// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
#include "../common/mmo.h"
#include "../common/random.h"
#include "../common/showmsg.h"
#include "../common/socket.h"
#include "../common/strlib.h"
#include "char.h"
#include "pincode.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int enabled = PINCODE_OK;
int changetime = 0;
int maxtry = 3;
int charselect = 0;
unsigned int multiplier = 0x3498, baseSeed = 0x881234;
void pincode_handle ( int fd, struct char_session_data* sd ) {
struct online_char_data* character;
character = (struct online_char_data*)idb_get(online_char_db, sd->account_id);
if( character && character->pincode_enable > *pincode->charselect ){
character->pincode_enable = *pincode->charselect * 2;
pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_OK );
if( strlen(sd->pincode) ){
if( *pincode->changetime && time(NULL) > (sd->pincode_change+*pincode->changetime) ){ // User hasnt changed his PIN code for a long time
pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_EXPIRED );
} else { // Ask user for his PIN code
pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_ASK );
} else // No PIN code has been set yet
pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_NOTSET );
void pincode_check(int fd, struct char_session_data* sd) {
char pin[5] = "\0\0\0\0";
strncpy(pin, (char*)RFIFOP(fd, 6), 4+1);
pincode->decrypt(sd->pincode_seed, pin);
if( pincode->compare( fd, sd, pin ) ){
pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_OK );
int pincode_compare(int fd, struct char_session_data* sd, char* pin) {
if( strcmp( sd->pincode, pin ) == 0 ){
sd->pincode_try = 0;
return 1;
} else {
pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_WRONG );
if( *pincode->maxtry && ++sd->pincode_try >= *pincode->maxtry ){
pincode->error( sd->account_id );
return 0;
void pincode_change(int fd, struct char_session_data* sd) {
char oldpin[5] = "\0\0\0\0", newpin[5] = "\0\0\0\0";
strncpy(oldpin, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,6), 4+1);
if( !pincode->compare( fd, sd, oldpin ) )
strncpy(newpin, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,10), 3+1);
pincode->update( sd->account_id, newpin );
pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_OK );
void pincode_setnew(int fd, struct char_session_data* sd) {
char newpin[5] = "\0\0\0\0";
strncpy(newpin, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,6), 4+1);
pincode->update( sd->account_id, newpin );
pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_OK );
// 0 = pin is correct
// 1 = ask for pin - client sends 0x8b8
// 2 = create new pin - client sends 0x8ba
// 3 = pin must be changed - client 0x8be
// 4 = create new pin ?? - client sends 0x8ba
// 5 = client shows msgstr(1896)
// 6 = client shows msgstr(1897) Unable to use your KSSN number
// 7 = char select window shows a button - client sends 0x8c5
// 8 = pincode was incorrect
void pincode_sendstate(int fd, struct char_session_data* sd, uint16 state) {
WFIFOHEAD(fd, 12);
WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x8b9;
WFIFOL(fd, 2) = sd->pincode_seed = rand() % 0xFFFF;
WFIFOL(fd, 6) = sd->account_id;
WFIFOW(fd,10) = state;
void pincode_notifyLoginPinUpdate(int account_id, char* pin) {
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x2738;
WFIFOL(login_fd,2) = account_id;
strncpy( (char*)WFIFOP(login_fd,6), pin, 5 );
void pincode_notifyLoginPinError(int account_id) {
WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x2739;
WFIFOL(login_fd,2) = account_id;
void pincode_decrypt(unsigned int userSeed, char* pin) {
int i, pos;
char tab[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
userSeed = *pincode->baseSeed + userSeed * *pincode->multiplier;
pos = userSeed % (i + 1);
if( i != pos ){
tab[i] ^= tab[pos];
tab[pos] ^= tab[i];
tab[i] ^= tab[pos];
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
pin[i] = tab[pin[i] - '0'];
sprintf(pin, "%d%d%d%d", pin[0], pin[1], pin[2], pin[3]);
bool pincode_config_read(char *w1, char *w2) {
while ( true ) {
if ( strcmpi(w1, "pincode_enabled") == 0 ) {
enabled = atoi(w2);
#if PACKETVER < 20110309
if( enabled ) {
ShowWarning("pincode_enabled requires PACKETVER 20110309 or higher. disabling...\n");
enabled = 0;
} else if ( strcmpi(w1, "pincode_changetime") == 0 ) {
changetime = atoi(w2)*60;
} else if ( strcmpi(w1, "pincode_maxtry") == 0 ) {
maxtry = atoi(w2);
if( maxtry > 3 ) {
ShowWarning("pincode_maxtry is too high (%d); maximum allowed: 3! capping to 3...\n",maxtry);
maxtry = 3;
} else if ( strcmpi(w1, "pincode_charselect") == 0 ) {
charselect = atoi(w2);
} else
return false;
return true;
void pincode_defaults(void) {
pincode = &pincode_s;
pincode->enabled = &enabled;
pincode->changetime = &changetime;
pincode->maxtry = &maxtry;
pincode->charselect = &charselect;
pincode->multiplier = &multiplier;
pincode->baseSeed = &baseSeed;
pincode->handle = pincode_handle;
pincode->decrypt = pincode_decrypt;
pincode->error = pincode_notifyLoginPinError;
pincode->update = pincode_notifyLoginPinUpdate;
pincode->sendstate = pincode_sendstate;
pincode->setnew = pincode_setnew;
pincode->change = pincode_change;
pincode->compare = pincode_compare;
pincode->check = pincode_check;
pincode->config_read = pincode_config_read;