path: root/src/map/instance.c
blob: 10d4a8d6a0b1fd7059c690c95cb56766e093bf65 (plain) (tree)


































// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder

#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
#include "../common/socket.h"
#include "../common/timer.h"
#include "../common/malloc.h"
#include "../common/nullpo.h"
#include "../common/showmsg.h"
#include "../common/strlib.h"
#include "../common/utils.h"
#include "../common/db.h"

#include "clif.h"
#include "instance.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "npc.h"
#include "party.h"
#include "pc.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>

int instance_start = 0; // To keep the last index + 1 of normal map inserted in the map[ARRAY]
struct s_instance instance[MAX_INSTANCE];

/// Checks whether given instance id is valid or not.
static bool instance_is_valid(int instance_id)
    if (instance_id < 1 || instance_id >= ARRAYLENGTH(instance)) {
        // out of range
        return false;

    if (instance[instance_id].state == INSTANCE_FREE) {
        // uninitialized/freed instance slot
        return false;

    return true;

 * name : instance name
 * Return value could be
 * -4 = already exists | -3 = no free instances | -2 = party not found | -1 = invalid type
 * On success return instance_id
int instance_create(int party_id, const char *name)
    int i;
    struct party_data *p;

    if ((p = party_search(party_id)) == NULL) {
        ShowError("instance_create: party %d not found for instance '%s'.\n", party_id, name);
        return -2;

    if (p->instance_id)
        return -4; // Party already instancing

    // Searching a Free Instance
    // 0 is ignored as this mean "no instance" on maps
    ARR_FIND(1, MAX_INSTANCE, i, instance[i].state == INSTANCE_FREE);
    if (i == MAX_INSTANCE) {
        ShowError("instance_create: no free instances, consider increasing MAX_INSTANCE.\n");
        return -3;

    instance[i].state = INSTANCE_IDLE;
    instance[i].instance_id = i;
    instance[i].idle_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
    instance[i].idle_timeout = instance[i].idle_timeoutval = 0;
    instance[i].progress_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
    instance[i].progress_timeout = 0;
    instance[i].users = 0;
    instance[i].party_id = party_id;
    instance[i].vars = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA);

    safestrncpy(instance[i].name, name, sizeof(instance[i].name));
    memset(instance[i].map, 0x00, sizeof(instance[i].map));
    p->instance_id = i;

    clif_instance(i, 1, 0); // Start instancing window
    ShowInfo("[Instance] Created: %s.\n", name);
    return i;

 * Add a map to the instance using src map "name"
int instance_add_map(const char *name, int instance_id, bool usebasename)
    int m = map_mapname2mapid(name), i, im = -1;
    size_t num_cell, size;

    if (m < 0)
        return -1; // source map not found

    if (!instance_is_valid(instance_id)) {
        ShowError("instance_add_map: trying to attach '%s' map to non-existing instance %d.\n", name, instance_id);
        return -1;
    if (instance[instance_id].num_map >= MAX_MAP_PER_INSTANCE) {
        ShowError("instance_add_map: trying to add '%s' map to instance %d (%s) failed. Please increase MAX_MAP_PER_INSTANCE.\n", name, instance_id, instance[instance_id].name);
        return -2;
    if (map[m].instance_id != 0) {
        // Source map already belong to a Instance.
        ShowError("instance_add_map: trying to instance already instanced map %s.\n", name);
        return -4;

    ARR_FIND(instance_start, map_num, i, !map[i].name[0]);   // Searching for a Free Map
    if (i < map_num) im = i;  // Unused map found (old instance)
    else if (map_num - 1 >= MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER) {
        // No more free maps
        ShowError("instance_add_map: no more free space to create maps on this server.\n");
        return -5;
    } else im = map_num++; // Using next map index

    memcpy(&map[im], &map[m], sizeof(struct map_data));   // Copy source map
    snprintf(map[im].name, MAP_NAME_LENGTH, (usebasename ? "%.3d#%s" : "%.3d%s"), instance_id, name); // Generate Name for Instance Map
    map[im].index = mapindex_addmap(-1, map[im].name); // Add map index

    if (!map[im].index) {
        map[im].name[0] = '\0';
        ShowError("instance_add_map: no more free map indexes.\n");
        return -3; // No free map index

    // Reallocate cells
    num_cell = map[im].xs * map[im].ys;
    CREATE(map[im].cell, struct mapcell, num_cell);
    memcpy(map[im].cell, map[m].cell, num_cell * sizeof(struct mapcell));

    size = map[im].bxs * map[im].bys * sizeof(struct block_list *);
    map[im].block = (struct block_list **)aCalloc(size, 1);
    map[im].block_mob = (struct block_list **)aCalloc(size, 1);

    memset(map[im].npc, 0x00, sizeof(map[i].npc));
    map[im].npc_num = 0;

    memset(map[im].moblist, 0x00, sizeof(map[im].moblist));
    map[im].mob_delete_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

    map[im].m = im;
    map[im].instance_id = instance_id;
    map[im].instance_src_map = m;
    map[m].flag.src4instance = 1; // Flag this map as a src map for instances

    instance[instance_id].map[instance[instance_id].num_map++] = im; // Attach to actual instance

    return im;

 * m : source map of this instance
 * party_id : source party of this instance
 * type : result (0 = map id | 1 = instance id)
int instance_map2imap(int m, int instance_id)
    int i;

    if (!instance_is_valid(instance_id)) {
        return -1;

    for (i = 0; i < instance[instance_id].num_map; i++) {
        if (instance[instance_id].map[i] && map[instance[instance_id].map[i]].instance_src_map == m)
            return instance[instance_id].map[i];
    return -1;

 * m : source map
 * instance_id : where to search
 * result : mapid of map "m" in this instance
int instance_mapid2imapid(int m, int instance_id)
    if (map[m].flag.src4instance == 0)
        return m; // not instances found for this map
    else if (map[m].instance_id) {
        // This map is a instance, not a src map instance
        ShowError("map_instance_mapid2imapid: already instanced (%d / %d)\n", m, instance_id);
        return -1;

    if (!instance_is_valid(instance_id))
        return -1;

    return instance_map2imap(m, instance_id);

 * map_instance_map_npcsub
 * Used on Init instance. Duplicates each script on source map
int instance_map_npcsub(struct block_list *bl, va_list args)
    struct npc_data *nd = (struct npc_data *)bl;
    int m = va_arg(args, int); // Destination Map

    npc_duplicate4instance(nd, m);
    return 1;

 * Init all map on the instance. Npcs are created here
void instance_init(int instance_id)
    int i;

    if (!instance_is_valid(instance_id))
        return; // nothing to do

    for (i = 0; i < instance[instance_id].num_map; i++)
        map_foreachinmap(instance_map_npcsub, map[instance[instance_id].map[i]].instance_src_map, BL_NPC, instance[instance_id].map[i]);

    instance[instance_id].state = INSTANCE_BUSY;
    ShowInfo("[Instance] Initialized %s.\n", instance[instance_id].name);

 * Used on instance deleting process.
 * Warps all players on each instance map to its save points.
int instance_del_load(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list args)
    int m = va_arg(args,int);
    if (!sd || sd->bl.m != m)
        return 0;

    pc_setpos(sd, sd->, sd->status.save_point.x, sd->status.save_point.y, CLR_OUTSIGHT);
    return 1;

/* for npcs behave differently when being unloaded within a instance */
int instance_cleanup_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap)

    switch (bl->type) {
        case BL_PC:
            map_quit((struct map_session_data *) bl);
        case BL_NPC:
            npc_unload((struct npc_data *)bl,true);
        case BL_MOB:
        case BL_PET:
            //There is no need for this, the pet is removed together with the player. [Skotlex]
        case BL_ITEM:
        case BL_SKILL:
            skill_delunit((struct skill_unit *) bl);

    return 1;

 * Removes a simple instance map
void instance_del_map(int m)
    int i;
    if (m <= 0 || !map[m].instance_id) {
        ShowError("Tried to remove non-existing instance map (%d)\n", m);

    map_foreachpc(instance_del_load, m);
    map_foreachinmap(instance_cleanup_sub, m, BL_ALL);

    if (map[m].mob_delete_timer != INVALID_TIMER)
        delete_timer(map[m].mob_delete_timer, map_removemobs_timer);


    // Free memory

    // Remove from instance
    for (i = 0; i < instance[map[m].instance_id].num_map; i++) {
        if (instance[map[m].instance_id].map[i] == m) {
            for (; i < instance[map[m].instance_id].num_map; i++)
                instance[map[m].instance_id].map[i] = instance[map[m].instance_id].map[i+1];
            i = -1;
    if (i == instance[map[m].instance_id].num_map)
        ShowError("map_instance_del: failed to remove %s from instance list (%s): %d\n", map[m].name, instance[map[m].instance_id].name, m);

    memset(&map[m], 0x00, sizeof(map[0]));

    /* for it is default and makes it not try to delete a non-existent timer since we did not delete this entry. */
    map[m].mob_delete_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

 * Timer to destroy instance by process or idle
int instance_destroy_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data)
    return 0;

 * Removes a instance, all its maps and npcs.
void instance_destroy(int instance_id)
    int last = 0, type;
    struct party_data *p;
    time_t now = time(NULL);

    if (!instance_is_valid(instance_id))
        return; // nothing to do

    if (instance[instance_id].progress_timeout && instance[instance_id].progress_timeout <= now)
        type = 1;
    else if (instance[instance_id].idle_timeout && instance[instance_id].idle_timeout <= now)
        type = 2;
        type = 3;

    clif_instance(instance_id, 5, type); // Report users this instance has been destroyed

    while (instance[instance_id].num_map && last != instance[instance_id].map[0]) {
        // Remove all maps from instance
        last = instance[instance_id].map[0];

    if (instance[instance_id].vars)

    if (instance[instance_id].progress_timer != INVALID_TIMER)
        delete_timer(instance[instance_id].progress_timer, instance_destroy_timer);
    if (instance[instance_id].idle_timer != INVALID_TIMER)
        delete_timer(instance[instance_id].idle_timer, instance_destroy_timer);

    instance[instance_id].vars = NULL;

    if (instance[instance_id].party_id && (p = party_search(instance[instance_id].party_id)) != NULL)
        p->instance_id = 0; // Update Party information

    ShowInfo("[Instance] Destroyed %s.\n", instance[instance_id].name);
    memset(&instance[instance_id], 0x00, sizeof(instance[0]));

    instance[instance_id].state = INSTANCE_FREE;

 * Checks if there are users in the instance or not to start idle timer
void instance_check_idle(int instance_id)
    bool idle = true;
    time_t now = time(NULL);

    if (!instance_is_valid(instance_id) || instance[instance_id].idle_timeoutval == 0)

    if (instance[instance_id].users)
        idle = false;

    if (instance[instance_id].idle_timer != INVALID_TIMER && !idle) {
        delete_timer(instance[instance_id].idle_timer, instance_destroy_timer);
        instance[instance_id].idle_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
        instance[instance_id].idle_timeout = 0;
        clif_instance(instance_id, 3, 0); // Notify instance users normal instance expiration
    } else if (instance[instance_id].idle_timer == INVALID_TIMER && idle) {
        instance[instance_id].idle_timeout = now + instance[instance_id].idle_timeoutval;
        instance[instance_id].idle_timer = add_timer(gettick() + (unsigned int)instance[instance_id].idle_timeoutval * 1000, instance_destroy_timer, instance_id, 0);
        clif_instance(instance_id, 4, 0); // Notify instance users it will be destroyed of no user join it again in "X" time

 * Set instance Timers
void instance_set_timeout(int instance_id, unsigned int progress_timeout, unsigned int idle_timeout)
    time_t now = time(0);

    if (!instance_is_valid(instance_id))

    if (instance[instance_id].progress_timer != INVALID_TIMER)
        delete_timer(instance[instance_id].progress_timer, instance_destroy_timer);
    if (instance[instance_id].idle_timer != INVALID_TIMER)
        delete_timer(instance[instance_id].idle_timer, instance_destroy_timer);

    if (progress_timeout) {
        instance[instance_id].progress_timeout = now + progress_timeout;
        instance[instance_id].progress_timer = add_timer(gettick() + progress_timeout * 1000, instance_destroy_timer, instance_id, 0);
    } else {
        instance[instance_id].progress_timeout = 0;
        instance[instance_id].progress_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

    if (idle_timeout) {
        instance[instance_id].idle_timeoutval = idle_timeout;
        instance[instance_id].idle_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
    } else {
        instance[instance_id].idle_timeoutval = 0;
        instance[instance_id].idle_timeout = 0;
        instance[instance_id].idle_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

    if (instance[instance_id].idle_timer == INVALID_TIMER && instance[instance_id].progress_timer != INVALID_TIMER)
        clif_instance(instance_id, 3, 0);

 * Checks if sd in on a instance and should be kicked from it
void instance_check_kick(struct map_session_data *sd)
    int m = sd->bl.m;

    if (map[m].instance_id) {
        // User was on the instance map
        if (map[m]
            pc_setpos(sd, map[m], map[m].save.x, map[m].save.y, CLR_TELEPORT);
            pc_setpos(sd, sd->, sd->status.save_point.x, sd->status.save_point.y, CLR_TELEPORT);

void do_final_instance(void)
    int i;

    for (i = 1; i < MAX_INSTANCE; i++)

void do_init_instance(void)
    memset(instance, 0x00, sizeof(instance));
    add_timer_func_list(instance_destroy_timer, "instance_destroy_timer");