#! /usr/bin/env python2.6
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online
# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
import os
import re
#from sets import Set
defaultLang = "en"
filt = re.compile(".+[.]txt", re.IGNORECASE)
allStrings = set()
strre1 = re.compile("[\t +(]l[(][\"](?P<str>[^\"]+)[\"]")
strre3 = re.compile("[\t +(]getitemlink[(][\"](?P<str>[^\"]+)[\"][)]")
strre2 = re.compile("^[^/](.+)[.]gat([^\t]+)[\t](script|shop)[\t](?P<str>[\w ]+)[\t]([\d]+),")
itemsplit = re.compile(",")
langFiles = dict()
oldLangFiles = dict()
langs = set()
itemNamesByName = dict()
def collectStrings(parentDir):
global itemNamesByName
files = os.listdir(parentDir)
for file1 in files:
if file1[0] == ".":
file2 = os.path.abspath(parentDir + os.path.sep + file1)
if not os.path.isfile(file2):
elif filt.search(file1):
with open(file2, "r") as f:
for line in f:
m = strre1.findall(line)
if len(m) > 0:
for str in m:
m = strre2.search(line)
if m is not None:
m = strre3.findall(line)
if len(m) > 0:
for str in m:
def loadFiles(dir):
with open(dir + "/langs.txt", "r") as f:
for line in f:
for file in langs:
#print dir + "/lang_" + file + ".txt"
langFiles[file] = parseFile(dir + "/lang_" + file + ".txt", True)
oldLangFiles[file] = parseFile(dir + "/lang_" + file + ".old", False)
def parseFile(name, readFirstLine):
trans = dict()
firstLine = None
if os.path.exists(name):
with open(name, "r") as f:
line1 = "";
line2 = "";
for line in f:
if readFirstLine is True and firstLine is None:
firstLine = line
if (line == ""):
line1 = ""
line2 = ""
elif (line1 == ""):
line1 = line[:-1]
line2 = line[:-1]
trans[line1] = line2
line1 = ""
line2 = ""
return (trans, firstLine)
def addMissingLines():
for trans in langFiles:
newFile = langFiles[trans][0]
oldFile = oldLangFiles[trans][0]
for str in newFile:
if str not in allStrings:
# if newFile[str] != "":
oldFile[str] = newFile[str]
for str in oldFile:
if str in newFile:
del newFile[str]
print trans + ":moved to old: " + str
for str in allStrings:
for trans in langFiles:
newFile = langFiles[trans][0]
if str not in newFile:
if trans == defaultLang:
newFile[str] = str
newFile[str] = ""
print trans + ":new string: " + str
def sorting():
for trans in langFiles:
newFile = langFiles[trans]
newFile = sortDict (newFile)
langFiles[trans] = newFile
oldFile = oldLangFiles[trans]
oldFile = sortDict (oldFile)
oldLangFiles[trans] = oldFile
def sortDict(adict):
d2 = []
keys = adict[0].keys()
for key in keys:
d2.append ((key, adict[0][key]))
return (d2, adict[1])
def saveFiles(dir):
for trans in langFiles:
writeFile (dir + "/lang_" + trans + ".txt", langFiles[trans], False)
writeFile (dir + "/lang_" + trans + ".old", oldLangFiles[trans], True)
def writeFile(dir, texts, isold):
with open (dir, "w") as f:
if texts[1] is not None:
for line in texts[0]:
if not isold or (line[1] is not None and len(line[1]) > 0):
f.write (line[0] + "\n")
f.write (line[1] + "\n\n")
def loadItemDb(dir):
global itemNamesByName
with open(dir + "/item_db.txt", "r") as f:
for line in f:
rows = itemsplit.split(line)
if len(rows) < 5:
itemNamesByName[rows[1].lower().strip()] = rows[2].strip()
rootPath = "../../gittorious/serverdata"
loadItemDb(rootPath + "/db")
collectStrings(rootPath + "/npc")
loadFiles(rootPath + "/langs")
saveFiles(rootPath + "/langs")