path: root/npc/kafras/kafras.txt
blob: adffbfb8ef7056a69ce5db7a747248d1a2b52fed (plain) (tree)
















































//================= Hercules Script =======================================
//=       _   _                     _
//=      | | | |                   | |
//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= -
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Lemongrass
//= Copyright (C)  Euphy
//= Copyright (C)  Joseph
//= Copyright (C)  Lupus
//= Copyright (C)  Evera
//= Copyright (C)  Samuray22
//= Copyright (C)  kobra_k88
//= Copyright (C)  L0ne_W0lf
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
//= Kafras (Cities/Dungeons/Fields)
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Kafras (Cities/Dungeons/Fields)
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.1b

//== Aldebaran =============================================
aldeba_in,96,181,4	script	Kafra Service	4_F_KAFRA5,{
	cutin "kafra_05",2;
	mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
	mes "Hm...?";
	mes "Oh, welcome to";
	mes "the Kafra Corporation";
	mes "Headquarters. Did you";
	mes "need something?";
	switch(select("Save:Use Storage:Rent a Pushcart:Cancel")) {
	case 1:
		mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
		mes "Your Respawn Point has";
		mes "been saved here, inside";
		mes "of the Kafra Corporation";
		mes "Headquarters. Thank you.";
		savepoint "aldeba_in",96,179;
		mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
		mes "Please make use of";
		mes "the Kafra Services that are";
		mes "available throughout all of";
		mes "Rune Midgard. Thank you for";
		mes "visiting the Kafra Headquarters.";
	case 2:
		if (Zeny < 20) {
			mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
			mes "Excuse me, but it";
			mes "seems that you don't";
			mes "have the 20 zeny to pay";
			mes "the Storage access fee...";
		mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
		mes "Although this facility is";
		mes "exclusively intended for";
		mes "the training of Kafra Employee";
		mes "and administrative functions,";
		mes "I'll access your Storage for you.";
		Zeny -= 20;
		RESRVPTS += (20/5);
		mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
		mes "In the future, please";
		mes "ask the Kafra Employee on";
		mes "duty if you wish to use";
		mes "any of the Kafra Services.";
		mes "Thank you for your patronage.";
		callfunc("F_CheckKafCode");    //check your storage password, if set
	case 3:
		mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
		mes "My apologies, but I'm";
		mes "not on duty. I'd assist you";
		mes "if I could, but actually don't";
		mes "have any available Pushcarts.";
		mes "Why don't you ask another Kafra";
		mes "Employee for assistance?";
		mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
		mes "Kafra Employees are";
		mes "stationed all over the";
		mes "Rune Midgard continent,";
		mes "and you should be able to find";
		mes "plenty outside in Al De Baran.";
	case 4:
		mes "[Kafra Leilah]";
		mes "^666666*Whew...*^000000";
		mes "Great, because I'm";
		mes "actually on my break";
		mes "right now. Choosing";
		mes "''Cancel'' was a good";
		mes "move on your part.";
	cutin "",255;

aldebaran,143,119,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_aldebaran	4_F_KAFRA5,{
	cutin "kafra_05",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "is always working to provide";
	mes "you with convenient services.";
	mes "How may I be of assistance?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,20,600;
	savepoint "aldebaran",143,109;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Al De Baran";

//== Geffen ================================================
geffen,120,62,0	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_geffen	4_F_KAFRA3,{
	cutin "kafra_03",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome~!";
	mes "The Kafra Services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "So how can I help you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,30,750;
	savepoint "geffen",119,40;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Geffen";

geffen,203,123,2	script	Kafra Employee::geffen2	4_F_KAFRA4,{
	cutin "kafra_04",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome!";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "will always support the";
	mes "adventurers of Rune-Midgard";
	mes "with its excellent service. So";
	mes "what can I do for you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,30,750;
	savepoint "geffen",200,124;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Geffen";

//== Morroc ================================================
morocc,156,97,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_morocc	4_F_KAFRA5,{
	cutin "kafra_05",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "is always working to provide";
	mes "you with convenient services.";
	mes "How may I be of assistance?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,60,930;
	savepoint "morocc",156,46;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Morroc";

morocc,160,258,4	script	Kafra::kaf_morocc2	4_F_KAFRA4,{
	cutin "kafra_04",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome!";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "will always support the";
	mes "adventurers of Rune-Midgard";
	mes "with its excellent service. So";
	mes "what can I do for you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,60,930;
	savepoint "morocc",157,272;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Morroc";

//== Payon =================================================
payon,181,104,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_payon	4_F_KAFRA5,{
	cutin "kafra_05",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "is always working to provide";
	mes "you with convenient services.";
	mes "How may I be of assistance?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,60,930;
	savepoint "payon",160,58;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Payon";

payon,175,226,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_payon2	4_F_KAFRA2,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services are";
	mes "always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,60,930;
	savepoint "payon",257,242;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Payon";

pay_arche,55,123,0	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_payon3	4_F_KAFRA3,{
	cutin "kafra_03",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,5,1,90,1200;
	savepoint "pay_arche",49,144;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"at the Payon Dungeon";

//== Prontera ==============================================
prontera,152,326,3	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_prontera	4_F_KAFRA6,{
	cutin "kafra_06",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation~";
	mes "The Kafra Services are";
	mes "always here to support";
	mes "you. So how can I be";
	mes "of service today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,40,800;
	savepoint "prontera",157,327;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Prontera";

prontera,151,29,0	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_prontera2	4_F_KAFRA3,{
	cutin "kafra_03",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome~!";
	mes "The Kafra Services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "So how can I help you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,40,800;
	savepoint "prontera",150,33;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Prontera";

prontera,29,207,6	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_prontera3	4_F_KAFRA5,{
	cutin "kafra_05",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "is always working to provide";
	mes "you with convenient services.";
	mes "How may I be of assistance?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,40,800;
	savepoint "prontera",33,208;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Prontera";

prontera,282,200,2	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_prontera4	4_F_KAFRA4,{
	cutin "kafra_04",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome!";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "will always support the";
	mes "adventurers of Rune-Midgard";
	mes "with its excellent service. So";
	mes "what can I do for you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,40,800;
	savepoint "prontera",281,203;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Prontera";

prontera,146,89,6	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_prontera5	4_F_KAFRA1,{
	cutin "kafra_01",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,40,800;
	savepoint "prontera",116,73;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Prontera";

//== Juno ==================================================
yuno,152,187,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_yuno	4_F_KAFRA8,{
	cutin "kafra_08",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "is always working to provide";
	mes "you with convenient services.";
	mes "How may I be of assistance?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,40,800;
	savepoint "yuno",158,125;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Juno";

yuno,327,108,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_yuno2	4_F_KAFRA8,{
	cutin "kafra_08",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "is always working to provide";
	mes "you with convenient services.";
	mes "How may I be of assistance?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,40,800;
	savepoint "yuno",328,101;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Juno";

yuno,277,221,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_yuno3	4_F_KAFRA9,{
	cutin "kafra_09",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "is always working to provide";
	mes "you with convenient services.";
	mes "How may I be of assistance?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,40,800;
	savepoint "yuno",274,229;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Juno";

//== Alberta ===============================================
alberta,28,229,0	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_alberta	4_F_KAFRA2,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,50,850;
	savepoint "alberta",31,231;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Alberta";

alberta,113,60,6	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_alberta2	4_F_KAFRA6,{
	cutin "kafra_06",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation~";
	mes "The Kafra Services are";
	mes "always here to support";
	mes "you. So how can I be";
	mes "of service today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,0,50,850;
	savepoint "alberta",117,57;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Alberta";

//== Comodo ================================================
comodo,195,150,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_comodo	4_F_KAFRA7,{
	cutin "kafra_07",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "You know that our";
	mes "service is always";
	mes "on your side~";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,80,1000;
	savepoint "comodo",204,143;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the town of Comodo";

cmd_fild07,136,134,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_cmd_fild07	4_F_KAFRA7,{
	cutin "kafra_07",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "You know that our";
	mes "service is always";
	mes "on your side~";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,80,1000;
	savepoint "cmd_fild07",127,134;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in Pyros Lighthouse";

//== Izlude ================================================
-	script	::kaf_izlude	FAKE_NPC,{
	cutin "kafra_01",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,40,820;
		savepoint strnpcinfo(4),129,97;
		savepoint "izlude",94,103;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Izlude";

//== Moscovia ==============================================
moscovia,223,191,3	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_mosk	4_F_KAFRA4,{
	cutin "kafra_04",2;
	callfunc "F_Kafra",0,3,0,80,700;
	savepoint "moscovia",221,194;;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,3,"in the city of Moscovia";

//== Amatsu ================================================
amatsu,102,149,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_amatsu	4_F_KAFRA2,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,3,1,50,700;
	savepoint "amatsu",116,94;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Amatsu";

//== Ayothaya ==============================================
ayothaya,212,169,5	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_ayothaya	4_F_KAFRA2,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,3,1,50,700;
	savepoint "ayothaya",149,69;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Ayotaya";

//== Einbech ===============================================
einbech,181,132,5	script	Kafra Employee#ein3::kaf_einbech	4_F_KAFRA8,{
	cutin "kafra_08",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome~!";
	mes "The Kafra Services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "So how can I help you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,40,850;
	savepoint "einbech",182,124;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the town of Einbech";

//== Einbroch ==============================================
einbroch,242,205,5	script	Kafra Employee#ein2::kaf_einbroch	4_F_KAFRA8,{
	cutin "kafra_08",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,50,800;
	savepoint "einbroch",238,198;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Einbroch";

einbroch,59,203,6	script	Kafra Employee#ein1::kaf_einbroch2	4_F_KAFRA9,{
	cutin "kafra_09",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,50,800;
	savepoint "einbroch",240,197;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Einbroch";

//== Kunlun ================================================
gonryun,159,122,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_gonryun	4_F_KAFRA2,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,3,1,50,700;
	savepoint "gonryun",160,62;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Kunlun";

//== Lighthalzen ===========================================
lighthalzen,164,100,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_lighthalzen	4_F_KAFRA8,{
	cutin "kafra_08",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,40,800;
	savepoint "lighthalzen",158,94;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Lighthalzen";

lighthalzen,191,320,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_lighthalzen2	4_F_KAFRA9,{
	cutin "kafra_09",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome~!";
	mes "The Kafra Services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "So how can I help you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,40,800;
	savepoint "lighthalzen",194,313;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Lighthalzen";

lhz_in02,237,284,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_lhz_in02	4_F_KAFRA9,{
	cutin "kafra_09",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome~!";
	mes "The Kafra Services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "So how can I help you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,40,800;
	savepoint "lhz_in02",278,215;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Lighthalzen";

//== Louyang ===============================================
louyang,210,104,5	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_louyang	4_F_KAFRA1,{
	cutin "kafra_01",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,3,1,50,700;
	savepoint "louyang",217,92;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Louyang";

//== Umbala ================================================
umbala,87,160,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_umbala	4_F_KAFRA7,{
	cutin "kafra_07",2;
	callfunc "F_KafSet";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "You know that our";
	mes "service is always";
	mes "on your side~";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,80,0;
	savepoint "umbala",126,131;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Umbala";

//== Niflheim ==============================================
niflheim,202,180,3	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_niflheim	4_F_NFDEADKAFRA,{
	callfunc "F_Kafra",1,2,1,150,0;
	savepoint "niflheim",192,182;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",1,1,"in the city of Niflheim";

//== Dungeons and Fields ===================================
//- Byalan Island -
izlu2dun,106,58,0	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_izlu2dun	4_F_KAFRA3,{
	cutin "kafra_03",2;
	if (!RENEWAL && BaseJob == Job_Novice && job_merchant_q2 > 0) {
		// Merchant Job Change Quest
		// function F_MercKafra is found in /pre-re/jobs/1-1/merchant.txt
		callfunc "F_MercKafra";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,2,1,120,1200;
	savepoint "izlu2dun",87,170;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"at Byalan Island";

//- Culvert Sewers -
prt_fild05,290,224,3	script	Kafra Employee::prt_fild05	4_F_KAFRA4,{
	cutin "kafra_04",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome!";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "will always support the";
	mes "adventurers of Rune-Midgard";
	mes "with its excellent service. So";
	mes "what can I do for you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,1,1,40,0;
	savepoint "prt_fild05",274,243;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1, "at the Prontera Culverts";

//- Coal Mine (Dead Pit) -
mjolnir_02,83,362,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_mjolnir_02	4_F_KAFRA2,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,6,1,100,0;
	savepoint "mjolnir_02",98,352;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"at Mjolnir Dead Pit";

//- Morroc Ruins -
moc_ruins,59,157,5	script	Kafra Employee::moc_ruins	4_F_KAFRA4,{
	cutin "kafra_04",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome!";
	mes "The Kafra Corporation";
	mes "will always support the";
	mes "adventurers of Rune-Midgard";
	mes "with its excellent service. So";
	mes "what can I do for you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,2,1,90,1200;
	savepoint "moc_ruins",41,141;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1," at the Pyramids";

//- Orc Dungeon -
gef_fild10,73,340,5	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_gef_fild10	4_F_KAFRA2,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,6,1,130,0;
	savepoint "gef_fild10",54,326;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"at the Orc Dungeon";

//- Treasure Island -
alb2trea,59,69,5	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_alb2trea	4_F_KAFRA1,{
	cutin "kafra_01",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,2,1,50,0;
	savepoint "alb2trea",92,64;
	callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,0,"at Sunken Ship";