// Custom mob skills
//MOB_ID, a unused dummy character sequence (for information only), STATE, SKILL_ID, SKILL_LV,
// rate (10000 = 100%), casttime, delay, cancelable, a target, a condition type, a condition value,
// a value 1, a value 2, a value 3, a value 4, a value 5, emotion
//rate refers to the chance of the skill being casted when the condition is fulfilled.
//delay is the time in milliseconds that has to be pass before recasting the same skill.
// any / idle (in standby) / walk (in movement) / dead (on killed) / loot /
// attack / angry (like attack, except player has not attacked mob yet) /
// chase (following target, after being attacked) / follow (following
// target, without being attacked)
//target: The target of the skill can be: target (when a PC is targetted) / self / friend / master
// (the following are for ground-skills, a random target tile is selected from
// the specified area):
// around1 (3x3 area around self) / around2 (5x5 area around self) /
// around3 (7x7 area around self) / around4 (9x9 area around self) /
// around5 (3x3 area around target) / around6 (5x5 area around target) /
// around7 (7x7 area around target) / around8 (9x9 area around target) /
// around (11x11 area around self)
//conditions: (condition type) (value which specifies a condition value)
// always uncondtional
// myhpltmaxrate when the mob's hp drops to a certain %
// mystatuson If the mob has any abnormalities in status (condition value),
// mystatusoff If the mob has ended any abnormalities in status (condition value),
// friendhpltmaxrate when the mobs' friend's hp drops to a certain %
// friendstatuson If the friend has any abnormalities in status (condition value),
// friendstatusoff If the friend has ended any abnormalities in status (condition value),
// attackpcgt Attack PC becomes more than the number of specification
// attackpcge Attack PC becomes equal or more than the number of specification.
// slavelt when the number of slaves is lower than the original number of specification.
// slavele when the number of slaves is lower or equal than the original number of specification.
// closedattacked when melee attacked (close range attack)
// longrangeattacked when long ranged attacked (like bows and far range weapons)
// skillused when a skill is used on the mob
// afterskill after the mob used certain skill.
// casttargeted when a target is in cast range.
// rudeattacked when a target is rude attacked
// The character's state which can be specified to be a condition value by the statuson/statusoff system
// anybad any type of state change
// stone condition of being in stone state
// freeze condition of being in frozen state
// stun condition of being in stunned state
// sleep condition of being in sleep state
// poison condition of being in poisoned state
// curse condition of being in cursed state
// silence condition of being in silenced state
// confusion condition of being in confusion state
// blind condition of being in blind state
// hiding condition of being in hidden state
// sight condition of being in unhidden state
// eAthena Dev Team
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@NPC_CURSEATTACK,attack,181,3,500,800,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,29
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@NPC_DARKNESSATTACK,attack,190,2,500,500,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,6
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@NPC_EMOTION,chase,197,1,20,0,5000,yes,self,always,0,19,129,,,,
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@NPC_EMOTION,idle,197,1,200,0,5000,yes,self,always,0,6,1173,,,,
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@NPC_EMOTION,walk,197,1,200,0,5000,yes,self,always,0,2,,,,,
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@NPC_HALLUCINATION,attack,207,1,500,500,5000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,29
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@NPC_HALLUCINATION,chase,207,1,50,500,5000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,29
//1901,Valaris's Worshipper@SA_DISPELL,attack,289,1,0,0,30000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,29
//1902,MC Cameri@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,
//1902,MC Cameri@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,500,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,
//1902,MC Cameri@KN_BRANDISHSPEAR,attack,57,10,2000,500,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,29
//1902,MC Cameri@MO_BODYRELOCATION,chase,264,1,200,200,1000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,
//1902,MC Cameri@NPC_ARMORBRAKE,attack,344,10,2000,0,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,
//1902,MC Cameri@NPC_DARKBREATH,attack,202,5,2000,800,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,29
//1902,MC Cameri@NPC_DARKSTRIKE,chase,340,10,200,0,1000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,
//1902,MC Cameri@NPC_GUIDEDATTACK,attack,172,5,500,0,20000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,
//1902,MC Cameri@NPC_POWERUP,attack,349,5,10000,0,30000,yes,self,myhpltmaxrate,30,,,,,,6
//1902,MC Cameri@WZ_VERMILION,attack,85,10,2000,500,2000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,29
//1902,MC Cameri@WZ_VERMILION,chase,85,10,200,500,2000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,29
//1902,MC Cameri@WZ_VERMILION,chase,85,10,500,500,2000,no,target,skillused,18,,,,,,29
// Easter Bunny (not in the db?? it's in db2!)
//1921,Easter Bunny@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE,attack,196,5,10000,3000,10000,no,self,slavele,2,1063,,,,,
//1921,Easter Bunny@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE,idle,196,5,5000,2000,40000,no,self,always,2,1920,,,,,
//Custom Fire Poring. Warning, Colides with META_DENIRO
//1239,Fire Poring@AL_HEAL,idle,28,10,10000,0,2000,yes,self,always,0,,,,,,4
//1239,Fire Poring@AL_HEAL,walk,28,10,10000,0,2000,yes,self,always,0,,,,,,4
//1239,Fire Poring@AL_TELEPORT,attack,26,1,1000,5000,60000,no,self,myhpltmaxrate,30,,,,,,
//1239,Fire Poring@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,
//1239,Fire Poring@NPC_DARKBLESSING,attack,203,1,1000,2000,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,18
//1239,Fire Poring@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE,attack,196,16,10000,2000,10000,no,self,slavele,3,1491,1431,1433,,,18
//1239,Fire Poring@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE,idle,196,16,10000,2000,10000,no,self,slavele,3,1491,1431,1433,,,18
//1239,Fire Poring@RG_INTIMIDATE,attack,219,5,1000,0,3000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,
//1239,Fire Poring@RG_STRIPARMOR,attack,217,5,2000,0,3000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,
//1239,Fire Poring@RG_STRIPHELM,attack,218,5,2000,0,3000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,
//1239,Fire Poring@RG_STRIPSHIELD,attack,216,5,2000,0,3000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,
//1239,Fire Poring@RG_STRIPWEAPON,attack,215,5,2000,0,3000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,
//iRO Halloween Event 2009
//3000,Halloween Whisper@AS_CLOAKING,idle,135,1,2000,200,5000,yes,self,always,0,,,,,,
//3000,Halloween Whisper@AS_CLOAKING,chase,135,1,2000,200,5000,yes,self,always,0,,,,,,
//3000,Halloween Whisper@NPC_EMOTION,idle,197,1,2000,0,5000,yes,self,always,0,,,,,,
//3000,Halloween Whisper@NPC_EMOTION,chase,197,1,200,0,5000,yes,self,always,0,19,0x81,,,,
// Here you can place your custom mob skills