path: root/db/skill_nocast_db.txt
blob: a1cf830b38cd69bdc0694237cf5e206e952bae2b (plain) (tree)




// Forbidden Skills Database
// Structure of Database:
// SkillID,Flag
// Legend for 'Flag' field (bitmask):
//  1 = Cannot be used in normal maps
//  2 = Cannot be used in PvP maps (use this instead of 1 for PK-mode servers)
//  4 = Cannot be used in GvG maps
//  8 = Cannot be used when WoE is on
//  16 = Cannot be cloned (clones will not copy this skill)
//  Restricted zones - they're configured by 'restricted <number>' mapflag
//  32 = Cannot be used in zone 1 maps
//  64 = Cannot be used in zone 2 maps
//  128 = Cannot be used in zone 3 maps
//  256 = Cannot be used in zone 4 maps
//  512 = Cannot be used in zone 5 maps
//  1024 = Cannot be used in zone 6 maps
//  2048 = Cannot be used in zone 7 maps
// Example:
// 8,6 = Endure cannot be used in PvP and GvG maps (2+4)

27,4	//AL_WARP
395,4	//CG_MOONLIT

488,3	//CG_HERMODE

//Clone Forbidden/pointless skills
79,16	//PR_MAGNUS

//Zone 1 - Aldebaran Turbo Track
219,32	//Snatch
26,32	//Teleport
27,32	//Warp portal
51,32	//Hiding
135,32	//Cloaking
389,32	//Stealth
35,32	//Cure
87,32	//Ice Wall
359,32	//Berserk (Frenzy)
362,32	//Basilica
395,32	//Sheltering Bliss
357,32	//Spear Dynamo (Concentration)

//Zone 2 - Jail
421,64	//TK_JUMPKICK#Flying Side Kick#
426,64	//TK_HIGHJUMP#Taekwon Jump#

//Zone 3 - Izlude Battle Arena
219,128 //Snatch
26,128	//Teleport