path: root/npc/warps/other
diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2014-10-05 11:34:32 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2016-07-12 17:17:47 +0300
commit95c63a160d23b54f19f35e7b92f36cfaf7c9dc92 (patch)
tree9b550f24e5b5afe15f628d07644ca18579add131 /npc/warps/other
parent7cdb4acc0805901a540f98ce5baa1a4ec34cc805 (diff)
Remove conf dir.
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/warps/other')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 550 deletions
diff --git a/npc/warps/other/airplane.txt b/npc/warps/other/airplane.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 997aacf14..000000000
--- a/npc/warps/other/airplane.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
-//= | | | | | |
-//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
-//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) Musashiden
-//= Copyright (C) Zephiris
-//= Copyright (C) Vicious
-//= Copyright (C) MasterOfMuppets
-//= Copyright (C) Skotlex
-//= Copyright (C) Lupus
-//= Copyright (C) SSUNNY@YOUNG
-//= Copyright (C) Sara-chan
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program. If not, see <>.
-//= Airports & Airplanes Warp Script
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Warp Points for all Airplanes and Airports
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 1.7
-//== Einbroch Airport ======================================
-einbroch,92,281,0 warp ein_ap01 1,1,airplane,224,64
-einbroch,64,234,0 warp ein_ap02 1,1,airport,138,51
-airport,142,61,0 warp ein_ap02a 1,1,einbroch,62,246
-airport,124,13,0 warp ein_ap03 1,1,airport,19,21
-airport,19,18,0 warp ein_ap03a 1,1,airport,122,16
-airport,161,13,0 warp ein_ap04 1,1,airport,47,21
-airport,47,18,0 warp ein_ap04a 1,1,airport,163,16
-airport,143,14,0 warp ein_ap05 1,1,einbroch,64,204
-einbroch,64,207,0 warp ein_ap05a 1,1,airport,143,17
-//== Lighthalzen Airport ===================================
-lhz_airport,125,14,0 warp lairp1 1,1,lhz_airport,19,20
-lhz_airport,19,18,0 warp lairp1a 1,1,lhz_airport,123,14
-lhz_airport,160,14,0 warp lairp2 1,1,lhz_airport,48,20
-lhz_airport,48,18,0 warp lairp2a 1,1,lhz_airport,162,14
-lighthalzen,267,76,0 warp lairp3 1,1,lhz_airport,143,15
-lhz_airport,143,13,0 warp lairp3a 1,1,lighthalzen,265,76
-lhz_airport,142,60,0 warp lairp4 1,1,lighthalzen,296,76
-lighthalzen,294,76,0 warp lairp4a 1,1,lhz_airport,143,53
-lighthalzen,308,76,0 warp lairp5 1,1,airplane,224,58
-//== Juno Airport ==========================================
-y_airport,125,14,0 warp jairp1 1,1,y_airport,19,20
-y_airport,19,18,0 warp jairp1a 1,1,y_airport,123,14
-y_airport,160,14,0 warp jairp2 1,1,y_airport,48,20
-y_airport,48,18,0 warp jairp2a 1,1,y_airport,162,14
-yuno,53,214,0 warp jairp3 1,1,y_airport,143,23
-y_airport,143,16,0 warp jairp3a 1,1,yuno,52,207
-yuno,47,240,0 warp jairp4a 1,1,y_airport,143,54
-yuno,59,240,0 warp jairp5a 1,1,y_airport,143,54
-yuno,6,261,0 warp jairp6 1,1,airplane_01,244,58
-yuno,96,261,0 warp jairp7 1,1,airplane,244,58
-//== Airplane ==============================================
-airplane,254,54,0 warp air_1wp01 1,1,airplane,91,67
-airplane,87,67,0 warp air_1wp01a 1,1,airplane,250,54
-airplane,208,53,0 warp air_1wp02 1,1,airplane,239,160
-airplane,245,160,0 warp air_1wp02a 1,1,airplane,214,54
-airplane_01,254,54,0 warp air_2wp01 1,1,airplane_01,91,67
-airplane_01,87,67,0 warp air_2wp01a 1,1,airplane_01,250,54
-airplane_01,208,53,0 warp air_2wp02 1,1,airplane_01,239,160
-airplane_01,245,160,0 warp air_2wp02a 1,1,airplane_01,214,54
-airplane_01,104,199,0 warp air_2wp03 1,1,airplane_01,105,72
-airplane_01,103,72,0 warp air_2wp03a 1,1,airplane_01,102,199
-airplane_01,104,176,0 warp air_2wp04 1,1,airplane_01,105,52
-airplane_01,103,52,0 warp air_2wp04a 1,1,airplane_01,102,176
diff --git a/npc/warps/other/arena.txt b/npc/warps/other/arena.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 09291dc5e..000000000
--- a/npc/warps/other/arena.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
-//= | | | | | |
-//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
-//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) Euphy
-//= Copyright (C) Lupus
-//= Copyright (C) MasterOfMuppets
-//= Copyright (C) SinSloth
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program. If not, see <>.
-//= Arena Warps (Common)
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Warp Points related to Izlude Arena & Control Panel
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 1.4
-// Main Room Warps
-arena_room,84,103,0 warp arn_room_11_1 1,1,arena_room,63,130
-arena_room,63,126,0 warp arn_room_11_2 1,1,arena_room,87,100
-arena_room,76,87,0 warp arn_room_9_1 1,1,arena_room,46,87
-arena_room,49,87,0 warp arn_room_9_2 1,1,arena_room,78,87
-arena_room,84,71,0 warp arn_room_7_1 1,1,arena_room,60,50
-arena_room,63,53,0 warp arn_room_7_2 1,1,arena_room,86,74
-arena_room,115,71,0 warp arn_room_5_1 1,1,arena_room,139,50
-arena_room,136,53,0 warp arn_room_5_2 1,1,arena_room,113,74
-arena_room,123,88,0 warp arn_room_3_1 1,1,arena_room,153,87
-arena_room,150,87,0 warp arn_room_3_2 1,1,arena_room,120,87
-prt_are_in,54,13,0 warp toarn_room 1,1,arena_room,100,77
-// Acolyte Warps
-arena_room,135,126,0 warp byeaco#arena 1,1,arena_room,111,99
-force_5-1,25,44,0 warp force_01_02#aco 1,1,force_5-1,25,69
-force_5-1,25,134,0 warp force_02_03#aco 1,1,force_5-1,25,159
-force_5-1,44,174,0 warp force_03_04#aco 1,1,force_5-1,69,174
-force_5-1,134,174,0 warp force_04_05#aco 1,1,force_5-1,159,174
-force_5-1,174,155,0 warp force_05_06#aco 1,1,force_5-1,174,130
-force_5-1,174,65,0 warp force_06_07#aco 1,1,force_5-1,174,40
-force_5-1,155,26,0 warp force_07_08#aco 1,1,force_5-1,132,26
-force_5-1,99,54,0 warp force_08_09#aco 1,1,force_5-1,99,82
-// Party Warps
-force_1-2,85,26,0 warp force_00_01 1,1,force_1-2,37,26
-force_1-2,114,26,0 warp force_00_02 1,1,force_1-2,162,26
-force_1-2,99,40,0 warp force_00_03 1,1,force_1-2,99,66
-force_1-2,41,26,0 warp force_01_00 1,1,force_1-2,89,26
-force_1-2,158,26,0 warp force_02_00 1,1,force_1-2,110,26
-force_1-2,99,63,0 warp force_03_00 1,1,force_1-2,99,36
-force_1-2,84,78,0 warp force_03_05 1,1,force_1-2,37,78
-force_1-2,115,78,0 warp force_03_04 1,1,force_1-2,162,78
-force_1-2,158,77,0 warp force_04_03 1,1,force_1-2,110,78
-force_1-2,41,77,0 warp force_05_03 1,1,force_1-2,37,78
-force_1-2,25,93,0 warp force_05_06 1,1,force_1-2,26,118
-force_1-2,49,130,0 warp force_06_07 1,1,force_1-2,91,125
-force_1-2,107,145,0 warp force_07_08 1,1,force_1-2,173,118
-force_1-2,158,178,0 warp force_08_09 1,1,force_1-2,133,178
-force_1-2,55,178,0 warp force_09_10 1,1,force_1-2,29,178
-force_1-2,33,178,0 warp force_10_09 1,1,force_1-2,59,178
-// GM Control Panel
-sec_in02,79,180,3 script #arenacontrol 4_DOG01,{
- .@i = callfunc("F_GM_NPC",1357,0);
- if (.@i == -1) {
- mes "Error!";
- close;
- } else if (.@i == 0) {
- mes "Closing control panel.";
- close;
- } else {
- mes "Opening Control Panel";
- mes "' A - R - E - N - A '";
- next;
- mes "Please select a";
- mes "state for the arena.";
- next;
- switch(select("Open.:Closed.")) {
- case 1:
- mes "Currently";
- mes "opening arena.";
- specialeffect EF_ENHANCE;
- enablenpc "welcome_arena";
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "Currently";
- mes "closing arena.";
- specialeffect EF_EXIT;
- disablenpc "welcome_arena";
- close;
- }
- }
diff --git a/npc/warps/other/god.txt b/npc/warps/other/god.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de222835..000000000
--- a/npc/warps/other/god.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
-//= | | | | | |
-//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
-//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) MasterOfMuppets
-//= Copyright (C) SinSloth
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program. If not, see <>.
-//= God Seal Quest Warps
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Warp Points related to the God Seal Quest.
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 1.0
-yuno,218,180,0 warp yuno_god01 1,1,que_god01,99,84
-que_god01,99,81,0 warp god01_yuno 1,1,yuno,218,177
-que_god01,63,88,0 warp god_sl_w0-1 1,1,que_god01,87,92
-que_god01,62,116,0 warp god_sl_w1-1 1,1,que_god01,46,94
-que_god01,12,116,0 warp god_sl_w2-1 1,1,que_god01,16,94
-que_god01,12,55,0 warp god_sl_w3-1 1,1,que_god01,17,83
-que_god01,50,55,0 warp god_sl_w4-1 1,1,que_god01,47,83
diff --git a/npc/warps/other/jobquests.txt b/npc/warps/other/jobquests.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 97da8ee9b..000000000
--- a/npc/warps/other/jobquests.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
-//= | | | | | |
-//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
-//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) Euphy
-//= Copyright (C) L0ne_W0lf
-//= Copyright (C) kobra_k88
-//= Copyright (C) Lupus
-//= Copyright (C) Athena
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program. If not, see <>.
-//= Job Quest Warp Script
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Warp Points for Job Quest Maps
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 2.1
-//== Novice ================================================
-new_1-1,148,112,0 warp newwarp6001a 2,2,new_1-2,100,9
-new_2-1,148,112,0 warp newwarp6001b 2,2,new_2-2,100,9
-new_3-1,148,112,0 warp newwarp6001c 2,2,new_3-2,100,9
-new_4-1,148,112,0 warp newwarp6001d 2,2,new_4-2,100,9
-new_5-1,148,112,0 warp newwarp6001e 2,2,new_5-2,100,9
-new_1-2,100,6,0 warp newwarp6002a 2,2,new_1-1,144,112
-new_2-2,100,6,0 warp newwarp6002b 2,2,new_2-1,144,112
-new_3-2,100,6,0 warp newwarp6002c 2,2,new_3-1,144,112
-new_4-2,100,6,0 warp newwarp6002d 2,2,new_4-1,144,112
-new_5-2,100,6,0 warp newwarp6002e 2,2,new_5-1,144,112
-new_1-2,126,106,0 warp newwarp6003a 2,2,new_1-2,160,171
-new_2-2,126,106,0 warp newwarp6003b 2,2,new_2-2,160,171
-new_3-2,126,106,0 warp newwarp6003c 2,2,new_3-2,160,171
-new_4-2,126,106,0 warp newwarp6003d 2,2,new_4-2,160,171
-new_5-2,126,106,0 warp newwarp6003e 2,2,new_5-2,160,171
-new_1-2,156,171,0 warp newwarp6004a 2,2,new_1-2,123,106
-new_2-2,156,171,0 warp newwarp6004b 2,2,new_2-2,123,106
-new_3-2,156,171,0 warp newwarp6004c 2,2,new_3-2,123,106
-new_4-2,156,171,0 warp newwarp6004d 2,2,new_4-2,123,106
-new_5-2,156,171,0 warp newwarp6004e 2,2,new_5-2,123,106
-new_1-2,73,106,0 warp newwarp6005a 2,2,new_1-2,41,172
-new_2-2,73,106,0 warp newwarp6005b 2,2,new_2-2,41,172
-new_3-2,73,106,0 warp newwarp6005c 2,2,new_3-2,41,172
-new_4-2,73,106,0 warp newwarp6005d 2,2,new_4-2,41,172
-new_5-2,73,106,0 warp newwarp6005e 2,2,new_5-2,41,172
-new_1-2,46,172,0 warp newwarp6006a 2,2,new_1-2,78,106
-new_2-2,46,172,0 warp newwarp6006b 2,2,new_2-2,78,106
-new_3-2,46,172,0 warp newwarp6006c 2,2,new_3-2,78,106
-new_4-2,46,172,0 warp newwarp6006d 2,2,new_4-2,78,106
-new_5-2,46,172,0 warp newwarp6006e 2,2,new_5-2,78,106
-//== Thief =================================================
-job_thief1,180,15,0 warp jthf 7,1,moc_ruins,145,117
-//== Assassin ==============================================
-in_moc_16,18,8,0 warp guild_to_16 2,2,moc_fild16,205,291
-moc_fild16,205,296,0 warp 16_to_guild 2,2,in_moc_16,18,11
-//== Hunter ================================================
-in_hunter,100,15,0 warp jhun01 0,0,pay_fild10,143,250
-//== Monk (St. Capitolina Abbey) ===========================
-prt_monk,192,172,0 warp monk15 1,1,monk_test,329,50
-monk_test,329,47,0 warp monk16 1,1,prt_monk,193,166
-monk_test,329,76,0 warp monk17 1,1,monk_test,259,118
-monk_test,259,115,0 warp monk18 1,1,monk_test,329,71
-monk_test,272,125,0 warp monk19 1,1,monk_test,301,127
-monk_test,298,127,0 warp monk20 1,1,monk_test,268,125
-//== Alchemist =============================================
-aldebaran,65,53,0 warp alche#1 1,1,alde_alche,20,175
-aldebaran,53,65,0 warp alche#2 1,1,alde_alche,42,175
-alde_alche,19,171,0 warp alche#1-1 1,1,aldebaran,68,56
-alde_alche,42,171,0 warp alche#1-2 1,1,aldebaran,56,68
-alde_alche,41,186,0 warp alche#1F_2F 1,1,alde_alche,113,178
-alde_alche,114,183,0 warp alche#2F_1F 1,1,alde_alche,42,182
-alde_alche,13,184,0 warp alche#1F_B1 1,1,alde_alche,88,113
-alde_alche,88,117,0 warp alche#B1_1F 1,1,alde_alche,13,181
-alde_alche,46,104,0 warp alche#B1_r1 1,1,alde_alche,157,17
-alde_alche,160,17,0 warp alche#r1_b1 1,1,alde_alche,50,103
-alde_alche,46,77,0 warp alche#B1_r2 1,1,alde_alche,88,17
-alde_alche,93,17,0 warp alche#r2_b1 1,1,alde_alche,50,77
-alde_alche,89,62,0 warp alche#B1_r3 1,1,alde_alche,17,23
-alde_alche,17,29,0 warp alche#r3_b1 1,1,alde_alche,89,67
-alde_alche,133,77,0 warp alche#B1_r4 1,1,alde_alche,162,107
-alde_alche,158,107,0 warp alche#r4_b1 1,1,alde_alche,129,77
-alde_alche,133,103,0 warp alche#B1_r5 1,1,alde_alche,164,164
-alde_alche,158,163,0 warp alche#r5_b1 1,1,alde_alche,129,103
-//== Rogue =================================================
-cmd_fild07,193,117,0 warp fild07-rogue00 1,1,in_rogue,379,46
-in_rogue,375,46,0 warp rogue00-fild07 1,1,cmd_fild07,196,117
-in_rogue,375,34,0 warp rogue01-02 1,1,in_rogue,380,125
-in_rogue,375,125,0 warp rogue02-01 1,1,in_rogue,379,33
-cmd_fild07,355,286,0 warp fild07-rogue03 1,1,in_rogue,247,126
-in_rogue,247,122,0 warp rogue03-fild07 1,1,cmd_fild07,349,285
-in_rogue,244,21,0 warp rogue04-fild09 1,1,cmd_fild09,106,191
-in_rogue,172,34,0 warp rogue05-fild09 1,1,cmd_fild09,341,143
-in_rogue,161,103,0 warp rogue06-fild04 1,1,cmd_fild04,302,177
-in_rogue,8,9,0 warp stair_to_ro 1,1,in_rogue,389,389
-//== Dancer ================================================
-job_duncer,69,43,0 warp duncer1 1,1,comodo,185,156
-//== Gunslinger ============================================
-einbroch,136,199,0 warp gswarp1 1,1,que_ng,138,167
-que_ng,130,166,0 warp gswarp2 1,1,einbroch,130,197
-que_ng,178,162,0 warp gswarp3 1,1,que_ng,172,86
-que_ng,166,85,0 warp gswarp4 1,1,que_ng,182,161
-que_ng,165,137,0 warp gswarp5 1,1,que_ng,177,41
-que_ng,172,42,0 warp gswarp6 1,1,que_ng,160,139
-//== Ninja =================================================
-amatsu,149,140,0 warp ninja01 1,1,que_ng,20,142
-que_ng,20,138,0 warp ninja02 1,1,amatsu,147,136
-que_ng,10,183,0 warp ninja03 1,1,que_ng,33,64
-que_ng,37,64,0 warp ninja04 1,1,que_ng,15,182
-que_ng,30,37,0 warp ninja05 1,1,que_ng,67,28
-que_ng,63,30,0 warp ninja06 1,1,que_ng,25,37
diff --git a/npc/warps/other/kiel.txt b/npc/warps/other/kiel.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a5538da..000000000
--- a/npc/warps/other/kiel.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
-//= | | | | | |
-//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
-//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) Playtester
-//= Copyright (C) L0ne_W0lf
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program. If not, see <>.
-//= Kiel Warp Script (Kiel Buildings)
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Warp Points for all Kiel Buildings
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 1.6
-//== Kiel Hyre Academy (kh_school) =========================
-kh_school,76,156,0 warp kh_school_01 1,1,yuno_fild08,155,189
-kh_school,30,125,0 warp kh_school_02a 1,1,kh_school,67,14
-kh_school,71,14,0 warp kh_school_02b 1,1,kh_school,36,125
-kh_school,35,133,0 warp kh_school_03a 1,1,kh_school,148,16
-kh_school,153,16,0 warp kh_school_03b 1,1,kh_school,39,136
-kh_school,30,155,0 warp kh_school_04a 1,1,kh_school,182,116
-kh_school,186,117,0 warp kh_school_04b 1,1,kh_school,35,155
-kh_school,35,176,0 warp kh_school_05a 1,1,kh_school,148,56
-kh_school,153,56,0 warp kh_school_05b 1,1,kh_school,40,176
-kh_school,30,185,0 warp kh_school_06a 1,1,kh_school,67,74
-kh_school,71,74,0 warp kh_school_06b 1,1,kh_school,35,184
-//== Kiel Hyre's Cottage (kh_vila) =========================
-kh_vila,79,11,0 warp kh_vila_01 1,1,yuno_fild02,92,208
-kh_vila,71,38,0 warp kh_vila_02a 1,1,kh_vila,42,38
-kh_vila,46,38,0 warp kh_vila_02b 1,1,kh_vila,75,38
-kh_vila,71,54,0 warp kh_vila_03a 1,1,kh_vila,42,54
-kh_vila,46,54,0 warp kh_vila_03b 1,1,kh_vila,75,54
-kh_vila,34,66,0 warp kh_vila_04a 1,1,kh_vila,20,108
-kh_vila,20,103,0 warp kh_vila_04b 1,1,kh_vila,34,61
-kh_vila,84,66,0 warp kh_vila_05a 1,1,kh_vila,44,107
-kh_vila,44,103,0 warp kh_vila_05b 1,1,kh_vila,84,62
-kh_vila,32,128,0 warp kh_vila_06a 1,1,kh_vila,23,171
-kh_vila,22,167,0 warp kh_vila_06b 1,1,kh_vila,32,123
-kh_vila,90,47,0 warp kh_vila_07a 1,1,kh_vila,119,47
-kh_vila,115,47,0 warp kh_vila_07b 1,1,kh_vila,85,47
-kh_vila,126,75,0 warp kh_vila_08a 1,1,kh_vila,180,176
-kh_vila,180,171,0 warp kh_vila_08b 1,1,kh_vila,126,70
-kh_vila,175,71,0 warp kh_vila_09 1,1,kh_vila,136,64
-kh_vila,191,19,0 warp kh_vila_10 1,1,yuno_fild02,74,215
-//== Kiel Hyre's Mansion (kh_mansion) ======================
-lighthalzen,188,204,0 warp kh_mansion_01a 1,1,kh_mansion,84,49
-kh_mansion,88,50,0 warp kh_mansion_01b 1,1,lighthalzen,188,199
-kh_mansion,21,11,0 warp kh_mansion_02 1,1,kh_mansion,72,49
-//== Abandoned Rosimir Mansion (hk_rossi) ==================
-kh_rossi,15,92,0 warp kh_rossi_01 1,1,yuno,270,139
-kh_rossi,35,87,0 warp kh_rossi_02a 1,1,kh_rossi,27,37
-kh_rossi,27,42,0 warp kh_rossi_02b 1,1,kh_rossi,35,91
-kh_rossi,63,87,0 warp kh_rossi_03a 1,1,kh_rossi,99,38
-kh_rossi,99,42,0 warp kh_rossi_03b 1,1,kh_rossi,63,91
-kh_rossi,90,87,0 warp kh_rossi_04a 1,1,kh_rossi,168,30
-kh_rossi,168,34,0 warp kh_rossi_04b 1,1,kh_rossi,90,90
-kh_rossi,35,98,0 warp kh_rossi_05a 1,1,kh_rossi,27,147
-kh_rossi,27,143,0 warp kh_rossi_01b 1,1,kh_rossi,35,94
-kh_rossi,90,101,0 warp kh_rossi_06a 1,1,kh_rossi,282,64
-kh_rossi,42,26,0 warp kh_rossi_06b 1,1,kh_rossi,92,25
-kh_rossi,87,25,0 warp kh_rossi_07a 1,1,kh_rossi,36,26
-kh_rossi,282,60,0 warp kh_rossi_07b 1,1,kh_rossi,90,96
-kh_rossi,222,68,0 warp kh_rossi_08a 1,1,kh_rossi,22,277
-kh_rossi,22,273,0 warp kh_rossi_08b 1,1,kh_rossi,222,64
-kh_rossi,248,68,0 warp kh_rossi_09a 1,1,kh_rossi,88,277
-kh_rossi,88,273,0 warp kh_rossi_09b 1,1,kh_rossi,248,64
-kh_rossi,222,25,0 warp kh_rossi_10a 1,1,kh_rossi,22,219
-kh_rossi,22,222,0 warp kh_rossi_10b 1,1,kh_rossi,222,29
-kh_rossi,248,25,0 warp kh_rossi_11a 1,1,kh_rossi,88,217
-kh_rossi,88,222,0 warp kh_rossi_11b 1,1,kh_rossi,248,29
-kh_rossi,259,46,0 warp kh_rossi_12a 1,1,kh_rossi,224,234
-kh_rossi,228,234,0 warp kh_rossi_12b 1,1,kh_rossi,263,46
-kh_rossi,220,231,0 warp kh_rossi_13a 1,1,kh_rossi,260,186
-kh_rossi,260,190,0 warp kh_rossi_13b 1,1,kh_rossi,220,234
-kh_rossi,204,231,0 warp kh_rossi_14a 1,1,kh_rossi,204,186
-kh_rossi,204,190,0 warp kh_rossi_14b 1,1,kh_rossi,204,234
-kh_rossi,188,231,0 warp kh_rossi_15a 1,1,kh_rossi,148,186
-kh_rossi,148,190,0 warp kh_rossi_15b 1,1,kh_rossi,188,234
-kh_rossi,188,238,0 warp kh_rossi_16a 1,1,kh_rossi,148,283
-kh_rossi,148,279,0 warp kh_rossi_16b 1,1,kh_rossi,188,235
-kh_rossi,204,238,0 warp kh_rossi_17a 1,1,kh_rossi,204,283
-kh_rossi,204,279,0 warp kh_rossi_17b 1,1,kh_rossi,204,235
-kh_rossi,220,238,0 warp kh_rossi_18a 1,1,kh_rossi,261,283
-kh_rossi,260,279,0 warp kh_rossi_18b 1,1,kh_rossi,220,235
diff --git a/npc/warps/other/other.txt b/npc/warps/other/other.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 69141da6a..000000000
--- a/npc/warps/other/other.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
-//= | | | | | |
-//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
-//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) Athena
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program. If not, see <>.
-//= Other Warp Script
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Warp Points for Other Maps
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 1.0
-//guild_room,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs1,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs1,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs1,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs1,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs2,50,88,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs2,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs2,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs2,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs3,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs3,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs3,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs3,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs4,7,50,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs4,50,7,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs4,92,50,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs4,50,92,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs5,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs5,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs5,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0
-//guild_vs5,0,0,0 warp warp4 0,0,hoge,0,0