path: root/npc/other/CashShop_Functions.txt
blob: 8dca165b5f836f8feba318602712868d5d401851 (plain) (tree)

//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Cash Shop  Functions
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= L0ne_W0lf
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.0
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena SVN
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= Used explicitly in the Item Database for Cash shop items
//= - Kafra Card
//= - Giant Fly Wing
//= - Neuralizer
//= - Dungeon Teleport Scroll
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= 1.0 First version. [L0ne_W0lf]
//=	F_CashPartyCall Optimized by Trancid.

// Kafra Card
// - Open player's storage.
// - No arguments.
function	script	F_CashStore	{
	cutin "kafra_01",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Here, let me open your Storage for you.";
	cutin "",255;

// Giant Fly Wing
// - Warp party leader to random spot on the map.
// - Summon Party members on party leader map to that location.
// - No arguments.
function	script	F_CashPartyCall	{
	warp "Random",0,0;
	if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) == getcharid(0)) {
		getmapxy .@mapl$, .@xl, .@yl, 0;
		getpartymember getcharid(1);
		set .@partymembercount, $@partymembercount;
		copyarray .@partymembername$[0], $@partymembername$[0], .@partymembercount;
		for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i + 1)
		if(!(getmapxy(.@mapm$, .@xm, .@ym, 0, .@partymembername$[.@i])) && (.@mapm$ == .@mapl$))
		warpchar .@mapl$, .@xl, .@yl, getcharid(0, .@partymembername$[.@i]);

// Neuralizer
// - Reset players skills. Weight must be 0, options must be off.
// - No arguments.
function	script	F_CashReset	{
	if (Class != Job_Novice) {
		if (Weight < 1) { 
			if (checkriding() || checkfalcon() || checkcart()) return;
			else {
				sc_end SC_ALL;

// Dungeon Teleport Scroll
// - Warp player to random location of selected dungeon
//   due to lack of information.
// - No arguments.
function	script	F_CashDungeon	{
	switch(select("Nogg Road:Mjolnir Dead Pit:Umbala Dungeon:Einbroch Mine Dungeon:Payon Dungeon:Toy Dungeon:Glast Heim Underprison:Louyang Dungeon:Hermit's Checkers:Izlude Dungeon:Turtle Island Dungeon:Clock Tower B3f:Clock Tower")) {
	case 1: warp "mag_dun01",0,0; end;
	case 2: warp "mjolnir_02",0,0; end;
	case 3: warp "um_dun01",0,0; end;
	case 4: warp "ein_dun01",0,0; end;
	case 5: warp "pay_dun00",0,0; end;
	case 6: warp "xmas_dun01",0,0; end;
	case 7: warp "gl_prison",0,0; end;
	case 8: warp "lou_dun01",0,0; end;
	case 9: warp "gon_dun02",0,0; end;
	case 10: warp "iz_dun00",0,0; end;
	case 11: warp "tur_dun02",0,0; end;
	case 12: warp "alde_dun03",0,0; end;
	case 13: warp "c_tower1",0,0; end;