# Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
# See the LICENSE file
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
# XML Parser hint (some are faster than others)
#local $ENV{XML_SIMPLE_PREFERRED_PARSER} = ''; # 0m7.138s
local $ENV{XML_SIMPLE_PREFERRED_PARSER} = 'XML::Parser'; # 0m2.674s
#local $ENV{XML_SIMPLE_PREFERRED_PARSER} = 'XML::SAX::Expat'; # 0m7.026s
sub trim($) {
my $s = $_[0];
$s =~ s/^\s+//; $s =~ s/\s+$//;
return $s;
sub parse($$) {
my ($p, $d) = @_;
$p =~ s/^.*?\)\((.*)\).*$/$1/; # Clean up extra parentheses )(around the arglist)
# Retrieve return type
unless ($d =~ /^(.+)\(\*\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+_interface::([^\)]+)\s*\)\s*\(.*\)$/) {
print "Error: unable to parse '$d'\n";
return {};
my $rt = trim($1); #return type
my $name = trim($2); #function name
my @args;
my ($anonvars, $variadic) = (0, 0);
my ($lastvar, $notes) = ('', '');
$p = ' ' unless $p; # ensure there's at least one character (we don't want a do{} block)
while ($p) { # Scan the string for variables
my $current = '';
my ($paren, $needspace) = (0, 0);
while ($p) { # Parse tokens
$p =~ s|^(?:\s*(?:/\*.*?\*/)?)*||; # strip heading whitespace and c-style comments
last unless $p;
if ($p =~ s/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)//) { # Word (variable, type)
$current .= ' ' if $needspace;
$current .= $1;
$needspace = 1;
if ($p =~ s/^(,)//) { # Comma
last unless $paren; # Argument terminator unless inside parentheses
$current .= $1;
$needspace = 1;
if ($p =~ s/^(\*)//) { # Pointer
$current .= ' ' if $needspace;
$current .= $1;
$needspace = 0;
if ($p =~ s/^([\[\].])//) { # Array subscript
$current .= $1;
$needspace = 0;
if ($p =~ s/^(\()//) { # Open parenthesis
$current .= ' ' if $needspace;
$current .= $1;
$needspace = 0;
if ($p =~ s/^(\))//) { # Closed parenthesis
$current .= $1;
$needspace = 1;
if (!$paren) {
$notes .= "\n/* Error: unexpected ')' */";
print "Error: unexpected ')' at '$p'\n";
} else {
$p =~ s/^(.)//; # Any other symbol
$notes .= "\n/* Error: Unexpected character '$1' */";
print "Error: Unexpected character '$1' at '$p'\n";
$current .= $1;
$needspace = 0;
$current =~ s/^\s+//; $current =~ s/\s+$//g; # trim
next if (!$current or $current =~ /^void$/); # Skip if empty
my ($array, $type1, $var, $type2, $indir) = ('', '', '', '', '');
if ($current =~ qr/^
([\w\s\[\]*]+\() # Capture words, spaces, array subscripts, up to the first '(' (return type)
\s* # Skip spaces
(\*) # Capture the '*' from the function name
\s* # Skip spaces
([\w]*) # Capture words (function name)
\s* # Skip spaces
(\)\s*\([\w\s\[\]*,]*\)) # Capture first ')' followed by a '( )' block containing arguments
\s* # Skip spaces
) { # Match a function pointer
$type1 = trim($1);
$indir = $2;
$var = trim($3 // '');
$type2 = trim($4);
} elsif ($current eq '...') { # Match a '...' variadic argument
$type1 = '...';
$indir = '';
$var = '';
$type2 = '';
} else { # Match a "regular" variable
$type1 = '';
while(1) {
if ($current =~ /^(const)\s+(.*)$/) { # const modifier
$type1 .= "$1 ";
$current = $2 // '';
if ($current =~ /^((?:un)?signed)\s+((?:char|int|long|short)[*\s]+.*)$/
or $current =~ /^(long|short)\s+((?:int|long)[*\s]+.*)$/
) { # signed/unsigned/long/short modifiers
$current = $2;
$type1 .= "$1 ";
if ($current =~ /^(struct|enum)\s+(.*)$/) { # enum and struct names
$current = $2 // '';
$type1 .= "$1 ";
last; # No other modifiers
if ($current =~ /^\s*(\w+)((?:const|[*\s])*)(\w*)\s*((?:\[\])?)$/) { # Variable type and name
$type1 .= trim($1);
$indir = trim($2 // '');
$var = trim($3 // '');
$array = trim($4 // '');
$type2 = '';
} else { # Unsupported
$notes .= "\n/* Error: Unhandled var type '$current' */";
print "Error: Unhandled var type '$current'\n";
push(@args, { var => $current });
unless ($var) {
$var = "p$anonvars";
my ($callvar, $pre_code, $post_code, $dereference, $addressof) = ($var, '', '', '', '');
my $indirectionlvl = () = $indir =~ /\*/;
if ($type1 eq 'va_list') { # Special handling for argument-list variables
$callvar = "${var}___copy";
$pre_code = "va_list ${callvar}; va_copy(${callvar}, ${var});";
$post_code = "va_end(${callvar});";
} elsif ($type1 eq '...') { # Special handling for variadic arguments
unless ($lastvar) {
$notes .= "\n/* Error: Variadic function with no fixed arguments */";
print "Error: Variadic function with no fixed arguments\n";
$pre_code = "va_list ${callvar}; va_start(${callvar}, ${lastvar});";
$post_code = "va_end(${callvar});";
$var = '';
$variadic = 1;
} elsif (!$indirectionlvl) { # Increase indirection level when necessary
$dereference = '*';
$addressof = '&';
$indirectionlvl++ if ($array); # Arrays are pointer, no matter how cute you write them
push(@args, {
var => $var,
callvar => $callvar,
type => $type1.$array.$type2,
orig => $type1 eq '...' ? '...' : trim("$type1 $indir$var$array $type2"),
indir => $indirectionlvl,
hookf => $type1 eq '...' ? "va_list ${var}" : trim("$type1 $dereference$indir$var$array $type2"),
hookc => trim("$addressof$callvar"),
origc => trim($callvar),
pre => $pre_code,
post => $post_code,
$lastvar = $var;
my $rtmemset = 0;
my $rtinit = '';
foreach ($rt) { # Decide initialization for the return value
my $x = $_;
if ($x =~ /^const\s+(.+)$/) { # Strip const modifier
$x = $1;
if ($x =~ /\*/g) { # Pointer
$rtinit = ' = NULL';
} elsif ($x eq 'void') { # void
$rtinit = '';
} elsif ($x eq 'bool') { # bool
$rtinit = ' = false';
} elsif ($x =~ /^(?:enum\s+)?damage_lv$/) { # Known enum damage_lv
$rtinit = ' = ATK_NONE';
} elsif ($x =~ /^(?:enum\s+)?sc_type$/) { # Known enum sc_type
$rtinit = ' = SC_NONE';
} elsif ($x =~/^(?:enum\s+)?c_op$/) { # Known enum c_op
$rtinit = ' = C_NOP';
} elsif ($x =~ /^enum\s+BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK$/) { # Known enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK
$rtinit = ' = BGQA_SUCCESS';
} elsif ($x =~ /^enum\s+bl_type$/) { # Known enum bl_type
$rtinit = ' = BL_NUL';
} elsif ($x =~ /^enum\s+homun_type$/) { # Known enum homun_type
$rtinit = ' = HT_INVALID';
} elsif ($x =~ /^enum\s+channel_operation_status$/) { # Known enum channel_operation_status
$rtinit = ' = HCS_STATUS_FAIL';
} elsif ($x =~ /^enum\s+bg_queue_types$/) { # Known enum bg_queue_types
$rtinit = ' = BGQT_INVALID';
} elsif ($x =~ /^struct\s+.*$/ or $x eq 'DBData') { # Structs
$rtinit = '';
$rtmemset = 1;
} elsif ($x =~ /^(?:(?:un)?signed\s+)?(?:char|int|long|short)$/
or $x =~ /^(?:long|short)\s+(?:int|long)$/
or $x =~ /^u?int(?:8|16|32|64)$/
or $x eq 'defType'
) { # Numeric variables
$rtinit = ' = 0';
} else { # Anything else
$notes .= "\n/* Unknown return type '$rt'. Initializing to '0'. */";
print "Unknown return type '$rt'. Initializing to '0'.\n";
$rtinit = ' = 0';
return {
name => $name,
vname => $variadic ? "v$name" : $name,
type => $rt,
typeinit => $rtinit,
memset => $rtmemset,
variadic => $variadic,
args => \@args,
notes => $notes,
my %key2original;
my @files = grep { -f } glob 'doxyoutput/xml/*interface*.xml';
my %ifs;
my %keys = (
login => [ ],
char => [ ],
map => [ ],
foreach my $file (@files) { # Loop through the xml files
my $xml = new XML::Simple;
my $data = $xml->XMLin($file, ForceArray => 1);
my $filekey = (keys %{ $data->{compounddef} })[0];
my $loc = $data->{compounddef}->{$filekey}->{location}->[0];
next unless $loc->{file} =~ /src\/(map|char|login)\//;
my $servertype = $1;
my $key = $data->{compounddef}->{$filekey}->{compoundname}->[0];
my $original = $key;
# Some known interfaces with different names
if ($key =~ /battleground/) {
$key = "bg";
} elsif ($key =~ /guild_storage/) {
$key = "gstorage";
} elsif ($key =~ /inter_homunculus/) { # to avoid replace to homun
$key = "inter_homunculus";
} elsif ($key =~ /homunculus/) {
$key = "homun";
} elsif ($key =~ /irc_bot/) {
$key = "ircbot";
} elsif ($key =~ /log_interface/) {
$key = "logs";
} elsif ($key =~ /pc_groups_interface/) {
$key = "pcg";
} elsif ($key =~ /char_interface/) {
$key = "chr";
} else {
$key =~ s/_interface//;
foreach my $v ($data->{compounddef}->{$filekey}->{sectiondef}->[0]) { # Loop through the sections
my $memberdef = $v->{memberdef};
foreach my $f (sort { # Sort the members in declaration order according to what the xml says
my $astart = $a->{location}->[0]->{bodystart} || $a->{location}->[0]->{line};
my $bstart = $b->{location}->[0]->{bodystart} || $b->{location}->[0]->{line};
$astart <=> $bstart
} @$memberdef) { # Loop through the members
my $t = $f->{argsstring}->[0];
next unless ref $t ne 'HASH' and $t =~ /^[^\[]/; # If it's not a string, or if it starts with an array subscript, we can skip it
my $if = parse($t, $f->{definition}->[0]);
next unless scalar keys %$if; # If it returns an empty hash reference, an error must've occurred
# Skip variadic functions, we only allow hooks on their arglist equivalents.
# i.e. you can't hook on map->foreachinmap, but you hook on map->vforeachinmap
# (foreachinmap is guaranteed to do nothing other than call vforeachinmap)
next if ($if->{variadic});
# Some preprocessing
$if->{hname} = "HP_${key}_$if->{name}";
$if->{hvname} = "HP_${key}_$if->{vname}";
$if->{handlerdef} = "$if->{type} $if->{hname}(";
$if->{predef} = "$if->{type} (*preHookFunc) (";
$if->{postdef} = "$if->{type} (*postHookFunc) (";
if ($if->{type} eq 'void') {
$if->{precall} = '';
$if->{postcall} = '';
$if->{origcall} = '';
} else {
$if->{precall} = "retVal___ = ";
$if->{postcall} = "retVal___ = ";
$if->{origcall} = "retVal___ = ";
$if->{precall} .= "preHookFunc(";
$if->{postcall} .= "postHookFunc(";
$if->{origcall} .= "HPMHooks.source.$key.$if->{vname}(";
$if->{before} = []; $if->{after} = [];
my ($i, $j) = (0, 0);
if ($if->{type} ne 'void') {
$if->{postdef} .= "$if->{type} retVal___";
$if->{postcall} .= "retVal___";
foreach my $arg (@{ $if->{args} }) {
push(@{ $if->{before} }, $arg->{pre}) if ($arg->{pre});
push(@{ $if->{after} }, $arg->{post}) if ($arg->{post});
if ($i) {
$if->{handlerdef} .= ', ';
$if->{predef} .= ', ';
$if->{precall} .= ', ';
$if->{origcall} .= ', ';
if ($j) {
$if->{postdef} .= ', ';
$if->{postcall} .= ', ';
$if->{handlerdef} .= $arg->{orig};
$if->{predef} .= $arg->{hookf};
$if->{precall} .= $arg->{hookc};
$if->{postdef} .= $arg->{hookf};
$if->{postcall} .= $arg->{hookc};
$if->{origcall} .= $arg->{origc};
$i++; $j++;
if (!$i) {
$if->{predef} .= 'void';
$if->{handlerdef} .= 'void';
if (!$j) {
$if->{postdef} .= 'void';
$if->{handlerdef} .= ')';
$if->{predef} .= ");";
$if->{precall} .= ");";
$if->{postdef} .= ");";
$if->{postcall} .= ");";
$if->{origcall} .= ");";
$key2original{$key} = $original;
$ifs{$key} = [] unless $ifs{$key};
push(@{ $ifs{$key} }, $if);
push(@{ $keys{$servertype} }, $key) if $key2original{$key};
foreach my $servertype (keys %keys) {
my $keysref = $keys{$servertype};
# Some interfaces use different names
my %exportsymbols = map {
$_ => &{ sub ($) {
return 'battlegrounds' if $servertype eq 'map' and $_ =~ /^bg$/;
return 'pc_groups' if $servertype eq 'map' and $_ =~ /^pcg$/;
return $_;
} @$keysref;
my ($maxlen, $idx) = (0, 0);
my $fname;
$fname = "../../src/plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_${servertype}.HookingPoints.inc";
open(FH, ">", $fname)
or die "cannot open > $fname: $!";
print FH <<"EOF";
// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
// NOTE: This file was auto-generated and should never be manually edited,
// as it will get overwritten.
struct HookingPointData HookingPoints[] = {
foreach my $key (@$keysref) {
print FH "/* ".$key." */\n";
foreach my $if (@{ $ifs{$key} }) {
print FH <<"EOF";
{ HP_POP($key\->$if->{name}, $if->{hname}) },
$idx += 2;
$maxlen = length($key."->".$if->{name}) if( length($key."->".$if->{name}) > $maxlen );
print FH <<"EOF";
int HookingPointsLenMax = $maxlen;
close FH;
$fname = "../../src/plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_${servertype}.sources.inc";
open(FH, ">", $fname)
or die "cannot open > $fname: $!";
print FH <<"EOF";
// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
// NOTE: This file was auto-generated and should never be manually edited,
// as it will get overwritten.
foreach my $key (@$keysref) {
print FH <<"EOF";
memcpy(&HPMHooks.source.$key, $key, sizeof(struct $key2original{$key}));
close FH;
$fname = "../../src/plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_${servertype}.GetSymbol.inc";
open(FH, ">", $fname)
or die "cannot open > $fname: $!";
print FH <<"EOF";
// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
// NOTE: This file was auto-generated and should never be manually edited,
// as it will get overwritten.
foreach my $key (@$keysref) {
print FH <<"EOF";
if( !($key = GET_SYMBOL("$exportsymbols{$key}") ) ) return "$exportsymbols{$key}";
close FH;
$fname = "../../src/plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_${servertype}.HPMHooksCore.inc";
open(FH, ">", $fname)
or die "cannot open > $fname: $!";
print FH <<"EOF";
// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
// NOTE: This file was auto-generated and should never be manually edited,
// as it will get overwritten.
struct {
foreach my $key (@$keysref) {
foreach my $if (@{ $ifs{$key} }) {
print FH <<"EOF";
struct HPMHookPoint *$if->{hname}_pre;
struct HPMHookPoint *$if->{hname}_post;
print FH <<"EOF";
} list;
struct {
foreach my $key (@$keysref) {
foreach my $if (@{ $ifs{$key} }) {
print FH <<"EOF";
int $if->{hname}_pre;
int $if->{hname}_post;
print FH <<"EOF";
} count;
struct {
foreach my $key (@$keysref) {
print FH <<"EOF";
struct $key2original{$key} $key;
print FH <<"EOF";
} source;
close FH;
$fname = "../../src/plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_${servertype}.Hooks.inc";
open(FH, ">", $fname)
or die "cannot open > $fname: $!";
print FH <<"EOF";
// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
// NOTE: This file was auto-generated and should never be manually edited,
// as it will get overwritten.
foreach my $key (@$keysref) {
print FH <<"EOF";
/* $key */
foreach my $if (@{ $ifs{$key} }) {
my ($initialization, $beforeblock3, $beforeblock2, $afterblock3, $afterblock2, $retval) = ('', '', '', '', '', '');
unless ($if->{type} eq 'void') {
$initialization = "\n\t$if->{type} retVal___$if->{typeinit};";
$initialization .= "\n\tmemset(&retVal___, '\\0', sizeof($if->{type}));" if $if->{memset};
$beforeblock3 .= "\n\t\t\t$_" foreach (@{ $if->{before} });
$afterblock3 .= "\n\t\t\t$_" foreach (@{ $if->{after} });
$beforeblock2 .= "\n\t\t$_" foreach (@{ $if->{before} });
$afterblock2 .= "\n\t\t$_" foreach (@{ $if->{after} });
$retval = ' retVal___' unless $if->{type} eq 'void';
print FH <<"EOF";
$if->{handlerdef} {$if->{notes}
int hIndex = 0;${initialization}
if( HPMHooks.count.$if->{hname}_pre ) {
*HPMforce_return = false;
for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.$if->{hname}_pre; hIndex++ ) {$beforeblock3
preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.$if->{hname}_pre[hIndex].func;
if( *HPMforce_return ) {
*HPMforce_return = false;
if( HPMHooks.count.$if->{hname}_post ) {
for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.$if->{hname}_post; hIndex++ ) {$beforeblock3
postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.$if->{hname}_post[hIndex].func;
close FH;