path: root/src/common/mutex.c
diff options
authorTrojal <>2013-01-10 20:09:39 -0800
committershennetsind <>2013-01-12 05:56:35 -0200
commitc55855fcf627478f864c0f82a1a2f201fd407a38 (patch)
treeb7f6d11b2058248d026f2d9944e8f4b6ac288d50 /src/common/mutex.c
parent51bfeb38eb139e97e0e1c096c85c15fba234f35b (diff)
parent38e583df21eccd9e4f31d38acaae32579c6f0d27 (diff)
Test1, testing for the commit widget, need to edit something.
Test2, testing for the commit widget, need to edit something. Signed-off-by: shennetsind <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/common/mutex.c')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/mutex.c b/src/common/mutex.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b4f55119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common/mutex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// Copyright (c) rAthena Project ( - Licensed under GNU GPL
+// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "../common/winapi.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
+#include "../common/malloc.h"
+#include "../common/showmsg.h"
+#include "../common/timer.h"
+#include "../common/mutex.h"
+struct ramutex{
+#ifdef WIN32
+ pthread_mutex_t hMutex;
+struct racond{
+#ifdef WIN32
+ HANDLE events[2];
+ ra_align(8) volatile LONG nWaiters;
+ CRITICAL_SECTION waiters_lock;
+ pthread_cond_t hCond;
+// Mutex
+// Implementation:
+ramutex ramutex_create(){
+ struct ramutex *m;
+ m = (struct ramutex*)aMalloc( sizeof(struct ramutex) );
+ if(m == NULL){
+ ShowFatalError("ramutex_create: OOM while allocating %u bytes.\n", sizeof(struct ramutex));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&m->hMutex);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&m->hMutex, NULL);
+ return m;
+}//end: ramutex_create()
+void ramutex_destroy( ramutex m ){
+#ifdef WIN32
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&m->hMutex);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&m->hMutex);
+ aFree(m);
+}//end: ramutex_destroy()
+void ramutex_lock( ramutex m ){
+#ifdef WIN32
+ EnterCriticalSection(&m->hMutex);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&m->hMutex);
+}//end: ramutex_lock
+bool ramutex_trylock( ramutex m ){
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if(TryEnterCriticalSection(&m->hMutex) == TRUE)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ if(pthread_mutex_trylock(&m->hMutex) == 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+}//end: ramutex_trylock()
+void ramutex_unlock( ramutex m ){
+#ifdef WIN32
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&m->hMutex);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->hMutex);
+}//end: ramutex_unlock()
+// Condition Variables
+// Implementation:
+racond racond_create(){
+ struct racond *c;
+ c = (struct racond*)aMalloc( sizeof(struct racond) );
+ if(c == NULL){
+ ShowFatalError("racond_create: OOM while allocating %u bytes\n", sizeof(struct racond));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ c->nWaiters = 0;
+ c->events[ EVENT_COND_SIGNAL ] = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
+ c->events[ EVENT_COND_BROADCAST ] = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
+ InitializeCriticalSection( &c->waiters_lock );
+ pthread_cond_init(&c->hCond, NULL);
+ return c;
+}//end: racond_create()
+void racond_destroy( racond c ){
+#ifdef WIN32
+ CloseHandle( c->events[ EVENT_COND_SIGNAL ] );
+ CloseHandle( c->events[ EVENT_COND_BROADCAST ] );
+ DeleteCriticalSection( &c->waiters_lock );
+ pthread_cond_destroy(&c->hCond);
+ aFree(c);
+}//end: racond_destroy()
+void racond_wait( racond c, ramutex m, sysint timeout_ticks){
+#ifdef WIN32
+ register DWORD ms;
+ int result;
+ bool is_last = false;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&c->waiters_lock);
+ c->nWaiters++;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&c->waiters_lock);
+ if(timeout_ticks < 0)
+ ms = INFINITE;
+ else
+ ms = (timeout_ticks > MAXDWORD) ? (MAXDWORD - 1) : (DWORD)timeout_ticks;
+ // we can release the mutex (m) here, cause win's
+ // manual reset events maintain state when used with
+ // SetEvent()
+ ramutex_unlock(m);
+ result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, c->events, FALSE, ms);
+ EnterCriticalSection(&c->waiters_lock);
+ c->nWaiters--;
+ if( (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + EVENT_COND_BROADCAST) && (c->nWaiters == 0) )
+ is_last = true; // Broadcast called!
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&c->waiters_lock);
+ // we are the last waiter that has to be notified, or to stop waiting
+ // so we have to do a manual reset
+ if(is_last == true)
+ ResetEvent( c->events[EVENT_COND_BROADCAST] );
+ ramutex_lock(m);
+ if(timeout_ticks < 0){
+ pthread_cond_wait( &c->hCond, &m->hMutex );
+ }else{
+ struct timespec wtime;
+ int64 exact_timeout = gettick() + timeout_ticks;
+ wtime.tv_sec = exact_timeout/1000;
+ wtime.tv_nsec = (exact_timeout%1000)*1000000;
+ pthread_cond_timedwait( &c->hCond, &m->hMutex, &wtime);
+ }
+}//end: racond_wait()
+void racond_signal( racond c ){
+#ifdef WIN32
+// bool has_waiters = false;
+// EnterCriticalSection(&c->waiters_lock);
+// if(c->nWaiters > 0)
+// has_waiters = true;
+// LeaveCriticalSection(&c->waiters_lock);
+// if(has_waiters == true)
+ SetEvent( c->events[ EVENT_COND_SIGNAL ] );
+ pthread_cond_signal(&c->hCond);
+}//end: racond_signal()
+void racond_broadcast( racond c ){
+#ifdef WIN32
+// bool has_waiters = false;
+// EnterCriticalSection(&c->waiters_lock);
+// if(c->nWaiters > 0)
+// has_waiters = true;
+// LeaveCriticalSection(&c->waiters_lock);
+// if(has_waiters == true)
+ SetEvent( c->events[ EVENT_COND_BROADCAST ] );
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(&c->hCond);
+}//end: racond_broadcast()