* This file is part of Hercules.
* http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
* Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
* Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams
* Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef COMMON_SQL_H
#define COMMON_SQL_H
#include "common/hercules.h"
#include <stdarg.h>// va_list
// Return codes
#define SQL_ERROR (-1)
#define SQL_SUCCESS 0
#define SQL_NO_DATA 100
// macro definition to determine whether the mySQL engine is running on InnoDB (rather than MyISAM)
// uncomment this line if the your mySQL tables have been changed to run on InnoDB
// this macro will adjust how logs are recorded in the database to accommodate the change
//#define SQL_INNODB
/// Data type identifier.
/// String, enum and blob data types need the buffer length specified.
enum SqlDataType {
// fixed size
// platform dependent size
// floating point
// other
// Note: An ENUM is a string with restricted values. When an invalid value
// is inserted, it is saved as an empty string (numerical value 0).
struct Sql; ///< Sql handle (private access)
struct SqlStmt; ///< Sql statement (private access)
struct sql_interface {
/// Establishes a connection.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*Connect) (struct Sql *self, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *host, uint16 port, const char *db);
/// Retrieves the timeout of the connection.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*GetTimeout) (struct Sql *self, uint32 *out_timeout);
/// Retrieves the name of the columns of a table into out_buf, with the separator after each name.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*GetColumnNames) (struct Sql *self, const char *table, char *out_buf, size_t buf_len, char sep);
/// Changes the encoding of the connection.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*SetEncoding) (struct Sql *self, const char *encoding);
/// Pings the connection.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*Ping) (struct Sql *self);
/// Escapes a string.
/// The output buffer must be at least strlen(from)*2+1 in size.
/// @return The size of the escaped string
size_t (*EscapeString) (struct Sql *self, char *out_to, const char *from);
/// Escapes a string.
/// The output buffer must be at least from_len*2+1 in size.
/// @return The size of the escaped string
size_t (*EscapeStringLen) (struct Sql *self, char *out_to, const char *from, size_t from_len);
/// Executes a query.
/// Any previous result is freed.
/// The query is constructed as if it was sprintf.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*Query) (struct Sql *self, const char *query, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
/// Executes a query.
/// Any previous result is freed.
/// The query is constructed as if it was svprintf.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*QueryV) (struct Sql *self, const char *query, va_list args);
/// Executes a query.
/// Any previous result is freed.
/// The query is used directly.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*QueryStr) (struct Sql *self, const char *query);
/// Returns the number of the AUTO_INCREMENT column of the last INSERT/UPDATE query.
/// @return Value of the auto-increment column
uint64 (*LastInsertId) (struct Sql *self);
/// Returns the number of columns in each row of the result.
/// @return Number of columns
uint32 (*NumColumns) (struct Sql *self);
/// Returns the number of rows in the result.
/// @return Number of rows
uint64 (*NumRows) (struct Sql *self);
/// Fetches the next row.
/// The data of the previous row is no longer valid.
int (*NextRow) (struct Sql *self);
/// Gets the data of a column.
/// The data remains valid until the next row is fetched or the result is freed.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*GetData) (struct Sql *self, size_t col, char **out_buf, size_t *out_len);
/// Frees the result of the query.
void (*FreeResult) (struct Sql *self);
/// Shows debug information (last query).
void (*ShowDebug_) (struct Sql *self, const char *debug_file, const unsigned long debug_line);
/// Frees a Sql handle returned by Sql_Malloc.
void (*Free) (struct Sql *self);
/// Allocates and initializes a new Sql handle.
struct Sql *(*Malloc) (void);
// Prepared Statements
// Parameters are placed in the statement by embedding question mark ('?')
// characters into the query at the appropriate positions.
// The markers are legal only in places where they represent data.
// The markers cannot be inside quotes. Quotes will be added automatically
// when they are required.
// example queries with parameters:
// 1) SELECT col FROM table WHERE id=?
// 2) INSERT INTO table(col1,col2) VALUES(?,?)
SQL Statement interface [Susu]
/// Allocates and initializes a new SqlStmt handle.
/// It uses the connection of the parent Sql handle.
/// Queries in Sql and SqlStmt are independent and don't affect each other.
/// @return SqlStmt handle or NULL if an error occurred
struct SqlStmt* (*StmtMalloc)(struct Sql *sql);
/// Prepares the statement.
/// Any previous result is freed and all parameter bindings are removed.
/// The query is constructed as if it was sprintf.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*StmtPrepare) (struct SqlStmt *self, const char *query, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
/// Prepares the statement.
/// Any previous result is freed and all parameter bindings are removed.
/// The query is constructed as if it was svprintf.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*StmtPrepareV)(struct SqlStmt *self, const char *query, va_list args);
/// Prepares the statement.
/// Any previous result is freed and all parameter bindings are removed.
/// The query is used directly.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*StmtPrepareStr)(struct SqlStmt *self, const char *query);
/// Returns the number of parameters in the prepared statement.
/// @return Number or parameters
size_t (*StmtNumParams)(struct SqlStmt *self);
/// Binds a parameter to a buffer.
/// The buffer data will be used when the statement is executed.
/// All parameters should have bindings.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*StmtBindParam)(struct SqlStmt *self, size_t idx, enum SqlDataType buffer_type, void *buffer, size_t buffer_len);
/// Executes the prepared statement.
/// Any previous result is freed and all column bindings are removed.
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*StmtExecute)(struct SqlStmt *self);
/// Returns the number of the AUTO_INCREMENT column of the last INSERT/UPDATE statement.
/// @return Value of the auto-increment column
uint64 (*StmtLastInsertId)(struct SqlStmt *self);
/// Returns the number of columns in each row of the result.
/// @return Number of columns
size_t (*StmtNumColumns)(struct SqlStmt *self);
/// Binds the result of a column to a buffer.
/// The buffer will be filled with data when the next row is fetched.
/// For string/enum buffer types there has to be enough space for the data
/// and the null-terminator (an extra byte).
/// @return SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR
int (*StmtBindColumn)(struct SqlStmt *self, size_t idx, enum SqlDataType buffer_type, void *buffer, size_t buffer_len, uint32 *out_length, int8 *out_is_null);
/// Returns the number of rows in the result.
/// @return Number of rows
uint64 (*StmtNumRows)(struct SqlStmt *self);
/// Fetches the next row.
/// All column bindings will be filled with data.
int (*StmtNextRow)(struct SqlStmt *self);
/// Frees the result of the statement execution.
void (*StmtFreeResult)(struct SqlStmt *self);
/// Frees a SqlStmt returned by SqlStmt_Malloc.
void (*StmtFree)(struct SqlStmt *self);
void (*StmtShowDebug_)(struct SqlStmt *self, const char *debug_file, const unsigned long debug_line);
void sql_defaults(void);
void Sql_Init(void);
void Sql_HerculesUpdateCheck(struct Sql *self);
void Sql_HerculesUpdateSkip(struct Sql *self, const char *filename);
HPShared struct sql_interface *SQL;
#define Sql_ShowDebug(self) (void)(self)
#define Sql_ShowDebug(self) (SQL->ShowDebug_((self), __FILE__, __LINE__))
#define SqlStmt_ShowDebug(self) (void)(self)
/// Shows debug information (with statement).
#define SqlStmt_ShowDebug(self) (SQL->StmtShowDebug_((self), __FILE__, __LINE__))
#endif /* COMMON_SQL_H */