the 'Warp' skill level to use it. -174: Number of status points changed! -175: Number of skill points changed! -176: Number of zenys changed! -177: Impossible to decrease a stat. -178: Impossible to increase a stat. -179: Guild level changed. -180: The monter/egg name/id doesn't exist. -181: You already have a pet. -182: Pet friendly value changed! -183: Pet friendly is already the good value. -184: Sorry, but you have no pet. -185: Pet hungry value changed! -186: Pet hungry is already the good value. -187: You can now rename your pet. -188: You can already rename your pet. -189: This player can now rename his/her pet. -190: This player can already rename his/her pet. -191: Sorry, but this player has no pet. -192: Impossible to change the character's job. -193: Character's base level can't go any lower. -194: Character's job level can't go any lower. -195: All players have been kicked! -196: You already have this quest skill. -197: This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill. -198: This skill number doesn't exist. -199: This player has learned the skill. -200: This player already has this quest skill. -201: You don't have this quest skill. -202: This player has forgotten the skill. -203: This player doesn't have this quest skill. -204: WARNING: more than 1000 spiritballs can CRASH your server and/or client! -205: You already have this number of spiritballs. -206: '%s' skill points reseted! -207: '%s' stats points reseted! -208: '%s' skill and stats points reseted! -209: Character's number of skill points changed! -210: Character's number of status points changed! -211: Character's number of zenys changed! -212: Cannot mount a Peco while in disguise. -213: You can not mount a peco with your job. -214: Unmounted Peco. -215: This player cannot mount a Peco while in disguise. -216: Now, this player mounts a peco. -217: This player can not mount a peco with his/her job. -218: Now, this player has not more peco. -219: %d day -220: %d days -221: %s %d hour -222: %s %d hours -223: %s %d minute -224: %s %d minutes -225: %s and %d second -226: %s and %d seconds -227: Cannot wear disguise while riding a Peco. -228: Character cannot wear disguise while riding a Peco. -229: Your Effect Has Changed. -230: Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X. -231: Game time: The game is in permanent daylight. -232: Game time: The game is in permanent night. -233: Game time: The game is actualy in night for %s. -234: Game time: After, the game will be in permanent daylight. -235: Game time: The game is actualy in daylight for %s. -236: Game time: After, the game will be in permanent night. -237: Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s. -238: Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s. -239: Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s. -240: %d monster(s) summoned! -241: you be a killa.. -242: you gonna be own3d.. -243: Map skills are off -244: Map skills are on -245: Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds. -246: Your GM level don't authorise you to do this action. -247: You are not authorised to warp to this map. -248: You are not authorised to warp from your current map. -249: You are not authorised to warp to your save map. -250: You have already opened your storage. Close it first. -251: You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first. -252: You are not in a guild. -253: You are not authorised to memo this map. -254: GM commands configuration reloaded. -255: Battle configuration reloaded. -256: Status database reloaded. -257: Player database reloaded. - -// Messages of others (not for GM commands) -// ---------------------------------------- - -500: Actually, it's the night... -501: Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S. -502: The day has arrived! -503: The night has fallen... - -//Supernovice's Guardian Angel -//actually.. new client msgtxt file contains these 3 lines... [Lupus] -//---------------------------- -504: Guardian Angel, can you hear my voice? ^^; -505: My name is %s, and I'm a Super Novice~ -506: Please help me~ t.t - -//Guilds Default Ranks/Positions [Not implemented yet] -507: GuildMaster -508: Newbie -509: Position %d - -//mail system -//---------------------- -510: You have no messages. -511: %d - From : %s (New - Priority) -512: %d - From : %s (New) -513: %d - From : %s -514: You have %d new messages. -515: You have %d unread priority messages. -516: You have no new messages. -517: Message not found. -518: Reading message from %s. -519: Cannot delete unread priority mail. -520: You have recieved new mail, use @listmail before deleting. -521: Message deleted. -522: You must wait 10 minutes before sending another message. -523: Access Denied. -524: Character does not exist. -525: Mail has been sent. -526: You have new mail. - -538: Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has. -539: This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and try to trade %d of them. -540: This player has been definitivly blocked. diff --git a/conf-tmpl/packet_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/packet_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 1c6d78560..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/packet_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -// Athena sockets Configuration file -// (Untranslated yet) - - -// �f�o�b�O���̕\���i�o�O�̍ۂɃR�s�y���Ē�����Ə�����܂��j -debug: no - -// How long can a socket stall before closing the connection (in seconds) -stall_time: 60 - - -//----- IP Rules Settings ----- - -// Do we check IP's before allowing incoming connections? -enable_ip_rules: yes - -// �A�N�Z�X�����̔��菇��(Apache�Ɠ���) -// deny,allow ���W���ɂȂ��Ă��܂��B - -order: deny,allow -// order: allow,deny -// order: mutual-failture - -// �A�N�Z�X�R���g���[������IP���X�g -// allow : ddos�`�F�b�N�̌��ʂɊW�Ȃ����� -// deny : �s���� -// �w�薳�� : ddos�`�F�b�N�̌��ʂŋ��� / �s�������� -// �������Amutual-failture �̏ꍇ�͕s���ɂȂ�܂��B - -// allow: -// allow: -// allow: -allow: all - -// deny: - - -//---- Ddos Protection Settings ---- - -// ddos�U���Ɣ��f����ׂ̃��[���ݒ� -// ddos_interval msec�ȓ��̐ڑ��v����ddos_count�����ꍇ�ɁA -// ddos�U�����ꂽ�Ɣ��肵�܂��B - -// �ڑ��Ԋu(msec) -ddos_interval: 3000 - -// �ڑ��� -ddos_count: 5 - -// ddos��������������Ԋu(msec) -// ���̎��Ԍo�߂���ƁA�ڑ���������������܂��B -ddos_autoreset: 600000 - - -//import: conf/import/packet_conf.txt
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/readme.txt b/conf-tmpl/readme.txt deleted file mode 100644 index db8777680..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/readme.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -What is the import folder for? - -Most people don't know the real use of the import folder. After you do, you will wonder -what you ever did without it. - -The main thing it does, is provide a way for you to change your config settings without -having to update the files every time you update your server. You store your changes, and -the rest are updated with eA (usually though SVN). - -How does this work? - -Well, you place only the settings you have changed in the import files. I'll use -battle_athena.conf and battle_conf.txt for my example. Everytime you update you conf -folder, using the normal method, you have to go and edit the configs again. So, you have to -redo your rates, redo your ip addresses, you have to redo it all. Well, not with the import -system. - -Say you want to change your base experience rate from the default (100)to 7x (700). Well -then you would place this in your import/battle_conf.txt: - -// Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2) -base_exp_rate: 700 - -You don't need the comment (duh, it's a commnet), but I usually leave them for clarity -sake. - -So, now this new setting take place over the setting in battle_athena.conf. You just keep -this file everytime you update, and your setting will always be there. Neat, isn't it? - -So, yeah, that's what the import folder is for. I hope to see a lot more people use it, to -make my life as a managed server runer better. - -Semi-guide by Ajarn
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf-tmpl/script_athena.conf b/conf-tmpl/script_athena.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 3e420744b..000000000 --- a/conf-tmpl/script_athena.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -// ______ __ __ -// /\ _ \/\ \__/\ \ -// __\ \ \L\ \ \ ,_\ \ \___ __ ___ __ -// /'__`\ \ __ \ \ \/\ \ _ `\ /'__`\/' _ `\ /'__`\ -///\ __/\ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \/\ __//\ \/\ \/\ \L\.\_ -//\ \____\\ \_\ \_\ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\ -// \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/__/ \/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/ -// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -// / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ -//( e | n | g | l | i | s | h ) ( A | t | h | e | n | a ) -// \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ -// -//-------------------------------------------------------- -// eAthena Script Configuration File -//-------------------------------------------------------- - - -// When choosing those which it refines setting the letter which is indicated. (Those for word use other than Japanese?) -refine_posword: Head,Body,Left hand,Right hand,Robe,Shoes,Accessory 1,Accessory 2,Head 2,Head 3,Not Equipped - -warn_func_no_comma: yes - -warn_cmd_no_comma: yes - -warn_func_mismatch_paramnum: yes - -warn_cmd_mismatch_paramnum: yes - -check_cmdcount: 65536 - -check_gotocount: 2048 - - -//---- Custom script functions ---- - -// 0 - Event script is defined as an NPC by itself -// 1 - Event script can be called by script label -event_script_type: 0 - -// Name of event when a player has died -die_event_name: PCDieEvent - -// Name of event when a player kills something -kill_event_name: PCKillEvent - -// Name of event when a player logs out -logout_event_name: PCLogoutEvent - -// Name of event when a player logs in -login_event_name: PCLoginEvent - -// For events to be activated do we require -// a 'set [EventName],1;' to be called first? -event_requires_trigger: yes |