path: root/npc
diff options
authorSinSloth <SinSloth@54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec>2007-05-14 10:51:55 +0000
committerSinSloth <SinSloth@54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec>2007-05-14 10:51:55 +0000
commit3bcc2267d05ab1a8ecc851ec1721069a93bf3e94 (patch)
treed70bd919d0c35d1a2ca3d8e0987b9861f4aea4cf /npc
parent3ec9bf021ab045b853a839944e23620811af4af4 (diff)
- Removed custom version of Schwartzvalt Trilogy from WIP folder.
git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
Diffstat (limited to 'npc')
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 1046 deletions
diff --git a/npc/Changelog.txt b/npc/Changelog.txt
index af0984a63..6a4ddc2f9 100644
--- a/npc/Changelog.txt
+++ b/npc/Changelog.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Date Added
* Added President quest aka. Schwartzvalt Trilogy. Please encourage your players to test it. [SinSloth]
- Moved some NPC and fixed some typos in Lighthalzen and Einbroch due to the quest.
- Updated Yuno Government Buildings warps according to the quest.
+ - Removed custom version of Schwartzvalt Trilogy from WIP folder. [SinSloth]
* Fixed some bugs in Crusader Job change quest. [SinSloth]
* Minor fix on NPC name in Swordman tutorial quest. [SinSloth]
* Minor Kiel Hyre Quest optimization with extra goto, else or empty switch [Lupus]
diff --git a/npc/quests/WIP/schwalz.txt b/npc/quests/WIP/schwalz.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 78326d5dd..000000000
--- a/npc/quests/WIP/schwalz.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1046 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= Lighthalzen, Swaltzwalt Quest Part 1
-//= Lighthalzen, Swaltzwalt Quest Part 2
-//= Lighthalzen, Swaltzwalt Quest Part 3
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= Gravity official script
-//= CallNix (Part 1)
-//= dunkle (Part 2 & 3)
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.0 working version
-//= 1.1 fixed bug with wrong valuable [dunkle]
-//= added and deleted some checks [dunkle]
-//= fixed warps (but they are wrong) [dunkle]
-//= fixed enabling of A Fine Gentleman [dunkle]
-//= fixed bug with reward [dunkle]
-//= 1.2 fixed bug in part with overflow timer (now you must wait untill next day, not 12 hours) [dunkle]
-// changed some valuables [dunkle]
-// fixed bugs in The broken Manufactoring [dunkle]
-//= 1.2b fixed timer Ordinary Man [dunkle]
-//= 1.3 fixed part1 bugs [dunkle]
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= eAthena SVN
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//In alchemist_skills.txt comment because I use this NPC in the script:
-//lhz_in01,285,169,7 script Researcher#2 865,{
-//Unknown Text
-// mes "[Researcher]";
-// mes "Hmm... I wonder...";
-// close;
-yuno_pre,79,69,0 warp inside_pre01 1,1,yuno_pre,97,68
-yuno_pre,113,50,0 warp inside_pre02 1,1,yuno_pre,58,22
-yuno_pre,54,22,0 warp inside_pre03 1,1,yuno_pre,113,55
-lhz_in01,275,234,0 warp inside_pre04 1,1,lhz_in01,277,161 //����� ������� �������� ������, � ����� ����� �����,
-lhz_in01,277,157,0 warp inside_pre04 1,1,lhz_in01,275,231 //��� �� ���� ������� ������� :
-prontera,0,0,0 script swarzwalt_trilogy -1,1,1{
-disablenpc "kurelle";
-disablenpc "President's Secretary#2";
-disablenpc "Security#2";
-disablenpc "area 1-5";
-disablenpc "Kurelle#1";
-stopnpctimer "schwalt2timer";
-//Beginning. Lighthalzen, Swaltzwalt Quest Part 1/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-lighthalzen,179,170,4 script Ordinary man 48,{
- mes "[Ghalstein]";
- mes "arrr...";
- mes "is you....";
- mes ".....";
- mes "Now? verything finish...";
- mes "";
- next;
- mes "[Ghalstein]";
- mes "arr..most forgot...";
- mes "This is your...";
- mes "...cure...";
- mes "Take this pill,";
- mes "You'll never have to take it";
- mes "anymore...";
- next;
- mes "[Ghalstein]";
- mes ".......";
- mes "We'll never meet each other anymore..";
- getitem 617,1; //Old Violet Box
- getexp 1800000,0; //Exp 1800000
- set dtseligible , 1; //Here is Voting Right (dts warper)
- close;
- }
-if (questpass_swaltwaltp1==1) goto l_alreadydone;
-if ( (SCHWALTZVALT_PART1==2) || (SCHWALTZVALT_PART1==3) ) goto Quest_enable;
-if ( (SCHWALTZVALT_PART1==1) && (gettime(5)!=schwalzday) ) goto L_NEXTDAY;
-if (SCHWALTZVALT_PART1==1) goto l_hadspoken;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "Hello,";
-mes "is this a great city?";
-menu "Hello",-,"This is a great city indeed",L_GREAT,"is still ok",L_OK;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes " Yes, It a nice day. I wish you have good time in our city. See you later";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "I like such sunny days... In such beautiful town...";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "Well. This great city is only for really great people.";
-mes "I wish you have good time here. Enjoy.";
-mes "[??????]";
-mes "is here";
-mes "......";
-mes "[??????]";
-mes "hurry before we let people discover";
-mes "us...";
-mes "heard a familiar sound";
-menu "Continue listen",l_listen,"do not listen",l_nolisten;
-mes "[??????]";
-mes "Its all as we suposed to... Everything is similar to our plan";
-mes "[??????]";
-mes "Yes, thats really cool.";
-mes "[??????]";
-mes "PSSS. Be silent";
-mes "I think somebody else is here listening us. We will meet the other day.";
-mes "[??????]";
-mes "I agree";
-set schwalzday, gettime(5);
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "I don't think this is interesting for me.";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "hi, how are you,";
-mes "today weather is good?";
-menu "Yes",l_da,"but last night",-;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "What was last night? I've heard nothing about it. Anything strange had happened?";
-menu "I've heard you speaking to somebody about strange things.",-,"Nothing, sorry",L_NOTHING;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "I think you are mistaken guy. I don't know what are you talking about";
-menu "Don't make a fool from me.",-,"Ok, sory",L_NOTHING;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "I say you, that i hadn't speak to anybody yesterday.Hey, Protector come here plese";
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "..........";
-mes "if really not him, he shouldn't";
-mes "denied it so strongly";
-mes "..........";
-mes "[Protector]";
-mes "I have no intention to";
-mes "interrogation you?";
-mes "just because...";
-menu "The matter that Mr.Ghalstein dealing with..",-,"i feel curious about it?",l_curious;
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "I clearly remember him talking to somebody about some strange plans. I think he is planning something restrickted...";
-mes "[Protector]";
-mes "Hm... Is that so mr. Ghalstein? Do you remember the constitution? Tell us the truth, or i shall arrest you";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "oh.. Ok. I was speaking about our community. Nothing interesting...";
-mes "[Protector]";
-mes "Ok. Its about your Fishing clan? If so, i leave you. See you later";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "Well, I will tell you the truth. Please give me sometime to consider....";
-mes "I belong to a secret group that antagonistic with another group and so we need some items";
-mes "to be protected. So we were going to organize a trip to Reagent Shaw Research Center.";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "You can get there if you have passed BioLab quest. Its the second and third lvl.";
-mes "But we have no brave to go there. What about helping us?";
-menu "Ok, i shall help",-,"No,thanks",L_NOTHX;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "well then.But you must take this pill to go this quest. This pill will add some status to you.";
-mes "when you shall finish quest - i will delete this status from your char.Is it OK with you?. I think It is.";
-if ( checkweight(7226,1) == 0 ) goto l_overweight;
-getitem (7226),1;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "I want you to collect all related biological exhibit and no need big quantity plus the most important thing.";
-mes "You will simply recognize that things";
-mes "There are some strange mobs there. So be careful. And last...People who go there dissapear. Nobody was back from there...";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "So you had to go to 2 and 3 lvl of BioLab. Be sure you have finish this quest. And bring me 10 Lab staff records, 10 Armlet of prisoner and 1 Pile of Imir heat";
-set schwalzday,0;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "even so i don't want to speak to smb who say such fool things. Cya.";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "ye, its a pity i think. Have a nice day";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "I've never think guy like you can think this way about me. I don't want to speak to you anymore";
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "sorry you can't take this item";
-if (countitem (7345) >= 10) && (countitem(7347) >=10) && (countitem(7346) >=1) goto Quest_end;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "You haven't gathered the items yet. Come back when you should.";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "Well done. You have finished my part of the quest.";
-mes "Now, Visit Gushaar. He can be found sowhere around Yuno.";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "Yes, i have forgotten....";
-mes "Now you are member of society Wind of Secret!";
-mes "congratulations!";
-delitem (7345),10;
-delitem (7347),10;
-delitem (7346),1;
-getitem (7226),1;
-getitem (7348),1;
-set questpass_swaltwaltp1,1;
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "Sorry, but i have nothing to say to you anymore. Buy.";
-mes "[Ghalstein]";
-mes "Im happy you have time to think so too. See you";
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "I have already done this quest. I don't want to go there once more time!";
-lhz_dun02,268,287,4 script The broken Manufactoring 111,{
-if SCHWALTZVALT_PART1!=2 goto l_end;
-mes "[The broken Manufactoring]";
-mes "You see something shining inside the spoiling machines.Open up the machinr and check it,detected a round shape";
-mes "object wich circulate with a mysterious shines.";
-menu "Its seems like an important object",-,"But it looks nothing musch",l_nottake;
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "Well, Now i suppose everything will be ok.";
-npctalk "Creeep... Creeeep-Creep...*pfu*.";
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "Oooops....I don't think this machine will work anymore... I'll go better from here";
-mes "You see nothing there...";
-//Ending. Lighthalzen, Swaltzwalt Quest Part 1/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-//NPC01 - Dismal Guy
-yuno_fild04,165,245,5 script Dismal Guy 89,{
- mes "[Dismal Guy]";
- mes "Make your mission..we need you..";
- close;
- }
-mes "[Dismal Guy]";
-mes "Maybe you have some thing to show me?";
-menu "Yeah, I have it",-,"I don't know what do you mean",DG_end01;
-if ((countitem(7348)==0) || (questpass_swaltwaltp1!=1)) { //Membership Card, ����� ��������, �������� �� ������ ����� ������
- next;
- mes "[Dismal Guy]";
- mes "You are trying to cheat me?";
- mes "You don't have item which I am interesting in..";
- mes "Bye! Come back, when you will have what I want.";
- close;
- }
-//mes "[Dismal Guy]";
-//mes "emm....";
-//mes "got red and blue pill,";
-//mes "which one you choose?";
-//menu "Red pill",-,"Blue pill",-; //���� ������, ��� ����� ���� ������� ����� ������ (�� ���� � ������ ����� ��� ����� ���� ���� �����, ���� �������, �� �.�. �� ���� ������ ������, �� ����� ������� ��� �������)
-//mes "Nowadays isn't the best time to live..";
-mes "[Dismal Guy]";
-mes "Schwaltzvalt is control by evil ^0000FFRekenber Enterprise^000000";
-mes "But we have organized a resistance called ^FF0000Wing Of Secret^000000 with the help of the President ^0000FFKarl Weierstrass^000000 to reform Schwaltzvalt Republic from the control of ^0000FFRekenber Enterprise^000000!";
-mes "[Dismal Guy]";
-mes "I have a task for you.";
-mes "You need to meet the candidate which won the president election ^0000FFKarl Weierstrass^000000";
-mes "He wants to reform Schwaltzvalt Republic from the control of ^0000FFRekenber Enterprise^000000";
-mes "[Dismal Guy]";
-mes "If you will unable to see ^0000FFKarl Weierstrass^000000, coordinate with his secrtary in Yuno at appointed time.";
-mes "The best time will be betwen 8pm to 11pm or betwen 11am to 2pm";
-set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 1; //������ ��� �������, ������ ����� � ���������.
-mes "[Dismal Guy]";
-mes "The fate of the whole Republic in your brave hands! Bye!";
-mes "[Dismal Guy]";
-mes "It'a a pity, I am finding you a good person..";
-//NPC02 - President's Secretary
-yuno_pre,69,20,5 script President's Secretary::pre 862,{
- mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
- if(countitem(7342)==0) {mes "Where is documemt?";close;} //����� �� ���������, ���� ������ � ������.
- delitem 7342,1; //����� �� ���������, ���� ������ � ������.
- mes "Thanks a lot!";
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 5; //������ � ����������� �� ������ ��� ���, ���� � Venice
- close;
- }
- mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
- mes "I glad to see you again!";
- close;
- }
-if ( (gettime(3)>23) && (gettime(3)<11) ) || ( (gettime(3)>14) && (gettime(3)<20) ) {
- mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
- mes "It isn't reception time.";
- mes "Come back betwen 8pm to 11pm or betwen 11am to 2pm.";
- close;
- }
-mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
-mes "Who are you?";
-mes "How can I help?";
-menu "emm..",-,"Meet up with Mr.President",PS_meet,"Nothing",PS_end01;
- next;
- mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
- mes "Heh, you don't know how to explain youself:)";
- mes "But I know that Mr.President is waiting for you. Good Luck!";
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 2; //������ ��� �������, ����� � ���������.
- close;
- }
-mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
-mes "What do you want?";
-mes "Don't waste my time please!";
-mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
-mes "Sorry, but Mr.President is very busy.";
-//emotion 14; //sry
-mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
-mes "Sorry, I did't help you:(";
-//emotion 14; //sry
-yuno_pre,75,71,3 duplicate(pre) President's Secretary#2 862,0,0
-//NPC03 - Security
-yuno_pre,95,71,5 script Security::sec 899,5,5 {
- mes "[Security]";
- mes "Mr.President still meeting with other person.";
- close;
- }
- mes "[Security]";
- mes "Mr.Presideny is free now. You can come in.";
- close2;
- warp "yuno_pre",75,70;
- end;
- }
- mes "[Security]";
- mes "Nobody has disposed to pass you!";
- close;
- }
-if (rand(9)!=0) {
- mes "[Security]";
- mes "Please hold on for a moment.";
- mes "Mr.President still meeting with other person.";
- close;
- }
-enablenpc "kurelle";
-mes "[Keshnaar]";
-mes "Mr.President denied my petition about medical marihuana...";
-//emotion 25; //sob
-mes "[Keshnaar]";
-mes "I have collected 1000 signatures of the townspeople and nothing...";
-//emotion 25; //sob
-mes "[Keshnaar]";
-mes "Ok I must go and collect more signatures!";
-disablenpc "A Fine Gentleman";
-mes "[Security]";
-mes "Now Mr.President is free, you can pass.";
-menu "Ok",S_warp,"Who is he?",-;
-mes "[Security]";
-mes "Are you talking about Mr.Keshnaar?";
-mes "Mr.Keshnaar works for Rekenber. He consulted with Mr.President.";
-goto G_menu;
-set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 3; //� ��������� ���, ������ � ����������.
-warp "yuno_pre",75,70;
- mes "...Suddenly your heard voices behind the door...";
- mes "...but is too slighty, can't heard clearly...";
- next;
- mes "[?????]";
- mes " true..";
- mes "so........";
- mes "......president...";
- mes "[?????]";
- mes "..their Investigation...";
- mes ".........";
- mes "....trap....";
- mes "[?????]";
- mes "...stop";
- mes ".....,surely...";
- mes "[?????]";
- mes "next?...election...";
- mes "....elected...";
- next;
- mes "...the sound became more slighty...";
- mes "...can't heard anymore...";
- close;
- }
-//NPC04 - A Fine Gentleman
-yuno_pre,96,69,3 script A Fine Gentleman::kurelle 82,{
-yuno_pre,69,74,0 duplicate(kurelle) Kurelle#1 109,0,0
-//NPC - Security in presidents room
-yuno_pre,76,72,8 duplicate(sec) Security#2 899,0,0
-//NPC05 - President Karl
-yuno_pre,69,79,5 script President Karl 872,{
-cutin "lhz_karl",2;
- mes "...after the story about traitor ^FF0000Kurelle^000000 president looks stunned...";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- next;
- mes ".....";
- next;
- enablenpc "President's Secretary#2";
- mes "...Secretary looks too afraid...";
- next;
- cutin "",255;
- mes "[Hes O'Neil]";
- mes "Yes sir! What is your oders?";
- next;
- cutin "lhz_karl",2;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- next;
- disablenpc "President's Secretary#2";
- mes ".....";
- next;
- enablenpc "Kurelle#1";
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "What happened? Why did you betray us?";
- next;
- cutin "",255;
- mes "[Kurelle]";
- mes "You are right. I did it. I report all of your actions to the enterprise...";
- mes "I did it by myself.";
- next;
- mes "[Kurelle]";
- mes "When I carry on my plan, I meet with Rekenber people who are monitoring you...ha-ha!";
- next;
- mes "[Kurelle]";
- mes "Therefore I take those opportunity to propose them my plan,";
- mes "I provide information t0 them, to force you step down, I WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT!!! HA-HA-HA";
- next;
- mes "[Kurelle]";
- mes "Although you'll not step down sp soon...but your team will lost seriously!";
- next;
- mes "[Kurelle]";
- mes "Yeap, your era is gone...";
- mes "Now you can't do anything, just waiting to step down then is enough...";
- mes "Ha ha...";
- next;
- cutin "lhz_karl",2;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "SECURITY!!!";
- enablenpc "Security#2";
- next;
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "He is crazy!! Jail him now!";
- next;
- cutin "",255;
- mes "[Security]";
- mes "Yes sir!";
- disablenpc "Security#2";
- disablenpc "Kurelle#1";
- next;
- cutin "lhz_karl",2;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "It is the end of our Rebublic..";
- mes "Soon it will fall..";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "Thank you brave man ..";
- mes "...go away. Now I must stay here and wait the END..";
- cutin "",255;
- close;
- }
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "Very interesting...";
- mes "With this information can give enterprise a big hit.";
- if(countitem(7343)==0) {mes "Where is documemt?";cutin "",255; close;} //Sealed documemt
- delitem 7343,1; //Sealed documemt
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "But I can't understand why should we withdraw our members?...";
- mes "...can you go to Esuna and ask her for reasons?";
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 21; //������� � �����! (�������������� ��� �������:))))
- cutin "",255;
- close;
- }
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "It can't be true! You broght me a file containing all details of the Shinokas case!! ";
- if(countitem(7344)==0) {mes "Where is Shinokas documemt?";cutin "",255; close;} //Shinokas documemt
- delitem 7344,1; //Shinokas documemt
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 19; //������� � �����!
- next;
- mes "...President Karl attentivly looking thought the papers...";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "The death of ^FF0000Shinokas^000000...";
- mes "It is not important for us..";
- mes "The most important thing is what they are going to do with ^0000FFYmir Heart Piece^000000 what is their main purpose.";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "I heard that when you are on the way to me. ^FF0000Esuna^000000 gained new information.";
- mes "Bye! I will be waiting for new information. ";
- cutin "",255;
- close;
- }
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "Ohh! You brought me this secret document!? You are awesome!";
- if(countitem(7343)==0) {mes "Where is documemt?";cutin "",255; close;} //Sealed Document
- delitem 7343,1; //Sealed Document
- mes "Let's see...";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "...";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "It is very-very interesting! One of ^0000FFRekenber Enterprise^000000 researcher is hiding in a secret place!";
- mes "He knows some secret!!!!! His name is ^FF0000Shinokas^000000";
- mes "...and the secret place is...";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "...^FF0000Einbroch^000000";
- mes "So..your second mission is to find ^FF0000Shinokas^FF0000 in ^FF0000Einbroch^000000 and to know his secret!";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "Do you have any questions?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
- mes "Yes...I hane one..";
- mes "Shinikas is...";
- next;
- cutin "",255;
- enablenpc "Security#2";
- enablenpc "President's Secretary#2";
- next;
- mes "[Secutity]";
- mes "Mr.President, Mrs.Hes O'Neil has urgent matter to see you. ";
- next;
- mes "...Mrs.Hes O'Neil brooght to the President a pack of documents...";
- next;
- cutin "lhz_karl",2;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "Thanks to Mrs.Hes O'Neil we found a secret file! It is in the store room of ^0000FFReagent Belfa Headquater^000000";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "Ok. Go somewhere around ^FF0000Lighthalzen^000000, waiting for ^FF0000kafra service^000000 to contact with you.";
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 10; //����� ������ ������ � ����������,
- next;
- disablenpc "Security#2";
- disablenpc "President's Secretary#2";
- cutin "",255;
- close;
- }
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "See ya!";
- cutin "",255;
- close;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "Who are you doing here?!";
- next;
- mes "[President Karl]";
- mes "Secutity!!!!";
- cutin "",255;
- close2;
- warp "yuno",153,313;
- }
-mes "[President Karl]";
-mes "I believe, you have many questions but.. ";
-mes "...I am very busy, so the time I have is limited.";
-menu "Objective of the ^FF0000Wing Of Secret^000000f",PK_obj01,"Objective of the ^0000FFRekenber Enterprise^000000",PK_obj02,"What is my Mission?",-;
-mes "[President Karl]";
-mes "The first mission is to go ^0000FF'Aldebaran Kafra Headquater'^000000 to meet a guy called ^FF0000 Venice^000000. Then he will let you know what to do." ;
-mes "[President Karl]";
-mes "One more thing...";
-mes "Please, bring this document to ^FF0000Hes O'Neil^000000. Then you can continue your mission.";
-getitem 7342,1; //File Folder
-set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 4; //� ����������� ���� ���, ���� � ���������� �����.
-cutin "",255;
-mes "[President Karl]";
-mes "It is resistance organization which try to reform Schwaltzvalt Republic with my help.";
-mes "Before I was elected I was the member of this organization.";
-mes "We should not admit the control of authority by ^0000FFRekenber Enterprise^000000!!!";
-goto PK_menu01;
-mes "[President Karl]";
-mes "^0000FFRekenber Enterprise^000000 - the worst organization in Rune Midgard!!";
-mes "They try to get power.";
-mes "To make the prices in shops is more expensive, to receive greater taxes from the townspeople, to start up development Rune Midgard on a way of fear and terror.";
-goto PK_menu01;
-//NPC06 - Venice
-aldeba_in,155,240,3 script Kafra Employee 859,{
- if(countitem(7343)==0) {mes "Where is documemt?";close;} //����� �� ���������
- delitem 7343,1; //Sealed Document
- mes "[Venice]";
- mes "That is great!! You got this document!";
- next;
- mes "[Venice]";
- mes "And how is Jargeah? Where is he?";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
- mes "He is....";
- next;
- mes "[Venice]";
- mes "I see...";
- mes "Here is document, give it to the President!";
- getitem 7343,1; //Sealed Document
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 9; //C Venice �� ������ ��� ���������, ���� �������� �������� � ����������.
- close;
- }
- mes "[Venice]";
- mes "Find Jargeah please!";
- close;
- }
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "Can I know... are you Venice?";
- mes "[Kafra Employee]";
- mes "May be yes and may be no!";
- mes "I am thinking, go away!";
- close;
- }
-mes "[Venice]";
-mes "Yes, I am Venice.";
-mes "What can I do for you?";
-menu "Let her see the logo",-,"Nothing",V_end01;
-mes "[Venice]";
-mes "Now I think that I can trust you..";
-mes "[Venice]";
-mes "I am the member of ^FF0000Wing Of Secret^000000 organization.";
-mes "I got terrible news...";
-mes "[Venice]";
-mes "With our agent something happened on the half way between ^FF0000Lighthalzen^000000 and ^FF0000Einbroch^000000 in ^FF0000Grim Reaper's Valley^000000.";
-mes "He needs help, his name is ^FF0000Jargeah^000000. Hurry up please!";
-set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 6; //� Venice � ������ ��������� ���� ������ Jargeah
-mes "[Venice]";
-mes "Ok, come back when you will ready.";
-//NPC07 - Jargeah
-lhz_fild02,228,214,1 script A Wounded Man 887,{
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "It looks like a dead man...";
- mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
- mes "He is dead!!! I must go away from here...";
- close;
- }
-mes "Maybe I can try to find something in his clothes..";
-mes "...It isn't good, but I need to make it..";
-mes "...";
-mes "You found the Sealed Document!";
-getitem 7343,1; //Sealed Document
-//NPC08 - Esuna
-lhz_fild01,66,219,3 script A Mystery Woman 859,20,20{
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "..........";
- mes "The traitor in the internal is the problem!";
- mes "..........";
- next;
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "Those who able to seal the secret information, and drain it to opponents, only the President ";
- mes "or his trusted aide with his ability ^FF0000Kurelle^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "According to this information, he often meets with the organaizer of enterprize, ";
- mes "from here we can said that he is the most suspicious target.";
- next;
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "After infiltrated his residence, we found a lot of information and evidences that related with him!";
- next;
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "The headquater odered us to hold any actions correlated with the President, ";
- mes "and we determined that there is only disadvantage and it won't bring benefits anymore...";
- next;
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "I think this is the last, good bye...";
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 22; //����� � ����������! (������ �� ����� ��� ���, � �����, �� ��� ������� ���� 1.8�� �����)
- close;
- }
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "I am too nervous..I lost many people of my group!";
- mes "So we should use plan B. We must withdraw our members from Schwaltsvalt!";
- next;
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "I think that it will be the best thing which we can do for our people.";
- mes "Here is documents, containing the plan of operation and some negative information about ^0000FFRekenber Enterprise^000000, go to the President he must look throught this documents.";
- getitem 7343,1; //Sealed Document
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 20; //����� � ����������!
- close;
- }
- mes "[Esuna]";
- if(countitem(7344)==0) {mes "Where is Case of Xinucarse";close;} //����� �� ���������,
- mes "Haha!! You got these secret documents!! You are great!";
- delitem 7344,1; //Case of Xinucarse
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 18; //������ ���������! part 2 finished
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "I addded some new docements to the file! ";
- getitem 7344,1; //Case of Xinucarse
- next;
- mes "[Esuna]";
- mes "Now go to the President with this documents! ";
- close;
- }
-mes "[Esuna]";
-mes "Due to emergency I'll give you a short brief, firstly the target of the mission is to infiltrate into the internal of enterpeise and steal the secret information.";
-mes "[Esuna]";
-mes "It's too difficult to ifiltrate into the iternal, but we have secret agent from our side.";
-mes "Go to ^0000FFpass^000000 and disarm the security system, and then bring out the information.";
-mes "[Esuna]";
-mes "To cheat the security system fo first to the ^FF0000L.T.G. Store^000000 and buy some stuff.";
-mes "After you entered, find a person called ^FF0000Lestin^000000";
-set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 11; //C ����� �������� ���, ���� ������ �������
-mes "[Esuna]";
-mes "I try to find some mushrooms...bye!";
-mes "?????";
-mes " over..";
- }
-//��� ������ � ������, �� ������� �� ����� ��� �����, ���� ���� � ���� ���������...��� ��� lhz_in01 277 157
-//NPC09 - Lestin
-lhz_in01,285,169,3 script Researcher#2 865,{
- mes "[Lestin]";
- mes "My entry pass! Thank you.";
- if(countitem(7349)==0) {mes "Where is my enty pass?";close;} //Card To Enter Document Room.
- delitem 7349,1; //Card To Enter Document Room.
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 17; //������ ����� ������ ��������� ����� � ��������� ������ ����� ������.
- next;
- mes "[Lestin]";
- mes "Now, go to Esuna with these documents. Bye!";
- close;
- }
- mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
- mes "Are you Lestin?";
- next;
- mes "[Lestin]";
- mes "Yes, I am!";
- mes "And you are a member of ^FF0000Wing Of Secret^000000 organization!";
- mes "I can help you to steal secret documents!";
- next;
- mes "[Lestin]";
- mes "Here is my ^0000FFpass^000000, but whis this ^0000FFpass^000000 you only can stay for ^FF00003 minutes^000000";
- getitem 7349,1; //Card To Enter Document Room.
- next;
- mes "[Lestin]";
- mes "The secret information is located at the right hand-side of the research room where I stayed just now. And this...!";
- next;
- mes "[Lestin]";
- mes "...return me my ^0000FFpass^000000 when you will finish! Good Luck!";
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 12; //������ ���� �������� ��������!
- }
-mes "[Researcher]";
-mes "Hmm... I wonder...";
-//������� ������� ������:
-//� ������� �������� ���������� 12...
-//1. ���� 12, 13 ,14 � ���� ����� 0(�.�. ���� ���������) ���� ������������ �������
-//2. ����������� ������, ��������� ���������, ���� ����� = 1
-//3. � ��� ���� 3 ������, ����� ������� ���, �������� � �����, ���� ��������� ������ ���, �������� �������� � �����, ��� ����������� ���������� 13, ������� ������
-//4. �������� �� ������� ������, ������ Shinokas, ����� ����������� 14, ������������ ����1-5
-//5. ������� �� ����1-5, �������� ���������, ��� ������������� 15, ����� ���� � �����
-//6. ���� � ��� 15 � ���� ����� 1 (�.�. ��� ������� ���), �� ������������ �������� �������� ����� � �������, �������� 16
-//���� �� ������ � �� ������, ������ � ��� ���������� 13, 14 ��� 15, ���� ����� 0, ������� �������� � ��� ���������� �� �������, �������� ����� ���� � ������� �� ���������
-//�������� � ��� 15 ����� �� ������, ����� �������. ��� �������� - ������ �� �����, ����� �������� ���� � ������� �����, ���������� 11 ����������. ���� ������� � ������ � ��������� �������.
-//NPC10 - Door
-lhz_in01,177,30,1 script Door 111,{
- mes "You take out enty key.";
- next;
- mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
- mes "Hm....I need to bring this key to Lestin!";
- getitem 7349,1; //Card To Enter Document Room.
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 16; //� �������
- menu "Go out!",-;
- close2;
- warp "lhz_in01",177,27;
- end;
- }
- menu "Go out!",-;
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2,11; //�������, ����� � �������
- mes "[Guards]";
- mes "Intruder!!!";
- close2;
- warp "lighthalzen",104,238;
- end;
- }
-if (SCHWALTZVALT_PART2>15) { mes "I got all the documents I needed!";
- close;
- }
- mes "Here is Guards, they can't let you infiltrate!";
- mes "You need to wait a little.";
- close;
- }
-if ( (countitem(7349)>0) && (SCHWALTZVALT_PART2==12) && ($SCHWALTZVALT_DOOR_FLAG==1)) {//Card To Enter Document Room. �� ��������, �������� � ������
- mes "You have the entry pass. You can infiltrate now.";
- menu "Infiltrate",-;
- mes "Please, input code number!";
- input @tmp_code;
- if (@tmp_code != 738495) {next; mes "Incorrect code!"; close;} //��� ����� � �������� �������� ������ ����
- next;
- delitem 7349,1; //Card To Enter Document Room
- mes "Accepted.";
- mes "You can stay in the documents room only for 3 minutes!.";
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 13; //������� ������
- close2;
- warp "lhz_in01",178,33;
- end;
- }
-mes "....";
-//NPC11 - Activate Guards
-lhz_in01,187,30,4 script Point of the review 111,1,0{
- mes "...It seemed that guards gonna smoke...";
- stopnpctimer;
- initnpctimer "schwalt2timer";
- close;
- }
-mes "Nothing happened..";
-//NPC12 - File Search Engine
-lhz_in01,180,35,4 script File Search Engine 111,1,0{
- mes "-Activating the document seaching program-";
- mes "-Please key in the information of the document...-";
- mes "-..that you would like to search-";
- input @tmp_phrase$;
- if (@tmp_phrase$!="Shinokas") {next; mes "Nothing interesting was found!"; close;}
- next;
- mes "-relevant information of Shinokas-";
- mes "-is being kept in area 1-5-";
- enablenpc "area 1-5";
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 14; //������������ ����1-5
- close;
- }
-mes "Nothing happened..";
-//NPC13 - area 1-5
-lhz_in01,184,49,4 script area 1-5 111,1,0{
- mes "It is interesting. Here is the secret indormation about the heart of Ymir. I must bring this case to Esuna.";
- getitem 7344,1; //Case of Xinucarse �� �������� � ������
- set SCHWALTZVALT_PART2, 15; //������� ��������, ������ � ����� ������
- close;
- }
-mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
-mes "I don't know what to find!";
-lhz_in01,1,1,0 script schwalt2timer -1,{
- OnTimer2000:
- disablenpc "LhzRekGuard";
- disablenpc "Guard#03";
- end;
- OnTimer182000:
- enablenpc "LhzRekGuard";
- enablenpc "Guard#03";
- disablenpc "area 1-5";
- stopnpctimer "schwalt2timer";
- end;