//================= Hercules Script =======================================
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//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
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//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C) Euphy
//= Copyright (C) L0ne_W0lf
//= Copyright (C) SinSloth
//= Copyright (C) Lupus
//= Copyright (C) Jukka
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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//= Magician Class Tutorial and Job Specific Quest
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Magician training quest.
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.4
//== Sign ==================================================
geffen,61,174,4 script Sign#M HIDDEN_NPC,{
mes "- Mage Job Change -";
//== New Mage Manager ======================================
geffen,67,180,4 script New Mage Manager#M 8_F,{
mes "[Mana]";
if(Class == Job_Novice){
mes "[Mana]";
mes "You're not ready for";
mes "any of the training I have";
mes "to offer. You'll have to train";
mes "some more and become";
mes "a Mage first. Alright, dear?";
if(BaseClass != Job_Mage){
mes "You know, sometimes";
mes "other jobs might look a";
mes "little better in some battle";
mes "situations, but always have";
mes "pride in yourself. Not just";
mes "anyone can do what you do~";
if(eaclass()&(EAJL_UPPER|EAJL_2|EAJL_THIRD) && tu_magician01 < 7){
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Although I offer magic";
mes "training, it's not very helpful";
mes "if you're already experienced";
mes "in the use of magic. I'm sorry,";
mes "but you'll have to rely on your";
mes "own self to hone your skills.";
case 0:
mes "Ah, welcome~";
mes "My name is Mana,";
mes "a trainer in charge";
mes "of new recruits in the";
mes "Mage Guild. That means";
mes "I'm responsible for you~";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "I've only been doing";
mes "this for just a little while,";
mes "but I'm here to help you if";
mes "you want to learn more on";
mes "the basics of the Mage job.";
switch(select("Will you teach me?:Perhaps later...")) {
case 1:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Of course!";
mes "And don't worry,";
mes "everyone is a beginner";
mes "at one point or another.";
mes "You can only get better!";
case 2:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Well, I guess";
mes "it'll all work out.";
mes "But I look forward";
mes "to meeting you again";
mes "if you decide that you";
mes "do want some instruction~";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Alright, let's begin with";
mes "a general description";
mes "of our job, shall we?";
mes "What exactly are Mages?";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Instead of physical strength,";
mes "Mages use the power of the";
mes "elements in battle. These are";
mes "^ff0000Fire^000000, ^5C4033Earth^000000, ^93DB70Wind^000000, ^0000FFWater^000000.";
mes "We also have access to spells";
mes "to spells with the ^CFB53BGhost^000000 property.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Now, when an enemy has";
mes "an elemental property, it will";
mes "be able to resist that element, but will be susceptible to others.";
mes "That's why knowing elemental properties is so important to us.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Listen carefully to these";
mes "elemental relationships.";
mes "^FF0000Fire^000000 is strong against Earth,";
mes "but is weak against Water.";
mes "^5C4033Earth^000000 is strong against Wind,";
mes "but is weak against Fire.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "^0000FFWater^000000 is strong against";
mes "Fire, but weak against Wind.";
mes "Finally, ^93DB70Wind^000000 is strong against";
mes "Water, but weak against Earth.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "I can't remember";
mes "the last time I've";
mes "spoken so much in one";
mes "sitting! I'm bushed, so it's";
mes "time for a break. But we'll";
mes "continue this later, okay?";
tu_magician01 = 1;
getexp BaseLevel*3,BaseLevel*2;
getexp BaseLevel*30,BaseLevel*15;
specialeffect2 EF_HIT5;
case 1:
mes "Are you ready";
mes "to continue our";
mes "discussion on the";
mes "elemental properties?";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "You should know that";
mes "each monster has an";
mes "elemental property and that";
mes "there are different levels for";
mes "all of these elements. It's";
mes "important to understand this...";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Let me explain to you";
mes "all of the nuances of";
mes "each element. Just ask";
mes "me which specific element";
mes "you'd like to learn more about.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "In other words, even the same properties";
mes "have different features that must be considered.";
mes "I will explain the properties now.";
switch(select("^ff0000Fire^000000", "^5C4033Earth^000000", "^93DB70Wind^000000", "^0000FFWater^000000", "^CFB53BGhost^000000", "Quit.")){
case 1:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Monsters with the ^ff0000Fire^000000";
mes "property tend to have strong";
mes "attacks. Since we Mages are";
mes "physically weaker, even slight";
mes "hits from these monsters can";
mes "be extremely damaging to us.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "So if we have to fight";
mes "monsters with the ^FF0000Fire^000000";
mes "property on our own, we";
mes "can use Frost Diver to";
mes "freeze them in their tracks.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "But if we use Fire";
mes "property skills on Fire";
mes "monsters, we'd do little to no";
mes "damage and that's not good.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "For reference, our Fire";
mes "property skills are Sight,";
mes "Fire Bolt, Fire Ball and Fire";
mes "Wall. Ooh, let me tell you";
mes "a little more about Fire Wall.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Fire Wall is very distinctive";
mes "in that it can be used up to";
mes "3 times on one screen. Any";
mes "monsters that run into it will";
mes "get damaged, then move away";
mes "in the opposite direction.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "But if an Undead monster";
mes "runs into a Fire Wall, it's ";
mes "only slightly injured and the";
mes "Fire Wall won't necessarily";
mes "block its approach. So beware!";
.@eread_1 = 1;
case 2:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Alright, ^5C4033Earth^000000 property";
mes "monsters usually have";
mes "good targeting, so even";
mes "if your Dodge Rate is high,";
mes "you might find it hard to";
mes "evade all of their attacks.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "When dealing with these";
mes "monsters, use Fire property";
mes "spells. Fire Wall is usually";
mes "pretty effective, since it'll";
mes "stop the monster and also";
mes "cause some good damage.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "It's also handy to know";
mes "that when you use Stone";
mes "Curse on a monster, that";
mes "monster becomes Earth";
mes "property while the spell";
mes "is in effect. Cool, huh?";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "So if you use Stone Curse,";
mes "a good strategy would be to";
mes "use Fire property skills right";
mes "afterwards, like Fire Bolt and";
mes "Fire Ball, to take advantage of";
mes "the monster's Earth property.";
.@eread_2 = 1;
case 3:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Now, don't be too surprised";
mes "if you keep missing when you";
mes "attack ^93DB70Wind^000000 property monsters.";
mes "Most of them can avoid physical";
mes "attacks really well because of";
mes "their high Dodge Rates.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "But since we Mages";
mes "mostly attack with our";
mes "spells, we don't need to";
mes "worry so much about that.";
mes "Still, Wind monsters tend to";
mes "be pretty quick, so be careful.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "When it comes to attacking";
mes "Wind monsters, it'd be ideal";
mes "to use Earth property skills.";
mes "But since only Wizards have";
mes "access to Earth property attacks,";
mes "we should settle for Fire skills.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Fire property skills might";
mes "not do a whole lot of damage,";
mes "but they'll have a greater effect than Wind or Water property skills, which would do very little or no damage at all to Wind monsters.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Just so you know,";
mes "the ^93DB70Wind^000000 property skills";
mes "that we Mages can use are";
mes "Lighning Bolt and Thunder Storm.";
.@eread_3 = 1;
case 4:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "^0000FFWater^000000 property monsters";
mes "tend to have a lot of health,";
mes "so they can take more damage";
mes "than other monsters, making";
mes "battles with them longer.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Now, remember how I said";
mes "that there are differing levels";
mes "for properties? Water property monsters are actually a bit more";
mes "sensitive to damage from their opposing element at higher levels.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "In other words, monsters";
mes "that are higher in level for";
mes "the Water property are going";
mes "to take even more damage";
mes "from Wind property attacks.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Water property skills";
mes "in the Mage's repertoire";
mes "include Cold Bolt and Frost";
mes "Diver. These skills are very";
mes "effective against Fire monsters.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Frost Diver is special in";
mes "that it has the chance to";
mes "actually freeze monsters.";
mes "While monsters are frozen by";
mes "Frost Diver, they're considered Water monsters. Interesting, huh?";
.@eread_4 = 1;
case 5:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Now, there aren't many";
mes "^CFB53BGhost^000000 property monsters";
mes "around. But if you do run into";
mes "them, go ahead and use your";
mes "Ghost property skills, which";
mes "should be effective.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "The Ghost property attacks";
mes "that we Mages can use are";
mes "Napalm Beat and Soul Strike.";
mes "These skills generally tend";
mes "to work pretty well, except on";
mes "high Holy property monsters.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Now, the Safety Wall spell";
mes "is sort of a Ghost property";
mes "skill, but it's hard to classify. Casting Safety Wall creates";
mes "a barrier than protects against";
mes "close range physical attacks.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "However, this barrier only";
mes "fits one person and doesn't";
mes "shield against long range";
mes "attacks or strong property";
mes "attacks, so be really careful!";
.@eread_5 = 1;
case 6:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Are you sure that you've";
mes "heard enough about the";
mes "nuances of the elemental";
mes "properties? Because if you're";
mes "ready, we'll cover some new";
mes "material for you to learn.";
if(select("W-wait, not yet!:I'm ready to go on.") == 2) {
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Alrighty, we'll";
mes "move on to the next";
mes "subject then. Ho ho ho~!";
tu_magician01 = 2;
specialeffect2 EF_HIT5;
if(.@eread_1) getexp 150,70;
if(.@eread_2) getexp 150,70;
if(.@eread_3) getexp 150,70;
if(.@eread_4) getexp 150,70;
if(.@eread_5) getexp 150,70;
case 2:
mes "I know that the concept";
mes "of properties might be";
mes "confusing now, but over";
mes "time you'll get the hang";
mes "of it. Now it's time to talk";
mes "about magic skills in depth~";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Now, the most basic magic";
mes "attack spells are Fire Bolt,";
mes "Cold Bolt, Lightning Bolt and";
mes "Napalm Beat. Learning these";
mes "enables Mages to learn their";
mes "more advanced skills.";
specialeffect2 EF_NAPALMBEAT;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Increasing the levels of";
mes "these skills not only opens";
mes "access to other spells, but";
mes "the damage of those basic";
mes "attack skills is also increased.";
specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTBOLT;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Other skills that are";
mes "basic to the Mage class";
mes "are Sight, Stone Curse and";
mes "Increase SP Recovery. They're";
mes "not really attack spells, but are useful in certain situations.";
specialeffect2 EF_SIGHT;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Sight is used to";
mes "reveal enemies that";
mes "are hiding. Keep in";
mes "mind that this skill's";
mes "range doesn't go too far.";
specialeffect2 EF_STONECURSE;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Stone Curse has the chance";
mes "to curse a target, temporarily";
mes "immobilizing it and making it";
mes "^5C4033Earth^000000 property. However, each";
mes "attempt to cast Stone Curse";
mes "requires 1 Red Gemstone.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Increase SP Recovery is";
mes "a passive skill which helps";
mes "you recover more SP while sitting down to rest. It doesn't directly affect battle, but having more SP is always better.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Well, I feel like I've";
mes "explained the basic spells";
mes "enough. Now, before I talk";
mes "about our advanced skills,";
mes "there's an assignment I want";
mes "you to complete for training.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "If you head west from";
mes "here, you'll find a big bridge";
mes "bridge where you can encounter";
mes "these monsters called Pupa.";
mes "Pupa don't move and can't";
mes "attack to save their lives.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Hunt these Pupa";
mes "until you've collected";
mes "10 Chrysalis from them.";
mes "Then bring them to me, okay?";
tu_magician01 = 3;
getexp 400,200;
specialeffect2 EF_HIT5;
case 3:
mes "Ah, you're back?";
mes "Let's see if you gathered";
mes "all 10 Chrysalis from hunting";
mes "all of those Pupa. Hmmmm...";
if (countitem(915) < 10) {
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Aw, you don't";
mes "have enough of";
mes "them yet. Head west";
mes "from here and hunt Pupa";
mes "to get more Chrysalis, okay?";
mes "For now, I'll just heal you up.";
tu_magician01 = 4;
percentheal 100,100;
} else {
mes "[Mana]";
mes "...Nine, ten.";
mes "Alright, you pass!";
mes "By now, you must be more";
mes "used to using your skills, huh?";
mes "Anyway, let me know when you're ready for the next lesson, okay?";
tu_magician01 = 5;
getexp 400,200;
specialeffect2 EF_HIT5;
case 4:
mes "So...";
mes "Did you get";
mes "10 Chrysalis";
mes "from hunting Pupa";
mes "like I asked? I hope so...";
mes "Because I'm going to check~";
if(countitem(915) < 10){
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Whoa, you need";
mes "more than just this.";
mes "I know you can do it...";
mes "Pupas are completely";
mes "defenseless monsters!";
} else {
mes "[Mana]";
mes "...Nine, ten.";
mes "Alright, you pass!";
mes "By now, you must be more";
mes "used to using your skills, huh?";
mes "Anyway, let me know when you're ready for the next lesson, okay?";
tu_magician01 = 5;
getexp 400,200;
specialeffect2 EF_HIT5;
case 5:
mes "Now I'll tell you";
mes "what I know about the";
mes "more advanced Mage";
mes "skills. Which one would";
mes "you like me to explain?";
switch(select("Soul Strike:Safety Wall:Fire Ball:Frost Diver:Thunderstorm:Fire Wall:Energy Coat:Quit.")) {
case 1:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Soul Strike is a ^CFB53BGhost^000000";
mes "property skill that you can";
mes "learn after increasing the";
mes "Napalm Beat skill up to";
mes "a certain level. It attacks";
mes "with ancient spiritual power~";
specialeffect2 EF_SOULSTRIKE;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "As you train in the use";
mes "of Soul Strike and increase";
mes "that skill's level, it will grow in strength and you'll be able";
mes "to cast it much more quickly.";
.@skill_e1 = 1;
case 2:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "You can learn Safety Wall";
mes "after training in the use of";
mes "Napalm Beat and Soul Strike.";
mes "Safety Wall protects against";
mes "most close range attacks.";
specialeffect2 EF_GLASSWALL;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "However, Safety Wall";
mes "has a time duration and";
mes "can only protect from a";
mes "certain number of attacks,";
mes "depending on the level of the";
mes "Safety Wall skill that you use.";
.@skill_e2 = 1;
case 3:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Fire Ball is a ^FF0000Fire^000000";
mes "property skill that you";
mes "can learn after training";
mes "in the use of Fire Bolt.";
specialeffect2 EF_FIREBALL;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Fire Ball can actually";
mes "inflict damage on multiple";
mes "enemies if they are within";
mes "the range of the skill. Make";
mes "good use of the destructive";
mes "power of the Fire Ball!";
.@skill_e3 = 1;
case 4:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Frost Diver is a ^0000FFWater^000000";
mes "property skill that can be";
mes "learned after increasing";
mes "the Cold Bolt skill to";
mes "a certain level.";
specialeffect2 EF_FROSTDIVER;
specialeffect2 EF_FROSTDIVER2;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Frost Diver will damage";
mes "enemies and has the chance";
mes "to freeze them as well. Once";
mes "frozen, the monster will be";
mes "considered to be a Water";
mes "property creature.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Now, as you increase";
mes "the level of the Frost Diver";
mes "skill, its damage and chance";
mes "of freezing monsters will also";
mes "increase. Pretty dangerous, eh? ^FFFFFFkamenriderblack^000000";
.@skill_e4 = 1;
case 5:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Thunderstorm is a";
mes "^93DB70Wind^000000 property skill";
mes "that you can learn after";
mes "increasing the Lightning";
mes "Bolt skill to a certain level.";
specialeffect2 EF_THUNDERSTORM;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Thunderstorm is similar";
mes "to Fire Ball in that it can";
mes "attack multiple enemies";
mes "within a certain range.";
mes "It's an incredibly potent";
mes "ground targeting attack.";
.@skill_e5 = 1;
case 6:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Fire Wall is a ^FF0000Fire^000000";
mes "property skill that can";
mes "be learned after training";
mes "in the use of Fire Ball and";
mes "Sight. Unlike other skills,";
mes "Fire Wall targets an area.";
specialeffect2 EF_FIREWALL;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "So you can place";
mes "a Fire Wall in locations";
mes "where you think the enemy";
mes "will move towards. And it's";
mes "especially useful when";
mes "monsters approach you!";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "So if you can use";
mes "Fire Well strategically";
mes "and effectively, it can";
mes "be a very powerful skill~";
.@skill_e6 = 1;
case 7:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Energy Coat is, well,";
mes "a unique skill that you";
mes "can't just learn on your own.";
mes "You'll have to ask Blizardis";
mes "inside the Mage Guild to";
mes "teach you how to use it.";
specialeffect2 EF_ENERGYCOAT;
mes "[Mana]";
mes "If you do decide to";
mes "learn Energy Coat, I'm";
mes "sure Blizardis will tell";
mes "you all you need to know.";
.@skill_e7 = 1;
case 8:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Did you understand";
mes "all of that? Good, because";
mes "now I have a mission to give";
mes "you on behalf of the Mage";
mes "Guild. When you're ready for";
mes "briefing, talk to me, okay?";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Oh, and please take";
mes "this. It's a present for";
mes "you to help you in your";
mes "training. I hope it comes";
mes "in handy when fighting...";
tu_magician01 = 6;
getitem 1604,1; //Wand
specialeffect2 EF_HIT5;
if(.@skill_e1) getexp 300,100;
if(.@skill_e2) getexp 300,100;
if(.@skill_e3) getexp 300,100;
if(.@skill_e4) getexp 300,100;
if(.@skill_e5) getexp 300,100;
if(.@skill_e6) getexp 300,100;
if(.@skill_e7) getexp 300,100;
case 6:
mes "Oh good, you're back.";
mes "Let me tell you about";
mes "your mission. Recently,";
mes "something has happened in";
mes "Morroc and the Thief Guild";
mes "is requesting our assistance.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "It's not mandatory";
mes "for you to do this, but";
mes "you will be compensated";
mes "for your efforts and we'll";
mes "give you some support.";
mes "So what do you think?";
switch(select("I'll do it.:Sorry, but...")) {
case 1:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Great! Alright,";
mes "I'll send you straight";
mes "to Morroc, then. Once you";
mes "get there, go to the front";
mes "of the Morroc Pyramid and";
mes "speak to Yierhan. Thanks~";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Oh, and when you're";
mes "done with what Yierhan";
mes "has you do, come back";
mes "and report to me, okay?";
tu_magician01 = 7;
emotion e_heh;
warp "morocc",182,286;
case 2:
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Mmm...?";
mes "Oh, I see. Well, if";
mes "you happen to change";
mes "your mind, come back";
mes "and ask me later, okay?";
case 7:
mes "I don't know";
mes "what kind of work";
mes "Yierhan has in store";
mes "for you, but hopefully";
mes "it won't be too difficult.";
case 27:
mes "Yierhan just sent me";
mes "a message, saying that";
mes "you've done a great job in";
mes "completing your mission.";
mes "Very nice work, "+PcName+"~";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "It seems like there are";
mes "two secret organizations";
mes "involved in all of this dirty";
mes "business. Why would they";
mes "be working together?";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Well, in any case...";
mes "This is some pretty";
mes "major business that";
mes "I guess the higher-ups";
mes "will handle, so you don't";
mes "need to worry about it for now.";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Please take this as";
mes "a little reward for helping";
mes "out both of our guilds. Once";
mes "again, thanks very much~";
tu_magician01 = 28;
getitem 2321,1; //Silk_Robe
Zeny += 3000;
getexp 3000,1000;
if(tu_magician01 < 27){
mes "So...";
mes "It looks like something is";
mes "going on in the Rune-Midgarts";
mes "Kingdom for sure. No wonder";
mes "all the guilds are so busy...";
mes "[Mana]";
mes "Anyway, please ";
mes "keep up the good";
mes "work. And, um, is";
mes "Yierhan doing well?";
} else {
mes "You seem to be well";
mes "experienced now and there";
mes "isn't anything else that I can";
mes "really teach you. Now it's up";
mes "to you to find ways to master";
mes "the ways of magic on your own.";