path: root/src/map/pet.h
blob: 86b9080ebe1ffb26ba969ca7113cf07aeed96779 (plain) (tree)










// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder

#ifndef _PET_H_
#define _PET_H_

#define MAX_PET_DB	300

struct s_pet_db {
	short class_;
	char name[NAME_LENGTH],jname[NAME_LENGTH];
	short itemID;
	short EggID;
	short AcceID;
	short FoodID;
	int fullness;
	int hungry_delay;
	int r_hungry;
	int r_full;
	int intimate;
	int die;
	int capture;
	int speed;
	char s_perfor;
	int talk_convert_class;
	int attack_rate;
	int defence_attack_rate;
	int change_target_rate;
	struct script_code *script;
extern struct s_pet_db pet_db[MAX_PET_DB];


struct pet_recovery { //Stat recovery
	enum sc_type type;	//Status Change id
	unsigned short delay; //How long before curing (secs).
	int timer;

struct pet_bonus {
	unsigned short type; //bStr, bVit?
	unsigned short val;	//Qty
	unsigned short duration; //in secs
	unsigned short delay;	//Time before recasting (secs)
	int timer;

struct pet_skill_attack { //Attack Skill
	unsigned short id;
	unsigned short lv;
	unsigned short div_; //0 = Normal skill. >0 = Fixed damage (lv), fixed div_.
	unsigned short rate; //Base chance of skill ocurrance (10 = 10% of attacks)
	unsigned short bonusrate; //How being 100% loyal affects cast rate (10 = At 1000 intimacy->rate+10%

struct pet_skill_support { //Support Skill
	unsigned short id;
	unsigned short lv;
	unsigned short hp; //Max HP% for skill to trigger (50 -> 50% for Magnificat)
	unsigned short sp; //Max SP% for skill to trigger (100 = no check)
	unsigned short delay; //Time (secs) between being able to recast.
	int timer;

struct pet_loot {
	struct item *item;
	unsigned short count;
	unsigned short weight;
	unsigned short max;

struct pet_data {
	struct block_list bl;
	struct unit_data ud;
	struct view_data vd;
	struct s_pet pet;
	struct status_data status;
	struct mob_db *db;
	struct s_pet_db *petDB;
	int pet_hungry_timer;
	int target_id;
	struct {
		unsigned skillbonus : 1;
	} state;
	int move_fail_count;
	unsigned int next_walktime,last_thinktime;
	short rate_fix;	//Support rate as modified by intimacy (1000 = 100%) [Skotlex]

	struct pet_recovery* recovery;
	struct pet_bonus* bonus;
	struct pet_skill_attack* a_skill;
	struct pet_skill_support* s_skill;
	struct pet_loot* loot;

	struct map_session_data *msd;

int pet_create_egg(struct map_session_data *sd, int item_id);
int pet_hungry_val(struct pet_data *pd);
int pet_target_check(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *bl,int type);
int pet_unlocktarget(struct pet_data *pd);
int pet_sc_check(struct map_session_data *sd, int type); //Skotlex
int search_petDB_index(int key,int type);
int pet_hungry_timer_delete(struct pet_data *pd);
int pet_data_init(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *pet);
int pet_birth_process(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *pet);
int pet_recv_petdata(int account_id,struct s_pet *p,int flag);
int pet_select_egg(struct map_session_data *sd,short egg_index);
int pet_catch_process1(struct map_session_data *sd,int target_class);
int pet_catch_process2(struct map_session_data *sd,int target_id);
int pet_get_egg(int account_id,int pet_id,int flag);
int pet_menu(struct map_session_data *sd,int menunum);
int pet_change_name(struct map_session_data *sd,char *name);
int pet_change_name_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, char* name, int flag);
int pet_equipitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int index);
int pet_lootitem_drop(struct pet_data *pd,struct map_session_data *sd);
int pet_attackskill(struct pet_data *pd, int target_id);
int pet_skill_support_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data); // [Skotlex]
int pet_skill_bonus_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]
int pet_recovery_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]
int pet_heal_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); // [Valaris]

#define pet_stop_walking(pd, type) unit_stop_walking(&(pd)->bl, type)
#define pet_stop_attack(pd) unit_stop_attack(&(pd)->bl)

int read_petdb(void);
int do_init_pet(void);
int do_final_pet(void);

#endif /* _PET_H_ */