path: root/save/account.txt
blob: 96b272d3aca203decf7f821a3de7bcea50829abd (plain) (tree)

// Accounts file: here are saved all information about the accounts.
// Structure: ID, account name, password, last login time, sex, # of logins, state, email, error message for state 7, validity time, last (accepted) login ip, memo field, ban timestamp, repeated(register text, register value)
// Some explanations:
//   account name    : between 4 to 23 char for a normal account (standard client can't send less than 4 char).
//   account password: between 4 to 23 char
//   sex             : M or F for normal accounts, S for server accounts
//   state           : 0: account is ok, 1 to 256: error code of packet 0x006a + 1
//   email           : between 3 to 39 char ( is like no email)
//   error message   : text for the state 7: 'Your are Prohibited to login until <text>'. Max 19 char
//   valitidy time   : 0: unlimited account, <other value>: date calculated by addition of 1/1/1970 + value (number of seconds since the 1/1/1970)
//   memo field      : max 254 char
//   ban time        : 0: no ban, <other value>: banned until the date: date calculated by addition of 1/1/1970 + value (number of seconds since the 1/1/1970)
0	s1	p1	2004-10-25 01:12:04.147	S	2	0	-	0	-	0	
1	s2	p2	-	S	0	0	-	0	-	-	0	
2	s3	p3	-	S	0	0	-	0	-	-	0	
3	s4	p4	-	S	0	0	-	0	-	-	0	
4	s5	p5	-	S	0	0	-	0	-	-	0	
2000001	Test	Test	-	M	0	0	-	0	-	-	0	
2000002	%newid%