// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
// EAthena login-server remote administration tool
#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
#include "../common/core.h"
#include "../common/strlib.h"
#include "../common/socket.h"
#include "../common/timer.h"
#include "../common/version.h"
#include "../common/mmo.h"
#include "../common/md5calc.h"
#include "../common/showmsg.h"
#include "ladmin.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h> // str*
#include <stdarg.h> // valist
// Set the variables below:
// IP of the login server.
// Port where the login-server listens incoming packets.
// Password of administration (same of config_athena.conf).
// Be sure that you authorize remote administration in login-server
// (see login_athena.conf, 'admin_state' parameter)
char loginserverip[16] = ""; // IP of login-server
int loginserverport = 6900; // Port of login-server
char loginserveradminpassword[24] = "admin"; // Administration password
int passenc = 0; // Encoding type of the password
char ladmin_log_filename[1024] = "log/ladmin.log";
char date_format[32] = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
// LIST of COMMANDs that you can type at the prompt:
// To use these commands you can only type only the first letters.
// You must type a minimum of letters (you can not type 'a',
// because ladmin doesn't know if it's for 'aide' or for 'add')
// <Example> q <= quit, li <= list, pass <= passwd, etc.
// Note: every time you must give a account_name, you can use "" or '' (spaces can be included)
// aide/help/?
// Display the description of the commands
// aide/help/? [command]
// Display the description of the specified command
// add <account_name> <sex> <password>
// Create an account with the default email (a@a.com).
// Concerning the sex, only the first letter is used (F or M).
// The e-mail is set to a@a.com (default e-mail). It's like to have no e-mail.
// When the password is omitted, the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.
// <example> add testname Male testpass
// ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name>
// Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.
// Like banset, but <account name> is at end.
// banadd <account_name> <modifier>
// Adds or substracts time from the final date of a banishment of an account.
// Modifier is done as follows:
// Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)
// Modified element:
// a or y: year
// m: month
// j or d: day
// h: hour
// mn: minute
// s: second
// <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y
// this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes and 6 years at the same time.
// NOTE: If you modify the final date of a non-banished account,
// you fix the final date to (actual time +- adjustments)
// banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
// Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.
// Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59.
// banset <account_name> 0
// Set a non-banished account (0 = unbanished).
// block <account name>
// Set state 5 (You have been blocked by the GM Team) to an account.
// Like state <account name> 5.
// check <account_name> <password>
// Check the validity of a password for an account
// NOTE: Server will never send back a password.
// It's the only method you have to know if a password is correct.
// The other method is to have a ('physical') access to the accounts file.
// create <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>
// Like the 'add' command, but with e-mail moreover.
// <example> create testname Male my@mail.com testpass
// del <account name>
// Remove an account.
// This order requires confirmation. After confirmation, the account is deleted.
// email <account_name> <email>
// Modify the e-mail of an account.
// getcount
// Give the number of players online on all char-servers.
// gm <account_name> [GM_level]
// Modify the GM level of an account.
// Default value remove GM level (GM level = 0).
// <example> gm testname 80
// id <account name>
// Give the id of an account.
// info <account_id>
// Display complete information of an account.
// kami <message>
// Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow).
// kamib <message>
// Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue).
// list/ls [start_id [end_id]]
// Display a list of accounts.
// 'start_id', 'end_id': indicate end and start identifiers.
// Research by name is not possible with this command.
// <example> list 10 9999999
// listBan/lsBan [start_id [end_id]]
// Like list/ls, but only for accounts with state or banished
// listGM/lsGM [start_id [end_id]]
// Like list/ls, but only for GM accounts
// listOK/lsOK [start_id [end_id]]
// Like list/ls, but only for accounts without state and not banished
// memo <account_name> <memo>
// Modify the memo of an account.
// 'memo': it can have until 253 characters (with spaces or not).
// name <account_id>
// Give the name of an account.
// passwd <account_name> <new_password>
// Change the password of an account.
// When new password is omitted, the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.
// quit/end/exit
// End of the program of administration
// reloadGM
// Reload GM configuration file
// search <expression>
// Seek accounts.
// Displays the accounts whose names correspond.
// search -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression>
// Seek accounts by regular expression.
// Displays the accounts whose names correspond.
// sex <account_name> <sex>
// Modify the sex of an account.
// <example> sex testname Male
// state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>
// Change the state of an account.
// 'new_state': state is the state of the packet 0x006a + 1. The possibilities are:
// 0 = Account ok 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
// 1 = Unregistered ID 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until %s
// 2 = Incorrect Password 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated
// 3 = This ID is expired 9 = No MSG
// 4 = Rejected from Server 100 = This ID has been totally erased
// 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team
// all other values are 'No MSG', then use state 9 please.
// 'error_message_#7': message of the code error 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s (packet 0x006a)
// timeadd <account_name> <modifier>
// Adds or substracts time from the validity limit of an account.
// Modifier is done as follows:
// Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)
// Modified element:
// a or y: year
// m: month
// j or d: day
// h: hour
// mn: minute
// s: second
// <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y
// this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes and 6 years at the same time.
// NOTE: You can not modify a unlimited validity limit.
// If you want modify it, you want probably create a limited validity limit.
// So, at first, you must set the validity limit to a date/time.
// timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]
// Changes the validity limit of an account.
// Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59.
// timeset <account_name> 0
// Gives an unlimited validity limit (0 = unlimited).
// unban/unbanish <account name>
// Unban an account.
// Like banset <account name> 0.
// unblock <account name>
// Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account.
// Like state <account name> 0.
// version
// Display the version of the login-server.
// who <account name>
// Displays complete information of an account.
int login_fd;
int login_ip;
int bytes_to_read = 0; // flag to know if we waiting bytes from login-server
char command[1024];
char parameters[1024];
int list_first, list_last, list_type, list_count; // parameter to display a list of accounts
int already_exit_function = 0; // sometimes, the exit function is called twice... so, don't log twice the message
// Writing function of logs file
int ladmin_log(char *fmt, ...)
FILE *logfp;
va_list ap;
time_t t;
char tmpstr[2048];
va_start(ap, fmt);
logfp = fopen(ladmin_log_filename, "a");
if (logfp) {
if (fmt[0] == '\0') // jump a line if no message
fprintf(logfp, "\n");
else {
t = time(NULL);
strftime(tmpstr, 24, date_format, localtime(&t));
snprintf(tmpstr + strlen(tmpstr), sizeof (tmpstr + strlen(tmpstr)), ": %s", fmt);
vfprintf(logfp, tmpstr, ap);
return 0;
// Function to return ordonal text of a number.
char* makeordinal(int number)
if ((number % 10) < 4 && (number % 10) != 0 && (number < 10 || number > 20)) {
if ((number % 10) == 1)
return "st";
else if ((number % 10) == 2)
return "nd";
return "rd";
} else {
return "th";
return "";
// Function to test of the validity of an account name (return 0 if incorrect, and 1 if ok)
int verify_accountname(char* account_name)
int i;
for(i = 0; account_name[i]; i++) {
if (account_name[i] < 32) {
ShowMessage("Illegal character found in the account name (%d%s character).\n", i+1, makeordinal(i+1));
ladmin_log("Illegal character found in the account name (%d%s character).\n", i+1, makeordinal(i+1));
return 0;
if (strlen(account_name) < 4) {
ShowMessage("Account name is too short. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n");
ladmin_log("Account name is too short. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n");
return 0;
if (strlen(account_name) > 23) {
ShowMessage("Account name is too long. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n");
ladmin_log("Account name is too long. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n");
return 0;
return 1;
// Sub-function: Input of a password
int typepasswd(char * password)
char password1[1023], password2[1023];
int letter;
int i;
ladmin_log("No password was given. Request to obtain a password.\n");
memset(password1, '\0', sizeof(password1));
memset(password2, '\0', sizeof(password2));
ShowMessage("\033[1;36m Type the password > \033[0;32;42m");
i = 0;
while ((letter = getchar()) != '\n')
password1[i++] = letter;
ShowMessage("\033[0m\033[1;36m Verify the password > \033[0;32;42m");
i = 0;
while ((letter = getchar()) != '\n')
password2[i++] = letter;
if (strcmp(password1, password2) != 0) {
ShowMessage("Password verification failed. Please input same password.\n");
ladmin_log("Password verification failed. Please input same password.\n");
ladmin_log(" First password: %s, second password: %s.\n", password1, password2);
return 0;
ladmin_log("Typed password: %s.\n", password1);
strcpy(password, password1);
return 1;
// Sub-function: Test of the validity of password (return 0 if incorrect, and 1 if ok)
int verify_password(char * password)
int i;
for(i = 0; password[i]; i++) {
if (password[i] < 32) {
ShowMessage("Illegal character found in the password (%d%s character).\n", i+1, makeordinal(i+1));
ladmin_log("Illegal character found in the password (%d%s character).\n", i+1, makeordinal(i+1));
return 0;
if (strlen(password) < 4) {
ShowMessage("Account name is too short. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n");
ladmin_log("Account name is too short. Please input an account name of 4-23 bytes.\n");
return 0;
if (strlen(password) > 23) {
ShowMessage("Password is too long. Please input a password of 4-23 bytes.\n");
ladmin_log("Password is too long. Please input a password of 4-23 bytes.\n");
return 0;
return 1;
// Sub-function: Check the name of a command (return complete name)
int check_command(char * command)
// help
if (strncmp(command, "help", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "help", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "help");
// general commands
else if (strncmp(command, "add", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "add", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'aide' or 'add'?
strcpy(command, "add");
else if ((strncmp(command, "ban", 3) == 0 && strncmp(command, "ban", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
(strncmp(command, "banish", 4) == 0 && strncmp(command, "banish", strlen(command)) == 0))
strcpy(command, "ban");
else if ((strncmp(command, "banadd", 4) == 0 && strncmp(command, "banadd", strlen(command)) == 0) || // not 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'? 'banadd' or 'banset' ?
strcmp(command, "ba") == 0)
strcpy(command, "banadd");
else if ((strncmp(command, "banset", 4) == 0 && strncmp(command, "banset", strlen(command)) == 0) || // not 1 letter command: 'ba' or 'bs'? 'banadd' or 'banset' ?
strcmp(command, "bs") == 0)
strcpy(command, "banset");
else if (strncmp(command, "block", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "block", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "block");
else if (strncmp(command, "check", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "check", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'?
strcpy(command, "check");
else if (strncmp(command, "create", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "create", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'check' or 'create'?
strcpy(command, "create");
else if (strncmp(command, "delete", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "delete", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "delete");
else if ((strncmp(command, "email", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "email", strlen(command)) == 0) || // not 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?
(strncmp(command, "e-mail", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "e-mail", strlen(command)) == 0))
strcpy(command, "email");
else if (strncmp(command, "getcount", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "getcount", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'?
strcpy(command, "getcount");
// else if (strncmp(command, "gm", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "gm", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'getcount' or 'gm'?
// strcpy(command, "gm");
// else if (strncmp(command, "id", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "id", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'?
// strcpy(command, "id");
else if (strncmp(command, "info", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "info", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'id' or 'info'?
strcpy(command, "info");
// else if (strncmp(command, "kami", 4) == 0 && strncmp(command, "kami", strlen(command)) == 0) // only all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'?
// strcpy(command, "kami");
// else if (strncmp(command, "kamib", 5) == 0 && strncmp(command, "kamib", strlen(command)) == 0) // only all letters command: 'kami' or 'kamib'?
// strcpy(command, "kamib");
else if ((strncmp(command, "list", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "list", strlen(command)) == 0) || // 'list' is default list command // not 1 letter command: 'list'?
strcmp(command, "ls") == 0)
strcpy(command, "list");
else if ((strncmp(command, "listban", 5) == 0 && strncmp(command, "listban", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
(strncmp(command, "lsban", 3) == 0 && strncmp(command, "lsban", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
strcmp(command, "lb") == 0)
strcpy(command, "listban");
else if ((strncmp(command, "listgm", 5) == 0 && strncmp(command, "listgm", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
(strncmp(command, "lsgm", 3) == 0 && strncmp(command, "lsgm", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
strcmp(command, "lg") == 0)
strcpy(command, "listgm");
else if ((strncmp(command, "listok", 5) == 0 && strncmp(command, "listok", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
(strncmp(command, "lsok", 3) == 0 && strncmp(command, "lsok", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
strcmp(command, "lo") == 0)
strcpy(command, "listok");
else if (strncmp(command, "memo", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "memo", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "memo");
else if (strncmp(command, "name", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "name", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "name");
else if ((strncmp(command, "password", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "password", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
strcmp(command, "passwd") == 0)
strcpy(command, "password");
else if (strncmp(command, "reloadgm", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "reloadgm", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "reloadgm");
else if (strncmp(command, "search", 3) == 0 && strncmp(command, "search", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
strcpy(command, "search"); // not 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'?
// else if (strncmp(command, "sex", 3) == 0 && strncmp(command, "sex", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
// strcpy(command, "sex"); // not 2 letters command: 'search' or 'sex'?
else if (strncmp(command, "state", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "state", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'search', 'state' or 'sex'?
strcpy(command, "state");
else if ((strncmp(command, "timeadd", 5) == 0 && strncmp(command, "timeadd", strlen(command)) == 0) || // not 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'? 'timeadd' or 'timeset'?
strcmp(command, "ta") == 0)
strcpy(command, "timeadd");
else if ((strncmp(command, "timeset", 5) == 0 && strncmp(command, "timeset", strlen(command)) == 0) || // not 1 letter command: 'ta' or 'ts'? 'timeadd' or 'timeset'?
strcmp(command, "ts") == 0)
strcpy(command, "timeset");
else if ((strncmp(command, "unban", 5) == 0 && strncmp(command, "unban", strlen(command)) == 0) ||
(strncmp(command, "unbanish", 4) == 0 && strncmp(command, "unbanish", strlen(command)) == 0))
strcpy(command, "unban");
else if (strncmp(command, "unblock", 4) == 0 && strncmp(command, "unblock", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "unblock");
else if (strncmp(command, "version", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "version", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "version");
else if (strncmp(command, "who", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "who", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "who");
// quit
else if (strncmp(command, "quit", 1) == 0 && strncmp(command, "quit", strlen(command)) == 0)
strcpy(command, "quit");
else if (strncmp(command, "exit", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "exit", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?
strcpy(command, "exit");
else if (strncmp(command, "end", 2) == 0 && strncmp(command, "end", strlen(command)) == 0) // not 1 letter command: 'email', 'end' or 'exit'?
strcpy(command, "end");
return 0;
// Sub-function: Display commands of ladmin
void display_help(char* param)
char command[1023];
int i;
memset(command, '\0', sizeof(command));
if (sscanf(param, "%s ", command) < 1 || strlen(command) == 0)
strcpy(command, ""); // any value that is not a command
if (command[0] == '?')
strcpy(command, "help");
// lowercase for command
for (i = 0; command[i]; i++)
command[i] = TOLOWER(command[i]);
// Analyse of the command
check_command(command); // give complete name to the command
ladmin_log("Displaying of the commands or a command.\n");
if (strcmp(command, "help") == 0 ) {
ShowMessage(" Display the description of the commands\n");
ShowMessage("aide/help/? [command]\n");
ShowMessage(" Display the description of the specified command\n");
// general commands
} else if (strcmp(command, "add") == 0) {
ShowMessage("add <account_name> <sex> <password>\n");
ShowMessage(" Create an account with the default email (a@a.com).\n");
ShowMessage(" Concerning the sex, only the first letter is used (F or M).\n");
ShowMessage(" The e-mail is set to a@a.com (default e-mail). It's like to have no e-mail.\n");
ShowMessage(" When the password is omitted,\n");
ShowMessage(" the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> add testname Male testpass\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "ban") == 0) {
ShowMessage("ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" Like banset, but <account name> is at end.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "banadd") == 0) {
ShowMessage("banadd <account_name> <modifier>\n");
ShowMessage(" Adds or substracts time from the final date of a banishment of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" Modifier is done as follows:\n");
ShowMessage(" Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n");
ShowMessage(" Modified element:\n");
ShowMessage(" a or y: year\n");
ShowMessage(" m: month\n");
ShowMessage(" j or d: day\n");
ShowMessage(" h: hour\n");
ShowMessage(" mn: minute\n");
ShowMessage(" s: second\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n");
ShowMessage(" this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n");
ShowMessage(" and 6 years at the same time.\n");
ShowMessage("NOTE: If you modify the final date of a non-banished account,\n");
ShowMessage(" you fix the final date to (actual time +- adjustments)\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "banset") == 0) {
ShowMessage("banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n");
ShowMessage(" Changes the final date of a banishment of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59.\n");
ShowMessage("banset <account_name> 0\n");
ShowMessage(" Set a non-banished account (0 = unbanished).\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "block") == 0) {
ShowMessage("block <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Set state 5 (You have been blocked by the GM Team) to an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" This command works like state <account_name> 5.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "check") == 0) {
ShowMessage("check <account_name> <password>\n");
ShowMessage(" Check the validity of a password for an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" NOTE: Server will never send back a password.\n");
ShowMessage(" It's the only method you have to know if a password is correct.\n");
ShowMessage(" The other method is to have a ('physical') access to the accounts file.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "create") == 0) {
ShowMessage("create <account_name> <sex> <email> <password>\n");
ShowMessage(" Like the 'add' command, but with e-mail moreover.\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> create testname Male my@mail.com testpass\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "delete") == 0) {
ShowMessage("del <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Remove an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" This order requires confirmation. After confirmation, the account is deleted.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "email") == 0) {
ShowMessage("email <account_name> <email>\n");
ShowMessage(" Modify the e-mail of an account.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "getcount") == 0) {
ShowMessage(" Give the number of players online on all char-servers.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "gm") == 0) {
ShowMessage("gm <account_name> [GM_level]\n");
ShowMessage(" Modify the GM level of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" Default value remove GM level (GM level = 0).\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> gm testname 80\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "id") == 0) {
ShowMessage("id <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Give the id of an account.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "info") == 0) {
ShowMessage("info <account_id>\n");
ShowMessage(" Display complete information of an account.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "kami") == 0) {
ShowMessage("kami <message>\n");
ShowMessage(" Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in yellow).\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "kamib") == 0) {
ShowMessage("kamib <message>\n");
ShowMessage(" Sends a broadcast message on all map-server (in blue).\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "list") == 0) {
ShowMessage("list/ls [start_id [end_id]]\n");
ShowMessage(" Display a list of accounts.\n");
ShowMessage(" 'start_id', 'end_id': indicate end and start identifiers.\n");
ShowMessage(" Research by name is not possible with this command.\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> list 10 9999999\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "listban") == 0) {
ShowMessage("listBan/lsBan [start_id [end_id]]\n");
ShowMessage(" Like list/ls, but only for accounts with state or banished.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "listgm") == 0) {
ShowMessage("listGM/lsGM [start_id [end_id]]\n");
ShowMessage(" Like list/ls, but only for GM accounts.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "listok") == 0) {
ShowMessage("listOK/lsOK [start_id [end_id]]\n");
ShowMessage(" Like list/ls, but only for accounts without state and not banished.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "memo") == 0) {
ShowMessage("memo <account_name> <memo>\n");
ShowMessage(" Modify the memo of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" 'memo': it can have until 253 characters (with spaces or not).\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "name") == 0) {
ShowMessage("name <account_id>\n");
ShowMessage(" Give the name of an account.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "password") == 0) {
ShowMessage("passwd <account_name> <new_password>\n");
ShowMessage(" Change the password of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" When new password is omitted,\n");
ShowMessage(" the input is done without displaying of the pressed keys.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "reloadgm") == 0) {
ShowMessage(" Reload GM configuration file\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "search") == 0) {
ShowMessage("search <expression>\n");
ShowMessage(" Seek accounts.\n");
ShowMessage(" Displays the accounts whose names correspond.\n");
// ShowMessage("search -r/-e/--expr/--regex <expression>\n");
// ShowMessage(" Seek accounts by regular expression.\n");
// ShowMessage(" Displays the accounts whose names correspond.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "sex") == 0) {
ShowMessage("sex <account_name> <sex>\n");
ShowMessage(" Modify the sex of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> sex testname Male\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "state") == 0) {
ShowMessage("state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7>\n");
ShowMessage(" Change the state of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" 'new_state': state is the state of the packet 0x006a + 1.\n");
ShowMessage(" The possibilities are:\n");
ShowMessage(" 0 = Account ok\n");
ShowMessage(" 1 = Unregistered ID\n");
ShowMessage(" 2 = Incorrect Password\n");
ShowMessage(" 3 = This ID is expired\n");
ShowMessage(" 4 = Rejected from Server\n");
ShowMessage(" 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team\n");
ShowMessage(" 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n");
ShowMessage(" 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until...\n");
ShowMessage(" 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated\n");
ShowMessage(" 9 = No MSG\n");
ShowMessage(" 100 = This ID has been totally erased\n");
ShowMessage(" all other values are 'No MSG', then use state 9 please.\n");
ShowMessage(" 'error_message_#7': message of the code error 6\n");
ShowMessage(" = Your are Prohibited to log in until... (packet 0x006a)\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "timeadd") == 0) {
ShowMessage("timeadd <account_name> <modifier>\n");
ShowMessage(" Adds or substracts time from the validity limit of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" Modifier is done as follows:\n");
ShowMessage(" Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n");
ShowMessage(" Modified element:\n");
ShowMessage(" a or y: year\n");
ShowMessage(" m: month\n");
ShowMessage(" j or d: day\n");
ShowMessage(" h: hour\n");
ShowMessage(" mn: minute\n");
ShowMessage(" s: second\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n");
ShowMessage(" this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n");
ShowMessage(" and 6 years at the same time.\n");
ShowMessage("NOTE: You can not modify a unlimited validity limit.\n");
ShowMessage(" If you want modify it, you want probably create a limited validity limit.\n");
ShowMessage(" So, at first, you must set the validity limit to a date/time.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "timeadd") == 0) {
ShowMessage("timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n");
ShowMessage(" Changes the validity limit of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59.\n");
ShowMessage("timeset <account_name> 0\n");
ShowMessage(" Gives an unlimited validity limit (0 = unlimited).\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "unban") == 0) {
ShowMessage("unban/unbanish <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Remove the banishment of an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" This command works like banset <account_name> 0.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "unblock") == 0) {
ShowMessage("unblock <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account.\n");
ShowMessage(" This command works like state <account_name> 0.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "version") == 0) {
ShowMessage(" Display the version of the login-server.\n");
} else if (strcmp(command, "who") == 0) {
ShowMessage("who <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Displays complete information of an account.\n");
// quit
} else if (strcmp(command, "quit") == 0 ||
strcmp(command, "exit") == 0 ||
strcmp(command, "end") == 0) {
ShowMessage(" End of the program of administration.\n");
// unknown command
} else {
if (strlen(command) > 0)
ShowMessage("Unknown command [%s] for help. Displaying of all commands.\n", command);
ShowMessage(" aide/help/? -- Display this help\n");
ShowMessage(" aide/help/? [command] -- Display the help of the command\n");
ShowMessage(" add <account_name> <sex> <password> -- Create an account with default email\n");
ShowMessage(" ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name> -- Change final date of a ban\n");
ShowMessage(" banadd/ba <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the final\n");
ShowMessage(" example: ba apple +1m-2mn1s-2y date of a banishment of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" banset/bs <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change final date of a ban\n");
ShowMessage(" banset/bs <account_name> 0 -- Un-banish an account\n");
ShowMessage(" block <account name> -- Set state 5 (blocked by the GM Team) to an account\n");
ShowMessage(" check <account_name> <password> -- Check the validity of a password\n");
ShowMessage(" create <account_name> <sex> <email> <passwrd> -- Create an account with email\n");
ShowMessage(" del <account name> -- Remove an account\n");
ShowMessage(" email <account_name> <email> -- Modify an email of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" getcount -- Give the number of players online\n");
ShowMessage(" gm <account_name> [GM_level] -- Modify the GM level of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" id <account name> -- Give the id of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" info <account_id> -- Display all information of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" kami <message> -- Sends a broadcast message (in yellow)\n");
ShowMessage(" kamib <message> -- Sends a broadcast message (in blue)\n");
ShowMessage(" list/ls [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of accounts\n");
ShowMessage(" listBan/lsBan [First_id [Last_id] ] -- Display a list of accounts\n");
ShowMessage(" with state or banished\n");
ShowMessage(" listGM/lsGM [First_id [Last_id]] -- Display a list of GM accounts\n");
ShowMessage(" listOK/lsOK [First_id [Last_id] ] -- Display a list of accounts\n");
ShowMessage(" without state and not banished\n");
ShowMessage(" memo <account_name> <memo> -- Modify the memo of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" name <account_id> -- Give the name of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" passwd <account_name> <new_password> -- Change the password of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" quit/end/exit -- End of the program of administation\n");
ShowMessage(" reloadGM -- Reload GM configuration file\n");
ShowMessage(" search <expression> -- Seek accounts\n");
// ShowMessage(" search -e/-r/--expr/--regex <expressn> -- Seek accounts by regular-expression\n");
ShowMessage(" sex <nomcompte> <sexe> -- Modify the sex of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" state <account_name> <new_state> <error_message_#7> -- Change the state\n");
ShowMessage(" timeadd/ta <account_name> <modifier> -- Add or substract time from the\n");
ShowMessage(" example: ta apple +1m-2mn1s-2y validity limit of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" timeset/ts <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss] -- Change the validify limit\n");
ShowMessage(" timeset/ts <account_name> 0 -- Give a unlimited validity limit\n");
ShowMessage(" unban/unbanish <account name> -- Remove the banishment of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" unblock <account name> -- Set state 0 (Account ok) to an account\n");
ShowMessage(" version -- Gives the version of the login-server\n");
ShowMessage(" who <account name> -- Display all information of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" who <account name> -- Display all information of an account\n");
ShowMessage(" Note: To use spaces in an account name, type \"<account name>\" (or ').\n");
// Sub-function: add an account
int addaccount(char* param, int emailflag)
char name[1023], sex[1023], email[1023], password[1023];
// int i;
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(sex, '\0', sizeof(sex));
memset(email, '\0', sizeof(email));
memset(password, '\0', sizeof(password));
if (emailflag == 0) { // add command
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %s %[^\r\n]", name, sex, password) < 2 && // password can be void
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %s %[^\r\n]", name, sex, password) < 2 && // password can be void
sscanf(param, "%s %s %[^\r\n]", name, sex, password) < 2) { // password can be void
ShowMessage("Please input an account name, a sex and a password.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> add testname Male testpass\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to create an account ('add' command).\n");
return 136;
strcpy(email, "a@a.com"); // default email
} else { // 1: create command
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %s %s %[^\r\n]", name, sex, email, password) < 3 && // password can be void
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %s %s %[^\r\n]", name, sex, email, password) < 3 && // password can be void
sscanf(param, "%s %s %s %[^\r\n]", name, sex, email, password) < 3) { // password can be void
ShowMessage("Please input an account name, a sex and a password.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> create testname Male my@mail.com testpass\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to create an account ('create' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
sex[0] = TOUPPER(sex[0]);
if (strchr("MF", sex[0]) == NULL) {
ShowMessage("Illegal gender [%s]. Please input M or F.\n", sex);
ladmin_log("Illegal gender [%s]. Please input M or F.\n", sex);
return 103;
if (strlen(email) < 3) {
ShowMessage("Email is too short [%s]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n", email);
ladmin_log("Email is too short [%s]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n", email);
return 109;
if (strlen(email) > 39) {
ShowMessage("Email is too long [%s]. Please input an e-mail with 39 bytes at the most.\n", email);
ladmin_log("Email is too long [%s]. Please input an e-mail with 39 bytes at the most.\n", email);
return 109;
if (e_mail_check(email) == 0) {
ShowMessage("Invalid email [%s]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n", email);
ladmin_log("Invalid email [%s]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n", email);
return 109;
if (strlen(password) == 0) {
if (typepasswd(password) == 0)
return 108;
if (verify_password(password) == 0)
return 104;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to create an account.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7930;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,26), password, 24);
WFIFOB(login_fd,50) = sex[0];
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,51), email, 40);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Add/substract time to the final date of a banishment of an account
int banaddaccount(char* param)
char name[1023], modif[1023];
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
char * p_modif;
int value, i;
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(modif, '\0', sizeof(modif));
year = month = day = hour = minute = second = 0;
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %[^\r\n]", name, modif) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %[^\r\n]", name, modif) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %[^\r\n]", name, modif) < 2) {
ShowMessage("Please input an account name and a modifier.\n");
ShowMessage(" <example>: banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n");
ShowMessage(" this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n");
ShowMessage(" and 6 years at the same time.\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to modify the ban date/time of an account ('banadd' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
// lowercase for modif
for (i = 0; modif[i]; i++)
modif[i] = TOLOWER(modif[i]);
p_modif = modif;
while (strlen(p_modif) > 0) {
value = atoi(p_modif);
if (value == 0) {
} else {
if (p_modif[0] == '-' || p_modif[0] == '+')
while (strlen(p_modif) > 0 && p_modif[0] >= '0' && p_modif[0] <= '9') {
if (p_modif[0] == 's') {
second = value;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'm' && p_modif[1] == 'n') {
minute = value;
p_modif += 2;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'h') {
hour = value;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'd' || p_modif[0] == 'j') {
day = value;
p_modif += 2;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'm') {
month = value;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'y' || p_modif[0] == 'a') {
year = value;
} else {
ShowMessage(" year: %d\n", year);
ShowMessage(" month: %d\n", month);
ShowMessage(" day: %d\n", day);
ShowMessage(" hour: %d\n", hour);
ShowMessage(" minute: %d\n", minute);
ShowMessage(" second: %d\n", second);
if (year == 0 && month == 0 && day == 0 && hour == 0 && minute == 0 && second == 0) {
ShowMessage("Please give an adjustment with this command:\n");
ShowMessage(" Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n");
ShowMessage(" Modified element:\n");
ShowMessage(" a or y: year\n");
ShowMessage(" m: month\n");
ShowMessage(" j or d: day\n");
ShowMessage(" h: hour\n");
ShowMessage(" mn: minute\n");
ShowMessage(" s: second\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> banadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n");
ShowMessage(" this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n");
ShowMessage(" and 6 years at the same time.\n");
ladmin_log("No adjustment isn't an adjustment ('banadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (year > 127 || year < -127) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the years (from -127 to 127).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the year ('banadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (month > 255 || month < -255) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the months (from -255 to 255).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the month ('banadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (day > 32767 || day < -32767) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the days (from -32767 to 32767).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the days ('banadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (hour > 32767 || hour < -32767) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the hours (from -32767 to 32767).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the hours ('banadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (minute > 32767 || minute < -32767) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the minutes (from -32767 to 32767).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the minutes ('banadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (second > 32767 || second < -32767) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the seconds (from -32767 to 32767).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the seconds ('banadd' command).\n");
return 137;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to modify a ban date/time.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x794c;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
WFIFOW(login_fd,26) = (short)year;
WFIFOW(login_fd,28) = (short)month;
WFIFOW(login_fd,30) = (short)day;
WFIFOW(login_fd,32) = (short)hour;
WFIFOW(login_fd,34) = (short)minute;
WFIFOW(login_fd,36) = (short)second;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function of sub-function banaccount, unbanaccount or bansetaccount
// Set the final date of a banishment of an account
int bansetaccountsub(char* name, char* date, char* time)
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
time_t unban_time; // # of seconds 1/1/1970 (timestamp): ban time limit of the account (0 = no ban)
struct tm *tmtime;
year = month = day = hour = minute = second = 0;
unban_time = 0;
tmtime = localtime(&unban_time); // initialize
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
if (atoi(date) != 0 &&
((sscanf(date, "%d/%d/%d", &year, &month, &day) < 3 &&
sscanf(date, "%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day) < 3 &&
sscanf(date, "%d.%d.%d", &year, &month, &day) < 3) ||
sscanf(time, "%d:%d:%d", &hour, &minute, &second) < 3))
ShowMessage("Please input a date and a time (format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n");
ShowMessage("You can imput 0 instead of if you use 'banset' command.\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid format for the date/time ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 102;
if (atoi(date) == 0) {
unban_time = 0;
} else {
if (year < 70) {
year = year + 100;
if (year >= 1900) {
year = year - 1900;
if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the month (from 1 to 12).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid month for the date ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 102;
month = month - 1;
if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the day (from 1 to 31).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid day for the date ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 102;
if (((month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 8 || month == 10) && day > 30) ||
(month == 1 && day > 29)) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for a day of this month (%d).\n", month);
ladmin_log("Invalid day for this month ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 102;
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the hour (from 0 to 23).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid hour for the time ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 102;
if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the minutes (from 0 to 59).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid minute for the time ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 102;
if (second < 0 || second > 59) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the seconds (from 0 to 59).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid second for the time ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 102;
tmtime->tm_year = year;
tmtime->tm_mon = month;
tmtime->tm_mday = day;
tmtime->tm_hour = hour;
tmtime->tm_min = minute;
tmtime->tm_sec = second;
tmtime->tm_isdst = -1; // -1: no winter/summer time modification
unban_time = mktime(tmtime);
if (unban_time == -1) {
ShowMessage("Invalid date.\n");
ShowMessage("Please input a date and a time (format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n");
ShowMessage("You can imput 0 instead of if you use 'banset' command.\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid date. ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 102;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to set a ban.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x794a;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
WFIFOL(login_fd,26) = (int)unban_time;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Set the final date of a banishment of an account (ban)
int banaccount(char* param)
char name[1023], date[1023], time[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(date, '\0', sizeof(date));
memset(time, '\0', sizeof(time));
if (sscanf(param, "%s %s \"%[^\"]\"", date, time, name) < 3 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %s '%[^']'", date, time, name) < 3 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %s %[^\r\n]", date, time, name) < 3) {
ShowMessage("Please input an account name, a date and a hour.\n");
ShowMessage("<example>: banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n");
ShowMessage(" banset <account_name> 0 (0 = un-banished)\n");
ShowMessage(" ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" unban/unbanish <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59.\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to set a ban ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 136;
return bansetaccountsub(name, date, time);
// Sub-function: Set the final date of a banishment of an account (banset)
int bansetaccount(char* param)
char name[1023], date[1023], time[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(date, '\0', sizeof(date));
memset(time, '\0', sizeof(time));
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %s %[^\r\n]", name, date, time) < 2 && // if date = 0, time can be void
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %s %[^\r\n]", name, date, time) < 2 && // if date = 0, time can be void
sscanf(param, "%s %s %[^\r\n]", name, date, time) < 2) { // if date = 0, time can be void
ShowMessage("Please input an account name, a date and a hour.\n");
ShowMessage("<example>: banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n");
ShowMessage(" banset <account_name> 0 (0 = un-banished)\n");
ShowMessage(" ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" unban/unbanish <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59.\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to set a ban ('banset' or 'ban' command).\n");
return 136;
if (time[0] == '\0')
strcpy(time, "23:59:59");
return bansetaccountsub(name, date, time);
// Sub-function: unbanishment of an account (unban)
int unbanaccount(char* param)
char name[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
if (strlen(param) == 0 ||
(sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\"", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']'", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "%[^\r\n]", name) < 1) ||
strlen(name) == 0)
ShowMessage("Please input an account name.\n");
ShowMessage("<example>: banset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n");
ShowMessage(" banset <account_name> 0 (0 = un-banished)\n");
ShowMessage(" ban/banish yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" unban/unbanish <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59.\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to set a ban ('unban' command).\n");
return 136;
return bansetaccountsub(name, "0", "");
// Sub-function: Asking to check the validity of a password
// (Note: never send back a password with login-server!! security of passwords)
int checkaccount(char* param)
char name[1023], password[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(password, '\0', sizeof(password));
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %[^\r\n]", name, password) < 1 && // password can be void
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %[^\r\n]", name, password) < 1 && // password can be void
sscanf(param, "%s %[^\r\n]", name, password) < 1) { // password can be void
ShowMessage("Please input an account name.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> check testname password\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to check the password of an account ('check' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
if (strlen(password) == 0) {
if (typepasswd(password) == 0)
return 134;
if (verify_password(password) == 0)
return 131;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to check a password.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x793a;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,26), password, 24);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking for deletion of an account
int delaccount(char* param)
char name[1023];
char letter;
char confirm[1023];
int i;
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
if (strlen(param) == 0 ||
(sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\"", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']'", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "%[^\r\n]", name) < 1) ||
strlen(name) == 0)
ShowMessage("Please input an account name.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> del testnametodelete\n");
ladmin_log("No name given to delete an account ('delete' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
memset(confirm, '\0', sizeof(confirm));
while (confirm[0] != 'n' && confirm[0] != 'y')
ShowMessage("\033[1;36m ** Are you really sure to DELETE account [$userid]? (y/n) > \033[0m");
memset(confirm, '\0', sizeof(confirm));
i = 0;
while ((letter = getchar()) != '\n')
confirm[i++] = letter;
if (confirm[0] == 'n') {
ShowMessage("Deletion canceled.\n");
ladmin_log("Deletion canceled by user ('delete' command).\n");
return 121;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to delete an acount.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7932;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to modification of an account e-mail
int changeemail(char* param)
char name[1023], email[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(email, '\0', sizeof(email));
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %[^\r\n]", name, email) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %[^\r\n]", name, email) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %[^\r\n]", name, email) < 2) {
ShowMessage("Please input an account name and an email.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> email testname newemail\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to change the email of an account ('email' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
if (strlen(email) < 3) {
ShowMessage("Email is too short [%s]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n", email);
ladmin_log("Email is too short [%s]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n", email);
return 109;
if (strlen(email) > 39) {
ShowMessage("Email is too long [%s]. Please input an e-mail with 39 bytes at the most.\n", email);
ladmin_log("Email is too long [%s]. Please input an e-mail with 39 bytes at the most.\n", email);
return 109;
if (e_mail_check(email) == 0) {
ShowMessage("Invalid email [%s]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n", email);
ladmin_log("Invalid email [%s]. Please input a valid e-mail.\n", email);
return 109;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to change an email.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7940;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,26), email, 40);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking of the number of online players
int getlogincount(void)
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to obtain the # of online players.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7938;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to modify the GM level of an account
int changegmlevel(char* param)
char name[1023];
int GM_level;
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
GM_level = 0;
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %d", name, &GM_level) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %d", name, &GM_level) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %d", name, &GM_level) < 1) {
ShowMessage("Please input an account name and a GM level.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> gm testname 80\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to change the GM level of an account ('gm' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
if (GM_level < 0 || GM_level > 99) {
ShowMessage("Illegal GM level [%d]. Please input a value from 0 to 99.\n", GM_level);
ladmin_log("Illegal GM level [%d]. The value can be from 0 to 99.\n", GM_level);
return 103;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to change a GM level.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x793e;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
WFIFOB(login_fd,26) = GM_level;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to obtain an account id
int idaccount(char* param)
char name[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
if (strlen(param) == 0 ||
(sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\"", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']'", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "%[^\r\n]", name) < 1) ||
strlen(name) == 0)
ShowMessage("Please input an account name.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> id testname\n");
ladmin_log("No name given to search an account id ('id' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to know an account id.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7944;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to displaying information about an account (by its id)
int infoaccount(int account_id)
if (account_id < 0) {
ShowMessage("Please input a positive value for the id.\n");
ladmin_log("Negative value was given to found the account.\n");
return 136;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to obtain information about an account (by its id).\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7954;
WFIFOL(login_fd,2) = account_id;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Send a broadcast message
int sendbroadcast(short type, char* message)
int len = strlen(message);
if (len == 0) {
ShowMessage("Please input a message.\n");
if (type == 0) {
ShowMessage("<example> kami a message\n");
} else {
ShowMessage("<example> kamib a message\n");
ladmin_log("The message is void ('kami(b)' command).\n");
return 136;
len++; //+'\0'
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x794e;
WFIFOW(login_fd,2) = type;
WFIFOL(login_fd,4) = len;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,8), message, len);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to Displaying of the accounts list
int listaccount(char* param, int type)
//int list_first, list_last, list_type; // parameter to display a list of accounts
int i;
list_type = type;
// set default values
list_first = 0;
list_last = 0;
if (list_type == 1) { // if listgm
// get all accounts = use default
} else if (list_type == 2) { // if search
for (i = 0; param[i]; i++)
param[i] = TOLOWER(param[i]);
// get all accounts = use default
} else if (list_type == 3) { // if listban
// get all accounts = use default
} else if (list_type == 4) { // if listok
// get all accounts = use default
} else { // if list (list_type == 0)
switch(sscanf(param, "%d %d", &list_first, &list_last)) {
case 0:
// get all accounts = use default
case 1:
list_last = 0;
// use tests of the following value
if (list_first < 0)
list_first = 0;
if (list_last < list_first || list_last < 0)
list_last = 0;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to obtain the list of accounts from %d to %d.\n", list_first, list_last);
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7920;
WFIFOL(login_fd,2) = list_first;
WFIFOL(login_fd,6) = list_last;
bytes_to_read = 1;
// 0123456789 01 01234567890123456789012301234 012345 0123456789012345678901234567
ShowMessage("account_id GM user_name sex count state\n");
list_count = 0;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to modify a memo field
int changememo(char* param)
char name[1023], memo[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(memo, '\0', sizeof(memo));
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %[^\r\n]", name, memo) < 1 && // memo can be void
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %[^\r\n]", name, memo) < 1 && // memo can be void
sscanf(param, "%s %[^\r\n]", name, memo) < 1) { // memo can be void
ShowMessage("Please input an account name and a memo.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> memo testname new memo\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to change the memo of an account ('email' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
if (strlen(memo) > 254) {
ShowMessage("Memo is too long (%lu characters).\n", (unsigned long)strlen(memo));
ShowMessage("Please input a memo of 254 bytes at the maximum.\n");
ladmin_log("Email is too long (%d characters). Please input a memo of 254 bytes at the maximum.\n", strlen(memo));
return 102;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to change a memo.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7942;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
WFIFOW(login_fd,26) = strlen(memo);
if (strlen(memo) > 0)
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,28), memo, strlen(memo));
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to obtain an account name
int nameaccount(int id)
if (id < 0) {
ShowMessage("Please input a positive value for the id.\n");
ladmin_log("Negativ id given to search an account name ('name' command).\n");
return 136;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to know an account name.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7946;
WFIFOL(login_fd,2) = id;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to modify a password
// (Note: never send back a password with login-server!! security of passwords)
int changepasswd(char* param)
char name[1023], password[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(password, '\0', sizeof(password));
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %[^\r\n]", name, password) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %[^\r\n]", name, password) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %[^\r\n]", name, password) < 1) {
ShowMessage("Please input an account name.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> passwd testname newpassword\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to change the password of an account ('password' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
if (strlen(password) == 0) {
if (typepasswd(password) == 0)
return 134;
if (verify_password(password) == 0)
return 131;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to change a password.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7934;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,26), password, 24);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Request to login-server to reload GM configuration file
// this function have no answer
int reloadGM(void)
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7955;
bytes_to_read = 0;
ladmin_log("Request to reload the GM configuration file sended.\n");
ShowMessage("Request to reload the GM configuration file sended.\n");
ShowMessage("Check the actual GM accounts (after reloading):\n");
listaccount(parameters, 1); // 1: to list only GM
return 180;
// Sub-function: Asking to modify the sex of an account
int changesex(char* param)
char name[1023], sex[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(sex, '\0', sizeof(sex));
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %[^\r\n]", name, sex) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %[^\r\n]", name, sex) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %[^\r\n]", name, sex) < 2) {
ShowMessage("Please input an account name and a sex.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> sex testname Male\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to change the sex of an account ('sex' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
sex[0] = TOUPPER(sex[0]);
if (strchr("MF", sex[0]) == NULL) {
ShowMessage("Illegal gender [%s]. Please input M or F.\n", sex);
ladmin_log("Illegal gender [%s]. Please input M or F.\n", sex);
return 103;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to change a sex.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x793c;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
WFIFOB(login_fd,26) = sex[0];
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function of sub-function changestate, blockaccount or unblockaccount
// Asking to modify the state of an account
int changestatesub(char* name, int state, char* error_message7)
char error_message[1023]; // need to use, because we can modify error_message7
memset(error_message, '\0', sizeof(error_message));
strncpy(error_message, error_message7, sizeof(error_message)-1);
if ((state < 0 || state > 9) && state != 100) { // Valid values: 0: ok, or value of the 0x006a packet + 1
ShowMessage("Please input one of these states:\n");
ShowMessage(" 0 = Account ok 6 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version\n");
ShowMessage(" 1 = Unregistered ID 7 = You are Prohibited to log in until + message\n");
ShowMessage(" 2 = Incorrect Password 8 = Server is jammed due to over populated\n");
ShowMessage(" 3 = This ID is expired 9 = No MSG\n");
ShowMessage(" 4 = Rejected from Server 100 = This ID has been totally erased\n");
ShowMessage(" 5 = You have been blocked by the GM Team\n");
ShowMessage("<examples> state testname 5\n");
ShowMessage(" state testname 7 end of your ban\n");
ShowMessage(" block <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" unblock <account name>\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid value for the state of an account ('state', 'block' or 'unblock' command).\n");
return 151;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
if (state != 7) {
strcpy(error_message, "-");
} else {
if (strlen(error_message) < 1) {
ShowMessage("Error message is too short. Please input a message of 1-19 bytes.\n");
ladmin_log("Error message is too short. Please input a message of 1-19 bytes.\n");
return 102;
if (strlen(error_message) > 19) {
ShowMessage("Error message is too long. Please input a message of 1-19 bytes.\n");
ladmin_log("Error message is too long. Please input a message of 1-19 bytes.\n");
return 102;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to change a state.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7936;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
WFIFOL(login_fd,26) = state;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,30), error_message, 20);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to modify the state of an account
int changestate(char* param)
char name[1023], error_message[1023];
int state;
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(error_message, '\0', sizeof(error_message));
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %d %[^\r\n]", name, &state, error_message) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %d %[^\r\n]", name, &state, error_message) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %d %[^\r\n]", name, &state, error_message) < 2) {
ShowMessage("Please input an account name and a state.\n");
ShowMessage("<examples> state testname 5\n");
ShowMessage(" state testname 7 end of your ban\n");
ShowMessage(" block <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" unblock <account name>\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to change the state of an account ('state' command).\n");
return 136;
return changestatesub(name, state, error_message);
// Sub-function: Asking to unblock an account
int unblockaccount(char* param)
char name[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
if (strlen(param) == 0 ||
(sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\"", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']'", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "%[^\r\n]", name) < 1) ||
strlen(name) == 0)
ShowMessage("Please input an account name.\n");
ShowMessage("<examples> state testname 5\n");
ShowMessage(" state testname 7 end of your ban\n");
ShowMessage(" block <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" unblock <account name>\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to change the state of an account ('unblock' command).\n");
return 136;
return changestatesub(name, 0, "-"); // state 0, no error message
// Sub-function: Asking to unblock an account
int blockaccount(char* param)
char name[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
if (strlen(param) == 0 ||
(sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\"", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']'", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "%[^\r\n]", name) < 1) ||
strlen(name) == 0)
ShowMessage("Please input an account name.\n");
ShowMessage("<examples> state testname 5\n");
ShowMessage(" state testname 7 end of your ban\n");
ShowMessage(" block <account name>\n");
ShowMessage(" unblock <account name>\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to change the state of an account ('block' command).\n");
return 136;
return changestatesub(name, 5, "-"); // state 5, no error message
// Sub-function: Add/substract time to the validity limit of an account
int timeaddaccount(char* param)
char name[1023], modif[1023];
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
char * p_modif;
int value, i;
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(modif, '\0', sizeof(modif));
year = month = day = hour = minute = second = 0;
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %[^\r\n]", name, modif) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %[^\r\n]", name, modif) < 2 &&
sscanf(param, "%s %[^\r\n]", name, modif) < 2)
ShowMessage("Please input an account name and a modifier.\n");
ShowMessage(" <example>: timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n");
ShowMessage(" this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n");
ShowMessage(" and 6 years at the same time.\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to modify a limit time ('timeadd' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
// lowercase for modif
for (i = 0; modif[i]; i++)
modif[i] = TOLOWER(modif[i]);
p_modif = modif;
while (strlen(p_modif) > 0) {
value = atoi(p_modif);
if (value == 0) {
} else {
if (p_modif[0] == '-' || p_modif[0] == '+')
while (strlen(p_modif) > 0 && p_modif[0] >= '0' && p_modif[0] <= '9') {
if (p_modif[0] == 's') {
second = value;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'm' && p_modif[1] == 'n') {
minute = value;
p_modif += 2;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'h') {
hour = value;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'd' || p_modif[0] == 'j') {
day = value;
p_modif += 2;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'm') {
month = value;
} else if (p_modif[0] == 'y' || p_modif[0] == 'a') {
year = value;
} else {
ShowMessage(" year: %d\n", year);
ShowMessage(" month: %d\n", month);
ShowMessage(" day: %d\n", day);
ShowMessage(" hour: %d\n", hour);
ShowMessage(" minute: %d\n", minute);
ShowMessage(" second: %d\n", second);
if (year == 0 && month == 0 && day == 0 && hour == 0 && minute == 0 && second == 0) {
ShowMessage("Please give an adjustment with this command:\n");
ShowMessage(" Adjustment value (-1, 1, +1, etc...)\n");
ShowMessage(" Modified element:\n");
ShowMessage(" a or y: year\n");
ShowMessage(" m: month\n");
ShowMessage(" j or d: day\n");
ShowMessage(" h: hour\n");
ShowMessage(" mn: minute\n");
ShowMessage(" s: second\n");
ShowMessage(" <example> timeadd testname +1m-2mn1s-6y\n");
ShowMessage(" this example adds 1 month and 1 second, and substracts 2 minutes\n");
ShowMessage(" and 6 years at the same time.\n");
ladmin_log("No adjustment isn't an adjustment ('timeadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (year > 127 || year < -127) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the years (from -127 to 127).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the year ('timeadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (month > 255 || month < -255) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the months (from -255 to 255).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the month ('timeadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (day > 32767 || day < -32767) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the days (from -32767 to 32767).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the days ('timeadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (hour > 32767 || hour < -32767) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the hours (from -32767 to 32767).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the hours ('timeadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (minute > 32767 || minute < -32767) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the minutes (from -32767 to 32767).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the minutes ('timeadd' command).\n");
return 137;
if (second > 32767 || second < -32767) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct adjustment for the seconds (from -32767 to 32767).\n");
ladmin_log("Abnormal adjustment for the seconds ('timeadd' command).\n");
return 137;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to modify a time limit.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7950;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
WFIFOW(login_fd,26) = (short)year;
WFIFOW(login_fd,28) = (short)month;
WFIFOW(login_fd,30) = (short)day;
WFIFOW(login_fd,32) = (short)hour;
WFIFOW(login_fd,34) = (short)minute;
WFIFOW(login_fd,36) = (short)second;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Set a validity limit of an account
int timesetaccount(char* param)
char name[1023], date[1023], time[1023];
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
time_t expiration_time; // # of seconds 1/1/1970 (timestamp): Validity limit of the account (0 = unlimited)
struct tm *tmtime;
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
memset(date, '\0', sizeof(date));
memset(time, '\0', sizeof(time));
year = month = day = hour = minute = second = 0;
expiration_time = 0;
tmtime = localtime(&expiration_time); // initialize
if (sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\" %s %[^\r\n]", name, date, time) < 2 && // if date = 0, time can be void
sscanf(param, "'%[^']' %s %[^\r\n]", name, date, time) < 2 && // if date = 0, time can be void
sscanf(param, "%s %s %[^\r\n]", name, date, time) < 2) { // if date = 0, time can be void
ShowMessage("Please input an account name, a date and a hour.\n");
ShowMessage("<example>: timeset <account_name> yyyy/mm/dd [hh:mm:ss]\n");
ShowMessage(" timeset <account_name> 0 (0 = unlimited)\n");
ShowMessage(" Default time [hh:mm:ss]: 23:59:59.\n");
ladmin_log("Incomplete parameters to set a limit time ('timeset' command).\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
if (time[0] == '\0')
strcpy(time, "23:59:59");
if (atoi(date) != 0 &&
((sscanf(date, "%d/%d/%d", &year, &month, &day) < 3 &&
sscanf(date, "%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day) < 3 &&
sscanf(date, "%d.%d.%d", &year, &month, &day) < 3 &&
sscanf(date, "%d'%d'%d", &year, &month, &day) < 3) ||
sscanf(time, "%d:%d:%d", &hour, &minute, &second) < 3))
ShowMessage("Please input 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid format for the date/time ('timeset' command).\n");
return 102;
if (atoi(date) == 0) {
expiration_time = 0;
} else {
if (year < 70) {
year = year + 100;
if (year >= 1900) {
year = year - 1900;
if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the month (from 1 to 12).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid month for the date ('timeset' command).\n");
return 102;
month = month - 1;
if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the day (from 1 to 31).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid day for the date ('timeset' command).\n");
return 102;
if (((month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 8 || month == 10) && day > 30) ||
(month == 1 && day > 29)) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for a day of this month (%d).\n", month);
ladmin_log("Invalid day for this month ('timeset' command).\n");
return 102;
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the hour (from 0 to 23).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid hour for the time ('timeset' command).\n");
return 102;
if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the minutes (from 0 to 59).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid minute for the time ('timeset' command).\n");
return 102;
if (second < 0 || second > 59) {
ShowMessage("Please give a correct value for the seconds (from 0 to 59).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid second for the time ('timeset' command).\n");
return 102;
tmtime->tm_year = year;
tmtime->tm_mon = month;
tmtime->tm_mday = day;
tmtime->tm_hour = hour;
tmtime->tm_min = minute;
tmtime->tm_sec = second;
tmtime->tm_isdst = -1; // -1: no winter/summer time modification
expiration_time = mktime(tmtime);
if (expiration_time == -1) {
ShowMessage("Invalid date.\n");
ShowMessage("Please add 0 or a date and a time (format: 0 or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).\n");
ladmin_log("Invalid date. ('timeset' command).\n");
return 102;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to set a time limit.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7948;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
WFIFOL(login_fd,26) = (int)expiration_time;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking to displaying information about an account (by its name)
int whoaccount(char* param)
char name[1023];
memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name));
if (strlen(param) == 0 ||
(sscanf(param, "\"%[^\"]\"", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "'%[^']'", name) < 1 &&
sscanf(param, "%[^\r\n]", name) < 1) ||
strlen(name) == 0)
ShowMessage("Please input an account name.\n");
ShowMessage("<example> who testname\n");
ladmin_log("No name was given to found the account.\n");
return 136;
if (verify_accountname(name) == 0) {
return 102;
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to obtain information about an account (by its name).\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7952;
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,2), name, 24);
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Sub-function: Asking of the version of the login-server
int checkloginversion(void)
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to obtain its version.\n");
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7530;
bytes_to_read = 1;
return 0;
// Prompt function
// this function wait until user type a command
// and analyse the command.
int prompt(void)
int i, j;
char buf[1024];
char *p;
// while we don't wait new packets
while (bytes_to_read == 0) {
// for help with the console colors look here:
// http://www.edoceo.com/liberum/?doc=printf-with-color
// some code explanation (used here):
// \033[2J : clear screen and go up/left (0, 0 position)
// \033[K : clear line from actual position to end of the line
// \033[0m : reset color parameter
// \033[1m : use bold for font
ShowMessage("\033[32mTo list the commands, type 'enter'.\033[0m\n");
ShowMessage("\033[0;36mLadmin-> \033[0m");
// get command and parameter
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);
// remove final \n
if((p = strrchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL)
p[0] = '\0';
// remove all control char
for (i = 0; buf[i]; i++)
if (buf[i] < 32) {
// remove cursor control.
if (buf[i] == 27 && buf[i+1] == '[' &&
(buf[i+2] == 'H' || // home position (cursor)
buf[i+2] == 'J' || // clear screen
buf[i+2] == 'A' || // up 1 line
buf[i+2] == 'B' || // down 1 line
buf[i+2] == 'C' || // right 1 position
buf[i+2] == 'D' || // left 1 position
buf[i+2] == 'G')) { // center cursor (windows)
for (j = i; buf[j]; j++)
buf[j] = buf[j+3];
} else if (buf[i] == 27 && buf[i+1] == '[' && buf[i+2] == '2' && buf[i+3] == 'J') { // clear screen
for (j = i; buf[j]; j++)
buf[j] = buf[j+4];
} else if (buf[i] == 27 && buf[i+1] == '[' && buf[i+3] == '~' &&
(buf[i+2] == '1' || // home (windows)
buf[i+2] == '2' || // insert (windows)
buf[i+2] == '3' || // del (windows)
buf[i+2] == '4' || // end (windows)
buf[i+2] == '5' || // pgup (windows)
buf[i+2] == '6')) { // pgdown (windows)
for (j = i; buf[j]; j++)
buf[j] = buf[j+4];
} else {
// remove other control char.
for (j = i; buf[j]; j++)
buf[j] = buf[j+1];
// extract command name and parameters
memset(command, '\0', sizeof(command));
memset(parameters, '\0', sizeof(parameters));
sscanf(buf, "%1023s %[^\n]", command, parameters);
command[1023] = '\0';
parameters[1023] = '\0';
// lowercase for command line
for (i = 0; command[i]; i++)
command[i] = TOLOWER(command[i]);
if (command[0] == '?' || strlen(command) == 0) {
strcpy(buf, "help");
strcpy(command, "help");
// Analyse of the command
check_command(command); // give complete name to the command
if (strlen(parameters) == 0) {
ladmin_log("Command: '%s' (without parameters)\n", command, parameters);
} else {
ladmin_log("Command: '%s', parameters: '%s'\n", command, parameters);
// Analyse of the command
// help
if (strcmp(command, "help") == 0 ) {
// general commands
} else if (strcmp(command, "add") == 0) {
addaccount(parameters, 0); // 0: no email
} else if (strcmp(command, "ban") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "banadd") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "banset") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "block") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "check") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "create") == 0) {
addaccount(parameters, 1); // 1: with email
} else if (strcmp(command, "delete") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "email") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "getcount") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "gm") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "id") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "info") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "kami") == 0) {
sendbroadcast(0, parameters); // flag for normal
} else if (strcmp(command, "kamib") == 0) {
sendbroadcast(0x10, parameters); // flag for blue
} else if (strcmp(command, "list") == 0) {
listaccount(parameters, 0); // 0: to list all
} else if (strcmp(command, "listban") == 0) {
listaccount(parameters, 3); // 3: to list only accounts with state or bannished
} else if (strcmp(command, "listgm") == 0) {
listaccount(parameters, 1); // 1: to list only GM
} else if (strcmp(command, "listok") == 0) {
listaccount(parameters, 4); // 4: to list only accounts without state and not bannished
} else if (strcmp(command, "memo") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "name") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "password") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "reloadgm") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "search") == 0) { // no regex in C version
listaccount(parameters, 2); // 2: to list with pattern
} else if (strcmp(command, "sex") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "state") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "timeadd") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "timeset") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "unban") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "unblock") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "version") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(command, "who") == 0) {
// quit
} else if (strcmp(command, "quit") == 0 ||
strcmp(command, "exit") == 0 ||
strcmp(command, "end") == 0) {
// unknown command
} else {
ShowMessage("Unknown command [%s].\n", buf);
ladmin_log("Unknown command [%s].\n", buf);
return 0;
// Function: Parse receiving informations from the login-server
int parse_fromlogin(int fd)
struct char_session_data *sd;
int id;
if (session[fd]->flag.eof) {
ShowMessage("Impossible to have a connection with the login-server [%s:%d] !\n", loginserverip, loginserverport);
ladmin_log("Impossible to have a connection with the login-server [%s:%d] !\n", loginserverip, loginserverport);
// ShowMessage("parse_fromlogin : %d %d %d\n", fd, RFIFOREST(fd), RFIFOW(fd,0));
sd = (struct char_session_data*)session[fd]->session_data;
while(RFIFOREST(fd) >= 2) {
switch(RFIFOW(fd,0)) {
case 0x7919: // answer of a connection request
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 3)
return 0;
if (RFIFOB(fd,2) != 0) {
ShowMessage("Error at login:\n");
ShowMessage(" - incorrect password,\n");
ShowMessage(" - administration system not activated, or\n");
ShowMessage(" - unauthorised IP.\n");
ladmin_log("Error at login: incorrect password, administration system not activated, or unauthorised IP.\n");
//bytes_to_read = 1; // not stop at prompt
return 0;
} else {
ShowMessage("Established connection.\n");
ladmin_log("Established connection.\n");
ShowMessage("Reading of the version of the login-server...\n");
ladmin_log("Reading of the version of the login-server...\n");
//bytes_to_read = 1; // unchanged
case 0x01dc: // answer of a coding key request
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4 || RFIFOREST(fd) < RFIFOW(fd,2))
return 0;
char md5str[64] = "", md5bin[32];
WFIFOHEAD(login_fd, 20);
if (passenc == 1) {
strncpy(md5str, (const char*)RFIFOP(fd,4), RFIFOW(fd,2) - 4);
strcat(md5str, loginserveradminpassword);
} else if (passenc == 2) {
strncpy(md5str, loginserveradminpassword, sizeof(loginserveradminpassword));
strcat(md5str, (const char*)RFIFOP(fd,4));
MD5_Binary(md5str, md5bin);
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7918; // Request for administation login (encrypted password)
WFIFOW(login_fd,2) = passenc; // Encrypted type
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,4), md5bin, 16);
ShowMessage("Receiving of the MD5 key.\n");
ladmin_log("Receiving of the MD5 key.\n");
ShowMessage("Sending of the encrypted password...\n");
ladmin_log("Sending of the encrypted password...\n");
bytes_to_read = 1;
case 0x7531: // Displaying of the version of the login-server
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 10)
return 0;
ShowMessage(" Login-Server [%s:%d]\n", loginserverip, loginserverport);
if (((int)RFIFOB(login_fd,5)) == 0) {
ShowMessage(" eAthena version stable-%d.%d", (int)RFIFOB(login_fd,2), (int)RFIFOB(login_fd,3));
} else {
ShowMessage(" eAthena version dev-%d.%d", (int)RFIFOB(login_fd,2), (int)RFIFOB(login_fd,3));
if (((int)RFIFOB(login_fd,4)) == 0)
ShowMessage(" revision %d", (int)RFIFOB(login_fd,4));
if (((int)RFIFOB(login_fd,6)) == 0)
ShowMessage("%d.\n", RFIFOW(login_fd,8));
ShowMessage("-mod%d.\n", RFIFOW(login_fd,8));
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7921: // Displaying of the list of accounts
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4 || RFIFOREST(fd) < RFIFOW(fd,2))
return 0;
if (RFIFOW(fd,2) < 5) {
ladmin_log(" Receiving of a void accounts list.\n");
if (list_count == 0)
ShowMessage("No account found.\n");
else if (list_count == 1)
ShowMessage("1 account found.\n");
ShowMessage("%d accounts found.\n", list_count);
bytes_to_read = 0;
} else {
int i;
ladmin_log(" Receiving of a accounts list.\n");
for(i = 4; i < RFIFOW(fd,2); i += 38) {
int j;
char userid[24];
char lower_userid[24];
memcpy(userid, RFIFOP(fd,i + 5), sizeof(userid));
userid[sizeof(userid)-1] = '\0';
memset(lower_userid, '\0', sizeof(lower_userid));
for (j = 0; userid[j]; j++)
lower_userid[j] = TOLOWER(userid[j]);
list_first = RFIFOL(fd,i) + 1;
// here are checks...
if (list_type == 0 ||
(list_type == 1 && RFIFOB(fd,i+4) > 0) ||
(list_type == 2 && strstr(lower_userid, parameters) != NULL) ||
(list_type == 3 && RFIFOL(fd,i+34) != 0) ||
(list_type == 4 && RFIFOL(fd,i+34) == 0)) {
ShowMessage("%10d ", (int)RFIFOL(fd,i));
if (RFIFOB(fd,i+4) == 0)
ShowMessage(" ");
ShowMessage("%2d ", (int)RFIFOB(fd,i+4));
ShowMessage("%-24s", userid);
if (RFIFOB(fd,i+29) == 0)
ShowMessage("%-5s ", "Femal");
else if (RFIFOB(fd,i+29) == 1)
ShowMessage("%-5s ", "Male");
ShowMessage("%-5s ", "Servr");
ShowMessage("%6d ", (int)RFIFOL(fd,i+30));
switch(RFIFOL(fd,i+34)) {
case 0:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "Account OK");
case 1:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "Unregistered ID");
case 2:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "Incorrect Password");
case 3:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "This ID is expired");
case 4:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "Rejected from Server");
case 5:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "Blocked by the GM Team"); // You have been blocked by the GM Team
case 6:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "Your EXE file is too old"); // Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
case 7:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "Banishement or");
ShowMessage(" Prohibited to login until...\n"); // You are Prohibited to log in until %s
case 8:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "Server is over populated");
case 9:
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "No MSG");
default: // 100
ShowMessage("%-27s\n", "This ID is totally erased"); // This ID has been totally erased
// asking of the following acounts
ladmin_log("Request to login-server to obtain the list of accounts from %d to %d (complement).\n", list_first, list_last);
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7920;
WFIFOL(login_fd,2) = list_first;
WFIFOL(login_fd,6) = list_last;
bytes_to_read = 1;
case 0x7931: // Answer of login-server about an account creation
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id != -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] creation failed. Return code %d.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("Account [%s] creation failed. Return code %d.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
} else {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] is successfully created.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account [%s] is successfully created.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7933: // Answer of login-server about an account deletion
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
if (RFIFOL(fd,2) == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] deletion failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account [%s] deletion failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
ShowMessage("Account [%s][id: %d] is successfully DELETED.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), (int)RFIFOL(fd,2));
ladmin_log("Account [%s][id: %d] is successfully DELETED.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), RFIFOL(fd,2));
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7935: // answer of the change of an account password
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
if (RFIFOL(fd,2) == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] password changing failed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ShowMessage("Account [%s] doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account password changing failed. The compte [%s] doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
ShowMessage("Account [%s][id: %d] password successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), (int)RFIFOL(fd,2));
ladmin_log("Account [%s][id: %d] password successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), (int)RFIFOL(fd,2));
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7937: // answer of the change of an account state
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 34)
return 0;
if (RFIFOL(fd,2) == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] state changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account [%s] state changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
char tmpstr[256];
snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof tmpstr, "Account [%s] state successfully changed in [", RFIFOP(fd,6));
switch(RFIFOL(fd,30)) {
case 0:
strcat(tmpstr, "0: Account OK");
case 1:
strcat(tmpstr, "1: Unregistered ID");
case 2:
strcat(tmpstr, "2: Incorrect Password");
case 3:
strcat(tmpstr, "3: This ID is expired");
case 4:
strcat(tmpstr, "4: Rejected from Server");
case 5:
strcat(tmpstr, "5: You have been blocked by the GM Team");
case 6:
strcat(tmpstr, "6: [Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version");
case 7:
strcat(tmpstr, "7: You are Prohibited to log in until...");
case 8:
strcat(tmpstr, "8: Server is jammed due to over populated");
case 9:
strcat(tmpstr, "9: No MSG");
default: // 100
strcat(tmpstr, "100: This ID is totally erased");
strcat(tmpstr, "]");
ShowMessage("%s\n", tmpstr);
ladmin_log("%s\n", tmpstr);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7939: // answer of the number of online players
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4 || RFIFOREST(fd) < RFIFOW(fd,2))
return 0;
// Get length of the received packet
int i;
char name[20];
ladmin_log(" Receiving of the number of online players.\n");
// Read information of the servers
if (RFIFOW(fd,2) < 5) {
ShowMessage(" No server is connected to the login-server.\n");
} else {
ShowMessage(" Number of online players (server: number).\n");
// Displaying of result
for(i = 4; i < RFIFOW(fd,2); i += 32) {
memcpy(name, RFIFOP(fd,i+6), sizeof(name));
name[sizeof(name) - 1] = '\0';
ShowMessage(" %-20s : %5d\n", name, RFIFOW(fd,i+26));
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x793b: // answer of the check of a password
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("The account [%s] doesn't exist or the password is incorrect.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("The account [%s] doesn't exist or the password is incorrect.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
ShowMessage("The proposed password is correct for the account [%s][id: %d].\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("The proposed password is correct for the account [%s][id: %d].\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x793d: // answer of the change of an account sex
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] sex changing failed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ShowMessage("Account [%s] doesn't exist or the sex is already the good sex.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account sex changing failed. The compte [%s] doesn't exist or the sex is already the good sex.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
ShowMessage("Account [%s][id: %d] sex successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("Account [%s][id: %d] sex successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x793f: // answer of the change of an account GM level
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] GM level changing failed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ShowMessage("Account [%s] doesn't exist, the GM level is already the good GM level\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ShowMessage("or it's impossible to modify the GM accounts file.\n");
ladmin_log("Account GM level changing failed. The compte [%s] doesn't exist, the GM level is already the good sex or it's impossible to modify the GM accounts file.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
ShowMessage("Account [%s][id: %d] GM level successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("Account [%s][id: %d] GM level successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7941: // answer of the change of an account email
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] e-mail changing failed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ShowMessage("Account [%s] doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account e-mail changing failed. The compte [%s] doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
ShowMessage("Account [%s][id: %d] e-mail successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("Account [%s][id: %d] e-mail successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7943: // answer of the change of an account memo
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] memo changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account [%s] memo changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
ShowMessage("Account [%s][id: %d] memo successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("Account [%s][id: %d] memo successfully changed.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7945: // answer of an account id search
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Unable to find the account [%s] id. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Unable to find the account [%s] id. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
ShowMessage("The account [%s] have the id: %d.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("The account [%s] have the id: %d.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7947: // answer of an account name search
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 30)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (strcmp((const char*)RFIFOP(fd,6), "") == 0) {
ShowMessage("Unable to find the account [%d] name. Account doesn't exist.\n", id);
ladmin_log("Unable to find the account [%d] name. Account doesn't exist.\n", id);
} else {
ShowMessage("The account [id: %d] have the name: %s.\n", id, RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("The account [id: %d] have the name: %s.\n", id, RFIFOP(fd,6));
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7949: // answer of an account validity limit set
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 34)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] validity limit changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account [%s] validity limit changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
time_t timestamp = RFIFOL(fd,30);
if (timestamp == 0) {
ShowMessage("Validity Limit of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to [unlimited].\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("Validity Limit of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to [unlimited].\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
} else {
char tmpstr[128];
strftime(tmpstr, 24, date_format, localtime(×tamp));
ShowMessage("Validity Limit of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to be until %s.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id, tmpstr);
ladmin_log("Validity Limit of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to be until %s.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id, tmpstr);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x794b: // answer of an account ban set
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 34)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] final date of banishment changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account [%s] final date of banishment changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
time_t timestamp = RFIFOL(fd,30);
if (timestamp == 0) {
ShowMessage("Final date of banishment of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to [unbanished].\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("Final date of banishment of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to [unbanished].\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
} else {
char tmpstr[128];
strftime(tmpstr, 24, date_format, localtime(×tamp));
ShowMessage("Final date of banishment of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to be until %s.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id, tmpstr);
ladmin_log("Final date of banishment of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to be until %s.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id, tmpstr);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x794d: // answer of an account ban date/time changing
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 34)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] final date of banishment changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account [%s] final date of banishment changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
time_t timestamp = RFIFOL(fd,30);
if (timestamp == 0) {
ShowMessage("Final date of banishment of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to [unbanished].\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ladmin_log("Final date of banishment of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to [unbanished].\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
} else {
char tmpstr[128];
strftime(tmpstr, 24, date_format, localtime(×tamp));
ShowMessage("Final date of banishment of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to be until %s.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id, tmpstr);
ladmin_log("Final date of banishment of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to be until %s.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id, tmpstr);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x794f: // answer of a broadcast
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4)
return 0;
if (RFIFOW(fd,2) == (unsigned short)-1) {
ShowMessage("Message sending failed. No online char-server.\n");
ladmin_log("Message sending failed. No online char-server.\n");
} else {
ShowMessage("Message successfully sended to login-server.\n");
ladmin_log("Message successfully sended to login-server.\n");
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7951: // answer of an account validity limit changing
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 34)
return 0;
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Account [%s] validity limit changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
ladmin_log("Account [%s] validity limit changing failed. Account doesn't exist.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6));
} else {
time_t timestamp = RFIFOL(fd,30);
if (timestamp == 0) {
ShowMessage("Validity limit of the account [%s][id: %d] unchanged.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
ShowMessage("The account have an unlimited validity limit or\n");
ShowMessage("the changing is impossible with the proposed adjustments.\n");
ladmin_log("Validity limit of the account [%s][id: %d] unchanged. The account have an unlimited validity limit or the changing is impossible with the proposed adjustments.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id);
} else {
char tmpstr[128];
strftime(tmpstr, 24, date_format, localtime(×tamp));
ShowMessage("Validity limit of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to be until %s.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id, tmpstr);
ladmin_log("Validity limit of the account [%s][id: %d] successfully changed to be until %s.\n", RFIFOP(fd,6), id, tmpstr);
bytes_to_read = 0;
case 0x7953: // answer of a request about informations of an account (by account name/id)
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 150 || RFIFOREST(fd) < (size_t)(150 + RFIFOW(fd,148)))
return 0;
char userid[24], error_message[20], lastlogin[24], last_ip[16], email[40], memo[255];
time_t unban_time; // # of seconds 1/1/1970 (timestamp): ban time limit of the account (0 = no ban)
time_t expiration_time; // # of seconds 1/1/1970 (timestamp): Validity limit of the account (0 = unlimited)
safestrncpy(userid, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,7), sizeof(userid));
safestrncpy(error_message, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,40), sizeof(error_message));
safestrncpy(lastlogin, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,60), sizeof(lastlogin));
safestrncpy(last_ip, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,84), sizeof(last_ip));
safestrncpy(email, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,100), sizeof(email));
expiration_time = (time_t)RFIFOL(fd,140);
unban_time = (time_t)RFIFOL(fd,144);
memset(memo, '\0', sizeof(memo));
safestrncpy(memo, (const char*)RFIFOP(fd,150), RFIFOW(fd,148));
id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
if (id == -1) {
ShowMessage("Unabled to find the account [%s]. Account doesn't exist.\n", parameters);
ladmin_log("Unabled to find the account [%s]. Account doesn't exist.\n", parameters);
} else if (strlen(userid) == 0) {
ShowMessage("Unabled to find the account [id: %s]. Account doesn't exist.\n", parameters);
ladmin_log("Unabled to find the account [id: %s]. Account doesn't exist.\n", parameters);
} else {
ladmin_log("Receiving information about an account.\n");
ShowMessage("The account is set with:\n");
if (RFIFOB(fd,6) == 0) {
ShowMessage(" Id: %d (non-GM)\n", id);
} else {
ShowMessage(" Id: %d (GM level %d)\n", id, (int)RFIFOB(fd,6));
ShowMessage(" Name: '%s'\n", userid);
if (RFIFOB(fd,31) == 0)
ShowMessage(" Sex: Female\n");
else if (RFIFOB(fd,31) == 1)
ShowMessage(" Sex: Male\n");
ShowMessage(" Sex: Server\n");
ShowMessage(" E-mail: %s\n", email);
switch(RFIFOL(fd,36)) {
case 0: ShowMessage(" State: 0 [Account OK]\n"); break;
case 1: ShowMessage(" State: 1 [Unregistered ID]\n"); break;
case 2: ShowMessage(" State: 2 [Incorrect Password]\n"); break;
case 3: ShowMessage(" State: 3 [This ID is expired]\n"); break;
case 4: ShowMessage(" State: 4 [Rejected from Server]\n"); break;
case 5: ShowMessage(" State: 5 [You have been blocked by the GM Team]\n"); break;
case 6: ShowMessage(" State: 6 [Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version]\n"); break;
case 7: ShowMessage(" State: 7 [You are Prohibited to log in until %s]\n", error_message); break;
case 8: ShowMessage(" State: 8 [Server is jammed due to over populated]\n"); break;
case 9: ShowMessage(" State: 9 [No MSG]\n"); break;
default: // 100
ShowMessage(" State: %d [This ID is totally erased]\n", (int)RFIFOL(fd,36));
if (unban_time == 0) {
ShowMessage(" Banishment: not banished.\n");
} else {
char tmpstr[128];
strftime(tmpstr, 24, date_format, localtime(&unban_time));
ShowMessage(" Banishment: until %s.\n", tmpstr);
if (RFIFOL(fd,32) > 1)
ShowMessage(" Count: %d connections.\n", (int)RFIFOL(fd,32));
ShowMessage(" Count: %d connection.\n", (int)RFIFOL(fd,32));
ShowMessage(" Last connection at: %s (ip: %s)\n", lastlogin, last_ip);
if (expiration_time == 0) {
ShowMessage(" Validity limit: unlimited.\n");
} else {
char tmpstr[128];
strftime(tmpstr, 24, date_format, localtime(&expiration_time));
ShowMessage(" Validity limit: until %s.\n", tmpstr);
ShowMessage(" Memo: '%s'\n", memo);
bytes_to_read = 0;
RFIFOSKIP(fd,150 + RFIFOW(fd,148));
ShowMessage("Remote administration has been disconnected (unknown packet).\n");
ladmin_log("'End of connection, unknown packet.\n");
return 0;
// if we don't wait new packets, do the prompt
return 0;
// Function to connect to login-server
int Connect_login_server(void)
ShowMessage("Attempt to connect to login-server...\n");
ladmin_log("Attempt to connect to login-server...\n");
login_fd = make_connection(login_ip, loginserverport);
if (login_fd == -1)
{ //Might not be the most elegant way to handle this, but I've never used ladmin so I dunno what else you could do. [Skotlex]
ShowMessage("Error: Failed to connect to Login Server\n");
session[login_fd]->flag.server = 1;
if (passenc == 0) {
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x7918; // Request for administation login
WFIFOW(login_fd,2) = 0; // no encrypted
memcpy(WFIFOP(login_fd,4), loginserveradminpassword, 24);
bytes_to_read = 1;
ShowMessage("Sending of the password...\n");
ladmin_log("Sending of the password...\n");
} else {
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x791a; // Sending request about the coding key
bytes_to_read = 1;
ShowMessage("Request about the MD5 key...\n");
ladmin_log("Request about the MD5 key...\n");
return 0;
// sends a ping packet to login server (will receive pong 0x2718)
int ping_login_server(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr data)
if (login_fd > 0 && session[login_fd] != NULL)
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x2719;
return 0;
// Reading general configuration file
int ladmin_config_read(const char *cfgName)
char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024];
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(cfgName, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
ShowMessage("\033[0mConfiguration file (%s) not found.\n", cfgName);
return 1;
ShowMessage("\033[0m---Start reading of Ladmin configuration file (%s)\n", cfgName);
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')
if (sscanf(line, "%[^:]: %[^\r\n]", w1, w2) == 2) {
if(strcmpi(w1,"login_ip")==0) {
uint32 ipl = host2ip(w2);
if (ipl != 0) {
ip2str(ipl, loginserverip);
ShowMessage("Login server IP address: %s -> %s\n", w2, loginserverip);
} else
memcpy(loginserverip, w2, 16);
} else if (strcmpi(w1, "login_port") == 0) {
loginserverport = atoi(w2);
} else if (strcmpi(w1, "admin_pass") == 0) {
strncpy(loginserveradminpassword, w2, sizeof(loginserveradminpassword));
loginserveradminpassword[sizeof(loginserveradminpassword)-1] = '\0';
} else if (strcmpi(w1, "passenc") == 0) {
passenc = atoi(w2);
if (passenc < 0 || passenc > 2)
passenc = 0;
} else if (strcmpi(w1, "ladmin_log_filename") == 0) {
strncpy(ladmin_log_filename, w2, sizeof(ladmin_log_filename));
ladmin_log_filename[sizeof(ladmin_log_filename)-1] = '\0';
} else if (strcmpi(w1, "date_format") == 0) {
strncpy(date_format, w2, sizeof(date_format));
} else if(strcmpi(w1,"stdout_with_ansisequence") == 0) {
stdout_with_ansisequence = config_switch(w2);
} else if (strcmpi(w1, "import") == 0) {
login_ip = str2ip(loginserverip);
ShowMessage("---End reading of Ladmin configuration file.\n");
return 0;
// Function called when the server
// has received a crash signal.
void do_abort(void)
// Function called at exit of the server
void do_final(void)
if (already_exit_function == 0) {
ShowMessage("\033[0m----End of Ladmin (normal end with closing of all files).\n");
ladmin_log("----End of Ladmin (normal end with closing of all files).\n");
already_exit_function = 1;
// Main function of ladmin
int do_init(int argc, char **argv)
int next;
// read ladmin configuration
ladmin_config_read((argc > 1) ? argv[1] : LADMIN_CONF_NAME);
ladmin_log("Configuration file readed.\n");
ShowMessage("EAthena login-server administration tool.\n");
ShowMessage("(for eAthena version %d.%d.%d.)\n", ATHENA_MAJOR_VERSION, ATHENA_MINOR_VERSION, ATHENA_REVISION);
ladmin_log("Ladmin is ready.\n");
ShowMessage("Ladmin is \033[1;32mready\033[0m.\n\n");
// keep the char-login connection alive
add_timer_func_list(ping_login_server, "ping_login_server");
add_timer_interval(gettick() + 1000, ping_login_server, 0, 0, ((int)stall_time-2) * 1000);
// minimalist core doesn't have sockets parsing,
// so we have to do this ourselves
while (runflag) {
next = do_timer(gettick_nocache());
return 0;