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//( e | n | g | l | i | s | h ) ( A | t | h | e | n | a )
// \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
// eAthena Battle Configuration File
// Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <pfak@telus.net>
// Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
//Note 1: Directives can be set using on/off, yes/no or 1/0.
//Note 2: All rates are in percents, 100 would mean 100%, 200
// would mean 200%, etc
//Note 3: Value is not limited to 60K (see below)
//Note 4: Use bitmask values to specify who is affected
// (1: Pc, 2: Mob, 4: Pet, 8: Homonculus)
// Other Information:
// All options are limited to a max of 60K (aprox) which is 600%
// or 60secs as appropiate.
// 1000 miliseconds is 1 second.
// Unless otherwise specified, the minimum value is 0 for all
// features.
// The rate of time it takes to cast a spell (Note 2, 0 = No casting time)
casting_rate: 100
// Delay time after casting (Note 2)
delay_rate: 100
// Is the delay time is dependent on the caster's DEX? (Note 1)
// Note: On Official servers Dex does NOT affect delay time
delay_dependon_dex: no
// Minimum allowed delay for ANY skills after casting (in miliseconds) (Note 1)
// Note: Setting this to anything above 0 can stop speedhacks.
min_skill_delay_limit: 100
// Default skill delay for non-weapon based skills which have no delay specified.
// This delay is also the min can't walk delay of all skills.
// NOTE: Do not set this too low, if a character starts moving too soon after
// doing a skill, the client will not update this, and the player/mob will
// appear to "teleport" afterwards.
default_skill_delay: 300
//Completely disable skill delay of the following types (Note 4)
//NOTE: By default mobs don't have the skill delay as specified in the skill
// database, but follow their own 'reuse' skill delay which is specified on
// the mob skill db. When set, the delay for all skills become
// min_skill_delay_limit.
no_skill_delay: 2
// At what dex does the cast time become zero (instacast)
castrate_dex_scale: 150
// Will normal attacks be able to ignore the delay after skills? (Note 1)
skill_delay_attack_enable: yes
// Range added to skills after their cast time finishes.
// Decides how far away the target can walk away after the skill began casting before the skill fails.
// 0 disables this range checking (default)
//skill_add_range: 15
// If the target moves out of range while casting, do we take the items and SP for the skill anyway? (Note 1)
skill_out_range_consume: no
// Does the distance between caster and target define if the skill is a ranged skill? (Note 4)
// If set, when the distance between caster and target is greater than 3 the skill is considered long-range, otherwise it's a melee range.
// If not set, then the range is determined by the skill (eg: Double Strafe is always long-ranged).
// Default 14 (mobs + pets + homun)
skillrange_by_distance: 14
// Should the equipped weapon's range override the skill's range defined in the skill_db for most weapon-based skills? (Note 4)
// NOTE: Skills affected by this option are those whose range in the skill_db are negative.
skillrange_from_weapon: 14
// Should a check on the caster's status be performed in all skill attacks?
// When set to yes, meteors, storm gust and any other ground skills will have
// no effect while the caster is unable to fight (eg: stunned).
skill_caster_check: yes
// Should ground placed skills be removed as soon as the caster dies? [Note 4]
clear_skills_on_death: 15
//Setting this to YES will override the target mode of ground-based skills with the flag 0x01 to "No Enemies"
//The two skills affected by default are Pneuma and Safety Wall (if set to yes, those two skills will not protect everyone, but only allies)
//See db/skill_unit_db.txt for more info.
defunit_not_enemy: no
// Do skills do at least 'hits' damage when they don't miss/are blocked?
//(for example, will firebolts always do "number of bolts" damage versus plants?)
//Values (add as appropiate): 1 for weapon-based attacks, 2 for magic attacks, 4 for misc attacks.
skill_min_damage: 6
// The delay rate of monk's combo (Note 2)
combo_delay_rate: 100
// Use alternate auto Counter Attack Skill Type? (Note 4)
// For those characters on which it is set, 100% Critical,
// Otherwise it disregard DEF and HIT+20, CRI*2
auto_counter_type: 15
// Can ground skills be placed on top of each other? (Note 4)
// By default, skills with UF_NOREITERATION set cannot be stacked on top of
// other skills, this setting will override that. (skill_unit_db)
skill_reiteration: 0
// Can ground skills NOT be placed underneath/near players/monsters? (Note 4)
// If set, only skills with UF_NOFOOTSET set will be affected (skill_unit_db)
skill_nofootset: 1
// Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 4)
// Default on official servers: yes for player-traps
gvg_traps_target_all: 1
// Some traps settings (add as necessary):
// 1: Traps are invisible to those who come into view of it. When unset, all traps are visible at all times.
// (Invisible traps can be revealed through Hunter's Detecting skill)
// 2: Traps are removed on map-change. When unset, traps last until they time-out.
traps_setting: 2
// Whether placed down skills will check walls (Note 1)
// (Makes it so that Storm Gust/Lord of Vermillion/etc when casted next to a wall, won't hit on the other side)
skill_wall_check: yes
// When cloaking, Whether the wall is checked or not. (Note 1)
// Note: When the skill does not checks for walls, you will always be considered
// as if you had a wall-next to you (you always get the wall-based speed).
// When "cloaking lasts forever" is set, it means attacking or using skills
// won't uncloak you, but being hit does.
// 0 = doesn't check for walls
// 1 = it checks for walls
// 2 = it doesn't checks for walls + your cloaking lasts forever
// 3 = it checks for walls + your cloaking lasts forever
player_cloak_check_type: 1
monster_cloak_check_type: 0
// Can't place unlimited land skills at the same time (Note 4)
land_skill_limit: 1
// If skill fails by delay, should it display or not. (Note 1)
display_delay_skill_fail: no
// Display Snatcher skill failures
display_snatcher_skill_fail: yes
// Can a player in chat room (in-game), be warped by a warp portal? (Note 1)
chat_warpportal: no
// What should the wizard's "Sense" skill display on the defense fields?
// 0: Do not show defense
// 1: Base defense
// 2: Vit/Int defense
// 3: Both (the addition of both) [default]
sense_type: 3
// Which finger offensive style can be used?
// 0 = Aegis style
// 1 = Athena style
finger_offensive_type: 0
// Number of hits at a time that undead/fire elemental enemies receive from firewall.
// NOTE: Officially, it is one hit at a time on a very fast rate, however eA's timer system
// doesn't triggers enough "hits" to exhaust the firewall before the mob walks through it.
// A value of 5 would suffice for a vertical firewall to take full effect on undead.
firewall_hits_on_undead: 5
// Grandcross Settings (Dont mess with these)
// If set to no, hit interval is increased based on the amount of mobs standing on the same cell
// (means that when there's stacked mobs in the same cell, they won't receive all hits)
gx_allhit: no
// Grandcross display type (Default 1)
// 0: Yellow character
// 1: White character
gx_disptype: 1
// Max Level Difference for Devotion
devotion_level_difference: 10
// If no than you can use the ensemble skills alone. (Note 1)
player_skill_partner_check: yes
// Remove trap type
// 0 - Aegis system : Returns 1 'Trap' item
// 1 - Athena system : Allows the returned item and amount to be defined
skill_removetrap_type: 0
// Does using bow to do a backstab give a 50% damage penalty? (Note 1)
backstab_bow_penalty: yes
// Use kRO new steal formula?
skill_steal_type: yes
// How many times you could try to steal from a mob.
// Note: It helps to avoid stealing exploit on monstewrs with few rare items
// 0..254 = number of tries +1
skill_steal_max_tries: 15
// Can Rogues plagiarize advanced job skills
// 0 = no restriction
// 1 = only stalker may plagiarize advanced skills
// 2 = advanced skills cannot be plagiarized by anyone
// Official servers setting: 2
copyskill_restrict: 2
// Does Berserk/Frenzy cancel other self-buffs when used?
berserk_cancels_buffs: no
// Level and Strength of "MVP heal". When someone casts a heal of this level or
// above, the heal formula is bypassed and this value is used instead.
max_heal: 9999
max_heal_lv: 11
// Emergency Recall Guild Skill setting.
// 0: Skill is disabled, can't be used anywhere.
// 1: Skill fails when used on "nowarpto" maps
// (note that by default all GVG maps are nowarpto)
// 2: Skill is usable everywhere.
emergency_call: 2
// Max Possible Level of Monster skills
// Note: If your MVPs are too tough, reduce it to 10.
mob_max_skilllvl: 100
// Allows players to skip menu when casting Teleport level 1
// Menu contains two options. "Random" and "Cancel"
skip_teleport_lv1_menu: no
// Allow use of SG skills without proper day (Sun/Moon/Star) ?
allow_skill_without_day: no
// Allow use of ES-type magic on players?
allow_es_magic_player: no
//Miracle of the Sun, Moon and Stars skill ratio (100% = 10000)
sg_miracle_skill_ratio: 1
//Miracle of the Sun, Moon and Stars skill duration in milisecons
sg_miracle_skill_duration: 600000