* This file is part of Hercules.
* http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Hercules Dev Team
* Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams
* Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef MAP_BATTLE_H
#define MAP_BATTLE_H
#include "map/map.h" //ELE_MAX
#include "common/hercules.h"
* Declarations
struct map_session_data;
struct mob_data;
struct block_list;
struct weapon_atk;
struct status_change;
struct status_data;
* Defines
#define MIN_HAIR_STYLE (battle->bc->min_hair_style)
#define MAX_HAIR_STYLE (battle->bc->max_hair_style)
#define MIN_HAIR_COLOR (battle->bc->min_hair_color)
#define MAX_HAIR_COLOR (battle->bc->max_hair_color)
#define MIN_CLOTH_COLOR (battle->bc->min_cloth_color)
#define MAX_CLOTH_COLOR (battle->bc->max_cloth_color)
#define MIN_BODY_STYLE (battle->bc->min_body_style)
#define MAX_BODY_STYLE (battle->bc->max_body_style)
#define is_boss(bl) (status_get_mode(bl)&MD_BOSS) // Can refine later [Aru]
* Enumerations
enum {
// Flag of the final calculation
BF_WEAPON = 0x0001,
BF_MAGIC = 0x0002,
BF_MISC = 0x0004,
BF_SHORT = 0x0010,
BF_LONG = 0x0040,
BF_SKILL = 0x0100,
BF_NORMAL = 0x0200,
BF_RANGEMASK = 0x00f0,
BF_SKILLMASK = 0x0f00,
// state of a single attack attempt; used in flee/def penalty calculations when mobbed
typedef enum damage_lv {
ATK_NONE, // not an attack
ATK_LUCKY, // attack was lucky-dodged
ATK_FLEE, // attack was dodged
ATK_MISS, // attack missed because of element/race modifier.
ATK_BLOCK, // attack was blocked by some skills.
ATK_DEF // attack connected
} damage_lv;
enum e_battle_check_target { //New definitions [Skotlex]
BCT_NOONE = 0x000000,
BCT_SELF = 0x010000,
BCT_ENEMY = 0x020000,
BCT_PARTY = 0x040000,
BCT_GUILDALLY = 0x080000, ///< Only allies, NOT guildmates
BCT_NEUTRAL = 0x100000,
BCT_SAMEGUILD = 0x200000, ///< No Guild Allies
BCT_GUILD = 0x280000, ///< Guild AND allies (BCT_SAMEGUILD|BCT_GUILDALLY)
BCT_NOGUILD = 0x170000, ///< This must be (~BCT_GUILD&BCT_ALL)
BCT_NOPARTY = 0x3b0000, ///< This must be (~BCT_PARTY&BCT_ALL)
BCT_NOENEMY = 0x3d0000, ///< This must be (~BCT_ENEMY&BCT_ALL)
BCT_ALL = 0x3f0000, ///< Sum of BCT_NOONE to BCT_SAMEGUILD
* Values used by (struct Damage).type, as well as clif->damage(type) and clif->skill_damage(type)
* Note: some values may not apply in some contexts.
enum battle_dmg_type {
BDT_NORMAL = 0, // Normal attack
//BDT_PICKUP = 1, // Pick up item
//BDT_SITDOWN = 2, // Sit down
//BDT_STANDUP = 3, // Stand up
BDT_ENDURE = 4, // Damage (endure)
BDT_SPLASH = 5, // Splash
BDT_SKILL = 6, // Skill
//BDT_REPEAT = 7, // (repeat damage?)
BDT_MULTIHIT = 8, // Multi-hit damage
BDT_MULTIENDURE = 9, // Multi-hit damage (endure)
BDT_CRIT = 10, // Critical hit
BDT_PDODGE = 11, // Lucky dodge
//BDT_TOUCH = 12, // (touch skill?)
* Structures
// damage structure
struct Damage {
int64 damage,damage2; //right, left dmg
int type,div_; //chk clif_damage for type @TODO add an enum ? ; nb of hit
int amotion,dmotion;
int blewcount; //nb of knockback
int flag; //chk BF_* flag, (enum below)
enum damage_lv dmg_lv; //ATK_LUCKY,ATK_FLEE,ATK_DEF
struct Battle_Config {
int warp_point_debug;
int enable_critical;
int mob_critical_rate;
int critical_rate;
int enable_baseatk;
int enable_perfect_flee;
int cast_rate, delay_rate;
int delay_dependon_dex, delay_dependon_agi;
int sdelay_attack_enable;
int left_cardfix_to_right;
int skill_add_range;
int skill_out_range_consume;
int skill_amotion_leniency;
int skillrange_by_distance; //[Skotlex]
int use_weapon_skill_range; //[Skotlex]
int pc_damage_delay_rate;
int defnotenemy;
int vs_traps_bctall;
int traps_setting;
int summon_flora; //[Skotlex]
int clear_unit_ondeath; //[Skotlex]
int clear_unit_onwarp; //[Skotlex]
int random_monster_checklv;
int attr_recover;
int item_auto_get;
int flooritem_lifetime;
int item_first_get_time;
int item_second_get_time;
int item_third_get_time;
int mvp_item_first_get_time;
int mvp_item_second_get_time;
int mvp_item_third_get_time;
int base_exp_rate,job_exp_rate;
int drop_rate0item;
int death_penalty_type;
int death_penalty_base,death_penalty_job;
int pvp_exp; // [MouseJstr]
int gtb_sc_immunity;
int zeny_penalty;
int restart_hp_rate;
int restart_sp_rate;
int mvp_exp_rate;
int mvp_hp_rate;
int monster_hp_rate;
int monster_max_aspd;
int view_range_rate;
int chase_range_rate;
int atc_spawn_quantity_limit;
int atc_slave_clone_limit;
int partial_name_scan;
int skillfree;
int skillup_limit;
int wp_rate;
int pp_rate;
int monster_active_enable;
int monster_damage_delay_rate;
int monster_loot_type;
int mob_skill_rate; //[Skotlex]
int mob_skill_delay; //[Skotlex]
int mob_count_rate;
int no_spawn_on_player; //[Skotlex]
int force_random_spawn; //[Skotlex]
int mob_spawn_delay, plant_spawn_delay, boss_spawn_delay; // [Skotlex]
int slaves_inherit_mode;
int slaves_inherit_speed;
int summons_trigger_autospells;
int pc_walk_delay_rate; //Adjusts can't walk delay after being hit for players. [Skotlex]
int walk_delay_rate; //Adjusts can't walk delay after being hit. [Skotlex]
int multihit_delay; //Adjusts can't walk delay per hit on multi-hitting skills. [Skotlex]
int quest_skill_learn;
int quest_skill_reset;
int basic_skill_check;
int guild_emperium_check;
int guild_exp_limit;
int guild_max_castles;
int guild_skill_relog_delay;
int emergency_call;
int guild_aura;
int pc_invincible_time;
int pet_catch_rate;
int pet_rename;
int pet_friendly_rate;
int pet_hungry_delay_rate;
int pet_hungry_friendly_decrease;
int pet_status_support;
int pet_attack_support;
int pet_damage_support;
int pet_support_min_friendly; //[Skotlex]
int pet_equip_min_friendly;
int pet_support_rate;
int pet_attack_exp_to_master;
int pet_attack_exp_rate;
int pet_lv_rate; //[Skotlex]
int pet_max_stats; //[Skotlex]
int pet_max_atk1; //[Skotlex]
int pet_max_atk2; //[Skotlex]
int pet_no_gvg; //Disables pets in gvg. [Skotlex]
int pet_equip_required;
int skill_min_damage;
int finger_offensive_type;
int heal_exp;
int max_heal_lv;
int max_heal; //Mitternacht
int resurrection_exp;
int shop_exp;
int combo_delay_rate;
int item_check;
int item_use_interval; //[Skotlex]
int cashfood_use_interval;
int wedding_modifydisplay;
int wedding_ignorepalette; //[Skotlex]
int xmas_ignorepalette; // [Valaris]
int summer_ignorepalette; // [Zephyrus]
int hanbok_ignorepalette;
int oktoberfest_ignorepalette;
int summer2_ignorepalette;
int natural_healhp_interval;
int natural_healsp_interval;
int natural_heal_skill_interval;
int natural_heal_weight_rate;
int arrow_decrement;
int max_aspd;
int max_walk_speed; //Maximum walking speed after buffs [Skotlex]
int max_hp;
int max_sp;
int max_lv, aura_lv;
int max_parameter, max_baby_parameter;
int max_cart_weight;
int skill_log;
int battle_log;
int etc_log;
int save_clothcolor;
int undead_detect_type;
int auto_counter_type;
int min_hitrate; //[Skotlex]
int max_hitrate; //[Skotlex]
int agi_penalty_target;
int agi_penalty_type;
int agi_penalty_count;
int agi_penalty_num;
int vit_penalty_target;
int vit_penalty_type;
int vit_penalty_count;
int vit_penalty_num;
int weapon_defense_type;
int magic_defense_type;
int skill_reiteration;
int skill_nofootset;
int pc_cloak_check_type;
int monster_cloak_check_type;
int estimation_type;
int gvg_flee_penalty;
int mob_changetarget_byskill;
int attack_direction_change;
int land_skill_limit;
int monster_class_change_recover;
int produce_item_name_input;
int display_skill_fail;
int chat_warpportal;
int mob_warp;
int dead_branch_active;
int vending_max_value;
int vending_over_max;
int vending_tax;
int show_steal_in_same_party;
int party_share_type;
int party_hp_mode;
int party_show_share_picker;
int show_picker_item_type;
int attack_attr_none;
int item_rate_mvp, item_rate_common, item_rate_common_boss, item_rate_card, item_rate_card_boss,
item_rate_equip, item_rate_equip_boss, item_rate_heal, item_rate_heal_boss, item_rate_use,
item_rate_use_boss, item_rate_treasure, item_rate_adddrop;
int logarithmic_drops;
int item_drop_common_min,item_drop_common_max; // Added by TyrNemesis^
int item_drop_card_min,item_drop_card_max;
int item_drop_equip_min,item_drop_equip_max;
int item_drop_mvp_min,item_drop_mvp_max; // End Addition
int item_drop_heal_min,item_drop_heal_max; // Added by Valatris
int item_drop_use_min,item_drop_use_max; //End
int item_drop_treasure_min,item_drop_treasure_max; //by [Skotlex]
int item_drop_adddrop_min,item_drop_adddrop_max; //[Skotlex]
int prevent_logout; // Added by RoVeRT
int alchemist_summon_reward; // [Valaris]
int drops_by_luk;
int drops_by_luk2;
int equip_natural_break_rate; //Base Natural break rate for attacks.
int equip_self_break_rate; //Natural & Penalty skills break rate
int equip_skill_break_rate; //Offensive skills break rate
int multi_level_up;
int max_exp_gain_rate; //Max amount of exp bar % you can get in one go.
int pk_mode;
int pk_level_range;
int manner_system; // end additions [Valaris]
int show_mob_info;
int gx_allhit;
int gx_disptype;
int devotion_level_difference;
int player_skill_partner_check;
int invite_request_check;
int skill_removetrap_type;
int disp_experience;
int disp_zeny;
int castle_defense_rate;
int backstab_bow_penalty;
int hp_rate;
int sp_rate;
int bone_drop;
int buyer_name;
int dancing_weaponswitch_fix;
// eAthena additions
int night_at_start; // added by [Yor]
int day_duration; // added by [Yor]
int night_duration; // added by [Yor]
int ban_hack_trade; // added by [Yor]
int min_hair_style; // added by [MouseJstr]
int max_hair_style; // added by [MouseJstr]
int min_hair_color; // added by [MouseJstr]
int max_hair_color; // added by [MouseJstr]
int min_cloth_color; // added by [MouseJstr]
int max_cloth_color; // added by [MouseJstr]
int pet_hair_style; // added by [Skotlex]
int castrate_dex_scale; // added by [MouseJstr]
int area_size; // added by [MouseJstr]
int chat_area_size; // added by [gumi]
int max_def, over_def_bonus; //added by [Skotlex]
int zeny_from_mobs; // [Valaris]
int mobs_level_up; // [Valaris]
int mobs_level_up_exp_rate; // [Valaris]
int pk_min_level; // [celest]
int skill_steal_max_tries; //max steal skill tries on a mob. if 0, then w/o limit [Lupus]
int exp_calc_type;
int exp_bonus_attacker;
int exp_bonus_max_attacker;
int min_skill_delay_limit;
int default_walk_delay;
int no_skill_delay;
int attack_walk_delay;
int require_glory_guild;
int idle_no_share;
int party_update_interval;
int party_even_share_bonus;
int delay_battle_damage;
int hide_woe_damage;
int display_version;
int display_hallucination; // [Skotlex]
int use_statpoint_table; // [Skotlex]
int ignore_items_gender; //[Lupus]
int copyskill_restrict; // [Aru]
int berserk_cancels_buffs; // [Aru]
int mob_ai; //Configures various mob_ai settings to make them smarter or dumber(official). [Skotlex]
int hom_setting; //Configures various homunc settings which make them behave unlike normal characters.. [Skotlex]
int dynamic_mobs; // Dynamic Mobs [Wizputer] - battle.conf flag implemented by [random]
int mob_remove_damaged; // Dynamic Mobs - Remove mobs even if damaged [Wizputer]
int mob_remove_delay; // Dynamic Mobs - delay before removing mobs from a map [Skotlex]
int mob_active_time; //Duration through which mobs execute their Hard AI after players leave their area of sight.
int boss_active_time;
int show_hp_sp_drain, show_hp_sp_gain; //[Skotlex]
int show_katar_crit_bonus;
int mob_npc_event_type; //Determines on who the npc_event is executed. [Skotlex]
int character_size; // if riders have size=2, and baby class riders size=1 [Lupus]
int rare_drop_announce; // chance <= to show rare drops global announces
int retaliate_to_master; //Whether when a mob is attacked by another mob, it will retaliate versus the mob or the mob's master. [Skotlex]
int duel_allow_pvp; // [LuzZza]
int duel_allow_gvg; // [LuzZza]
int duel_allow_teleport; // [LuzZza]
int duel_autoleave_when_die; // [LuzZza]
int duel_time_interval; // [LuzZza]
int duel_only_on_same_map; // [Toms]
int skip_teleport_lv1_menu; // possibility to disable (skip) Teleport Lv1 menu, that have only two lines `Random` and `Cancel` [LuzZza]
int mob_max_skilllvl;
int allow_skill_without_day; // [Komurka]
int allow_es_magic_pc; // [Skotlex]
int skill_wall_check; // [Skotlex]
int official_cell_stack_limit; // [Playtester]
int custom_cell_stack_limit; // [Skotlex]
int check_occupied_cells; // [4144]
int skill_caster_check; // [Skotlex]
int sc_castcancel; // [Skotlex]
int pc_sc_def_rate; // [Skotlex]
int mob_sc_def_rate;
int pc_max_sc_def;
int mob_max_sc_def;
int sg_angel_skill_ratio;
int sg_miracle_skill_ratio;
int sg_miracle_skill_duration;
int autospell_stacking; //Enables autospell cards to stack. [Skotlex]
int override_mob_names; //Enables overriding spawn mob names with the mob_db names. [Skotlex]
int min_chat_delay; //Minimum time between client messages. [Skotlex]
int friend_auto_add; //When accepting friends, both get friended. [Skotlex]
int hvan_explosion_intimate; // fix [albator]
int hom_rename;
int homunculus_show_growth; //[orn]
int homunculus_friendly_rate;
int quest_exp_rate;
int autotrade_mapflag;
int at_timeout;
int homunculus_autoloot;
int idle_no_autoloot;
int max_guild_alliance;
int ksprotection;
int auction_feeperhour;
int auction_maximumprice;
int homunculus_auto_vapor; //Keep Homunculus from Vaporizing when master dies. [L0ne_W0lf]
int display_status_timers; //Show or hide skill buff/delay timers in recent clients [Sara]
int skill_add_heal_rate; //skills that bHealPower has effect on [Inkfish]
int eq_single_target_reflectable;
int invincible_nodamage;
int mob_slave_keep_target;
int autospell_check_range; //Enable range check for autospell bonus. [L0ne_W0lf]
int knockback_left;
int client_reshuffle_dice; // Reshuffle /dice
int client_sort_storage;
int feature_buying_store;
int feature_search_stores;
int searchstore_querydelay;
int searchstore_maxresults;
int display_party_name;
int cashshop_show_points;
int mail_show_status;
int client_limit_unit_lv;
int client_emblem_max_blank_percent;
int hom_max_level;
int hom_S_max_level;
// [BattleGround Settings]
int bg_update_interval;
int bg_flee_penalty;
// rAthena
int max_third_parameter;
int max_baby_third_parameter;
int max_extended_parameter;
int atcommand_max_stat_bypass;
int max_third_aspd;
int vcast_stat_scale;
int mvp_tomb_enabled;
int atcommand_suggestions_enabled;
int min_npc_vendchat_distance;
int vendchat_near_hiddennpc;
int atcommand_mobinfo_type;
int mob_size_influence; // Enable modifications on earned experience, drop rates and monster status depending on monster size. [mkbu95]
int bowling_bash_area;
int mob_chase_refresh; //How often a monster should refresh its chase [Playtester]
int mob_icewall_walk_block; //How a normal monster should be trapped in icewall [Playtester]
int boss_icewall_walk_block; //How a boss monster should be trapped in icewall [Playtester]
/** Hercules **/
int skill_trap_type;
int item_restricted_consumption_type;
int unequip_restricted_equipment;
int max_walk_path;
int item_enabled_npc;
int packet_obfuscation;
int idletime_criteria;
int gm_ignore_warpable_area;
int client_accept_chatdori; // [Ai4rei/Mirei]
int snovice_call_type;
int guild_notice_changemap;
int feature_banking;
int feature_auction;
int mon_trans_disable_in_gvg;
int case_sensitive_aegisnames;
int guild_castle_invite;
int guild_castle_expulsion;
int song_timer_reset; // [csnv]
int snap_dodge; // Enable or disable dodging damage snapping away [csnv]
int stormgust_knockback;
int feature_roulette;
int show_monster_hp_bar; // [Frost]
int fix_warp_hit_delay_abuse;
// Refine Def/Atk
int costume_refine_def, shadow_refine_def;
int shadow_refine_atk;
// BodyStyle
int min_body_style, max_body_style;
int save_body_style;
// Warp Face Direction
int player_warp_keep_direction;
int atcommand_levelup_events; // Enable atcommands trigger level up events for NPCs
int bow_unequip_arrow;
int max_summoner_parameter; // Summoner Max Stats
int mvp_exp_reward_message;
int mob_eye_range_bonus; //Vulture's Eye and Snake's Eye range bonus
/* criteria for battle_config.idletime_critera */
enum e_battle_config_idletime {
BCIDLE_WALK = 0x001,
BCIDLE_CHAT = 0x020,
BCIDLE_SIT = 0x040,
// Damage delayed info
struct delay_damage {
int src_id;
int target_id;
int64 damage;
int delay;
unsigned short distance;
uint16 skill_lv;
uint16 skill_id;
enum damage_lv dmg_lv;
unsigned short attack_type;
bool additional_effects;
enum bl_type src_type;
* Battle.c Interface
struct battle_interface {
/* */
struct Battle_Config *bc;
/* */
int attr_fix_table[4][ELE_MAX][ELE_MAX];
struct eri *delay_damage_ers; //For battle delay damage structures.
/* init */
void (*init) (bool minimal);
/* final */
void (*final) (void);
/* damage calculation */
struct Damage (*calc_attack) (int attack_type, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int count);
/* generic final damage calculation */
int64 (*calc_damage) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, struct Damage *d, int64 damage, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv);
/* pc special damage calculation */
int64 (*calc_pc_damage) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, struct Damage *d, int64 damage, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv);
/* gvg final damage calculation */
int64 (*calc_gvg_damage) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 damage, int div_, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int flag);
/* battlegrounds final damage calculation */
int64 (*calc_bg_damage) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 damage, int div_, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int flag);
/* normal weapon attack */
enum damage_lv (*weapon_attack) (struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, int64 tick, int flag);
/* check is equipped ammo and this ammo allowed */
bool (*check_arrows) (struct map_session_data *sd);
/* calculate weapon attack */
struct Damage (*calc_weapon_attack) (struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,uint16 skill_id,uint16 skill_lv,int wflag);
/* delays damage or skills by a timer */
int (*delay_damage) (int64 tick, int amotion, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int attack_type, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 damage, enum damage_lv dmg_lv, int ddelay, bool additional_effects);
/* drain damage */
void (*drain) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *tbl, int64 rdamage, int64 ldamage, int race, int boss);
/* damage reflect */
void (*reflect_damage) (struct block_list *target, struct block_list *src, struct Damage *wd,uint16 skill_id);
/* attribute rate */
int (*attr_ratio) (int atk_elem, int def_type, int def_lv);
/* applies attribute modifiers */
int64 (*attr_fix) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 damage, int atk_elem, int def_type, int def_lv);
/* applies card modifiers */
int64 (*calc_cardfix) (int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int nk, int s_ele, int s_ele_, int64 damage, int left, int flag);
int64 (*calc_cardfix2) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 damage, int s_ele, int nk, int flag);
/* applies element modifiers */
int64 (*calc_elefix) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 damage, int nk, int n_ele, int s_ele, int s_ele_, bool left, int flag);
/* applies mastery modifiers */
int64 (*calc_masteryfix) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 damage, int div, bool left, bool weapon);
/* calculates chorus bonus */
int (*calc_chorusbonus) (struct map_session_data *sd);
/* applies skill modifiers */
int (*calc_skillratio) (int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int skillratio, int flag);
/* applies size modifiers */
int64 (*calc_sizefix) (struct map_session_data *sd, int64 damage, int type, int size, bool ignore);
/* get weapon damage */
int64 (*calc_weapon_damage) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, struct weapon_atk *watk, int nk, bool n_ele, short s_ele, short s_ele_, int size, int type, int flag, int flag2);
/* applies defense reductions */
int64 (*calc_defense) (int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 damage, int flag, int pdef);
/* get master (who does this unit respond to?) */
struct block_list *(*get_master) (struct block_list *src);
/* returns a random unit who is targeting this unit */
struct block_list *(*get_targeted) (struct block_list *target);
/* picks a random enemy unit who is in the area of sight */
struct block_list *(*get_enemy) (struct block_list *target, int type, int range);
/* the target id (if any) of this unit */
int (*get_target) (struct block_list *bl);
/* the current skill being processed/casted by this unit */
int (*get_current_skill) (struct block_list *bl);
/* is either this race or element enough to be considered undead? */
bool (*check_undead) (int race,int element);
/* check if src and target are part of flag (e.g. enemies or allies) */
int (*check_target) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int flag);
/* is src and bl within range? */
bool (*check_range) (struct block_list *src,struct block_list *bl,int range);
/* consume ammo for this skill and lv */
void (*consume_ammo) (struct map_session_data* sd, int skill_id, int lv);
int (*get_targeted_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
int (*get_enemy_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
int (*get_enemy_area_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
int (*delay_damage_sub) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
int (*blewcount_bonus) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id);
/* skill range criteria */
int (*range_type) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv);
int64 (*calc_base_damage) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int nk, bool n_ele, short s_ele, short s_ele_, int type, int flag, int flag2);
int64 (*calc_base_damage2) (struct status_data *st, struct weapon_atk *wa, struct status_change *sc, unsigned short t_size, struct map_session_data *sd, int flag);
struct Damage (*calc_misc_attack) (struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,uint16 skill_id,uint16 skill_lv,int mflag);
struct Damage (*calc_magic_attack) (struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,uint16 skill_id,uint16 skill_lv,int mflag);
int (*adjust_skill_damage) (int m, unsigned short skill_id);
int64 (*add_mastery) (struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *target,int64 dmg,int type);
int (*calc_drain) (int64 damage, int rate, int per);
/* battle_config */
bool (*config_read) (const char *filename, bool imported);
void (*config_set_defaults) (void);
bool (*config_set_value_sub) (int index, int value);
bool (*config_set_value) (const char *param, const char *value);
bool (*config_get_value) (const char *w1, int *value);
void (*config_adjust) (void);
/* ----------------------------------------- */
/* picks a random enemy within the specified range */
struct block_list* (*get_enemy_area) (struct block_list *src, int x, int y, int range, int type, int ignore_id);
/* damages area, originally for royal guard's reflect damage */
int (*damage_area) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
void (*calc_masteryfix_unknown) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, int *div, bool *left, bool *weapon);
void (*calc_skillratio_magic_unknown) (int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *skillratio, int *flag);
void (*calc_skillratio_weapon_unknown) (int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *skillratio, int *flag);
void (*calc_misc_attack_unknown) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *mflag, struct Damage *md);
extern struct Battle_Config battle_config;
void battle_defaults(void);
HPShared struct battle_interface *battle;
#endif /* MAP_BATTLE_H */