path: root/src/map/path.c
blob: 2de3eab003984c0d246c35e94050eb9b2f6692f7 (plain) (tree)
































// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
// Portions Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams

#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
#include "../common/db.h"
#include "../common/malloc.h"
#include "../common/nullpo.h"
#include "../common/random.h"
#include "../common/showmsg.h"

#include "path.h"
#include "map.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SET_OPEN 0
#define SET_CLOSED 1

#define DIR_NORTH 1
#define DIR_WEST 2
#define DIR_SOUTH 4
#define DIR_EAST 8

struct path_interface path_s;

/// @name Structures and defines for A* pathfinding
/// @{

/// Path node
struct path_node {
	struct path_node *parent; ///< pointer to parent (for path reconstruction)
	short x; ///< X-coordinate
	short y; ///< Y-coordinate
	short g_cost; ///< Actual cost from start to this node
	short f_cost; ///< g_cost + heuristic(this, goal)
	short flag; ///< SET_OPEN / SET_CLOSED

/// Binary heap of path nodes
BHEAP_STRUCT_DECL(node_heap, struct path_node*);

/// Comparator for binary heap of path nodes (minimum cost at top)
#define NODE_MINTOPCMP(i,j) ((i)->f_cost - (j)->f_cost)

#define calc_index(x,y) (((x)+(y)*MAX_WALKPATH) & (MAX_WALKPATH*MAX_WALKPATH-1))

/// Estimates the cost from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1).
/// This is inadmissible (overestimating) heuristic used by game client.
#define heuristic(x0, y0, x1, y1)	(MOVE_COST * (abs((x1) - (x0)) + abs((y1) - (y0)))) // Manhattan distance
/// @}

// Translates dx,dy into walking direction
static const unsigned char walk_choices [3][3] =

 * Find the closest reachable cell, 'count' cells away from (x0,y0) in direction (dx,dy).
 * Income after the coordinates of the blow
int path_blownpos(int16 m,int16 x0,int16 y0,int16 dx,int16 dy,int count)
	struct map_data *md;

	if( !map[m].cell )
		return -1;
	md = &map[m];

	if( count>25 ){ //Cap to prevent too much processing...?
		ShowWarning("path_blownpos: count too many %d !\n",count);
	if( dx > 1 || dx < -1 || dy > 1 || dy < -1 ){
		ShowError("path_blownpos: illegal dx=%d or dy=%d !\n",dx,dy);

	while( count > 0 && (dx != 0 || dy != 0) ) {
		if( !md->getcellp(md,x0+dx,y0+dy,CELL_CHKPASS) ) {// attempt partial movement
			int fx = ( dx != 0 && md->getcellp(md,x0+dx,y0,CELL_CHKPASS) );
			int fy = ( dy != 0 && md->getcellp(md,x0,y0+dy,CELL_CHKPASS) );
			if( fx && fy )
			if( !fx )
			if( !fy )

		x0 += dx;
		y0 += dy;

	return (x0<<16)|y0; //TODO: use 'struct point' here instead?

 * is ranged attack from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) possible?
bool path_search_long(struct shootpath_data *spd,int16 m,int16 x0,int16 y0,int16 x1,int16 y1,cell_chk cell)
	int dx, dy;
	int wx = 0, wy = 0;
	int weight;
	struct map_data *md;
	struct shootpath_data s_spd;

	if( spd == NULL )
		spd = &s_spd; // use dummy output variable

	if (!map[m].cell)
		return false;
	md = &map[m];

	dx = (x1 - x0);
	if (dx < 0) {
		swap(x0, x1);
		swap(y0, y1);
		dx = -dx;
	dy = (y1 - y0);

	spd->rx = spd->ry = 0;
	spd->len = 1;
	spd->x[0] = x0;
	spd->y[0] = y0;

	if (md->getcellp(md,x1,y1,cell))
		return false;

	if (dx > abs(dy)) {
		weight = dx;
		spd->ry = 1;
	} else {
		weight = abs(y1 - y0);
		spd->rx = 1;

	while (x0 != x1 || y0 != y1)
		if (md->getcellp(md,x0,y0,cell))
			return false;
		wx += dx;
		wy += dy;
		if (wx >= weight) {
			wx -= weight;
		if (wy >= weight) {
			wy -= weight;
		} else if (wy < 0) {
			wy += weight;
		if( spd->len<MAX_WALKPATH )
			spd->x[spd->len] = x0;
			spd->y[spd->len] = y0;

	return true;

/// @name A* pathfinding related functions
/// @{

/// Pushes path_node to the binary node_heap.
/// Ensures there is enough space in array to store new element.
static void heap_push_node(struct node_heap *heap, struct path_node *node)
	BHEAP_ENSURE(*heap, 1, 256);
	BHEAP_PUSH(*heap, node, NODE_MINTOPCMP, swap_ptr);

/// Updates path_node in the binary node_heap.
static int heap_update_node(struct node_heap *heap, struct path_node *node)
	int i;
	ARR_FIND(0, BHEAP_LENGTH(*heap), i, BHEAP_DATA(*heap)[i] == node);
	if (i == BHEAP_LENGTH(*heap)) {
		ShowError("heap_update_node: node not found\n");
		return 1;
	BHEAP_POPINDEX(*heap, i, NODE_MINTOPCMP, swap_ptr);
	BHEAP_PUSH(*heap, node, NODE_MINTOPCMP, swap_ptr);
	return 0;

/// Path_node processing in A* pathfinding.
/// Adds new node to heap and updates/re-adds old ones if necessary.
static int add_path(struct node_heap *heap, struct path_node *tp, int16 x, int16 y, int g_cost, struct path_node *parent, int h_cost)
	int i = calc_index(x, y);

	if (tp[i].x == x && tp[i].y == y) { // We processed this node before
		if (g_cost < tp[i].g_cost) { // New path to this node is better than old one
			// Update costs and parent
			tp[i].g_cost = g_cost;
			tp[i].parent = parent; 
			tp[i].f_cost = g_cost + h_cost;
			if (tp[i].flag == SET_CLOSED) {
				heap_push_node(heap, &tp[i]); // Put it in open set again
			else if (heap_update_node(heap, &tp[i])) {
				return 1;
			tp[i].flag = SET_OPEN;
		return 0;

	if (tp[i].x || tp[i].y) // Index is already taken; see `tp` array FIXME for details
		return 1;

	// New node
	tp[i].x = x;
	tp[i].y = y;
	tp[i].g_cost = g_cost;
	tp[i].parent = parent;
	tp[i].f_cost = g_cost + h_cost;
	tp[i].flag = SET_OPEN;
	heap_push_node(heap, &tp[i]);
	return 0;

 * path search (x0,y0)->(x1,y1)
 * wpd: path info will be written here
 * flag: &1 = easy path search only
 * cell: type of obstruction to check for
bool path_search(struct walkpath_data *wpd, int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int flag, cell_chk cell)
	register int i, j, x, y, dx, dy;
	struct map_data *md;
	struct walkpath_data s_wpd;

	if (wpd == NULL)
		wpd = &s_wpd; // use dummy output variable

	if (!map[m].cell)
		return false;
	md = &map[m];

	//Do not check starting cell as that would get you stuck.
	if (x0 < 0 || x0 >= md->xs || y0 < 0 || y0 >= md->ys)
	if (x0 < 0 || x0 >= md->xs || y0 < 0 || y0 >= md->ys /*|| md->getcellp(md,x0,y0,cell)*/)
		return false;

	// Check destination cell
	if (x1 < 0 || x1 >= md->xs || y1 < 0 || y1 >= md->ys || md->getcellp(md,x1,y1,cell))
		return false;

	if (flag&1) {
		// Try finding direct path to target
		// Direct path goes diagonally first, then in straight line.

		// calculate (sgn(x1-x0), sgn(y1-y0))
		dx = ((dx = x1-x0)) ? ((dx<0) ? -1 : 1) : 0;
		dy = ((dy = y1-y0)) ? ((dy<0) ? -1 : 1) : 0;

		x = x0; // Current position = starting cell
		y = y0;
		i = 0;
		while( i < ARRAYLENGTH(wpd->path) )
			wpd->path[i] = walk_choices[-dy + 1][dx + 1];

			x += dx; // Advance current position
			y += dy;

			if( x == x1 ) dx = 0; // destination x reached, no longer move along x-axis
			if( y == y1 ) dy = 0; // destination y reached, no longer move along y-axis

			if( dx == 0 && dy == 0 )
				break; // success
			if( md->getcellp(md,x,y,cell) )
				break; // obstacle = failure

		if( x == x1 && y == y1 )
		{ // easy path successful.
			wpd->path_len = i;
			wpd->path_pos = 0;
			return true;

		return false; // easy path unsuccessful 
	else { // !(flag&1)
		// A* (A-star) pathfinding
		// We always use A* for finding walkpaths because it is what game client uses.
		// Easy pathfinding cuts corners of non-walkable cells, but client always walks around it.
		BHEAP_STRUCT_VAR(node_heap, open_set); // 'Open' set

		// FIXME: This array is too small to ensure all paths shorter than MAX_WALKPATH
		// can be found without node collision: calc_index(node1) = calc_index(node2).
		// Figure out more proper size or another way to keep track of known nodes.
		struct path_node tp[MAX_WALKPATH * MAX_WALKPATH];
		struct path_node *current, *it;
		int xs = md->xs - 1;
		int ys = md->ys - 1;
		int len = 0;
		memset(tp, 0, sizeof(tp));

		// Start node
		i = calc_index(x0, y0);
		tp[i].parent = NULL;
		tp[i].x      = x0;
		tp[i].y      = y0;
		tp[i].g_cost = 0;
		tp[i].f_cost = heuristic(x0, y0, x1, y1);
		tp[i].flag   = SET_OPEN;

		heap_push_node(&open_set, &tp[i]); // Put start node to 'open' set
			int e = 0; // error flag

			// Saves allowed directions for the current cell. Diagonal directions
			// are only allowed if both directions around it are allowed. This is
			// to prevent cutting corner of nearby wall.
			// For example, you can only go NW from the current cell, if you can
			// go N *and* you can go W. Otherwise you need to walk around the
			// (corner of the) non-walkable cell.
			int allowed_dirs = 0;

			int g_cost;

			if (BHEAP_LENGTH(open_set) == 0) {
				return false;

			current = BHEAP_PEEK(open_set); // Look for the lowest f_cost node in the 'open' set
			BHEAP_POP(open_set, NODE_MINTOPCMP, swap_ptr); // Remove it from 'open' set

			x      = current->x;
			y      = current->y;
			g_cost = current->g_cost;

			current->flag = SET_CLOSED; // Add current node to 'closed' set

			if (x == x1 && y == y1) {

			if (y < ys && !md->getcellp(md, x, y+1, cell)) allowed_dirs |= DIR_NORTH;
			if (y >  0 && !md->getcellp(md, x, y-1, cell)) allowed_dirs |= DIR_SOUTH;
			if (x < xs && !md->getcellp(md, x+1, y, cell)) allowed_dirs |= DIR_EAST;
			if (x >  0 && !md->getcellp(md, x-1, y, cell)) allowed_dirs |= DIR_WEST;

#define chk_dir(d) ((allowed_dirs & (d)) == (d))
			// Process neighbors of current node
			// TODO: Processing order affects chosen path if there is more than one path with same cost.
			// In few cases path found by server will be different than path found by game client.
			if (chk_dir(DIR_SOUTH))
				e += add_path(&open_set, tp, x, y-1, g_cost + MOVE_COST, current, heuristic(x, y-1, x1, y1)); // (x, y-1) 4
			if (chk_dir(DIR_SOUTH|DIR_WEST) && !md->getcellp(md, x-1, y-1, cell))
				e += add_path(&open_set, tp, x-1, y-1, g_cost + MOVE_DIAGONAL_COST, current, heuristic(x-1, y-1, x1, y1)); // (x-1, y-1) 3
			if (chk_dir(DIR_WEST))
				e += add_path(&open_set, tp, x-1, y, g_cost + MOVE_COST, current, heuristic(x-1, y, x1, y1)); // (x-1, y) 2
			if (chk_dir(DIR_NORTH|DIR_WEST) && !md->getcellp(md, x-1, y+1, cell))
				e += add_path(&open_set, tp, x-1, y+1, g_cost + MOVE_DIAGONAL_COST, current, heuristic(x-1, y+1, x1, y1)); // (x-1, y+1) 1
			if (chk_dir(DIR_NORTH))
				e += add_path(&open_set, tp, x, y+1, g_cost + MOVE_COST, current, heuristic(x, y+1, x1, y1)); // (x, y+1) 0
			if (chk_dir(DIR_NORTH|DIR_EAST) && !md->getcellp(md, x+1, y+1, cell))
				e += add_path(&open_set, tp, x+1, y+1, g_cost + MOVE_DIAGONAL_COST, current, heuristic(x+1, y+1, x1, y1)); // (x+1, y+1) 7
			if (chk_dir(DIR_EAST))
				e += add_path(&open_set, tp, x+1, y, g_cost + MOVE_COST, current, heuristic(x+1, y, x1, y1)); // (x+1, y) 6
			if (chk_dir(DIR_SOUTH|DIR_EAST) && !md->getcellp(md, x+1, y-1, cell))
				e += add_path(&open_set, tp, x+1, y-1, g_cost + MOVE_DIAGONAL_COST, current, heuristic(x+1, y-1, x1, y1)); // (x+1, y-1) 5
#undef chk_dir
			if (e) {
				return false;

		for (it = current; it->parent != NULL; it = it->parent, len++);
		if (len > sizeof(wpd->path)) {
			return false;

		// Recreate path
		wpd->path_len = len;
		wpd->path_pos = 0;
		for (it = current, j = len-1; j >= 0; it = it->parent, j--) {
			dx = it->x - it->parent->x;
			dy = it->y - it->parent->y;
			wpd->path[j] = walk_choices[-dy + 1][dx + 1];
		return true;
	} // A* end

	return false;

//Distance functions, taken from
int check_distance(int dx, int dy, int distance)
	//In this case, we just do a square comparison. Add 1 tile grace for diagonal range checks.
	return (dx*dx + dy*dy <= distance*distance + (dx&&dy?1:0));
	if (dx < 0) dx = -dx;
	if (dy < 0) dy = -dy;
	return ((dx<dy?dy:dx) <= distance);

unsigned int distance(int dx, int dy)
	unsigned int min, max;

	if ( dx < 0 ) dx = -dx;
	if ( dy < 0 ) dy = -dy;
	//There appears to be something wrong with the approximation below when either dx/dy is 0! [Skotlex]
	if ( dx == 0 ) return dy;
	if ( dy == 0 ) return dx;

	if ( dx < dy )
		min = dx;
		max = dy;
	} else {
		min = dy;
		max = dx;
   // coefficients equivalent to ( 123/128 * max ) and ( 51/128 * min )
	return ((( max << 8 ) + ( max << 3 ) - ( max << 4 ) - ( max << 1 ) +
		( min << 7 ) - ( min << 5 ) + ( min << 3 ) - ( min << 1 )) >> 8 );
	if (dx < 0) dx = -dx;
	if (dy < 0) dy = -dy;
	return (dx<dy?dy:dx);
void path_defaults(void) {
	path = &path_s;
	path->blownpos = path_blownpos;
	path->search_long = path_search_long;
	path->search = path_search;
	path->check_distance = check_distance;
	path->distance = distance;