# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
import array
import csv
import os
import zlib
import struct
import StringIO
from xml.dom import minidom
from code.fileutils import *
def getTmxFiles(srcDir):
names = []
for name in os.listdir(srcDir):
for name in names:
fileName = srcDir + name
if os.path.isfile(fileName) == False:
if name.endswith(".tmx") == False:
yield fileName
def findFirstGid(tilesets, tile):
found = -1
for t in tilesets:
if t <= tile:
found = t
return found
# client
# 0 - walkable ground
# 1 - non walkable wall
# 2 - air allowed shootable too
# 3 - water allowed water, shootable too
# 4 - sit, walkable ground
# 5 - player walk not allowed
# 6 - monster walk not allowed
# server
# 0 - walkable ground
# 1 - non walkable wall
# 2 - air allowed shootable too
# 3 - water allowed water, shootable too
# 4 - sit, walkable ground
# 5 - none
# 6 - monster walk not allowed
def convertTileType(tile):
if tile == 5:
tile = 0;
if tile > 128 or tile < 0:
tile = 1
return tile
def recreateMapCache():
destDir = "../../server-data/db/re/"
srcDir = "../../client-data/maps/"
sz = 0L
mapsCount = 0
collisionLayerName = "collision"
with open(destDir + "map_cache.dat", "wb") as w:
writeInt32(w, 0) # file size
writeInt16(w, 0) # maps count
writeInt16(w, 0) # padding
sz = sz + 8
for fileName in getTmxFiles(srcDir):
dom = minidom.parse(fileName)
root = dom.documentElement
tilesets = []
for tileset in root.getElementsByTagName("tileset"):
tilesets.sort(reverse = True)
found = False
for layer in root.getElementsByTagName("layer"):
if layer.attributes["name"].value.lower() == collisionLayerName:
data = layer.getElementsByTagName("data")
if data is None or len(data) != 1:
data = data[0]
width = int(layer.attributes["width"].value)
height = int(layer.attributes["height"].value)
encoding = data.attributes["encoding"].value
compression = data.attributes["compression"].value
compression = ""
tiles = []
if encoding == "base64":
binData = data.childNodes[0].data.strip()
binData = binData.decode('base64')
if compression == "gzip":
dc = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
dc = zlib.decompressobj()
layerData = dc.decompress(binData)
arr = array.array("I")
for tile in arr:
if tile == 0:
tileType = 0
firstgid = findFirstGid(tilesets, tile)
tileType = convertTileType(tile - firstgid);
elif encoding == "csv":
binData = data.childNodes[0].data.strip()
f = StringIO.StringIO(binData)
arr = list(csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='|'))
for row in arr:
for item in row:
if item != "":
tile = int(item)
if tile == 0:
tileType = 0
firstgid = findFirstGid(tilesets, tile)
tileType = convertTileType(tile - firstgid);
# tmx collision format
# 0 - walkable ground
# 1 - non walkable wall
# 2 - air allowed shootable too
# 3 - water allowed water, shootable too
# 4 - sit, walkable ground
# 5 - none
# server collision format
# 000 0 - walkable, shootable
# 001 1 - wall
# 010 2 - same with 0
# 011 3 - walkable, shootable, water
# 100 4 - same with 0
# 101 5 - shootable
# 110 6 - same with 0
# 111 7 - none
if tileType > 128 or tileType < 0:
tileType = 1
print "map format not supported: " + fileName
comp = zlib.compressobj()
binData = struct.pack(str(len(tiles))+"B", *tiles)
binData = zlib.compress(binData)
idx = fileName.rfind("/") + 1
mapName = fileName[idx:-4]
writeMapName(w, mapName)
writeInt16(w, width)
writeInt16(w, height)
writeInt32(w, len(binData))
writeData(w, binData)
print fileName
mapsCount = mapsCount + 1
sz = sz + 12 + 8 + len(binData)
found = True
if found == False:
print "Error: missing collision layer in file: {0}".format(fileName)
writeInt32(w, sz)
writeInt16(w, mapsCount)