path: root/Dev/Ideas_Suggestions.txt
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1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Dev/Ideas_Suggestions.txt b/Dev/Ideas_Suggestions.txt
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index 000000000..99471936e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dev/Ideas_Suggestions.txt
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+//Any ideas or suggestions you guys have, put them here.
+//These don't have to be put into the source, but maybe if
+//you would like something down... someone might do it? lol
+I (Ajarn) have loads of ideas. I might as well put them here. If no one does them it's fine, because I plan on doing them eventually if no one else does.
+1) Better jail system. You know how the ban system has a time column,
+ so you can set a certain amount of ban time? I think jailing should
+ have this to. This way you can unjail the character when they are
+ online or not, and jail them if they are on or not, etc. This will
+ also lock their char to the jail until the state of that column is
+ changed. One the time hits that they can come out (every min run a
+ timer maybe?) they are unjailed if online, and if they are offline,
+ the next time they log on it will check that column and unjail them
+ then.
+2) Addition to ban system. Ban works on a state system and I think ti
+ should have another state. Instead of fully banning someone you
+ should have the option of banning them from creating new chars
+ before a full ban. This way you can jail their chars, and ban
+ creation of new chars. Then they have to sit in the jail and talk
+ it out with a GM. Gets problems solved easier.
+3) Better gm level system. Basicly a gm command has group numbers
+ after it (monster:1,5,99) and those gm levels can use it. This way
+ you can have a much more flexible system. But when I think about
+ it... it takes a lot of checking to do it that way, and in the long
+ run, it would be a lot more flexible and easier to have account
+ names after each gm command. I'm not sure which one I like, or
+ which one should be used, but the "level" system is kind of hard to
+ do when you want to have sistem levels. Like, some have group A
+ commands, and some have group B commands, having nothing to do with
+ group A. There is no way to do that with the current system.
+ nsstrunks: The group numbers is kinda pointless, since
+ currently if you set it to a higher number, everyone above
+ that will have access.
+4) Private Message SPY! (@pmspy <char name>) What it does is you see
+ everything that that person private messages to another, and
+ anything another pms to them. I'm not sure if it can be already
+ done, but this would stack with @guildspy and @partyspy. So, you
+ you know thier party, and guild and you do all three spies, and you
+ follow them around you can hear everything they are saying.
+5) Probably a stupid idea, but @localspy. It basicly spies on all the
+ text that they can hear localy and sends it to you like "ajarn can
+ hear: ....." and "ajarn says: ..." This way you can do #4 to a
+ person, and then this, without following them, and get the same
+ effect.
+6) We need another file for item_db.txt to keep there your custom items
+ We already have the same thing is for mobs (mob_db2.txt)
+ Why don't we use it?
+7) New way to store/calculate EXP. Log of the idea:
+Ancyker: exp
+Ancyker: the way its stored
+Ancyker: needs changed
+Ancyker: currently it stores base level and exp
+Ancyker: this is crap
+Ancyker: it should store base level, and exp towards next level
+Ancyker: so say u just level to level 5
+Ancyker: ur level would be 5, and exp 0
+Ancyker: u kill a poring
+Ancyker: they give i beleive 10 exp
+Ancyker: so now it would be 5 level, 10 exp
+Ancyker: when u hit the marker, u gain a level
+Ancyker: thats how the exp is stored in the fsking database
+Ancyker: exp towards next level
+Ancyker: not total exp
+Ancyker: the problem with athena
+Ancyker: it doesnt follow its own damn rules
+Ancyker: it does a database one way
+Ancyker: then totally changes it when it loads it
+Ancyker: pick a damn method already
+I (Ajarn) agree with him. It would make things so much easier server side too.
+How to implement those ideas:
+1) You can make a script. Put OnTouch Area in the jail... when a banned person gets into jails, you set a global VAR.
+ Then use PCLoginEvent.txt to check TIME/DATE and free that poor person when it's OK.
+ So it's pretty easy to make with scripting. And even more... some private servers already have such scripts
+ and even make the prisoners gather some mushrums and stuff, to get them off the jail faster
+ PLUS: you should count time only when the player is in PRISON. Don't count when he's off-line 8)