path: root/conf/help.txt
blob: 873a531824fdd959549f05ea95fb636e2624e39b (plain) (tree)




















// This is help file that contains help messages for atcommands/charcommands.

// Format:
// <command>: "<help message>"

// This file uses libconfig syntax.

help: "Params: <command>\n" "Shows help for specified command."
main: "Params: [on|off|<message>]\n" "Turns on or off main (server-wide) chat. Sends message to main chat."
noask: "Auto rejects deals/invites."
gmotd: "Broadcasts the Message of The Day to all players."
me: "Params: <message>\n" "Displays normal text as a message in this format: *name message* (like /me in mIRC)."
fakename: "Params: <name>\n" "Changes your name to your choice temporarily."
npctalk: "Params: <NPC name> <message>\n" "Forces a NPC to display a message in normal chat."
broadcast: "Params: <message>\n" "Broadcasts a message with your name (in yellow)."
kami: "Params: <message>\n" "Broadcasts a message without your name (in yellow)."
kamib: "Params: <message>\n" "Broadcasts a message without your name (in blue)."
localbroadcast: "Params: <message>\n" "Broadcasts a message with your name (in yellow) only on your map."
commands: "Displays a list of commands that you can use."
rates: "Displays the server's current rates."
uptime: "Displays how long the server has been online."
showdelay: "Shows/hides the \"There is a delay after this skill\" message."
exp: "Displays current levels and % progress."
mobinfo: "Params: <monster ID>|<monster name>\n" "Shows monster info (stats, exp, drops etc)."
iteminfo: "Params: <item ID>|<item name>\n" "Shows item info (type, price etc)."
whodrops: "Params: <item ID>|<item name>\n" "Shows who drops an item (monster with highest drop rates)."
version: "Displays SVN version of the server."
email: "Params: <current email> <new email>\n" "Changes your account e-mail address."
where: "Params: <char name>\n" "Tells you the location of a character."
time: "Shows the date and time of the server."
showexp: "Displays/hides experience gained."
showzeny: "Displays/hides Zeny gained."
mobsearch: "Params: <monster ID>|<monster name>\n" "Shows the location of a certain mob on the current map."
who: "Params: [<name>]\n" "Shows a list of online players and their party and guild."
who2: "Params: [<name>]\n" "Shows a list of online players and their job."
who3: "Params: [<name>]\n" "Shows a list of online players and their location."
whomap: "@whomap/@whomap2/@whomap3 [map] - like @who/@who2/@who3 but only for specifical map."
whogm: "Params: [match_text] - Like @who+@who2+who3, but only for GM."
guildspy: "Params: <guild_name/id> - You will receive all messages of the guild channel (Chat logging must be enabled)"
partyspy: "@partyspy <party_name/id> - You will receive all messages of the party channel (Chat logging must be enabled)"
mapinfo: "Params: [<0-3> [map]] - Give information about a map (general info +: 0: no more, 1: players, 2: NPC, 3: shops/chat)."
go: "Params: <number/city_name>\n" "Warps you to a city.\n"
	"  -3: (Memo point 2)  14: louyang         31: mora\n"
	"  -2: (Memo point 1)  15: start point     32: dewata\n"
	"  -1: (Memo point 0)  16: prison/jail     33: malangdo island\n"
	"   0: prontera        17: jawaii          34: malaya port\n"
	"   1: morocc          18: ayothaya        35: eclage\n"
	"   2: geffen          19: einbroch\n"
	"   3: payon           20: lighthalzen\n"
	"   4: alberta         21: einbech\n"
	"   5: izlude          22: hugel\n"
	"   6: aldebaran       23: rachel\n"
	"   7: xmas (lutie)    24: veins\n"
	"   8: comodo          25: moscovia\n"
	"   9: yuno            26: midgard camp\n"
	"  10: amatsu          27: manuk\n"
	"  11: gonryun         28: splendide\n"
	"  12: umbala          29: brasilis\n"
	"  13: niflheim        30: el dicastes"
jumpto: "Params: <char name>\n" "Warps you to selected character."
follow: "Params: <char_name>\n" "Follow a player."
mount: "Give/remove you a peco (Class is required, but not skill)"
disguise: "Params: <monster_name_or_monster_ID>\n" "Change your appearence to other players to a mob."
undisguise: "Restore your normal appearance."
disguiseguild: "Disguises all online characters of a guild."
undisguiseguild: "Restore the normal appearance of all characters of a guild."
model: "Params:  <hair ID: 0-17> <hair color: 0-8> <clothes color: 0-4> - Changes your characters appearence."
size: "Params:  <1-3> Changes your size (1-Smallest 2-Biggest 3-Normal)"
sizeall: "Changes the size of all players."
sizeguild: "Changes the size of all online characters of a guild."
hide: "Makes you character invisible (GM invisibility). Type again to become visible."
save: "Sets respawn point to current spot."
load: "Warps you to your save point."
warp: "Params: <mapname> [<x> <y>]\n" "Warps you to the selected map and position."
jump: "Params: [<x> [<y>]]\n" "Randomly warps you like a flywing."
jobchange: "Params: <job ID>\n" "Changes your job.\n"
"   0: Novice           18: Alchemist      4015: Paladin\n"
"   1: Swordman         19: Bard           4016: Champion\n"
"   2: Mage             20: Dancer         4017: Professor\n"
"   3: Archer           23: Super Novice   4018: Stalker\n"
"   4: Acolyte        4001: High Novice    4019: Creator\n"
"   5: Merchant       4002: High Swordman  4020: Clown\n"
"   6: Thief          4003: High Mage      4021: Gypsy\n"
"   7: Knight         4004: High Archer    4046: Taekwon\n"
"   8: Priest         4005: High Acolyte   4047: Star Gladiator\n"
"   9: Wizard         4006: High Merchant  4049: Soul Linker\n"
"  10: Blacksmith     4007: High Thief     24: Gunslinger\n"
"  11: Hunter         4008: Lord Knight    25: Ninja\n"
"  12: Assassin       4009: High Priest\n"
"  14: Crusader       4010: High Wizard\n"
"  15: Monk           4011: Whitesmith\n"
"  16: Sage           4012: Sniper\n"
"  17: Rogue          4013: Assassin Cross\n"
" ---- Baby Classes ----\n"
" 4023: Baby          4024: Baby Swordman   4025: Baby Mage\n"
" 4026: Baby Archer   4027: Baby Acolyte    4028: Baby Merchant\n"
" 4029: Baby Thief    4030: Baby Knight     4031: Baby Priest\n"
" 4032: Baby Wizard   4033: Baby Blacksmith 4034: Baby Hunter\n"
" 4035: Baby Assassin 4037: Baby Crusader   4038: Baby Monk\n"
" 4039: Baby Sage     4040: Baby Rogue      4041: Baby Alchemist\n"
" 4042: Baby Bard     4043: Baby Dancer     4045: Super Baby\n"
option: "Params: <param1> <param2>(stackable) <param3>(stackable)\n" "Adds different visual effects on or around your character.\n"
" <param1>       <param2>        <param3>\n"
"01: Stone      01: Sight       01: Sight          512: Cart Lv. 4\n"
"02: Frozen     02: Curse       02: Hiding        1024: Cart Lv. 5\n"
"03: Stun       04: Silence     04: Cloaking      2048: Orc Head\n"
"04: Sleep      08: Signum      08: Cart Lv. 1    4096: Wedding\n"
"06: Petrify    16: Blind       16: Falcon        8192: Ruwach\n"
"07: Burning    32: Angelus     32: Riding       16384: Chasewalk\n"
"08: Imprison   64: Bleeding    64: Invisible\n"
"16: (Nothing) 128: D. Poison  128: Cart Lv. 2\n"
"32: (Nothing) 256: Fear       256: Cart Lv. 3"
heal: "Params: [<HP> <SP>]\n" "Heals the desired amount of HP and SP. No value specified will do a full heal."
dye: "Params: <clothes palette no.>\n" "Changes your characters clothes color."
hairstyle: "Params: <hairstyle no.>\n" "Changes your hair style."
haircolor: "Params <hair palette no.>\n" "Changes your hair color."
speed: "Params: <1-1000>\n" "Changes you walking speed. 1 being the fastest and 1000 the slowest. Default is 150."
effect: "Params: <effect id> [<flag>]\n" "Give an effect to your character."
dropall: "Throws all your possession on the ground."
storeall: "Puts all your possessions in storage."
killable: "Make your character killable."
memo: "Params: [memo position]\n" "Set/change a memo location (no position: display memo points)."
spiritball: "Params: <1-100>\n" "Gives you \"spirit spheres\" like from the skill \"Call Spirits\".\n"
questskill: "Params: <#>\n" "Gives you the specified quest skill\n"
"Novice = 142: First Aid, 143: Act Dead\n"
"Archer = 147: Create Arrow, 148: Charge Arrow\n"
"Swordman = 144: Moving HP Recovery, 145: Attack Weak Point, 146: Auto Berserk\n"
"Acolyte = 156: Holy Light\n"
"Thief = 149: Throw Sand, 150: Back Sliding, 151: Take Stone, 152: Throw Stone\n"
"Merchant = 153: Cart Revolution, 154: Change Cart, 155: Crazy Uproar, 2535: Open Buying Store\n"
"Magician = 157: Energy Coat\n"
"Hunter = 1009: Phantasmic Arrow\n"
"Bard = 1010: Pang Voice\n"
"Dancer = 1011: Wink of Charm\n"
"Knight = 1001: Charge Attack\n"
"Crusader = 1002: Shrink\n"
"Priest = 1014: Redemptio\n"
"Monk = 1015: Ki Translation, 1016: Ki Explosio\n"
"Assassin = 1003: Sonic Acceleration, 1004: Throw Venom Knife\n"
"Rogue = 1005: Close Confine\n"
"Blacksmith = 1012: Unfair Trick, 1013: Greed\n"
"Alchemist = 238: Basis of Life\n"
"Wizard = 1006: Sight Blaster\n"
"Sage = 1007: Create Elemental Converter, 1008: Elemental Change (Water), 1017: Elemental Change (Earth), 1018: Elemental Change (Fire), 1019: Elemental Change (Wind)"
lostskill: "Params: <#>\n" "Takes away the specified quest skill from you\n"
"Novice = 142: First Aid, 143: Act Dead\n"
"Archer = 147: Create Arrow, 148: Charge Arrow\n"
"Swordman = 144: Moving HP Recovery, 145: Attack Weak Point, 146: Auto Berserk\n"
"Acolyte = 156: Holy Light\n"
"Thief = 149: Throw Sand, 150: Back Sliding, 151: Take Stone, 152: Throw Stone\n"
"Merchant = 153: Cart Revolution, 154: Change Cart, 155: Crazy Uproar, 2535: Open Buying Store\n"
"Magician = 157: Energy Coat\n"
"Hunter = 1009: Phantasmic Arrow\n"
"Bard = 1010: Pang Voice\n"
"Dancer = 1011: Wink of Charm\n"
"Knight = 1001: Charge Attack\n"
"Crusader = 1002: Shrink\n"
"Priest = 1014: Redemptio\n"
"Monk = 1015: Ki Translation, 1016: Ki Explosio\n"
"Assassin = 1003: Sonic Acceleration, 1004: Throw Venom Knife\n"
"Rogue = 1005: Close Confine\n"
"Blacksmith = 1012: Unfair Trick, 1013: Greed\n"
"Alchemist = 238: Basis of Life\n"
"Wizard = 1006: Sight Blaster\n"
"Sage = 1007: Create Elemental Converter, 1008: Elemental Change (Water), 1017: Elemental Change (Earth), 1018: Elemental Change (Fire), 1019: Elemental Change (Wind)"
skillid: "Params: <name>\n" "Look up a skill by name"
useskill: "Params: <skillid> <skillv> <target>\n" "Use a skill on target"
skilltree: "Params: <skillnum> <charname>\n" "Prints the skill tree needed to get a skill for the target player."
marry: "Params: <player name>\n" "Marry another player."
divorce: "Divorce player."
alive: "Revives yourself from death."
blvl: "Params: <number of levels>\n" "Raises your base level the desired number of levels."
jlvl: "Params: <number of levels>\n" "Raises your job level the desired number of levels."
allskill: "Give you all skills."
stpoint: "Params: <number of points> - Gives you the desired number of stat points."
skpoint: "Params: <number of points> - Gives you the desired number of skill points."
zeny: "Params: <amount> - Gives you desired amount of Zeny."
cash: "Params: <amount> - Gives you the specified amount of cash points."
points: "Params: <amount> - Gives you the specified amount of Kafra Points."
str: "Params: <amount>\n" "Raises STR by given amount."
agi: "Params: <amount>\n" "Raises AGI by given amount."
dex: "Params: <amount>\n" "Raises DEX by given amount."
vit: "Params: <amount>\n" "Raises VIT by given amount."
int: "Params: <amount>\n" "Raises INT by given amount."
luk: "Params: <amount>\n" "Raises LUK by given amount."
allstats: "Params: <value>\n" "Adds value in all stats (maximum if no value)."
addwarp: "Params: <map name> <x coord> <y coord>\n"
killmonster2: "Kills all monsters of your map (without drops)."
monster: "Params: <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> [<desired_monster_name> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]]\n"
 "@monster2 <desired_monster_name> <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]\n"
"@spawn/@monster/@summon/@monster2 \"desired monster name\" <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]\n"
"@spawn/@monster/@summon/@monster2 <monster_name_or_monster_ID> \"desired monster name\" [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]\n"
"	Spawns the desired monster with any desired name."
monstersmall: "Params: <monster_name_or_monster_ID>\n" "Spawns a smaller version of a monster."
monsterbig: "Params: <monster_name_or_monster_ID>\n" "Spawns a larger version of a monster."
killmonster: "Params: <map>\n" "Kill all monsters of the map (they drop)"
autoloot: "Params: <on|off|#>\n" "Makes items go straight into your inventory."
autotrade: "Allows you to vend while you are offline."
changegm: "Params: <charname>\n" "Changes the leader of your guild (You must be guild leader)"
changeleader: "Params: <charname>\n" "Changes the leader of your party (You must be party leader)"
request: "Params: <message>\n" "Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the gm whisper system)"
sound: "Params: <path to file in data folder or GRF file>\n" "Plays a sound from the data folder or GRF file located on the client."
clone: "Params: <charname>\n" "Spawns a supportive clone of the given player."
slaveclone: "Params: <charname>\n" "Spawns a supportive clone of the given player that follows the creator around."
evilclone: "Params: <charname>\n" "Spawns an agressive clone of the given player."
changesex: "Changes your gender."
duel: "Starts a duel."
invite: "Invites a player to a duel."
accept: "Accepts an invitation to a duel."
reject: "Rejects an invitation to a duel."
leave: "Leaves a duel."
mail: "Open mail box."
storage: "Opens storage."
itemreset: "Remove all your items."
guildstorage: "Opens guild storage."
idsearch: "Params: <part_of_item_name>\n" "Search all items that name have part_of_item_name"
refine: "Params: <equip position> <+/- amount>"
produce: "Params: <equip name or equip ID> <element> <# of very's>\n"
"	Element: 0=None 1=Ice 2=Earth 3=Fire 4=Wind\n"
"	You can add up to 3 Star Crumbs and 1 element\n"
repairall: "Repair all items of your inventory"
item: "Params: <item name or ID> <quantity>\n" "Gives you the desired item."
item2: "Params: <item name or ID> <quantity> <identified_flag> <refine> <broken_flag> <Card1> <Card2> <Card3> <Card4>\n" "Gives you the desired item."
pvpon: "Turns pvp on on the current map"
pvpoff: "Turns pvp off on the current map"
gvgon: "Turns gvg on on the current map"
gvgoff: "Turns gvg off on the current map"
agitstart: "Starts War of Emperium"
agitend: "End War of Emperium"
party: "Params: <party_name>\n" "Create a party."
guild: "Params: <guild_name>\n" "Create a guild."
glvl: "Params: <# of levels>\n" "Raise Guild by desired number of levels"
guildrecall: "Params: <guild_name/id>\n" "Warps all online characters of a guild to you."
partyrecall: "Params: <party_name/id>\n" "Warps all online characters of a party to you."
petrename: "Re-enable pet rename"
pettalk: "Params: <message>\n" "Makes your pet say a message."
petfriendly: "Params: <#>\n" "Set pet friendly amount (0-1000) 1000 = Max"
pethungry: "Params: <#>\n" "Set pet hungry amount (0-100) 100 = Max"
hatch: "Create a pet from your inventory eggs list."
makeegg: "Params: <pet_id>\n" "Gives pet egg for monster number in pet DB"
kick: "Params: <char name>\n" "Kicks specified character off the server"
unjail: "Params: <char name>\n" "Discharges specified character/prisoner"
kill: "Params: <char name>\n" "Kills player."
recall: "Params: <char name>\n" "Warps target character to you."
raise: "Params: <char name>\n" "Revives target character."
block: "Params: <char name>\n" "Permanently blocks an account."
unblock: "Params: <char name>\n" "Unblocks an account."
ban: "Params: <time> <name>\n" "Temporarily ban an account.\n"
 "	time usage: adjustment (+/- value) and element (y/a, m, d/j, h, mn, s)\n"
 "	Example: @ban +1m-2mn1s-6y testplayer\n"
unban: "Params: <name> - Unban a account"
jail: "Params: <char name> - Sends specified character in jails"
trade: "Params: <char name> - Open a trade window with a another player"
recallall: "Warps every character online to you."
doom: "Kills all NON GM chars on the server."
doommap: "Kills all non GM characters on the map."
raisemap: "Resurrects all characters on the map."
night: "Enables night mode on all maps, all characters are affected."
day: "Disables night mode and restores regular lighting, all characters are affected."
skillon: "turn skills on for a map"
skilloff: "turn skills on for a map"
snow: "Makes all maps to have the snow weather effect."
clouds: "Makes all maps to have the cloudy weather effect."
clouds2: "Makes all maps to have another cloudy weather effect."
fog: "Makes all maps to have the fog weather effect."
fireworks: "Makes all maps to have the fireworks weather effect."
sakura: "Makes all maps to have the sakura weather effect."
leaves: "Makes all maps to have the leaves weather effect."
shownpc: "Params: <NPC name>\n" "Enable a NPC"
hidenpc: "Params: <NPC name>\n" "Disable a NPC"
loadnpc: "Params: <path to script>\n" "Load the specified script file path."
unloadnpc: "Params: <NPC name>\n" "Unload the specified NPC according to name."
adjgroup: "Params: <level> <char name> - Do a temporary adjustment of the GM level of a player"
kickall: "Kick all characters off the server"
mapexit: "Kick all players and shut down map-server."
reloaditemdb: "Reload item database."
reloadmobdb: "Reload monster database."
reloadquestdb: "Reload quest database."
reloadskilldb: "Reload skills definition database."
reloadscript: "Reload all scripts."
gat: "For debugging (you inspect around gat)"
send: "For debugging (packet variety)"
nuke: "Params: <char name>\n" "Blow somebody up, including those surrounding them."