// Copyright (c) rAthena Project (www.rathena.org) - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
typedef struct rAthread rAthread;
typedef void* (*rAthreadProc)(void*);
typedef enum RATHREAD_PRIO {
* Creates a new Thread
* @param entyPoint - entryProc,
* @param param - general purpose parameter, would be given as parameter to the thread's entry point.
* @return not NULL if success
rAthread *rathread_create(rAthreadProc entryPoint, void *param);
* Creates a new Thread (with more creation options)
* @param entyPoint - entryProc,
* @param param - general purpose parameter, would be given as parameter to the thread's entry point
* @param szStack - stack Size in bytes
* @param prio - Priority of the Thread @ OS Scheduler..
* @return not NULL if success
rAthread *rathread_createEx(rAthreadProc entryPoint, void *param, size_t szStack, RATHREAD_PRIO prio);
* Destroys the given Thread immediately
* @note The Handle gets invalid after call! don't use it afterwards.
* @param handle - thread to destroy.
void rathread_destroy(rAthread *handle);
* Returns the thread handle of the thread calling this function
* @note this wont work @ programs main thread
* @note the underlying implementation might not perform very well, cache the value received!
* @return not NULL if success
rAthread *rathread_self();
* Returns own thread id (TID)
* @note this is an unique identifier for the calling thread, and
* depends on platform/ compiler, and may not be the systems Thread ID!
* @return -1 when fails, otherwise >= 0
int rathread_get_tid();
* Waits for the given thread to terminate
* @param handle - thread to wait (join) for
* @param out_Exitcode - [OPTIONAL] - if given => Exitcode (value) of the given thread - if it's terminated
* @return true - if the given thread has been terminated.
bool rathread_wait(rAthread *handle, void **out_exitCode);
* Sets the given PRIORITY @ OS Task Scheduler
* @param handle - thread to set prio for
* @param rio - the priority (RAT_PRIO_LOW ... )
void rathread_prio_set(rAthread *handle, RATHREAD_PRIO prio);
* Gets the current Prio of the given thread
* @param handle - the thread to get the prio for.
RATHREAD_PRIO rathread_prio_get(rAthread *handle);
* Tells the OS scheduler to yield the execution of the calling thread
* @note: this will not "pause" the thread,
* it just allows the OS to spent the remaining time
* of the slice to another thread.
void rathread_yield();
void rathread_init();
void rathread_final();
#endif /* COMMON_THREAD_H */