// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
#ifndef _ITEMDB_H_
#define _ITEMDB_H_
#include "../common/mmo.h" // ITEM_NAME_LENGTH
#define MAX_RANDITEM 11000
// The maximum number of item delays
#define MAX_SEARCH 5 //Designed for search functions, species max number of matches to display.
#define itemid_isgemstone(id) ( (id) >= ITEMID_YELLOW_GEMSTONE && (id) <= ITEMID_BLUE_GEMSTONE )
#define ITEMID_TRAP 1065
#define ITEMID_STONE 7049
#define ITEMID_SKULL_ 7420
#define itemdb_iscashfood(id) ( (id) >= 12202 && (id) <= 12207 )
//The only item group required by the code to be known. See const.txt for the full list.
#define IG_POTION 37
//The max. item group count (increase this when needed).
#define MAX_ITEMGROUP 55
#define CARD0_FORGE 0x00FF
#define CARD0_CREATE 0x00FE
#define CARD0_PET ((short)0xFF00)
//Marks if the card0 given is "special" (non-item id used to mark pets/created items. [Skotlex]
#define itemdb_isspecial(i) (i == CARD0_FORGE || i == CARD0_CREATE || i == CARD0_PET)
//Use apple for unknown items.
#define UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID 512
struct item_data {
int nameid;
//Do not add stuff between value_buy and wlv (see how getiteminfo works)
int value_buy;
int value_sell;
int type;
int maxchance; //For logs, for external game info, for scripts: Max drop chance of this item (e.g. 0.01% , etc.. if it = 0, then monsters don't drop it, -1 denotes items sold in shops only) [Lupus]
int sex;
int equip;
int weight;
int atk;
int def;
int range;
int slot;
int look;
int elv;
int wlv;
int view_id;
int delay;
//Lupus: I rearranged order of these fields due to compatibility with ITEMINFO script command
// some script commands should be revised as well...
unsigned int class_base[3]; //Specifies if the base can wear this item (split in 3 indexes per type: 1-1, 2-1, 2-2)
unsigned class_upper : 3; //Specifies if the upper-type can equip it (bitfield, 1: normal, 2: upper, 3: baby)
struct {
unsigned short chance;
int id;
} mob[MAX_SEARCH]; //Holds the mobs that have the highest drop rate for this item. [Skotlex]
struct script_code *script; //Default script for everything.
struct script_code *equip_script; //Script executed once when equipping.
struct script_code *unequip_script;//Script executed once when unequipping.
struct {
unsigned available : 1;
short no_equip;
unsigned no_refine : 1; // [celest]
unsigned delay_consume : 1; // Signifies items that are not consumed immediately upon double-click [Skotlex]
unsigned trade_restriction : 7; //Item restrictions mask [Skotlex]
unsigned autoequip: 1;
unsigned buyingstore : 1;
} flag;
{// item stacking limitation
unsigned short amount;
unsigned int inventory:1;
unsigned int cart:1;
unsigned int storage:1;
unsigned int guildstorage:1;
} stack;
short gm_lv_trade_override; //GM-level to override trade_restriction
struct item_group {
int nameid[MAX_RANDITEM];
int qty; //Counts amount of items in the group.
struct item_data* itemdb_searchname(const char *name);
int itemdb_searchname_array(struct item_data** data, int size, const char *str);
struct item_data* itemdb_load(int nameid);
struct item_data* itemdb_search(int nameid);
struct item_data* itemdb_exists(int nameid);
#define itemdb_name(n) itemdb_search(n)->name
#define itemdb_jname(n) itemdb_search(n)->jname
#define itemdb_type(n) itemdb_search(n)->type
#define itemdb_atk(n) itemdb_search(n)->atk
#define itemdb_def(n) itemdb_search(n)->def
#define itemdb_look(n) itemdb_search(n)->look
#define itemdb_weight(n) itemdb_search(n)->weight
#define itemdb_equip(n) itemdb_search(n)->equip
#define itemdb_usescript(n) itemdb_search(n)->script
#define itemdb_equipscript(n) itemdb_search(n)->script
#define itemdb_wlv(n) itemdb_search(n)->wlv
#define itemdb_range(n) itemdb_search(n)->range
#define itemdb_slot(n) itemdb_search(n)->slot
#define itemdb_available(n) (itemdb_search(n)->flag.available)
#define itemdb_viewid(n) (itemdb_search(n)->view_id)
#define itemdb_autoequip(n) (itemdb_search(n)->flag.autoequip)
const char* itemdb_typename(int type);
int itemdb_group_bonus(struct map_session_data* sd, int itemid);
int itemdb_searchrandomid(int flags);
#define itemdb_value_buy(n) itemdb_search(n)->value_buy
#define itemdb_value_sell(n) itemdb_search(n)->value_sell
#define itemdb_canrefine(n) (!itemdb_search(n)->flag.no_refine)
//Item trade restrictions [Skotlex]
int itemdb_isdropable_sub(struct item_data *, int, int);
int itemdb_cantrade_sub(struct item_data*, int, int);
int itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub(struct item_data*, int, int);
int itemdb_cansell_sub(struct item_data*,int, int);
int itemdb_cancartstore_sub(struct item_data*, int, int);
int itemdb_canstore_sub(struct item_data*, int, int);
int itemdb_canguildstore_sub(struct item_data*, int, int);
int itemdb_isrestricted(struct item* item, int gmlv, int gmlv2, int (*func)(struct item_data*, int, int));
#define itemdb_isdropable(item, gmlv) itemdb_isrestricted(item, gmlv, 0, itemdb_isdropable_sub)
#define itemdb_cantrade(item, gmlv, gmlv2) itemdb_isrestricted(item, gmlv, gmlv2, itemdb_cantrade_sub)
#define itemdb_canpartnertrade(item, gmlv, gmlv2) itemdb_isrestricted(item, gmlv, gmlv2, itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub)
#define itemdb_cansell(item, gmlv) itemdb_isrestricted(item, gmlv, 0, itemdb_cansell_sub)
#define itemdb_cancartstore(item, gmlv) itemdb_isrestricted(item, gmlv, 0, itemdb_cancartstore_sub)
#define itemdb_canstore(item, gmlv) itemdb_isrestricted(item, gmlv, 0, itemdb_canstore_sub)
#define itemdb_canguildstore(item, gmlv) itemdb_isrestricted(item , gmlv, 0, itemdb_canguildstore_sub)
int itemdb_isequip(int);
int itemdb_isequip2(struct item_data *);
int itemdb_isidentified(int);
int itemdb_isstackable(int);
int itemdb_isstackable2(struct item_data *);
void itemdb_reload(void);
void do_final_itemdb(void);
int do_init_itemdb(void);
#endif /* _ITEMDB_H_ */