path: root/src/map/packets_struct.h
blob: 2bfb10ca33d3686b9837b23cd920dfb035a62ac9 (plain) (tree)








































// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file

/* Hercules Renewal: Phase Two */


#include "../common/mmo.h"

 * structs for data
	unsigned short card[4];
enum packet_headers {
	cart_additem_ackType = 0x12c,
	sc_notickType = 0x196,
#if PACKETVER < 20061218
	additemType = 0xa0,
#elif PACKETVER < 20071002
	additemType = 0x29a,
#elif PACKETVER < 20120925
	additemType = 0x2d4,
	additemType = 0x990,
	idle_unitType = 0x78,
#elif PACKETVER < 7
	idle_unitType = 0x1d8,
#elif PACKETVER < 20080102
	idle_unitType = 0x22a,
#elif PACKETVER < 20091103
	idle_unitType = 0x2ee,
#elif PACKETVER < 20101124
	idle_unitType = 0x7f9,
#elif PACKETVER < 20140000 //actual 20120221
	idle_unitType = 0x857,
	idle_unitType = 0x915,
#if PACKETVER >= 20120618
	status_changeType = 0x983,
#elif PACKETVER >= 20090121
	status_changeType = 0x43f,
	status_changeType = sc_notickType,/* 0x196 */
	status_change2Type = 0x43f,
	status_change_endType = 0x196,
#if PACKETVER < 20091103
	spawn_unit2Type = 0x7c,
	idle_unit2Type = 0x78,
	spawn_unitType = 0x79,
#elif PACKETVER < 7
	spawn_unitType = 0x1d9,
#elif PACKETVER < 20080102
	spawn_unitType = 0x22b,
#elif PACKETVER < 20091103
	spawn_unitType = 0x2ed,
#elif PACKETVER < 20101124
	spawn_unitType = 0x7f8,
#elif PACKETVER < 20140000 //actual 20120221
	spawn_unitType = 0x858,
	spawn_unitType = 0x90f,
#if PACKETVER < 20080102
	authokType = 0x73,
	authokType = 0x2eb,
	script_clearType = 0x8d6,
	package_item_announceType = 0x7fd,
	unit_walkingType = 0x7b,
#elif PACKETVER < 7
	unit_walkingType = 0x1da,
#elif PACKETVER < 20080102
	unit_walkingType = 0x22c,
#elif PACKETVER < 20091103
	unit_walkingType = 0x2ec,
#elif PACKETVER < 20101124
	unit_walkingType = 0x7f7,
#elif PACKETVER < 20140000 //actual 20120221
	unit_walkingType = 0x856,
	unit_walkingType = 0x914,
	bgqueue_ackType = 0x8d8,
	bgqueue_notice_deleteType = 0x8db,
	bgqueue_registerType = 0x8d7,
	bgqueue_updateinfoType = 0x8d9,
	bgqueue_checkstateType = 0x90a,
	bgqueue_revokereqType = 0x8da,
	bgqueue_battlebeginackType = 0x8e0,
	bgqueue_notify_entryType = 0x8d9,
	bgqueue_battlebegins = 0x8df,
#if PACKETVER > 20130000 /* not sure date */
	dropflooritemType = 0x84b,
	dropflooritemType = 0x9e,
	monsterhpType = 0x977,
	maptypeproperty2Type = 0x99b,

#pragma pack(push, 1)

struct packet_authok {
	short PacketType;
	unsigned int startTime;
	unsigned char PosDir[3];
	unsigned char xSize;
	unsigned char ySize;
#if PACKETVER >= 20080102
	short font;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_monster_hp {
	short PacketType;
	unsigned int GID;
	int HP;
	int MaxHP;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_sc_notick {
	short PacketType;
	short index;
	unsigned int AID;
	unsigned char state;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_additem {
	short PacketType;
	unsigned short Index;
	unsigned short count;
	unsigned short nameid;
	bool IsIdentified;
	bool IsDamaged;
	unsigned char refiningLevel;
	struct EQUIPSLOTINFO slot;
#if PACKETVER >= 20120925
	unsigned int location;
	unsigned short location;
	unsigned char type;
	unsigned char result;
#if PACKETVER >= 20061218
	int HireExpireDate;
#if PACKETVER >= 20071002
	unsigned short bindOnEquipType;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_dropflooritem {
	short PacketType;
	unsigned int ITAID;
	unsigned short ITID;
#if PACKETVER >= 20130000 /* not sure date */
	unsigned short type;
	bool IsIdentified;
	short xPos;
	short yPos;
	unsigned char subX;
	unsigned char subY;
	short count;
} __attribute__((packed));
#if PACKETVER < 20091103
struct packet_idle_unit2 {
	short PacketType;
#if PACKETVER >= 20071106
	unsigned char objecttype;
	unsigned int GID;
	short speed;
	short bodyState;
	short healthState;
	short effectState;
	short job;
	short head;
	short weapon;
	short accessory;
	short shield;
	short accessory2;
	short accessory3;
	short headpalette;
	short bodypalette;
	short headDir;
	unsigned int GUID;
	short GEmblemVer;
	short honor;
	short virtue;
	bool isPKModeON;
	unsigned char sex;
	unsigned char PosDir[3];
	unsigned char xSize;
	unsigned char ySize;
	unsigned char state;
	short clevel;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct packet_spawn_unit2 {
	short PacketType;
#if PACKETVER >= 20071106
	unsigned char objecttype;
	unsigned int GID;
	short speed;
	short bodyState;
	short healthState;
	short effectState;
	short head;
	short weapon;
	short accessory;
	short job;
	short shield;
	short accessory2;
	short accessory3;
	short headpalette;
	short bodypalette;
	short headDir;
	bool isPKModeON;
	unsigned char sex;
	unsigned char PosDir[3];
	unsigned char xSize;
	unsigned char ySize;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct packet_spawn_unit {
	short PacketType;
#if PACKETVER >= 20091103
	short PacketLength;
	unsigned char objecttype;
	unsigned int GID;
	short speed;
	short bodyState;
	short healthState;
#if PACKETVER < 20080102
	short effectState;
	int effectState;
	short job;
	short head;
	short weapon;
	int weapon;
	short accessory;
	short shield;
	short accessory2;
	short accessory3;
	short headpalette;
	short bodypalette;
	short headDir;
#if PACKETVER >= 20101124
	short robe;
	unsigned int GUID;
	short GEmblemVer;
	short honor;
	int virtue;
	short virtue;
	bool isPKModeON;
	unsigned char sex;
	unsigned char PosDir[3];
	unsigned char xSize;
	unsigned char ySize;
	short clevel;
#if PACKETVER >= 20080102
	short font;
#if PACKETVER >= 20140000 //actual 20120221
	int maxHP;
	int HP;
	unsigned char isBoss;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_unit_walking {
	short PacketType;
#if PACKETVER >= 20091103
	short PacketLength;
#if PACKETVER > 20071106
	unsigned char objecttype;
	unsigned int GID;
	short speed;
	short bodyState;
	short healthState;
	short effectState;
	int effectState;
	short job;
	short head;
	short weapon;
	int weapon;
	short accessory;
	unsigned int moveStartTime;
	short shield;
	short accessory2;
	short accessory3;
	short headpalette;
	short bodypalette;
	short headDir;
#if PACKETVER >= 20101124
	short robe;
	unsigned int GUID;
	short GEmblemVer;
	short honor;
	int virtue;
	short virtue;
	bool isPKModeON;
	unsigned char sex;
	unsigned char MoveData[6];
	unsigned char xSize;
	unsigned char ySize;
	short clevel;
#if PACKETVER >= 20080102
	short font;
#if PACKETVER >= 20140000 //actual 20120221
	int maxHP;
	int HP;
	unsigned char isBoss;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_idle_unit {
	short PacketType;
#if PACKETVER >= 20091103
	short PacketLength;
	unsigned char objecttype;
	unsigned int GID;
	short speed;
	short bodyState;
	short healthState;
#if PACKETVER < 20080102
	short effectState;
	int effectState;
	short job;
	short head;
	short weapon;
	int weapon;
	short accessory;
	short shield;
	short accessory2;
	short accessory3;
	short headpalette;
	short bodypalette;
	short headDir;
#if PACKETVER >= 20101124
	short robe;
	unsigned int GUID;
	short GEmblemVer;
	short honor;
	int virtue;
	short virtue;
	bool isPKModeON;
	unsigned char sex;
	unsigned char PosDir[3];
	unsigned char xSize;
	unsigned char ySize;
	unsigned char state;
	short clevel;
#if PACKETVER >= 20080102
	short font;
#if PACKETVER >= 20140000 //actual 20120221
	int maxHP;
	int HP;
	unsigned char isBoss;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_status_change {
	short PacketType;
	short index;
	unsigned int AID;
	unsigned char state;
#if PACKETVER >= 20120618
	unsigned int Total;
#if PACKETVER >= 20090121	
	unsigned int Left;
	int val1;
	int val2;
	int val3;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_status_change_end {
	short PacketType;
	short index;
	unsigned int AID;
	unsigned char state;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_status_change2 {
	short PacketType;
	short index;
	unsigned int AID;
	unsigned char state;
	unsigned int Left;
	int val1;
	int val2;
	int val3;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_maptypeproperty2 {
	short PacketType;
	short type;
	struct {
		unsigned int party					: 1;
		unsigned int guild					: 1;
		unsigned int siege					: 1;
		unsigned int mineffect				: 1;
		unsigned int nolockon				: 1;
		unsigned int countpk				: 1;
		unsigned int nopartyformation		: 1;
		unsigned int bg						: 1;
		unsigned int noitemconsumption		: 1;
		unsigned int usecart				: 1;
		unsigned int summonstarmiracle		: 1;
		unsigned int SpareBits				: 15;
	} flag;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_ack {
	short PacketType;
	unsigned char type;
	char bg_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_notice_delete {
	short PacketType;
	unsigned char type;
	char bg_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_register {
	short PacketType;
	short type;
	char bg_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_update_info {
	short PacketType;
	char bg_name[NAME_LENGTH];
	int	position;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_checkstate {
	short PacketType;
	char bg_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_revoke_req {
	short PacketType;
	char bg_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_battlebegin_ack {
	short PacketType;
	unsigned char result;
	char bg_name[NAME_LENGTH];
	char game_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_notify_entry {
	short PacketType;
	char name[NAME_LENGTH];
	int position;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_bgqueue_battlebegins {
	short PacketType;
	char bg_name[NAME_LENGTH];
	char game_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_script_clear {
	short PacketType;
	unsigned int NpcID;
} __attribute__((packed));

/* made possible thanks to Yommy!! */
struct packet_package_item_announce {
	short PacketType;
	short PacketLength;
	unsigned char type;
	unsigned short ItemID;
	char len;
	char Name[NAME_LENGTH];
	char unknown;
	unsigned short BoxItemID;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct packet_cart_additem_ack {
	short PacketType;
	char result;
} __attribute__((packed));

#pragma pack(pop)

#endif /* _PACKETS_STRUCT_H_ */