path: root/hercules/code/servertoclient/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hercules/code/servertoclient/')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a04745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import os
+from code.fileutils import *
+from code.stringutils import *
+class ActClass:
+ pass
+class ActAnimationClass:
+ pass
+class ActSpriteClass:
+ pass
+class ActFrameClass:
+ pass
+class ActPivotClass:
+ pass
+class ActEventClass:
+ pass
+class SprClass:
+ pass
+def readIndexedRLEImage(f, spr):
+def readIndexedImage(f, spr):
+ pass
+def readRgbaImage(f, spr):
+ pass
+def readAct(actFile):
+ act = ActClass()
+ with open(actFile, "r") as f:
+ act.header = readInt16(f)
+ if act.header != 17217:
+ #print "Wrong header in file {0}".format(actFile)
+ return None
+ act.minorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ act.majorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ #print "file: {0}, version: {1}.{2}".format(actFile, act.majorVersion, act.minorVersion)
+ act.nanimations = readInt16(f)
+ #print " animations: " + str(act.nanimations)
+ act.animations = dict()
+ skipData(f, 10)
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = ActAnimationClass()
+ act.animations[animN] = anim
+ anim.nsprites = readInt32(f)
+ #print " sprites: " + str(anim.nsprites)
+ anim.sprites = dict()
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ sprite = ActSpriteClass()
+ anim.sprites[spriteN] = sprite
+ sprite.left1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.top1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.right1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.buttom1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.left2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.top2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.right2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.buttom2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.nframes = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.frames = dict()
+ #print " frames: " + str(sprite.nframes)
+ for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+ frame = ActFrameClass()
+ sprite.frames[frameN] = frame
+ frame.offsetX = readInt32(f)
+ frame.offsetY = readInt32(f)
+ frame.frameIndex = readInt32(f)
+ #print " index: " + str(frame.frameIndex)
+ frame.mirror = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion >= 2:
+ frame.color = readInt32(f)
+ frame.scaleX = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 4):
+ frame.scaleY = readInt32(f)
+ else:
+ frame.scaleY = frame.scaleX
+ frame.angle = readInt32(f)
+ frame.spriteType = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 5):
+ frame.width = readInt32(f)
+ frame.height = readInt32(f)
+ #print " width: " + str(frame.width)
+ #print " height: " + str(frame.height)
+ if act.majorVersion >= 2:
+ sprite.eventIndex = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 3):
+ sprite.npivots = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.pivots = dict()
+ #if sprite.npivots > 0:
+ #print " pivotes: " + str(sprite.npivots)
+ for pivotN in range(0, sprite.npivots):
+ pivot = ActPivotClass()
+ sprite.pivots[pivotN] = pivot
+ pivot.unknown = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.centerX = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.centerY = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.nAttribute = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 1):
+ act.nevents = readInt32(f)
+ = dict()
+ for eventN in range(0, act.nevents):
+ event = ActEventClass()
+[eventN] = event;
+ = readData(f, 40)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 2):
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = act.animations[animN]
+ anim.delay = readInt32(f)
+def readSpr(sprFile):
+ spr = SprClass()
+ with open(sprFile, "r") as f:
+ spr.header1 = readInt8(f)
+ spr.header2 = readInt8(f)
+ if spr.header1 != 0x53 or spr.header2 != 0x50:
+ return None
+ spr.minorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ spr.majorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ spr.indexedSpritesCount = readInt16(f)
+ if spr.majorVersion > 1 or (spr.majorVersion == 1 and spr.minorVersion >= 1):
+ spr.rgbaSpritesCount = readInt16(f)
+ else:
+ spr.rgbaSpritesCount = 0
+ print "{0}, {1}.{2}, {3}, {4}".format(sprFile, spr.majorVersion, spr.minorVersion, spr.indexedSpritesCount, spr.rgbaSpritesCount)
+ spr.frames = spr.indexedSpritesCount + spr.rgbaSpritesCount
+ if spr.majorVersion > 2 or (spr.majorVersion == 2 and spr.minorVersion >= 1):
+ readIndexedRLEImage(f, spr)
+ else:
+ readIndexedImage(f, spr)
+ readRgbaImage(f, spr)
+def convertSprite(spriteName):
+ actFile = "{0}.act".format(spriteName)
+ sprFile = "{0}.spr".format(spriteName)
+ if os.path.exists(actFile) == False or os.path.exists(sprFile) == False:
+ return None
+ #readAct(actFile)
+ readSpr(sprFile)