path: root/npc/jobs/2-1/hunter.txt
blob: 4986548dc8f69dc9cbeb62dcab35ba9e0aed2c3c (plain) (tree)















































//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Hunter Job Quest
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= EREMES THE CANIVALIZER (Aegis)Translated by yoshiki (Aegis)
//= Converted by kobra_k88
//= Further bugfixed and tested by Lupus
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 2.3
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena 1.0
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= Hunter Job Quest converted from aegis script
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= 0.5 Fully working.
//= 0.6 Changed global variable names to unique ones.
//= 0.7 - 0.8 Updates for eAthena +Knight2,Crusader2 fix
//= 0.9 Fixed items quest fork bug [Lupus]
//= 1.0 Fixed items quest bug: added extra condition [Lupus]
//= 1.1 Fixed skillpoints check bug [Lupus]
//= 1.2 Fixed an exploit, thanks to nonox [celest]
//= 1.3 Added Baby Class support [Lupus]
//= 1.5 Fixed possible EXP abuse [Lupus]
//= 1.6 Added a func which prevent advanced classes passing
//= 2nd Job Quests again. It also guides adv classes where
//= to go. [Lupus]
//= 1.6a Infinite Arrows exploit fix (thanx to Lorky, that
//= reported the bug) [Lupus]
//= 1.7 Moved the Job QUest to Hugel [Poki#3]
//= 2.0 Changed numbers to constants. [Vicious]
//= 2.1 Removed Duplicates [Silent]
//= 2.2 Merged JFunc, fixed missing dialogues [Lupus]
//= 2.2a Fixed Sharon resetting the test2 item set [Lupus]
//= 2.3 7 official sets of Demon Hunter,thx to Dr.Evil [Lupus]

//<====================================== Job Changer ========================================>\\
hu_in01.gat,386,374,4	script	Hunter Sharon	727,{
	callfunc "F_BlockHigh",Job_Archer_High,"High Archer",Job_Sniper,"Sniper","Hunter Sharon";

	mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	if(BaseJob == Job_Archer) goto L_Start;
	if(BaseJob == Job_Novice){
		mes "What's a novice like you doing here? Leave, we have nothing for you.";
		emotion e_what;
	if(BaseJob == Job_Hunter){
		mes "What up! "+strcharinfo(0)+" Why did you come back? Falcon run away or something? Te hehe.";
		emotion e_heh;
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "I hope you didn't think you could get free stuff from us just because your part of our guild now......";
	if(baseClass == Job_Swordman){
		mes "A follower of the way of the blade! We have nothing for you here so please leave.";
	if(baseClass == Job_Mage){
		mes "Hello mage type person.  If you have no business here, please leave,";
	if(baseClass == Job_Thief){
		mes "Eeep! There's nothing to steal here!! Leave us alone..... go rob an old lady or something......";
		emotion e_omg;
	if(baseClass == Job_Acolyte){
		mes "Good day, religious zealot! It's nice to meet you and all, but you have no buisiness here.";
	if(baseClass == Job_Merchant){
		mes "Hey, how's buisiness? Perhaps if you want to sell something, go back to town.";
	mes "What are YOU doing here? Did you come to do a little song and dance... ke.. keke....kekekeHahahahhaha!!!";
	emotion e_heh;

	if(HNTR_Q == 1) goto L_Test2;
	if(HNTR_Q == 2) goto L_Test3;
	if(HNTR_Q == 3) goto L_Change;
	if(HNTR_Q2 == 1) goto L_ReTest;
	mes "Hey archer!! Hmmm....... You look like you've trained pretty hard.... I take it you're here to be a hunter!";
	menu "Of course!",M_0, "What are the requirements",M_1, "Not right now.",M_End;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Heh, I knew it.  First fill out this application form.";
		mes "(you fill out the form and hand it back)";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		if(JobLevel < 40) goto sL_LowLvl;
		if(JobLevel == 50) goto sL_HighLvl;
		set JBLVL, 40;
		mes "Looks good.  Let me start off by introducing myself.  My name is Sharon, nice to meet you.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Before I explain the process of becoming a Hunter, I'd like to do a short interview with you.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Do you want to do the interview now?";
		menu "Yeah, let's begin.",L_Test, "Nah, I'll come back in a bit.",M_End;

			mes "Hmm... It looks like you'll need more training.  To become a Hunter, you will have to have a great amount of experience.";
			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "Having a ^5533FFjob level of 40^000000 is what is required of all Hunter candidates.  Please continue your training and good luck.";
			mes "Well, well now!  A high level archer.... very nice!  You must have trained really hard.";
			emotion e_ic;
			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "My name is Sharon, nice to meet you.  Before I explain the process of becoming a Hunter, I'd like to do a short interview with you.";
			set JBLVL, 50;
			goto L_Test;
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "The requirements?";
		mes "1. Be an Archer";
		mes "2. Have a Job Level of at least 40";
		mes "3. Pass all of the tests";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "If you trained hard enough, you shouldn't have any problems becoming a Hunter.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Ok, I'll see you later.";

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Hmm.. what's this? So you wanna do the interview again? Very well.  Hopefully you'll do better this time.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Okay, let's start!";
		set @score, 0;
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "I'm going to ask you some simple questions to get a feel for who you are and why you want to become a Hunter.";
		mes "Relax and answer the questions honestly and thoughtfully.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "You've been an training for a while, and now you're running out of ideas about where to go hunt.  What should you do?";
		menu "Walk around screaming, 'Where should i go hunt!?'",M_1b, "Ask someone politely.",-, "Just explore.",-;

			set @score, @score + 10;
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Okay, so you picked your hunting spot! You plan to go to the Sograt Desert to hunt Hodes.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "But you're in Payon! How do you get to the desert?";
		menu "Go beg priests for warps",M_2b, "Kafra warp",-, "Walk there with a friend",-;

			set @score, @score + 10;
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "There are no priests around, all your friends are busy, and you don't have enough money for a kafra warp.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "How do you get the money?";
		menu "Beg",M_3b, "Sell useless items",-, "Go hunting in a nearby field",-;

			set @score, @score + 10;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "You somehow get to the desert, but now you feel too weak to hunt hodes.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "What do you do now??";
		menu "Go cliff hunting.",M_4b, "Go rest at Morroc.",-, "Start shooting the hodes that other people are attacking.",M_4b;

			set @score, @score + 10;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "It's too much, you can't do it. You go to Morroc.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "By the time you return to town, you have no hp left, but you see a priest.  How do you ask for a heal?";
		menu "If it's ok, can i have a heal please?",-, "Heal please.",M_5b, "heal plz",M_5b;

			set @score, @score + 10;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "While hunting, you find a rare item. You go to the market to sell it, and find lots of people and chat rooms.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "What do you do to sell the item quicker?";
		menu "Go into preexisting chat rooms and ask",M_6b, "Make your own chat room.",-, "See if anyone is buying.",-;

			set @score, @score + 10;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "After a while, a person starts to beg you. What do you do?";
		menu "Give some items and money",M_7b, "Ignore that person",M_7b, "Tell them where to level and make money.",-;

			set @score, @score + 10;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "You decide to go hunting in the woods.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "But you find someone who's lost. What do you do?";
		menu "Give him/her directions.",-, "Personally escort him/her.",-, "Ignore that person.",M_8b;

			set @score, @score + 10;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "You take the person to a safe place and resume hunting.  While hunting, you see someone fighting a mvp!";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "What do you do?";
		menu "Watch and attack if asked for help.",-, "Start attacking.",M_9b, "Return to town in panic.",M_9b;

			set @score, @score + 10;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Now you're done hunting for the day.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "You find a rare item on the street while going back to town.  What do you do?";
		menu "Finders keepers.",M_10b, "Try to find owner.",-, "Walk past it.",-;

			set @score, @score + 10;

		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
		mes "Now we're done!!";
		if(@score < 90) goto sL_Failed;
		if(@score < 100) goto sL_90;

			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "Great! Based on the answers you gave, you seem to be just the type of person we're looking for.";
			emotion e_no1;
			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "With your kind of additude and values, you should have no problems becoming a Hunter.";
			goto L_Test2;
			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "You didn't do as well as I hoped, but I'll pass you.... Though I don't know what the guild master will think of you....";
			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "Work hard on the next test.  Make Sharon happy, okies?";
			goto L_Test2;
			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "I.......don't think I can pass you..... The way you live your life is...... well... unexecptable for a Hunter candidate.";
			emotion e_swt;
			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "Think carefully about my questions and your answers.  Working well with people is just as important as loving nature.";
			set HNTR_Q2, 1;

		set HNTR_Q, 1;
		set HNTR_Q2, 0;
	mes "What you have to do next is go see ^5533FFMr. Demon Hunter^000000 behind me.  He'll tell you about the second test.";
	mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	mes "Good luck!";

	mes "Hmmm? The guild master? Oh, he's out right now.";
	emotion e_hmm;
	mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	mes "If I remember correctly, he should be somewhere in Archer Village.  I think he had to talk with someone in the ^5533FFArcher Guild^000000.";

	if(skillpoint > 0) goto sL_SkPoints;
	if(countitem(1007) < 1) goto sL_NotRdy;
	mes "Huh? Did you pass the test?";
	mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	mes "Congratulations!!";
	emotion e_no1;
	mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	mes "Now I can change you into a Hunter!";
	mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	mes "There you go! You look great in the hunter outfit";

	callfunc "Job_Change",Job_Hunter;
	emotion e_no1;
	mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	mes "Now, for working so hard, the guild has a small reward for you.";
	if(JBLVL == 50) getitem 1718, 1;
	if(JBLVL != 50) getitem 1710, 1;
	callfunc "F_ClearJobVar";		// clears all job variables for the current player
	mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	mes "Do all of us here a favor, act responsibly, and love and respect nature! Good luck on your journey and remember you are always welcome here!";

		mes "You still have skill points left over.  Speak with me after you've used them up.";
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	       	mes "Hmmm, I received news of your success.... But you don't seem to have the ^5533FFNecklace of Wisdom^000000 as proof.";
		emotion e_hmm;
		mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
	       	mes "You will need the Necklace of Wisdom to become a Hunter.  If you don't have it you will have to start the test over.";
		menu "Um... I've got it.... somewhere....",-, "Heh heh.... I must have misplaced it.....",sM_ReStart;

			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "Well then go get it!";
			emotion e_an;
			mes "[Hunter Sharon]";
			mes "..... That's just pathetic....... Have fun re-doing the ENTIRE TEST!";
			emotion e_pif;
			set HNTR_Q, 0;
			set HNTR_Q2, 0;

//<=========================== Demon Hunter: Second Test ===============================>\\
hu_in01.gat,382,382,5	script	Demon Hunter	732,{
	if(BaseJob == Job_Archer) goto L_Arc;
	if(BaseJob == Job_Hunter) goto L_Hnt;

	mes "[Demon Hunter]";
	mes "They call me the Demon Hunter.  What's that? You want to know why I'm called that?......";
	mes "[Demon Hunter]";
	mes "heh... heh.... heh.....";
	mes "[Demon Hunter]";
	mes "For your safety... it's best that you DON'T find out.....";
	emotion e_gg;

	mes "[Demon Hunter]";
	mes "Look at you! Nice and spiffy in that Hunter's outfit.  How does it feel?  Good I bet.  Well good luck to you.";
	emotion e_gasp;

	mes "[Demon Hunter]";
	if(HNTR_Q == 1 && HNTR_Q2 > 0) goto L_Check; //Fixed [Lupus]
	if(HNTR_Q == 1) goto L_Start;
	if(HNTR_Q == 2) goto L_Test3;
	if(HNTR_Q == 3) goto L_Done;
	mes "You'll have to speak with ^5533FFHunter Sharon^000000 first, if you want to become a hunter.";
	mes "Hello, I'm the test examiner they call the Demon Hunter.  Is ^5566FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 your name?";
	menu "Yes",M_Yes, "Uhhh.... no",M_No;

		mes "[Demon Hunter]";
		mes "Good.  Because we make the arrows used during some of the tests, we also need the materials to make those arrows.";
		mes "[Demon Hunter]";
		mes "If you haven't noticed already, our guild is NOT as wealthy as some of the others.  I mean we're in the middle of the freaking forest for pete sake....";
		emotion e_ag;
		mes "[Demon Hunter]";
		mes "Ehem... Like I was saying earlier we need certain materials to make our arrows.  That is where Hunter wanna be's like you come in handy.";
		mes "For this test you will have to gather the materials needed for making our arrows.";
		mes "[Demon Hunter]";
		mes "Let's see... the items you need to gather are.....";
		set HNTR_Q2, rand(1,5);
		mes "[Demon Hunter]";
		case 1:
			mes "^5533FF3 Bill of Birds^000000 for arrow heads,";
			mes "^5533FF5 Skel-Bones^000000 used here and there";
			mes "and ^5533FF3 Green Herbs^000000.";
		case 2:
			mes "^5533FF3 Venom Canine,";
			mes "3 Animal Skins";
			mes "and 5 Red Herbs^000000.";
		case 3:
			mes "^5533FF3 Dokebi Horns,";
			mes "3 Pieces of Egg Shell";
			mes "and 10 Feathers^000000.";
		case 4:
			mes "^5533FF9 Yellow Herbs,";
			mes "9 Worm Peelings";
			mes "and 9 Shells^000000.";
		case 5:
			mes "^5533FF3 Tooths of Bat,";
			mes "1 Sticky Mucus";
			mes "and 1 Bears Foot Skin^000000.";
		case 6:
			mes "^5533FF1 Yoyo Tail,";
			mes "2 Porcupine Quills";
			mes "and 1 Acorn^000000.";
		case 7:
			mes "^5533FF3 White Herbs,";
			mes "5 Trunks";
			mes "and 5 Claws of Desert Wolf^000000.";
		mes "[Demon Hunter]";
		mes "When you get all of the items return!";

		mes "[Demon Hunter]";
		mes "Stop playing around "+strcharinfo(0)+", that's your name, right?";
		menu "Yes",M_Yes, "Uhhh no",sM_End;
			mes "[Demon Hunter]";
			mes "DON'T you mess around with me! If you're gonna fool around then LEAVE!";
			emotion e_pif;
			warp "hugel.gat", 207, 222;

	mes "Yes?";
	case 1:
		if(countitem(925)<3 || countitem(932)<5 || countitem(511)<3) goto L_Repeat;
		delitem 925, 3;
		delitem 932, 5;
		delitem 511, 3;
	case 2:
		if(countitem(937)<3 || countitem(919)<3 || countitem(507)<5) goto L_Repeat;
		delitem 937, 3;
		delitem 919, 3;
		delitem 507, 5;
	case 3:
		if(countitem(1021)<3 || countitem(7032)<3 || countitem(949)<10) goto L_Repeat;
		delitem 1021, 3;
		delitem 7032, 3;
		delitem 949, 10;
	case 4:
		if(countitem(508)<9 || countitem(955)<9 || countitem(935)<9) goto L_Repeat;
		delitem 508, 9;
		delitem 955, 9;
		delitem 935, 9;
	case 5:
		if(countitem(913)<3 || countitem(938)<1 || countitem(948)<1) goto L_Repeat;
		delitem 913, 3;
		delitem 938, 1;
		delitem 948, 1;
	case 6:
		if(countitem(942)<1 || countitem(1027)<2 || countitem(1026)<1) goto L_Repeat;
		delitem 942, 1;
		delitem 1027, 2;
		delitem 1026, 1;
	case 7:
		if(countitem(509)<3 || countitem(1019)<5 || countitem(7030)<5) goto L_Repeat;
		delitem 509, 3;
		delitem 1019, 5;
		delitem 7030, 5;
	mes "[Demon Hunter]";
	mes "Good job.  You brought all the necesarry items.  Now go find the ^5533FFGuild Master^000000.";
	mes "I think he's somewhere in the ^5533FFArcher Guild^000000.  He'll give you your final test. Good luck.";
	set HNTR_Q, 2;
	set HNTR_Q2, 0;

	mes "Huh? Can't you find the guild master? He should be in the ^5533FFArcher Guild in Archer village^000000. Go find him.";
	emotion e_hmm;

	mes "Ah, you passed the test! Congrats, go see Sharin now.";

//<=============================== Guild Master: Last Test =================================>\\
payon_in02.gat,21,31,1	script	Guild Master#03	59,{
	if(BaseJob == Job_Archer) goto L_Archer;
	if(BaseJob == Job_Hunter) goto L_Hnt;

	mes "[Hunter]";
	mes "Is there something you want of me? I'm have some buisiness to take care of, so please be quiet.";
	emotion e_hmm;

	mes "[Guild Master]";
	mes "Ah, it's you again, "+strcharinfo+"! Good to see you're well.  Me?  I'm still busy as usual.";
	mes "[Guild Master]";
	mes "Well I've gota get back to work.  Stay safe.";

	mes "[Guild Master]";
	if(HNTR_Q == 1) goto L_Test2;
	if(HNTR_Q == 2) goto L_Start;
	if(HNTR_Q == 3) goto L_Done;
	mes "You want to be a hunter bad, don't you? In my days, I worked for over a month to become a hunter, hehe.";
	mes "[Guild Master]";
	mes "If you don't have anything else I suggest you go back to the guild!";

	if(HNTR_Q2 == 1) goto L_ReTest;
	if(HNTR_Q2 == 2) goto L_Passed;
	mes "So, you've come to take the test?  I see.... well then, do you have any questions before we get started?";
	menu "What's the test about?",M_0, "Anything I should know?",M_1, "Start the test.",M_Start;

		mes "[Guild Master]";
		mes "This is a test of speed, agility, and target recogniton.  You will be warped to a room full of monsters.";
		mes "You will have to ^5533FFkill 4^000000 of those monsters but not just any 4.  You will need to kill the ones called, ^5533FFJob Change Monster^000000.";
		mes "[Guild Master]";
		mes "Kill the wrong one and you will fail the test.  To make things even harder, we have set traps all over the room.";
		mes "Stepping on a trap will also result in failure.";
		mes "[Guild Master]";
		mes "One more important note.... You must complete the test within ^FF55333 minutes^000000.";
		mes "[Guild Master]";
		mes "This will teach you the important abilities a hunter needs, mobilitiy and tracking.";
		goto M_Menu;
		mes "[Guild Master]";
		mes "Only one person can take the test at time.  If someone is currently taking the test, just enter the chat room and wait.";
		mes "You will automatically be warped to the testing room when the other player either finishes or fails.";
		mes "[Guild Master]";
		mes "Make sure you aim carefully.  There will be a lot of monsters and you don't want to hit the wrong one.";
		mes "Keeping track of the monsters' names will be very important in this test.";
		mes "[Guild Master]";
		mes "And ALWAYS watch your step!  There are traps everywhere!";
		goto M_Menu;
		if (countitem(1751) <= 5 && @HNTR_QA==0) callsub sF_GetArrows;
		mes "[Guild Master]";
		mes "Good luck, I'll send you to the test room now.";
		set HNTR_Q2, 1;
		set @HNTR_QA,0;
		savepoint "payon_in02.gat", 16, 26;
		warp "job_hunte.gat", 176, 22;

			mes "[Guild Master]";
			mes "This is where your hard work in the 2nd test payed off.  Here are some arrows, made with the items you collected.";
 			getitem 1751, 200;
			set @HNTR_QA,1;

	mes "Ah, you're one of the archers that failed.  Here, let me heal you wounds...";
	mes "[Guild Master]";
	mes "You're ready right?";
	percentheal 100,100;
	goto M_Menu;

	mes "I see you suceeded. Great job! Now I will give you the proof of your success, the ^5533FFNecklace of Wisdom^000000.";
	emotion e_no1;
	mes "[Guild Master]";
	mes "Here you go.  Make sure you show this to Hunter Sharon or you WON'T be able to become a Hunter.";
	getitem 1007,1;
	mes "[Guild Master]";
	mes "Anyway, I've got some work left to do here so I'll see you later.";
	set HNTR_Q, 3;
	set HNTR_Q2, 0;

	mes "Yes? What would a archer want from me? The guild didn't send me a msg about you.";
	mes "Did you talk to the guild recruiters and get all the items needed? You have to get them the items first.";
	mes "Hmm? What is it? Don't waste your time here, go on and become a Hunter already....";


// Test Guide ====================================================
job_hunte.gat,178,32,5	script	Hunter Test Guide::HntTG	107,{

	mes "[Test Guide]";
	mes "Welcome to the Hunter's testing arena.";
	menu "Take the test.",-, "I changed my mind.",M_End;

		mes "[Test Guide]";
		mes "Please enter the waiting room after hearing my explaination.";
		mes "[Test Guide]";
		mes "You will be warped into room with traps and monsters.  Avoid the traps and kill the monsters.  Once you do, a switch will appear";
		mes "[Test Guide]";
		mes "Use the switch to open an exit out of the arena.  You will have 3 minutes to complete the test.";
		mes "[Test Guide]";
		mes "If you get knocked out, get caught in a trap, or run out of time, you will fail the test and have to start over again.";
		mes "[Test Guide]";
		mes "Don't worry about arrows, we'll provide them.  So, if you're ready, go to the waiting room.";
		mes "[Test Guide]";
		mes "Alright, I'll send you back to Payon.  Hopefully I'll see you again later.  Don't forget to save!";
		warp "payon_in02.gat", 16, 26;

	waitingroom "Hunter Test Waiting Room", 8,"HntTG::OnStart",1;

	set $@HntUsers, getareausers("job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143);
	if ($@HntUsers > 0) end;			// stops the rest of the script from running if there is somebody taking the test

	if ((getwaitingroomstate(33)) == 0) end;			// stops the rest of the script from running if there is no one in the waiting room
	killmonsterall "job_hunte.gat";
	warpwaitingpc "job_hunte.gat", 90, 67;
	donpcevent "Ev_HntRm::OnStart";


// Ev_HntRm: Test room --------------------------------------------------------
job_hunte.gat,1,1,1	script	Ev_HntRm	-1,{

	disablenpc "SwitchHnt";
	disablenpc "ExitHnt";
	set $@HntMob, 4;
	// Real Monsters
	monster "job_hunte.gat",67,80,"Job Change Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm::OnMyMobDead1";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",114,78,"Job Change Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm::OnMyMobDead1"; 
	monster "job_hunte.gat",89,127,"Job Change Monster",1002,1,"Ev_HntRm::OnMyMobDead1";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",53,73,"Job Change Monster",1041,1,"Ev_HntRm::OnMyMobDead1";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",125,70,"Job Change Monster",1016,1,"Ev_HntRm::OnMyMobDead1";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",90,92,"Job Change Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm::OnMyMobDead1";
	donpcevent "Ev_HntRm2::OnStart";
	initnpctimer "TimerHnt";

	set $@HntMob, $@HntMob - 1;
	if($@HntMob != 0) end;

	stopnpctimer "TimerHnt";
	killmonsterall "job_hunte.gat";
	enablenpc "SwitchHnt";
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]: Great job! Go use the switch now!",8;	


// Ev_HntRm2: Spawns the Decoy Monsters ----------------------------------------
job_hunte.gat,1,1,1	script	Ev_HntRm2	-1,{

	// Decoy Monsters
	monster "job_hunte.gat",85,100,"Test Monster",1016,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",72,102,"Test Monster",1041,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",108,103,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",88,127,"Test Monster",1002,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",125,69,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat", 77, 112,"Test Monster",1016,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",53, 106,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",53, 73,"Test Monster",1002,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",125, 70,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",90, 91,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",67, 80,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",77, 112,"Test Monster",1016,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",53, 106,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",53, 73,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",125, 70,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",90, 91,"Test Monster",1041,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",85, 100,"Test Monster",1002,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",72, 102,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",108, 103,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",77, 112,"Test Monster",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",112, 139,"Vinnie Paul",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",112, 139,"Dimeback Darrel",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",112, 139,"Rex",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",112, 139,"Phillip Angelmo",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",90, 91,"Anolian",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",53, 73,"monster sample",1002,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",53, 106,"I'm not the one you want >_>",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",77, 112,"SPARE ME~",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",72, 102,"Don't hurt me!",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";
	monster "job_hunte.gat",108, 103,"aspd 184",1015,1,"Ev_HntRm2::OnMyMobDead2";

	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]: You killed the wrong monster! You have failed the test!",8;
	addtimer 3000, "TimerHnt::OnTimer196000";

// Test Timer -----------------------------------------------------------------
job_hunte.gat,1,1,1	script	TimerHnt	-1,{

	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]: Remember, you need to kill the 'Job Change Monsters'!",8;
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]: Don't forget to AVOID the TRAPS!!!",8;
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  ******The clock will start now! 3 minutes left! ****** ",8;
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  ****** 2 minutes left! ****** ",8;
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  ****** 1 minute left! ****** ",8;
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  ****** 30 sec left! ****** ",8;
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  5 . . . .",8;
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  4. . . .",8;
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  3. . .",8;
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  2. .",8;
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  1...",8;
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  0! ",8;
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  You ran out of time! You can challenge again later!.",8;
	areawarp "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "payon_in02.gat", 16, 26;
	killmonsterall "job_hunte.gat";
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";

// SwitchHnt ------------------------------------------------------
job_hunte.gat,93,101,1	script	SwitchHnt	723,{
	areaannounce "job_hunte.gat", 50, 64, 123, 143, "[Test Guide]:  *** The exit has been activated! You have 30 sec. to find the exit!! *** ",8;
	enablenpc "ExitHnt";
	addtimer 30000, "TimerHnt::OnTimer196000";

// ExitHnt -----------------------------------------------------------
job_hunte.gat,89,139,1	script	ExitHnt	45,2,2,{

	deltimer "TimerHnt::OnTimer196000";
	set HNTR_Q2, 2;
	warp "payon_in02.gat", 16, 26;
	killmonsterall "job_hunte.gat";
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";

// Hunter Test Traps =======================================

job_hunte.gat,52,140,1	script	1-1::HntTrap	139,0,1,{
	stopnpctimer "TimerHnt";
	warp "payon_in02.gat", 16, 26;
	killmonsterall "job_hunte.gat";
	donpcevent "HntTG::OnStart";

job_hunte.gat,53,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	1-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,54,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	1-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	1-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	1-5	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,54,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	1-6	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,52,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	1-7	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,53,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	1-8	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,62,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	2-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,63,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	2-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,64,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	2-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	2-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	2-5	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	2-6	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,62,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	2-7	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,63,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	2-8	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,72,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	3-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,73,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	3-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,72,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	3-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,72,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	3-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,78,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	4-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,78,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	4-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,79,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	4-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,79,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	4-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	5-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,139,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	5-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	5-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,139,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	5-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,99,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	6-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,99,139,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	6-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,101,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	6-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,101,139,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	6-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,106,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	7-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,107,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	7-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,106,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	7-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,107,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	7-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	8-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	8-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	8-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	8-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,116,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	9-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,116,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	9-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,117,140,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	9-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,117,141,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	9-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,120,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	10-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,120,139,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	10-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,121,138,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	10-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,121,139,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	10-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,139,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	11-1	139,0,2
job_hunte.gat,127,139,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	11-2	139,0,2
job_hunte.gat,126,136,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	11-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,136,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	11-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,52,134,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	12-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,53,134,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	12-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,52,132,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	12-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,53,132,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	12-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,124,130,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	13-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,124,131,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	13-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,125,130,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	13-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,125,131,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	13-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,128,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	14-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,129,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	14-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,128,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	14-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,129,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	14-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,68,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	15-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,68,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	15-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,69,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	15-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,69,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	15-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,75,128,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	16-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,75,129,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	16-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,77,128,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	16-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,77,129,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	16-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	17-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	17-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	17-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	17-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,96,128,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	18-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,96,129,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	18-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,97,128,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	18-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,97,129,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	18-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,100,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	19-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,100,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	19-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,101,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	19-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,101,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	19-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,106,128,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	20-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,106,129,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	20-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,107,128,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	20-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,107,129,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	20-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	21-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	21-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	21-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	21-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	22-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	22-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,126,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	22-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,127,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	22-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,52,122,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	23-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,52,122,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	23-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,53,120,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	23-3	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,54,121,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	23-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,121,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	23-5	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,120,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	23-6	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,120,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	24-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,121,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	24-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,120,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	24-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,121,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	24-4	139,0,0	
job_hunte.gat,114,118,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	25-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,119,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	25-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,118,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	25-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,119,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	25-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,124,120,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	26-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,125,120,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	26-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,124,118,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	26-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,125,118,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	26-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,116,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	27-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,117,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	27-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,116,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	27-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,117,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	27-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,76,114,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	28-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,76,115,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	28-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,77,114,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	28-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,77,115,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	28-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,116,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	29-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,117,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	29-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,116,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	29-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,117,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	29-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,86,114,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	30-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,86,115,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	30-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,87,114,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	30-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,87,115,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	30-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,92,115,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	31-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,92,114,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	31-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,90,115,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	31-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,102,116,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	32-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,102,117,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	32-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,103,116,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	32-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,103,117,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	32-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,114,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	33-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,115,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	33-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,114,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	33-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,115,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	33-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,54,110,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	34-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,55,110,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	34-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,54,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	34-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	34-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,112,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	35-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,113,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	35-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,112,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	35-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,113,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	35-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,80,110,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	36-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,80,111,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	36-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,81,110,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	36-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,81,111,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	36-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,90,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	37-1	139,0,6
job_hunte.gat,91,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	37-2	139,0,5
job_hunte.gat,91,102,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	37-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,98,109,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	38-1	139,0,2
job_hunte.gat,99,109,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	38-2	139,0,2
job_hunte.gat,103,109,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	38-3	139,3,0
job_hunte.gat,103,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	38-4	139,3,0
job_hunte.gat,97,106,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	39-1	139,2,0
job_hunte.gat,96,107,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	39-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,94,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	39-3	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,95,109,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	39-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,95,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	40-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,94,106,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	40-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,96,102,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	40-3	139,0,3
job_hunte.gat,97,102,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	40-4	139,0,3
job_hunte.gat,95,98,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	41-1	139,2,0
job_hunte.gat,94,99,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	42-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,92,98,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	43-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,110,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	44-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,111,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	44-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,110,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	44-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,111,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	44-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	45-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,127,108,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	45-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,126,106,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	45-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,106,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	45-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,53,102,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	46-1	139,1,1
job_hunte.gat,55,102,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	46-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,53,100,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	46-3	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,55,100,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	46-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,106,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	47-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,107,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	47-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,106,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	47-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,107,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	47-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,100,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	48-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,101,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	48-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,100,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	48-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,101,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	48-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,86,106,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	49-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,87,106,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	49-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,82,104,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	49-3	139,5,0
job_hunte.gat,81,105,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	49-4	139,4,0
job_hunte.gat,76,105,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	50-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,76,104,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	50-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,78,101,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	50-3	139,0,2
job_hunte.gat,79,101,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	50-4	139,0,2
job_hunte.gat,76,99,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	51-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,77,98,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	51-2	139,2,0
job_hunte.gat,74,99,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	51-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,74,98,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	51-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,100,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	53-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,101,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	53-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,100,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	53-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,101,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	53-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,106,104,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	54-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,106,105,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	54-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,107,104,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	54-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,107,105,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	54-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,104,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	55-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,113,104,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	55-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,112,102,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	55-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,102,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	55-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,54,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	56-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,54,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	56-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	56-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	56-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,52,90,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	56-5	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,52,91,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	56-6	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,53,90,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	56-7	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,53,91,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	56-8	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	57-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	57-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	57-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	57-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,76,94,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	58-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,76,95,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	58-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,77,94,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	58-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,77,95,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	58-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,78,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	59-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,78,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	59-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,79,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	59-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,79,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	59-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,86,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	60-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,86,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	60-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,87,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	60-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,87,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	60-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,90,96,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	61-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,90,97,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	61-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,91,96,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	61-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,91,97,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	61-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,99,95,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	62-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,99,94,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	62-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,101,94,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	62-3	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,100,93,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	62-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,100,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	63-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,101,92,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	63-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,102,98,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	64-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,102,99,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	64-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,103,98,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	64-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,103,99,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	64-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,102,90,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	65-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,102,91,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	65-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,103,90,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	65-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,103,91,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	65-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,96,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	66-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,97,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	66-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,96,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	66-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,97,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	66-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,90,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	67-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,112,91,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	67-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,90,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	67-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,113,91,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	67-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,125,97,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	68-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,125,96,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	68-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,127,96,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	68-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,97,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	68-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,52,86,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	69-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,52,87,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	69-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,53,86,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	69-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,53,87,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	69-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,88,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	70-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,89,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	70-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,88,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	70-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,89,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	70-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,84,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	71-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,85,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	71-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,84,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	71-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,85,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	71-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,86,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	72-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,87,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	72-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,86,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	72-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,87,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	72-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,54,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	73-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,55,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	73-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,55,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	73-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	73-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,64,82,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	74-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,65,82,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	74-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,64,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	74-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,65,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	74-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	75-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,66,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	75-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	75-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,67,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	75-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,74,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	76-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,74,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	76-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,75,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	76-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,75,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	76-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,78,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	77-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,78,81,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	77-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,79,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	77-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,79,81,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	77-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	78-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	78-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	78-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	78-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,94,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	79-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,94,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	79-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,95,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	79-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,95,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	79-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,101,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	80-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,101,81,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	80-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,103,81,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	80-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,103,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	80-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,104,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	81-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,104,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	81-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,105,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	81-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,105,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	81-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,110,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	82-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,110,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	82-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,111,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	82-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,111,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	82-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	83-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,114,81,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	83-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,80,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	83-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,115,81,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	83-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,124,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	84-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,124,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	84-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,125,78,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	84-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,125,79,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	84-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,82,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	85-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,83,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	85-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,82,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	85-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,83,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	85-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,52,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	86-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,53,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	86-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,52,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	86-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,53,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	86-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,54,70,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	87-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,55,70,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	87-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,54,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	87-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,55,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	87-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,59,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	88-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,59,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	88-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,61,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	88-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,61,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	88-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,68,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	89-1	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,69,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	89-2	139,0,1
job_hunte.gat,68,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	89-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,69,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	89-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,76,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	90-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,76,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	90-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,77,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	90-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,77,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	90-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	91-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,82,69,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	91-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	91-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,83,69,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	91-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,96,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	92-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,96,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	92-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,97,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	92-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,97,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	92-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,100,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	93-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,100,69,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	93-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,101,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	93-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,101,69,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	93-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,107,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	94-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,107,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	94-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,109,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	94-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,109,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	94-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,117,69,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	95-1	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,117,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	95-2	139,1,0
job_hunte.gat,119,69,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	95-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,119,68,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	95-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,124,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	96-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,124,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	96-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,125,66,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	96-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,125,67,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	96-4	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,70,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	97-1	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,126,71,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	97-2	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,70,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	97-3	139,0,0
job_hunte.gat,127,71,1	duplicate(HntTrap)	97-4	139,0,0