// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
#ifndef _NPC_H_
#define _NPC_H_
#include "map.h" // struct block_list
#include "status.h" // struct status_change
#include "unit.h" // struct unit_data
struct block_list;
struct npc_data;
struct view_data;
struct npc_timerevent_list {
int timer,pos;
struct npc_label_list {
char name[NAME_LENGTH];
int pos;
struct npc_item_list {
unsigned int nameid,value;
struct npc_data {
struct block_list bl;
struct unit_data ud; //Because they need to be able to move....
struct view_data *vd;
struct status_change sc; //They can't have status changes, but.. they want the visual opt values.
struct npc_data *master_nd;
short class_;
short speed;
char name[NAME_LENGTH+1];// display name
char exname[NAME_LENGTH+1];// unique npc name
int chat_id;
int touching_id;
unsigned int next_walktime;
unsigned size : 2;
void* chatdb; // pointer to a npc_parse struct (see npc_chat.c)
char* path;/* path dir */
enum npc_subtype subtype;
int src_id;
union {
struct {
struct script_code *script;
short xs,ys; // OnTouch area radius
int guild_id;
int timer,timerid,timeramount,rid;
unsigned int timertick;
struct npc_timerevent_list *timer_event;
int label_list_num;
struct npc_label_list *label_list;
} scr;
struct {
struct npc_item_list* shop_item;
int count;
} shop;
struct {
short xs,ys; // OnTouch area radius
short x,y; // destination coords
unsigned short mapindex; // destination map
} warp;
struct {
struct mob_data *md;
time_t kill_time;
char killer_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} tomb;
} u;
#define START_NPC_NUM 110000000
enum actor_classes
#define MAX_NPC_CLASS 1000
//Checks if a given id is a valid npc id. [Skotlex]
//Since new npcs are added all the time, the max valid value is the one before the first mob (Scorpion = 1001)
#define npcdb_checkid(id) ( ( (id) >= 46 && (id) <= 125) || (id) == HIDDEN_WARP_CLASS || ( (id) > 400 && (id) < MAX_NPC_CLASS ) || (id) == INVISIBLE_CLASS )
void npc_chat_finalize(struct npc_data* nd);
//Script NPC events.
enum npce_event {
struct view_data* npc_get_viewdata(int class_);
int npc_chat_sub(struct block_list* bl, va_list ap);
int npc_event_dequeue(struct map_session_data* sd);
int npc_event(struct map_session_data* sd, const char* eventname, int ontouch);
int npc_touch_areanpc(struct map_session_data* sd, int m, int x, int y);
int npc_touch_areanpc2(struct mob_data *md); // [Skotlex]
int npc_check_areanpc(int flag, int m, int x, int y, int range);
int npc_touchnext_areanpc(struct map_session_data* sd,bool leavemap);
int npc_click(struct map_session_data* sd, struct npc_data* nd);
int npc_scriptcont(struct map_session_data* sd, int id);
struct npc_data* npc_checknear(struct map_session_data* sd, struct block_list* bl);
int npc_buysellsel(struct map_session_data* sd, int id, int type);
int npc_buylist(struct map_session_data* sd,int n, unsigned short* item_list);
int npc_selllist(struct map_session_data* sd, int n, unsigned short* item_list);
void npc_parse_mob2(struct spawn_data* mob);
struct npc_data* npc_add_warp(short from_mapid, short from_x, short from_y, short xs, short ys, unsigned short to_mapindex, short to_x, short to_y);
int npc_globalmessage(const char* name,const char* mes);
void npc_setcells(struct npc_data* nd);
void npc_unsetcells(struct npc_data* nd);
void npc_movenpc(struct npc_data* nd, int x, int y);
int npc_enable(const char* name, int flag);
void npc_setdisplayname(struct npc_data* nd, const char* newname);
void npc_setclass(struct npc_data* nd, short class_);
struct npc_data* npc_name2id(const char* name);
int npc_get_new_npc_id(void);
void npc_addsrcfile(const char* name);
void npc_delsrcfile(const char* name);
void npc_parsesrcfile(const char* filepath, bool runOnInit);
void do_clear_npc(void);
int do_final_npc(void);
int do_init_npc(void);
void npc_event_do_oninit(void);
int npc_do_ontimer(int npc_id, int option);
int npc_event_do(const char* name);
int npc_event_doall(const char* name);
int npc_event_doall_id(const char* name, int rid);
int npc_timerevent_start(struct npc_data* nd, int rid);
int npc_timerevent_stop(struct npc_data* nd);
void npc_timerevent_quit(struct map_session_data* sd);
int npc_gettimerevent_tick(struct npc_data* nd);
int npc_settimerevent_tick(struct npc_data* nd, int newtimer);
int npc_remove_map(struct npc_data* nd);
void npc_unload_duplicates (struct npc_data* nd);
int npc_unload(struct npc_data* nd, bool single);
int npc_reload(void);
void npc_read_event_script(void);
int npc_script_event(struct map_session_data* sd, enum npce_event type);
int npc_duplicate4instance(struct npc_data *snd, int m);
int npc_cashshop_buy(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid, int amount, int points);
extern struct npc_data* fake_nd;
int npc_cashshop_buylist(struct map_session_data *sd, int points, int count, unsigned short* item_list);
* For the Secure NPC Timeout option (check config/Secure.h) [RR]
int npc_rr_secure_timeout_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data);
// @commands (script-based)
int npc_do_atcmd_event(struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message, const char* eventname);
bool npc_unloadfile( const char* path );
#endif /* _NPC_H_ */