path: root/npc/quests/quests_niflheim.txt
blob: 89ce0ac2d5b4414b4842abc2218b73a62e44aac2 (plain) (tree)

















































//================= Hercules Script =======================================
//=       _   _                     _
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//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= -
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  rAthena Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Euphy
//= Copyright (C)  eAthena Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  L0ne_W0lf
//= Copyright (C)  Lupus
//= Copyright (C)  Evera
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
//= Quest NPCs related to Niflheim
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Piano Key Ouest
//= - Escape from Niflheim
//= - Variables in use: nif_esc, MISC_QUEST (Bit 32)
//= Message Delivery Quest
//= - Deliver a message to Erious' departed wife.
//= - Variables in use: nif_revive, MISC_QUEST (Bit 16384)
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.6

//== Piano Quest :: nif_ryu ================================
niflheim,224,243,3	script	Alreg#nif	4_M_NFDEADMAN,{
	if (nif_piano) nif_piano = 0;
	mes "[Alreg]";
	mes "Me like meat, muheh.";
	mes "You! Look tempting.";
	mes "[Alreg]";
	mes "Me want to taste you.";
	mes "^FF3355*Crunch* Crunch*^000000";
	if (nif_esc == 0 && (MISC_QUEST & 32) == 0) {
		percentheal -60,0;
		mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
		mes "NooOOoOOoOoO~!";
		mes "[Alreg]";
		mes "It long time since I had meat";
		mes "so... so good. You taste";
		mes "good. Alreg give you this";
		mes "for payback. Present!";
		mes "*Burrrp*";
		nif_esc = rand(1,2);
		getitem Piano_Keyboard,1;
	percentheal -30,0;
	mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
	mes "Ow~! What are you";
	mes "trying to do, kill me?!";
	mes "[Alreg]";
	mes "Hm? Oh, no no no.";
	mes "Me am trying to eat you.";

nif_in,105,81,3	script	Crayu#nif	4_M_NFDEADMAN2,{
	mes "[Crayu]";
	mes "Living one...";
	mes "Listen to this song...";
	mes "It's been sung by many for a";
	mes "long time, but nobody knows";
	mes "when it was made or who wrote it.";
	mes "[Crayu]";
	mes "^FF00001. Mountain sunset to the west";
	mes "^FF00002. Where the purple dusk falls ";
	mes "^FF00003. Surrounded by beautiful melody";
	mes "^FF00004. You become the key that ignores its master^000000";
	if (nif_esc == 1 || nif_esc == 4) {
		mes "[Crayu]";
		mes "Okay, wait! Here's a test for you!";
		switch(rand(1,4)) {
		case 1:
			.@songline$ = "Mountain sunset to the west";
			mes "Write down the first line of the song.";
		case 2:
			.@songline$ = "Where the purple dusk falls";
			mes "Write down the second line of the song.";
		case 3:
			.@songline$ = "Surrounded by beautiful melody";
			mes "Write down the third line of the song.";
		case 4:
			.@songline$ = "You become the key that ignores its master";
			mes "Write down the fourth line of the song.";
		input .@input$;
		if (.@input$ == .@songline$) {
			mes "[Crayu]";
			mes "Excellent...!";
			mes "So you've been listening~!";
			mes "That makes you one of my";
			mes "favorite guests. Here's a";
			mes "little reward for you.";
			if (nif_esc == 1) nif_esc = 3;
			else nif_esc = 6;
			getitem Piano_Keyboard,1;
			mes "[Crayu]";
			mes "Lastly, I hope you will show your";
			mes "respect to other Bards, just as";
			mes "you have done for me.";
		else {
			mes "[Crayu]";
			mes "*Sigh*... If you had only";
			mes "listened to me, it would";
			mes "have been easy to answer.";
			mes "Try to remember the line";
			mes "and try again!";
	mes "[Crayu]";
	mes "I wonder what the lyrics mean...";
	mes "They seem quite profound...";
	mes "I have the feeling that this song";
	mes "carries some secret.";

nif_in,31,20,3	script	Kuzkahina#nif	4_M_NFDEADMAN2,{
	if (nif_esc == 2 || nif_esc == 3) {
		mes "[Kuzkahina]";
		mes "I don't understand";
		mes "why I can't make any";
		mes "money with this store...";
		mes "Even when I was alive";
		mes "I could never make any";
		mes "money with my businesses...";
		mes "[Kuzkahina]";
		mes "Hey you! Make yourself useful";
		mes "and throw this away when you leave.";
		nif_esc += 2;
		getitem Piano_Keyboard,1;
		mes "[Kuzkahina]";
		mes "Gosh, what's with this store?";
		mes "How did I end up hiring such useless employees...?";
		mes "*mumble mumble*";
		mes "*mumble mumble*";
	mes "[Kuzkahina]";
	mes "I don't understand";
	mes "why I can't make any";
	mes "money with this store...";
	mes "Even when I was alive";
	mes "I could never make any";
	mes "money with my businesses...";

niflheim,208,103,1	script	#Graveyard1	HIDDEN_NPC,1,1,{

	if (nif_esc == 5 || nif_esc == 7 || nif_esc == 8 || nif_esc == 10) {
		mes "^3355FFYou found something";
		mes "half-buried near a grave.";
		mes "It looks very well-shaped.^000000";
		mes "^3355FFWould you like to pick it up?^000000";
		if (select("Yes:No") == 1) {
			if (nif_esc < 10)
				nif_esc += 2;
			else if (nif_esc == 10)
				nif_esc = 11;
			getitem Piano_Keyboard,1;

niflheim,169,71,1	script	#Graveyard2	HIDDEN_NPC,1,1,{

	if (nif_esc == 6 || nif_esc == 9) {
		mes "^3355FFYou found something";
		mes "half-buried near a grave.";
		mes "It looks very well-shaped.^000000";
		mes "^3355FFWould you like to pick it up?^000000";
		if (select("Yes:No") == 1) {
			nif_esc += 2;
			getitem Piano_Keyboard,1;

nif_in,115,181,0	script	#Piano	HIDDEN_NPC,1,1,{

	if (nif_esc == 0 && (MISC_QUEST & 32) == 0) {
		mes "^3355FFYou see a big, heavy piano.";
		mes "You get the feeling that";
		mes "its music would sound magnificient.^000000";
		mes "^3355FFAs you examine the piano,";
		mes "you find that 7 keys";
		mes "are missing in the";
		mes "middle of the keyboard.";
		mes "If you had all the keys,";
		mes "you could play music...^000000";
	if (nif_esc == 11 && countitem(Piano_Keyboard) > 5) {
		nif_esc = 12;
		delitem Piano_Keyboard,6;
		mes "^3355FFYou took the keys you've found";
		mes "and inserted them into";
		mes "each empty space.^000000";
		mes "^3355FFBut then you realize";
		mes "that you're missing the last";
		mes "key for the space on the far";
		mes "left of the keyboard...^000000";

nif_in,114,181,0	script	#Piano3	HIDDEN_NPC,1,1,{

	if (nif_esc == 12 || nif_esc == 13 || MISC_QUEST & 32) {
		mes "^3355FFAs you bend towards";
		mes "the final empty key space";
		mes "to take a better look at it...^000000";
		soundeffect "complete.wav",0;
		if (nif_esc == 12) {
			MISC_QUEST |= 32;
			nif_piano = 0;
		mes "^3355FFYou begin to feel dizzy and";
		mes "your body feels as if it were";
		mes "floating in air. Then, your";
		mes "vision starts to blur...^000000";
		warp "nif_in",179,163;

nif_in,188,168,3	script	Witch#nif	4_F_NFDEADMGCIAN,{
	mes "[Kirkena]";
	mes "Huh? ...You're alive, aren't you?";
	mes "I'm not sure how more of you are";
	mes "able to get here and I don't";
	mes "know your reasons for coming,";
	mes "but this place is dangerous for";
	mes "the living.";
	mes "[Kirkena]";
	mes "I am sending you back";
	mes "outside of this town.";
	mes "If you can help it, you";
	mes "better not come back to";
	mes "this place.";
	warp "umbala",138,208;

//== Message Delivery Quest :: nif_npc_lackee ==============
prt_in,161,20,3	script	Erious#nif	4_F_03,{
	if (MISC_QUEST & 16384) {
		mes "[Erious]";
		mes "I wish you safety from harm";
		mes "in your journeys, adventurer.";
	if (nif_revive == 0) {
		mes "[Erious]";
		mes "*Sob*Sob*";
		mes "*Cries* Wahhh...!";
		mes "Elly, how could you";
		mes "leave me this way...";
		emotion e_sob;
		if (select("Comfort him.:Neglect him.") == 1) {
			mes "[Erious]";
			mes "Ah, thank you for your kindness.";
			mes "*Sob* My wife died while I was on";
			mes "a trip. I'm so sorry that I";
			mes "couldn't be with her when";
			mes "the end came...";
			mes "[Erious]";
			mes "I wish I could talk to my Elly,";
			mes "although I know it's too late now.";
			mes "*Cries* But... there is one last";
			mes "hope that I have. My absolute";
			mes "final chance...";
			mes "[Erious]";
			mes "I was told that somewhere";
			mes "in this world, there exists a town";
			mes "where the dead reside. I might be";
			mes "able to meet my wife there, but";
			mes "I cannot leave my children here";
			mes "without me. *Cries*";
			if (select("I can deliver your message to her.:I am so sorry to hear that.") == 1) {
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "Oh, can you?";
				mes "Thank you so much for your";
				mes "generosity. If you can do";
				mes "this for me, I would be";
				mes "greatly indebted to you.";
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "You're an adventurer, aren't you?";
				mes "If your journeys take you to that";
				mes "town of the dead, and if you";
				mes "happen to meet her by chance...";
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "Please send Elly a message for me,";
				mes "let her know that what happened";
				mes "a month ago was all my fault.";
				mes "Thank you for your help,";
				mes "and please take care.";
				nif_revive = 1;
				setquest 11038;
			mes "[Erious]";
			mes "*Cries* Is there no way that I";
			mes "can see her again? If I could";
			mes "talk to her at least once more,";
			mes "even if it's the last time,";
			mes "I would do anything...";
		mes "[Erious]";
		mes "*Cries* Eeeeelllllyyyy~~~~!";
		mes "I never thought that would be";
		mes "the last time we would see";
		mes "each other...";
		mes "*Sob*...";
	else if (nif_revive == 1) {
		mes "[Erious]";
		mes "This place I was told about...";
		mes "The town of the dead...";
		mes "From what I remember, it was";
		mes "located near some rest area.";
		mes "[Erious]";
		mes "All day and night, it's filled";
		mes "with never ending screams of";
		mes "agony and despair. I hope that";
		mes "this will be helpful in your search.";
	else if (nif_revive == 5 || nif_revive == 6) {
		mes "[Erious]";
		mes "Oh my! You really found the town,";
		mes "have you? I really appreciate that";
		mes "you've endured all this hardship";
		mes "for me... Um...So in the end...";
		mes "Were you able to meet my Elly?";
		if (select("Yes.:Sorry, I couldn't.") == 1) {
			if (nif_revive == 6 && countitem(Mementos) > 0) {
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "Are you serious? What did she say?";
				mes "Did she say she will forgive me?";
				select("Yes. And she gave me...this.");
				delitem Mementos,1;
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "Ah...In this box were the gifts";
				mes "I gave her when we started";
				mes "seeing each other. She had a";
				mes "serious illness even before we";
				mes "met, so I promised her that I";
				mes "would cure her illness...";
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "That's why I went on that trip...";
				mes "to find a cure or medicine";
				mes "for her... But my efforts turned";
				mes "out to be a good for nothing.";
				mes "...................";
				mes ".........";
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "Anyway, I appreciate your";
				mes "generousity. I want to pay";
				mes "you back for all the trouble";
				mes "I caused you, but I only have";
				mes "the medicine I found for her";
				mes "illness during this trip.";
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "I hope you will take this medicine";
				mes "as a token of my gratitute.";
				if (checkweight(Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil,26)) {
					MISC_QUEST |= 16384;
					nif_revive = 0;
					completequest 11043;
					getitem Yggdrasilberry,2;
					getitem Seed_Of_Yggdrasil,2;
					getitem Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil,10;
					mes "[Erious]";
					mes "Thank you for everything.";
					mes "I wish you luck and safety";
					mes "in your adventures.";
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "I have something to give you,";
				mes "but you're carrying too much";
				mes "stuff for me to give it to";
				mes "right now. Why don't you";
				mes "store your items somewhere?";
			else if (nif_revive == 6 && countitem(Mementos) < 1) {
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "Hmm...this is odd. I'm sure she would give you something as a token of meeting her. By any chance, is there anything that you've forgetten to bring me?";
			mes "[Erious]";
			mes "I guess you misunderstood";
			mes "something or you're trying";
			mes "to scam a man in grief.";
		if (nif_revive == 5) {
			mes "[Erious]";
			mes "I have failed to find";
			mes "her... However, I also understand";
			mes "that fulfilling my request may";
			mes "be impossible...";
			mes "[Erious]";
			mes "You've really gone out of your way";
			mes "to help me, so I want to give you";
			mes "something as a token of my";
			mes "gratitute.";
			if (checkweight(Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil,10)) {
				MISC_QUEST |= 16384;
				nif_revive = 0;
				completequest 11042;
				getitem Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil,10;
				mes "[Erious]";
				mes "Thank you for everything.";
				mes "I wish you luck and safety";
				mes "from harm in your journeys.";
			mes "[Erious]";
			mes "I have something to give you,";
			mes "but you're carrying too much";
			mes "stuff for me to give it to";
			mes "right now. Why don't you";
			mes "store your items somewhere?";
		mes "[Erious]";
		mes "I see...";
		mes "...Wait! Doesn't that belong";
		mes "to my wife, Elly? Why are you";
		mes "trying to cheat a grieving man...?";

umbala,215,181,3	script	Billik	4_M_JOB_KNIGHT1,{
	if (nif_revive > 1 || MISC_QUEST & 16384) {
		mes "[Billik]";
		mes "Well, long time no see.";
		mes "If you have a chance in the";
		mes "future, let's meet in the";
		mes "town of the dead later.";
		mes "Hahahaha~";
		emotion e_no1;
	if (nif_revive == 1) {
		mes "[Billik]";
		mes "The Town of the dead...";
		mes "It's a very dangerous place.";
		mes "Why would you want to go there?";
		if (select("I have to meet somebody there.:It's a part of my adventure.") == 1) {
			mes "[Billik]";
			mes "Someone you have to meet there...";
			mes "Hmm... I suppose you wish to";
			mes "contact the dead...";
			mes "I can also see that you're";
			mes "determined to go.";
			mes "[Billik]";
			mes "*Sigh* Okay, if you really want to";
			mes "go, you must find a man named";
			mes "'Feylin.' It's very important to";
			mes "let him know that I introduced";
			mes "him to you.";
			mes "[Billik]";
			mes "He's not very trusting, but he";
			mes "likes roses a lot, so bring a rose";
			mes "for him. That way, he'll know for";
			mes "sure that I've sent you.";
			nif_revive = 2;
			changequest 11038,11039;
			mes "[Billik]";
			mes "The town of the dead is located";
			mes "north of this place. Remember, it";
			mes "is very dangerous to go there,";
			mes "even for well experienced";
			mes "adventurers, so...";
			mes "Be careful.";
		mes "[Billik]";
		mes "Hahaha~ I guess you like adventure";
		mes "as much as I do. Although it's a";
		mes "very dangrous place, you will be";
		mes "paid back for your effort after";
		mes "you get there. But be careful.";
	else if (nif_revive == 0) {
		mes "[Billik]";
		mes "What brings you here? I'm busy,";
		mes "leave if you don't have any business.";

niflheim,153,215,3	script	Feylin	4_M_NFDEADMAN2,{
	if (nif_revive == 2) {
		mes "[Feylin]";
		mes "Poor "+((Sex)?"guy":"girl")+"...";
		mes "Dying at such a young age...";
		mes "I am always sorry to see the";
		mes "young pass away.";
		mes "[Feylin]";
		mes "............??";
		mes "Oh, I see you're not dead yet,";
		mes "are you? It's unbelievable to";
		mes "see another living person";
		mes "in this town.";
		mes "[Feylin]";
		mes "Are you coming to rescue someone,";
		mes "or do you have another purpose?";
		mes "If you came here to meet a";
		mes "deceased friend of yours, you've";
		mes "come to the wrong person.";
		mes "[Feylin]";
		mes "Nobody in Niffelheim can";
		mes "perform that kind of miracle...";
		mes "[Feylin]";
		mes "I can tell you have been through";
		mes "much hardship, but unfortunately,";
		mes "you came here for nothing. I hope";
		mes "you go back to where you came";
		mes "from before it's too late.";
		nif_revive = 3;
		changequest 11039,11040;
	else if (nif_revive == 3) {
		mes "[Feylin]";
		mes "I've asked you to leave this";
		mes "town immediately. I'm sorry";
		mes "but I know nothing about what";
		mes "you are asking.";
		emotion e_an;
		if (select("But...:I am sorry.") == 1) {
			mes "[Feylin]";
			mes "You must know something...";
			mes "Otherwise, you wouldn't be";
			mes "so stubborn. I am not sure";
			mes "who told you contacting the";
			mes "dead might be possible...";
			mes "[Feylin]";
			mes "But I surely wouldn't have told";
			mes "you. Besides, speaking about";
			mes "such things is taboo.";
			nif_revive = 4;
			changequest 11040,11041;
		mes "[Feylin]";
		mes "Please consider leaving this";
		mes "place as soon as possible.";
		mes "Nobody should stay in";
		mes "Niflheim for too long.";
	else if (nif_revive == 4) {
		if (countitem(Witherless_Rose) > 0) {
			mes "[Feylin]";
			mes "Huh, Billik must have sent you.";
			mes "Since I'm indebted to him, I";
			mes "suppose I will help you.";
			mes "But let me warn you.";
			mes "The price that I demand may be";
			mes "more that you expect...";
			if (select("I'm willing to do this.:I don't think I can do this.") == 1) {
				if (BaseLevel > 79) {
					mes "[Feylin]";
					mes "Alright, but you must promise";
					mes "me that you will not let other";
					mes "people know what I am about";
					mes "to tell you.";
					mes "[Feylin]";
					mes "This sorcery requires great";
					mes "sacrifice. Needless to say, there";
					mes "is a chance that this spell may";
					mes "fail. I must also have";
					mes "10 Yggdrasil Leaf to cast this";
					mes "spell. Do you wish to continue?";
					if (select("Yes:No") == 1) {
						if (countitem(Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil) > 9) {
							mes "[Feylin]";
							mes "I see. Then we shall begin.";
							mes "Woombahsokasabahah!";
							mes "Woombah woombah hoombabah!";
							mes "Yeeeeep!";
							.@nif_revive1 = rand(1,100);
							if (.@nif_revive1 > 0) && (.@nif_revive1 < 88) {
								mes "[Feylin]";
								mes "...I am sorry.";
								mes "I have failed to summon";
								mes "who you wish to see. I am";
								mes "really sorry for this result.";
								emotion e_omg;
								delitem Witherless_Rose,1;
								delitem Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil,10;
								nif_revive = 5;
								changequest 11041,11042;
								percentheal -99,0;
								mes "[Feylin]";
								mes "Unfortunately, it may be";
								mes "impossible to summon the";
								mes "spirit of the person with";
								mes "whom you wished to speak...";
							else if (.@nif_revive1 > 87) && (.@nif_revive1 < 101) {
								delitem Witherless_Rose,1;
								delitem Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil,10;
								percentheal -50,0;
								mes "[Feylin]";
								mes "..........";
								mes "..........";
								mes "[Elly]";
								mes "..........";
								mes ".....Umm...";
								mes "...Wasn't I just dead?";
								mes "Um, do I know you?";
								select("I brought a message from your husband.");
								mes "[Elly]";
								mes "Oh...I see...I'm sorry that I could not meet him before I died...";
								mes "So what is his message for me?";
								select("Forgive him for what happened a month ago.");
								mes "[Elly]";
								mes "*Sigh* He's such a nice husband...";
								mes "He pays such attention, even to";
								mes "the little things. Though, I";
								mes "should be the one apologizing";
								mes "to him...";
								mes "[Elly]";
								mes "Please give him this box, and tell";
								mes "him to forget about me. He should";
								mes "live the rest of his life happily";
								mes "with someone else. Oh, also let";
								mes "him know that I forgive him.";
								nif_revive = 6;
								changequest 11040,11043;
								getitem Mementos,1;
								mes "[Elly]";
								mes "I am glad to hear from my";
								mes "husband one more time. But I";
								mes "think I have to go now.";
								mes "Thank you for your trouble.";
								mes "Farewell...";
								mes "[Elly]";
								mes ".....................";
								mes "....................";
								mes "[Feylin]";
								mes "I guess you have accomplished what";
								mes "you wanted. Well then, be careful";
								mes "when you go back...";
						else {
							mes "[Feylin]";
							mes "If you don't have the";
							mes "items, we cannot proceed.";
							mes "Remember, I need 10 Yggdrasil";
							mes "Leaves to perform this spell.";
							mes "Please bring them as soon";
							mes "as possible.";
					mes "[Feylin]";
					mes "I hope you will bring the items";
					mes "first. But... I don't have the";
					mes "confidence to promise that";
					mes "this spell will cast successfully.";
				mes "[Feylin]";
				mes "Hmm... You don't seem to have";
				mes "the strength to endure the";
				mes "casting of this spell. At";
				mes "your current strength, this";
				mes "spell will kill you.";
				mes "I cannot take that risk.";
			mes "[Feylin]";
			mes "You made a good decision.";
			mes "It's not a good idea to perform";
			mes "this kind of sorcery in the";
			mes "first place because of the";
			mes "risks involved...";
		mes "[Feylin]";
		mes "No matter how many times you ask";
		mes "me, I cannot help you. Please";
		mes "leave this place as soon as you can.";
	mes "[Feylin]";
	mes "What makes you to come to such";
	mes "a dangerous town? Please leave";
	mes "this place as soon as you can.";