path: root/npc/quests/skills/hunter_skills.txt
diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2014-10-05 11:34:32 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2017-04-04 17:06:35 +0300
commit115cc6e32b511d307097f96708535e6d975b096a (patch)
tree26d34e0806740ce3546f42e43956c96244a33860 /npc/quests/skills/hunter_skills.txt
parent037ce75527a731d1d708256e4e23a01f4504844e (diff)
Remove conf dir.
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/quests/skills/hunter_skills.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 389 deletions
diff --git a/npc/quests/skills/hunter_skills.txt b/npc/quests/skills/hunter_skills.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d8aaf691..000000000
--- a/npc/quests/skills/hunter_skills.txt
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-//================= Hercules Script =======================================
-//= _ _ _
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-//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
-//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) Kisuka
-//= Copyright (C) IVBela
-//= Copyright (C) DracoRPG
-//= Copyright (C) Reddozen
-//= Copyright (C) Lupus
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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-//= Hunter Skills Quests
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= Quests for skills: Phantasmic Arrow
-//================= Current Version =======================================
-//= 1.4
-pay_arche,109,169,3 script Arpesto 4_M_05,{
- if (BaseJob == Job_Hunter) {
- if (qskill_hunter == 100) {
- if (getskilllv("HT_PHANTASMIC")) {
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Hm, I'm sorry if I made";
- mes "a big scene when you grazed";
- mes "me with that attack accidentally. It's just that I was training so";
- mes "diligently and blood sugar was incredibly low and the fatigue...";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Hah! Admit it,";
- mes "old man! You were";
- mes "just scared! Me, on";
- mes "the other hand...";
- emotion e_gg,"Reidin Corse#tu";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "You little";
- mes "whippersnapper!";
- mes "I don't know what";
- mes "you're talking about!";
- close;
- } else {
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "I recognize you";
- mes "from somewhere,";
- mes "I think. Reidin, do you";
- mes "remember this guy?";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Oh come on, we see";
- mes "hundreds of Archers and";
- mes "Hunters and Snipers and...";
- mes "I can't remember them all.";
- mes "But I guess this guy's up";
- mes "to snuff. Trust me on this!";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Alright, alright.";
- mes "If Reidin thinks you're";
- mes "worthy, then you're probably";
- mes "are. In that case, I'd like to";
- mes "offer to teach you my secret";
- mes "skill, ''Phantasmic Arrow.''";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Wait, wait. This guy";
- mes "only needs a refresher.";
- mes "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you";
- mes "were here to learn this";
- mes "skill before. Yeah, I've";
- mes "got a gut feeling about it.";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Damn. Only a refresher?";
- mes "That means you'll learn";
- mes "this free of charge. Alright...";
- mes "You should be able to use the";
- mes "Phantasmic Arrow skill now.";
- mes "Travel safely now, you hear?";
- skill "HT_PHANTASMIC",1,0;
- close;
- }
- }
- else if (qskill_hunter == 1) {
- if (countitem(Cardinal_Jewel_) > 4 && countitem(Harpys_Feather) > 4 && countitem(Pet_Food) > 29) {
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Hm? You're back?";
- mes "Oh, did you bring";
- mes "everything? Ah, you did.";
- mes "Good! Now I shall reveal";
- mes "my super secret skill...";
- mes "The 1st Arpesto Form!";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Wait! Wait...";
- mes "Didn't you call it";
- mes "Arpesto's 3rd Form";
- mes "or something at first?";
- emotion e_swt,"Reidin Corse#tu";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Er, yes, Arpesto's";
- mes "3rd Form, that's right.";
- mes "It's just there's just so";
- mes "many of them, that... ";
- mes "Anyway, let me teach you";
- mes "the ''Emergency Arrow'' skill.";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Whoa, hold on!";
- mes "''Emergency Arrow?!''";
- mes "That's the old name you";
- mes "gave that skill, right?";
- mes "Didn't you change it?";
- emotion e_omg;
- next;
- emotion e_omg;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "What the hell";
- mes "are you talkin--";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Oh, you're right.";
- mes "We agreed that name";
- mes "was too cheesy. What";
- mes "did we call it now? Um...";
- mes "''Phantasmic Arrow?''";
- emotion e_dots;
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "...";
- mes "......";
- emotion e_sob;
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Umm....";
- mes "Ummm........";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Yeah, that was the one!";
- mes "''^3131FFPhantasmic Arrow^000000'' sounds";
- mes "soooo much cooler than that";
- mes "other name you came up with!";
- emotion e_ic,"Reidin Corse#tu";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "You can be pretty handy";
- mes "sometimes, Reidin. Now,";
- mes "back to the matter at hand.";
- mes "I shall teach you my awesome";
- mes "skill, Phantasmic Arrow. Now...";
- mes "Ready your mind and body!";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Phan-!";
- mes "Ta-!";
- mes "Ssssss-!";
- mes "Mic-!";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- specialeffect EF_FLASHER;
- specialeffect2 EF_FLASHER;
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "^333333*Pant Pant*^000000";
- mes "Alright, I used a special";
- mes "technique to teach you the";
- mes "skill-- directly into your brain. You should be able to use it";
- mes "now. Why don't give it a try?";
- next;
- mes "^3355FF*Swwwwwww!*";
- mes "*Bang!*^000000";
- specialeffect EF_HIT2;
- emotion e_omg;
- emotion e_omg,1;
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "^333333*Pant Pant*";
- mes "*Cough Cough*";
- mes "*Cough Cough*^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- emotion e_omg,"Reidin Corse#tu";
- next;
- mes "^3355FF*Thump*^000000";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Ar-Arpesto, no!";
- mes "...........................";
- mes "";
- mes "Oh. Oh, come on! The arrow";
- mes "just glanced you! You'll be";
- mes "alright. Quit being a baby.";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Eh, don't worry about";
- mes "Arpesto. He's just being";
- mes "a crazy old man. I'll take";
- mes "care of him, so just make";
- mes "sure you make good use";
- mes "of that new skill. Take care~";
- delitem Cardinal_Jewel_,5;
- delitem Harpys_Feather,5;
- delitem Pet_Food,30;
- qskill_hunter = 100;
- skill "HT_PHANTASMIC",1,0;
- close;
- } else {
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Hurry up and bring";
- mes "^3131FF5 Cursed Rubies^000000,";
- mes "^3131FF30 Pet Foods^000000 and";
- mes "^3131FF5 Harpy Feathers^000000.";
- mes "Then, I can teach you";
- mes "the Emergency Arrow skill.";
- close;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (getskilllv("HT_PHANTASMIC")) {
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Ah, very nice.";
- mes "Um, as you demonstrated";
- mes "earlier, my teaching technique";
- mes "was perfect. But next time, use";
- mes "the skill on foes that deserve";
- mes "to be beaten, alright? Good.";
- qskill_hunter = 100;
- close;
- }
- if (BaseJob == Job_Hunter && JobLevel < 40) {
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Did the master send you";
- mes "to me? Hmm... You're still";
- mes "pretty green from the looks";
- mes "of it. Yeah, I don't think there's anything I can teach quite yet.";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Train a little more and get";
- mes "some more experience in";
- mes "your job. When you become";
- mes "more adept at hunting, you'll";
- mes "be able to grasp what I've been";
- mes "teaching Hunters and Snipers.";
- close;
- } else {
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Has the master sent you?";
- mes "Ah, you definitely have the";
- mes "keen, vulture like eyes of a";
- mes "true Hunter. You should be";
- mes "capable of learning my secret";
- mes "skill, the 3rd Arpesto Form...";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "It's a handy skill that";
- mes "I developed while battling";
- mes "Medusas and running out";
- mes "of arrows. I simply call it,";
- mes "''^3131FFEmergency Arrow^000000.'' Would you";
- mes "be interested in learning it?";
- next;
- switch(select("Yes, please!", "Ummm...")) {
- case 1:
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Great, great. Of course,";
- mes "you can't resist this offer";
- mes "if you recognize this skill's";
- mes "value. However, I'd like to";
- mes "ask for a little tuition in return for me teaching this to you.";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Although I feel guilt at";
- mes "asking for payment from";
- mes "a fellow Hunter, creating";
- mes "this skill required much";
- mes "sacrifice and unimaginable";
- mes "bloodshed on my part...";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "Hey! You liar!";
- mes "I was there when you";
- mes "accidently made up that";
- mes "skill when you were bored";
- mes "and just messing around";
- mes "with one of the Bows!";
- emotion e_gg,"Reidin Corse#tu";
- next;
- emotion e_omg;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "^333333*Ahem*^000000 Please Reidin,";
- mes "don't entertain unfounded";
- mes "rumors. It was only after";
- mes "countless battles with Eddga";
- mes "that I managed to invent and";
- mes "perfect Emergency Arrow.";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "^333333*Tsk tsk*^000000 Huh.";
- mes "I thought you said";
- mes "you developed it while";
- mes "you were fighting Medusas.";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "A-anyway, please bring";
- mes "me the following items";
- mes "as tuition in exchange for";
- mes "me teaching you this skill.";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Please bring me";
- mes "^3131FF5 Cursed Rubies^000000,";
- mes "^3131FF30 Pet Foods^000000 and";
- mes "^3131FF5 Harpy Feathers^000000.";
- mes "Then I can teach";
- mes "you this skill.";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "30 Pet Foods?";
- mes "What the heck do";
- mes "you need all that for?";
- next;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "I...";
- mes "I'm going to";
- mes "use it to feed";
- mes "my pet Falcon.";
- next;
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "...";
- mes "......";
- mes ".........";
- mes "......Riiiight.";
- emotion e_dots,"Reidin Corse#tu";
- qskill_hunter = 1;
- close;
- case 2:
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Alright, it's your";
- mes "decision. However, I'm";
- mes "sure that you may have";
- mes "great need of my skill";
- mes "sooner or later, so return";
- mes "to me if you change your mind.";
- close;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "The sky still looks clear, but recently the winds that have been blowing through the land seem to carry with them an air of misfortune.";
- next;
- emotion e_pif,"Reidin Corse#tu";
- mes "[Reidin Corse]";
- mes "So...";
- mes "Danger's coming?";
- mes "Heh! Chill, gramps~";
- mes "I got it covered!";
- next;
- emotion e_swt2;
- mes "[Arpesto]";
- mes "Ho ho...";
- mes "Energetic, but";
- mes "cocky. Kids nowadays...";
- close;
- }