path: root/src/map/pc.h
blob: 8d74b89530350503a4224d2087e507eaee8aa6fc (plain) (tree)



































































































// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder

#ifndef _PC_H_
#define _PC_H_

#include "../common/mmo.h" // JOB_*, MAX_FAME_LIST, struct fame_list, struct mmo_charstatus
#include "../common/timer.h" // INVALID_TIMER
#include "atcommand.h" // AtCommandType
#include "battle.h" // battle_config
#include "buyingstore.h"  // struct s_buyingstore
#include "itemdb.h" // MAX_ITEMGROUP
#include "map.h" // RC_MAX
#include "script.h" // struct script_reg, struct script_regstr
#include "searchstore.h"  // struct s_search_store_info
#include "status.h" // OPTION_*, struct weapon_atk
#include "unit.h" // unit_stop_attack(), unit_stop_walking()
#include "vending.h" // struct s_vending
#include "mob.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "pc_groups.h"

#define MAX_PC_BONUS 10

struct weapon_data {
    int atkmods[3];
    // all the variables except atkmods get zero'ed in each call of status_calc_pc
    // NOTE: if you want to add a non-zeroed variable, you need to update the memset call
    //  in status_calc_pc as well! All the following are automatically zero'ed. [Skotlex]
    int overrefine;
    int star;
    int ignore_def_ele;
    int ignore_def_race;
    int def_ratio_atk_ele;
    int def_ratio_atk_race;
    int addele[ELE_MAX];
    int addrace[RC_MAX];
    int addrace2[RC2_MAX];
    int addsize[3];

    struct drain_data {
        short rate;
        short per;
        short value;
        unsigned type:1;
    } hp_drain[RC_MAX], sp_drain[RC_MAX];

    struct {
        short class_, rate;
    }   add_dmg[MAX_PC_BONUS];

    struct {
        short flag, rate;
        unsigned char ele;
    } addele2[MAX_PC_BONUS];

struct s_autospell {
    short id, lv, rate, card_id, flag;
    bool lock;  // bAutoSpellOnSkill: blocks autospell from triggering again, while being executed

struct s_addeffect {
    enum sc_type id;
    short rate, arrow_rate;
    unsigned char flag;

struct s_addeffectonskill {
    enum sc_type id;
    short rate, skill;
    unsigned char target;

struct s_add_drop {
    short id, group;
    int race, rate;

struct s_autobonus {
    short rate,atk_type;
    unsigned int duration;
    char *bonus_script, *other_script;
    int active;
    unsigned short pos;

struct map_session_data {
    struct block_list bl;
    struct unit_data ud;
    struct view_data vd;
    struct status_data base_status, battle_status;
    struct status_change sc;
    struct regen_data regen;
    struct regen_data_sub sregen, ssregen;
    //NOTE: When deciding to add a flag to state or special_state, take into consideration that state is preserved in
    //status_calc_pc, while special_state is recalculated in each call. [Skotlex]
    struct {
        unsigned int active : 1; //Marks active player (not active is logging in/out, or changing map servers)
        unsigned int menu_or_input : 1;// if a script is waiting for feedback from the player
        unsigned int dead_sit : 2;
        unsigned int lr_flag : 3;//1: left h. weapon; 2: arrow; 3: shield
        unsigned int connect_new : 1;
        unsigned int arrow_atk : 1;
        unsigned int gangsterparadise : 1;
        unsigned int rest : 1;
        unsigned int storage_flag : 2; //0: closed, 1: Normal Storage open, 2: guild storage open [Skotlex]
        unsigned int snovice_dead_flag : 1; //Explosion spirits on death: 0 off, 1 used.
        unsigned int abra_flag : 2; // Abracadabra bugfix by Aru
        unsigned int autocast : 1; // Autospell flag [Inkfish]
        unsigned int autotrade : 1; //By Fantik
        unsigned int reg_dirty : 4; //By Skotlex (marks whether registry variables have been saved or not yet)
        unsigned int showdelay :1;
        unsigned int showexp :1;
        unsigned int showzeny :1;
        unsigned int mainchat :1; //[LuzZza]
        unsigned int noask :1; // [LuzZza]
        unsigned int trading :1; //[Skotlex] is 1 only after a trade has started.
        unsigned int deal_locked :2; //1: Clicked on OK. 2: Clicked on TRADE
        unsigned int monster_ignore :1; // for monsters to ignore a character [Valaris] [zzo]
        unsigned int size :2; // for tiny/large types
        unsigned int night :1; //Holds whether or not the player currently has the SI_NIGHT effect on. [Skotlex]
        unsigned int blockedmove :1;
        unsigned int using_fake_npc :1;
        unsigned int rewarp :1; //Signals that a player should warp as soon as he is done loading a map. [Skotlex]
        unsigned int killer : 1;
        unsigned int killable : 1;
        unsigned int doridori : 1;
        unsigned int ignoreAll : 1;
        unsigned int debug_remove_map : 1; // temporary state to track double remove_map's [FlavioJS]
        unsigned int buyingstore : 1;
        unsigned int lesseffect : 1;
        unsigned int vending : 1;
        unsigned int noks : 3; // [Zeph Kill Steal Protection]
        unsigned int changemap : 1;
        unsigned int callshop : 1; // flag to indicate that a script used callshop; on a shop
        short pmap; // Previous map on Map Change
        unsigned short autoloot;
        unsigned short autolootid[AUTOLOOTITEM_SIZE]; // [Zephyrus]
        unsigned int autolooting : 1; //performance-saver, autolooting state for @alootid
        unsigned short autobonus; //flag to indicate if an autobonus is activated. [Inkfish]
        struct guild *gmaster_flag;
        unsigned int prevend : 1;//used to flag wheather you've spent 40sp to open the vending or not.
        unsigned int warping : 1;//states whether you're in the middle of a warp processing
    } state;
    struct {
        unsigned char no_weapon_damage, no_magic_damage, no_misc_damage;
        unsigned int restart_full_recover : 1;
        unsigned int no_castcancel : 1;
        unsigned int no_castcancel2 : 1;
        unsigned int no_sizefix : 1;
        unsigned int no_gemstone : 1;
        unsigned int intravision : 1; // Maya Purple Card effect [DracoRPG]
        unsigned int perfect_hiding : 1; // [Valaris]
        unsigned int no_knockback : 1;
        unsigned int bonus_coma : 1;
    } special_state;
    int login_id1, login_id2;
    unsigned short class_;  //This is the internal job ID used by the map server to simplify comparisons/queries/etc. [Skotlex]
    int group_id, group_pos, group_level;
    unsigned int permissions;/* group permissions */

    int packet_ver;  // 5: old, 6: 7july04, 7: 13july04, 8: 26july04, 9: 9aug04/16aug04/17aug04, 10: 6sept04, 11: 21sept04, 12: 18oct04, 13: 25oct04 ... 18
    struct mmo_charstatus status;
    struct registry save_reg;

    struct item_data *inventory_data[MAX_INVENTORY]; // direct pointers to itemdb entries (faster than doing item_id lookups)
    short equip_index[14];
    unsigned int weight,max_weight;
    int cart_weight,cart_num,cart_weight_max;
    int fd;
    unsigned short mapindex;
    unsigned char head_dir; //0: Look forward. 1: Look right, 2: Look left.
    unsigned int client_tick;
    int npc_id,areanpc_id,npc_shopid,touching_id; //for script follow scriptoid;   ,npcid
    int npc_item_flag; //Marks the npc_id with which you can use items during interactions with said npc (see script command enable_itemuse)
    int npc_menu; // internal variable, used in npc menu handling
    int npc_amount;
    struct script_state *st;
    char npc_str[CHATBOX_SIZE]; // for passing npc input box text to script engine
    int npc_timer_id; //For player attached npc timers. [Skotlex]
    unsigned int chatID;
    time_t idletime;

    struct {
        int npc_id;
        unsigned int timeout;
    } progressbar; //Progress Bar [Inkfish]

    struct {
        char name[NAME_LENGTH];
    } ignore[MAX_IGNORE_LIST];

    int followtimer; // [MouseJstr]
    int followtarget;

    time_t emotionlasttime; // to limit flood with emotion packets

    short skillitem,skillitemlv;
    short skillid_old,skilllv_old;
    short skillid_dance,skilllv_dance;
    short cook_mastery; // range: [0,1999] [Inkfish]
    unsigned char blockskill[MAX_SKILL];
    int cloneskill_id, reproduceskill_id;
    int menuskill_id, menuskill_val, menuskill_val2;

    int invincible_timer;
    unsigned int canlog_tick;
    unsigned int canuseitem_tick;   // [Skotlex]
    unsigned int canusecashfood_tick;
    unsigned int canequip_tick; // [Inkfish]
    unsigned int cantalk_tick;
    unsigned int canskill_tick; // used to prevent abuse from no-delay ACT files
    unsigned int cansendmail_tick; // [Mail System Flood Protection]
    unsigned int ks_floodprotect_tick; // [Kill Steal Protection]
    unsigned int bloodylust_tick; // bloodylust player timer [out/in re full-heal protection]

    struct {
        short nameid;
        unsigned int tick;
    } item_delay[MAX_ITEMDELAYS]; // [Paradox924X]

    short weapontype1,weapontype2;
    short disguise; // [Valaris]

    struct weapon_data right_weapon, left_weapon;

    // here start arrays to be globally zeroed at the beginning of status_calc_pc()
    int param_bonus[6],param_equip[6]; //Stores card/equipment bonuses.
    int subele[ELE_MAX];
    int subrace[RC_MAX];
    int subrace2[RC2_MAX];
    int subsize[3];
    int reseff[SC_COMMON_MAX-SC_COMMON_MIN+1];
    int weapon_coma_ele[ELE_MAX];
    int weapon_coma_race[RC_MAX];
    int weapon_atk[16];
    int weapon_atk_rate[16];
    int arrow_addele[ELE_MAX];
    int arrow_addrace[RC_MAX];
    int arrow_addsize[3];
    int magic_addele[ELE_MAX];
    int magic_addrace[RC_MAX];
    int magic_addsize[3];
    int critaddrace[RC_MAX];
    int expaddrace[RC_MAX];
    int ignore_mdef[RC_MAX];
    int ignore_def[RC_MAX];
    int itemgrouphealrate[MAX_ITEMGROUP];
    short sp_gain_race[RC_MAX];
    short sp_gain_race_attack[RC_MAX];
    short hp_gain_race_attack[RC_MAX];
    // zeroed arrays end here.
    // zeroed structures start here
    struct s_autospell autospell[15], autospell2[15], autospell3[15];
    struct s_addeffect addeff[MAX_PC_BONUS], addeff2[MAX_PC_BONUS];
    struct s_addeffectonskill addeff3[MAX_PC_BONUS];

    struct { //skillatk raises bonus dmg% of skills, skillheal increases heal%, skillblown increases bonus blewcount for some skills.
        unsigned short id;
        short val;
    } skillatk[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillusesprate[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillusesp[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillheal[5], skillheal2[5], skillblown[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillcast[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillcooldown[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillfixcast[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillvarcast[MAX_PC_BONUS];
    struct {
        short value;
        int rate;
        int tick;
    } hp_loss, sp_loss, hp_regen, sp_regen;
    struct {
        short class_, rate;
    }   add_def[MAX_PC_BONUS], add_mdef[MAX_PC_BONUS], add_mdmg[MAX_PC_BONUS];
    struct s_add_drop add_drop[MAX_PC_BONUS];
    struct {
        int nameid;
        int rate;
    } itemhealrate[MAX_PC_BONUS];
    struct {
        short flag, rate;
        unsigned char ele;
    } subele2[MAX_PC_BONUS];
    // zeroed structures end here
    // manually zeroed structures start here.
    struct s_autobonus autobonus[MAX_PC_BONUS], autobonus2[MAX_PC_BONUS], autobonus3[MAX_PC_BONUS]; //Auto script on attack, when attacked, on skill usage
    // manually zeroed structures end here.
    // zeroed vars start here.
    struct {
        int atk_rate;
        int arrow_atk,arrow_ele,arrow_cri,arrow_hit;
        int nsshealhp,nsshealsp;
        int critical_def,double_rate;
        int long_attack_atk_rate; //Long range atk rate, not weapon based. [Skotlex]
        int near_attack_def_rate,long_attack_def_rate,magic_def_rate,misc_def_rate;
        int ignore_mdef_ele;
        int ignore_mdef_race;
        int perfect_hit;
        int perfect_hit_add;
        int get_zeny_rate;
        int get_zeny_num; //Added Get Zeny Rate [Skotlex]
        int double_add_rate;
        int short_weapon_damage_return,long_weapon_damage_return;
        int magic_damage_return; // AppleGirl Was Here
        int break_weapon_rate,break_armor_rate;
        int crit_atk_rate;
        int classchange; // [Valaris]
        int speed_rate, speed_add_rate, aspd_add;
        int itemhealrate2; // [Epoque] Increase heal rate of all healing items.
        int shieldmdef;//royal guard's
        unsigned int setitem_hash, setitem_hash2; //Split in 2 because shift operations only work on int ranges. [Skotlex]

        short splash_range, splash_add_range;
        short add_steal_rate;
        short add_heal_rate, add_heal2_rate;
        short sp_gain_value, hp_gain_value, magic_sp_gain_value, magic_hp_gain_value;
        short sp_vanish_rate;
        short sp_vanish_per;
        unsigned short unbreakable; // chance to prevent ANY equipment breaking [celest]
        unsigned short unbreakable_equip; //100% break resistance on certain equipment
        unsigned short unstripable_equip;
        int fixcastrate,varcastrate;
		int ematk; // matk bonus from equipment
    } bonus;

    // zeroed vars end here.

    int castrate,delayrate,hprate,sprate,dsprate;
    int hprecov_rate,sprecov_rate;
    int matk_rate;
    int critical_rate,hit_rate,flee_rate,flee2_rate,def_rate,def2_rate,mdef_rate,mdef2_rate;

    int itemid;
    short itemindex;    //Used item's index in sd->inventory [Skotlex]

    short catch_target_class; // pet catching, stores a pet class to catch (short now) [zzo]

    short spiritball, spiritball_old;
    int spirit_timer[MAX_SKILL_LEVEL];
    short talisman[ELE_POISON+1]; // There are actually 5 talisman Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth & Poison maybe because its color violet.
    int talisman_timer[ELE_POISON+1][10];

    unsigned char potion_success_counter; //Potion successes in row counter
    unsigned char mission_count; //Stores the bounty kill count for TK_MISSION
    short mission_mobid; //Stores the target mob_id for TK_MISSION
    int die_counter; //Total number of times you've died
    int devotion[5]; //Stores the account IDs of chars devoted to.
    int reg_num; //Number of registries (type numeric)
    int regstr_num; //Number of registries (type string)

    struct script_reg *reg;
    struct script_regstr *regstr;

    int trade_partner;
    struct {
        struct {
            short index, amount;
        } item[10];
        int zeny, weight;
    } deal;

    bool party_creating; // whether the char is requesting party creation
    bool party_joining; // whether the char is accepting party invitation
    int party_invite, party_invite_account; // for handling party invitation (holds party id and account id)
    int adopt_invite; // Adoption

    int guild_invite,guild_invite_account;
    int guild_emblem_id,guild_alliance,guild_alliance_account;
    short guild_x,guild_y; // For guildmate position display. [Skotlex] should be short [zzo]
    int guildspy; // [Syrus22]
    int partyspy; // [Syrus22]

    int vended_id;
    int vender_id;
    int vend_num;
    char message[MESSAGE_SIZE];
    struct s_vending vending[MAX_VENDING];

    unsigned int buyer_id;  // uid of open buying store
    struct s_buyingstore buyingstore;

    struct s_search_store_info searchstore;

    struct pet_data *pd;
    struct homun_data *hd;  // [blackhole89]
    struct mercenary_data *md;
    struct elemental_data *ed;

    struct {
        int  m; //-1 - none, other: map index corresponding to map name.
        unsigned short index; //map index
    } feel_map[3]; // 0 - Sun; 1 - Moon; 2 - Stars
    short hate_mob[3];

    int pvp_timer;
    short pvp_point;
    unsigned short pvp_rank, pvp_lastusers;
    unsigned short pvp_won, pvp_lost;

    int eventtimer[MAX_EVENTTIMER];
    unsigned short eventcount; // [celest]

    unsigned char change_level_2nd; // job level when changing from 1st to 2nd class [jobchange_level in global_reg_value]
    unsigned char change_level_3rd; // job level when changing from 2nd to 3rd class [jobchange_level_3rd in global_reg_value]

    char fakename[NAME_LENGTH]; // fake names [Valaris]

    int duel_group; // duel vars [LuzZza]
    int duel_invite;

    int killerrid, killedrid;

    int cashPoints, kafraPoints;
    int rental_timer;

    // Auction System [Zephyrus]
    struct {
        int index, amount;
    } auction;

    // Mail System [Zephyrus]
    struct {
        short nameid;
        int index, amount, zeny;
        struct mail_data inbox;
        bool changed; // if true, should sync with charserver on next mailbox request
    } mail;

    //Quest log system [Kevin] [Inkfish]
    int num_quests;
    int avail_quests;
    int quest_index[MAX_QUEST_DB];
    struct quest quest_log[MAX_QUEST_DB];
    bool save_quest;

    // temporary debug [flaviojs]
    const char *debug_file;
    int debug_line;
    const char *debug_func;

    unsigned int bg_id;
    unsigned short user_font;

     * For the Secure NPC Timeout option (check config/Secure.h) [RR]
     * ID of the timer
     * @info
     * - value is -1 (INVALID_TIMER constant) when not being used
     * - timer is cancelled upon closure of the current npc's instance
    int npc_idle_timer;
     * Tick on the last recorded NPC iteration (next/menu/whatever)
     * @info
     * - It is updated on every NPC iteration as mentioned above
    unsigned int npc_idle_tick;

    struct {
        struct script_code **bonus;/* the script */
        unsigned short *id;/* array of combo ids */
        unsigned char count;
    } combos;

     * Guarantees your friend request is legit (for bugreport:4629)
    int friend_req;

    int shadowform_id;

    // temporary debugging of bug #3504
    const char *delunit_prevfile;
    int delunit_prevline;


//Update this max as necessary. 55 is the value needed for Super Baby currently
//Raised to 84 since Expanded Super Novice needs it.
#define MAX_SKILL_TREE 84
//Total number of classes (for data storage)

enum weapon_type {
    W_FIST, //Bare hands
    W_DAGGER,   //1
    W_1HSWORD,  //2
    W_2HSWORD,  //3
    W_1HSPEAR,  //4
    W_2HSPEAR,  //5
    W_1HAXE,    //6
    W_2HAXE,    //7
    W_MACE, //8
    W_2HMACE,   //9 (unused)
    W_STAFF,    //10
    W_BOW,  //11
    W_KNUCKLE,  //12
    W_MUSICAL,  //13
    W_WHIP, //14
    W_BOOK, //15
    W_KATAR,    //16
    W_REVOLVER, //17
    W_RIFLE,    //18
    W_GATLING,  //19
    W_SHOTGUN,  //20
    W_GRENADE,  //21
    W_HUUMA,    //22
    W_2HSTAFF,  //23
    // dual-wield constants
    W_DOUBLE_DD, // 2 daggers
    W_DOUBLE_SS, // 2 swords
    W_DOUBLE_AA, // 2 axes
    W_DOUBLE_DS, // dagger + sword
    W_DOUBLE_DA, // dagger + axe
    W_DOUBLE_SA, // sword + axe

enum ammo_type {
    A_ARROW = 1,
    A_DAGGER,   //2
    A_BULLET,   //3
    A_SHELL,    //4
    A_GRENADE,  //5
    A_SHURIKEN, //6
    A_KUNAI,     //7
    A_CANNONBALL,   //8

//Equip position constants
enum equip_pos {
    EQP_HEAD_LOW = 0x0001,
    EQP_HEAD_MID = 0x0200, //512
    EQP_HEAD_TOP = 0x0100, //256
    EQP_HAND_R   = 0x0002,
    EQP_HAND_L   = 0x0020, //32
    EQP_ARMOR    = 0x0010, //16
    EQP_SHOES    = 0x0040, //64
    EQP_GARMENT  = 0x0004,
    EQP_ACC_L    = 0x0008,
    EQP_ACC_R    = 0x0080, //128
    EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP = 0x0400,
    EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID = 0x0800,
    EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW = 0x1000,
    EQP_AMMO     = 0x8000, //32768


/// Equip positions that use a visible sprite
#if PACKETVER < 20110111

//Equip indexes constants. (eg: sd->equip_index[EQI_AMMO] returns the index
//where the arrows are equipped)
enum equip_index {
    EQI_ACC_L = 0,

#define pc_setdead(sd)        ( (sd)->state.dead_sit = (sd)->vd.dead_sit = 1 )
#define pc_setsit(sd)         ( (sd)->state.dead_sit = (sd)->vd.dead_sit = 2 )
#define pc_isdead(sd)         ( (sd)->state.dead_sit == 1 )
#define pc_issit(sd)          ( (sd)->vd.dead_sit == 2 )
#define pc_isidle(sd)         ( (sd)->chatID || (sd)->state.vending || (sd)->state.buyingstore || DIFF_TICK(last_tick, (sd)->idletime) >= battle_config.idle_no_share )
#define pc_istrading(sd)      ( (sd)->npc_id || (sd)->state.vending || (sd)->state.buyingstore || (sd)-> )
#define pc_cant_act(sd)       ( (sd)->npc_id || (sd)->state.vending || (sd)->state.buyingstore || (sd)->chatID || ((sd)->sc.opt1 && (sd)->sc.opt1 != OPT1_BURNING) || (sd)-> || (sd)->state.storage_flag )
#define pc_setdir(sd,b,h)     ( (sd)->ud.dir = (b) ,(sd)->head_dir = (h) )
#define pc_setchatid(sd,n)    ( (sd)->chatID = n )
#define pc_ishiding(sd)       ( (sd)->sc.option&(OPTION_HIDE|OPTION_CLOAK|OPTION_CHASEWALK) )
#define pc_iscloaking(sd)     ( !((sd)->sc.option&OPTION_CHASEWALK) && ((sd)->sc.option&OPTION_CLOAK) )
#define pc_ischasewalk(sd)    ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_CHASEWALK )

#ifdef NEW_CARTS
#define pc_iscarton(sd)       ( (sd)->[SC_PUSH_CART] )
#define pc_iscarton(sd)       ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_CART )

#define pc_isfalcon(sd)       ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_FALCON )
#define pc_isriding(sd)       ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_RIDING )
#define pc_isinvisible(sd)    ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_INVISIBLE )
#define pc_is50overweight(sd) ( (sd)->weight*100 >= (sd)->max_weight*battle_config.natural_heal_weight_rate )
#define pc_is90overweight(sd) ( (sd)->weight*10 >= (sd)->max_weight*9 )
#define pc_maxparameter(sd)   ( ((((sd)->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_KAGEROUOBORO) || (sd)->class_&JOBL_THIRD ? ((sd)->class_&JOBL_BABY ? battle_config.max_baby_third_parameter : battle_config.max_third_parameter) : ((sd)->class_&JOBL_BABY ? battle_config.max_baby_parameter : battle_config.max_parameter)) )
 * Ranger
#define pc_iswug(sd)       ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_WUG )
#define pc_isridingwug(sd) ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_WUGRIDER )
// Mechanic Magic Gear
#define pc_ismadogear(sd) ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_MADOGEAR )
// Rune Knight Dragon
#define pc_isridingdragon(sd) ( (sd)->sc.option&OPTION_DRAGON )

#define pc_stop_walking(sd, type) unit_stop_walking(&(sd)->bl, type)
#define pc_stop_attack(sd) unit_stop_attack(&(sd)->bl)

//Weapon check considering dual wielding.
#define pc_check_weapontype(sd, type) ((type)&((sd)->status.weapon < MAX_WEAPON_TYPE? \
//Checks if the given class value corresponds to a player class. [Skotlex]
//JOB_NOVICE isn't checked for class_ is supposed to be unsigned
#define pcdb_checkid_sub(class_) \
    ( \
      ( (class_) <  JOB_MAX_BASIC ) \
      ||  ( (class_) >= JOB_NOVICE_HIGH    && (class_) <= JOB_DARK_COLLECTOR ) \
      ||  ( (class_) >= JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT    && (class_) <= JOB_MECHANIC_T2    ) \
      ||  ( (class_) >= JOB_BABY_RUNE      && (class_) <= JOB_BABY_MECHANIC2 ) \
      ||  ( (class_) >= JOB_SUPER_NOVICE_E && (class_) <= JOB_SUPER_BABY_E   ) \
      ||  ( (class_) >= JOB_KAGEROU        && (class_) <  JOB_MAX            ) \
#define pcdb_checkid(class_) pcdb_checkid_sub((unsigned int)class_)

// clientside display macros (values to the left/right of the "+")
#ifdef RENEWAL
#define pc_leftside_atk(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.batk)
#define pc_rightside_atk(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.rhw.atk + (sd)->battle_status.lhw.atk + (sd)->battle_status.rhw.atk2 + (sd)->battle_status.lhw.atk2)
#define pc_leftside_def(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.def2)
#define pc_rightside_def(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.def)
#define pc_leftside_mdef(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.mdef2)
#define pc_rightside_mdef(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.mdef)
#define pc_leftside_matk(sd) (status_base_matk(status_get_status_data(&(sd)->bl), (sd)->status.base_level))
#define pc_rightside_matk(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.rhw.matk+(sd)->bonus.ematk)
#define pc_leftside_atk(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.batk + (sd)->battle_status.rhw.atk + (sd)->battle_status.lhw.atk)
#define pc_rightside_atk(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.rhw.atk2 + (sd)->battle_status.lhw.atk2)
#define pc_leftside_def(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.def)
#define pc_rightside_def(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.def2)
#define pc_leftside_mdef(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.mdef)
#define pc_rightside_mdef(sd) ( (sd)->battle_status.mdef2 - ((sd)->battle_status.vit>>1) )
#define pc_leftside_matk(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.matk_min)
#define pc_rightside_matk(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.matk_max)

int pc_class2idx(int class_);
int pc_get_group_level(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_get_group_id(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_getrefinebonus(int lv,int type);
bool pc_can_give_items(struct map_session_data *sd);

bool pc_can_use_command(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, AtCommandType type);
#define pc_has_permission(sd, permission) ( ((sd)->permissions&permission) != 0 )
bool pc_should_log_commands(struct map_session_data *sd);

int pc_setrestartvalue(struct map_session_data *sd,int type);
int pc_makesavestatus(struct map_session_data *);
void pc_respawn(struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type clrtype);
int pc_setnewpc(struct map_session_data *,int,int,int,unsigned int,int,int);
bool pc_authok(struct map_session_data *sd, int login_id2, time_t expiration_time, int group_id, struct mmo_charstatus *st, bool changing_mapservers);
void pc_authfail(struct map_session_data *);
int pc_reg_received(struct map_session_data *sd);

int pc_isequip(struct map_session_data *sd,int n);
int pc_equippoint(struct map_session_data *sd,int n);
int pc_setinventorydata(struct map_session_data *sd);

int pc_checkskill(struct map_session_data *sd,int skill_id);
int pc_checkallowskill(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_checkequip(struct map_session_data *sd,int pos);

int pc_calc_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_clean_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd);

#define pc_checkoverhp(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.hp == (sd)->battle_status.max_hp)
#define pc_checkoversp(sd) ((sd)->battle_status.sp == (sd)->battle_status.max_sp)

int pc_setpos(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short mapindex, int x, int y, clr_type clrtype);
int pc_setsavepoint(struct map_session_data *,short,int,int);
int pc_randomwarp(struct map_session_data *sd,clr_type type);
int pc_memo(struct map_session_data *sd, int pos);

int pc_checkadditem(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
int pc_inventoryblank(struct map_session_data *);
int pc_search_inventory(struct map_session_data *sd,int item_id);
int pc_payzeny(struct map_session_data *,int, enum e_log_pick_type type, struct map_session_data *);
int pc_additem(struct map_session_data *,struct item *,int,e_log_pick_type);
int pc_getzeny(struct map_session_data *,int, enum e_log_pick_type, struct map_session_data *);
int pc_delitem(struct map_session_data *,int,int,int,short,e_log_pick_type);

// Special Shop System
int pc_paycash(struct map_session_data *sd, int price, int points);
int pc_getcash(struct map_session_data *sd, int cash, int points);

int pc_cart_additem(struct map_session_data *sd,struct item *item_data,int amount,e_log_pick_type log_type);
int pc_cart_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,int amount,int type,e_log_pick_type log_type);
int pc_putitemtocart(struct map_session_data *sd,int idx,int amount);
int pc_getitemfromcart(struct map_session_data *sd,int idx,int amount);
int pc_cartitem_amount(struct map_session_data *sd,int idx,int amount);

int pc_takeitem(struct map_session_data *,struct flooritem_data *);
int pc_dropitem(struct map_session_data *,int,int);

bool pc_isequipped(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid);
bool pc_can_Adopt(struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd);
bool pc_adoption(struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd);

int pc_updateweightstatus(struct map_session_data *sd);

int pc_addautobonus(struct s_autobonus *bonus,char max,const char *script,short rate,unsigned int dur,short atk_type,const char *o_script,unsigned short pos,bool onskill);
int pc_exeautobonus(struct map_session_data *sd,struct s_autobonus *bonus);
int pc_endautobonus(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data);
int pc_delautobonus(struct map_session_data *sd,struct s_autobonus *bonus,char max,bool restore);

int pc_bonus(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
int pc_bonus2(struct map_session_data *sd,int,int,int);
int pc_bonus3(struct map_session_data *sd,int,int,int,int);
int pc_bonus4(struct map_session_data *sd,int,int,int,int,int);
int pc_bonus5(struct map_session_data *sd,int,int,int,int,int,int);
int pc_skill(struct map_session_data *sd, int id, int level, int flag);

int pc_insert_card(struct map_session_data *sd,int idx_card,int idx_equip);

int pc_steal_item(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *bl, int skilllv);
int pc_steal_coin(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *bl);

int pc_modifybuyvalue(struct map_session_data *,int);
int pc_modifysellvalue(struct map_session_data *,int);

int pc_follow(struct map_session_data *, int); // [MouseJstr]
int pc_stop_following(struct map_session_data *);

unsigned int pc_maxbaselv(struct map_session_data *sd);
unsigned int pc_maxjoblv(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_checkbaselevelup(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_checkjoblevelup(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_gainexp(struct map_session_data *,struct block_list *,unsigned int,unsigned int, bool);
unsigned int pc_nextbaseexp(struct map_session_data *);
unsigned int pc_thisbaseexp(struct map_session_data *);
unsigned int pc_nextjobexp(struct map_session_data *);
unsigned int pc_thisjobexp(struct map_session_data *);
int pc_gets_status_point(int);
int pc_need_status_point(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
int pc_statusup(struct map_session_data *,int);
int pc_statusup2(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
int pc_skillup(struct map_session_data *,int);
int pc_allskillup(struct map_session_data *);
int pc_resetlvl(struct map_session_data *,int type);
int pc_resetstate(struct map_session_data *);
int pc_resetskill(struct map_session_data *, int);
int pc_resetfeel(struct map_session_data *);
int pc_resethate(struct map_session_data *);
int pc_equipitem(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
int pc_unequipitem(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
int pc_checkitem(struct map_session_data *);
int pc_useitem(struct map_session_data *,int);

int pc_skillatk_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_num);
int pc_skillheal_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_num);
int pc_skillheal2_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_num);

void pc_damage(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *src,unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp);
int pc_dead(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *src);
void pc_revive(struct map_session_data *sd,unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp);
void pc_heal(struct map_session_data *sd,unsigned int hp,unsigned int sp, int type);
int pc_itemheal(struct map_session_data *sd,int itemid, int hp,int sp);
int pc_percentheal(struct map_session_data *sd,int,int);
int pc_jobchange(struct map_session_data *,int, int);
int pc_setoption(struct map_session_data *,int);
int pc_setcart(struct map_session_data *sd, int type);
int pc_setfalcon(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag);
int pc_setriding(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag);
int pc_setmadogear(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag);
int pc_changelook(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
int pc_equiplookall(struct map_session_data *sd);

int pc_readparam(struct map_session_data *,int);
int pc_setparam(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
int pc_readreg(struct map_session_data *,int);
int pc_setreg(struct map_session_data *,int,int);
char *pc_readregstr(struct map_session_data *sd,int reg);
int pc_setregstr(struct map_session_data *sd,int reg,const char *str);

#define pc_readglobalreg(sd,reg) pc_readregistry(sd,reg,3)
#define pc_setglobalreg(sd,reg,val) pc_setregistry(sd,reg,val,3)
#define pc_readglobalreg_str(sd,reg) pc_readregistry_str(sd,reg,3)
#define pc_setglobalreg_str(sd,reg,val) pc_setregistry_str(sd,reg,val,3)
#define pc_readaccountreg(sd,reg) pc_readregistry(sd,reg,2)
#define pc_setaccountreg(sd,reg,val) pc_setregistry(sd,reg,val,2)
#define pc_readaccountregstr(sd,reg) pc_readregistry_str(sd,reg,2)
#define pc_setaccountregstr(sd,reg,val) pc_setregistry_str(sd,reg,val,2)
#define pc_readaccountreg2(sd,reg) pc_readregistry(sd,reg,1)
#define pc_setaccountreg2(sd,reg,val) pc_setregistry(sd,reg,val,1)
#define pc_readaccountreg2str(sd,reg) pc_readregistry_str(sd,reg,1)
#define pc_setaccountreg2str(sd,reg,val) pc_setregistry_str(sd,reg,val,1)
int pc_readregistry(struct map_session_data *,const char *,int);
int pc_setregistry(struct map_session_data *,const char *,int,int);
char *pc_readregistry_str(struct map_session_data *,const char *,int);
int pc_setregistry_str(struct map_session_data *,const char *,const char *,int);

int pc_addeventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd,int tick,const char *name);
int pc_deleventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd,const char *name);
int pc_cleareventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_addeventtimercount(struct map_session_data *sd,const char *name,int tick);

int pc_calc_pvprank(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_calc_pvprank_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data);

int pc_ismarried(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_marriage(struct map_session_data *sd,struct map_session_data *dstsd);
int pc_divorce(struct map_session_data *sd);
struct map_session_data *pc_get_partner(struct map_session_data *sd);
struct map_session_data *pc_get_father(struct map_session_data *sd);
struct map_session_data *pc_get_mother(struct map_session_data *sd);
struct map_session_data *pc_get_child(struct map_session_data *sd);

void pc_bleeding(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int diff_tick);
void pc_regen(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int diff_tick);

void pc_setstand(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_candrop(struct map_session_data *sd,struct item *item);

int pc_jobid2mapid(unsigned short b_class); // Skotlex
int pc_mapid2jobid(unsigned short class_, int sex); // Skotlex

const char *job_name(int class_);

struct skill_tree_entry {
    short id;
    unsigned char max;
    unsigned char joblv;
    struct {
        short id;
        unsigned char lv;
}; // Celest
extern struct skill_tree_entry skill_tree[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_SKILL_TREE];

struct sg_data {
    short anger_id;
    short bless_id;
    short comfort_id;
    char feel_var[NAME_LENGTH];
    char hate_var[NAME_LENGTH];
    int (*day_func)(void);
extern const struct sg_data sg_info[MAX_PC_FEELHATE];

void pc_setinvincibletimer(struct map_session_data *sd, int val);
void pc_delinvincibletimer(struct map_session_data *sd);

int pc_addspiritball(struct map_session_data *sd,int,int);
int pc_delspiritball(struct map_session_data *sd,int,int);
void pc_addfame(struct map_session_data *sd,int count);
unsigned char pc_famerank(int char_id, int job);
int pc_set_hate_mob(struct map_session_data *sd, int pos, struct block_list *bl);

extern struct fame_list smith_fame_list[MAX_FAME_LIST];
extern struct fame_list chemist_fame_list[MAX_FAME_LIST];
extern struct fame_list taekwon_fame_list[MAX_FAME_LIST];

int pc_readdb(void);
int do_init_pc(void);
void do_final_pc(void);


// timer for
extern int day_timer_tid;
extern int night_timer_tid;
int map_day_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data); // by [yor]
int map_night_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data); // by [yor]

// Rental System
void pc_inventory_rentals(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_inventory_rental_clear(struct map_session_data *sd);
void pc_inventory_rental_add(struct map_session_data *sd, int seconds);

int pc_read_motd(void); // [Valaris]
int pc_disguise(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_);
bool pc_isautolooting(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid);

void pc_overheat(struct map_session_data *sd, int val);

int pc_banding(struct map_session_data *sd, short skill_lv);

void pc_itemcd_do(struct map_session_data *sd, bool load);

int pc_load_combo(struct map_session_data *sd);

int pc_add_talisman(struct map_session_data *sd,int interval,int max,int type);
int pc_del_talisman(struct map_session_data *sd,int count,int type);

void pc_baselevelchanged(struct map_session_data *sd);

#if defined(RENEWAL_DROP) || defined(RENEWAL_EXP)
int pc_level_penalty_mod(struct map_session_data *sd, struct mob_data *md, int type);
#endif /* _PC_H_ */